Indonesian Dictionary

Word: abad

Short Definition: century; age, era. BER-_-_: for centuries. MENG-: last for centuries.

English Definition: ^*1 century. 2 age, era. BER-_-_: for centuries. MENG-: last for centuries. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu yang lamanya 100 tahun. Zaman. ###

Examples: Bahasa Indonesia dimulai pada ABAD ke 20. = The Indonesian language began in the 20th CENTURY. ###

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Word: abadi

Short Definition: eternal, lasting, enduring

English Definition: MEMPER --: MENG-KAN 1. immortalize, record for posterity. 2. perpetuate KE--AN: 1. durability, permanence, 2. eternity, perpetuity. PENG--AN: perpetuation

Examples: Tugu itu ~ jasanya = The monument immortalizes his services

Word: abah

Short Definition: direction; MENG- : to head for

English Definition: direction MENG-: to head for, go towards

Word: abah1

Short Definition: direction

English Definition: MENG --: head for

L2 Definition:

Word: abai

Short Definition: neglecful

English Definition: MENG--KAN 1. ignore, disregard 2. underestimate, minimize 3. make light of, belittle TER--(KAN) slighted, ignored. PENG--: 1. careless or neglectful person. 2 nonchalant, or indifferent person. PENG--AN 1. careless, indifference 2. neglect 3. disobedience

Examples: Pegawai itu ~ perintah majikan = The employee ignored his boss' order

Word: abang

Short Definition: elder brother; address for older working-class males; +

English Definition: ^*1 elder brother. 2 form of address for older working-class males with whom one is not acquainted. 3 form of address to one's husband or boyfriend, used as "bang". ###

L2 Definition: Saudara tua (laki-laki). Sinonim: mas. ###

Examples: ABANG saya bernama Budi. = My ELDER BROTHER'S name is Budi. ABANG BECAK itu sedang makan. = The BECAK DRIVER is eating. ###

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Word: abangan

Short Definition: one who is not a strict follower of one's declared religion.

English Definition: *one who is not a strict follower of one's declared religion. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang mempunyai agama tetapi tidak benar-benar menjalankan aturannya. ###

Examples: Walaupun dua-duanya Muslim tetapi yang satu ABANGAN dan yang satu santri. = Even though both of them are Muslims, one is NOT A STRICT FOLLOWER of the religion and the other is. ###

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Word: abar

Short Definition: brake

English Definition: MENG--: 1 brake. 2 impede, hinder. 3 remove. 4. lessen --AN: inhibition PENG--AN, PER--AN braking

Examples: 1. ~keadaan bahaya perang = Lessen the danger of war 2. Obat baru itu ~ keadaan payah pasien itu = the new medicine lessened the suffering of the patient

Word: abdi

Short Definition: servant, slave. MENG-: serve. MENG--KAN: subjugate. Also PENG-, PENG--KAN.

English Definition: ^servant, slave. *MENG-: serve. *MENG--KAN: subjugate. PENG-: official. *PENG--AN: 1 servitude. 2 devotion. 3 dedication. ###

L2 Definition: pesuruh; ajudan; pembantu. ###

Examples: Dia sudah MENGABDI sebagai pembantu selama 10 tahun di rumah ini. = She/He has SERVED as a servant for ten years in this house. Saya akan MENGABDIKAN diri di bidang ilmu. = I will SUBMERGE/SUBJUGATE myself in the study of knowledge. PENGABDIANnya selama ini sia-sia saja. = His/Her DEVOTION so far has been for nothing.###

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Word: abis

Short Definition: finished, used up; completed, through, concluded. Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: see HABIS ^*1 finished, used up. 2 completed, concluded. 3 "what do you expect?" MENG--I: 1 end, finish (speech, etc.) 2 finish off, wipe out. 3 spend (time). MENG--KAN: 1 finish (o.'s story, job, etc.). 2 spend (time). 3 use up, consume. KE--AN: run out of. PENG--AN: end, conclusion (of a story). ###

L2 Definition: Selesai/tamat. Sudah tidak ada lagi sisanya. Sesudah/setelah. Karena. ###

Examples: ABISLAH riwayatnya. = His life is FINISHED. Buku ini sudah ABIS dibacanya. = He has already FINISHED reading this book. ABIS makan, pergilah ia ke pasar. = AFTER (FINISHING) eating, she went to the market. Dia menangis, ABIS selalu dimarahi. = He cried because he is always scolded. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? ###

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Word: abjad

Short Definition: alphabet###

English Definition: MENG -- KAN: alphabetize. PENG--AN: alphabetization. -- IAH: aphabetical###

L2 Definition:

Examples: ###

Word: abon

Short Definition: shredded meat that has been boiled and fried.

English Definition: shredded meat that has been boiled and fried. ###

L2 Definition: Daging yang sudah dihaluskan dan dimasak. ###

Examples: ABON buatan ibu tidak kalah lezatnya dengan ABON yang dijual di toko. = The SHREDDED MEAT made by mother is not less delicious than the SHREDDED MEAT that is sold at the store.###

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Word: abonemen

Short Definition: subscription###

English Definition: ^subscription BER-: subscribe to###

Examples: Saya BERABONEMEN majalah Tempo = I SUBSCRIBE Tempo magazine.###

Word: ABRI

Short Definition: "Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia," the Indonesian armed forces.

English Definition: *acronym for "Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia," the Indonesian armed forces. ###

L2 Definition: Nama badan di bidang militer di Indonesia. ###

Examples: Anak itu gagah berani seperti bapaknya yang anggota ABRI. = That dashing youngster is like his/her father who's a member of THE INDONESIAN ARMED FORCES. ###

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Word: abruk

Short Definition: NG-IN slam or set s.t. down with a crash ###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Langsung saja mereka nyelonong ke bangku paling depan dan ~ pantat di sana -- They went directly to the first row and threw their behinds onto the benches there.

Word: absah

Short Definition: valid, legal, legitimate ##

English Definition: *MENG--KAN: 1. endorse, approve 2. legalize KE--AN: validity, legality PENG--AN: 1. endorsement, approval 2. legalization##

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Pemerintahan Habibie MENGABSAHKAN penangkapan para mahasiswa = Habibie Adminstration LEGALIZES the arrest of students.###

Word: absen

Short Definition: absent###

English Definition: MENG--: call roll. --AN: roll. daftar--: attendance roll. PENG--AN: taking of the roll.

Word: abses

Short Definition: abscess, ulcar###

English Definition: ^abscess, ulcar###

Examples: ###

Word: absolut

Short Definition: absolute##

English Definition: MENG--KAN: to make s.t. absolute --AN: in an absolute way PENG--AN: to make s.t. absolute##

Examples: Kekuasaan ~ = absolute power

Word: abu

Short Definition: dust, ashes.

English Definition: *dust, ashes. ###

L2 Definition: Barang sisa pembakaran. ###

Examples: ABU rokokmu tercecer di mana-mana. = Your cigarette ASHES are scattered everywhere###

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Word: abu-abu

Short Definition: grey (color)

Word: AC

Short Definition: air conditioning.

English Definition: *air conditioning. ###

L2 Definition: Alat pendingin ruangan. ###

Examples: AC ini sudah tidak bekerja dengan baik lagi. = This AIR-CONDITIONING doesn't work well anymore. ###

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Word: acak

Short Definition: 1.disordered; 2. random

English Definition: *SECARA- = at random *-(2)AN = in disorder, chaos *MENG- = mess up, put in disorder

Examples: Dalam penelitian itu, Adi menggunakan sampel SECARA ACAK = In that research, Adi used RANDOM SAMPLES.# Rambutnya ACAK-ACAKAN karena tertiup angin di pantai = His hair was MESSED UP because of the wind on the beach.##

Word: acap

Short Definition: be stuck deep in a th., be in###

English Definition: ^be stuck deep in a th., be in *MENG-I: soak s.t. ###

L2 Definition: -KALI : often, repeatedly. -(2): quick, repeatedly.###

Examples: *Saya MENGACAPI piring-piring ke dalam air sabun= I soaked all plates in soapy water.###

Word: acapkali

Short Definition: repeatedly, frequently

English Definition: repeatedly, frequently

Examples: Dia ACAPKALI mengganggu saya sedang belajar = He REPEATEDLY bothers me while I was studying.###

Word: acar

Short Definition: pickles

English Definition: ^pickles.###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ACAR Jawa sangat terkenal. = Javanese PICKLES are very famous.###

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Word: acara

Short Definition: agenda; program; judicial procedure. BER-: to be in session. Also MENG-,+

English Definition: ^*1 agenda. 2 program of activity. 3. judicial procedure, jurisdiction. BER-: to be in session (of court, etc.). MENG-: hand down (a court sentence). MENG--I: begin the conversation. MENG--KAN: 1 place on the agenda. 2. bring up (with a judge, etc.). PENG-: 1 lawyer, attorney. 2 master of ceremonies. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang akan dibicarakan/agenda. Segala hal yang akan dipertunjukkan/disiarkan (program). Pemeriksaan perkara (dalam pengadilan). ###

Examples: ACARA rapat itu sudah dibuat. = The AGENDA for that meeting is already made. Selalu ada ACARA yang lucu di TV. = There are always funny PROGRAMS on TV. Hukum ACARA pidana masih harus disempurnakan. = The laws regarding JUDICIAL PROCEDURES on the matter of crime still has to be improved. ###

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Word: Aceh

Short Definition: Special Region of Aceh, a provice in Indonesia.

English Definition: Special Region of Aceh, one of the 27 provinces and special regions in Indonesia, located on the western end of Sumatra. Its capital city is Banda Aceh. ###

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Word: acu

Short Definition: see ACU1 (refer. . .), ACU2 (mold, shape), ACU3 (ready . . .).

English Definition: see ACU1 (refer . . .) ACU2 (mold, shape . . .) ACU3 (ready . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: acu1

Short Definition: BER--AN: having reference. MENG-: point (a gun), refer to. Also MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: ^*BER--AN: having reference. *MENG-: point (a gun), refer to. *-AN: hint, reference. ###

L2 Definition: petunjuk; rujukan. ###

Examples: Orang itu BERACUAN pada golongan kiri. = That person IS REFERRING to leftists. Setiap penyelesaian persoalan harus MENGACU pada peraturan. = Every problem- solving must REFER to the regulations. Ini buku ACUAN bagi orang yang akan bepergian ke Indonesia. = This is a REFERENCE book for people who are going on trip to Indonesia. ###

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Word: acu2

Short Definition: SE-: from the same mold. MENG-: shape or mold s.t. -AN: a mold.

English Definition: *SE-: from the same mold. MENG-: shape or mold s.t. *-AN: a mold. ###

L2 Definition: cetak; tuang; bentuk. ###

Examples: Bangunan ini SEACU dengan bangunan sekolahku. = This building is MADE FROM THE SAME MODEL as my school building. Kue ini dibuat dari ACUAN yang berbentuk bunga.= This cake was made from a flower-shaped MOLD. ###

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Word: acu3

Short Definition: ready. Also MENG-, MENG--KAN.

English Definition: ^ready. MENG-: 1 contemplate a means for obtaining a goal. 2 take up a threatening pose. MENG-KAN: to stick something out, point. ###

L2 Definition: siap. ###

Examples: Ali MENGACU senapannya untuk menembak rusa itu. = Ali AIMED his rifle at the deer. Edi MENGACUKAN tinjunya kepada musuhnya. = Edi POINTS his fist to his opponent. ###

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Word: acuh

Short Definition: care. MENG--KAN: heed, care about, be concerned with. -AN: s.t. given attention.

English Definition: ^* care. *MENG--KAN: heed, care about, be concerned about. >-AN: Something to which attention is given.###

L2 Definition: Peduli; mengindahkan; memperhatikan; menghiraukan.###

Examples: Dia MENGACUHKAN permintaannya. = She HEEDED his/her request. Ketika melihat saya, dia tak ACUH saja. = When he saw me, he just IGNORED me. Anak itu ACUH TAK ACUH saja ketika dimarahi. = That child PAID NO ATTENTION when he was scolded.###

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Word: acum

Short Definition: incite, instigate###

English Definition: ^incite, instigate *MENG-: incite, instigate###

Examples: *Kolonial Belanda senang MENGACUM warga Indonesia = Dutch colonizers liked to INCITE Indonesians against one another.###

Word: acung

Short Definition: point ###

English Definition: MENG--: point upward, MENG--I: point out, draw attention to MENG--KAN: 1. hold up (the hand to greet or answer) 2. point s.t. --AN: raising upward, lifting up 2. s.t. pointed forward or outward###

Examples: Ia ~tangannya untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu = He held up his hand to answer the question

Word: AD

Short Definition: abbreviation of "Angkatan Darat" = the Army

English Definition: abbreviation of "Angkatan Darat" = the Army

Examples: ###

Word: ada

Short Definition: there is; are; be present; have, own. -LAH: am, is, are. Also -PUN,+

English Definition: ^*1 there is, are. 2 (Coll.) be, be present. 3 have, own. -LAH: am, is, are. -PUN: now, it so happens. -NYA: 1 presence. 2 existence. 3 situation. SE-NYA: whatever there is, as one finds it. *BER--: 1. be in place; 2. well-off, well-to-do *KEBER--AN: existence. *DI--KAN: presented by s.o, provided by. ###

L2 Definition: Hadir; telah tersedia. Mempunyai. ###

Examples: Bapak ADA di sini. = Father IS here. Apakah dia ADA uang? = Does she HAVE any money? ADAKAH saudara mendengar kabar itu? = HAVE (i.e., IS IT THE CASE THAT) you heard that news? Nina ADALAH adikku. = Nina IS my little sister. SEADANYA saja, tak usah repot-repot. = WHATEVER THERE IS, don't be fussy about it. ###

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Word: adab

Short Definition: culture; refined, proper behavior. BER-: cultured, refined. Also PER--AN.

English Definition: 1 culture. 2 refined, proper behavior. *BER-: cultured, refined. *PER--AN: civilization, culture. ###

L2 Definition: Mempunyai budaya; sopan santun; baik budi. ###

Examples: Anak itu kurang BERADAB terhadap orang lain.= That child is lacking COURTESY toward other people. Suku di pedalaman itu sudah mempunyai PERADABAN yang tinggi. = That tribe in the hinterland has already had high CULTURE. ###

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Word: adang

Short Definition: intercept, block, ambush###

English Definition: MENG--I: hold up, waylay, intercept, mooch PENG--: robber, highwayman, hold-up man PENG--AN: ambush###

Examples: Pohon ~ di jalan = A tree is blocking the road##

Word: adaptasi

Short Definition: adaptation###

English Definition: BER--: adapt, assimilate. MENG--: adapt##

Examples: Orang luar itu sudah beradaptasi dengan teman-temannya = The outsider has adapted well to his friends.

Word: adapun

Short Definition: as regards, concerning, re###

English Definition: ^as regards, concerning, re###

Word: adat

Short Definition: custom, tradition, customary manners. Also BER-.

English Definition: custom, tradition, customary manners. BER-: to be customary or traditional, well-mannered. (The picture shows couples from various Indonesian ethnic groups wearing PAKAIAN ADAT, traditional wedding dress.) ###

L2 Definition: aturan; kebiasaan. ###

Examples: Anak muda itu walaupun berambut gondrong tetapi sangat BERADAT. = Even though that young man has long hair, he still has TRADITIONAL MANNERS. ###

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Word: adat-istiadat

Short Definition: various traditional customs.

English Definition: various traditional customs. Also see ADAT

L2 Definition: Aturan atau kebiasaan yang ada di dalam suatu masyarakat yang sudah berlangsung lama dan turun temurun. ###

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Word: adegan

Short Definition: scene (in a play).

English Definition: scene (in a play). ###

L2 Definition: Bagian babak dalam sebuah pertunjukan/sandiwara. ###

Examples: Terlalu banyak ADEGAN kekerasan dalam filem sekarang. = There are too many violent SCENES in the film now. ###

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Word: adem

Short Definition: 1. cool, calm. 2. cold. 3. tasteless, flat. MENG-: cool s.o. off. Also KE--AN, +

English Definition: 1. cool, calm. 2. cold. 3. tasteless, flat. MENG-: cool s.o. off. KE--AN: felicity, peacefulness. PENG-: apparatus for cooling. ###

L2 Definition: Dingin; sejuk; perasaan damai. ###

Examples: Di Bandung udaranya ADEM. = In Bandung the climate is COOL. KEADEMAN suasana kota ini sangat menyenangkan. = The PEACEFUL environment of this city is very comfortable. Kipas angin ini digunakan untuk PENGADEM udara. = This fan is used as air COOLER. ###

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Word: adi

Short Definition: superior###

English Definition: 1. -- DAYA: superpower. --KAWASI: force majeure. --KODRATI: the supreme power of GOD. --KUASA: superpower. --MARGA: super or main highway. --BUSANA: haute couture. 2. splendid, highly valued.###

Examples: Amerika Serikat adalah negara adidaya: The United States is a superpower country###

Word: adik

Short Definition: younger brother, sister or cousin;+. BER-: have younger siblings. Also MEMPER-.

English Definition: ^*1 younger brother or sister or younger cousin. 2 form of address to younger brother or sister and younger people in extended family (esp. first cousins). 3 form of address from husband to wife, boyfriend to girlfriend. 4 form of address for service persons of either sex (waiter, etc.) younger than the speaker. BER-: have younger siblings.

L2 Definition: 1. Saudara muda. 2. Panggilan kepada orang yang lebih muda (istri dsb.). 3. Pertalian persaudaraan dengan yang lebih muda.###

Examples: ADIK saya ada lima. = I have five YOUNGER BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Apakah ADIK mau berbelanja? = Do YOU want to go shopping? ADIK IPAR saya ada di Jakarta. = My BROTHER/SISTER-IN-LAW is in Jakarta.###

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Word: adil

Short Definition: just, fair, equitabl; legal. MENG--I: administer justice. Also MENG--I, KE--AN,+

English Definition: ^*1 just, fair, equitable. 2 legal. MENG--I: 1 hear, try ( a case). 2 administer justice. KE--AN: justice, justness. PENG--AN: 1 the court. 2 trial, session. 3 courthouse. 4 jurisdiction.###

L2 Definition: 1. Tidak berat sebelah. 2. Sepatutnya/tidak sewenang-wenang.###

Examples: Kakak tertua harus ADIL pada adik-adiknya. = An eldest sister must be FAIR to her younger brothers and sisters. Keputusan hakim itu sangat ADIL. = That judge's decision is very JUST.###

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Word: adinda

Short Definition: my dear(est), darling###

English Definition: ^my dear(est), darling###

Examples: Juli memanggil adik bungsunya ADINDA = Juli calls her youngest sister DARLING.

Word: adipati

Short Definition: during the colonial era, this is a (respectful) title for the head of a residence in Java

English Definition: during the colonial era, this is a (respectful) title for the head of a residence in Java

Word: adonan

Short Definition: dough, batter###

English Definition: *^dough, batter MENG-I: knead, stir###

Examples: *ADONAN roti itu sangat harum = The bread DOUGH smells really good.###

Word: adpokat

Short Definition: avocado###

English Definition: avocado###

Examples: Makanan Meksiko banyak menggunakan ADPOKAT = Mexican food uses a lot of AVOCADO.###

Word: ADRI

Short Definition: "Angkatan Darat Republik Indonesia," the Indonesian army.

English Definition: acronym for "Angkatan Darat Republik Indonesia," the Indonesian army. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: adu

Short Definition: see ADU1 (compete . . .) or ADU2 (complain . . .).

English Definition: see ADU1 (compete . . .) ADU2 (complain . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: adu1

Short Definition: compete. BER-: to compete, confront or collide with s.t. Also MENG-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^compete. BER-: to compete, to confront or collide with s.t. ( also > RADU [for royalty]: to sleep). MENG-: 1 to put s.t. up for competition or confrontation. 2 bump, hit against s.t. PER--AN: contest, competition, confrontation. aduan sapi = bull fighting. (See the picture) ###

L2 Definition: memperlawankan. ###

Examples: Sebelum BERADU kedua ayam jago itu diberi makan secara khusus. = Before FIGHTING, those cocks are fed in a special way. Toni senang MENGADU ke dua temannya. = Toni likes to INCITE FIGHTING between his two friends. ###

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Word: adu2

Short Definition: MENG-: complain about, take legal action. Also PENG-, PENG--AN.

English Definition: ^MENG-: to complain about, take legal action. PENG-: an informer or complainant. PENG--AN: accusation, indictment. ###

L2 Definition: lapor. ###

Examples: Dia takut MENGADU ke atasannya karena kedudukannya yang rendah. = She was afraid TO COMPLAIN to her superior because of her low status. PENGADUANmu tentang kasus penganiayaan ini akan dibawa ke pengadilan. = Your ACCUSATION about this case of torture will be brought before the court.###

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Word: aduh

Short Definition: ouch! ow!; oh my! MENG-: lament; moan, groan. Also MENG-, TER-_-_, PENG-.

English Definition: ^*1 ouch! ow! (expression of pain). 2 oh my! (expression of disappointed surprise). MENG-: 1 lament. 2 moan, groan. TER-_-_: repeatedly moaning. PENG-: chronic complainer, grouch.###

L2 Definition: kata seru untuk rasa sakit atau heran.###

Examples: ADUH!!...pusing kepalaku. = OW!!...I have such a headache. ADUH!......bagusnya bajumu. = OH MY!...How nice your shirt is!###

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Word: aduk

Short Definition: 1. mix. 2. stir. CAMPUR ADUK = all mixed up.

English Definition: 1. mix. 2. stir. CAMPUR ADUK = all mixed up. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Campur; baur. 2. Putar-putar sampai semua bahan tercampur. ###

Examples: Semua bukuku BERCAMPUR ADUK dengan bukumu. = All of my books MIXED UP with your books. ###

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Word: adun

Short Definition: finery, fal-lals; elegance###

English Definition: ^finery, fal-lals; elegance *BER-: dress up, put on o.'s best things MENG-KAN: to dress up, to titivate o.s###

Examples: *Baru kali ini saya melihat Rey BERADUN = For the first time I saw REY PUTTING ON HIS BEST CLOTHES.###

Word: adzan

Short Definition: call to prayer.

English Definition: (Isl.) call to prayer.###

L2 Definition: Panggilan kepada orang-orang untuk bersembahyang; pemberitahuan waktu sembahyang (dalam agama Islam).

Examples: Setiap pukul enam sore ADZAN maghrib berkumandang dari masjid itu. = Every evening at 6 o'clock the sunset CALL TO PRAYER reverberates from that mosque. ###

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Word: aerogram

Short Definition: aerogram.

English Definition: *aerogram, airletter.###

L2 Definition: Surat yang dikirim lewat udara.###

Examples: Apakah kamu sudah mengirim AEROGRAMME ke luar negeri? = Have you already sent an AEROGRAM out of the country?###

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Word: afdal

Short Definition: 1) good, fine, nice 2) ritually pure###

Examples: 1) Supaya pertemuan berjalan ~, mari kita makan dulu = Let us eat first so that the meeting goes well. 2) Jangan sembahyang dulu kalau tidak ~ = Do not pray if you are not ritually pure.###

Word: afiat

Short Definition: health, well being, healthy###

English Definition: ^health, well being, healthy *MENG-KAN: give good health (God)###

L2 Definition: WAL-: hale and hearty

Examples: *Semoga Allah senantiasa MENGAFIATKAN keluarga anda. = Wish God always GIVES your family GOOD HEALTH.###

Word: AFTA

Short Definition: ASEAN Free Trade Area.

English Definition: ASEAN Free Trade Area. ###

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Word: agak

Short Definition: rather, somewhat; approximately, about. Also -NYA, BER-_-_,+

English Definition: ^*1 rather, somewhat. 2 approximately, about. *-NYA: it seems, probably. BER-_-_: intend. MENG-_-_: 1 suspect, guess correctly. 2 consider, ponder. MENG--KAN: determine carefully. MENG-_-_-KAN: guess, figure.###

L2 Definition: 1. kira-kira/lebih kurang. 2. sedikit. 3. sepertinya.###

Examples: AGAKNYA pertandingan itu akan berlangsung lama. = IT SEEMS LIKE that contest is going to continue for a long time. Buah ini AGAK kemahalan harganya. = This fruit is RATHER expensive. AGAKNYA hujan akan turun hari ini. = IT SEEMS AS IF it is going to rain today.###

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Word: agama

Short Definition: religion.

English Definition: *religion. BER- ____: to have a religion; BER-______ Islam: to be a Muslim (" to have Islam as a religion").###

L2 Definition: kepercayaan kepada Tuhan Yang Mahaesa###

Examples: AGAMA Islam = (the RELIGION of) Islam###

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Word: agar

Short Definition: in order that, in order to.

English Definition: ^*1 in order that, in order to, so that. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Sinonim: supaya. ###

Examples: AGAR mudah dibaca, tulislah dengan jelas. = IN ORDER THAT it will be easy to read, write clearly. ###

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Word: agar-agar

Short Definition: a k.o. gelatin made from seaweed.

English Definition: *a k.o. gelatin made from seaweed. ###

L2 Definition: Semacam makanan pencuci mulut. ###

Examples: Apakah AGAR-AGARnya sudah dibuat? = Has the GELATIN already been made? ###

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Word: agen

Short Definition: agency, branch, agent. MENG--I: distribute, manage. Also PER--AN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1. agency, branch. 2. agent. MENG--I: distribute, manage. PER--AN, KE--AN: agency.###

L2 Definition: Perwakilan/cabang dari suatu perusahaan; mata-mata suatu badan/negara. ###

Examples: Pekerjaannya MENGAGENI penjualan koran-koran dan majalah-majalah. = His work is to MANAGE the sales of newspapers and magazines. Penataan KEAGENAN perusahan itu sangat rapi. = The organization of that company's AGENCY is very tidy.

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Word: agenda

Short Definition: agenda###

English Definition: agenda MENG~KAN = schedule###

Examples: Pemilihan umum DIAGENDAKAN pada bulan Juni 1999 = The general election is SCHEDULED to be in June 1999.###

Word: agung

Short Definition: great, exalted, high, noble. MENG--KAN: to glorify, elevate, praise. KE--AN: +

English Definition: great, exalted, high, noble. MAHKAMAH AGUNG = Supreme Court. KEJAKSAAN AGUNG = attorney general's office. MENG--KAN: to glorify, elevate, praise. KE--AN: grandure. ###

L2 Definition: besar; mulia; tinggi; suci. ###

Examples: Perkara itu sudah dibawa sampai ke MAHKAMAH AGUNG. = The case has been brought to the Supreme Court. KEJAKSAAN AGUNG akan mengusut masalah besar itu. = The OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL will investigate the big case. Masyarakat di sini MENGAGUNGKAN tempat itu sebagai tempat suci. = The people here GLORIFY the place as a sacred place. KEAGUNGAN budinya terpancar dari wajahnya. = The GRANDURE of his character is radiated from his face. ###

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Word: Agustus

Short Definition: August.

English Definition: August. ###

L2 Definition: Nama bulan sesudah Juli dan sebelum September. ###

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Word: ah

Short Definition: ah! alas!; yechh! (exclamation of disgust); intensifying negative particle.

English Definition: ^*1 ah! alas! 2 yechh! (exclamation of disgust). 3 intensifying negative particle (see usage examples).###

L2 Definition: Kata seru menyatakan rasa kecewa, menyesal, menolak, dsb.###

Examples: Ndak, AH! = No, OF COURSE NOT! AH jangan lakukan itu!...nanti dimarah oleh ibu. = AH! Don't do that! ...You'll get a scolding from mother later. AH!... menjijikkan sekali binatang itu. = YECHH!... That animal is very disgusting.###

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Word: Ahad

Short Definition: Sunday.

English Definition: Sunday. ###

L2 Definition: minggu (biasa digunakan oleh orang-orang yang beragama Islam). ###

Examples: Khitanannya akan diadakan AHAD depan. = His circumcision will be held next SUNDAY. ###

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Word: ahli

Short Definition: expert, specialist; virtuoso. KE--AN: expertise, skill, competence.

English Definition: ^1 expert, specialist. 2 virtuoso. KE--AN: expertise, skill, competence.###

L2 Definition: 1. Keluarga/sanak saudara/keturunan. 2. Orang yang pandai dalam suatu ilmu.###

Examples: Ketika dia meninggal, seluruh hartanya jatuh pada AHLI WARISNYA. = When he died, all of his possessions fell to his HEIRS. Untuk membuat kamus ini dibutuhkan seorang AHLI BAHASA. = A LINGUIST was needed to make this dictionary. ###

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Word: aib

Short Definition: 1. shame, disgrace, scandal; 2. error, mistake

English Definition: 1. shame, disgrace, scandal; 2. error, mistake *KE--AN: humiliation, disgrace, shame

L2 Definition: malu, kehinaan

Examples: Perbuatan Ida membuat AIB yang besar bagi keluarganya = What Ida did created a DISGRACE for her family. Sampai sekarang KEAIBAN itu masih dikenang orang = People still remember the HUMILIATION she had done to her family.###

Word: air

Short Definition: water, liquid; juice. BER-: have water; juicy. Also MENG-, MENG--I,+

English Definition: ^*1 water, liquid. 2 juice. *BER-: 1 have water. 2 juicy (as a fruit). MENG-: 1 turn into water. 2 like water. *MENG--I: 1 irrigate. 2 dilute with water. 3 give to drink. KE--AN: flooded, inundated. PENG--AN: irrigation. *PER--AN: waters; water territory. *--MATA: tears. ###

L2 Definition: Barang cair yang dipakai untuk minum, mandi, dsb.###

Examples: AIR ini sehat untuk diminum. = This WATER is healthy for drinking. AIR HUJAN tidak sehat untuk mandi. = RAINWATER is not healthy for bathing. Matanya BERAIR karena menangis. = His eyes are WATERING because he is crying. Pak tani sedang MENGAIRI sawahnya. = The farmer is WATERING his rice paddy.###

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Word: aja

Short Definition: see SAJA.

English Definition: see SAJA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ajaib

Short Definition: magic, miraculous, remarkable. MENG--KAN: miraculous. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: magic, miraculous, remarkable. MENG--KAN: amazing, miraculous. KE--AN: mystery, wonder. ###

L2 Definition: aneh; tidak masuk akal; menakjubkan. ###

Examples: Kesembuhan anaknya sangat MENGAJAIBKAN. = Her child's recovery was very AMAZING. ###

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Word: ajak

Short Definition: to invite someone along. Also MENG-, MENG--SERTAKAN, -AN,+

English Definition: ^*to invite someone along MENG-: 1 invite, ask. 2 urge. 3 challenge. MENG--SERTAKAN: invite along. *-AN: 1 invitation. 2 challenge. 3 stimulus. PENG-: inducement.###

L2 Definition: Meminta/menyilakan/menyuruh.###

Examples: Siapa yang MENGAJAK engkau pergi ke Jawa? = Who INVITED you to go to Java? AJAKANNYA ditolak secara halus. = HER INVITATION was refused in a polite way.###

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Word: ajal

Short Definition: death.

English Definition: death. ###

L2 Definition: Batas kehidupan; mati. ###

Examples: Dia masih tersenyum ketika sampai AJALnya. = He was still smiling when his DEATH came. ###

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Word: ajang

Short Definition: site, arena

English Definition: *--INDUSTRI: industrial estate *--PERTEMPURAN: warring arena

L2 Definition: kancah, tempat, arena

Examples: Daerah ini akan menjadi AJANG INDUSTRI yang modern = this area will become a modern INDUSTRIAL ESTATE. Ayahnya harus berangkat ke AJANG PERTEMPURAN = his father must be leaving for the WAR ZONE soon.###

Word: ajar

Short Definition: (Coll.) study. BEL-: study; learn. MENG-: teach, train, coach. Also MENG--I,+

English Definition: ^*(Coll.) study. *BEL-: 1 study. 2 learn. *MENG-: teach, train, coach. *MENG--I: teach, train, coach. *MENG--KAN: 1 teach something. 2 lecture, rebuke. MEMPEL--I: study carfully, in depth. -AN: 1 teaching, theory, doctrine, lesson. 2 punishment. PENG-: instructor, teacher. PENG--AN: 1 instruction, doctrine, teaching. 2 warning, reminder, admonition. PEL-: student. MEMPEL--I: study carefully, dilegently, in depth. TERPEL-: 1 educated, learned. 2 intellectual. PEL--AN: lesson, course, training.###

L2 Definition: 1. Suatu hal yang dikatakan kepada orang supaya diketahui. 2. Berlatih.###

Examples: Budi DIAJAR bermain bola. = Budi WAS TAUGHT to play ball. Siti mulai BELAJAR mengenal ibu tirinya. = Siti began TO LEARN to know her step mother. Dialah yang MENGAJARKAN matematika ini kepadaku. = She was the one who TAUGHT this math to me. Ayah MENGAJARI paman naik sepeda motor. = Father IS TEACHING uncle how to ride a motorcycle.###

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Word: ajek

Short Definition: constant, stable, steady.

English Definition: constant, stable, steady. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak berubah-ubah; sudah tentu; tetap. ###

Examples: Roda ini berputar dengan kurang AJEK. = This wheel rotates without enough STABILITY. ###

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Word: aji

Short Definition: spell, charm, magical formula.

English Definition: spell, charm, magical formula. ###

L2 Definition: Kesaktian; ilmu gaib; mantra. ###

Examples: AJI-AJI yang diucapkannya sungguh makbul. = The SPELL that he said was very effective.###

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Word: aju

Short Definition: MENG--KAN: file, submit (a protest); set forward, propose. Also PENG--AN.

English Definition: ^*MENG--KAN: 1 file, submit (a protest). 2 set forward, propose. *PENG--AN: submission, offer, tender.###

L2 Definition: 1. Mengemukakan. 2. Menampilkan.###

Examples: Jangan MENGAJUKAN pertanyaan yang aneh-aneh. = Don't PUT FORTH any strange questions. PENGAJUAN rencananya ditolak oleh kepala sekolah. = The SUBMISSION of his plan was rejected by the principal.###

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Word: ajuk

Short Definition: see ajuk1 (=observe) or ajuk2 (=mimic)

Word: ajuk1

Short Definition: observe###

English Definition: MENG-- . observe, estimate 2. test, to put the test, sound out. TER--: measurable, estimated. KE--AN: deeply fathomed. --AN: 1. sounding 2. guess, assumption.

Examples: 1) Inilah waktu yang tepat untuk ~ karakternya = This is a good time to obeserve her characters. 2) Saya curiga, mungkin ia mau ~ = I suspected he may want to test me.##

Word: ajuk2

Short Definition: mimic, imitate, parrot, mock###

English Definition: --AN: mimicry##

Examples: Murid yang nakal itu ~ gurunya = That naughty pupil mimicked his teacher.###

Word: ajun

Short Definition: purpose. MENG-: intend to, plan to.

English Definition: purpose. MENG-: intend to, plan to. ###

L2 Definition: maksud; tujuan. ###

Examples: Pak Kasim MENGAJUN menjadi kepala desa. = Pak Kasim INTENDS TO become the village head. ###

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Word: Akabri

Short Definition: Armed Forces Academy.

English Definition: (Akademi Angkatan Bersenjata) Armed Forces Academy. ###

L2 Definition: Akademi Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia. ###

Examples: Anakku yang tertua diterima masuk AKABRI. = My eldest son is accepted to enter AKABRI.###

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Word: akad

Short Definition: contract, agreement, covenant. BER-: settle an agreement. MENG--KAN: +

English Definition: contract, agreement, covenant. BER-: settle an agreement. MENG--KAN: enter into an agreement. ###

L2 Definition: Janji; kontrak; persetujuan; kesepakatan. ###

Examples: Perjanjian ini sudah BERAKAD. = This agreement has already been PUT INTO CONTRACT. Siapa yang akan MENGAKADKAN jual-beli ini? = Who PUT INTO CONTRACT this sale?###

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Word: akademi

Short Definition: academy.

English Definition: academy. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk menimba ilmu (setingkat perguruan tinggi). ###

Examples: AKADEMI kepariwisataan ini baru berdiri tahun lalu. = This tourism ACADEMY was just founded last year. ###

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Word: akademis

Short Definition: academic.

English Definition: academic. ###

L2 Definition: akademik; bersifat akademi. ###

Examples: Pelajaran yang ditawarkan tidak bersifat AKADEMIS. = The lesson that is offered is not academic.###

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Word: akaid

Short Definition: dogma.

English Definition: dogma. ###

L2 Definition: Kepercayaan/agama yang tidak boleh dipermasalahkan karena bersifat sudah pasti; dogma. ###

Examples: Tuhan itu ada, dan itu adalah AKAID. = God is exists, and that is a DOGMA. ###

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Word: akal

Short Definition: 1. mind, intellect, reason. 2. intelligence. 3. way, tactics. 4. advice. +

English Definition: ^1. mind, intellect, reason. 2. intelligence. 3. way, tactics. 4. advice, instruction. 5. deceit, cunning. SE-, SE--BUDI: with all o.'s might, strength. BER-: 1. inteligent or smart. 2. be calm. MENG--I: 1. seek a way. 2. deceive, double-cross. MENG--KAN: seek a way, work s.t. out. -AN: fabrication, invention. ###

L2 Definition: pikiran; kecerdasan; daya; upaya; cara melakukan sesuatu; taktik; dll. ###

Examples: Keberadaan seluruh alam belum dapat dicerna SEAKALBUDI manusia. = The existence of the universe can yet be digested by human itelligent. Kalau kurang BERAKAL niscaya kami sudah celaka. = If we were not SMART enough we must have been in trouble. Pandai betul kau MENGAKALI adikmu. = You are very smart TO TRICK your little brother/sister. Pikir yang benar jangan hanya AKAL-AKALAN. = Think straight and don't just made a fabrication. ###

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Word: akali

Short Definition: intelligent; logical.

English Definition: intelligent; logical. ###

L2 Definition: Berdasarkan logika. ###

Examples: Tindakannya sulit dimengerti secara AKALI. = His action is difficult to understand LOGICALLY. ###

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Word: akan

Short Definition: will, about to; about, regarding. Also SE-_-_, MENG-, MENG--KAN,+

English Definition: ^*1 will, about to (particle marking future events). 2 about, regarding. _-_: equally true. *SE-_-_: as if, as though. MENG-: aim, strive for. MENG--KAN: suppose. KE--AN: the future, futurity. -AN: horizon.###

L2 Definition: Mengenai/tentang. Hendak/bakal terjadi. ###

Examples: AKAN halnya hutangmu, jangan dipikir lagi. = Don't think further ABOUT the matter of your debt. Abang AKAN pergi kemana? = Where WILL you (a call for older brother/person) be going? Dia merasa SEAKAN-AKAN dunia adalah miliknya. = He felt AS IF the world was his own. ###

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Word: akar

Short Definition: 1. root. 2. source. -NYA: source or origin (of s.t.). BER-: 1. have roots in. +

English Definition: ^1. root. 2. source. -NYA: source or origin (of s.t.). BER-: 1. have roots in. 2. take root. MENG-: take root. MENG--KAN: calculate the square root. -AN: 1. several k.o. roots. 2. s.t. like a root. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian terbawah dari suatu tumbuh-tumbuhan; dasar; sumber. ###

Examples: Agama Hindu di Indonesia AKARNYA dari India. = The ROOT of Hinduism in Indonesia came from India. Kebiasaan ini telah berurat BERAKAR dalam masyarakat. = This custom has been ROOTED in the society. Pohon yang baru kutanam itu sudah mulai MENGAKAR. = The tree that I have just planted has begun to GROW ROOT. ###

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Word: akbar

Short Definition: 1. great, exalted. 2. bid. KE--AN: exaltation, elevation, glorification.

English Definition: 1. great, exalted. 2. big. KE--AN: exaltation, elevation, glorification. ###

L2 Definition: besar. ###

Examples: Kami akan mengadakan pawai AKBAR minggu depan. = We will hold a BIG parade next week. Tidak ada yang bisa menyamai KEAKBARAN konser musik ini. = Nothing can match the greatness of this music concert. ###

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Word: akhir

Short Definition: end, finish###

English Definition: end, finish -NYA: final, last -2: recently, of late BER-: 1. end 2. become extinct KEBER-AN: finality BER-KAN: end in *MENG-I: 1. conclude 2. kill TER-: 1. latest 2. last 3. ultimate -AN: suffix PENG-AN: ending, concluding###

Examples: *Truly MENGAKHIRI pidatonya dengan kata-kata yang menggelora = Truly CONCLUDED her speech with inspiring words.####

Word: akhirat

Short Definition: the hereafter, the beyond####

English Definition: 1. the hereafter, the beyond 2. eternity 3. for eternity KE-AN: concerning the hereafter###

Examples: ####

Word: akhirulkalam

Short Definition: in conclusion###

English Definition: in conclusion###

Examples: Setelah mengemukakan rencana ini, AKHIRULKALAM, saya berharap kita dapat bekerja sama dengan baik = Having said this plan, IN CONCLUSION, I hope we can work together.###

Word: aki

Short Definition: aki1: storage battery. aki2: grandfather

English Definition: *aki1: storage battery **aki2: grandfather. ###

L2 Definition: Benda yang berguna untuk menghidupkan mesin; baterai. ###

Examples: *Mobil yang mogok itu barangkali disebabkan oleh AKInya yang rusak. =Maybe that car stalled because of its run-down BATTERY. ###

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Word: akibat

Short Definition: result, consequence. NYA-: finally. BER: have consequences. MENG--KAN: cause.

English Definition: ^result, consequence. -NYA: finally, as a consequence. BER-: have consequences. MENG--KAN: result in s.t., cause.###

L2 Definition: Hasil dari suatu perbuatan/usaha. ###

Examples: Karena malas belajar AKIBATNYA adikku tidak naik kelas. = Because she was lazy in studying, AS A RESULT my younger sister didn't pass to the next grade level. Pelarangan perdagangan di tempat itu BERAKIBAT bertambahnya pengangguran. = Trade restrictions in that place HAD THE RESULT of increasing unemployment. Perputaran bumi pada sumbunya MENGAKIBATKAN terjadinya siang dan malam. = The turning of the earth on its axis RESULTS IN there being day and night. ###

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Word: akidah

Short Definition: belief, faith.

English Definition: belief, faith. ###

L2 Definition: keyakinan; kepercayaan. ###

Examples: Percaya pada Tuhan adalah AKIDAH agama yang mendasar. = Faith in God is the basis of religous beliefs###

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Word: akik

Short Definition: carnelian, agate###

English Definition: ^carnelian, agate###

Examples: ###

Word: akilbalig

Short Definition: of age, grown up (from age 15 on)

English Definition: *^1. of age, grown up (from age 15 on) 2. legally responsible###

Examples: *Eka sudah memasuki usia AKILBALIG = Eka is now GROWN UP.###

Word: akord

Short Definition: harmonic chords###

English Definition: harmonic chords###

Examples: ####

Word: akrab

Short Definition: intimate, chummy. BER--AN: be chummy with, be close to. Also MENG--KAN,+

English Definition: ^*intimate, chummy, familiar with. BER--AN: be chummy with, be close to. *MENG--KAN: bring close, strengthen (friendships, etc.). *KE--AN: 1 intimacy, familiarity.###

L2 Definition: Sudah biasa. Dekat/erat. Sinonim: Karib.###

Examples: Penjahat itu sudah AKRAB dengan penjara. = That crook is already FAMILIAR with prison. Sahabat AKRABNYA pindah ke kota lain. = Her INTIMATE friend moved to another city. Dia berusaha MENGAKRABKAN adik-adiknya. = He is trying to GET his younger siblings TO BE CLOSE TO ONE ANOTHER. KEAKRABAN keluarga Pak Ali perlu dicontoh. = The INTIMACY of Pak Ali's family is an example to be followed. ###

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Word: aksen

Short Definition: accent

English Definition: accent

L2 Definition: logat

Examples: Orang Jawa biasanya mempunyai AKSEN yang sangat kuat = The Javanese usually has a very strong ACCENT.##

Word: aksentuasi

Short Definition: accent###

English Definition: MENG--KAN: 1.accentuate, stress, accentuating. 2. accent, stress. 3. emphasis, stress. ###

Examples: Dia senang ~ rasa daerahisme dan sukuismenya = He likes to stress the feeling of his feelings of regionalism and ethnicism.###

Word: aksi

Short Definition: action, lawsuit, boasting. BER-: be in action, show off. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^1. action. 2. lawsuit. 3. boasting, pretense. BER-: 1. be in action. 2. show off. -AN: put on airs to get attention.###

L2 Definition: tindakan; gaya; gerakan; sikap. ###

Examples: Pandai sekali anak itu BERAKSI di depan kamera. = That child is very good at SHOWING OFF in front of the camera. ###

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Word: akta

Short Definition: official document

English Definition: official document *-KELAHIRAN = birth certificate *-KEMATIAN = death certificate *-PERNIKAHAN = marriage license

Examples: Setiap anak harus mempunyai AKTA KELAHIRAN = Every child must have BIRTH CERTIFICATE.##

Word: akte

Short Definition: official document; see AKTA

Word: aktris

Short Definition: aktris.

English Definition: actress (The picture shows Christine Hakim, a famous Indonesian film actree###

L2 Definition: Wanita yang pekerjaannya beraksi di atas pentas/pertunjukan. ###

Examples: Christine Hakim adalah seorang AKTRIS film yang terkenal di Indonesia. = Christine Hakim is a film actress who is well known in Indonesia.

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See a Picture

Word: aku

Short Definition: I (familiar first-person pronoun). Also BER-, MENG-, MENG--I,+

English Definition: ^*I (familiar first-person pronoun). BER-: to use "aku", to be familiar when talking to another. *MENG-: 1 confess. 2 guarantee, promise. 3 claim to be. 4 consider as one's own. 5 always talk about oneself, boast about oneself. *MENG--I: 1 acknowledge, admit. 2 confess, admit. 3 recognize, acknowledge. KE--AN: egosim. -AN: 1 confession, admission. 2 genie, spirit. PENG-: one who confesses. PENG--AN: 1 confession (of faith). 2 acknowledgment. 3 avowal. 4 admission (of guilt).###

L2 Definition: Diri-sendiri. Kata ganti orang pertama. Sinonim: saya.###

Examples: AKU sedang belajar, jangan diganggu!. = I'M studying. Don't bother me! Pencuri itu MENGAKU mengambil uang. = That thief CONFESSED to stealing money. Polisi MENGAKUI pencuri itu memang pandai. = The police ACKNOWLEDGE that that thief is very clever.###

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Word: akumulasi

Short Definition: accumulation.

English Definition: accumulation. ###

L2 Definition: pengumpulan; penimbunan. ###

Examples: Kemarahannya itu akibat dari AKUMULASI rasa kecewanya. = His anger was caused by the ACCUMULATION of his upset feelings. ###

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Word: akuntabilitas

Short Definition: accountability

English Definition: accountability

Examples: ###

Word: akur

Short Definition: agree to do, go along with###

English Definition: MENG--I: agree with. MENG--KAN: 1. reconciliate. 2. check. 3. harmonize. KE--AN: conformity. 2. harmony. --AN: mutually agree. PENG--AN: harmonization.###

Examples: 1. Ia ~ untuk pergi dengan saya = He agreed to go with me. 2. Polisi dan wartawan itu sudah ~ kembali = A policeman and a journalist eventually muatually agreed to quiet down.###

Word: AL

Short Definition: abbreviation of "Angkatan Laut" or the Navy

English Definition: abbreviation of "Angkatan Laut" or the Navy

Examples: ###

Word: Al-Quran

Short Definition: the Koran.

English Definition: the Koran. ###

L2 Definition: Kitab pedoman bagi umat Islam. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ala

Short Definition: in the style of.

English Definition: in the style of. ###

L2 Definition: seperti; secara. ###

Examples: Sate ayam ALA Madura enak sekali rasanya. = The roasted chicken pieces IN THE STYLE OF Madura is very delicious. ###

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Word: alaihissalam

Short Definition: upon Him be peace (Isl.) ###

English Definition: ^upon Him be peace (Isl.) -- used after mentioning one of the prophets other than Mohammad.###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Orang Islam, Kristen, dan Yahudi percaya akan kehadiran Nabi Musa ALAIHISSALAM = Moslems, Christians, Jews believe in the presence of Prophet Moses ALAIHISSALAM (Upon Him be peace).###

Word: alaikum

Short Definition: see ASALAMU'ALAIKUM.

English Definition: see ASALAMU'ALAIKUM. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: alaikum salam

Short Definition: Peace be unto you (Isl.)

English Definition: Peace be unto you (Isl.) -- used to respond the greeting: assalam alaikum###

Examples: Andi: Assalam alaikum Mr. Mursidi! (Peace be unto you, Mr. Mursidi) Mr. Mursidi: Alaikum salam, Andi! (Peace be unto you, Andi)####

Word: alam

Short Definition: world, realm; nature, natural. Also KE--AN, MENG--I, PENG--AN,+

English Definition: ^*1 world, realm. 2 nature, natural. KE--AN: quality, nature, character. *MENG--I: experience (verb). *PENG--AN: experience (noun). BERPENG--AN: have experience, be experienced.###

L2 Definition: Dunia. Daerah.###

Examples: ALAM Minangkabau terkenal sangat indah. = The Minangkabau REGION is famous for its beauty. Mengajar bahasa Indonesia adalah PENGALAMAN yang berharga bagiku. = Teaching Indonesian language is a valuable EXPERIENCE to me. Ketika membuat pekerjaan rumah, saya MENGALAMI kesukaran. = I EXPERIENCED difficulty when I tried to do the homework. ###

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Word: alamat

Short Definition: address; omen, sign, indication. MENG--I: put address on. Also SI-, BER-,+

English Definition: ^*1 address. 2 omen, sign, indication. SI-: the addressee. *BER-: 1 have an address. 2 indicate. 3 be titled (of a book). MENG--I: put address on. MENG--KAN: 1 address s. t. 2 indicate, foretell.###

L2 Definition: 1. Tanda. 2. Sasaran. 3. Tempat yang jadi sasaran/tujuan surat.###

Examples: Hujan yang deras ini adalah ALAMAT yang kurang baik. = This strong rain is not a good OMEN. Di mana ALAMAT rumahmu? = What is the ADDRESS of your house? Rumahnya BERALAMAT di jalan Malioboro. = His house HAS ITS ADDRESS on Malioboro Street. Adik MENGALAMATI suratnya untuk dikirim ke tempat tujuan. = My younger sister ADDRESSES her letter to be sent to its intended destination. Bunga itu DIALAMATKAN pada pacarnya.= The flower IS ADDRESSED to his girlfriend. ###

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Word: alamiah

Short Definition: natural, concern with nature

English Definition: natural, concern with nature

Examples: Perawatan rambut secara ALAMIAH disukai kaum wanita = Natural hair treatment is liked by women.

Word: alang-alang

Short Definition: tall, coarse grass (syn. ILALANG)

English Definition: tall, coarse grass

L2 Definition: rumput tinggi dan kasar atau ilalang

Examples: Rumah Pak Amin tidak terurus lagi dan dipenuhi dengan ALANG-ALANG = Nobody is taking care of Pak Amin's house and now it is filled with TALL AND COARSE GRASS.##

Word: alang1

Word: alang2

Short Definition: 1. crosswise, diagonal. 2. crossbeam, bar##

English Definition: MENG--: lie athwart or across. MENG--KAN: place s.t. athwart.###

Examples: 1. ~ rumah = Partitioning in a house. 2. Pohon ~ di jalan = A tree lies across the road.###

Word: alangkah

Short Definition: (exclamation) how(very)...!

English Definition: (exclamation) how (very) ...! alangkah senang = how wonderful! ###

L2 Definition: Kata seru untuk rasa kagum atau senang; betapa. ###

Examples: ALANGKAH indahnya pemandangan di sini! = HOW wonderful is the view over here! ###

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Word: alaram

Short Definition: alarm, danger signal###

English Definition: ^alarm, danger signal###

Examples: ALARAM berbunyi keras ketika asap api memenuhi ruangan kelas = The ALARM went off loudly when smoke filled up the class room.###

Word: alas

Short Definition: 1. base, foundation. 2. lay, covering. BER-(-KAN): be based on. Also BER--AN, +

English Definition: 1. base, foundation. 2. layer, covering. BER-(-KAN): be based on. BER--AN: have a base or foundation. MENG-(-I): 1. cover. 2. lay a foundation. -AN: 1. reason, excuse. 2. basis, foundation. 3. evidence, grounds. ###

L2 Definition: dasar; fundamen; fondasi. ###

Examples: Tuduhan-tuduhan itu hanya BERALASKAN desas-desus belaka. = The accusations ARE BASED ON rumors only. Ucapannya tidak BERALASAN. = His statements have no BASIS. Ayah MENGALASI lantai dengan karpet. = Father COVERS the floor with carpet. Atik menuduh Rina bermain mata dengan pacarnya tanpa ALASAN. = Atik accuses Rina is flirting with her boyfriend without ANY GROUND. ###

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Word: alasan

Short Definition: have base; foundation; SEE ALAS

Word: alat

Short Definition: instrument, tool, device, equipment. MENG--I: equip s.o. with. Also MENG--KAN,+

English Definition: ^*instrument, tool, device, equipment. MENG--I: equip s.o. with. *MENG--KAN, MEMPER-: manipulate, treat or use as an instrument. *PER--AN: 1 instrumentation. 2 equipment, tools.###

L2 Definition: 1. Barang yang dipakai untuk mengerjakan sesuatu. 2. Barang yang dipakai untuk mencapai sesuatu maksud. 3. Perkakas/ perabot.###

Examples: Cangkul adalah contoh ALAT pertanian. = A hoe is an example of a farming TOOL. PERALATAN rumah tangganya sudah komplit. = Her household APPLIANCES are already complete. Perundingan itu adalah ALAT untuk mencapai perdamaian. = Negotiations are a DEVICE for attaining peace. Untuk mendapat kue, si Ali MEMPERALAT adiknya. = Ali USED his younger brother in order to get some cake.###

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Word: algojo

Short Definition: executioner, murderer.

English Definition: executioner, murderer. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang biasa membunuh/melaksanakan hukuman mati. ###

Examples: Hidupnya akan berakhir di tangan ALGOJO itu. = His life will end at the hands of the EXECUTIONER. ###

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Word: Alhamdullilah

Short Definition: Praise be to God.

English Definition: ^*(Isl.) Praise be to God.###

L2 Definition: 1. Segala puji bagi ALLAH. 2. Doa dalam agama Islam untuk menyatakan syukur.###

Examples: ALHAMDULILLAH, anakku sudah lulus ujian. = PRAISE BE TO GOD, my child passed her exam.###

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Word: alhasil

Short Definition: 1. eventually, in the end. 2. consequently, in sum, the result.###

English Definition: ###

Examples: ~, kami tak jadi pergi = The result was we did not go after all. ###

Word: alias

Short Definition: 1. i.e., namely, in other words. 2. alias, otherwise called.

English Definition: 1. i.e., namely, in other words. 2. alias, otherwise called. ###

Examples: Parno, ALIAS Si Musang, adalah penjahat yang terkenal di kawasan ini. = Parno, ALSO KNOWN AS Si Musang (The Weasel) is a well known criminal in this region.

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Word: alih

Short Definition: BER-: shift, alter position. MENG-: replace s.t.

English Definition: ^BER-: shift, alter position. MENG-: replace s.t. *MENG--KAN: to replace s.t., to shift. ###

L2 Definition: pindah; tukar;berubah; ganti. ###

Examples: Sekarang dia sudah BERALIH tempat tinggal. = Now she has CHANGED her residence. Siapa yang MENGALIH kursi yang di sini tadi? = Who SHIFTED THE POSITION of the chair that was here just now?###

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Word: alim

Short Definition: religious, devout.

English Definition: religious, devout. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak nakal; saleh; beragama dengan baik. ###

Examples: Anakku yang sulung sangat ALIM. = My eldest son is very DEVOUT. ###

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Word: aling

Short Definition: screen, protection. -AN: screen, protection.

English Definition: screen, protection. -AN: screen, protection. ###

L2 Definition: menutupi; melindungi. ###

Examples: ALINGAN itu sebaiknya dipasang di sini. = That SCREEN is better to be installed here. ###

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Word: alir

Short Definition: MENG-: flow, stream. -AN: flow, current, channel, trend (of thought, ideology).

English Definition: ^MENG-: flow, stream. -AN: flow, current, channel, trend (of thought, ideology). ###

L2 Definition: Bergerak ke depan/bawah. ###

Examples: Sungai ini akan MENGALIR ke selatan. = This river will FLOW to the south. ALIRAN listrik ini besar sekali. = These electric LINES are very big.###

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Word: alis

Short Definition: eyebrow.

English Definition: eyebrow. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Bulu ALISnya tebal sekali. = His EYEBROWS are very bushy.###

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Word: Aljazair

Short Definition: Algeria.

English Definition: Algeria. ###

L2 Definition: Nama suatu negara di benua Afrika bagian utara. ###

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Word: alkisah

Short Definition: the story

English Definition: the story; once upon a time #

Word: alkitab

Short Definition: the Bible

English Definition: the Bible.###

Examples: ###

Word: Allah

Short Definition: God.

English Definition: ^*God. ###

L2 Definition: Tuhan.###

Examples: ALLAH yang mahabaik dan mahamulia. = GOD is the All Good and the All Noble. Nasib seseorang ALLAH-lah yang menentukan. = GOD is the One who determines a person's fate.###

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Word: almarhum

Short Definition: term used to refer to a deceased person. ###

English Definition: term used to refer to a deceased person. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk orang yang sudah meninggal. ###

Examples: Bapak Syahrir ALMARHUM dilahirkan di kota Binjai. = The LATE Mr. Syahrir was born in the town of Binjai. ###

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Word: almari

Short Definition: see LEMARI

English Definition: see LEMARI

Word: alokasi

Short Definition: allocation###

English Definition: allocation *MENG-KAN: allocate DI-KAN: allocated###

Examples: *Pemerintah MENGALOKASIKAN bantuan obat-obatan ke korban kericuhan Ambon = The Government ALLOCATED medical aids to the Ambon's riots' victims.###

Word: alokir

Short Definition: MENG-:allocate###

English Definition: MENG-: allocate###

Examples: Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan MENGALOKIR dana sebesar 3 miliar rupiah untuk pendidikan tahun ini = The Government of the Province of South Sulawesi ALLOCATED the budget of 3 trilyun Rupiah for education this year.###

Word: alot

Short Definition: 1. tough (of meat) 2. difficult###

English Definition: 1. tough (of meat) 2. difficult###

Examples: Daging ini sangat ALOT sehingga susah di kunyah = This meat is very TOUGH so it is difficult to chew.###

Word: alpa

Short Definition: neglectful, inattentive

English Definition: neglectful, inattentive. *MENG--KAN: neglect. *KE--AN: 1.shortcoming, omission. 2. neglect.##

Examples: Dia ALPA akan kewajibannya = He is NEGLECTFULL of his responsibility.###

Word: alpukat

Short Definition: avocado

English Definition: avocado

Word: ALRI

Short Definition: "Angkatan Laut Republik Indonesia," the Indonesian Navy.

English Definition: acronym for "Angkatan Laut Republik Indonesia," the Indonesian Navy. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: altar

Short Definition: altar###

English Definition: altar###

Examples: Pengantin perempuan itu digandeng oleh ayahnya menuju ke ALTAR = A bride was hand in hand with her father walking to the ALTAR.###

Word: alternatif

Short Definition: alternative.

English Definition: alternative. ###

L2 Definition: Pilihan dari beberapa kemungkinan. ###

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Word: altruis

Short Definition: altruist###

English Definition: altruist###

Examples: ###

Word: alu

Short Definition: large pestal for pounding rice.

English Definition: large pestal for pounding rice. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu benda yang berbentuk bulat panjang biasa digunakan sebagai alat penumbuk padi. ###

Examples: Lesung dan ALU ini sudah tidak bisa lagi dipakai. = That mortar and PESTLE cannot be used anymore. ###

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Word: alun

Short Definition: wave, swell###

English Definition: BER--(2): 1. heave, roll, pitch, billow up. 2. be in steady movement. MENG--: 1. pitch, heave. 2. be in steady, rhythmic movement. MENG--KAN: put s.t. in steady motion. --AN: 1. wave (in air). 2. strains (music)###

Examples: 1. Tanaman padi ~ ditiup angin = The rice plants billowed as the wind blew over them. 2. Musik wals kedengaran ~ lambat = Waltz musid was heard playing in a slow rhythm. 3. Irama napasnya ~ naik turun dengan rata = The rhythm of his breath moved steadily up and down.###

Word: alun-alun

Short Definition: town square.

English Definition: town square.

L2 Definition: Lapangan; tanah yang luas di muka istana atau kantor-kantor pemerintahan. ###

Examples: Semua orang pergi ke ALUN-ALUN untuk melihat pawai. = All the people go to the TOWN SQUARE to see the parade. ###

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Word: amal

Short Definition: 1. deed, work. 2. good deed, charity. Also MENG--BAKTIKAN, BER-, MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: 1. deed, work. 2. good deed, charity. MENG--BAKTIKAN: put to charitable use. BER-: 1. be charitable, generous. 2. pray silently. MENG--KAN: 1. put into practice, apply. 2. do s.t. regularly. 3. carry out with devotion. -AN: good deeds, good works, regular practice. PENG--AN: doing of good deeds, sincerity in doing s.t. ###

Examples: Pak Saleh yang kaya itu selalu MENGAMALBAKTIKAN hartanya untuk anak-anak yatim. = Mr. Saleh who is rich always DONATES his money for the orphans. Mari BERAMAL untuk membangun masjid ini. = Let's BE CHARITABLE to build this mosque. MENGAMALKAN ajaran agama lebih penting daripada sekedar pandai berkhotbah. = TO PUT INTO PRACTICE the religous teachings is more important than just being smart at preaching. Tindakannya merupakan AMALAN yang benar. = His action is a true GOOD DEED. ###

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Word: aman

Short Definition: peaceful, calm; safe, secure. Also MENG--KAN, KE--AN, PENG-,+

English Definition: ^*1 peaceful, calm. 2 safe, secure. *MENG--KAN: 1 pacify, render safe. 2 place in protective custody, hold in custody. *KE--AN: 1 safety, security. 2 peacefulness, tranquillity. PENG-: 1 safe-guard. 2 pacifier, peacemaker, conciliator. PENG--AN: 1 (Mil.) pacification. 2 efforts to achieve security.###

L2 Definition: 1. Tidak ada bahaya. 2. Tidak merasa takut; tenteram; sentosa. ###

Examples: Bayi itu merasa AMAN di pelukan ibunya. = That child feels SAFE being held by its mother. Tentara MENGAMANKAN daerah itu. = Soldiers are PACIFYING that area. Untuk menjaga KEAMANAN, setiap orang harus diperiksa. = To ensure THE SECURITY, each person must be checked. Apakah kamu sudah memasang sabuk PENGAMAN? = Have you already fastened your SAFETY belt? ###

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Word: amanah

Short Definition: null

English Definition: BER--: instruct, issue an order. MENG--I: deliver a speech, give advice. MENG--KAN: 1. entrust, commit. 2. instruct, order. 3. delicate, set aside.###

L2 Definition:

Examples: see amanat

Word: amanat

English Definition: BER--: instruct, issue an order. MENG--I: deliver a speech, give advice. MENG--KAN: 1. entrust, commit. 2. instruct, order. 3. delicate, set aside.###

Examples: see amanah

Word: amarah

Short Definition: anger.

English Definition: anger. ###

L2 Definition: marah; berang; gusar. ###

Examples: Jangan kau perturutkan AMARAHmu, tidak baik bagi kesehatan. = Don't follow your ANGER; it is not good for your health. ###

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Word: amat

Short Definition: see AMAT1 (very, exceedingly . . .) or AMAT2 (watch closely . . .).

English Definition: see AMAT1 (very, exceedingly . . .) AMAT2 (watch closely . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: amat1

Short Definition: very, exceedingly.

English Definition: *very, exceedingly. ###

L2 Definition: sangat###

Examples: ...[ada] seorang raja ... yang AMAT gagah perkasa.=...[there was] a king ... who was VERY heroic and brave.###

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Word: amat2

Short Definition: MENG-_-_-I: watch closely, keep track of; inspect; monitor. Also PENG-, +

English Definition: ^MENG-_-_-I: 1 watch closely, keep track of. 2 inspect. 3 monitor. PENG-: observer. PENG--AN: observation, supervision, monitoring. ###

L2 Definition: Melihat secara teliti. ###

Examples: Majikan itu MENGAMAT-AMATI pegawai-pegawai secara baik sekali. = That supervisor WATCHES OVER the employees in a very good way. Di Amerika Serikat ada banyak PENGAMAT lingkungan hidup. = In America there are many ENVIRONMENTALISTS. PENGAMATANNYA sangat cermat. = Her OBSERVATION is very accurate. ###

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Word: ambang

Short Definition: 1. threshold, sill; 2. see AMBANG 2

English Definition: threshold, sill

Examples: Tingkat polusi di kota sudah melampaui AMBANG yang wajar = the polution level in the city is beyond the normal THRESHOLD.##

Word: ambang 2

Short Definition: float

English Definition: *MENG-- : float *KURS -- : [Fin.] floating rate

Examples: Ikan mati itu MENGAMBANG di laut = the dead fish FLOAT on the sea.##

Word: ambang1

Short Definition: threshold, sill###

English Definition: 1. ~ jendela : windowsill, ~ pintu : doorstep, ~ sungai : bar, shoal, bank. 2. railroad tie.###

Examples: ###

Word: ambang2

Short Definition: float###

English Definition: 1. kurs ~ (Fin): floating rate. MENG--KAN: float s.t. PENG--AN: floating (of currency)###

Examples: Anak itu ~ perahunya di sungai = A little kid floated his boat on the river.###

Word: ambil

Short Definition: take. MENG--KAN: get or fetch for s.o. Also BER-_-_-AN, MENG--I, -AN, +

English Definition: (see also AMBIL ALIH) ^take. BER-_-_-AN: give and take. *MENG--I: keep taking. *MENG--KAN: get or fetch for s.o. -AN: the take, the receipts. PENG-: taker. *PENG--AN: 1 removal, withdrawal. 2 the taking of, making of (a decision). 3 interpretation, understanding. ###

L2 Definition: sinonim: pungut. ###

Examples: Jangan AMBIL bukuku! = Don't TAKE my book! Dia hanya pandai MENGAMBILI uang orang tuanya. = He is only good at ALWAYS TAKING money from his parents. Setiap pagi anak kecil itu MENGAMBILKAN surat kabar untuk bapaknya. = Every morning that small child GETS the newspaper for his father. PENGAMBILAN keputusan yang penting harus dilakukan bersama. = MAKING a very important decision must be done together. ###

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Word: ambisi

Short Definition: ambition.

English Definition: ambition. ###

L2 Definition: *Keinginan besar untuk menjadi/melakukan/memperoleh sesuatu. ###

Examples: Hanya satu AMBISInya, yaitu menjadi guru. = He has only one AMBITION, which is to be a teacher. ###

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Word: amboi

Short Definition: hey! als! ###

English Definition: hey! als! ###

L2 Definition: Kata seru untuk rasa kagum/heran. ###

Examples: AMBOI!...cantik nian gadis itu. = HEY!....How beautiful that girl is. ###

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Word: Ambon

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Maluku (Moluccas) , Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Maluku in Indonesia. ###

L2 Definition: Ibukota dari provinsi Maluku. ###

Examples: Nyanyian itu berasal dari daerah AMBON. = The song came from AMBON area. ###

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Word: ambruk

Short Definition: collapse, fall down.

English Definition: collapse, fall down. ###

L2 Definition: roboh; jatuh. ###

Examples: Gedung itu AMBRUK karena konstruksi yang buruk. = The building COLLAPSED because of bad construction. ###

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Word: ambulans

Short Definition: ambulance.

English Definition: ambulance.###

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Word: amdal

Short Definition: AMDAL is an acronym for "Analisa Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan" or the environmental impact analysis

English Definition: acronym for analisa mengenai dampak lingkungan = the environmental impact analysis

Examples: Pemerintah mengeluarkan peraturan mengenai AMDAL = The government released the regulation about AMDAL (the environmental impact analysis). ##

Word: amit-amit

Short Definition: God forbid!

English Definition: an exclamation mark; God forbid!

L2 Definition: ungkapan ketidak-sukaan atas sesuatu

Examples: Mudah-mudahan saya tidak bertemu dengan orang seperti itu, AMIT-AMIT! = I hope I am not going to meet someone like him, GOD FORBID!. ###

Word: ampas

Short Definition: waste, dregs.

English Definition: ^*waste, dregs, what is left after the essence has been taken. ###

L2 Definition: Sisa barang yang sudah diambil sarinya. ###

Examples: AMPAS tebu itu tidak manis lagi rasanya. = That sugar cane WASTE doesn't taste sweet any more. ###

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Word: ampek

Short Definition: have difficulty breathing###

English Definition: have difficulty breathing, asthma###

Examples: ###

Word: ampela

Short Definition: chicken gizzard

English Definition: chicken gizzard.##

Examples: Ibu pandai memasak tumis AMPELA = Ibu is very good at cooking the CHICKEN GIZZARD.###

Word: ampera

Short Definition: see ampera1, see ampera2###

English Definition: see ampera1, see ampera2###

Examples: ###

Word: Ampera1

Short Definition: the Messages of the People's Suffering###

English Definition: Ampera is the abreviation of Amanat Penderitaan Rakyat or the Messages of the People's Suffering###

Examples: Presiden Sukarno menggunakan AMANAT PENDERITAAN RAKYAT sebagai slogan politik = President Sukarno used the MESSAGES of the PEOPLE'S SUFFERING as political propaganda.###

Word: ampera2

Short Definition: inexpensive###

English Definition: inexpensive###

Examples: Perusahaan Garuda Airways memberi harga AMPERA untuk mahasiswa yang mau berlibur ke Indonesia= Garuda Airways Company gave INEXPENSIVE price for students who wanted to go to Indonesia on vacation.###

Word: ampiran

Short Definition: (Jv.) stopping-off place###

English Definition: (Jv.) stopping-off place###

Examples: ###

Word: amplas

Short Definition: amplas1= fig tree amplas2= sandpaper###

English Definition: amplas1 = fig tree amplas2 = *sandpaper MENG~(I)= 1. scour 2. sandpaper###

Examples: *Tukang kayu menggunakan AMPLAS untuk menghaluskan papan = A carpenter uses SANDPAPER to refine a piece of wood.###

Word: amplop

Short Definition: envelope. BER-: within an envelope.

English Definition: envelope. BER-: within an envelope.###

L2 Definition: Kertas berlipat dengan ruangan di dalamnya untuk tempat surat, uang, dll. ###

Examples: Undangan khusus untuk Pak Gubernur BERAMPLOP kuning. = The special invitation to the Governor HAD AN ENVELOPE that was yellow. ###

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Word: ampu

Short Definition: support###

English Definition: *MENG~= support, prop up MENG~KAN= rule, reign over PENG~= support, means of support PENG~AN= guardianship###

Examples: *Presiden Habibie MENGAMPU pemisahan Timor Timur dari Indonesia= President Habibie SUPPORTS the separation of Timor Timur from Indonesia.###

Word: ampuh

Short Definition: see ampuh1, see ampuh2###

English Definition: see ampuh1 see ampuh2###

Examples: ###

Word: ampuh1

Short Definition: endowed with magical power, potent, effective (of medicine)###

English Definition: 1. endowed with magical power *2. potent, effective (of medicine) KE~AN= 1. magical power 2. potency###

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Obat ini sangat AMPUH dalam menyembuhkan beberapa macam jenis penyakit perut = This medicine is very EFFECTIVE in curing several kinds of stomachaches.###

Word: ampuh2

Short Definition: flood, overflow, inundation###

English Definition: flood, overflow, inundation MENG~(KAN)= flood, inundate KE~AN= flooded, inundated###

Examples: ####

Word: ampun

Short Definition: mercy. MENG--I: forgive.

English Definition: mercy. MENG--I: forgive. ###

L2 Definition: Permintaan maaf karena telah melakukan kesalahan; maaf. ###

Examples: Tidak ada AMPUN lagi bagimu kali ini. = There is no more MERCY for you this time. ###

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Word: amput

Short Definition: (Jv, Vulg.) MENG~= have sexual intercourse.###

English Definition: MENG~= have sexual intercourse *~AN= 1. female genitalia 2. mistress###

Examples: *Lady Di membenci AMPUTAN suaminya, Camila Parker = Lady Di hated her husband's MISTRESS, Camila Parker.###

Word: amputasi

Short Definition: amputation###

English Definition: amputation *MENG~= amputate###

Examples: *Kaki kiri Pak Ahmad DIAMPUTASI tiga tahun lalu = Mr. Ahmad's left foot was AMPUTATED three years ago.###

Word: amril

Short Definition: sandpaper, emery board or paper###

English Definition: 1. sandpaper 2. emery board or paper MENG~= sand, file###

Examples: ###

Word: amuk

Short Definition: BER-, MENG-: go beserk; rage violently. Also MENG--KAN, -AN, PENG-,+

English Definition: ^*BER-, MENG-: 1 go berserk, run amuck. 2 rage violently. *MENG--KAN: (Lit.) incite to violence, provoke. *-AN: 1 fight. 2 uncontrolled raging. PENG-: o. who runs amuck. PENG--AN: running amuck, fury, raging. PER--AN: fury, conflict.###

L2 Definition: 1.Menyerang dengan membabi buta (marah sekali). 2.Menghebat/menjadi-jadi. ###

Examples: Orang gila itu MENGAMUK di pasar. = That crazy person has GONE BERZERK in the market. Badai di laut sedang MENGAMUK. = A storm is currently RAGING on the ocean. Tingkah lakunya MENGAMUKKAN lawan yang sedang marah. = His actions PROVOKED his angry opponent. AMUKAN kerbau yang sedang terluka sangat berbahaya. = THE RAGING of an injured water buffalo is very dangerous. ###

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Word: anai-anai

Short Definition: white ant, termite###

English Definition: ^white ant, termite###

Examples: Sehabis panen, banyak ANAI-ANAI memakan bulir padi yang tertinggal = After harvest, a lot of TERMITES eat the fallen paddy grain.###

Word: anak

Short Definition: a child, offspring, or descendent; a small version of. Also MEMPER--KAN,+

English Definition: a child or offspring or descendant; a small version of. ^MEMPER--KAN: 1 bear, bive birth to. 2 treat as o.'s own child. MEMPER-_-_-KAN: treat like a little child. KE-_-_-AN: childish, child-like. _-_-AN: doll. PER--AN: 1 of mixed ethnic origins (Eurasian or Chinese with some Indonesian ancestry). 2 uterus, womb. 3 hybrid (of cattle). *--BUAH: dependents, sub, smaller variant of, crew, staff members, loyal subjects, followers. ###

L2 Definition: 1.Orang yang masih kecil. 2.Orang yang belum dewasa. 3.Orang yang berumur sekitar 0-10 tahun. 4.Anak keturunan orang tua. ###

Examples: ANAK-ANAK sedang bermain bola. = The CHILDREN are playing ball. ANAK itu sudah menjadi gadis cantik. = That CHILD has already become a beautiful girl. ANAK ibu Sukri datang dari Yogyakarta. = Mrs. Sukri's CHILD arrived from Yogyakarta. Tingkah-lakunya sangat KEKANAK-KANAKAN. = His behaviour is very CHILDISH. Pak Ong sekeluarga adalah PERANAKAN Cina. = Mr. Ong's family are Chinese Indonesians. ANAK-ANAKAN yang dijual di toko itu bisa menangis. = The DOLLS sold in that store can cry. ###

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Word: analisa

Short Definition: analysis.

English Definition: analysis. ###

L2 Definition: Proses pemecahan suatu masalah dengan adanya dugaan akan kebenarannya. ###

Examples: Saya pikir ANALISAnya yang kurang tajam. = I think his ANALYSIS is not sharp enough. ###

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Word: ancam

Short Definition: threaten. TER-: threatened, in danger. -AN: threat.

English Definition: threaten. TER-: threatened, in danger. -AN: threat. ###

L2 Definition: Penyampaian tanda akan suatu maksud yang buruk. ###

Examples: Dia selalu merasa hidupnya TERANCAM. = He always feels his life is THREATENED. ANCAMAN itu datang dari sepupunya sendiri. = The THREAT came from his own cousin. ###

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Word: ancaman

Short Definition: threat; see also ANCAM

English Definition: threat; see also ANCAM

Word: anda

Short Definition: you, your.

English Definition: you, your. ###

L2 Definition: kamu; engkau. ###

Examples: Dimanakah rumah ANDA? = Where is YOUR house? ###

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Word: andai

Short Definition: if. -PUN: supposing that. SE--NYA: supposing or suppose that. Also BER-+

English Definition: ^if -PUN: supposing that. _-_: suppostition. *SE-(NYA), -NYA: supposing or suppose that. BER-: suppose. *BER_-_: suppose that s.t. might happen, talk hypothetically. *-KAN: assuming MENG--KAN: suppose, assume. *PENG--AN: suppostion, assumption. PER--AN: assumption. ###

L2 Definition: Misal; umpama. ###

Examples: Bagaimana ANDAIKATA dia tidak datang? = What about IF she doesn't come? ANDAIKAN benar dugaanku, maka hari ini akan turun hujan. = ASSUMING that my hunch is correct, it is goin to rain today. SEANDAINYA aku jadi burung, aku akan terbang kemana-mana. = SUPPOSING that I became a bird, I would fly everywhere. Orang-orang sedang BERANDAI-ANDAI di beranda. = People are TALKING on the porch. PENGANDAIANNYA tentang bulan dan bintang tidak masuk diakal. = Her SUPPOSITIONS about the moon and stars cannot be comprehended. ###

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Word: andaikata

Short Definition: supposing that, if.

English Definition: supposing that, if. ###

L2 Definition: seandainya; andaikan. ###

Examples: SEANDAINYA aku bisa terbang, aku akan berumah di awan. = IF I can fly, I will have a house in the cloud. ###

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Word: andal

Short Definition: MENG-KAN: rely on; also -AN: mainstay

English Definition: *MENG-KAN: rely on; also -AN: mainstay

Examples: Negara-negara OPEC MENGANDALKAN pendapatannya dari minyak bumi = the OPEC countries RELY ON oil income.

Word: andil

Short Definition: [fin.] share; contribution

English Definition: 1. share; 2. contribution

L2 Definition: saham; sumbangan; peranan; bantuan

Examples: *Perusahaan itu menjual sebagian besar ANDIL di pasar modal = That company sells its SHARES in the stock market. *Dia mempunyai ANDIL yang besar dalam menyelesaikan perselisihan itu = He has a big CONTRIBUTION to the solving of that conflict. ###

Word: andong

Short Definition: four-wheeled carriage drawn by two horses common in central Java.

English Definition: four-wheeled carriage drawn by two horses common in central Java.###

L2 Definition: Kereta beroda empat yang biasanya ditarik oleh kuda terdapat di DIY, Jawa Tengah, dan daerah sekitarnya. ###

Examples: kami naik ANDONG ke pasar. = We rode an ANDONG to the market. ###

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Word: aneh

Short Definition: strange, queer, peculiar. -NYA: the strange thing is. Also MENG--KAN, KE--AN,+

English Definition: ^*strange, queer, peculiar. *-NYA: the strange thing is. *MENG--KAN: 1 make o. consider s.t. strange. 2 be surprising. *KE--AN: 1 oddity, peculiarity. 2 idiosyncrasy. _-_-AN: 1 oddity.###

L2 Definition: Tidak biasa; ajaib; ganjil. ###

Examples: Kelakuan dia sangat ANEH hari ini. = His behavior today is very STRANGE. KEANEHAN gambar itu ada pada warnanya. = The PECULIARITY of that picture is in its colors. ANEHNYA, tidak ada yang melapor ke polisi. = THE STRANGE THING WAS, nobody made a report to the police. Mengapa kau mau MENGANEHKAN kataku ini? = Why do you want to MISCONSTRUE my words? ###

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Word: aneka

Short Definition: various, diverse, all sorts of. Also KE--RAGAMAN, BER-, KE--WARNAAN, MENG--KAN+

English Definition: ^various, diverse, all sorts of. KE--RAGAMAN: variety, diversity. BER-: variegated, mixed. KE--WARNAAN: variety. MENG--KAN: vary, make diverse. KE--AN: variety. ###

L2 Definition: macam; berbagai. ###

Examples: KEANEKARAGAMAN budaya ini yang memperkaya bangsa Indonesia. = It is the DIVERSITY of these cultures that enriches the Indonesian nation. Kulihat BERANEKA macam dagangan digelar di sana. = I saw ALL DIFFERENT kinds of wares displayed there. Dengan MENGANEKAKAN warna amplop itu kita bisa membedakan isinya. = If we VARY the colors of the envelope we can differentiate their contents.###

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Word: angan

Short Definition: 1. thought, notion, idea. 2. fantasy, illusion. BER-: fantasize, dream. +

English Definition: ^1. thought, notion, idea. 2. fantasy, illusion. BER-: 1. dream, fantasize. 2. aim, have ideals. MENG-(-KAN): 1. recall, contemplate. 2. imagine. TER-: thought, intended. -AN: idea, notion. ###

L2 Definition: pikiran; ingatan. ###

Examples: Saya pernah BERANGAN-ANGAN ingin menjadi pilot. = I once HAD THE DREAM of being a pilot. Supaya tidak kecewa jangan MENGANGANKAN dia menjadi istrimu. = So as not to be disappointed, don't FANTASIZE her to be your wife. Ini hanya ANGANAN sepintas saja. = This is just a passing FANTACY.###

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Word: anggap

Short Definition: BER--AN: be of the opinion; have an impression. Also MENG-, -AN.

English Definition: ^*BER--AN: 1 be of the opinion. 2 have an impression *MENG-: regard as, consider, deem. *-AN: 1 opinion, belief. 2 judgment. 3 suspicion, hunch, impression. ###

L2 Definition: Memandang sebagai....; berpendapat bahwa..... ###

Examples: ANGGAPlah ini hanya lelucon saja. = CONSIDER this is just a joke. Jangan BERANGGAPAN salah dengan pendapatku. = Don't HOLD A WRONG IMPRESSION of my point of view. Aku telah MENGANGGAPMU sebagai adik sendiri. = I have come to CONSIDER YOU as my own younger brother. ......DIANGGAP apa aku ini? = ......what do you CONSIDER me to be? Menurut ANGGAPAN umum, hal itu tidak benar. = According to public OPINION, that matter isn't true. ###

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Word: anggar

Short Definition: MENG-: estimate, calculate. MENG--KAN: draw up a budget. -AN: estimate. +

English Definition: MENG-: estimate, calculate. MENG--KAN: draw up a budget. -AN: estimate, budget. PENG--AN: budgeting. ###

L2 Definition: Perkiraan suatu rencana belanja/pembangunan, dll. ###

Examples: Pemerintah sudah MENGANGGARKAN lebih dari tiga milyar rupiah untuk pembangunan jalan ini. = The government has BUDGETED more than three billion rupiahs for the construction of this road. ###

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Word: anggota

Short Definition: member (of an organization); body part, limb; part, component. Also BER-,+

English Definition: ^*1 member (of an organization). 2 body part, limb. 3 part, component. BER-: have as member. *BER--KAN: be composed of, have as members. *KE--AN: membership. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Bagian dari tubuh (biasanya tangan dan kaki). 2. Orang yang masuk dalam satu golongan/organisasi. ###

Examples: Jangan keluarkan ANGGOTA badanmu di jendela kereta api. = Don't stick any of your LIMBS out of the train window. Organisasi itu BERANGGOTAKAN para ilmuwan. = That organization is COMPOSED of scientists. KEANGGOTAAN Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat sangat terbatas. = The MEMBERSHIP of the Legislative Assembly is very limited. ###

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Word: anggrek

Short Definition: orchid.

English Definition: orchid. ###

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Word: angguk

Short Definition: a nod. MENG-: to nod. MENGANGGUK-ANGGUKKAN=to no several times.

English Definition: a nod. MENG-: to nod. MENGANGGUK-ANGGUKKAN = to nod several times. ###

L2 Definition: Menggerakkan kepala ke depan; tanda persetujuan. ###

Examples: Kepalanya MENGANGGUK walau hatinya bilang tidak. = His head NODS although his heart says no.

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Word: anggun

Short Definition: neat, handsome, elegant

English Definition: *KE--AN: elegance

L2 Definition: cantik mempesona

Examples: Maria kelihatan sangat ANGGUN dengan baju kebayanya = Maria looks so ELEGANT with the kebaya dress.##

Word: anggur

Short Definition: be unemployed, idle; cutting from a plant; grape, wine. Also (ME)NG-, PENG-,+

English Definition: ^ANGGUR1=to be unemployed, idle. (see also NGANGGUR) *(ME)NG-: (same as NGANGGUR). NGANGGUR: to be temporarily unoccupied. *PENG-: unemployed person. *PENG--AN: unemployment, joblessness. ^ANGGUR2=slip, cutting of plants. MENG-: 1 prepare cutting of planting. 2 transplant, plant with a slip. ^*ANGGUR3=1 grape. 2 wine.###

L2 Definition: 1. Tidak melakukan ada-apa. 2a. Minuman yang dibuat dari buah anggur. b. Tumbuhan/tanaman; buah.###

Examples: Sekarang saya sedang MENGANGGUR, jadi saya bisa membantu anda. = I'm IDLE at the moment, so I can help you. Jangan jadi PENGANGGUR saja, coba carilah kerja! = Don't just be an UNEMPLOYED PERSON, try to find some work! Masalah PENGANGGURAN di Indonesia susah dipecahkan. = The problem of UNEMPLOYMENT in Indonesia is difficult to solve. Berilah saya segelas ANGGUR untuk menghangatkan badan. = Please give me a glass of WINE to warm up my body. Buah ANGGUR yang dikeringkan disebut kismis. = GRAPES that have been dried are called raisins.###

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Word: angin

Short Definition: wind; air; rumor. BER-: windy; have wind circulating. Also BER-_-_, MENG-,+

English Definition: ^*1 wind. 2 air. 3 rumor. *BER-: 1 windy. 2 have wind circulating. BER-_-_: get some fresh air. MENG-: 1 become wind, disappear. 2 blow (of wind). *MENG--I: to supply with air. *MENG-_-_-KAN: 1 air, aerate, expose to the air. MEMPER--KAN: air, aerate. TER-: perceptible, noticeable. TER-_-_: spread (of news, rumors, etc.). *_-_-AN: blow hot and cold, fickle, be capricious. PENG-_-_-AN: aeration, airing. PER--AN: 1 ventilation. 2 balcony.###

L2 Definition: Hawa/udara yang bergerak.###

Examples: ANGIN topan melanda Filipina. = Taifun WIND runs down the Philipine. Jangan keluar! Udara sedang BERANGIN! = Don't go out! The wind is BLOWING! Supaya apinya cepat besar, coba DIANGINI. = For the fire to get big fast, try BLOWING AIR ON IT. Karena udara cerah, maka dia MENGANGIN-ANGINKAN bajunya di luar. = Because the air is bright and clear, he AIRED his shirt outside. Pendapatmu selalu ANGIN-ANGINAN, tidak pernah pasti. = Your point-of-view is ALWAYS CHANGING, never certain.###

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Word: angka

Short Definition: figure, numeral; rate; mark, grade. Also ANGKA-ANGKA, MENG--KAN,+

English Definition: ^*1 figure, numeral, digit. 2 rate. 3 mark, grade. ANGKA-ANGKA: 1 number. 2 statistics, figures. MENG--KAN: 1 mark, grade (exams, etc.). 2 mark, number. MEMPER--KAN: treat as numbers. PENG--AN: numbering. PER--AN: statistics.###

L2 Definition: 1. Tanda pengganti bilangan; nomor. 2. Nilai.###

Examples: Kecepatan mobil ini menunjukkan ANGKA 100. = The speed of this car is pointing to a RATE of 100. Berapa ANGKA yang kau dapat dalam matematika? = What was your GRADE in mathematics?###

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Word: angkasa

Short Definition: sky, heaven, atmosphere, outer space. Also MENG-, MENG--KAN.

English Definition: ^1. sky, heaven. 2. atmosphere, outer space.### MENG-: 1. be airborne, take off. 2. come to the fore. MENG--KAN: develop to the fullest.###

L2 Definition: Langit; awang-awang; lapisan udara di atas bumi; dll. ###

Examples: Pesawat percobaan itu akan MENGANGKASA bulan depan. = This experimental plane will TAKE OFF next month. ###

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Word: angkat

Short Definition: lift, raise; take away; begin to do s.t. BER-: depart. Also BER--NYA, +

English Definition: ^*1 lift, raise. 2 take away, remove. 3 begin to do s.t. *BER-: leave, depart, set out. BER--NYA: departure, leaving. *MEMBER--KAN: dispatch, send. *KEBER--AN: departure. PEMBER--AN: sending off, dispatch. *MENG-: 1 lift (up), raise. 2appoint, designate. 3 promote. 4 remove, take away. 5 take up. 6 adopt (a child), adapt (written material). 7 nab, pick up. MENG-_-_: praise. MENG--I: remove (many things). MENG--KAN: 1 lift up, raise. 2 roll up (o.'s sleeves). 3 dispatched. TER-: 1 able to be picked up. 2 unintentionally lifted up. *-AN: 1 branch of armed forces. 2 generation, age group, class. PENG-: 1 support. 2 instrument for lifting. 3 lifter, o. who lifts. PENG--AN: 1 appointment. 2 adoption (of child). 3 elevation. PER-: sets of equipment. SEPER-(-AN): a set of s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Menaikkan; membawa keatas. ###

Examples: Guru olah-raga menyuruh murid-murid ANGKAT tangan. = The gymnastics teacher directed the students to RAISE their hands. Kereta api akan BERANGKAT pukul 9 malam. = The train will LEAVE at 9:00PM. Saya tidak kuat MENGANGKAT besi itu. = I am not strong enough to LIFT those weights. Komandan sudah MEMBERANGKATKAN pasukannya ke medan perang. = The commander has already DISPATCHED his troops to the battlefield. KEBERANGKATAN Usman ke kota menyedihkan ibunya. = The DEPARTURE of Usman to the city saddened his mother. Banyak pegawai ANGKATAN tahun 1945 yang sudah pensiun. = Many civil servants from the GENERATION of 1945 have already retired. ###

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Word: angker

Short Definition: 1. eerie (esp. of haunted places); 2. [Coll.] terrible

English Definition: 1. eerie (esp. of haunted places); 2. [Coll.] terrible

L2 Definition: tempat yang berhantu, menakutkan

Examples: Rumah ini sangat ANGKER dan tidak ada orang yang ingin tinggal di sini lagi = This house is HAUNTED and nobody wants to live here anymore.###

Word: angket

Short Definition: 1. inquiry poll; 2. questionnaire

English Definition: 1. inquiry poll; 2. questionnaire

Examples: Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan pengumpulan ANGKET seluruh Indonesia = This research is the result of a public opinion POLL all over Indonesia.###

Word: angkin

Short Definition: women's waistband.

English Definition: women's waistband. ###

L2 Definition: Ikat pinggang untuk wanita yang terbuat dari kain. ###

Examples: ANGKIN ini kepunyaan nenekku. = This WAISTBAND is my grandma's. ###

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Word: angklung

Short Definition: bamboo musical instrument.

English Definition: bamboo musical instrument.###

L2 Definition: Alat musik yang terbuat dari bambu. ###

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Word: angkuh

Short Definition: arrogant.

English Definition: arrogant. ###

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Word: angkut

Short Definition: MENG-: 1. carry, transport. 2. carry away. 3. contain. Also MENG--I, -AN, PENG-+

English Definition: ^MENG-: 1. carry, transport. 2. carry away. 3. contain. MENG--I: pick up, collect. -AN: 1. transport. 2. shipment. PENG-: transporter, carrier. PENG--AN: transportation.###

L2 Definition: Membawa/mengirimkan sesuatu ke tempat lain. ###

Examples: Gerbong-gerbong kereta api itu MENGANGKUT beras ke kota lain. = Those train cars TRANSPORT rice to other cities. Truk itu sedang MENGANGKUTI pasir. = That truck is PICKING UP (a load of) sand. Colt-colt itu satu-satunya ANGKUTAN kota di daerah ini. = Those Colt vans are the only city TRANSPORTATION in this region. Gunakan bakul ini sebagai alat PENGANGKUT. = Use this basket as a CARRIER.###

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Word: angsa

Short Definition: goose.

English Definition: goose. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: angsur

Short Definition: BER-_-_: little by little; move forward a little. Also MENG-, MENG--I,+

English Definition: ^*BER-_-_: 1 little by little. 2 move forward a little. 3 in installments. *MENG-: 1 do gradually. 2 pay in installments. 3 move. MENG--I: pay for s.t. in installments. MENG--KAN: 1order s.o. to move. 2 pay s.t. in installments. 3 move forward. *-AN: installment payment. PENG--AN: 1 process of paying installments. 2 process of moving gradually.###

L2 Definition: 1. Sedikit demi sedikit.### 2. Lama kelamaan.

Examples: Karena miskin, untuk membayar sekolahnya dia terpaksa MENGANGSUR. = Because he is poor, he was forced to pay for his schooling by INSTALLMENTS. BERANGSUR-ANGSUR penyakitnya mulai sembuh. = LITTLE BY LITTLE he recovered from his illness. Si Kadir harus membayar ANGSURAN TV sebesar RP. 2000,- per bulan. = Kadir must make INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS of 2000 rupiahs each month for his TV.###

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Word: ani-ani

Short Definition: small knife used for harvesting rice.

English Definition: small knife used for harvesting rice.###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk memotong padi, biasanya berbentuk pisau kecil yang melengkung. ###

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Word: aniaya

Short Definition: 1. ill treatment, 2. tyranny, 3. injustice###

English Definition: ill treatment, tyranny, oppression, injustice * MENG~ = oppress, torture, beat MENG~I = 1. maltreat, torture, beat, viciously, 2. tyrannize, persecute TER~ = molested, mistreated PENG~ = tyrant, maltreater ** PENG~AN = 1. mistreatment, cruel treatment, molestation 2. oppression, tyrannical treatment, 3. battering###

Examples: * Polisi MENGANIAYA sejumlah mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam demonstrasi anti pemerintah = Policemen TORTUREd a number of students who were involved in the anti government demonstration.### ** Terdapat beberapa bukti bahwa tentara melalukan PENGANIAYAAN terhadap penduduk Timor Timur = There are several proofs showing that armies practiced CRUEL TREATMENTS to the people of East Timor.###

Word: anjak

Short Definition: thrust; push; shove

English Definition: *BER- : move, get up

Examples: Dia tidak mau BERANJAK sedikitpun = He did not want to move even a little bit.## Ayah BERANJAK tua san kekuatannya berkurang = Father is GETTING old and his strength is diminishing.##

Word: anjing

Short Definition: dog###

English Definition: dog###

Examples: ANJING itu berlari-lari di halaman rumah = A DOG is running around in the yard.###

Word: anjlog

Short Definition: 1. plummet; 2. descend rapidly

English Definition: plummet; descend rapidly; decline

L2 Definition: turun dengan cepat; jatuh dengan drastis

Examples: Karena tidak belajar, nilai ujian Ali ANJLOG = Because he did not study, Ali's grade PLUMMETED. Harga bahan bakar minyak ANJLOG setelah peristiwa itu = The price of oil DECLINED RAPIDLY after that event. ###

Word: anjur

Short Definition: anjur1 = BER-, MENG-: withdraw. anjur2 = MENG-: 1. stick out. 2. move on. +

English Definition: ^ANJUR1 = BER-, MENG-: withdraw. ANJUR2 = MENG-: 1. stick out, protrude. 2. move on or toward. MENG--I: 1. lead (a parade). 2. pioneer, take the initiative. MENG--KAN: 1. recommend, propose. 2. extend or project s.t. -AN: proposal, recommendation, advice, suggestion. PENG-: 1. proponent, advocate. 2. promoter. ###

L2 Definition: Memberikan/mengemukakan sesuatu supaya dituruti, mengunjukkan; memberi nasehat supaya seseorang melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Ayah yang MENGANJURKANku melanjutkan studi ini. = It was father who RECOMMENDED to me to continue my studies. ANJURAN bapak Bupati agar semua petani menanam tebu tidak dituruti. = The Regent's RECOMMENDATION that all farmers plant sugar cane was not acted upon. ###

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Word: anoa

Short Definition: dwarf buffalo###

English Definition: dwarf buffalo###

L2 Definition:

Examples: ###

Word: antap

Short Definition: solid, sound.

English Definition: solid, sound. ###

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Word: antar

Short Definition: 1 accompany. 2 inter- (used in compounds). Also MENG-, MENG-(-KAN),+

English Definition: ^ANTAR1=accompany. _-MENG-_: 1 send to e.o. 2 deliver (packages, letters, etc.). MENG-: 1 deliver, bring s.t. 2 carry, transmit. MENG--I: bring or send to s.o. *MENG-(-KAN): 1 accompany, bring s.o. to a destination. 2 see off. 3 introduce. -AN: 1 (Elec.) conductor. 2 an order, thing ordered.. 3 s.t. delivered. *PENG-: 1 companion, escort. 2 o. who delivers. 3 porter. 4 bellboy. 5 (Elec.) conductory. 6 introduction. ^*ANTAR2=inter- (used in compounds).###

L2 Definition: 1. Menemani. 2. Membawa. 3. Mengirim.

Examples: Persahabatan ANTAR negara-negara di Asia sangat erat. = Friendship AMONG nations in Asia is very close. Siapa yang MENGANTARKAN ibu ke pasar? = Who ESCORTED mother to the market? Saya senang melihat seragam PENGANTAR POS itu. = I like seeing the uniform of that POSTAL PERSON.###

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Word: antara

Short Definition: between; in, about (of time); in the meanwhile. Also -NYA, SE-,+

English Definition: ^*1 between. 2 in, about (of time). 3 in the meanwhile. *-NYA: 1 among (them), between. 2 distance, gap. SE-: all around, entirely. BER-_-_: 1 at intervals. 2 be at a distance. 3 have an intermediary. MENG--I: 1 come or be between. 2 intercede, mediate. *PER-, PENG-: 1 intermediary, mediator, go-between. 2 agent. 3 agency, expediter. PENG--AN: intercession, mediation. PER--AN: 1 intercession, mediation. 2 middleman, intermediary (individual or a body). 3 intervention. 4 relationship.###

L2 Definition: 1. Selang. 2. Ditengah dua benda; jarak. 3. Kira-kira.###

Examples: ANTARA kedatanganmu dan kedatanganku tidak berapa lama. = BETWEEN my arrival and your arrival wasn't very long. Pulau Bali terletak di ANTARA pulau Jawa dan pulau Lombok. = The island of Bali is located BETWEEN the island of Java and the island of Lombok. Lama perjalanan dari Yogya ke Jakarta ANTARANYA 10 sampai 12 jam. = The duration of the journey from Yogya to Jakarta is BETWEEN 10 to 12 hours. Seorang PERANTARA sangat penting artinya dalam upacara perkawinan di Indonesia. = An INTERMEDIARY has an extremely important role in wedding ceremonies in Indonesia. ###

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Word: antarbangsa

Short Definition: international.

English Definition: international. ###

Examples: Konperensi pedagangan ANTARBANGSA akan diadakan bulan depan. = INTERNATIONAL conference on trade will be held next month. ###

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Word: antariksa

Short Definition: 1.(outer) space; 2.interplanetary space

English Definition: outer space *-WAN : astronaut, cosmonaut *-WATI: female astronaut

Examples: Kami baru saja menonton film tentang perjalanan ANTARIKSA di masa depan = We have just saw a movie about SPACE travel in the future.##

Word: antariksawati

Short Definition: female astronaut.

English Definition: female astronaut. ###

L2 Definition: Astronaut wanita; awak pesawat antariksa wanita. ###

Examples: Sally Ride adalah ANTARIKSAWATI Amerika yang pertama. = Sally Ride was the first American FEMALE ASTRONAUT.

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Word: antarisksawan

Short Definition: astronaut.

English Definition: astronaut. ###

L2 Definition: Astronaut laki-laki; awak pesawat antariksa laki-laki. ###

Examples: Anakku bercita-cita menjadi ANTARIKSAWAN. = My son whises to become ASTRONAUT. ###

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Word: antartika

Short Definition: antarctica.

English Definition: Antarctica. ###

L2 Definition: Daerah Kutub Selatan (hampir seluruh permukaannya tertutup oleh es). ###

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Word: antek

Short Definition: (Coll.) henchman, lackey

English Definition: (Coll.) henchman

Examples: Kepala perampok itu mempunyai banyak sekali ANTEK-ANTEK = The leader of the robbers has many henchmen. ###

Word: anti

Short Definition: be opposed to###

English Definition: be opposed to, anti, resistant to.###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Mahasiswa semakin memperlihatkan sikap ANTI terhadap pemerintahan Habibie Students have increasingly shown their RESISTANCE TO Habibie's administration.###

Word: antik

Short Definition: antique.

English Definition: antique. ###

L2 Definition: Hal/benda kuno yang bernilai biasanya berbentuk aneh/lain dari yang lain. ###

Examples: Benda ANTIK ini harganya sangat mahal. = The price of this ANTIQUE good is very expensive. ###

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Word: anting

Short Definition: ~2 = earring, pendant###

English Definition: *~2= 1. earring, pendant 2. pendulum of clock MENG~= 1. dangle, sway 2. swing###

Examples: Saya memakai ANTING-ANTING sejak berumur dua tahun = I have worn EARRINGS since I was two years old.###

Word: antisipasi

Short Definition: anticipation###

English Definition: anticipation *MENG~ = to anticipate

Examples: *Polisi siap siaga MENGANTISIPASI demonstrasi mahasiswa = Policemen are alert TO ANTICIPATE students' demonstration.###

Word: antre

Short Definition: stand in line, queue up. -AN: a queue. _-_-AN: queuing up.

English Definition: ^* stand in line, queue up. *-AN: a queue. _-_-AN: queuing up.###

L2 Definition: Berurutan; berderetan.###

Examples: Untuk mendapatkan karcis kereta api kita harus ANTRE dahulu. = In order to get a train ticket, we must first STAND IN LINE. ANTREAN mobil ini panjang sekali, gara-gara ada truk yang macet. = This QUEUE of cars is very long just because there is a truck that broke down.###

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Word: antri

Short Definition: stand in line, queue up.

English Definition: (See ANTRE) stand in line, queue up.###

L2 Definition: Menunggu giliran, biasanya dalam barisan. ###

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Word: antusias

Short Definition: anthusiastic###

English Definition: anthusiastic###

Examples: Anak-anak tampak ANTUSIAS mendengar cerita Sang Kancil = Those kids are ANTHUSIASTIC to listen the story of Sang Kancil.###

Word: antusiasme

Short Definition: anthusiasm###

English Definition: anthusiasm###

Examples: ###

Word: anu

Short Definition: whatchumacallit, what's-his-name; (Math.) unknown quantity; say, by the way.

English Definition: ^*1 whatchumacallit, what's-his-name, ah-h-h (hesitation form). 2 (Math.) unknown quantity. 3 say, by the way.###

L2 Definition: Orang/benda yang tidak disebutkan namanya.###

Examples: Si ANU yang mencuri manggamu. = SOMEONE OR OTHER stole your mango. ANU, apa ini namanya? = BY THE WAY, what is this called? ANUNYA bayi itu digigit semut. = That baby's GENITALS were bitten by ants. Lima ditambah ANU menjadi 10. Berapakah ANU? = X added to 5 makes 10. How much is X?###

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Word: anugerah

Short Definition: boon, gift.

English Definition: boon, gift. ###

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Word: anumerta

Short Definition: posthumous.

English Definition: posthumous. ###

L2 Definition: Gelar/pangkat yang diberikan pada seseorang sesudah meninggal. ###

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Word: anut

Short Definition: attentive, meek, pliant. MENG-(-I): 1. follow, submit to. 2. practice, profess.+

English Definition: attentive, meek, pliant. MENG-(-I): 1. follow, submit to. 2. practice, profess (a religion). -AN: 1. adherence. 2. conviction, belief. 3. fad. PENG-: follower. PENG--AN: taking up (a religion or philosophy). ###

L2 Definition: ikut; turut. ###

Examples: Banyak anak-anak muda yang MENGANUT aliran sesat itu. = Many young people PRACTICE that deviant sect. Kepercayaan itu merupakan ANUTAN masyarakat di sini. = Those beliefs are the CONVICTION of this society. Pak Sastro adalah PENGANUT kejawen yang kuat. = Mr. Sastro is a strong BELIEVER on Javanese traditional beliefs. ###

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Word: apa

Short Definition: what, which; a question marker; or; "eh". APA-APA: anything. Also -NYA+

English Definition: (see also BERAPA) ^*1 what, which. 2 a question marker. 3 or. 4 eh (hesitation marker, filler word). *APA-APA: anything. *-NYA: s.t. -NYAPUN: whichever o. -PUN: 1 no matter what. 2 of any kind. BER-: 1 do what. 2 see BERAPA. *MENG-: 1 why. 2 do what. MENG--KAN: do what to. NG--IN: (Jkt.) 1 do what. 2 why. MENG-_-_-KAN: do s.t. (harmful).###

L2 Definition: 1. Kata tanya. 2. Sebagai pengganti sesuatu.###

Examples: APA arti kata-kata ini? = WHAT are the meanings of these words? Dalam hal ini saya tidak tahu APA-APA. = In this matter, I don't know ANYTHING. Saya tidak tahu MENGAPA Salam malas sekolah. = I don't know WHY Salam is lazy in school. APANYA yang sakit? = WHAT PART OF HIM is ill? BERAPA banyak baju yang ada di lemari ini? = HOW MANY shirts are there in this wardrobe? APAPUN permintaanya selalu dituruti oleh ibunya. = WHATEVER his request, it was always fulfilled by his mother.###

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Word: apabila

Short Definition: when.

English Definition: when. ###

L2 Definition: jika; kalau; kapan bilamana. ###

Examples: Saya tidak akan datang APABILA hari hujan. = I won't come IF it's raining.###

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Word: apakah

Short Definition: what, which

English Definition: See also APA

Word: apalagi

Short Definition: 1. above all, especially. 2. even less, let alone. 3. moreover, besides.

English Definition: 1. above all, especially. 2. even less, let alone. 3. moreover, besides. ###

L2 Definition: lebih-lebih; tambahan pula. ###

Examples: Hati-hati berjalan, APALAGI kalau sedang hujan. = Be careful in walking, ESPECIALLY if it is raining. Yani tidak bisa berjalan APALAGI berlari. = Yani can not walk LET ALONE run. Nanti saya antar, APALAGI saya pun mau ke sana. = Let me bring you there, MOREOVER I want to go there too. ###

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Word: apapun

Short Definition: see APA

English Definition: - no matter what - of any kind

Examples: APAPUN yang terjadi, saya akan tetap menunggu di sini = NO MATTER WHAT happened, I will be waiting here## Saya tidak memerlukan barang APAPUN = I do not need ANYTHING ##

Word: aparat

Short Definition: 1. apparatus. 2. institution, agency.

English Definition: 1. apparatus. 2. institution, agency. ###

Examples: APARAT pemerintah adalah pelayan masyarakat. = Government APPARATUS is servant to the society.

Hear This Word

Word: APEC

Short Definition: Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation.

English Definition: Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation. ###

Hear This Word

Word: apel

Short Definition: 1. apple 2. roll call

English Definition: see apel1 ("apple") and apel2 ("roll-call")

Word: apel1

Short Definition: apple

English Definition: (the e in apel1 is pronounced "uh") apple

L2 Definition:

Word: apel2

Short Definition: appeal, roll call, assembly

English Definition: (the e in apel2 is pronounced eh) 1. appeal (in law) 2. roll call 3. rally, assembly MENG- : to make an appeal, to take roll

L2 Definition:

Word: api

Short Definition: fire; flame, blaze; spirit. API-API: match; firefly. Also BER-,+

English Definition: ^*1 fire. 2 flame, blaze. 3 spirit. API-API: 1 match. 2 firefly. BER-: 1 have fire. 2 be on fire. 3 fiery, fervent. 4 very angry, livid. BER-_-_: 1 furious, raging. 2 glitter, shine, sparkle (of eyes). MENG-: 1 fan (a fire). 2 rouse (passions, spirit). 3 incite, stir up (trouble). 4 warm up. PER--AN: 1 fireplace, bazier. 2 ignition. 3 oven, range. 4 furnace.###*

L2 Definition: Hal yang menyala.###

Examples: API UNGGUN itu menyala sangat besar. = That BONFIRE is flaming up very large. Untuk menghangatkan badan di musim dingin, kita membutuhkan PERAPIAN yang baik. = To warm up the body during the cold season, we need a good FURNACE. Bung Karno selalu berpidato dengan BERAPI-API. = Bung Karno always speaks FURIOUSLY###

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Word: apit

Short Definition: hemmed in, wedged in

English Definition: hemmed in, wedged in. *BER--: 1. be wedged in, be hemmed in. 2. be close to e.o. 3. jammed. *MENG--: 1. flank. 2. press between s.t., clamp. 3. hold by pressing between. 4. enclose on either side. *TER--: hemmed or wedged in, surrounded. *--AN: clamp, press, extractor. *PENG--: clamp, paperclip, flanker, maid of honor or best man at wedding.###

Examples: Kawat ini BERAPIT dengan besi itu = This wire is JAMMED with the metal stick. Hasan MENGAPIT kertas itu diantara dua tangannya = Hasan PRESSED the paper BETWEEN his hands. Pencuri itu akhirnya TERAPIT oleh tembok tinggi dan polisi = The thief is finally TRAPPED between the high wall and the police.###

Word: apkir

Short Definition: put aside as non-functioning, cast off. MENG-: 1. reject. 2. condemn.

English Definition: put aside as non-functioning, cast off. MENG-: 1. reject (because of poor quality). 2. condemn ( a building). ###

L2 Definition: *Ditolak; ditampik; tidak bisa dipakai. ###

Examples: Saya harus MENGAPKIR mobil tua ini. = I have to CAST OFF this old car. Buang saja roda APKIRAN itu. = Just throw away that USED wheel. ###

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Word: Apodeti

Short Definition: Timorese Popular Democratic Association.

English Definition: (Associacao Popular Democratica Timorense) Timorese Popular Democratic Association. ###

Hear This Word

Word: apotek

Short Definition: pharmacy, chemist shop.

English Definition: pharmacy, chemist shop.###

L2 Definition: Toko atau tempat menjual obat (obat bebas atau obat yang sudah ditentukan oleh dokter). ###

Examples: Tolong belikan obatku di APOTEK. = Please help me buy my medicine in the PHARMACY. ###

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Word: apotik

English Definition: SEE apotek.###

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Word: apung

Short Definition: float

English Definition: float, buoyed up -2 floating object life buoy, float MENG- float float upward, soar MENG- -I hover about, float about MENG- -KAN set or keep afloat TER- floating or drifting about -AN drift PENG- buoy float, raft PENG- -AN floating ###

Word: arah

Short Definition: direction, purpose, resemble. Also SE-, MENYE--KAN, BER-, MENG-, MENG--I,+

English Definition: ^1. direction. 2. aim, purpose. 3. resemble. SE-: in the same direction. MENYE--KAN: point in the same direction. BER-: have an aim or purpose. MENG-: 1. aim, direct. 2. resemble. MENG--I: give directions to, resemble. MENG--KAN: 1. direct, aim, 2. intend. PENG-: manager, director. PENG--AN: briefing, instruction.###

L2 Definition: tujuan; jurusan. ###

Examples: Tujuan kami SEARAH ke selatan. = We are going in the SAME DIRECTION, to the south. Tembakannya sembarang saja tanpa BERARAH. = His shooting was random, without PURPOSE. Setiap pembicaraannya selalu MENGARAH ke soal uang saja. = Each his discussion always ended up TENDING TOWARD the problem of finances. Seminar ini bertujuan MENGARAHKAN para mahasiswa untuk selalu sadar hukum. = This seminar has the goal of DIRECTING students to always be aware of the law. PENGARAHAN dari ibu ketua akan menjadi acara pembuka. =DIRECTIONS from the chairwoman will be the first item on the agenda. ###

Hear This Word

Word: arak

Short Definition: rice wine.

