W. R. Rendra's last public performance = Komunitas Seni Etnis: Macapat then Khotbah oleh Rendra
KHOTBAH karya Rendra Fantastis. Di satu Minggu siang yang panas di gereja yang penuh orangnya seorang padri muda berdiri di mimbar. Wajahnya molek dan suci matanya manis seperti mata kelinci dan ia mengangkat kedua tangannya yang bersih halus bagai leli lalu berkata: “Sekarang kita bubaran. Hari ini khotbah tak ada.” Orang-orang tidak beranjak. Mereka tetap duduk rapat berdesak. Ada juga banyak yang berdiri. Mereka kaku. Tak mau bergerak Mata mereka menatap bertanya-tanya. Mulut mereka menganga berhenti berdoa tapi ingin benar mendengar. Kemudian dengan serentak mereka mengesah dan berbareng dengan suara aneh dari mulut mereka tersebarlah bau keras yang perlu dicegah dengan segera. “Lihatlah aku masih muda. Biarlah aku menjaga sukmaku. Silakan bubar. Ijinkan aku memuliakan kesucian. Aku akan kembali ke biara merenungkan keindahan Ilahi.” Orang-orang kembali mengesah. Tidak beranjak. Wajah mereka nampak sengsara. Mata mereka bertanya-tanya. Mulut mereka menganga sangat butuh mendengar. “Orang-orang ini minta pedoman. Astaga. Tuhanku, kenapa di saat ini kautinggalkan daku. Sebagai sekelompok serigala yang malas dan lapar mereka mengangakan mulut mereka. Udara panas. Dan aku terkencing di celana. Bapak. Bapak. Kenapa kautinggalkan daku.” Orang-orang tidak beranjak. Wajah mereka basah. Rambut mereka basah. Seluruh tubuh mereka basah. Keringat berkucuran di lantai kerna udara yang panas dan kesengsaraan mereka yang tegang. Baunya busuk luar biasa. Dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan mereka pun berbau busuk juga. “Saudara-saudaraku, para anak Bapak di sorga. Inilah khotbahku. Ialah khotbahku yang pertama. Hidup memang berat. Gelap dan berat. Kesengsaraan banyak jumlahnya. Maka dalam hal ini kebijaksanaan hidup adalah ra-ra-ra. Ra-ra-ra, hum-pa-pa, ra-ra-ra. Tengoklah kebijaksanaan kadal makhluk Tuhan yang juga dicintai-Nya. Meniaraplah ke bumi. Kerna, lihatlah: Sukamamu terjepit di antara batu-batu. Hijau. Lumutan. Sebagai kadal ra-ra-ra. sebagai ketonggeng hum-pa-pa.” Orang-orang serentak bersuara: Ra-ra-ra. Hum-pa-pa. Dengan gemuruh bersuara seluruh isi gereja. Ra-ra-ra. Hum-pa-pa. “Kepada kaum lelaki yang suka senapan yang memasang panji-panji kebenaran di mata bayonetnya aku minta dicamkan bahwa lu-lu-lu, la-li-lo-lu. Angkatlah hidungmu tinggi-tinggi agar tak kaulihat siapa yang kaupijak. Kerna begitulah li-li-li, la-li-lo-lu. Bersihkan darah dari tanganmu agar aku tak gemetar lalu kita bisa duduk minum teh sambil ngomong tentang derita masyarakat atau hakekat hidup dan mati. Hidup penuh sengsara dan dosa. Hidup adalah tipu muslihat. La-la-la, li-li-li, la-li-lo-lu. Jadi marilah kita tembak matahari. Kita bidik setepat-tepatnya.” Dengan gembira orang-orang menyambut bersama: La-la-la, li-li-li, la-li-lo-lu. Mereka berdiri. Menghentakkan kaki ke lantai. Berderap serentak dan seirama. Suara mereka bersatu: La-la-la, li-li-li, la-li-lo-lu. Hanyut dalam persatuan yang kuat mereka berteriak bersama persis dan seirama: La-la-la, lil-li-li, la-li-lo-lu. “Maka kini kita telah hidup kembali. Darah terasa mengalir dengan derasnya. Di kepala. Di leher. Di dada. Di perut. Dan di bagian tubuh lainnya. Lihatlah, oleh hidup jari-jariku gemetar. Darah itu bong-bong-bong. Darah hidup bang-bing-bong. Darah hidup bersama