Circumfix (Gabungan)

CIRCUMFIX peN-...-an

Circumfix peN-...-an forms nouns which refer to the action expressed by the corresponding transitive verb and often translate to "the act of doing what the verb refers to." Other nouns relate with the object of the corresponding verb. A number of peN-...-an nouns refer to the pace where the action of the corresponding verb typically occurs.

peN-...-an nouns that refer to the action expressed by the corresponding transitive verb and often translate to "the act of doing what the verb refers to"

satu penyatuan "the uniting of"
tulis penulisan "the writing of"
kumpul pengumpulan "the collecting of"
henti penghentian "the stopping of"
kirim pengiriman "the sending of"

peN-...-an nouns refer to the place where the action of the corresponding verb typically occurs

giling penggilingan "mill"
cuci pencucian "laundry, act of washing"
inap penginapan "lodging, inn"
buang pembuangan "exile, act of exiling"

peN-...-an nouns relate with the object of the corresponding verb

pandang memandang pemandangan "view, scenery"
umum mengumumkan pengumuman "announcement"


Pengiriman barang-barang P.T. Makmur dilakukan dengan truk-truk.
The sending of P.T. Makmur's commodities are carried out by trucks.

Pak Budi sekeluarga menginap di sebuah penginapan di pantai.
Pak Budi and his family stayed overnight at a lodging by the beach.

Pemandangan dari jendela kamar Pak Budi indah sekali.
The view from Pak Budi's room's window is very beautiful.

Adapted from:
Indonesian: A Comprehensive Grammar Sneddon, James Neil, Routledge, London, 1996.

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