English Definition: rice wine. ###

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Word: aral

Short Definition: hindrance, obstacle###

English Definition: ###

Examples: Kalau tak ada ~, saya akan datang besok = If nothing gets in the way, I will come tomorrow.###

Word: arang

Short Definition: charcoal. MENG-: become charcoal. Also MENG--KAN, PENG--AN,+

English Definition: ^*charcoal. MENG-: become charcoal. MENG--KAN: make into charcoal. PENG--AN: 1 charcoal making. 2 carbonization. PER--AN: 1 place for charcoal making. 2 matters pertaining to charcoal making.###

L2 Definition: Barang bekas terbakar (biasanya kayu).

Examples: Sesudah kebakaran, rumahnya menjadi ARANG. = After the fire, his house became CHARCOAL.###

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Word: aransir

Short Definition: arrange, arranger###

English Definition: MENG--: write the arrangement for###

Examples: Idris Sardi ~ lagu itu = Idris Sardi wrote the arrangement for that song.###

Word: aras1

Short Definition: border, limit###

English Definition: MENG--: 1. reach a limit, 2. checkmate. MENG--I: define, delimit. --2AN: feel to lazy to do s.t.###

Examples: Celananya ~ lutut = His trousers came up to his knees.###

Word: Aras2

Short Definition: the throne of God###

English Definition: ###

Examples: Tampak segala orang mati berdiri di hadapan ~ = There were seen all the dead standing before the throne of God.###

Word: arbei

Short Definition: strawberry###

English Definition: strawberry###

Examples: Terkadang ARBEI rasanya asam, terkadang rasanya manis = Sometimes STRAWBERRIES taste sour, sometimes they are sweet.###

Word: arca

Short Definition: statue, image###

English Definition: MENG--KAN: cast into a statue, make a likeness.###

Examples: Di~kan menurut dewa yang dipujanya = A statue was made according to the image of the god he worshiped.###

Word: are

Short Definition: 100 square meters###

English Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Word: arif

Short Definition: 1. learned 2. wise, clever, skillful 3. capable###

English Definition: MENG--I: understand, see. MENG--KAN: realize, understand. KE--AN: 1. learning, wisdom. 2. ability###

Examples: Ibu menyambut dengan pandangan ~ = Mother responded with a knowing glance.###

Word: arisan

Short Definition: regular social gathering for purposes of conducting a lottery.

English Definition: ^*regular social gathering whose members contribute to and take turns at winning an aggregate sum of money.###

L2 Definition: Pengumpulan uang oleh beberapa orang untuk kemudian diundi diantara mereka.###

Examples: ARISAN ibu-ibu sedesa akan diadakan pada tanggal 12. = The women in the the whole village are going to have a GET-TOGETHER FOR A LOTTERY on the 12th.###

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Word: arkeolog

Short Definition: archeologist.

English Definition: archeologist. ###

L2 Definition: Ahli arkeologi (ilmu purbakala). ###

Hear This Word

Word: arloji

Short Definition: timepiece, watch.

English Definition: ^*timepiece, watch.###

L2 Definition: 1. Alat untuk mengukur waktu. Sinonim: jam.###

Examples: ARLOJI ini milik siapa? = Whose is this WATCH? Banyak sekali model ARLOJI TANGAN untuk wanita. = There are many models of WRISTWATCHES for women.###

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Word: armada

Short Definition: fleet.

English Definition: fleet. ###

L2 Definition: rombongan; kelompok yang banyak. ###

Examples: ARMADA truk itu datangnya dari ibukota. = That fleet of trucks comes from the capital city. ###

Hear This Word

Word: aroma

Short Definition: aroma

English Definition: aroma

L2 Definition: bau harum

Word: arsip

Short Definition: 1. archives 2. file###

English Definition: KE--AN: 1. archival matters. 2. records. PENG--AN: filing, system for keeping archives.###

Examples: Di kantor kami cara ~ sedang diubah = At our office the method for keeping records is being changed.###

Word: arsitektur

Short Definition: architecture

English Definition: architecture

Examples: Bapaknya bekerja di perusahaan ARSITEKTUR bangunan modern = His father works at an ARCHITECTURE company to build modern buildings.###

Word: arti

Short Definition: meaning; sense; significance, importance. -NYA: that is, meaning. Also SE-,+

English Definition: ^*1 meaning. 2 sense. 3 significance, importance. *-NYA: that is, meaning. SE-: of the same opinion or meaning. *BER-: 1 mean. 2 be significant, meaningful. 3 valuable, useful. *KEBER--AN: significance. NG-: (Jkt, Sd) understand, comprehend. *MENG--KAN: 1 interpret, construe. 2 bear a meaning for, lead o. to understand. -AN: 1 meaning. 2 idea, concept. 3 interpretation. *PENG--AN: 1 understanding. 2 meaning, sense.###

L2 Definition: 1. Maksud yang terdapat pada suatu hal. 2. Makna; guna; faedah; kepentingan.###

Examples: ARTI dari sebuah mimpi selalu berbeda. = The MEANING of a dream is always vary. Apa ARTINYA kalimat ini? = What is the MEANING of this sentence? Kata ini SEARTI DENGAN kata itu. = This word has the SAME MEANING as that word. Dia sangat BERARTI bagiku. = She is very MEANINGFUL to me. Jangan MENGARTIKAN hal ini tidak baik! = Don't CONSTRUE this matter to be something not good! PENGARTIANNYA tentang tata bahasa masih kurang. = His UNDERSTANDING of language structure is still lacking.###

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Word: artikel

Short Definition: article, clomn, clause.

English Definition: ^1. article, column. 2. clause. 3. (ling.) article.###

L2 Definition: Karya tulis tentang suatu hal; pasal; kata sandang. ###

Examples: Artikel-artikel tentang masalah keluarga di majalah itu sangat menarik. = The ARTICLES about family problems in that magazine are very interesting. ###

Hear This Word

Word: artis

Short Definition: artist.

English Definition: artist.###

Examples: ARTIS-ARTIS Surabaya akan pentas malam ini. = ARTISTS from Surabaya will be on stage tonight. ###

Hear This Word

Word: artistik

Short Definition: artistic. KE--AN: artistic.

English Definition: artistic. KE--AN: artistic. ###

L2 Definition: Mempunyai sifat seni/berseni. ###

Examples: Saya tidak tahu di mana letak KEARTISTIKAN lukisan ini. = I don't know where the ARTISTIC aspect of this drawing lies.

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Word: arung

Short Definition: MENG--I: to wade across or through s.t.

English Definition: MENG--I: to wade across or through s.t. ###

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Word: arus

Short Definition: ARUS1 = harus. ARUS2 = current, flow.

English Definition: ^ ARUS1 = harus. ARUS2 = current, flow. ###

L2 Definition: gerakan; aliran; peredaran. ###

Examples: ARUS air sungai ini sangat deras. = The CURRENT of this river is very powerful. ARUS peredaran uang sangat tidak seimbang antara kota dan daerah. = The distribution FLOW of money is very unequal between the urban and rural areas. ###

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Word: arwah

Short Definition: soul, departed spirit. MENG--KAN: hold a memorial service in honor of the dead.

English Definition: ^soul, departed spirit. MENG--KAN: hold a memorial service in honor of the deceased.###

L2 Definition: Jiwa/roh pada orang yang telah meninggal. ###

Examples: Semoga ARWAHNYA diterima oleh Tuhan. = Hopefully HIS SOUL will be accepted by God. Malam nanti ibu akan MENGARWAHKAN nenek yang baru meninggal dunia. = Tonight mother will HOLD A MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR grandmother who just died. ###

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Word: AS

Short Definition: acronym for "Amerika Serikat," the United States.

English Definition: acronym for "Amerika Serikat," the United States. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: asa

Short Definition: hope.

English Definition: hope. ###

L2 Definition: harapan. ###

Examples: Tidak ada kata putus ASA dalam hidupku. = There is no word for lost HOPE in my life. ###

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Word: asah

Short Definition: MENG-: grind or wear down, polish, sharpen. Also BER-, -AN, PENG-, PENG--AN.

English Definition: MENG-: grind or wear down, polish, sharpen. BER-: to be filed or ground. -AN: shavings. PENG-: sharpener, grinder. PENG-AN: polishing ###

L2 Definition: gosok supaya tajam; latih supaya terampil. ###

Examples: Permainan itu bisa MENGASAH otak kita. = That game can SHARPEN our thinking. Batu PENGASAH ini sudah terlalu tipis dan harus diganti. = That SHARPENING stone is too thin and needs to be replaced. PENGASAHAN permata ini kurang halus. = The POLISHING of that jewel is not very smooth.###

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Word: asal

Short Definition: 1 origin; cause. 2 provided that. BER-: come from, descended from. Also Se-,+

English Definition: ^*ASAL1=1 origin, source. 2 beginning, cause. SE-: related. -NYA: originally, initially. *BER-: 1 come from. 2 be descended from. *--USUL: origins, source.## ^*ASAL2=1 provided that, as long as. 2 do s.t. for no good reason other than just to do it. 3 just be able to do the most important thing. SE--NYA: haphazardly, only well enough to get by. -KAN: provided that.###

L2 Definition: 1. Yang mula-mula sekali. 2. Keadaan (tempat; wujud; rupa dsb.). 3. Keturunan.###

Examples: ASAL MULA buah ini dari bijinya. = The VERY BEGINNING of this fruit is from its seed. Dari mana ASALMU? = From where are your ORIGINS? Kamu BERASAL dari mana? = Where do you COME FROM? ......Jangan ASAL bicara nanti ayah marah lho! = ......Don't talk FOR NO GOOD REASON. Father will become angry! Biar lambat ASAL selamat. = Its OK if we're late, JUST SO THAT were safe. Engkau boleh pulang, ASAL pekerjaanmu telah selesai. = You may go home, JUST AS LONG AS your work is finished.###

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Word: Asalamu'alaikum

Short Definition: And peace be with you.

English Definition: ^*(also WASSALAMUALAIKUM, Isl.) And peace be with you.

L2 Definition: Dari bahasa Arab yang berarti: Keselamatan untuk anda sekalian.###

Examples: ASALAMU'ALAIKUM..... bagaimana kabarnya mas? = ASALMU'ALAIKUM..... how are you, brother? (dalam pidato....) ASALAMU'ALAIKUM. Para hadirin yang mulia, acara rapat pagi ini akan dibuka oleh bapak Presiden...... = (in a speech....) ASALAMU'ALAIKUM. Revered guests, the procedings this morning will be opened by the President......###

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Word: asam

Short Definition: sour; acid; tamarind tree. MENG--KAN: pickle, preserve. Also MENG--I, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^*1 sour. 2 acid. 3 tamarind fuit (see picture). MENG--I: 1 add acid. 2 put tamarind into o.'s cooking. MENG--KAN: pickle, preserve. KE--AN: acidity.###

L2 Definition: 1. ^Rasa seperti rasa cuka. 2. ^Nama pohon dan buahnya. 3. ^Nama zat persenyawaan dalam ilmu kimia. 4. Nama sebuah sayur dari Jawa.

Examples: Mangga muda ini ASAM benar rasanya. = The taste of this young mango is truly SOUR. Pohon ASAM itu berbuah sangat lebatnya. = That TAMARIND tree is heavily laden with fruit. Zat ASAM ARANG sangat berbahaya kalau terhisap oleh manusia. = CARBON monoxide is very dangerous if it is inhaled. Restoran itu sangat terkenal karena kelezatan sayur ASAM-manisnya. = That restaurant is very famous for its delicious sweet-SOUR soup. Kakek Salim tahu betul ASAM GARAMNYA pertempuran Surabaya. = Grandfather Salim knows the true EXPERIENCE of the Battle of Surabaya. ASAM di darat, ikan di laut, bertemu di belanga juga.=TAMARIND from the land and fish from the ocean will eventually come together in the cooking pot. (An Indonesian proverb meaning that a man and a woman who are a match for each other are bound to come together in the end.)###

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Word: asap

Short Definition: smoke, fumes. MENG--KEMENYANI: praise. BER-: 1. smoke, issue smoke. +

English Definition: ^smoke, fumes. MENG--KEMENYANI: praise; LIT. to wave benzoin incense over.. BER-: 1. smoke, issue smoke. 2. dim, misty. MENG-, MENG--I: 1. become smoke. 2. fumigate. 3. to perfume (clothes). PENG--AN: 1. fumigation. 2. cure. PER--AN: incense burner. ###

L2 Definition: Uap dari hasil pembakaran yang dapat terlihat. ###

Examples: Kalau ada ASAP pasti ada api. = If there's SMOKE there's fire. Sambil berdoa dukun itu MENGASAPKEMENYANI jimat ramuannya. = While praying the shaman WAVED (BENZOIN) INCENSE SMOKE AROUND his amulet ingredients. Kecilkan kompornya kalau minyak itu mulai BERASAP! = Turn down the stove if the oil starts to SMOKE. Para istri nelayan sedang MENGASAPI ikan-ikan tangkapan suaminya. = The fishermen's wives are SMOKING the fish caught by their husbands. PENGASAPAN ini dimaksudkan untuk mematikan serangga-serangganya. = This FUMIGATION is meant to kill the insects. ###

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Word: asar

Short Definition: 1. (Isl.) afternoon prayer (about 4 p.m.). 2. period between 3 and 4 p.m.

English Definition: 1. (Isl.) afternoon prayer (about 4 p.m.). 2. period between 3 and 4 p.m. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu petang hari antara pukul 15.00 sampai 16.00; waktu sembahyang pada petang hari. ###

Examples: Dalam keadaan tertentu sholat duhur dan ASAR bisa digabung. = Under certain circumstances the midday prayer and the AFTERNOON PRAYER can be combined.###

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Word: asas

Short Definition: 1. basis, principle. 2. foundation, base. BER-(-KAN): 1. be based on. +

English Definition: 1. basis, principle. 2. foundation, base. BER-(-KAN): 1. be based on. 2. have principles. MENG--KAN: found, base, establish. PENG-: founder. ###

L2 Definition: dasar; fondasi; pokok. ###

Examples: Semua organisasi di Indonesia harus BERASASKAN Pancasila. = All organizations in Indonesia must HAVE Pancasila AS THEIR FOUNDATION. Berpikirlah dengan MENGASASKAN sesuatu hal dengan logika. = (You should) BASE your thinking on logic. ###

Hear This Word


Short Definition: ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations).

English Definition: ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: aset

Short Definition: assets

English Definition: assets

Examples: ###

Word: asin

Short Definition: salt. MENG--I, MANG--KAN: to salt or pickle s.t. -AN: salted vegetables.

English Definition: ^salty. *MENG--I, MENG--KAN: to salt or pickle s.t. *-AN: salted vegetables.###

L2 Definition: Rasa seperti rasa garam.###

Examples: Masakan ini rasanya ASIN sekali. = This dish is too SALTY. ......tidak mudah lho, membuat TELUR ASIN yang enak!..... isn't easy, you know, making SALTED EGGS that are delicious!...... Pagi-pagi sarapan nasi panas, sambal terasi, dan IKAN ASIN.....wah lezatnya! = Early in the morning, a breakfast of hot rice, fish past, and salted fish.....uh! how delicious! Tugasnya MENGASINKAN kolam percobaan. = His duty is to SALT DOWN the testing tank. Siti MENGASINI ayam yang sedang digorengnya. = Siti SALTED the chicken she was frying. Orang Jawa Barat suka makan ASINAN = West Javanese people like to eat SALTED VEGETABLES.

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Word: asing

Short Definition: strange, foreign, alien; odd; remote, isolated; different. Also MENG--KAN,+

English Definition: ^*1 strange, foreign, alien. 2 odd. 3 remote, isolated. 4 different. BER-: isolate o.s. *MENG--KAN: 1 isolate. 2 exile, banish. 3 alienate. *TER-: secluded, isolated. *PENG--AN: 1 exile, banishment. 2 alienation, estrangement.###

L2 Definition: ^1. Tersendiri; terpisah; terpencil. 2. Hal yang datang dari luar. ^3. Tidak biasa; aneh.###

Examples: Si Karjo merasa ASING ketika datang dipesta orang kaya itu. = Karjo felt ODD when he arrived at that rich person's party. Karena sombong Kardi jadi TERASING di tempat kerjanya. = Because he was arrogant, Kardi became ISOLATED at his workplace. Banyak orang ASING tinggal di Jakarta. = There are many FOREIGN people who live in Jakarta. Makanan ini terasa ASING bagiku. = This food tastes STRANGE to me. Tuti memang gadis pemalu. Dia selalu MENGASINGKAN diri. = Tuti is really a shy girl. She always ISOLATES herself. Syekh Yusuf DIASINGKAN ke Afrika Selatan karena melawan Belanda. = Syech Yusuf WAS EXILED to South Africa because he rebelled to the Dutch. Bung Karno pernah dibuang di tempat PENGASINGAN di Digul. = President Sukarno was once cast out to a place of EXILE at Digul.###

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Word: asisten

Short Definition: 1. assistant 2. assistant in a university###

English Definition: KE--AN: assistantship. --AN: subdistrict.###

Examples: ###

Word: asli

Short Definition: original; authentic; indigenous; innate. KE--AN: authenticity; originality.

English Definition: ^*1 original. 2 genuine, authentic. 3 indigenous, native. 4 innate, inborn. *KE--AN: 1 authenticity, genuineness. 2 originality.###

L2 Definition: Yang asal; yang semula; yang sebenarnya.###

Examples: Pak Amat adalah penduduk ASLI kampung ini. = Mr. Amat is a NATIVE inhabitant of this village. KEASLIAN lukisan Affandi di museum itu menjadi bahan pembicaraan. = The ORIGINALITY of that painting of Affandi in the museum will comprise material for discussion.###

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Word: asmara

Short Definition: romance, romantic love.

English Definition: romance, romantic love. ###

L2 Definition: cinta. ###

Examples: ASMARA pemuda itu pada kekasih hatinya sungguh dalam. = The LOVE that young man has for his sweetheart is truly deep.###

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Word: asoi

Short Definition: 1. passionate, hot 2. wonderful, super 3. be absorbed in s.t.###

English Definition: ###

Examples: Dia tidak cuma cakep, tapi cantik, manis, pokoknya saya bilang ~ deh! = She is not only cute but also beautiful, attractive, hey, I mean fantastic!###

Word: aspara

English Definition: asparagus

See a Picture

Word: asparagus

Short Definition: asparagus###

English Definition: asparagus###

Examples: ###

Word: asrama

Short Definition: dormitory, residence hall.

English Definition: dormitory, residence hall. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat tinggal sementara bagi sekelompok orang. ###

Examples: Fasilitas belajar di ASRAMA mahasiswa ini sungguh komplit. = The learning facilities in the student DORMITORY is truly complete. ###

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Word: asri

Short Definition: 1. beautiful 2. harmoniously chic###

English Definition: KE--AN: beauty###

Examples: ~ pepohonan = the beauty of landscaping.###

Word: assalam

Short Definition: see ASALAMU'ALAIKUM.

English Definition: see ASALAMU'ALAIKUM. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: astaga

Short Definition: Heaven forbid! For heaven's sake! BER-: to say "astaga!"

English Definition: ^*Heaven forbid! For heaven's sake! BER-: to say "astaga".###

L2 Definition: Dari bahasa Arab "astagafirullah" =May Got forgive me!###

Examples: ASTAGA!.....Saya lupa membawa buku saya. = FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!.....I forgot to bring my book. ASTAGA!.....Kotor benar halaman rumahmu. = GOOD HEAVENS!.....The yard around your house is really dirty. ASTAGA!.....Saya harus meminta maaf padanya. = FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!.....I have to apologize to him.###

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Word: Asteng

Short Definition: contraction of "Asia Tenggara," Southeast Asia.

English Definition: contraction of "Asia Tenggara," Southeast Asia. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: asuh

Short Definition: MENG-: (of a child) take care of, rear, train, educate. Also -AN, PENG-, +

English Definition: ^MENG-: (of a child) take care of, rear, act as guardian over, train, educate. -AN: upbringing, rearing. PENG-: guardian, governess, nurse. PENG--AN: guardianship, care. ###

L2 Definition: menjaga; membimbing. ###

Examples: Nenek Wiyah yang MENGASUHku semenjak aku bayi. = Grandmother Wiyah is the one who TOOK CARE of me since I was a baby. Berkat ASUHAN kakeknya yang disiplin anak ini menjadi pandai sekali. = Thanks to the disciplined UPBRINGING she got from her grandfather, that child became very capable. Dialah PENGASUH acara "Berbahasa Indonesia Yang Baik dan Benar" di televisi. = She is the HOST of the television program "Speaking Good and Correct Indonesian." ###

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Word: asumsi

Short Definition: assumption.

English Definition: assumption. BER-: to assume, to have an assumption. ###

L2 Definition: Landasan pendapat. ###

Examples: Pendapat itu BERASUMSI bahwa manusia pada dasarnya baik. = The argument ASSUMES that human is basically good. ###

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Word: asuransi

Short Definition: insurance.

English Definition: insurance. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ASURANSI JIWA merupakan hal yang baru di Indonesia. = LIFE INSURANCE is a new thing in Indonesia. ###

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Word: asyik

Short Definition: passionate; infatuated; busy; eager. Also MENG--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^*1 passionate. 2 be infatuated. 3. busy, occupied. 4. absorbed, eager. *MENG--I: eat up, devour (movie, magazines, etc.). *MENG--KAN: 1 preoccupy, engross, absorb. 2 fascinate. 3 fascinating, attractive. 4 making someone ardent or amorous. *KE--AN: preoccupation, obsession. *_-_-NYA: totally engrossed. ###

L2 Definition: 1. sibuk. 2. senang. 3. penuh perhatian. ###

Examples: Karena ASYIK berbelanja, Ibu Supi lupa membayar hutangnya. = Because she was BUSY shopping, Mrs. Supi forgot to pay her account. Bocah itu sedang MENGASYIKI permainan barunya. = That youngster is ENGROSSED in his new game. Jangan diganggu! Udin sedang ASYIK belajar. = Don't disturb him! Udin is BUSY studying. Berenang adalah olah-raga yang MENGASYIKKAN bagiku. = Swimming is a sport which is ATTRACTIVE for me. Karena KEASYIKAN belajar, Murni lupa makan malamnya. = Because of his PREOCCUPATION with studying, Murni forgot his supper. Dua remaja yang sedang jatuh cinta itu ASYIK MASYUK di taman bunga. = Those two teenagers that are in love are MAKING OUT in the flower garden. Mereka sedang ASYIK-ASYIKNYA mendengarkan lagu. = They are TOTALLY ENGROSSED listening to music. ###

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Word: AT

Short Definition: acronym for "Asia Tenggara," Southeast Asia.

English Definition: acronym for "Asia Tenggara," Southeast Asia. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: atap

Short Definition: roof. PENG--AN: roofing.

English Definition: ^*roof. PENG--AN: roofing. ###

L2 Definition: Penutup rumah bagian atas. ###

Examples: Satu-satunya rumah BERATAP genteng di desa itu adalah milik pak lurah. = The only house that IS ROOFED with tile in that village is owned by the village head. ATAP rumahnya terbuat dari rumbia. =The ROOF of his house is made of thatch. ###

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Word: atas

Short Definition: on (top of); upper; above; for, because of. MENG-: go upward. Also MENG--I, +

English Definition: ^*1 on, upon, on top of. 2 upper. 3 above, upstairs. 4 for, because of, according to. MENG-: rise, go upward. *MENG--I: 1 surpass, exceed. 2 overcome, master, surmount. *-AN: (adj.) higher, superior. ###

L2 Definition: 1. pihak. 2. arah. 3. kedudukan. 4. pada. ###

Examples: Bukumu ada DI ATAS meja. = Your book is on TOP OF the table. ATAS nasehat dokter, ibu yang sakit itu dibawa ke rumah sakit. = ACCORDING TO the doctor's advice, that sick woman was taken to the hospital. Hati-hati! Jangan melihat KE ATAS. = Be careful! Don't look UP. Karena malas Karjo dipanggil ATASANnya. = Because he was lazy, Karjo was summoned by his SUPERIOR. Hanya Tuti yang MENGATASI seluruh kesulitan rumah tangganya. = Tuti is the only one to OVERCOME all the difficulties of her household. ###

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Word: atau

Short Definition: or. -KAH: or (in questions); whether.

English Definition: ^*or. -KAH: 1 or (in questions). 2 whether. ###

L2 Definition: @Menyatakan bahwa yang satu sama dengan yang lain. Perkataan di antara pilihan. ###

Examples: Kamu mau yang ini ATAU yang itu? = Do you want this one OR that one? ###

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Word: atur

Short Definition: arrange. BER-: be arranged, be in order. Also MENG-, MENG--KAN, TER-, +

English Definition: ^*arrange. BER-: be arranged, be in order. *MENG-: 1 put in order. 2 regulate, organize, monitor. 3 arrange, settle. *MENG--KAN: put in order for s.o. *TER-: in order, arranged. *-AN: 1 arrangement. 2 regulation, rule. 3 directions, instructions. PENG--AN: arrangement, control. *PER--AN: 1 regulation. 2 system of organization. ###

L2 Definition: Susun. ###

Examples: ATUR baik-baik bajumu di dalam lemari! = ARRANGE your clothes well in the wardrobe! Bosan tinggal di sini, semuanya serba DIATUR! = It's boring staying here, everything is completely ORDERED! Tidak mudah lho MENGATUR murid taman kanak-kanak! = It isn't easy, you know, MONITORING kindergarten students! Setiap pagi pembantunya yang MENGATURKAN kamar tidurnya. = Every morning, his maid STRAIGHTENS UP his bedroom. Makan yang TERATUR akan baik bagi kesehatan. = REGULATED eating habits will be good for your health. Banyak undang-undang baru dalam ATURAN lalu lintas. = There are many new laws in the REGULATION of traffic. PERATURAN perpajakan ini memberatkan petani. = This tax SYSTEM burdens the farmers. ###

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Word: aum

Short Definition: 1. roar (of lion or tiger) 2. raging (of storm)###

English Definition: MENG--: 1. roar, bellow 2. buzz. MENG--2KAN: boast, tout, make widely known. --AN: roaring, buzzing.###

Examples: ~ singa = the roaring of the lion.###

Word: aurat

Short Definition: genital###

English Definition: part of the body which may not be visible while performing a ritual.###

Examples: ###

Word: Auri

Short Definition: Air Force of the Republic of Indonesia.

English Definition: (Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia) Air Force of the Republic of Indonesia. ###

Hear This Word

Word: Australi

Short Definition: Australia.

English Definition: *Australia. ###

L2 Definition: Negara tetangga yang terletak di sebelah tenggara Indonesia. ###

Examples: Kangguru berasal dari AUSTRALI. = Kanggaroos come from AUSTRALIA. Penduduk asli AUSTRALI adalah suku Aborigin yang terkenal dengan senjata Bumerangnya. = The native inhabitants of AUSTRALIA are the Aboriginies, who are famous for their boomerangs. ###

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Word: awak

Short Definition: body; crewperson; I, my; Minangkabau; you, your. Also MEMPER-, +

English Definition: ^1 body, self. 2 crewman/woman. 3 I, my. 4 (Sumatra) Minangkabau. 5 you, your. MEMPER-, MENG--I: man (a ship, etc.). PER--AN: figure, shape, physique. ###

L2 Definition: 1.@Tubuh/badan. 2. @Diri sendiri. ###

Examples: Jangan bunuh dia.....AWAK yang akan celaka....... = Don't kill him.....I am the one who will answer for it..... Seluruh AWAK kapal diperintahkan untuk turun. = All of the ship's CREW were ordered to deboard. Kapten Herman yang MENGAWAKI kapal laut "Buanasakti." = Captain Herman is the one MANNING the ship "Buanasakti." Sarman diangkat menjadi tentara karena PERAWAKANNYA yang gagah. = Sarman was promoted to become a soldier because HIS PHYSIQUE is very robust. ###

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Word: awal

Short Definition: early; beginning. MENG--I: go before, precede. -AN: (Ling.) prefix.

English Definition: 1 early. 2 beginning. MENG--I: go before, precede. -AN: (Ling.) prefix. ###

L2 Definition: mula; pertama. ###

Examples: Dia yang MENGAWALI perdebatan ini. = She's the one who STARTED that debate. Kata ini perlu ditambah sebuah AWALAN supaya benar bentuknya. = This word must have a PREFIX added to it in order to have the correct form. ###

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Word: awam

Short Definition: 1. common, general 2. lay, nonexpert###

English Definition: MENG--(KAN): 1. promulgate, announce (a decree, etc.) 2. propose. 3. advocate. KE--AN: generalness, commonness. PENG--: advocate, promoter.###

Word: awan

Short Definition: cloud, cloudlike decoration. BER-: cloudy. MENG-: climb into the sky.

English Definition: ^1. cloud. 2. cloudlike decoration. BER-: cloudy, overcast. MENG-: climb into the sky. ###

L2 Definition: Gumpalan uap air di udara. ###

Examples: Ramalan cuaca memperkirakan siang ini udara akan BERAWAN tebal. = The weather forecast says this afternoon will HAVE thick CLOUDS. Angan-angannya selalu MENGAWAN tinggi sekali. = His fantasies always FLOATED high INTO THE CLOUDS. ###

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Word: awas

Short Definition: careful, watch out. MENG--I: supervise, control, administer. Also PENG-, +

English Definition: ^*careful, watch out, be sharp. *MENG--I: supervise, control, administer. *PENG-: supervisor, caretaker. *PENG--AN: 1 supervision. 2 control. 3 surveillance. ###

L2 Definition: 1.Dapat melihat dengan baik. 2.Hati-hati. ###

Examples: AWAS! Ada pecahan gelas, jangan kau injak. = WATCH OUT! There is broken glass, don't step on it. Walaupun sudah berumur 80 tahun matanya masih tetap AWAS. = Although she is already 80 years old, her eyes are still SHARP. Tidak boleh meninggalkan ruangan selama MENGAWASI ujian! = You aren't allowed to leave the room during SUPERVISING the exam. Didalam ujian dibutuhkan seorang PENGAWAS. = A MONITOR is needed for an exam. PENGAWASAN di dalam ujian ini sangat ketat. = The SUPERVISION for this exam is very tight. ###

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Word: awet

Short Definition: durable, lasting###

English Definition: MENG--(KAN): can, preserve (fruits, etc.), stuff (animal) KE--AN: 1. life, duration (of appliances). 2. preservation. --AN: s.t. preserved. PENG--: preservative. PENG--AN: preserving, conservation.###

Examples: Ia ~ muda karena hidupnya selalu senang = He stayed young because he always led a happy life.###

Word: ayah

Short Definition: father (as a term of address).

English Definition: *father (as a term of address). ###

L2 Definition: Orang tua (laki-laki) bagi anak-anaknya. Sinonim: bapak. Antonim: ibu. ###

Examples: AYAH dan ibu sedang pergi ke pesta perkawinan. = FATHER and mother are on their way to a wedding party. Perintah AYAHnya selalu diingatnya.= He always remembered his FATHER's commands. ###

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Word: ayak

Short Definition: sieve, sifter###

English Definition: MENG--: sift (flour, etc) --AN, PENG--: 1. sieve, sifter 2. o. who wobbles or waddles.###

Examples: ###

Word: ayal

Short Definition: 1. slow 2. doubtful###

English Definition: (BER)--2AN: delay, tarry, linger.###

Examples: Saya tidak ~ sedikitpun akan kemenangan = I was not the least bit doubtful about the victory.###

Word: ayam

Short Definition: chicken.

English Definition: *chicken. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: AYAM ADUAN pak Basri memang hebat. = Mr. Basri's FIGHTING COCK is really great. "Kentucky Fried Chicken" adalah restoran AYAM goreng yang terkenal. = "Kentucky Fried Chicken" is a famous fried CHICKEN restaurant. ###

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Word: ayat

Short Definition: verse.

English Definition: 1. Koranic verse, 2. paragraph (legal). ###

L2 Definition: Suatu kalimat atau kalimat-kalimat dalam kitab suci. ###

Examples: AYAT-AYAT yang mana yang harus saya terangkan dalam pengajian nanti ? = Which VERSES will I have to explain during the religious lesson? Hal itu tertulis pada Undang-Undang Perkawinan Pasal 1, AYAT 1. = That matter is written in the Marriage Law Article 1, PARAGRAPH 1. ###

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Word: ayo

Short Definition: come on!; goodbye.

English Definition: ^*1 come on! 2 goodbye. ###

L2 Definition: 1.Kata ajakan/suruhan untuk pergi. 2.Kata perpisahan. ###

Examples: Anak-anak, AYO lekas masuk kelas = Children, COME ON, go into class right away! Saya harus pulang sekarang. AYO! = I have to go home now. GOODBYE! AYOLAH, jangan merajuk lagi. = COME ON NOW, don't keep pouting. ###

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Word: ayom

Short Definition: protected, sheltered###

English Definition: MENG--I: protect, shelter, guard. PENG--: protector. PENG--AN: protection, care, guardianship.###

Examples: ###

Word: ayu

Short Definition: pretty, beautiful

English Definition: pretty, beautiful

L2 Definition: cantik; indah

Examples: Mita sekarang menjadi gadis AYU = Mita is now a very BEAUTIFUL girl.##

Word: ayun

Short Definition: swing. MENG-(-KAN): to rock, swing, sway s.t. MENGAYUN-AYUN=to rock(baby).

English Definition: swing. MENG-(-KAN): to rock, swing, sway s.t. MENGAYUN-AYUN = to rock (baby, cradle). ###

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Word: azab

Short Definition: torment, pusnishment###

English Definition: MENG--: torment, persecute, harass.###

Examples: ~ sengsara = misery, distress, suffering###

Word: azam2

Short Definition: intention###

English Definition: BER--: have a firm intention, beresolute. MENG--KAN: intend, propose.###

Examples: Ia ~ akan berangkat besok = She intends to leave tomorrow.###

Word: azan

Short Definition: call to prayer (Isl) ###

English Definition: MENG--I: recite the call to prayer at s.o.###

Examples: ~ bayi (Isl) = recite call to prayer over a newborn baby.###

Word: azis

Short Definition: 1. enormous, great 2. awe-inspiring###

English Definition: ###

Examples: Kota itu memperlihatkan perhatian yang ~ terhadap rombongan tari Bali = The city showed enormous interest in the Balinese dance group.###

Word: azmat

Short Definition: extraordinary, fantastic###

English Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Word: bab

Short Definition: chapter.

English Definition: chapter. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian dari isi buku. ###

Examples: Masalah itu akan dijelaskan pada BAB selanjutnya. = The problem is going to be explained in the next CHAPTER. ###

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Word: baba

Short Definition: father, old man###

English Definition: father, old man###

Examples: BABA Markus menjual macam-macam mainan anak-anak = OLD MAN Markus sells a lot of kinds of children's toys.###

Word: babad

Short Definition: history, chronicle

English Definition: history, chronicle

Word: babak

Short Definition: 1. episode or act in a play. 2. phase or stage.

English Definition: 1. episode or act in a play. 2. phase, stage. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Bagian permainan/lakon tertentu dalam sebuah drama. 2. Bagian dari suatu keseluruhan proses/kejadian. ###

Examples: Ini hanya salah satu BABAK dalam hidupku. = This is only one EPISODE in my life. ###

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Word: babas

Short Definition: struck off, knocked off###

English Definition: ^struck off, knocked off TER-: struck off, knocked off, drifted off###

Examples: Sebuah pesawat tujuan Hawaii TERBABAS cuaca buruk sehingga harus mendarat darurat di Singapura = An airplane for Hawaii was STRUCK OFF by bad weather so that it must land in Singapore.###

Word: babat

Short Definition: 1. group, category 2. cut away, cut clean###

English Definition: ^1. group, category 2. cut away, cut clean MEM-: 1. cut away, cut (hew) open, cut clean 2. mow 3. dress up 4. bandage *SE-: similar, congener, kind###

Examples: *Kebanyakan orang menyukai berteman dengan orang-orang yang SEBABAT dengan sosial status mereka= Many people prefer friends whom have SIMILAR social status to them.###

Word: babat1

Short Definition: clear away###

English Definition: MEM --: cut through (jungle grass, etc.) PEM--AN: clearing away.###

Examples: Seorang bek kesebelasan ~ dengan taktik sapu bersih = A backfield player of the team cut through with his clean-sweep tactics.###

Word: babat2

Short Definition: give a blow###

English Definition: MENG--KAN: give a blow, strike with s.t. --AN: a lateral blow, swipe (of a sword)###

Word: babi

Short Definition: pig, hog.

English Definition: pig, hog. MEM- BUTA: to run around like a blind pig. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Para polisi itu dengan MEMBABI-BUTA memukuli para demonstran. = The police WENT NUTS beating up the demonstrators.###

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Word: babi rusa

Short Definition: a deer like pig###

English Definition: a deer like pig, deer hog###

L2 Definition:

Examples: ###

Word: babil

Short Definition: querrelsome###

English Definition: BER--: squabble, quarrel. PER--AN: squabble, row, quarrel, ruckus.###

Examples: ###

Word: babirusa

Short Definition: deer-pig.

English Definition: deer-pig. ###

L2 Definition: Spesies mamalia yang hanya terdapat di Sulawesi. Bentuknya seperti babi hutan dan rusa. ###

See a Picture

Word: babit

Short Definition: involve, implicate###

English Definition: MEM--KAN: involve, implicate s.o. TER--: involved, implicated.###

Examples: Ia ~ saya dalam pertikaiannya = She involved me in her argument.###

Word: babu

Short Definition: a domestic servant, a maid###

English Definition: MEM--: to work as a maid MEM--KAN: place s.o. as a maid MEMPER--: to treat s.o. as a maid###

Examples: ~ anak itu berusaha mengendong sang bayi yang sedang menangis = A nursemaid tried to hold the crying baby###

Word: babut

Short Definition: rug, carpet###

English Definition: MEM--I: to put carpet (in the room)###

Examples: ###

Word: baca

Short Definition: read. MEM-: read. MEM--KAN: read aloud, read for s.o. Also -AN, PEM-, +

English Definition: ^*read. *MEM-: read. *MEM--KAN: read aloud, read for s.o. *-AN: a reading. *PEM-: a person/thing that reads. PEM-AN: a reading (out loud, esp. in formal circumstances). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Coba BACA kalimat yang pertama! = Try READING the first sentence! Rajin MEMBACA pangkal pandai. = READING diligently is the starting point for becoming educated. Hakim yang MEMBACAKAN keputusan. = The judge READ OUT his decision. Banyak BACAAN yang bagus bisa kau BACA. = There are many good READINGS that you can READ. Artikelnya digemari di kolom "Surat PEMBACA." = His article was praised in the "READER'S letters" column. ###

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Word: bacok

Short Definition: MEM- = hit with a sharp edge; cut with s.t.

English Definition: *MEM- = hit with a sharp edge; cut with s.t.

Examples: Perampok itu MEMBACOK lengan korbannya dengan sebuah parang = The robber GASHED his victim's arm with a machete.###

Word: badai

Short Definition: sudden storm.

English Definition: sudden storm. ###

L2 Definition: Angin kencang yang menyertai cuaca buruk; topan. ###

Examples: Banyak nelayan yang tenggelam ketika BADAI sedang mengamuk. = Many fishermen sank when the STORM was raging. ###

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Word: badak

Short Definition: rhinoceros###

English Definition: rhinoceros, hippo###

L2 Definition: - kerbau: two horned rhinoceros -sungai: hippopotamus###

Examples: Saya melihat BADAK di kebun binatang = I saw a HIPPO in the zoo###

Word: badal

Short Definition: representative, substitute, assistant.

English Definition: representative, substitute. ###

L2 Definition: wakil; pengganti. ###

Examples: Wanita itu menjadi WAKIL kelompoknya. = That woman becomes the REPRESENTATIVES of her group. ###

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Word: badan

Short Definition: body; organizational body, group, agency.

English Definition: ^*1 body. 2 organizational body, group, agency. *BER-: have a body. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim=tubuh. ###

Examples: Seluruh BADAN saya terasa pegal-pegal. = My BODY feels stiff and sore all over. Ibu muda itu sedang BERBADAN DUA. = That young lady is PREGNANT. Untuk menjadi olahragawan harus BERBADAN KUAT. = To become an athelete, you must HAVE A STRONG BODY. "BADAN Koperasi Unit Desa"(BKUD) di desaku sangat maju.= The "Village Cooperative AGENCY" in my village has greatly progressed. ###

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Word: badani

Short Definition: physical, bodily###

English Definition: KE--AN: physical matters.###

Examples: Pengalaman ~nya = His physical experience.###

Word: badik

Short Definition: a small dagger###

English Definition: ^a small dagger###

Examples: Orang Makassar terkenal sebagai pembuat BADIK = Makassarness is well known as SMALL DAGGER makers.###

Word: Badui

Short Definition: an aboriginal group in West Java.

English Definition: an aboriginal group in West Java. ###

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Word: badung

Short Definition: naughty, delinquent

English Definition: naughty, delinquent

Word: badut

Short Definition: clown###

English Definition: MEM--: act like a clown MEM--I= pretend to o.s. KE--AN: 1. clowing, buffooney. 2. ridicule 3. absurdity, ridiculousness. --AN: laughing stock, butt (of jokes). --2AN: be a smart aleck PEM--AN: clowning, buffoonery.###

Examples: Kawin lari akan dibikinnya sebagai komedi, tapi bukan ~ = He is treating elopment as a comedy, but it is no joke###

Word: bagai

Short Definition: like, as if. SE-: as, like. BER-: various, all sorts of. Also BER-_-_, -KAN.

English Definition: ^like, as if. SE-: as, like. BER-: various. BER-_-_: various, all sorts of. -KAN: 1 as if, like. 2 similar to. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim=seperti. ###

Examples: SEBAGAI seorang politikus dia memang pandai. = AS a politician, he is really clever. BERBAGAI kemungkinan akan terjadi di masa depan. = VARIOUS possibilities will arise in the future. BERBAGAI-BAGAI bangsa berkumpul di PBB. = ALL SORTS OF nations gather together in the United Nations. Wajah kedua anak ini BAGAIKAN pinang dibelah dua. = The faces of those two children are LIKE a two halves of an areca nut. ###

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Word: bagaimana

Short Definition: how; how about it? SE-: in the same manner as.

English Definition: ^*1 how. 2 how about it? *SE-: in the same manner as. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Jaga tingkah-lakumu SEBAGAIMANA layaknya dalam pergaulan. = Control your behavior, AS you should when you are among other people. BAGAIMANA keadaan bibimu yang sakit? = HOW is the condition of your sick aunt? ###

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Word: bagal

Short Definition: 1. too big, too strong, too much developed 2. flower-stalk (of coconut) 3. hinny,

English Definition: ^*1. too big, too strong, to much developed 2. flower-stalk (of coconut) 3. hinny, mule###

Examples: *Petinju berjubah merah itu nampak BAGAL untuk dikalahkan oleh petinju-petinju lainnya = The red-rob boxer seems to be TOO STRONG to be defeated by other boxers.###

Word: bagan

Short Definition: draft, blueprint, design, chart, diagram

English Definition: draft, blueprint, design, chart, diagram

Word: bagan1

Short Definition: draft, blueprint, design, program, schedule, chart###

English Definition: MEM--: design PEM--: designer###

Examples: Lihatlah ~ rumah terbakar itu = Look at the skeleton of that burned-out home.###

Word: bagan2

Short Definition: k.o. fishing platform###

English Definition: --2: fish trap###

Examples: ###

Word: bagas

Short Definition: sturdy, stalwart, strong, powerful###

English Definition: sturdy, stalwart, strong, powerful###

Examples: Tubuh Kendall sangat BAGAS = Kendall's body looks STRONG.###

Word: bagasi

Short Definition: baggage, luggage rack, (auto.) trunk. MEM--KAN: check luggage.

English Definition: ^baggage, luggage. 2. luggage rack. 3. (auto.) trunk. MEM--KAN: check baggage.###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk memuat barang-barang di mobil atau truk; barang-barang. ###

Examples: Apakah anda membawa BAGASI? = Do you bring BAGGAGES? Sebelum diambil kita harus MEMBAGASIKAN kopor-kopor ini dulu. = Before they are taken, we have to CHECK these suitcases AS BAGGAGE.###

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Word: bagi

Short Definition: for; divide. BER-: split up, divisible, shared out. Also MEM-, MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: *^1 for. 2 divide. *BER-: split up, divisible, shared out. *MEM-: 1 divide. 2 share, distribute. *MEM--KAN: 1 share, distribute. 2 allot, allocate. -AN: 1 part (of s.t.), share. 2 part (in s.t.), participation. 3 section, division. *SE--AN: a part, some. PEM-: divider (person or thing). *PEM--AN: 1 distribution. 2 allotment, division.###

L2 Definition: 1. Untuk. 2. Dipisah. ###

Examples: BAGI anda yang sudah siap, silakan masuk! = FOR you who are ready, please come in! Tolong BAGI dua kue itu! = Please DIVIDE that cake in two! Kami saling BERBAGI rasa dalam penderitaan. = We SHARED the suffering between us. Dalam MEMBAGI hartanya, dia sangat adil. = In DIVIDING his property, he was very fair. Dibulan Ramadhan biasanya umat Islam MEMBAGIKAN zakatnya. = During the month of Ramadan, the Islamic community customarily DISTRIBUTES its alms donations. Karena bungsu, dia mendapat PEMBAGIAN yang paling kecil. = Because she was the youngest, she got the smallest SHARE. SEBAGIAN pekerjaan ini dilakukan oleh seorang insinyur. = PART of the work is done by an engineer. ###

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Word: baginda

Short Definition: His Majesty (for royalty).

English Definition: ^*His Majesty (for royalty).###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk seorang raja.###

Examples: ...BAGINDA selalu bertempur di garis depan... = ...HIS MAJESTY always fought in the front lines...###

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Word: bagus

Short Definition: fine, good, exemplary. MEMPER-: embellish, beautify, touch up. Also KE--AN,+

English Definition: ^fine, good, exemplary. *BAGUS-BAGUS: the majority (of s.t.) being good. MEMPER-: embellish, beautify, touch up. *KE--AN: beauty, splendor. *-AN: (Coll.) better. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: ganteng; baik. ###

Examples: Wah, nilaimu BAGUS-BAGUS ya! = Wow, MOST OF your scores are VERY GOOD! KEBAGUSAN wajah Jaka Tingkir tidak ada tandingnya. = The BEAUTY of Jaka Tingkir's face has no rival. Kok pilih yang itu sih, BAGUSAN yang ini. = Why did you pick that one! This one is better! ###

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Word: bahagi

Short Definition: part, section. -AN: part, section.

English Definition: part, section. -AN: part, section. ###

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Word: bahagia

Short Definition: happy, joyful. BER-: to be happy. MEM--KAN: to make happy. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: happy, joyful. BER-: to be happy. MEM--KAN: to make happy. KE--AN: happiness, joy. ###

L2 Definition: senang; tidak susah. ###

Examples: Semoga pengantin baru itu BERBAHAGIA sepanjang masa. = Here's hoping the newly-weds will BE HAPPY for as long as they live. Aku ingin MEMBAHAGIAKAN ibuku di hari tuanya. = I want to MAKE my mother HAPPY in her old age. KEBAHAGIAAN ini tidak bisa ditukar dengan emas permata. = This HAPPINESS cannot be replaced with gold and jewels.###

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Word: bahak

Short Definition: burst of laughter. BER-: laugh uproariously. TER-_-_: roar with laughter.

English Definition: ^burst of laughter. BER-: laugh uproariously. *TER-_-_: roar with laughter. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Tertawa dengan keras. ###

Examples: Tidak pantas seorang gadis tertawa TERBAHAK-BAHAK. = It isn't proper for a young lady to ROAR WITH LAUGHTER. ###

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Word: bahala

Short Definition: calamities###

English Definition: calamities###

Examples: ###

Word: baham

Short Definition: chew###

English Definition: ^chew *MEM-: chew (with closed mouth)

Examples: *Iqra senang MEMBAHAM makanannya dengan pelan = Iqra likes to CHEW his food slowly.###

Word: bahan

Short Definition: matter, material; material for making s.t.; object (for discussion, etc.).

English Definition: ^*matter, substance, material, cloth. 2 material for producing s.t. 3 object (for discussion, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: 1.* Barang yang akan dibuat menjadi barang lain. 2.* Sesuatu yang dipakai untuk tujuan tertentu. 3.* Sesuatu yang menjadi sebab. 4.*Barang yang dipakai untuk bukti. ###

Examples: Kaos ini BAHAN BAKUnya terbuat dari kapas. = The BASIC MATERIAL from which these socks are made is cotton. Masalah AIDS akan menjadi BAHAN PEMBICARAAN. = The problem of AIDS will become the MATTER OF DISCUSSION. Jangan bertindak bodoh, nanti kamu menjadi BAHAN TERTAWAAN. = Don't act stupid, later you'll become a LAUGHING STOCK. BAHAN BUKTI yang dipakai jaksa itu kurang meyakinkan. = The EVIDENCE used by the public prosecutor is less than convincing. ###

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Word: bahana

Short Definition: 1. loud noise, din 2. echo###

English Definition: BER-: sound *MEM-: echo, reverberate###

Examples: Suara guntur MEMBAHANA ke seluruh kota = The thunderstorm reverberated the whole city###

Word: bahar

Short Definition: aaaaa

English Definition: aaaaa

Examples: aaaa

Word: baharu

Short Definition: see BARU.

English Definition: see BARU. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: bahas

Short Definition: 1. research. 2. criticism. BER-: confer. MEM-: discuss, criticize, examine.+

English Definition: ^1. research, investigation. 2. criticism. BER-: confer. MEM-: 1. discuss. 2. criticize. 3. examine, investigate. -AN: discussion, criticism. PEM-: panelist.### see bahas1 see bahas2

L2 Definition: penyelikikan; kritik; diskusi. ###

Examples: Pertemuan ini untuk MEMBAHAS ganti rugi tanah bagi penduduk setempat. = This meeting is to DISCUSS the compensation for the land of the local inhabitants. Kaputusannya menjadi BAHASAN banyak pihak. = His decision became THE POINT OF DISCUSSION of many sides. Akan dipilih PEMBAHAS yang handal dalam bidang ini. = (The one) chosen will be a PANELIST who is reliable in this field.###

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Word: bahasa

Short Definition: language, speech. BER-: speak (such and such a language). Also MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: ^*1 language. 2 speech. *BER-: speak (such and such a language). MEM--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: express in language. ###

L2 Definition: Perkataan/simbol yang dipakai oleh sekelompok orang/bangsa sebagai alat komunikasi. ###

Examples: Sangat banyak BAHASA daerah yang ada di Indonesia. = There are very many local LANGUAGES in Indonesia. Antara BAHASA Jawa dan BAHASA Bugis sangat jauh berbeda. = There is a great difference between the Javanese LANGUAGE and the Buginese LANGUAGE. Orang itu bisa BERBAHASA Jerman. = That person can SPEAK German. ###

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Word: bahasa2

Short Definition: that###

English Definition: *- NYA: that, namely, the following###

Examples: * Pak Mifta berkata BAHASANYA beliau terserang demam sejak kemarin = Mr. Mifta said THAT he had had fever since yesterday###

Word: bahasa3

Short Definition: a little, slightly###

English Definition: see bahasa see bahasa 2###

Examples: Kacamata saya BAHASA kabur karena embun = My glasses are SLIGHTLY blurred because of the moist.###

Word: bahaya

Short Definition: danger, peril, jeopardy. BER-: dangerous, hazardous, risky. Also MEM--KAN.

English Definition: ^*danger, peril, jeopardy. *BER-: dangerous, hazardous, risky. *MEM--KAN: endanger, imperil, threaten. ###

L2 Definition: Sesuatu yang bisa mendatangkan bencana. ###

Examples: Awas!....BAHAYA mengancam dari belakang! = Watch out!....There is DANGER threatening you from behind! Api sangat BERBAHAYA bagi anak kecil. = Fire is very DANGEROUS for young children. Sopir yang mabuk bisa MEMBAHAYAKAN keselamatan penumpang. = A drunk driver can THREATEN the welfare of the passenger. ###

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Word: bahkan

Short Definition: in fact, even; moreover, on top of that; on the contrary; indeed.

English Definition: ^*1 in fact, even. 2 moreover, on top of that. 3 on the contrary. 4 indeed. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Lebih-lebih. 2. Malahan. ###

Examples: BAHKAN untuk mengambil air minumpun dia sudah tidak kuat. = He is already too weak to EVEN fetch drinking water. Bukannya takut, dia BAHKAN menyerang membabi buta. = He isn't frightened; ON THE CONTRARY he is attacking in a rampage. Jangan mengatakan dia bodoh, BAHKAN dia murid yang terpintar di kelas ini. = Don't call her stupid. IN FACT, she's the brightest student in this class. ###

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Word: bahtera

Short Definition: 1. (Bib) ark, 2. boat, ship###

English Definition: 1. (Bib) ark, 2. boat, ship###

L2 Definition: bahtera rumah tangga = marriage###

Examples: ###

Word: bahu

Short Definition: shoulder.

English Definition: shoulder. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian badan antara leher dan dada; pundak. ###

Examples: Dengan bekerja secara BAHU-MEMBAHU akan terasa ringan bebannya. = By working SHOULDER-TO-SHOULDER the load will feel light.###

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Word: bahwa

Short Definition: that (subordinating conjunction).

English Definition: *that (subordinating conjunction). ###

L2 Definition: 1. +Kata penghubung untuk menyatakan isi atau kalimat yang didepan. 2. +Kata penghubung untuk mendahului kalimat yang menjadi pokok kalimat. ###

Examples: Ani mengira BAHWA ibunya yang datang. = Ani thinks THAT it is her mother that is coming. BAHWA ia mengaku salah, itu memang benar. = THAT he admitted his mistake is really true. ###

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Word: baiat

Short Definition: (Isl.) oath###

English Definition: (Isl.) oath MEM~= take o.'s oath PEM~AN= oath taking###

Examples: ###

Word: baid

Short Definition: distant (of relatives)###

English Definition: distant (of relatives)###

Examples: Dia adalah BAID Raja Husain = He is a DISTANT relative of King Hussein.###

Word: baik

Short Definition: good, fine, kind; healthy. SE--NYA: best, preferably. Also MEMPER--I, +

English Definition: ^*1 good, fine, kind. 2 healthy. 3. BAIK...MAUPUN...: both ... and ...; BAIK-BAIK: 1 well, carefully. 2 in good condition. 3 good, respectable. SE-: as good as. *SE--NYA: better, best, preferable. SE-_-_-NYA: as well or good as possible. *BER-: be kind. *MEMPER--I: 1 repair, correct, improve s.t. *TER-: best. KE--AN: goodness, kindness, benefit, interest. PEM--AN: construction. *PER--AN: repair, improvement. *BAIK HATI: kind-hearted ###

L2 Definition: 1. Bagus, indah, pantas. 2. Beruntung. 3. Berguna. 4. Ya.###

Examples: Letakkan vas ini di sana, akan kelihatan BAIK! = Put this vase there, it will look GOOD! BAIK benar nasibmu hari ini. = Your fortune is truly GOOD today. Becak ini BAIK untuk mengangkut penumpang. = This pedicab is GOOD for carrying passengers. BAIK nyonya, akan segera saya lakukan. = FINE ma'am, I'll do it right away. SEBAIKNYA kamu tidur sekarang. = IT WOULD BE BEST if you sleep now. Setelah lama bermusuhan, mereka BERBAIK LAGI. = After being long-time enemies, they RECONCILED themselves to one another. Ayah sedang MEMPERBAIKI sepeda Titi. = Father is REPAIRING Titi's bicycle. Jadilah mahasiswa yang TERBAIK di kota ini. = Strive to become the BEST student in this city. Kok lama benar, ya, PERBAIKAN JALAN ini. = These ROAD REPAIRS are sure taking a long time. BAIK anak-anak MAUPUN orang tuanya akan senang menonton film ini. = BOTH children AND their parents will enjoy watching this film###

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Word: Bais

Short Definition: Armed Forces Strategic Intelligence Agency.

English Definition: (Batan Intelijens Stratejis) Armed Forces Strategic Intelligence Agency. ###

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Word: bait

Short Definition: bait1: house. bait2: verse

English Definition: bait1: house, abode bait2: verse (of a poem); couplet

L2 Definition:

Examples: bait1: Mereka bertemu di BAIT Hasan. = They met at Hasan's HOUSE. bait2: Saya menulis beberapa BAIT puisi. = I wrote several VERSES of a poem.

Word: bait2

Short Definition: distich, couplet###

English Definition: * BER- - : verse (Isl), lots and lots### see bait1

Examples: * Saya menulis BERBAIT-BAIT puisi = I write VERSES of poetry.###

Word: baja

Short Definition: 1. steel. 2. armor. 3. fertilizer. BER-: armored. MEM-: become steel,+

English Definition: ^1. steel. 2. armor. 3. fertilizer. BER-: armored. MEM-: become steel, become hard and strong. MEM--KAN: harden. KE--AN: hardness. ###

L2 Definition: Logam yang sangat keras; sesuatu hal yang keras (semangat, kemauan, dll). ###

Examples: Ini adalah BAJA tahan karat. = This is a stainless STEEL. Dia berhasil karena kemauannya yang MEMBAJA. = She succeeded because of her IRON will. Tank adalah kendaraan BERLAPIS BAJA. = Tank is an ARMORED vehicle. ###

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Word: bajaj

Short Definition: a two passenger pedicab with motor scooter engine###

English Definition: ###

Examples: Di Jakarta, bajaj-bajaj dilarang beroperasi di jalan raya = In Jakarta, bajajs are prohibited to operate in the high traffic streets.###

Word: bajak

Short Definition: 1. plow. 2. bandit. 3. hijack. MEM-: plow, plunder, hijack, illegally produce.+

English Definition: ^1. plow. 2. bandit. 3. hijack. MEM-: 1. plow (field). 2. plunder. 3. hijack. 4. illegally produce. -AN: 1. plowing. 2. s.t. pirated. 3. illegal profit. ###

L2 Definition: Penjahat yang suka merampas harta orang di lautan; perompak; penyamun; alat untuk bertani; mengambil alih hak orang lain tanpa ijin. ###

Examples: Petani itu sedang MEMBAJAK sawahnya. = That farmer is PLOWING his field. BAJAK-MEMBAJAK hak cipta orang sangat tidak etis dan melanggar hukum. = PLUNDERING someone's copyrights is very unethical and against the law. Kaset-kaset BAJAKAN ini akan dimusnahkan pihak kepolisian. = These PIRATED cassettes will be destroyed by the police.###

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Word: baji

Short Definition: 1. wedge 2. peg###

English Definition: *MEM-: 1. split s.t. with a wedge. 2. hold together with a peg####

L2 Definition: Benda tajam yang terbuat dari besi baja = a sharp material made from metal.

Examples: * Ayahku MEMBAJI kayu untuk membuat pagar = My father WEDGED a trunk for fences.###

Word: bajik

Short Definition: good, wholesome###

English Definition: * KE-AN: good deeds, benevolent service###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Setiap agama atau kepercayaan mengajarkan pengikutnya untuk berbuat KEBAJIKAN = Every religion or belief teaches its followers to do GOOD DEEDS.###

Word: bajing

Short Definition: a squirrel###

English Definition: --AN: 1. scoundrel, gangster. 2. a thief###

Examples: 1. ~ melompat di taman belakang = A squirrel jumped around in the back yard 2. Polisi menangkap ketua ~AN itu = The police arrasted the master of that gangster###

Word: baju

Short Definition: jacket, shirt, blouse; clothing. BER-: wear clothing, wear a jacket, shirt, etc.

English Definition: *1 jacket, shirt, blouse. 2 clothing. *BER-: wear clothing, wear a jacket, shirt, etc. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim=pakaian ###

Examples: BAJU ini buatan India. = This SHIRT is a product of India. Di hari Lebaran biasanya anak-anak BERBAJU baru. = On the day of celebration at the end of the Islamic month of fasting, the children customarily WEAR new CLOTHES. ###

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Word: bak

Short Definition: large tank or basin, container.

English Definition: *1 large tank or basin, container, can. 2 ink. 3. like, as. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Tempat besar untuk air/sampah dll. 2. Bagaikan/mirip. 3. Tinta cina. ###

Examples: Buanglah sampah di BAK itu. = Discard garbage in that CAN. Sehabis bekerja berat, paling enak berendam di BAK MANDI. = After working hard, it is most delicious to immerse oneself in the BATHROOM WATER TANK. Rupamu ayu BAK bidadari. = Your shape is beautiful, LIKE an angel's. BAK hitam ini tumpah di meja belajar. = This black INK spilled on the study table. ###

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Word: baka1

Short Definition: eternal, everlasting###

English Definition: MEM--KAN: immortalize KE--AN: 1. eternity 2. durability, perdurability###

Examples: Persahabatan mereka nampak ~ = Their friendship seems to be an everlasting one.###

Word: baka2

Short Definition: 1. family, descent, line 2. genetic, origins###

English Definition: ###

Examples: Putri itu membuang ~ untuk menikah dengan orang biasa = The princess renounced her heritage to marry a commoner###

Word: bakal

Short Definition: 1. future, prospective. 2. in the making. 3. shall, will.

English Definition: ^1. future, prospective. 2. in the making. 3. shall, will.###

L2 Definition: Hal yang akan dibuat; calon; akan. ###

Examples: Bunga inilah BAKAL buah yang sebentar lagi akan membesar. = This flower is a fruit IN THE MAKING which will get bigger in a while. Siapakah gerangan namanya BAKAL Presiden Indonesia? = Who do you suppose will be the FUTURE President of Indonesia?###

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Word: bakar

Short Definition: burn, roast. MEM-: burn, bake. Also MEM--I, TER-, KE--AN, PEM-, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^burn, set on fire, roast. MEM-: burn, set on fire; arouse passions, inflame; bake, roast. MEM--I: burn up. TER-: on fire. KE--AN: fire. PEM-: burner, arsonist. PEM--AN: burning, incineration.###

L2 Definition: Membuat sesuatu menjadi hangus; panggang; memasak langsung dengan api/arang/kayu. ###

Examples: Kami yang akan MEMBAKAR ikan-ikan ini. = We'll be the ones to ROAST these fish. Kita sedang MEMBAKARI rumput-rumput liar. = We are BURNING OFF wild grass. Rumah besar itu telah TERBAKAR habis. = That large house has BURNED up. Di Bali ada upacara PEMBAKARAN jenazah yang sangat terkenal. = In Bali there is a cremation ("corpse BURNING") ceremony that is very well-known. ###

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Word: bakat

Short Definition: talent; trace; sign, omen. BER-: talented, scarred. Also MEM-.

English Definition: ^*1 talent, appitude. 2 trace, trail. 3 sign, omen. BER-: 1 talented, gifted. 2 scarred, marked. MEM-: 1 indicate. 2 impending, imminent. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim=kemampuan, kepandaian. ###

Examples: Dia pandai sekali main gitar; itu memang BAKATnya. = He's very good at playing guitar; that's really his TALENT. ###

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Word: bakda

Short Definition: 1. after. 2. celebration at the end of the fasting month.

English Definition: ^1. after. 2. (Jv.) celebration at the end of the fasting month.###

L2 Definition: Hari besar dalam agama Islam sesudah bulan puasa/Ramadan; sesudah. ###

Examples: Saya akan pergi mengaji BAKDA maghrib. = I will go to religious school AFTER sunset prayers. ###

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Word: bakhil

Short Definition: avaricious, miserly, stingy, closefisted###

English Definition: ^avaricious, miserly, stingy, closefisted###

Examples: Semua temannya tahu bahwa dia sangat BAKHIL = All of his friends know that he is very STINGY.###

Word: baki

Short Definition: BAKI1 = small tray. BAKI2 = remainder, residue, balance. MEN--KAN: reserve.

English Definition: BAKI1 = small tray. BAKI2 = remainder, residue, balance. MEN--KAN: set aside, reserve. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Nampan; talam; piring yang berbentuk lebar untuk membawa teh/makanan, dll. 2. Sisa; kelebihan dari sesuatu (misalnya: uang). ###

Examples: Pakailah BAKI itu untuk mengantar makanan. = Use that TRAY to bring the dishes. Simpan saja BAKI uang yang Rp. 500 itu. = Just keep the REMAINING Rp. 500. ###

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Word: Bakin

Short Definition: State Intelligence Coordinating Agency.

English Definition: (Badan Koodinasi Intelijen Negara) State Intelligence Coordinating Agency. ###

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Word: bakmi

Short Definition: Chinese noodles.

English Definition: Chinese noodles.###

L2 Definition: Jenis makanan dari tepung/beras yang panjang seperti tali/benang. ###

Examples: BAKMI dari restoran itu sedapnya bukan main. = The CHINESE NOODLES in that retaurant are really delicious. Saya paling senang BAKMI AYAM. = I like CHICKEN NOODLES best. ###

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Word: Bakorstanas

Short Definition: Coordinating Agency for National Stability.

English Definition: (Badan Koordinasi Bantuan Pemantapan Stabilitas Nasional) Coordinating Agency for National Stability. ###

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Word: bakso

Short Definition: meatball soup.

English Definition: meatball soup.###

L2 Definition: Jenis makanan yang terdiri dari bakmi, daging, tahu, pangsit, sayur, dll., dalam kuah; daging giling yang dibentuk bulat-bulat. ###

Examples: Saya hanya mau makan BAKSO saja. = I just want to eat MEATBALL SOUP. ###

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Word: bakti

Short Definition: BER-: to be loyal, serve devotedly.

English Definition: BER-: to be loyal, serve devotedly. ###

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Word: baku

Short Definition: 1. standard; 2. basic; see also BAKU (2)

English Definition: standard; basic

L2 Definition: dasar, standar

Examples: Di sekolah kami mempelajari bahasa Indonesia BAKU = At school we learned the STANDARD Indonesian.

Word: baku (2)

Short Definition: [Coll.] mutual, reciprocal

English Definition: *--BUNUH = fight to death, kill each other *--DEBAT: debate each other *--PUKUL: hitting each other *--HADAP: facing each other

L2 Definition: saling

Examples: Dalam keadaan perang, orang dapat BAKU BUNUH = in war, people KILL EACH OTHER. Anggota parlemen BAKU DEBAT mengenai undang-undang baru = the parliament members DEBATED each other on the new bills.##

Word: baku1

Short Definition: 1. standard 2. full fledge (teacher, etc) 3. Basic###

English Definition: * MEM--KAN = to standarize *KE--AN: standardness * PEM--AN: standardization###

Examples: ###

Word: bakul

Short Definition: 1.large basket. 2. vendor.

English Definition: 1.large basket. 2. vendor. . ###

L2 Definition: 1. Pedagang kecil. 2. Tempat/wadah yang terbuat dari anyaman bambu/rotan . ###

Examples: BAKUL itu akan dipakai untuk membawa beras ke pasar. = The BASKET is going to be used to carry rice to the market. BAKUL itu akan menjual dagangannya ke pasar. = The VENDOR is going to sell his goods in the market. ###

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Word: bala

Short Definition: 1. disaster, catastrophe. 2. troops, army.

English Definition: ^1. disaster, catastrophe. 2. troops, army.###

L2 Definition: Pasukan/prajurit/tentara; malapetaka/bencana. ###

Examples: Karena terjepit pasukan itu perlu memanggil BALA bantuan. = Because they were hemmed in, the army had to call in REINFORCEMENT for help. Daerah ini sedang terkena BALA penyakit mata yang membutakan. =This area is suffering a DISASTROUS OUTBREAK of a blinding eye disease. ###

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Word: balai

Short Definition: 1. public hall or building. 2. office or bureau. 3. house (of parliament).

English Definition: ^1. public hall or building. 2. office or bureau. 3. house (of parliament).###

L2 Definition: Ruangan atau bangunan luas yang biasanya digunakan untuk pertemuan-pertemuan, rapat, sidang, pertunjukan, dll. ###

Examples: Tas ini dibuat oleh murid-murid dari BALAI pendidikan keterampilan. = This bag was made by the students from crafts education DEPARTMENT. ###

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Word: balang

Short Definition: 1. bottle, recepient, retort, pitcher 2. a ship (two-master)###

English Definition: ^1. bottle, recepient, retort, pitcher 2. a ship (two-master)###

Examples: ###

Word: balap

Short Definition: race, racing

English Definition: *--SEPEDA: bike race *BER--: compete in a race *MEM--: race, compete *--AN: race *PEM--: racer

L2 Definition: berpacu

Examples: Kami sekeluarga mengikuti BALAP SEPEDA tahun lalu = All of our family participated in the BIKE RACE last year. Di kampung kami ada BALAPAN kuda setiap tahun = There is a horse RACE in our village every year. PEMBALAP itu tidak dapat lagi tertolong dalam kecelakaan = That RACER cannot be helped in the accident.##

Word: balas

Short Definition: reply, response. BER-: respond. BER--AN: exchange of replies. Also MEM-+

English Definition: ^reply, response. BER-: have a mutual response, respond. BER--AN: exchange replies, gunfire, etc. MEM-: 1. answer, reply. 2. repay, reward. 3. avenge. MEM--I: 1. reply to. 2. reward. MEM--KAN: avenge. -AN: 1. answer, response. 2. revenge, retaliation.###

L2 Definition: jawab; sambut. ###

Examples: Ini adalah surat-surat yang tidak BERBALAS. = These are letters that haven't HAD AN ANSWER. Berita baru ini kudapat karena BERBALASAN surat dengannya. = I got this latest news because I was IN CORRESPONDENCE with him. Saya belum MEMBALAS suratnya. = I haven't yet ANSWERED his letter. Orang yang disiksa olehnya tentu akan MEMBALASKAN dendam. = The person who was tortured by him will certainly AVENGE the wrong. Ini bukan BALASAN surat yang kuharapkan. = This was not the RESPONSE letter which I was hoping for. ###

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Word: balatentara

Short Definition: troops

English Definition: troops ###

Word: bale

Short Definition: bench.

English Definition: bench. ###

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Word: Bali

Short Definition: 1. a province in Indonesia. 2. an island located between Java and Lombok.

English Definition: 1. a province in Indonesia, located on the Island of Bali. Its capital city is Denpasar. 2. an island of Indonesia located between Java and Lombok. ###

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Word: baliho

Short Definition: billboard

English Definition: billboard

Word: balik

Short Definition: 1. return. 2. behind. 3. the contrary. 4. again. Also SE-, SE--NYA, BER-+

English Definition: ^1. return. 2. behind. 3. the reverse, the contrary. 4. again. SE-: the opposite. SE--NYA: on the contrary. BER-: 1. turn over. 2. change. 3. turn around, turn back. 4. return, reflect. 5. keep turning. BER--AN: be the opposite. MEM-: 1. turn around. 2. turn over, turn s.t. over. MEM--I: 1. return to. 2. repeat. MEM--KAN: 1. turn s.t., reverse. 2. return. 3. misrepresent. TER-: 1. be upside down. 2. reverse. 3. inside out. KE-: (Coll.) upside down. KE--AN: contrary. PEM--AN: reversal, inversion.###

L2 Definition: Sisi di bagian lain dari suatu hal/benda; kembali; pulang. ###

Examples: Saya mau balik ke kampung. = I want to return to the village. Kursi malasmu ada di SEBALIK pintu. = The easy chair is BEHIND the door. Bukan adiknya yang berbohong; justru SEBALIKNYA kakaknya yang berbohong. = It wasn't the younger brother who was lying; in fact it was just THE OPPOSITE -- it was the older brother who was lying. Dengan cepat dia BERBALIK ke belakang. = Quickly he TURNED AROUND and went to the back.

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Word: baling

Short Definition: propeller.

English Definition: BALING-BALING: propeller. ###

L2 Definition: kitiran/titiran. ###

Examples: BALING-BALING ini akan berputar menurut arah angin. = This PROPELLER will turn according to which direction the wind blows. ###

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Word: balkon

Short Definition: balcony, (R.R) platform###

English Definition: ###

Examples: Mereka duduk di BALKON sambil minum teh pada sore hari = They sat on the balcony and drank tea in the afternoon.###

Word: balok

Short Definition: beam; crossbar, joint, girder; bar (as in military insignia, etc.). Also -AN.

English Definition: ^*1 beam. 2 crossbar, joint, girder. 3 bar (as in military insignia, line drawn, etc.). -AN: s.t. produced in bars. ###

L2 Definition: Batang pohon yang telah dikupas kulitnya. ###

Examples: BALOK kayu ini bagus untuk bahan ukiran. = This BLOCK of wood is good material for carving. Hebat benar orang itu, bisa memecahkan BALOK ES dengan kepalanya. = That person is really great, he can break an ICE BLOCK with his head. ###

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Word: balon

Short Definition: balloon.

English Definition: balloon. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Anak kecil itu menangis karena BALONnya pecah. = That small child cried because his BALLOON broke.###

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Word: balong

Short Definition: pond, pool###

English Definition: 1. fishpond 2. puddle, mod hole####

Examples: ####

Word: balsam

Short Definition: balsam, ointment###

English Definition: *MEM-: apply balsam PEM-AN: embalming###

L2 Definition: Sejenis obat gosok jika masuk angin

Examples: *Ayah meminta Rita MEMBALSAM punggungnya = Father requested Rita to APPLY BALSAM on his back.###

Word: balsem

Short Definition: balsam###

English Definition: balsam### see balsam###

Word: balu

Short Definition: widow

English Definition: widow

Word: balur

Short Definition: 1. jerky, dried meat 2. thick skin around neck (of certain animal)###

English Definition: MEM--KAN: spread, smear, coat.###

Examples: Dia MEMBALURKAN minyak babi pada badannya = He spread lard on his body.###

Word: balut

Short Definition: bandage, dressing, wrapping. BER-: wrapped; bandaged. Also MEM--I, +

English Definition: ^*bandage, dressing, wrapping. *MEM-: to dress (with a bandage). *BER-: 1 wrapped. 2 bandaged. *MEM--I: 1 wrap. 2 dress (a wound). MEM--KAN: 1 put s.t. on as a bandage. 2 wrap for someone. *-AN: 1 bandage, dressing. 2 packing, wrapping. ###

L2 Definition: Menutup sesuatu dengan kain/bahan pembalut. ###

Examples: Apakah lukamu sudah DIBALUT? = Has your cut already been BANDAGED? Lututnya BERBALUT kain, pasti dia baru saja jatuh. = Her knee WAS BANDAGED with cloth; she must have just fallen. Perawat itu MEMBALUTI kepala pasien itu dengan perban. = That nurse WRAPPED the patient's head with a bandage. Jangan dilepas dahulu BALUTAN itu. = Don't take that BANDAGE off first. ###

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Word: bambang1

Short Definition: vast, extensive###

English Definition: * BERSE--AN: 1. extended, spread out (of area) 2. act big. * TER--: 1. extend 2. be displayed###

Examples: 1. Lapangan yang luas TERBAMBANG di antara dua gunung = A vast plain extends between the two mountains###

Word: bambang2

Short Definition: elope###

English Definition: * SE--: elope MEM--: elope, run off with a willing girl###

Examples: ###

Word: bambu

Short Definition: bamboo.

English Definition: *bamboo. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sejenis pohon. ###

Examples: Tusuk sate biasanya dibuat dari BAMBU. = Sate sticks are usually made from BAMBOO. Pejuang revolusi Indonesia terkenal dengan senjata "BAMBU-RUNCINGnya." = Indonesian revolusionary heroes were famous for their "BAMBOO SPEARS." ###

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Word: ban

Short Definition: tire (of an automobile).

English Definition: tire (of an automobile). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Rupanya BAN mobilnya kempes. = It turned out his car's TIRE was flat. ###

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Word: bancar

Short Definition: flowing copiously.

English Definition: flowing copiously. ###

L2 Definition: Cairan yang keluar dengan lancar. ###

Examples: Penyakitnya adalah tidak bisa kencing dengan BANCAR. = His illness is not being able to urinate EASILY. ###

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Word: banci

Short Definition: transvestite.

English Definition: 1. transvestite man, usually behaving in an effeminate manner. 2. powerless. MEM--KAN: to render powerless, emasculate.###

L2 Definition: Orang laki-laki yang berperangai seperti lawan jenisnya; wadam; waria. ###

Examples: Adik Joko adalah seorang BANCI. = Joko's brother is a TRANSVESTITE. Ayo lawan, kalau kau memang bukan BANCI! = Come on, fight, if you are really not A COWARD. ###

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Word: bancuh

Short Definition: mixed up, confused###

English Definition: * MEM--I: mix s.t. with * MEM--KAN: mix, blend * --AN: mixture, blend###

Examples: Tempat duduk ini BANCUH = These seat are mixed up.###

Word: band

Short Definition: 1. band. 2. radio band.

English Definition: 1. band. 2. radio band.###

L2 Definition: Kelompok alat-alat musik; grup pemusik; gelombang dalam siaran radio. ###

Examples: Grup BANDku akan pentas malam ini. = My BAND will take the stage tonight. ###

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Word: Banda

Short Definition: one of the islands in the eastern part of the Indonesian archipelago.

English Definition: *one of the islands in the eastern part of the Indonesian archipelago, belonging to the Province of Maluku. It is also known as Ceram or Seram. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah pulau di sebelah timur Indonesia. ###

Examples: Pulau BANDA letaknya didekat pulau Irian.= The island of BANDA is located near the island of Irian. ###

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Word: Banda Aceh

Short Definition: capital city of the Special Region of Aceh.

English Definition: capital city of the Special Region of Aceh in Indonesia. ###

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Word: bandang

Short Definition: large. *BANJIR--: flash flood

English Definition: large. *BANJIR--: flash flood.###

Examples: Hujan kemarin membuat banjir BANDANG di kampung kami = The rain yesterday caused the FLASH FLOOD in our village.###

Word: bandar

Short Definition: see BANDAR1 (harbor . . .) or BANDAR2 (channel . . .).

English Definition: see BANDAR1 (harbor . . .) BANDAR2 (channel . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: bandar udara

Short Definition: see BANDARA

Word: bandar1

Short Definition: harbor, port, place for docking (of ship, airplane, etc.).

English Definition: harbor, port, place for docking (of ship, airplane, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Tempat berlabuhnya sesuatu (pesawat terbang/kapal laut, dll); tempat perdagangan. ###

Examples: Tempat ini pernah menjadi BANDAR dagang yang sangat besar. = This place was once a trading PORT that was very big. ###

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Word: bandar2

Short Definition: ditch, drain, water channel.

English Definition: ditch, drain, water channel. ###

L2 Definition: selokan; tempat pembuangan sampah. ###

Examples: Karena hujan lebat semalam, bandar air di sawah jadi rusak. = Because of the heavy rain last night, the water channel in the paddy field is broken. ###

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Word: bandara

Short Definition: contraction of "bandar udara," or airport.

English Definition: contraction of "bandar udara," or airport. ###

L2 Definition: Pelabuhan udara; tempat di mana pesawat terbang tinggal landas dan berlabuh. ###

Examples: BANDARA Sukarno-Hatta adalah bandar udara yang sangat moderen. = The Sukarno-Hatta AIRPORT is a very modern airport. ###

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Word: bandel

Short Definition: null

English Definition: ^1 stubborn, obstinate. 2 undisciplined. MEM-: to be naughty. KE--AN: naughtiness, obstinacy. ###

L2 Definition: kepala batu; tidak mau menurut atau mendengar kata orang atau orang tua. ###

Examples: Anak itu memang BANDEL! = That kid is truly UNDISCIPLINED! Ibu akan mencubitmu kalau kau MEMBANDEL. = Mother will pinch you if you are NAUGHTY. Aku tak tahan lagi melihat KEBANDELANNYA. = I can not stand to see his NAUGHTINESS anymore. ###

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Word: bandeng

Short Definition: k.o. fish, milkfish

English Definition: k.o. fish, milkfish.##

Examples: Hati-hati memakan ikan BANDENG, tulangnya sangat banyak = Be careful eating the MILKFISH, it has lots of small bones.###

Word: bandes1

Short Definition: ###

English Definition: Bantuan Desa = village assistance program### see bandes2

L2 Definition: This program is created by the government under Suharto to supply agricultural goods to the villages####

Examples: Bupati Bone menyerahkan BANDES (bantuan desa) kepada sebelas desa = The regent of Bone gave ASSISTANCE to eleven villages.###

Word: bandes2

Short Definition: ###

English Definition: Pembangunan Desa = rural development body###

L2 Definition: Lembaga ini dibentuk sebagai lembaga pengawas pembangunan ekonomi di pedesaan.####

Examples: Beberapa pegawai BANDES (Pembagunan Desa) akan menginspeksi pembangunan ekonomi di desa Tondong = A number of RURAL DEVELOPMENT BODY's officers will inspect the economic development in the village of Tondong.###

Word: banding

Short Definition: equivalent, equal. SE-: comparable to, equal to. Also MEM(PER)--KAN, +

English Definition: ^equivelant, equal. SE-: comparable to, equal to. MEM(PER)--KAN: to compare s.t. with s.t. else. -AN: comparison. PEM--AN: act of comparing. PER--AN: comparison. ###

L2 Definition: Sama dalam hal sesuatu; imbangan; tara. ###

Examples: Kekuatan lawan SEBANDING dengan kekuatannya. = His opponent's strength was COMPARABLE to his own. Dengan MEMBANDINGKAN ke dua hal ini kita bisa mengukur besarnya. = By COMPARING these two matters we can measure their size/importance. PERBANDINGAN pendapatan penduduk desa dan kota di Indonesia adalah satu BANDING sepuluh. = The income of village inhabitants COMPARED TO city people's incomes in Indonesia is one TO ten. ###

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Word: bandit

Short Definition: 1. gangster, bandit 2. scoundrel, villain###

English Definition: * MEM--: commit a heinous crime * KE--AN: banditry, gangsterism###

Examples: ###

Word: Bandung

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Western Java in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Western Java in Indonesia. ###

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Word: bang

Short Definition: see ABANG.

English Definition: see ABANG. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: bangai

Short Definition: null

English Definition: * TER--: 1. neglected 2. given up###

Examples: Rumahnya TERBANGAI = Her house was neglected.###

Word: bangau

Short Definition: egret or heron (k.o. bird).

English Definition: egret or heron (k.o. bird). ###

L2 Definition: Sejenis burung yang berleher, kaki, dan paruh yang panjang. ###

Examples: Menurut kepercayaan orang, kalau banyak burung BANGAU begitu akan banyak bayi yang lahir. = According some people's belief, if there are a lot of HERONS there will be lots of babies born. ###

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Word: banget

Short Definition: (Jv) very, excessively. KE--AN: excessively, terribly, overly.

English Definition: ^(Jv) very, excessively. KE--AN: excessively, terribly, overly. ###

L2 Definition: sangat; amat; sekali. ###

Examples: Rasanya panas BANGET hari ini. = It feels like today is TERRIBLY hot. KEBANGETAN benar pelitnya anak itu. = That child's stinginess is EXCESSIVE.###

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Word: bangga

Short Definition: proud (of s.t.). BER-: to be proud of s.t. KE--AN: s.t. of which o. is proud.

English Definition: proud (of s.t.). BER-: to be proud of s.t. KE--AN: s.t. of which o. is proud.

L2 Definition: Besar hati; merasa yang paling... ###

Examples: Boleh saja BERBANGGA tetapi jangan keterlaluan. = It's all right to TAKE PRIDE (in what you do) but don't be excessive (about it). Abang saya yang menjadi pilot adalah anak KEBANGGAAN ayah kami. = My older brother who is a pilot is our father's PRIDE AND JOY.###

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Word: bangka

Short Definition: tough and stiff (of rug, etc.)

English Definition: tough and stiff (of rug, etc.) *TUA-- : really old (age)

Examples: ###

Word: bangkai

Short Definition: carcass.

English Definition: carcass. ###

L2 Definition: Tubuh/barang yang telah mati/rusak. ###

Examples: Pasti ada BANGKAI di sekitar sini, baunya sungguh menyengat. = Surely there is CARCASE around here, the smell is very sharp. ###

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Word: bangkang

Short Definition: null

English Definition: * MEM--: rebel, resist, oppose * MEM--I: rebel against, resist s.t. * PEM--: 1. rebel, resister, dissident 2. intractable person, insubordinate person * PEM--AN: 1. insubordination, disobedience, rebelliousness. 2. protest###

Examples: Ia sengaja MEMBANGKANGI ajaran-ajaran agama = He purposely rebelled against dissident.###

Word: bangkar

Short Definition: 1. tough and stiff, coarse. 2. rigid.

English Definition: 1. tough and stiff, coarse. 2. rigid. ###

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Word: bangkit

Short Definition: get up, arise from a reclining position. Also MEM-, MEM--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: get up, arise from a reclining position. MEM-: 1 cause to arise. 2 encourage. 3 to arise. MEM--KAN: rise, arouse, provoke. KE--AN: awakening, arousal. ###

L2 Definition: bangun; timbul. ###

Examples: Titang BANGKIT dari kursinya melihat ibunya datang. = Titang RISES from her chair when she sees her mother comes. Senyuman kekasihnya MEMBANGKITKAN semangatnya untuk belajar. = The smile of her sweetheart INSPIRED (= RAISED her spirit) to study. Paskah merayakan hari KEBANGKITAN Yesus dari kuburnya. = Easter celebrates the day of Jesus' RESURRECTION from his tomb. ###

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Word: bangkrut

Short Definition: bankrupt.

English Definition: bankrupt. ###

L2 Definition: Usaha yang rugi; tidak beruntung; jatuh miskin. ###

Examples: Semenjak ayahnya meninggal semua usahanya mulai BANGKRUT. = From the time his father died, all his businesses started to go BANKRUPT.###

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Word: bangku

Short Definition: bench, seat.

English Definition: bench, seat. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat duduk terbuat dari kayu. ###

Examples: Ayo kita makan di BANGKU taman saja. = Come on! Let's eat on the park BENCH. Temanku SEBANGKU dulu sekarang sudah menjadi dokter. = My former CLASSMATE has already become a doctor. ###

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Word: bangsa

Short Definition: nation, people, race. KE--AN: nationality; nationalism. Also BERKE--AN.

English Definition: ^*nation, people, race. KE--AN: 1 nationality. 2 nationalism, nationalist. 3 national. BERKE--AN: have the nationality of . . . ###

L2 Definition: Kesatuan orang-orang dalam satu pemerintahan di suatu tempat tertentu. ###

Examples: BANGSA yang besar adalah BANGSA yang menghargai pahlawannya. = A great NATION is a NATION that respects its heroes. Lagu KEBANGSAAN Indonesia adalah Indonesia Raya. = The NATIONAL anthem of Indonesia is Indonesia Raya (Great Indonesia). Istri Pak Amir BERKEBANGSAAN Mexico. = Mr. Amir's wife has the NATIONALITY of Mexico.###

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Word: bangsai

Short Definition: 1. rotten 2. fragile, brittle 3. thin, frail###

English Definition: ###

Examples: Kayunya adalah BANGSAI = The wood is rotten.###

Word: bangsal

Short Definition: shed, warehouse###

English Definition: 1. -- lokomotip: roundhouse 2. -- pengeringan: drying shed 3. public building 4. -- pertemuan : meeting hall -- olah raga: gymnasium 5. market stalls 6. ward 7. emergency housing, lean-to###

Examples: ###

Word: bangsat

Short Definition: rascal, scoundrel; a miserably poor person.

English Definition: ^1 rascal, scoundrel. 2 a miserably poor person. ###

L2 Definition: Kutu busuk/kepinding; orang yang bertabiat buruk. ###

Examples: Banyak benar BANGSAT di kasur itu. = There are really many SCOUNDREL in that bed. Bagaimana BANGSAT itu bisa dipercaya kalau kerjanya merugikan orang lain saja. =How can that SCOUNDREL be believed when all he does is ruin other people!###

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Word: bangsawan

Short Definition: a person of the nobility or aristocracy.

English Definition: a person of the nobility or aristocracy. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang masih keturunan raja (berdarah biru). ###

Examples: "Raden" adalah titel BANGSAWAN untuk keluarga kerajaan di Jawa. = "Raden" ("prince') is a NOBLE title for the royal family in Java. ###

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Word: bangun

Short Definition: wake up; get up. BER-: get up. MEM-: build, construct. Also MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: ^*1 wake up. 2 get up. BER-: get up. *MEM-: build, construct. *MEM--KAN: 1 wake s.o. up. 2 build, erect. *TER-: awaken (suddenly). *-AN: 1 building, structure. 2 construction. *PEM--AN: 1 (re)construction. 2 development. ###

L2 Definition: Berdiri dari duduk, tidur, pingsan, dll. ###

Examples: Saya harus BANGUN pagi-pagi. = I have to GET UP early in the morning. Walaupun selalu jatuh, ayam jago itu tetap berusaha untuk BANGUN. = Although he always fell, that fighting cock kept trying to GET UP. Indonesia sedang MEMBANGUN di segala bidang. = Indonesia is in the process of DEVELOPING all of its sectors. Sulit sekali MEMBANGUNKAN adik pagi-pagi. = It is very difficult to WAKE UP (my younger sister/brother) early in the morning. Tukang kayu itu akan MEMBANGUN rumah baru Bu Hadi. = That carpenter is going to BUILD Mrs. Hadi's new house. Hampir setiap malam, Karjo selalu TERBANGUN dari tidurnya. = Almost every night, Karjo is AWAKENED from his sleep. Ada BANGUNAN baru disebelah rumahku. = There is a new BUILDING at the side of my house. PEMBANGUNAN jalan kereta api akan diteruskan sampai tahun depan. = The CONSTRUCTION of the railroad will be continued until next year. ###

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Word: banjar

Short Definition: line, row###

English Definition: 1. series, -- pulau: series of islands. 2. train of events * SE--: of the same row, line, series. * BER-(2), BER-AN: form a line, line up. * MEM-KAN: line up, arrange in rows * --AN: line, row, file###

Examples: Murid-murid BERBANJARAN menurut kelas masing-masing = The students rows according to their perspective classes.###

Word: Banjarmasin

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Southern Kalimantan in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Southern Kalimantan in Indonesia, located on the Island of Kalimantan. ###

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Word: banjir

Short Definition: flood, deluge. MEM-: in floods. MEM--I: flood, overwhelm. Also KE--AN, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^flood, deluge. MEM-: in floods, in a large quantity. MEM--I: flood, overwhelm. KE--AN: flooded, overwhelmed. PEM--AN: flooding.###

L2 Definition: Banyak sekali; air sungai yang meluap karena hujan. ###

Examples: Bantuan makanan datang MEMBANJIR untuk para korban KEBANJIRAN. = Food donations came FLOODING in for the FLOOD victims. Air sungai itu meluap MEMBANJIRI sawah-sawah petani. = The water of the river overflowed, FLOODING INTO the wet-rice fields of the farmers. Saya KEBANJIRAN hadiah waktu memenangkan lomba lari. = I was OVERWHELMED with prizes when I won the foot race. ###

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Word: banner

Short Definition: sticker###

English Definition: sticker###

Examples: ###

Word: bantah

Short Definition: to say s.t. by way of disagreement. Also BER-, MEM-, MEM--I, MEM--KAN.

English Definition: to say s.t. by way of disagreement. BER-: to disagree or dispute. MEM-: to take opposition. MEM--I: to refute, argue against. MEM--KAN: to dispute s.t. -AN: protest. ###

L2 Definition: ingkar; tidak mengakui. ###

Examples: Dua orang itu yang selalu BERBANTAHAN dalam setiap diskusi. = Those are the two people who are always ARGUING WITH EACH OTHER in every discussion. Tidak baik selalu MEMBANTAH perintah orang tua. = It's not good to ARGUE with what your parents tell you to do. BANTAHAN resmi mengenai kasus itu akan dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah. = A formal PROTEST about that case will be put out by the government. ###

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Word: bantai

Short Definition: slaughter.

English Definition: slaughter. ###

L2 Definition: sembelih; potong. ###

Examples: Dia BANTAI orang-orang yang dianggapnya musuhnya. = He SLAUGHTERED the people whom he thought as his enemies. ###

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Word: bantal

Short Definition: pillow, cushion. BER-: sleep with s.o.; use as a pillow. -AN: bolster, cushion.

English Definition: ^pillow, cushion. BER-: 1 sleep with s.o. or share s.o.'s bed. 2 use as a pillow. -AN: bolster, cushion, pillow. ###

L2 Definition: Karung yang biasanya berisi kapas untuk alas duduk atau tidur. ###

Examples: Setiap tempat tidur di hotel itu mempunyai dua BANTAL. = Each bed in that hotel has two PILLOWS. Karena kayanya, dia bisa diibaratkan orang yang tidur BERBANTAL emas. = Because of her wealth, she can be likened to a person who sleeps WITH A gold PILLOW. Kakek selalu duduk di atas BANTALAN kursi. = Grandfather always sits on a seat CUSHION. ###

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Word: banteng

Short Definition: wild bull###

English Definition: wild bull###

Examples: ###

Word: banter

Short Definition: fast, quick, rapid.

English Definition: fast, quick, rapid. ###

L2 Definition: cepat. ###

Examples: BANTER juga larinya sepeda motormu. = Your motorcycle is pretty FAST.###

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Word: banting

Short Definition: throw down forcefully.

English Definition: throw down forcefully. ###

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Word: bantu

Short Definition: assist. MEM-: help, aid, assist. -AN: aid, help, assistance. Also PEM-, +

English Definition: ^*assist. *MEM-: 1 help, aid, assist. 2 support, back up. *-AN: aid, help, assistance. *PEM-: 1 helper, assistant. 2 domestic servant. PEM--AN: provision of assistance. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: tolong.###

Examples: BANTULAH orang yang miskin itu. = HELP that poor person. Tidak ada salahnya MEMBANTU korban kecelakaan itu. = There is no blame in HELPING the victims of that accident. BANTUANmu sangat berharga, kata bu guru. = Your HELP is very valuable, said the teacher. Apa jadinya kalau tidak ada PEMBANTUku ini. = What would happen if I didn't have this HELPER of mine. ###

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Word: banyak

Short Definition: many, much. -NYA: amount, quantity; number. Also SE-, SE-_-_-NYA, +

English Definition: ^*many, much. -NYA: 1 amount, quantity. 2 number. *SE-: as many as, as much as, amounting to. *SE-_-_-NYA: as much or many as possible. TER-: the greatest number. KE--AN: majority, the greater part. ###

L2 Definition: Berjumlah besar. ###

Examples: Dalam bencana alam itu BANYAK korban yang meninggal = In the midst of that natural disaster many victims died. Carilah ilmu SEBANYAK-BANYAKnya sampai ke ujung langit. = Seek knowledge AS MUCH AS YOU CAN until the furthest reaches of the sky. SEBANYAK itukah hadiah yang kau dapat? = Is it THAT MANY gifts you received? Siapa yang mengumpulkan nilai TERBANYAK dia yang akan menjadi juara. = Whoever accumulates THE MOST points will be the one to become champion. KEBANYAKAN penduduk kampung itu adalah keturunan Arab. = MOST of the inhabitants of that village are of Arab descent. ###

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Word: banyol

Short Definition: joke; jest; gag

English Definition: 1. joke, jest, gag; 2. clown, jokester MEM-- : tell jokes ---AN: joke [Col.] NGE-- : clown around

L2 Definition: gurauan; bercanda; melawak; melucu; berbuat sesuatu yang lucu

Word: bapak

Short Definition: father; form of address for older man; part of respectful title. Also KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^*1 father. 2 form of address to an older man, esp. as "pak". 3 part of a respectful title for an older man, esp. as "pak". *KE--AN: fatherly, paternal. PER--AN: fatherhood. ###

L2 Definition: !. Orang tua laki-laki/ayah. 2. Sebutan untuk orang laki-laki yang lebih tua. 3. Sebutan penghormatan bagi sesorang. ###

Examples: BAPAKku bernama Hadipranoto. = My FATHER's name is Hadipranoto. BAPAK-BAPAK, ibu-ibu, dan saudara sekalian yang terhormat........ = Respected GENTLEMEN and ladies....... Soekarno dan Hatta adalah BAPAK Proklamator Indonesia. = Soekarno and Hatta are the FATHER proclaimers of Indonesian independence. Walaupun umurnya masih sangat muda, tetapi sifatnya sangat KEBAPAKAN. = Although he is still very young, his attitude is very FATHERLY. ###

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Word: Bapeda

Short Definition: Agency for Regional Development.

English Definition: (Badan Perencanaan Daerah) Agency for Regional Development. ###

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Word: Bappenas

Short Definition: National Development Planning Board.

English Definition: (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional) National Development Planning Board. ###

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Word: baptis

Short Definition: 1. (Rel) baptism 2. the Baptist sect or adherent thereof###

English Definition: MEM--(KAN): 1. baptize 2. convert (to Christianity) --AN: baptism PEM--: baptism * PEM--AN: baptizing 2. christening###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Seolah-olah aku DIBAPTISKAN masuk ke dunia baru = It was as if I had been baptized and entered a new world.###

Word: bara

Short Definition: ember, live coal###

English Definition: 1. -- api: ember, -- halus: coal dust 2. heat, warmth 3. fire, fervor *MEM--: 1. be aglow, smoulder 2. blaze, burn *MEM--KAN: 1. set ablaze 2. illuminate 3. inflame. excite *PEM--AN: the burning of s.t. *PER--AN: brazier, hearth, furnace. *BATU--: coal. ###

Examples: ###

Word: barak

Short Definition: 1. barracks 2. quarantine quarters###

English Definition: *MEM--: quarantine, segregate###

Examples: Karena penyakit yang menular itu ia di BARAK = Because of his contagious disease he was quarantined.###

Word: barakah

Short Definition: blessed###

English Definition: *KE--AN: bliss, blessedness###

Examples: ###

Word: barang

Short Definition: see BARANG1, BARANG2, or BARANG3.

English Definition: see BARANG1 (goods, commodities, object.....) BARANG2 (any.....) BARANG3 (more or less, approximately.....) ###

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Word: barang1

Short Definition: goods, commodities; article, object; baggage, luggage. Also BARANG-BARANG.

English Definition: ^*1 goods, commodities. 2 article, object. 3 baggage, luggage. *BARANG-BARANG: 1 belongings. 2 goods, commodities. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Benda yang mempunyai wujud. 2. Perkakas. ###

Examples: Milik siapa BARANG ini? = Who owns this THING? Di kotak itu terdapat BARANG-BARANG rumah tangga. = In that box can be found household THINGS. Setiba di bandara kami langsung ke tempat pengambilan BARANG. = As we arrived at the airport, we went directly to the BAGGAGE pick-up section. ###

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Word: barang2

Short Definition: any. SEM-(-AN): any old, just any.

English Definition: ^any. *SEM-: any old, just any. *SEM-AN: to do in an offhand manner. ###

L2 Definition: sembarang=apa saja/seadanya. sembarangan= ngawur. ###

Examples: Cepatlah, ambil baju SEMBARANG saja! = Quick, take just ANY shirt! Jaga bicaramu, jangan omong SEMBARANGAN! = Watch your language. Don't speak OFFHANDEDLY. ###

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Word: barang3

Short Definition: more or less, approximately.

English Definition: ^*more or less, approximately. ###

L2 Definition: sinonim=kira-kira. ###

Examples: Saya haus sekali tuan, berilah saya air BARANG seteguk! = I'm very thirsty, sir, please give me ABOUT a mouthful of water. Bagi-bagilah rezekimu BARANG SEDIKIT kepada orang miskin. = Divide your fortune A LITTLE among the poor people. Berilah saya kesempatan BARANG SEKALI saja. = Give me a chance just ONE TIME. ###

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Word: barangkali

Short Definition: maybe, perhaps.

English Definition: *maybe, perhaps. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim=mungkin. ###

Examples: BARANGKALI keberangkatan pesawat terbang ini akan ditunda.= MAYBE the departure of this airplane will be postponed. ###

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Word: barat

Short Definition: west, western. MEM-: to go westward. PEM--AN: Westernization.

English Definition: *west, western. *MEM-: to go westward. *PEM--AN: Westernization. *BARAT DAYA: south-west *BARAT LAUT: north-west. ###

L2 Definition: Salah satu petunjuk arah disamping utara, timur, dan selatan. ###

Examples: Rumah dokter Andi Nina berada di sebelah BARAT pasar. = The house of Doctor Andi Nina is on the WEST side of the market. Nampaknya kapal ini MEMBARAT arahnya. = It seems like this boat is GOING IN A WESTWARD direction. Pada jaman penjajahan, Belanda berusaha melakukan PEMBARATAN dalam segala hal. = During the colonial era, the Dutch sought to bring about WESTERNIZATION in all things. ###

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Word: bareng

Short Definition: (Jv.) with. MEM--I: accompany.

English Definition: (Jv.) with. MEM--I: accompany. ###

L2 Definition: bersama; bertepatan. ###

Examples: Ulang tahunnya BARENG dengan ulang tahunku. = Her birthday is the SAME AS my birthday. ###

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Word: baret

Short Definition: baret1: beret, baret2: laceration, scratch, abration###

English Definition: baret1: beret baret2: 1. laceration, scratch, abration 2. lacerated, scratched * TER~ = scratched####

L2 Definition: baret merah = nick name for army commandos###

Examples: * Jari tangan saya TERBARET = My finger was SCRATCHED.###

Word: barik-barik

Short Definition: 1. grain (in wood) 2. vein (in marble) 3. spotted (of eggshell)###

English Definition: BER--: veined, grained###

Examples: ###

Word: baring

Short Definition: BER-: to lie down. TER-: lying. BERBARING-BARING=resting, lying down.

English Definition: BER-: to lie down. TER-: lying. BERBARING-BARING = resting, lying down. ###

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Word: baris

Short Definition: line, row. BER-: to be in a line or row. MEM--KAN: arrange in rows. Also -AN.

English Definition: line, row. BER-: to be in a line or row. MEM--KAN: arrange in rows. -AN: the ranks, the front. ###

L2 Definition: deret; jajar; berurutan. ###

Examples: Semua pasukan sudah BERBARIS siap menyambut kedatangan tamu negara. = All the troops were LINED UP ready to greet the arrival of the state visitor. Ini adalah BARISAN kuburan bekas tentara perang. = This is a ROW of graves of war veterans.###

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Word: Barnas

Short Definition: Barisan Nasional

English Definition: abbreviation of a new political party formed in 1998 by Kemal Idris, a retired army.

Examples: Ketua BARISAN NASIONAL (BARNAS) Letnan General (Purn) Kemal Idris menolak tuduhan pemerintah tentang usaha makar = The BARISAN NASIONAL's leader retired Lieutenant General Kemal Idris rejected the government's accusation of coup.

Word: barong

Short Definition: kind of dance with mask (Bali)

English Definition: kind of dance with mask (Bali)

Word: baru

Short Definition: new, recent; modern; only so much up to now; only now; not until. Also TER-, +

English Definition: ^*1 new, recent. 2 modern. 3 just, only so much up to now. 4 only now, just at a certain time. 5 not until, only then. *MEM(PER)--I: modernize, renovate, remodel. *TER-: newest. *PEM--AN: modernization, renovation, remodeling. ###

L2 Definition: Sesuatu yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya. ###

Examples: Sepatunya BARU dibeli kemarin malam. = Her shoes were JUST bought last night. Amir harus bekerja keras untuk MEMPERBARUI karangannya. = Amir had to work hard to REVISE his composition. "DANGEROUS" adalah album lagu Michael Jackson yang TERBARU. = "DANGEROUS" is the LATEST song album of Michael Jackson. Untuk mengejar ketinggalan dalam bidang teknologi, kita harus banyak melakukan PEMBARUAN. = In order to avoid being left behind in the field of technology, we must do a lot of MODERNIZATION. ###

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Word: barusan

Short Definition: (Coll.) just, just now###

English Definition: ###

L2 Definition:

Examples: BARUSAN saja suami saya berangkat = My husband JUST left.###

Word: barut1

Short Definition: 1. bandage, dressing 2. diaper###

English Definition: *MEM--: 1. dress, bandage (a wound, etc.) 2. swathe, bind up ( a baby) * PEM--: bandage, dressing *PEM--AN: bandaging, dressing (of wounds)###

Examples: ###

Word: barut2

Short Definition: null

English Definition: MEM--: 1. scrub, clean, polish wipe (floors etc.) 2. grease###

Examples: ###

Word: barzarkh

Short Definition: (Isl) the place and time between death and the Last Judgement.###

English Definition: (Isl) the place and time between death and the Last Judgement.###

L2 Definition:

Examples: ###

Word: basa-basi

Short Definition: good manners, courtesy, politeness###

English Definition: 1. conventional phrase of greeting etc., conventionality *BER--: be courteous###

Examples: Jumpailah beliau sekedar BASA-BASI, siapa tahu ada gunanya = Meet him just for the sake of courtesy who knows it might be of some use.###

Word: basah

Short Definition: wet, soaked; fresh (not dried). MEM-: become moist. Also MEM--I, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^*1 wet, soaked. 2 fresh (not dried). MEM-: become moist. *MEM--I: dampen, moisten. *KE--AN: 1 wetness, dampness. 2 to become soaked with water. PEM--AN: moistening, dampening. ###

L2 Definition: mengandung air. tempat/hal yang mendatangkan banyak uang. ###

Examples: Celanaku BASAH kehujanan. = My pants are WET because of the rain. Apakah Departemen Keuangan itu tempat yang BASAH? = Is the Finance Department a LUCRATIVE place? Air minum yang tumpah itu MEMBASAHI tempat tidur. = The drinking water that spilled DAMPENED the bed. Semua bukuku KEBASAHAN air hujan karena atap rumahku bocor. = All of my books BECAME SOAKED with rain water because the roof of my house leaks. ###

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Word: basi

Short Definition: 1. spoiled, stale. 2. out-of-date, not topical

English Definition: 1. spoiled, stale. 2. out-of-date, not topical

Examples: Jangan makan nasi yang sudah BASI = Don't eat that rice, it is SPOILED already. Ceritamu sudah BASI = Your story is not INTERESTING anymore.###

Word: basi1

Short Definition: spoiled, stale, out-of-date, not topical ###

English Definition: *MEM--KAN: let spoil, let go to waste###

Examples: Nasinya sudah BASI = The rice is spoiled###

Word: basis

Short Definition: 1. basis, principle, 2. (Mil.) base

English Definition: basis, principle (Mil.) base BER-- : have a base BER--KAN: to have a base(principle)

Examples: Contoh yang dia katakan tidak BERBASISKAN pada fakta = The examples he mentioned DOES NOT A BASE on facts.##

Word: baskom

Short Definition: washbasin###

English Definition: washbasin###

Examples: Tolong taruh potongan sayur itu di BASKOM = Please put that copped vegetable in the WASHBASIN.###

Word: basuh

Short Definition: washing. MEM-: wash (hands, clothes, dishes). Also PEM-, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^*washing. *MEM-: wash (hands, clothes, dishes). *PEM-: 1 cleansing material. 2 washer. PEM--AN: washing. ###

L2 Definition: Membersihkan sesuatu dengan air. Sinonim=cuci. ###

Examples: BASUH dulu mukamu sebelum tidur. = WASH your face first before going to sleep. Hari ini giliranku MEMBASUH piring. = Today is my turn to WASH the plates. Alat PEMBASUH ini kurang baik untuk mencuci gelas. = This WASHING tool is not very good for cleaning glasses. Buah apel itu harus DIBASUH dulu sebelum kau makan. = That apple must be WASHED first before you eat it. ###

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Word: batak

Short Definition: Batak = a people of N. Sumatra. batak = vagabond, adventurer. SEE MEM-, PEM.

English Definition: ^1. Batak = people of N. Sumatra. 2. batak = vagabond, adventurer. MEM-: rob, plunder; wander, roam. PEM-: robber, plunderer; adventurer. ###

L2 Definition: Nama suku di daerah Sumatera Utara; pengembara/petualang. ###

Examples: Ada banyak orang BATAK yang tinggal dekat Danau Toba di Pulau Sumatera. = There are many BATAK people who live near Lake Toba in Sumatra. Anak sulungku sedang MEMBATAK di negeri orang. = My eldest child is ROAMING abroad. Di selat itu terkenal banyak PEMBATAKNYA. = In that strait it is well known there are lots of ROBBERS.

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Word: batako

Short Definition: concrete brick.

English Definition: concrete brick. ###

L2 Definition: Balok persegi empat yang terbuat dari campuran pasir dan semen dipakai untuk membuat tembok. ###

Examples: Semua rumah di kompleks itu menggunakan BATAKO. = All the houses in that complex use CONCRETE BRICKS.

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Word: batal

Short Definition: cancelled, null, void. MEM--KAN: cancel, revoke, rescind. KE--AN: nullification.

English Definition: ^*cancelled, null, void. *MEM--KAN: cancel. revoke, rescind. KE--AN: nullification. *PEM--AN: 1 cancellation. 2 annulment, renunciation. ###

L2 Definition: tidak jadi berlangsung. tidak sah. ###

Examples: Ujiannya BATAL karena dosennya sakit. = His exam was CANCELLED because the professor was sick. Keputusan itu BATAL karena hukum. = That decision was NULLIFIED because of the law. Pihak perempuan yang MEMBATALKAN perkawinan itu. = It was the bride's contingent that CANCELLED the wedding. PEMBATALAN keberangkatan kereta api ini mengganggu jadwal kerjaku. = The CANCELLATION of this train's departure interferes with my work schedule. ###

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Word: batalion

Short Definition: see batalyon###

English Definition: see batalyon###

Examples: ###

Word: batalyon

Short Definition: (Ml) battalion###

English Definition: (Ml) battalion###

Examples: Bambang Kristiono adalah bekas Komandan BATALYON 42 Group IV Kopassus = Bambang Kristiono was a former Commander for the BATTALION 42 Group IV Kopassus.###

Word: batang

Short Definition: stem; stick, pole; trunk (of tree); classifier for long objects. Also BER-, +

English Definition: ^*1 stem, stalk. 2 stick, pole, shaft. 3 trunk (of tree). 4 classifier for oblong, cylindrical objects. 5 a dead body. *BER-: have a certain k.o. stem. MEM-: erect, become stiff. -AN: 1 barrier. 2 crossbeam. 3 bar. ###

L2 Definition: +Bagian pohon tempat tumbuhnya cabang dan daun. +Benda yang bentuknya bulat panjang. +Bangkai/mayat. ###

Examples: BATANG pohon itu licin sekali. = The TRUNK of that tree is very slippery. Pohon BERBATANG dua ini indah sekali. = This tree that HAS two TRUNKS is very beautiful. SEBATANG rokok harganya Rp. 100,-. = The price of ONE cigarette is 100 rupiahs. Ia telah menjadi BATANG. = He has already become a DEAD BODY. ###

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Word: batas

Short Definition: limit; border. BER--AN: border on, be adjacent to. Also MEM--I, -AN, +

English Definition: ^*1 limit. 2 border. *BER--AN: border on, be adjacent to. *MEM--I: limit, restrict. *-AN: 1 border, boundary. 2 limitation, restriction. *PEM--AN: restriction. *PER--AN: border, division. ###

L2 Definition: Garis atau sesuatu yang memisahkan satu dan lain hal. Ketentuan yang tak boleh dilanggar. Hal yang digunakan sebagai perkiraan.###

Examples: Di sinilah BATAS antara timur dan barat. = Here is the BOUNDARY between east and west. BATAS WAKTU untuk menyelesaikan project ini adalah minggu depan. = The DEADLINE for finishing this project is next week. Sulit mencapai daerah itu karena tempatnya BERBATASAN dengan gunung. = It is difficult to reach that region because it is an area BORDERED BY mountains. Kakaknya yang MEMBATASI pergaulan kami. = Her elder sister PUT A LIMIT ON our associating with each other. BATASAN antara baik dan buruk tidak jelas. = The LINE between good and bad is not clear. Memang perlu adanya PEMBATASAN penebangan pohon di hutan-hutan. = There is truly a need for RESTRICTIONS on the cutting down of trees in the forests. Daerah PERBATASAN antara Mexico dan Amerika dijaga sangat ketat. = The BORDER region between Mexico and America is guarded very closely. ###

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Word: baterai

Short Definition: 1. dry-cell battery; 2.[Mil.] battery

English Definition: 1. dry-cell battery; 2.[Mil.] battery

Examples: Saya akan mengganti BATERAI senter ini dengan yang baru = I will replace the BATTERIES of this torch with new ones.###

Word: batik

Short Definition: k.o. color-patterned cotton cloth.

