Active and Passive Examples

Here are some examples of words you should know, in their me(n...)- , di- and imperative forms (and, in a couple of cases, their ber- and ter- forms, just for fun):

1st person

Saya belum melihat surat itu. - I have not seen that letter. Surat itu belum saya lihat. - That letter has not been seen by me.
Aku harus menolong ibuku. - I have to help my mother. Ibuku harus kutolong. - My mother has to be helped by me.
Saya ingin memakai baju anda. - I want to wear your clothes. Baju Anda ingin saya pakai. - I want to wear your clothes. [lit. "Your clothes want to be wear by me."]
Kami yang sudah membeli pisang itu. - We are the ones who already bought those bananas. Pisang itu yang sudah kami beli. - Those are the bananas that we already bought.
Saya membaca buku ini. - I read this book. Buku ini saya baca. - This book is read by me.

2nd person

Anda harus membeli obat untuk saya. - You have to buy that medicine for me. Obat harus Anda beli untuk saya. - That medicine has to be bought by you for me.
Anda harus membelikan saya obat. - You have to buy me that medicine. Obat harus Anda belikan obat. - I have to be bought that medicine by you.
Anda akan memasak apa hari ini? - What will you cook today? [lit. "You will cook what today?"] Apa yang akan Anda masak hari ini? - What is it that you will cook today?
Apa kamu sudah mencari adikmu? - Have you looked for your younger sister? Apa adikmu sudah kaucari? - Has your younger sister been looked for by you?
Anda harus memberi saya obat. - You have to give me that medicine. Saya harus Anda beri obat. - I have to be given that medicine by you.

3rd person

Tomo ingin membaca surat kabar itu. Surat kabar itu ingin dibaca Tomo.
Mazen belum membuka pintu. - Mazen hasn't yet opened the door. Pintu belum dibuka Mazen. - The door hasn't yet been opened by Mazen.
Guru kita harus membicarakan film itu. - our teacher must discuss that film. Film itu harus dibicarakan guru kita. - That film must be discussed by our teacher.
Ani menerima surat dari ibunya. - Ani receives a letter from her mother. Surat dari ibunya diterima Ani. - A letter from her mother is received by Ani.
Ani menerima surat dari ibunya. - Ani receives a letter from her mother. Surat diterima Ani dari ibunya. - A letter is received by Ani from her mother.
Pak Lubis menutup kantornya. - Mr. L. closes his office. Kantornya ditutup Pak Lubis. - The office is closed by Mr. L.
Seorang juru ketik sudah mengetik surat itu. - A typist has already typed that letter. Surat itu sudah diketik oleh seorang juru ketik. - That letter has been already typed by a typist.
Ibu Supardi sedang menyiapkan ikan goreng. - Ms. S. is preparing fried fish. Ikan goreng sedang disiapkan Ibu Supardi. - Fried fish is being prepared by Ms. S.

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