per-...-an nouns indicating the act of doing what the verb indicates. Per-...-an nouns with noun bases may indicate "having to do with [base]
budak | perbudakan | "slavery" |
musuh | permusuhan | "enmity" |
saudara | persaudaraan | "brotherhood" |
sekutu | persekutuan | "alliance" |
wakil | perwakilan | "representation, delegation" |
Circumfix per-...-an indicates the process or result of the action referred to by the corresponding verb
kerja | bekerja | pekerjaan | "work" |
ajar | belajar | pelajaran | "lesson" |
gerak | bergerak | pergerakan | "movement" |
janji | berjanji | perjanjian | "promise, agreement" |
temu | bertemu | pertumuan | "meeting" |
per-...-an forms nouns referring to road intersections
tiga | pertigaan | "three-way intersection" |
empat | perempatan | "cross-roads" |
inap | penginapan | "lodging, inn" |
buang | pembuangan | "exile, act of exiling" |
per-...-an nouns refer to the place where the action of the corresponding verb occurs
henti | perhentian | "stopping place" |
judi | perjudian | "gambling place" |
cetak | percetakan | "printery" |
tenun | pertenunan | "texttile mill" |