ฝึกเขียน (Writing Practice)

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/kɔɔ/ unaspirated similar to English 'g' but not voiced; like the /k/ in 'ski'
/tɔɔ/ unaspirated 't',  like the 't' in 'stop'
           Double function:
        1. /
ɔɔ/ - as a vowel - like 'awe' in English
        2. /
ʡ/ - as an initial consonant - a glottal stop.  The glottis is closed, as in the
                    onset of "O!-O!" [='someone's in trouble']  When written as an intial
                    consonant, a vowel will be associated with it, e.g., the word for 'younger
อา  /ʡaa/ English 'aah'
/mɔɔ/   English 'mmh'
/nɔɔ/   English 'nnh'

long vowels [saara]

- /aa/ like English "aahh
  -ี /ii/   like English "ee"


Quick Quiz Questions:

What letter has a double function?_____________________________________

What are the 2 functions? _________;________ Example?__________________

What is the Thai word for 'vowel'?______________________


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