peN-...-an nouns that refer to the action expressed by the corresponding transitive verb and often translate to "the act of doing what the verb refers to"
satu | penyatuan | "the uniting of" |
tulis | penulisan | "the writing of" |
kumpul | pengumpulan | "the collecting of" |
henti | penghentian | "the stopping of" |
kirim | pengiriman | "the sending of" |
peN-...-an nouns refer to the place where the action of the corresponding verb typically occurs
giling | penggilingan | "mill" |
cuci | pencucian | "laundry, act of washing" |
inap | penginapan | "lodging, inn" |
buang | pembuangan | "exile, act of exiling" |
peN-...-an nouns relate with the object of the corresponding verb
pandang | memandang | pemandangan | "view, scenery" |
umum | mengumumkan | pengumuman | "announcement" |