English Definition: *cotton cloth colored (traditionally) by means of a wax-dye method to form intricate patterns. *MEM-: do batik work. **** {See MEMBATIK entry for picture} **** *PEM-: s.o. who makes batik. ###

L2 Definition: Kain yang dibuat dengan metode dan pola khusus yang terkenal dilakukan oleh orang Jawa. ###

Examples: Kehalusan dan keindahan kain BATIK sangat ditentukan oleh keahlian PEMBATIKnya. = The fineness and beauty of BATIK cloth is very much determined by the skill of the PERSON MAKING THE BATIK. Untuk MEMBATIK sehelai kain selebar satu meter dibutuhkan waktu selama satu minggu. = To MAKE BATIK of a piece of cloth a meter wide takes one week. ###

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Word: batin

Short Definition: inner, spiritual, mind, heart. Also BER-, MEM-, MEM--KAN, KE--AN, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^1. inner, spiritual. 2. mind, heart. BER-: mull over. MEM-: say to o.s. MEM--KAN: keep to o.s., keep secret. KE--AN: mysticism, spiritualism, spirit. PEM--AN: inner meditations.###

L2 Definition: Perasaan; sesuatu rasa yang terdapat di dalam hati; suara jiwa; dll. ###

Examples: Dia tidak berkata apa-apa ketika diumpat dan hanya MEMBATIN umpatan juga. = He didn't say anything when he was cursed, and only SILENTLY SAID curses also. Orang itu mengajar ilmu KEBATINAN. = That person is teaching MYSTICISM###

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Word: batok

Short Definition: coconut shell

English Definition: *-Kepala = skull

Examples: Kita dapat membuat cangkir dari BATOK kelapa = We can make tea cups from the COCONUT SHELLS.## BATOK KEPALA nya sakit karena terkena batu = His SKULL was hurt because he was hit by a rock.###

Word: batu

Short Definition: stone. MEM-: fossilize; petrify; harden. Also PEM--AN, PE(R)--AN.

English Definition: ^stone. *BER-: to be rocky. *MEM-: 1 fossilize, petrify. 2 harden. *PEM--AN: fossilization. PE(R)--AN: a rocky place. *--BARA: charcoal. ###

L2 Definition: +Benda padat yang keras bukan terbuat dari logam.###

Examples: Jangan lempar BATU sembunyi tangan. = Don't throw stone and hide your hand. BATU BARA berasal dari batang kayu yang sudah MEMBATU. = COAL originates from trees that have already become HARDENED. Proses PEMBATUAN batang kayu menjadi BATU BARA mungkin selama berabad-abad. = The process of FOSSILIZATION which turns trees into COAL perhaps takes centuries. Tempat itu kurang subur karena merupakan daerah BERBATU. = That place is not very fertile because it is a ROCKY area. ###

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Word: batubara

Short Definition: see BARA

English Definition: see BARA

Word: batuk

Short Definition: cough, to cough.

English Definition: cough, to cough.###

L2 Definition: Jenis penyakit yang membuat orang mengeluarkan suara karena rasa gatal di tenggorokan. ###

Examples: Sudah hampir dua minggu BATUK ini menggangguku. = This COUGH has bothered me for almost two weeks. ###

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Word: bau

Short Definition: scent, aroma, odor; stench. BER-: give off an odor. Also MEM-, MEM--I.

English Definition: ^*1 scent, smell, aroma, odor. 2 unpleasant odor, stench, stink. *BER-: give off an odor. *MEM-: smell a rat, suspect s.t. is wrong. *MEM--I: 1 smell s.t. 2. to give a smell to s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Sesuatu yang bisa ditangkap oleh indera penciuman. ###

Examples: BAU apa ini kok sangat busuk? = What is this SMELL that makes it so rotten? Parfum ini BERBAU seperti bunga mawar. = This perfume SMELLS like a rose flower. Saya MEMBAU barang yang terbakar. = I SMELL something burning. Dia sedang MEMBAUI telur itu dengan BAU yang khas. = She is GIVING A special ODOR to that egg. ###

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Word: baur

Short Definition: socialize, mix

English Definition: BER- (-an): 1. be mixed 2. socialize 3. live together MEM-: 1. diffuse 2. assimilate MEM- -I: mix into MEM- -KAN: mix something

Examples: Saya suka BERBAUR dengan tetangga. = I like to SOCIALIZE with the neighbors.

Word: bawa

Short Definition: bring, bring along. MEM-: carry; bring, take along. Also MEM--KAN, TER-.

English Definition: ^*bring, bring along. *MEM-: 1 carry. 2 bring, take along. *MEM--KAN: bring s.t. for s.o. *TER-: taken along(accidentally). ###

L2 Definition: Mengangkat sesuatu dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain. ###

Examples: Apa saja yang kamu BAWA hari ini. = What all did you BRING today? Apakah anda mau menolong saya MEMBAWA barang ini? = Do you want to help me CARRY this thing? Setiap pulang dari bepergian ibu selalu MEMBAWAKAN oleh-oleh untuk kami. = Everytime she returns from a trip, mother always BRINGS presents for us. Dia hilang tenggelam di sungai karena TERBAWA arus. = He disappeared in the river because he was CARRIED AWAY by the current. Jangan terlalu pelit karena harta tidak akan DIBAWA mati. = Don't be too stingy because your wealth can't BE TAKEN ALONG when you die. ###

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Word: bawah

Short Definition: under, beneath. MEM--I: be under or beneath; supervise. Also MEM--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: ^*under, beneath. *MEM--I: 1 be under or beneath. 2 supervise, have under. *MEM--KAN: be in charge of, supervise. *-AN: subordinate, underling. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat yang lebih rendah. Akronim=atas. ###

Examples: Kebalikan dari atas adalah BAWAH. = The opposite of over is UNDER. Ada apa di BAWAH kursi itu? = What is UNDERNEATH that chair? Sebagai seorang manager saya MEMBAWAHI banyak pekerja. = As a manager, I SUPERVISE many workers. Seluruh BAWAHANnya sangat menghormatinya. = All of his SUBORDINATES respect him very much. ###

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Word: bawang

Short Definition: onion.

English Definition: *onion. (The picture shows both BAWANG MERAH [=red onions or shallots] and BAWANG PUTIH [=garlic]).

L2 Definition: Tanaman umbi lapis, biasa digunakan sebagai bumbu dalam masakan.=###

Examples: Ada dua macam bawang yang selalu dipakai dalam masakan Indonesia, yaitu BAWANG MERAH dan BAWANG PUTIH. = There are two kinds of onions that are always used in Indonesian cooking, that is, SHALLOTS and GARLIC. "BAWANG MERAH dan BAWANG PUTIH" (nama tokoh dalam cerita) adalah judul cerita anak-anak tentang hal yang baik dan buruk = "RED ONION and WHITE ONION" (the names of two characters in a story) is the title of a children's story about things which are good and bad. ###

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Word: bawel

Short Definition: [Coll.] fault finding, carping.

English Definition: [Coll.] fault finding, carping.###

Examples: ###

Word: baya

Short Definition: old. SE-: of the same age.

English Definition: old. SE-: of the same age. ###

L2 Definition: umur/tua seseorang. ###

Examples: Kedua anak itu umurnya SEBAYA. = Both those children are the SAME AGE.

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Word: bayam

Short Definition: spinach###

English Definition: spinach###

Examples: Sayur BAYAM mengandung vitamin A = SPINACH contains vitamin A.###

Word: bayang

Short Definition: shadow; image. MEM--KAN: reflect an image; imagine. Also TER-, -AN.

English Definition: ^1 shadow. 2 image. MEM--KAN: 1 reflect an image. 2 imagine, call to mind. TER-: be visible or imagined. -AN: 1 shadow. 2 imagination. 3 apparition. ###

L2 Definition: Wujud hitam dari benda yang kena cahaya. ###

Examples: Susah MEMBAYANGKAN ngerinya kecelakaan itu. = It's difficult to IMAGINE how awful that accident was. Wajah kekasihnya selalu TERBAYANG di pelupuk matanya. = The face of her sweetheart was always "DANCING before her eyes" (Lit. "IMAGINED in her eyelashes"). BAYANGAN orang tuanya yang sengsara di kampung yang membuatnya tabah menderita. = IMAGINING his suffering parents in the village made him resolute in the face of sorrow. ###

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Word: bayar

Short Definition: MEM-: pay; pay for. -AN: payment. PEM-: payer. PEM--AN: payment.

English Definition: ^*MEM-: 1 pay. 2 pay for. -AN: payment. PEM-: payer. *PEM--AN: payment. ###

L2 Definition: Memberikan uang/cek untuk mendapatkan barang. Memenuhi janji/ hutang dll. ###

Examples: Kalau mau meminjam barang lagi BAYAR dulu hutangnya. = If you want to borrow more things, PAY your debt first. Prinsip saya, hutang nyawa harus DIBAYAR dengan nyawa. = My principle is that a debt of life must BE PAYED with one's life. PEMBAYARAN rumah ini saya lakukan secara berangsur-angsur. = I am carrying out the PAYMENT of my house by installments. ###

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Word: bayi

Short Definition: baby.

English Definition: *baby.

L2 Definition: Anak kecil yang baru saja lahir. ###

Examples: BAYI siapa yang sangat gemuk ini ya? = Whose BABY is this that is so fat, huh? Walaupun umurnya sudah tiga tahun, tingkah lakunya masih seperti BAYI. = Although he is already three years old, his actions are still like a BABY. ###

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Word: bayu

Short Definition: 1.wind, breeze; 2. fermented, stale

English Definition: 1. wind, breeze; 2. fermented, stale *--AN: leftovers, stale foods

Examples: Di sore hari, BAYU bertiup lembut = In the late afternoon, the BREEZE blew softly.##

Word: BBM

Short Definition: = bahan bakar minyak = fuel oil

English Definition: = bahan bakar minyak = fuel oil LIT: bahan = material, stuff (as in bahan makan = food stuff), bakar = burn (so bahan bakar = fuel), minyak = oil

Examples: Ada banyak demo di Jakarta yang memprotes karena harga BBM naik. = There are lots of demonstrations in Jakarta which are protesting because the price of fuel oil has gone up.

Word: BC

Short Definition: Bureau of Customs.

English Definition: (Bea Cukai) Bureau of Customs.

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Word: bea

Short Definition: excise, tax, duty, toll; cost, expense. MEM-: to levy a tax.

English Definition: ^1 excise, tax, duty, toll. 2 cost, expense. MEM-: to levy a tax. *BEA-CUKAI: customs. ###

L2 Definition: biaya/ongkos. pajak/cukai. ###

Examples: Kalau mau pergi ke Malaysia dari Indonesia tidak dikenakan BEA apapun. = If you want to go to Malaysia from Indonesia, you will not be subject to any TAXES whatsoever. Jangan berlabuh di pantai itu! Engkau akan dikenai BEA MASUK. = Don't anchor along this shore! You will be subject to an IMPORT TAX. ###

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Word: beasiswa

Short Definition: scholarship.

English Definition: scholarship. ###

L2 Definition: Uang/biaya sebagai bantuan untuk belajar bagi siswa/mahasiswa. ###

Examples: Saya tidak bisa meneruskan belajar karena tidak ada BEASISWA. = I can't continue studying because I don't have a SCHOLARSHIP. ###

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Word: bebal

Short Definition: stupid; imbecilic; slow

English Definition: 1. stupid; 2. silly, foolish

L2 Definition: bodoh; goblok

Examples: Jika engkau tidak rajin sekolah, engkau akan menjadi anak yang BEBAL = If you are not diligent, you will become a STUPID kid.##

Word: beban

Short Definition: burden, load. MEM--KAN: to load s.t. on to s.t. else, to impose a burden on.

English Definition: burden, load. MEM--KAN: to load s.t. on to s.t. else, to impose a burden on s.t. or s.o. ###

L2 Definition: Muatan/barang yang harus dibawa; kewajiban. ###

Examples: Jangan MEMBEBANKAN kewajiban yang berat ini pada anakmu. = Don't PUT this heavy BURDEN of responsibility on your child. ###

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Word: bebas

Short Definition: free, unhindered. MEM--KAN: release from bondage, set free. Also KE--AN, +

English Definition: free, unhindered. MEM--KAN: to release from bondage, set free. KE--AN: freedom. PEM-: liberator. PEM--AN: liberation. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak terikat; tidak ada kewajiban. ###

Examples: Ini ruangan bebas rokok! = This is a smoke free room! Hanya dia yang punya keberanian untuk MEMBEBASKAN temannya. = Only she has the bravery to LIBERATE her friends. Seluruh tawanan akhirnya mendapatkan KEBEBASAN mereka. = All the prisoners eventually obtained their FREEDOM. Dialah tokoh dibalik PEMBEBASAN tanah rakyat itu. = He was the one behind the LIBERATION of the people's land. ###

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Word: bebat

Short Definition: bandage, dressing.

English Definition: bondage, dressing. *MEM--I: bandage, dress (a wound). *MEM--KAN: use s.t. to bandage (a wound). *--AN: bandage, dressing. *PEM--: bandager, dresser. *PEM--AN: bandaging, dressing (of a wound).###

Examples: Ibu MEMBEBATKAN kain selendangnya untuk menutupi luka di tangan Amir = Ibu used her scarf to COVER the wound on Amir's hand. Supaya BEBATAN ini tetap rapi, kamu sebaiknya jangan banyak bergerak = To keep this BANDAGE on its place, do not move too much.###

Word: bebek

Short Definition: duck.

English Definition: duck. ###

L2 Definition: itik. ###

Examples: Banyak BEBEK yang berkeliaran di danau itu. = There are many wild DUCKS on that lake. ###

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Word: beberapa

Short Definition: see BERAPA

English Definition: see BERAPA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: bebingka

Short Definition: see bingka.

English Definition: see BINGKA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: bebuyutan

Short Definition: senile

English Definition: senile *MUSUH--: long-time enemies

Examples: Amerika dan Uni Soviet pernah menjadi musuh BEBUYUTAN selama periode perang dingin = AMerica and Soviet Union was LONG-TIME ENEMIES during the Cold War period.###

Word: becak

Short Definition: pedicab, tricycle. BER-: ride a pedicab. BER-_-_-AN: go around in a pedicab.

English Definition: ^*pedicab, tricycle. BER-: ride a pedicab. *BER-_-_-AN: going here and there in a pedicab. ### TUKANG - : pedicab driver

L2 Definition: Kendaraan umum beroda tiga dengan seorang sopir yang duduk di belakang. ###

Examples: Setiap pagi saya pergi ke sekolah naik BECAK. = Every morning I ride a PEDICAB to school. Paling enak BERBECAK-BECAKAN keliling kota. = GOING HERE AND THERE around the city IN A PEDICAB is the greatest. ###

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Word: becek

Short Definition: muddy

English Definition: *MEM--KAN: cause s.t. to be muddy, dirty

Examples: Setelah banjir besar, halaman rumah kami menjadi sangat BECEK = After the big flood, our front yard was very MUDDY.##

Word: becus

Short Definition: capable, able.

English Definition: capable, able. ###

L2 Definition: Dapat melakukan sesuatu dengan benar; cakap. ###

Examples: Hanya disuruh menyapu begitu saja kok tidak BECUS. = All (you're) asked to do is sweep up, and you can't even DO that RIGHT! ###

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Word: beda

Short Definition: difference. BER-: to be different, have a difference. Also BER-_-_, BER--AN, +

English Definition: ^*difference. *BER-: to be different, have a difference of so much. BER-_-_, BER--AN: to be different from e.o. *MEM(PER)--KAN: 1 discriminate, treat differently. 2 distinguish, tell apart. *MEM-_-_-KAN: discriminate. PEM-: distinguishing feature. *PER--AN: difference. ###

L2 Definition: tidak sama. selisih. ###

Examples: Anak muda selalu ingin tampil BEDA. = Young people always want to look DIFFERENT. Kelakuan adiknya sangat BERBEDA dengan kelakuan kakaknya. = The actions of the younger sibling are very DIFFERENT from the actions of the elder sibling. Mereka selalu rukun meskipun selalu BERBEDA pendapat. = They always get along well even though they always HAVE DIFFERENT points of view. Sulit MEMBEDAKAN antara Ani dan Ana. = It is difficult to DIFFERENTIATE between Ani and Ana. Tidak baik MEMBEDA-BEDAKAN perlakuan diantara anak-anakmu. = It isn't good to DISCRIMINATE in one's treatment of one child as opposed to another. PERBEDAAN diantara kita selalu ada. = There is always a DIFFERENCE between us. ###

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Word: bedah

Short Definition: surgical operation. MEM-: to operate.

English Definition: surgical operation. MEM-: to operate. ###

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Word: bedak

Short Definition: facial powder.

English Definition: facial powder. ###

L2 Definition: Serbuk halus untuk mengolesi muka; pupur. ###

Examples: Jangan terlalu tebal memakai BEDAK, nanti wajahmu jadi seperti topeng. = Don't put the POWDER on your face too thickly, or your face will look like a mask. ###

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Word: bedil

Short Definition: gun, rifle, firearm.

English Definition: gun, rifle, firearm. ###

L2 Definition: Alat yang dipakai untuk menembak; senjata api. ###

Examples: BEDIL berukuran lebih panjang dibandingkan dengan pistol. = A RIFLE is longer than a pistol. ###

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Word: bedug

Short Definition: large hanging drum used to summon people to prayer.

English Definition: large hanging drum used to summon people to prayer. ###

L2 Definition: Benda yang mirip seperti gendang tetapi berukuran lebih besar. ###

Examples: Kalau BEDUG sudah berbunyi 12 kali itu tandanya waktu sholat dhuhur tiba. = When the HANGING DRUM sounds 12 times its the signal for midday prayers.###

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Word: begawan

Short Definition: title for Hindu priest or ascetic (in shadow plays, etc.)###

English Definition: title for Hindu priest or ascetic (in shadow plays, etc.)###

Examples: ###

Word: begini

Short Definition: thus, like this; well, so (to start a conversation). Also SE-, MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: ^*1 thus, like this. 2 well, so (often used to start a conversation). *SE-: as . . . as this. MEM--KAN: treat in such-and-such a way. *-AN: (Coll.) s.t. like this. ###

L2 Definition: seperti ini. akronim:begitu. ###

Examples: BEGINI caranya membuat sate, bukan begitu. = The way to make sate is LIKE THIS, not like that. Saya mau mainan yang BEGINIAN. = I want a toy that is SOMETHING LIKE THIS. Hanya SEBEGINI banyaknya uang yang kau dapat hari ini? = Is the money that you got today only AS much AS THIS? ###

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Word: begitu

Short Definition: like that; so, very (in superlative sense); just at the moment. Also -LAH, +

English Definition: ^*1 like that. 2 so, very (in superlative sense). 3 just at the moment, coincident with. -LAH: such, so it is, that is the case. *-PUN: 1 likewise, and so, also. 2 in spite of. *SE-: like that. MEM--KAN: treat s.o. like that. ###

L2 Definition: seperti itu. sangat/berlebihan/terlalu. segera setelah. akronim:begini. ###

Examples: Kalau BEGITU batalkan saja kepergianmu. = If it is LIKE THAT, just cancel your trip. Saya ingin membeli mobil yang BEGITU. = I want to buy a car LIKE THAT. BEGITU kejam perlakuan ibu tirimu. = Your step mother's actions are AS cruel AS THAT. Dia langsung tidur BEGITU selesai makan. = He went to sleep IMMEDIATELY AFTER finishing eating. BEGITUPUN sudah bagus jangan ditambah-tambah. = It's already good JUST LIKE THAT. Don't add any more. Barang-barang BEGITUAN kurang baik untuk anak-anak. = Things SUCH AS THOSE are not good for children. Mengapa SEBEGITU banyak permintaanmu? = Why do you have THAT MANY requests? ###

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Word: bego

Short Definition: stupid, imbecilic, idiotic

English Definition: stupid, imbecilic, idiotic

L2 Definition: bodoh, tidak pandai

Examples: Dasar kamu BEGO! mengapa kamu berikan uang itu pada Budi?= You are indeed STUPID!! why did you give the money to Budi??###

Word: bekal

Short Definition: stock, supplies, provisions. PER--AN: supplies, provisions.

English Definition: ^stock, supplies, provisions. PER--AN: supplies, provisions. ###

L2 Definition: Barang yang dibawa selama dalam perjalanan. ###

Examples: Saya kira PERBEKALAN ini cukup untuk satu minggu. = I think these PROVISIONS are enough for one week.###

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Word: bekas

Short Definition: print, trace; former; used, second hand. Also BER-, MEM-, +

English Definition: ^*1 print, trace. 2 former. 3 used, second hand. *BER-, MEM-: 1 to have a print, leave a trace. 2 have results. -AN: second hand. ###

L2 Definition: barang sisa. sudah pernah dipakai. pernah menjabat. ###

Examples: "Pemulung" adalah orang yang pekerjaannya mengumpulkan barang BEKAS. = A "Pemulung" is someone whose occupation is collecting DISCARDED things. Belilah sepeda BEKAS! Harganya akan lebih murah. = Buy a USED bicycle! It will be cheaper. Bapak itu dulu BEKAS ketua pemuda Indonesia. = That man is a FORMER leader of young people in Indonesia. Pencuri itu tertangkap karena sidik jarinya BERBEKAS di pintu. = That thief was caught because his fingerprints WERE LEFT on the door. Mimpi buruk itu MEMBEKAS di hatinya. = That nightmare LEFT A TRACE in his heart. ###

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Word: beken

Short Definition: (Coll.) well known, familiar. MEM--KAN: cause s.o. to be well known. +

English Definition: (Coll.) well known, familiar. MEM--KAN: cause s.o. to be well known. KE--AN: fame, notoriety. ###

L2 Definition: Diketahui banyak orang; terkenal; populer; dll. ###

Examples: Namanya sudah BEKEN di sekitar Ujung Pandang. = His name has already WELL KNOWN around Ujung Pandang. Penampilan itu yang pertama-tama MEMBEKENKAN namanya. = That performance that GET his name RECOGNIZED. Dia gunakan KEBEKENANnya untuk mendapatkan fasilitas-fasilitas. = He used his REPUTATION to get facilities. ###

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Word: bekerja

Short Definition: to work -- see KERJA

English Definition: to work -- see KERJA

Word: bekicot

Short Definition: kind of edible snail, similar to escargot

English Definition: kind of edible snail, similar to escargot

Examples: Di Perancis, BEKICOT menjadi makana yang mahal = In France, SNAIL is an expensive food.###

Word: beku

Short Definition: frozen. MEM-: to freeze.

English Definition: frozen. MEM-: to freeze. ###

L2 Definition: Menjadi keras karena dingin. ###

Examples: Simpanlah ikan itu di lemari es supaya MEMBEKU. = Store that fish in the freezer so that it will FREEZE. ###

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Word: bela

Short Definition: say in defense. MEM-: defend. PEM: defender. PEM--AN: defense.

English Definition: ^*say in defense. *MEM-: defend. *PEM-: defender. *PEM--AN: defense.

L2 Definition: melindungi. mempertahankan. ###

Examples: "Pencak silat" adalah seni BELA DIRI asli Indonesia. = "Pencak silat" an original Indonesian art of SELF DEFENSE. Memerlukan banyak pengorbanan untuk MEMBELA harga diri. = It takes a lot of sacrifices to LOOK AFTER ones self worth. Si Jampang adalah tokoh PEMBELA kebenaran. = Jampang is a well-known DEFENDER of the truth. Dalam sidang kemarin, PEMBELAANmu kurang kuat. = In the (court) session yesterday, your DEFENSE was to weak. ###

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Word: belah

Short Definition: crack, gap, crevice; half, cut in half; side. Also SE-, MEM-, -AN, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^*1 crack, gap, crevice. 2 half, cut in half. 3 side. *SE-: 1 one half. 2 beside. 3 in the direction of. 4 part. *MEM-: 1 split, cleave, rip apart. 2 cut through, take a short-cut across. *-AN: 1 split, crack, cut. 2 splinter, fragment. 4 a slice. 5 half. *PEM--AN: fission. *--PIHAK: each sides (of negotiation, opinions, etc.) ###

L2 Definition: 1.bagian. 2.Pecah terbagi menjadi dua. 3.sebagian. ###

Examples: BELAH kiri dan BELAH kanan sama bentuknya. = The left HALF and the right HALF have the same shape. Piring ini TERBELAH menjadi dua. = This plate was BROKEN in two. Topimu ada di SEBELAH atas lemari. = Your hat is in the upper PART of the cabinet. Sangat sulit MEMBELAH kayu ini. = It is very difficult to SPLIT this wood. Indonesia ada di BELAHAN bumi bagian selatan. = Indonesia is in the southern HALF of the earth. PEMBELAHAN amuba terjadi pada minggu pertama. = The DIVISION of the amoeba took place in the first week. ###

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Word: belai

Short Definition: NEN-: to caress, stroke.

English Definition: MEM-: to caress, stroke. ###

Examples: Ibu itu MEMBELAI kepala anaknya = That mother CARESSES her child' head.###

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Word: belajar

Short Definition: to study -- see AJAR

English Definition: to study -- see AJAR

Word: belaka

Short Definition: entirely, only, all, nothing but, wholly and solely.

English Definition: entirely, only, all, nothing but, wholly and solely. ###

Examples: Janjinya kepada semua orang palsu BELAKA = His promise to all people is WHOLLY false.###

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Word: belakang

Short Definition: back, backside; behind, back of; later. Also MENGE--KAN, TERKE-, MEM-, +

English Definition: ^*1 back, backside. 2 behind, back of. 3 later. MENGE--KAN: 1 move s.t. back. 2 turn back. 3 ignore, neglect. *TERKE-: 1 be left behind. 2 neglected. MEM-: turn o.'s back. *TER-: 1 last, latest. 2 retarded, backward. *KETER--AN: backwardness, underdevelopment, retardation. *-AN: later, eventually. ###

L2 Definition: tidak di muka. punggung. di balik. kemudian/akhir. ###

Examples: Keranjang sampah saya letakkan di BELAKANG rumah. = I put the trash basket in BACK of the house. BELAKANG tubuhku terasa sakit. = The BACK of my body feels sore. Payungmu ada di BELAKANG pintu. = Your umbrella is in BACK of the door. BELAKANGAN baru kuketahui siapa istrinya. = It was only LATER that I knew who his wife is. Anak itu agak TERBELAKANG. = That child is rather SLOW. Negara yang baru merdeka itu masih TERKEBELAKANG pembangunannya. = That newly independent nation is still BEHIND in its development. ###

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Word: belalai

Short Definition: trunk, snout

English Definition: trunk, snout

Examples: Gajah adalah binatang yang mempunyai BELALAI panjang = Elephant is an animal that has a long TRUNK.###

Word: belalak

Short Definition: MEM-: to open wide. TER-: boggle-eyed.

English Definition: MEM-: to open wide. TER-: boggle-eyed. ###

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Word: belalang

Short Definition: grass-hopper, praying mantis.

English Definition: grass-hopper, praying mantis. ###

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Word: Belanda

Short Definition: Dutch. KE-_-_-AN: to think and act in a Dutch-like way.

English Definition: *Dutch. *KE-_-_-AN: to think and act in a Dutch-like way. ###

L2 Definition: Negara kerajaan di Eropa barat.

Examples: BELANDA pernah menjajah Indonesia selama berabad-abad. = The DUTCH colonized Indonesia for centuries. Sesudah pulang dari luar negeri dia bertingkah-laku KEBELANDA-BELANDAAN. = After coming home from abroad he acted IN A DUTCH WAY. ###

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Word: belang

Short Definition: particolored, gaudy, spotted###

English Definition: ^particolored, gaudy, spotted###

Examples: Anni memiliki kucing BELANG = Anni has a SPOTTED cat.###

Word: belanga

Short Definition: earthen cooking pot

English Definition: earthen cooking pot

Word: belanja

Short Definition: expense, expenditure; go shopping. Also BER-, MEM--KAN, -AN, +

English Definition: ^*1 expense, expenditure. 2 go shopping. *BER-: 1 to shop, go shopping. 2 buy, purchase. *MEM--KAN: spend s.t. *-AN: items purchased. *PEM--AN: financing. PER--AN: 1 expenses, budget. 2 financing. ###

L2 Definition: Uang yang dikeluarkan untuk membeli sesuatu. ###

Examples: Bibi selalu BELANJA di pasar Malioboro. = Auntie always SHOPS at the Malioboro market. Saya senang BERBELANJA di pagi hari karena barang-barangnya masih segar-segar. = I like to SHOP in the morning because the things are still fresh. Kadang-kadang saya suka MEMBELANJAKAN uang terlalu banyak. = Once in a while I like to SPEND too much money. Kau taruh di mana barang BELANJAANmu tadi? = Where did you put your new purchase? PEMBELANJAAN keperluan kantor ini diatur oleh sekertaris. = The PURCHASING of the necessities for this office is arranged for by the secretary. ###

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Word: belantara

Short Definition: (vast) jungle.

English Definition: (vast) jungle. ###

L2 Definition: sangat luas seperti misalnya: hutan, padang. ###

Examples: Ada pesawat terbang yang jatuh di tengah hutan BELANTARA itu. = There is an airplane that fell in the middle of the (VAST) JUNGLE. ###

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Word: belas

Short Definition: teens, tens (used in numbers from 11-19). Also -AN.

English Definition: ^*teens, tens (used in numbers from 11 to 19). *-AN: 1 between 10 and 20. 2 characterized by being in the teens. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan bilangan sesudah sepuluh. ###

Examples: Jumlah ayam saya ada SEBELAS. = The total number of chickens I have is ELEVEN. Hanya BELASAN orang yang datang ke pesta perkawinannya tadi malam = There were only SOME 10 TO 20 people who came to her wedding party last night. ###

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Word: belenggu

Short Definition: handcuffs, shackles. TER-: restricted, tied, bound.

English Definition: handcuffs, shackles. TER-: restricted, tied, bound. ###

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Word: belerang

Short Definition: sulphur

English Definition: sulphur

Examples: Dari gunung itu keluar asap BELERANG = The SULPHUR smoke came out from that mountain##

Word: beli

Short Definition: buy. MEM-: buy, purchase. Also MEM--KAN, TER-, -AN, PEM-, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^*buy. *MEM-: buy, purchase. *MEM--KAN: 1 buy for s.o. else. 2 use s.t. to buy. *TER-: affordable. *-AN: s.t. purchased. *PEM-: 1 buyer. 2 money used to buy something. *PEM--AN: 1 purchasing, buying. 2 procurement. ###

L2 Definition: membeli (v).=membayar untuk mendapat sesuatu. ###

Examples: Apa yang kau BELI di toko tadi? = What was it you BOUGHT at the store earlier? Telitilah dulu sebelum MEMBELI. = Examine first before you BUY. Tolong BELIKAN rokok di warung itu. = Please BUY ME some cigarettes at that store. Jangan lupa MEMBELIKAN oleh-oleh ya! = Don't forget to BUY US presents! Komputer itu terlalu mahal. Tidak TERBELI olehku. = That computer is too expensive. I cannot AFFORD it. Di jaman penjajahan banyak BUDAK BELIAN. = During colonial times there were many BONDSLAVES. Dialah calon PEMBELInya. = He is the prospective BUYER. Uang ini untuk PEMBELI beras. = This money is TO BE USED FOR BUYING rice. Taplak meja itu PEMBELIAN ibu. = That tablecloth is a PROCUREMENT of mother's. ###

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Word: belia

Short Definition: young, youth.

English Definition: young, youth. ###

L2 Definition: muda; dibawah umur orang dewasa; remaja. ###

Examples: Walaupun dia masih berusia BELIA tetapi prestasinya sudah segudang. = Even though his age is still quite YOUNG, his achievement is already substantial.###

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Word: beliau

Short Definition: respectful third-person term of address.

English Definition: respectful third-person term of address. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan kehormatan bagi orang ketiga. ###

Examples: Kantor dan tempat bekerja Presiden Suharto ada di Istana Presiden, tetapi BELIAU sekeluarga tidak tinggal di sana. = The office and workplace of President Suharto is in the Presidential Palace, but HE and his family do not live there. ###

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Word: belimbing

Short Definition: star fruit.

English Definition: star fruit. ###

L2 Definition: Nama buah/pohon. ###

Examples: BELIMBING ini masih terlalu muda untuk dipetik. =This STAR FRUIT is still too green to be picked.###

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Word: belit

Short Definition: coil

English Definition: 1. coil; 2. curve, bend BER- : wind, twist in and out complicated, intricate involved, has ramifications MEM- : intertwined, interwoven, interlaced DI- : wind around something bind, wrap together involve someone MEM- -2 move in serpentine fashion, wind MEM- -I wind, wrap around something MEM- -KAN wind something TER- involved, wound about twisted -AN kink, coil, twist twist association ###

Examples: Kasihan, petani miskin itu DIBELIT hutang = What a pity, that poor farmer is COILED in debt.### Sebuah ikat pinggang MEMBELIT pinggangnya yang ramping = A waist belt WINDS her slim waist.###

Word: belok

Short Definition: curve, bend, sharp turn. BER-: turn. MEM-: turn, veer. Also MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: ^*curve, bend, sharp turn. *BER-: turn. *MEM-: turn, veer. *MEM--KAN: turn s.t. *-AN: a curve, a sharp turn. PEM--AN: 1 turning, shifting. 2 distortion. PER--AN: shift, change. ###

L2 Definition: Menuju arah yang lain. sinonim: kelok. ###

Examples: BELOKLAH ke kiri! = TURN to the left! Jalannya BERBELOK. = The road turns. Tiba-tiba arah angin BERBELOK ke barat. = All of a sudden the direction of the wind TURNED to the west. Jangan MEMBELOK di sini! Rumah pak Amir masih jauh. = Don't TURN here! Mr. Amir's house is still far. Dia berusaha MEMBELOKKAN arah pembicaraan. = He tried TO TURN the direction of the discussion. Kantornya ada di BELOKAN dekat jembatan San Francisco = Her office is at the CORNER near the San Francisco Bridge. ###

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Word: belot

Short Definition: desert, renegade.

English Definition: desert, renegade. ###

L2 Definition: Lari dari pihak/golongannya ke pihak musuh; murtad (berpindah agama). ###

Examples: Ketika terjadi perang dia MEMBELOT ke pihak musuh. = When the war came he DESERTED to the enemy. ###

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Word: beludak

Short Definition: 1. outburst (of laughter, applause); 2. rage

English Definition: *MEM--: explode, burst out; rage, boil up

L2 Definition: seperti meledak

Examples: Penonton pertunjukan sirkus sangat MEMBELUDAK sehingga banyak orang yang tidak mendapat tempat duduk = There was an EXPLOSION of people coming to see the circus that there was not enough seats for eveybody.###

Word: belukar

Short Definition: underbrush, shrub, thicket.

English Definition: underbrush, shrub, thicket. ###

L2 Definition: Rerumputan dan pepohonan yang rimbun; semak. ###

Examples: Dengan bersembunyi di BELUKAR kelinci itu aman dari kejaran kucing hutan. = By hiding in the UNDERBRUSH the rabbit was safe from the pursuit of the jungle cat. ###

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Word: belum

Short Definition: not yet.

English Definition: *not yet. *SE-: before.###

L2 Definition: Masih dalam keadaan tidak. Masih dahulu dari. antonim: sudah.###

Examples: Saya BELUM makan hari ini. = I HAVEN'T YET eaten today. (vs. Saya tidak makan hari ini -- saya puasa. = I'm not eating today -- I'm fasting.) Saya harus makan SEBELUM saya pergi. = I must eat BEFORE I go.###

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Word: beluntang

Short Definition: term for a statue in Lawangan Dayak.

English Definition: term for a statue in Lawangan Dayak. ###

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Word: beluntas

Short Definition: k.o. gardenia with edible leaves used for hedges

English Definition: k.o. gardenia with edible leaves used for hedges. ###

Word: belur

Short Definition: welt up (of skin)

English Definition: welt up (of skin) ###

Examples: Ibu itu memukul pantat anaknya sampai BABAK BELUR = That mother hits her child's buttocks until it WELTED. ###

Word: belut

Short Definition: eel.

English Definition: eel. ###

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Word: bemo

Short Definition: contraction of "becak bermotor," a small motorized vehicle.

English Definition: contraction of "becak bermotor," a small motorized vehicle used for public transportation. ###

L2 Definition: Kendaraan bermesin kecil yang beroda tiga. = ###

Examples: Naik BEMO biasanya lebih murah daripada naik becak. = Taking a BEMO is usually cheaper than taking a pedicab.

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Word: benah

Short Definition: BE(R)-: straighten up, tidy up, clean up. MEM--I: get ready, straighten up. +

English Definition: ^BE(R)-: straighten up, tidy up, clean up. MEM--I: fix, get ready, straighten up. MEM--KAN: put in order. TER--I: can be straightened out. PEM--AN: repairing, mending. ###

L2 Definition: berbenah=berkemas-kemas, memberes-bereskan.

Examples: Ayo BERBENAH, kita segera berangkat! = Let's GET AREADY, we are going soon! Tugasmu MEMBENAHI kamar ini. = Your responsibility is FIXING UP this room. Saya yang akan MEMBENAHKAN masalah ini. = I am the one who is going to PUT IN ORDER this problem. Syukurlah, masalah itu sudah TERBENAHI. = Thank God, that problem CAN BE STRAIGHTENED OUT. PEMBENAHAN organisasi ini tidak dapat ditunda lagi. = the FIXING UP of this organization can not be postponed anymore. ###

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Word: benak

Short Definition: see BENAK1 (marrow . . .) or BENAK2 (hard of hearing . . .).

English Definition: see BENAK1 (marrow . . .) BENAK2 (hard of hearing . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: benak1

Short Definition: marrow; brain, mind. BER-: to have brains, be smart.

English Definition: ^1 marrow. 2 brain, mind. BER-: to have brains, be smart. ###

L2 Definition: Isi kepala/pikiran; otak. ###

Examples: Tidak terpikir di BENAK saya bahwa dialah penghianatnya. = I never thought in my HEART OF HEARTS that he could be the traitor. Pantas kalau dia disebut BERBENAK encer karena pandainya. = It's appropriate that she is called "brainy" (lit. "quick/fluid BRAINED") because of her intelligence.###

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Word: benak2

Short Definition: hard of hearing; dim-witted, stupid.

English Definition: ^1 hard of hearing. 2 dim-witted, stupid. ###

L2 Definition: Susah mengerti/bodoh. ###

Examples: Karena jatuh di atas tanah bunyi koin itu BENAK. = Because it fell on soil, the coin's sound was HARD TO HEAR. Susah mengajarnya karena anak itu memang BENAK. = It is hard to teach him because that kid is really DUMB. ###

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Word: benalu

Short Definition: parasitic plant

English Definition: 1. arboreal parasitic plant, epiphyte 2. parasite 3. sponger, freeloader

Examples: Ada pohon BENALU tumbuh di dahan pohon jeruk itu = There is an ARBOREAL PARASITIC PLANT grows on the branch of that orange tree. ### Ia hidup seperti BENALU saja = He lives as if he is a PARASITE. ###

Word: benam

Short Definition: BER-, MEM-: sink. MEM-: to engulf. TER-: to set, drown. MEM--KAN: immerse s.t.

English Definition: ^BER-, MEM-: to sink, to fall out of sight. MEM-: to engulf, envelope. MEM--KAN: to immerse s.t. TER-: to set,as the sun; to drown.

L2 Definition: Memasukkan sesuatu kedalam suatu tempat/benda. ###

Examples: Karena malu berwajah buruk, anak itu kerjanya BERBENAM diri saja di kamar. = Because he was ashamed of being ugly, the child just HID himself AWAY in his room. Waktu matahari TERBENAM adalah waktu maghrib. = When the sun GOES DOWN is sunset. Karena ayahnya mati TERBENAM, anak itu tidak pernah mau mendekati laut. =Because her father died by DROWNING, that child never wanted to approach the sea.

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Word: benang

Short Definition: thread, yarn. SE-: a little bit. MEM-: stringy, fibrous; be interminable.

English Definition: ^*thread, yarn. SE-: a little bit. MEM-: 1 stringy, fibrous. 2 be interminable. ###

L2 Definition: Tali halus terbuat dari kapas digunakan untuk menjahit. ###

Examples: Baju yang terbuat dari BENANG wol biasanya hangat dipakai. = Shirts which are made of woolen YARN are usually warm to wear. Banyak kain-kain dari daerah Sumatera terbuat dari BENANG mas. = Much clothing from the region of Sumatra is made from golden THREAD. Pinjamkanlah kami barang SEBENANG. = Please lend us just A LITTLE BIT. Kata-katanya keluar bagai MEMBENANG. = His words is spoken INTERMINABLE. ###

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Word: benar

Short Definition: correct, right; honest, just; true; sincere; valid; very. Also SE--NYA, +

English Definition: ^*1 correct, right. 2 honest, just. 3 true, not false. 4 sincere. 5 valid. 6 very, really. *BENAR-BENAR: 1 real, actual. 2 seriously. SE--NYA: 1 in fact, as a matter of fact, actually. 2 proper, fitting. *MEM--KAN: 1 correct (a mistake). 2 straighten, arrange, fix. 3 confirm. 4 justify. *KE--AN: 1 correctness, rightness. 2 truth. 3 honesty. ###

L2 Definition: tidak salah. sinonim:betul. ###

Examples: Jawaban ujianmu BENAR semua. = The answers on your exam are all CORRECT. BENAR-BENAR nakal anak itu. = That child is REALLY naughty. Bapak guru yang MEMBENARKAN pekerjaan kita. = The teacher is the one who will CORRECT our work. Tindakanmu DIBENARKAN oleh hukum. = Your action was JUSTIFIED by the law. Hanya dia yang selalu merasa terBENAR. = Only he thinks he is always the most CORRECT. Akhirnya KEBENARAN juga yang akan menang. = In the end, TRUTH will win out. ###

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Word: bencana

Short Definition: disaster, calamity, debacle, havoc

English Definition: disaster, calamity, debacle, havoc ###

Examples: Desa itu dilanda BENCANA alam = That village was hit by a natural DISASTER. ### Anak tertua Pak Harunsyah membawa BENCANA ke rumah mereka = Pak Harunsyah's oldest son brings CALAMITY to their house. ###

Word: benci

Short Definition: hate, dislike, aversion. MEM-: hate, dislike, detest. Also MEM--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^*hate, dislike, aversion. *MEM-: hate, dislike, detest. MEM--KAN: hate, dislike. *KE--AN: hatred, dislike, loathing. ###

L2 Definition: tidak senang/ tidak suka. ###

Examples: Aku BENCI padamu! = I HATE you! Tidak baik MEMBENCI orang yang sudah minta maaf. = It isn't good to HATE someone who has already apologized. Tidak baik kau terus-teruskan rasa KEBENCIAN padanya. = It isn't good that you continuously feel HATRED toward him. ###

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Word: bencong

Short Definition: female impersonator, transvestite

English Definition: female impersonator, transvestite ###

Examples: Banyak pelacur BENCONG yang mencari mangsa di Taman Angsana = Many TRANSVESTITE prostitutes look for clients at Angsana park.###

Word: benda

Short Definition: thing, article, inanimate object. BER-: wealthy, rich. Also KE--AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^*thing, article, inanimate object. BER-: wealthy, rich. *KE--AN: 1 matter. 2 material wealth. PER--AN: stock, supply. ###

L2 Definition: Segala hal yang berwujud/zat. harta. barang. ###

Examples: Ada BENDA aneh di atas rumahku. = There is a strange THING on top of my house. HARTA-BENDAnya banyak sekali. = She has many POSSESSIONS. BENDA-BENDA yang ada di musium itu sangat berharga. = The THINGS which are in that musium are very valuable. Pikirkan masalah pendidikan juga, jangan hanya soal KEBENDAAN. = Think about education also, not just matters of MATERIAL WEALTH. ###

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Word: bendahara

Short Definition: treasurer, esp. of clubs, organizations, etc. PER--AN: 1. treasury. 2. wealth. +

English Definition: tresuarer, esp. of clubs, organizations, etc. PER--AN: 1. treasury. 2. wealth, riches. 3. repertory. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya mengurus masalah keuangan; penanggung jawab keuangan. ###

Examples: Sudah empat tahun saya memegang jabatan BENDAHARA. = It has been four years that I hold the TREASURER position. PERBENDAHARAAN KATAnya semakin banyak. = His VOCABULARY is getting richer. ###

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Word: bendera

Short Definition: flag.

English Definition: flag. see the picture of the national flag of Indonesia. ###

Examples: BENDERA nasional Indonesia adalah BENDERA Merah Putih. = The national FLAG of Indonesia is the Red and White FLAG. ###

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Word: benderang

Short Definition: bright, brilliant

English Definition: bright, brilliant ###

Examples: Pada malam hari rumah itu selalu terang BENDERANG = At night time that house is always BRIGHT (of lots of lights). ###

Word: bendi

Short Definition: horse-drawn vehicle (Padang).

English Definition: horse-drawn vehicle (Padang). ###

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Word: bendung

Short Definition: dike

English Definition: dike, dam MEM- : 1. dam up; 2. dam, stem, check; 3. repress MEM- I : dam up TER- : 1. dammed (up); 2. held back -AN : 1. dike; 2. dam, weir PEM- : 1. one who checks or stems something; 2. something that dams up or stems PEM- -AN : 1. damming up; 2. impounding; 3. stemming, checking ###

Examples: BENDUNGAN yang baru dibangun itu sudah tak berfungsi lagi

Word: bengal

Short Definition: stubborn, obstinate###

English Definition: * 1. momentarily deaf (as from a blow) 2. stubborn, obstinate 3. forward, impertinent, rude KE~AN = stubbornness, impertinence.###

Examples: Anak kecil itu sangat BENGAL = That kid is very STUBBORN.###

Word: bengek

Short Definition: tetek bengek = red tape, unnecessary and petty difficulties.

English Definition: tetek bengek = red tape, unnecessary and petty difficulties. ###

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Word: bengis

Short Definition: cruel, strict, harsh

English Definition: *cruel, strict, harsh *KE-AN: cruelty, harshness

Examples: Dictator negara itu sangat BENGIS = the dictator of that country is very CRUEL. KEBENGISANnya terhadap binatang sudah diketahui oleh para tetangganya = his CRUELTY toward animals has been known by his neighbors.

Word: bengkak

Short Definition: swollen.

English Definition: swollen. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian tubuh yang membesar karena penyakit/luka. ###

Examples: Luka di lututnya semakin MEMBENGKAK. = The wound on his knee is becoming more SWOLLEN. ###

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Word: bengkalai

Short Definition: neglect, leave unattended or unfinished

English Definition: *MEM--KAN: neglect, left unfinished *TER-- : left in an unfinished state; neglected

L2 Definition: tidak memperdulikan, meninggalkan tanpa menyelesaikan sesuatu

Examples: Komputer ini menjadi rusak karena TERBENGKALAI = the computer was finally broken since it was being NEGLECTED. Sari MEMBENGKALAIKAN pekerjaan rumahnya dan sekarang dia dihukum oleh gurunya = Sari LEFT her homework UNFINISHED and now she is being punished by teacher###

Word: bengkel

Short Definition: workshop; repair shop

English Definition: 1. a place where people go to get their cars repaired 2. an artist's studio 3. a repair shop, a place where mechanic works

Examples: Mobil Adi rusak, jadi dia harus membawanya ke BENGKEL = Adi's car is broken, so he has to take the car to the repair shop. Sepanjang hari seniman itu bekerja di BENGKELnya = The artist works in his workshop for the whole day.

Word: bengkok

Short Definition: bent.

English Definition: bent. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak lurus; melengkung. ###

Examples: Kayu yang BENGKOK itu tidak baik untuk tiang rumah. = The BENT wood is not good for house pillar. ###

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Word: Bengkulu

Short Definition: 1. a province in Indonesia. 2. capital city of the Province of Bengkulu.

English Definition: 1. a province in Indonesia, located on the Island of Sumatra. 2. capital city of the Province of Bengkulu. ###

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Word: benih

Short Definition: seed, semen, germ of procreation. PEM--AN: germination.

English Definition: seed, semen, germ of procreation. PEM--AN: germination. ###

L2 Definition: Bibit yang akan ditanam. ###

Examples: Belum waktunya kita melakukan PEMBENIHAN karena cuaca masih dingin. = It's not yet time to SOW SEED because the weather is still cold.###

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Word: bening

Short Definition: clear, transparent. MEM--KAN: to purify, make clear. KE--AN: clarity.

English Definition: ^ clear, transparent. MEM--KAN: to purify, make clear. KE--AN: clarity. ###

L2 Definition: Bersih dan bisa tembus cahaya. ###

Examples: KEBENINGAN air telaga itu menggodaku untuk mencebur ke dalamnya. = The CLARITY of the water of that lake tempted me to jump into it.###

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Word: benjol

Short Definition: 1. lump, bump, protruding tumor; bruise, swollen

English Definition: lump, bump, protruding tumor *BER-- : bruised, swollen *--AN: lump, swelling

L2 Definition: bengkak

Examples: Kepalanya terbentur meja dan BENJOL = He hit his head on the table and he has a BUMP now. Luka di kakinya sekarang BERBENJOL = the wound on his leg is SWOLLEN. BENJOLAN di kepalamu itu harus segera diobati = The LUMP on your head should be treated. ##

Word: bensin

Short Definition: gasoline.

English Definition: gasoline. ###

L2 Definition: Minyak bumi yang dipakai sebagai bahan bakar. ###

Examples: Kita harus mengisi BENSIN dahulu sebelum berangkat. = We have to put in GASOLINE first before we go. ###

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Word: bentak

Short Definition: snap, growl at.

English Definition: snap, growl at. ###

L2 Definition: Mengeluarkan suara keras karena marah; hardik. ###

Examples: Tidak seharusnya kau MEMBENTAK ibumu. = You should not SNAP at your mother. ###

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Word: bentang

Short Definition: landscape. MEM-: spread out, reach. MEM--I: spread over s.t. Also MEM--KAN+

English Definition: ^landscape. MEM-: spread out, reach. MEM--I: spread over s.t. MEM--KAN: 1. spread s.t. out. 2. explain. -AN: expanse, s.t. extended.###

L2 Definition: Terbuka dengan luas; hal yang bisa dilihat dengan nyata tidak tertutup oleh hal lain. ###

Examples: Sawah yang dahulu MEMBENTANG luas di desaku sudah tidak ada lagi kini. = The wet rice fields that previously were SPREAD OUT wide around my village are now no longer there. Burung kecil itu berusaha terbang dengan MEMBENTANGKAN sayapnya. = That little bird tried to fly by SPREADING OUT its wings. Di sepanjang pantai itu akan kau lihat BENTANGAN ikan-ikan kecil yang dikeringkan. = All along that beach you will see WIDE EXPANSES of small fish being dried. ###

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Word: bentar

Short Definition: see SEBENTAR

English Definition: see SEBENTAR ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: bentara

Short Definition: herald, courier, sergeant###

English Definition: herald, courier, sergeant###

Examples: Dia bekerja sebagai BENTARA di perusahaan surat kabar = He works as a COURIER in a newspaper company.###

Word: benteng

Short Definition: 1. fort, fortress 2. fortification, entrenchment 3. bulwark, stronghold

English Definition: 1. fort, fortress 2. fortification, entrenchment 3. bulwark, stronghold. BER- : to be fortified. MEM--I: to fortify s.t. PER--AN: fortification. --AN: a wall. ###

L2 Definition: Bangunan/tembok yang kuat tempat berlindung. ###

Examples: BENTENG Makassar sekarang dipakai sebagai museum. = FORT Makassar is now used as a museum. Bukit ini merupakan BENTENG yang alamiah dari serangan musuh. = This hill is a natural ENTRENCHMENT from enemy attack. Kami adalah BENTENG Pancasila! = We are the BULWARK for Pancasila! Daerah itu sudah BERBENTENG. = That region has already been fortified. Siapa yang akan MEMBENTENGI peleton saya? = Who is going to COVER my platoon? Kolonel Sembiring adalah ahli PERBENTENGAN. = Colonel Sembiring is an expert on FORTIFICATION. Kami merencanakan untuk membangun BENTENGAN di tepi sungai. = We plan to build A WALL in the bank of the river. ###

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Word: bentet

Short Definition: crack, burst###

English Definition: crack, burst###

Examples: ###

Word: bentrok

Short Definition: fight, collide###

English Definition: *fight, collide -AN: conflict, collision, disagreement MEM-AN: make a fight, make a collision###

Examples: *Mahasiswa Sulawesi Selatan BENTROK dengan pendukung Megawati = Students of South Sulawesi FOUGHT with Megawati's supporters.###

Word: bentuk

Short Definition: shape, form, type. BER-: have the shape or form of. Also MEM-, -AN, +

English Definition: ^*1 shape, form, type. *BER-: have the shape or form of. *MEM-: form, compose, fashion, mold. -AN: form, shape. PEM-: framer, shaper, maker. PEM--AN: formation, establishment. ###

L2 Definition: rupa/wujud gambaran/bangun sistem/susunan ###

Examples: Patung ini BENTUKnya seperti binatang. = The SHAPE of this statue is like an animal. Bagaimana BENTUK raut wajahnya? = What is the SHAPE of his profile like? Lapangan sepak bola selalu BERBENTUK segi empat. = A soccer field always HAS THE SHAPE of a rectangle. Bagian keamanan harus DIBENTUK segera. = A security force must BE FORMED immediately. Dengan cepatnya mereka MEMBENTUK barisan. = They FORMED a line quickly. ### ###

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Word: bentur

Short Definition: TER-: come to a stop or grief because of colliding with something.

English Definition: TER-: come to a stop or grief because of colliding with someone. ###

L2 Definition: tumbuk; bentrok. ###

Examples: Baru-baru ini kepalanya TERBENTUR tembok. = Recently, his head COLLIDED with a wall. Kerusuhan itu akibat adanya BENTURAN nilai dalam masyarakat. = The disturbance was caused by the COLLISION of values in the society. ###

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Word: benua

Short Definition: continent.

English Definition: *continent.

L2 Definition: Daratan dan lautan yang sangat luas. ###

Examples: Negeri Belanda ada di BENUA Eropa. = The Netherlands is on the CONTINENT of Europe. Rudal antarBENUA harus dihapuskan dari muka bumi. = InterCONTINENTAL rudals has to be eliminated from the face of the earth. ###

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Word: benur

Short Definition: shrimp fry###

English Definition: shrimp fry###

Examples: Petambak mengalami kesulitan dalam penyediaan BENUR = Fisherman experienced a difficulty in SHRIMP FRY supplies.###

Word: berabe

Short Definition: nuisance, complicated, difficult.

English Definition: nuisancc, complicated, difficult. ###

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Word: berahi

Short Definition: sexual passion, lust.

English Definition: sexual passion, lust. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat suka/cinta; nafsu sex. ###

Examples: BERAHInya timbul karena melihat gambar wanita telanjang. = His PASSION was aroused by seeing naked woman's picture. ###

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Word: berak

Short Definition: feces, excrement. BER-, MEM-: to defecate. Also MEM--I.

English Definition: ^feces, excrement. BER-, MEM-: to deficate. MEM--I: 1 to defecate on s.t. 2 to disgrace. ###

L2 Definition: Membuang kotoran besar dari perut. ###

Examples: Dilarang BERAK di tepi kali! = It is prohibited TO DISCHARGE on the river bank! Kucing itu kulempar batu karena MEMBERAKI kasur saya. = I threw a rock at that cat because it DEFECATED ON my mattress. ###

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Word: beranda

Short Definition: veranda, open porch of a house.

English Definition: veranda, open porch of a house. ###

L2 Definition: Bangunan kecil di muka rumah/apartemen tempat berangin-angin. ###

Examples: Biasanya kami sekeluarga duduk-duduk di BERANDA pada sore hari. = Usually we sit as a family on the VERANDA (when it starts cooling down) in the late afternoon.###

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Word: berang

Short Definition: angry; anger. MEM-: to become angry. Also MEM--I, PEM-.

English Definition: ^1 angry. 2 anger. MEM-: to become angry. MEM--I: to be angry at s.t. or s.o. PEM-: a short-tempered person. ###

L2 Definition: Marah besar; gusar. ###

Examples: Dia MEMBERANG karena perasaannya tersinggung. = She got ANGRY because her feelings were hurt. Tidak hanya kejam, orang itu juga sangat PEMBERANG. = That person is not only mean, she's also very SHORT-TEMPERED. ###

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Word: berangkat

Short Definition: see ANGKAT

English Definition: see ANGKAT

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: berangsang

Short Definition: MEM-: to be extremely angry. PEM-: an easily-angered person.

English Definition: ^MEM-: to be extremely angry. PEM-: an easily-angered person. ###

L2 Definition: Gusar sekali; merangsang seseorang untuk marah/berani dll. ###

Examples: Dengan MEMBERANGSANG hatinya dia jadi sangat berani. = When FURIOUSLY ANGRY he became very brave/reckless. ###

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Word: berani

Short Definition: audacious, bold, brave, courageous, dauntless. Also MEM--KAN, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^*audacious, bold, brave, courageous, dauntless. *MEM--KAN: encourage, foster. *KE--AN: bravery, courage, boldness, pluck. *PEM-: 1 courageous person. 2 daredevil. ###

L2 Definition: tidak takut ###

Examples: Patih Gajah Mada dikenal sangat BERANI dalam berperang. = Gajah Mada is known as someone who was very COURAGEOUS in war. Saya akan MEMBERANIKAN diri menghadap baginda raja. = I will PLUCK UP MY COURAGE to meet His Highness. Walaupun nakal mereka adalah anak-anak yang PEMBERANI. = Although they are naughty, they are children who are BRAVE (PEOPLE). KEBERANIANnya timbul ketika menghadapi lawannya. = Her COURAGE arose when she confronted her enemy. ###

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Word: berantakan

Short Definition: in disorder.

English Definition: in disorder. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak beraturan; berserakan; cerai berai. ###

Examples: Rumahnya selalu BERANTAKAN. = His house ususally is in DISORDER. ###

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Word: berantas

Short Definition: fight against to extinguish.

English Definition: fight against to extinguish. ###

L2 Definition: basmi; musnahkan. ###

Examples: Ini obat untuk MEMBERANTAS hama padi. = This is a medicine to EXTINGUISH rice pests. ###

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Word: berapa

Short Definition: how much, how many; how (big, little, etc.). Also SE-, BE-, KE-.

English Definition: ^*1 how much, how many. 2 how (big, little, etc.). *SE-: 1 as much as. 2 so and so many. *BE-: several, some, a few. KE-: the how-manyeth (used for ordinal numbers). ###

L2 Definition: Kata untuk menanyakan jumlah. ###

Examples: BERAPA jumlah anakmu? = HOW MANY are your children? JAM BERAPA dia datang? = WHAT TIME did he come? Jumlah sepedanya ada BEBERAPA. = She has SEVERAL bicycles. Sakitnya tidak SEBERAPA. = She is not AS sick AS THAT. BERAPA banyak gula yang kau butuhkan? = HOW MUCH sugar do you need? ###

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Word: beras

Short Definition: hulled uncooked rice grains.

English Definition: *hulled uncooked rice grains. ###

L2 Definition: bahan baku nasi ###

Examples: BERAS ini berharga Rp. 1000,- sekilo. = This HULLED RICE is worth 1000 rupiahs per kilogram. BERAS KETAN lebih mahal harganya dari beras biasa. = GLUTINOUS RICE is more expensive than regular rice. JAMU BERAS KENCUR manjur sebagai obat batuk. = A MEDICINAL TONIC OF RICE AND HERBS is effective as a cough medicine. ###

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Word: berat

Short Definition: heavy; severe, serious; hard, difficult; weight. Also MEM-, MEM--I, +

English Definition: ^*1 heavy. 2 severe, serious. 3 hard, difficult. 4 weight. *MEM-: become heavy. *MEM--I: 1 weigh down. 2 weigh on. 3 burden. *MEM--KAN: 1 make things difficult for, worsen. 2 strengthen, stiffen. 3 stress, emphasize. 4 (Leg.) incriminate, implicate. *KE--AN: 1 objection. 2 be unwilling, disappointed. ###

L2 Definition: besar ukurannya sulit memihak. ###

Examples: BERAT sekali buku ini. = This book is very HEAVY. Ujianku tadi sangat BERAT. = My exam earlier was very DIFFICULT. Bayi ini BERBERAT badan 4 kilogram. = This child WEIGHS 4 kilograms. Tugas ini MEMBERATI pekerjaanku. = This duty HAS MADE my work MORE DIFFICULT. Banyak bukti-bukti yang MEMBERATKANmu. = There is alot of evidence INCRIMINATING you. Kenakalanmu MEMPERBERAT tanggung jawabku. = Your naughtiness INCREASES THE WEIGHT of my responsibilities. Dia KEBERATAN dengan tawaranmu. = She is DISAPPOINTED with your offer. ###

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Word: bercak

Short Definition: pockmarked, spotted

English Definition: pockmarked, spotted *--BAWAAN: birthmark *--DARAH: red spots on the skin

L2 Definition: sesuatu yang terkena noda

Examples: Andi mendapat alergi karena debu dan mukanya penuh dengan BERCAK merah = Andi was allergic of dust and his face is full with red SPOTS.###

Word: berdikari

Short Definition: be self-sufficient.

English Definition: (berdiri di atas kaki sendiri = stand on your own two feet.) be self-sufficient. ###

L2 Definition: Berdiri sendiri; tanpa bantuan orang lain. ###

Examples: Semua anakku sudah menikah dan BERDIKARI. = All of my childeren have married and become SELF-SUFFICIENT. ###

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Word: beres

Short Definition: in order, well done; finished, settled. MEM--I: put in order. Also MEM--KAN.

English Definition: ^*1 in order, well done. 2 finished, settled. *MEM--I: put in order. *MEM--KAN: 1 clear up, settle. 2 put in order, straighten up. ###

L2 Definition: Semua selesai dengan baik. ###

Examples: Jangan khawatir, pokoknya BERES! = Don't worry, everything is OK. Saya akan MEMBERESKAN urusan itu. = I will SETTLE that matter. Ibu sedang MEMBERESI barang-barang di dapur. = Mother is STRAIGHTENING UP things in the kitchen. ###

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Word: berhala

Short Definition: idol.

English Definition: idol. ###

Hear This Word

Word: berhasil

Short Definition: see HASIL

English Definition: see HASIL

L2 Definition: sukses

Word: berhenti

Short Definition: see HENTI

English Definition: see HENTI###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: beri

Short Definition: MEM-: give, bestow. MEM--KAN: give, hand over.

English Definition: ^*MEM-: 1 give, bestow. *MEM--KAN: give, hand over. *PEM-: giver, donor. *PEM--AN: gift. ###

L2 Definition: menyerahkan menyediakan ###

Examples: Ketika nenek sakit tidak seorangpun MEMBERI tahu kami. = When grandmother became sick, not a single person INFORMED us. BERIKAN uang atau nyawa! = GIVE (me your) money or (your) life! Tono yang MEMBERIKAN surat ini kepada saya. = Tono was the one who GAVE this letter to me. Lebih mulia menjadi seorang PEMBERI daripada peminta. = It is better to be A PERSON WHO GIVES than one who asks. Kenang-kenangan ini PEMBERIAN ibu mertuaku. = This momento is a GIFT of my mother-in-law. ###

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Word: beringas

Short Definition: 1. hot-tempered, wild; 2. furious

English Definition: *KE--AN: wildness, savageness

L2 Definition: ganas, liar

Examples: Dengan wajah BERINGAS, dia menyerang kawannya = With a FURIOUS look, he attacked his friend.##

Word: beringin

Short Definition: banyan, waringan tree.

English Definition: banyan, waringan tree. ###

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Word: berisik

Short Definition: 1. noisy, tumultuous; 2. uproar, noise

English Definition: 1. noisy, tumultuous; 2. uproar, noise

L2 Definition: ribut, kacau

Examples: Saya tidak bisa tidur semalam, Ani dan kawan-kawannya sangat BERISIK = I could not sleep last night, Ani and friends were too NOISY.##

Word: berita

Short Definition: news, report. MEM--KAN: report about s.t. TER-: reportedly. Also PEM-, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^1. news. 2. report, announcement. MEM--KAN: report about s.t. TER-: reportedly. PEM-: reporter. PEM--AN: 1. news release. 2. communication. 3. notification.###

L2 Definition: Kabar; laporan mengenai suatu peristiwa; informasi. ###

Examples: BERITA tentang gempa bumi itu sungguh menyedihkan. = The NEWS about the earthquake is really saddening. Tadi pagi TVRI MEMBERITAKAN tentang meletusnya gunung Merapi. = This morning TVRI (Television of the Republic of Indonesia) REPORTED THE NEWS about the explosion of Mt. Merapi. PEMBERITAAN yang tidak benar bisa membingungkan masyarakat. = NEWS RELEASES that are incorrect can confuse the public. ###

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Word: beritahu

Short Definition: MEM-: 1. inform s.o. 2. report, tell about. Also MEM--KAN, TER-, PEM--AN.

English Definition: MEM-: 1. inform s.o. 2. report, tell about. MEM--KAN: 1. inform about. 2. announce. TER-: reportedly, it was told that. PEM--AN: announcement, notification. ###

L2 Definition: Memberikan kabar kepada orang lain. ###

Examples: Saya yang wajib MEMBERITAHU bila kamu bersalah. = I'm the one who has the responsibility to INFORM you if you make a mistake. Jangan MEMBERITAHUKAN hal-hal yang buruk kepadanya. = Don't INFORM him about unpleasant matters. Mengapa PEMBERITAHUAN itu datang terlambat? = Why has that INFORMATION come so late? ###

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Word: berkah

English Definition: see BERKAT.

Hear This Word

Word: berkas

Short Definition: bundle, bind together. MEM-: to bundle together. -AN: a bundle of s.t.

English Definition: *bundle, bind together. *MEM-: to bundle together. -AN: a bundle of s.t. ###

L2 Definition: kumpulan/ikatan ###

Examples: BERKAS surat-surat penting ini akan saya berikan kepada kepala sekolah. = I am going to give this BUNDLE of important letters to the principal. Udin MEMBERKAS lidi menjadi sapu. = Udin BUNDLED palm leaf mid-ribs into a broom. ###

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Word: berkat

Short Definition: blessing, favor; thanks to, owing to. MEM--I: bless, endow. Also KE--AN, -AN.

English Definition: ^*1 blessing, favor. 2 thanks to, owing to. *MEM--I: bless, endow. KE--AN: blessing. *-AN: food taken home from cerimonial meal.

L2 Definition: Sesuatu hal kebaikan yang diberikan oleh Tuhan. Doa restu. Makanan dalam kotak/besek yang dibawa pulang sehabis kenduri/selamatan. Oleh karena. ###

Examples: Semoga Tuhan MEMBERKATI perjalananmu. = May God BLESS your trip. Hanya BERKAT ibunya yang dia minta sebelum pergi merantau. = He asked only his mother's BLESSING before going abroad. BERKATAN kenduri dari rumah bu Lurah selalu istimewa. = The ritual GIFTS OF FOOD from the house of the village chief's wife are always special. BERKAT pertolonganmu aku bisa selamat dari bahaya itu. = THANKS TO your help, I was able to escape from that danger. ###

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Word: berkik

Short Definition: k.o. bird--pintailsnipe

English Definition: k.o. bird--pintailsnipe ###

Word: berkil

Short Definition: k.o. fish--perch

English Definition: k.o. fish--perch ###

Word: berlaku

Short Definition: to be in effect; see LAKU

English Definition: to be in effect; see LAKU

Examples: ###

Word: berlian

Short Definition: polished diamond

English Definition: polished diamond INTAN- all sorts of diamonds gems of all sorts ###

Word: bernas

Short Definition: well filled (of grains, fruit), well formed (of sugar cane).

English Definition: well filled (of grains, fruit), well formed (of sugar cane). ###

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Word: berontak

Short Definition: struggle, resist, rebel. MEM-: breakaway. PEM-: rebel. PEM--AN: rebellion.

English Definition: ^struggle, resist, rebel. MEM-: break away. PEM-: rebel. PEM--AN: rebellion, revolt. ###

L2 Definition: melawan untuk melepaskan diri dari sesuatu (kekuasaan, penindasan, penjajahan, etc.). ###

Examples: Karena selalu dihina akhirnya dia MEMBERONTAK dengan tidak mau bekerja lagi. = Because she was constantly humiliated, finally she REBELLED by not working any more. Jenderal Sudirman dikenal oleh Belanda sebagai PEMBERONTAK yang gagah berani. = General Sudirman was well-known by the Dutch as a brave and daring REBEL. PEMBERONTAKAN itu meletus karena rasa ketidakpuasan rakyat pada penguasa. = The REBELLION exploded because of the dissatisfaction felt by the people towards the authorities.###

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Word: bersih

Short Definition: clean, neat; innocent; pure, unadultrated. Also MEM--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^*1 clean, neat. 2 innocent. 3 pure, unadultrated. *MEM--KAN: clean up, purify. *KE--AN: cleanliness, purity. *PEM--AN: cleaning, purification, elimination. ###

L2 Definition: tidak ada kotoran. suci/tidak berdosa. ###

Examples: Rumah sakit "Sumber waras" terkenal sangat BERSIH. = The hospital "Fount of health" is famous as being very CLEAN. Dalam kasus korupsi itu, dia BERSIH tidak tersangkut-paut. = In that corruption case, he is FREE of any involvement. Kakak perempuanku rajin MEMBERSIHKAN rumah. = My elder sister is very diligent in CLEANING the house. Saya tidak setuju dengan peraturan pemerintah tentang PEMBERSIHAN becak di Jakarta. = I don't agree with the government's regulations concerning the ELIMINATION of pedicabs in Jakarta. Dia memang ahlinya dalam KEBERSIHAN lingkungan. = He is really an expert in environmental CLEANLINESS. ###

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Word: bersin

Short Definition: sneeze.

English Definition: sneeze. ###

L2 Definition: Keluar udara secara tiba-tiba dan tidak bisa ditahan dari hidung. ###

Examples: Barangkali karena udara dingin ini saya BERSIN terus menerus. = Maybe it's because of this cold air that I'm continually SNEEZING.###

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Word: bersit

Short Definition: SE-: 1. a burst of 2. a little of###

English Definition: *SE-: 1. a burst of 2. a little of MEM-: 1. burst out, gush forth 2. protrude, stick out 3. be prominent MEM-KAN: 1. whip out 2. exude (odor) TER-: unexpedtedly or involuntarily gush forth###

Examples: *SEBERSIT sinar matahari memasuki kamarku = A BURST OF sun shine entered my room.###

Word: bersut

Short Definition: MEM-: 1. hiss, spit at (of dogs, cats) 2. glare at, glower at###

English Definition: MEM-: 1. hiss, spit at (of dogs, cats) 2. glare at, glower at###

Examples: ###

Word: beruang

Short Definition: bear###

English Definition: bear###

Examples: Saya mengirimkan boneka BERUANG kepada ponakanku = I sent a BEAR doll to my niece.###

Word: beruk

Short Definition: short-tailed macaque (often trained to pick coconuts)###

English Definition: short-tailed macaque (often trained to pick coconuts)###

Examples: BERUK itu melompat dari satu pohon kelapa ke yang lainnya = A SHORT-TAILED MACAQUE jumped from one coconut tree to another.###

Word: berungut

Short Definition: MEM-: grumble, gripe###

English Definition: MEM-: grumble, gripe *MEM-I: grumble about, have a gripe against###

Examples: *Kyoko MEMBERENGUTI Yasou = Kyoko HAS A GRIPE AGAINST Yasou###

Word: besan

Short Definition: 1. relationship between parents whose children are married to each other. +

English Definition: 1. relationship between parents whose children are married to each other. 2. title used between people in this relationship. BER-, -AN: be related as parents-in-law. PER--AN: relationship between parents-in-law. ###

L2 Definition: Hubungan persaudaraan yang terjadi antara dua orang tua karena adanya perkawinan dari anak-anaknya; orang tua dari menantu. ###

Examples: Perkenalkan, ini Bu Patoppoi BESAN saya. = Allow me to introduce, this is Mrs. Patoppoi, my RELATIVE BY THE MARRIAGE OF OUR CHILDREN. Saya tidak menyangka akan BERBESANAN denganmu. = I never supposed I would be RELATED BY THE MARRIAGE OF OUR CHILDREN with you.###

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Word: besar

Short Definition: big, great, important. MEM-: to expand, get bigger. Also MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: *big, great, important. *MEM-: to expand, to get bigger. *MEM--KAN: to enlarge, to bring up. *KE--AN: too-big, oversized. *PEM--: an official or authority of higher level. ###

L2 Definition: lebih dari biasanya. tinggi dan gemuk. banyak. dewasa. akronim=kecil. ###

Examples: Meja ini BESAR sekali. = This table is very LARGE. Baru naik kelas tiga saja sudah BESAR KEPALA. = He only just entered the third grade and he's already getting BIG-HEADED. Balon yang diisi gas ini MEMBESAR terus. = This balloon which is being filled with gas is constantly GETTING BIGGER. Tidak mudah MEMBESARKAN lima orang anak. = It isn't easy to BRING UP five children. Bajunya kelihatan KEBESARAN untuknya. = His shirt looks TOO BIG for him. Sekarang anak Bu Totok sudah jadi PEMBESAR. = Mrs. Totok's son has now become A HIGH RANK OFFICIAL (BIG SHOT). ###

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Word: beser

Short Definition: tend to urinate frequently###

English Definition: tend to urinate frequently###

Examples: Pak Ngurah sering merasa BESER = Pak Ngurah TENDS TO URINATE FREQUENTLY.###

Word: beset

Short Definition: BESET1 = scraped (of skin). MEM-: skin, flay, scuff. BESET2 = occupied, taken.+

English Definition: BESET1 = scraped (of skin). MEM-: skin, flay, scuff. BESET2 = occupied, taken. MEM-: occupy, take over. TER-: occupied. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Terkupas; terkelupas. 2. Membelah/mengambil. ###

Examples: Duri bunga mawar itu yang MEMBESET kulitku. = It was the thorns of that rose that SCRATCHED OFF my skin. Semua kursi di baris terdepan sudah DIBESET oleh pengusaha itu. = All seats on the first row HAS BEEN TAKEN by that businessman. ###

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Word: besi

Short Definition: iron. MEM-: like iron, very strong.

English Definition: iron. MEM-: like iron, very strong. ###

L2 Definition: Logam yang keras dan kuat. ###

Examples: BESI lebih keras daripada timah. = IRON is harder than tin. Karena berolah-raga terus-menerus, otot-ototnya sampai MEMBESI.= Because of continuous exercise, her muscles BECAME LIKE IRON. ###

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Word: beskat

Short Definition: or besket : vest###

English Definition: *vest###

Examples: BESKAT yang digunakan Ibu Kathy serasi dengan roknya = THE VEST that Ibu Kathy wore matched with her skirt.###

Word: beskit

Short Definition: cookie###

English Definition: cookie###

Examples: Endang suka makan BESKIT = Endang likes to eat COOKIES.###

Word: beslah

Short Definition: seizure, confiscation. MEM-: seize, confiscate. -AN: booty, confiscated goods. +

English Definition: seizure, confiscation. MEM-: seize, confiscate. -AN: booty, confiscated goods. PEM--AN: seizure, confiscation. ###

L2 Definition: Mengukur untuk diambil; menyita. ###

Examples: Pengadilan memutuskan supaya polisi MEMBESLAH rumahnya. = The court decided that the police should CONFISCATED his house. Semua obat terlarang ini adalah barang BESLAHAN polisi. = All of these illegal drugs are CONFISCATED goods (taken) by the police. PEMBESLAHAN pabrik itu dilakukan tanpa sepengetahuan pemiliknya. = The CONFISCATION of that factory was done without the knowledge of its owner. ###

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Word: beslit

Short Definition: 1. gvt. decree 2. letter of appointment###

English Definition: 1. gvt. decree 2. letter of appointment###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Pak Hadi menerima BESLIT sebagai guru bulan lalu = Pak Hadi received LETTER OF APPOINTMENTas a teacher last month.###

Word: besok

Short Definition: tomorrow.

English Definition: *tomorrow.

L2 Definition: Hari sesudah hari ini. ###

Examples: BESOK paman akan datang dari Bandung. = TOMORROW, Uncle will arrive from Bandung. Hari ini hari Sabtu; BESOK hari Minggu. = Today is Saturday; TOMORROW is Sunday. ###

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Word: besot

Short Definition: scraped, scratched (of foot)###

English Definition: scraped, scratched (of foot)###

Examples: ###

Word: bestari

Short Definition: 1. expert, skilled 2. bright, clever###

English Definition: 1. expert, skilled 2. bright, clever###

Examples: Tukang kayu itu terkenal BESTARI = That carpenter is very SKILLED.###

Word: bestek

Short Definition: specification, plan (of construction)

English Definition: *specification, plan (of construction)

Examples: Kontraktor itu membangun gedung sekolah dengan menyalahi BESTEK = That contactor built the school building not according to the SPECIFICATION.###

Word: bestik

Short Definition: beefsteak###

English Definition: ^beefsteak###

Examples: Saya sangat senang memakan BESTIK = I really like eating BEEFSTEAK.###

Word: besuk

Short Definition: visit (a patient in hospital)

English Definition: *visit (a patient in hospital)

Examples: Saya akan memBESUK teman saya di rumah sakit nanti sore = I will VISIT my friend at the hospital this evening.### Jam BESUK di Rumah Sakit Asih jam berapa? = What are the VISITING HOURS at Asih Hospital?###

Word: betah

Short Definition: withstand, endure; like, be comfortable with.

English Definition: 1 withstand, endure. 2 like, be comfortable with. KE--AN: adjustment. ###

L2 Definition: Bisa melakukan sesuatu dalam jangka waktu yang lama; tahan. ###

Examples: Saya tidak BETAH lagi tinggal di sini. = I can not WITHSTAND to stay here anymore. KEBETAHAN dia bekerja di perusahaan itu karena gajinya besar. = His ADJUSTMENT to working in that factory was because his salary was big.###

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Word: betapa

Short Definition: how very.

English Definition: *how very. ###

L2 Definition: Kata tanda rasa heran, kagum, sedih, dll. ###

Examples: BETAPA sedihnya gadis yang kematian kekasihnya itu. = HOW VERY sad is that girl who suffered the death of her loved one.

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Word: Betawi

Short Definition: Batavia (former name of the city of Jakarta); ethnic group native to Jakarta.

English Definition: *1 Batavia (a former name of the city of Jakarta). 2 name of the ethnic group native to the region of Jakarta.

L2 Definition: Nama lama untuk kota Jakarta. Nama sebuah suku bangsa/penduduk asli Jakarta. ###

Examples: Kota Jakarta dulu bernama kota BETAWI. = The city of Jakarta was called BETAWI before. Saya orang BETAWI asli. = I am a native of BETAWI. ###

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Word: betik

Short Definition: TER-: 1. be announced 2. leaked out, came to light (of secret)###

English Definition: ^TER-: 1. be announced 2. leaked out, came to light (of secret)###

Examples: TERBETIK berita bahwa Tommy Suharto membayar para perusuh = It was COME TO LIGHT that Tommy Suharto paid the provocateurs.###

Word: betina

Short Definition: female (usually of animals).

English Definition: female (usually of animals). ###

Examples: Anjing BETINA tetangga saya galak sekali = The FEMALE dog of my neighbor is very vicious.###

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Word: betis

Short Definition: calf of leg.

English Definition: calf of leg. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian kaki antara lutut dan pergelangan kaki. ###

Examples: BETIS saya bagus sekali = My calfs are very pretty.### Diberi BETIS, hendak paha (peribahasa) = Give him the CALF and he wants the whole leg; Give him an inch and he takes a mile (proverb).### Pencuri sapi itu dikelilingi pagar BETIS penduduk desa = The cow thief was ENCIRCLED by the villagers.###

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Word: beton

Short Definition: concrete

English Definition: *concrete

L2 Definition: *BETON bertulang = reinforced concrete BETON pratekan = prestressed concrete BETON molen = cement mixer *BETONisasi = program of changing (usually pathways) to concrete

Examples: Kota ini sudah penuh dengan BETON, tidak ada lagi ruangan hijau terbuka = This city is full with CONCRETE, there is no more green open space.### Gedung pencakar langit itu dibangun dengan BETON bertulang = That skyscrapper is built with reinforced CONCRETE.### Kota itu sedang melakukan program BETONisasi untuk semua jalan-jalan utama = That town is doing the program of CONCRETING (the patways) of the major roads.###

Word: betot

Short Definition: remove with force, pull off. KE-; TER-: accidentallt snatched.

English Definition: remove with force, pull off. KE-; TER-: accidentally snatched. ###

L2 Definition: Mencabut secara paksa. ###

Examples: Sudah kucoba untuk MEMBETOT tali itu tapi hasilnya tak ada. = I have tried to PULL OFF the rope but without any result. Uratnya TERBETOT dalam kecelakaan itu. = His muscle was SNATCHED in the accident. ###

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Word: betul

Short Definition: right, correct; true; exact, right; very, really. Also BETUL-BETUL, SE--NYA, +

English Definition: ^1 right, correct. 2 true. 3 exact, right. 4 very, really. BETUL-BETUL: truly, sincerely. SE--NYA: actually, in fact, as a matter of fact. MEM--KAN: repair, correct. KE--AN: by chance, coincidentally. ###

L2 Definition: tidak salah. sinonim: benar. ###

Examples: Tidak BETUL bahwa dia yang salah. = It isn't TRUE that he is the one who is wrong. Tindakanmu BETUL-BETUL bodoh. = Your action is TRULY stupid. Untuk MEMBETULKAN pintu itu mahal ongkosnya. = To REPAIR that door would cost a lot. KEBETULAN kami sama-sama tertarik dengan bahasa Indonesia. = BY CHANCE, we were all interested in Indonesian language. Saya mengatakan hal yang SEBETULNYA. = I spoke THE TRUTH of the matter. ###

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Word: BH

Short Definition: bra.

English Definition: bra. (From Dutch word: bustehouder.) ###

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Word: bhinneka

Short Definition: Unity in Diversity.

English Definition: (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) " Unity in Diversity", Indonesia's national motto. ###

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Word: biadab

Short Definition: ill-mannered, impolite, uncouth###

English Definition: ^*1.ill-mannered, impolite, uncouth 2. uncivilized, barbaric, savage 3. uneducated, uncultured. KE-AN: 1. impertinence, rudeness, insolence 2. brutishness###

Examples: Pembunuhan empat belas siswa sekolah menengah di Littleton sangat BIADAB = The killing of fourteen high school students in Littleton is very UNCIVILIZED.###

Word: biak

Short Definition: biak1= fertile, prolific, fruitful; biak2= wet, damp; biak3= cud###

English Definition: biak1= fertile, prolific, fruitful *BER-: 1. multiply, flourish 2. breed MEM-: flourish, multiply, grow MEM-KAN: cultivate, breed, rear -AN: s.t. cultivated PEM-AN: breeding, rearing, cultivation biak2= wet, damp MEM-I: wet, damped biak3= cud###

Examples: *Pendirian partai politik-partai politik baru BERBIAK sejak kejatuhan Suharto = The foundings of new political parties have FLOURISHED since the departure of Suharto.###

Word: biang

Short Definition: mother, parent

English Definition: mother (of animal) *parent species (of plants)

L2 Definition: *riangleader, mastermind *origin, source *essence

Examples: BIANG keladi itu bisa dipotong-potong menjadi beberapa bagian lalu ditanam kembali = The MAIN ROOT STOCK of the taro plant can be cut into several pieces and then replanted.### Pemuda itu menjadi BIANG keladi kerusuhan di desanya = That young man became the MASTERMIND of the disturbance in his village.### BIANG perselisihan di antara kedua saudara itu adalah tanah warisan = The SOURCE of the disagreement between those two brothers is the land inheritance.### BIANG keringatnya sangat mengganggu orang itu = His prickly heat bothers that man very much.###

Word: bianglala

Short Definition: rainbow

English Definition: rainbow

Word: biar

Short Definition: let, permit; so that; although. -LAH: this will do, all right. Also -PUN, +

English Definition: ^*1 let, permit. 2 so that. 3 although. *-LAH: this will do, all right. -PUN: although. *MEM--KAN: 1 let, permit, allow. 2 neglect, let go. 3 leave s.o. alone. ###

L2 Definition: tidak apa-apa. agar supaya. meski. ###

Examples: Jangan dibersihkan. BIAR begitu saja. = Don't clean it. Just LET it be like that. Biasakanlah berolah-raga BIAR sehat. = Accustom yourself to atheletics SO THAT you are healthy. BIARLAH saya menderita asal kamu bahagia. = Just LET me suffer as long as you are happy. BIARPUN badannya kecil tetapi dia kuat sekali. = ALTHOUGH his body is small, he is very strong. Tidak baik MEMBIARKAN makanan terbuka begitu. = It isn't good to LEAVE that food open like that. ###

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Word: biara

Short Definition: monastery, abbey, friary###

English Definition: *1^monastery, abbey, friary 2. convent, nunnery MEM-: become a member of a cloistered community###

Examples: Heni memutuskan untuk mendaftar ke BIARA Sempurna tahun depan = Heni decided to register to the Sempurna MONASTERY next year.###

Word: bias

Short Definition: ray, reflection, extension fragment.

English Definition: ray, reflection, extension fragment. ###

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Word: biasa

Short Definition: usual; accustomed to; ordinary, commonplace. Also -NYA, MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: ^*1 usual, customary. 2 used to, accustomed to. 3 ordinary, commonplace. *-NYA: usually, customarily. *MEM--KAN: make s.o. accustomed, make s.t. usual. *TER-: 1 habitual. 2 to have become accustomed to. *KE--AN: habit, custom. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak aneh. Memang begitu. ###

Examples: Ini tidak istimewa, BIASA saja. = This isn't special, just COMMON. Tidak BIASANYA dia terlambat begini. = He isn't USUALLY late like this. Jangan MEMBIASAKAN merokok! Rokok tidak baik bagi kesehatan. = Don't ACCUSTOM yourself to smoke! Smoking isn't good for your health. Mudah saja menjalankan mesin ini kalau sudah TERBIASA. = It's very easy to operate this machine if you are already ACCUSTOMED to it. Membaca koran sudah menjadi KEBIASAAN suami saya. = Reading the newspaper has already become a HABIT of my husband. ###

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Word: biawak

Short Definition: monitor lizard

English Definition: monitor lizard ###

Word: biaya

Short Definition: expense, fee, cost

English Definition: *expense, fee, cost

L2 Definition: *meM--i = to finance, to fund peM-- = financer *peM--an = financing, funding

Examples: BIAYA hidup di New York tinggi sekali = The COST of living in New York is very high.### Bagi tukang becak itu, berat sekali untuk MEMBIAYAI anaknya bersekolah di SD = For that becak driver, it is very hard to FINANCE his child to go to elementary school.### PEMBIAYAAN darma wisata murid-murid dibebankan kepada para orang tua = The FINANCING of the tour for the sudents is burdened to the parents.###

Word: bibi

Short Definition: 1. aunt; 2. form of address to older woman

English Definition: aunt or aunty form of address to older woman

L2 Definition: saudara perempuan ayah atau ibu. istri dari paman

Examples: Apa kabar BIBI? akan kemana hari ini? = How are you AUNTY? Where are you going today?###

Word: bibir

Short Definition: lip

English Definition: lip ###

Word: bibit

Short Definition: seed, seedling (i.e., of a plant); cause; germ; novice.

English Definition: 1. seed, seedling (i.e., of a plant). 2. cause, origin. 3. germ, bacteria. 4. novice, fledgling. PEM--AN: seedling. ###

L2 Definition: benih; bakal tumbuhan (semaian); penyebab terjadinya sesuatu. ###

Examples: BiBIT kelapa ini sumbangan Haji Rahman. = This coconu SEED is donated by Haji Rahman. BIBIT pertengkaran itu datang dari pembagian warisan yang tidak adil. = The ORIGIN of that conflict came from the injustice in the division of the inheritance. BIBIT penyakit ini datangnya dari desa sebelah. = The GERMS of this disease come from the neighboring village. Ini adalah proyek PEMBIBITAN kopi Toraja. = This is a SEEDLING project for TORAJA coffee. ###

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Word: bibliograf

Short Definition: bibliographer

English Definition: bibliographer ###

Word: bicara

Short Definition: to speak. BER-: to speak. MEM--KAN: to talk about s.t. or s.o. Also PEM--AN.

English Definition: *to speak. *BER-: to speak. *MEM--KAN: to talk about s.t. or s.o. *PEM--AN: discussion. ###

L2 Definition: berkata, omong-omong. ###

Examples: Saya disuruh BICARA apa? = What I was asked TO SPEAK about? Siapa yang akan BERBICARA nanti? = Who will SPEAK later? Untuk MEMBICARAKAN proyek ini semua pihak harus dipanggil. = In order to DISCUSS that project, all parties must be summoned. Belum ada PEMBICARAAN mengenai hari pernikahanmu. = There isn't yet any DISCUSSION concerning your wedding day. Pak Muis yang akan menjadi PEMBICARA di seminar ini. = Mr. Muis is the one who will be the SPEAKER at this seminar. ###

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Word: bicokok

Short Definition: small crocodile

English Definition: small crocodile ###

Word: bicu

Short Definition: jack for raising weights

English Definition: jack for raising weights ###

Word: bidadara

Short Definition: male sprite

English Definition: male sprite ###

Word: bidadari

Short Definition: celestial nymph, fairy.

English Definition: celestial nymph, fairy. ###

L2 Definition: Putri yang datang dari kahyangan; putri yang dianggap suci dan berbudi luhur. ###

Examples: Jaka Tarub telah mencuri selendang BIDADARI Biru. =Joko Tarub has stolen the scarf of the Blue Nymph.###

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Word: bidah

Short Definition: heresy

English Definition: heresy ###

Word: bidai

Short Definition: bamboo or rattan screen

English Definition: bamboo or rattan screen basket work splint base (baseball) BER- 2 be placed in splints MEM- place in splints ###

Word: bidak

Short Definition: pawn

English Definition: pawn (chess) ###

Word: bidal

Short Definition: proverb, maxim

English Definition: proverb, maxim thimble ###

Word: bidan

Short Definition: midwife. MEM--I: act as a midwife to s.o.

English Definition: *midwife. *MEM--I: act as a midwife to s.o. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya membantu dalam proses melahirkan bayi. ###

Examples: Tidak ada dokter kandungan di sini, hanya BIDAN Tuti yang biasanya membantu ibu-ibu melahirkan. = There isn't an obstetrician here, only MIDWIFE Tuti, who usually helps women give birth. Bu Mery yang MEMBIDANI kelahiranku. = Mrs. Mery was the one who ACTED AS A MIDWIFE for my birth. ###

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Word: bidang

Short Definition: area, field; classifier for broad objects. Also MEM--I, -AN.

English Definition: ^1 area, field. 2 classifier for broad objects. MEM--I: excell/specialize in a certain field of work or study. -AN: sector, plot. ###

L2 Definition: ruang; luas; arena. ###

Examples: Dia memang ahlinya dalam MEMBIDANGI masalah keuangan. = Indeed, his expertise is SPECIALIZING in financial problems.###

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Word: bidara

Short Definition: jujube or date tree

English Definition: jujube or date tree ###

Word: bidari

Short Definition: base

English Definition: base (baseball) ###

Word: bidas

Short Definition: pierce, penetrate

English Definition: also MEM- penetrate, pierce spring back, fly back (when released) fly from, shoot away attack verbally ###

Word: bidik

Short Definition: aim. MEM-: to take aim. MEM--KAN: to aim s.t. Also PEM-.

English Definition: aim. MEM-: to take aim. MEM--KAN: to aim s.t. PEM-: sight (of a gun, etc.) ###

L2 Definition: Mengincar/mengarah suatu sasaran. ###

Examples: Konsentrasinya terganggu ketika sedang MEMBIDIK burung. = His concentration was disturbed while AIMING AT a bird. Dia sedang MEMBIDIKKAN kameranya ke kolam ikan itu. = She is AIMING her camera towards the fish pond. ###

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Word: biduan

Short Definition: male vocalist

English Definition: male vocalist

Word: biduanita

Short Definition: female vocalist

English Definition: female vocalist

Word: biduk

Short Definition: small fishing boat, boats used as floating market.

English Definition: small fishing boat, boats used as floating market. ###

Examples: BIDUK itu terombang-ambing oleh ombak lautan = The SMALL FISHING BOAT was tossed around by the ocean's waves##

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Word: bijak

Short Definition: 1. able, smart, experienced, wise; 2. witty, articulate ; see also BIJAKSANA

English Definition: *KE--AN: 1. wisdom; 2. policy

L2 Definition: pintar, berpengalaman

Examples: Pak Budi sangat BIJAK dan rendah hati = Pak Budi is WISE and humble. KEBIJAKAN pemerintah mengenai BBM diprotes masyarakat = The government POLICY on gasoline price has been protested by people.###

Word: bijaksana

Short Definition: wise, prudent. BER-: to be wise or prudent. KE--AN: wisdom.

English Definition: wise, prudent. BER-: to be wise or prudent. KE--AN: wisdom. ###

L2 Definition: Pandai menempatkan sesuatu dengan tepat; arif. ###

Examples: Orang tua yang BIJAKSANA akan memberikan imunisasi bagi anak-anaknya. = WISE parents will give immunization for their children. KEBIJAKSANAN yang diambil pak direktur tidak disetujui pemilik saham. = The POLICY that was taken by the director was not agreed to by the stockholders.###

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Word: biji

Short Definition: seed, kernel, classifier for small seed-like objects.

English Definition: 1 seed, kernel. 2 classifier for small seed-like objects.

L2 Definition: Isi dari buah-buahan; butiran yang kecil-kecil; kata bantu bilangan pada sejumlah benda. ###

Examples: BIJI kacang buncis ini bisa ditanam = The SEED of this green bean can be planted.### Pedagang itu juga menjual BIJI jagung = That seller also sells corn KERNELS.### Cincin emas itu dihiasi dengan enam buah BIJI berlian = That gold ring is decorated with six diamonds.### Ulanganmu dapat BIJI berapa? = What GRADE did your exam get?###

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Word: bikin

Short Definition: make, cause. MEM-: make, build. Also TER-, -AN, PEM-.

English Definition: ^*make, cause. *MEM-: make, build. *TER-: made from. *-AN: product. *PEM-: maker, builder. ###

L2 Definition: Menciptakan sesuatu. Sinonim: buat. ###

Examples: BIKIN repot saja anak ini. = This child only CAUSES trouble. Pekerjaan ayah saya MEMBIKIN mobil. = My father's work is MAKING automobiles. Kerajinan tangan ini TERBIKIN dari bambu. = This handiwork IS MADE FROM bamboo. Sepatu BIKINAN Cibaduyut sangat terkenal di Indonesia. = Shoes which are A PRODUCT of Cibaduyut are very famous in Indonesia. Tanyalah pada PEMBIKINnya. = Just ask the PERSON WHO MADE it. ###

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Word: biksu

Short Definition: Buddhist monk

English Definition: Buddhist monk

Word: bila

Short Definition: when, if.

English Definition: *when, if. ###

L2 Definition: Pada suatu waktu. kalau/jika. ###

Examples: BILA dia kembali dari medan perang? = WHEN did he come back from the battle field? Sari baru mau menjawab BILA ditanya. = Sari wants to answer only IF she is asked. ###

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Word: bilah

Short Definition: classifier for long flat objects suc as planks.

English Definition: classifier for long flat objects such as planks, or things shaped like knives or swords. ###

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Word: bilal

Short Definition: (Isl.) a muezzin (the person who performs the call to prayer).

English Definition: ^(Isl.) a muezzin (the person who performs the call to prayer). ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang bertugas azan diwaktu sembahyang akan dimulai; muazim. ###

Examples: Suara BILAL itu walaupun lantang tetapi sangat merdu. = The voice of MUEZZIN, even though piercing, is very melodic.###

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Word: bilamana

Short Definition: when

English Definition: when

Word: bilang

Short Definition: (Coll.) say; tell. MEM-: to count. MEM--KAN: say, tell s.t. -AN: number.

English Definition: ^*(Coll.) say, tell. *MEM-: to count. MEM--KAN: say, tell s.t. *-AN: number. ###

L2 Definition: berkata. membilang=menghitung. ###

Examples: BILANG padaku apa yang kau risaukan. = TELL me what it is that you are worried about. Setiap hari kerjanya hanya MEMBILANG uang saja. = Every day his work is just COUNTING money. 1,3,5, dan 7 adalah BILANGAN ganjil. = 1, 3, 5, and 7 are odd NUMBERS. 2,4,6, dan 8 adalah BILANGAN genap. = 2, 4, 6, and 8 are even NUMBERS. ###

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Word: bilas

Short Definition: rinse, wash off

English Definition: *MEm-- = rinse, wash off *--AN = flushing, rinse

L2 Definition: ablution

Examples: Tolong BILAS piring-piring itu = Please RINSE OFF those plates.###

Word: bilik

Short Definition: room, compartment.

English Definition: *room, compartment. ###

L2 Definition: ruangan/kamar. ###

Examples: BILIKmu ada di sebelah mana? = Your ROOM is on which side? ###

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Word: bilur

Short Definition: welt, wound caused by whip

English Definition: *welt, wound caused by whip *BER--2 = be hurt by lashing

Examples: Tangan anak itu penuh dengan BILUR-BILUR merah = The hand of that child is full of red WELTS.### Punggung wanita itu BERBILUR-BILUR karena dianiaya oleh suaminya = The back of that woman is HURT BY LASHING because she was abused by her husband.###

Word: Bimas

Short Definition: guidance for the masses.

English Definition: (Bimbingan Massal) guidance for the masses. ###

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Word: bimasakti

Short Definition: MilkyWay

English Definition: *Milky Way

Examples: Bumi adalah anggota dari Galaksi BIMASAKTI = The earth is a member of MILKY WAY's galaxy.###

Word: bimbang

Short Definition: worried, anxious, hesitate. MEM--KAN: cause hesitation. KE--AN: worry.

English Definition: ^worried, anxious, hesitate. MEM--KAN: cause hesitation, anxiety. KE--AN: worry, hesitation, uncertainty.###

L2 Definition: Ragu-ragu; tidak menentu; merasa kurang percaya; berganti-ganti. ###

Examples: Aku BIMBANG untuk kawin. = I am HESITATED to marry. Ibu selalu MEMBIMBANGKAN nasib ayah yang sedang ke luar kota. = Mother always WORRIES ABOUT father's welfare when he's out of town. KEBIMBANGAN akan jodoh pilihan keluarga selalu merisaukanku. = UNCERTAINTY about the family's choice of my marriage partner always worries me. ###

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Word: bimbing

Short Definition: BER-: 1. find guidance. 2. hold hands, copperate. Also MEM-, -AN, PEM-, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^BER-: 1. find guidance. 2. hold hands, cooperate. MEM-: 1. lead. 2. conduct. 3. introduce. -AN: leadership, guidance. PEM-: guide, leader, advisor. PEM--AN: leadership.###

L2 Definition: asuh/tuntun; pimpin. ###

Examples: Ya Allah, BIMBINGlah hamba dalam ujian ini. = Oh God, GUIDE me in this test. Aku yang selalu MEMBIMBING adikku dalam belajar. = I'm the one who always GUIDES my younger brother in his studies. BIMBINGAN tes yang saya ikuti sangat bermanfaat. = The test COUNSELING (course) which I took was very useful. Kakakku tahun ini menjadi PEMBIMBING pramuka (Praja Muda Karana). = My older brother this year became a scout LEADER. ###

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Word: bina

Short Definition: building, construction. MEM-: 1. build, construct. 2. develop, cultivate. +

English Definition: building, construction. MEM-: 1. build, construct. 2. develop, cultivate. TER-: cultivated. PEM-: 1. builder, cultivator. 2. highest rank in the civil service. PEM--AN: founding, establishment. ###

L2 Definition: 1. membangun, mendirikan 2. mengusahakan supaya lebih baik.

Examples: Mari bersama-sama MEMBINA masyarakat yang demokratis di Indonesia. = Let's develop together a democratic society in Indonesia. Ini contoh desa yang TERBINA dengan baik. = This is an example of village that is DEVELOPED nicely. Ibu Mamoto yang menjadi PEMBINA kelompok musik ini. = Mrs. Mamoto who is the CULTIVATOR of this music group. PEMBINAAN Bahasa Indonesia menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah. = The ESTABLISHMENT of Indonesian language is the resposibility of the government. ###

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Word: Bina Graha

Short Definition: President's executive office

English Definition: President's executive office

Word: Bina Marga

Short Definition: directorate general of highway construction and maintenance

English Definition: directorate general of highway construction and maintenance

Word: binal

Short Definition: 1. rebellious (of child), uncontrollable; 2. disobedient, obstinate; 3. wild, untamed

English Definition: 1. rebellious (of child), uncontrollable; 2. disobedient, obstinate; 3. wild, untamed

Examples: Anak kecil itu BINAL sekali = That small child is very UNCONTROLLABLE.### Pak Kadir mempunyai seorang anak gadis perempuan yang BINAL = Pak Kadir has a single young daughter who is WILD.### Gajah di sirkus itu masih BINAL = The elephant in that circus is still UNTAMED.###

Word: binang

Short Definition: poinsettia

English Definition: poinsettia

Word: binar

Short Definition: bright

English Definition: bright

L2 Definition: BER--2 = sparkle very bright (eyes)

Examples: Melihat permata itu, matanya menjadi BERBINAR-BINAR = Seeing the diamond, her eyes become SPARKLING VERY BRIGHT.###

Word: binaraga

Short Definition: body building

English Definition: body building

Word: binasa

Short Definition: destroyed, wiped out. MEM--KAN: annihilate. KE--AN: death. Also PEM-, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^destroyed, wiped out. MEM--KAN: annihilate. KE--AN: death, demise. PEM-: annihilator. PEM--AN: total destruction.###

L2 Definition: rusak; mati; musnah. ###

Examples: Kesatria yang gagah berani itu berhasil MEMBINASAKAN naga yang jahat. = The brave and daring knight succeeded in DESTROYING the wicked dragon. KEBINASAAN kota Hiroshima diakibatkan oleh letusan bom atom. = The ANNIHILATION of the town of Hiroshima was caused by the explosion of the atomic bomb. Di desa ini akan diadakan PEMBINASAAN hama padi secara menyeluruh. = In this village there will be a total WIPING OUT of rice blight. ###

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Word: binatang

Short Definition: animal. MEM--KAN: degrade, debase. KE--AN: bestiality, brutality.

English Definition: ^animal. MEM--KAN: degrade, debase. KE--AN: bestiality, brutality.###

L2 Definition: Makhluk hidup selain manusia dan tumbuh-tumbuhan; hewan. ###

Examples: Hanya BINATANG yang berbuat semacam itu. = Only ANIMALS who do like that. Tidak benar kalau petugas-petugas keamanan itu MEMBINATANGKAN para tahanan. = It's not right for the security guards to TREAT the prisoners LIKE ANIMALS. Nafsu KEBINATANGANnya timbul kalau datang amarahnya. = His ANIMAL passions arose when he lost his temper.###

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Word: bincang

Short Definition: converse, discuss. BERBINCANG-BINCANG = to converse, discuss.

English Definition: converse, discuss. BERBINCANG-BINCANG = to converse, discuss. ###

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Word: bingka

Short Definition: a k.o. sweet cake made of rice flour.

English Definition: a k.o. sweet cake made of rice flour. ###

L2 Definition: Kue yang dibuat dari tepung beras dan terasa manis. ###

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Word: bingkai

Short Definition: 1. frame; 2. brim, rime, fringe, edge

English Definition: meM--i = to frame ber--kan = framed with

L2 Definition: meM--i = to frame ber--kan = framed with

Examples: Saya tidak suka dengan bentuk BINGKAI kaca mata saya = I don't like the shape of my eyeglasses' FRAME.### Tadi malam Tuti MEMBINGKAI foto pacarnya = Last night Tuti FRAMED her boyfriend's picture.### Lukisan itu BERBINGKAIKAN bingkai kayu yang indah = That painting is FRAMED WITH wooden frame which is beautiful.###

Word: bingkis

Short Definition: gift, package

English Definition: MEM- -KAN = send gift -AN = gift, present, souvenir, parcel, package ###

Examples: Saya menerima BINGKISAN hari raya dari teman saya = I got a holiday PARCEL from my friend.###

Word: bingung

Short Definition: confused, disoriented. MEM--KAN: to confuse, bewilder. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^* confused, disoriented. *MEM--KAN: to confuse, bewilder. *KE--AN: 1 suffering from disorientation. 2 confusion, bewilderment. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak tahu apa yang terjadi. Tidak tahu arah. Tidak mengerti persoalan. ###

Examples: Setelah kecelakaan itu dia menjadi BINGUNG. = After that accident, he became CONFUSED. Apakah penjelasan saya MEMBINGUNGKAN kamu. = Does my explanation CONFUSE you? Ketika di pasar saya KEBINGUNGAN harus membeli apa. = When I was at the market I BECAME CONFUSED wondering what I needed to buy. ###

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Word: bini

Short Definition: (Derog.) wife.

English Definition: *(Derog.) wife. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: istri. ###

Examples: BINI satupun cukup kenapa harus punya lebih? = One WIFE is enough; why does anyone need to have more? ###

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Word: bintang

Short Definition: 1. star. 2. medal. BER-: starry, lucky, shine through. MEM--I: star in.+

English Definition: ^1. star. 2. medal, decoration. BER-: 1. starry. 2. lucky. 3. shine through. MEM--I: star in (movie). -AN: constellation. PER--AN: 1. astronomy. astrology. 3. horoscope.###

L2 Definition: Benda bercahaya di langit yang biasanya tampak di malam hari; tanda jasa yang berbentuk bintang. ###

Examples: Istriku selalu menjadi BINTANG dalam pesta-pesta. = My wife has always become the STAR in parties. Suasana malam yang BERBINTANG ini menambah pilu hatiku. = The atmosphere of this STARRY night makes me more heavy-hearted. Ayahnya adalah jenderal BERBINTANG tiga. = Her father is a three-STAR general. Siapa yang akan MEMBINTANGI filem cerita itu? = Who will STAR in this movie? Menurut ilmu PERBINTANGAN angka mujurku adalah delapan. = According to ASTROLOGY, my lucky number is eight. ###

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Word: bintik

Short Definition: dot, spek. bintik hujan = raindrops.

English Definition: dot, spek. bintik hujan = raindrops. ###

L2 Definition: ber--2 = having small spots bead (of sweat)

Examples: Karena sering kena panas matahari, mukanya menjadi BERBINTIK-BINTIK = Because having exposed to the sunray frequently, her face becomes HAVING SMALL SPOTS.### Di dahinya ada BINTIK-BINTIK keringat = On his forehead there are BEADS OF SWEAT.###

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Word: bintul

Short Definition: slight bump (usually from insect bite)

English Definition: slight bumb (usually from insect bite)

L2 Definition: bintul-bintul = have many bumps

Examples: BINTUL karena gigitan serangga itu jangan digaruk = The BUMP caused by the insect bite not to be scratched.### Tangan dan kaki anak itu penuh dengan BINTUL-BINTUL karena gigitan nyamuk = The arms and legs of that child full of BUMPS caused by mosquito bites.###

Word: biola

Short Definition: violin.

English Definition: violin.###

L2 Definition: suatu alat musik gesek.

Examples: Indah benar suara BIOLA itu. = How beautiful the sound of that VIOLIN is. ###

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See a Picture

Word: bioskop

Short Definition: movie theater.

English Definition: *movie theater. ###

L2 Definition: Gedung tempat pertunjukan film. ###

Examples: Kerjaan saya setiap malam Minggu adalah menonton film di BIOSKOP. = My activity every Saturday night is to watch a movie at the THEATER. ###

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Word: bir

Short Definition: beer.

English Definition: beer. ###

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Word: birahi

Short Definition: or BERAHI = sexual desire; passion, lust

English Definition: sexual desire, lust

L2 Definition: keinginan seksual, nafsu seks

Examples: Penari perut itu berusaha memancing BIRAHI para penonton = the belly dancer tried to stimulate the sexual desire of the audiences.###

Word: biri-biri

Short Definition: sheep

English Definition: sheep

Word: birit

Short Definition: buttocks, bottom, rear

English Definition: buttocks, bottom, rear ter--2 = helter skelter

L2 Definition: lari ter--2 = run head over heels

Examples: Kami semua lari TERBIRIT-BIRIT dikejar oleh seekor harimau = We all run HEAD OVER HEELS chased by a tiger.###

Word: biro

Short Definition: bureau, office.

English Definition: *bureau, office. ###

L2 Definition: kantor. ###

Examples: Semua surat-surat dan tiketmu akan diatur oleh BIRO perjalanan. = All of your letters and tickets will be arranged by the Travel BUREAU. ###

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Word: birokrasi

Short Definition: bureaucracy.

English Definition: bureaucracy. ###

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Word: biru

Short Definition: blue. KE-_-_-AN: bluish.

English Definition: *blue. *KE-_-_-AN: bluish. ###

L2 Definition: Salah satu nama warna. ###

Examples: Warna BIRU adalah warna kesukaan saya. =BLUE is my favorite color. Dari jauh laut itu berwarna KEBIRU-BIRUAN. = From afar, that ocean is a BLUISH color. ###

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Word: bis

Short Definition: bus.

English Definition: *bus. ###

L2 Definition: Alat angkutan umum. ###

Examples: Setiap pergi ke sekolah saya selalu naik BIS KOTA. = Every trip to school, I always ride a CITY BUS. ###

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Word: bisa

Short Definition: be able, can, could. SE--NYA: where possible, to the fullest extent.

