Di sini ada percakapan sebagai “review” topik 1-4


Topic 1, Keren! 2 -- Di Rumah

Bu Henry sees you look upset and asks what's the matter; you say you're terrified, and explain that last night you had to study while (at the same time) your friend was watching television in your living room. After that, you studied in the kitchen while drinking cof­fee.  Changing the subject, Bu H. asks you whose house is in the picture.  You answer that it is the Sudarmo family's house, and, in your opinion, it's not big but it's not small either.  Describe the rooms in the house -- how many bedrooms, bathrooms, the furniture, etc.  Bu H. asks what activ­ity is done in the kitchen? the mushola? the "washing place"? and you explain.


Expressions to be used (by you & Bu H.:  milik siapa? milik keluarga Sudarmo; sementara, sambil; Takut saya! tadi malam; ada apa?; sesudah itu; tidak besar, tidak pula kecil; kamar mandi, kamar tidur, kamar tamu, dapur, mushola, gudang, kamar makan, kamar kecil/kamar mandi, tempat cuci, televisi, kulkas, tempat tidur, kursi, meja, lemari, kom­por;  "Apa yang dilakukan di dapur?" "Dapur digunakan waktu orang masak," etc.; menonton televisi, mencuci piring, bersembahyang.


Topic 2, Keren! 2 -- Di Jalan Lembang

  Bu H. shows you a picture of a sidewalk vendor (see p. 44) and asks you about it -- you say that a sidewalk vendor is a per­son who sells food on the side of the road and that all kinds of food are sold by them; Bu H. asks if there is a message for her -- you say there is, that her husband dropped by and said that their daughter would be coming home tonight or tomor­row. (Bu H. jumps for joy.)  Ask if her daughter often / sometimes / rarely comes to visit.  Bu H. asks you if you're hungry or cold -- you say you're starving and freezing and that you were left behind by the bus this (past) morning.  Poor you! says Bu H., and asks you to describe your neighborhood.  You do so, saying whether it's quiet or noisy, if there are parks, stores, shopping centers, etc. nearby, and how one could get there (by bus, train, car).)


Expressions to be used:  dingin/kedinginan, lapar/kelaparan, tinggal/ke­tinggalan; naik bus/kereta api/mobil; di tepi jalan; "suami Ibu berkata bahwa..."; akan, nanti malam, besok; pulang; sering / kadang-kadang / jarang; taman, perpustakaan, pusat perbelanjaan, toko-toko; rumah terbuat dari batu bata/kayu; tepi jalan; sepi/ramai; penjual kaki- lima; "adalah seorang yang"; pesan; singgah; kasihan!; tadi pagi.


Topic 3, Keren! 2 -- Di rumah makan

Bu H. shows you a resonably clear map of Indonesia, for a change (see https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daftar_provinsi_Indonesia ) and asks you where some of these cities are locat­ed: Jakarta, Yogyakarta (=Jogja), Surabaya, Padang, Denpasar, Makassar, Banjarmasin.  Bu H. then shows you the menu from Rumah Makan Bu Karlin and, in an attempt to get useful job training, takes the role of a waitress taking your order.  Order what you like, but be prepared with a second choice if the restaurant happens to be out of what you want.  You'll be asked what you want to drink, too.  Your waitress is curious about life in the U.S. and asks if Americans eat "Spaghetti Bolognaice" with their hands.  And what does one eat with a hamburger, usually? Tell her, "fried potatoes". You ask what Indonesians usually eat for breakfast, and she tells you "rice."  Ask her if she means fried rice or white rice.  She tells you "fried rice", then asks if you want to order any­thing more.  Say no, and ask for the bill.


Expressions used: Untuk makan pagi anda makan apa? dengan apa? dengan memakai apa? minta nasi goreng satu/kopi/sepiring selada/rekening; ma'af, nasi soto ayam sudah habis; sayang!; kalau begitu saya memilih / minta ...; mau memesan apa? maksud anda, nasi goreng atau nasi putih? dengan kentang goreng; dengan memakai tangan/garpu/sendok/pisau; kota Surabaya terletak di pantai utara Jawa Timur.


Topic 4, Stage 2 --Sakit

You are not feeling well, after all this stress, and Bu Henry (again seeking supplemental income), will attempt to give you medical advice.  She first checks you out as to the various parts of the body (to be sure communication is possible), and points to head, neck, stomach, eye, ear, nose, throat, arm, hand, leg/foot, fingers. Say you're feeling "under the weather" (or "off-colour", if you prefer); Dr. H. asks where it hurts, and you say you have a headache, you're nauseous, and your leg hurts. Poor you! says Dr. H., and asks how your friends and family are.  You say your friend is also sick, he has a cold and has vomited.  Dr. H. says maybe you have the flu, and gives you a prescription to take to the drugstore. Say thanks, but you think your leg is broken, therefore it still hurts.  What rotten luck! says Dr. H., and suggests you take an ambulance to the hospital.  You say you feel very tired, and say you hope the test will be over soon. 


Expressions used:  mata, telinga, tenggorokan, leher, kepala, perut, tangan, kaki, jari; kurang enak badan, sakit kepala, kaki saya sakit/patah; mual, muntah, sakit selesma, sakit plu; teman saya pun; resep, apotek, maka, masih, celaka! untung! naik ambulans; selamat liburan musim panas; mudah-mudahan ujian cepat selesai; merasa capai.