bang-bing-bong-bong. Hidup berama-ramai. Darah bergaul dengan darah. Bong-bong-bong. Bang-bing-bong.” Orang-orang meledakkan gairah hidupnya. Mereka berdiri di atas bangku-bangku gereja. Berderap-derap dengan kaki mereka. Genta-genta, orgel, daun-daun pintu, kaca-kaca jendela, semua dipalu dan dibunyikan. Dalam satu irama. Diiringi sorak gembira: Bong-bong-bong. Bang-bing-bong. Cinta harus kita muliakan. Cinta di belukar. Cinta di toko Arab. Cinta di belakang halaman gereja. Cinta itu persatuan dan tra-la-la. Tra-la-la. La-la-la. Tra-la-la. Sebagi rumputan kita harus berkembang biak dalam persatuan dan cinta. Marilah kita melumatkan diri. Marilah kita bernaung di bawah rumputan. Sebagaimana pedoman kita: “Tra-la-la. La-la-la. Tra-la-la.’ Seluruh isi gereja gemuruh. Mereka mulai menari. Mengikuti satu irama. Mereka saling menggosok-gosokkan tubuh mereka. Lelaki dengan wanita. Lelaki dengan lelaki. Wanita dengan wanita. Saling menggosok-gosokkan tubuhnya. Dan ada juga yang menggosok-gosokkan tubuhnya ke tembok gereja. Dan dengan suara menggigil yang ganjil mereka melengking dengan serempak. Tra-la-la. La-la-la. Tra-la-la. “Melewati Nabi Musa yang keramat Tuhan telah berkata: Jangan engkau mencuri. Pegawai kecil jangan mencuri kertas karbon. Babu-babu jangan mencuri tulang-tulang ayam goring. Para pembesar jangan mencuri bensin. Dan gadis jangan mencuri perawannya sendiri. Tentu, bahwa mencuri dan mencuri ada bedanya. Artinya: Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha. Semua barang dari Tuhan. Harus dibagi bersama. Semua milik semua. Semua untuk semua. Kita harus bersatu. Kita untuk kita. Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha. Inilah pedomannya.” Sebagai binatang orang-orang bersorak: Grrr-grrr-hura. Hura. Cha-cha-cha, Cha-cha-cha. Mereka copoti daun-daun jendela. Mereka ambil semua isi gereja. Candelabra-candelabra. Tirai-tirai. Permadani-permadani. Barang-barang perak. Dan patung-patung berhiaskan permata. Cha-cha-cha, begitu nyanyi mereka. Cha-cha-cha, berulang-ulang diserukan. Seluruh gereja rontok. Cha-cha-cha. Binatang-binantang yang basah berkeringat dan deras napasnya Berlarian kian ke mari. Cha-cha-cha. Cha-cha-cha. Lalu tiba-tiba terdengar lengking jerit perempuan tua: “Aku lapar. Lapaar. Lapaaar.” Tiba-tiba semua juga merasa lapar. Mata mereka menyala. Dan mereka tetap bersuara cha-cha-cha. “Sebab sudah mulai lapar marilah kita bubaran. Ayo, bubar. Semua berhenti.” Cha-cha-cha, kata mereka dan mata mereka menyala. “Kita bubar. Upacara dan khotbah telah selesai.” Cha-cha-cha, kata mereka. Mereka tidak berhenti. Mereka mendesak maju. Gereja rusak. Dan mata mereka menyala. “Astaga. Ingatlah penderitaan Kristus. Kita semua putra-putranya yang mulia. Lapar harus diatasi dengan kebijaksanaan.” Cha-cha-cha. Mereka maju menggasak mimbar. Cha-cha-cha. Mereka seret padri itu dari mimbar. Cha-cha-cha. Mereka robek-robek jubahnya. Cha-cha-cha. Seorang perempuan gemuk mencium mulutnya yang bagus. Seorang perempuan tua menjilati dadanya yang bersih. Dan gadis-gadis menarik kedua kakinya. Cha-cha-cha. Begitulah perempuan-perempuan itu memperkosanya beramai-ramai. Cha-cha-cha. Lalu tubuhnya dicincang. Semua orang makan dagingnya. Cha-cha-cha. Dengan persatuan yang kuat mereka berpesta. Mereka minum darahnya. Mereka hisap sungsum tulangnya. Sempurna habis ia dimakan. Tak ada lagi yang sisa. Fantastis.