English Definition: 1. ^*be able, can, could. 2. poison, venom *SE--NYA: where possible, to the fullest extent. ###

L2 Definition: Dapat melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Anak kecil itu BISA berbicara dengan lancar. = That small child CAN speak fluently. Lakukan pekerjaanmu SEBISANYA sebelum beristirahat. = Do your work TO THE FULLEST EXTENT before resting. BISA laba-laba ini lebih mematikan daripada BISA ular kobra. = This spider's venom is more lethal than that of Cobra snake's. Hati-hati, ular itu BERBISA. = Be careful, that snake is venomous. ###

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Word: bisik

Short Definition: whisper. BER-: whisper, speak confidentially. MEM--KAN: 1. whisper. 2. suggest.+

English Definition: whisper. BER-: whisper, speak confidentially. MEM--KAN: 1. whisper. 2. suggest, imply. ###

L2 Definition: Berkata-kata dengan sangat pelan. ###

Examples: Waktu itu dia hanya BERBISIK saja di telingaku. = At the time he was only WHISPERING at my ear. Sebelum ajalnya dia sempat MEMBISIKKAN kata wasiat. = Before his death he was able to WHISPER his will. ###

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Word: bising

Short Definition: noise, rustle, rustling, buzzling###

English Definition: ^1. noise, rustle, rustling, buzzling 2. stupified 3. with singing ears 4. din, uproar, bustle * 5. noisy MEM-KAN: 1. (ear-) deafening 2. make o.'s ears sing KE-AN: noise, uproar###

Examples: * Konser KLA Project di stadion Senayan sangat BISING = KLA Project's concert in the Senayan stadium was very NOISY###

Word: bismillah

Short Definition: ^bismillah(i) ('rahmani'rrahim) (Isl.)in the name of Allah (God)###

English Definition: ^bismillah(i) ('rahmani'rrahim) (Isl.)in the name of Allah (God) 2. the Merciful 3. the Charitable###

Examples: Islam mengajarkan agar kaum Muslim memulai kegiatannya dengan BISMILLAH(I)(RAHMANI'RRAHIM) = Islam teaches Moslems to begin their activities in THE NAME OF ALLAH.###

Word: bisnis

Short Definition: business

English Definition: business

Word: bisu

Short Definition: mute, dumb. MEN-: to be dumb, speechless, silent, to act as a mute.

English Definition: mute, dumb. MEM-: to be dumb, speechless, silent, to act as a mute. ###

L2 Definition: tak dapat berbicara.

Examples: Ia MEMBISU ketika ditanya. = He was SILENT when questioned.

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Word: bisul

Short Definition: boil, carbuncle, ulcer, pimple###

English Definition: ^carbuncle, ulcer, pimple### see jerawat

L2 Definition: -jerawat = pimple on the face -benta = small abscess on upper lip### -an = suffer from ulcers or boils

Examples: Saya merasa tidak nyaman dengan BISUL dipipi kiriku = I feel uncomfortable with PIMPLES on my left cheek.### Rima tidak bisa duduk dengan nyaman karena dia BISULAN = Rima cannot sit comfortably because she suffers from boils.###

Word: bius

Short Definition: 1. unconscious, in a swoon 2.stunned###

English Definition: ^1. unconscious, in a swoon 2.stunned, intoxicated, drugged, stupified *MEM-(I): to anaesthetize, to shoote, to tranquilize PEM-AN: 1. anaesthetization 2. anaesthetic MEM-KAN: to drug, to anaesthetize###

L2 Definition: obat-: anaesthetic, narcotic, opiate

Examples: *Dokter Arni MEMBIUS Ahmad sebelum kakinya diamputasi = Doctor Arni ANAESTHETIZED Ahmad before his foot was amputated.###

Word: biut

Short Definition: obstinate (desease)###

English Definition: ^obstinate (desease)###

Examples: ###

Word: bivak

Short Definition: hut, bivouac.

English Definition: hut, bivouac. ###

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Word: biyung

Short Definition: (Javanese) mother

English Definition: (Javanese) mother

L2 Definition: Aduh BIYUNG! = Oh MOTHER!

Examples: Aduh BIYUNG, mengapa nasibku begini = Oh MOTHER, why my fate is like this (bad).###


Short Definition: National Family Planning Coordinating Agency.

English Definition: (Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional) National Family Planning Coordinating Agency. ###

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Word: BKPM

Short Definition: Investment Coordinating Board.

English Definition: (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal) Investment Coordinating Board. ###

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Word: BKR

Short Definition: People's Security Forces.

English Definition: (Badan Keamanan Rakyat) People's Security Forces. ###

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Word: blacu

Short Definition: calico, unbleached cotton###

English Definition: blacu or belacu ^calico, unbleached cotton###

Examples: Pada tahun 1960-an, orang-orang menggunakan kain BLACU sebagai bahan seragam kantor = In 1960s, people wore CALICO as material for official uniforms###

Word: blak-blakan

Short Definition: outspoken, blunt

English Definition: outspoken, blunt

Examples: Dia orangnya BLAK-BLAKAN dan terus terang = He is a person who is OUTSPOKEN and honest.###

Word: blangko

Short Definition: 1. blank 2. abstension from voting###

English Definition: ^*1. blank 2. abstension from voting **3. form to be filled in###

Examples: *Saya memilih BLANGKO dalam pemilihan kepala desa = I ABSTAINED FROM VOTING in the village leader election. ** Jika hendak melamar pekerjaan di kantor pos, kamu harus mengisi BLANGKO berwarna kuning = If you want to apply for a job in the post office, you have to fill in the yellow FORM.###

Word: blangkon

Short Definition: Javanese male batik headdress

English Definition: Javanese male batik headdress

Word: blantika

Short Definition: world, arena (of music)

English Definition: world, arena (of music)

Examples: Michael Jackson sangat terkenal di BLANTIKA musik pop = Michael Jackson is very famous in the WORLD of pop MUSIC.###

Word: blewah

Short Definition: kind of melon

English Definition: kind of melon

Word: blok

Short Definition: 1. bolt, roll, cylinder. 2. block, street block. 3. bloc, alliance.

English Definition: 1. bolt, roll, cylinder. 2. block, street block. 3. bloc, alliance. *MEM--: [coll.] obstruct.###

Examples: Tolong belikan satu BLOK kain di pasar = Could you buy me a ROLL of cloth at the market?? Dia tinggal dua BLOK dari rumah kami = He lives two BLOCKS from our house. Indonesia termasuk negara non-BLOK = Indonesia is one of the non-BLOC (non-ALIGNMENTS) countries.###

Word: blokir

Short Definition: MEM--: 1.blockade. 2.obstruct. 3. [Fin.] freeze (account), stop (check)

English Definition: MEM--: 1.blockade. 2.obstruct. 3. [Fin.] freeze (account), stop (check) *PEM--AN: blockading.##

Examples: Jalan itu telah DIBLOKIR polisi sehingga kami harus mencari jalan lain = The road has been BLOCKADED by the police so we had to find another way.###

Word: bludag

Short Definition: see BELUDAK

English Definition: see BELUDAK

Word: bobo

Short Definition: sleep (of young children or in children's speech)

English Definition: bobo or bobok = sleep

L2 Definition: tidur (untuk anak kecil)

Examples: Adik bayi sudah BOBOK ya?? = the baby is ASLEEP yet?? ###

Word: bobol

Short Definition: give way, collapse

English Definition: meM- = 1. ruin, destroy; 2. penetrate (sport); 3. tear down ke-an = 1. pierced, penetrated; 2. penetration; 3. caught unaware, hit (by theft)

Examples: Banjir besar yang terjadi minggu lalu MEMBOBOL bendungan di sungai itu = The big flood that happened last week DESTROYED the dam at that river.### Tadi malam rumah saya KEBOBOLAN = Last night my house was BROKEN IN (by theft).###

Word: bobot

Short Definition: 1. heavy. 2. weight, heaviness. 3. integrity, quality. MEM--I: add weight to s.t

English Definition: 1. heavy. 2. weight, heaviness. 3. interity, quality (of literature, persons, etc.). MEM--I: add weight to s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Berat suatu benda; nilai; mutu. dll. ###

Examples: BOBOTku turun tiga kilo. = My WEIGHT is down three kilograms. Kapal itu BERBOBOT 2000 ton. = That ship has a weight of 2000 tons. Jarang saya lihat tulisan BERBOBOT di majalah itu. = Seldom that I see a QUALITY article in that magazine. Kenakalan anak itu MEMBOBOTI pikiranku saja. = The naughtyness of that child is ADDING WEIGHT TO my thought. ###

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Word: bobrok

Short Definition: 1. dilapidated, shoddy, ramshackle; 2. rotten, degenerate

English Definition: KE-AN: collapse, badness MEM-AN: collapse, topple, bring down

Examples: Sudah terlalu banyak KEBOBROKAN di dalam masyarakat kita sekarang = There are so many BADNESS in our society now##

Word: bocor

Short Definition: leak

English Definition: leak leak, be leaky urinate suffer from diarrhea bleed MEN- -KAN divulge, leak (a secret) cause leak, puncture KE- -AN damage by leakage leakage, divulgence puncture -AN leak leakage PEM- one who reveals secrets PEM- -AN leaking divulging (secrets, etc.) ###

Word: bodoh

Short Definition: stupid, dumb, dull-witted. MEM-: to act stupid. Also MEM--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^*stupid, dumb, dull-witted. *MEM--KAN: to keep ignorant, dupe. *KE--AN: stupidity, ignorance, error. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak memiliki pengetahuan. kurang mengerti. tidak pandai. ###

Examples: Kamu BODOH benar kalau tidak mengetahui cerita itu. = You are really STUPID if you don't know that story. Penjajah Belanda berusaha MEMBODOHKAN rakyat Indonesia. = The Dutch colonists tried to KEEP the Indonesian people IGNORANT. KEBODOHANnya sendiri yang menyebabkan kegagalan ujiannya. = His own STUPIDITY caused him to fail his exam. ###

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Word: Bogor

Short Definition: a city in West Java.

English Definition: a city in West Java. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: bohong

Short Definition: lie, falsehood. BER-, MEM-: to tell a lie. Also MEM--I, KE--AN, PEM.

English Definition: ^*lie, falsehood. *BER-, MEM-: to tell a lie. *MEM--I: to lie to s.o., to deceive s.o. *KE--AN: lie, falsehood. *PEM-: liar. ###

L2 Definition: Bukan hal yang sebenarnya. Sinonim=dusta. ###

Examples: Berita BOHONG itu datang darinya. = That FALSE news came from her. Demi kebaikan, saya rela BERBOHONG. = For the good, I am willing to LIE. Jangan sekali-kali MEMBOHONGI orang tua karena akibatnya sangat buruk. = Don't ever LIE TO your parents because the consequences are very bad. Lama-lama akan ketahuan juga hal KEBOHONGAN itu. = Eventually that FALSEHOOD will become known. Kenapa kau percaya padanya? Dia seorang PEMBOHONG besar. = Why do you believe him? He's a big LIAR. ###

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Word: boikot

Short Definition: boycott

English Definition: meM- = boycott peM-an = boycotting

Examples: Para buruh pabrik sepakat MEMBOIKOT pemilik pabrik = The factory workers agree to BOYCOTT the factory owner.### PEMBOIKOTAN oleh para pegawai rumah sakit menyebabkan banyak orang sakit menjadi terlantar = The BOYCOTTING by the hospital workers causes many sick people become neglected.###

Word: bokong

Short Definition: 1. buttocks; 2. hindpart first, the wrong way around; 3. back

English Definition: 1. buttocks 2. hindpart first, the wrong way around 3. back

L2 Definition: meM- = 1. attack from the rear; 2. secretly, on the sly meM-i = turn the buttocks to peM-an = treacherous attack

Examples: Penyanyi dangdut yang bernama Inul mempunyai BOKONG yang besar = Dangdut singer whose name is Inul has big BUTTOCKS.### Tidak sopan MEMBOKONGI orang tua = Not polite to TURN THE BUTTOCKS TO the elder.###

Word: bokor

Short Definition: 1. copper or silver bowl with wide rim; 2. (sport) loving cup, trophy

English Definition: 1. copper or silver bowl with wide rim 2. (sport) loving cup, trophy

Word: bola

Short Definition: ball, spherical object.

English Definition: *ball, spherical object. ###

L2 Definition: Benda yang biasanya berbentuk bulat. ###

Examples: Siapa yang mengambil bola tennisku? = Who took my tennis BALLS? Ayo kita main SEPAK BOLA. = Come on! Let's play SOCCER. ###

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Word: bolak-balik

Short Definition: back and forth, to and fro.

English Definition: back and forth, to and fro, roundtrip. ###

L2 Definition: Sudah datang kemudian pergi lagi; pulang pergi. ###

Examples: Pekerjaannya memang mengharuskannya untuk pergi BOLAK-BALIK Yogya-Jakarta. = Her work really required her to go BACK AND FORTH between Yogya and Jakarta. Saya mau beli tiket BOLAK-BALIK. = I want to buy roundtrip ticket. ###

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Word: bolang-baling

Short Definition: 1. propeller; 2.weathervane, whirlgig

English Definition: 1. propeller; 2.weathervane, whirlgig

Examples: BOLANG-BALING perahu ini sudah rusak = The PROPELLER of this boat is broken.###

Word: boleh

Short Definition: be permitted, may. -LAH: all right. MEM(PER)--KAN: permit, allow.

English Definition: ^*be permitted, may. *-LAH: all right. *MEM(PER)--KAN: permit, allow. ###

L2 Definition: diijinkan. mendapat/memperoleh. ###

Examples: Saya BOLEH pergi denganmu malam Minggu nanti. = I AM ALLOWED go with you later on Saturday night. BOLEHKAH saya berjualan di sini?...BOLEH! = MAY I set up shop here? . . . ALRIGHT! Nenek MEMPERBOLEHKAN kami pergi berenang. = Grandmother PERMITTED us to go swimming. ###

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Word: bolong

Short Definition: 1. perforated, pierced; 2. precisely

English Definition: 1. perforated, pierced 2. precisely

L2 Definition: ber-2 = pierced, perforated meM-i = put a hole in s.t.

Examples: Ada BOLONG besar di ember Diah = There is a big HOLE on Diah's bucket.### Adi MEMBOLONGI tembok itu dengan bor = Adi MAKE A HOLE on the wall using a drill.### Jangan bermain-main di luar rumah pada tengah hari BOLONG = Don't play outside the house PRECISELY at noon.###

Word: bolos

Short Definition: to play truant, desert.

English Definition: to play truant, desert. ###

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Word: bolpoin

Short Definition: ballpoint pen, pen.

English Definition: *ballpoint pen, pen. ###

L2 Definition: Pena/alat untuk menulis yang berisi tinta. ###

Examples: BALPOIN ini lucu sekali modelnya. = This BALLPOINT PEN is of a very funny model. ###

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Word: bom

Short Definition: bomb.

English Definition: bomb. ###

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Word: bon

Short Definition: check, bill, voucher.

English Definition: ^*check, bill, voucher. *(ME)NGE-: 1 put on a monthly account, pay with an IOU, buy s.t. and pay later. ###

L2 Definition: Surat sebagai tanda meminjam barang. Surat yang berisi jumlah barang yang harus dibayar (biasanya kecil saja bentuknya). ###

Examples: Mana BONnya? Saya sudah selesai makan. = Where is the BILL? I am already finished eating. Saya akan MENGEBON barang ini dulu; nanti saya bayar bulan depan. = I will BUY this item ON CREDIT; I will pay for it next month. ###

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Word: bonceng

Short Definition: get a ride on a two-wheeled vehicle

English Definition: meM- = get a ride on a two-wheeled vehicle ber-an = ride along with s.o. on a two-wheeled vehicle

L2 Definition: 1. share in another's fame, bask in another's limelight 2. get a free ride (on train bus, etc.) 3. meM-i = get a free ride with s.o. 4. meM-kan = give s.o. a ride

Examples: Siti BERBONCENGAN sepeda dengan temannya pergi ke sekolah = Siti RIDES ALONG WITH HER FRIENDS ON A BICYCLE going to school.### Penyanyi muda itu tidak mau disebut sebagai MEMBONCENGI ketenaran ayahnya = That young singer does not want to be considered as to GET A FREE RIDE from her father's fame.###

Word: boneka

Short Definition: doll.

English Definition: doll. ###

L2 Definition: anak-anakan, tiruan anak untuk permainan. ###

Examples: Itu BONEKA kesayangan anakku. = That is my daughter's favorite DOLL. ###

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Word: bongkah

Short Definition: numeral classifier for clumps, lumps, etc. -AN: chunk, hunk.

English Definition: *numeral classifier for clumps, lumps, etc. *-AN: chunk, hunk. ###

L2 Definition: Gumpalan sesuatu, biasanya untuk barang-barang tambang. ###

Examples: Pak Samat kaya mendadak karena menemukan SEBONGKAH emas. = Mr. Samat became suddenly rich because he found A LUMP of gold. BONGKAHAN batu itu harus disingkirkan dulu. = That HUNK of rock must be put to the side first. ###

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Word: bongkar

Short Definition: take apart. MEM-: 1. force open, break in. 2. demolish. 3. disclose. +

English Definition: take apart. MEM-: 1. force open, break in. 2. demolish, dismantle. 3. disclose (a secret). MEM--I: take apart. -AN: unloaded goods. PEM-: o. who breaks open. PEM--AN: disclosure. ###

L2 Definition: Merusak; mengangkat muatan dari kapal. ###

Examples: Kapal itu sedang MEMBONGKAR muatannya. = The ship is UNLOADING its load. Dia MEMBONGKARI isi lemari karena mencari kunci mobilnya. = He TOOK APART the cabinet contains because he was looking for his car keys. BONGKARAN bangunan itu berserakan dimana-mana. = The UNLOADED building MATERIALS are scattered everywhere. PEMBONGKARAN gedung itu ditentang banyak pihak. = The DEMOLITION of the buiding was protested by many parties. ###

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Word: bongkok

Short Definition: or bungkuk: crooked, bent (over), humped

English Definition: ^crooked, bent (over), humped *MEM-: stoop or bend (over) MEM-2: 1. bow respectfully 2. lower or demean o.s. 3. bend (the back) MEM-I: stoop in direction of s.t. MEM-KAN: bend (the back) TER-2: bend (from age. etc.) -2AN: 1. repeatedly bowing or bending 2. engage in foolish bowing PEM-AN: bending, stooping, bowing###

L2 Definition: badan bongkok = hunchbacked###

Examples: *Saya harus MEMBUNGKUK ketika memungut pensil di bawah meja = I had to BEND OVER when picking up the pencil underneath the table.###

Word: bongkol

Short Definition: 1. knob 2. hump 3. head (of lettuce)

English Definition: ^1. knob 2. hump 3. head (of lettuce) *BER-: having a hump###

Examples: *Sebagian orang menganggap lembu BERBONGKOL kramat = Some people believe that cows WITH HUMPS are sacred.

Word: bongkot

Short Definition: 1. tree trunk 2. tree stump 3. base of plant stem

English Definition: ^*1. tree trunk 2. tree stump 3. base of plant stem 4. base -AN: with a stump###

Examples: *Pak Amir memindahkan BONGKOT yang menghalangi pintu pagarnya = Pak Amir removed the TREE TRUNK that hampered his door gate.###

Word: bongsor

Short Definition: 1. oversized, overweight 2. big, tall###

English Definition: ^1. oversized, overweight 2. big, tall###

Examples: Dibandingkan dengan umurnya, badan Kendall nampak BONGSOR = Compared to his age, Kendall's body is OVERSIZED.###

Word: bonjol

Short Definition: 1. lump 2. projection 3. protrude###

English Definition: ^1. lump 2. projection 3. protrude###

Examples: ###

Word: bontot

Short Definition: bontot1: (Jv) rice wrapped in leaves to eat away from home; bontot2: (Jv) younges

English Definition: ^bontot1: (Jv) rice wrapped in leaves to eat away from home *MEM-: bring food on trip -AN: 1. s.t wrapped (in cloth, etc.) for carrying, (cloth) bundle, 2. food for journey **bontot2: (Jv) youngest (child)

Examples: *Evi senang MEMBONTOT jika mengadakan perjalanan jauh = Evi likes to BRING FOOD if going ON a long TRIP.### **Maimunah adalah anak BONTOT Pak Kusdi = Maimunah is Pak Kusdi's YOUNGEST child.###

Word: bordil

Short Definition: brothel

English Definition: brothel

Examples: Wanita muda itu bekerja di sebuah rumah BORDIL di kota = That young woman works at a BROTHEL house in the city.###

Word: bordir

Short Definition: embroidery

English Definition: meM- = embroider -an = embroidery

Examples: Orang-orang di desa itu membuat kain BORDIRAN yang sangat bagus = The people in that village make EMBROIDERY textiles which are very good.###

Word: borgol

Short Definition: handcuffs###

English Definition: ^handcuffs *MEM-: handcuff PEM-AN: handcuffing###

Examples: *Polisi MEMBORGOL tangan pengunjuk rasa tersebut = The policeman HANDCUFFED the demonstrator's hands.###

Word: borhan

Short Definition: proof###

English Definition: ^proof###

Examples: Penyelidik menggunakan pakaian Monica sebagai BORHAN = The investigator used Monica's dress as a proof.###

Word: borjuasi

Short Definition: bourgeoisie###

English Definition: ^bourgeoisie###

Examples: Revolusi Perancis adalah peristiwa penjatuhan BORJUASI = French Revolution was to overthrow the BOURGEOISIE.###

Word: borjuis

Short Definition: bourgeois###

English Definition: ^*bourgeois -2AN: similar to or related to bourgeoisie###

Examples: *Semakin kaya harta dia, semakin nampak BORJUIS sikapnya = The more wealth he is, the more BOURGEOIS he is.###

Word: boro-boro

Short Definition: (Jkt) do not expect even that much###

English Definition: ^(Jkt) do not expect even that much###

Examples: BORO-BORO dia akan manampakan diri, menelpon pun dia tak sempat = DO NOT EVEN THINK he will show up, he does not even have time to call.###

Word: borok

Short Definition: 1. ulcer, boil, sore 2. ulcerous, mangy, itchy 3. bad, rotten###

English Definition: ^1. ulcer, boil, sore 2. ulcerous, mangy, itchy 3. bad, rotten *BER-, MEM-: fester, be ulcerous PEM-AN: festering###

Examples: *Lukanya MEMBOROK karena terlambat diobati = His wound was FESTERED because it was late to get medical treatment.###

Word: borong

Short Definition: buy up the whole stock.

English Definition: meM- = 1. buy up the whole stock; 2. do the entire contract (construction). peM- = 1. (wholesale) supplier, purveyor; 2. contractor.###

L2 Definition: Membeli dalam jumlag banyak. ###

Examples: Ibu MEMBORONG mangga dagangan bu Marto. = Mother BOUGHT THE WHOLE STOCK of Mrs. Marto' manggos. ### Pak Tomo bekerja sebagai PEMBORONG rumah = Pak Tomo works as a house CONTRACTOR.###

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Word: boros

Short Definition: wasteful, lavish, extravagant. MEM-: be wasteful. MEM--KAN: squander.+

English Definition: wasteful lavish, extravagant. MEM-: be wasteful. MEM--KAN: waste, squander. KE--AN: wastefulness. PEM-: squanderer. ###

L2 Definition: Berlebih lebihan dalam suatu hal (penggunaan uang, bensin, dll.). ###

Examples: Di meja judi itu dia MEMBOROSKAN hampir seluruh uangnya. = At the gambling table he SQUANDERED almost all his money. KEBOROSAN dalam penggunaan bensin disebabkan oleh mesin-mesin yang sudah tua.= The WASTEFUL use of gasoline was caused by the old machines. Sifat PEMBOROS itu tidak baik. = It's not good to be a SQUANDERER. Kepergianku waktu itu sia-sia -- hanya PEMBOROSAN waktu saja.= My journey was in vain -- only a WASTE of time. ###

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Word: boru

Short Definition: Batak kinship term###

English Definition: Batak kinship term or a child of a clan###

Examples: ###

Word: bosan

Short Definition: bored. MEM--KAN: boring, tedious; to bore s.o. Also KE--AN, PEM-.

English Definition: *bored. *MEM--KAN: 1 boring, tedious. 2 to bore s.o. *KE--AN: boredom, tediousness. *PEM-: o. who becomes easily bored. ###

L2 Definition: Sudah tidak senang lagi. Sinonim:jemu. ###

Examples: Aku sudah BOSAN dengan makanan yang itu-itu juga. = I am already BORED with that same kind of food. Semua acara di TV hari ini sungguh MEMBOSANKAN. = All of the programs on TV today are really BORING. Tambahan pidato-pidato itu membuat KEBOSANANnya memuncak. = The continuation of those speeches made the BOREDOM come to a peak. Jangan hiraukan permintaannya dia memang PEMBOSAN. = Don't pay attention to his requests; he's a real BORE. ###

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Word: bot

Short Definition: boot.

English Definition: boot. ###

L2 Definition: Sepatu yang tinggi bentuknya. ###

Examples: BOT ini kupakai kalau udara sangat dingin. = I use this BOOTH when the weather is very cold. ###

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Word: botak

Short Definition: bald (headed)

English Definition: 1. bald (headed) 2. strip completely bare.###

Word: botol

Short Definition: bottle.

English Definition: bottle peM-an = bottling.###

Examples: Tolong berikan BOTOL kecap itu. = Please give me that soy sauce BOTTLE. ###

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Word: boyong

Short Definition: a move from one place to another

English Definition: a move from one place to another BER- move, shift, change, remove emigrate, settle (ME)M- move, shift capture, take away something MEM- -KAN move something -AN moving, removal PEM- -AN emigration, settlement, colonization removal, shifting ###

Examples: Amir MEMBOYONG semua keluarganya pindah ke Amerika = Amir MOVED all of his family to America##

Word: bpk

Short Definition: acronym for "Badan Pengawas Keuangan" or State Auditing Agency

English Definition: acronym for "Badan Pengawas Keuangan" or State Auditing Agency

Examples: ###

Word: BPS

Short Definition: Central Bureau of Statistics.

English Definition: (Biro Pusat Statistik) Central Bureau of Statistics. ###

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Short Definition: Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence.

English Definition: (Baden Penyelidik Usaha Persipan Kemerdekaan Indonesia) Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence. ###

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Word: brandal

Short Definition: 1. rascal, scoundrel. 2. gangster, bandit. MEM-: commit a rascal act. +

English Definition: ^1. rascal, scoundrel. 2. gangster or bandit. MEM-: commit a rascally act. KE--AN: villainy, wantonness.###

L2 Definition: Tingkah laku yang tidak baik (suka berkelahi; mencuri; bertindak kasar; dll.). ###

Examples: Jangan bermain dengan anak BRANDAL itu. = Don't play with that SCROUNDREL child. Orang itu kerjanya hanya MEMBRANDAL di jalanan. = All that person does HANG OUT AND CAUSE TROUBLE in the street. Saya tidak tahu dari mana sifat KEBRANDALANnya itu datang. = I don't know where his WICKED behavior comes from. ###

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Word: brangus

Short Definition: muzzle (of dogs)###

English Definition: ^muzzle (of dogs) MEM-: censor, muzzle PEM-AN: censorship ###

Examples: ###

Word: brankas

Short Definition: safe, strongbox###

English Definition: ^safe, strongbox###

Examples: Saya menaruh dokumen-dukumen penting di BRANKAS = I put important documents in the STRONGBOX.###

Word: brengsek

Short Definition: 1. useless, in bad condition. 2. Hell! It is all messed up! KE--AN: lousiness.

English Definition: ^1. useless, in bad condition. 2. Hell! It is all messed up! KE--AN: lousiness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak benar; kacau; berantakan; dll. ###

Examples: BRENGSEK benar anak itu, sudah jam segini belum datang juga! = That kid is really A PAIN IN THE BUTT, look what time it is and he still hasn't come! Perlu dimaklumi KEBRENGSEKAN acara ini karena memang tidak ada persiapan. = We need to be aware that LOUSINESS of this program was because the proper preparations weren't made.###

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Word: BRI

Short Definition: People's Bank of Indonesia.

English Definition: ^(Bank Rakyat Indonesia) People's Bank of Indonesia (state-controled bank).###

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Word: brigjen

Short Definition: Brigadier General.

English Definition: (Brigadir Jendral) Brigadier General. ###

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Word: Britania Raya

Short Definition: Great Britain

English Definition: Great Britain

Word: brokat

Short Definition: brocade

English Definition: brocade.###

Word: brokoli

Short Definition: brocolli###

English Definition: brocolli###

Examples: Di kampungku harga BROKOLI sangat mahal, karena itu sayur ini tidak terlalu popular = In my hometwon the price of BROCOLLI is expensive, thus this vegetable is not popular.###

Word: Bromo

Short Definition: name of a volcano in East Java.

English Definition: name of a volcano in East Java. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: brondong

Short Definition: fusillade

English Definition: meM- = 1. fire a volley; 2. shell, bombard peM-an = bombardment - jagung = popcorn

Examples: Pasukan itu MEMBRONDONG musuhnya dengan tembakan = The troops BOMBARDED their enemies with gunshots.### Saya sangat suka BRONDONG jagung = I like POPCORN very much.###

Word: brosur

Short Definition: brochure. MEM--KAN: put in form of a brochure.

English Definition: brochure. MEM--KAN: put in form of a brochure.###

L2 Definition: Bahan informasi tertulis mengenai suatu hal untuk disebarkan pada para peminat hal tersebut. ###

Examples: Mari kita bagikan BROSUR-BROSUR ini. = Let's distribute these BROCHURES. Kita perlu MEMBROSURKAN informasi mengenai turisme di daerah ini. = We should PUT information about tourism in this area INTO A BROCHURE.###

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Word: bu

Short Definition: see IBU.

English Definition: see IBU.

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: buah

Short Definition: fruit; (after a number) = classifier for 3-dim. objects; SE- = one; a/an

English Definition: 1. fruit 2. (preceded by number) = classifier for 3-dimensional objects SE- ____: a/an (given entity); one (given entity).###

L2 Definition: Bagian tumbuhan yang berasal dari bunga. Untuk menyatakan nama bermacam-macam buah. Penolong bilangan bagi sesuatu yang tidak tentu bentuknya.###

Examples: 1.Ada banyak BUAH di sini.=There is a lot of FRUIT here. Itu BUAH nanas.=That's a pineapple [FRUIT]. 2.Ada tiga BUAH buku di sini.=There are 3 [UNITS OF] books here. Lima BUAH rumah baru dibangunkan. = "5 houses were just built." SE-: ...dalam SEBUAH kerajaan A (particular) kingdom...###

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Word: buai

Short Definition: BER-: to swing. MEM--KAN: to swing ot rock s.t. -AN: cradle.

English Definition: BER-: to swing. MEM--KAN: to swing or rock s.t. -AN: cradle. ###

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Word: bual

Short Definition: bubbling over (of liquid); boasting, big talk, bragging. Also BER-_-_, +

English Definition: ^*1 bubbling over (of liquid). 2 boasting, big talk, bragging. *BER-_-_, MEM-_-_: 1 bubble up, fizz, foam (of liquid). 2 brag, boast, talk big. *MEM--KAN: 1 spout, expel (a liquid). 2 brag about s.t. also: BER-_-_: to talk, discuss.###

L2 Definition: berkata besar (sombong). omong kosong. ###

Examples: Jangan dengarkan BUALAN si Badu. = Don't listen to Badu's BOASTING. Tak ada lain kerjanya BERBUAL saja. = He doesn't have any other work, just BRAGGING. Memang Sudomo sangat pandai MEMBUAL. = It's true, Sudomo is very adept at BRAGGING. Dia MEMBUALKAN ceritanya kanan-kiri. = She SPOUTED OFF her story right and left. Orang-orang desa sering duduk dan BERBUAL-BUAL di kedai kopi. = The village people often sit and TALK at the coffee stall. ###

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Word: buang

Short Definition: throw away. MEM-: throw away, discard.

English Definition: ^*throw away. *MEM-: throw away, discard. ###

L2 Definition: Meninggalkan sesuatu yang sudah tidak terpakai. ###

Examples: Rasanya kok BUANG waktu saja berbual denganmu. = It feels like it is just THROWING AWAY time talking with you. MEMBUANG puntung rokok disembarang tempat merusak kebersihan. = THROWING AWAY cigarette butts just any old place destroys cleanliness. ###

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Word: buar

Short Definition: liberal, generous###

English Definition: ^ *1. liberal, generous 2. extravagant 3. prodigal###

Examples: *Endang dikenal bersifat BUAR = Endang is known as a generous person

Word: buas

Short Definition: wild, furious, savage, desolate###

English Definition: ^ wild, furious, savage, desolate MEM-: to fly into a passion, to rage, to take on KE-AN: fury, wildness, savagery###

Examples: Banyak jenis binatang BUAS saat ini dilindungi pemerintah = Many kinds of WILD animals now are protected by the goverment.###

Word: buat

Short Definition: do, make; for; in order to. BER-: do, act. Also MEM-, -AN, PEM-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^*1 do, make. 2 for. 3 in order to. *BER-: do, act. *MEM-: 1 make. 2 do. 3 cause. *-AN: 1 make, brand. 2 product. 3 artificial, false. *PEM-: maker, producer. *PER--AN: 1 action. 2 performance. 3 conduct. ###

L2 Definition: buat. menciptakan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Hadiah ini BUAT si Tuti. = This gift is for Tuti. Jangan coba-coba BERBUAT seenaknya sendiri di daerah ini. = Don't try TO DO whatever you want in this area. Biasanya di hari libur saya MEMBUAT kue. = Usually on vacation days I MAKE cake. Sepatu ini BUATAN luar negeri. = These shoes are foreign PRODUCTS. Si Jampang dianggap sebagai PEMBUAT onar oleh Belanda. = Jampang was thought of as a trouble MAKER by the Dutch. Segala PERBUATAN baik dan buruk ada akibatnya. = All ACTIONS good and bad have their consequences. ###

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Word: buaya

Short Definition: crocodile; scoundrel.

English Definition: 1 crocodile. 2 scoundrel. ###

L2 Definition: Reptilia yang berkulit keras dan bermulut lebar/panjang. ###

Examples: Kata orang-orang BUAYA putih di telaga itu sangat keramat. = People say the white CROCODILE in that lake is very supernaturally powerful.###

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Word: bubar

Short Definition: dispersal, break up (of a group). MEM--KAN: disperse s.t., break up a group.

English Definition: ^disperse, break up (of a group). MEM--KAN: disperse s.t., break up a group. ###

L2 Definition: Terpisah kemana-mana; selesai. ###

Examples: Sudah lama partai komunis itu MEMBUBARKAN diri. = For a long time now the communist party has been DISBANDED.###

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Word: bubuh

Short Definition: MEM-: to put or place s.t. MEM--I: make an addition to s.t. Also MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: ^MEM-: to put or place s.t. MEM--I: make an addition to s.t. MEM--KAN: add s.t. to s.t. -AN: an addition. ###

L2 Definition: menaruh; memasang; menambah. ###

Examples: Bibi Midah sedang MEMBUBUHI sayuran itu dengan bumbu masak. = Aunt Midah is ADDING cooking spices TO those vegetables. Saya juga akan MEMBUBUHKAN tanda tangan saya untuk petisi itu. = I will also ADD my signature to that petition.###

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Word: bubuk

Short Definition: powder. MEM-: to become powder; to grind s.t. into powder.

English Definition: powder. MEM-: 1 to become powder. 2 to grind s.t. into powder. ###

L2 Definition: Benda yang sangat halus karena ditumbuk; serbuk. ###

Examples: Karena lamanya ditumbuk akhirnya biji-bijian itu MEMBUBUK juga. = Because of being pounded a long time, at last the seeds BECAME POWDER.###

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Word: bubung

Short Definition: top, ridge; ridgepole. -AN: ridge (of house); ridgepole.

English Definition: ^1 top, ridge. 2 ridgepole. *-AN: 1 ridge (of house). 2 ridgepole. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian atas atap rumah. ###

Examples: BUBUNGAN rumahmu tinggi sekali. = The RIDGEPOLE of your house is very high. ###

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Word: bubur

Short Definition: porridge (usually of rice, corn, etc.).

English Definition: porridge (usually of rice, corn, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Makanan lembek dan berair biasanya terbuat dari tepung beras atau umbi. ###

Examples: Pagi-pagi begini paling nikmat sarapan BUBUR ayam. =In the morning like this it would be very satisfying to have a breakfast with chicken PORRIDGE. ### Nasi sudah menjadi BUBUR = The rice has turned into PORRIDGE (i.e. there is no use crying over spilt milk).###

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Word: bubut

Short Definition: 1. stay 2. draw, haulagerope###

English Definition: ^ 1. stay 2. draw, haulagerope -AN: stay (ship) *MEM-: 1. to pull out, to draw 2. to turn PEm-AN: 1. fitting-shop 2. a bird (Centropus eurycerus)###

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Petani MEMBUBUT rerumputan sebelum memulai penanam padi = Farmers PULLED OUT the grass before starting to plant paddy.###

Word: budak

Short Definition: servant or slave. Also MEMPER-, MEM--KAN, PER--AN.

English Definition: servant or slave. MEMPER-, MEM--KAN: enslave or treat as a slave. PER--AN: slavery. ###

L2 Definition: Anak kecil; hamba sahaya; jongos; abdi. ###

Examples: Dia cenderung selalu ingin MEMPERBUDAK orang lain. = He has a tendency to always want to TREAT other people LIKE SLAVES. Seluruh bentuk PERBUDAKAN di muka bumi harus dihapus. = All forms of SLAVERY on the face of the earth must be wiped out.###

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Word: budaya

Short Definition: culture, customary practice. BER-: to have a culture, be cultured. Also MEM-, +

English Definition: ^culture, customary practice. BER-: to have a culture, be cultured. MEM-: to become customary, become a part of the culture. MEM--KAN: to civilize, make cultured. KE--AN: culture. ###

L2 Definition: Akal budi manusia; pikiran; hasil karya yang diciptakan oleh manusia. ###

Examples: Di antara suku-suku pedalaman yang lain, Asmat adalah suku yang paling BERBUDAYA. = Among the ethnic groups of the interior, the Asmat are the group with the most DEVELOPED CULTURE. Adanya uang sogok sudah MEMBUDAYA di kantor ini. = Taking bribes has BECOME THE CUSTOM in this office.

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Word: budi

Short Definition: mind, character. BER-: be of good character.

English Definition: ^mind, character. BER-: be of good character. ###

L2 Definition: Akal dan perasaan yang berguna untuk menimbang baik buruknya suatu hal; daya upaya; akal manusia; tabiat/watak manusia; dll. ###

Examples: BUDI pekerti gadis itu sungguh luhur dan agung. = The ETIQUETTE of that young woman is truly noble and graceful. Hutang BUDI tidak bisa dibayar dengan uang. = A debt of KINDNESS cannot be repaid with money. ###

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Word: budidaya

Short Definition: cultivation###

English Definition: cultivation *MEM-KAN: cultivate ###

Examples: *Departemen pertanian MEMBUDIDAYAKAN penanaman kacang merah di halaman rumah = Department of agriculture CULTIVATED the planting of read beand in houses' yards.###

Word: bugar

Short Definition: SEE SEGAR

Word: bugil

Short Definition: completely naked

English Definition: completely naked mata - = naked eyes ###

Word: Bugis

Short Definition: ethnic group native to the region of the Celebees.

English Definition: *ethnic group native to the region of the Celebees. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah suku di pulau Sulawesi. ###

Examples: Suami saya orang BUGIS. = My husband is a BUGINESE. ###

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Word: buih

Short Definition: foam

English Definition: foam, froth BER- -2, MEM- -2 foam up MEM- -KAM cause to foam PEM- -AN act of causing something to foam ###

Word: bujang

Short Definition: unmarried person.

English Definition: unmarried person. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang belum kawin. ###

Examples: Dia masih BUJANG, bahkan belum ada pacarnya. = He is still SINGLE, he doesn't even have a girl friend yet. ###

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Word: bujuk

Short Definition: sweet-talk, persuade.

English Definition: sweet-talk, persuade. ###

L2 Definition: Kata-kata manis yang dipakai sebagai usaha untuk meyakinkan orang; rayu. ###

Examples: Saya sudah MEMBUJUKnya tetapi dia tetap tidak mau. = I have tried to PERSUADE him but he still doesn't want to. ###

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Word: bujur

Short Definition: lengthwise; longitudinal

English Definition: lengthwise; longitudinal *-SANGKAR = 1. rectangle; 2. square *MEM- = stretch out; lie alongside; stretch *TER- = stretched out *-AN = length

Examples: Taman itu berbentuk BUJUR SANGKAR = The park has the shape of a RECTANGLE.## Ukuran balok itu lima meter BUJUR SANGKAR = the size of the wood is five SQUARE meters.## Dia tidur MEMBUJUR di tanah = He slept STRETCHED OUT on the ground.## Dia pingsan dan TERBUJUR di lantai = He collapsed and LIED ALONGSIDE on the floor.## BUJURAN pipa itu mencapai desa terpencil = The LENGTH of the pipeline reaches the remote villages. ###

Word: buka

Short Definition: open. MEM-: open; to begin or start s.t. Also MEM--KAN, TER-, KETER--AN, +

English Definition: ^*open. *MEM-: 1 to open. 2 to begin or start something. *MEM--KAN: 1 open. 2 open for s.o. *TER-: 1 opened. 2 outgoing, extroverted. *KETER--AN: openness. PEM--AN: opening, beginning. *--PUASA: to break the fasting (usually during the month of Ramadhan). ###

L2 Definition: Antonim: tutup. ###

Examples: BUKA bajumu yang kotor itu! = OPEN your dirty shirt! Jam berapa toko itu akan DIBUKA? = What time will this store be OPENED? Siapa yang MEMBUKA kaleng ini? = Who OPENED this can? Bibi yang MEMBUKAKAN pintu untukku. = Auntie OPENED the door FOR ME. Dari kemarin jendela itu TERBUKA. = That window has been OPEN since yesterday. Sifat KETERBUKAAN sangat penting dalam organisasi. = An attitude of OPENNESS is very important within an organization. ###

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Word: bukan

Short Definition: no, not; it is not the case that; isn't it? aren't you? etc. Also -NYA.

English Definition: ^*1 no, not. 2 it is not the case that. 3 isn't it? aren't you? etc. *-NYA: it is not the case that. ###

L2 Definition: Berlainan dengan yang sesungguhnya. ###

Examples: BUKAN begitu maksudku. = My intention is NOT like that. BUKANNYA saya tidak menyenangimu, saya hanya tidak percaya padamu. = IT ISN'T THE CASE that I don't like you; I just don't believe you. ###

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Word: bukit

Short Definition: hill, mountain.

English Definition: hill, mountain. MEM--: piled up, to form a mountain, hilly. PER--AN: hilly (area). ###

L2 Definition: Gundukan tanah yang tinggi tetapi tidak setinggi gunung. ###

Examples: Rumahku ada di BUKIT itu. = My house is on that HILL. BUKIT Barisan adalah nama pegunungan di pulau Sumatra. = The Barisan ("Line") HILLS are a range of (small) mountains on the island of Sumatra. Karena terus menghemat, akibatnya uangnya MEMBUKIT juga. = Because he keeps saving (his money), his money is PILING UP. Kita akan menyerang di daerah PERBUKITAN itu. = We will attack in that HILLY area. ###

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Word: bukti

Short Definition: proof, evidence. MEM--KAN: prove, demonstrate.

English Definition: ^*proof, evidence. *MEM--KAN: prove, demonstrate. PEM--AN: authentication. *TER--: proved. ###

L2 Definition: Keterangan nyata tentang sesuatu hal. ###

Examples: BUKTI yang kau pakai sudah kedaluwarsa. = The EVIDENCE that you are using is already irrelevant. Sangat sulit untuk MEMBUKTIKAN teorimu. = It will be very difficult to PROVE your theory. ###

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Word: buku

Short Definition: book.

English Definition: *book. ###

L2 Definition: Sejumlah lembaran kertas yang menjadi satu. ###

Examples: Saya memerlukan tiga BUKU tulis untuk kelas ini. = I need three noteBOOKS for this class. ###

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Word: bulan

Short Definition: month; moon. BER-_-_: for several months. -AN: s.t. which is a monthly.

English Definition: ^*1 month. 2 moon. BER-_-_: for several months. -AN: s.t. which is a monthly. ###

L2 Definition: Benda di langit yang mengelilingi bumi. Nama yang dipakai menentukan waktu selama 30 hari. ###

Examples: Indah sekali melihat BULAN dan bintang dari atas bukit. = It is very beautiful to look at the MOON and stars from on top of a mountain. Sekolah di Indonesia biasanya dimulai pada BULAN Juli. = Schools in Indonesia usually begin in the MONTH of July. ###

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Word: bulat

Short Definition: 1. spherical. 2. complete. 3. unanimous. Also SE--NYA, MEM-, MEM--I, MEM--KAN+

English Definition: ^1. spherical, round. 2. complete, overall. 3. unanimous. SE--NYA: completely. MEM-: 1. become round. 2. be unanimous. MEM--I: draw circle around s.t. MEM--KAN: 1. round off. 2. perfect s.t. KE--AN: 1. roundedness. 2. resoluteness. 3. unanimity. -AN: circle. PEM--AN: rounding off, completing.###

L2 Definition: Berbentuk seperti bola/lingkaran; utuh; seluruhnya; tidak kurang. ###

Examples: Wajah anak itu sepertinya kok MEMBULAT saja. = It looks like that child's face is getting fatter and fatter (lit. ROUND). Suara semua anggota organisasi itu sudah MEMBULAT = The voices of all member of that organization are UNANIMOUS. Engkau harus MEMBULATKAN semua angka-angka itu. = You have to ROUND OFF all those numbers. KEBULATAN tekad ini diambil secara spontanitas. = The RESOLUTENESS of his decision was taken spontaneously. Ada BULATAN-BULATAN kecil di perutnya. = There are small (ROUND) pimples on his stomach. PEMBULATAN anggaran ini dilakukan untuk mempermudah penghitungan. = The ROUNDING OFF of this budget is to make the calculations easier.###

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Word: bulbul

Short Definition: k.o. bird, tropical nightingale

English Definition: k.o. bird, tropical nightingale

Word: bule

Short Definition: white person.

English Definition: white person. ###

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Word: Bulog

Short Definition: National Logistical Supply Organization.

English Definition: (Badan Urusan Logistik Nasional) National Logistical Supply Organization. ###

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Word: bulu

Short Definition: body hair, fur, feather

English Definition: body hair, fur, feather *BER- : have body hair, fur, feather *---TANGKIS: badminton

Examples: Perempuan itu sangat malu karena kakinya BERBULU lebat = that woman is very embarrassed because her legs HAVE thick HAIR. Saya sangat suka bermain BULUTANGKIS = I really enjoy playing BADMINTON.

Word: buluh

Short Definition: bamboo

English Definition: bamboo peM- = (Anatomy) artery, corporal passages

L2 Definition: - perindu = mythical k.o. bamboo used to make flutes that produce melodies irresistible to women.###

Examples: Suaranya bagaikan BULUH perindu = Her voice is very melodious. ### PEMBULUH nadi orang itu tersumbat = The artery of that person is clogged. ###

Word: bumbu

Short Definition: cooking spices. MEM--I: to season food.

English Definition: *cooking spices. *MEM-I: to season food. ###

L2 Definition: Bahan untuk memberi rasa pada makanan (garam, merica, bawang putih, dll). ###

Examples: Kari daging ini sedap sekali rasanya, apa BUMBUnya? = This meat curry tastes very delicious; what are it's SPICES? Tidak mudah MEMBUMBUI masakan Jawa. = It isn't easy to SEASON Javanese food. ###

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Word: bumi

Short Definition: earth, soil. MEM--HANGUSKAN: subject to scorched-earth policy.

English Definition: earth, soil. MEM--HANGUSKAN: subject to scorched-earth policy. ###

L2 Definition: *Planet tempat kita hidup; dunia; jagat. ###

Examples: BUMI kita harus kita pelihara. = We should take care of our EARTH. Kaisar Nero MEMBUMIHANGUSKAN kota Roma. = The Emperor Nero BURNT TO THE GROUND the city of Rome. ###

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Word: bumiputera

Word: bumiputra

Short Definition: native (of country)

English Definition: native (of country) ke-an = nativeness, indigenousness ###

Word: BUMN

Short Definition: acronym for Badan Usaha Milik Negara or State-Owned Enterprises

English Definition: acronym for State-Owned Enterprises

Examples: Mulai tahun depan semua BUMN harus menjadi badan usaha swasta = Starting next year all the BUMN must become private enterprises. ##

Word: buncis

Short Definition: stringbean.

English Definition: stringbean.###

L2 Definition: Sayuran hijau yang berbentuk panjang dan ada biji kecil-kecil di dalamnya. ###

Examples: Semur daging ini enak dimakan dengan BUNCIS dan wortel rebus. = This meat stew is delicious if eaten with GREEN BEANS and boiled carrots.###

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Word: Bunda

Short Definition: mother.

English Definition: mother. ###

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Word: bundar

Short Definition: round, circular. MEM-: form a circle. -AN: circle, a traffic circle.

English Definition: round, circular. MEM-: form a circle. -AN: circle, traffic circle.###

L2 Definition: Berbentuk lingkaran seperti roda. ###

Examples: Tidak mudah MEMBUNDARKAN kembali roda yang penyok ini. = It's not easy to MAKE ROUND again this bent wheel. Kantor ayahku ada di dekat BUNDARAN Semanggi. = My father's office is near the Semanggi TRAFIC CIRCLE. ###

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Word: bunder

Short Definition: SEE BUNDAR

Word: bung

Short Definition: 1. fellow, buddy; 2. brother (affectionate title for some popular leader)

English Definition: 1. fellow, buddy; 2. brother (affectionate title for some popular leader)

Examples: Mari BUNG...kita bangun desa ini dengan usaha sendiri = FELLOW BROTHERS...let us build our village with our own effort! Proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia dicetuskan oleh BUNG Karno dan BUNG Hatta = Indonesia's independence was porclaimed by BROTHER Karno dan BROTHER Hatta. ###

Word: bunga

Short Definition: flower.

English Definition: flower###

L2 Definition: Bagian tumbuhan yang akan menjadi buah. Jenis bagi bermacam-macam bunga###

Examples: BUNGA mawar itu cantik sekali.=That rose FLOWER is very pretty.###

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Word: bungkam

Short Definition: silent, quiet, speechless. MEM-: remain silent. KE--AN: silence.

English Definition: silent, quiet, speechless. MEM-: remain silent. KE--AN: silence. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bicara apa-apa; diam. ###

Examples: Dengan apa kau MEMBUNGKAM mulutnya? = With what did you SILENCE his mouth? KEBUNGKAMAN orang itu menimbulkan kecurigaan banyak orang. = The SILENCE of the person raised the suspicion of many people. ###

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Word: bungkuk

Short Definition: crooked; bent (over), humped

English Definition: crooked, bent (over), humped *MEM- = stoop or bend over; bowed respectfully

L2 Definition: tunduk

Examples: Badannya BUNGKUK = He is HUNCHBACKED.# Orang Jepang mempunyai kebiasaan MEMBUNGKUK sebagai tanda penghormatan kepada orang lain = The Japanese has the culture of BOWING to other people as a respect.##

Word: bungkus

Short Definition: parcel, pack; wrapper, wrap. BER-: wrapped up. Also MEM-, -AN.

English Definition: ^*1 parcel, pack. 2 wrapper, wrap. *BER-: wrapped up. *MEM-: to wrap up s.t. *-AN: parcel, package. ###

L2 Definition: Barang yang dipakai untuk membalut/menutupi sesuatu. ###

Examples: BUNGKUS kacangnya dengan bagus ya! = WRAP the beans well! Banyak jenis makanan yang BERBUNGKUS daun pisang. = There are many kinds of food that ARE WRAPPED in banana leaves. Hati-hati MEMBUNGKUS barang pecah-belah ini. = WRAP these fragile things carefully. Ada sebuah BUNGKUSAN di depan pintu. = There is a PACKAGE in front of the door. ###

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Word: bunglon

Short Definition: chaneleon.

English Definition: chameleon. ###

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Word: bungsu

Short Definition: the youngest child in a family.

English Definition: *the youngest child in a family. ###

L2 Definition: Anak yang paling kecil dalam keluarga. ###

Examples: Kok manja sekali anak BUNGSUmu. = Your YOUNGEST child is very spoiled. ###

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Word: buntang

Short Definition: ritual feast of the Lawangan Dayaks.

English Definition: ritual feast of the Lawangan Dayaks. ###

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Word: bunting

Short Definition: pregnant (of animals), full (as of heads of rice).

English Definition: pregnant (said of animals, derogatorily of women), full (as of heads of rice). ###

L2 Definition: Sesuatu yang besar karena penuh terisi di dalamnya; hamil. ###

Examples: Kambingku sedang BUNTING selama dua bulan. = My goat has been PREGNANT for two months.###

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Word: buntu

Short Definition: blocked.

English Definition: blocked. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak ada jalan keluarnya; tertutup. ###

Examples: Ini jalan BUNTU, tidak ada terusannya. = This is a DEAD END street; it doesn't have a continuation. ###

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Word: buntut

Short Definition: tail, rear end, latter part of s.t. Also BER-, MEM--I.

English Definition: ^tail, rear end, latter part of s.t. BER-: 1 to have a tail. 2 to have consequences. MEM--I: to trail behind, follow closely. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang paling akhir; ekor. ###

Examples: BUNTUT anjingku panjang sekali. = My dog's TAIL is veri long. Akhirnya perkara itu BERBUNTUT panjang karena campur tangan pihak ketiga. = As it finally turned out, that matter had a long, involved SET OF CONSEQUENCES because of the interference of a third party. Saya merasa ada yang MEMBUNTUTI kita sejak dari belokan itu. = I feel as if somebody has been FOLLOWING us since turning the corner.###

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Word: bunuh

Short Definition: to kill. MEM-: to kill. PEM-: killer. PEM--AN: murder.

English Definition: *to kill. *MEM-: to kill. *PEM-: killer. PEM--AN: murder.###

L2 Definition: Membuat mati orang lain. ###

Examples: Karena tidak kuat menanggung derita akhirnya Siti Nurbaya BUNUH DIRI. = Because she wasn't able to endure suffering, in the end Siti Nurbaya COMMITTED SUICIDE. Dia dihukum mati karena MEMBUNUH banyak orang. = He was sentenced to death because he KILLED many people. Perang itu sangat kejam, orang saling BUNUH-MEMBUNUH. = That war is very bitter; people are KILLING EACH OTHER. Kabarnya presiden itu DIBUNUH oleh PEMBUNUH BAYARAN. = The news is that president was KILLED by an ASSASIN. ###

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Word: bunyi

Short Definition: sound, noise; contents (of a letter, signboard, etc.). BER-: to make a noise.

English Definition: ^*1 sound, noise. 2 contents (of a letter, signboard, etc.) *BER-: to make a noise. ###

L2 Definition: Suara yang bisa didengar. ###

Examples: Setiap sore di bulan Ramadhan selalu ada BUNYI bedug tanda berbuka puasa. = Every afternoon during the fasting month, there is the SOUND of the mosque drum signalling the end of the fasting. Peluit tanda pertandingan selesai sudah BERBUNYI. = The whistle signalling the end of the competition has already SOUNDED. ###

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Word: bupati

Short Definition: regent, officer occupying the position of head of a regency.

English Definition: regent, officer occupying the position of head of a regency. ###

L2 Definition: Jabatan kepala daerah kabupaten. ###

Examples: BUPATI Blambangan terkenal karena sangat angkuhnya. = The Blambangan REGENT is very famous because of his arrogancy. ###

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Word: buron

Short Definition: fugitive (from justice); s.o. wanted

English Definition: fugitive (from justice); s.o. wanted *--AN: fugitive

L2 Definition: pelaku kriminal yang melarikan diri

Examples: Kemarin polisi menembak BURONAN itu di pasar = Yesterday the police shot the FUGITIVE in the marketplace. Koruptor itu menjadi BURON dan melarikan diri ke luar negeri = The corruptor has become a FUGITIVE and fled abroad. ###

Word: bursa

Short Definition: stock exchange

English Definition: stock exchange

Examples: Dia bekerja di perusahaan BURSA saham yang terbesar di Jakarta = He works at the biggest STOCK EXCHANGE company in Jakarta.###

Word: buru

Short Definition: to chase. BER-: to go hunting. Also MEM-, PEM-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^*to chase. *BER-: to go hunting. *TER-_-_: to hurry, be in a rush. *MEM-: to chase after. *PEM-: hunter. *PER--AN: the hunt. ###

L2 Definition: Mengejar atau mencari sesuatu. ###

Examples: Hobinya adalah BERBURU kijang di hutan. = His hobby is HUNTING deer in the forest. Jangan TERBURU-BURU! Perlahan-lahan saja! = Don't BE IN A RUSH! Just go slowly! Rakyat desa itu beramai-ramai MEMBURU babi hutan yang merusak sawah mereka. = The people in that village are busy CHASING AFTER the wild boar that ravaged their rice paddies. Barang antik yang mahal ini ditemukan oleh seorang PEMBURU harta karun. = This expensive antique was found by a treasure HUNTER. PERBURUAN gajah sudah dilarang di Indonesia. = The HUNTING of elephants has been prohibited in Indonesia. ###

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Word: buruh

Short Definition: worker, laborer. MEM-: to do manual labor. PER--AN: manual labor.

English Definition: ^worker, laborer. MEM-: to do manual labor. PER--AN: manual labor. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang bekerja pada pihak lain untuk mendapat upah; pekerja. ###

Examples: Biasanya dimusim panen begini akan banyak orang yang MEMBURUH di tempatku. = Usually, in the harvesting-day like this, it will be a lot of people WORK AS LABORER in my place. Masalah-masalah PERBURUHAN akan menjadi sangat menonjol pada dekade mendatang. = LABOR PROBLEMS will be very apparent in the coming decade. ###

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Word: buruk

Short Definition: old, rotten, decayed. KE--AN: evil, badness, wickedness. Also PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^old, rotten, decayed. KE--AN: evil, badness, wickedness. PEM--AN: decay, deterioration. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak baik; tidak rupawan; jelek. ###

Examples: Perempuan itu suka sekali menceritakan KEBURUKAN orang lain. = That woman likes to tell BAD STORIES of other people. PEMBURUKAN kesehatan masyarakat di desa ini sangat memprihatinkan. = The DETERIORATION of public health in this village is very saddening. ###

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Word: burung

Short Definition: bird.

English Definition: *any kind of bird. (The picture shows BURUNG CENDERAWASIH -- "bird of paradise" or paradisae raggiana)###

L2 Definition: binatang yang mempunyai bulu dan bisa terbang.###

Examples: Kakaktua adalah sejenis BURUNG. = A cockatoo is a species of BIRD.###

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See a Picture

Word: busa

Short Definition: foam, lather, scum, suds, sponges

English Definition: foam, lather, scum, suds, sponges *BER--: be full of foam *MEM--: become foamy

Examples: Ani menumpahkan sabun terlalu banyak ke dalam cuciannya sehingga seluruh ruangan menjadi BERBUSA = Ani put too much detergent into the laundry, the room is full with FOAM. BUSA ini tidak dapat lagi dipakai untuk mencuci piring = This SPONGES cannot be used to wash dishes. ###

Word: busana

Short Definition: clothing, fashion. MEM--KAN: cause s.o. to wear clothing.

English Definition: clothing, fashion. MEM--KAN: cause s.o. to wear clothing. BER-: wear clothing. ###

L2 Definition: pakaian. ###

Examples: Dalam pesta perkawinan itu banyak tamu yang BERBUSANA batik. = In that wedding party a lot of guest WEAR batik. ###

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Word: buset

Short Definition: damn it! bullshit!

English Definition: damn it!, bullshit! ###

L2 Definition: Kata seru sebagai tanda keheranan atau umpatan. ###

Examples: BUSET! berani betul anak itu ngebut di jalan yang sempit. = DAMN IT! These kids have a lot of nerve, speeding in this narrow street!###

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Word: busuk

Short Definition: 1. putrid, rotten, decomposed. 2. low, depraved, corrupt. Also MEM-, MEM--KAN,+

English Definition: ^1. putrid, rotten, decomposed. 2. low, depraved, corrupt. MEM-: 1. rot, decay. 2. become infested. MEM--KAN: 1. cause to rot. 2. slander, defame. KE--AN: rotteness, badness, evil. PEM--AN: decaying. PER--AN: decayed state.###

L2 Definition: Benda yang rusak dan berbau tidak sedap; perbuatan yang tidak baik/buruk/jahat; dll. ###

Examples: Mangga itu lama-lama akan MEMBUSUK kalau kau tidak cepat memakannya. = That manggo will BECOME ROTTEN if you do not eat it soon. Pupuk ini dibuat dengan MEMBUSUKKAN sampah biologis. = This fertilizer is made by DECAYING biological waste. KEBUSUKAN hatinya terungkap dengan tidak disengaja. = The EVIL of his/her heart showed up unconsiously. PEMBUSUKAN daging ini kira-kira memakan waktu tiga hari. = The SPOILAGE of this meat takes about three days. ###

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Word: busung

Short Definition: blaoted, distended, bulging

English Definition: *-- DADA: proud, conceited *-- LAPAR: bloating due to starvation *MEM-- : bloated, puff up *MEM--KAN: pump up, inflate

L2 Definition: menggembung, menggelembung, membengkak, membesar karena penyakit

Examples: Dia menjadi BUSUNG DADA setelah menang kontes itu = He became so PROUD (ARROGANT) after winning the contest. Penderita BUSUNG LAPAR di kampung kami mendapat bantuan dari pemerintah = People suffering STARVATION received some help from the government. Dia MEMBUSUNGKAN perutnya dan tertawa = He PUFFED UP his stomach and laugh.###

Word: busur2

Short Definition: cotton gin

English Definition: cotton gin MEM- gin (cotton) ###

Word: buta

Short Definition: 1. blind. 2. blank. 3. forgetful. 4. unknowledgeable. KE--HURUFAN: illiteracy.+

English Definition: ^1. blind. 2. blank. 3. forgetful. 4. unknowledgeable. KE--HURUFAN: illiteracy. MEM-: 1. become blind. 2. pretend to be blind. 3. be reckless or rash. MEM--KAN: blind or strike blind. MEM--TULIKAN: keep s.o. completely in the dark. KE--AN: 1. blindness. 2. darkness.###

L2 Definition: Tidak dapat melihat karena rusak matanya; tidak tahu; tidak mengerti. ###

Examples: KEBUTAHURUFAN di desa ini lebih dari 50 %. = ILLITERASY rate in this village is more than 50 %. Dengan MEMBUTA kucaci-maki dia. = BLINDLY, I curse him. Perebutan harta itu telah MEMBUTAKAN mata hati mereka. = That battle over money have BLINDED their soul. Dikiranya kalau sudah MEMBUTATULIKAN orang tuanya, terus tidak akan ada orang lain yang tahu. = He thinks if he KEEPS his parents COMPLETELY IN THE DARK, then no one else will know it. KEBUTAAN anak itu disebabkan karena kerusakan pada selaput matanya. = The BLINDNESS of that child is caused by of the damage of his/her membrant. ###

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Word: butir

Short Definition: 1. grain. 2. classifier for round objects. 3. small objects. 4. item. +

English Definition: ^1. grain, granulate. 2. numeral classifier for round objects. 3. small objects. 4. item (in a list). SE-: a, one (thing the size of a grain). MEM-: granulate. -AN: 1. grains. 2. small objects.###

L2 Definition: Brang kecil-kecil bulat seperti beras, peluru, dll; kata bantu bilangan; perincian dari suatu keseluruhan. ###

Examples: Amboi!.. Hadiah ulang tahunnya adalah kalung berhiaskan SEBUTIR berlian yang besar. = Incredible!.. Her birthday gift is a necklace with A big diamond on it. Kalau sudah dingin cairan gula itu akan MEMBUTIR. = When it is cold, that caramel will GRANULATED. BUTIRAN biji-biji ini yang nantinya akan menjadi tumbuhan. = These seeds will grow become threes later on. ###

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Word: butuh

Short Definition: 1. need, necessity. 2. (Coll.) penis. MEM--KAN: need. KE--AN: need, necessity.

English Definition: ^1. need, necessity. 2. (Coll.) penis. MEM--KAN: need, require. KE--AN: need, necessity.###

L2 Definition: perlu. ###

Examples: Makanan ini tidak MEMBUTUHKAN gula. = This food do not NEED sugar. KEBUTUHAN akan sandang dan pangan adalah KEBUTUHAN utama kita. = The NEED of clothing and food are our first need. ###

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Word: buyar

Short Definition: scattered, dispersed, blown about

English Definition: scattered, dispersed, blown about *MEM--KAN: scatter, disperse; interrupt

Examples: Teriakan Ani MEMBUYARKAN lamunanku = Ani's scream INTERRUPTED my thought. Kini harapanku untuk sekolah menjadi BUYAR karena ayahku tidak mampu membiayai lagi = Now all my hope for education is SCATTERED since my dad cannot afford to pay anymore.###

Word: cabai

Short Definition: red pepper, chili. KE--AN: feel hot about the lips from chilis.

English Definition: red pepper, chili. KE--AN: feel hot about the lips from chilis. ###

L2 Definition: Buah dari tanaman lombok yang pedas rasanya; lombok. ###

Examples: Ini jenis CABAI yang sangat pedis. = This is a kind of CHILI that is very HOT. Mengapa engkau seperti orang KECABAIAN (gelisah)? = Why do you look very NERVOUS? ###

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Word: cabang

Short Definition: branch, bough; branch (of an office, etc.); chapter, affiliate. Also BER-.

English Definition: ^*1 branch, bough. 2 branch (office, department, etc.), subsidiary. 3 chapter, affiliate (of an organization). *BER-: to have branches. ###

L2 Definition: Ranting/batang kayu yang tumbuh dari pokok tanaman. Bagian yang terpisah dari induknya. ###

Examples: CABANG pohon durian ini rimbun sekali. = This durian tree BRANCH is thick with leaves. Perusahaan ini mempunyai banyak anak CABANG. = This company has many SUBSIDIARIES. ###

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Word: cabar

Short Definition: 1. cowardly. 2. discouraged. 3. careless. MEN--KAN: 1. discourage. 2. frighten.+

English Definition: ^1. cowardly, timorous. 2. discouraged, dejected. 3. careless, unheeding. MEN--KAN: 1. discourage. 2. frighten. KE--AN: discouragement.###

L2 Definition: Tidak manjur; tawar (hati); boros; dll. ###

Examples: Saya sedang mencoba MENCABARKAN hatinya yang panas. = I'm trying TO MAKE him CALM DOWN. KECABARAN hatinya membuatku ragu untuk mengajaknya bicara. = His SINISTIC make me hesitate to talk to. ###

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Word: cabik

Short Definition: 1. torn, ripped. 2. piece, strip. MEN-: repeatedly tear at. Also MEN-(-KAN), +

English Definition: ^1. torn, ripped. 2. piece, strip. MEN-: repeatedly tear at. MEN-(-KAN): 1. rip. 2. lacerate. TER-: 1. be torn. 2. shredded. PEN--AN: laceration.###

L2 Definition: Membelah sesuatu menjadi kecil-kecil; sayat; robek; koyak; dll. ###

Examples: Kucing itu yang MENCABIK-CABIK bajumu. = That cat is the one who TORN APART your cloth. Hatiku terasa TERCABIK begitu tahu dia akan dikawinkan dengan orang lain. = I FEEL so HURT when I know she will be married with somebody else. PENCABIKAN benang ini banyak memakan waktu. = The SPLITING of this thread is very time consuming. ###

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Word: cabir

Short Definition: long rip or tear###

English Definition: *BER-AN: in tatters, in shreds####

Examples: * Baju pengemis itu BERCABIRAN = That beggar's cloth is IN TATTERS.###

Word: cabul

Short Definition: indecent, pornographic. BER-: have illicit sextual relations. 2. rage, spread. +

English Definition: ^indecent, pornographic. BER-: 1. have illicit sextual relations. 2. rage, spread (epidemics). MEN--I: 1. rape. 2. violate, transgress. TER--I: get raped or violated. KE--AN: lewdness, obscenity. PEN--AN: violation, outrage. PER--AN: indecent activities (adultery, exhibitionism).###

L2 Definition: Tidak senonoh; porno; asusila; perbuatan kotor dalam hal seksualitas. ###

Examples: Itu adalah tindakan CABUL. = That is an INDECENT act. Apakah benar, guru yang katanya alim itu telah MENCABULI muridnya? = Is that true, that pious teacher has MOLESTED his pupils?. Kalau kau merasa anakmu TERCABULI, cepatlah lapor polisi. = If you feel that your daughter has been MOLESTED, hurry call the police. Saya pikir KECABULANnya itu adalah penyakit yang serius. = I think his OBSCENITY is a serious problem. Tindak PENCABULAN itu tidak bisa ditolerir lagi. = MOLESTING behavior can not be tolerate. ###

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Word: cabut

Short Definition: yank out, withdraw. BER-: drawn, unsheathed. Also MEN-, TER-.

English Definition: ^*yank out, withdraw. *MEN-: draw out, extract, revoke, unsheath. *TER-: yanked out, forcibly removed, uprooted. ###

L2 Definition: Mengambil atau menarik sesuatu. ###

Examples: Tolong CABUT rumput-rumput liar di halaman rumahku. = Please PULL OUT the weeds in the yard of my house. Di pengadilan, saksi itu MENCABUT seluruh pernyataannya. = In court, that witness WITHDREW all of her statements. Sepertinya kau sudah TERCABUT dari asal-usulmu. = It's as if you have already been UPROOTED from your origins. ###

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Word: cacah

English Definition: see cacah1 see cacah2

Word: cacah1

Short Definition: number, amount####

English Definition: -AN: digital PEN-: census * PEN-AN: census taking###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Setiap tahun, Pemerintah Indonesia mengadakan PENCACAHAN penduduk = Every year, the government of Indonesia does a CENSUS TAKING of the national population.###

Word: cacah2

Short Definition: cut up###

English Definition: *MEN-: 1. chop s.t into fine bits, mince (meat,shrimp, etc.) 2. chop up food for animals PEN-: s.o. or s.t. that chops.###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Tukang masak itu MENCACAH daging hingga halus untuk dibuat bakso = The chef CHOPS THE MEAT INTO FINE BITS to make meat ball.###

Word: cacak

Short Definition: ###

English Definition: see cacak1 see cacak2 see cacak3

Examples: ###

Word: cacak1

Short Definition: vertical, upright, perpendicular###

English Definition: *MEN-: 1. be upright, stand upright 2. stand s.t. upright, stick into (the gound) MEN-KAN: erect (a statue, etc.)###

Examples: *Kepala sekolah MENCACAK bendera di halaman depan = The school master STICKED the flag into the front ground.###

Word: cacak2

Short Definition: pinch###

English Definition: steal, swipe###

Examples: Saya mencubit dengan penuh sayang kedua pipi Alesa, anak bayi Ketut dan Ayu = I pinched lovingly Alesa's chicks, Ketut's and Ayu's baby girl.###

Word: cacak3

Short Definition: (Jv) elder brother###

English Definition: 1. form of address to elder man, especially used in East Java 2. comrade, buddy###

Examples: Orang-orang lebih senang memanggil Nurcholis Madjid, dengan sebutan CAK Nur, karena dia berasal dari Jawa Timur = People prefer to call Nurcholis Madjid with a nick name of ELDER BROTHER Nur, because he is from East Java.###

Word: cacap

Short Definition: ###

English Definition: see cacap 1 see cacap 2###

Examples: ####

Word: cacap1

Short Definition: hair remedy (to ensure growth)###

English Definition: *MEN-: treat hair with such a remedy###

Examples: *Endang MENCACAP rambutnya di salon setiap minggu = Endang TREATS his HAIR WITH SUCH A REMEDY in a beauty salon every week.###

Word: cacap2

Short Definition: ###

English Definition: MEN-I: flood, inundate###

Examples: ###

Word: cacar

Short Definition: pustular skin eruption, smallpox###

English Definition: *BER-: vaccinated MEN-: vaccinate PEN-AN: vaccination, vaccinating###

Examples: *Setiap mahasiswa Northern Illinois University harus DICACAR = Every student in Northern Illinois University must be VACCINATED###

Word: cacat

Short Definition: physical defect, shortcoming, imperfection.

English Definition: physical defect, shortcoming, imperfection. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak sempurna; keadaan tubuh atau pikiran yang tidak normal. ###

Examples: Laporannya dianggap CACAT karena tidak mencantumkan tanggal kejadian. = His report was considered FLAWED/INVALID because he didn't put down the date it happened. Tempat parkir yang di pojok itu khusus untuk orang-orang CACAT. = Those parking spaces at the corner are specially for HANDICAPPED people. ###

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Word: caci

Short Definition: abuse varbally###

English Definition: *MEN- maki: taunt with vile language, heap on curses -MAKIAN: vile language used to insult s.o BER- - AN: scold e.o. with strong language ** MEN-: 1. scorn, jeer at, ridicule 2. curse out, swear at -AN: scornful, vile remarks.

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Orang-orang dengan marah MENCACI MAKI pengemudi mobil yang menabrak lari seorang anak kecil di jalan raya = People angrily TAUNTED the driver who hit and run a little boy on the street.### ** Penonton MENCACI polisi yang membatalkan pertunjukan Rendra = The audience RIDICULED the security for cancelling Rendra's show.###

Word: cadang

Short Definition: BER-: ready, prepared. MEN--KAN: 1. reserve. 2. plan s.t. 3. suggest, propose. +

English Definition: BER-: ready, prepared. MEN--KAN: 1. reserve. 2. plan s.t. 2. suggest, propose. -AN: 1. reserve, backup, spare. 2. a vote. PEN: proposer (of a motion). ###

L2 Definition: Dipakai untuk persediaan. ###

Examples: Regu sepakbolaku BERCADANG lima orang pemain. = My soccer team has five players AT THE READY. Saya akan MENCADANGKAN diri sebagai penggantinya. = I will PROPOSE myself as his substitute. Dia menjadi pemain CADANGAN untuk sementara ini. = He will be the RESERVE player for the time being. ###

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Word: cadar

Short Definition: veil###

English Definition: veil (usually worn by Islamic women, bride, etc.)

Examples: Di Timur Tengah, kebanyakan wanita Muslim menggunakan cadar = In the Middle East, most female Moslems wear veils###

Word: cagar

Short Definition: 1. security, guarantee, pledge

English Definition: security, preserve -- alam: nature preserve

Examples: Minggu lalu kami pergi ke taman CAGAR ALAM yang sangat indah = last week we went to a NATURAL PRESERVE Park##

Word: cahari

English Definition: see CARI. ###

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Word: cahaya

Short Definition: light, radiance.

English Definition: light, radiance. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang bisa membuat terang; sinar. ###

Examples: CAHAYA redup ini datangnya dari lampu teplok itu. = This dim LIGHT comes from that kerosene lamp. ###

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Word: cair

Short Definition: liquid, fluid. MEN-: liquefy, melt. Also MEN--KAN.

English Definition: ^*liquid, fluid. *MEN-: liquefy, melt. *MEN-KAN: 1 cause s.t. to become liquid. 2 to make something solvent (finances, a problem), to withdraw money from a bank account. ###

L2 Definition: Benda yang berbentuk seperti air. ###

Examples: Air adalah benda CAIR. = Water is a LIQUID substance. Es balok yang kubeli tadi pagi sudah MENCAIR. = The block of ice that I bought earlier this morning has already MELTED. Saya akan MENCAIRKAN uang dulu dari bank. = I am going to WITHDRAW money from the bank first. ###

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Word: cakap

Short Definition: see (cakap1 or cakap 2)

English Definition: see (cakap1=words, statement . . . ) (cakap2=able, adroit, good-looking . . . )

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Word: cakap1

Short Definition: words, statement. BER-: to speak or talk. Also BER-_-_, MEN--KAN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^*words, statement. *BER-: to speak or talk. *BER-_-_: to be engaged in a conversation, to chat. *MEN--KAN: to discuss s.t. *PER--AN: conversation, discussion. ###

L2 Definition: Mengeluarkan maksud dengan kata-kata. Sinonim: kata/bicara. ###

Examples: Dilarang BERCAKAP keras-keras di tempat ini. = It is prohibited to TALK loudly here. Temani dia BERCAKAP-CAKAP sebentar! = CHAT with her for a moment! Memang perlu kita MENCAKAPKAN hal penting ini. = We really need to DISCUSS this important matter. PERCAKAPAN antara kedua kakak beradik itu semakin panas. = The DISCUSSION between those elder and younger siblings became increasingly heated. ###

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Word: cakap2

Short Definition: able, capable; adroit, clever; good-looking. BER-: to be able, capable.

English Definition: ^*1 able, capable. 2 adroit, clever. 3 good-looking. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Bisa melakukan sesuatu dengan baik. 2. pandai. 3. ganteng. ###

Examples: CAKAP benar tukang kayu itu dalam membangun rumah. = That carpenter is really CAPABLE in building houses. Anakku CAKAP dalam pelajaran matematika. = My child is CLEVER in mathematics. Bintang film kesukaanku berwajah CAKAP sekali. = The movie star that I like is very GOOD-LOOKING. ###

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Word: cakar

Short Definition: 1. claw, talon (of birds) 2. paw 3. scratch 4. rasp, file###

English Definition: 1. claw, talon (of birds) 2. paw 3. scratch 4. rasp, file BERSI-: claw at e.o BER-AN2: 1. scratch e.o with claws 2. fight, quarrel 3. engage in polemics *MEN-: 1. claw, scratch 2. scratch, scrape MEN-KAN: scratch, scrape after s.t. TER-: get clawed -AN: 1. scratches 2. clawing -2AN: have a violent argument with s.o PEN-: scraper, rasp###

Examples: *Kucing itu MENCAKAR betis kiriku. = A cat SCRATCHED my left leg.###

Word: cakep

Short Definition: see CAKAP2.

English Definition: see CAKAP2.

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: cakrawala

Short Definition: the heavenly firmament, the sky.

English Definition: the heavenly firmament, the sky. ###

L2 Definition: Kaki langit; batas pandangan; khazanah. ###

Examples: CAKRAWALA pengetahuan orang tua itu sangat luas. = The knowledge HORIZON of that old man is wide. ###

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Word: cakrawati

Short Definition: ^rule, sway.

English Definition: ^rule, sway. ###

L2 Definition: negara; pemerintahan. ###

Examples: Kerajaan itu diperintah oleh CAKRAWATI yang bijak. = That kingdom is ruled by a wise RULER. ###

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Word: cakup

Short Definition: MEN--: 1. catch with the mouth, snap at; 2. embrace, entail, include

English Definition: MEN--: 1. catch with the mouth, snap at; 2. embrace, entail, include *TER--: rounded up, caught up, embroiled in, covered, protected

L2 Definition: *menangkap dengan mulut. *termasuk.##

Examples: Kota Jakarta MENCAKUP wilayah yang sangat luas = The city of Jakarta INCLUDES a wide-range of area.###

Word: calak

Short Definition: calak1, calak2, calak3###

English Definition: calak1: superimposed (of o. color on another) calak2: (M) sharp-tongue, glib calak3: (Jv.) o who performs traditional circumcision###

Examples: ###

Word: calang

Short Definition: 1. bare, almost leafless 2. unadorned (of furniture)###

English Definition: *1. bare, leafless 2. unadorned (of furniture)###

Examples: Pada musim gugur hampir semua pohon menjadi CALANG = In the autumn season, almost all trees are LEAFLESS.###

Word: calo

Short Definition: 1. passanger recruiter for public vehicle 2. ticket scalper###

English Definition: 1. passanger recruiter for public vehicle 2. ticket scalper###

Examples: Hati-hati terhadap CALO-CALO di pelabuhan, biasanya mereka menjual tiket lebih mahal dari harga sesungguhnya. = Be aware of TICKET SCALPERS in the port, usually they sell tickets more expensive than the regular price.

Word: calon

Short Definition: candidate, aspirant; applicant; recruit. MEN--KAN: to nominate. Also PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^*1 candidate, aspirant. 2 applicant. 3 recruit. *MEN--KAN: to nominate. *PEN--AN: nomination. ###

L2 Definition: bakal menjadi. ###

Examples: CALON ipar saya adalah seorang dokter. = The ONE WHO ASPIRES to become my sister-in-law is a doctor. Saya akan MENCALONKAN diri menjadi ketua organisasi pemuda. = I am going to NOMINATE myself to become the leader of the youth organization. PENCALONAN lurah di daerah saya mengalami kekacauan. = The NOMINATION of the village chief in my area became chaotic. ###

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Word: camar

Short Definition: seagull, tern###

English Definition: seagull, tern###

Examples: Burung CAMAR menyambar ikan di permukaan laut dengan tangkas = SEAGULL birds quickly grab fish on the sea.###

Word: camat

Short Definition: subdistrict head. KE--AN: subdistrict.

English Definition: subdistrict head. KE--AN: subdistrict. ###

L2 Definition: *1. Daerah bagian kabupaten yang membawahkan beberapa kelurahan, dikepalai seorang camat. 2. Bagian pemerintahan daerah yang dikepalai seorang camat. ###

Examples: Sepupuku baru saja diangkat jadi CAMAT. = My cousin is just promoted to be a SUBDISTRICT HEAD. Apakah KECAMATAN Argomulyo dekat dari sini? = Is the Argomulyo SUBDISTRICT close from here? ###

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Word: cambang

Short Definition: side whiskers.

English Definition: side whiskers. ###

L2 Definition: Bulu-bulu rambut di pipi. ###

Examples: Muka lelaki besar itu BERCAMBANG lebat. = The face of that big man HAS thick SIDEBURNS.###

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Word: cambuk

Short Definition: whip. MEN-: to whip.

English Definition: whip. MEN-: to whip. ###

L2 Definition: Alat yang dipakai sebagai pelecut. ###

Examples: Jangan keras-keras MENCAMBUK kuda itu nanti larinya terlalu kencang. = Don't WHIP that horse too harshly otherwise it may run too quickly. ###

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Word: campak

Short Definition: 1.throw, toss, dispose of; 2.measles

English Definition: *MEN-KAN: throw, toss carelessly *TER-: be thrown out, regarded as useless

L2 Definition: buang, lempar

Examples: Setelah memakai baju barunya, Ani MENCAMPAKKAN baju itu ke lantai = After wearing the new dress, Ani just TOSSED CARELESSLY the dress on the floor.# Saya merasa TERCAMPAK dengan perbuatan Amir = I feel (being) REGARDED AS USELESS by Amir's behavior.# Tahun lalu di kampung kami banyak orang menderita CAMPAK = Last year many people in our village suffered from MEASLES.###

Word: campur

Short Definition: mixed, mingled, blended. BER-: to mix with, associate with. Also MEN--I, +

English Definition: ^*mixed, mingled, blended. *BER-: to mix with, associate with. *MEN--I: to mix into. *MEN--KAN: to mix s.t. into s.t. else. *-AN: alloy, mixture. ###

L2 Definition: Membuat banyak hal menjadi satu. ###

Examples: CAMPUR TANGANmu justru membuat keadaan tambah ruwet. = Your BECOMING INVOLVED was precisely what made the situation more complicated. Air dan minyak tidak akan mungkin BERCAMPUR. = Water and oil will not possibly MIX. Kesukaannya MENCAMPURI urusan orang lain. = His desire is TO MIX INTO the affairs of other people. Memang perlu kita MENCAMPURKAN garam pada masakan ini. = We really must MIX salt INTO this cooked food. CAMPURAN warna biru dan kuning adalah hijau. = A MIXTURE of blue and yellow is green. ###

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Word: canda

Short Definition: joke. BER-: to joke around.

English Definition: joke. BER-: to joke around. ###

L2 Definition: Sendau gurau; kelakar; seloroh. ###

Examples: Masih sempat-sempatnya kamu BERCANDA dalam keadaan genting begitu? = How come you still can make JOKES in that crisis situation? ###

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Word: candi

Short Definition: Hindu or Buddhist temple.

English Definition: Hindu or Buddhist temple. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat pemujaan yang ada patung-patung batunya. ###

Examples: CANDI Borobudur adalah CANDI Budha yang terbesar di dunia. = Borobudur TEMPLE is the biggest Buddhist TEMPLE in the world. ###

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Word: candra

Short Definition: moon.

English Definition: moon. ###

L2 Definition: bulan. ###

Examples: Ia bagaikan CANDRA di malam hari. = She is like the MOON in the night. ###

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Word: candu

Short Definition: opium. MEN-: to smoke opium.

English Definition: opium. MEN-: to smoke opium. ###

L2 Definition: Sesuatu yang bila dimasukkan ke dalam tubuh bisa membuat pemakainya ketagihan. ###

Examples: Perdagangan CANDU dilarang di Indonesia. = OPIUM trade is prohibited in Indonesia. Walau dia masih remaja tetapi dia sudah MENCANDU dengan berat. = Eventhough he is still very young he had already ADDICTED with OPIUM badly.###

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Word: canggih

Short Definition: sophisticated

English Definition: sophisticated *TEKNOLOGI--: sophisticated technology ; state of the art

Examples: Jika ingin menjadi negara maju, Indonesia harus mempelajari teknologi CANGGIH = To become more developed, Indonesia must learn more about SOPHISTICATED technology.###

Word: canggung

Short Definition: 1.clumsy, awkward; 2.gauche, ill at ease, bashful; 3.ill-mannered; 4.insufficient, inadequate

English Definition: *MEN-KAN: caused awkwardness *KE-AN: clumsiness, wakwardness

Examples: Ia merasa CANGGUNG berbicara di depan banyak orang = He felt AWKWARD speaking in front of many people.# Sikap orang tuanya MENCANGGUNGKAN Adi dengan teman-temannya = His parents' attitude created AWKWARDNESS for Adi and his friends.##

Word: cangkan

English Definition: SEE cangkan 1--be standing on end cangkan 2--tie up ###

Word: cangkan1

Short Definition: be standing on end

English Definition: TER- be standing on end ###

Word: cangkan2

Short Definition: tie up

English Definition: MEN-, NY- tie up put on a leash MEN- -KAN tie to something else, tether TER- be tied ###

Word: cangkir

Short Definition: cup.

English Definition: *cup. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat yang dipakai untuk minum, biasanya lebih pendek dari gelas dan bergagang sebagai pegangan. ###

Examples: CANGKIR ini berasal dari Cina. = This CUP comes from China. ###

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Word: cangkul

Short Definition: hoe, mattock; MEN-: to hoe.

English Definition: hoe or mattock (a farm implement that is a combination of a hoe and a spade MEN-: to hoe. ###

L2 Definition: Alat pertanian untuk menggali tanah. ###

Examples: Hanya CANGKUL dan ani-ani ini modalku untuk bertani. = Only this HOE and rice-knife are my capital for farming. Walau sudah capek orang itu tidak mau berhenti MENCANGKUL. = Even though tired, that person didn't want to stop DIGGING WITH HIS MATTOCK. ###

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Word: cantik

Short Definition: pretty, beautiful. MEMPER-: to make beautiful. KE--AN: beauty.

English Definition: *pretty, beautiful. *MEMPER-: to beautify. *KE--AN: beauty. ###

L2 Definition: sinonim:ayu.###

Examples: Tutur bahasanya CANTIK sekali. = His language tutor is very PRETTY. Paras Mimi tidak SECANTIK parasmu. = Mimi's looks are not AS PRETTY AS yours. Sumi sedang MEMPERCANTIK diri di kamarnya. = Sumi is BEAUTIFYING herself in her room. Bedak ini diciptakan oleh seorang ahli KECANTIKAN. = This face powder was made by a BEAUTY specialist. ###

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Word: canting

Short Definition: 1. small dipper used to apply wax in batik process. 2. bamboo water scoop.

English Definition: 1. small dipper used to apply wax in batik process. 2. bamboo water scoop. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk membatik yang terbuat dari bambu sebagai alat pemegang dan logam/tembaga sebagai tempat malam/lilin yang akan ditorehkan ke kain. ###

Examples: Untuk membuat garis-garis ini dipakai CANTING yang bercorong tiga. = To make this lines we use a CANTING that has three holes. ###

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Word: cantum

Short Definition: graft. BER-: joined together. MEN-: fuse, close, bring together. +

English Definition: graft. BER-: joined together. MEN-: fuse, close, bring together. MEN--I: add on to. MEN--KAN: include. -AN: s.t. added, attached. PEN--AN: inclusion, incorporation. ###

L2 Definition: menyertakan. ###

Examples: Saya belum MENCANTUMKAN namamu di papan itu. = I didn't INCLUDE your name on that board yet. ###

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Word: cap

Short Definition: 1. stamp, seal. 2. trade mark, brand name.

English Definition: 1. stamp, seal. 2. trade mark, brand name. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk membuat tanda/gambar/tulisan; stempel; tanda. ###

Examples: Jin ini tidak ada CAP Levisnya. = In this jeans there are no Levis TRADE MARK on it. ###

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Word: capai

Short Definition: see capai1 (=reach out and touch) or capai 2 (=tired, exhausted . . . )

English Definition: see (capai1=reach out for and touch . . . ) (capai2=tired, exhausted . . . )

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: capai1

Short Definition: reach out and touch, achieve, attain.

English Definition: ^*MEN-: reach out and touch, achieve, attain. *TER-: reached, achieved. *PEN--AN: achievement. ###

L2 Definition: Usaha untuk memperoleh hal yang diingini. ###

Examples: Dia sudah MENCAPAI keinginannya. = She has ACHIEVED her desires. CAPAILAH cita-citamu walau setinggi langit. = ACHIEVE your desires even though they are as high as the sky. Akhirnya TERCAPAI juga apa yang kuinginkan, yaitu sepeda motor. = In the end, that which I wanted will be OBTAINED, meaning to say a motorcyle. Tidak sia-sia PENCAPAIANku selama ini untuk menjadi penyanyi. = My ENDEAVORING all this time to become a singer has not been for nothing. ###

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Word: capai2

Short Definition: tired, exhausted, weary. KE--AN: weariness, fatigue; fatigued, worn out.

English Definition: ^*tired, exhausted, weary. *KE--AN: 1 weariness, fatigue. 2 fatigued, worn out. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa kelelahan oleh suatu sebab. ###

Examples: Udara yang panas ini cepat membuat kita merasa CAPAI. = This hot air quickly makes us feel TIRED. Baru lari beberapa meter saja kok sudah KECAPAIAN. = Having just run only a few meters you're already FATIGUED? ###

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Word: capek

Short Definition: tired.

English Definition: tired. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bertenaga/berkekuatan lagi; lelah. ###

Examples: Orang tua itu sudah merasa CAPEK lahir dan batin menghadapi kenakalan anaknya. = Those parents feel TIRED inside and out, confronted with the naughtiness of their children.###

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Word: capres

Short Definition: abbreviation of "calon presiden" = presidential candidate

English Definition: abbreviation of "calon presiden" = presidential candidate

Examples: ###

Word: capung

Short Definition: dragonfly

English Definition: dragonfly

Examples: Di lapangan dekat rumah kami ada banyak CAPUNG = there are many DRAGONFLIES in the field near our house.###

Word: cara

Short Definition: manner; style, fashion, tradition; method. Also SE-.

English Definition: ^*1 manner. 2 style, fashion, tradition. 3 method. *SE-: 1 in a __ manner. 2 according to, in accordance with. ###

L2 Definition: gaya. Prosedure dalam melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: CARA dia mengucapkan kata-katanya sungguh memikat. = His MANNER of speaking words is very enticing. Betapa aneh CARA dia berpakaian. = How strange his STYLE of dressing is. SECARA kebetulan saja saya bisa menemukan rumahmu. = It was just BY WAY OF chance that I was able to find your house. ###

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Word: caraka

Short Definition: envoy.

English Definition: envoy. ###

L2 Definition: utusan. ###

Examples: Dalam kisah itu kedua CARAKA yang sama kuatnya mati semua. = In this story, the two MESSENGERS who were matched in strength both died.###

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Word: cari

Short Definition: look for. MEN-: seek, hunt for, look for. Also MEN--KAN, PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^look for. *MEN-: seek, hunt for, look for. *MEN--KAN: look for or seek s.t. for s.o. *PEN--AN: 1 livelihood, income. 2 quest. ###

L2 Definition: mau menemukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Kakak sedang MENCARI kunci mobilnya. = My elder sister is LOOKING FOR her car key. Mengapa harus ayah yang MENCARIKAN pekerjaan untukmu? = Why must father be the one to LOOK FOR work FOR you. PENCARIAN anak yang hilang itu sudah dihentikan. = The SEARCH for that lost child has already been stopped. ###

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Word: carik

Short Definition: piece (of paper, etc.).

English Definition: piece (of paper, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: helai. ###

Examples: Berilah saya SECARIK kertas untuk menulis. = Give me A SHEET of paper to write. ###

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Word: carut

Short Definition: obscene, filthy (of speech)

English Definition: obscene, filthy (of speech) *--MARUT: abusive speech, obscene language *BER--; *MEN--: use foul language, utter obscenities

Examples: Tanpa sadar dia mengucapkan kata-kata CARUT-MARUT = Without thinking she screamed the OBSCENE words at him.###

Word: cat

Short Definition: 1. painte. 2. tint, tinge. BER-: painted. MEN-, MENGE-: painte or color s.t. +

English Definition: 1. paint. 2. tint, tinge. BER-: painted. MEN-, MENGE-: paint or color s.t. PENGE--AN, PEN--AN: painting, paint job.###

L2 Definition: Bahan pewarna; bahan untuk melapisi kayu, tembok, meja, dll. (berwarna-warni). ###

Examples: Pintu rumahku BERCAT hijau tua. = The door of my house has a dark-green PAINT. Untuk MENGECAT meja ini dibutuhkan waktu kira-kira satu minggu. = We need time about a week to PAINT this table. Untuk mendapatkan warna yang terang, PENGECATAN batik ini dilakukan berulang-ulang. = To get a shiny color we need to IMMERSE this batik repeatedly. ###

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Word: catat

Short Definition: record, note. MEN-: make a note of, record; register, chalk up. Also MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: ^record, note. *MEN-: 1 make a note of, record. 2 register, chalk up. *MEN--KAN: note s.t. down. *TER-: noted down, recorded. *-AN: notes, document, records. ###

L2 Definition: Tulisan yang dibuat untuk mengingat sesuatu. ###

Examples: Saya harus MENCATAT semua hal penting yang diajarkan oleh pak guru. = I have to MAKE A NOTE OF all of the important matters that were taught by the teacher. Saya akan MENCATATKAN kelahiran anak saya di kantor pemerintah. = I will REGISTER the birth of my child in the government office. Saya TERCATAT sebagai anggota termuda di group ini. = I was NOTED DOWN as the youngest member of this group. CATATAN ini rapi sekali, siapa yang membuatnya? = These NOTES are very orderly. Who made them? ###

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Word: catur

Short Definition: see catur1, see catur2, see catur3###

English Definition: see catur1 see catur2 see catur3###

Examples: ###

Word: cawan

Short Definition: cup, small bowl

English Definition: cup, small bowl

Examples: Kami makan sup itu dengan CAWAN yang sangat cantik = We ate the soup from the beautiful SMALL BOWL##

Word: cawapres

Short Definition: abbreviation of "calon wakil presiden" = the vice-presidential candidate

English Definition: abbreviation of "calon wakil presiden" = the vice-presidential candidate##

Examples: ###

Word: cebur

Short Definition: 1. splash. 2. jump, plunge. TER-: plunged into, drawn into.

English Definition: 1. splash. 2. jump, plunge. TER-: plunged into, drawn into. ###

L2 Definition: Suara seperti benda yang masuk di air; cemplung. ###

Examples: Kemarin sepatuku TERCEBUR di sumur. = Yesterday my shoe SPLASHED into the well.###

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Word: cecak

Short Definition: cecak 1, cecak 2, cecak 3

English Definition: cecak1 *dot, spot, fleck cecak2 MEN-: 1. pinch, tweak, nip 2. pick (pocket) PEN-: pickpocket cecak3 see CICAK

Examples: *Tinta pulpen menetes di bajuku meninggalkan CECAK biru = A drop of ink dripped into my shirt leaving a blue DOT.###

Word: cecer

Short Definition: scattered because of neglect. TER-: neglected, scattered.

English Definition: scattered because of neglect. TER-: neglected, scattered. ###

L2 Definition: Berjatuhan dan berhamburan. ###

Examples: Banyak uang recehnya yang TERCECER ketika dompetnya terjatuh. = A lot of her small change SCATTERED ALL OVER (THE FLOOR) when her coin purse fell.###

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Word: cedera

English Definition: SEE cedera1--disagreement cedera2--defective cedera3--traitorous ###

Word: cedera1

Short Definition: disagreement

English Definition: disagreement, conflict, bickering BER- quarrel, bicker PER- -AN, KE- -AN conflict, quarrel, feud ###

Word: cedera2

Short Definition: defective

English Definition: be flawed, defective injury BER- have a defect, be flawed MEN- -I do irreparable damage MEN- -KAN injure TER- hurt, damaged ###

Word: cedera3

Short Definition: traitorous

English Definition: traitorous, faithless, untrustworthy murder through treachery MEN- (-KAN) betray kill by stealth or through trickery KE- -AN treachery, perfidy faithlessness, infidelity, disloyalty PEN- -AN act of betraying ###

Word: cegah

Short Definition: prevent, say s.t. by way of prohibition###

English Definition: say s.t. by way of prohibition * MEN~ = 1. restrain, prevent, prohibit 2. combat, guard, against ~AN = prohibition, prevention ** PEN~ = preventative, s.t. or s.o that/who prevents s.t. or s.o PEN~AN = 1. prevention 2. combating, the fight (against)

L2 Definition: PEN~AN kebakaran = fire prevention

Examples: * Pak Ahmad MENCEGAH Amir ketika dia mau memegang kawat berduri itu = Mr. Ahmad PREVENTED Amir when he wanted to touch a barb wire. ** Orang-orang pedalaman di Indonesia memimum jamu-jamuan sebagai obat PENCEGAH penyakit kulit = Villagers in Indonesia drink a lot of kinds of herbs as PREVENTIVE medicine for skin irritations.###

Word: cegat

Short Definition: stop or hold up.

English Definition: stop or hold up. ###

L2 Definition: Menanti di jalan yang akan dilalui seseorang untuk menghentikan orang itu. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENCEGATNYA di tikungan itu. = I will STOP/CATCH him at the bend in the road. ###

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Word: cekam

Short Definition: MEN-: 1. to grip, seize. 2. fascinating.

English Definition: MEN-: 1. to grip, seize. 2. fascinating. ###

L2 Definition: Genggam; cengkam; cengkeram; rasa takut/ngeri. ###

Examples: Anak kecil yang ketakutan itu MENCEKAM tangan ibunya kuat-kuat. = That frightened little child GRIPPED his mother's hand tightly. Ingat kecelakaan itu sampai sekarang masih MENCEKAM jiwaku. = To this day remembering that accident still GRIPS my heart [=soul] (with fear). ###

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Word: cekatan

Short Definition: neat, capable, clever, skilled.

English Definition: neat, capable, clever, skilled. ###

L2 Definition: Cepat mengerti; cepat dan benar dalam melakukan sesuatu; tangkas. ###

Examples: Pegawaiku yang satu itu kalau bekerja sangat CEKATAN. =That particular office worker of mine is very CAPABLE at her job.###

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Word: cekik

Short Definition: MEN-: strangle, choke.

English Definition: MEN-: strangle, choke. ###

L2 Definition: Menekan leher untuk menyumbat jalan pernafasan. ###

Examples: Mudah saja dia MENCEKIK lawannya yang lebih kecil. = With ease he STRANGLED his smaller opponent. ###

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Word: cekung

Short Definition: sunken (of cheeks or eyes).

English Definition: sunken (of cheeks or eyes). ###

L2 Definition: Melengkung ke dalam. ###

Examples: Matanya kelihatan CEKUNG karena kurang tidur. = His eyes look SUNKEN because he did not get enough sleep. ###

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Word: cela

Short Definition: defect; flaw, blemish

English Definition: 1. defect; 2. shortcomings, failings; 3. disgrace, shame *BER- = have shortcomings *MEN- = disapprove, condemn *TER- = disgraceful, shamefully bad *-AN = reproach, denunciation, censure

Examples: Saya akan mengembalikan gelas yang BERCELA ini ke toko = I will return this DEFECTED glass to the store.# Pak Amin MENCELA perbuatan anaknya yang membuatnya malu = Pak Amin CONDEMN his son's shameful behavior.# Mengambil barang orang lain adalah perbuatan yang TERCELA = Taking somebody else's things is a SHAMEFUL attitude.# CELAAN dari teman-temannya membuat Hasan menjadi sedih = His friends' REPROACH made Hasan very sad.###

Word: celah

Short Definition: fissure

English Definition: gap, fissure, rift, slot ###

Word: celak

Short Definition: mascara. MEN--I: to darken with mascara or eye shadow.

English Definition: mascara. MEN--I: to darken with mascara or eye shadow. ###

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Word: celaka

Short Definition: misfortune; bad luck, unlucky; dammit! darn it!

English Definition: ^*1 misfortune. 2 bad luck, unlucky. 3 dammit! darn it! *MEN-KAN: bring misfortune upon. *KE--AN: 1 accident, mishap. 2 bad luck. ###

L2 Definition: mendapatkan hal yang buruk/kesusahan. ###

Examples: Aduh... CELAKA betul, hari ini aku kena marah bu guru. = Good heavens... I was really UNFORTUNATE, to suffer the anger of the teacher today. Perbuatanmu telah MENCELAKAKAN orang lain. = Your doings have already BROUGHT MISFORTUNE UPON other people. KECELAKAAN itu menewaskan hampir semua penumpang bis. = That ACCIDENT killed nearly all of the bus passengers. ###

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Word: celana

Short Definition: pants, trousers.

English Definition: *pants, trousers. ###

L2 Definition: Kain yang dipakai dari batas pinggang sampai ke kaki. ###

Examples: Siapa yang punya CELANA jin ini? = Who owns these jean PANTS? ###

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Word: celemek

Short Definition: (Col.) apron

English Definition: (Col.) apron

Examples: CELEMEK ini hadiah ulang tahun dari Ibu = This APRON was a birthday present from Ibu.##

Word: celeng

Short Definition: wild boar.

English Definition: wild boar. ###

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Word: celetuk

Short Definition: say s.t. abruptly. MEN-: interrupt.

English Definition: say s.t. abruptly. MEN-: interrupt. ###

L2 Definition: Mengucapkan kata secara tiba-tiba. ###

Examples: Tiba-tiba saja dia MENYELETUK kasar di tengah rapat itu. = Suddenly she BLURTED OUT something coarse in the middle of that meeting. ###

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Word: celoteh

Short Definition: empty talk, useless chatter, babble

English Definition: BER-- : making small talks, chats

L2 Definition: pembicaraan tidak karuan, ocehan, obrolan

Examples: Burung itu sangat pandai BERCELOTEH seperti manusia = That bird is very good at MAKING SOUND (TALK) like humans

Word: celup

Short Definition: dip, immerse; dye. MEN-(-KAN): dip, immerse; dye. Also TER-, -AN, PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^1 dip, immerse. 2 dye. *MEN-(-KAN): 1 dip, immerse. 2 dye. *TER-: gotten immersed. *-AN: dyed article. *PEN--AN: 1 immersion. 2 dyeing. ###

L2 Definition: Memasukkan sesuatu ke dalam benda cair. ###

Examples: Saya senang MENCELUPKAN roti ke dalam susu sebelum dimakan. = I like to DIP bread into milk before eating it. Baju saya TERCELUP ke dalam sayuran. = My shirt was ACCIDENTALLY DIPPED into the vegetable soup. Bahan CELUPAN ini berwarna merah. = This DYED MATERIAL is colored red. Proses PENCELUPAN batik memerlukan waktu beberapa hari. = The process of DYING batik takes several days. ###

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Word: cemar

Short Definition: dirty, stained, filthy. PEN--AN: pollution.

English Definition: dirty, stained, filthy. PEN--AN: pollution. TER--: polluted. ###

L2 Definition: kotor; bernoda. ###

Examples: PENCEMARAN air sungai ini disebabkan oleh limbah pabrik. = This river POLLUTION is caused by mill recidue. Sungai ini sudah TERCEMAR. = This river has been POLLUTED. ###

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Word: cemara

Short Definition: a long hairpiece.

English Definition: a long hairpiece. ###

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Word: cemas

Short Definition: worried, disturbed, frightened; discouraged. Also BER-, MEN-, MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: 1 worried, disturbed, frightened. 2 discouraged. BER-: to be worried, disturbed, frightened or discouraged. MEN-: to become worried, disturbed, frightened or discouraged. MEN--KAN: to frighten or worry s.o. or s.t. KE--AN: anxiety, apprehension. PEN-: a worrier, a coward, or s.o. given to anxiety. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa was-was; tidak pasti; tidak tenteram; rasa ketakutan akan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Ibuku terlalu MENCEMASKAN keadaan ayah yang sedang sakit. = My mom is WORRY about my father's illness. Kadang-kadang hatiku berdebar karena KECEMASAN yang tidak beralasan. = Sometimes my heart is pounding because of unreasonable ANXIETY. Dasar PENCEMAS, cuma berlayar begitu saja sudah takut setengah mati. = COWARD!.. just for that sailing you are scared to death. ###

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Word: cemberut

Short Definition: sullen, glum, morose

English Definition: sullen, glum, morose

Examples: Sejak tadi pagi muka Ani CEMBERUT saja = Since this morning Ani looks so GLUM.##

Word: cemburu

Short Definition: jealous, envious. BER-: to be jealous. Also MEN--I, MEN--KAN, KE--AN, PEN-, +

English Definition: jealous, envious. BER-: to be jealous. MEN--I: to be jealous of s.o. MEN--KAN: to be jealous about s.t. KE--AN: jealousy, envy. PEN-: a jealous or envious person. ###

L2 Definition: Iri hati; sirik; tidak senang pada keberhasilan/keberuntungan orang lain. ###

Examples: Dia selalu MENCEMBURUI suaminya yang suka bepergian. = She is always JEALOUS on her husband who likes to travel. KECEMBURUAN sosial ini timbul karena ketimpangan pendapatan yang tajam. = This social JEALOUSY is risen because of the sharp income disparity. Suami PENCEMBURU itu suka memarahi istrinya tanpa alasan. = That JEALOUS husband likes to get angry with his wife without any reason. ###

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Word: cemerlang

Short Definition: bright, glittering, shiney. KE--AN: glitter, brilliance.

English Definition: bright, glittering, shiney. KE--AN: glitter, brilliance. ###

L2 Definition: Bercahaya/bersinar dengan sangat terang; berkilau; sukses yang besar; kepandaian yang amat sangat; dll. ###

Examples: KECEMERLANGAN bakatnya dalam musik sudah terlihat sejak dia kecil. = His BRIGHT talent in music has been apparent since he was young. ###

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Word: cemeti

Short Definition: a whip. MEN-: to whip.

English Definition: a whip. MEN-: to whip. ###

L2 Definition: cambuk; pecut. ###

Examples: Di negara bagian ini orang dilarang MENCEMETI anak dengan alasan apapun. = In this state people are prohibited to WHIP a child for whatever reason.###

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Word: cempaka

Short Definition: a kind of tropical magnolia; a flowering shrub

English Definition: a kind of tropical magnolia that has a nice smell

Examples: Bunga CEMPAKA harum baunya = The CEMPAKA flower smells really nice.

Word: cendawan

Short Definition: mushroom, fungus. BER-: to be moldy, musty. Also MEN-.

English Definition: mushroom, fungus. BER-: to be moldy, musty. MEN-: to mushroom, grow up rapidly. ###

L2 Definition: jamur. ###

Examples: Jeruk itu kelihatannya BERCENDAWAN. = That orange seems like MOLDY. Rumput liar ini akan tumbuh MENCENDAWAN dimusim hujan. = These wild grasses will GROW UP RAPIDLY on rainy season. ###

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Word: cendekia

Short Definition: learned, educated. KE--AN: the state of learnedness or educatedness.

English Definition: learned, educated. KE--AN: the state of learnedness or educatedness. ###

L2 Definition: Tajam pikiran; pandai/cerdik di dalam bidang ilmu; terpelajar. ###

Examples: Baru akan terlihat KECENDEKIAANnya sesudah dia bicara. = His INTELLECTUALITY is apparent after he speaks. ###

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Word: cendekiawan

Short Definition: an educated person, an intellectual.

English Definition: an educated person, an intellectual. ###

L2 Definition: Para cerdik pandai; orang yang dianggap ahli dalam suatu hal/ilmu; intelektual. ###

Examples: Para CENDEKIAWAN akan mengadakan seminar tentang krisis lapisan ozon bulan ini. = INTELLECTUALS will hold a seminar on the ozon layer crisis this month. ###

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Word: cenderamata

Short Definition: souvenir, momento###

English Definition: souvenir, momento (usually refers to exchanged gifts on official visits)###

Examples: Persiden Gus Dur memberikan kain batik sebagai CENDERAMATA kepada Ibu Hillary Clinton = President Gus Dur presented a piece of batik cloth as SOUVENIR to Mrs. Hillary Clinton.###

Word: cenderawasih

Short Definition: bird of paradise (kind of bird)###

English Definition: bird of paradise (kind of bird)###

Examples: Burung CENDRAWASIH hanya dapat ditemukan di Irian Barat = BIRDS OF PARADISE can be only found in West Irian.###

Word: cenderung

Short Definition: 1. inclined, lean, disposed. 2. sloping, leaning. MEN--KAN: tend. KE--AN: +

English Definition: 1. inclined, lean, disposed. 2. sloping, leaning. MEN--KAN: tend. KE--AN: inclination, preference, tendency. ###

L2 Definition: condong. KE--AN: kecondongan. ###

Examples: Saya CENDERUNG untuk mempercayainya. = I TEND to believe him. KECENDERUNGANNYA adalah, meningkatnya kemakmuran mengakibatkan meningkatnya tuntutan akan demokrasi. = The TENDENCY is, the increasing of wealth results in increasing of demand for democracy. ###

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Word: cendurung

Short Definition: KE--AN: tendency, inclination.

English Definition: KE--AN: tendency, inclination. ###

L2 Definition: Agak miring pada suatu arah; tidak lurus; memihak. ###

Examples: Ada KECENDURUNGAN anak-anak menjadi malas belajar jika terlalu banyak menonton televisi. = There is a TENDENCY that children become lazy to study if they watch too much TV. ###

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Word: cengang

Short Definition: BER-: surprised, astonished, amazed. MEN--I: be amazed at. Also MEMPER--KAN.

English Definition: BER-: surprised, astonished, amazed. MEN--I: be amazed at. MEMPER--KAN: to amaze or astonish s.o. ###

L2 Definition: tertegun; terkejut; kaget karena tidak menduga sesuatu akan terjadi. ###

Examples: Anak muda itu TERCENGANG ketika melihat banyak sekali gedung pencakar langit di kota besar itu. = That young man was AMAZED when he saw so many skyscrapers in that big city. Jangan mudah MENCENGANGI hal yang nantinya juga bisa kau lakukan! = Do not too easily BE AMAZED AT something that you can also do it later. ###

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Word: cengeng

Short Definition: 1. whine, be a crybaby, snivel; 2. tearful, overly emotional

English Definition: 1. whine, be a crybaby, snivel; 2. tearful, overly emotional

Examples: Sebagai laki-laki kamu tidak boleh menjadi CENGENG = As a man you are not supposed to be a CRYBABY.###

Word: cengkam

Short Definition: see CEKAM.

