Course :
Intensive Basa Jawi
Instructor :
Katharina Ardi
Reavis 117,
Phone#: 815 7534221
Meeting hours : 2 hours
per week
General Instructional Objectives:
- Participants are able to use daily simple basic
- Participants are able to differentiate among "ngoko,
kromo madya and kromo inggil"
- Participants are able to produce oral and written
sentences in ngoko, kromo madya and kromo inggil.
- Partcipants are able to
interpret and apply the culture and
values of Javanese
Specific Instructional Objectives:
- Participants can greet others in ngoko, kromo
madyo and kromo inggil
- Participants can respond to common questions in the
introductory conversation in ngoko, kromo madya and kromo inggil
- Participants can respond to spesific questions in the
introductory conversation in ngoko, kromo madya and kromo inggil
- Participants can end the conversation in ngoko, kromo
madya and kromo inggil
- Participant can identify which levels of
formality that is used in the conversation.
- Participants can use the expressions for
visiting/meeting others in ngoko, kromo madya and kromo inggil
- Participants can use Javanese pronouns correctly in
ngoko, kromo madya and kromo inggil
- Participants can use Javanese identifier correctly in
ngoko, kromo madya and kromo inggil
- Participants can
demonstrate some cultural things in
visiting others
- Participants can count 1 to million in
ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
- Participants can use the expressions for bargaining in
the traditional market in ngoko, kromo madya and kromo inggil
- Participants can mention food stuff in the market in
ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
- Participants can apply some cultural things in
- Participants can construct Javanese phrases
correctly in ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
- Participants can mention part of their body in ngoko,
kromo madyo and kromo inggil
- Participants can describe themselves using Javanese
phrases in ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
- Participants can
describe some beliefs about "ruwatan"
- Participants can construct basic sentences based
on the grammar pattern given in ngoko, kromo madya and kromo inggil
- Participants can make basic questions based on the
grammar pattern given in ngoko, kromo madya and kromo inggil
- Partcipants can tell their activities on weekends in
ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
- Partcipants can write their activities on weekends in 50
words in ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
Learning and Teaching Process:
Lecture, discussions, assignments, self-study
Participation, assignments, quizzes, oral and written tests