To see ALL of the pictures from a country, please go here.

To search for selected pictures based on country and subject matter, use the form below:

1. Choose a country from the list.
2. Click on one or more topics under Choose From and then click the Select Button.
3. Optionally, type a word into Add Keywords and click the Add button. Repeat as needed. The more words you supply, the fewer pictures you are likely to get.
4. You can click on one or more words under Selected and then click the Remove button to remove words.
5. Click Submit.

You will soon see a page of small pictures whose subject matter or description matches one or more of the words you chose. Clicking on one of these pictures will display a larger version. Right-clicking on the large image will allow you to save it to your computer's disk for later use. Permission is hereby granted for any non-commercial use. Crediting SEAsite would be appreciated.

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