The Tagalog thematic lessons on this site are divided into two levels: Beginning Tagalog 1 and Beginning Tagalog 2.   Click on the appropriate links to proceed to each of these levels.

Beginning Tagalog 1 Lessons
    The lessons at this level are designed for beginning Tagalog learners. The themes include
    everyday greetings in Tagalog; describing objects, people, and things; introducing members of
    the family; and expressing likes and dislikes in Tagalog, among others. The lessons are
    organized through the use of listening, writing, and vocabulary-building exercises.

Beginning Tagalog 2 Lessons
    The lessons at this level are also designed for beginning Tagalog learners .  The  themes include
    making requests and giving commands;  telling time; describing ownership and possession;
    talking about past, present, and future events; and expressing ability and obligation.   The
    lessons are also organized through the use of listening, writing, and vocabulary-building exercises.

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