Word Order and Vocabulary Practice (Keren! 1, Topics 1 & 2)
Here are PHRASES to practice word order; use the Bahasa Inggeris column to make sure you understand the Bahasa Indonesia phrase, then cover the Bahasa Indonesia column and see if you can remember it by looking at the Bahasa Inggeris column. Remember, adjectives and possessives come AFTER the nouns they modify.
Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggeris
ayah saya
orang tua kamu
Monumen Nasional
rumah kecil
paman ibu saya
Jalan Normal
rumah keluarga Mursidi
teman bibi Zainal
kamar mandi
kamar makan
bus kota
sekolah mereka
anjing nakal
kucing gemuk
nama nenek saya
kantor bapak Kustiani
kabar baik
orang Jepang
orang hutan
bahasa Inggeris
mobil itu
ikan emas ini
my father
your parents (lit. "your old people")
National Monument
little house
my mothers uncle
Normal Street
Mursidi familys house
Zainals aunts friend
bath room
dining (lit. "eating") room
city bus
their school
his/her/their bird
naughty dog
fat cat
my grandmothers name
Kustianis fathers office
good news
Japanese person
orangutang (lit. "forest person")
English language
that car
this gold fish
Now, here are some sentences making use of these phrases:
Ayah saya bukan orang Kanada. | My father is not a Canadian. |
Orang tua kamu sedang makan pagi. | Your parents are eating breakfast. |
Monumen Nasional ada di kota Jakarta. | The National Monument is in the city of Jakarta. |
Rumah saya adalah rumah kecil. | My house is a little house. |
Paman ibu saya tidak gemuk. | My mothers uncle isnt fat. |
Apakah dia tinggal di Jalan Normal? | Does she live on Normal Street? |
Rumah keluarga Mursidi modern. | The Mursidi familys house is modern. |
Siapa nama teman bibi Zainal? | What is the name of Zainals aunts friend? |
Dia sedang mandi di kamar mandi. | Hes taking a bath in the bathroom. |
Tidak ada kamar makan di rumahnya. | There isnt a dining room in his house. |
Pak Mursidi naik bus kota ke kantornya. | Mr. Mursidi takes the city bus to his office. |
Itu bukan sekolah mereka. | That is not their school. |
Burungnya kecil dan bagus. | Their bird is small and good/beautiful. |
Siapa mempunyai anjing nakal ini? | Who owns this naughty dog? |
Kucing gemuk itu bernama Garfield. | That fat cat is named Garfield. |
Nama nenek saya adalah Rita. | My grandmothers name is Rita. |
Kantor bapak Kustiani ada di Jakarta. | Kustianis fathers office is in Jakarta. |
"Apa kabar?" | "Hows it going? [=Whats the news?]" |
"Kabar baik!" | "Fine. [= The news is good]" |
Apakah Anda adalah orang Jepang? | Are you a Japanese person? |
Saya bukan orang hutan! | I am not an orangutang! |
Orang Indonesia itu sedang belajar Bahasa Inggeris. | That Indonesian person is studying English. |
Mobil itu bukan mobil saya. | That car is not my car. |
Kucing kamu sedang makan ikan emas ini! | Your cat is eating these gold fish! |
NOTE: Unlike adjectives (baik, nakal), possessives, and words like "ini" & "itu", NUMBERS come BEFORE the noun they modify IF THEY ARE COUNTING HOW MANY NOUNS there are: enam kelas = six classes. But if they are acting like adjectives (describing a noun), they come after the noun like other adjectives: kelas enam = grade six.
seventy-six trombones | tujuh puluh enam trombon |
10 little Indians | sepuluh orang asli Amerika (= native Americans) kecil |
493 college students | empat ratus sembilan puluh tiga mahasiswa |
101 dalmations | seratus satu anjing "dalmasyon" |
12 eggs | duabelas telur |
one night in Bangkok | satu malam di kota Bangkok |
1000 years | seribu tahun |
the year 2011 | tahun dua ribu sebelas |