supuluh | "ten" |
sebelas | "eleven" |
seratus | "one hundred" |
seribu | "one thousand" |
sejuta | "one million" |
semilyar | "one billion" |
sepertiga | "one third" |
seperempat | "one fourth" |
seperlima | "one fifth" |
sepersepuluh | "one tenth" |
seperduapuluh | "one twentieth" |
setengah or separuh | "half" |
ekor (tail) | seekor kuda | "a horse" |
helai (piece) | sehelai kain batik | "a piece of batik cloth" |
orang (person) | seorang wanita | "a woman" |
titik (dot, drop) | setitik air | "a drop of water" |
gelas (glass) | segelas susu | "a glass of milk" |
piring (plate) | sepiring nasi | "a plate of rice" |
cangkir (cup) | secangkir kopi | "a cup of coffee" |