English Definition: see CEKAM. ###

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Word: cengkeh

Short Definition: cloves.

English Definition: cloves. ###

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Word: cengkih

Short Definition: clove; the suit of clubs in cards.

English Definition: 1 clove. 2 the suit of clubs in cards. ###

L2 Definition: Nama pohon atau bunga, biasanya dipakai untuk bumbu pembuat rokok atau makanan. ###

Examples: Karena harga CENGKEH naik maka harga rokok kretek pasti akan naik juga. = Because CLOVES price is up then kretek cigarettes price must be up too. ###

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Word: cengkung

Short Definition: see CENGKUNG1, CENGKUNG2 or CENGKUNG3.

English Definition: see CENGKUNG1 (hollow, sunken . . .) CENGKUNG2 (barking . . .) CENGKUNG3 (to squat . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: cengkung1

Short Definition: hollow or sunken (as of cheeks or eyes).

English Definition: hollow or sunken (as of cheeks or eyes). ###

L2 Definition: Masuk ke dalam. ###

Examples: Karena tidak tidur semalaman matanya menjadi sangat CENGKUNG. = Because he didn't sleep all night long, his eyes become SUNKEN. ###

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Word: cengkung2

Short Definition: yapping, barking or yelping.

English Definition: ^yapping, barking or yelping. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi yang keras. ###

Examples: CENGKUNG cengking salak anjing-anjing di gang itu ribut sekali. = The BARKING of the dogs in that alley is so noisy. ###

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Word: cengkung3

Short Definition: BER-: to squat down.

English Definition: BER-: to squat down. ###

L2 Definition: Duduk seperti jongkok. ###

Examples: Lebih baik aku BERCENGKUNG daripada bersila. = I would rather TO SQUAT DOWN then to cross-legged. ###

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Word: centeng

Short Definition: guard

English Definition: guard, watchman foreman on private land hired thug, hit-man ###

Word: centil

Short Definition: coquettish.

English Definition: coquettish. ###

L2 Definition: Sifat untuk menarik perhatian lawan jenis; genit. ###

Examples: Sifat CENTILnya sangat menjengkelkanku. = Her FLIRTATIOUS nature really gets on my nerves. ###

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Word: cepat

Short Definition: fast, speedy, quick. MEN-: accelerate, to speed up. Also MEM(PER)--KAN, +

English Definition: ^*fast, speedy, quick. *MEM(PER)-: speed up, accelerate. *KE--AN: speed. PER--AN: acceleration. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan hal dalam waktu yang sebentar saja. ###

Examples: Siapa CEPAT dia yang dapat. = The one who is FASTER is the one who will get. Dia MEMPERCEPAT jalannya karena hari akan hujan. = He SPEEDED UP his walk because it was about to rain. Kurangilah KECEPATAN kendaraanmu! Jalanan ini sangat licin. = Decrease the SPEED of your driving! This road is very slippery. ###

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Word: ceper

Short Definition: shallow and rimmed

English Definition: shallow and rimmed ###

Word: cerah

Short Definition: bright, sharp, brilliant. KE--AN: brightness, sharpness, brilliance.

English Definition: bright, sharp, brilliant. KE--AN: brightness, sharpness, brilliance. ###

L2 Definition: terang; berseri; perasaan bahagia. ###

Examples: KECERAHAN pagi ini sungguh membangkitkan semangat.= The BRIGHTNESS of this morning is really uplifting. ###

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Word: cerai

Short Definition: divorced. BER-: be divorced. PER--AN: divorce.

English Definition: divorced. BER-: be divorced. PER--AN: divorce. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bersatu; berpisah. ###

Examples: Orang tua kami sudah BERCERAI. = Our parents have DIVORCED. PERCERAIAN kami karena adanya pihak ketiga. = Our DIVORCE was due to a third party. ###

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Word: ceramah

Short Definition: talk, speech, lecture.

English Definition: talk, speech, lecture. ###

L2 Definition: Pidato mengenai sesuatu hal; bicara. ###

Examples: Hari ini, Dr. Adnan Buyung Nasution akan BERCERAMAH tentang hak-hak asasi manusia di Indonesia di kampus. = Today, Dr. Adnan Buyung Nasution will GIVE A LECTURE on human rights in Indonesia in campus. ###

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Word: cerat

Short Definition: faucet, spigot, tap, nozzle; pour through a spout. MEN-: squirt.

English Definition: ^*1 faucet, spigot, tap, nozzle. 2 pour through a spout. *MEN-: squirt. ###

L2 Definition: Paruh pada cerek untuk menuang air. ###

Examples: CERAT cerek ini kecil sekali. = The SPOUT of this watering can is very small. Air itu MENCERAT kemana-mana. = That water SQUIRTED all over. ###

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Word: cercah

Short Definition: SE- = a slight of something

English Definition: *SE- : a very slight of something

Examples: Di dalam gua yang gelap kami hanya dapat melihat SECERCAH cahaya dari lubang kecil = In the dark cave we could only see a SLIGHT OF RAY coming from a small hole. #

Word: cerdas

Short Definition: intelligent, educated, bright.

English Definition: intelligent, educated, bright. ###

L2 Definition: Mudah memahami sesuatu; pandai. ###

Examples: CERDAS benar anakmu itu. = Your child is really BRIGHT. ###

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Word: cerdik

Short Definition: bright, intelligent, clever.

English Definition: bright, intelligent, clever. ###

L2 Definition: Cepat mengerti suatu masalah dengan pemecahannya; panjang akal; banyak akal. ###

Examples: Monyet yang CERDIK itu menarik banyak penonton. = That CLEVER monkey draws many spectators. ###

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Word: cerek

Short Definition: kettle.

English Definition: kettle. ###

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Word: cerewet

Short Definition: fussy, hard to please; sharp-tongued.

English Definition: ^1 fussy, hard to please. 2 sharp-tongued. ###

L2 Definition: Banyak mencela; nyinyir; suka mengata-ngatai orang lain. ###

Examples: Tantemu sangat CEREWET. = Your aunty is very FUSSY. ###

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Word: ceri

Short Definition: cherry###

English Definition: cherry###

Examples: Buah CERI biasanya digunakan sebagai penghias kue = CHERRY is often used as an ornamen for a cake###

Word: ceria

Short Definition: 1. pure, clean, cleaned; 2. cloudless; 3. cheerful

English Definition: 1. pure, clean, cleaned; 2. cloudless; 3. cheerful *KE--AN: purity, cheerfulness.##

Examples: Rita berwajah CERIA ketika bertemu dengan Susi = Rita looks very CHEERFUL when she meets Susi.###

Word: cerita

Short Definition: story, account, narrative, tale, yarn. Also BER-, MEN--KAN, PEN-.

English Definition: ^*story, account, narrative, tale, yarn. *BER-: tell, relate, spin a yarn. MEN--KAN: narrate, tell, recount. PEN-: narrator. ###

L2 Definition: Perkataan atau tulisan yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu kejadian. ###

Examples: CERITA pendek ini dikarang oleh Chairil Anwar. = This short STORY was written by Chairil Anwar. Pasti Badu yang BERCERITA tentang hal tak masuk akal itu. = Badu must be the one who TALKED about that crazy thing. ###

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Word: ceritera

Short Definition: see CERITA.

English Definition: see CERITA. ###

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Word: cermat

Short Definition: precise, careful, frugal, punctual.

English Definition: precise, careful, frugal, punctual. *MEN--I: pay close attention to. *MEN--KAN: be accurrate in; economize. *KE--AN: neatness, orderliness, accuracy, frugality, meticulousness. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat hati-hati; teliti; penuh perhatian. ###

Examples: Dia mengikuti petunjuk jalan dengan CERMAT. = He follows the road signs carefully. ###

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Word: cermin

Short Definition: mirror.

English Definition: mirror. ###

L2 Definition: Kaca yang bisa memantulkan bayangan kita dengan persis. ###

Examples: BERCERMINLAH dahulu sebelum mencela perbuatan orang lain. = LOOK IN THE MIRROR before you critisize what other people do. ###

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Word: cerna

Short Definition: 1. digested, absorbed, assimilated; 2. dissolved

English Definition: 1. digested, absorbed, assimilated; 2. dissolved *MEN--KAN: digest, dissolve, absorb *TER--: digestible, dissolved *PEN--AN: digestion

Examples: Pelajaran ini sangat sulit untuk saya CERNA = This subject is too hard for me to ABSORB. Obat ini akan MENCERNAKAN makanan yang keras = This medicine will help to DIGEST the hard food. Makanan yang berserat sangat bagus untuk saluran PENCERNAAN manusia = Food with fibers are good for our DIGESTION system.###

Word: ceroboh

Short Definition: 1. improper; indicent, immoral; 2.cruel, merciless; 3.untidy, careless

English Definition: *KE-AN=indicency, carelessness, sloppiness

L2 Definition: serampangan

Examples: Perbuatan yang CEROBOH akan membawa hasil yang jelek = Any INDICENT behavior will have a bad result.# Karena KECEROBAHAN Ani, gelas kristal itu pecah di lantai = Because of Ani's SLOPPINESS, the crystal glass was broken into pieces.##

Word: cerpen

Short Definition: contraction of "cerita pendek," i.e., short story.

English Definition: contraction of "cerita pendek," i.e., short story. ###

L2 Definition: Tulisan cerita di media tentang suatu kisah secara singkat. ###

Examples: Baru minggu lalu CERPEN ini kukirim sekarang sudah dimuat di majalah Femina. = Just last week I sent this SHORT STORY, and now it has already been published in Femina magazine. ###

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Word: cetak

Short Definition: print, mold, stamp. MEN-: print (books, etc.), stamp (coins). Also MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: print, mold, stamp. *MEN-: to print (books, etc.) or stamp (coins, etc.). *MEN--KAN: print for s.o., to publish. TER-: published. *-AN: a publication or edition of s.t. PEN-: printer. *--BIRU: blue print PER--AN: printing house. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Pekerjaan orang-orang di desa itu MENCETAK batu-bata. = The job of the people in that village is to MOLD clay bricks. Pergilah ke toko buku itu untuk MENCETAKKAN undangan. = Go to that book store to HAVE the invitations PRINTED. CETAKAN kue ini berbentuk kelinci. = This cookie CUTTER has the shape of a rabbit. ###

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Word: cewek

Short Definition: (Sl.) girl, gal.

English Definition: ^*(Sl.) girl, gal. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: gadis/anak perempuan. Anonim: cowok. ###

Examples: CEWEK itu manis sekali. = That GIRL is very sweet. ###

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Word: CGI

Short Definition: Consultative Group on Indonesia.

English Definition: Consultative Group on Indonesia, formed after the March 1992 demise of the IGGI. ###

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Word: cibir

Short Definition: cause to curl one's lips in scorn

English Definition: MEN-- : scorn; look down on someone MEN--KAN : sneered; mock; ridicule

L2 Definition: *menunjukkan rasa tidak suka dengan melipat bibir. *mengejek

Examples: Sinta MENCIBIR kepada pengemis yang meminta uang padanya = Sinta CURLED HER LIPS IN SCORN to the beggar on the street asking her for some money. Dia marah dan MENCIBIRKAN bibirnya kepada temannya = He was upset and LOOK DOWN at his friends. ##

Word: cicak

Short Definition: a small house lizard###

English Definition: a small house lizard### see CECAK

Examples: CICAK merayap di dinding = A SMALL HOUSE LIZARD creeps on the wall.###

Word: cicil

Short Definition: pay in installments

English Definition: *--AN: installment *PENY--AN: paying in installments

L2 Definition: membayar secara berkala, sedikit demi sedikit

Examples: Kami merasa lega karena CICILAN mobil ini hampir selesai = We are relieved that we almost paid all the INSTALLMENTS for the car. Semakin lama kami merasa berat melanjutkan PENYICILAN motor ini = It is getting more difficult for us to PAY the INSTALLMENTS for the motorbike.##

Word: cicip

Short Definition: 1. taste; 2. sip at, eat; 3. sound of birds, chicks, etc (twitter, chirp)

English Definition: *MEN-- : taste (during the preparation of food); sip at, eat *MEN--I : taste (repeatedly) *--AN: sample for tasting *PEN-- : taster

L2 Definition: mencoba (makanan), merasai makanan atau minuman

Examples: Sebelum dihidangkan cobalah kamu MENCICIP masakanku ini = Before I served it, please TASTE the food I cooked. Di restoran itu kita dapat MENCICIPI berbagai macam masakan traditional = At that restaurant we can TASTE varieties of traditional food. Saya merasa kenyang setelah makan CICIPAN itu = I feel full after eating the SAMPLE FOOD FOR TASTING. Ibu Sari bekerja sebagai PENCICIP makanan yang baru diproduksi = Ibu Sari works as a TASTER for newly created food.##

Word: ciduk

Short Definition: ciduk1: arrest ciduk2: see cedok###

English Definition: ciduk1 * MEN~ = (Coll.) arret ~AN = detention ciduk2 see cedok###

Examples: * Polisi akhirnya MENCIDUK pencuri sapi itu The police eventually ARRESTED the cow thief.###

Word: cikal

Short Definition: (Jv) young coconut###

English Definition: (jv) young coconut###

L2 Definition: cikal bakal = (idiom) the origin###

Examples: ###

Word: cilik

Short Definition: little, small, young.

English Definition: little, small, young. ###

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Word: cilok

Short Definition: steal###

English Definition: * MEN~ = 1. steal, pilfer 2. pick pockets PEN~ = 1. thief 2. pickpocket.###

Examples: * Dompetku DICILOK waktu saya menyeberang jalan = My wallet WAS STOLEN when I crossed the street.###

Word: Cina

Short Definition: China. PE--(A)N: Chinese quarter.

English Definition: China. PE--(A)N: Chinese quarter. ###

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Word: cincang

Short Definition: hack, chop, minced###

English Definition: hack, chop, mince BER~ = be chopped into bits * MEN~ = chop up, cut into small pieces ~AN = s.t. minced, s.t. chopped up###

L2 Definition: daging cincang = hamburger cincang air = unbreakable

Examples: * Marni sedang MENCINCANG bawang putih = Marni was CHOPPING gaclic UP.###

Word: cincin

Short Definition: ring (on one's finger), washer (for bolts, screws, etc.). ###

English Definition: ring (on one's finger), washer (for bolts, screws, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Perhiasan yang dipakai di jari-jari tangan. ###

Examples: CINCIN ini sebagai pengikat pertunangan kita. = This RING is a binding symbol of our engagement. ###

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Word: cinta

Short Definition: love, affection. BER-: to be/fall in love. Also BER-_-_-AN, MEN--I, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^*love, affection. *BER-: to be in love, fall in love. BER-_-_-AN: to be in love with e.o. *MEN--I: to love s.o. *KE--AN: love. PEN-: lover. *PER--AN: 1 love. 2 romance, affair. ###

L2 Definition: senang/sayang sekali. ###

Examples: Pemuda-pemudi itu sedang mabuk CINTA. = Those young people are drunk with LOVE. Biarpun tua begitu dia masih hebat kalau BERCINTA. = Even though he is that old, he is still intense if he is IN LOVE. Dia anak KECINTAAN ibunya. = She is the child of her mother's LOVE. Aku akan MENCINTAImu selama-lamanya. = I will LOVE you forever. Ini cerita KECINTAAN ayah. = This is the story that father LOVES very much. PERCINTAAN kami dilarang oleh sanak saudara. = Our LOVE was prohibited by our relatives. ###

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Word: ciprat

Short Definition: splash

English Definition: *BER-AN = spray *MEN- = spray, splash *MEN-I = spray on repeatedly *KE-AN = sprayed, be splashed; get a share

Examples: Air BERCIPRATAN keluar dari pipa yang bocor = Water SPRAYED out from the leaking pipe.# Hujan sangat deras dan MENCIPRAT baju saya sampai basah = The rain was pouring down and SPLASHED on my dress until it was soaking wet.# Pak Amir KECIPRATAN hasil sumbangan pengusaha itu = Pak Amir GOT A SHARE of the donation from the businessman.###

Word: cipta

Short Definition: creativity; thought, idea. MENG--KAN: to create or produce s.t. Also TER-, +

English Definition: ^1 creativity. 2 thought, idea. ME(N)--KAN: to create s.t., produce s.t. TER-: produced, created. -AN: a creation. PEN-: creator. ###

L2 Definition: Hasil dari pikiran/perbuatan. ###

Examples: Siapa yang pertama-tama MENCIPTAKAN bom atom? = Who first CREATED the atomic bomb? Memang kau TERCIPTA hanyalah untukku. = Truly you are CREATED just for me. Hasil CIPTAAN profesor itu tidak dihargai oleh koleganya. = The CREATION of the professor was not respected by his colleague. ###

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Word: ciri

Short Definition: feature, characteristic.

English Definition: feature, characteristic. ###

L2 Definition: Tanda yang khas yang bisa membedakan suatu hal dengan hal yang lain. ###

Examples: CIRI-CIRI penjahat itu antara lain berkumis lebat dan bergigi emas. = The CHARACTERISTIC of the criminal, among other things, are heavy mustache and gold teeth. ###

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Word: cirit

Short Definition: diarrhea.

English Definition: diarrhea. ###

L2 Definition: Berak-berak yang disebabkan oleh bakteri. ###

Examples: Sudah dua hari ini anakku CIRIT terus. = It has been two days my son got DIARRHEA. ###

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Word: cita

Short Definition: feeling, sentiment. CITA-CITA: desire, hope, aspiration. Also BER-_-_.

English Definition: ^feeling, sentiment. CITA-CITA: desire, hope, aspiration. BER-_-_: to long for, desire s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan hati; keinginan akan sesuatu; ide/gagasan. ###

Examples: CITA-CITAnya menjadi insinyur sudah tercapai. = His ASPIRATION to become an engineer has been achieved. Tidak ada salahnya seseorang BERCITA-CITA setinggi langit. = There is no wrong for someone to LONG FOR SOMETHING as high as the sky. ###

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Word: citra

Short Definition: image. Citra = name of the annual film festival awards.

English Definition: image. Citra = name of the annual film festival awards. ###

L2 Definition: gambar, gambaran, kesan mental yang ditimbulkan oleh suatu kata. ###

Examples: Perusahaan itu mendapat CITRA yang buruk dalam masyarakat karena pencemaran lingkungan. = The company get a bad IMAGE (or REPUTATION) in the society because of environmental pollution. Presiden Clinton mempunyai CITRA politik yang tidak berpendirian. = President Clinton has a political IMAGE as someone that has no opinion. Tahun ini Slamet Raharjo mendapat piala CITRA sebagai pemeran utama pria terbaik. = This year Slamet Raharjo received the CITRA award as a leading actor. ###

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Word: cium

Short Definition: to smell or kiss. BER-_-_-AN: to kiss each other. Also MEN-, MEN--I, -AN, +

English Definition: to smell or kiss. BER-_-_-AN: to kiss each other. MEN-: 1 to kiss s.o. 2 to smell s.t. MEN--I: to repeatedly kiss or smell. -AN: a kiss or a sniff. PEN--AN: 1 sense of smell. 2 act of smelling or kissing. ###

L2 Definition: Bersentuhan muka antara satu hal dengan hal yang lain; membau. ###

Examples: Rasanya malu melihat orang BERCIUM-CIUMAN begitu. = I feel embarrassed to see people KISSING AT EACH OTHER like that. Tidak henti-hentinya ibu itu MENCIUMI anak-anaknya sebelum berangkat naik ke kapal. = The mother doesn't stop KISSING her children before they go aboard the ship. Cerpen itu berjudul "CIUMAN Maut Si Gadis Jalang. " = The short story is titled "The Deadly KISS of the Wild Girl." PENCIUMAN anjing itu sungguh tajam. = The SMELLING SENSE of the dog is really sharp. ###

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Word: ciut

Short Definition: see CIUT1 (shrunken, shriveled . . .) or CIUT2 (squeaking sound . . .).

English Definition: see CIUT1 (shrunken, shriveled . . .) CIUT2 (squeaking sound . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ciut1

Short Definition: shrunken, shriveled. KE--AN: narrowness, contraction. Also PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^shrunken, shriveled. KE--AN: narrowness, contraction. PEN--AN: shrinkage, attrition. ###

L2 Definition: Menjadi kecil; menyusut; sempit; picik. ###

Examples: Mendengar cerita seram itu hatiku menjadi CIUT. = Hearing that scary story, my heart became SHRIVELED. PENCIUTAN jumlah binatang ini karena banyak diburu orang. = The SHRINKAGE of the number of this animal is caused by the hunting by many people. ###

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Word: ciut2

Short Definition: squeaking sound. BER-_-_, MEN-_-_: make a squeaking sound.

English Definition: squeaking sound. BER-_-_, MEN-_-_: make a squeaking sound. ###

L2 Definition: Suara yang tajam, kadang menyakitkan telinga. ###

Examples: Pohon itu MENCIUT-CIUT karena tertiup angin. = The tree is SQUEAKING because of wind blowing.###

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Word: claim

Short Definition: claim###

English Definition: ^claim *ME-: make a claim###

Examples: *Rakyat Timor-Timur MENGCLAIM kemerdekaannya pada tanggal 5 September 1999 = Timorese MADE A CLAIM of their independence on September 5, 1999.

Word: clash

Short Definition: clash, conflict, disagreement###

English Definition: *1.clash, conflict, disagreement 2. Dutch attacks on Indonesian territory in 1947 and 1948###

Examples: Hingga hari ini, Pemerintah Indonesia masih CLASH dengan rakyat pendukung perjuangan Aceh = Up to now, the Indonesian Government is still in CONFLICT with the Aceh supporters.###

Word: cleguk

Short Definition: sound of swallowing liquid###

English Definition: ^sound of swallowing liquid###

Examples: ####

Word: clik

Short Definition: snip###

English Definition: ^snip *MEN-: cut, snip###

Examples: *Ibu Hartini MENCLIK pita pembukaan pameran seni = Ms. Hartini CUT a ribbon on the opening of the art exhibition###

Word: clurit

Short Definition: k.o. sickle (often used as weapon)###

English Definition: ^k.o. sickle (often used as weapon)###

Examples: Orang-orang Madura terkenal sebagai pembuat CLURIT = Maduranese people are well known as SICKLE makers.###

Word: coang

Short Definition: BER-(AN), MEN-: protrude, stick up###

English Definition: ^BER-(AN), MEN-: protrude, stick up MEN-KAN: stick s.t upward###

Examples: Pulpen Endang MENCOANG dari sakunya = endang's pen PROTRUDED from his pocket.###

Word: coba

Short Definition: try, make an attempt; try s.t. out; (Coll.) please. Also MEN-, -AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^*1 try, make an attempt. 2 try s.t. out. 3 (Coll.) please. *MEN-: 1 try, attempt to. 2 test s.t. *-AN: test, trial, attempt. *PER--AN: experiment, trial run. ###

L2 Definition: Berusaha sampai bisa mencapai sesuatu. ###

Examples: COBA kerjakan soal-soal ini. = TRY working on these problems. Dia telah MENCOBA melakukannya. = He TRIED doing it. COBAAN ini terasa berat baginya. = This ATTEMPT weighed on him heavily. Seolah-olah saya adalah kelinci PERCOBAANnya. = It's as if I am a rabbit for his EXPERIMENT. ###

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Word: coblos

Short Definition: 1. perforate, punch a hole; 2. vote by punching ballot

English Definition: perforate, punch a hole; vote MEN- : to vote

Examples: Pada pemilihan umum yang lalu, penduduk desa ini MENCOBLOS partai baru itu = In the last general election, the villagers VOTED the new political party###

Word: cocok

Short Definition: agree with, suitable, compatible; correct, exact. Also MEN--KAN, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^*1 agree with, suitable, compatible. 2 correct, exact. *MEN--KAN: 1 compare, check. 2 adjust, correct, synchronize. KE--AN: agreement, harmony, compatibility. PEN--AN: verification. ###

L2 Definition: sama benar/tidak berbeda. merasa pas. ###

Examples: Dalam bermain lotre kita harus mendapat nomor yang COCOK untuk bisa menang. = In playing the lottery, we have to get a number that is EXACT in order to win. Tidak mudah MENCOCOKKAN nomor-nomor ini, terlalu rumit. = It isn't easy to CHECK these numbers; they are two complicated. ###

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Word: cogok

Short Definition: stand erect.

English Definition: stand erect. ###

L2 Definition: tegak. ###

Examples: Penjaga bank BERCOGOK di dekat pintu. = The bank guard STOOD STRAIGHT AND TALL near the door.###

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Word: cokelat

Short Definition: (also "coklat") 1. the color brown 2. chocolate

English Definition: preferred spelling = coklat 1. brown 2. chocolate

Word: coklat

Short Definition: the color brown; chocolate.

English Definition: *1 the color brown. 2 chocolate. ###

L2 Definition: jenis warna. gula-gula/permen. nama buah/pohon. ###

Examples: Rumah saya berwarna COKLAT muda. = My house is has a light BROWN color. Permen COKLAT ini manis sekali. = This CHOCOLATE candy is very sweet. ###

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Word: cokol

Short Definition: BER-: settle or reside in a place, be in existence. Also MEN-.

English Definition: ^BER-: settle or reside in a place, be in existence. MEN-: occupy, be headquartered. ###

L2 Definition: Tetap berada di satu tempat; duduk-duduk sambil berkumpul-kumpul; bertempat tinggal. ###

Examples: Seharian ini kami BERCOKOL di sini saja. = All day we are just HANGING AROUND here.###

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Word: colak-colek

Short Definition: touch or pinch softly

English Definition: touch or pinch softly

Word: colek

Short Definition: touch lightly with the fingertips and pinch.

English Definition: touch lightly with the fingertips and pinch. *SE--: 1. a pinch, dash (of salt, etc.). 2. dab, pat (of butter, etc.) *MEN--: 1. take a small piece of s.t. 2. squeeze, press, embrace. 3. remove, dig out (wax from ear, thorn from foot, etc.)

Examples: Berikan SECOLEK terasi di sambal ini = Put a PINCH of shrimp paste in this chilli sauce. Dian MENCOLEK tangan Andi sebagai tanda persetujuan = Dian SQUEEZED Andi's hand as her approval.###

Word: colok

Short Definition: thrust, pierce into a hole.

English Definition: thrust, pierce into a hole. ###

L2 Definition: Memasukkan benda tajam ke suatu lubang; sangat nyata kelihatan; mudah kelihatan. ###

Examples: Warna bajumu sangat MENCOLOK mata. = The color of your shirt really STRIKES the eye. ###

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Word: colt

Short Definition: generic term for a k.o. minibus used for carrying passengers.

English Definition: generic term for a kind of minibus used for carrying passengers. ###

L2 Definition: Kendaran yang tidak begitu besar sebagai angkutan umum. ###

Examples: Tiap setengah jam ada COLT lewat jalan ini. = Every half an hour there is a MINIBUS passing this road. ###

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Word: comblang

Short Definition: 1. matchmaker, go-between; 2. [Sl.] pimp, procurer

English Definition: 1. matchmaker, go-between; 2. [Sl.] pimp, procurer *MAK--: matchmaker

Examples: Ani berperan sebagai MAK COMBLANG dan mengenalkan Siti dengan Hadi = Ani was the MATCHMAKER to introduce Siti to Hadi.###

Word: comek

Short Definition: comek1: small goatee jaust beneath the lower lip, comek2: k.o. cuttlefish###

English Definition: comek1: small goatee jaust beneath the lower lip comek2: k.o. cuttlefish###

Examples: ###

Word: comel

Short Definition: comel1: grumbling, nagging; comel2: dainty, exquisite###

English Definition: ^comel1: grumbling, nagging *MEN-: grumble, grouse, nag MEN-I: scold, rebuke, reprimand PEN-: grumbler, complainer **comel2: 1. dainty, exquisite 2. winsowe, pretty ###

Examples: *Sejak pagi hari, Rahman MENCOMEL karena ia kehilangan pensil kesayangannya = Since morning, Rahman has GRUMBLED because he lost his favorite pencil. **Alesa nampak COMEL memakai baju Bali = Alesa looks PRETTY wearing a Balinese dress.###

Word: comot

Short Definition: see comot1 and comot2###

English Definition: see comot1 and comot2###

Examples: ###

Word: comot1

Short Definition: grimy, dirty, filty###

English Definition: *^grimy, dirty, filty BER-: be dirty, grimy### see comot comot2 ###

Examples: *Mulut Kendall nampak COMOT karena cokelat = Kendall's mouth looks GRIMY because of chocolate.###

Word: comot2

Short Definition: seize, nab, grab, hold###

English Definition: ^seize, nab, grab, hold *MEN-, NY-: 1. seize, nab, grab, hold 2. snacth off 3. pick MENY-I, NY-I: snatch s.t., steal MEN-KAN: steal on behald of s.o -AN: 1. stolen goods, 2 whatever o. pick up ###

Examples: *Ida MENCOMOT beberapa buah apel di kebun Pak Kardi = Ida PICKED some apples in Mr. Kardi's farm.###

Word: compang-camping

Short Definition: in tatters, rags.

English Definition: in tatters, rags. ###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Baju pengemis itu COMPANG-CAMPING = A beggar's cloth was in TATTERS.###

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Word: compeng

Short Definition: torn on edge###

English Definition: torn on edge###

Examples: Baju kaosku mulai COMPENG kalau sudah tua = My t-shirt began to be TORN ON EDGE because it was old.###

Word: condong

Short Definition: inclined, to set (of sun).

English Definition: inclined, to set (of sun). ###

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Word: Conefo

Short Definition: Conference of New Emerging Forces.

English Definition: Conference of New Emerging Forces. ###

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Word: congkak

English Definition: SEE congkak1--arrogant congkak2--cowrie shell ###

Word: congkak1

Short Definition: arrogant

English Definition: proud, arrogant, snooty MEN- hold up the head arrogantly KE- -AN pride, arrogance, haughtiness ###

Word: congkak2

Short Definition: cowrie shell

English Definition: cowrie shell kind of board game with receptacles often played with shells as markers ###

Word: conteng

Short Definition: smear, stain, blemish. BER-_-_: be smeared. Also MEN-_-_, MEN--KAN.

English Definition: ^smear, stain, blemish. BER-_-_: be smeared. *MEN-_-_: smear, stain (with paint, charcoal, etc.). MEN--KAN: smear, stain. ###

L2 Definition: sinonim: coreng. ###

Examples: Siapa yang MENCONTENG-CONTENG meja ini? = Who SMEARED this table?

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Word: contoh

Short Definition: specimen, sample; model, example; pattern. Also MEN-, MEN--I, MEN--KAN.

English Definition: ^1 specimen, sample. 2 model, example. 3 pattern. *MEN-: copy, imitate. MEN--I: give s.t. as an example. MEN--KAN: show by example. PER--AN: sample, model. ###

L2 Definition: hal yang digunakan untuk pedoman. ###

Examples: CONTOHlah perbuatan ayahmu. = IMITATE the behavior of your father. Dalam ujian ini tidak dibenarkan MENCONTOH pekerjaan orang lain. = In this exam, COPYING other people's work is not approved of. ###

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Word: copet

Short Definition: pickpocket. MEN-(-I): to pick s.o.'s pocket. Also KE--AN, PEN-.

English Definition: pickpocket. *MEN-(-I): to pick s.o.'s pocket. *KE--AN: to be the victim of pickpocketing. *PEN-: a pickpocket. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya mencuri uang orang lain. ###

Examples: Hati-hati di pasar. Banyak sekali PENCOPET berkeliaran. = Be careful in the market. There are many PICKPOCKETS wandering around. Dia ditangkap karena ketahuan MENCOPET. = He was apprehended because he was caught PICKPOCKETING. Kemarin saya KECOPETAN di toko sepatu. = Yesterday, I was PICKPOCKETED in a shoe store. ###

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Word: copot

Short Definition: 1. dislodged; 2. broken off, detached, loosened

English Definition: *MEN-- : take off, remove, pull out, take away *MEN--I : take off something repeatedly

L2 Definition: lepas, terlepas, longgar , cabut

Examples: Dengan kasar dia MENCOPOT gambar itu dari dinding = He harshly PULL OUT the picture from the wall. Kami harus MENCOPOTI tulang dari ikan itu satu persatu = We have to TAKE OFF (repeatedly) the bones from the fish.###

Word: corak

Short Definition: design, motif, pattern. BER-: to have a design, motif or pattern.

English Definition: *design, motif, pattern. *BER-: to have a design, motif, or pattern. ###

L2 Definition: Motif dasar yang dipakai untuk menghias barang (biasanya kain). ###

Examples: CORAK yang dipakai menghias tembok itu berwarna-warni. = The PATTERN that was used to decorate that wall is colorful. Kain batik ini BERCORAK burung merak. = This batik cloth HAS THE PATTERN of a peacock. ###

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Word: coreng

Short Definition: 1.scratch, streak. 2. smear

English Definition: 1.scratch, streak. 2. smear *BER--MORENG: be filled with many dirty marks and streaks. *BER--: streaked, stripped. *MEN--: 1. cross out. 2. draw lines over, streak s.t. *MEN--I: scratch repeatedly. *MEN--KAN: streak or scrape s.t. on. *--AN: scratch, streak, smear (of lipstick).###

Examples: Siapa yang MENCORENG tembok putih ini?? Who DREW LINES OVER the white wall??###

Word: coret

Short Definition: scratch, streak, smear

English Definition: *MEN-- : scratch, streak *MEN--KAN : scrape s.t. on s.t. else *--AN : scratch, line, stripe *PEN--AN : removal, eradication, scratching out

Examples: Anak itu MENCORET bajunya dengan pulpen bertinta biru = that child SCRATCHED her cloth with blue inked-pen. Pelukis itu MENCORETKAN kuasnya di atas kertas putih = that painter SCRAPED his paint brush ON a white paper. CORETAN pelukis itu sangat tegas = that painter's SCRATCHES are very strong. PENCORETAN namanya dari daftar calon gubernur membuat pendukungnya marah = the REMOVAL of his name from the list of the governor candidates made his supporters angry.

Word: corong

Short Definition: microphone.

English Definition: microphone. ###

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Word: cotok

Short Definition: beak

English Definition: beak, bill MEN- peck at ###

Word: cowok

Short Definition: young guy, boyfriend. KE-_-_-AN: to act like a boy (said of girls).

English Definition: *(Coll.) young guy, boyfriend. *KE-_-_-AN: to act like a boy (said of girls). ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: pemuda (anak laki-laki). Anonim: cewek.###

Examples: Dalam pesta besok pasti banyak COWOK dan cewek belasan tahun. = At the party tomorrow there will certainly be many teenage GUYS and girls. Gadis itu cantik sekali, sayang KECOWOK-COWOKAN. = That girl is very beautiful; it's too bad she acts like a boy. ###

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Word: cuaca

Short Definition: weather.

English Definition: weather. ###

L2 Definition: Keadaan udara. ###

Examples: Mudah-mudahan besok CUACA akan cerah. = It is hoped that tomorrow the WEATHER will be clear. ###

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Word: cuat

Short Definition: MEN-: to stand out, stick up, project upwards, appear

English Definition: MEN-: to stand out, stick up, project upwards, appear ###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Sejak tahun 1998, satu-satu persoalan tentang agama dan suku MENCUAT di permukaan politik Indonesia = Since 1998, conflicts about religions and ethnics APPEAR one by one on the Indonesian political surface.###

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Word: cubit

Short Definition: MEN-: pinch with the fingers.

English Definition: MEN-: pinch with the fingers. ###

L2 Definition: Menjepit dengan jari-jari tangan. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENCUBITmu kalau kau nakal. = I will PINCH you if you are naughty. ###

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Word: cuci

Short Definition: wash. MEN-, NY-: wash, launder, do the laundry. Also -AN, PEN-.

English Definition: ^wash. *MEN-, NY-: wash, launder, do the laundry. *-AN: laundry. PEN-: laundryperson. ###

L2 Definition: Membersihkan sesuatu (biasanya dengan air). ###

Examples: Si Inem yang MENCUCI baju tadi. = Inem was the one who WASHED the shirt earlier. CUCIAN saya sudah menumpuk di rumah. = My LAUNDRY has already piled up in the house. ###

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Word: cucu

Short Definition: grandchildren, grandchild

English Definition: grandchildren, grandchild *--ADAM: grandchildren of Adam = humanity *BER--: have grandchildren

Examples: Nenek saya mempunyai lima belas CUCU = My grandmother has fifteen GRANDCHILDREN. Ibu Aminah masih muda tapi sudah BERCUCU = Ibu Aminah is still young, but she already has GRANDHILD.###

Word: cucur

Short Definition: flow. BER--AN: to pour down.

English Definition: flow. BER--AN: to pour down. ###

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Word: cuek

Short Definition: (Coll.) careless; (Sl.) ignorance

English Definition: (Sl.) careless, ignorance

Word: cuka

Short Definition: vinegar.

English Definition: vinegar.###

L2 Definition: Barang cair yang masam rasanya; cairan yang mengandung asam asetat. ###

Examples: Kita tak mungkin membuat acar tanpa CUKA. = It is impossible for us to make pickle without VINEGAR. ###

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Word: cukai

Short Definition: 1. (customs) duty, toll, tax. 2. excise, tariff. MEN-: impose a duty.

English Definition: 1. (customs) duty, toll, tax. 2. excise, tariff. MEN-: impose a duty.###

L2 Definition: Pajak untuk barang impor atau barang konsumsi (misalnya: rokok). ###

Examples: Memang sepantasnya kalau negara MENCUKAI barang-barang mahal itu. = It is fair if the state IMPOSES A DUTY on those expensive goods. ###

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Word: cuke

English Definition: SEE cukai.###

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Word: cukong

Short Definition: financier, capitalist (engaged in illegal practices, broker. MEN--I.

English Definition: ^*financier, capitalist (engaged in illegal practices), broker. *MEN--I: 1 finance, underwrite the costs. 2 to treat s.o. to s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang dianggap bos karena biasanya mempunyai uang banyak. ###

Examples: Siapa yang menjadi CUKONG dalam perjudian ini? = Who is acting as the BROKER in this betting game? Kalau kamu mau MENCUKONGIku, aku mau ikut. = If you want to FINANCE me, I will go along. ###

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Word: cukup

Short Definition: enough, sufficient, adequate; quite, rather. Also MEN--I.

English Definition: ^*1 enough, sufficient, adequate. 2 quite, rather. *MEN--I: 1 make up a lack, complete. 2 fulfill. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak kurang dan tidak lebih. ###

Examples: Penampilanmu dalam debat tadi CUKUP memuaskan. = Your appearance in the debate a little while ago was QUITE satisfying. Gajinya sebulan tidak MENCUKUPI untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. = Her wages for a month do not FULFILL her everyday needs. ###

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Word: cukur

Short Definition: razor, shaver. BER-: to shave, get a haircut. Also MEN-, -AN.

English Definition: ^razor, shaver. *BER-: to shave, get a haircut. *MEN-: shave s.o. or s.t. *-AN: shavings. ###

L2 Definition: Memotong dan membersihkan rambut. ###

Examples: Sebelum berangkat ke kantor ayah selalu BERCUKUR janggut dahulu. = Before leaving for the office, father always SHAVES his whiskers first. Setiap calon tentara diharuskan MENCUKUR rambut sampai gundul. = Every cadet soldier must SHAVE his hair until bald. Rambutnya punya model CUKURAN punk-rock. = His hair has a punk-rock style of HAIRCUT. ###

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Word: culas

Short Definition: 1.lazy, indolent; 2.slow, poky; 3.clumsy, awkward; SEE ALSO CULAS (2)

English Definition: lazy, indolent

L2 Definition: malas, lamban

Word: culas (2)

Short Definition: deceitful, dishonest, not straightforward, fraud

English Definition: deceitful, dishonest

L2 Definition: licik, tipu daya, menipu

Examples: Jangan percaya pada penjual obat di jalan, mereka selalu CULAS kalau menjual = Do not trust the medicine seller on the street, they are usually DISHONEST.###

Word: culik

Short Definition: MEN-: kidnap, abduct. PEN-: kidnapper. PEN--AN: kidnapping, hijacking.

English Definition: MEN-: kidnap, abduct. PEN: kidnapper. PEN--AN: kidnapping, hijacking.###

L2 Definition: Mengambil/melarikan orang/anak-anak untuk dibunuh atau disandera. ###

Examples: Pembantu itu yang MENCULIK anak majikannya. = The maid who KIDNAPPED her employer's child. Gerombolan PENCULIK itu telah tertangkap. = The KIDNAPPER gang has been arrested. PENCULIKAN itu dilakukan secara nyata dimuka umum. = The KIDNAP was done openly in front of the public. ###

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Word: cuma

Short Definition: only, merely. PER-: 1 in vain, useless; free, gratis. Also MEMPER--KAN.

English Definition: ^*only, merely. *PER-: 1 in vain, useless, ineffectual. 2 free, gratis. MEMPER--KAN: 1 waste (time, energy). 2 provide s.t. gratis. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim:hanya. ###

Examples: Uangku CUMA Rp. 300,-. = My money is ONLY 300 rupiah. PERCUMA saja pengorbananku selama ini. = My sacrifices for all this time have been IN VAIN. ###

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Word: cuman

Short Definition: see CUMA.

English Definition: see CUMA.

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: cumbu

Short Definition: 1. flattery. 2. good-natured joke. BER-" flirt. MEN-: flatter. Also BER--AN.

English Definition: ^1. flattery, sweat-talk. 2. joke, good-natured banter. BER-: flirt. MEN-: flatter. BER--AN: joke flirtatiously.###

L2 Definition: Kata-kata manis untuk membujuk; rayu; sendau gurau. ###

Examples: Lihatlah burung yang sedang MENCUMBU kekasihnya itu. = Look at that bird who is FLATTERING his lover. Senang benar kamu BERCUMBU dengan bahaya. = You really like to FLIRT with danger. ###

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Word: cumlaude

Short Definition: with distinction (esp. of academic achievements)###

English Definition: ^with distinction (esp. of academic achievements)###

Examples: Noel lulus dari Universitas Northern Illinois dengan CUMLAUDE = Noel graduated from Northern Illinois University with DISTINCTION.###

Word: cun

Short Definition: cun1 = inch. cun2 = (child language) kiss.

English Definition: cun1 = inch. cun2 = (child language) kiss.###

L2 Definition: 1. inci 2. cium (bahasa anak-anak)

Examples: Tinggiku lima kaki tujuh CUN. = My height if five feet seven INCH. Ayo, CUN pipi papa dulu sebelum pergi. = C'mon, KISS dad's cheeks first before you go. ###

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Word: cundang

Short Definition: cundang1: defeat; cundang2: incite###

English Definition: cundang1: defeat *MEN-I, MENGE-KAN: defeat KE-, TERKE-: defeated PE-: o. who is defeated cundang2: incite MEN-: incite, instigate, foment **PE-: troublemaker, instigator, fomenter###

Examples: *Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan MEMPECUNDANGI Golkar pada pemilihan umum lalu = The Struggle Indonesian Democratic Party DEFEATED Golkar in the last election. **Di sekolah, Nila terkenal sebagai PECUNDANG = At school, Nila is known as a TROUBLEMAKER.###

Word: cungkil

Short Definition: crowbar, lever. MEN-: pry up or off; dig out; pick. Also -AN, PEN-.

English Definition: ^crowbar, lever. *MEN-: 1 pry up or off. 2 dig or gouge out. 3 pick (i.e. o.'s teeth). -AN: pieces pried off from s.t. PEN-: lever. ###

L2 Definition: Mengeluarkan sesuatu dari lubang sedikit demi sedikit. ###

Examples: Tidak susah MENCUNGKIL kelapa ini. = It isn't easy to DIG OUT this coconut. ###

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Word: cuping

Short Definition: ear lobe###

English Definition: ^ear lobe###

Examples: CUPING saya terasa sakit = My EAR LOBE felt hurt.###

Word: cuplik

Short Definition: pick up a small portion###

English Definition: ^pick up a small portion *MEN-(I): 1. cite, name, quote 2. borrow 3. depict a little portion -AN: citation, quotation###

Examples: *CNN MENCUPLIK peristiwa Timur Timor = CNN DEPICTED the incident of East Timor.###

Word: curah

Short Definition: MEN-: fall (of rain). MEN--I: 1. pour on. 2. bestow upon. 3. expend. +

English Definition: fall. MEN-: fall (of rain). MEN--I: 1. pour on. 2. betow upon. 3. expend. MEN--KAN: 1. pour s.t. on. 2. pour s.t. out, unload. 3. expend lavishly. TER-(-KAN): 1. poured on. 2. focused. -AN: precipitation, outpouring. ###

Examples: Hari ini CURAH hujan setinggi lima centimenter. = Today the rain FALL is as high as five centimeter. Ramli telah MENCURAHKAN isi hatinya padaku. = Ramli has DISCLOSED his feeling to me. (lit. Ramli has UNLOADED the content of his heart to me). Perhatiannya sepenuhnya TERCURAHKAN pada ujiannya. = His attention IS fully FOCUSED on his exam. ###

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Word: curam

Short Definition: steep, precipitous, abrupt. MEN-: become steep. KE--AN: steepness, abruptness.

English Definition: ^steep, precipitous, abrupt. MEN-: become steep. KE--AN: steepness, precipitousness, abruptness.###

L2 Definition: Terjal dan dalam; sangat dalam. ###

Examples: Jurang ini rasanya semakin MENCURAM saja. = It feels like this canyon is BECOMING STEEPER than ever. Kita tidak bisa mengukur KECURAMAN dasar danau ini dengan alat yang sederhana. = We can not measure the STEEPNESS of base of the lake with a simple tool. ###

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Word: curang

Short Definition: dishonest, deceitful.

English Definition: dishonest, deceitful. ###

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Word: curi

Short Definition: steal. MEN-: steal, pilfer, rob. Also KE--AN, PEN-.

English Definition: ^steal. *MEN-: steal, pilfer, rob. *KE--AN: be stolen from. PEN-: thief. ###

L2 Definition: Mengambil sesuatu tanpa minta ijin. ###

Examples: Menurutku dia yang MENCURI perhiasanku. = According to me, he is the one who STOLE my jewelry. Dua hari yang lalu pak Lurah KECURIAN sapi. = Two days ago the village head SUFFERED THE THEFT of a cow. ###

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Word: curiga

Short Definition: suspicious, distrustful. MEN--I: suspect, distrust s.o. KE--AN: suspicion.

English Definition: ^suspicious, distrustful. *MEN--I: suspect, distrust s.o. *KE--AN: suspicion. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan tidak percaya. ###

Examples: Tidak baik MENCURIGAI orang yang belum tentu bersalah. = It isn't good to SUSPECT someone who has not yet been proven guilty. KECURIGAANmu tidak beralasaan. = Your SUSPICION is without reason. ###

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Word: cuti

Short Definition: leave of absence.

English Definition: leave of absence. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak masuk kerja; libur. ###

Examples: Saya akan mengambil CUTI selama dua minggu tahun ini. = I'm going to take A LEAVE OF ABSENCE of two weeks this year.###

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Word: dacin

Short Definition: a portable balanced scale. MEN-: to weigh with such a scale.

English Definition: a portable balaced scale. MEN-: to weigh with such a scale. ### see dacing

L2 Definition:

Hear This Word

Word: dacing

Short Definition: portable balanced scale###

English Definition: portable balanced scale *MEN-- = weigh items with such a scale### see dacin

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Ayahku MENDACING kembali daging kambing yang baru dibelinya = My father WEIGHED the veal again that he just bought.###

Word: dada

Short Definition: chest, breast.

English Definition: chest, breast. BUAH DADA: breast. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian tubuh antara leher dan perut. ###

Examples: DADAnya kelihatan bidang sekali. = His chest looks very broad. Jangan perlihatkan BUAH DADAmu di muka orang lain. = Don't show your BREAST in front of other people. ###

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Word: dadah

Short Definition: dadah1 = medicine, medical herb; dadah2 = (Coll) wave goodbye, bye-bye###

English Definition: dadah1 = medicine, medical herb PE-: (Lit) container for such herbs dadah2 = (Coll) wave goodbye, bye-bye *MEN-: one waves his hand to say goodbye###

Examples: *Ketika meninggalkan kampungnya, Heru tak mampu berucap satu katapun, dia hanya MENDADAH = When he left his hometown, Heru could not say a word, he just WAVED to say goodbye.###

Word: dadak

Short Definition: sudden. MEN-: sudden.

English Definition: ^sudden. *MEN-: sudden. ###

L2 Definition: Tiba-tiba/tanpa direncana. ###

Examples: Perkawinan mereka dilakukan secara MENDADAK. = Their wedding was conducted in a SUDDEN manner. ###

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Word: dadar

Short Definition: omelette###

English Definition: 1. fry a mixture spread into a pan 2. pancakelike cake *MEN-: make an omelette of.

Examples: Saya senang MENDADAR telur dan sayuran untuk makan pagi = I like to MAKE AN OMELETTE OF eggs and vegetable for breakfast.###

Word: dadu

English Definition: see dadu1 see dadu2

Word: dadu1

Short Definition: dice, cube###

English Definition: BER-: shoot dice###

Examples: ###

Word: dadu2

Short Definition: pink###

English Definition: light brownish-red###

Examples: Pipi anak gadis itu merah DADU oleh karena pujian = That teenage's chicks turned PINK because of adoration###

Word: daeng

Short Definition: title for elder in South Sulawesi###

English Definition: respectful term of address for elder sisters, brothers, friends, or other people###

Examples: Di kota kelahiranku, Ujung Pandang, saudara-saudara dan teman-temanku yang lebih muda memanggil ku DAENG Ida = In my home town, Ujung Pandang, my younger siblings and friends call me DAENG Ida

Word: daerah

Short Definition: territory; area, region. SE-: from the same region.

English Definition: ^*1 territory. 2 area, region. *SE-: from the same region. ###

L2 Definition: lingkungan. ###

Examples: Tempat itu dinyatakan sebagai DAERAH rawan. = That area has been declared as troubled TERRITORY. Tidak tahunya kau teman SEDAERAHku dulu. = I didn't know that you are a companion FROM THE SAME REGION as my own before. ###

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Word: daftar

Short Definition: list, roster. MEN-: register s.o. or s.t. Also MEN--KAN.

English Definition: ^list, roster. *MEN-: register s.o. or s.t. *MEN--KAN: 1 register, record s.t. 2 enroll, enlist s.o. ###

L2 Definition: Catatan tentang suatu hal. ###

Examples: Pagi ini saya harus MENDAFTAR calon-calon murid. = This morning I have to LIST the student applicants. Abangku akan MENDAFTARKAN diri sebagai pengawas perkebunan. = My elder brother is going to ENLIST himself as the overseer of a plantation. ###

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Word: dag dig dug

Short Definition: sensation of rapid heartbeat###

English Definition: sensation of rapid heartbeat (caused by fear, anxiety, etc.)###

L2 Definition: jantungnya -: his heart was throbbing###

Examples: Sejak mahasiswa menuntut penyelidikan korupsi, para koruptor di masa Suharto mulai DAG DIG DUG = Since students demanded the investigation for corruption, corruptors in the Suharto era began to have the SENSATION OF RAPID HEARTBEAT.###

Word: daga

Short Definition: daga1= (M) resistance, civil unrest; daga2= see dahaga###

English Definition: daga1= (M) resistance, civil unrest; daga2= see dahaga###

L2 Definition: daga-dagi = civil disorder###

Examples: ####

Word: dagang

Short Definition: trade, commerce. BER-: trade, deal, barter. Also MEMPER--KAN, MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: ^trade, commerce. *BER-: trade, deal, barter. *MEMPER--KAN, MEN--KAN: trade in s.t., to market something. *-AN: merchandise. PE-: trader, merchant. PER--AN: trade, commerce. ###

L2 Definition: Pekerjaan menjual atau membeli barang untuk mendapat keuntungan. ###

Examples: Bu Simin BERDAGANG sayur-sayuran di pasar. = Mrs. Simin DEALS in vegetables at the market. Saya akan membantu MEMPERDAGANGKAN mebel ini. = I am going to help MARKET this furniture. DAGANGAN saya hampir habis. = My MERCHANDISE have almost run out. ###

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Word: dagel

Short Definition: joke###

English Definition: MEN-: clown about * -AN: 1. joking, clowning 2. short humorous skit 3. comedy###

Examples: * Banyak orang senang menonton DAGELAN di televisi = Many people like to watch COMEDY shows on television###

Word: daging

Short Definition: meat, flesh. BER-: to have flesh; fat, plump; well-to-do.

English Definition: ^*meat, flesh. *BER-: 1 to have flesh. 2 fat, plump. 3 well-to-do. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian dari tubuh/buah yang lunak. ###

Examples: Durian yang ini DAGINGnya kurang tebal. = The MEAT of this durian is not very thick. Sapi-sapi dari Australia biasanya BERDAGING lunak. = Cows from Australia usually HAVE tender FLESH. Peribahasa: Dia akan menjadi DURI DALAM DAGING di keluarga ini. = Proverb: He will become a THORN IN THE FLESH of this family. ###

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Word: dagu

Short Definition: chin.

English Definition: *chin. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian dari muka di bawah mulut. ###

Examples: DAGUnya sangat runcing. = Her CHIN is very sharp. ###

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Word: dahaga

Short Definition: DAHAGA1 = thirst. ###

English Definition: DAHAGA1 = thirst. ###

L2 Definition: haus.

Examples: Selama berpuasa, DAHAGA yang paling berat saya rasakan. =During fasting, THIRSTY that I felt the most. ###

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Word: dahak

Short Definition: phlegm, sputum###

English Definition: BER-, MEN-: expectorate, cough up and spit out phlegm###

Examples: ###

Word: dahan

Short Definition: branch (of a tree).

English Definition: branch (of a tree). ###

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Word: dahi

Short Definition: forehead.

English Definition: forehead. ###

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Word: dahsyat

Short Definition: 1. horrifying, terrifying. 2. awe-inspiring, imposing. Also MEN-, MEMPER-, +

English Definition: 1. horrifying, terrifying. 2. awe-inspiring, imposing. MEN-: become terrifying. MEMPER-, MEN--KAN: terrify. KE--AN: awesomeness. ###

L2 Definition: 1. mengerikan; menakutkan. 2. hebat; luar biasa. ###

Examples: Daya hancur jenis bom itu sungguh DAHSYAT. = The destroying capability of that kind of bomb is really HORRIFYING. KEDAHSYATAN peluru kendali pesawat tempur ini sungguh mengagumkan. = The AWESOMENESS of the attack airplane's missiles is really amazing. ###

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Word: dahulu

Short Definition: previous, before.

English Definition: *previous (ly), before (now).###

L2 Definition: dulu ###

Examples: DAHULU kala = at a PREVIOUS time, "once upon a time" Ayam goreng restoran ini sudah terkenal sejak DAHULU. = The fried chicken of this restaurant has been famous since LONG AGO. ###

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Word: dai

Short Definition: proselytizer (Isl)###

English Definition: revival mullah (Isl)###

Examples: Pak Haji Hasan bertindak sebagai DAI pada shalat Jum'at lalu = Mr. Haji Hasan was the REVIVAL MULLAH in the last Friday pray.###

Word: daif

Short Definition: 1. weak, powerless. 2. incompetent. MEN--KAN: 1. weaken s.o. +

English Definition: 1. weak, powerless. 2. incompetent. MEN--KAN: 1. weaken s.o. 2. consider s.o. weak or incompetent. KE--AN: 1. weakness. 2. contempt, scorn. 3. humbleness. ###

L2 Definition: 1. lemah; tidak berdaya; tidak mampu. 2. tidak kompeten; tidak konsisten. ###

Examples: Kelompok yang MENDAIFKAN ahli fisika itu barangkali hanya iri saja. = The group that QUESTION THE COMPETENCY of the physicist is maybe driven by jealousy. KEDAIFAN masyarakat desa ini disebabkan karena miskinnya. = The POWERLESSNESS of the people of this village is caused by their poverty. ###

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Word: daki

Short Definition: hilly, steep. MEN-: to climb, ascend.

English Definition: hilly, steep. MEN-: to climb, ascend. ###

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Word: daku

Short Definition: I, my. DAKU = AKU.

English Definition: I, my. DAKU = AKU. ###

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Word: dakwa

Short Definition: charge, accusation, indictiment. BER-: litigate. Also MEN-, -AN.

English Definition: ^charge, accusation, indictment. BER-: litigate. *MEN-: 1 accuse, charge. 2 sue. *-AN: accusation. ###

L2 Definition: tuduhan/tuntutan. ###

Examples: Sebagai ibu dan anak aneh sekali kalau mereka saling MENDAKWA = As mother and child, it is very odd for them to ACCUSE each other. DAKWAANmu kurang jelas ditujukan pada siapa. = It is unclear against whom your ACCUSATION is levelled. ###

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Word: dakwah

Short Definition: religious proselytizing, missionary endeavor

English Definition: *MEN-KAN = missionize, proselytize *PEN- = proselytizer, missionary

Examples: Setiap bulan keluarga kami mendengarkan DAKWAH agama di mesjid = Every month our family listen to RELIGIOUS PROSELYTIZING at the mosque.##

Word: dalam

Short Definition: in, inside of.

English Definition: *in, inside of. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ...DALAM sebuah kerajaan... = ...IN a kingdom... Mari masuk ke DALAM. = Let's come INSIDE. ###

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Word: dalang

Short Definition: 1. puppet master. 2. mastermind, power behind the scenes. Also BER-, MEN-, +

English Definition: 1. puppet master. 2. mastermind, power behind the scenes. BER-, MEN-: perform a shadow play. MEN--I: mastermind, manipulate. MEN--KAN: manipulate the puppets, pull the strings. PE--AN: 1. narration by a puppet master. 2. shadow play puppetery. ###

Examples: Ternyata Pak Hadi pandai juga MENDALANG. = Apparently, Mr. Hadi knows TO PERFORM A SHADOW PLAY too. Ternyata, Pak Hadi yang MENDALANGI perampokan itu. = Apparently, Mr. Hadi who MASTERMINDED the robbery. ###

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Word: dalem

Short Definition: residence of high official, palace of king.

English Definition: ^residence of high official, palace of king.###

L2 Definition: Anggota keluarga raja-raja di Jawa (DIY dan JATENG) yang tinggal di lingkungan istana. ###

Examples: Para abdi DALEM berbaris di pelataran istana pada perayaan itu. =All of the PALACE RESIDENTS line up on the palace yard at the ceremony. ###

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Word: dalih

Short Definition: excuse, pretext. BER-: seek an excuse. BER-: express mutual recriminations. +

English Definition: excuse, pretext. BER-: seek an excuse. BER--AN: express mutaul recriminations. BER--KAN: be evasive about s.t. MEN-: say s.t. as an excuse. MEN--KAN: make s.t. an excuse. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu alasan untuk menutupi perbuatan yang lain. ###

Examples: Pandai benar orang itu BERDALIH untuk menutupi kecurangannya. = That person is very smart TO SEEK AN EXCUSE to cover his cheating. Dengan BERDALIHKAN sakit, dia tidak masuk kantor hari ini. = With his ill AS AN EXCUSE, he does not come to the office today. ###

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Word: dalil

Short Definition: (Isl.) argumentation, proposition, theorem###

English Definition: (Isl.) argumentation, proposition, theorem BER-: valid, well founded *MEN-KAN: 1. eludicate, set forth an opinion 2. defend an opinion 3. postulate PEN-: o. who argues in favor of a certain theory PEN-AN: basing o.s. on, setting forth evidence PER-AN: proof###

L2 Definition: -akali = rational argumentation -naqli= argumentation by reference to relevant passages of the Koran -lancung= (false) syllogism -Arckhimedes= Archimedes' Theorem tak BER- = groundless, unfounded###

Examples: *Al Quran MENDALILKAN kedamaian dan kesatuan umat manusia = The Holy Koran POSTULATED the passages of peace for and unity of all human beings####

Word: daluwarsa

Short Definition: 1. overdue, expired. 2. expiration date. KE-: expired, too old.

English Definition: 1. overdue, expired. 2. expiration date. KE-: expired, too old. ###

L2 Definition: Sudah ketinggalan jaman; sudah tidak berlaku lagi; sudah lebih dari waktu yang ditetapkan. ###

Examples: Obat yang sudah KEDALUWARSA bisa berbahaya kalau dimakan. = An EXPIRED medicine can be dangerous if it swallowed. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dam

Short Definition: ###

English Definition: see dam1 see dam2 see dam3 see dam4

Examples: ###

Word: dam1

Short Definition: checkers###

English Definition: checkered (design)### see dam2 see dam3 see dam4

Examples: ###

Word: dam2

Short Definition: echod sound###

English Definition: sound of thrump of drum###

Examples: ####

Word: dam3

Short Definition: greedy###

English Definition: (Ch) greedy, gluttonous###

Examples: ####

Word: dam4

Short Definition: dam###

English Definition: dam###

Examples: ###

Word: damai

Short Definition: peace, tranquillity. BER-: be peaceful, be on good terms. Also KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^peace, tranquillity. *BER-: be peaceful, be on good terms. *KE--AN: peacefulness, tranquillity. *PER--AN: peace, reconciliation. ###

L2 Definition: Tenteram; tidak kacau. ###

Examples: Setelah berseteru selama bertahun-tahun akhirnya mereka BERDAMAI. = After being enemies for all those years, in the end they were ON PEACEFUL TERMS. Suasana KEDAMAIAN ini tidak akan berlangsung lama. = This PEACEFUL atmosphere will not last for long. PERDAMAIAN antara Palestina dan Israel baru saja ditandatangani. = The RECONCILIATION between Palestine and Israel was only just signed. ###

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Word: damak

Short Definition: blowpipe dart###

English Definition: blowpipe dart###

Examples: ####

Word: damar

Short Definition: resin, oil lamp###

English Definition: 1. resin of certain trees collected as an article of trade 2. use resin 3. oil lamp BER-: 1. collect resin, use resin *MEN-: collect resin MEN-I: apply resin to s.t. 2. illuminate PEN-: resin collectors PEN-AN: 1. forest area with a concentration of resin bearing trees 2. resin collecting 3. torch or taper using resin fuel.###

Examples: Di beberapa hutan tropik, kita dapat menyaksikan penduduk MENDAMAR pada pagi hari = In some tropical forest, we can see people COLLECT RESIN early morning###

Word: damba

Short Definition: long, yearn. MEN--KAN: long for, crave. KE--AN: longing, yearning. Also -AN.

English Definition: long, yearn. MEN--KAN: long for, crave. KE--AN: longing, yearning. -AN: s.t. longed for. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat ingin; benar-benar merindukan; mengidamkan. ###

Examples: Saya hanya MENDAMBAKAN hidup yang tentram. = I just LONG FOR a peaceful life. Kecantikannya adalah KEDAMBAAN semua gadis. = Her beauty is the YEARNING of all girls. Sepeda motor inilah DAMBAANku selama ini. = This motorcycle that I LONGED FOR ever since. ###

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Word: dampak

Short Definition: impact###

English Definition: *BER-: impact, affect MEN-: bump into, collide with###

Examples: *Memanjakan anak kecil akan BERDAMPAK buruk pada karakternya = Spoiling a little kid will affect negatively on his/her characters.###

Word: dampar

Short Definition: cast, break###

English Definition: MEN-: 1. cast s.t. ashore 2. break MEN-KAN: 1. wash ashore, cause to go around 2. beach *TER-: 1. gone around, cast ashore 2. dumped off at, located at.###

Examples: *Kapal nelayan itu TERDAMPAR di pulau kecil tak bernama = A fisherman's ship was dumped off at a small unknown island.###

Word: damping

Short Definition: close, near###

English Definition: close, near SE -- (2)NYA = most close related or located *BER--(AN) = contigous, side by side *MEN--I = 1. accompany 2. flank, stand beside MEN--KAN = move s.t. or s.o. close KE--AN = closeness PEN-- = associate PEN--AN = assistence###

Examples: *Mereka duduk BERDAMPINGAN = They sat SIDE BY SIDE. **Ardi MENDAMPINGI adiknya pada acara wisuda = Ardi ACCOMPANIED his younger brother in his graduation ceremony.###

Word: damprat

Short Definition: abuse, scolding###

English Definition: *MEN-: verbally abuse, scolding MEN-(I)= verbally abuse MEN-KAN= pour (o.'s anger, bitterness, etc.) out -AN: scolding, verbal abuse###

Examples: *Pak Kardi selalu MENDAMPRAT pekerjanya jika mereka ketahuan terlambat = Mr. Kardi always VERBALLY ABUSED his workers if they were late.###


Short Definition: acronym for state-run bus company

Word: dan

Short Definition: and.

English Definition: *and. ###

L2 Definition: Kata penghubung antara satu hal pada hal yang lain. ###

Examples: Ternyata kau DAN aku masih bersaudara. = Apparently you AND I are still family. ###

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Word: dana

Short Definition: donation; fund, reserve of money. BER-: to donate. Also KE--AN, PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^1 donation. 2 fund, reserve of money. BER-: to donate. KE--AN: matters pertaining to funding. PEN--AN: funding. ###

L2 Definition: Uang yang disediakan untuk sesuatu hal; derma/pemberian; bantuan keuangan. ###

Examples: Saat ini organisasi itu tidak BERDANA sama sekali. = This time that organization has no FUND at all. PENDANAAN proyek ini akan disediakan oleh pihak swasta. = FUNDING for this project will be provided by private party. ###

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Word: danau

Short Definition: lake.

English Definition: lake. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dandan

Short Definition: get dressed up. -AN: clothes.

English Definition: get dressed up. -AN: clothes. ###

L2 Definition: Memakai pakaian serta perhiasan; memakai alat-alat rias wajah. ###

Examples: DANDANAN kain dan kebaya sangat cocok untuknya. = (Wearing) the batik skirt and traditional blouse OUTFIT suits her very well. ###

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Word: dangdut

Short Definition: a kind of folk music in Indonesia

English Definition: 1. A very popular kind of music with strong beat of drums and traditional suling (bamboo flute). 2. BER-- : dance to such music. 3. N-- : Javanese way to say dancing with dangdut music.

L2 Definition: sejenis musik yang sangat digemari di Indonesia. Musik ini menggunakan gendang dan suling bambu.

Examples: Pada malam minggu, banyak orang BERDANGDUT di pasar malam = On Saturday night, many people DANCED WITH DANGDUT MUSIC at the night Fair. Saya mau pergi NDANGDUT malam ini di acara perkawinan teman saya = I am going to DANCE WITH DANGDUT MUSIC at my friend's wedding tonight. ###

Word: dangkal

Short Definition: shallow; superficial (of knowledge, etc.). KE--AN: shallowness. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^*1 shallow. 2 superficial (of knowledge, etc.). *KE--AN: shallowness. -AN: shoal, shallows. ###

L2 Definition: tidak dalam. ###

Examples: Sungai ini DANGKAL sekali. = This river is very SHALLOW. KEDANGKALAN pendapatmu membuatmu kelihatan bodoh. = The SHALLOWNESS of your views makes you look stupid. ###

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Word: dansa

Short Definition: Western style dancing. BER-: dance. MEN--KAN: dance a certain k.o. dance.

English Definition: ^Western style dancing. BER-: dance. MEN--KAN: dance a certain k.o. dance.###

L2 Definition: Tari cara barat. ###

Examples: Kulihat banyak muda-mudi BERDANSA di jalanan. = I see many young people DANCE in the street. Aku sudah bosan MENDANSAKAN tarian itu. = I tired of DANCING the dance. ###

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Word: dapat

Short Definition: can, be able; may; get, obtain; be obtained, found. Also MEN-, MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 can, be able. 2 may. 3 get, obtain. 4 be obtained, found. MEN-: 1 get, receive. 2 find, come across. 3 meet, see. MEN--KAN: 1 procure, obtain. 2 discover, invent. *PEN-: opinion, judgement. *BERPEN-: be of a certain opinion. *PEN--AN: income, earnings. ###

L2 Definition: bisa melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Saya MENDAPAT firasat dari mimpi tadi malam. = I GOT a presentiment from a dream last night. Siapapun boleh BERPENDAPAT dalam forum ini. = Everyone is allowed to HAVE AN OPINION in this forum. PENDAPATANku selama ini habis untuk berfoya-foya. = Your INCOME for all this time was exhausted in extravagance. ###

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Word: dapet

Short Definition: see DAPAT.

English Definition: see DAPAT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: dapur

Short Definition: kitchen.

English Definition: kitchen. (the picture shows one of the simpler and more traditional types of kitchen to be found in Indonesia.)###

Examples: Ibu memasak di DAPUR. = Mother cooks in the KITCHEN. ###

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Word: dara

Short Definition: maiden.

English Definition: maiden. ###

L2 Definition: Perempuan muda yang belum kawin; gadis; perawan. ###

Examples: Tiga DARA itu manis-manis semua. = Those three MAIDENS are all very sweet. ###

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Word: darah

Short Definition: blood. BER-: bleed. PEN--AN: hemorrhaging.

English Definition: blood. *BER-: bleed. *PEN--AN: hemorrhaging. *--DAGING: be a blood relative; be thoroughly inculcated. *MEN--DAGINGKAN: make part and parcel of. ###

L2 Definition: Cairan terdiri atas plasma dan sel-sel merah dan putih. ###

Examples: Pembunuh itu sangat BERDARAH dingin. = That assassin is very COLD-BLOODED. PENDARAHAN akibat luka ini tidak cepat berhenti. = The BLEEDING from this wound didn't stop quickly. ###

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Word: daras

Short Definition: MEN-: (Isl.) recite the Koran###

English Definition: *MEN-: 1. (Isl.) recite the Koran 2. studying, investigate deeply PEN-AN: 1. study 2. reading of the Koran ###

Examples: *Wandy MENDARAS Al-Quran dengan indah = Wandy RECITED THE KORAN beautifully.###

Word: darat

Short Definition: land, shore; upland. -AN: mainland. Also MEN-, PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^*1 land, shore. 2 upland. MEN-: 1 to land, reach the shore. 2 to go inland. *-AN: mainland. PEN--AN: 1 landing, disembarkation. 2 dock, pier. ###

L2 Definition: Tanah atau tempat yang tidak ada air atau lautnya. ###

Examples: Mustahil kalau ikan bisa hidup di DARAT. = It is impossible for a fish to live on LAND. Luas DARATAN Indonesia lebih kecil daripada luas lautnya. = The area of the LAND in Indonesia is smaller than the area of ocean. ###

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Word: dari

Short Definition: from; starting at, from.

English Definition: ^*1 from. 2 starting at, from. ###

L2 Definition: Kata depan yang menyatakan suatu permulaan. ###

Examples: DARI mula memang sudah kuketahui akan begini jadinya. = FROM the start I already knew it would turn out like this. ###

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Word: daripada

Short Definition: 1.[Lit.] from. 2.than. 3. better than

English Definition: 1.[Lit.] from. 2.than. 3. better than.

Examples: Baju ini dibuat DARIPADA sutra = This dress is made FROM silk. Ani lebih tinggi DARIPADA Susi = Ani is taller THAN Susi. Saya lebih suka buah durian DARIPADA buah nangka = I like durian BETTER THAN jackfruit.###

Word: darma

Short Definition: (Lit.) 1. duty, obligation 2. service, good deed###

English Definition: (Lit.) 1. duty, obligation 2. service, good deed *MEN-: give away something or do such duties voluntarily ###

Examples: *Pak Ali MENDARMA sebagai guru selama dua puluh tahun = Mr. Ali HAD WORKED as a teacher for twenty years.###

Word: darmabakti

Short Definition: volunteer work, service of value to the state###

English Definition: *BER-: perform a volunteer service MEN-KAN: give o.'s service to a cause, devote o.'s work or thoughts to the nation###

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Setiap hari Minggu kami BERDARMABAKTI ke panti jompo = Every Sunday we PERFORM A VOLUNTEER SERVICE to a nursing house.###

Word: darmasiswa

Short Definition: (Lit.) student scholarship, fellowship###

English Definition: (Lit.) student scholarship, fellowship###

Examples: Heru menerima DARMASISWA dari Yayasan Obor = Heru recieved a SCHOLARSHIP from Obor Foundation.###

Word: darmatamu

Short Definition: (Lit.) leadership grant###

English Definition: (Lit.) leadership grant###

Examples: Mutiara dianugrahkan DARMATAMU oleh direktur perusahaan tempat dia bekerja = Mutiara was awarded A LEADERSHIP GRANT by the director of the company where she worked.###

Word: darmawisata

Short Definition: 1. excursion, outing 2. field trip###

English Definition: 1. excursion, outing 2. field trip BER-: go on an excursion###

Examples: Beberapa mahasiswa Northern Illinois University BERDAMAWISATA di Bali = Several students of Northern Illinois University WENT ON AN EXCURSION to Bali.###

Word: darurat

Short Definition: emergency.

English Definition: emergency. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bersifat seterusnya; sementara. ###

Examples: Sekolah ini akan dipakai sebagai tempat DARURAT bagi korban kebanjiran. = This school will be used for an EMERGENCY shelter for the flood victims. ###

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Word: dasadarma

Short Definition: the 10 duties of Indonesian Girl/Boy Scouts###

English Definition: the 10 duties of Indonesian Girl/Boy Scouts###

Examples: Setiap anggota Pramuka diwajibkan mengetahui DASADARMA Pramuka = Every member of Indonesian Girl/Boy Scouts is obligated to know the 10 DUTIES OF INDONESIAN GIRL/BOY SCOUTS.###

Word: dasalomba

Short Definition: decathlon###

English Definition: decathlon###

Examples: Amir Sirajuddin adalah atlet DASALOMBA = Amir Sirajuddin is a DECATHLON athlete###

Word: dasar

Short Definition: base; to act in character with o.'s type; background. Also BER--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 base, foundation. 2 (so and so) is like that because that is the way people of his or her type usually are. 3 background. *BER-KAN: be based on. *MEN-: 1 be basic, going on the basis of. 2 display, spread out (goods, etc.). MEN--KAN: base s.t. on s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian yang terbawah atau terpokok. ###

Examples: BERDASARKAN penelitian ini desa itu termasuk daerah makmur. = BASED UPON this research, that village is included as a prosperous area. Agama adalah prinsip saya yang MENDASAR. = Religion is my BASIC principle. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dasasila

Short Definition: the Ten Commandments###

English Definition: the Ten Commandments###

Examples: ###

Word: dasawarsa

Short Definition: decade.

English Definition: decade. ###

Examples: Perusahaan ini didirikan lima DASAWARSA yang lalu. = This company was founded five DECADES ago. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dasi

Short Definition: necktie.

English Definition: necktie. ###

L2 Definition: Hiasan yang digantungkan di leher untuk pakaian formal bagi lelaki. ###

Examples: Dengan DASI ini kamu kelihatan lebih gagah. = With this NECKTIE you look more handsome. ###

Hear This Word

Word: daster

Short Definition: 1. house dress, lounging gown 2. doctor's lab coat###

English Definition: 1. house dress, lounging gown 2. doctor's lab coat###

Examples: Saya senang mengenakan DASTER di rumah = I like to wear a LOUNGING GOWN at home.###

Word: data

Short Definition: fact, datum. DATA-DATA = data.

English Definition: fact, datum. DATA-DATA = data. ###

Hear This Word

Word: datang

Short Definition: come, arrive. MEN-: arrive, come; upcoming; occur, happen. Also MEN-, +

English Definition: ^come, arrive. *MEN-: 1 arrive, come. 2 upcoming. 3 occur, happen. *MEN--I: visit, pay a call. *MEN--KAN: 1 cause to be brought in, import. 2 bring about, cause. *KE--AN: 1 arrival. 2 to be unexpectedly visited by s.o. ###

L2 Definition: Tiba dari suatu tempat lain. ###

Examples: Bab III harus saya pelajari untuk ujian MENDATANG. = I must study chapter III for the UPCOMING exam. Saya akan MENDATANGI rumah-rumah jompo. = I am going to VISIT senior citizens' homes. Kebun binatang ini MENDATANGKAN beruang putih dari Alaska. = This zoo BROUGHT IN a white bear from Alaska. Kami KEDATANGAN banyak tamu di hari libur ini. = We were UNEXPECTEDLY VISITED by many visitors on this vacation day. ###

Hear This Word

Word: datar

Short Definition: flat, smooth, even. MEN-: be level or horizontal. Also MEN--KAN, KE--AN, -AN.

English Definition: ^flat, smooth, even. MEN-: be level or horizontal. MEN--KAN: make level or smooth. KE--AN: evenness, smoothness. -AN: plain, level land. ###

L2 Definition: Permukaan yang rata; tidak turun naik; tidak tinggi tendah. ###

Examples: Pertama-tama kita harus menarik garis MENDATAR. = Firstly, we must draw a HORIZONTAL line. Para pekerja itu sedang MENDATARKAN jalanan yang bergelombang. = Those workers are LEVELING OFF the waving road. Desaku merupakan DATARAN rendah yang dekat dengan laut. = My village is a low PLAIN which is near the sea. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dateng

Short Definition: see DATANG.

English Definition: see DATANG. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: datu

Short Definition: title of headman in some regions in Indonesia###

English Definition: title of headman in some regions in Indonesia###

Examples: ###

Word: datuk

Short Definition: oldest man in a family clan; title for men in a high social position.

English Definition: ^1 oldest man in a family clan. 2 title for men in a high social position. ###

L2 Definition: Gelar kehormatan bagi orang yang dituakan. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dauk

Short Definition: gray, roan###

English Definition: gray, roan###

Examples: ###

Word: daulat

Short Definition: good fortune. BER-: sovereign, independent; become prominent. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^good fortune. BER-: 1 sovereign, independent. 2 become prominent. KE--AN: sovereignty.

L2 Definition: bahagia; kekuasaan; pemerintahan. ###

Examples: Indonesia adalah negara yang BERDAULAT. = Indonesia is a SOVEREIGN state. KEDAULATAN rakyat adalah inti demokrasi. = The SOVEREIGNTY of the people is the core of democracy. ###

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Word: daun

Short Definition: leaf.

English Definition: leaf. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian dari pohon yang bertugas menghasilkan sari makanan. ###

Examples: Saya heran pohon yang tidak BERDAUN itu bisa tetap hidup. = I am amazed that the LEAFless tree could still be alive. ###

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Word: daun bawang

Short Definition: green onion###

English Definition: green onion###

Examples: Saya senang mencampur DAUN BAWANG pada sop = I like to put GREEN ONION in my sup.###

Word: daur

Short Definition: 1. cycle (of years) 2. rotation###

English Definition: ^1. cycle (of years) 2. rotation###

Examples: ###

Word: dawai

Short Definition: fine wire, -2 strings (for musical instruments)###

English Definition: ^fine wire, -2 strings (for musical instruments)###

Examples: Iwan Fals memainkan DAWAI-DAWAI gitarnya dengan indah = Iwan Fals played his guitar STRINGS beautifully.###

Word: dawat

Short Definition: ink###

English Definition: ink###

Examples: Pada zaman dahulu orang-orang di kampungku membuat DAWAK dari dedaunan = In the past, people in my village made INK from leaves.###

Word: dawet

Short Definition: cold drink made from rice or arrowroot, flour, coconut milk, and palm sugar###

English Definition: cold drink made from rice or arrowroot, flour, coconut milk, and palm sugar###

Examples: ###

Word: dawuh

Short Definition: (Jv) order, command###

English Definition: ^(Jv) order, command###

Examples: ###

Word: daya

Short Definition: power, energy, capacity; effort. BER-: to be powerful, capable.

English Definition: ^1 power, energy, capacity. 2 effort. BER-: to be powerful, capable. PEMBER-: empowerment. ### see daya 2

L2 Definition: tenaga; kekuatan. ###

Examples: Dia sudah tidak BERDAYA lagi untuk mempertahankan hidupnya. = He does not have anymore ENERGY to sustain his life. PEMBERDAYAAN masyarakat adalah tujuan pembangunan. = The EMPOWERMENT of the society is the goal of development. ###

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Word: daya2

Short Definition: trick, ruse###

English Definition: ^trick, ruse MEN-(KAN): deceive, trick *MEMPER-(KAN): deceive, trick TEPER-: deceived, taken in PEN-AN: 1. deceit, trick 2. way out, expedient PER-AN: ruse, strategem###

Examples: *Probowo MEMPERDAYAKAN penduduk di Timor Timur = Prabowo DECEIVED people of East Timor.###

Word: Dayak

Short Definition: 1. native ethnic groups of Kalimantan 2. (Coll.) American Indian###

English Definition: ^1. native ethnic groups of Kalimantan 2. (Coll.) American Indian###

Examples: Penduduk asli Kalimantan, DAYAK, semakin berkurang jumlahnya = The population of DAYAK, native ethnic groups of Kalimantan, has decreased.###

Word: dayang

Short Definition: lady-in-waiting###

English Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Word: dayung

Short Definition: MEN-: to row a boat, paddle.

English Definition: MEN-: to row a boat, paddle. ###

Examples: Dengan susah payah akhirnya kami dapat MENDAYUNG melawan arus sungai yang deras = With lots of trouble, we finally were able to ROW against the strong current ###

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Word: debar

Short Definition: sensation of pulse beat. BER-: throb, beat, pulsate. Also BER-_-_-AN, +

English Definition: ^sensation of pulse beat. *BER-: throb, beat, pulsate. BER-_-_-AN: pound, beat, rapidly. *MEN--KAN: make the heart beat rapidly. *-AN: pulse. PER--AN: pulsating, palpitating. ###

L2 Definition: Berdenyut lebih cepat dari biasanya. ###

Examples: Berita kematiannya membuat jantungku BERDEBAR . = News of the death made my heart TROB. DEBARAN jantung bayi ini tidak normal. = The PULSE of this baby is not normal. Film horor ini ngeri sekali MENDEBARKAN hati penonton. = This horror film is very creepy and MAKES THE HEARTS of the viewers BEAT RAPIDLY. ###

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Word: debat

Short Definition: debate.

English Definition: debate. ###

L2 Definition: Pertukaran pikiran dengan masing-masing alasan. ###

Examples: Seminar itu sudah menjadi ajang DEBAT yang tidak bermutu lagi. = The seminar has become an arena of no quality DEBATE. ###

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Word: debu

Short Definition: dust. BER-: dusty.

English Definition: dust. BER-: dusty. ###

L2 Definition: Kotoran yang sangat kecil/lembut. ###

Examples: Meja in sangat BERDEBU. = This table is very DUSTY. ###

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Word: decak

Short Definition: clicking sound, usually as made with the tongue. BER-: to make such a sound.

English Definition: ^a clicking sound, usually as made by the tongue to express surprise or astonishment. BER-: to make such a clicking sound. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh lidah karena rasa kekaguman atau kejutan. ###

Examples: Lidahnya BERDECAK-DECAK ketika melihat pesawat tempur yang canggih. = His tongue made CLICKING SOUNDS when he saw that sophisticated combat airplane. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dedak

Short Definition: mixture of rice and bran###

English Definition: mixture of rice and bran, by-product of milling used as animal feed.###

Examples: Peternak membuat DEDAK untuk makanan kuda = Breeders make a MIXTURE OF RICE AND BRAND for horse food.###

Word: degung

Short Definition: 1. sound of gong 2 (Sd.) gamelan###

English Definition: 1. sound of gong 2 (Sd.) gamelan###

Examples: DEGUNG gong itu menyakitkan telingaku = THE SOUND OF THE GONG hurt my ears.###

Word: degup

Short Definition: sound of gulp###

English Definition: sound of gulp BER-, MEN-(2): 1. make a gulping sound 2. beat, pound MEN-KAN: exciting, cause to beat###

Examples: Jantungku BERDEGUP lebih kencang = My heart BEAT faster.###

Word: degur

Short Definition: sound of surf###

English Definition: sound of surf BER-: make the sound of surf###

Examples: ###

Word: deham

Short Definition: or dehem: clearing of throat###

English Definition: *or dehem: clearing of throat BER-, MEN-: cough slightly, clear throat (often to signal o.'s presence) MEN-I: hint, give s.o. a signal by clearing the throat###

Examples: *Sedari tadi Andi MENDEHAM = Andi has been COUGHING SLIGHTLY.###

Word: dehidrasi

Short Definition: dehydration###

English Definition: MEN-: dehydrate###

Examples: ###

Word: dekam

Short Definition: be in crouching position (of cat, etc)###

English Definition: be in crouching position (of cat, etc) *MEN-, BER-: 1. be in crouching position (of cat, etc.) 2. be cooped up 3. be incarcerated###

Examples: *Muchtar Pakpahan MENDEKAM dalam penjara selama tiga tahun = Muchtar Pakpahan HAD BEEN INCARCERATED in jail for about three years.###

Word: dekan

Short Definition: dekan1= bamboo rat; dekan2= (Acad.) dean###

English Definition: dekan1= bamboo rat; *dekan2= (Acad.) dean MEN-I: be the dean of a certain faculty###

L2 Definition: dekan2= dekan ahli: academic dean dekan fakultas: dean of the faculty###

Examples: *Mappa Nasrun adalah DEKAN Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Hasanuddin periode 1994-1998 = Mappa Nasrun was the DEAN of Social and Political Science Department, Hasanuddin University, in 1994-1998.###

Word: dekap

Short Definition: dekap1 = MEN-: to embrace, hug. dekap2= near dekap3= noise of heartbeat###

English Definition: dekap1= *MEN-: to embrace, hug. dekap2 = near ### MEN-: 1. be near 2. be situated MEMPER-KAN: bring near, reconcile dekap3 = noise of a heartbeat BER-: beat (of heart)

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Mutiara MENDEKAP ibunya dengan sayang = Mutiara HUGGED her mother lovingly.###

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Word: dekar

Short Definition: MEN-: to fight with a sword. PEN-: swordmaster, champion.

English Definition: ^MEN-: to fight with a sword. PEN-: swordmaster, champion. ###

L2 Definition: Perkelahian dengan pedang. ###

Examples: Ini adalah cerita tentang seorang PENDEKAR dari Sulawesi. = This is a story about a SWORDMASTER from Sulawesi. Ia adalah seorang PENDEKAR hak-hak asasi manusia. = He is a CHAMPION of human rights. ###

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Word: dekat

Short Definition: near, close by. MEN-: draw near to, approach. Also MEN--I, MEN--KAN.

English Definition: ^near, close by. BER--AN: be adjacent. *MEN-: draw near to, approach. *MEN--I: approach s.t. or s.o. *MEN--KAN: bring s.t. close to s.t. else. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak jauh. ###

Examples: Jangan MENDEKAT! Monyet itu akan mengamuk. = Don't COME NEAR! That monkey will go berserk. Supaya bisa melihat dengan jelas, saya akan MENDEKATI jendela. = To be able to see clearly, I will APPROACH the window. Sesudah insyaf dia sekarang selalu MENDEKATKAN diri kepada Tuhan. = Once she was enlightened, she always BROUGHT herself NEAR to God. ###

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Word: dekih

Short Definition: sound of a chuckle###

English Definition: sound of a chuckle MEN-(2), TER-(2): chuckle, chortle###

Examples: ###

Word: dekik

Short Definition: small indentation###

English Definition: small indentation, dimple (on the cheeks)###

L2 Definition: dekik pipi = dimple###

Examples: Mutiara mempunyai DEKIK di kedua pipinya = Mutiara has DIMPLES.###

Word: dekil

Short Definition: caked with dirt###

English Definition: caked with dirt, clumsy###

Examples: Endang nampak sangat DEKIL = Endang looks very CLUMSY.###

Word: deklamasi

Short Definition: formal stylized recitation of poetry

English Definition: BER- = engage in formalized poetry recitation. MEN-KAN = recite literature in a formal style. PEN-AN = act of declaiming

Examples: Adi sangat pandai BERDEKLAMASI puisi = Adi is very good at poetry recitation. Dia MENDEKLAMASIKAN puisi itu dengan penuh semangat = He recited the poetry with full enthusiasm. PENDEKLAMASIAN pernyataan itu diawali dengan pembacaan doa bersama = The declaration of the the statement was preceeded by the reading of a prayer.

Word: deklarasi

Short Definition: declaration.

English Definition: declaration. ###

L2 Definition: Pernyataan yang ringkas dan jelas. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dekorasi

Short Definition: decoration.

English Definition: decoration. ###

L2 Definition: hiasan. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dekus

Short Definition: hissing or snorting sound.

English Definition: ^hissing or snorting sound. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi nafas yang mengembus-embus seperti kucing; dengus. ###

Examples: Karena membaui ikan kering kucing itu MENDEKUS-DEKUS terus. = Because it smells fried fish, the cat keeps HISSING.###

Hear This Word

Word: delapan

Short Definition: eight.

English Definition: *eight. ###

L2 Definition: 8. ###

Examples: Tujuh ditambah satu adalah DELAPAN. = Seven plus one is EIGHT. ###

Hear This Word

Word: delegasi

Short Definition: delegation.

English Definition: delegation. ###

Hear This Word

Word: deligir

Short Definition: MEN-: delegate (power)###

English Definition: MEN-: delegate (power)###

Examples: Habibie MENDELIGIR tugas kenegaraan kepada menteri-menteri = Habibie DELEGATES governmental duties to miniters.####

Word: delik

Short Definition: wide-open (of eyes)###

English Definition: wide-open (of eyes), 2. offense *MEN-: glare at MEN-I: glare at###

Examples: *Notrida MENDELIK kepada Adi = Notrida GLARES AT Adi.###

Word: delima

Short Definition: pomegranate###

English Definition: pomegranate###

Examples: ###

Word: delman

Short Definition: horse drawn vehicle.

English Definition: horse drawn vehicle. ###

Hear This Word

Word: demam

Short Definition: fever. BER-: to have a fever.

English Definition: fever. BER-: to have a fever. ###

L2 Definition: Panas badan yang lebih dari biasanya; tergila-gila. ###

Examples: Anakku mengalami DEMAM selama dua hari. = My son was having a FEVER for two days. Anak muda sekarang sedang DEMAM musik dangdut. = Young people is now having a fever for dangdut music.###

Hear This Word

Word: deman

Short Definition: like, be fond of

English Definition: like, be fond of, prefer

L2 Definition: suka, gemar, senang akan sesuatu

Examples: Saya DEMAN buah durian = I LIKE to eat Durian.###

Word: dembun

Short Definition: sound of heavy object falling with a thud, bang.

English Definition: sound of heavy object falling a thud, bang. ###

Hear This Word

Word: demi

Short Definition: see DEMI1 (for the sake of . . .) or DEMI2 (as soon as . . .).

English Definition: see DEMI1 (for the sake of . . .) DEMI2 (as soon as . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: demi1

Short Definition: for the sake of; by (in oaths).

English Definition: ^*1 for the sake of. 2 by (in oaths). ###

L2 Definition: +Untuk (kepentingan seseorang/sesuatu). +Atas nama. +Sebagai/seperti. ###

Examples: +Hentikan kebiasaan merokokmu DEMI kesehatanmu. = Stop your smoking habit FOR THE SAKE OF your health. +DEMI Allah dan rasul-Nya saya tidak melakukan hal itu. = BY God and His messenger I will not do that thing. ###

Hear This Word

Word: demi2

Short Definition: (immediately) after, by (one by one, two by two, etc.); as soon as.

English Definition: ^*1 (immediately) after, by (one by one, two by two, etc.). 2 as soon as. ###

L2 Definition: tatkala.###

Examples: Satu DEMI satu para tamu memberi selamat kepada kedua mempelai. = One BY one the visitors congratulated the two newlyweds. Ia berteriak kegirangan DEMI membaca namanya tercantum di papan pengumuman. = She shouted with joy AS SOON AS she read her name on the announcement. ###

Hear This Word

Word: demikian

Short Definition: such; thus, such was the case. SE-: of this sort, of that sort.

English Definition: ^*1 such. 2 thus, such was the case. *SE-: of this sort, of that sort. ###

L2 Definition: Begitu/begini. ###

Examples: DEMIKIANLAH akhir cerita ini. = SUCH is the end of this story. SEDEMIKIAN kejamnya kau perlakukan pembantumu. = You treat your helper in SUCH A harsh MANNER. ###

Hear This Word

Word: demisioner

Short Definition: MEN-KAN: (Pol) 1. ask for the resignation od a cabinet 2. strip (of authority, p

English Definition: *MEN-KAN: (Pol) 1. ask for the resignation of a cabinet 2. strip (of authority, power) PEN-AN: dissolution of cabinet, stripping of authority###

Examples: *Suharto MENDEMISIONERKAN kabinet Orde Baru pada tanggal 21 Mei 1998 = Suharto ASKED FOR THE RESIGNATION OF the New Order cabinet on May 21, 1998.###

Word: demokrasi

Short Definition: democracy.

English Definition: democracy. ###

L2 Definition: Pemerintahan yang kekuasaan tertingginya ada di tangan rakyat. ###

Hear This Word

Word: demonstrasi

Short Definition: demonstration.

English Definition: demonstration. ###

L2 Definition: Pertunjukan mengenai cara melakukan sesuatu; unjuk rasa. ###

Examples: DEMONSTRASI para buruh itu bertujuan menuntut kenaikan upah kerja. = The DEMONSTRATION of those laborers had the goal of demanding a raise of their wages. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dempul

Short Definition: glazier's putty, boat caulking

English Definition: glazier's putty, boat caulking. *MEN--: apply putty or caulking.##

Examples: ###

Word: denah

Short Definition: sketch, blueprint, ground plan

English Definition: sketch, blueprint, ground plan

Examples: Kami meminta Sukri untuk membuah DENAH rumah kami yang baru = We asked Sukri to draw the BLUEPRINT for our new house.###

Word: denda

Short Definition: a punitive fine. MEN-: to levy a fine on s.o.

English Definition: a punitive fine. MEN-: to levy a fine on s.o. ###

L2 Definition: Hukuman dalam bentuk penyerahan uang karena suatu pelanggaran. ###

Examples: Bank akan MENDENDA siapa saja yang menunggak hutang. = The bank will FINE anyone who is in arrears. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dendam

Short Definition: revenge, vengence, grudge. KE--AN: resentment. Also PEN-.

English Definition: revenge, vengence, grudge. KE--AN: resentment. PEN-: a vengeful person, s.o. bearing a grudge. ###

L2 Definition: Keinginan untuk membalas, biasanya suatu kejahatan. ###

Examples: Rasa DENDAM pada musuh bebuyutannya dibawanya sampai mati. = He kept his GRUDGE to his archenemy until he died. Tidak biasanya dia menjadi sangat PENDENDAM begitu. = It is unsual for him to be such VENGEFUL. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dendeng

Short Definition: jerked meat.

English Definition: jerked meat. ###

L2 Definition: Daging yang diiris tipis-tipis, diberi bumbu, kemudian dikeringkan. ###

Examples: DENDENG termasuk barang larangan untuk dibawa masuk ke Amerika. = JERK MEAT is included as prohibited goods to be brought into the United States. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dengan

Short Definition: with, accompanying; and; by, by means of; by way of; in the manner of.

English Definition: ^*1 with, accompanying. 2 and. 3 by, by means of. 4 by way of. 5 in the manner of. ###

L2 Definition: Beserta/bersama-sama. Dan. ###

Examples: DENGAN DEMIKIAN selesailah perkara ini. = IN THAT MANNER this matter ended. Saya pergi ke lapangan tenis DENGAN teman-teman. = I went to the tennis courts WITH some friends. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dengar

Short Definition: hear. MEN-: hear. MEN--KAN: listen to. Also MEMPER--KAN, TER-, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^hear. *MEN-: hear. *MEN--KAN: listen to. MEMPER--KAN: 1 let s.t. be heard or listened to. *TER-: heard, audible. *KE--AN: 1 can be heard. 2 sounds, seems, strikes o. as. *PEN-: listeners, hearers. PEN--AN: sense of hearing. ###

L2 Definition: Dapat menangkap suara. Mendapat kabar. ###

Examples: Mereka sedang MENDENGARKAN radio. = They are LISTENING to a radio. Saya MENDENGAR kabar itu dari keponakan saya. = I HEARD that news from my niece. Saya kaget ketika TERDENGAR bunyi tembakan meriam. = I was startled when I HEARD the sound of machine-gun fire. Aksen bicaramu KEDENGARAN aneh di telingaku. = The accent of your speech SOUNDS strange to my ear. Pidatomu membuat semua PENDENGAR terharu. = Your speech made all of the LISTENERS be moved. ###

Hear This Word

Word: denger

Short Definition: see DENGAR.

English Definition: see DENGAR.

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: dengki

Short Definition: envy

English Definition: envy, spite BER- to be full of hatred and envy MEN- envy, be jealous of someone KE- -AN spite, spitefulness jealousy PEN- one who is spiteful ###

Word: dengkul

Short Definition: [Java, Jkt.] knee

English Definition: [Java, Jkt.] knee *MODAL--: with only o's own strong back (or knee) to rely on

L2 Definition: lutut

Examples: Kemarin DENGKULnya luka karena terjatuh = Yesterday he hurt his KNEE after falling down. Dia berhasil menjadi pengusaha sukses walaupun pada awalnya dia hanya berMODAL DENGKUL = He can become a successful businessman although he started from NOTHING (but his own hard work).###

Word: dengkur

Short Definition: 1. snore, snoring; 2. grunt; 3. purr

English Definition: *MEN--: snore, grunt, purr *--AN: snore *PEN--: snorer

Examples: Semalam saya tidak bisa tidur karena mendengar DENGKURANmu = I could not sleep last night listening to your SNORE. Kucing itu MENDENGKUR sewaktu saya menggendongnya = The cat PURRED when I hold it. Tidak ada yang ingin tidur dengan Ali karena dia PENDENGKUR = Nobody want to sleep with Ali, he is a SNORER.###

Word: dengus

Short Definition: snort (of animals).

English Definition: snort (of animals). ###

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Word: Denpasar

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Bali in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Bali in Indonesia. ###

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Word: denyut

Short Definition: throb, beat, pulse

English Definition: BER- : beat, throb (of heart, pulse) MEN- : beat, throb -AN: beat throb (heart beat)

Examples: Kepalaku BERDENYUT karena pusing = My head is throbbing with a headache.# DENYUTAN jantungnya sangat lemah selama dia pingsan = His HEARTBEAT was very weak during his collapse.##

Word: depan

Short Definition: (in) front; ahead; next. BER-AN: face e.o. Also TER-, BER-_-_, MENGE-KAN,+

English Definition: ^*1 front, in front. 2 ahead. 3 next. BER-__-__: face-to-face. BER--AN: face each other. MENGE--KAN: 1 put in the front. 2 put forward, propose. TER-: 1 foremost, front (seat, etc.). 2 in the lead (in contests, etc.).###

L2 Definition: Muka/dimuka.###

Examples: Di DEPAN rumah ada pohon. = In FRONT of the house there is a tree. Dia berjalan di DEPAN saya. = He walked AHEAD of me (or: He walked IN FRONT of me.)###

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Word: Deparlu

Short Definition: Department of Foreign Affairs.###

English Definition: Deparlu is an abbreviation of Departemen Luar Negeri or Department of Foreign Affairs.###

Examples: Jonet bekerja di DEPARLU (Departemen Luar Negeri) = Jonet is working at DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS.###

Word: departemen

Short Definition: department.

English Definition: *department. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Saya bekerja di DEPARTEMEN pendidikan = I work in the education DEPARTMENT. ###

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Word: Depdagri

Short Definition: Department of Internal Affairs###

English Definition: Depdagri is an abbreviation of Departemen Dalam Negeri or Department of Internal Affairs###

Examples: DEPRAGRI (Departemen Dalam Negeri) memantau jalannya pemilihan umum = DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS monitors the elections.###

Word: Deperdag

Short Definition: Department of Commerce###

English Definition: Deperdag is an abbreviation of Departemen Perdagangan or Department of Commerce###

Examples: ###

Word: Depertan

Short Definition: Department of Agriculture###

English Definition: Depertan is an abbreviation of Departemen Pertanian or Department of Agriculture###

Examples: ###

Word: Depkeh

Short Definition: Department of Justice###

English Definition: Depkeh is an abbreviation of Departemen Kehakiman or Department of Justice###

Examples: ###

Word: Depkes

Short Definition: Department of Health###

English Definition: Depkes is an abbreviation of Departemen Kesehatan or Department of Health###

Examples: DEPKES (Departemen Kesehatan) menempatkan dokter-dokter muda ke desa-desa terpencil = DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH has placed young medical doctors to issolated villages.

Word: Depkeu

Short Definition: Department of Finance###

English Definition: Depkeu is an abbreviation of Departemen Keuangan or Department of Finance###

Examples: ###

Word: Depnaker

Short Definition: Department of Labor###

English Definition: Depnaker is an abbreviation of Departemen Tenaga Kerja or Department of Labor###

Examples: DEPNAKER (Departemen Tenaga Kerja) tidak mampu menyediakan informasi tentang peluang kerja = DEPARTMENT OF LABOR is not able to provide information of job opportunities.###

Word: depok

Short Definition: reside###

English Definition: ^reside * MEN-: reside PEN-AN: camp, dormitory PA-AN: residence###

Examples: *Para korban peristiwa Ambon MENDEPOK sementara di mesjid-mesjid = Ambonese victims have RESIDED temporarily in mosques.###

Word: deposito

Short Definition: [Fin.] fixed deposit, savings

English Definition: [Fin.] fixed deposit, savings *MEN--KAN: put o's money in a time certificate or fixed deposit.##

L2 Definition: tabungan

Examples: Hidup Amir hanya bergantung pada DEPOSITO uang di bank = Amir's life is now depending on his SAVINGS in the bank. Jangan lupa MENDEPOSITOKAN sebagian uang yang kamu terima itu = Do not forget to DEPOSIT some of your money.##

Word: Deptan

Short Definition: (Departemen Kehutanan) Department of Forestry.

English Definition: (Departemen Kehutanan) Deptartment of Forestry. ###

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Word: deputi

Short Definition: deputy

English Definition: deputy

Word: derai

Short Definition: sound of heavy rainfall.

English Definition: sound of heavy rainfall. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi jatuhnya air hujan yang lebat; gelak tawa yang panjang. ###

Examples: Bunyi DERAI hujan di luar menakutkanku. = The sound of the POUNDING rain outside frightens me. DERAI tawa mereka terdengar sampai sini. = The ROAR of their laughter could be heard from here. ###

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Word: derajat

Short Definition: degree (as of temperature).

English Definition: degree (as of temperature). ###

L2 Definition: Ukuran untuk suhu; tingkatan. ###

Examples: Berapa DERAJAT suhu udara hari ini? = How many DEGREES is the temperature today?###

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Word: derak

Short Definition: snapping sound.

English Definition: ^snapping sound. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi yang berkeretakan seperti pada pohon bambu yang saling bergesekan. ###

Examples: Pintu itu BERDERAK ketika dibuka. = The door makes a SNAPPING SOUND when it is opened. ###

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Word: deram

Short Definition: rumbling, roaring sound.

English Definition: rumbling, roaring sound. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi yang menderu-deru seperti pada bunyi guruh. ###

Examples: Air terjun itu jatuh BERDERAM. = The waterfall makes a ROARING SOUND.###

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Word: derang

Short Definition: clanging, jingling sound.

English Definition: clanging, jingling sound. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi seperti pada bunyi genderang. ###

Examples: Panci-panci itu jatuh BERDERANG. = The cooking utensils fall and make a CLANGING SOUND.###

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Word: derap

Short Definition: stamping, clopping sound.

English Definition: stamping, clopping sound (as of horse hoof beats, sound of one's boots when running). ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi seperti pada barisan orang yang bersepatu tentara. ###

Examples: Malam itu kudengar kuda-kuda lari BERDERAP. = That night I heard horses running with a STAMPING SOUND. ###

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Word: deras

Short Definition: swift. BER-: rush (of water). MEN-: flow rapidly; energetically. Also PEN-.

English Definition: ^swift. BER-: rush (of water). *MEN-: 1 become heavier (rain, etc.) 2 flow rapidly. 3 energetically. PEN-: accelerator. ###

L2 Definition: Sesuatu yang berjalan sangat cepat. ###

Examples: Hujannya bukannya reda malah MENDERAS. = The rain isn't letting up but BECOMING HEAVIER. ###

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Word: deret

Short Definition: row, series, line. SE-: in line with; one line of s.t. BER-, MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: 1. row, series, line; 2. (mathematical) progression. SE-: 1 in line with. 2 one line of s.t. BER-: be in rows or lines. MEN--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: line s.o. up. -AN: row, line. ###

L2 Definition: barisab; jajaran. ###

Examples: SEDERET rumah itu mewah semua. = That LINE OF houses are all luxurious. Anak-anak sekolah itu jalan BERDERET dengan rapi. = The school children walk IN ROWS neatly. Tidak satupun dari DERETAN sepatu itu yang menarik hatiku. = Not one of that rows of shoes is interesting to me. Penduduk dunia bertambah secara DERET UKUR, sementara bahan makanan bertambah secara DERET HITUNG. = World population is increasing in GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION, while food resources is increasing in ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. ###

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Word: derhaka

Short Definition: see DURHAKA.

English Definition: see DURHAKA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: derita

Short Definition: MEN-: suffer (a hardship). PEN--AN: suffering, hardship.

English Definition: MEN-: suffer (a hardship). PEN--AN: suffering, hardship. ###

L2 Definition: Kesengsaraan; kesusahan. ###

Examples: Biarpun MENDERITA dia tidak pernah mengeluh. = Although he is SUFFERING, he never complain. PENDERITAAN lahir dan batin telah kualami selama masa perang saudara. = I have experienced physical and psychological SUFFERING during the civil war. ###

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Word: derma

Short Definition: donation, alms. MEN--KAN: donate s.t. PEN-: donor. Also PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^donation, alms. MEN--KAN: donate s.t. PEN-: donor. PEN--AN: act of donation. ###

L2 Definition: Bantuan pada yang menderita/miskin. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENDERMAKAN tanah ini untuk yayasan orang-orang cacat mental. = I will DONATE this land for the foundation for the mentally handicapped. ###

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Word: dermaga

Short Definition: quay, pier###

English Definition: quay, pier###

Examples: ###

Word: dermawan

Short Definition: a donor, a philanthropist.

English Definition: a donor, a philanthropist. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang memberi bantuan. ###

Examples: Pak Rukli adalah seorang DERMAWAN. = Mr. Rukli is a PHILANTHROPIST. ###

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Word: deru

Short Definition: roaring, thundering sound. MEN-: to make a roaring, thundering sound.

English Definition: roaring, thundering sound. MEN-: to make a roaring, thundering sound. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi seperti pada suara mesin mobil/motor. ###

Examples: Bunyi sepeda motornya MENDERU-DERU menyakitkan telingaku. = The THUNDERING SOUND of his motorcycle is hurting my ears. ###

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Word: desa

Short Definition: village.

English Definition: *village. ###

L2 Definition: Daerah yang terletak di luar kota. ###

Examples: Walaupun hanya gadis DESA, dia cantik sekali. = Even though she is only a VILLAGE girl, she is very pretty. ###

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Word: desah

Short Definition: huffing, wheezing, swishing (sound).

English Definition: huffing, wheezing, swishing (sound). ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi seperti suara barang digosok. ###

Examples: DESAH nafasnya tidak teratur lagi setelah berlari begitu jauh. = The WHEEZING SOUND of his breath is not regular anymore after running that far. ###

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Word: desak

Short Definition: BER-_-_: crowd, jostle. MEN-: push, shove; urge, insist. Also MEN--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: ^BER-_-_: crowd, jostle. MEN-: 1 push, shove. 2 urge, insist. MEN--KAN: force s.t. onto s.o. -AN: push, shove. ###

L2 Definition: Penuh dengan orang/barang sehingga tempat menjadi sempit. ###

Examples: Kami duduk BERDESAK-DESAK karena kursinya tidak cukup. = We sit JOSTLING together because there is not enough chair. Ini urusan yang MENDESAK! = This is an URGENT business! DESAKAN untuk menikah dari keluarga wanita sudah tidak bisa ditolak lagi. = The PUSH to marry from the bride's family can not be refused anymore. ###

Hear This Word

Word: desar

Short Definition: to rustle, to sizzle.

English Definition: to rustle, to sizzle. ###

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Word: desas-desus

Short Definition: rumor, whispering.

English Definition: rumor, whispering. ###

L2 Definition: Berita yang tidak/belum pasti sumber dan kebenarannya; kabar angin. ###

Examples: Berita itu hanya DESAS-DESUS. = The news is just a RUMOR. ###

Hear This Word

Word: desau

Short Definition: soft rustling (sound). BER-, MEN-: make a soft rustling sound.

English Definition: soft rustling (sound). BER-, MEN-: make a soft rustling sound. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi seperti angin yang berhembus. ###

Examples: Suara biduanita itu merdu sekali seperti angin yang MENDESAU. = The voice of the singer (woman) is very sweet like the SOFT RUSTLING SOUND of the wind. ###

Hear This Word

Word: Desember

Short Definition: December.

English Definition: December. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: desis

Short Definition: hissing, sizzling sound

English Definition: BER-- : make a hissing sound MEN-- : hiss, sizzle

Examples: Ular itu mengeluarkan bunyi BERDESIS sewaktu akan memangsa tikus = The snake made a HISSING SOUND when it captured the mouse. "Jangan suka mengeluarkan suara yang MENDESIS" kata ibu pada Tommy = "Do not make a HISSING NOISE" says Ibu to Tommy. ##

Word: detak

Short Definition: beat, throb, thud.

English Definition: beat, throb, thud. ###

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Word: detar

Short Definition: the clatter of footsteps on a wooden floor.

English Definition: the clatter of footsteps on a wooden floor. ###

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Word: deteksi

Short Definition: detection, discovery.

English Definition: detection, discovery. ###

L2 Definition: Usaha untuk menemukan suatu kenyataan. ###

Examples: Alat ini berguna untuk MENDETEKSI logam. = This tool is used for DETECTING metals. ###

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Word: detektif

Short Definition: detective.

English Definition: detective.

L2 Definition: Suatu agen/seseorang yang pekerjaannya menyelidiki sesuatu (bisa dalam hal kriminalitas maupun informasi); polisi rahasia. ###

Hear This Word

Word: detel

Short Definition: detail. MEN-: going into detail.

English Definition: detail. MEN-: going into detail.###

L2 Definition: Secara terperinci; bagian yang kecil-kecil. ###

Examples: Pertanyaan-pertanyaan para siswa sangat bagus dan MENDETEL. = The student questions are very good and detailed. ###

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Word: detik

Short Definition: 1. sound of ticking (of clock). 2. second (measurement of time).

English Definition: 1. sound of ticking (of clock). 2. second (measurement of time). SE-: a moment, momentary. ###

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Word: devisa

Short Definition: foreign exchange.

