Sigit Sukasman, Sang Pecinta Wayang..                                                                         Lim  3-19-12


1.         sejati                original; genuine; real; true; veritable

2.         tampilan            appearance; coming to the front 

3.         didekasikan

            didedikasikan    dedicated; made a dedication

4.         filosofis             filosofis

5.         Jenazahnya       corpse; cadaver; mortal remains; dead body

6.         dimakamkan      buried; interred; entombed

7.         Pemakaman      a burial; funeral; cemetery; graveyard; interment

8.         ajal                   lifetime; term of existence; destiny; predestiny; death

9.         tersengal-sengal                        (not found)

            sengal               stiff; painful (body joints, etc.)

10         keseharian        daily activities; habits or customs

11.        digelutinya         wrestled with; struggled; studied thoroughly

12         menyandang      to carry a burden

13.        predikat             title; name; term of referral

14.        maestro                        maestro; a skilled musical conductor, composer or teacher

15.        kreasinya          creation; invention; a bringing into existence

16.        kondang            renowned; well-known; famous

17.        karyanya           work; labor; task; job; work product

18.        instansi             authority; agency; jurisdiction; institute

19.        sutradara           director of a stage production, film, etc.

20.        menyusun         to arrange; compose; compile; organize; construct; collate

21.        tata                   system; order; method of arrangement

22         penchahayaan   illuminating; lighting

23         layar                 a viewing screen, a curtain; a window covering

24         perupa              artist; painter

25         terhampar          terhampar

26         rancangannya    a design; draft; plan; conception; scheme

27.        lazim                ordinary; usual; customary; conventional; common; normal; generic

28.        sembrani           [not found]        

29.        bersirip              [not found]

30*       sreg                  proper; comfortable; appropriate; suitable

31*       Lha                   [not found]

32*       wong                 1  because; since

                                    2  person

                                    3  an expression of disagreement

33         niat                   a desire; wish; intent; goal; purpose; longing; yen; plan

34*       kasur                mattress; a thick sleeping pad

35*       busa                 foam; lather; froth

36         selambu            [not found]

37         jengki                [not found]

38         mengutak-atik    to tinker with something; tamper; fiddle; try to fix

39         Sosok               a shape; a form; a figure

40         diromaknya       demolished; dismantled; disassembled; replaced; reorganized


41         ditonjolkan         protruded; stuck out; accentuated; featured

42         kecacatannya    deformity; debility; disability; disablement; impairment; infirmity

43         versi                  version; model; style; edition

44         mirip                 similar; alike; like; resembling; corresponding; analogous; akin

45         bundar              round; spherical; circula

46         semar              

            semarah            se+marah          as angry

            semarak            se+marak (adv)  lively; bright

            semarak   2       (n)        a shine; luster; ornament

47         pusar                navel; belly button

                                    a curl; a hair curler or coil

48         tampak             tampak

49         bodong.             protruding; bulging out

50         gapura*             gate; gateway; main entrance

51         sembrani*          [not found]

            semberani         as brave as; as courageous as.

52         tata                   system; order; method of arrangement

53         benaknya          brain; mind

                        2 (adj)   slow thinking; dull witted; dull; foolish

54         supertim*          [not found]

55         pakem              holding strongly

56         malah               on the contrary; on the other hand; instead; even; yet

57         nombok.            to pay extra

58         Cemoohan         mockery; ridicule; derision; scorn; insult; taunt; belittlement

59         dilontarkan        hurled; threw; thrown; flung; spread; broadcast

60         sepakat             an agreement - to agree; to be in harmony; being in accord (verb)

61         pria                   male; a man; a gentleman; a guy

62         justru                exactly; precisely

63         tertantang          challenged; opposed

64         terbantahkan     denied; refused; argued

65         mengadu           to prosecute; to charge with; clash; confront

66         dekorator           decorator; a person who decorates

67         mengonsep       to conceptualize; to form ideas, notions or concepts

68         stan                  stand; stage; place; booth

69         Berbeka            to impress; to leave traces or an impression

70         nekat                determined; reckless; stubborn; courageous; gutsy; plucky; bold;  desperate

