Jack and Bobby
 Hints of McBrayer’s gawky Kenneth seen in Gov. Jindal’s speech


 By Steve Johnson

  So now that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has been compared across the Internet to Kenneth the Page, the wide-eyed country boy come to New York in NBC’s comedy “30 Rock,” the ques­tion almost asks itself: How long before Jack McBrayer, the Second City-trained comic who plays Kenneth, will be enlisted by “Saturday Night Live” to do Jindal?
  We’ll answer that, as best we can, in a moment. First, though, the comparison. Jindal was looser and more natural in his “Today” show interview Wednesday morning, but on Tuesday night, de­livering the Republican response to President Barack Obama’s address to Congress, he did in­deed bring the Kenneth: The earnestness. The slow, mannered delivery. The gee-whiz affect.
  What this means is that, with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin finding her pop culture doppelgang­er in Tina Fey, the two Republican front runners for the 2012 nomination (an important status to have almost four years out, to be sure) have comic analogues in the “30 Rock” cast.
  It could be worse for the Republican Party. In­stead of one of the best shows on TV, its contend­ers could be drawing comparisons to the cast of “My Name Is Earl,” for instance. Or “Wife Swap.”
  Now, about “SNL”: NBC doesn’t comment about who might play whom on the show, and McBrayer couldn’t be reached. The show is in re­runs this weekend, when the Jindal iron is hot­test.
  When the show does return on March 7, the host will be Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. But the week after that, the likely host is none other than Tracy Morgan, star of—are you ready?— “30 Rock.”