Study the following vocabulary words.  Click on the green button to listen to each word.

turqball.gif (579 bytes) ala -una turqball.gif (579 bytes) alas singko
turqball.gif (579 bytes) ala- una y kinse turqball.gif (579 bytes) alas sais
turqball.gif (579 bytes) ala-una y medya turqball.gif (579 bytes) alas siyete
turqball.gif (579 bytes) ala-una kuwarenta-y-singko turqball.gif (579 bytes) alas otso
turqball.gif (579 bytes) alas dos turqball.gif (579 bytes) alas nuwebe
turqball.gif (579 bytes) alas tres turqball.gif (579 bytes) alas diyes
turqball.gif (579 bytes) alas kuwatro turqball.gif (579 bytes) alas onse


Picture Drag and Drop Quiz

redball.gif (371 bytes)
Click on the red button for quiz instruction.

Anong oras na?
12-30.gif (5091 bytes)