Sermon Fantastic One hot Sunday in a church full of people a young priest stood at the pulpit. His face was beautiful and holy his eyes sweet like a rabbit's and he lifted up both his hands which were lovely like a lily and said: "Now let us disperse. There is no sermon today." No one budged. They sat tight in their rows. There were many standing. They were stiff. Refused to move. Their eyes stared [questioning]. Their mouths hung open they stopped praying but they all wanted to hear. Then all at once they complained and together with the strange voice from their mouths [spread a strong smell] which had to be quickly stifled. "You can see I am still young. Allow me to care for my own soul. Please go away. Allow me to praise holiness I want to go back to the monastery to meditate on the glory of God." Again they complained. No one moved. Their faces looked sad. Their eyes questioned. Their mouths gaped wanting very much to hear. "This people ask for guidance, Lord God, why have you left me at this moment? Like a flock of hungry lazy jackals they hang their mouths. It is hot. I piss in my pants. Father. Father. Why hast Thou forsaken me?" Still no one moved. Their faces were wet. Their hair was wet. Their whole bodies were wet. Sweat poured onto the floor because it was so hot and of the misery they bore. The stench was extraordinarily foul And their questions [also] stank foully. "My brothers, children of the heavenly father. This is my sermon. My very first sermon. Life is very difficult Dark and difficult There are many torments. So in this regard the wise way to live is ra-ra-ra Ra-ra-ra, hump-pa-pa, ra-ra-ra. Look at the wisdom of the lizard [God's creature also beloved by Him] Go close to the ground For, [behold]: Your souls are squeezed between rocks Green Mossy Like a lizard ra-ra-ra like a centipede hum-pa-pa." All spoke together: Ra-ra-ra. Hum-pa-pa. With a roar everyone in the church [gave voice]: Ra-ra-ra. Hum-pa-pa. "To the men who like guns who fix the flags of truth to their bayonet-points I want you to listen carefully to lu-lu-lu, la-li-lo-lu. Lift your noses high so you don't see those you walk on. For in this way li-li-li, la-li-lo-lu. Cleanse the blood from your hands so as not to frighten me then we can sit and drink tea and talk of the sufferings of society and the nature of love and death. Life is full of misery and sin. Life is a big cheat. La-la-la, li-li-li, la-li-lo-lu. [So come let us shoot the sun We'll aim as carefully as possible."] [Joyfully the people responded together: La-la-la, li-li-li, la-li-lo-lu] They stood. They stamped their feet on the floor Stamping in one rhythm and together Uniting their voices in: La-la-la, li-li-li, la-li-lo-lu. Carried along in the strength of their unity they shouted together precisely and rhythmically: La-la-la, li-li-li, la-li-lo-lu. "Now we live again. Feel the force of the flow of the blood. In your heads. In your necks. In your breasts. In your stomachs. Throughout the rest of your bodies. See, my fingers shaking with life The blood is bong-bong-bong. The blood of life is bang-bing-bong. The blood of the common life is bang-bing-bong-bong. Life must be lived in a noisy group. Blood must mix with blood. Bong-bong-bong. Bang-bing-bong." The people exploded with the passion of their lives. They stood on the pews. Banged with their feet. Bells, gongs, door-pailings, window panes If it made a noise they pounded on it. With the one rhythm In accompaniment to their joyous shouts of: Bong-bong-bong. Bang-bing-bong. "We must exalt love. Love in the long grass. Love in the shops of [Arabs]. Love in the backyard of the church. Love is unity and tra-la-la. Tra-la-la. La-la-la. Tra-la-la. Like the grass we must flourish in unity and love. Let us pulverize ourselves. Let us shelter beneath the grass. Taking as our guide: Tra-la-la. La-la-la. Tra-la-la." The whole congregation roared. They began to dance. Following the one rhythm They rubbed their bodies against each other Men against women. Men against men. Women with women. Everyone rubbed. And some rubbed their bodies against the walls of the church. And shouted in a queer mad voice shrilly and together: Tra-la-la. La-la-la. Tra-la-la. "Through the holy prophet Moses God has said: Thou must not steal. Junior civil servants stop stealing carbon. Serving-girls stop stealing fried chicken bones. Leaders stop stealing petrol. And girls, stop stealing your own virtue. Of course, there is stealing and stealing. The difference is: cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha. All things come from God [and have to be divided equally] everything belongs to everyone. Everything is for everyone. We must be one. Us for us. Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha. This is the guiding principle." They roared like animals: Grrr-grrr-grrr. Hura. Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha. They stole window [shutters]. They took everything in the church. The candelabra. The curtains. The carpets. The silverware. And the statues covered with jewels. Cha-cha-cha, they sang: Cha-cha-cha over and over again They smashed the whole church Cha-cha-cha Like wet panting animals running to-and-fro. Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha. Then suddenly the shrill voice of an old woman was heard: "I am hungry. Hungrry. Hu-u-unggrryyy." And suddenly everyone felt hungry. Their eyes burned. And they kept shouting cha-cha-cha. "Because we are hungry let us disperse. Go home. Everyone stop." Cha-cha-cha, they said and their eyes burned. "Go home. The mass and the sermon are over." Cha-cha-cha, they said. They didn't stop. They pressed forward. The church was smashed. And their eyes flashed. "Lord, Remember the sufferings of Christ. We are all his honored sons. Hunger must be overcome by wisdom." Cha-cha-cha. They advanced and beat against the pulpit. Cha-cha-cha. They dragged the priest from the pulpit. Cha-cha-cha. They tore his robes. Cha-cha-cha. A fat woman kissed his fine mouth. And old woman licked his pure breast. And girls pulled at both his legs. Cha-cha-cha. And thus [the women] raped him in a noisy throng. Cha-cha-cha. Then they chopped his body to bits. Everyone at his flesh. Cha-cha-cha. They feasted in the strength of their unity. They drank his blood. They sucked the marrow from his bones. Until they had eaten everything and there was nothing left. Fantastic. —Translated from the Bahasa Indonesia by Harry Aveling
Copyright ©by W. S. Rendra; English
language copyright ©1975 by Harry Aveling
Reprinted from Harry Aveling, ed. and trans. Contemporary Indonesia Poetry (St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia: University of Queensland Press, 1975. [corrections by P. Henry] |