Circumfix (Gabungan)

CIRCUMFIX per-...-an

Circumfix per-...-an indicates the process or result of the action referred to by the corresponding verb. Some per-...-an nouns indicating the act of doing what the verb indicates. Per-...-an nouns with noun bases may indicate "having to do with [base]. With limited usage, per-...-an forms nouns referring to road intersections. Some per-...-an nouns refer to the place where the action of the corresponding verb occurs.

per-...-an nouns indicating the act of doing what the verb indicates. Per-...-an nouns with noun bases may indicate "having to do with [base]

budak perbudakan "slavery"
musuh permusuhan "enmity"
saudara persaudaraan "brotherhood"
sekutu persekutuan "alliance"
wakil perwakilan "representation, delegation"

Circumfix per-...-an indicates the process or result of the action referred to by the corresponding verb

kerja bekerja pekerjaan "work"
ajar belajar pelajaran "lesson"
gerak bergerak pergerakan "movement"
janji berjanji perjanjian "promise, agreement"
temu bertemu pertumuan "meeting"

per-...-an forms nouns referring to road intersections

tiga pertigaan "three-way intersection"
empat perempatan "cross-roads"
inap penginapan "lodging, inn"
buang pembuangan "exile, act of exiling"

per-...-an nouns refer to the place where the action of the corresponding verb occurs

henti perhentian "stopping place"
judi perjudian "gambling place"
cetak percetakan "printery"
tenun pertenunan "texttile mill"


Ada perbudakan dalam sejarah negara Amerika Serikat.
There is slavery in the United States' history.

Para mahasiswa sangat menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.
The (university) students like Bahasa Indonesia lesson very much.

Lampu lalu lintas di perempatan di depan kampus sudah dipasang.
Traffict lights at the cross-roads in front of the campus have been installed.

Ada banyak usaha pertenunan tradisional di Bali.
There are many traditional textile mill industries in Bali.

Adapted from:
Indonesian: A Comprehensive Grammar Sneddon, James Neil, Routledge, London, 1996.

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