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Hudog Dance at a rice field
Source: Kalimantan, Indonesian Travels


        Pontianak, the capital city of West Kalimantan Province, lies exactly on the equator.  Pontianak was founded in 1771, during the reign of the Sultan of Pontianak. The native people of this region are the Dayaks and the Melayus. This province is also called the province of "Seribu Sungai" or "Thousand River" because it has many rivers, big and small. The biggest river is Kapuas River.


Traditional heritage of West Kalimantan

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Ngaju Soul ship

Source: Kalimantan, Indonesia Travels


  The capital city of this province is Palangka Raya. The region covers a total area of 153, 800 square kilometers and consists of thick tropical forests, swamps, lakes, and rivers. The native people of this province is the Dayaks. There are many others ethnic groups who live in this province, including the Javanese and the Maduranese.
Mandau is the traditional weapon of the Dayaks. This is a sacred weapon and is usually used in wars. Mandau which is approximately 70 cm long, is made of iron, deer horns, bird feathers, and wood.


Traditional heritage of Central Kalimantan

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Rumah Lamin

Traditional house of East Kalimantan
Source: www. kebudayaan.depdiknas.go.id


The capital city of East Kalimantan Province is Samarinda. The native people of this province is the Dayaks.
Hundreds years ago there was a Hindu kingdom in this province named Kutai Kingdom.
This province is very rich with natural resources, such as oil and gas. Beside oil minings, there is also a fertilizer factory in this province.



Traditional heritage of East Kalimantan

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Floating Market at Kuin Village
The village is situated in North Banjar District, Banjarmasin
Source: www.jipi.com


Banjarmasin is the capital city of South Kalimantan Province. The indigenous people of this province are the Banjar people who are Islams. 

Some rituals that are strongly influenced by Islam namely Batamat and TasmiyahBatamat is a special ceremony for children who have finished studying the Koran. Tasmiyah is a name-giving ceremony for a newborn baby.

In Amuntai in the region of Hulu Sungai Utara lies a historical site, Agung Temple. The temple was the center of the Banjar Kingdom which reached its peak in the 14th century. This temple has elements of the Hindu-Syiwa belief.


Traditional heritage of South Kalimantan

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