English Definition: foreign exchange. ###

L2 Definition: *Alat pembayaran luar negeri yang dapat diuangkan dengan uang luar negeri. ###

Examples: Kopi sebagai hasil bumi bisa mendatangkan DEVISA yang besar bagi negara. = Coffee as a crop can bring in a large amount of FOREIGN EXCHANGE for the state. ###

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Word: dewa

Short Definition: god, idol. ME--KAN, MEMPER-(-KAN): deify, idolize. Also KE--AN, PEN-, PEN--AN+

English Definition: ^god, idol. MEN--KAN, MEMPER-(-KAN): 1. deify. 2. idolize. KE--AN: divine powers. PEN-: idolater, admirer. PEN--AN, PER--AN: deification, idolization.###

L2 Definition: Seseorang, suatu hal, makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yang sangat dipuja. ###

Examples: Penduduk pulau ini MENDEWAKAN patung itu. = The people of the island IDOLIZED the statue. PENDEWAAN benda-benda selain Tuhan adalah suatu hal yang dilarang dalam agama Islam. = DEIFICATION of things except God is prohibited in Islam. ###

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Word: dewan

Short Definition: council, board. ###

English Definition: council, board. ###

L2 Definition: Badan yang terdiri dari beberapa orang yang pekerjaannya merundingkan/memutuskan suatu masalah. ###

Examples: Hanya DEWAN Komisaris yang berhak memecat Direktur Utama. = Only the BOARD of Commisioners that has an authority to fire the President Director. DEWAN kepala-kepala suku telah mengambil keputusan. = The COUNCIL of the chiefs has made a decision. ###

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Word: dewasa

Short Definition: adult, of age. MEN--KAN: to mature s.t. PEN--AN: maturation; time

English Definition: ^1. adult, of age. *MEN--KAN: to mature s.t. PEN--AN: maturation. ^2. time, era###

L2 Definition: Akil balig/cukup umur. ###

Examples: Upacara ini bertujuan untuk MENDEWASAKAN para penonton. = This program is intended TO MATURE the viewers. Pada DEWASA ini sulit mendapat pekerjaan. = In these TIMES it's hard to find work.###

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Word: dewata

Short Definition: god

English Definition: god

Word: dewi

Short Definition: 1. goddess. 2. darling, beloved.

English Definition: ^1. goddess. 2. darling, beloved.###

L2 Definition: Dewa perempuan; perumpamaan bagi wanita yang sangat cantik; sebutan bagi wanita kesayangan. ###

Examples: Istriku bagaikan DEWI dari kahyangan. = My wife is like GODDESS from heaven. ###

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Word: di

Short Definition: at, on, in; passive verbal prefix.

English Definition: *at, on, in (a location). *passive verbal prefix. ###

L2 Definition: 1 menunjukan tempat 2 membentuk kata menjadi pasif###

Examples: DI pulau Jawa. = ON the island of Java; IN Java. Baju itu jangan DIPAKAI. = Don't WEAR that shirt.###

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Word: dia

Short Definition: he or she (third-person singular neuter pronoun).

English Definition: *he or she (third-person singular neuter pronoun). ###

L2 Definition: Kata ganti orang ketiga. ###

Examples: Dia telah diberi hadiah oleh Ibunya = SHE/HE was given a gift by her/his mother. ###

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Word: diam

Short Definition: see DIAM1 (silent, be quiet . . .) or DIAM2 (to reside, inhabit . . .).

English Definition: see DIAM1 (silent, be quiet . . .) DIAM2 (to reside, inhabit . . .)

L2 Definition: Tidak ada suara/ sunyi/senyap. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: diam1

Short Definition: silent, quiet; motionless; idle. BER-: be silent, say nothing. Also PEN-.

English Definition: ^1 silent, quiet. 2 motionless. 3 idle. *BER-: be silent, say nothing. *PEN-: a person who is naturally quiet. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Saya jengkel melihatmu hanya BERDIAM diri. = I was irritated seeing you just BEING SILENT. Anak ini memang dasarnya adalah PENDIAM. = This child is by his nature a QUIET PERSON. ###

Hear This Word

Word: diam2

Short Definition: reside. BER-: reside. KE--AN: residence.

English Definition: ^reside. BER-: reside. *KE--AN: residence. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Daerah ini adalah tempat KEDIAMAN para tamu negara. = This area is a RESIDENTIAL area for official state visitors. ###

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Word: diang

Short Definition: BER-: warm o.s. near the fire. MEN--KAN: warm, heat, roast. PEN--AN: fireplace.

English Definition: BER-: warm o.s. near the fire. MEN--KAN: warm, heat, roast. PEN--AN: fireplace. ###

L2 Definition: Memanaskan diri didekat api. ###

Examples: Sehabis kehujanan sebaiknya kamu BERDIANG di dekat api itu. = After being soaked by the rain, it is better if you WARM YOURSELF near the fire. Sebaiknya kita MENDIANGKAN daging ini beberapa saat dulu. = I would be better if we HEAT the meat for some time. Saya pikir PENDIANGAN itu terlalu besar untuk rumah sekecil ini. = I think the FIREPLACE is too big for a house that small. ###

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Word: didih

Short Definition: MEN-: boil; boil, rage. MEN--KAN: to boil s.t.

English Definition: ^MEN-: 1 boil. 2 boil, rage. *MEN--KAN: to boil s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Panas yang lebih dari 100 derajat celsius. ###

Examples: Dibutuhkan waktu yang agak lama untuk MENDIDIHKAN air ini. = It takes quite a long time to BOIL this water. ###

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Word: didik

Short Definition: educate. MEN-: educate; raise, bring up. Also MEN--KAN, TER-, PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^educate. *MEN-: 1 educate. 2 raise, bring up. MEN--KAN: teach or practice s.t. *TER-: educated. *PEN--AN: education. ###

L2 Definition: Memberi pengajaran tentang suatu hal. ###

Examples: Tempat ini dibuat untuk MENDIDIK anak-anak nakal. = This place was made for EDUCATING juvenile delinquents. Perusahaan kami mempunyai banyak tenaga yang TERDIDIK. = Our company has many EDUCATED workers. PENDIDIKANmu kurang tinggi untuk pekerjaan ini. = Your EDUCATION is not high enough for this work. ###

Hear This Word

Word: dik

Short Definition: see ADIK.

English Definition: see ADIK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: dikir

Short Definition: BER-: (Isl.) chant repeatedly the confession of faith. Also MEN--KAN, PEN-.

English Definition: ^BER-: (Isl.) chant repeatedly the confession of faith. *MEN--KAN: chant s.t. in praise of God. PEN-: s.o. who chants phrases in God's praise. ###

L2 Definition: Berdoa kepada Tuhan secara berulang-ulang. ###

Examples: Orang tua saya selalu MENDIKIRKAN doa untuk anak-anaknya supaya sukses dalam hidup. = My parents always CHANT PRAYERS TO GOD for their children so that we will be successful in life. ###

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Word: dikit

Short Definition: little, small. SE-: see SEDIKIT. SE-_-_-NYA: at the least.

English Definition: ^*(Jak. Dialect) little, small. SE-: see SEDIKIT. *SE-_-_-NYA: at the least. ###

L2 Definition: Kurang banyak. ###

Examples: Tambah gulanya DIKIT saja. = Please add just a LITTLE sugar. Buat karangan ini SEDIKIT-DIKITNYA tiga lembar. = Make this essay AT LEAST three pages. ###

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Word: Dili

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of East Timor in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of East Timor in Indonesia. ###

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Word: dimaksudkan

Short Definition: intended for s.t.; meant; intended; see also MAKSUD

English Definition: intended for s.t.; meant; intended; see also MAKSUD

Examples: Pertemuan ini DIMAKSUDKAN untuk memperjelas persoalan kemarin = This meeting is INTENDED for clarifying the matters yesterday.###

Word: dinamika

Short Definition: dynamics

English Definition: dynamics *--KELOMPOK: group dynamics.###

Word: dinas

Short Definition: 1. official (government). 2. agency, department. 3. government service, +

English Definition: 1. official (government). 2. agency, department. 3. government service, official duty. 4. church service. BER-: serve in a certain office. MEN--KAN: put s.o. into service. KE--AN: service. ###

L2 Definition: jawatan, urusan pemerintahan (bukan swasta). ###

Examples: Ini rumah DINAS walikota. = This is an OFFICIAL house of the mayor. Ayahku BERDINAS di kantor gubernur. = My father WORKS in the governor's office. Adikku bekerja di DINAS Kebakaran Kota. = My younger brother works at the City Fire DEPARTMENT. ###

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Word: dinda

Short Definition: see ADINDA

English Definition: see ADINDA

Word: dinding

Short Definition: 1. interior wall, partition. 2. butress. BER-: have a wall or partition. +

English Definition: ^1. interior wall, partition. 2. butress. BER-: have a wall ro partition. BER--KAN: walled with s.t. MEN--KAN: use as a wall. ###

Examples: Gantung lukisan itu di DINDING sebelah kiri. = Hang that painting on the left WALL. ###

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Word: dingin

Short Definition: cold. MEN--KAN: chill s.t.; calm s.o. down. Also PEN-.

English Definition: ^cold. *MEN--KAN: 1 chill s.t. 2 calm s.o. down. *KE--AN: 1 coldness. 2 be very cold. 3 too cold. *PEN-: 1 cooler. 2 o. who soothes away problems. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak panas. Bersuhu rendah. ###

Examples: Saya sedang MENDINGINKAN bubur ayam makanan kesukaanku. = I am CHILLING my favorite food, chicken porridge. Banyak orang KEDINGINAN di musim winter. = There are many people who SUFFER THE COLD in the winter season. PENDINGIN di kamar ini kurang bekerja dengan baik. = The COOLER in this room doesn't work very well. ###

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Word: dini

Short Definition: early###

English Definition: *early, premature SE~(2) = the earliest **SE~ mungkin = as soon as possible###

Examples: *Anaknya lahir lebih DINI = Her daugther was born PREMATURELY. **Saya harus mengirim formulir ini SEDINI MUNGKIN = I must send this application AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.###

Word: diplomasi

Short Definition: diplomacy

English Definition: diplomacy *BER--: be diplomatic, engage in diplomacy

Examples: ###

Word: diplomatis

Short Definition: diplomatic

English Definition: diplomatic

Examples: ###

Word: direksi

Short Definition: management; administration

English Definition: management; administration

Examples: Setiap minggu DIREKSI kantor mengadakan rapat = Every week the MANAGEMENT conducts a meeting.###

Word: direktur

Short Definition: director.

English Definition: director. ###

L2 Definition: Pemimpin tertinggi suatu perusahaan; kepala sekolah. ###

Examples: Pak DIREKTUR yang akan mengatur hal ini. = The DIRECTOR is the one who will take care of this matter. ###

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Word: dirgantara

Short Definition: sky, upper atmosphere

English Definition: sky, aerospace, upper atmosphere *KE-AN: aerospace affairs

Examples: Burung Elang terbang menguasai DIRGANTARA Indonesia = The Great Eagle soars in Indonesia's big SKY.##

Word: diri

Short Definition: see DIRI1 (self . . .) or DIRI2 (BER-: stand . . .)

English Definition: see DIRI1 (self . . .) DIRI2 (BER-: stand . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: diri1

Short Definition: self.

English Definition: ^*self. ###

L2 Definition: Kita sendiri; tidak dengan orang lain. ###

Examples: Bukan hanya DIRImu sendiri yang menanggung deritanya nanti. = Not just you yourSELF will bear the suffering later. ###

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Word: diri2

Short Definition: BER-: stand; exist. MEN--KAN: cause to stand up; build; found. Also TER-, +

English Definition: ^BER-: 1 stand. 2 exist. *MEN--KAN: 1 cause to stand up. 2 build, erect (a building). 3 found, establish. *TER-: 1 suddenly stand up. 2 consist of. *PEN--AN: 1 building, founding. 2 standpoint, convictions. ###

L2 Definition: Tegak; tidak jatuh. ###

Examples: Pemerintah akan MENDIRIKAN sebuah gedung pencakar langit. = The government is going to ERECT a skyscraper. Bahan pembuat mesin ini TERDIRI dari logam dan keramik. = The materials for making this machine CONSIST of metal and ceramic. PENDIRIAN pemuda itu sudah teguh untuk mengawini kekasihnya. = The CONVICTIONS of that young person are already set on marrying her loved one. ###

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Word: Dirjen

Short Definition: Director General.

English Definition: (Direktur Jendral) Director General. ###

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Word: Dirut

Short Definition: Chairman of the Board.

English Definition: (Direktur Utama) Chairman of the Board. ###

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Word: disentri

Short Definition: dysentery.

English Definition: dysentery. ###

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Word: disintegrasi

Word: dispensasi

Short Definition: dispensation; exemption (from tax, etc)

English Definition: dispensation; exemption

L2 Definition: kemudahan, pembebasan dari kewajiban (seperti membayar pajak dll.)

Examples: Setiap penduduk miskin mendapat DISPENSASI tidak membayar iuran = Every poor residents are EXEMPTED from paying the dues.###

Word: distribusi

Short Definition: distribution. MEN--KAN: distribute. PEN--AN: distributing.

English Definition: distribution. MEN--KAN: distribute, allocate s.t. PEN--AN: distributing.###

L2 Definition: penyebaran; penyaluran; pembagian. ###

Examples: Saya ikut MENDISTRIBUSIKAN barang-barang itu. = I was involved in DISTRIBUTING those materials. PENDISTRIBUSIAN barang-barang itu tidak dapat dilakukan hari ini. = The DISTRIBUTION of those materials can not be done today. ###

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Word: DIY

Short Definition: acronym for Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta ; "special region Yogyakarta"

English Definition: acronym for "special region Yogyakarta" or Yogyakarta Special Province

Word: DKI

Short Definition: Special District of the Capital.

English Definition: (Daerah Khusus Ibukota) Special District of the Capital. ###

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Word: doa

Short Definition: prayer. BER-, MEN-: pray, say prayers. Also MEN--I, MEN--KAN.

English Definition: ^prayer. *BER-, MEN-: pray, say prayers. MEN--I: say a prayer on behalf of s.o. *MEN--KAN: pray for s.t. (to happen). ###

L2 Definition: Permohonan untuk mengharap, memuji, meminta sesuatu kepada Tuhan. ###

Examples: Saya selalu BERDOA kepada Tuhan sebelum tidur. = I always PRAY to God before going to sleep. Anak yang saleh akan selalu MENDOAKAN orang tuanya. = A child who is virtuous always PRAYS FOR his parents. ###

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Word: dobrak

Short Definition: smashed, broken open (of door, gate, fence, tradition, custom, etc.)

English Definition: *MEN- : break in, batter down *-AN : breakthrough PEN- : batterer, wrecker, demolisher PEN-AN : battering, housebreaking

Examples: Anggota pemadam kebakaran MENDOBRAK pintu rumah yang sedang terbakar itu untuk menolong anak-anak keluar = the fire fighters BATTERED the door of that burning house DOWN to help the children out. DOBRAKAN negara itu di bidang teknologi sangat mengagumkan = the BREAKTHROUGH of that country in technology is very amazing.

Word: dogol

Short Definition: without horns (of horned animals)

English Definition: 1. without horns (of horned animals) 2. without combs (of fowl) 3. stupid, ALSO KE-AN : stupidity

Word: dokar

Short Definition: two-wheeled carriage.

English Definition: two-wheeled carriage. ###

L2 Definition: Kereta yang ditarik oleh kuda, biasanya beroda dua; bendi. ###

Examples: Setiap pagi ibuku ke pasar naik DOKAR.= Every morning my mother goes to market by HORSECART. ###

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Word: dokter

Short Definition: doctor, physician. MEN--KAN: bring s.o. to the doctor. KE--AN: medical.

English Definition: ^doctor, physician. *MEN--KAN: bring s.o. to the doctor. *KE--AN: medical. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya menyembuhkan orang sakit. ###

Examples: Jangan sampai terlambat MENDOKTERKAN anakmu yang sakit. = Don't wait until it's too late to TAKE your sick child TO THE DOCTOR. Adik ipar saya belajar ilmu KEDOKTERAN. = My younger step brother/sister is studying MEDICINE. ###

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Word: dokumen

Short Definition: document. PEN--AN: documentation.

English Definition: document. PEN--AN: documentation.

L2 Definition: Surat-surat penting yang bisa dipakai sebagai barang bukti. ###

Examples: Barang-barang akan mudah dicari kalau cara PENDOKUMENANnya benar. = The materials are easy to found if their DOCUMENTATION is done correctly. ###

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Word: dokumentasi

Short Definition: documentation. MEN-: document. MEN--KAN: document. Also PEN--AN.

English Definition: documentation. MEN-: document. MEN--KAN: document. PEN--AN: system of documentation.###

L2 Definition: Pengumpulan, pengolahan, dan penyimpanan gambar atau informasi mengenai suatu hal. ###

Examples: Untung saya dapat MENDOKUMENTASIKAN jalannya upacara itu. = Fortunately I was able to DOCUMENT the ceremony. Sayang PENDOKUMENTASIAN acara itu kurang baik. = Unfortunately the DOCUMENTATION of the session was not good. ###

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Word: dolar

Short Definition: dollar.

English Definition: dollar. ###

L2 Definition: Nama mata uang yang dipakai di Amerika, Singapura, Australia, Hongkong, dll. ###

Examples: Pada tahun 1996 satu DOLAR kira-kira sama dengan Rp. 2500 (dua ribu lima ratus rupiah). = In 1996 one DOLLAR is worth approximately twenty-five hundred rupiah. ###

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Word: DOM

Short Definition: acronym for Daerah Operasi Militer; Military Operation Areas

English Definition: acronym for Daerah Operasi Militer: Military Operation Areas

Examples: Pemerintah memberlakukan DOM di daerah itu setelah ada konflik bersenjata = The government applied the DOM after an arm conflict erupted in that region.###

Word: domba

Short Definition: sheep.

English Definition: sheep. ###

L2 Definition: Kambing yang berbulu tebal. ###

Examples: Ramli mempunyai DOMBA lima ekor. = Ramli has five SHEEPS. Jas ini terbuat dari BULU DOMBA. = This coat is made of WOOL.###

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Word: domestik

Short Definition: domestic.

English Definition: domestic. ###

L2 Definition: *Berhubungan dengan atau mengenai dalam negeri. ###

Examples: Pemerintah Gus Dur berhadapan dengan persoalan domestik yang sangat kompleks = The Gus Dur Administration faces a complex DOMESTIC conflicts.###

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Word: dominasi

Short Definition: domination. MEN-: dominate.

English Definition: domination. MEN-: dominate. ###

L2 Definition: *Penguasaan oleh pihak yang lebih kuat terhadap yang lebih lemah (dalam bidang politik, militer, ekonomi, perdagangan, olah raga, dsb). ###

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Word: dompet

Short Definition: wallet.

English Definition: *wallet. ###

L2 Definition: Tas kecil untuk menyimpan uang. ###

Examples: Apakah DOMPETMU dicuri orang? = Was your WALLET stolen by someone? ###

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Word: dong

Short Definition: particle asserting that interlocutor should already know or do what o. is asserting

English Definition: particle asserting that interlocutor should already know or do what o. is asserting

Examples: Kamu ikut pergi? Ya dong! = Are you going along? Of course!

Word: dongeng

Short Definition: 1. fairy tales, legend. 2. non-sense. MEN-: tell a tale. MEN--I: tell tales to.+

English Definition: 1. fairy tale, legend. 2. non-sense. MEN-: tell a tale. MEN--I: tell tales to. MEN--KAN: narrate -AN: 1. myth. 2. false story. ###

Examples: Nenekku suka sekali MENDONGENG. = My grandma likes to TELL TALES. Jangan percaya, cerita itu hanya DONGENG. = Don't believe it. That story is only a FALSE STORY. ###

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Word: dongkol

Short Definition: be irked.

English Definition: be irked. MEN-: irk. ###

L2 Definition: Kesal hati; jengkel; marah; perasaan tidak senang; dll. ###

Examples: Dia MENDONGKOL sekali ketika diolok-olok . = He became very ANNOYED whenever he was teased. ###

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Word: dongkrak

Short Definition: jack (auto)

English Definition: *MEN- : 1. jack up (car, etc.), 2. assist s.o. in achieving his purpose

Examples: Ia MENDONGKRAK mobilnya untuk mengganti ban yang pecah = he JACKED UP his car to replace the flat tire. Pengaruh orang tuanya MENDONGKRAK karir Herman di militer = his parent's influence ASSISTS Herman's carrier in military.

Word: dorong

Short Definition: MEN-: push; motivate. -AN: pushing; impetus, motivation. Also PEN-, PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^*MEN-: 1 push. 2 motivate. *-AN: 1 pushing. 2 impetus, motivation. PEN-: promoter, organizer. *PEN--AN: instigation, stimulus. ###

L2 Definition: Membuat orang atau sesuatu maju ke depan. ###

Examples: Pak Camat yang MENDORONGku bersekolah lagi. = Mr. Camat (subdistrict head) is the one who is PUSHING me to attend school longer. Dia mencuri makanan karena DORONGAN rasa lapar. = He stole food because of FORCE of his hunger. Dukungan suamiku merupakan PENDORONG yang kuat bagi karierku. = The support of my husband is a strong STIMULUS for my career. ###

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Word: dosa

Short Definition: sin, crime.

English Definition: sin, crime. ###

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Word: dosen

Short Definition: college instructor, professor.

English Definition: *college instructor, professor. ###

L2 Definition: Guru yang mengajar di sekolah tingkat Perguruan Tinggi. ###

Examples: DOSEN saya berasal dari Indonesia. = My PROFESSOR is originally from Indonesia. ###

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Word: doyan

Short Definition: be fond of.

English Definition: be fond of. ###

L2 Definition: Suka sekali; gemar sekali. ###

Examples: Adikku yang terkecil DOYAN makan bakso. = My youngest sister LOVES to eat bakso [noodle soup].

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Word: DPP

Short Definition: national council of political party###

English Definition: * DPP1 is an ackronim of Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (board of political party at national level) DPP2 is an ackronim of dada, pinggang, pinggul (chest, waist, hip measurements. ** DPP3 is an ackronim of Dana Pembinaan Pendidikan (k.o government subsidy to state universities to supplement tuition fees.

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Akbar Tanjung terpilih sebagai ketua DPP GOLKAR = Akbar Tanjung was elected as a director of GOLKAR NATIONAL COUNCIL.### ** Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan memberi sumbangan DPP ke Universitas Hasanuddin Ujung Pandang = The minister of education and culture gave a SUBSIDY for SUPPLEMENT TUTION FEES to Universitas Hasanuddin Ujung Pandang.###

Word: DPR

Short Definition: House of People's Representatives.

English Definition: (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) House of People's Representatives. ###

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Word: DPRD

Short Definition: People's Regional Representative Council.

English Definition: (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah) Peolpe's Regional Representative Council. ###

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Word: drama

Short Definition: drama. MEN--KAN: dramatize. PEN--AN, PER--AN: dramatization.

English Definition: drama. MEN--KAN: dramatize. PEN--AN, PER--AN: dramatization.###

L2 Definition: Cerita yang dilakonkan dalam suatu pertunjukan/teater; suatu kejadian yang menyedihkan. ###

Examples: Pintar sekali si tertuduh itu MENDRAMAKAN kisahnya. = The defendant is very smart in DRAMATIZING his story. PENDRAMAAN cerita Sam Pek dan Eng Thay itu tidak dilakukan dengan baik. = The DRAMATIZATION of the Sam Pek and Eng Thay story is not done well. ###

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Word: drastis

Short Definition: drastic

English Definition: drastic

Examples: Dia dapat menurunkan berat badannya dengan DRASTIS = He can lower his body weight DRASTICALLY.##

Word: dua

Short Definition: two. MEN--HATIKAN: arouse hesitation, doubt. Also MEN--KALIKAN, KEMEN--AN.

English Definition: two. *MEN--HATIKAN: arouse hesitation, doubt. *MEN--KALIKAN: double s.t. KEMEN--AN: indecisiveness. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Dia MENDUA-HATIKAN kemampuanku. = Don't DOUBT my ability. Jangan melebih-lebihkan dan MENDUA-KALIKAN hal yang sudah pasti. = Don't exaggerate nor DOUBLE something which is already certain. ###

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Word: dubang

Short Definition: spittle.

English Definition: spittle. ###

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Word: Dubes

Short Definition: "Duta Besar," meaning ambassador

English Definition: contraction of "Duta Besar," meaning ambassador. ###

L2 Definition: ###

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Word: duda

Short Definition: widower

English Definition: widower *MEN--: a widower

Examples: Pak Burhan telah menjadi DUDA selama tiga puluh tahun = Pak Burhan has been a WIDOWER for more than thirty years. Setelah tiga bulan dia MENDUDA, Pak Susanto kawin lagi = After being a WIDOWER for three months, Pak Susanto is getting married again. ###

Word: duduk

Short Definition: sit; live, reside. BER-: be seated. Also MEN--I, MEN--KAN, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^1 sit. 2 live, reside. BER-: be seated. *MEN--I: 1 sit on. 2 occupy a territory. *MEN--KAN: seat s.o. *KE--AN: 1 situation, state. 2 position. PEN-: inhabitant. ###

L2 Definition: Meletakkan tubuh dari pantat keatas tegak lurus pada suatu tempat. ###

Examples: Barang ini mudah pecah, jangan DIDUDUKI. = This thing is easily broken, don't SIT ON IT. Dengan hati-hati Ani MENDUDUKKAN neneknya di kursi. = With care Ani SAT her grandmother down on the chair. Dia jatuh dari KEDUDUKANnya yang sudah tinggi karena korupsi. = He fell from his high POSITION because of corrution. ###

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Word: duga

Short Definition: MEN-: guess, estimate. -AN: guess, hunch.

English Definition: MEN-: guess, estimate. -AN: guess, hunch. ###

L2 Definition: kira; prasangka. ###

Examples: Saya tidak MENDUGA kalau dia berani melawan perampok itu. = I did not GUESS if he dared to fight the robber. DUGAAN mengenai siapa pelaku perkosaan itu ternyata salah. = The GUESS concerning the raper is apparently false. ###

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Word: duillah

Short Definition: Good Heavens!

English Definition: Good Heavens! ###

L2 Definition: Kata seru karena kaget, kagum, terkejut, dll. ###

Examples: DUILLAH berani benar dia terjun bebas begitu! = GOOD HEAVENS, he's got a lot of nerve jumping down in free fall like that! ###

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Word: duit

Short Definition: money. BER-: well-to-do, wealthy.

English Definition: ^money. *BER-: well-to-do, wealthy. ###

L2 Definition: Alat penukar yang terbuat dari kertas atau logam. Sinonim: uang. ###

Examples: Walaupun dia BERUANG banyak tetapi dia tidak sombong. = Although she is WELL TO DO, she doesn't put on airs. ###

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Word: duka

Short Definition: grief, sorrow. BER-: be sad or sorrowful. KE--AN: sorrow, misery.

English Definition: ^grief, sorrow. BER-: be sad or sorrowful. KE--AN: sorrow, misery. *--CITA: condolesence, sorrow, sorry, sadness, grief. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan tidak bahagia; susah; sedih. ###

Examples: Rita sangat BERDUKA atas kematian anjingnya. = Rita is very SAD for the death of her dog. Tiada henti-hentinya KEDUKAAN menimpa keluarga itu. = MISERY keeps coming to that family.###

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Word: dukacita

Short Definition: deep sorrow. BER-: to grieve deeply.

English Definition: deep sorrow. BER-: to grieve deeply. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa kesedihan yang mendalam. ###

Examples: Kami turut BERDUKA cita atas terjadinya tragedi itu. = We feel DEEP SORROW for the happening of the accident. ###

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Word: duku

Short Definition: fruit lanseh of lanseh tree###

English Definition: fruit lanseh of lanseh tree###

Examples: ###

Word: dukun

Short Definition: indigeneious medical practitioner, shaman. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^*indigeneous medical practitioner, shaman. KE--AN: having to do with shamanism. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya mengobati orang sakit secara traditional. ###

Examples: DUKUN itu sangat terkenal di daerah ini. = That SHAMAN is very famous in this region. ###

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Word: dukung

Short Definition: BER-: to be carried on the back or hip (like a child). Also MEN-, PEN--AN.

English Definition: BER-: to be carried on the back or hip (like a child). MEN-: 1 to carry on the back or hip. 2 to support, endorse. PEN--AN: supporting or endorsing a given side in an issue. ###

L2 Definition: Duduk dipunggung atau dipinggang orang lain. ###

Examples: Kami akan MENDUKUNG semua keputusan yang dihasilkan rapat umum ini. = We will SUPPORT all decisions that are made by this public meeting. Cara PENDUKUNGAN itu tidak sah menurut undang-undang. = That way of SUPPORTING is unlawful. ###

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Word: dulu

Short Definition: previous(ly), before (now).

English Definition: *previous (ly), before (now). ###

L2 Definition: dahulu###

Examples: DULU saya tinggal di Indonesia. = I stayed in Indonesia PREVIOUSLY. Saya pergi DULU, ya? = I'll go BEFORE (you do), OK? ###

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Word: dungu

Short Definition: stupid, retarded.

English Definition: stupid, retarded. ###

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Word: dunia

Short Definition: world; (Biol.) kingdom.

English Definition: ^*1 world. 2 (Biol.) kingdom. ###

L2 Definition: Bumi dengan segala hal yang ada di sekitarnya. ###

Examples: Orang yang baik hati akan selamat DUNIA dan akherat. = A good-hearted person will prosper in the WORLD and in the hereafter. ###

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Word: duplikat

Short Definition: duplicate, carbon copy

English Definition: duplicate, carbon copy.##

Examples: Kamu harus membuat DUPLIKAT bukti pembayaran ini = You should make a DUPLICATE of this proof of payment.###


Short Definition: The Bureau for the Protection and Preservation of Nature.

English Definition: (Dinas Urusan Perlindungan dan Pelestarian Alam) The Bureau for the Protection and Preservation of Nature. ###

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Word: durhaka

Short Definition: rebellious, impertinent. BER-: rebel, be impertinent. Also KE--AN, PEN-, +

English Definition: rebellious, impertinent. BER-: rebel, be impertinent. KE--AN: rebelliousness. PEN-: rebel. PEN--AN: rebellion. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak patuh pada perintah (Tuhan, orang tua). ###

Examples: Anak itu BERDURHAKA pada ibunya. = That child is IMPERTINENT to his mother. Anak PENDURHAKA itu memang patut dihukum cambuk. = That IMPERTINENT kid is fit to be whipped. ###

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Word: duri

Short Definition: thorn, burr, spine; fish bone. MEN-: sharp, stinging (remarks, etc.).

English Definition: ^1 thorn, burr, spine. 2 fish bone. *MEN-: sharp, stinging (remarks, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Bagian tumbuhan di cabang yang runcing dan tajam. ###

Examples: Semua perkataanmu sangat MENDURI HATI saya akhir-akhir ini. = All of the things you say lately ANNOY me. ###

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Word: durian

Short Definition: durian, k.o. large tropical fruit.

English Definition: durian, k.o. large tropical fruit. ###

L2 Definition: Nama buah dari pohon durian yang berkulit keras dan berduri, biasanya berukuran kira-kira sebesar kepala orang. Isi buah ini empuk dan manis beraroma khas. ###

Examples: Kulit buah DURIAN berduri = DURIAN's skin is thorny###

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Word: dusta

Short Definition: lie, falsehood. PEN-: liar.

English Definition: lie, falsehood. PEN-: liar. ###

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Word: dusun

Short Definition: village far from urban areas. PE--AN: village hinterlands.

English Definition: ^village far from urban areas. *PE--AN: village hinterlands. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: desa. ###

Examples: Desa ini termasuk dalam wilayah PEDUSUNAN Sunda. = This village is included in the VILLAGE HINTERLANDS of Sunda. ###

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Word: duta

Short Definition: ambassador, envoy. KE--AN: embassy. PER--AN: delegation, mission.

English Definition: ^ambassador, envoy. *KE--AN: embassy. PEN--AN: delegation, mission. ###

L2 Definition: Utusan. ###

Examples: Kantor KEDUTAAN Indonesia di Chicago terdapat di jalan Michigan. = The Indonesian EMBASSY office in Chicago is located on Michigan Street. ###

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Word: duta besar

Short Definition: ambassador

English Definition: ambassador; envoy, plenipotentiary

Examples: Ayahnya pernah menjadi DUTA BESAR Indonesia di Amerika Serikat = His father was the Indonesian Ambassador in the United States of America.

Word: duyun

Short Definition: to throng, flock, crowd.

English Definition: to throng, flock, crowd. ###

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Word: e

Short Definition: Ha!; Hey!

English Definition: ^*1 Ha! (emphatic particle). 2 Hey! (interjection to attract attention or to express astonishment). ###

L2 Definition: Hal untuk menyapa seseorang yang tidak diketahui namanya (hal yang kurang sopan dilakukan pada orang yang lebih tua). ###

Examples: e... apa kabar? = Hey... what's up? ###

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Word: ebi

Short Definition: dried shrimp###

English Definition: dried shrimp###

L2 Definition: Biasanya hanya udang kecil yang dikeringkan yang disebut ebi###

Examples: Nelayan di pantai Barombong memsuplai EBI untuk konsumsi orang-orang di perkotaan = Fishermen in the Barombong shore supply DRIED SHRIMP for urban people's consumption.###

Word: ece

Short Definition: make a fool###

English Definition: *MENG-: make a fool, make fun of, kid -AN: kidding, fooling###

Examples: *Dia MENGECE adiknya sampai menangis = He made fun of his little brother until he cried.###

Word: ecer

Short Definition: MENG-(-KAN): sell retail. -AN: retail, price of a single item. PENG-: retailer.

English Definition: ^*MENG-(-KAN): sell retail, sell individually. *-AN: retail, price of a single item. PENG-: retailer. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan sesuatu secara sedikit-sedikit. ###

Examples: Warung itu MENGECERKAN rokok bagi pembeli yang minim uangnya. = That stall SELLS cigarettes INDIVIDUALLY for the buyers who have a minimum amount of money. Harga ECERAN barang ini lebih mahal dibanding dengan harga per lusin. = The PER PIECE price of these things is higher in comparison with the price by the dozen. ###

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Word: edan

Short Definition: wild, frantic###

English Definition: *1. wild, frantic 2. insane, mad, crazy KE-AN: craziness, foolishness###

Examples: *Anto tidak disukai oleh para tetangganya karena tingkahnya yang EDAN = Anto is disliked by his neighbors because of his frantic behavior.###

Word: edar

Short Definition: BER-: 1. turn, revolve. 2. circulaate. MENG--I: revolve around s.t. PER--AN: +

English Definition: BER-: 1. turn, revolve. 2. circulate. MENG-KAN: revolve around s.t. PER-AN: 1. rotation. 2. orbit. 3. circulation. ###

L2 Definition: Berkeliling dan kembali ke tempat semula; berpindah-pindah tangan; berlaku di masyarakat. ###

Examples: Banyak mata uang palsu yang BEREDAR sekarang ini. = A lot of counterfeit bills are CIRCULATING nowadays. Gadis-gadis itu sedang MENGEDARKAN minuman dan makanan kecil. = Those girls PASSED AROUND drinks and snacks. PEREDARAN bumi mengelilingi matahari kira-kira selama satu tahun. = The REVOLUTION of the earth around the sun takes approximately one year. ###

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Word: edisi

Short Definition: edition. MENG--KAN: issue, publish.

English Definition: edition. MENG--KAN: issue, publish.

L2 Definition: Majalah, buku, surat kabar, dll., yang diterbitkan. ###

Examples: Surat kabar ini juga MENGEDISIKAN majalah ilmiah untuk remaja. = This news paper is also PUBLISHING a science magazine for teens. ###

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Word: edit

Short Definition: edit###

English Definition: *PENG-: editor PENG-AN: editing###

Examples: *Hasan bekerja sebagai PENGEDIT artikel tentang hubungan international di majalah Sarinah = Hasan works as an EDITOR for international relations articles in Sarinah magazine.###

Word: efek

Short Definition: effect.

English Definition: effect. ###

L2 Definition: akibat; pengaruh. ###

Examples: Banyak EFEK buruk merokok daripada EFEK baiknya. = There are more bad EFFECTS of smoking than there are good EFFECTS.###

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Word: efektif

Short Definition: efective###

English Definition: MENG-AN: cause s.t. to be effective *KE-AN: effectiveness PENG-AN: effort to make s.t. effective###

Examples: *Kepala kantor pos yang baru berusaha meningkatkan KEEFEKTIFAN sistem pelayanan pos = The new post office's director is trying to increase the EFFECTIVENESS of the mail service system.###

Word: efisien

Short Definition: efficient###

English Definition: *MENG-KAN: render effiecient, maximize the use of s.t. KE-AN: efficiency PENG-AN: effort to make s.t. efficient###

Examples: Ayahku MENGEFISIENKAN ruang garasi, selain sebagai tempat parkir mobil juga sebagai ruang penyimpanan barang bekas = My father MAXIMAZES the use of the garage room besides to park a car also to keep used stuff.###

Word: efisiensi

Short Definition: efficiency###

English Definition: PENG-AN: effort to make s.t. efficient### see efisien

Examples: ###

Word: egah

Short Definition: glorious###

English Definition: MENG-AN diri: glorify o.s., boast###

Examples: ###

Word: egois

Short Definition: egoist###

English Definition: *1. egoist 2. egoistic KE-AN: egoism###

Examples: *Ratna akan menjadi sangat EGOIS dalam mempertahankan pendapatnya = Ratna will be very EGOISTIC in defending her opinions.###

Word: eja

Short Definition: MENG-: spell. MENG--KAN: spell out to s.o. -AN, PENG--AN: spelling.

English Definition: ^MENG-: spell. MENG--KAN: spell out to s.o. -AN, PENG--AN: speiing.###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: lafal. ###

Examples: Anakku sedang belajar MENGEJA kata-kata. = My son is learning TO SPELL words. Banyak EJAAN yang tidak benar dalam buku itu. = Many incorrect SPELLINGS in that book. ###

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Word: ejawantah

Short Definition: visible, manifest###

English Definition: (ME)NG-: materialize, become visible *MENG-KAN: manifest, materialize TER-:manifested PENG-AN: manifestation, embodiment, materialization###

Examples: *Suharto, presiden Indonesia kedua, MENGEJAWANTAHKAN janjinya untuk mundur dari pemerintahan = Suharto, the second president of Indonesia, MANIFESTED his promise to step down from the presidency.###

Word: ejek

Short Definition: mock, redicule.

English Definition: mock, redicule. MENG-: redicule. ###

L2 Definition: Mentertawakan; hina; olok-olok. ###

Examples: Karena suka MENGEJEK teman, dia dijauhi banyak orang. = Because he likes to MOCK his friends, he's avoided by many people.###

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Word: eka

Short Definition: one, single###

English Definition: 1. one, single 2. mono###

Examples: ###

Word: ekabahasa

Short Definition: monolingual###

English Definition: (Ling.) monolingual###

Examples: ###

Word: ekamarga

Short Definition: one-way (road)###

English Definition: one-way (traffic, road)###

Examples: Jalan Jenderal Sudirman dirubah menjadi EKAMARGA karena perbaikan listrik = Jenderal Sudirman street was changed to ONE-WAY traffic due the electricity work.###

Word: Ekaprasetia-

Short Definition: Ekaprasetia Pancakarsa title of 1978 speech by Suharto###

English Definition: Ekaprasetia Pancakarsa title of 1978 speech by Suharto in which he gave his interpretation of the Pancasila###

Examples: Setiap pelajar di Indonesia diwajibkan mengerti EKAPRASETIA PANCAKARSA = Every student in Indonesia is obligated to understand EKAPRASETIA PANCAKARSA or THE INTERPRETATION OF PANCASILA BY SUHARTO.###

Word: ekologi

Short Definition: ecology###

English Definition: ^ecology###

Examples: ###

Word: ekonom

Short Definition: economist.

English Definition: economist.

L2 Definition: Orang yang ahli dalam bidang perekonomian. ###

Examples: Para EKONOM sependapat dalam hal itu. = The ECONOMISTS are in agreement regarding that matter. ###

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Word: ekonomi

Short Definition: economy, economics, household management. Also KE--AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: 1. economy. 2. economics. 3. household management. KE--AN, PER--AN: economy, economic matters.###

L2 Definition: Ilmu tentang keuangan, industri, perdagangan, dll.; urusan keuangan rumah tangga. ###

Examples: Saat ini PEREKONOMIAN Indonesia sedang berkembang dengan pesat. = This time Indonesian ECONOMY is growing very fast. ###

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Word: ekonomis

Short Definition: economical. BER-, MENG--KAN: make s.t. economical. KE--AN: frugality.

English Definition: economical. BER-, MENG--KAN: make s.t. economical. KE--AN: frugality, thriftness.###

L2 Definition: Hemat; tidak boros; hati-hati dalam hal keuangan. ###

Examples: KEEKONOMISAN merupakan kunci sukses manajemen kami. = ECONOMICAL is the key to our management success. ###

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Word: ekor

Short Definition: tail (of animals, kite, parade, etc.); classifier for animals. Also MENG--I.

English Definition: ^1 tail (of animals, kite, parade, train, etc.). 2 classifier used for animals. *MENG--I: follow, walk behind, tail. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian belakang dari tubuh binatang. ###

Examples: Tindakanmu hanya MENGEKOR saja pada atasan. = What you are doing is only FOLLOWING ON THE TAILS of your superiors. ###

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Word: eksekusi

Short Definition: 1. execution, carrying out 2. execution, putting to death###

English Definition: ^1. execution, carrying out 2. execution, putting to death *ME-: to execute, to put to death###

Examples: *Beberapa kelompok mahasiswa menuntut agar Suharto dan keluarga di eksekusi = Several student groups demanded Suharto and his family to be EXECUTED.###

Word: eksemplar

Short Definition: copy (of a book) or issue (of a magazine).

English Definition: copy (of a book) or issue (of a magazine). ###

L2 Definition: Helai; lembar; sebuah buku; sebuah terbitan; sebuah majalah. ###

Examples: Setiap minggu majalah ini dicetak sebanyak 10.000 EKSEMPLAR. = Every week this magazine prints 10,000 COPIES. ###

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Word: ekses

Short Definition: excess.

English Definition: excess. ###

L2 Definition: Peristiwa yang melampaui batas. ###

Examples: EKSES dari pemogokan itu banyak merugikan masyarakat. = The EXCESSES (associated with) that strike were much to the detriment of the community.###

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Word: eksistensi

Short Definition: existence.

English Definition: existence. ###

L2 Definition: Keberadaan; kehadiran. ###

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Word: ekspedisi

Short Definition: see ekspedisi 1, ekspedisi 2###

English Definition: see ekspedisi 1, ekspedisi 2###

Examples: ###

Word: ekspedisi1

Short Definition: 1. shipping, forwarding 2. mail room (of large institution)###

English Definition: ^1. shipping, forwarding 2. mail room (of large institution) *MENG-KAN: send s.t. by private dispatch 2. expedite PENG-AN: forwarding, shipping### see ekspedisi2

Examples: *Saat ini banyak hasil pertanian tidak di ekspor karena ongkos EKSPEDISI semakin mahal = At this moment, a lot of argricultural products were not exported because the cost for SHIPPING is very expensive.###

Word: ekspedisi2

Short Definition: 1. expedition, jaunt, campaign 2. (Mil.) dispatching of troops###

English Definition: ^1. expedition, jaunt, campaign 2. (Mil.) dispatching of troops###

Examples: ###

Word: eksploitir

Short Definition: exploit.

English Definition: MENG-: exploit. ###

L2 Definition: Penguasaan/pemanfaatan untuk keuntungan diri sendiri; pendayagunaan. ###

Examples: Beberapa oknum yang MENGEKSPLOITIR para buruh itu perlu diadili. = Several shady characters who EXPLOIT the laborers need to be punished by law. ###

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Word: ekspor

Short Definition: export. MEN-: export. PENG-: exporter. PENG--AN: exportation.

English Definition: ^export. *MENG-: export. *PENG-: exporter. *PENG--AN: exportation. ###

L2 Definition: Menjual barang dari dalam negeri ke luar negeri. ###

Examples: Indonesia banyak MENGEKSPOR minyak kelapa ke Amerika. = Indonesia EXPORTS a large amount of coconut oil to America. Indonesia terkenal sebagai negara PENGEKSPOR minyak kelapa. = Indonesia is famous as an EXPORTER of coconut oil. PENGEKSPORAN barang ini akan mulai dilakukan bulan depan. = The EXPORT of this thing will begin next month. ###

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Word: ekspresi

Short Definition: expression.

English Definition: expression. ###

L2 Definition: Ungkapan atau pernyataan; keadaan raut muka yang menggambarkan suatu perasaan. ###

Examples: Pada waktu itu kulihat EKSPRESI mukanya sangat marah. = At that time I saw that the EXPRESSION on his face was very angry. ###

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Word: ekstrim

Short Definition: extreme.

English Definition: extreme. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat keras; fanatik. ###

Examples: Paham komunis disebut juga sebagai paham EKSTRIM kiri. = Communist thinking is also called thinking of the EXTREME left. ###

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Word: elak

Short Definition: 1. avoid doing s.t.; 2. get out of the way; 3. dodge (blow, tax, etc., shirk (o's duty)

English Definition: *MENG--: 1. avoid doing s.t.; 2. get out of the way; 3. dodge (blow, tax, etc., shirk (o's duty) *MENG--KAN: dodge, shunt to the side *TER--KAN: avoided, avoidable

L2 Definition: menghindar dari sesuatu

Examples: Tidak usah MENGELAK lagi, saya tahu kamu yang merusak meja ini = You do not need to DENY any more, I know you broke the table. Musibah itu tidak TERELAKKAN lagi = The disaster cannot be AVOIDED anymore.##

Word: elang

Short Definition: eagle###

English Definition: eagle###

Examples: Lambang Amerika Serikat adalah ELANG = The symbol of the United States is EAGLE.###

Word: elektronika

Short Definition: electronics.

English Definition: electronics.###

L2 Definition: Ilmu tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan elektronik. ###

Examples: Toko itu menjual barang-barang ELEKTRONIKA. = The store sells ELECTRONICS goods.

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Word: elemen

Short Definition: element.

English Definition: element. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian dari suatu benda/keseluruhan. ###

Examples: Kalau salah satu ELEMEN hilang, radio ini tidak akan berbunyi. = If one of the ELEMENTS or PARTS is missing, this radio won't work. ###

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Word: eliminir

Short Definition: eliminate###

English Definition: ^eliminate MENG-: eliminate###

Examples: Tentara Nasional Indonesia berusaha keras MENGELIMINIR gerakan mahasiswa = The Indonesian Militer tried hard to ELIMINATE the student movement.###

Word: elit

Short Definition: elite.

English Definition: elite. ###

Examples: Ini mobil untuk kalangan ELIT. = This car is for ELITE people. ###

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Word: elok

Short Definition: 1. beautiful, lovely 2. good###

English Definition: *^1. beautiful, lovely 2. good MENG-KAN, MEMPER: beautify KE-AN: beauty###

Examples: *Truly mempersembahkan tari-tarian yang ELOK = Truly presented BEAUTIFUL dances.###

Word: elpiji

Short Definition: liquid propane gas###

English Definition: liquid propane gas###

Examples: Sejak tahun 1980-an, penduduk Ujung Pandang mulai menggunakan ELPIJI sebagai pengganti minyak tanah = Since 1980s, people at Ujung Pandang began to use LIQUID PROPANE GAS as subtitute to petroleum.###

Word: eltor

Short Definition: eltor, k.o. cholera###

English Definition: ^eltor, k.o. cholera###

Examples: Si Ardi terkena ELTOR sejak kemarin = Ardi has had ELTOR since yesterday.###

Word: elu

Short Definition: (Jkt.) you

English Definition: you

Word: elus

Short Definition: MENG-: stroke###

English Definition: ^MENG-: stroke MENG-2: 1. caress, stroke 2. coax MENG-I: make a stroking motion on hair or face MENG-KAN: stroke with s.t. *-AN: 1. caress 2. flattery###

Examples: *ELUSAN Evi pada rambut Kendall akhirnya menidurkan dia = Evi's CARESS on Kendall's hair makes him sleep.###

Word: emak

Short Definition: mother.

English Definition: mother. ###

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Word: emas

Short Definition: gold. KE--AN: golden.

English Definition: *gold. KE--AN: golden. ###

L2 Definition: Logam mulia yang berwarna kuning. ###

Examples: Bunga ini berwarna kuning KEEMASAN. = This flower is colored GOLDEN yellow. ###

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See a Picture

Word: embara

Short Definition: MENG-: roam, rove, wander. MENG--I: wander over, roam in. Also PENG-, +.

English Definition: ^MENG-: roam, rove, wander. MENG--I: wander over, roam in. *PENG-: a wanderer, advendurer. *PENG--AN: 1 wandering. 2 a place of wandering, adventuring. ###

L2 Definition: Pergi kelain tempat tanpa suatu tujuan tertentu. ###

Examples: Banyak daerah-daerah baru dibuka oleh PENGEMBARA-PENGEMBARA yang berani. = There are many new regions which have been opened up by courageous ADVENTURERS. PENGEMBARAAN Joko Lola berakhir di pantai utara Jawa. = The WANDERING of Joko Lola ended on the northern shores of Java. ###

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Word: ember

Short Definition: bucket, pail.

English Definition: bucket, pail. ###

L2 Definition: Wadah untuk membawa air/benda cair/ barang, biasanya terbuat dari plastik atau karet yang berbentuk silinder. ###

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Word: embun

Short Definition: dew.

English Definition: dew. ###

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Word: embus

Short Definition: 1. see EMBUS1: to blow; 2. see EMBUS2: go away!

English Definition: see EMBUS1: to blow; and EMBUS2: go away! ###

Word: embus1

English Definition: aspirate BER-, MENG- 1 exhale, breathe 2 blow (wind) MENG- -KAN 1 blow (smoke) off 2 exhale -AN 1 bellows 2 blast of wind 3 aspiration 4 suggestion PENG- -AN exhalation ###

Word: embus2

English Definition: go away! MENG- flee, take flight ###

Word: emosi

Short Definition: emotion.

English Definition: emotion. ###

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Word: emosionil

Short Definition: emotional.

English Definition: emotional. ###

L2 Definition: Menyentuh perasaan; membuat haru. ###

Examples: Pidatonya disampaikan secara sangat EMOSIONIL. = His speech was delivered in a very EMOTIONAL way. ###

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Word: empang

Short Definition: 1. fish pond; 2. embankment; 3. dam

English Definition: 1. fish pond; 2. embankment; 3. dam

Examples: ###

Word: empat

Short Definition: four. PER--AN: a four-way intersection.

English Definition: four. *PER--AN: a four-way intersection. ###

L2 Definition: Jumlah bilangan tiga ditambah satu. ###

Examples: Sesudah sampai di PEREMPATAN jalan itu beloklah kekanan. = After arriving at that intersection, turn to the right. ###

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Word: emping

Short Definition: chips, crackers

English Definition: chips, crackers

Word: empu

Short Definition: master, master craftsman. EMPU JARI = thumb; EMPU KAKI = big toe.

English Definition: master, master craftsman. EMPU JARI = thumb; EMPU KAKI = big toe. ###

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Word: empuk

Short Definition: 1. soft 2. tender, well-done (of meat) 3. easy to defeat or cheat###

English Definition: *^1. soft 2. tender, well-done (of meat) 3. easy to defeat or cheat 4. well-worn (of cloth) 5. soft and pleasant (of voice or sounds) **MENG-KAN: soften s.t., tenderize s.t. PENG-: 1. softener 2. padding, stuffing PENG-AN: softening###

Examples: *Daging bakar ini EMPUK = This steak is TENDER. **Ibuku MENGEMPUKKAN daging dengan daun pepaya = My mother TENDERIZES meat with papay leaves.###

Word: empunya

Short Definition: owner.

English Definition: *owner. ###

L2 Definition: Yang memiliki. ###

Examples: Dulah si EMPUNYA kerbau ini. = Dulah is THE OWNER of this water buffalo. ###

Hear This Word

Word: emulsi

Short Definition: emulsion###

English Definition: ^emulsion MENG-: emulsify###

Examples: ###

Word: enak

Short Definition: tasty, delicious; nice, pleasant. SE--NYA: as o. pleases.

English Definition: ^1 tasty, delicious. 2 nice, pleasant. *SE--NYA: as o. pleases. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa yang nikmat di lidah/badan/perasaan. ###

Examples: Berbahaya berbuat SEENAKNYA di daerah ini. = It's dangerous to do JUST AS YOU PLEASE in this area. ###

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Word: enam

Short Definition: six.

English Definition: six. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Ada ENAM orang yang tidur di kamar ini. = There are SIX people who sleep in this room. ###

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Word: encik

Short Definition: (Ch) term of address for a paternal uncle, +

English Definition: ^1 (Ch) term of address for o.'s father's younger brother or s.o. from o.'s father's generation. 2 term of address for a woman teacher. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan bagi kakak; sebutan bagi guru wanita; sebutan bagi laki-laki atau perempuan yang sudah dewasa. ###

Examples: ENCIK Hamidah yang akan menjadi guru di sini. = MADAM Hamidah is the one who is going theacher in this school. ###

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Word: endap

Short Definition: BER-_-_, MENG-_-_: to move in a crouching attitute. Also MENG--KAN.

English Definition: ^BER-_-_, MENG-_-_: to move in a crouching attitude. MENG--KAN: to settle, precipitate. ###

L2 Definition: Barang (seperti pasir, gula, dll) yang turun kemudian tertimbun di dalam benda cair; Jalan pelan-pelan tanpa bunyi karena tidak mau diketahui orang. ###

Examples: Dengan MENGENDAP-ENDAP kucing itu mendekati mangsanya. = With a CROUCHING MOVE the cat is moving closer to its prey. Saya mau MENGENDAPKAN kopi ini sebelum meminumnya. = I want TO SETTLE this coffee before drinking it. ###

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Word: endasan

Short Definition: a cutting board.

English Definition: a cutting board. ###

L2 Definition: landasan; alas. ###

Examples: Min, ambilkan ENDASAN ibu yang ada di dapur. = Min, bring me mother's CUTTING BOARD that is in the kitchen. ###

Hear This Word

Word: enga

Short Definition: see ENGAH.

English Definition: see ENGAH. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: engah

Short Definition: TER-: to be panting, exited, upset.

English Definition: ^TER-: to be panting, exited, upset. ###

L2 Definition: kaget; terburu-buru nafasnya; tahu/mengerti. ###

Examples: Dia TERENGAH ketika tahu ayamnya mati. = He was PANTING when he knew his rooster was dead. ###

Hear This Word

Word: enggak

Short Definition: see NGGAK.

English Definition: see NGGAK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: enggan

Short Definition: reluctant, hesitant, unwilling to do. KE--AN: reluctance.

English Definition: reluctant, hesitant, unwilling to do. KE--AN: reluctance. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak mau melakukan sesuatu hal; malas. ###

Examples: KEENGGANANku untuk bertemu dengannya karena kesombongannya. = My RELUCTANCE to meet him is caused by his arrogance. ###

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Word: engkau

Short Definition: you (familiar pronoun for 2nd person singular, often abbreviated as "kau").

English Definition: ^*you (familiar pronoun for 2nd person singular, often abbreviated as "kau").

L2 Definition: Sinonim: kamu. ###

Examples: Apakah ENGKAU merasa yang paling kuat? = Do YOU feel you are the strongest? ###

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Word: engku

Short Definition: term of address/ref. for mother's younger brother or other respectful people.

English Definition: ^*1 (Ch) term of address and reference for mother's younger brother. 2 (Lit.) term of address and reference for highly respected individuals of both sexes. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk orang yang dihormati. Paman (perkataan ini biasa digunakan di daerah Sumatera). ###

Examples: ENGKU saya tinggal di luar Jawa. = MY MOTHER'S YOUNGER BROTHER lives outside of Java. ###

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Word: entah

Short Definition: who knows, I do not know.

English Definition: ^*who knows, I do not know. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak tahu. ###

Examples: ENTAH di mana dia berada. = WHO KNOWS where he is. ###

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Word: entak

Short Definition: MENG-: stamp on forcefully; stab; throb as if being pounded. Also MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: ^MENG-: 1 stamp on forcefully. 2 stab, jab. 3 throb as if being pounded. MENG--KAN: pound or stamp with s.t. TER-: to be thrown down. -AN: stamping or pounding. ###

L2 Definition: menginjak; menikam. ###

Examples: Dia MENGENTAKKAN kakinya kuat-kuat ke lantai. = She stamps her feet forcefully to the floor. Terjadi ENTAKAN yang keras ketika bis ini direm tiba-tiba oleh pak sopir. = There was a big POUNDING when the bus brake was pushed by the driver in a sudden manner. ###

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Word: enteng

Short Definition: 1. light (in weight). 2. light (feelings, etc.). 3. easy, inconsequential. +

English Definition: ^1. light (in weight). 2. light (feelings, etc.). 3. easy, inconsequential. 4. mild (of cigarette, etc.). MENG--KAN: 1. lighten, ease. 2. alleviate, mitigate. 3. take for granted. KE--AN: closeness. ###

L2 Definition: ringan, mudah atau gampang. ###

Examples: Bagiku, ini pekerjaan yang ENTENG. = To me, this is an EASY job. Bantuannya sangat MENGENTENGKAN pekerjaanku. = His help is greatly lihgten my work. ###

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Word: enyah

Short Definition: go away, flee. ENYAHLAH! = Go away!

English Definition: go away, flee. ENYAHLAH! = Go away! ###

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Word: erang

Short Definition: groaning, moaning from pain. MENG-: groan, moan. -AN: a groan.

English Definition: ^groaning, moaning from pain. *MENG-: groan, moan. *-AN: a groan. ###

L2 Definition: Teriakan/suara tanda kesakitan. ###

Examples: Semalaman orang itu MENGERANG-ERANG karena patah tulang kakinya. = For one whole night, that person GROANED because of a broken legbone. ERANGAN harimau lapar itu menaikkan bulu kudukku. = The GROAN of that hungry tiger made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. ###

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Word: erat

Short Definition: tight, firm; firm (of a promise); close (of a relationship). Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 tight, firm. 2 firm (of a promise, etc.). 3 close (of a relationship, etc.). *MENG--KAN, MEMPER-(-KAN): 1 tighten (belt, embrace, etc.). 2 firm up, strengthen. *KE--AN: closeness. ###

L2 Definition: Terikat dengan kuat. ###

Examples: Saya telah mencoba MENGERATKAN hubungan mereka tetapi tidak berhasil. = I have tried to TIGHTEN the relationship between them but without success. Bagaimana cara MEMPERERAT ikatan ini? = How does one TIGHTEN this knot? KEERATAN rasa persaudaraan kami tidak bisa hilang sampai kapan pun. = The CLOSENESS of our brotherhood will never disappear. ###

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Word: Eropa

Short Definition: Europe.

English Definition: *Europe. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Bapak saya sering pergi ke EROPA. = My father frequently goes to EUROPE. ###

Hear This Word

Word: Eropah

Short Definition: see EROPA.

English Definition: see EROPA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: erti

Short Definition: MENG-: understand. DIMENG-: be understood. Also MENG--KAN, PENG--AN.

English Definition: ^MENG-: understand. *DIMENG-: be understood. MENG--KAN: explain. *PENG--AN: 1 understanding, way s.o. understands. 2 explanation, interpretation. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: tahu. ###

Examples: Penjelasanmu bisa DIMENGERTI. = Your explanation can be UNDERSTOOD. Dia memang bandel. Susah memberi PENGERTIAN padanya. = He's really stubborn. It's difficult to give any UNDERSTANDING to him. ###

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Word: es

Short Definition: ice; a drink with ice.

English Definition: ^*1 ice. 2 a drink with ice. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Di benua Amerika Utara pada musim dingin, air di danau-danau menjadi ES. = In the continent of North Amerika during the cold season, the water in the lakes becomes ICE. ###

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Word: esa

Short Definition: single, one. MENG--KAN: acknowledge the oneness of God. Also KE--AN, -AN.

English Definition: ^single, one. MENG--KAN: acknowledge the oneness of God. KE--AN: oneness, unity. -AN: alone, lonely.###

L2 Definition: Tidak ada duanya; satu; tunggal; eka. ###

Examples: Kami percaya bahwa Tuhan itu hanya satu dengan MENGESAKANNya. = We believe that there is only one God by ACKNOWLEDGING THE ONENESS OF GOD. Percaya akan KEESAAN Tuhan adalah hal yang mutlak dalam agama Islam. = Believe in the ONENESS of God is principle matter in Islam. ###

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Word: esensi

Short Definition: essence.

English Definition: essence. ###

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Word: esok

Short Definition: tomorrow, the next day. -NYA: the next morning. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^tomorrow, the next day. -NYA: the next morning. *KE--AN (harinya, paginya, sorenya, etc.): the following (day, morning, afternoon, etc.) ###

L2 Definition: SInonim: pagi. ###

Examples: Baru KEESOKAN harinya maling itu bisa ditangkap. = It was only the FOLLOWING day that that thief was caught. ###

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Word: etnis

Short Definition: ethnic.

English Definition: ethnic. ###

L2 Definition: *Pertalian dengan kelompok sosial dalam sistem sosial atau kebudayaan yang mempunyai arti atau kedudukan tertentu karena keturunan, adat, agama, bahasa, dsb. ###

Examples: Kedua suku itu masih dalam satu kelompok ETNIS, yaitu ETNIS Melayu. = Both of those subgroups are still part of one ETHNIC group, that is, the Malay ETHNIC group.###

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Word: etos

Short Definition: ethos, ethics

English Definition: ethos, ethics *--KERJA: work ethic.##

Word: faham

English Definition: see PAHAM. ###

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Word: fajar

Short Definition: dawn.

English Definition: dawn. ###

L2 Definition: Cahaya kemerahan di sebelah timur langit karena matahari akan terbit. ###

Examples: Indah sekali pemandangan di pantai ini pada waktu FAJAR. = The scene is very beautiful in this beach at DAWN. ###

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Word: fakta

Short Definition: fact. MEM--KAN: 1. make factual. 2. prove with facts.

English Definition: fact. MEM--KAN: 1. make factual. 2. prove with facts. ###

L2 Definition: hal yang benar-benar terjadi. #

Examples: Sulit MEMFAKTAKAN bahwa hal itu benar-benar terjadi. = It is difficult TO PROVE that that thing was really happened. ###

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Word: faktor

Short Definition: factor, element; (Math.) factor.

English Definition: ^*1 factor, element. 2 (Math.) factor. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Keperluan uang ialah FAKTOR penting yang harus dihadapi semua orang. = The need for money is an important FACTOR which every person must face. ###

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Word: faktual

Short Definition: factual###

English Definition: factual###

Examples: Berita adalah narasi FAKTUAL tentang peristiwa-peristiwa = News is a FACTUAL narration of events.###

Word: faktur

Short Definition: invoice

English Definition: invoice.##

Examples: ##

Word: fakultas

Short Definition: a school in a university, the faculty of such a school.

English Definition: a school in a university, the faculty of such a school. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian dari perguruan tinggi yang mempelajari suatu bidang ilmu tertentu. ###

Examples: Universitas swasta itu terkenal dengan FAKULTAS Sastranya. = The private university is known for its FACULTY of Literatures. ###

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Word: falsafah

English Definition: see FILSAFAH. ###

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Word: famili

Short Definition: family, relatives. BER-: to have a family, be related as a family.

English Definition: family, relatives. BER-: to have a family, be related as a family. ###

L2 Definition: keluarga; kerabat. ###

Examples: Ternyata saya dan dia masih BERFAMILI dekat. = Apparently I and he are close relatives. ###

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Word: fana

Short Definition: 1. transitory, fleeting; 2. perishable

English Definition: 1. transitory, fleeting; 2. perishable *DUNIA--: this world

Examples: Setiap orang akan meninggalkan dunia FANA ini = Everybody will eventually leave THIS (TRANSITORY) WORLD.###

Word: fantasi

Short Definition: fantasy, imagination. BER-: fantasize. MEMF--KAN: imagine s.t.

English Definition: ^1. fantasy, illusion, fancy. 2. imagination. BER-: fantasize. MEM--KAN: imagine s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Bayangan, rekaan, angan-angan, khayalan dalam pikiran. ###

Examples: Dia sedang BERFANTASI mengenai mobil barunya. = He is FANTASIZING about his new car. Saya sedang MEMFANTASIKAN seandainya saya bisa berlibur ke Hawaii. = I am IMAGINING if I could go for vacation to Hawaii. ###

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Word: fasih

Short Definition: fluent.

English Definition: fluent. ###

L2 Definition: lancar; tidak tersendat-sendat. ###

Examples: Saya kaget ketika orang Amerika itu berbicara bahasa Indonesia dengan FASIH. = I was surprised when the American person spoke Indonesian FLUENTLY. ###

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Word: fasik

Short Definition: godless, atheistic.

English Definition: godless, atheistic. ###

L2 Definition: Sikap yang tak percaya pada Tuhan. ###

Examples: "Jangan percaya pada orang yang FASIK," kata Pak Haji. = "Don't believe to people who are GODLESS," said Mr. Hajj. ###

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Word: fasilitas

Short Definition: facilities.

English Definition: facilities. ###

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Word: fasisme

Short Definition: fascism

English Definition: fascism

Word: fatwa

Short Definition: 1. (Isl) a binding ruling in religious matters. 2. instructions or guidance. +

English Definition: 1. (Isl) a binding ruling in religious matters. 2. instructions or guidance from an older person. BER-: give instructions on religious matters. MEMF--KAN: advise, give instructions. ###

Examples: Para ulama akan BERFATWA tentang hal itu. = The religious teachers are going to GIVE A RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTIONS regarding that matter. ###

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Short Definition: School of Law and Social Sciences.

English Definition: acronym for "Fakultas Hukum dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Kemasyarakatan," or the School of Law and Social Sciences. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: fihak

Short Definition: see PIHAK.

English Definition: see PIHAK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: fikir

Short Definition: see PIKIR.

English Definition: see PIKIR. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: filem

Short Definition: see FILM.

English Definition: see FILM.

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Filipin

Short Definition: The Philippines.

English Definition: The Philippines. ###

Word: film

Short Definition: film for camera; film, movie. MEM--KAN: film make a film of. Also PER--AN.

English Definition: ^1 film for camera. 2 film, movie. *MEM--KAN: film, make a film of. *PER--AN: the movie industry. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Kami sedang MEMFILEMKAN sejarah hidup pahlawan bangsa ini. = We are currently FILMING the life story of this national hero. Keadaan PERFILEMAN di Indonesia semakin suram saja akhir-akhir ini. = The situation of the FILM INDUSTRY in Indonesia is becoming increasingly gloomy these days. ###

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Word: filsafah

Short Definition: see FILSAFAT.

English Definition: see FILSAFAT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: filsafat

Short Definition: philosophy, ideology. MEM--KAN: philosophize about s.t. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^philosophy, ideology. *MEM--KAN: philosophize about s.t. KE--AN: pertaining to philosophical matters. ###

L2 Definition: Ilmu yang mempelajari suatu hal yang berintikan logika, estetika, metafisika, atau epistemologi. ###

Examples: Hal itu mudah saja diterangkan. Kenapa harus MEMFILSAFATKANnya? = That matter is easily explained. Why do you have to PHILOSOPHIZE it? ###

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Word: filsuf

Short Definition: philosopher.

English Definition: philosopher. ###

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Short Definition: School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

English Definition: acronym for "Fakultas Ilmu Pasti dan Pengetahuan Alam," or the School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: firasat

Short Definition: 1. ability to prophesy the future; 2. presentiment, hunch, foreboding

English Definition: 1. ability to prophesy the future; 2. presentiment, hunch, foreboding

L2 Definition: kemampuan untuk mengetahui masa depan

Examples: Sebaiknya kita tidak berangkat hari ini, saya mendapat FIRASAT yang tidak bagus = It is better if we canceled our trip today, I have a bad HUNCH about it. FIRASAT saya mengatakan dia akan datang hari ini = I have a HUNCH that he will come today.###

Word: firdaus

Short Definition: paradise.

English Definition: paradise.###

L2 Definition: surga. ###

Examples: Taman bunga ini seperti FIRDAUS di bumi. = This flower garden is like a PARADISE on earth. ###

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Word: fisik

Short Definition: body, physical.

English Definition: body, physical. ###

L2 Definition: badan; jasmani. ###

Examples: Pekerjaan ini membutuhkan FISIK yang kuat. = This job requires a strong BODY. ###

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Word: fisika

Short Definition: physics

English Definition: *--INTI : nuclear physics *--TERAPAN: applied physics

L2 Definition: ilmu pengetahuan alam

Examples: Dia bercita-cita ingin menjadi ahli FISIKA TERAPAN = he dreams of becoming an expert on APPLIED PHYSICS.###


Short Definition: (short for Fakultas Ilmu Social dan Ilmu Politik) Faculty (School) of Social and Political Science

English Definition: (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik): Faculty (School) of Social and Political Science

Examples: Anaknya yang kuliah di FISIP sekarang sudah lulus = His son that studies at FISIP now has graduated. ###

Word: fitnah

Short Definition: slander. MEMF-: slander, libel. PEM-: slanderer. PEM--AN: libeling, slandering.

English Definition: slander. MEMF-: slander, libel. PEM: slanderer. PEM--AN: libeling, slandering. ###

L2 Definition: tuduhan yang tidak beralasan.#

Examples: Dia tidak segan MEMFITNAH orang lain demi kepentingannya. = He would not hesitate to SLANDER other person for his own sake. Agus sudah terkenal sebagai PEMFITNAH murahan. = Agus has been known as a cheap SLANDERER. ###

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Word: fitri

Short Definition: pure, natural.

English Definition: pure, natural. ###

L2 Definition: bersih, murni. ###

Examples: Puasa bertujuan untuk menciptakan jiwa yang FITRI. = Fasting is aimed to create a PURE soul. ###

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Word: formulasi

Short Definition: formulation.

English Definition: formulation. ###

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Word: formulir

Short Definition: form, declaration, blank.

English Definition: ^*form, declaration, blank. ###

L2 Definition: Lembaran untuk diisi sesuatu. ###

Examples: FORMULIR ini harus diisi sebelum diserahkan kembali. = This FORM must be filled out before it can be returned for submission.###

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Word: foto

Short Definition: photograph, picture. MEM-: to take a picture.

English Definition: photograph, picture. *MEM-: to take a picture. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: potret. ###

Examples: Abang saya suka MEMFOTO pemandangan. = My elder brother likes to PHOTOGRAPH scenery. ###

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Word: foya

Short Definition: be extravagant with money

English Definition: -2; BER- -2 be extravagant with money ###

Word: fraksi

Short Definition: faction (in parliament), section (of political party)###

English Definition: faction (in parliament), section (of political party)###

Examples: ###

Word: Fretilin

Short Definition: Revolutionary Front for Independent East Timor.

English Definition: (Frente Revolucionaria do Timor Leste Independente) Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor, a guerrilla movement seeking the independence of East Timor. Fretilin was established in 1974. ###

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Word: frustrasi

Short Definition: frustration, frustrated

English Definition: frustration, frustrated

Word: fungsi

Short Definition: function, office, job; function, purpose. BER- (sebagai): to function as.

English Definition: ^1 function, office, job. 2 function, purpose. *BER- (sebagai): to function as. ###

L2 Definition: Guna/kegunaan. ###

Examples: Kampak ini BERFUNGSI sebagai alat pembelah kayu. = This adze FUNCTIONS as a tool to split wood. ###

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Word: futbal

Short Definition: soccer.

English Definition: soccer.###

L2 Definition: Permainan dengan menggunakan bola sebagai benda yang harus diperebutkan masing-masing pihak dan hanya boleh disentuh dengan kaki; sepak bola. ###

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Word: G30S

Short Definition: (acronym for Gerakan Tigapuluh September) The September 30th Movement

English Definition: (Gerakan Tigapuluh September) or the September 30th Movement It refers to the abortive coup attemp on September 30, 1965

Word: gabung

Short Definition: bundle, cluster. BER-: gather together, collected. Also MENG--KAN.

English Definition: ^1 bundle, cluster. BER-: gather together, collected, to merge together. MENG--KAN: to bundle s.t. together. ###

L2 Definition: Mengumpulkan sesuatu menjadi satu. ###

Examples: Saya ingin BERGABUNG dengan kelompokmu. = I would like TO JOIN your group. Panglima telah memutuskan untuk MENGGABUNGKAN ke dua batalyon itu. = The commander has decided to MERGE TOGETHER the two battalions. ###

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Word: gabus

English Definition: gabus1--kind of tree gabus2--kind of fish ###

Word: gabus1

Short Definition: kind of tree

English Definition: kind of tree, the soft wood of which is used as cork, scraper, etc. cork MENG- polish with cork PENG-abrasive, polisher ###

Word: gabus2

Short Definition: kind of widely eaten freshwater fish

English Definition: kind of widely eaten freshwater fish ###

Word: gadai

Short Definition: MENG-: take s.t. in pawn. MENG--KAN: pawn s.t.

English Definition: MENG-: take s.t. in pawn. MENG--KAN: pawn s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Pinjaman uang dengan menyerahkan suatu barang sebagai tanggungannya. ###

Examples: Saya sering MENGGADAIKAN mesin ketik ini untuk makan. = I often PAWN this type writer for food. ###

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Word: gading

Short Definition: 1. elephant tusk, ivory; 2. ivory color

English Definition: 1. elephant tusk, *ivory; 2. ivory color

Examples: Tak ada GADING yang tak retak (Ind. proverb) = there is no IVORY which is not cracked (nothing is perfect).

Word: gadis

Short Definition: young girl.

English Definition: young girl. ###

L2 Definition: Perempuan yang masih muda dan belum kawin. ###

Examples: Apakah kamu punya anak GADIS? = Do you have a YOUNG GIRL (daughter)? ###

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Word: gado

Short Definition: MENG-: eat side dishes without rice. Also GADO-GADO, MENG-.

English Definition: ^MENG-: eat side dishes without rice. *GADO-GADO: 1 a k.o. salad eaten with peanut sauce. 2 s.t. consisting of various elements. *MENG-: eating only the side dishes. ###

L2 Definition: Memakan lauk-pauk tanpa nasi. ###

Examples: Makan juga nasimu! Jangan MENGGADO lauk saja. = Eat your rice also! Don't EAT THE SIDE DISHES only. Makanan kesukaan saya adalah GADO-GADO. = My favorite dish is MIXED SALAD WITH PEANUT SAUCE. ###

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Word: gaduh

Short Definition: noisy, rowdy

English Definition: 1 noisy 2 boisterous, rowdy 3 tumult BER- 1 make a row 2 quarrel, fight 3 be confused, mixed up MENG- disturb s.o. MENG- -KAN 1 disrturb, upset, stir s.o. up 2 be in commotion over KE- -AN 1 commotion, tumult 2 brawl, rumpus PER- -AN commotion, tummult ###

Word: gaduh1

English Definition: 1 noisy 2 boisterous, rowdy 3 tumult BER- 1 make a row 2 quarrel, fight 3 be confused, mixed up MENG- disturb s.o. MENG- -KAN 1 disrturb, upset, stir s.o. up 2 be in commotion over KE- -AN 1 commotion, tumult 2 brawl, rumpus PER- -AN commotion, tummult ###

Word: gaduk

Short Definition: arrogant, conceited

English Definition: arrogant, conceited ###

Word: gaet

Short Definition: hook, snare

English Definition: hook, snare *MENG--: 1. snatch, hook; 2. rake in *TER--: 1. get hooked; 2. get caught up in s.t.

Examples: Pak Bima yang sudah tua berhasil MENGGAET Siti yang berumur tujuh belas = The old man, Pak Bima, was HOOKED with seventeen years old Siti. Jangan mudah TERGAET dengan bujuk rayu Sulaiman = Do not FALL (GET CAUGHT) for Sulaiman's sweet words.###

Word: gagah

Short Definition: strong, handsome, brave, heroic.

English Definition: *strong, handsome, brave, heroic.###

L2 Definition: kuat; bertenaga. sangat pemberani.###

Examples: Perwira itu sangat GAGAH berani. = That hero is very STRONG and BRAVE.###

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Word: gagak

Short Definition: crow###

English Definition: crow###

Examples: Pada musim salju, banyak sekali burung GAGAK melintasi DeKalb = In winters, a lot of CROWS fly over DeKalb.###

Word: gagal

Short Definition: fail. MENG--KAN: to foil, defeat, cause to fail. KE--AN: failure.

English Definition: ^*fail. *MENG--KAN: to foil, defeat, cause to fail. *KA--AN: failure. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bisa mencapai suatu hal sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan. ###

Examples: Saya GAGAL menempuh ujian SIM tadi siang. = I FAILED to pass the driver's license exam earlier today. Polisi berhasil MENGGAGALKAN usaha perampokan itu. = The police succeeded in FOILING the efforts of that robber. KEGAGALAN percobaan ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya bahan baku. = The FAILURE of this endeavor was caused by the lack of raw materials. ###

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Word: gagas

Short Definition: have an idea###

English Definition: * ~AN = 1. idea, 2. concept PENG~ = 1. creator, 2. conceptor, 3. designer ** MENG~ = 1. have an idea, 2. contribute ideas, 3. impose ideas PENG~AN = thinking out of s.t.

Examples: * GAGASAN tentang demokrasi di Indonesia tampak tak jelas = The CONCEPT of democracy in Indonesia seems unclear. ** Gerakan mahasiswa MENGGAGAS sistem pemilihan umum yang demokratis = The Student movement IMPOSES IDEAS of democratic electoral systems.###

Word: gaib

Short Definition: mysterious, inscrutable.

English Definition: mysterious, inscrutable. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bisa dilihat, dirasa, dan diraba; hal yang ada ditempat lain yang tidak dimengerti manusia; tidak nyata. ###

Examples: Nenek suka bercerita tentang hal-hal yang GAIB. = Granndma like to tell story about things that are MYSTERIOUS. ###

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Word: gairah

Short Definition: urge, enthusiasm. MENG--KAN: to stir, arouse, emotionally moving.

English Definition: desire, urge, enthusiasm KE-AN: enthusiasm *BER-: urge, emotionally moving, desire MENG--KAN: to stir, arouse, emotionally moving ###

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Petani tambak BERGAIRAH membudidayakan udang windu = Fishermen URGED to cultivate large shrimp.###

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Word: gajah

Short Definition: elephant.

English Definition: elephant. ###

L2 Definition: Binatang besar yang berwarna abu-abu, berkaki empat, bermata dan ekor yang kecil, dan bertelinga lebar. ###

Examples: GAJAH Afrika lebih besar daripada GAJAH Asia. = African ELEPHANT is bigger than Asian ELEPHANT. ###

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Word: gaji

Short Definition: salary, wage.

English Definition: salary, wage. ###

L2 Definition: Upah yang diterima setelah bekerja sekian lama, biasanya dalam bentuk uang. ###

Examples: Saya dengar GAJI pegawai negeri akan naik. =I heard that the civil servant's salary will be increased. ###

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Word: gala

Short Definition: see SEGALA.

English Definition: see SEGALA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: galah

Short Definition: pole.

English Definition: pole. ###

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Word: galak

Short Definition: fierce, wild. MENG--KAN: stir up, incite, promote.

English Definition: fierce, wild. MENG--KAN: stir up, incite, promote. ###

Examples: Hati-hati berjalan di depan rumahnya, ada anjing GALAK disana = Be careful walking in front of his house, he has a FIERCE dog. Pemerintah MENGGALAKKAN usaha nelayan kecil = The government is PROMOTING the small scale fishery###

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Word: galang

Short Definition: girder, supporting beam

English Definition: girder, supporting beam *BER--: use a girder, have a girder as support *MENG--: support (o's head, roof, etc.); give s.t. a firm footing. *PENG--: 1. one who provides leadership; 2. a boy or girl Scout on the 2nd level (age 12-15). *--AN: shipyard, dockyard

Examples: Marilah kita MENGGALANG persaudaraan sebangsa = Let us give our brotherhood a FIRM FOUNDATION. Ayahnya bekerja sebagai penjaga GALANGAN kapal = His father works as a guard at the SHIPYARD.###

Word: galau

Short Definition: hubbub, confusion

English Definition: *hubbub, confusion; also KE-AN

Examples: Ina menjadi GALAU ketika kekasihnya memutuskan untuk pindah ke kota lain = Ina became CONFUSSED when her boyfriend decided to move to another city.

Word: gali

Short Definition: MENG-: dig; dig up; unearth, discover. -AN: result of digging. Also PENG--AN.

English Definition: ^*MENG-: 1 dig (hole, well, mine, etc.). 2 dig up (potatoes, etc.). 3 unearth, discover. *-AN: the result of digging. *PENG--AN: 1 quarrying. 2 excavating, digging. ###

L2 Definition: Membuat lobang untuk mengambil atau menanam sesuatu. ###

Examples: Jamu tradisional didapat dengan MENGGALI ramu-ramuan nenek moyang. = Traditional jamu medicine was obtained by DISCOVERING the ingredients of the ancestors. Bekas GALIAN kabel telpon di bawah jalan besar itu telah mencelakakan pejalan kaki. = The left-over DIGGINGS from the telephone cable under that large street was an inconvenience for pedestrians. Ada usaha PENGGALIAN benda-benda purbakala di candi Borobudur. = There is an effort for EXCAVATING archeological items at the Borobudur temple. ###

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Word: GAM

Short Definition: abbreviation of "Gerakan Aceh Merdeka" or "Free Aceh Movement"

English Definition: abbreviation of "Gerakan Aceh Merdeka" or "Free Aceh Movement"

Examples: ###

Word: gambang

Short Definition: traditional musical instrument like xylophone.

English Definition: traditional musical instrument like xylophone.###

L2 Definition: Alat musik tradisional yang terbuat dari bilah-bilah bambu/kayu. ###

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Word: gambar

Short Definition: picture; sketch. BER-: illustrated; have o.'s picture taken. Also MENG-, +

English Definition: ^1 picture. 2 sketch. *BER-: 1 illustrated. 2 have o.'s picture taken. *MENG-: draw, make a picture of. *MENG--I: draw a picture on or in, illustrate. *MENG--KAN: 1 explain s.t. by drawing. 2 depict, describe. -AN: illustration, picture of s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Lukisan tentang suatu hal pada kertas. ###

Examples: Baju yang BERGAMBAR burung merak itu yang bagus. = The shirt THAT HAS THE PICTURE of the peacock is the nice one. Anakku pandai MENGGAMBAR ninja turtle. = My child is good at DRAWING kura-kura ninja. Sulit untuk MENGGAMBARKAN kejadian yang sesungguhnya. = It is difficult to DESCRIBE the event as it actually happened. Anak-anak nakal itu sedang MENGGAMBARI tembok rumah tetangga. = Those naughty children are DRAWING ON the side of the neighbor's house. ###

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Word: gambir

Short Definition: gambier, ingredient used in betel chewing, tanning, and dyeing.

English Definition: ^*gambier, ingredient used in betel chewing, tanning, and dyeing. ###

L2 Definition: Bahan perasa untuk membuat rokok kretek atau susur. ###

Examples: Nenekku suka mengunyah susur dengan menggunakan banyak GAMBIR. = My grandmother likes to chew tobacco with GAMBIER. ###

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Word: gambut

Short Definition: peat moss, turf

English Definition: peat moss, turf

Examples: Petani-petani itu mencoba menanam sayur-sayuran di tanah GAMBUT = the farmers try to cultivate vegetables on soil that cointains PEAT MOSS.

Word: gamelan

Short Definition: traditional Javanese/Sundanese percussion orchestra.

English Definition: *traditional Javanese/Sundanese/Balinese orchestra comprised mainly of metallic percussion instruments. ###

L2 Definition: Alat musik pada masyarakat Jawa dan Bali. ###

Examples: Jenis GAMELAN ini berasal dari Jawa. = This kind of PERCUSSION ORCHESTRA originates from Java. ###

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Word: gampang

Short Definition: easy.

English Definition: *easy. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak sulit. Sinonim: mudah. ###

Examples: Ternyata GAMPANG saja matematika ini. = Apparently this math is EASY. ###

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Word: ganas

Short Definition: vicious, savage. KE--AN: ferocity.

English Definition: vicious, savage. KE--AN: ferocity. ###

L2 Definition: Galak; garang; suka menyerang (pada binatang). ###

Examples: KEGANASAN harimau itu muncul setiap kali ia diganggu pengunjung. = The FEROCITY of that tiger came out every time it was bothered by visitors. ###

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Word: ganda

Short Definition: double or several fold.

English Definition: double or several fold. ###

L2 Definition: berlipat; dua; kali; berpasangan. ###

Examples: Pasangan BERGANDA itu akan bermain di babak kedua. = The DOUBLES teams will play in the second round. ###

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Word: gandeng

Short Definition: side by side, arm in arm

English Definition: *BER--AN : side by side, arm in arm *MENG-- : pull, tow, hold (hands) *MENG--KAN : link, hook together, join *--AN : connection, link(ing)

Examples: Pasangan pengantin itu memasuki ruang upacara dengan BERGANDENGAN tangan = the couple of bride and groom entered the ceremonial room ARM IN ARM. Ketika menyeberangi jalan yang ramai itu Dewi MENGGANDENG tangan adiknya = when crossing that busy street Dewi HOLDS her sister's hand. Sebuah jembatan yang panjang MENGGANDENGKAN kedua sisi sungai itu = a long bridge LINKS both of the river's tributaries. GANDENGAN antara kedua gerbong kereta api itu kurang kuat = the CONNECTION between the two cars (of the train) is not strong enough.

Word: gandrung

Short Definition: 1. infatuated, in love, crazy about; 2. devoted to a cause

English Definition: 1. infatuated, in love, crazy about; 2. devoted to a cause *MENG--I: enamored of , infatuated with *KE--AN: love, infatuation, craze for

L2 Definition: perasaan suka akan seseorang atau sesuatu.

Examples: Sejak lama Amir GANDRUNG pada Susi = It has been long that Amir is IN LOVE with Susi. Saya sangat MENGGANDRUNGI bintang film itu = I am CRAZY about that movie star.###

Word: gang

Short Definition: 1. alley, narrow street; 2. gang (of thieves, etc.)

English Definition: 1. alley, narrow street; 2. gang (of thieves, etc.)

Word: ganggu

Short Definition: MENG-: disturb, annoy, interfere with. TER-: disturbed, annoyed. Also -AN, +

English Definition: *MENG-: disturb, annoy, interfere with. *TER-: disturbed, annoyed. *-AN: disturbance, interference. *PENG-: meddler, intruder. PENG--AN: teasing. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: mengusik. merusak suasana. merintangi. membuat kacau. ###

Examples: Nyamuk ini MENGGANGGU tidurku. = This mosquito is DISTURBING my sleep. Konsentrasiku TERGANGGU oleh suara radiomu. = My concentration is DISTURBED by the sound of your radio. Masih banyak orang Jawa yang percaya pada GANGGUAN makhluk halus. = There are still many Javanese who believe in the INTERFERENCE of spirits. Dalam kelas ini dia dikenal sebagai PENGGANGGU gadis-gadis. = In this class, he is known as ONE WHO TEASES the girls. ###

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Word: ganja

Short Definition: marijuana, hashish.

English Definition: marijuana, hashish. ###

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Word: ganjil

Short Definition: 1. uneven, odd numbers; 2. queer, odd, abnormal

English Definition: 1. uneven, odd numbers; 2. queer, odd, abnormal *KE--AN: strangeness, peculiar nature

L2 Definition: aneh, tidak normal

Examples: Coba kamu bedakan mana bilangan GANJIL dan bilangan genap = Try to differentiate the ODD numbers and the even numbers. Kejadian ini sangat GANJIL sehingga menarik perhatian orang banyak = This incident is kind of PECULIAR therefore many people are interested on it.###

Word: ganteng

Short Definition: handsome, dashing

English Definition: handsome, dashing

L2 Definition: gagah, cakap

Examples: Kakaknya sangat GANTENG seperti bintang film = Her brother is as HANDSOME as movie star.##

Word: ganti

Short Definition: substitute, replacement; change. Also BER-, BER--AN, MENG-, +

English Definition: 1 substitute, replacement. 2 change. BER-: change (name, clothes, etc.). *BER--AN: by turns. *MENG-: replace, substitute for, make up for. *MENG--KAN: function as a replacement, substitute for s.o. or s.t. else. *PENG-: a substitute. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: tukar. ###

Examples: Sekarang namaku sudah BERGANTI. = Now my name has already CHANGED. Karena perjalanan ini jauh kami harus BERGANTIAN menyopir. = Because this trip is long, we have to TAKE TURNS driving. Ayah sedang MENGGANTI ban mobil dengan yang baru. = Father is CHANGING the tire of the car with a new one. Kamu yang bakal MENGGANTIKAN kedudukan ayahmu. = You will be the one TO FUNCTION AS A REPLACEMENT in the position of your father. Kita harus segera mencari pemain PENGGANTI. = We must immediately look for a REPLACEMENT player. ###

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Word: gantung

Short Definition: BER-: hang; depend upon. MENG-: hang; hang up. Also MENG--KAN, TER-.

English Definition: ^BER-: 1 hang. 2 depend upon. *MENG-: 1 hang (a person). 2 hang up (clothes). *MENG--KAN: 1 hang s.t. 2 make s.t. dependent. *TER-: 1 suspended, be hanging on. 2 dependent. ###

L2 Definition: sangkut/kait. ###

Examples: Hukuman yang patut bagi seorang pembunuh adalah MENGGANTUNGnya. = An appropriate sentence for a murderer is to HANG him. Keluarganya MENGGANTUNGKAN nasib mereka di pundaknya. = His family HUNG their fortune on his shoulders. Keberhasilan panen nanti akan TERGANTUNG pada keadaan cuaca. = The success of the harvest later will DEPEND on the condition of the weather. ###

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Word: ganyang

Short Definition: MENG-: 1. eat raw, devour. 2. smash, crush. 3. eliminate. Also TER-, PENG-.

English Definition: ^MENG-: 1. eat raw, devour. 2. smash, crush. 3. eliminate. TER-: 1. devoured. 2. smashed. PENG-: destroyer, demolisher. ###

L2 Definition: menyikat habis, menghancurkan. ###

Examples: Mereka bertekad untuk MENGGANYANG musuh-musuh republik. = They are determined TO CRUSH the enemies of the republic. Ini dia PENGGANYANG penjajah! = This is he the DESTROYER of the colonizer! "Belanda sudah TERGANYANG," teriak para pemuda. = "The Dutch HAS already BEEN CRUSHED," shout the youths. ###

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Word: gapai

Short Definition: reach for

English Definition: *MENG- : 1. reach for, extend the hand for, grasp after; 2. wave (o.'s hand) to; 3. achieve, attain

Examples: Ia MENGGAPAI sebuah dahan (pohon) agar ia tidak jatuh = he REACHED FOR a branch (of a tree) so that he did not fall. Dengan bekerja keras akhirnya ia bisa MENGGAPAI cita-citanya = by hard working finally he ACHIEVED his dream.

Word: gara-gara

Short Definition: turbulence, trouble, just because

English Definition: *1. turbulence, trouble, just because 2. (Jv.) scene in traditional wayang depicting turbulence and war

Examples: Rupanya kamu mencari GARA-GARA = apparently you are looking for TROUBLE. Dia dipecat GARA-GARA dia bertengkar dengan majikannya = he was fired JUST BECAUSE he quarreled with his boss.

Word: garam

Short Definition: salt; experience, effectiveness (in idioms). Also BER-, MENG-.

English Definition: ^1 salt. 2 experience, effectiveness (in idioms). *BER-: 1 salted. 2 be effective. *MENG--I: 1 salt s.t. 2 make worse. ###

L2 Definition: Barang seperti pasir yang berwarna putih dan berasa asin, biasanya digunakan untuk bumbu masakan. ###

Examples: Masakan ini terlalu BERGARAM. = This cooked food HAS too much SALT. Jangan lupa MENGGARAMI sayurmu. = Don't forget to SALT your vegetables. ###

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Word: garang

Short Definition: fierce, aggressive.

English Definition: fierce, aggressive. ###

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Word: garap

Short Definition: MENG-: work on. MENG--KAN: work on behalf of s.o.

English Definition: MENG-: work on. MENG--KAN: work on behalf of s.o. *DI--: worked on. ###

L2 Definition: kerja; olah. ###

Examples: Para petani mulai MENGGARAP sawahnya musim ini. = The farmers have begun TO WORK ON their (wet rice) fields this season. Abangnya yang biasa MENGGARAPKAN pekerjaan rumahnya. = Her older brother is usually the one who DOES her homework FOR HER.###

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Word: garasi

Short Definition: garage.

English Definition: garage. ###

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Word: garderobe

Short Definition: (Dutch) cloakroom.

English Definition: (Dutch) cloakroom. ###

Word: garing

Short Definition: 1. dry and crispy, crunchy. 2. cool (of a relationship). Also MENG--KAN.

English Definition: 1. dry and crispy, crunchy. 2. cool (of a relationship). MENG--KAN: make s.t. crisp and dry. ###

L2 Definition: rasa renyah pada makanan. ###

Examples: Proses ini diperlukan untuk MENGGARINGKAN makanan. = This process is needed TO MAKE the food CRISP AND DRY. ###

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Word: garis

Short Definition: line. BER-: lined. Also BER-_-_, MENG-, MENG--I, MENG--KAN, TER-, -AN, PENG-,+

English Definition: (also see GARISBAWAH) ^*line. BER-: lined (of paper). BER-_-_: decorated with lines. MENG-: 1 scratch. 2 draw lines, rule (a page). 3 be a thin line. MENG--I: draw a line on. MENG--KAN: 1 underline, underscore s.t.). 2 trace the lines of. 3 outline. TER-: be scratched into s.t. -AN: 1 ruler. 2 line etched or drawn. PENG-: ruler. PE--AN: indication by lines. PENG--AN: 1 drawing lines. 2 line, policies set.###

L2 Definition: 1. ^Goresan, parut bekas digaruk/terluka. 2. ^Coretan (panjang/pendek, lurus/lengkung). 3. ^Batas. ###

Examples: Di muka si Jampang banyak terdapat GARIS-GARIS bekas perkelahian. = On Jampang's face can be found the LINES of many battle scars. Jangan coba-coba bermain diluar GARIS. = Don't try playing outside of the LINE. ###

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Word: garisbawah

Short Definition: underlining. MENG--I: underline, emphasize. PENG--AN: underlining, emphasis.

English Definition: ^underlining *MENG--I: 1 underline, underscore (word, sentence, etc.). 2 emphasize. PENG--AN 1 underlining, underscoring. 2 emphasizing.###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: 1 Tolong MENGGARISBAWAHI jawaban yang betul di ujian ini.= Please UNDERLINE the correct answer on this test. 2 Guru kita MENGGARISBAWAHI bahwa kita harus rajin belajar. = Our teacher EMPHASIZED that we had to study diligently.###

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Word: garpu

Short Definition: fork.

English Definition: *fork. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk makan berbentuk sendok yang berjari-jari. ###

Examples: Saya makan menggunakan sendok saja, tidak dengan GARPU. = I eat using only a spoon, not with a FORK. ###

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Word: Garuda

Short Definition: national symbol of Indonesia; name of an Indonesian airline.

English Definition: *1 a mythical bird (the vehicle of the Hindu god Vishnu), the national symbol of the Republic of Indonesia. 2 name of an Indonesian airline. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah simbol yang berbentuk burung. ###

Examples: GARUDA Pancasila adalah lambang negara Indonesia. = The GARUDA Pancasila is the symbol of Indonesia. ###

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See a Picture

Word: garuk

Short Definition: scratch, scrape, clean out

English Definition: *MENG- = scratching *MENG-KAN = scratch or scrape with

Examples: Monyet itu MENGGARUK kepala anaknya = The monkey SCRATCHED the head of her child.# Tolong engkau MENGGARUKKAN belakang saya ya...= Could you please SCRATCH my back...###

Word: gasing

Short Definition: a top

English Definition: a top *BER--: to spin a top *--AN: a spin of a top

Examples: Anak-anak ramai bermain GASING di depan rumah kami = There are many kids spinning the TOPS in front of our house.###

Word: gatal

Short Definition: itch. KE--AN: itchiness.

English Definition: itch. KE--AN: itchiness. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa geli sehingga ingin mengagaruk. ###

Examples: KEGATALAN ini sudah kurasakan selama berminggu-minggu. = This ITCHINESS has been felt by me for weeks. ###

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Word: gaul

Short Definition: BER-: to associate with, to chum around with. Also PER--AN.

English Definition: ^BER-: to associate with, to chum around with. PER--AN: association, social intercourse. ###

L2 Definition: Berteman; berhubungan baik dengan orang lain. ###

Examples: Dia tidak mau BERGAUL dengan orang yang tidak sederajat. = He does not want to associate with people that do not have from the same social status. PERGAULANnya sangat luas. =His association is very broad.###

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Word: gaun

Short Definition: gown, women's dress

English Definition: gown, women's dress *BER--: have or wear a gown *--RUMAH: housecoat *--TIDUR: nightgown *--PENGANTIN: wedding gown

L2 Definition: baju (untuk perempuan)

Examples: Malam ini Santi akan BERGAUN merah dan berselendang biru = For this evening Santi will WEAR a red dress and blue scarf. GAUN PENGANTIN ini ibu sendiri yang menjahitnya = Ibu sew this WEDDING GOWN herself. Kamu boleh meminjam GAUN TIDUR Mita malam ini = You can borrow Mita's NIGHTGOWN for tonight.##

Word: gaung

Short Definition: echo, reverberate

English Definition: *BER- = echo

Examples: Di dalam gua ini suara kita akan BERGAUNG = In this cave our voice will be ECHOED.##

Word: gawang

Short Definition: 1. gate, 2. (Sport) goal posts, hurdles###

English Definition: ^1. gate, 2. (Sport) goal posts, hurdles -2AN: (Sport) wicket###

Examples: Adi menendang bola tepat ke GAWANG = Adi kicked the ball right to the GOAL POSTS.###

Word: gawat

Short Definition: 1. critical, serious, grave 2. dangerous, risky 3. bad, terrible###

English Definition: * 1. critical, serious, grave 2. dangerous, risky 3. bad, terrible MENG~ = be critical, be grave MENG~KAN = 1. endanger, render critical KE~AN = 1. criticalness 2. danger, gravity###

Examples: * Keadaan sopir truk itu sangat GAWAT akibat tabrakan = The condition of the truck driver is very CRITICAL after the crush.###

Word: gaya

Short Definition: energy, force; style, manner of doing s.t.

English Definition: ^1 energy, force. 2 style, manner of doing s.t. MENG-: 1 encourage. 2 act smart, affected. ###

L2 Definition: Kekuatan; sifat. ###

Examples: Walau dia sudah MENGGAYA setengah mati gadis itu tetap tidak tertarik olehnya. = Although he HAS ACTED SMART really hard, the girl is still not interested at him. ###

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Word: gayung

Short Definition: water dipper.

English Definition: *water dipper. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk menciduk air. ###

Examples: GAYUNG ini sudah bocor, carilah gantinya! = This WATER DIPPER already leaks, look for a replacement! ###

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Word: gayut

Short Definition: swing, hang

English Definition: *BER-- : hang, swing *BER--AN: swing (of several people or things) *MENG-- : be hanging *MENG--I : hang on to

L2 Definition: gantung, tergantung

Examples: Monyet itu BERGAYUT di pohon = the monkey SWINGS on the tree. Hiasan meriah BERGAYUTAN di gerbang desa kami = There are many decorations SWINGING on the village gate. Anaknya menangis dan MENGGAYUT ibunya = the little girl cried and HANG ON to her mom.

Word: GBHN

Short Definition: (Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara) State Policy Guidelines

English Definition: acronym for Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara: State Policy General Guidelines

Word: gebrak

Short Definition: sound of a door slamming, board crashing to floor, etc.###

English Definition: ^sound of a door slamming, board crashing to floor, etc. BER-AN: pound e.o. *MENG-: 1. thump, pound on 2. crash 3. hit 4. instigate 5. shake off -AN: 1. (karate) blow, chop 2. blow, slap, beat###

Examples: *Kendall MENGGEBRAK mainannya ke lantai = Kendall POUNDED his toys ON the floor.###

Word: gebu

Short Definition: MENG-(2): 1. flare up (of fire, revolt) 2. rage ###

English Definition: *MENG-(2): 1. flare up (of fire, revolt) 2. rage 3. be tense and excited with enthusiasm, worked up for action###

Examples: *Ilham MENGGEBU-GEBU membacakan pidatonya di depan kelas = Ilham FLARED UP reading his speech in front of his class.###

Word: gebyar

Short Definition: (Jv) sparkle, shine, glitter###

English Definition: ^(Jv) sparkle, shine, glitter *MENG-: shine, sparkle####

Examples: *Megawati Sukarno MENGGEBYAR arena politik Indonesia = Megawati Sukarno SHINES the Indonesian political arena.###

Word: gecar

Short Definition: trembling, fright###

English Definition: ^trembling, fright MENG-: shudder, tremble (from fear)###

Examples: ####

Word: gede

Short Definition: big. MENG--KAN: enlarge. KE--AN: too big. PENG-: (Sl.) big shot.

English Definition: big. MENG--KAN: enlarge. KE--AN: too big. PENG-: (Sl.) big shot. ###

L2 Definition: besar. ###

Examples: Anak itu sudah GEDE sekarang. = The child is BIG now. Kamu bisa MENGGEDEKAN gambar di komputer itu. = You can ENLARGE the picture in the computer. Kaos ini KEGEDEAN bagiku. = The T-shirt is TOO BIG for me. Para PENGGEDE kota akan berkumpul di sini. = The HIGH-RANK city OFFICIALS will gather here. ###

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Word: gedebuk

Short Definition: sound of heavy footsteps###

English Definition: *sound of heavy footsteps BER-: with a thud (BER)-AN: make a pounding or thudding noise###

Examples: *Saya terkejut mendengar GEDEBUK di luar kamar = I was surprised hearing the SOUNDS OF HEAVY FOOTSTEPS outside.###

Word: gedong

Short Definition: a mansion.

English Definition: a mansion. ###

L2 Definition: Rumah yang besar dan mewah. ###

Examples: GEDONG yang di pojok itu ternyata punya Pak Susanto. = The MANSION in the corner is apparently owned by Mr. Susanto. ###

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Word: gedung

Short Definition: building, ediface.

English Definition: ^*building, ediface. ###

L2 Definition: Bangunan terbuat dari tembok, biasanya berukuran besar. ###

Examples: Banyak GEDUNG perkantoran di daerah ini. = There are many office BUILDINGS in this area. ###

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Word: gegabah

Short Definition: rash, reckless, hasty###

English Definition: rash, reckless, hasty###

L2 Definition: gegabah is a kind of manners that shows carelessness or hurry. the manner does not necessarily address impoliteness

Examples: Dia menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan gurunya dengan GEGABAH = He answered his teacher's questions in a RASH manner###

Word: gegap

Short Definition: noisy. GEGAP GEMPITA = uproarious, noisy.

English Definition: noisy. GEGAP GEMPITA = uproarious, noisy. ###

L2 Definition: ramai; riuh; gempita. ###

Examples: GEGAP GEMPITA suara pendukung tim yang menang itu. =The UPROARIOUS call came from the supporters of the winning team. ###

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Word: gegas

Short Definition: lots of movement and activity

English Definition: lots of movement and activity BER- TER- To hurry up, to be in a hurry BER-AN to be in a hurry MEGN- -KAN to hurry or speed up ###

Word: geger

Short Definition: commotion, tumult. MENG--KAN: make a commotion over s.t. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^commotion, tumult. MENG--KAN: make a commotion over s.t. KE--AN: commotion, clamour, tumult. ###

L2 Definition: Ribut; gempar; heboh. ###

Examples: Berita tentang dirampoknya toko besar itu MENGGEGERKAN masyarakat kota ini. = The news about the big store being robbed CREATED A COMMOTION among the people of the town. ###

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Word: gejala

Short Definition: symptom, sign, indication.

English Definition: symptom, sign, indication. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang menjadi tanda akan terjadinya sesuatu. ###

Examples: Penyakit ini mempunyai GEJALA yang sangat unik. = This disease has a unique SYMPTOM. ###

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Word: gejolak

Short Definition: flames flaring up.

English Definition: flames flaring up. ###

L2 Definition: Gerakan jiwa; nyala api yang besar. ###

Examples: Neraka digambarkan bagaikan tempat api yang sedang BERGEJOLAK. = Hell is described as a place where fire is FLARING UP. Kadang-kadang susah memahami GEJOLAK perasaan anak muda. = Sometime it is hard to understand the FLARING passion of the youngsters. ###

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Word: geladak

Short Definition: [Naut.] deck

English Definition: [Naut.] deck

Examples: Kapten berdiri di GELADAK kapal dan melambaikan tangannya = The Captain stood on the SHIP DECK and waved his hands.##

Word: gelagat

Short Definition: behavior.

English Definition: behavior. ###

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Word: gelak

Short Definition: laughter. BER-_-_, TER-_-_: chuckle, chortle.

English Definition: ^laughter. *BER-_-_, TER-_-_: chuckle, chortle. ###

L2 Definition: Tertawa dengan keras. ###

Examples: Cerita itu lucu sekali, sampai kami tertawa TERGELAK-GELAK. = That story is very funny, to the point that we laughed CHORTLINGLY. ###

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Word: gelandang

Short Definition: BER--AN: wander aimlessly, loaf about. MENG-: be a vagrant. Also -AN, +

English Definition: BER--AN: wander aimlessly, loaf about. MENG-: be a vagrant. -AN: a vagrant, a homeless person. PER--AN: vagrancy. ###

L2 Definition: Berjalan kesana-kemari tidak bertujuan; pemain sepak bola di bagian tengah. ###

Examples: Banyak anak kecil yang BERGELANDANGAN di jalan-jalan. = Many small children are WANDERING AIMLESSLY in the streets. Selama bertahun-tahun dia MENGGELANDANG di sudut-sudut kota. = For years he is a vagrant in the corners of the city. Kasihan GELANDANGAN itu belum makan seharian. = It's a pity that the HOMELESS PERSON has not been eaten in a day. ###

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Word: gelang

Short Definition: bracelet.

English Definition: bracelet. ###

L2 Definition: Hiasan yang melingkar di pergelangan tangan. ###

Examples: GELANG ini hadiah ulang tahunku. = This BRACELET is my birthday present. ###

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Word: gelanggang

Short Definition: an arena, pit, or ring (for boxing, etc.).

English Definition: an arena, pit, or ring (for boxing, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Ruang untuk pertemuan yang luas; tempat aduan; medan/tempat perang. ###

Examples: Akan ada demonstrasi mengenai upah buruh di GELANGGANG mahasiswa siang ini. = There will be a demonstration about workers' wages in the student ARENA today. ###

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Word: gelap

Short Definition: dark; unclear, obscure; secret, illicit, clandestine. Also MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: 1 dark. 2 unclear, obscure. 3 secret, illicit, clandestine. *MENG--KAN: 1 darken, obscure. 2 embezzle. *KE--AN: darkness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak terang. ###

Examples: Akhirnya uang koperasi yang DIGELAPKAN itu dikembalikan juga. = In the end, the cooperative's money that was EMBEZZLED was returned. Kita belum tahu siapa yang MENGGELAPKAN barang sitaan itu. = We don't know yet who EMBEZZLED that confiscated item. Karena buta hidupnya serasa dalam KEGELAPAN. = Because she is blind, her life is like being in the DARK. ###

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Word: gelar

Short Definition: see GELAR1 (title, academic degree . . .) or GELAR2 (spread out . . .).

English Definition: see GELAR1 (title, academic degree . . .) GELAR2 (spread out . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: gelar1

Short Definition: title, academic degree; alias. BER-: have a title. Also MENG-(-I), MEMPER--KAN.

English Definition: 1 title, academic degree. 2 alias. BER-: have a title. MENG-(-I): to name, confer a title upon.

L2 Definition: Nama tambahan karena suatu prestasi; titel; sebutan untuk sesuatu yang tidak biasanya. ###

Examples: Orang yang berkumis tebal itu BERGELAR "Radenmas." = The man with a thick mustache HAS A TITLE OF "Radenmas." Kepala suku itu MENGGELARI Pak Gubernur sebagai Elang Perkasa. = The tribal chief NAMED Mr. Governor as The Mighty Eagle. ###

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Word: gelar2

Short Definition: MENG-: spread or roll out. TER-: to be layed out. -AN: carpet or mat to sit on.

English Definition: MENG-: spread out, roll out. TER-: to be layed out. -AN: a carpet or mat on which to sit. ###

L2 Definition: Membentangkan/menghamparkan; mengatur sesuatu secara berderet-deret supaya mudah dilihat orang. ###

Examples: Pagi-pagi benar para pedagang itu sudah MENGGELAR dagangannya. = early in the morning the vendors has SPREAD OUT their goods for sale. Di tempat pameran itu semua lukisan TERGELAR dengan rapinya. = In the exibition, all the pictures WERE LAYED OUT very neat. ###

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Word: gelas

Short Definition: drinking glass.

English Definition: *drinking glass. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk minum berbentuk tabung, biasanya lebih tinggi dari cangkir. ###

Examples: Tolong ambilkan GELAS tempat minuman ayah di dapur. = Please get father's drinking GLASS in the kitchen. ###

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Word: gelatik

Short Definition: k.o bird that eats rice crops, Java finch

English Definition: k.o bird that eats rice crops, Java finch

Examples: Paman membuat orang-orangan untuk menghalau burung GELATIK dari sawahnya = Uncle built a scarecrow to get rid of the BIRDS from his paddyfield.###

Word: geledah

Short Definition: *MENG--: search (a building), frisk (a person), ransack

English Definition: *MENG--: search (a building), frisk (a person), ransack *MENG--I: ransack repeatedly or many things *PENG--AN: raid, ransacking

Examples: Polisi MENGGELEDAH seluruh tempat untuk mencari buronan itu = The police SEARCHED the whole place to look for the fugitive. PENGGELEDAHAN itu tidak membawa hasil yang memuaskan = The RANSACKING did not bring any useful result.###

Word: gelegar

Short Definition: thundering, rumbling, sound of cannon

English Definition: *MENG--: thunder, rumble

L2 Definition: bunyi suara yang sangat keras seperti guntur atau suara meriam.

Examples: Kami dapat mendengar suara badai MENGGELEGAR dari jarak yang jauh = We can still hear the THUNDERING sound of the storm from far away.##

Word: geleng

Short Definition: MENG--KAN: shake head.

English Definition: MENG--KAN: shake head. ###

L2 Definition: Gerakan kepala kekanan dan kekiri; tanda penolakan. ###

Examples: Dia MENGGELENGKAN kepala ketika kuajak serta. = He SHOOK HIS HEAD when I asked him to go with me. ###

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Word: geletak

Short Definition: BER--KAN: scattered (used of corpses, bodies).

English Definition: BER--KAN: scattered (used of corpses, bodies). ###

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Word: geli

Short Definition: amused, tickled; ticklish. MENG--KAN: amuse s.o. Also KE--AN, PENG-.

English Definition: ^1 amused, tickled. 2 ticklish. *MENG--KAN: to amuse s.o. *KE--AN: 1 amused, tickled. 2 feeling of amusement. PENG-: s.t. to amuse o.s. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa ingin tertawa. ###

Examples: Benar-benar tingkah lakunya MENGGELIKAN saya. = In truth his behaviour AMUSES me. Ia tertawa KEGELIAN karena ceritanya yang lucu. = He laughed with AMUSEMENT because of the funny story. ###

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Word: geliat

Short Definition: writhe

English Definition: writhe, wriggle BER- -AN squirm about MENG- twist stretch after sleeping MENG- -KAN stretch (the body) after sleeping TER- twisted ###

Word: gelimang

Short Definition: be smeared

English Definition: to be smeared (with mud) BER- be soiled, smeared, coveredwith something wet BER- -AN smeared (plural) MENG- be smeared over something MENG- -I cover something with -AN shallow pools of liquid, mud, etc. ###

Word: gelincir

Short Definition: MENG-: slip, skid. TER-: slip, skid; make a slip (of the tongue).

