Suffix -i

The suffix -i is added to roots to form transitive verbs (verbs which take a prefix meN and have passives). The suffix -i has several meanings. One meaning of verbs with -i which we have seen in the basic sentences is "do at, in, on, from" that is the verb refers to an object which is the location of the action. The following list gives some verb which take -i in the locational meaning:

datang "come" datangi "come to"
dekat "near" dekati "approach (go near to)"
duduk "sit" duduki "sit on"
jalan "walk" jalani "walk on"
jauh "far" jauhi "go far from"
ketemu "meet" ketemui "go to meet with"
kirim "send" kirimi "send to"
tanam "plant" tanami "plant on, in"
tidur "sleep" tiduri "sleep on, with"
tulis "write" tulisi "write on"

The suffix -i is used mainly in writing and formal speech. In colloquial speech one usually expresses idea with a phrase having a similar meaning which does not contain a verb with -i (usually a verb with no -i and a preposition):


Anak itu senang sekali menulis di buku temannya.
"That kid likes to write on his friend's books."

Anak itu senang sekali menulisi buku temannya.
"That kid likes to writes on his friend's books."

Note: Both sentences have the same meaning.

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