71         kincir                a reel; spool; wheel; millwheel

72         setia                faithful; loyal; dutiful; devoted; stalwart; steadfast; dedicated

73         Sekadar            just; only; merely; according to; proportionally; sufficient; necessary

74         buruh                laborer; employee; worker

75         mengecap         to stamp; seal; mark; brand; imprint; label

                                    to taste; enjoy  

76         mendesain        to design; pattern; plan; structure

77         andil                 contribution; merit

78         berteriak            to scream; yell; shout; call out; exclaim; holler; shriek

79         lantang              clear; distinct; visible; plain; bright; shrill; piercing

80         beralas              to be based on; founded on; lined with

81         kasur                mattress; a thick sleeping pad

82         busa                 foam; lather; froth

83         kompor             stove; oven; hotplate for cooking food

84         elpiji                  LPG; liquid petroleum gas

85         keponakan        niece; nephew

86         detil                  detail; a small particular; a fine point

87         perfeksionis.      perfectionist; a person who tries to make things perfect

88         sutradara           director of a stage production, film, etc

89         menuturkan       to pronounce; announce; tell; relate; narrate

90         Benaknya          brain; mind

91         bersemangat     to be zealous; enthusiastic; fervent; avid; spirited; spunky; passionate; motivated; keen to   do

92         jiwa       soul; life force; psyche; human spirit

93         mengilmiahkan              [not found]

94         memaparkan     to flatten; make flat

                        to explain; set forth; state; relate

95         penghargaan      appreciation; recognition; honor; esteem; respect; award

96         dedikasinya       dedication; loyalty


97         sekaligus          all at once; simultaneous; concurrently; suddenly; contemporaneous

98         akrab                close to; closely related; friendly; familiar; intimate; chummy; amicable

99         gampang           easy; facile; not difficult

100       Kecewa             disappointed; frustrated; crestfallen

101       kuliahnya          a lecture; class; talk

102       diutak-atik         tinkered with; tampered with; fiddled with; tried to fix

103       candu               opium ready for use; illegal drugs

104       gelisah              restless; restive; fidgety; fretful; nervous; insecure; uneasy; agitated; jittery; skittish; edgy; jumpy

105       pencapaian        achieving; attaining; realizing; accomplishing

106       ngomong           to discuss; talk; speak; say

107       dini                   early; premature

108       mengusung       to carry on shoulders; to carry in a litter

109       gedeg*              [not found]

110       berserakan        to be scattered; dispersed; disordered; spread about randomly

111       penjuru              angle; corner

112       simak               to listen attentively; observe carefully; monitor; pay attention to

113       kejawen                        Javanese knowledge (often associated with mysticism)

114       luntur,               faded; discolored; lackluster; weakened; decreased

115       kawula              a servant; a subject of a nation; a citizen

116       Gusti                [not found]

117       sepenggal         a piece; a part; a slice; a fragment; an excerpt; a quote; a citation

118       ibadah               devotion to God; piety; religiousness; worship; reverence

119       pertikaian          a controversy; dispute; disagreement; squabble; fracas

120       berdampingan                to be adjacent; neighboring; next to; side by side; abreast; to border

121       mengesampingkan         to overlook; ignore; bypass; put aside; discard; disregard; marginalize

122       menuangkan      to pour out; to cast

                                                to present; put into; shape

123       menautkan                    to make close; make tighter

124       papar    adj. smooth; flat; level; blunt

                        verb      to explain; state; relate

125       firasat   face; countenance; outward appearance; reading a face

                        hunch; foresight; instinct; intuition; foreboding; inkling; premonition

126       kok       badminton shuttlecock

                        an informal emphasis word indicating denial of something; denial word

                        an informal question or surprise word meaning: how come ?; why ?

127       pas       a pass; a permit

                        just right; good fit; proper size; suitable; exact; just in time

128       gawat    an expression meaning: oh no !

                        dangerous; risky; serious; critical; acute; grave

            gawat darurat                             hospital emergency room; a critical emergency

129       darurat                          urgent; critical; exigent

                                                emergency; necessity

130       perkutut            Javanese singing bird

131       melayat             to visit the family of a deceased person