English Definition: ^*MENG-: slip, skid. *TER-: 1 slip, skid. 2 make a slip (of the tongue). ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: terpeleset. ###

Examples: Batu itu MENGGELINCIR ke bawah dari atas tebing. = That rock SLIPPED down from atop the slope. Pak Bob TERGELINCIR waktu naik sepedanya. = Mr. Bob SLIPPED while riding his bicycle. ###

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Word: gelisah

Short Definition: nervous, edgy, worried. Also MENG--KAN, PENG-, KE--AN.

English Definition: nervous, edgy, worried. MENG--KAN: 1 worry over s.t. 2 to make s.o. worry. PENG-: s.o. given to worrying. KE--AN: nervousness, restlessness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak tenang; rasa khawatir/was-was; cemas. ###

Examples: Ibu itu jalan mondar-mandir kesana-kemari MENGGELISAHKAN anaknya yang belum pulang. = The mother walks here and there back and forth WORRYING OVER his son that has not yet home. KEGELISAHANku semakin menjadi-jadi setelah mendengar kabar buruk itu. = My RESTLESSNESS becomes ever growing after I heard the bad news. ###

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Word: gelombang

Short Definition: wave, swell (as in the ocean). BER-: to surge, well up.

English Definition: wave, swell (as in the ocean). BER-: to surge, well up. ###

L2 Definition: Ombak yang bergulung-gulung di laut. ###

Examples: Rambutnya indah sekali hitam lebat dan BERGELOMBANG. = Her hair is very beautiful; It is black, thick and waving. ###

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Word: gelondong

Short Definition: roll, bunch

English Definition: roll, bunch *SE--: a roll of s.t. *--AN: roll of s.t. *BER--: in a roll form

Examples: Dia membawa SEGELONDONG tembakau ke kamarnya = He brought a ROLL of tobacco to his room. Di hutan masih tersisa banyak GOLONDONGAN kayu = There were many ROLLS of logs left in the forest.##

Word: gelora

Short Definition: BER-: seethe, rage.

English Definition: BER-: seethe, rage. ###

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Word: gelung

Short Definition: 1. coil (of rope, etc.), bun of hair; 2. curve, turn

English Definition: 1. coil (of rope, etc.), bun of hair; 2. curve, turn *BER--: 1. coil (of rope), curl, become twisted; 2. wear o's hair in a coil *TER--: curled up, coiled up; knotted in a knot

L2 Definition: bergulung

Examples: Tali itu terletak di lantai dan TERGELUNG rapi = The rope was on the floor and COILED UP neatly. Setelah memotong rambutnya, dia tidak dapat lagi BERGELUNG rapi = After cutting her hair short, she cannot wear her HAIR INTO A COIL anymore.###

Word: gelut

Short Definition: BER-: wrestle, romp about, quarrel. Also MENG-, MENG--I, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^BER-: wrestle, romp about, quarrel. MENG-: 1 take in one's arms. 2 come over one (as of feelings). MENG--I: embrace. PER--AN: wrestling. ###

L2 Definition: Bergulat; berguling-guling. ###

Examples: Pernahkah kamu melihat beruang yang BERGELUT? = Have you seen bears WRESTLE? Kakakku ahli dalam PERGELUTAN. = My older brother is an expert on WRESTLING. ###

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Word: gema

Short Definition: echo, resound, reverberate.

English Definition: echo, resound, reverberate. ###

L2 Definition: Gaung; kumandang; pantulan suara. ###

Examples: GEMA suaranya terdengar di mana-mana. = His voice's ECHO is heard every where. ###

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Word: gemar

Short Definition: be fond of, delight in. BER-: enjoy o.s.. Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: ^be fond of, delight in. BER-: enjoy o.s., have a good time. *MENG--I: take delight in. MENG--KAN: make happy, give pleasure to. *KE--AN: hobby, amusement. *PENG-: fan. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: suka. ###

Examples: Saya yang paling MENGGEMARI cerita-cerita komik. = I am the one who most DELIGHTS IN comic stories. KEGEMARAN keluarga kami adalah pergi mancing dihari libur. = Our family's AMUSEMENT is to go fishing on days off. Kebanyakan orang Indonesia adalah PENGGEMAR filem-filem barat. = Most Indonesians are FANS of Western films. ###

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Word: gemas

Short Definition: indignant, annoyed.

English Definition: indignant, annoyed. ###

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Word: gembala

Short Definition: herdboy, shepherd.

English Definition: herdboy, shepherd. ###

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Word: gembel

Short Definition: 1. poor, shabby, squalid; 2. wanderer, tramp

English Definition: 1. poor, shabby, squalid; 2. wanderer, tramp

Word: gembira

Short Definition: happy, glad, merry. BER-: be happy, be merry. Also MENG--KAN.

English Definition: happy, glad, merry. BER-: be happy, be merry. MENG--KAN: cheer up, make happy. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan senang/suka; bahagia. ###

Examples: Semua anak-anak BERGEMBIRA bermain di kolam ikan. = All the children ARE HAPPY playing in fish pond. Hasil ujianku kali ini tidak MENGGEMBIRAKAN. = My exam results this time is not MAKING me HAPPY. ###

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Word: gembok

Short Definition: padlock

English Definition: padlock *MENG--: to padlock *TER--: padlocked

Examples: Setiap malam kami harus MENGGEMBOK pintu pagar rumah = Every night we must LOCK our gate. Kemarin kami tidak dapat masuk ke dalam rumah karena pintunya TERGEMBOK = Yesterday we could not get into the house because the door was PADLOCKED.###

Word: gementar

Short Definition: to shake, tremble.

English Definition: to shake, tremble. ###

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Word: gemerlap

Short Definition: shine.

English Definition: shine. ###

L2 Definition: Berkilap-kilap; kemilau. ###

Examples: GEMERLAP lampu disko ini memusingkan kepalaku. = The SHINING of the disco lights is dizzying my head. ###

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Word: gemetar

Short Definition: tremble. BER--AN: tremble. MENG--KAN: make s.t. tremble. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^tremble. *BER--AN: tremble. *MENG--KAN: make s.t. tremble. *-AN: trembling, tremor. ###

L2 Definition: Anggota badan yang bergerak-gerak (bergetar) karena ketakutan atau kedinginan. ###

Examples: BERGETARAN anggota badanku karena kedinginan. = The limbs of my body are TREMBLING because they are chilled. Suara penyanyi itu MENGGETARKAN sanubariku. = The voice of that singer MAKES my soul TREMBLE. GETARAN gempa bumi dari ledakan gunung itu sampai kesini. = The TREMBLING of the earth from the eruption of that mountain reached to here. ###

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Word: gemilang

Short Definition: briliant, shining.

English Definition: briliant, shining. ###

L2 Definition: Bercahaya terang; cemerlang. ###

Examples: Jembatan gantung raksasa itu adalah hasil kerja yang GEMILANG. = The giant suspension bridge is the result of a BRILLIANT work. ###

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Word: gempa

Short Definition: earthquake

English Definition: - bumi= earthquake

Word: gempal

Short Definition: sturdy, plump (of build)

English Definition: sturdy, plump (of build)

Examples: Orang yang merampok Ibu Rita bertubuh GEMPAL = the person who robbed Ibu Rita had a PLUMP build.

Word: gemuk

Short Definition: fat, corpulent, obese; fat, grease. MENG--I: grease, lubricate. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^*1 fat, corpulent, obese. 2 fat, grease. *MENG--I: grease, lubricate. *KE--AN: too fat, overweight. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak kurus. ###

Examples: Montir itu MENGGEMUKI roda-roda mobil itu. = That mechanic is GREASING the wheels of that car. Baju-bajunya sudah tidak bisa muat lagi untuk badannya yang GEMUK. = His shirts are already unable to contain his FAT body. Dia merasa KEGEMUKAN untuk menjadi peragawati. = She thinks she is TOO FAT to become a model. ###

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Word: gemuruh

Short Definition: thundering, cannonading; clamorous, tumultuous. BER-, MENG-: thunder.

English Definition: ^*1 thundering, cannonading. 2 clamorous, tumultuous. *BER-, MENG-: 1 thunder. 2 clap (of thunder). ###

L2 Definition: Suara yang menderu-deru. ###

Examples: GEMURUH suara mesin itu memekakkan telinga. = The CLAMOR of that machine will deafen one's ears. Suara ombak di pantai BERGEMURUH karena angin yang keras. = The sound of the waves on the beach THUNDERED as a result of the strong wind. Malam itu guntur MENGGEMURUH berulang kali. = That night the thunder CLAPPED repeatedly. ###

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Word: gen

Short Definition: gene

English Definition: gene

Word: genap

Short Definition: exactly enough, whole; even (numbers). SE-: all, entire. Also MENG--I, +

English Definition: ^*1 exactly enough, whole, sufficient. 2 even (numbers). *SE-: all, entire. *MENG--I: 1 fulfill (a promise). 2 make complete. MENG--KAN: 1 bring s.t. to completion. 2 make a number even. KE--AN: 1 completeness. 2 evenness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak ganjil. Sehat jasmani dan rohani. Tidak kurang suatu apapun. ###

Examples: Jumlah kopor yang saya bawa sudah GENAP. = The number of suitcases I brought is already SUFFICIENT. Kami dan SEGENAP keluarga mau mengucapkan terima kasih atas kehadiran saudara-saudara. = We and the WHOLE family want to express our thanks for your attendance. Uang ini untuk MENGGENAPI jumlah yang masih kurang. = This money is to FILL OUT the amount which is still lacking. Sebelum dikirim lebih baik DIGENAPI dulu jumlah uangnya. = Before being sent, it would be better to COMPLETE the amount of money. ###

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Word: gencar

Short Definition: rapid, unceasing, incessant, unbroken###

English Definition: ~2NYA = incessantly *MENG~ = become incessant or rapid MENG~KAN = accelerate **MEMPER~ = make s.t. uninterupted, accelerate KE~AN = too fast, too often, rapidity

Examples: * Tuntutan pembaharuan sistem perekonomian di Indonesia MENGGENCAR setiap saat = Demands for the reform for the Indonesian economic system have BECOME INCESSANT every moment. ** Sementara rakyat menuntut perubahan politik, Presiden Habibie MEMPERGENCAR tekanan terhadap aksi-aksi politik = While people are highly demanding political changes, President Habibie ACCELERATE the pressure toward political actions. ###

Word: gencat

Short Definition: stopped, suspended; stunted (in growth)

English Definition: stopped, suspended; stunted (in growth) *MENG--: cease, stop *TER--: halted, stopped, oppressed. *--AN: cessation, truce, armistice

Examples: Ke dua belah pihak telah setuju untuk GENCATAN senjata = Both sides agreed for a CEASED FIRE (ARMISTICE).###

Word: gendang

Short Definition: k.o. drum.

English Definition: k.o. drum. ###

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Word: genderang

Short Definition: large drum

English Definition: large drum

Word: gendong

Short Definition: MENG-: carry on the back. MENG--KAN: 1. hang in a sling. 2. carry for s.o. +

English Definition: ^MENG-: carry on the back. MENG--KAN: 1, hang in a sling. 2. carry for s.o. -AN: carrying cloth. 2. something carried on back. PENG-: person who carries s.t. on the back.###

L2 Definition: Mendukung suatu benda di belakang badan atau di pinggang. ###

Examples: Tanyalah pada ibu yang sedang MENGGENDONG bayi itu. = Ask the lady that is CARRYING a baby. Saya butuh seseorang untuk MENGGENDONGKAN kayu ini di punggungku. = I need someone to HELP ME CARRY this wood on my back. ###

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Word: gendut

Short Definition: fat; corpulent; potbellied

English Definition: 1. Fat; 2. corpulent; 3. Potbellied KE--AN: too fat; corpulence

L2 Definition: badan yang gemuk; perut yang besar;

Examples: Kasihan anak itu menjadi malu karena merasa sangat GENDUT = That poor little boy is feeling embarrased because of his BIG (FAT) size. Sapi itu terlalu banyak makan sehingga menjadi KEGENDUTAN = That cow eats too much that it is getting TOO FAT. Terlalu banyak minum bir akan membuat perutmu menjadi GENDUT = Too much beer will give you a POTBELLY. ###

Word: generasi

Short Definition: generation.

English Definition: generation. ###

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Word: genetika

Short Definition: genetics.

English Definition: genetics. ###

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Word: genggam

Short Definition: handful. BER-: in handfuls. MENG-: clutch. MENG--KAN: hold tightly in o's grasp.

English Definition: ^handful. BER-: in handfuls. MENG-: clutch. MENG--KAN: hold tightly in o's grasp. TER-: grasped. -AN: 1. s.t. held in the hand. 2. grasp, grip. ###

Examples: Awas! orang itu MENGGENGGAM pisau. = Watch out! The person IS HOLDING a knife. Untung saja tangan anak itu tergenggam oleh ibunya. = Fortunately, the child's hand WAS GRASPED by his mother. ###

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Word: gengsi

Short Definition: 1. prestige. 2. (Sl.) put on airs. BER-: prestigious.

English Definition: 1. prestige. 2. (SL.) put on airs. BER-: prestigious. ###

Examples: Ia hanya mau makan di restoran yang BERGENGSI. = He would only eat at a PRESTIGIOUS restaurant. ###

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Word: genit

Short Definition: coquettish.

English Definition: coquettish. ###

L2 Definition: Suka bergaya-gaya; centil; banyak tingkah; keleteh. ###

Examples: Sebal benar aku akan tingkahnya yang GENIT. = I really resent her COCQUETTISH behavior. ###

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Word: genta

Short Definition: bell (in churches, worn by cattle, etc.). BER-: ring out.

English Definition: bell (in churches, worn by cattle, etc.). BER-: ring out. ###

Examples: Bunyi itu BERGENTA ke mana-mana. = The sound RINGS OUT to every where. ###

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Word: gentar

Short Definition: 1. vibrate, quiver; 2. tremble (with fear), fear; 3. nervous

English Definition: *BER--: vibrate, quiver, tremble *PENG--: coward

L2 Definition: takut, gemetar, gugup

Examples: Badannya lebih besar dari pada saya, tapi saya tidak GENTAR menghadapinya = His size is bigger than me, but I am not AFRAID to face him.###

Word: genteng

Short Definition: roof-tile.

English Definition: roof-tile. ###

Examples: Kebocoran ini dikarenakan ada GENTENG yang pecah. = The leaking is caused by a broken roof-tile. ###

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Word: gerabah

Short Definition: earthenware vessels ; claypot

English Definition: earthenware vessels ; claypot

L2 Definition: bahan keramik panci atau pot dari bahan tanah liat

Examples: Di kampung itu ada banyak ahli pembuat GERABAH = There are many CLAYPOT makers in that village.###

Word: gerah

Short Definition: 1. stiflingly hot, sultry; 2. sick

English Definition: 1. stiflingly hot, sultry * 2. sick *KE-AN : suffer from sultry weather, sick of bad situation

Examples: Saya GERAH melihat orang yang malas itu. Kerjanya cuma tidur saja = I am SICK to see that lazy person. All he does only sleeping. Saya KEGERAHAN di dalam ruangan yang ber-AC ini = I FEEL HOT in this air conditioned-room.

Word: gerak

Short Definition: movement; twitch, jerk (of eyelid). BER-: move, be in motion. Also MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 movement. 2 twitch, jerk (of eyelid). BER-: move, be in motion. *MENG--KAN: set s.t. in motion, activate, motivate. *-AN: movement. PENG-: moving spirit, activator. *PER--AN: movement, cause, crusade. ###

L2 Definition: Berubah atau berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain. ###

Examples: Olah raga GERAK JALAN di kotaku sedang digalakkan. = The sport of JOGGING in my city is currently being encouraged. GERAKAN tanganmu masih kaku. = The MOVEMENT of your arm is still stiff. Kita sedang mencoba MENGGERAKKAN mesin ini. = We are trying to ACTIVATE this machine. PERGERAKAN kaum wanita di Jawa dipelopori oleh ibu Kartini. = The women's MOVEMENT in Java was pioneered by Mrs. Kartini. ###

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Word: geram

Short Definition: 1. angry. 2. passionate.

English Definition: 1. angry. 2. passionate. ###

L2 Definition: Marah; gemas karena jengkel. ###

Examples: Tingkahnya membuat GERAM banyak orang. = His behavior makes many people ANGRY. ###

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Word: gerangan

Short Definition: can it be.

English Definition: (Expressing doubt, uncertainty, puzzlement, windering) can it be. ###

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Word: gerbang

Short Definition: gate.

English Definition: gate. ###

L2 Definition: Pintu besar masuk halaman/bangunan. ###

Examples: Kamu harus melewati GERBANG ini untuk sampai ke rumah itu. = You have to go through this GATE to go to the house. ###

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Word: gerbong

Short Definition: car (of train)

English Definition: railway coach - barang : freight car - restorasi : dining car

Word: gereja

Short Definition: 1. church. 2. (Coll.) church services. KE--AN: concerning the church.

English Definition: ^1. church. 2. (Coll.) church services. KE--AN: concerning the church. ###

L2 Definition: tempat suci mereka yang beragama Kristen/Katolik.

Examples: Ini adalah masalah KEGEREJAAN. = This is a matter CONCERNING THE CHURCH. ###

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Word: geret

Short Definition: 1. scratch, scrape; 2.screech, squeak

English Definition: *MENG--KAN: scratch with something *--AN: matches, lighter

Examples: Dia MENGGERETKAN batu itu ke dinding kaca = He SCRATCHED the stone to the glass wall##

Word: geretan

Short Definition: see GERET

Word: gergaji

Short Definition: saw.

English Definition: saw. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk memotong papan/kayu yang terbuat dari logam pipih dan bergigi tajam di pinggirnya. ###

Examples: Waktu MENGGERGAJI kayu itulah tangannya ikut terpotong. = When he was SAWING the wood, he cut his hand. ###

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Word: gerik

Short Definition: see GERAK.

English Definition: see GERAK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: gerilya

Short Definition: guerrilla. -WAN: guerrilla.

English Definition: guerrilla. -WAN: guerrilla. ###

L2 Definition: Perang secara sembunyi-sembunyi. ###

Examples: Dia memutuskan menjadi GERILYAWAN ketika perang saudara mulai. = He decided to become a GUERRILLA when the civil law started. ###

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Word: gerimis

Short Definition: drizzle

English Definition: drizzle

Examples: Sepanjang pagi ini hujan GERIMIS saja = It was DRIZZLING all time this morning ###

Word: gerinda

Short Definition: grindstone

English Definition: grindstone, emery wheel MENG- hone something ###

Word: gerisik

Short Definition: sound of rustling

English Definition: sound of rustling

Word: germo

Short Definition: pimp, procurer, panderer; brothel keeper

English Definition: pimp, procurer, panderer; brothel keeper

Examples: Polisi telah menangkap GERMO di kampung kami = The police captured the big PIMP in our village.###

Word: gerobak

Short Definition: 1. cart, wagon. 2. (RR) car. BER-: in car-loads.

English Definition: 1. cart, wagon. 2. (RR) car. BER-: in car-loads. ###

Examples: Pengungsi-pengungsi itu datang BERGEROBAK. = The refugees come IN CAR-LOADS. ###

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Word: gerogot

Short Definition: MENG--I: to erode, eat away, devour.

English Definition: MENG--I: to erode, eat away, devour. ###

Examples: Tikus itu MENGGEROGOTI kantong beras di gudang = The rats EAT AWAY the rice bags in the closet. ###

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Word: gerombol

Short Definition: BER-, MENG-: assemble, collect. -AN: 1. group, bunch. 2. gang, band. +

English Definition: BER-, MENG-: assemble, collect. -AN: 1. group, bunch. 2. gang, band (of thieves). ###

Examples: Orang-orang desa BERGEROMBOL di depan televisi baru itu. = The villagers ASSEMBLE in front of the new television. Desa itu di serang GEROMBOLAN perampok semalam. = The village was raided by a BAND OF ROBBERS last night. ###

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Word: gerongga

Short Definition: hollow, vacuum.

English Definition: hollow, vacuum. ###

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Word: gersang

Short Definition: barren.

English Definition: barren. ###

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Word: gertak

Short Definition: 1.snarl, snapping. 2. threaten

English Definition: 1.snarl, snapping. 2. threaten. *MENG--(I): 1. snap at. 2.threaten s.o. 3. spur (a horse). 4.gnash (teeth). *MENG--KAN: intimidate, gnash o's teeth. *--AN: snarling, snapping, threat, intimidation. *PENG--: s.o. who snarls, intimidator, threatening person. *--SAMBAL: empty bluff.###

Examples: Jangan percaya pada ancamannya, itu hanya GERTAK-SAMBAL saja = Don't believe in his threat, that was only a BLUFF. Amir marah dan MENGGERTAK Sinta dengan kasar = Amir was mad and SNAPPED at Sinta. Dia pasti akan ketakutan mendapat GERTAKAN seperti itu = He must be scared to death with your THREAT.###

Word: gerutu

Short Definition: say something in complaint

English Definition: say something in complaint *MENG--: grumble, complain *MENG--I: grumble about *--AN: complaint, gripe *PENG--: grumbler.

L2 Definition: mengeluh, merasa kesal akan sesuatu

Examples: Sambil MENGGERUTU Amir mengerjakan tugasnya = With GRUMBLING, Amir did his job. Jangan MENGGERUTUI pemberian orang kepadamu = Do not COMPLAIN what people gave to you. Ibu Sari marah mendengar GERUTUAN Ida yang tidak sopan = Ibu Sari was upset hearing Ida's rude COMPLAINTS. Memang dia itu PENGGERUTU =Yes, he is really a GRUMBLER.###

Word: gesa

Short Definition: BER-: in a hurry, in haste. TERGESA-GESA = hurriedly.

English Definition: BER-: in a hurry, in haste. TERGESA-GESA = hurriedly. ###

L2 Definition: cepat-cepat; lekas-lekas; buru-buru; tergopoh-gopoh. ###

Examples: Kita harus BERGESA supaya tidak ketinggalan kereta. = We have to HURRY UP so we are not left by the train. Tidak perlu TERGESA-GESA karena waktunya masih banyak. = We don't need to be IN A HURRY because there is still much time. ###

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Word: gesek

Short Definition: BER-: rub, scrape. BER--AN: rub against e.o. MENG-: rub. Also MENG--I, +

English Definition: ^BER-: rub, scrape. BER--AN: rub against e.o. MENG-: rub. MENG--I: rub s.t. MENG--KAN: rub s.t. against. MEMPER--KAN: rub things together. -AN: 1. rubbing, friction. 2. stringed instrument. PENG-: s.t. that rubs. PER--AN: friction. ###

Examples: Dalam proses itu besi dan besi saling BERGESEKAN. = In that process, iron and iron are RUBBING AGAINST EACH OTHER. Jangan MENGGESEKKAN tanganmu ke lantai. = Don't RUB your hand AGAINST the floor.

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Word: gesel

Short Definition: see GESER.

English Definition: see GESER. ###

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Word: geser

Short Definition: BER-: 1. shift, move. 2. rub. MENG--KAN: to move, shift s.t.

English Definition: BER-: 1. shift, move. 2. rub. MENG--KAN: to move, shift s.t. ###

L2 Definition: saling mengenai; gesel; beringsut; berpindah tempat. ###

Examples: Meja ini sepertinya BERGESER ke kiri. = It seems like this table MOVES to the left. Tolong bantu saya MENGGESERKAN lemari ini. = Please help me MOVE this cabinet. ###

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Word: gesit

Short Definition: nimble, skillful.

English Definition: nimble, agile, skillful. ###

L2 Definition: cepat; cekatan. ###

Examples: Dengan GESIT dia menghindar dari tendangan lawan. = He NIMBLY avoided his opponent's kick. ###

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Word: Gestapu

Short Definition: September 30th Movement in 1965 attempting to seize control of government; SEE ALSO G30S

English Definition: (Gerakan September Tiga Puluh) September 30th Movement, the 1965 attempt to seize control of government. ###

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Word: getah

Short Definition: latex.

English Definition: sap, latex, resin. ###

L2 Definition: Zat cair dari tumbuhan yang bersifat melekat/lengket. ###

Examples: GETAH dari pohon-pohon karet ini unggul sekali kualitasnya. = The LATEX from these rubber trees has a superior quality. ###

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Word: getar

Short Definition: tremble. SE-: a small tremble. BER-, MENG-: 1. shake, tremble. 2. vibrate. +

English Definition: ^tremble. SE-: a small tremble. BER-, MENG-: 1. shake, tremble. 2. vibrate. MENG--I: cause s.t. to quiver repeatedly. -AN: vibration, quiver, shiver. PENG-: s.o. or s.t. causing vibration or quivering. ###

Examples: Tanganku BERGETAR ketika menjabat tangannya. = My hand was SHAKING when I shake her hand. GETARANnya terasa sampai di sini. = Its VIBRATION was felt up to this place.

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Word: getir

Short Definition: bitter

English Definition: *MENG--KAN: make bitter, embitter *KE--AN: bitterness

L2 Definition: rasa pahit, kepahitan

Examples: Walaupun merasa GETIR, Ani tetap tertawa = Even though feeling bitter, Ani still tried to laugh. Dia sudah merasakan KEGETIRAN hidup tanpa orangtuanya = He has already experienced the BITTERNESS of life without his parents.###

Word: getok

Short Definition: sound of pounding. BER-: make a pounding sound. MENG-: 1. strike. 2. knock on.+

English Definition: ^sound of pounding. BER-: make a pounding sound. MENG-: 1. hit, strike. 2. knock on. -AN: stick to hit with. ###

L2 Definition: mengetuk, memukul sehingga menimbulkan bunyi ketok. ###

Examples: Orang itu suka MENGGETOK kepala anaknya. = That person likes TO KNOCK ON his child's head.

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Word: getol

Short Definition: diligent, industrious, hardworking. KE--AN: pleasure, contentment. ###.

English Definition: diligent, industrious, hardworking. KE--AN: pleasure, contentment. ###

L2 Definition: rajin, senang. ###

Examples: Ani GETOL benar belajar matematika. = Ani is very DILIGENT in studying math. Bermain boneka adalah KEGETOLAN Ani. = Playing with dolls is Ani's PLEASURE. ###

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Word: giat

Short Definition: energetic, active. BER-: engage in s.t. energetically. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^*energetic, active. BER-: engage in s.t. energetically. *KE--AN: 1 activity. 2 energy, ardor. *PE--: activist. ###

L2 Definition: Rajin melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Karena GIAT bekerja, sekarang mas Mus memetik hasilnya. = Because he worked ENERGETICALLY, now Mus is reaping the results. KEGIATAN ini dimaksudkan untuk mempersatukan semua bangsa. = This ACTIVITY is intended to unify all ethnic groups. ###

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Word: gigi

Short Definition: tooth; toothlike object; cog, gear.

English Definition: ^*1 tooth. 2 toothlike object. 3 cog, gear. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Nenekku sudah ompong, dia tidak BERGIGI lagi. = My grandmother is already toothless, she doesn't HAVE TEETH anymore. Ketika menghadapi penguasa baru kelihatan dia TIDAK BERGIGI sama sekali. = Only when he confronts the boss does it appear that he DOES'NT HAVE ANY POWER at all. ###

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Word: gigil

Short Definition: MENG-: to shiver or tremble.

English Definition: MENG-: to shiver or tremble. ###

L2 Definition: Gemetar; rasa takut yang menyebabkan badan gemetar dan gigi gemeletuk. ###

Examples: Badannya MENGGIGIL ketika mendengar auman singa itu. = Her body was TREMBLING when she heard the lion's roar. ###

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Word: gigit

Short Definition: bite

English Definition: bite something SE- a bite BER- -2 bite e.o. MENG- bite something scathing MENG- -I keep biting, bite all over TER-, KE- bitten -AN bite ###

Word: gila

Short Definition: crazy, insane; obsessed. MENG--I: be crazy about. KE--AN: craziness, insanity.

English Definition: ^1 crazy, insane. 2 obsessed. MENG--I: be crazy about. KE--AN: craziness, insanity. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak waras; sakit ingatan; sangat suka akan suatu hal. ###

Examples: Dia sangat MENGGILAI balapan sepeda motor. = He is very CRAZY ABOUT motorcycle racing. Itu hanya KEGILAAN yang dibuat-buat untuk mengelabuhi atasannya. = That was just a fake INSANITY to trick his superior. ###

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Word: giling

Short Definition: MENG-: to mill, grind. PENG--AN: mill.

English Definition: MENG-: to mill, grind. PENG--AN: mill. ###

L2 Definition: melumatkan; meremukkan. ###

Examples: Alat ini bisa untuk MENGGILING padi dan jagung. = This tool can MILL rice and corn. Tempat PENGGILINGAN padi itu terlalu jauh dari sini. = The rice MILL is too far from here. ###

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Word: gilir

Short Definition: BER-: go in cycles, alternate. -AN: a turn (to do s.t.), shift (at work, etc.).

English Definition: BER-: go in cycles, alternate. -AN: a turn (to do s.t.), shift (at work, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: berganti; urutan. ###

Examples: Di rumah ini mencuci piring dilakukan secara BERGILIR. = In this house, washing the dishes is done by TAKING A TURN. Sekarang GILIRANku untuk menonton film ini. = Now it is my TURN to watch the film. ###

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Word: gimana

Short Definition: see BAGAIMANA.

English Definition: see BAGAIMANA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: gincu

Short Definition: lipstick. BER--: to use a lipstick. #

English Definition: lipstick. BER--: to use a lipstick. ###

L2 Definition: Alat pemerah bibir atau pipi. ###

Examples: Anak itu masih kecil sudah BERGINCU. = That child is still very young and she has already USE A LIPSTICK. ###

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Word: gini

Short Definition: see BEGINI.

English Definition: see BEGINI. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ginjal

Short Definition: kidney

English Definition: kidney

Examples: Kemarin Ibu Sinta harus dioperasi GINJAL = Yesterday Ibu Sinta had a KIDNEY operation.##

Word: girang

Short Definition: BER-: be happy, joyful. KE--AN: happiness, joy.

English Definition: BER-: be happy, joyful. KE--AN: happiness, joy. ###

L2 Definition: senang; gembira; bahagia. ###

Examples: Dengan BERGIRANG hati dia terima hadiah ulang tahunnya. = JOIFULLY she accepts her birthday gift. Kakakku sangat KEGIRANGAN ketika mendapat surat dari pacarnya. = My brother was very JOYFUL when he received a letter from his girlfriend. ###

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Word: giring

Short Definition: to escort (criminals), lead away.

English Definition: to escort (criminals), lead away. ###

L2 Definition: Membawa lari; menghalau. ###

Examples: Para koboi itu MENGGIRING ternaknya ke sungai. = The cowboys LEAD their stocks to the river.

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Word: gitu

Short Definition: see BEGITU.

English Definition: see BEGITU. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: giur

Short Definition: arouse interests; temptation; sexual excitement

English Definition: MENG---KAN: arouse sexual excitement; enchanting DI---KAN: enticed; tempted TER--- : aroused; tempted; interested

L2 Definition: membangkitkan perasaan senang; menarik hati; perasaan tertarik (biasanya terhadap lawan jenis)

Examples: Gambar di majalah itu sangat MENGGIURKAN = The picture in that magazine is very TEMPTING. Anak-anak DIGIURKAN oleh iklan mainan di televisi = The kids are TEMPTED by the toy commercials on tv. Melihat makanan yang tersedia di meja, saya menjadi sangat TERGIUR = Looking at all the food on the table, I feel so TEMPTED (to taste them). ###

Word: giwang

Short Definition: earstud.

English Definition: earstud. ###

L2 Definition: subang; anting. ###

Examples: GIWANG yang kupakai ini bukan dari emas. = The EARSTUD that I'm using is not made of gold. ###

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Word: gizi

Short Definition: nutrient. BER-: to be nutritious.

English Definition: nutrient. BER-: to be nutritious. ###

L2 Definition: Zat-zat dari makanan yang bisa menyehatkan badan; nutrisi. ###

Examples: Anak-anak membutuhkan makanan yang BERGIZI tinggi. = Children need highly NUTRITIOUS food. ###

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Word: GMKI

Short Definition: (Gerakan Mahasiwa Kristen Indonesia) Indonesian Christian Students Movement

English Definition: acronym of Gerakan Mahasiswa Kristen Indonesia: the Indonesian Christian Students Movement. ###

Word: goblok

Short Definition: stupid.

English Definition: stupid. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak pandai; bodoh. ###

Examples: Goblok!...Siapa yang suruh kawin dengannya? = Stupid!...Who asked you to marry him?

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Word: goda

Short Definition: MENG-: tempt, tease, torment. TER-: tempted. Also -AN, PENG--AN.

English Definition: ^MENG-: tempt, tease, torment. TER-: tempted. -AN: temptation. PENG--AN: the act of tempting. ###

L2 Definition: Mendorong orang untuk berbuat tidak baik; menimbulkan selera; mengganggu; mengusik. ###

Examples: Makanan itu sungguh MENGGODA seleraku. = The food is really TEMPTING my appetite. Baru GODAAN begitu saja, kok kamu sudah TERGODA? = It was just that kind of TEMPTATION, and you were already TEMPTED? ###

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Word: golek

Short Definition: 1. wooden rod-puppet. 2. lie around. BER-: roll, lie down. Also MENG-+

English Definition: ^1.wooden rod-puppet used in a genre of wayang. 2. lie around. BER-: 1. roll. 2. lie down. MENG-: 1. roll s.t. over. 2. lay s.t. down. MENG--KAN: roll s.t. over.###

L2 Definition: Boneka/wayang yang terbuat dari kayu; berbaring; berguling. ###

Examples: Kami sedang BERGOLEK di beranda ketika gempa bumi itu datang. = We were LYING DOWN on the veranda when the erth quake came. Gadis itu MENGGOLEKKAN badannya sambil tersenyum. = The girl ROLLED OVER her body while smiling. ###

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Word: Golkar

Short Definition: the Group of Functionaries, a political party established by gvt.

English Definition: ^(Golongan Karya) (Pol.) the Group of Functionaries, a political party established by the government for technocrats and civil servants. ###

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Word: Golkarisasi

Short Definition: (Pol.) process or movement to enlist support and secure victory for Golkar.

English Definition: (Pol.) process or movement to enlist support and secure victory for Golkar. ###

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Word: golok

Short Definition: machete (often somewhat short)

English Definition: machete (often somewhat short)

L2 Definition: parang, pisau besar

Examples: Petani memakai GOLOK untuk memotong kayu = the farmer used the MACHETE to cut the wood. ##

Word: golong

Short Definition: MENG--KAN: classify, group. -AN: group, class, category. Also PER--AN.

English Definition: ^MENG--KAN: classify, group. *MENG--KAN: to group, classify. *-AN: group, class, category. PER--AN: classification. ###

L2 Definition: Memasukkan sesuatu di dalam groupnya. ###

Examples: Di Jawa masih banyak dipercaya dukun BERGOLONGAN HITAM. = In Java there are still many who believe that there are many shamans WHO PRACTICE BLACK MAGIC. Tidak mudah MENGGOLONGKAN tanaman ini ke dalam suatu jenis tertentu. = It isn't easy to GROUP these plants into one definite type. ###

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Word: golput

Short Definition: acronym for "Golongan Putih" (pol.)

English Definition: Literally means "white group" to describe people who refuse to vote during general elections. ###

Word: gombal

Short Definition: false, worn out

English Definition: *false, worn out

Examples: Gunakan kain yang GOMBAL itu untuk mengepel lantai = Use the RAG to wipe the floor. Jangan percaya pada kata-kata GOMBALNYA = Do not believe his FALSE words##

Word: goncang

Short Definition: shake violently.

English Definition: shake violently. ###

L2 Definition: Guncang; goyang dengan keras. ###

Examples: Bumi BERGONCANG ketika terjadi gempa bumi. = The earth is SHAKING VIOLENTLY when earthquake happened. ###

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Word: gong

Short Definition: 1. gong. 2. MENG--KAN: to second a motion.

English Definition: 1. gong (see picture); the largest punctuating instrument in the gamelan orchestra. 2. MENG--KAN: to second an idea, motion, etc.

Examples: Akhirnya, persetujuan Pak Tandiroma MENGGONGKAN keputusan itu. = At last, Mr. Tandiroma's agreement seconded the decision. ###

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Word: gongseng

Short Definition: MENG- : fry s.t. without oil

English Definition: MENG- : fry s.t. without oil

Word: gontai

Short Definition: slow. *BER--(AN): move slowly and leisurely.

English Definition: slow. *BER--(AN): move slowly and leisurely. *TER--2: slowly.###

Examples: Daun daun di pohon BERGONTAI di tiup angin = The LEAVES on the tree MOVE SLOWLY with the breeze.###

Word: gopoh

Short Definition: quick

English Definition: quick -2 in a hurry TER- (-2) hurry, hurriedly, hastily KE- -AN haste, hurry ###

Word: gorden

Short Definition: curtain.

English Definition: curtain.###

L2 Definition: Kain penutup jendela atau pintu kaca; tirai. ###

Examples: Saya suka kain GORDEN warna biru. = I like a blue colored CURTAIN. ###

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Word: goreng

Short Definition: fry (food). -AN: s.t. fried. PENG--AN: wok; process of frying s.t.

English Definition: fry (food). *-AN: s.t. fried. *PENG--AN: 1 wok. 2 process of frying s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Memasak dengan minyak. ###

Examples: Alat PENGGORENGAN ini sudah rusak. = This FRYING pan is already ruined. GORENGAN ini harus segera diangkat sebelum gosong. = This FRIED FOOD must be removed immediately before it becomes scorched. ###

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Word: gores

Short Definition: MENG-: to scratch, score or etch. -AN: a scratch. Also PENG-.

English Definition: MENG-: to scratch, score or etch. -AN: a scratch. PENG-: an instrument to scratch or etch with. ###

L2 Definition: Melukai sesuatu dengan benda tajam; toreh; garit. ###

Examples: Segala ucapanmu sungguh menyakitkan dan MENGGORES hati. = All of your words are hurting and SCRATCHING my heart. Siapa yang membuat GORESAN panjang di meja kayuku? = Who made a long SCRATCH on my wooden desk? ###

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Word: gosok

Short Definition: rub, brush. BER-, MENG-: rub. MENG--KAN: rub s.t on to s.t. else. Also -AN.

English Definition: *rub, brush. BER-, MENG-: rub. >*MENG--KAN, MENG-_-_-KAN: rub s.t. on to s.t. else. >-AN: 1 rubbing, polishing. 2 instigation. ###

L2 Definition: Membersihkan sesuatu dengan sikat/alat pembersih secara berulang-ulang. ###

Examples: Jangan lupa MENGGOSOK gigi dulu sebelum tidur. = Don't forget to BRUSH your teeth before going to bed. Karena gatal kucing itu MENGGOSOK-GOSOKKAN badannya di pintu. = Because it was itchy, that cat RUBBED its body on the door. ###

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Word: gotong-royong

Short Definition: community self-help. BER-: cooperate. MENG--KAN: cooperate in. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^community self-help, mutual cooperation. BER-: cooperate, share work. MENG--KAN: cooperate in. KE--AN: cooperativeness.###

L2 Definition: Bekerja bersama dan saling membantu. ###

Examples: Para warga desa sedang BERGOTONG-ROYONG memperbaiki bendung. = All villagers are COOPERATING to repair the dam. KEGOTONG-ROYONGAN penduduk desa ini pantas ditiru. = The COOPERATION of the people in this village is proper to be imitated. ###

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Word: goyang

Short Definition: shaky, unsteady. BER-: take it easy, fluctuate. Also MENG-, MENG--KAN, TER-+

English Definition: ^shaky, unsteady. BER-: 1. take it easy, live in a leisurely fashion. 2. rock, swing, fluctuate. MENG-: 1. shake, jolt s.t. 2. make s.t unstable. MENG--KAN: cause s.t. to shake. TER-: shaken. -AN: oscillation, staggering.###

L2 Definition: Tidak tegak; goyah; goncang; berayun-ayun; selalu berubah. ###

Examples: Pohon beringin yang kukuh itupun bisa BERGOYANG. = Even this strong banyon tree can SWING. Banyak orang yang ingin MENGGOYANG kedudukanku sebagai ketua partai. = Many people who want TO SHAKE his position as the chairman of the party. Walaupun sudah diikat kuat-kuat peti itu tetap TERGOYANG oleh lajunya kendaraan itu. = Even though the baggages had been tied very strong, they were still SHAKEN by the speed of the car. ###

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Word: GPK

Short Definition: Security Disturbance Movement.

English Definition: (Gerakan Pengacau Keamanan) Security Disturbance Movement. ###

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Word: grafik

Short Definition: curve on a graph.

English Definition: curve on a graph. ###

L2 Definition: Keadaan yang digambarkan dengan garis, titik, atau blok/balok/batang. ###

Examples: Ini GRAFIK tentang keadaan kesehatan masyarakat di daerah ini. = This is the GRAPH on the public health situation in this region. ###

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Word: granat

Short Definition: grenade.

English Definition: grenade. ###

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Word: gratis

Short Definition: free, no charge.

English Definition: free, no charge. ###

L2 Definition: percuma, tak membayar. ###

Examples: Film itu diputar secara GRATIS. = The film is shown FOR FREE. ###

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Word: grendel

Short Definition: latch, door bolt. MENG-: secure a latch.

English Definition: latch, door bolt. MENG-: secure a latch. ###

L2 Definition: pengunci pintu atau jendela. ###

Examples: Jangan lupa MENGGERENDEL pintu depan sebelum tidur. = Don't forget TO SECURE A LATCH on the front door. ###

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Word: gres

Short Definition: (slang) best, up-to-date

English Definition: (slang) best, up-to-date, state of the art (esp. of technology, fashion)

Word: grosir

Short Definition: wholesaler, distributor

English Definition: wholesaler, distributor

Examples: Ayahnya pedagang GROSIR terbesar di daerah ini = His father is the biggest WHOLESALER in this area.###

Word: grup

Short Definition: group.

English Definition: group.###

L2 Definition: kelompok; golongan. ###

Examples: GRUP mana yang pertama-tama mencapai garis finis ? = Which GROUP that came to the finish line first? ###

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Word: gua

English Definition: SEE gua1--cave gua2--pronoun ###

Word: gua1

Short Definition: cave

English Definition: cave, grotto ###

Word: gua2

English Definition: familiar 1st person pronoun ###

Word: gubah

Short Definition: arrange (flowers, music, etc); compose (stories, melodies, etc.)

English Definition: *-AN = arrangement or composition (of music or flowers) *PENG- = arranger, composer, author

L2 Definition: karangan, ciptaan

Examples: Musik GUBAHAN seniman itu sangat indah = The music ARRANGEMENT of that artist is very beautiful.# Selama hidupnya dia menjadi PENGGUBAH musik terkenal = All of his life he was the famous COMPOSER.###

Word: gubernur

Short Definition: governor.

English Definition: governor. ###

L2 Definition: Kepala propinsi atau Daerah Tingkat 1 (Dati 1). ###

Examples: GUBERNUR propinsi Jambi yang lama berasal dari Jawa. = The previous GOVERNOR of Jambi came from Java. ###

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Word: gubris

Short Definition: MENG-: heed, pay attention to (a request, etc.). -AN: attention.

English Definition: MENG-: heed, pay attention to (a request, etc.). -AN: attention. ###

L2 Definition: hirau, peduli. ###

Examples: Saya tidak mau MENGGUBRIS omongannya lagi. = I do not want TO PAY ATTENTION to his words anymore. GUBRISANnya sangat menggangguku. = His ATTENTION is disturbing very much. ###

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Word: gubuk

Short Definition: hut.

English Definition: hut. ###

L2 Definition: Rumah kecil yang biasanya terbuat dari bambu dan tidak terlalu bagus. ###

Examples: Dia tinggal di GUBUK bambu tua itu. = He lives in the old bamboo HUT. ###

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Word: gudang

Short Definition: warehouse, storehouse, storeroom. MENG--KAN: to store away.

English Definition: *warehouse, storehouse, storeroom. MENG--KAN: to store away. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk menyimpan barang-barang. ###

Examples: Semua alat-alat yang tidak dipakai sudah DIGUDANGKAN. = All of the equipment which is no longer used has already been STORED AWAY. ###

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Word: gudeg

Short Definition: (Jv) young jackfruit cooked in coconut milk with spices.

English Definition: (Jv) young jackfruit cooked in coconut milk with spices. ###

L2 Definition: Masakan asli Yogyakarta, yaitu nangka muda yang dimasak dengan santan. ###

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Word: gue

Short Definition: I, me,my; Betawi word, also GUA

English Definition: I, me, my

Word: gugah

Short Definition: *MENG--: 1. waken, arouse; 2.move (s.o's heart, conscience)

English Definition: *MENG--: 1. waken, arouse; 2.move (s.o's heart, conscience) *TER--: awakened, aroused *--AN: the moving of s.t.

Examples: Ayahnya berusaha MENGGUGAH hati Aminah untuk menerima permintaan Sukri = Her father tries to MOVE Aminah's opinion to accept Sukri's pleas. Hatinya TERGUGAH melihat keadaan pengemis itu = His heart was MOVED in looking at the condition of the beggar.###

Word: gugat

Short Definition: 1. a shock, a jolt. SEE GUGAT1 2. accuse, criticize SEE GUGAT2

English Definition: GUGAT1 a shock, jerk, jolt; MENG-: to shake, rock something GUGAT2 MENG-: to accuse, criticise, claim / demand something TER-: accused, criticised -AN: accusation, suit, claim, criticism PENG-: plantiff PENG--AN: the accusing of someone, claiming, criticism

Word: gugup

Short Definition: nervous, panicky, excited.

English Definition: nervous, panicky, excited. ###

L2 Definition: bingung, gagap, tidak tenang. #

Examples: Waktu menjawab pertanyaan itu dia kelihatan sangat GUGUP. = When he answered the question he seemed to be very NERVOUS. ###

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Word: gugur

Short Definition: fall. BER--AN: fall. Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN, KE--AN, -AN, PENG--AN.

English Definition: ^fall (of leaves, hair). BER--AN: fall. MENG--I: cover s.t. by sprinkling s.t. over it. MENG--KAN: cause s.t. to fall out prematurely. KE--AN: 1. have a miscarriage. 2. fall. -AN: s.t. fallen. PENG--AN: abortion.###

L2 Definition: rontok; jatuh. ###

Examples: Rasanya sedih melihat daun-daun BERGUGURAN di musim gugur. = It feels sad to see the leaves FALL in the fall season. Daun yang berjatuhan dan MENGGUGURI kuburan itu menambah suramnya suasana. = The leaves that fall and COVER the cemetery are adding gloom in the atmosphere. Masalah MENGGUGURKAN janin masih menjadi perdebatan umum. = The problem of ABORTION is still in the public debate. Bibiku tidak punya anak karena selalu KEGUGURAN setiap kali hamil. = My aunt does not have any child because she always had a MISCARRIAGE whenever she became pregnant. Aroma wangi ini dibuat dari GUGURAN bunga mawar. = The scent is made from FALLEN rose flowers. PENGGUGURAN kandungan yang dilakukan dokter itu menyalahi hukum. = ABORTION PROCEDURE that was done by the doctor was against the law. ###

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Word: gugus

Short Definition: group, cluster

English Definition: BER- : in bunches or groups -AN: group, cluster

L2 Definition: kelompok

Examples: Mereka dikumpulkan secara BERGUGUS = They were collected in GROUPS.# Indonesia terdiri dari GUGUSAN pulau = Indonesia consists of CLUSTERS of islands.##

Word: gula

Short Definition: sugar. MENG--I: to add sugar to s.t.

English Definition: sugar. *MENG--I: to add sugar to s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Barang seperti pasir (biasanya berwarna putih) yang rasanya manis. ###

Examples: Barangkali kamu belum MENGGULAI bubur ini. = Apparently you have not yet ADDED SUGAR TO this porridge.

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Word: gulai

Short Definition: curry. MENG-: make a curry. MENG--KAN: make s.t. into a curry.

English Definition: curry. *MENG-: make a curry. MENG--KAN: make s.t. into a curry. ###

L2 Definition: Jenis sayuran yang rasanya seperti kari. ###

Examples: Biasanya dalam upacara selamatan kami MENGGULAI kambing. = Usually in a ceremonial meal we PREPARE A goat CURRY. ###

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Word: guling

Short Definition: long pillow or bolster used when sleeping; to roll. Also BER-, PENG--AN.

English Definition: 1 long pillow or bolster used when sleeping. 2 to roll. BER-: 1 to roll. 2 to sleep with a bolster. MENG--KAN: 1 roll s.t. 2 topple, overthrow. PENG--AN: overthrow. ###

L2 Definition: Bantal yang berbentuk bulat panjang/silinder. ###

Examples: Aneh ya.. Orang Amerika kok tidak pakai GULING waktu tidur. = It's strange, isn't it. Americans don't use BOLSTER PILLOWS when sleeping. Sangat sulit MENGGULINGKAN kayu gelondongan ini. = It is very difficult to ROLL this drum log. ###

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Word: gulir

Short Definition: move, roll on, go###

English Definition: BER~ = move, roll on, go *MENG~ = roll. MENG~AN = make s.t. roll###

Examples: *Bola yang ditendang oleh Ahmad MENGGULIR dengan indah = The ball was kicked by Ahmad ROLLED nicely.###

Word: gulung

Short Definition: roll s.t. up. BER-: be rolled up, in a roll. TER-: rolled up.

English Definition: roll s.t. up. BER-: be rolled up, in a roll. TER-: rolled up. ###

L2 Definition: Benda yang dilipat berulang-ulang sehingga membentuk lingkaran. ###

Examples: Ombak BERGULUNG dan memecah di pantai. = The waves ROLL UP and splash on the beach. Kertas pembungkus itu TERGULUNG dengan sendirinya. = The wrapping paper ROLLED UP automatically. ###

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Word: gumam

Short Definition: *BER--: 1.mumble; 2.suppress (laugh or smile)

English Definition: *BER--: 1.mumble; 2.suppress (laugh or smile) *MENG--: mutter, murmur *--AN: a murmur

Examples: Jangan BERGUMAM saja, saya tidak mengerti apa yang kamu katakan = Please do not MUMBLE, I cannot understand what you were saying. Karena takut, Ali hanya MENGGUMAM saja = Because he was scared, Ali just MURMURED.###

Word: gumpal

Short Definition: clot, clump. BERGUMPAL-GUMPAL = in heaps, in clumps.

English Definition: clot, clump. BERGUMPAL-GUMPAL = in heaps, in clumps. ###

L2 Definition: Kepalan benda keras; bungkah; kelompok awan yang menggerombol. ###

Examples: Dari lereng gunung itu terlihat awan yang BERGUMPAL-GUMPAL. = From the mountain hill one can see the cloud IN HEAPS. ###

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Word: gumul

Short Definition: BER-: 1. wrestle. 2. struggle. MENG-(-I): 1. engage s.o. in wrestling. +

English Definition: BER-: 1. wrestle. 2. struggle. MENG-(-I): 1. engage s.o. in wrestling. 2. wrestle with (a problem). ###

Examples: Bajunya kotor karena BERGUMUL di sawah. = His shirt is dirty because of WRESTLING in the paddy field. Ia lupa makan kalau sedang MENGGUMULI buku-bukunya. = He forgets to eat if he is WRESTLING with his book. ###

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Word: guna

Short Definition: use, purpose. BER-: useful, beneficial. Also MENG--KAN, MEMPER--KAN, +

English Definition: ^*use, purpose. *BER-: useful, beneficial. *MENG--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: make use of, utilize. PER--AN: use, utilization. PENG--AN: employing, utilizing, using. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim:manfaat. ###

Examples: Banyak sekali GUNAnya pohon ini. = This tree has many USES. Daun ini BERGUNA untuk menyembuhkan luka baru. = This leaf is USEFUL to heal fresh cuts. Akan lebih mudah MENGGUNAKAN sendok untuk makan sup ini daripada MENGGUNAKAN garpu. = It will be easier TO USE a spoon to eat this soup instead of USING a fork. ###

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Word: guna-guna

Short Definition: witchcraft; magical formulas, bewitched s'one

English Definition: witchcraft; bewitched s'one

Examples: Orang tuanya percaya penyakit Amin disebabkan oleh GUNA-GUNA = His parents believed that Amin's illness is caused by WITCHCRAFT##

Word: guncang

Short Definition: see GONCANG

English Definition: see GONCANG

Word: gundah

Short Definition: depressed

English Definition: depressed, dejected BER- heartsick MENG- -KAN depress someone KE- -AN depression ###

Word: gundul

Short Definition: 1. bald; 2.bare, barren (of land); leafless (of tree)

English Definition: 1. bald; 2.bare, barren (of land); leafless (of tree) *BER--: bald, bare *MENG--: shave off o's head *MENG--I: 1.shave s.o's head; 2. clean s.t. out (fiancially); 3. make barren, denude (forest, etc.)##

Examples: Amir telah mencukur rambutnya sehingga GUNDUL = Amir shaved his head BALD. Bukit di belakang rumah kami sudah menjadi GUNDUL = The hill behind our house has become BARREN. Perjudian telah MENGGUNDULI keuangan keluarga Sinta = Gambling has CLEANED OUT SInta's family financially.###

Word: gunjing

Short Definition: gossip. BER-, MENG-: to gossip. Also MENG--KAN, MEMPER--KAN, PENG-.

English Definition: gossip. BER-, MENG-: to gossip. MENG--KAN: speak gossip about s.o. MEMPER--KAN: to make gossip out of s.t. or s.o. PENG-: a gossiper. ###

L2 Definition: Membicarakan hal yang belum tentu kebenarannya; fitnah; gosip. ###

Examples: Kalau berkumpul kerja kami hanya BERGUNJING saja. = When we are together all we do is just GOSSIPING. Gadis-gadis itu sedang MENGGUNJINGKAN pacar masing-masing. = The girls are GOSSIPING their own boyfriends. ###

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Word: gunting

Short Definition: scissors. MENG-: cust with a scissors. -AN: clipping; style of cutting.

English Definition: scissors. *MENG-: cut with a scissors. *-AN: 1 clipping. 2 style of cutting. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Acara ini diresmikan dengan MENGGUNTING pita. = This program was made official by CUTTING a ribbon. GUNTINGAN kertas ini berbentuk orang-orang yang berderet-deret. = This paper CUTTING has the shape of people who are in a line. ###

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Word: guntur

Short Definition: thunder. BER-: to be accompanied by thunder. Also MENG-.

English Definition: ^thunder. BER-: to be accompanied by thunder. MENG-: thunder, a thunderous sound. ###

L2 Definition: Suara keras dan menggelegar di langit yang desebabkan oleh halilintar; guruh. ###

Examples: Kalau sedang marah suaranya bisa MENGGUNTUR. = When he is angry his voice can be THUNDERING. Tidak tepat pergi hari ini karena langit sedang BERGUNTUR. = It is not appropriate to go today because the sky is HAVING THUNDERS. ###

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Word: gunung

Short Definition: mountain. PE--AN: a mountain range.

English Definition: mountain. PE--AN: a mountain range. ###

L2 Definition: Gundukan tanah yang besar dan sangat tinggi (lebih besar dan lebih tinggi dari bukit. ###

Examples: Kakek ingin berlibur ke daerah PEGUNUNGAN . = Grandpa wants to go for vacation to the MOUNTAIN RANGE region. ###

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See a Picture

Word: gunungan

Short Definition: The mountain/tree puppet in the shadow play.

English Definition: the mountain/tree puppet in the shadow play

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Word: gurah

Short Definition: gargle, rinse

English Definition: also BER- gargle, rinse MENG- rinse s.t. out ###

Word: guram1

Short Definition: dim, dull, hazy

English Definition: dim, dull, hazy ###

Word: guram2

Short Definition: chicken flea

English Definition: chicken flea inconsequential ###

Word: gurami

Short Definition: kind of earthen fish, gurami###

English Definition: kind of earthen fish, gurami###

L2 Definition:

Examples: ###

Word: gurat

Short Definition: scratch, line. BERGURAT-GURAT = lined, full of scratches.

English Definition: scratch, line. BERGURAT-GURAT = lined, full of scratches. ###

L2 Definition: gores; toreh. ###

Examples: GURATAN luka di pipinya terlihat sangat jelas. = The SCRATCH wound in his cheek is very obvious. Perutku BERGURAT-GURAT sesudah melahirkan. = My stomach is FULL OF SCRATCHES after I delivered (the baby). ###

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Word: gurau

Short Definition: joke. MENG--KAN: joke about s.t. -AN: a joke. PER--AN: joking.

English Definition: joke. MENG--KAN: joke about s.t. -AN: a joke. PER--AN: joking. ###

L2 Definition: Pembicaraan yang bersifat tidak serius; kelakar; lelucon. ###

Examples: Teman-teman anak yang gemuk itu selalu MENGGURAUKAN keadaannya. = The friends of the fat boy are always MAKING JOKES about his condition. Itu bukan GURAUAN yang lucu! = That was not a funny JOKE! ###

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Word: gurdi

Short Definition: drill, augur

English Definition: drill, augur MENG- drill, bore PENG- -AN drilling, boring ###

Word: guri

Short Definition: small earthen pot

English Definition: small earthen pot ###

Word: gurih

Short Definition: 1. deliciously oily (and salty); 2. delicious in general

English Definition: 1. deliciously oily (and salty); 2. delicious in general *KE--AN: too salty and oily

Examples: Saya rindu dengan masakan mie goreng Ibu yang GURIH = I miss Ibu's DELICIOUS fried noodles.###

Word: gurit

Short Definition: philosophical verse

English Definition: philosophical verse simple verse in rhyme MENG- poetize, versify, write poetry ###

Word: gurita

English Definition: SEE gurita1 gurita2 ###

Word: gurita1

Short Definition: octopus

English Definition: octopus ###

Word: guru

Short Definition: teacher. MENG--I: act as a teacher to s.o. Also KE--AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^*teacher. *MENG--I: act as a teacher to s.o., to patronize. *KE--AN: matters pertaining to teaching. *PER--AN: 1 educational institute, school. 2 instruction. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya mengajar. ###

Examples: Saya kurang senang dengan gaya bahasanya yang sok MENGGURUI. = I don't like his PATRONISTIC manner of speaking. Banyak sekolah KEGURUAN yang dibuka karena jumlah GURU SMA kurang. = Many TEACHING schools were opened because the number of upper middle school TEACHERS is lacking. Gadjah Mada adalah nama sebuah PERGURUAN tinggi di Yogyakarta. = Gadjah Mada is the name of a higher EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE in Yogyakarta. ###

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Word: guruh

Short Definition: thunder

English Definition: thunder BER-, MENG- thunder, boom ###

Word: gurun

Short Definition: wasteland, desert

English Definition: wasteland, desert PENG- -AN turning s.t. into wasteland or desert ###

Word: gurung

Short Definition: windpipe, esophagus, gullet

English Definition: windpipe, esophagus, gullet -AN water channel ###

Word: gusah

Short Definition: chase away

English Definition: MENG- chase away ###

Word: gusar

Short Definition: angry. MENG--I: be angry at s.o. KE--AN: anger.

English Definition: angry. *MENG--KAN: to make s.o. angry. MENG--I: be angry at s.o. *KE--AN: anger. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim:marah. ###

Examples: Keteledoranmu MENGGUSARKAN hatiku. = Your negligence MAKES me ANGRY. KEGUSARANku karena kau menipu saya tidak bisa hilang begitu saja. = My ANGER because you decieved me will not go away just like that. ###

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Word: gusi

Short Definition: gums

English Definition: gums ###

Word: Gusti

Short Definition: Lord; an aristocratic title.

English Definition: 1 Lord. 2 an aristocratic title. ###

L2 Definition: Tuhan; Allah; Sebutan bagi raja dan keturunannya. ###

Examples: Jangan melewati daerah terlarang itu, GUSTI Pangeran bisa marah. = Don't walk through this area, lest the LORD Prince would be angry. ###

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Word: gusur

Short Definition: MENG-: drag s.t.; to condemn property/remove people from an area. Also TER-, +

English Definition: ^MENG-: 1 drag s.t. 2 to condemn property or remove people from their place of habitation. TER-: to be removed, to be condemned. PENG--AN: condemnation. ###

L2 Definition: Tergeser/pindah dari tempat semula. ###

Examples: Pemerintah daerah akan MENGGUSUR beberapa toko yang tidak benar tempatnya. = The regional government will REMOVE some shops that are not properly placed. Akhirnya rakyat kecil juga yang jadi korban TERGUSUR dari tempat tinggalnya di kota. = In the end, it is the little people that become the victim, REMOVED from their houses in the city. Ini PENGGUSURAN yang semena-mena tidak sesuai dengan hukum. = ###

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Word: gutik

Short Definition: touch with tips of fingers

English Definition: MENG- touch with tips of fingers ###

Word: gutural

Short Definition: guttural

English Definition: guttural ###

Word: guyon

Short Definition: joking

English Definition: BER- joking -AN joke, object of fun ###

Word: ha

Short Definition: ha = ha! ha. == hectare.

English Definition: ha = huh! ha. = hectare (a measure of land area). ###

L2 Definition: 1. Kata seru untuk memberi kejutan. 2. Ukuran luas untuk suatu bidang yang datar dan lebar. ###

Examples: HA! Ternyata kamu yang datang. = HUH! It was you who came. Luas tanahku ada lima ha. = The AREA of my land is five HECTARES. ###

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Word: Habiburrahman

Short Definition: God (Arabic for "the Merciful, Loving One").

English Definition: God (Arabic for "the Merciful, Loving One"). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: habis

Short Definition: finished, used up; completed, concluded; completely. Also SE-_-_-NYA, +

English Definition: ^1 finished, used up. 2 completed, concluded. 3 completely. SE-_-_-NYA: to the utmost. *MENG--KAN: 1 finish s.t. 2 spend (time). 3 use up, consume, finish off. *KE--AN: run out of, have no more left. *PENG--AN: end, conclusion. *MENG--I: to eliminate, to finish off. ###

L2 Definition: Sudah tidak ada sisanya lagi. ###

Examples: Si Gendut yang MENGHABISKAN seluruh makanan. = Gendut is the one who FINISHED OFF all of the food. Sayang kami KEHABISAN tiket untuk nonton film. = It's too bad that we RAN OUT OF tickets to watch movies. Ini yang PENGHABISAN kali kamu kuberi ampun. = This is the LAST time I will give you forgiveness. ###

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Word: hablur

Short Definition: crystal

English Definition: crystal MENG- crystallize PENG- -AN crystallization ###

Word: had

Short Definition: boundary, limit

English Definition: boundary, limit BER- limited, having boundary or limit MENG- -KAN limit, border, restrict TER- limited ###

Word: hadang

Short Definition: see adang###

English Definition: see adang###

Word: hadap

Short Definition: across; side; facing in a certain direction. Also BER--AN, MENG-, MENG--I, +

English Definition: ^1 across. 2 side. 3 facing in a certain direction. *BER--AN: 1 face, front on. 2 be faced with. 3 face to face. *MENG-: 1 face, look out. 2 make a formal appearance before s.o. *MENG--I: face, be up against (difficulties). *TER-: 1 about, concerning. 2 to, toward. *-AN: 1 front. 2 future. 3 presence. PER--AN: confrontation. ###

L2 Definition: Bertemu muka. ###

Examples: Chicago Bulls akan bertanding BERHADAPAN dengan Phoenix Suns minggu ini. = The Chicago Bulls will compete FACE TO FACE with the Phoenix Suns this week. Sebentar lagi saya akan MENGHADAP pak direktur. = In a moment I am going to GO BEFORE the director. Untuk MENGHADAPInya diperlukan strategi yang jitu. = To FACE her a precise strategy is required. Kurang ajar TERHADAP orang tua adalah dosa yang besar. = Acting rude TOWARD an elder is a big sin. Orang yang kau cari sudah ada di HADAPANmu! = The person you are looking for is already there in FRONT OF you. ###

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Word: hadapan

Short Definition: in front, in the face of s.t.; see also HADAP

English Definition: in front, in the face of s.t.; see also HADAP

Examples: ###

Word: hadas

Short Definition: ritual impurity

English Definition: ritual impurity ###

Word: hadiah

Short Definition: gift, present.

English Definition: gift, present. ###

L2 Definition: Cendera mata; pemberian secara cuma-cuma; ganjaran; kenang-kenangan. ###

Examples: Banyak orang memberi HADIAH di pesta ulang tahunnya. = Many people gave PRESENTS at his birthday party. ###

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Word: hadir

Short Definition: be present. MENG--I: attend, be present at. KE--AN: presence, attendance.

English Definition: ^be present. *MENG--I: attend, be present at. *KE--AN: presence, attendance. *DI--I: attended by. ###

L2 Definition: Datang di suatu pertemuan. ###

Examples: Semua sanak saudaraku MENGHADIRI pesta perkawinanku. = All of my relatives ATTENDED my wedding. KEHADIRAN artis itu sudah ditunggu-tunggu banyak orang. = The ATTENDANCE of that artist is already anticipated by many people. ###

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Word: hadirat

Short Definition: (Rel.) presence (of God); respected members of an audience.

English Definition: ^*1 (Rel.) presence (of God). 2 respected members of an audience. ###

L2 Definition: hadapan. ###

Examples: Dengan tenangnya dia menuju ke HADIRAT Tuhan. = With humility he advanced into THE PRESENCE of God. ###

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Word: hadirin

Short Definition: those present, audience.

English Definition: those present, audience. ###

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Word: hadrat

Short Definition: religious gathering

English Definition: religious gathering presence ###

Word: hafal

Short Definition: to know by heart

English Definition: to know by heart; memorize to know something very well MENG- (-KAN) memorize; learn by heart -AN material to be memorized ###

Word: hai

Short Definition: Hey! (to get s.o.'s attention); What! (showing surprise).

English Definition: ^*1 Hey! (used to get s.o.'s attention). 2 What! (showing surprise). ###

L2 Definition: Kata sapaan untuk mendapatkan perhatian. ###

Examples: HAI!.. apa kabarnya? = HEY!.. What's the news? ###

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Word: haid

Short Definition: menstruation

English Definition: menstruation ###

Word: haisom

Short Definition: k.o. dish made from cucumber

English Definition: k.o. dish made from cucumber ###

Word: haiyaa

Short Definition: Greetings!

English Definition: Greetings! exclamation of disapproval ###

Word: haj

Short Definition: pilgrimage to Mecca

English Definition: pilgrimage to Mecca ###

Word: hajar

Short Definition: beat up

English Definition: MENG- beat up; thrash soundly -AN beating ###

Word: hajat

Short Definition: 1. wish, desire. 2. intention. 3. (Euphemism) urination or defecation. +

English Definition: 1. wish, desire. 2. intention. 3. (Euphemism) urinaion or defecation. BER-: intend. MENG--I: 1. desire, wish for s.t. 2. hold a party or feast for s.o. MENG--KAN: 1. intend s.t. 2. want, desire s.t. 3. require s.t. ###

Examples: Pak Tonggo BERHAJAT untuk menyunatkan anaknya. = Mr. Tonggo INTENDS to have his son circumcized. Beddu pergi BUANG HAJAT di kali. = Beddu went to DEFECATE in the river. ###

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Word: haji

Short Definition: title for a person who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca.

English Definition: title for a person who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Kewajiban bagi para muslim dan muslimah untuk mengunjungi Kakbah di kota Mekah bila mampu. 2. Rukun Islam yang kelima. 3. Sebutan bagi orang yang telah menunaikan rukun Islam yang kelima. ###

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Word: hajjah

Short Definition: female pilgrim to Mecca

English Definition: female pilgrim to Mecca ###

Word: hak

Short Definition: 1. one's right. 2. rightful authority. BER-: have the right (to); MENG--KAN; +

English Definition: 1. one's right. hak asasi = basic rights; hak cipta = copy right; hak milik = property rights. 2. rightful authority. BER-: have the right (to). MENG--KAN: give the right to s.o. MENG--I: have the right over s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu hal yang benar; milik; kekuasaan untuk berbuat sesuatu. ###

Examples: Bukan hanya dia yang BERHAK berpendapat. = He is not the only one who HAS A RIGHT to have an opinion. Ayahku sudah MENGHAKKAN pengurusan warisan ini padaku. = My father has GIVEN THE RIGHT of arranging the inheritance to me. ###

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Word: hak asasi manusia

Short Definition: human rights

English Definition: human rights

Word: hakekat

Short Definition: truth

English Definition: truth; reality essence ###

Word: hakiki

Short Definition: true, real.

English Definition: true, real. ###

L2 Definition: sebenarnya; sesungguhnya. ###

Examples: Kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat yang HAKIKI yang dicarinya. = The REAL world and afterworld happiness is the one that he is seeking. ###

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Word: hakim

Short Definition: judge. MENG--I: pass judgement on s.t.; KE--AN: judicial affairs.

English Definition: ^judge. *MENG--I: pass judgement on s.t. KE--AN: judicial affairs. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya memutuskan suatu perkara. ###

Examples: Serahkan saja pencuri itu kepada polisi. Jangan kita MENGHAKIMInya sendiri. = Just turn that thief in to the police. Let's not PASS JUDGEMENT on him ourselves. ###

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Word: hal

Short Definition: matter, thing; case; concerning.

English Definition: ^1 matter, thing. 2 case. 3 concerning. ###

L2 Definition: Keadaan, suatu barang, suatu masalah, kejadian, peristiwa, dll. ###

Examples: Bukan HAL itu yang menjadi masalah. = That THING isn't the problem. ###

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Word: hala

Short Definition: direction

English Definition: direction SE- one direction KESE- -AN state of being of one attitude BER- in the direction of MENG- -KAN direct, guide, steer aim at ###


Short Definition: ignored, neglected

English Definition: ignored, neglected in confusion MENG- -KAN neglect, disregard confuse, muddle, foul up ###

Word: halal

Short Definition: allowed, permitted according to Islamic Law

English Definition: allowed, permitted rightful, legal MENG- -KAN allow, permit, authorize ###

Examples: Orang Islam hanya boleh memakan daging HALAL = Muslims are obligated to eat only HALAL meat (from animal that had been slaughtered according to Islamic Law)###

Word: halaman

Short Definition: yard (of a house); page (of a book).

English Definition: *1 yard (of a house). 2 page (of a book). ###

L2 Definition: Tanah pekarangan di depan suatu bangunan. ###

Examples: Ada dua pohon mangga di HALAMAN rumahku. = There are two mango trees in the YARD of my house. Berapa HALAMAN di buku ini? = How many PAGES are there in this book?###

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Word: halang

Short Definition: BER--AN: be hindered, handicapped. MENG--I: block s.o.'s way, obstruct. +

English Definition: BER--AN: be hindered, handicapped. MENG--I: block s.o.'s way, obstruct. -AN: hindrance, obstacle. ###

L2 Definition: menutup; merintang; melintang. ###

Examples: Dia BERHALANGAN datang karena sakit. = He was HINDERED to come by illness. Kursi itu MENGHALANGI pandanganku. = The chair is BLOCKING my view. Akhirnya semua HALANGAN bisa dilewatinya dengan selamat. = Finally, he can pass all OBSTACLES safely. ###

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Word: halau

Short Definition: expel s.o. MENG-(-KAN): 1. chase away. 2. drive, herd. PENG-: driver, herder. +

English Definition: ^expel s.o. MENG-(-KAN): 1. chase away, drive away. 2. drive, herd. PENG-: driver, herder, drover. PENG--AN: 1. driving, chasing, expelling. 2. herding. ###

Examples: Para polisi berusaha MENGHALAU para pengunjuk rasa dari istana negara. = The police are trying to DRIVE AWAY the demonstrators from the state palace. ###

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Word: halia

Short Definition: ginger

English Definition: ginger ###

Word: halilintar

Short Definition: lightning, thunderbolt.

English Definition: lightning, thunderbolt.###

L2 Definition: petir; kilat. ###

Examples: Anak-anak sedang menonton filem "Kapten HALILINTAR." = The children are watching the film "Captain THUNDERBOLDT." ###

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Word: Halim

Short Definition: the old airport serving Jakarta.

English Definition: the old airport serving Jakarta. ###

L2 Definition: Lapangan terbang (yang lama) Halim Perdanakusuma di Jakarta. ###

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Word: halimbubu

Short Definition: whirlwind

English Definition: whirlwind ###

Word: halimun

Short Definition: mist, fog

English Definition: mist, fog ###

Word: halkum

Short Definition: Adam’s apple

English Definition: Adam’s apple ###

Word: halsduk

Short Definition: neck scarf

English Definition: neck scarf ###

Word: halte

Short Definition: stopping place for public vehicles

English Definition: stopping place for public vehicles ###

Word: halter

Short Definition: dumbbell

English Definition: dumbbell, barbell ###

Word: haluan

Short Definition: prow

English Definition: bow, prow direction foremost section SE- of the same course BER- follow a course MENG- -KAN direct or orient someone ###

Word: halus

Short Definition: refined, cultured; soft, delicate, smooth. Also MENG--KAN, MEMPER-, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 refined, cultured. 2 soft, delicate, smooth. *MENG--KAN, MEMPER-: 1 refine, touch up s.t. 2 reduce to fine particles. 3 make less blunt or crude (applied to bad news, rude language, etc.) *KE--AN: 1 refinement. 2 gentleness. 3 daintiness, softness. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim:lembut. ###

Examples: Sebelum dimakan, pil ini harus DIHALUSKAN lebih dahulu. = Before being eaten, this pill must be GROUND INTO FINE PARTICLES first. Kata-kata ini dipakai untuk MEMPERHALUS arti yang sebenarnya. = These words are used to MAKE the true meaning LESS BLUNT. KEHALUSAN budi bahasanya membuat pangeran itu jatuh cinta padanya. = The SMOOTHNESS of her social behavior made that prince fall in love with her. ###

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Word: halusinasi

Short Definition: hallucination

English Definition: hallucination ###

Word: halwa

Short Definition: fruits preserved in sugar

English Definition: fruits preserved in sugar ###

Word: hama

Short Definition: 1. plant disease, pest. 2. infection. MENG--KAN: contaminate. TER-: blighted. +

English Definition: 1. plant disease, pest. 2. infection. MENG--KAN: contaminate. TER-: blighted, contaminated. ###

Examples: HAMA belalang sangat merugikan petani. = The grasshopper PEST is harming the farmers. ###

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Word: hamba

Short Definition: 1. slave, servant. 2. (Lit.) I, esp. when talking to s.o. of high rank. +

English Definition: ^1. slave, servant. 2. (Lit.) I, esp. when talking to s.o. of high rank, often in formal prayers. BER-: 1. be a servant. 2. have a servant. MENG-: serve. MENG--I: 1. serve s.o. or s.t. 2. equipt s.o. with slaves. MENG--KAN: treat as a servant, domineer. MEMPER--I: serve, wait upon. MEMPER--KAN: make s.o. a slave. KE--AN: 1. servitude. 2. humbly. PER--AN: slavery. ###

Examples: Kami BERHAMBA pada Tuanku Tembilang. = We are SERVANT of Mylord Tembilang. Biarkan aku MENGHAMBA padamu, asal jangan tinggalkan aku. = Let me SERVE (as a servant) you, but don't leave me. ###

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Word: hambalang

Short Definition: a great deal of violence

English Definition: a great deal of violence ###

Word: hambar

Short Definition: 1. tasteless, flat. 2. vapid, trite. MENG--KAN: 1. render tasteless or insipid.+

English Definition: 1. tasteless, flat. 2. vapid, trite. MENG--KAN: 1. render tasteless or insipid. 2. disappoint. 3. nullify, cancel. KE--AN: vapidness, insipidness. ###

Examples: Tambahan air itu MENGHAMBARKAN rasanya. = The additional water RENDERS it TASTELESS. ###

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Word: hambat

Short Definition: checked, blocked. MENG-: impede, hamper, obstruct. -AN: 1. obstacle, +

English Definition: checked, blocked. MENG-: impede, hamper, obstruct. -AN: 1. obstacle, obstruction. 2. barrier, fence. PENG-: s.o. or s.t that obstructs s.t. ###

Examples: Tidak dapat diragukan lagi, korupsi MENGHAMBAT jalannya pembangunan. = There is no doubt anymore, corruption IMPEDES the progress of development. Sikap seperti itu merupakan HAMBATAN bagi program imunisasi anak. = That kind of attitude is an OBSTACLE for child immunization program. Singkirkan semua PENGHAMBAT pembangunan! = Remove all OBSTRUCTORS of development! ###

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Word: hambur

Short Definition: BER--AN: scattered about; flow, trickle (of tears). Also MENG-, MENG-(-KAN), +.

English Definition: ^*BER--AN: 1 scattered about. 2 flow, trickle (of tears). *MENG-: 1 be dispersed or diffused. 2 scatter. 3 rush, move suddenly. *MENG-(-KAN): 1 scatter s.t., spread s.t. about. 2 throw, cast (a net). TER-: scattered all about. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim:sebar. ###

Examples: Kacang yang kupegang jatuh BERHAMBURAN di tanah. = The peanuts that I was holding fell and SCATTERED on the ground. Ketika melihat ibunya datang dari pasar, anak itu segera lari MENGHAMBUR ke pelukan ibunya. = Upon seeing his mother arrive from the market, that child ran IN A RUSH into her arms. Pada waktu mudanya dia senang MENGHAMBUR-HAMBURKAN uang. = When she was young she liked to THROW money AROUND. ###

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Word: hamil

Short Definition: pregnant. MENG--I: to make pregnant. KE--AN: pregnancy.

English Definition: pregnant. *MENG--I: to make pregnant. *KE--AN: pregnancy. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim:mengandung, bunting (biasanya untuk binatang). ###

Examples: Siapa yang MENGHAMILI anak dara itu belum jelas benar. = It isn't clear yet who MADE that virgin PREGNANT. KEHAMILANnya sudah berumur tujuh bulan. = Her PREGNANCY is alreay seven months advanced. ###

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Word: hampa

Short Definition: 1. empty. 2. without result. MENG--KAN: 1. empty s.t. 2. disappoint. +

English Definition: 1. empty. 2. without result. MENG--KAN: 1. empty s.t. 2. disappoint. KE--AN: 1. emptiness, vacuum. 2. disappointment. PENG--AN: emptying. ###

Examples: Kepergiannya meninggalkan KEHAMPAAN dalam hatiku. = Her going away left an EMPTINESS in my heart. ###

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Word: hampar

Short Definition: BER--AN: be spread out. MENG-: be spread out evenly. Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: BER--AN: be spread out. MENG-: be spread out evenly. MENG--I: spread s.t. on s.t. MENG--KAN: 1. spread (rug, etc.). 2. explain. RER-: spread out evenly. -AN: 1. rug, carpet. 2. spread out area. ###

Examples: Pulau-pulau kecil dan besar BERHAMPARAN di seluruh Indonesia. = Islands, small and big, are SPREAD OUT all over Indonesia. Pedagang-pedagang itu MENGHAMPAR dagangannya di tepi jalan. = The vendors SPREAD OUT their goods on the side of the street. ###

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Word: hampir

Short Definition: near, close; almost. MENG--I: approach, go close to.

English Definition: ^*1 near, close. 2 almost. *MENG--I: approach, go close to. ###

L2 Definition: Kurang sedikit. Sinonim: nyaris. ###

Examples: Tunggu sebentar lagi ya, pekerjaanku HAMPIR selesai. = Wait a moment longer, will you; my work is ALMOST finished. Dengan diam-diam ular itu MENGHAMPIRI tikus mangsanya. = That snake quietly APPROACHED the mouse it intended to prey upon. ###

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Word: hamud

Short Definition: acid

English Definition: acid ###

Word: hamun

Short Definition: rail at

English Definition: BER- 2 rail at, be abusive MENG- -I abuse someone, revile someone curse ###

Word: hana

Short Definition: wide and uninhabited

English Definition: wide and uninhabited empty, deserted ###

Word: hancing

Short Definition: stench

English Definition: stench, foul odor ###

Word: hancur

Short Definition: destroyed, shattered, dissolved. MENG--KAN: smash, shatter. +

English Definition: destroyed, shattered, dissovled. MENG--KAN: smash, shatter. -AN: debris, solution. KE--AN: destruction. PENG-: destroying force. PENG--AN: annihilation,disintegration. ###

L2 Definition: Pecah menjadi kecil-kecil; remuk; luluh. ###

Examples: Penolakan gadis itu MENGHANCURKAN hati pemuda itu. = The girl's rejection is DESTROYING the heart of the young man. HANCURAN batu itu melukai kakiku. = The stone DEBRIS wounded my foot. KEHANCURAN dinasti Mataram karena perpecahan keluarga. = The DESTRUCTION of the Mataram dynasty was caused by family dissension. Ini alat PENGHANCUR batu yang sangat praktis. = This is a practical stone SMASHER tool. ###

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Word: handai

Short Definition: friend, companion

English Definition: friend, companion BER- 2 engage in friendly exchange, be on intimate terms with everyone ###

Word: handal

Short Definition: see ANDAL

English Definition: see ANDAL

Word: handuk

Short Definition: towel.

English Definition: *towel. ###

L2 Definition: Kain penyeka badan/muka (biasanya dipakai sesudah mandi). ###

Examples: Apa boleh saya menggunakan HANDUK besar ini? = May I use this big TOWEL. ###

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Word: hang

Short Definition: male title

English Definition: male title ###

Word: hangat

Short Definition: warm. MENG-: become hot. MENG--I: 1. warm up (food, etc. ) 2. incite. +

English Definition: ^warm. MENG-: become hot. MENG--I: 1. warm up (food, etc.). 2. incite. MENG--KAN: 1. warm up (food, etc.). 2. heat s.t. KE--AN: 1. heat, warmth. 2. tenseness. 3. eagerness. -AN: warming up. PENG-: warmer. ###

Examples: Sejak semalam badannya MENGHANGAT. = Since last night his body BECAME HOT (because of fever). Cintanya MENGHANGATI hatiku. = His love WARMS UP my heart. Orang-orang sedang MENGHANGATKAN badan di pendiangan. = The people are WARMING UP their bodies at the fireplace. KEHANGATAN cintanya membuatku luluh. = The WARMTH of her love melt me down. ###

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Word: hangus

Short Definition: burnt, scorched

English Definition: burnt, scorched singed completely used up MENG- -KAN roast until burnt burn, singe, scorch KE- -AN state of being charred ###

Word: hanjut

Short Definition: hit

English Definition: MENG- hit someone, crush someone ###

Word: Hankam

Short Definition: peace and security.

English Definition: (Pertahanan dan Keamanan) peace and security. ###

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Word: hankamnas

Short Definition: National Defense and Security Board

English Definition: acronym of Pertahanan Keamanan Nasional: National defense and security

Word: Hansip

Short Definition: civil defence units, often acting as patrolling police in the neighborhood.

English Definition: civil defence units, often acting as patrolling police in the neighborhood.

L2 Definition: Singkatan dari Pertahanan Sipil (badan untuk menjaga pertahanan dan keamanan wilayah-wilayah yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat sipil). ###

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Word: hansop

Short Definition: child’s play and sleepwear

English Definition: child’s play and sleepwear with sort sleeves and legs ###

Word: hantam

Short Definition: strike, fight###

English Definition: BER~ = 1. fight, scuffle 2. collide 3. infringe on *MENG~ = 1. strike hard 2. pound, pummel 3. attack vigorously 4 (Coll.) go at **MENG~I = pound, strike repeatedly MENG~KAN = 1. strike with s.t. 2. strike s.t. ***~AN = blow, smack, punch###

L2 Definition: ~kromo = do as o. lkes without regard to property, be completely at random. kesimpulan ~ kromo = a conclusion drawn without regard to the facts.

Examples: * Ombak MENGHANTAM perahu motor itu dengan dahsyat = Waves ATTACKED the motor boat VIGOROUSLY **Penduduk MENGHANTAMI pencuri itu dengan marah = People POUNDED the thief REPEATEDLY with anger *** HANTAMAN-HANTAMAN Mike Tyson melumpuhkan lawannya = Mike Tyson's PUNCHES paralyzed his rival###

Word: hantir

Short Definition: MENG-: wield, manage, handle####

English Definition: MENG-: wield, manage, handle####

Examples: Henri dapat MENGHANTIR pekerjaannya dengan baik. = Henri can MANAGE his work well.###

Word: hantu

Short Definition: hantu1: ghost, evil spirit. BER-: be possessed by a spirit, haunted. Also MENG-;

English Definition: ghost, evil spirit. *BER-: be possessed by a spirit, haunted. MENG-: become a ghost. **MENG--I: 1. fighten. 2. haunt, obsess. ### *** hantu2: a name of bird = owl

L2 Definition: Roh jahat; makhluk Tuhan yang gaib yang suka mengganggu manusia; demit. ###

Examples: *Kabarnya kuburan itu BERHANTU. = I heard that the cemetery HAS GHOSTS. **Perbuatan jahatnya selalu MENGHANTUI pikirannya. = His evil deeds always HAUNT his thoughts. ### *** Burung HANTU bermata lebar = An OWL has big eyes.###

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Word: Hanuman

Short Definition: (Lit.) the white monkey, sacred hero of the Ramayana###

English Definition: (Lit.) the white monkey, sacred hero of the Ramayana###

Examples: ###

Word: hanya

Short Definition: only.

English Definition: *only. ###

L2 Definition: + cuma. + kecuali. + tetapi. + tidak lebih dari. + Tidak lain dari. + saja. ###

Examples: + Aku HANYA bertanya. = I was only ASKING. + Semuanya lulus dari ujian, HANYA saya yang tidak lulus. = They have all passed the exam; ONLY I failed. + Kalian boleh bermain di sini, HANYA jangan terlalu berisik. = You all can play here, JUST don't be too noisy. + Ia HANYA membawa uang receh di dalam dompetnya. = He ONLY carries small change in his wallet. + Barang yang dibawanya dari luar negeri HANYA sebuah kopor. = She ONLY brought one suitcase from abroad. + HANYA itu saja yang dapat kusumbangkan. = That is the ONLY thing I can contribute. ###

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Word: hanyut

Short Definition: washed away, drift. MENG--KAN: sweep away.

English Definition: washed away, drift. MENG--KAN: sweep away. ###

L2 Definition: Hilang/lenyap; terbawa oleh arus air; ikut arus; terharu. ###

Examples: Cerita itu sungguh MENGHANYUTKAN perasaanku. = The story is really SWEEPING AWAY my feelings. ###

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Word: hapal

Short Definition: see HAFAL

English Definition: see HAFAL

Word: hapus

Short Definition: erase, wipe out completely. MENG--KAN: 1. eliminate s.t. 2. nullify. +

English Definition: erase, wipe out comletely. MENG--KAN: 1. eliminate s.t. 2. nullify (a contract). TER-: vanished, disappeared. ###

L2 Definition: hilang; musnah. ###

Examples: Susah MENGHAPUSKAN noda yang melekat di baju ini. = It's difficult to ERASE the stain on this shirt. Namanya sudah TERHAPUS dari ingatanku. = Her name has been ERASED from my memory. ###

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Word: harab

Short Definition: war

English Definition: war ###

Word: harakiri

Short Definition: (Japanese) suicide###

English Definition: *(Japanese) suicide BER-: commit suicide###

Examples: Harakiri merupakan salah satu bentuk pertanggungjawaban dalam kebudayaan Jepang = SUICIDE is a kind of the applications of responsibilities in Japanese culture.###

Word: haram

Short Definition: (Isl.) forbidden. MENG--KAN: forbid.

English Definition: (Isl.) forbidden. anak haram = illicit child; tanah haram = Mecca, forbidden to unbelievers. MENG--KAN: forbid, prohibit. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak halal; terlarang; tidak sah; tidak boleh dibuat sembarangan. ###

Examples: Islam MENGHARAMKAN umatnya makan daging babi. = Islam FORBIDS its followers to eat pork. ###

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Word: haramjadah

Short Definition: illegitimate

English Definition: illegitimate (child) ###

Word: harangaso

Short Definition: k.o. tuber

English Definition: k.o. tuber ###

Word: harap

Short Definition: hope; please (when asking s.o. to do s.t.). Also BER-, MENG-(-KAN), -AN.

English Definition: 1 hope. 2 please (when asking s.o. to do s.t.). *BER-: to hope, to expect. *MENG-(-KAN): wish for s.t., expect s.t. *-AN: a hope, a desire. ###

L2 Definition: Keinginin supaya bisa terjadi. Minta/mohon. ###

Examples: Jangan BERHARAP banyak kepadanya nanti kamu kecewa. = Don't HOPE for alot from him or else you'll be disappointed later. MENGHARAPKAN hal yang tak mungkin apa gunanya? = What's the use of HOPING for something that isn't possible? HARAPAN hidup rakyat Indonesia kini telah meningkat. = The EXPECTATIONS the people of Indonesia have in their lives are increasing at this time. ###

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Word: hardik

Short Definition: say s.t. sharply, snarl###

English Definition: say s.t. sharply, snarl *MENG-: 1. snap at 2. scold, dress down, rebuke -AN: rebuke, scolding, harsh words###

Examples: *Rita MENGHARDIK anaknya yang sedang menangis = Rita SNAPPED AT her crying child.###

Word: harfiah

Short Definition: literal

English Definition: literal, word for word ###

Word: harga

Short Definition: price, cost. BER-: to have value. MENG--I: to value s.t. Also PENG--AN.

English Definition: *price, cost. *BER-: to have value. *MENG--I: to value s.t. *PENG--AN: evaluation, appreciation. ###

L2 Definition: Nilai barang yang ditentukan dengan uang/barang pengganti. ###

Examples: HARGA sepeda ini murah saja. = The COST of this bicycle is very cheap. Dia meninggalkan barang-barang BERHARGAnya begitu saja. = He left his VALUABLE things just like that. Cobalah lebih MENGHARGAI gurumu. = Try to APPRECIATE your teacher more. PENGHARGAAN ini kudapatkan dari kejuaraan bulu tangkis. = I got that PRIZE from the badminton championship. ###

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Word: hari

Short Definition: day. SE-_-_: every day. SE-_-_-AN: all day long. -AN: daily (newspaper, etc.).

English Definition: day. *SE-_-_: every day. SE-_-_-AN: all day long. *-AN: daily (newspaper, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Waktu selama 24 jam. ###

Examples: SEHARI-HARI kerjanya hanya nongkrong di pinggir jalan. = EVERYDAY he just squats by the side of the street. Buruh HARIAN di pabrik ini gajinya sedikit saja. = The wages of the DAILY workers at this factory are very small. ###

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Word: haribaan

Short Definition: lap

English Definition: lap ###

Word: harim

Short Definition: wife, female members of a family, esp. among those of Arabic descent.

English Definition: wife, female members of a family, esp. among those of Arabis descent or educational background. ###

L2 Definition: istri; wanita. ###

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Word: harimau

Short Definition: tiger.

English Definition: tiger. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: macan. ###

Examples: HARIMAU Jawa termasuk binatang langka yang perlu dilindungi. = Javanese TIGERS are rare animals that need to be protected. ###

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Word: harimau bintang

Short Definition: leopard###

English Definition: leopard###

Examples: HARIMAU BINTANG berlari sangat cepat = A LEOPARD runs very fast.###

Word: harini

Short Definition: today

English Definition: today ###

Word: harkah

Short Definition: level, standard

English Definition: level, standard rate, value dignity PENG- -AN rating ###

Word: harlah

Short Definition: anniversary

English Definition: anniversary, birthday ###

Word: harmonis

Short Definition: harmonious

English Definition: harmonious harmonic MENG- -KAN harmonize, reconcile KE- -AN harmony ###

Word: harpa

Short Definition: harp

English Definition: harp ###

Word: harpis

Short Definition: harpist

English Definition: harpist ###

Word: harpus

Short Definition: resin

English Definition: resin used by violinists ###

Word: hart

Short Definition: heart

English Definition: heart (cardiology) ###

Word: harta

Short Definition: possessions, property.

English Definition: *possessions, property. ###

L2 Definition: Barang-barang yang menjadi hak milik. ###

Examples: Memang saya kalah BERHARTA dibandingkan dengannya. = In truth I HAVE FEWER POSSESSIONS when compared to him. ###

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Word: hartawan

Short Definition: wealthy person

English Definition: wealthy person, person of means ###

Word: haru

Short Definition: MENG-: confuse. MENG--KAN: touch o.'s emotions. TER-: touched, moved. +

English Definition: MENG-: confuse. MENG--KAN: touch o.'s emotions. TER-: touched, moved, affected. KE--AN: emotional. PENG-: agitator, rioter. PENG--AN: confusion. ###

L2 Definition: kasihan; iba; kacau/bingung; rawan hati. ###

Examples: Kisah sedih anak yatim-piatu itu sangat MENGHARUKANku. = The sad story of the orphan child has really TOUCHED my EMOTION. Siapa yang tidak TERHARU mendengar tangisannya? = Who was not TOUCHED to hear his cry? Filem itu bisa menimbulkan KEHARUAN semua pemirsa. = This film can stir the EMOTIONS of all the viewers. ###

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Word: harum

Short Definition: fragrant, fragrance. MENG-: be fragrant. Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN, KE--AN, -AN.

English Definition: ^1. fragrant. 2. fragrance. MENG-: be fragrant. MENG--I: perfume, scent s.t. with, put fragrance in s.t. MENG--KAN: aromatize. KE--AN: 1. fragrance. 2. fame. -AN: perfume.###

L2 Definition: Bau yang enak di hidung; wangi. ###

Examples: Bau itu makin lama makin MENGHARUM. = The smell overtime becomes a FRAGRANT. Saya senang MENGHARUMI pakaian dengan aroma bunga melati. = I like to SCENT cloth with jasmine aroma. Kemenangannya MENGHARUMKAN bangsa dan negara. = His winning BRINGS FAME to the nation and the country. KEHARUMAN minyak wangi itu terasa menyengat. = The FRAGRANCE of the perfume is nauseating. ###

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Word: harus

Short Definition: must. SE--NYA: should, ought to.

English Definition: must. *SE--NYA: should, ought to. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim:mesti. ###

Examples: SEHARUSNYA Susi sudah datang dari tadi. = Susi SHOULD HAVE already come earlier. ###

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Word: has

Short Definition: 1. tenderloin (see HAS1); 2. gauze (see HAS2)

English Definition: see HAS1: tenderloin HAS2: gauze ###

Word: has1

English Definition: filet, tenderloin ###

Word: has2

English Definition: gauze, fine screening ###

Word: hasad

Short Definition: envy, spite

English Definition: envy, spite ###

Word: hasan

Short Definition: good, beautiful, handsome###

English Definition: good, beautiful, handsome###

Examples: Kendall nampak sangat HASAN = Kendall looks very HANDSOME###

Word: hasil

Short Definition: yield, crop; product; result, outcome. Also BER-, MENG--KAN, KEBER--AN, +

English Definition: ^1 yield, crop. 2 product. 3 result, outcome. *BER-: succeed, be productive. *MENG--KAN: produce (s.t.) *KEBER--AN: success. *PENG--AN: 1 production. 2 yield. 3 income, earnings. ###

L2 Definition: Sesuatu yang dibuat/dijadikan karena usaha. ###

Examples: Amir BERHASIL mencapai citanya menjadi seorang wartawan. = Amir SUCCEEDED in attaining his desire to become a reporter. Daerah ini MENGHASILKAN banyak jenis buah-buahan. = This area PRODUCES many kinds of fruit. KEBERHASILAN ini kucapai dengan susah payah. = I attained this SUCCESS through a great deal of effort. PENGHASILAN ayah hanya cukup untuk kebutuhan dasar saja. = Father's INCOME is just enough for our basic needs only. ###

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Word: hasrat

Short Definition: longing, desire; propensity.

English Definition: ^*1 longing, desire. 2 propensity. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: keinginan. ###

Examples: Mimi sangat BERHASRAT mengunjungi neneknya. = Mimi HAS A great DESIRE to visit her grandmother. ###

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Word: hasta

Short Definition: cubit

English Definition: cubit MENG- measure in cubits ###

Word: hastakarya

Short Definition: handicrafts

English Definition: handicrafts ###

Word: hasut

Short Definition: incite, goad

English Definition: incite, goad, stir up -AN instigation PENG- agitator PENG- -AN instigating, provoking ###

Word: hasyiah

Short Definition: 1. edge, border 2. marginal annotation###

English Definition: 1. edge, border 2. marginal annotation###

Examples: ###

Word: hasyis

Short Definition: hashish

English Definition: hashish ###

Word: hati

Short Definition: liver; the figurative seat of the emotions. Also HATI-HATI, BER-, rendah -

English Definition: 1 liver. 2 the figurative seat of the emotions. *HATI-HATI: be careful. *BER-: to have a heart (figuratively). *MEMPER--KAN: pay attention to. *PER--AN: attention. rendah - : modest. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Awas! HATI-HATI, banyak paku di jalanan. = Watch out! BE CAREFUL of all the nails on the road. Karena perkasanya dia dijuluki sebagai orang berotot kawat dan BERHATI baja. = Because of his courage he is known as a man with lightning muscles and WITH A HEART of metal. Semua orang MEMPERHATIKAN pertunjukan itu dengan seksama. = Everybody PAYED close ATTENTION TO that performance. Ketika anak kami sakit, seluruh PERHATIAN kami tertumpah kepadanya. = When our child is sick, all of our CARE is poured on him. ###

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Word: hatinurani

Short Definition: conscience, heart of hearts.

English Definition: conscience, heart of hearts. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan terdalam pada manusia; suara hati/pikiran. ###

Examples: HATINURANIku tidak kuasa melihat perlakuan kejam itu. = My CONSCIENCE can not stand to see the cruelty. ###

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Word: hatta

Short Definition: then

English Definition: then, thereupon ###

Word: haus

Short Definition: thirsty. KE--AN: thirst.

English Definition: thirsty. *KE--AN: thirst. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan ingin minum. ###

Examples: Saya tidak bisa membayangkan bagaimana rasanya KEHAUSAN di padang pasir. = I can't imagine what the feeling of THIRST would be like in the desert. ###

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Word: havermut

Short Definition: oatmeal###

English Definition: oatmeal###

Examples: Paul senang memakan HAVERMUT untuk makan pagi = Paul likes eating OATMEAL for breakfast.###

Word: hawa

Short Definition: 1. air. 2. climate, weather. MENG-: evaporate.

English Definition: Hawa = (Bib.) Eve. hawa = 1. air. 2. climate, weather. MENG-: evaporate.###

L2 Definition: Nama seorang perempuan yang pertama-tama diciptakan oleh Tuhan (Siti Hawa), istrinya Nabi Adam; sebutan bagi perempuan; keadaan udara/cuaca. ###

Examples: HAWA yang sejuk ini sungguh menyenangkan. = The cool AIR is really comfortable. Daerah itu BERHAWA panas. = The region has a hot CLIMATE. Air yang dididihkan itu lama-lama habis MENGHAWA. = The boiled water overtime is gone EVAPORATING. ###

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Word: hawar

Short Definition: blight

English Definition: blight ###

Word: hayat

Short Definition: life. MENG--I: experience to the full, fully understand. 2 inspire.

English Definition: ^*life. *MENG--I: 1 experience to the full, fully understand. 2 inspire. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: hidup. ###

Examples: Dia terkenal sebagai dermawan selama HAYATnya. = He was known as a philanthropist for his entire LIFE. Sulit sekali MENGHAYATI cerita ini. = It is very difficult to UNDERSTAND this story. ###

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Word: hebat

Short Definition: to a great degree, great or dreadful.

English Definition: to a great degree, great or dreaful. ###

L2 Definition: Dahsyat; amat sangat; mengagumkan. ###

Examples: Baru-baru ini terjadi peperangan yang HEBAT di Irak. = Recently there was a GREAT BATTLE in Iraq. ###

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Word: heboh

Short Definition: fuss, commotion. MENG--I; MENG--KAN: cause a commotion.

English Definition: fuss, commotion. MENG--I; MENG--KAN: cause a commotion. ###

L2 Definition: Gempar; gaduh; gempar. ###

Examples: Kasus manipulasi tanah rakyat itu MENGHEBOHKAN masyarakat. = The people's land manipulation (corruption) case is CAUSING A COMMOTION in the society. ###

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Word: hegemoni

Short Definition: hegemony

English Definition: hegemony ###

Word: hek

Short Definition: fence

English Definition: fence ###

Word: hela

Short Definition: MENG-: drag, haul, pull (carriage, etc.).

English Definition: MENG-: drag, haul, pull (carriage, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: menarik/menyeret. ###

Examples: Kuda yang kuat itu MENGHELA pedati dengan gampangnya. = The strong horse DRAGS the cart easily. ###

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Word: helah

Short Definition: trick

English Definition: trick, ruse excuse, pretext BER- to use a trick to use as an excuse MENG- fool, trick someone PENG- -AN making a pretext ###

Word: helai

Short Definition: counter used for sheet-like objects.

English Definition: *counter used for sheet-like objects. ###

L2 Definition: barang yang tipis. lembaran. ###

Examples: Berilah saya seHELAI kertas untuk mencatat. = Give me one SHEET of paper for making notes. ###

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Word: helat

Short Definition: celebration

English Definition: celebration, party ###

Word: heleng

Short Definition: turn, look

English Definition: MENG- turn, look MENG- -KAN turn something ###

Word: helicak

Short Definition: three-wheeled, motorized pedicab.

English Definition: three-wheeled, motorized pedicab. ###

L2 Definition: Kendaraan umum beroda tiga (seperti becak yang bermesin). ###

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Word: hello

Short Definition: Hi or Hello

English Definition: hi or hello

L2 Definition: kata sapaan saat bertemu atau berbicara di telepon

Word: hem

Short Definition: shirt

English Definition: shirt ###

Word: hemat

Short Definition: 1. thrifty, 2. opinion, judgement, observation. ###

English Definition: 1. thrifty 2. opinion, judgement, observation. ###

Examples: HEMAT uangmu, jangan dibelanjakan semua. = Be THRIFTY with your money, don't spend it all. Menurut HEMAT saya, ini cara tebaik untuk mengatasi pengangguran. = In my OPINION, this is the best way to overcome unemployment. ###

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Word: hembalang

Short Definition: tumble

English Definition: BER- tumble head over heels MENG- (-KAN) hurl TER- to be hurled head over heels ###

Word: hembus

English Definition: see EMBUS ###

Word: hemong

Short Definition: male homosexual

English Definition: (slang) male homosexual

Word: hempang

Short Definition: MENG--KAN: to block.

English Definition: MENG--KAN: to block. ###

L2 Definition: rintang; halang. ###

Examples: Siapa yang MENGHEMPANGKAN kayu di tengah jalan ini? = Who BLOCKED the road by putting the wood in the middle? ###

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Word: hempas

Short Definition: MENG--KAN: throw, fling, slam.

English Definition: MENG--KAN: throw, fling, slam. ###

L2 Definition: Menutup sesuatu dengan kuat. ###

Examples: Kalau marah dia suka MENGHEMPASKAN daun pintu. = When she is angry she likes to SLAM the door. ###

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Word: hendak

Short Definition: wish (to do s.t.); intend, be going to; be about to. Also -NYA, MENG--I, KE-.

English Definition: ^1 wish (to do s.t.). 2 intend, be going to. 3 be about to. *-NYA: should. *MENG--I: 1 wish for s.t. 2 require, demand. *KE-: wish, desire. *BERKE-: have the desire to. ###

L2 Definition: akan/mau. ###

Examples: Mobil ini HENDAKNYA diperbaiki dulu. = This car SHOULD be fixed first. Apapun KEHENDAKnya harus segera dituruti. = Whatever his DESIRE, it must be followed immediately. Bukan saya yang MENGHENDAKI hal itu. = I'm not the one who WISHED FOR that thing. KEHENDAKnya aneh-aneh sekali akhir-akhir ini. = Her DESIRES lately have been very strange. Saya BERKEHENDAK menunaikan ibadah haji tahun ini. = I HAVE A DESIRE to go on the haj this year. ###

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Word: hendam-karam

Short Definition: destroyed, wiped out

English Definition: destroyed, wiped out ###

Word: hening

Short Definition: 1. clear. 2. silent, quiet.

English Definition: 1. clear. 2. silent, quiet. ###

L2 Definition: Sepi; tanpa suara. ####

Examples: Hanya di tempat yang HENING saya bisa menciptakan lagu. = Only in a QUIET place I can compose a song. ###

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Word: hentak

Short Definition: stamp on with force; thrust, stab, pound, throb

English Definition: stamp on with force; thrust, stab, pound, throb *MENG--: stamp on with force *MENG--KAN: pound or stamp with s.t. *TER--: be thrown down *--AN: stamping, pounding.##

Examples: Basri MENGHENTAKKAN kakinya dengan keras dan pergi keluar = Basri STAMPED his feet and went out angrily. Bunyi itu MENGHENTAK keras dan membuatku ketakutan = That sound was so LOUD and made me scared. Angin kencang membuat mobil itu TERHENTAK kebelakang = The strong wind made the car THROWN back. HENTAKAN mesin itu terdengar dari kejauhan = the POUNDING sound of the machine can be heard from afar.###

Word: hentam

Short Definition: stamp (the foot)

English Definition: MENG- -KAN stamp (the foot) -AN foot stamping big explosion ###

Word: henti

Short Definition: stop. BER-: to stop. MENG--KAN: to stop s.t. Also PER--AN.

English Definition: stop. *BER-: to stop. *MENG--KAN: to stop s.t. *PER--AN: cessation, discontinuation. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bergerak/berjalan lagi. ###

Examples: Saya sudah BERHENTI bekerja di kantor ini. = I have already STOPPED working at this office. Tiba-tiba saja sopir bis itu MENGHENTIKAN kendaraannya. = All of a sudden the driver of that bus STOPPED his driving. Tempat ini menjadi pusat PERHENTIAN sementara. = This place is a temporary STOPPING place. ###

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Word: henyak

Short Definition: MENG--: tread on, step on, press, stamp

English Definition: MENG--: tread on, step on, press, stamp *MENG--KAN: fall back down *TER--: fall back with thud (in a chair, etc.)

Examples: Sambil tertawa, Armin MENGHENYAKKAN dirinya ke kursi = While laughing, Armin DROPPED into the sofa. Saya TERHENYAK ketika Budi tiba-tiba muncul dari balik pintu = I FELL BACK when Budi suddenly appeared from behind the door.###

Word: heran

Short Definition: surprised. MENG--KAN: to surprise or amaze s.t. or s.o. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: surprised. *MENG--KAN: to surprise or amaze s.o. *KE--AN: 1amazement, wonder. 2 to be astonished. ###

L2 Definition: Merasa ganjil/aneh/tidak semestinya. ###

Examples: Tidak MENGHERANKAN kalau dia menolak pinanganmu. = It wouldn't be SURPRISING if she refuses your proposal for marriage. Ketika melihat sirkus itu semua anak-anak KEHERANAN. = When they saw that circus all of the children WERE AMAZED. ###

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Word: hewan

Short Definition: domestic animal.

English Definition: *domestic animal. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: binatang. ###

Examples: Waduh! HEWAN itu besar sekali! = Wow! That ANIMAL is very big! ###

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Word: hias

Short Definition: decorate, adorn. MENG--I: decorate s.t. Also -AN, PENG--AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: decorate, adorn. *MENG--I: decorate s.t. *-AN: decoration, illustration. PENG--AN: 1 decorating. 2 ornamentation. *PER--AN: 1 jewelry. 2 decoration. ###

L2 Definition: Usaha memperindah sesuatu. ###

Examples: Siapa yang MENGHIASI kamar pengantin ini? = Who DECORATED this newlywed suite? HIASAN dinding ini sungguh mengagumkan keindahannya. = The beauty of the DECORATIONS on this wall is really impressive. PERHIASAN ini hanya imitasi. = This DECORATION is just imitation. ###

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Word: hiba

Short Definition: see IBA.

English Definition: see IBA. ###

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Word: hibah

Short Definition: bequest, grant, donate

English Definition: bequest, grant, donate *MENG--KAN: give grant, award; donate

Examples: Yayasan itu akan memberikan HIBAH kepada universitas kami = That foundation will give GRANT to our university. Saya sudah ikhlas MENGHIBAHKAN tanah ini untuk membangun mesjid = I sincerely DONATE this land to build mosque.###

Word: hibur

Short Definition: entertain. MENG--KAN: cheer s.o. up. -AN: entertainment.

English Definition: entertain. *MENG-: to cheer up, entertain. MENG--KAN: cheer s.o. up. *-AN: entertainment. ###

L2 Definition: Membuat hati/perasaan senang. ###

Examples: Saya berusaha MENGHIBUR diri sendiri untuk menghilangkan perasaan kesedihan ini. = I will try to AMUSE myself in order to get rid of this feeling of sadness. Nonton bioskop adalah satu-satunya HIBURANku. = My only ENTERTAINMENT is watching movies. ###

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Word: hidang

Short Definition: serve, present. MENG--KAN: serve or present s.t. (food, drink, etc.) Also -AN.

English Definition: serve, present. *MENG--KAN: serve or present s.t. (food, drink, etc.) *-AN: s.t. served up or presented. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: saji. ###

Examples: Kami akan MENGHIDANGKAN makanan khas Indonesia. = We are going to SERVE UP special Indonesian food. HIDANGAN ini akan lebih nikmat bila dimakan panas-panas. = This SERVING OF FOOD will be more enjoyable if it is eaten while it is hot. ###

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Word: hidung

Short Definition: nose.

English Definition: *nose. ###

L2 Definition: Alat pencium yang terletak di bawah mata. ###

Examples: Hati-hati jangan sampai kau terperangkap oleh si HIDUNG BELANG itu. = Be careful so that you are not entrapped by that PLAYBOY. ###

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Word: hidup

Short Definition: live, life. MENG--KAN: bring s.t. to life, turn s.t. on. Also KE--AN, PENG--AN.

English Definition: live, life. *MENG--KAN: bring s.t. to life, turn s.t. on (machine, light). *KE--AN: life. *PENG--AN: o.'s livelihood. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak mati. ###

Examples: Pertama-tama kita harus MENGHIDUPKAN api dulu. = The first thing is that we have to START a fire. KEHIDUPAN di dunia ini tidak kekal. = This LIFE on earth is not forever. Sulit mencari PENGHIDUPAN di kota besar bagi saya. = It is difficult for me to find a LIVELIHOOD in the big city. ###

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Word: hijau

Short Definition: green; inexperienced.

English Definition: *1 green. 2 inexperienced. ###

L2 Definition: Jenis warna campuran antara kuning dan biru. ###

Examples: Warna kupu-kupu itu merah KEHIJAU-HIJAUAN. = The color of those bats is GREENISH red. ###

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Word: hikmah

Short Definition: 1.wisdom, philosophy; 2. power

English Definition: wisdom, philosophy

Examples: Jangan bersedih, ambillah HIKMAH kejadian ini = Do not be too sad, take what happen as a LESSON.#

Word: hilang

Short Definition: to be lost, disappear. MENG-: to vanish. Also MENG--KAN, PENG--AN.

English Definition: to be lost, disappear. *MENG-: to vanish. *MENG--KAN: to make vanish, to erase. PENG--AN: elimination. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak tampak lagi oleh penglihatan. ###

Examples: Dengan mudah dia MENGHILANG di keramaian pasar malam itu. = She easily DISAPPEARED in the bustle of that night market. Si Tarjo yang MENGHILANGKAN kunci mobil ayah. = Tarjo was the one who LOST the keys to father's car. ###

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Word: hilir

Short Definition: MENG-: go downstream.

English Definition: MENG-: go downstream. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian muara sungai; daerah pesisir; daerah tempat berakhirnya sungai. ###

Examples: Biasanya ikan banyak terdapat di daerah HILIR sungai. = Usually many fish can be found in the DOWN STREAM area of a river. Kami akan MENGHILIR pagi ini. = We are going to GO DOWN STREAM this morning. ###

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Word: himbau

Short Definition: see IMBAU

English Definition: see IMBAU

Word: himpit

Short Definition: BER-: pressed together, very close together. MENG-: squeeze, press.

