menghafal | hafal | nghafal, khafal, tghafal |
mencari | cari | ncari, tcari |
mengganggu | ganggu | ngganggu, kganggu, anggu |
mengenal | kenal, enal, ngenal | genal, tgenal |
memukul | pukul, mukul | ukul |
menyiapkan | siap(kan),nyiap(kan) | yiap(kan), iap(kan), tyiap(kan) |
Rule #1: | Remember: ng and ny function as SINGLE NASALS ![]() ![]() DON'T BREAK THEM DOWN into n plus g or n plus y. This is how you get the incorrect roots tgenal, tghafal, yiapkan, etc. |
Rule #2: | Indonesian roots DO NOT begin with nasal plus consonant (such as nghafal, ncari, etc.). |
Rule #3: | Roots that start with a, e, i, o, u are preceded by the prefix meng-, never by any other nasal (so ukul could not be a root for memukul, or iap(kan) for menyiapkan). |
The General Rule
(definitions: NASAL = m, n, ng, ny; VOWEL = a, e, i, o, u; CONSONANT = all others)
A. If you have the sequence me[NASAL] plus CONSONANT, the root starts with that consonant; there will be no other possible roots.
membaca > baca; menggunakan > guna
Also, if you have the sequence me[r,l,y, or w], the root starts with r, l, y, or w. There will be no other possible roots.
melihat > lihat
B. If you have the sequence me[NASAL] plus VOWEL, you have more than one possibility for the root:
1. The root starts with the nasal itself:
melihat > lihat
2. The root starts with a voiceless consonant that disappears; you can tell which consonant has disappeared by looking at the nasal: m > p; n > t; ng > k; ny > s
memukul > pukul; mengenal > kenal
3. IF AND ONLY IF THE NASAL IS ng, there is ALSO the possibility that the root starts with the VOWEL which comes after the ng.
mengambil > ambil