English Definition: BER-: pressed together, very close together. MENG-: squeeze, press. ###

L2 Definition: pencet; tekan. ###

Examples: Rumah di kota kecil-kecil dan saling BERHIMPITAN. = Houses in the city are small and they are PRESSED TOGETHER. Dia tidak bisa berkutik ketika kaki lawan MENGHIMPITnya. = He could not do anything when his opponent's legs SQUEEZED him. ###

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Word: himpun

Short Definition: BER-: assemble, gather. -AN: 1. association, club. 2. collection, compilation.

English Definition: MENG-: assemble, gather. -AN: 1. association, club. 2. collection, compilation. ###

L2 Definition: Menjadi satu; kumpul. ###

Examples: Mereka sedang MENGHIMPUN kekuatan untuk menyerang musuh. = They are GATHERING forces to attack the enemy. Ini adalah HIMPUNAN bilangan prima. = This is a GROUP of prime numbers. ###

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Word: hina

Short Definition: comtemtible, humble. MENG-: humiliate, insult, offend. KE--AN: 1. humbleness. +

English Definition: contemptible, humble. MENG-: humiliate, insult, offend. KE--AN: 1. humbleness. 2. humiliation. ###

L2 Definition: Perbuatan yang tidak baik; keji; tercela; rendah martabatnya. ###

Examples: Hanya pandangan mata yang MENGHINA yang kuterima darinya. = Only an INSULTING stare that I got from him. Gadis itu jatuh ke lembah KEHINAAN. = The girl fell down to valley of HUMILIATION. ###

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Word: hindar

Short Definition: MENG-: 1. pull to one side. 2. avoid (a blow). Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN, TER- +

English Definition: MENG-: 1. pull to one side. 2. avoid ( a blow). MENG--I: avoid s.t. MENG--KAN: put s.t. out of the way so that it will be avoided. TER-: spared. TER--KAN: can be avoided. PENG-: evader. ###

Examples: Untung saya dapat MENGHINDAR ke kiri, kalau tidak....= Fortunately I can PULL (the car) TO the left, if not.... Mengapa kau MENGHINDARIku terus? = Why are you keep AVOIDING me? Nasehatnya MENGHINDARKAN aku dari bahaya. = His advice PUT me OUT OF danger. Anaknya TERHINDAR dari malapetaka. = His child is SPARED from disaster. Kecelakaan itu tak dapat TERHINDARKAN. = The accident CAN not BE AVOIDED. ###

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Word: Hindu

Short Definition: Hindu.

English Definition: ^Hindu.###

L2 Definition: Nama suatu agama. ###

Examples: Hampir seluruh penduduk Bali beragama HINDU. = ###

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Word: hingga

Short Definition: until, up to. SE-: 1 until; with the result that.

English Definition: ^*until, up to. *SE-: 1 until. 2 with the result that. ###

L2 Definition: Batas yang penghabisan. Sinonim:sampai. ###

Examples: HINGGA di sini saja percakapan kita. = Let's GO UP TO this point only in our discussion. Saya tidur terlalu larut malam SEHINGGA sulit bagiku untuk bangun terlalu pagi. = I went to sleep too late at night TOO THE POINT THAT it was difficult for me to get up early in the morning. ###

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Word: hinggap

Short Definition: perch, alight; attack (of disease, infection, etc.)

English Definition: ^*1 perch, alight. 2 attack (of disease, infection, etc.) *MENG-(-I): alight on s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Berhenti disuatu tempat setelah terbang (biasanya untuk burung). ###

Examples: Banyak burung HINGGAP di pohon itu. = There are many birds PERCHING on that tree. Walaupun sudah biasa berpidato dia masih saja DIHINGGAPI rasa ragu-ragu pada awalnya. = Even though she is already accustomed to giving speeches, she is still AFFECTED by feelings of doubt at the beginning. ###

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Word: hipis

Short Definition: young Western traveler on a low budget###

English Definition: ^1.young Western traveler on a low budget 2. a style of Western-influenced grooming characterizes by unkempt hai and clothing###

Examples: ###

Word: hipnotis

Short Definition: hypnotic###

English Definition: ^hypnotic *MENG-: hypnotize###

Examples: *Ahmad berjalan seperti orang yang telah DIHIPNOTIS = Ahmad was walking like someone who had been HIPNOTIZED###

Word: hirau

Short Definition: MENG--KAN: pay attention to, notice, heed.

English Definition: MENG--KAN: pay attention to, notice, heed. ###

L2 Definition: peduli; acuh; perhatian. ###

Examples: Anak itu tidak pernah MENGHIRAUKAN nasehat orang tuanya. = The child never PAY ATTENTION to his parents suggestions. ###

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Word: hiruk-pikuk

Short Definition: racket, uproar.

English Definition: racket, uproar. ###

L2 Definition: sangat ramai; gempar; gaduh; ribut. ###

Examples: Suasana di pasar itu sungguh HIRUK-PIKUK. = The atmosphere in the market is so UPROARIOUS. ###

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Word: hirup

Short Definition: MENG-: draw on, inhale; slurp up s.t.; sniff in. -AN: whiff, sniff.

English Definition: ^*MENG-: 1 draw on, inhale (cigarette, etc.). 2 slurp up or sip s.t. 3 sniff in. -AN: whiff, sniff. ###

L2 Definition: Menghisap/meminum. ###

Examples: Nikmat sekali rasanya MENGHIRUP kopi ini pelan-pelan. = It is very enjoyable to SIP this coffee slowly. ###

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Word: hisap

Short Definition: see ISAP.

English Definition: see ISAP. ###

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Word: historis

Short Definition: historic.

English Definition: historic. ###

L2 Definition: Berkenaan/bertalian dengan sejarah. ###

Examples: Secara HISTORIS ke dua negara memang selalu bermusuhan. = HISTORICALLY the two countries always become enemies. ###

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Word: hitam

Short Definition: black. MENG-: become black. Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: black *MENG-: become black. MENG--I: blacken (hair, teeth). *MENG--KAN: blacken (hair, teeth); blacken, denigrate, sully (a reputation). *KE--AN: blackness. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sejenis warna. Antonim:putih. ###

Examples: Lama-lama luka ini akan MENGHITAM. = After some time this cut will BECOME BLACKENED. Bisakah kamu lebih MENGHITAMKAN cetakan fotocopy ini? = Can you BLACKEN the print of this fotocopy more? Pilihlah anggur yang berwarna ungu KEHITAMAN, biasanya manis rasanya. = Chose grapes that are colored BLACKISH purple, they usually have a sweet taste. ###

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Word: hitung

Short Definition: BER-: to count. Also MENG-, MEMPER--KAN, TER-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^BER-: to count. *MENG-: 1 to count or do arithmatic. 2 to consider, to calculate or reckon. *MEMPER--KAN: 1 calculate, estimate. 2 take into consideration. *TER-: counted, included. *PER--AN: computation, consideration. ###

L2 Definition: Menjumlah/membilang. ###

Examples: Dia selalu berhayal bisa MENGHITUNG bintang. = He always imagines he can COUNT the stars. Pelatih itu sudah MEMPERHITUNGKAN sumua hal yang mungkin akan terjadi. = That trainer has already TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION all of the things that are likely to occur. Mira Masih TERHITUNG keponakan dekatku. = Mira is still CONSIDERED a close cousin of mine. Karena salah PERHITUNGAN menyebabkan acara menjadi berantakan. = Because of a misCALCULATION, the program became disorganized. ###

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Word: hiu

Short Definition: shark###

English Definition: shark### kind of big fish

Examples: HIU sangat peka terhadap bau darah = SHARK is sensitive to smell of blood###

Word: HMI

Short Definition: (Himpunan Mahasiwa Muslim Indonesia) Indonesian Islamic Students Association

English Definition: Indonesian Islamic Students Association

Word: hoki

Short Definition: good luck.

English Definition: good luck.###

L2 Definition: untung; mujur. ###

Examples: Hari ini aku sedang HOKI makanya aku menang terus. = Today I am having a GOOD LUCK, that's why I keep winning. ###

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Word: hokki

Short Definition: hockey.

English Definition: hockey.###

L2 Definition: Nama suatu permainan seperti sepak bola yang menggunakan tongkat sebagai alat pemukul. ###

Examples: Permainan HOKKI masih belum terlalu populer di Indonesia. = ###

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Word: honorer

Short Definition: 1. honorary. 2. not officially confirmed and so paid by stipends, not by salary.

English Definition: 1. honorary. 2. not officially confirmed and so paid by stipends, not salaries. ###

L2 Definition: Pekerja sementara/temporari (belum ditetapkan untuk mwndapat gaji tetap). ###

Examples: Di sini dia hanya sebagai pekerja HONORER. =Over here he is just an HONORARY worker. ###

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Word: horison

Short Definition: horizon.

English Definition: horizon. ###

L2 Definition: Langit yang berbatasan dengan permukaan bumi/laut; cakrawala; kaki langit. ###

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Word: hormat

Short Definition: 1. honor, respect, esteem. 2. respectful. BER-: 1. pay respect. 2. respected. +

English Definition: ^1. honor, respect, esteem. 2. respectful. BER-: 1. pay respect. 2. respected (person). BER--AN, MENG--I: 1. show mutual respect. 2. salute s.o. 3. honor, respect. KE--AN: honor, honorary. ###

Examples: Sejak kecil kami diajar untuk MENGHORMATI guru. = Since childhood we were taught to HONOR the teachers. KEHORMATAN kami tidak dapat dibeli dengan uang. = Our HONOR can not be bought with money. ###

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Word: hotel

Short Definition: hotel.

English Definition: *hotel. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk menginap sementara. ###

Examples: Sekarang ini sedang dibangun HOTEL berbintang lima di kotaku. = There is now a five-star HOTEL being erected in my city. ###

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Word: hubung

Short Definition: BER-: connected, related. Also BER--AN, MENG--I, MENG--KAN, -AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^BER-: connected, related. *BER--AN: 1 related to s.t. 2 be in contact with s.o. *MENG--I: get in touch with. *MENG--KAN: connect, join. *-AN: connection, relationship. *PER--AN: relationship, communications. ###

L2 Definition: Bersambung/berangkaian. ###

Examples: Kabel-kabel ini saling BERHUBUNGAN. = These cables are CONNECTED WITH one another. Siapa yang harus MENGHUBUNGI pak ketua? = Who is it that needs to CONTACT the director? Jembatan ini MENGHUBUNGKAN kota Solo dan Yogya. = This bridge CONNECTS the cities of Solo Yogya. HUBUNGAN baik antara negaramu dan negaraku harus dipelihara. = Good RELATIONS between your country and my country must be fostered. Semua ini adalah di bawah wewenang menteri PERHUBUNGAN luar negeri. = This all is under the authority of the minister of foreign RELATIONS. ###

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Word: hujan

Short Definition: rain. KE--AN: caught out in the rain.

English Definition: rain. *KE--AN: caught out in the rain. ###

L2 Definition: Air yang jatuh dari langit karena proses pendinginan. ###

Examples: Sekarang Anto sakit karena kemarin KEHUJANAN. = Anto is sick now because he was CAUGHT OUT IN THE RAIN yesterday. ###

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Word: hukum

Short Definition: law; verdict. MENG-: punish; criticize or judge s.o. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^1 law. 2 verdict. *MENG-: 1 punish 2 criticize or judge s.o. *-AN: punishment. ###

L2 Definition: Peraturan yang dibuat untuk mengatur suatu hal. ###

Examples: Jangan MENGHUKUM orang lain kalau kamu sendiri bersalah. = Don't JUDGE other people if you yourself are at fault. HUKUMAN yang dijatuhkan si hakim itu terlalu berat. = That SENTENCE that the judge handed down it too heavy. ###

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Word: hulu

Short Definition: see HULU1 (upper reaches of a river . . .) or HULU2 (upper end of s.t. . . .).

English Definition: see HULU1 (upper reaches of a river . . .) HULU2 (upper end of s.t., hilt . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: hulu1

Short Definition: upper reaches of a river; the beginning of s.t. Also MENG-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^1 the upper reaches of a river. 2 the beginning of s.t. MENG-: 1 to go upriver. 2 to go to headquarters. PER--AN: the interior of a land region. ###

L2 Definition: Pangkal; permulaan dari sesuatu. ###

Examples: Setelah bekerja keras selama sepuluh tahun akhirnya kariernya MENGHULU juga. = After working hard for ten years, finally his career IS GOING UP. ###

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Word: hulu2

Short Definition: upper end (of pole); hilt (of knife, sword); crown of the head. Also MENG--KAN.

English Definition: ^1 upper end (of a pole). 2 hilt (of knife, sword, etc.). 3 crown of the head. MENG--KAN: to function as the leader of s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian atas/pegangan dari pisau, keris, pedang; mahkota di atas kepala(bagian ujung dari kepala). ###

Examples: Kami MENGHULUKAN kepala desa untuk memimpin upacara ini. = ###

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Word: Humas

Short Definition: "Hubungan Masyarakat," or Public Relations.

English Definition: contraction of "Hubungan Masyarakat," or Public Relations. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: humor

Short Definition: joke

English Definition: joke. *CERITA--: funny story.##

Examples: Sebaiknya kamu hentikan HUMORmu yang tidak lucu itu = You better stop telling your JOKE, it is not funny anymore.###

Word: huni

Short Definition: BER-: occupied. MENG-: occupy, dwell or reside in. Also MENG--KAN, PE(NG)-, +

English Definition: BER-: occupied. MENG-: occupy, dwell or reside in. MENG--KAN: cause s.o. to settle. PE(NG)-: 1. occupant, inhabitant. 2. inmate. 3. guardian, spirit. KEPENG--AN, PENG--AN: occuoancy. ###

Examples: Kami MENGHUNI sebuah rumah dengan tiga kamar. = We RESIDE in a house with three rooms. Kami adalah PENGHUNI rumah ini. = We are the OCCUPANTS of this house. ###

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Word: hunjam

Short Definition: thrust; stab; insert

English Definition: MENG-- : to stab; to thrust (usually a knife) on to something MENG--KAN : thrust, inserting

L2 Definition: Menusukkan sesuatu (biasanya pisau) ke sebuah benda

Examples: Pesulap itu MENGHUNJAM pisau ke badan Budi, tapi dia tidak merasa sakit = The magician STABBED the knife on Budi, but he did not feel any pain. Dia berteriak keras sambil MENGHUNJAMKAN tongkat itu ke tanah = He screams so loud while INSERTING the stick in to the ground. ##

Word: hura-hura

Short Definition: pleasure, entertainment. BER--: to have pleasure. ###

English Definition: pleasure, entertainment. BER--: to have pleasure. ###

L2 Definition: Ramai-ramai merayakan seseuatu; senang-senang; tidak serius; pesta. ###

Examples: Coba untuk belajar lebih keras, jangan hanya BERHURA-HURA saja setiap hari. = Try to study harder, don't just having PLEASURE every day. ###

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Word: huruf

Short Definition: letter or character (in writing).

English Definition: *letter or character (in writing). ###

L2 Definition: Unsur dari abjad yang melambangkan bunyi. ###

Examples: Ketika masih kecil saya diajar membaca HURUF arab. = When I was little, I was taught how to read Arabic LETTERS. ###

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Word: hus

Short Definition: hush!

English Definition: hush! ###

L2 Definition: Kata seru untuk menghardik. ###

Examples: Hus!...Diam! = Hush!...Be quiet!

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Word: hutan

Short Definition: forest. KE--AN: forestry.

English Definition: forest. *KE--AN: forestry. ###

L2 Definition: Tanah luas yang ditumbuhi banyak pohon dan dihuni binatang-binatang.###

Examples: Saya bersekolah di fakultas KEHUTANAN. = I attend school in the school of FORESTRY. ###

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Word: hutang

Short Definition: debt. BER-: to owe s.t. MEMPER--KAN: to lend s.t. to s.o. Also PENG-.

English Definition: ^debt. BER-: to owe s.t. MEMPER--KAN: to lend s.t. to s.o. PENG-: a debtor. ###

L2 Definition: pinjaman. ###

Examples: Prinsip saya, siapa BERHUTANG nyawa harus membayar dengan nyawa pula. = In my principle, who OWES life has to pay with life too. Hari-hatilah dengan lintah darat yang suka MEMPERHUTANGKAN uangnya dengan bunga yang tinggi itu. = Be careful with the money lender who likes TO LEND his money with high interest. ###

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Word: huyung

Short Definition: MENG--KAN: cause to sway or stagger. TER-_-_: to stagger.

English Definition: MENG--KAN: cause to sway or stagger. TER-_-_: to stagger. ###

L2 Definition: limbung; goyang. ###

Examples: Dengan TERHUYUNG-HUYUNG nenekku berjalan menyambut kedatanganku. = With a STAGGERING MOTION my grandma walked to greet my arrival. ###

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Word: hwa-hwe

Short Definition: (Ch) popular game of numbers for gambling###

English Definition: (Ch) popular game of numbers for gambling###

Examples: ####

Word: ia

Short Definition: see IA1 (he, she, it . . .) or IA2 (yes . . .).

English Definition: see IA1 = (he, she, it . . .) IA2 = (yes . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ia1

Short Definition: he, she, it.

English Definition: *he, she, it. ###

L2 Definition: Kata ganti untuk orang ketiga perempuan dan laki-laki. Sinonim: dia. ###

Examples: Mengapa IA yang harus melakukannya. = Why does it have to be HE/SHE that does it? ###

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Word: ia2

Short Definition: yes. BER-_-_: to always say yes, agree. MENG--KAN: agree with s.t.

English Definition: ^yes. *BER-_-_: to always say yes, agree. *MENG--KAN: agree with s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Kata tanda persetujuan. ###

Examples: Jangan hanya BERIA-IA saja kalau memang tidak setuju. = Don't just always AGREE if you really don't agree. Paman sudah MENGIAKAN permohonan kami. = Uncle has already AGREED TO our request. ###

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Word: IAIN

Short Definition: acronym for "Institut Agama Islam Negeri" (Nat'l Institute of Islamic Religion).

English Definition: acronym for "Institut Agama Islam Negeri" (National Institute of Islamic Religion), a university-level school of Islamic studies. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: iba

Short Definition: pity, compassion. KE--AN: emotion, compassion. TERIBA-IBA: emotionally.

English Definition: pity, compassion. KE--AN: emotion, compassion. TERIBA-IBA = emotionally. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan kasihan; haru. ###

Examples: KEIBAANku timbul setiap kali melihatnya menangis. = My COMPASSION came every time I saw her crying. Ia menangis TERIBA-IBA mendengar nasib anak kecil itu. = She cried EMOTIONALLY when she heard the fate of the child. ###

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Word: ibadah

Short Definition: see IBADAT.

English Definition: see IBADAT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ibadat

Short Definition: religious service. BER-: be religiously pious; worship.

English Definition: religious service. *BER-: 1 be religiously pious. 2 worship. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan upacara keagamaan, berdoa. ###

Examples: Si Amir terkenal sangat alim dan kuat BERIBADAH. = Amir is known for being very pious and devout in his RELIGIOUS WORSHIP. ###

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Word: ibarat

Short Definition: like, also MENG-KAN : compare s.t, say s.t. is like, utter a comparison, treat like s.t.

English Definition: *like *MENG-KAN : compare s.t, say s.t. is like, utter a comparison, treat like s.t.

Examples: Kehadirannya IBARAT oase di tengah padang pasir = his presence is LIKE an oasis in the desert. Saya DIIBARATKANNYA sebagai kuda (pekerja) saja = I was TREATED just LIKE a work horse.

Word: Ibrahim

Short Definition: Abraham.

English Definition: Abraham. ###

L2 Definition: Seorang nabi dalam kepercayaan agama Yahudi, Kristen, dan Islam. ###

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Word: IBT

Short Definition: short for Indonesia Bagian Timur = Eastern part of Indonesia

English Definition: acronym for Indonesia Bagian Timur: the Eastern Part of Indonesia

Word: ibtidaiyah

Short Definition: primary grades in religious school (Islam).

English Definition: primary grades in religious school (Islam). ###

L2 Definition: Sekolah tingkat pemula (untuk sekolah Islam). ###

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Word: ibu

Short Definition: mother; term of address for older women or those of higher social status.

English Definition: *1 mother. 2 term of address for older women or those of higher social status (often shortened to "Bu"). ###

L2 Definition: Orang tua (perempuan) yang melahirkan kita. Panggilan kehormatan bagi wanita. Panggilan untuk seorang wanita yang sudah bersuami. Sebutan untuk hal-hal pokok. ###

Examples: Tata krama telah diajarkan oleh IBU sejak kami kecil. = We were taught proper etiquette by MOTHER since we were small. ###

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Word: ibukota

Short Definition: capital city

English Definition: capital city

Examples: Jakarta adalah IBUKOTA Indonesia = Jakarta is the CAPITAL CITY of Indonesia.##

Word: ICMI

Short Definition: Association of Muslim Intellectuals.

English Definition: (Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia) Association of Muslim Intellectuals. ###

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Word: idam

Short Definition: craving, desire, wish, long for.

English Definition: craving, desire, wish, long for. ###

L2 Definition: Keinginan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu; keinginan untuk makan makanan yang asam pada wanita hamil; mengidap; menderita. ###

Examples: Kamu MENGIDAM apa ketika hamil dulu? = What did you DESIRE when you pregnant before? Dia adalah pria IDAMANku. = He is the man I DESIRE.

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Word: idap

Short Definition: MENG--: 1.ail, be ill over a long period. 2. contract (a disease)

English Definition: MENG--: 1.ail, be ill over a long period. 2. contract (a disease). *MENG--KAN: suffer (a disease) over a long period. *PENG--: patient, a person suffering from a disease, the sick. ##

Examples: Ibunya MENGIDAP kanker selama tiga tahun sebelum meninggal dunia = His mother SUFFERED from cancer for three years before passed away. Rumah sakit itu tidak melayani PENGIDAP Aids = That hospital refused to treat the Aids PATIENTS.###

Word: ide

Short Definition: idea, concept.

English Definition: idea, concept. ###

L2 Definition: Gagasan; rancangan; cita-cita yang masih dalam kepala. ###

Examples: Siapa yang punya IDE gila ini? = Who owns this crazy IDEA? ###

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Word: identik

Short Definition: identical###

English Definition: *identical MENG--KAN= 1. make identical 2. consider identical###

Examples: *Mereka adalah saudara kembar yang IDENTIK = They are an IDENTICAL twin.###

Word: identitas

Short Definition: identity

English Definition: identity

Word: idola

Short Definition: popular idol

English Definition: popular idol

Examples: Ari Wibowo adalah bintang film IDOLA remaja = Ari Wibowo is the teenagers' POPULAR IDOL movie star.##

Word: IGGI

Short Definition: Inter-Governmental Group on Indonesia.

English Definition: Inter-Governmental Group on Indonesia, an international group of lenders established in 1967 by the Netherlands to coordinate multilateral aid to Indonesia. It was replaced by CGI in 1992. ###

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Word: ijazah

Short Definition: diploma.

English Definition: diploma. ###

L2 Definition: Surat tanda tamat belajar. ###

Examples: Tanpa IJAZAH sarjana sulit mencari pekerjaan yang layak sekarang ini. = Without a bachelor DIPLOMA it is very hard to find a suitable employment right now. ###

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Word: ijin

Short Definition: see IZIN.

English Definition: see IZIN. ###

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Word: ijo

Short Definition: see HIJAU.

English Definition: see HIJAU.

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Word: ijuk

Short Definition: black sugar-palm fibre.

English Definition: black sugar-palm fibre. ###

L2 Definition: Serabut (dari pohon enau/kelapa). ###

Examples: Sapu dari IJUK itu enak dipakainya. = The broom that was made from BLACK SUGAR-PALM FIBRES is very comfortable to use. ###

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Word: ikal

Short Definition: 1. curl, lock. 2. curly, wavy. MENG-: curl (the hair, etc.). Also MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: 1. curl, lock. 2. curly, wavy. MENG-: curl (the hair, etc.). MENG--KAN: curl the hair for s.o. KE--AN: curliness. ###

L2 Definition: bentuk rambut yang bergelombang tapi tidak keriting. ###

Examples: Formula ini bisa membuat rambut MENGIKAL. = This formula can make hair BECOMES CURLY. ###

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Word: ikan

Short Definition: fish. PENG-: fisherman. PER--AN: fishery (business).

English Definition: *fish. PENG-: fisherman. PER--AN: fishery (business).###

L2 Definition: Binatang yang hidup di air.###

Examples: IKAN-IKAN di kolam berenang kesana-kemari. = The FISH in the tank are swimming to and from. Jangan dimakan! IKAN goreng itu untuk ayah. = Don't eat that! That fried FISH is for father.###

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See a Picture

Word: ikat

Short Definition: 1. string, cord to tie. 2. bunch, bundle. 3. band. Also SE-, BER-, BER--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1. string, cord to tie. 2. bunch, bundle. 3. band. SE-: a bundle. BER-: bound, tied. BER--KAN: use s.t. as a band. MENG-: 1. tie, fasten. 2. bind, mount. 3. compose (a poem, sentence). MENG--I: tie a number of things into a bundle. MENG--KAN: fsaten s.t. to s.t. else. KETER--AN: commitment. *--AN: s.t. bound, union society, league, bond, tie, knot. ###

Examples: Beri saya SEIKAT bayam. = Give me A BUNDLE of spinach. Ini adalah kawasan BERIKAT. = This is a BOUNDED area. Penjahat itu MENGIKAT tangan kami dengan kuat. = The criminals TIED our hands very fast. Penumpang harus MENGIKATKAN sabuk pengaman. = Passengers must FASTEN the seat belts. Tindakan ini untuk menunjukkan KETERIKATAN saya pada janji saya. = This action is to show my COMMITMENT to my promise. ###

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Word: ikhlas

Short Definition: sincere, with all o.'s heart and soul. Also MENG--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: sincere, with all o.'s heart and soul. MENG--KAN: 1. accept s.t. with all o.'s heart and soul. 2. give s.t. with devotion, sacrifice s.t. for a cause. KE--AN: sincerity, wholeheartedness. ###

Examples: Saya sudah MENGIKHLASKAN kematian anak saya. = I have ACCEPTED WITH ALL MY HEART the death of my son. KEIKHLASANNYA dalam menghadapi kesusahan itu sungguh mengagumkan. = Her WHOLEHEARTEDNESS in facing the difficulty is really amazing. ###

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Word: ikhtiar

Short Definition: 1. initiative. 2. free choice. 3. course of action. Also BER-, MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: 1. initiative. 2. free choice. 3. course of action. BER-: endeavor, seek the means to. MENG--KAN: 1. make an effort to. 2. arrange for. 3. make a suggestion. PENG--AN: making of an effort. ###

Examples: Mari kita BERIKHTIAR bersama untuk mengatasi persoalan ini. = Let us ENDEAVOR together to solve the problem. Saya sedang MENGIKHTIARKAN perdamaian antar ke dua keluarga. = I am ARRANGING FOR peace between the two families. ###

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Word: IKIP

Short Definition: acronym for "Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan".

English Definition: acronym for "Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan" (Institute of Teacher Training and Education). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: IKJ

Short Definition: (Institute Kesenian Jakarta) Jakarta Arts Institute

English Definition: Jakarta Institute of Arts

Word: iklan

Short Definition: advertisement. MENG--KAN: advertise. Also KE--AN, PENG-, PENG--AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^advertisement. MENG--KAN: advertise. KE--AN: in the style of advertisement. PENG-: advertiser. PENG--AN: advertisement of s.t. PER--AN: the advertising business.###

L2 Definition: Informasi mengenai suatu hal yang diumumkan agar menarik masyarakat untuk membelinya/memakainya/memahaminya. ###

Examples: Perusahaan itu selalu MENGIKLANKAN produknya melalui TV. = The company always ADVERTISES its products on TV. Kesalahannya terletak pada cara PENGIKLANAN yang tidak etis. = His mistake was on the method of ADVERTISEMENT that was unethical. Usaha PERIKLANAN sedang menjamur saat ini. = ADVERTISEMENT business is mushrooming right now. ###

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Word: iklim

Short Definition: climate. MENG--I: influence, set the tone for.

English Definition: climate. MENG--I: influence, set the tone for. ###

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Word: ikrar

Short Definition: promise, pledge, declaration of intent. BER-: make a promise or pledge. +

English Definition: promise, pledge, declaration of intent. BER-: make a promise or pledge. MENG--KAN: pledge, promise s.t. ###

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Word: ikut

Short Definition: follow, accompany; participate in. Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN, TER-, PENG-.

English Definition: ^*1 follow, accompany. 2 participate in. *MENG--I: to follow along with. *MENG--KAN: to include s.t. with s.t. else. *TER-: 1 to be included. 2 to be influenced to join in on s.t. *PENG-: a follower. ###

L2 Definition: turut, serta. ###

Examples: Saya akan IKUT menari dalam pertunjukan nanti. = I am going to JOIN the dancing in a performance later. Dia selalu MENGIKUTI apapun kemauannya. = She always FOLLOWS her desires whatever they are. Soal-soal ini perlu DIIKUTKAN untuk ujian. = These matters must be INCLUDED for the exam. Maaf ya, barangmu TERIKUT di mobil kami. = I'm sorry, your things WERE INCLUDED in my car. Banyak juga PENGIKUT aliran kepercayaan itu. = There are many FOLLOWERS of that line of belief. ###

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Word: Ilahi

Short Definition: KODRAT ~: God's will.

English Definition: *KODRAT ~: God's will.

L2 Definition: Kekuasaan tuhan. ###

Examples: Sudah menjadi kodrat Illahi hal itu akan terjadi. = It has already become GOD'S WILL that that matter will transpire. ###

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Word: ilalang

Short Definition: see ALANG-ALANG

Word: ilham

Short Definition: divine inspiration. MENG--I: inspire.

English Definition: divine inspiration. MENG--I: inspire. ###

L2 Definition: Petunjuk dari Tuhan; bisikan hati; sesuatu yang menggerakkan hati/diri kita untuk menciptakan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Dia membuat lukisan itu setelah mendapatkan ILHAM di malam hari. = She created that painting after getting an INSPIRATION during the night. Kejadian itu MENGILHAMIku untuk menciptakan puisi ini. =That event INSPIRED me to create this poem. ###

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Word: ilmiah

Short Definition: scientific.

English Definition: *scientific. ###

L2 Definition: Berdasarkan pada ilmu. ###

Examples: Penelitian ini dilakukan secara ILMIAH = This research was done SCIENTIFICALLY. ###

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Word: ilmu

Short Definition: knowledge; science. BER-: be learned or scholarly. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^*1 knowledge. 2 science. *BER-: be learned or scholarly. *KE--AN: scholarly or scientific. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu pengetahuan yang bisa dibuktikan kebenarannya. ###

Examples: ILMU pencak silat lelaki yang berjubah putih itu sangat tinggi. = That man in the white robe as a great deal of KNOWLEDGE in the martial arts. Mentang-mentang BERILMU tinggi dia lalu menjadi sombong. = Just because he is highly LEARNED he became stuck up. Secara KEILMUAN hal ini sulit dibuktikan. = This matter is difficult to prove in a SCIENTIFIC way. ###

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Word: imajinasi

Short Definition: imagination.

English Definition: imagination. ###

L2 Definition: Daya pikir untuk membayangkan suatu kejadian/pengalaman seseorang; khayalan. ###

Examples: IMAJINASI anak itu tentang makhluk luar angkasa sungguh mengagumkan. = The IMAGINATION of that child about creatures from outer space is truly amazing.###

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Word: iman

Short Definition: faith, belief.

English Definition: faith, belief. ###

L2 Definition: Kepercayaan/keyakinan pada Tuhan; ketetapan/keteguhan hati. ###

Examples: Ketika banyak godaan datang, IMAN orang itu tetap teguh. = When many temptations presented themselves, the FAITH of that person remained firm. ###

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Word: imbal

Short Definition: unbalanced, lopsided. -AN: repayment for s.t. good.

English Definition: unbalanced, lopsided. -AN: repayment for s.t. good. ###

L2 Definition: Berat sebelah; tidak seimbang. ###

Examples: Menurutku, perkelahian itu sangat IMBAL. = To my way of thinking, that fight is very LOPSIDED. Karena sudah bekerja keras dia mendapatkan IMBALAN yang lumayan. = Because he has worked hard, he received a good-sized COMPENSATION. ###

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Word: imbang

Short Definition: balance; match, equal. Also SE-, MEMPERSE--KAN, MENYE--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: ^1 balance. 2 match, equal. *SE-: 1 balanced. 2 equal, balanced out. *MEMPERSE--KAN, MENYE--KAN: equalize, balance out, strike a balance between. *-AN: match, s.t. equal in weight. ###

L2 Definition: Sama berat, sebanding. ###

Examples: Kekuatan kedua petinju itu SEIMBANG. = The strength of those two boxers is EQUAL. Tidak mudah MENYEIMBANGKAN antara pengeluaran dan pendapatan. = It isn't easy to STRIKE A BALANCE between spending and income. IMBANGAN mana yang kau pakai mengukur berat badanmu? = Which SCALE did you use to measure your weight? ###

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Word: imbau

Short Definition: MENG-: appeal. MENG--KAN: call out, appeal for. -AN: appeal.

English Definition: ^MENG-: appeal. *MENG--KAN: call out, appeal for. *-AN: appeal. ###

L2 Definition: memanggil, meminta, mengharap. ###

Examples: Pak Lurah MENGIMBAU warganya untuk menanam jagung tahun ini. = The village chief APPEALED to his constituents to plant corn this year. IMBAUAN untuk tidak mengebut di jalan ini tidak pernah ditaati oleh anak muda itu. = The APPEAL to not speed on this street has never been obeyed by that young man. ###

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Word: imigrasi

Short Definition: immigration; Bureau of Immigration. KE--AN: matters to do with immigration.

English Definition: *1. immigration. 2. Bureau of Immigration. *KE--AN: matters to do with immigration. ###

L2 Definition: Perpindahan penduduk dari satu negara ke negara lain. ###

Examples: Hal KEIMIGRASIAN hanya bisa diurus di kantor IMIGRASI. = Matters of IMMIGRATION can only be taken care of at the IMMIGRATION office. ###

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Word: imij

Short Definition: image.

English Definition: image. ###

L2 Definition: Gambaran tentang sesuatu hal yang mencerminkan keadaan tertentu. ###

Examples: IMIJ yang baik sangat perlu untuk memasarkan produk ini. = A good IMAGE is very necessary in order to market this product. ###

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Word: iming

Short Definition: MENG--2: tantalize, entice

English Definition: *MENG--2: tantalize, entice *--2: promise, persuasion

L2 Definition: memberi janji, membujuk

Examples: Jangan terpengaruh mendengar IMING-IMING dari Pak Sukri = Do not trust to Pak Sukri's PROMISES. Dalam kampanye itu, calon gubernur MENGIMING-IMING masyarakat dengan janji yang muluk = In the campaign, the candidate for governor ENTICED people with big promises.###

Word: imlek

Short Definition: Chinese new year

English Definition: Chinese new year

L2 Definition: perayaan tahun baru Cina

Examples: Ada banyak petasan dipasang pada perayaan IMLEK= There were many firecrackers during the celebration of CHINESE NEW YEAR.##

Word: imperial

Short Definition: imperialist.

English Definition: imperialist. ###

L2 Definition: *Bangsa/negara yang menjalankan politik menjajah bangsa lain. ###

Examples: Belanda selalu dianggap sebagai negara IMPERIAL oleh bangsa Indonesia. = The Dutch are always considered as an IMPERIALIST nation by the Indonesian people. ###

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Word: impi

Short Definition: MENG-: dream, hope. MENG--KAN: dream of. -AN: dream, vision, wish.

English Definition: MENG-: dream, hope. MENG--KAN: dream of. -AN: dream, vision, wish. ###

L2 Definition: harap; angan. ###

Examples: Dia sampai MENGIMPI ketika keinginannya tidak kesampaian. = He resorted to (DAY-)DREAMING when his wishes did not come true. Dari dulu kakakku MENGIMPIKAN motor itu. =From the first my older brother HAS DREAMED OF that motorcycle. Dia menurutkan IMPIANnya ketika membeli lotere itu. = He followed the indications of his DREAMS when he bought that lottery ticket. ###

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Word: impor

Short Definition: to import, imported.

English Definition: to import, imported. ###

L2 Definition: Memasukkan barang/hal dari luar negeri. ###

Examples: IMPOR beras dari Indonesia ke Jepang meningkat jumlahnya. = The IMPORTATION of rice from Indonesia to Japan has gone up. ###

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Word: inang

Short Definition: house-maid, nursemaid.

English Definition: house-maid, nursemaid. ###

L2 Definition: Perempuan yang mengasuh dan menyusui anak majikannya; perempuan pengasuh anak. ###

Examples: Mbok Wuni menjadi INANG keluarga itu sejak anak pertama mereka. = Mama Wuni has been a NURSEMAID for that family ever since their first child (was born).###

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Word: inap

Short Definition: MENG-: to spend the night, stay overnight. PENG--AN: night lodging, an inn.

English Definition: ^*MENG-: to spend the night, stay overnight. *PENG--AN: lodging for the night, an inn. ###

L2 Definition: Bermalam atau menumpang tidur di tempat lain. ###

Examples: Kami akan MENGINAP di rumah teman selama dalam perjalanan. = We are going to STAY OVER at friends' houses for the duration of our trip. PENGINAPAN ini terlalu kecil untuk disebut hotel. = This LODGING HOUSE is too small to be called a hotel. ###

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Word: incar

Short Definition: drill, borer. MENG-: 1. aim. 2. have o.'s eyes on s.o. or s.t.

English Definition: drill, borer. MENG-: 1. aim (gun, pistole, etc.). 2. have o.'s eyes on s.o. or s.t. -AN: aim, target. ###

Examples: Sudah lama saya MENGINCAR komputer ini = I have had my eyes on this computer for so long.##

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Word: inci

Short Definition: inch.

English Definition: inch. ###

L2 Definition: Ukuran panjang suatu benda. ###

Examples: Berapa INCI panjang kain ini? =How many INCHES long is that cloth? ###

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Word: indah

Short Definition: beautiful, attractive. Also MEMPER--KAN, KE--AN, PENG-, PENG--AN.

English Definition: beautiful, attractive. *MEMPER--KAN: to beautify, to make more attractive. *KE--AN: beauty. *PENG-: s.t. which beautifies. PENG--AN: beautification. ###

L2 Definition: Bagus, cantik, menawan hati, elok. ###

Examples: Lampu-lampu di pinggir-pinggir jalan itu MEMPERINDAH pemandangan kota. = Those lamps along the side of the street MAKE the appearance of the city MORE BEAUTIFUL. KEINDAHAN pemandangan dari atas bukit ini sungguh menakjubkan. = The BEAUTY of the view from the top of that mountain is truly amazing. Pohon natal ini akan diberi HIASAN-HIASAN PENGINDAH. = This Christmas tree will be given DECORATIONS. ###

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Word: independen

Short Definition: independent###

English Definition: independent do s.t. by o' self###

Examples: Dia benar-benar INDEPENDEN sejak pulang dari Amerika Serikat = Since coming back from the United States, he had become INDEPENDENT.###

Word: India

Short Definition: India.

English Definition: India. ###

L2 Definition: Salah satu nama negara di Asia. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: indikasi

Short Definition: indication

English Definition: indication

Examples: Ada INDIKASI bahwa di daerah ini dulunya pusat kerajaan besar = There is an INDICATION that this area was the center of a big ancient kingdom.###

Word: individuil

Short Definition: individual.

English Definition: individual. ###

L2 Definition: perorangan; sendiri-sendiri. ###

Examples: Kesalahan mereka akan diadili secara INDIVIDUIL. = Their wrongs will be judged on an INDIVIDUAL basis. ###

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Word: Indonesia

Short Definition: Indonesia. MENG--KAN: Indonesionize.

English Definition: Indonesia. *MENG--KAN: Indonesionize. ###

L2 Definition: Salah satu nama negara di Asia Tenggara. ###

Examples: Kadang-kadang ada kata-kata bahasa Inggris yang susah MENGINDONESIAKANnya. = Sometimes there are English words that are difficult to INDONESIANIZE. ###

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Word: induk

Short Definition: 1. mother (of animals). 2. chief, main, prime. 3. thing from s.t. else descends.

English Definition: ^1. mother (usually for animals). 2. chief, main, prime. 3. thing from which s.t. else descends. BER-, MENG-: 1. have its main office. 2. have as its mother. PER--AN: brood, litter.###

L2 Definition: ibu; pokok; biang. ###

Examples: Biri-biri ini BERINDUK domba dari Australia. = This sheep HAS AS ITS MOTHER a sheep from Australia. Perusahaan mie ini BERINDUK pada perusahaan terigu yang besar itu. = This noodle company HAS AS ITS MAIN OFFICE the big flour company. Semua jenis bebek-bebek ini masih SEPERINDUKAN. = All these kinds of ducks are still FROM THE SAME BROOD. ###

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Word: industri

Short Definition: industry. MENG--KAN: industrialize, mass produce. PER--AN: industrial affairs.

English Definition: industry. MENG--KAN: industrialize, mass produce. PER--AN: industrial affairs.###

L2 Definition: Perusahaan untuk membuat/menghasilkan barang-barang. ###

Examples: Apakah kita perlu MENGINDUSTRIKAN jenis pangan ini? = Do we need to MASS PRODUCE this kind of food? Di masa depan daerah ini akan menjadi daerah PERINDUSTRIAN. = In the future this region will become INDUSTRIAL area. ###

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Word: informasi

Short Definition: information

English Definition: information

Word: infrastruktur

Short Definition: infrastructure

English Definition: infrastructure.##

Examples: ###

Word: ingat

Short Definition: remember. SE-: as far as o. recalls. Also MENG-, MENG--KAN, MEMPER--KAN, +

English Definition: ^remember. *SE-: as far as o. recalls. *MENG-: remember. *MENG--KAN: remind, make to think about. MEMPER--KAN: warn, admonish. TER-: enter o.'s mind, occur to one. -AN: remembrance, memory. PER--AN: 1 remembrance. 2 warning. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak lupa. ###

Examples: SEINGAT saya rumah bu Min ada di jalan ini. = AS FAR AS I REMEMBER, Mrs. Min's house is on this street. Saya akan mencoba MENGINGAT bagaimana jalan cerita film itu. = I will try to REMEMBER how the story of that film goes. Wajah anak kecil itu MENGINGATKANku pada anakku yang sedang merantau. = The face of that small child REMINDS me of my child who is abroad. ###

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Word: Inggeris

Short Definition: England, English.

English Definition: England, English. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah negara di Eropa. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: inggris

Short Definition: English, England

English Definition: English, England

Word: INGI

Short Definition: International Nongovernmental Group on Indonesia.

English Definition: International Nongovernmental Group on Indonesia. ###

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Word: ingin

Short Definition: wish, desire. MENG--I, MENG--KAN, MEMPER--I: to desire s.t. Also KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^wish, desire. *MENG--I, MENG--KAN, MEMPER--I: to desire s.t. *KE--AN: wish, desire. BERKE--AN: to have a desire. ###

L2 Definition: mau, berhasrat. ###

Examples: Apa saja yang dipunyai oleh gadis itu selalu DIINGINInya. = She WANTS whatever that girl owns. Sudah lama saya MENGINGINKAN gelang emas itu. = I have WANTED that bracelet for a long time already. KEINGINANnya untuk hidup mandiri akhirnya terlaksana juga. = Her DESIRE to live independently was finally acheived in the end. ###

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Word: ingkar

Short Definition: reluctant, refuse###

English Definition: 1. reluctant 2. refuse, fail to keep o's word * MENG~I, MENG~KAN = 1. disavow, go back on 2. deny (a fact) KE~AN = 1. denial, disavowal 2. refusal PENG~AN = 1. negotiation 2. denial###

Examples: * Endang MENGINGKARI janjinya untuk bertemu Syarif di stasiun kereta = Endang DISAVOWED his promise to meet Syarif in the train station.###

Word: ingus

Short Definition: nasal mucus, snot

English Definition: *BER- : have a runny nose *-AN : 1. runny-nosed; 2. inexperienced (young age)

Examples: Anak kecil itu selalu BERINGUS = that small child always HAVE A RUNNY NOSE. Dia masih gadis INGUSAN, jangan menjadikannya pacarmu = she is still an INEXPERIENCED girl, don't make her as your date.

Word: ini

Short Definition: this, these; now.

English Definition: ^*1 this, these. 2 now. ###

L2 Definition: Kata ganti petunjuk untuk hal-hal yang tidak jauh letaknya dari pembicara. ###

Examples: Buku INI mahal harganya. = THIS book is very expensive. ###

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Word: inisial

Short Definition: initial, initials###

English Definition: initial, initials###

Examples: ###

Word: injak

Short Definition: step on. INJAK-INJAK: pedal; stirrup; running board. Also MENG-, TER-, +

English Definition: ^step on. INJAK-INJAK: 1 pedal. 2 stirrup. 3 running board. *MENG-: step on. *MENG-_-_: trample on. *TER-: stepped on. PENG--AN: treading, trampling. ###

L2 Definition: Meletakkan kaki pada suatu hal. Berkunjung ke suatu tempat. ###

Examples: Kaki saya luka karena MENGINJAK pecahan kaca di dapur. = My foot was cut because I STEPPED ON pieces of broken glass in the kitchen. Maaf ya, buku anda TERINJAK. = I'm sorry, I STEPPED ON your book. Sebelum dibuat tempe, kedelai ini harus DIINJAK-INJAK dulu supaya hancur. = Before it is made into tempeh, these soybeans must first be TRAMPLED so that they are crushed. ###

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Word: injil

Short Definition: (Bib.) the sacred book revealed to the prophet Jesus; New Testament; Gospel

English Definition: (Bib.) the sacred book revealed to the prophet Jesus; New Testament; Gospel PE- : evangelist, preacher

Word: Inpres

Short Definition: Presidential Directive.

English Definition: (Instruksi Presiden) Presidential Directive. ###

Examples: Semua murid di SD INPRES ini tidak perlu membayar uang sekolah. = All the pupils in the PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE Primary School don't need to pay school fees. ###

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Word: insaf

Short Definition: understand. MENG--I: be cognizant of, realize. KE--AN: awareness, realization.

English Definition: ^understand. MENG--I: be cognizant of, realize. KE--AN: awareness, realization. ###

L2 Definition: sadar; kapok; yakin. ###

Examples: Baru aku MENGINSAFI akan kesalahanku dimasa lalu. = I have just REALIZED my mistake in the past. KEINSAFAN akan pentingnya keluarga berencana merupakan kunci keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi. = The AWARENESS of the importance of family planning is the key for the success of economic development. ###

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Word: insan

Short Definition: man, human being

English Definition: man, human being *KE--AN: humanity

L2 Definition: manusia, orang

Examples: INSAN di dunia seharusnya saling tolong menolong = HUMAN BEINGS on earth should help each other.###

Word: insinyur

Short Definition: engineer.

English Definition: engineer. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: inskripsi

Short Definition: inscription.

English Definition: inscription. ###

L2 Definition: *Kata-kata yang diukirkan pada batu monumen dsb. atau dicap pada uang logam, medali, atau piala. ###

Examples: INSKRIPSI ini dibuat pada abad ke 10. = This INSCRIPTION was made in the tenth century. ###

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Word: inspektorat

Short Definition: inspectorate

English Definition: inspectorate

Word: inspektur

Short Definition: inspector.

English Definition: inspector. ###

L2 Definition: pemeriksa; pengawas. ###

Examples: ISPEKTUR polisi itu yang menjadi komandan di sini. = The police INSPECTOR is the one who is the commander here. ###

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Word: inspirasi

Short Definition: inspiration.

English Definition: inspiration. ###

L2 Definition: Hal/ide yang membangkitkan seseorang untuk menciptakan sesuatu. ###

Examples: INSPIRASI itu sekonyong-konyong muncul di kepalaku. = That INSPIRATION suddenly appeared in my head.###

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Word: instansi

Short Definition: agency, institute.

English Definition: agency, institute. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: instruksi

Short Definition: order, instructions.

English Definition: order, instructions. ###

L2 Definition: perintah; arahan; petunjuk. ###

Examples: INSTRUKSI ini datangnya langsung dari menteri. = These INSTRUCTIONS came directly from the ministry. ###

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Word: instrumentasi

Short Definition: instrumentation

English Definition: instrumentation

Word: insya Allah

Short Definition: God willing.

English Definition: God willing.###

L2 Definition: Doa dalam agama Islam yang berarti "bila Allah mengijinkan." ###`

Examples: INSYA ALLAH saya akan datang pada hari Jumat nanti. = GOD WILLING, I will come next Friday. ###

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Word: insyaf

Short Definition: see INSAF.

English Definition: see INSAF. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: intan

Short Definition: diamond.

English Definition: diamond. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Armin membeli cincin bermata INTAN untuk istrinya = Armin bought a DIAMOND ring for his wife###

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Word: intelijen

Short Definition: intelligence (as in "military intelligence").

English Definition: intelligence (as in "military intelligence"). ###

L2 Definition: Orang/badan yang bertugas mengamati seseorang/pihak lain; dinas rahasia. ###

Examples: Pihak INTELIJEN sedang mengamati gerak-gerik orang itu. = INTELLIGENCE personnel are presently keeping an eye on the activities of that person. ###

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Word: interaktif

Short Definition: interactive

English Definition: interactive

Examples: ###

Word: interlokal

Short Definition: long distance call. MENG-: make a long distance call.

English Definition: long distance call. MENG-: make a long distance call.###

L2 Definition: Hubungan telepon antar kota atau negara. ###

Examples: Saya kaget ketika tiba-tiba anak sulungku MENGINTERLOKAL dari Jakarta. = I was surprised when my eldest child MADE A LONG DISTANCE CALL from Jakarta. ###

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Word: intern

Short Definition: internal, domestic

English Definition: internal, domestic *--ALISASI: internalization.##

Word: internasional

Short Definition: international. MENG--KAN: to make international.

English Definition: international. *MENG--KAN: to make s.t. international. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang berhubungan dengan bangsa-bangsa di dunia. ###

Examples: Kita harus MENGINTERNASIONALKAN bahasa Indonesia supaya lebih dikenal. = We have to INTERNATIONALIZE the Indonesian language so that it is more well known. ###

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Word: inti

Short Definition: kernel, nucleus; gist, core; filling, contents. -AN: core. Also BER--KAN.

English Definition: ^1 kernel, nucleus. 2 gist, core. 3 filling, contents. -AN: core. *BER--KAN: contain, have as a core. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian yang paling penting (paling tengah) dari suatu hal. ###

Examples: Pembicaraan ini BERINTIKAN tentang hal kemiskinan. = This discussion HAS A CORE about the issue of poverty. ###

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Word: intim

Short Definition: intimate, close (friend, etc.)

English Definition: intimate, close (friend, etc.)

L2 Definition: hubungan dekat, mesra

Examples: Ida menjalin hubungan INTIM dengan Tukiman yang sudah beristri = Ida is having an INTIMATE relationship with a married man, Tukiman.###

Word: intip

Short Definition: MENG--: spy on, peep at

English Definition: *MENG--: spy on, peep at *PENG--AN: spying, surveillance

Examples: Sambil MENGINTIP, Ani berusaha mendengar pembicaraan mereka dari ruangan sebelah = While PEEPING AT the hole, Ani tried to listen to the conversation from the other room.###

Word: intonasi

Short Definition: intonation

English Definition: intonation.###

Examples: Kalimat ini harus diucapkan dengan INTONASI tinggi = These sentence must be pronounced with high INTONATION.###

Word: inventaris

Short Definition: inventory; list of stock in storage

English Definition: inventory; list of stock in storage *MENG--: inventory *PENG--AN: inventorying *--SASI: inventorization

Examples: Setiap hari paman memeriksa INVENTARIS barang di tokonya = Everyday Uncle checks on the INVENTORY of the goods in his shop.###

Word: inventarisasi

Short Definition: inventory; see INVENTARIS

English Definition: inventory; see INVENTARIS

Word: investasi

Short Definition: investment.

English Definition: investment. ###

L2 Definition: Penanaman modal di suatu badan untuk mendapat keuntungan; jumlah modal yang ditanamkan di suatu perusahaan. ###

Examples: Untuk tujuan jangka pendek, INVESTASI ini belum begitu menguntungkan. = For short term goals, this INVESTMENT isn't yet all that profitable. ###

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Word: ipar

Short Definition: brother, sister, or cousin-in-law. BER-: be a brother or sister of. +

English Definition: brother, sister, or cousin-in-law. BER-: be a brother or sister of. BER--AN: be brothers or sisters-in-law with e.o. PER--AN, KE--AN: relationship through marriage. ###

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Word: IPKI

Short Definition: League of the Supporters of Indonesian Independence.

English Definition: (Ikatan Pendukung Kemerdeaan Indonesia) League of the Supporters of Indonesian Independence. ###

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Word: irama

Short Definition: rhythm, cadence. BER-: to have rhythm.

English Definition: ^rhythm, cadence. *BER-: to have rhythm. ###

L2 Definition: Alunan suara yang terjadi berulang-ulang membentuk suatu ritme. ###

Examples: Lagu-lagu dari daerah ini selalu BERIRAMA melayu. = Songs from this region always HAVE Malay RYTHMS. ###

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Word: iri

Short Definition: jealous of s. o.'s attainments or status, full of envious resentment. +

English Definition: jealous of s. o.'s attainments or status, full of envious resentment. MENG--HATIKAN: be jealous of. MENG--KAN: be jealous of. KE--AN: jealousy. PENG-: o. who easily becomes jealous. ###

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Word: Irian

Short Definition: see IRIAN JAYA.

English Definition: see IRIAN JAYA. ###

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Word: Irian Jaya

Short Definition: easternmost province in Indonesia; capitol=Jayapura

English Definition: the Province of Irian Jaya in Indonesia, located at the eastern end of the Indonesian Archipelago; formerly known as "Irian Barat" ['West Irian"], it occupies the western half of the island of New Guinea. Its capital city is Jayapura. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah pulau di Indonesia bagian barat. ###

Examples: Burung cenderawasih ini berasal dari IRIAN JAYA. =This bird-of-paradise originates from IRIAN JAYA. ###

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Word: irigasi

Short Definition: irrigation

English Definition: irrigation. MENG--KAN: irrigate

Examples: Setelah dibangun IRIGASI, di kampung kami petani mendapatkan hasil sawah yang melimpah = After the IRRIGATION was built, the farmers in our village get abundant corps.###

Word: iring

Short Definition: SE-: in a row, unanimous, together. Also BER-, MENG-, MENG--I, MENG--KAN, -AN+

English Definition: ^SE-: 1. in a row, unanimous. 2. together. BER-: successive, consecutive. MENG-: accompany, go along. MENG--I: together with. MENG--KAN: escort. -AN: 1. follower. 2. procession. PENG-: follower, escort.###

L2 Definition: Berturut-turut; bersama-sama; berjajar. ###

Examples: Hutan itu selalu terbakar SEIRING dengan datangnya kemarau. = The forest is always on fire TOGETHER with the coming of dry season. Berbagai penderitaan selalu BERIRING dengan nasibku. = Various sufferings always GO TOGETHER with my fate. Carilah anak-anak gadis yang cantik untuk MENGIRINGI penganten. = Find beautiful girls to GO TOGETHER WITH the bride/groom. IRING-IRINGAN becak itu ikut memeriahkan pawai. = The becak PROCESSION joins to celebrate the carnival. Saya diminta menjadi PENGIRING presiden. = I was asked to be president's ESCORT. ###

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Word: iris

Short Definition: slice very thin. SE-: a slice. MENG-: slice s.t. Also MENG--KAN, -AN, PENG--AN.

English Definition: slice very thin. SE-: a slice. MENG-: slice s.t. MENG--KAN: slice s.t. for. -AN: slice, section. PENG--AN: act of slicing. ###

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Word: irit

Short Definition: economical, frugal

English Definition: economical, frugal

Word: ironis

Short Definition: ironic.

English Definition: ironic. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang berlawanan/bertentangan dengan kenyataan yang sesungguhnya. ###

Examples: IRONISnya banyak orang menganggap berita bohong itu hal yang benar-benar terjadi. = IRONICALLY, many people thought that that false report was about something that really happened. ###

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Word: isap

Short Definition: MENG-: 1. suck. 2. smoke. 3. absorb (liquid). Also -AN, PENG-, PENG--AN.

English Definition: MENG-: 1. suck. 2. smoke. 3. absorb (liquid). -AN: s.t. inhaled or sucked. PENG-: 1. s.t. that sucks. 2. extortionist. 3. o. who smokes. PENG--AN: 1. exploitation. 2. smoking. ###

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Word: isbat

Short Definition: 1. confirmation, ratification. 2. positive. MENG--KAN: confirm, ratify.

English Definition: 1. confirmation, ratification. 2. positive. MENG--KAN: confirm, ratify. ###

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Word: ISDV

Short Definition: Indies Social-Democratic Association.

English Definition: (Indische Sociaal-Democratische Vereeniging) Indies Social-Democratic Association. ###

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Word: iseng

Short Definition: pass time amusing oneself.

English Definition: pass time amusing oneself. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan sesuatu untuk mengisi waktu luang; main-main; tidak bersungguh-sungguh. ###

Examples: Sebenarnya dia hanya ISENG saja, tidak ada niat buruknya. = In fact he was only KILLING TIME; there was no bad intention. ###

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Word: isi

Short Definition: contents. BER-: to have contents or substance. Also BER--KAN, MENG-.

English Definition: ^ contents. *BER-: to have contents or substance. *BER--KAN: contain s.t., include. *MENG-: to fill up. ###

L2 Definition: Sesuatu yang ada di dalam suatu benda. ###

Examples: Botol ini BERISI minyak tanah. = This botol CONTAINS crude oil. Buku ini BERISIKAN cerita tentang bermacam-macam budaya. = This book INCLUDES stories about different kinds of cultures. Untuk MENGISI liburan ini saya akan ke pulau Bali. = I am going to the island of Bali to FILL UP this vacation. ###

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Word: Islam

Short Definition: Islam.

English Definition: *Islam. ###

L2 Definition: Agama yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad saw., yang percaya pada Allah swt. dan kitab sucinya Alquran.###

Examples: Sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia beragama ISLAM. = The majority of the inhabitants of Indonesia follow the religion of ISLAM. ###

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Word: istana

Short Definition: palace.

English Definition: palace. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat tinggal bagi raja dan keluarganya; rumah besar yang sangat mewah. ###

Examples: Model bangunan ISTANA Solo dan ISTANA Yogya tidak banyak berbeda. = The styles of the PALACES of Solo and Yogya are not very different. ###

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Word: isteri

Short Definition: see ISTRI.

English Definition: see ISTRI. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: istiadat

Short Definition: custom, tradition. MENG--KAN: institute s.t. as a custom.

English Definition: ^custom, tradition. MENG--KAN: institute s.t. as a custom.###

L2 Definition: kebiasaan. ###

Examples: Nenek moyang kita sudah MENGISTIADATKAN sunatan sejak jaman dulu kala. = Our ancestors have INSTITUTED ciscumcision since long time ago. ###

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Word: istilah

Short Definition: term, terminology.

English Definition: term, terminology. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan/nama lain untuk sesuatu hal. ###

Examples: Janda muda disebut dengan ISTILAH "janda kembang." = A young widow is referred to by the TERM "flower widow".###

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Word: istimewa

Short Definition: special, extraordinary.

English Definition: ^ special, extraordinary. *KE--AN: specialness, peculiarity. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat khusus/khas. ###

Examples: Bisa menirukan tingkah laku manusia adalah KEISTIMEWAAN monyet ini. = The SPECIALTY of this monkey is that it can imitate the behavior of humans. ###

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Word: Istiqlal

Short Definition: Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, the largest mosque in Southeast Asia.

English Definition: Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, completed in 1978. It is also the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. ###

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Word: istirahat

Short Definition: rest, pause. BER-: rest, take a break. MENG--KAN: give s.o. a break. +

English Definition: rest, pause. BER-: rest, take a break. MENG--KAN: give s.o. a break. PENG--AN: giving s.o. a rest, putting s.o. into retirement. PER--AN: place provided for the employees to spend their vacation.###

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Word: istri

Short Definition: wife or married woman. BER-: to have a wife. Also BER--KAN, MENG--KAN.

English Definition: ^ wife or married woman. *BER-: to have a wife. *BER--KAN: have s.o. as a wife. MENG--KAN: to marry s.o. ###

L2 Definition: Seorang wanita yang bersuami. ###

Examples: Kakekku BERISTRI empat; nenekku adalah istrinya yang kedua. = My grandfather HAS four WIVES; my grandmother is his second wife. Dokter itu BERISTRIKAN seorang dokter pula. = That doctor HAS AS A WIFE another doctor. ###

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Word: isu

Short Definition: 1. issue, problem. 2. rumors. MENG--KAN: make an issue of, gossip about s.t.

English Definition: 1. issue, problem. 2. rumors. MENG--KAN: 1. make an issue of. 2. gossip about s.t.###

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Word: isya

Short Definition: SEMBAHYANG ~: Islamic evening prayers.

English Definition: SEMBAHYANG ~: Islamic evening prayers. ###

L2 Definition: Sembahyang yang dilakukan sesudah sholat maghrib. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: isyarat

Short Definition: sign, signal. MENG--KAN: to signal.

English Definition: sign, signal. MENG--KAN: to signal.###

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Word: ITB

Short Definition: the Bandung Institute of Technology.

English Definition: the Bandung Institute of Technology. ###

L2 Definition: Institut Tehnologi Bandung. ###

Examples: Saya tinggal di Bandung ketika bersekolah di ITB. = ###

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Word: itibar

Short Definition: (Isl.) moral lesson, example.

English Definition: (Isl.) moral lesson, example.###

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Word: itikad

Short Definition: determination, will, conviction.

English Definition: determination, will, conviction.###

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Word: itu

Short Definition: that, those; the.

English Definition: *1 that, those. 2 the. ###

L2 Definition: Kata penunjuk untuk benda yang letaknya jauh dari si pembicara. ###

Examples: Mobil ITU yang sedang diamati polisi. = THAT car is being observed by the police. ###

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Word: iur

Short Definition: BER-: contribute. -AN: contribution, subscription, premium. Also PENG-.

English Definition: BER-: contribute. -AN: 1. contribution. 2. subscription, levy. 3. premium (of insurance). PENG-: o. who contributes.###

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Word: iya

Short Definition: yes.

English Definition: *yes. ###

L2 Definition: Kata untuk menyetujui suatu hal. ###

Examples: Jangan berkata IYA-IYA saja kalau kamu kurang suka. = Don't just say YES if you don't like it. ###

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Word: izin

Short Definition: permission; permit, license. SE-: with the permission of. Also MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 permission. 2 permit, license. *SE-: with the permission of. *MENG--KAN: 1 permit. 2 give a license to s.o. *PER--AN, KE--AN: 1 permission. 2 licensing. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak ada larangan, membolehkan, menyetujui, dll. ###

Examples: Saya meminjam benda ini dengan SEIJIN yang punya. = I am borrowing this thing WITH THE PERMISSION OF the owner. Ibu telah MENGIJINKAN saya melamar menjadi pilot. = My mother has GIVEN me HER PERMISSION to apply to become a pilot. Untuk memulai project ini semua PERIJINAN harus dilengkapi dulu. = In order to begin this project, all of the LICENSING must be completed first. ###

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Word: Jabar

Short Definition: Contraction of "Jawa Barat," the province of West Java.

English Definition: Contraction of "Jawa Barat," the province of West Java. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jabat

Short Definition: SE-: co-worker of the same status. Also -AN, PE-, PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^*SE-: co-worker of the same status. *-AN: 1 function, duty. 2 position, post. *PE-: an official. PEN--AN: office, service. ###

L2 Definition: Memegang sesuatu (tangan, pekerjaan, dll). ###

Examples: Mas Dodi adalah teman SEJABAT saya di perusahaan ini. = Dodi is my COWORKER in this company. JABATAN kepala sekolah sekarang ini dipegang oleh Pak Sastro. = The POSITION of school principal at this time is held by Mr. Sastro. PEJABAT pemerintah pusat akan meninjau daerah bencana alam. = The central government OFFICIAL will inspect the area which suffered a natural disaster. ###

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Word: jabatan

Short Definition: Position in office; SEE JABAT

Word: jabotabek

Short Definition: acronym for "Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi" refering to Jakarta and three other cities surrounding it.

English Definition: acronym for "Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi" Usually refers to "Greater Jakarta" area

Examples: Peraturan ini hanya berlaku untuk wilayah JABOTABEK = This regulation only applies for the JABOTABEK area.

Word: jadi

Short Definition: become; therefore; take effect; finished; work as. Also -NYA, SE--NYA.

English Definition: ^1 become. 2 so, therefore, thus. 3 come off, take effect. 4 finished. 5. work as. -NYA: outcome. *SE--NYA: as it turns out, just passable (and no better). *MEN-: 1 become. 2 be, serve as. *KE--AN: incident, event, occurance. ###

L2 Definition: tidak batal, selesai dibuat, setuju, dll. ###

Examples: Pekerjaan ini hanya SEJADINYA saja, saya pikir memang kurang memuaskan. = This work is JUST PASSABLE; I think it must be less than satisfying. Untuk MENJADI seorang pemimpin dibutuhkan kesabaran yang lebih. = To BECOME a leader requires a great deal of patience. KEJADIAN gempa ini sangat tiba-tiba, susah bisa dihindarkan. = The OCCURANCE of this earthquake was very sudden; it was difficult to avoid. ###

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Word: jadwal

Short Definition: schedule; chart, list. MEN--KAN: schedule s.t. to happen.

English Definition: ^*1 schedule. 2 chart, list. *MEN--KAN: schedule s.t. to happen. ###

L2 Definition: Pembagian waktu dalam perencanaan suatu kerja. ###

Examples: JADWAL kegiatan olah raga saya adalah setiap hari Jum'at jam 3 sore. = My SCHEDULE of exercise is every Friday at 3:00 in the afternoon. Kami MENJADWALKAN pertandingan bola basket ini bulan depan. = We SCHEDULED this basketball tournament for next month. ###

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Word: jaga

Short Definition: guard, watch over; preserve, see to (s.t.). Also MEN-, PEN-.

English Definition: 1 guard, watch over. 2 preserve, see to (something). *MEN-: 1 to guard, watch over. 2 to see to (s.t.). *PEN-: guard, watchperson. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak tidur, bangun, membuat keadaan aman. ###

Examples: Siapa yang akan MENJAGA adik nanti malam? = Who will WATCH OVER baby brother later tonight? PENJAGA pintu gerbang itu sangat garang tampangnya. = THAT entrance gate GUARD has a very disheveled appearance. ###

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Word: jagad

Short Definition: see JAGAT.

English Definition: see JAGAT. ###

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Word: jagal

Short Definition: see (JAGAL1 = small-time trader . . .) or (JAGAL2 = butcher . . .)

English Definition: see (JAGAL1 = small-time trader . . .) (JAGAL2 = butcher . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jagal1

Short Definition: small-time trader. BER-: to carry on retail trade in goods. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^small-time trader. *BER-: to carry on retail trade in goods, to hawk goods. *-AN: miscellaneous wares for sale. ###

L2 Definition: Perdagangan secara kecil-kecilan, eceran. ###

Examples: Orang tua saya BERJAGAL batik di Yogyakarta. = My parents TRADE batik in Yogyakarta. Bermacam-macam JAGALAN ada di kios kecil itu. = There are many kinds of WARES FOR SALE at that small kiosk. ###

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Word: jagal2

Short Definition: butcher, slaughterer. MEN-: to butcher or slaughter. Also PEN-, PE--AN.

English Definition: ^butcher, slaughterer. *MEN-: to butcher or slaughter. *PEN-: butcher, slaughterer. *PE--AN: slaughterhouse. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya menyembelih binatang. ###

Examples: Dia selalu berdoa terlebih dahulu sebelum MENJAGAL seekor sapi. = He always prays first before BUTCHERING a cow. Pekerjaan sambilannya adalah sebagai PENJAGAL hewan. = His sideline work is as an animal BUTCHER. Kalau membeli daging langsung dari rumah PENJAGALAN harganya akan lebih murah. = If you buy meat from the SLAUGHTERHOUSE the price will be lower. ###

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Word: jagat

Short Definition: world. SE-: universal, world-wide.

English Definition: world. SE-: universal, world-wide.###

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Word: jago

Short Definition: cock, rooster; champion, athlete. MEN--I: root for, cheer; lead. Also MEN--KAN,+

English Definition: ^1 cock, rooster. 2 champion, athlete. *MEN--I: 1 root for, cheer. 2 lead, be at the head of. *MEN--KAN: to sponsor, to champion. KE--AN: prowess. ###

L2 Definition: Ayam jantan yang sudah dewasa. Orang yang ahli dalam suatu hal. Orang yang menjuarai suatu pertandingan. ###

Examples: Saya MENJAGOI Chicago Bull tahun ini.=I am ROOTING FOR the Chicago Bulls this year. Saya akan MENJAGOKAN kakak saya dalam pertandingan ilmiah nanti.=I am SPONSORING my older sister in the coming science compitition. ###

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Word: jagung

Short Definition: corn.

English Definition: corn. ###

L2 Definition: Sejenis tanaman yang biji-bijinya bisa dimakan. ###

Examples: Kota DeKalb dikenal sebagai daerah JAGUNG = DeKalb city is known as the CORN field###

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Word: jahanam

Short Definition: 1.[Rel.] hell. 2.[Vulg.] a strong oath. 3. curse

English Definition: 1.[Rel.] hell. 2.[Vulg.] a strong oath. 3. curse

Examples: JAHANAM kamu!!!, keluar dari rumah saya sekarang!!! = DAMN you!!!!, get out of my house now!!!.###

Word: jahat

Short Definition: bad, wicked, evil. BER-: 1. sin, do wrong. 2. defame. 3. seduce. Also MEN--I,+

English Definition: ^bad, wicked, evil. BER-: 1. sin, do wrong. 2. defame, malign. 3. seduce (a female). MEN--I: 1. do bad things to s.o. or s.t. 2. tease. MEN--KAN: 1. make s.t. look bad. 2. consider s.o. evil. KE--AN: 1. evil, wickedness. 2. felony, crime. PEN-: criminal.###

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Word: jahe

Short Definition: ginger

English Definition: ginger

Examples: Makan JAHE sangat bagus jika engkau sedang sakit = Eating GINGER when you are sick is good for you.##

Word: jahit

Short Definition: sewing. BER-, MEN-: sew. PEN-: tailor.

English Definition: sewing. BER-, mMEN-: sew. PEN-: tailor.###

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Word: jail

Short Definition: mischievous, sneaky

English Definition: mischievous, sneaky *MEN--I: mistreat, pick on s.o.

Examples: Adik saya sangat JAIL dan suka mengganggu teman-temannya = My brother is so MISCHIEVOUS and he likes to pick on his friends.###

Word: jaja

Short Definition: hawk, peddle, vend###

English Definition: ^hawk, peddle, vend BER-, MEN-: hawk, peddle, vend *MEN-KAN: peddle, hawk s.t. -AN: merchandise that is peddled **PEN-:hawker, peddler###

Examples: *Ibu Harun MENJAJAKAN kue-kuenya di pasar = Mrs. Harun PEDDLED her cookies to a market. **Kanja adalah PENJAJA buah-buahan = Kanja is a fruit PEDDLER.###

Word: jajah

Short Definition: MEN-: colonize. TER-: colonized. -AN: colony, subjugated territory. Also PEN-, +

English Definition: ^MEN-: colonize. *TER-: colonized. *-AN: colony, subjugated territory. *PEN-: colonizer. *PEN--AN: colonization. ###

L2 Definition: Menguasai daerah atau negara lain secara paksa. Mengelilingi atau melihat-lihat daerah-daerah lain. ###

Examples: Kita pernah merasakan tidak enaknya menjadi bangsa yang TERJAJAH. Pulau ini adalah daerah bekas JAJAHAN Inggris.=We did not feel good being a COLONIZED people. This island is a former British COLONY. Adakah PENJAJAH yang baik? = Is there a good COLONIZER? PENJAJAHAN di muka bumi ini tidak dibenarkan oleh siapapun. = COLONIZATION on the face of this world isn't approved of by anybody. ###

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Word: jajak

Short Definition: meN--i: probe, sound out

English Definition: meN- -i: probe, sound out peN- -an: sounding out, plumbing peR- -an: measuring, investigation

Word: jajan

Short Definition: a snack.

English Definition: *a snack. ###

L2 Definition: Membeli makanan kecil. ###

Examples: Siapa yang mau saya ajak JAJAN di warung Bu Sastro? = Who wants to accept my invitation to get a SNACK at Mrs. Sastro's store? ###

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Word: jajar

Short Definition: jajar1 = MEN-: plow. MEN--KAN: pull or drag s.t. -AN: furrow. jajar2 = row. +

English Definition: ^jajar1 = MEN-: plow. MEN--KAN: pull or drag s.t. -AN: furrow. jajar2 = row, line. SE-: 1. parallel. 2. in a row. MENSE--I: parallel s.t. MENSE--KAN: make s.t. parallel. BER-: in a row or line. BER--AN: side by side. MEN--I: come to the side of. MEN--KAN: align.###

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Word: jaka

Short Definition: bachelor. KEPER--AN: bachelorhood.

English Definition: bachelor. KEPER--AN: bachelorhood.###

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Word: Jakarta

Short Definition: capital city of the Republic of Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Republic of Indonesia, located on northeast coast of Java Island. As one of the 27 provincia-level administrative units, it is also called the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta. ###

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Word: jaket

Short Definition: jacket, sport coat###

English Definition: jacket, sport coat###

Examples: Jangan lupa memakai JAKET = Do not forget to wear a JACKET.###

Word: jaksa

Short Definition: (Leg.) public prosecutor, district attorney. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^(Leg.) public prosecutor, district attorney. KE--AN: 1. office of the council for the prosecution. 2. attorney. 3. jidociary.###

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Word: jakun

Short Definition: Adam's apple

English Definition: Adam's apple

Examples: ###

Word: jala

Short Definition: net###

English Definition: net, esp. a hand-held casting net MEN~ = fish with a casting net PEN~ = fishermen who use a casting net###

Examples: ###

Word: jalan

Short Definition: road, path, street; course to be followed; way, manner. Also BER-, MEN--I, +

English Definition: ^1 road, path, street. 2 course to be followed. 3 way, method, manner. *BER-: 1 walk. 2. run (of a machine). *MEN--I: 1 walk on. 2 undergo, endure. *MEN--KAN: 1 drive (a car, etc.) 2 start, put into operation or effect. *PER--AN: trip, journey. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat lalu-lintas kendaraan dan manusia. ###

Examples: BERJALANLAH di tepi supaya aman. = WALK on the side so that it is safer. Dia MENJALANI siksaan dengan tabah. = She ENDURED the torture with determination. Saya yang akan MENJALANKAN RODA KEHIDUPAN rumah tangga ini. = I am the one who will CONTROL THE AFFAIRS OF LIFE in this household. PERJALANAN kami keluar negri dinilai sukses oleh pemerintah. = Our JOURNEY abroad was valued as a success by the government. ###

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Word: jalang

Short Definition: wild; untamed; undomesticated (of animals)

English Definition: wild, untamed *PEREMPUAN - : prostitute

L2 Definition: liar

Examples: Jangan berjalan di hutan pada waktu malam...akan ada banyak binatang JALANG = Do not walk in the forest at night...there will be many WILD animals.###

Word: jalar

Short Definition: creeping. MEN-; BER-: 1. spread over. 2. crawl, creep.

English Definition: creeping. MEN-; BER-: 1. spread over. 2. crawl, creep. ###

L2 Definition: Merayap; tumbuh sampai kemana-mana. ###

Examples: Tanaman itu lama-lama akan MENJALAR sampai ke sini. = The plant pretty soon will CREEP (or SPREAD) up to here. ###

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Word: jalin

Short Definition: weave, entwine. BER-: tied together. BER-_-_: complicated. Also MEN-, +

English Definition: weave, entwine. >*BER-: tied together. *BER-_-_: complicated, intricate. *MEN-: weave together. MEN--KAN: interweave s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: bertali. ###

Examples: Indah sekali kursi yang BERJALIN rotan ini. = This chair which is WOVEN WITH rattan is very beautiful. Tas tali dari daerah pedalaman Irian terkenal unik karena BERJALIN-JALIN. = The woven bags from the interior of Irian are very well known because they are very INTRICATE. Hiasan ini saya berikan untuk MENJALIN persahaban kita. = I gave this decoration in order to WEAVE TOGETHER our friendship. ###

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Word: jalur

Short Definition: lane (of traffic); track (of train, etc.). -AN: wake (of a ship).

English Definition: 1 lane (of traffic). 2 track (of train, etc.). *-AN: wake (of a ship). ###

L2 Definition: Garis lurus yang memanjang. ###

Examples: JALURAN bekas perahu lewat itu berkelok-kelok. = The WAKE of that passing ship is winding. ###

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Word: jam

Short Definition: hour; o'clock; time for doing s.t.; watch.

English Definition: 1 hour. 2 o'clock. 3 time for doing s.t. 4 watch. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk pengukur waktu. Waktu/masa yang ditempuh pada suatu saat. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jamah

Short Definition: thouch###

English Definition: *MEN~ = touch, feel MEN~I = 1. touch, feel, handle s.t. or s.o 2. sleep with, have sexual relations with 3. attack TER~ = touchable ~AN = s.t. touched PEN~AN = touching, feeling, handling s.t.###

Examples: *Anak kecil itu MENJAMAH tangan ibunya dengan sayang = A little kid TOUCHES her mother's hand with caring.###

Word: jamak

Short Definition: see jamak1 see jamak2###

English Definition: see jamak1 see jamak2###

Examples: ###

Word: jamak1

Short Definition: plural###

English Definition: plural MEN~KAN = pluralize KE~AN = pluralization PEN~AN = pluralizing### see jamak2

Examples: ###

Word: jamak2

Short Definition: ordinary, customary###

English Definition: *SE~NYA = normally MEN~KAN = make or consider s.t. customary### see jamak1

Examples: Murid-murid SEJAMAKNYA menghormati guru-gurunya = Pupils NORMALLY respect their teachers.###

Word: jaman

Short Definition: epoch, time period.

English Definition: *epoch, time period. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: zaman/suatu masa. ###

Examples: Pada JAMAN modern ini ada banyak perusahaan besar di negara kita. = In this modern AGE there are many large factories in our country. ###

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Word: jambak

Short Definition: jambak1= 1. bunch (of flowers, onions, key, etc), o.'s family, ancestor ; jambak2

English Definition: jambak1= 1. bunch (of flowers, onions, key, etc), o.'s family, ancestor 2. tuft (of hair), plume BER-2AN: pull e.o's hair out *MEN-: pull, tear out hair, seize by the forelock -AN: hair that has been pulled out jambak2= k.o. fruit, jambu or rose-apple###

Examples: *Anwar MENJAMBAK rambut adiknya = Anwar PULLED his brother hair.###

Word: jamban

Short Definition: privy, toilet, latrine###

English Definition: privy, toilet, latrine###

Examples: Pemerintah membangun JAMBAN umum di beberapa tempat = The government built public TOILETS in several locations.###

Word: jambang

Short Definition: jug, vase, pot. -AN: jug, vase, pot.

English Definition: jug, vase, pot. -AN: jug, vase, pot. ###

L2 Definition: Wadah untuk meletakkan rangkaian bunga; tempat untuk meludah; tempat air. ###

Examples: JAMBANGAN bunga itu kurang besar ukurannya. = The size of the flower VASE is not big enough. ###

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Word: jambar

Short Definition: jambar1, jambar2

English Definition: jambar1 = shelter, temporary shed or hut jambar2 = serving, portion.###

Examples: Para musafir menginap di JAMBAR semalam = The travelers stayed in the SHELTER overnight.

Word: Jambi

Short Definition: 1. a province in Indonesia. 2. capital city of the Province of Jambi.

English Definition: 1. a province in Indonesia, located on the Island of Sumatra. 2. capital city of the Province of Jambi. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah propinsi di pulau Sumatera; nama ibukota propinsi Jambi. ###

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Word: jambret

Short Definition: person who snatches purses, jewelry, etc. MEN-: snatch, seize. +

English Definition: person who snatches purses, jewelry, etc. MEN-: snatch, seize. -AN: things looted by snatching. ###

L2 Definition: Merampas/merebut barang kepunyaan orang lain yang sedang dipakai. ###

Examples: JAMBRET pasar itu tertangkap Hansip yang sedang bertugas. = The PURSE SNATCHER of the market was caught by the civil defense officer who was on guard. Orang itu tega MENJAMBRET kalung nenek itu. = The person was able to bring himself TO SNATCH the necklace of the old woman. Barang JAMBRETAN itu menjadi bukti di pengadilan. = The SNATCHED GOOD became the evidence in the court. ###

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Word: jambu

Short Definition: eugenia, guava###

English Definition: eugenia, guava###

Examples: Saya senang memakan JAMBU = I like eating GUAVAS.###

Word: jambul

Short Definition: tuft, plume###

English Definition: 1. tuft 2. plume (on horse) 3. crest (on bird) 4. front wave (in hair), tuft of hair ~2 = cowlick BER~ = have a tuft MEN~ = develop a crest###

Examples: JAMBUL rambutku semakin panjang = The TUFT of my HAIR is getting longer.###

Word: jami

Short Definition: principal###

English Definition: (Isl) principal mosque###

Examples: ####

Word: jamin

Short Definition: guarantee. MEN-: guarantee. KETER--AN: security, assuredness. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^guarantee. *MEN-: guarantee. KETER--AN: security, assuredness. *-AN: guarantee (noun), security. ###

L2 Definition: Bertanggung jawab akan suatu hal. menanggung.###

Examples: Siapa yang akan MENJAMIN hutang-hutangmu? = Who is going to GUARANTEE your debts? JAMINAN akan kesehatan hari tua ditanggung oleh asuransi kesehatan. = The SECURITY of one's health in old age is taken on by health insurance. ###

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Word: jampi

Short Definition: magic formula or incantation. Also BER-, MEN-, -AN.

English Definition: ^magic formula or incantation. *BER-: 1 possess a magic formula. 2 speak a magic incantation. *MEN-: treat s.o. with an incantation. *-AN: 1 a formula chanted as a magic incantation. 2 s.t. possessed of magic powers, a charm. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: mantra/perkataan berdaya gaib dan bisa mendatangkan suatu akibat. ###

Examples: Orang yang BERJAMPI ini berkhasiat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit. = This person that POSSESSES A MAGIC FORMULA has the power to heal the sick. Dukun sakti itu pandai MENJAMPI orang menjadi gila. = That divine healer is skilled at GIVING INCANTATIONS which make people crazy. Simpanlah barang JAMPIAN ini untuk menjaga kesehatanmu. = Keep this CHARM in safe to guard your health. ###

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Word: jampuk

Short Definition: owl, ominous bird###

English Definition: owl, ominous bird###

Examples: Burung JAMPUK bermata lebar = An OWL has a pair of wide eyes.

Word: jamrud

Short Definition: emerald###

English Definition: emerald### see ZAMRUD

L2 Definition:

Examples: JAMRUD adalah salah satu jenis batu yang sangat berharga = EMERALD is one of the most precious stones.###

Word: jamu

Short Definition: a traditional Javanese herbal medicine tonic.

English Definition: *a traditional Javanese herbal medicine tonic. ###

L2 Definition: Obat yang dibuat dari akar-akaran dan daun-daunan. ###

Examples: Minumlah JAMU setiap pagi supaya badanmu kuat. = Drink JAMU every morning so that your body will be strong. ###

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Word: jamur

Short Definition: fungus, mushroom, toadstool###

English Definition: ^fungus, mushroom, toadstool *BER-: be covered with mold MEN-: mushroom -AN: moldy PEN-AN: mushrooming###

Examples: *Beberapa lembar baju saya BERJAMUR di lemari tua itu = Several pieces of my clothes are MOLDED in that antique closet.###

Word: janda

Short Definition: widow; divorcee.

English Definition: *1 widow. 2 divorcee. ###

L2 Definition: Wanita yang ditinggal mati suaminya. Wanita yang bercerai dengan suaminya. ###

Examples: Tidak mudah menjadi JANDA muda lagi kaya karena banyak godaannya. = It isn't easy to be a young and rich WIDOW because there are many temptations. ###

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Word: jangan

Short Definition: do not; should not, ought not to. Also JANGAN-JANGAN, -KAN, -PUN.

English Definition: *^1 do not. 2 should not, ought not to. *JANGAN-JANGAN: 1 let us hope not. 2 perhaps, maybe. *-KAN, -PUN: let alone, much less. ###

L2 Definition: Kata larangan/ tidak. ###

Examples: JANGAN merokok disembarang tempat. = DON'T smoke just anywhere. Bulu kudukku selalu berdiri; JANGAN-JANGAN tempat ini ada hantunya. = The hair on the back of my neck is always standing up; MAYBE this place has a ghost. JANGANKAN uang makanan, uang minumpun saya tidak diberinya. = Let alone food money, he didn't even give me money for drinks. ###

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Word: jangat

Short Definition: skin, hide, corium###

English Definition: skin, hide, corium MEN-: to skin, to flay, to fleece.######

Examples: ###

Word: janggal

Short Definition: 1.awkward, clumsy; 2.inelegant, displeasing; 3.unbecoming, unproper, indicent (of behavior)

English Definition: 1.awkward, clumsy; 2.inelegant, displeasing; 3.unbecoming, unproper, indicent (of behavior) *KE--AN: awkwardness, discordancy, impropriety

Examples: Rasanya JANGGAL melihat kamu memakai baju seperti itu = It feels AWKWARDS to see you wearing that dress. Sejak keluar dari rumah sakit, perbuatan Aminah sangat JANGGAL = Since coming out from the hospital, Aminah's behavior is very STRANGE.###

Word: janggut

Short Definition: beard; chin.

English Definition: *1 beard. 2. chin. BER-: to be bearded. ###

L2 Definition: Rambut yang tumbuh di dagu (jenggot); dagu. ###

Examples: Kepalanya gundul tetapi aneh JANGGUTnya lebat. = His head is bald, but strangely enough, his BEARD is full. ###

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Word: jangka

Short Definition: period of time; phase. PEN--AN: planning out.

English Definition: 1 period of time. 2 phase. *PEN--AN: planning out. ###

L2 Definition: Ukuran lamanya/waktu suatu hal/pekerjaan. ###

Examples: Pembuatan jembatan ini membutuhkan PENJANGKAAN selama lima tahun. = The building of this bridge required a PLANNING five years in length. ###

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Word: jangkah

Short Definition: MEN-: jump over (across)###

English Definition: MEN-: jump over (across)###

Examples: Rina MENJANGKAH sungai kecil itu dengan cepat = Rina JUMPED OVER the little river quickly.###

Word: jangkau

Short Definition: MEN-: reach out, reach; TER-: reachable

English Definition: MEN-: reach out, reach. TER-: within reach, reachable ###

L2 Definition: Meraih/mengambil sesuatu dengan menjulurkan tangan ke depan. ###

Examples: Saya tidak bisa MENJANGKAU tas itu karena jauh letaknya. = I could not REACH the purse because its position is too far. Karena uang sekolah mahal sekali, sekolah tidak TERJANGKAU oleh orang miskin. = Because shcool fees are very expensive, school is not WITHIN REACH of poor people.###

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Word: jangki

Short Definition: see JANGKIH###

English Definition: see JANGKIH###

Examples: ###

Word: jangkih

Short Definition: a strap (to carry a basket on the soulders)###

English Definition: ^a strap (to carry a basket on the soulders)### see JANGKI

Examples: Penduduk asli Irian Jaya membuat JANGKIH dari tali rapiah = Natives of Irian Jaya make STRAPS from raffia string.###

Word: jangkrik

Short Definition: 1. cricket; 2. (Jav.)exclamation used as euphemism

English Definition:; 2.exclamation

Examples: Pada malam hari JANGKRIK ramai berbunyi = At night the Crickets are making loud noise.#

Word: jangkung

Short Definition: gaunt, lanky.

English Definition: gaunt, lanky. ###

L2 Definition: Badan yang tinggi dan panjang. ###

Examples: Pemain yang besar, kuat, dan JANGKUNG yang akan dipilih. = A player who is big, strong, and LANKY is the one who is going to be chosen. ###

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Word: janin

Short Definition: [Biol.] fetus, embryo

English Definition: [Biol.] fetus, embryo

Examples: Melalui alat ini kita bisa melihat JANIN di dalam perut ibunya = Through this machine we can see the FETUS inside its mother.###

Word: janji

Short Definition: promise, agree; engagement, appointment. Also BER-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^1 promise, agree. 2 engagement, appointment. *BER-: promise, pledge. *PER--AN: agreement, contract. ###

L2 Definition: Kesanggupan untuk melakukan suatu hal. ###

Examples: Jangan mudah BERJANJI kalau tidak bisa menepati. = Don't PLEDGE on a whim if you cannot remain true. PERJANJIAN ini sah karena sudah disetujui oleh kedua belah pihak. = This CONTRACT is valid because it has already been agreed to by both sides. ###

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Word: jantan

Short Definition: male (usually of animals).

English Definition: male (usually of animals). ###

L2 Definition: Jenis kelamin laki-laki; sifat yang gagah dan berani. ###

Examples: Ayam JANTANku itu bisa berkokok keras sekali. = My ROOSTER can crow very loud. Dia belum merasa JANTAN kalau belum bisa membalas kekalahannya. = He doesn't feel being a MALE if he has not revenged his loss. ###

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Word: jantung

Short Definition: heart (the organ of the body).

English Definition: heart (the organ of the body). * --HATI: sweetheart, beloved. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Ayahnya sudah lama menderita sakit JANTUNG = His father has been ill because of his HEART. Kamu adalah JANTUNG HATI ku = You are the LOVE OF MY LIFE. ###

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Word: jantur

Short Definition: 1. magic trick, sleight-of-hand 2. magic spell###

English Definition: ^1. magic trick, sleight-of-hand 2. magic spell *MEN-: perform magic tricks TER-: enchanted, under a spell -AN: puppeteer's narration in a shadow play PEN-: 1. sorcerer 2. (snake) charmer###

Examples: *Iwan MENJANTUR di depan teman-temannya = Iwan PERFORMED MAGIC TRICKS in front of his friends.###

Word: janur

Short Definition: young coconut leaf###

English Definition: ^young coconut leaf###

Examples: Orang-orang membuat hiasan pengantin dari JANUR = People make ornaments for wedding parties from YOUNG COCONUT LEAVES.###

Word: japit

Short Definition: tongs, clamp###

English Definition: ^tongs, clamp###

Examples: Tolong berikan JAPIT itu, saya hendak mengangkat ayam bakar ini = Please give those TONGS, I am going to pick the grilled chicken.###

Word: jarah

Short Definition: plunder###

English Definition: * MEN~ = plunder ~AN = plunder, booty, spoils ** PEN~ = plunder, pillager PEN~AN = pillage, plundering###

Examples: * Karena kelaparan, banyak orang MENJARAH toko-toko makanan = Because of hunger, many people PLUNDERED groceries.### ** PENJARAH itu ditangkap oleh polisi = A PILLAGER was arrested by the policeman.###

Word: jarak

Short Definition: distance from/between. PER--AN: spacing.

English Definition: distance from/between. PER--AN: spacing. ###

L2 Definition: Januh antara satu benda dengan yang lainnya. ###

Examples: Di kompleks ini, PERJARAKAN antara satu rumah dengan rumah yang lain sudah diatur. = In this complex, SPACING between one house and another has been regulated. ###

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Word: jarang

Short Definition: rare, scarce; infrequently, seldom; spaced wide apart; sparse. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 rare, scarce. 2 infrequently, seldom. 3 spaced wide apart. 4 sparse. *KE--AN: infrequency, scarceness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak rapat/kerap. ###

Examples: KEJARANGAN acara ini disebabkan oleh tidak adanya dana. = The INFREQUENCY of this program is caused by the lack of funds. ###

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Word: jari

Short Definition: finger or toe.

English Definition: finger or toe. ###

L2 Definition: Ujung tangan atau kaki yang beruas-ruas yang biasanya berjumlah sepuluh. ###

Examples: Sungguh lentik JARI-JARI tangan anak gadis itu. = How elegant are the girl's FINGERS. ###

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Word: jaring

Short Definition: dragnet or seine (not a casting net)###

English Definition: dragnet or seine ~2 = web 2. sports net, mesh net * MEN~ = 1. catch or pick up in a net 2. encompass, embrace TER~ = caught, snared **~AN = 1. net 2. network (TV, road, radio) 3. (Anat.) tissue PEN~ = s.t. to use as a net PEN~AN = action of snaring###

L2 Definition: jaring-jaring laba-laba = spider web

Examples: *Nelayan MENJARING ikan dengan jala = Fishermen CATCH fish with casting nets. **JARINGAN kelompok perampok di Jakarta terorganisir dengan baik = The mob NETWORK in JAKARTA is well organized. ###

Word: jarum

Short Definition: needle.

English Definition: needle. ###

L2 Definition: Benda kecil dari logam yang berlobang kecil di pangkalnya untuk menjahit; alat untuk menyuntik; batang penunjuk di arloji atau jam dinding. ###

Examples: Jauhkan JARUM itu dari anakmu nanti dia bisa tertusuk. = Put away the NEEDLE from your child, lest he could be pricked. ###

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Word: jas

Short Definition: coat, jacket.

English Definition: coat, jacket. ###

L2 Definition: Baju dengan potongan Eropa biasanya dipakai untuk bekerja di kantor atau untuk acara resmi. ###

Examples: Sarung ini akan cocok bila dipakai dengan JAS tutup ini. = This sarung will be fit if it is worn with this closed COAT (traditional coat). ###

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Word: jasa

Short Definition: merit or service rendered. BER-: to provide one's services.

English Definition: merit or service rendered. BER-: to provide one's services. ###

L2 Definition: Pelayanan; servis; tenaga yang digunakan untuk orang lain baik dengan imbalan maupun tidak. ###

Examples: Orang itu BERJASA besar bagi negaranya. = The person HAS RENDERED A big SERVICE to his country. ###

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Word: jasad

Short Definition: [Biol.] 1. body; 2. organism

English Definition: [Biol.] 1. body; 2. organism *-- RENIK: microorganism

L2 Definition: badan, raga, fisik

Examples: Setelah kapalnya tenggelam, JASADnya tidak diketemukan lagi = After the boat sunk, his BODY has not been found. Kita harus menggunakan mikroskop untuk melihat JASAD RENIK = we need microscope to be able to see MICROORGANISM.###

Word: jasmani

Short Definition: body. KE--AN: materialism. PEN--AN: materialization.

English Definition: ^body. KE--AN: materialism. PEN--AN: materialization. ###

L2 Definition: tubuh; benda yang berbentuk; badan. ###

Examples: Dia sehat-sehat saja secara JASMANI dan rohani. = He is just healthy PHYSICALLY and mentally. ###

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Word: jatah

Short Definition: allocation, quota. MEN--KAN: allocate. PEN--AN: distributing.

English Definition: allocation, quota. MEN--KAN: allocate. PEN--AN: distributing. ###

L2 Definition: Jumlah sesuatu hal/barang yang sudah ada batas ketentuannya. ###

Examples: JATAH beras bulan ini tidak cukup lagi bagi kami. = This month rice ALLOCATION is not enough anymore for us. Pemerintah sudah MENJATAHKAN sebagian anggaran tahun ini untuk pendidikan tinggi. = The government has ALLOCATED some of this year's budget for higher education. Adanya PENJATAHAN produksi semen ini akan merusak sistem ekonomi pasar. = The existence of this QUOTA for cement production will destroy the system of market economy.

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Word: Jateng

Short Definition: Contraction of "Jawa Tengah," the province of Central Java.

English Definition: Contraction of "Jawa Tengah," the province of Central Java. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jati

Short Definition: teak wood or tree. see also SEJATI.

English Definition: (see also SEJATI) teak wood or tree. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jati1

Short Definition: teak tree or wood.

English Definition: teak tree or wood. ###

L2 Definition: Nama pohon yang kayunya sangat kuat; nama daun dari pohon jati. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Jatim

Short Definition: acronym for Jawa Timur (East Java).

English Definition: acronym for Jawa Timur (East Java). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jatuh

Short Definition: fall; fail. BER--AN: fall (plural). Also MEN--I, MEN--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 fall. 2 fail. *BER--AN: fall (plural). *MEN--I: to cause to fall, fell. *MEN--KAN: 1 drop. 2 topple, overthrow. 3 pass a sentence, hand down a verdict. KE--AN: be hit by a falling object. ###

L2 Definition: Terlepas/turun ke bawah. ###

Examples: Banyak mangga BERJATUHAN dimalam hari. = Many manggos FELL during the night. Gelasku pecah MENJATUHI pot bungamu. = My glass broke when it FELL ON your flower pot. Pengadilan MENJATUHKAN hukuman yang berat pada perampok itu. = The court HANDED DOWN a heavy sentence on that robber. KEJATUHANnya disebabkan oleh kesombongannya sendiri.= His FALL was caused by his own pride. ###

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Word: jauh

Short Definition: far, distant. BER--AN: be far from e.o. Also MEN-, _-MEN-_-I, MEN-, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^ far, distant. BER--AN: be far from each other. *MEN--I: to move away from, make o.s. distant from. _-MEN-_-I: remain distant from e.o. *MEN-: be or grow distant. *KE--AN: 1 distance. 2 to be at a distance. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak dekat jaraknya. ###

Examples: Rumah kami BERJAUHAN. = Our houses ARE FAR FROM EACH OTHER. Perasaan saya mengatakan dia semakin MENJAUHI saya. = My feeling tells me that he is increasingly DISTANCING HIMSELF FROM me. MENJAUHLAH dari pusat gempa ini. = MOVE AWAY from the epicenter of this earthquake. Buku itu KEJAUHAN; saya tidak bisa menjangkaunya. = That book is FAR AWAY; I cannot reach it. ###

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Word: Jawa

Short Definition: 1. Java, one of the major islands in Indonesia. 2. Javanese.

English Definition: 1. Java, one of the major islands in Indonesia. 2. Javanese, a major ethnic group in Indonesia.

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah pulau di Indonesia. ###

Examples: Gula merah ini berasal dari JAWA Tengah. = This palm sugar is made in Central JAVA. Istriku adalah orang Jawa yang berasal dari Yogyakarta. = My wife is a JAVANESE who came from Yogyakarta. ###

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Word: jawab

Short Definition: reply, answer, response. BER-: to reply. Also BER--AN, MEN-, MEN--I, -AN.

English Definition: ^reply, answer, response. BER-: to reply. *BER--AN: reply to e.o. *MEN-, MEN--I: to respond to or answer a question. *-AN: response, answer. ###

L2 Definition: Memberi respon pada suatu hal. ###

Examples: Semua pertanyaanku tidak BERJAWABAN. = None of my questions WERE ANSWERED. Setiap kali ditanya dia tidak MENJAWAB; bagaimana saya tahu apa maunya? = Everytime he was asked, he failed to ANSWER; how can I tell if he has initiative? JAWABAN yang kau berikan menyulitkan semua pihak. = The ANSWER you gave caused difficulties for all parties concerned. ###

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Word: jawat

Short Definition: SE-: colleague. -AN: office, division, bureau.

English Definition: ^SE-: colleague. -AN: office, division, bureau. ###

L2 Definition: Memegang suatu jabatan. ###

Examples: Dia adalah teman SEJAWATku yang paling baik. = He is my best COLLEAGUE. Rambu-rambu lalu lintas itu dipasang oleh JAWATAN Kereta Api. = The traffic signs were installed by the Train OFFICE. ###

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Word: jawatan

Short Definition: department, government office.

English Definition: department, government office. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian dari suatu departemen dengan tugas tersendiri. ###

Examples: Pembuatan rel ini dilakukan oleh JAWATAN Kereta Api Jawa Timur. = This rail construction is done by the East Java Train OFFICE. ###

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Word: jaya

Short Definition: victory; victorious, glorious; prosperous. Also BER-, MEN--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 victory. 2 victorious, glorious. 3 prosperous. BER-: victorious, prosperous. *MEN--KAN: glorify, extol. *KE--AN: 1 glory, fame. 2 prosperity. ###

L2 Definition: Mendapatkan kemenangan yang gilang-gemilang. ###

Examples: Regu bulutangkis Indonesia BERJAYA mengalahkan regu Malaysia. = The Indonesian badminton team WAS VICTORIOUS over the Malaysian team. KEJAYAAN kerajaan Majapahit bisa dilihat dari peninggalan candi-candinya. = The GLORY of the Majapahit kingdom can be seen from the ruins of its temples. ###

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Word: Jayapura

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Irian Jaya in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Irian Jaya in Indonesia. ###

L2 Definition: Ibukota dari pripinsi Irian Jaya. ###

Examples: Anakku sedang bertugas di JAYAPURA. = My son is on duty in JAYAPURA. ###

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Word: jebak

Short Definition: trap. MEN-: to trap animals. TER-: trapped, snared. Also PE-, PEN--AN.

English Definition: trap. MEN-: to trap animals, etc. TER-: trapped, snared. PE-: trapper. PEN--AN: trapping. ###

L2 Definition: Perbuatan yang dilakukan dengan tujuan menangkap sesuatu. ###

Examples: Alat ini sangat efektif untuk MENJEBAK tikus. = This tool is very effective to trap mice. Kami TERJEBAK di hutan itu ketika sedang berburu. = We were TRAPPED in the forest when we were hunting. ###

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Word: jeblok

Short Definition: jeblok1= muddy; jeblok2= sag, drop (of price, inflation, etc)###

English Definition: jeblok1= *muddy KE-: 1. be stuck, mired in mud 2. be tricked, cheated. jeblok2= **sag, drop (of price, inflation, etc)###

Examples: *Dia nampak JEBLOK hari ini = She seems to be MUDDY today. **Nilai Rupiah JEBLOK di pasar uang = Rupiah value DROPPED in the money market.###

Word: jebol

Short Definition: broken down

English Definition: broken down perforated MEN- break down (a door, etc.) penetrate (enemy lines, etc.) break through (a wall, etc.) MEN- -KAN make something break down or through score -AN dropout or graduate ex, former PEN- -AN breaking down or through of, incursion ###

Word: jegal

Short Definition: trip, make fall flat on its face.

English Definition: trip, make fall flat on its face. ###

L2 Definition: Menghalangi perjalanan orang dengan kaki atau kayu; menghalangi karier orang dengan akal busuk/licik. ###

Examples: Belum diketahui pihak mana yang MENJEGAL proyekku ini. = It has not yet been known who SABOTAGED my project. Dia yang MENJEGAL kakiku waktu itu. = He was the one who TRIPPED my feet at the time. ###

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Word: jejak

Short Definition: trail, path, footprint, wake (of a ship). Also MEN--I.

English Definition: ^trail, path, footprint, wake (of a ship). MEN--I: tread on, step on. 2 follow on the trail of s.t. or s.o. ###

L2 Definition: Bekas suatu perbuatan/telapak kaki. ###

Examples: Polisi sedang MENJEJAKI kasus korupsi itu. = The police is FOLLOWING THE TRAIL of the corruption case. ###

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Word: jejaka

Short Definition: youth; young man, bachelor, unmaried young man

English Definition: young man; youth, bachelor

L2 Definition: lelaki muda; perjaka

Examples: Si Amir sudah tumbuh menjadi JEJAKA tampan = Amir has grown up to be a handsome YOUNG MAN.##

Word: jejal

Short Definition: BER-: crowd, jam. MEN-: stuff full.

English Definition: BER-: crowd, jam. MEN-KAN: stuff full. ###

L2 Definition: penuh; sesak. ###

Examples: Orang-orang rela BERJEJAL untuk melihat pertunjukan musik itu. = The people are willing TO CROWD IN to see the musical performance. Ibu MENJEJALKAN campuran itu ke dalam ayam itu sebelum di masak. = Mother STUFFED this mix into the chicken before it was cooked. ###

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Word: jejer

Short Definition: series, row, line.

English Definition: ^series, row, line. ###

L2 Definition: berderet; bersebelahan; berdampingan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jelaga

Short Definition: soot.

English Definition: soot. ###

L2 Definition: Butiran arang halus yang berwarna hitam yang terjadi dari asap api. ###

Examples: JELAGA lampu teplok ini menghitamkan seluruh langit-langit rumah. = The SOOT of this kerosene lamp blackens the whole ceiling of the house. ###

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Word: jelajah

Short Definition: MEN-(-I): wander far over distant regions, explore.

English Definition: MEN-(-I): wander far over distant regions, explore. ###

L2 Definition: Melintasi; menelusuri; melewati banyak tempat. = ###

Examples: Saya pernah MENJELAJAHI daerah ini. = I have EXPLORED this area. ###

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Word: jelajat

Short Definition: glance###

English Definition: ^glance *-AN: glance at, ogle###

Examples: *Ardi JELAJATAN ke pintu melihat Pak Z memasuki ruangan = Ardi GLANCED AT the door to see Mr. Z entering the room.###

Word: jelak

Short Definition: 1. bored, satiated 2. be tired###

English Definition: 1. bored, satiated 2. be tired TER-: full, stuffed (with flood).###

Examples: Saya merasa JELAK dengan kentang goreng = I felt BORED with french fries.###

Word: jelang

Short Definition: MEN-: visit, call on, pay respects; around, toward; approach, come close to.

English Definition: ^*MEN-: 1 visit, call on, pay o.'s respects. 2. around, toward. 3. approach, come close to. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu yang hampir tiba. ###

Examples: Toko-toko akan terlihat semarak MENJELANG tahun baru. = The stores may be seen all lit up at the APPROACH of the New Year. ###

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Word: jelas

Short Definition: clear, distinct; explicit, clear. MEN--KAN: make clear; explain. Also PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^1 clear, distinct. 2 explicit, clear. *MEN--KAN: 1 to make clear. 2 explain. *PEN--AN: clarification, explanation. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: terang. tidak kabur. ###

Examples: Kamu diam saja biar dia yang MENJELASKAN ! = You just be quiet and let her EXPLAIN! PENJELASAN anda tidak cukup memuaskan. = Your EXPLANATION is not sufficiently satisfying. ###

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Word: jelek

Short Definition: ugly; bad, evil; bad, poor in quality. -NYA: the bad thing is . . .

English Definition: ^1 ugly. 2. bad, evil. 3 bad, poor in quality. *-NYA: the bad thing is . . . ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: buruk. tidak baik. ###

Examples: Dengan mendiamkan masalah ini JELEKNYA adalah hal ini menjadi berlarut-larut. = THE BAD THING ABOUT hushing up this issue is that it will just get worse. ###

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Word: jeli

Short Definition: 1. charming, ravishing, beautiful (of eyes) 2. sharp###

English Definition: ^*1. charming, ravishing, beautiful (of eyes) 2. sharp KE-AN: carefulness of observation or work###

Examples: Alesa memiliki mata yang JELI = Alesa has BEAUTIFUL eyes.###

Word: jelita

Short Definition: lovely, sweet

English Definition: lovely, sweet KE- AN #

Word: jelma

Short Definition: MEN-: to assume a shape or form. Also MEN--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: MEN-: to assume a shape or form. MEN--KAN: create, shape or transform s.t. -AN: incarnation. ###

L2 Definition: Berubah menjadi hal yang lain; lahir kembali. ###

Examples: Dalam cerita itu, nenek penyihir yang jahat MENJELMA menjadi putri yang cantik jelita. = In the story, the old witch TRANSFORMS to become a beautiful princess. Patung ini adalah patung JELMAAN dewa Wisnu. = This statue is a statue of the INCARNATION of the God Visnu. ###

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Word: jemaah

Short Definition:, assembly; 2.congregation

English Definition:, assembly; 2. congregation *- HAJI : collective pilgrimage to Mecca

Examples: Setiap hari Minggu, JEMAAH gereja itu berdoa bersama = Every Sunday, the Church COMMUNITY prays together.#

Word: jemaat

Short Definition: see jemaah

Word: jembatan

Short Definition: bridge. MEN--I: to bridge a gap.

English Definition: bridge. MEN--I: to bridge a gap. ###

L2 Definition: Alat/sesuatu yang menghubungkan satu tempat/hal dengan lain tempat/hal. ###

Examples: Kalau tidak ada orang yang MENJEMBATANI, pertengkaran itu pasti akan tetap berlangsung. = If there is no one to BRIDGE THE GAP, the conflict will keep going on. ###

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Word: jempol

Short Definition: thumb.

English Definition: thumb. ###

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Word: jemput

Short Definition: go to fetch, pick s.o. up somewhere. MEN-: pick up (with fingers); fetch s.o.

English Definition: go to fetch, pick s.o. up somewhere. *>MEN-: 1 to pick up (with the fingers). 2 to call for s.o., to fetch. ###

L2 Definition: Mengundang orang untuk menghadiri suatu perhelatan. Mengambil sesuatu dengan jari. Mengambil seseorang yang akan diajak pulang/pergi bersama. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENJEMPUT saudara sekalian dalam pesta saya nanti. = I will MEET you all at my party later. Siapa yang akan MENJEMPUT adik? = Who will GO FETCH little sister? ###

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Word: jemu

Short Definition: be bored, tired of. MEN--KAN: boring, tiresome. KE--AN: boredom. +

English Definition: be bored, tired of. MEN--KAN: boring, tiresome. KE--AN: boredom. TIDAK JEMU-JEMUNYA: tirelessly. ###

L2 Definition: bosan; sudah tidak suka lagi. ###

Examples: Pertemuan kemarin sangat MENJEMUKANku. = The meeting yesterday made me very BORED. KEJEMUANnya timbul karena lama menganggur. = His BOREDOM came from not working for too long. TIDAK JEMU-JEMUNYA dia mengganggu adiknya. = He TIRELESSLY disturbs his younger brother/sister. ###

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Word: jemur

Short Definition: sunbathe, dry in the sun. BER-: expose o/s/ to the sun. Also MEN-, TER-, -AN.

English Definition: ^1. sunbathe. 2. dry in the sun. BER-: expose o.s. to the sun. MEN-: spread out in the sun to dry. TER-: dried in the sun. -AN: things dried in the sun. PEN--AN: rack for drying clothes.###

L2 Definition: Mengeringkan atau memanaskan sesuatu di bawah sinar matahari. ###

Examples: Banyak turis yang senang BERJEMUR di pantai ini. = Many tourists like to SUNBATHING on the beach. Siapa yang MENJEMUR baju-bajuku? = Who SPREAD my clothes TO DRY IN THE SUN? Sayuran-sayuran itu menjadi kering karena lama TERJEMUR. = The vegetables become dried because they were EXPOSED TO THE SUN for too long. Bi Ijah yang melipat semua JEMURAN ini. = Aunt Ijah was the one who folded all THE CLOTHES THAT WERE BEING DRIED IN THE SUN. Ayah sedang memperbaiki PENJEMURAN. = Father is fixing the RACK FOR DRYING CLOTHES. ###

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Word: jenasah

Short Definition: see JENAZAH.

English Definition: see JENAZAH. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jenazah

Short Definition: corpse, dead body.

English Definition: corpse, dead body. ###

L2 Definition: Raga/badan yang sudah tidak bernyawa. ###

Examples: JENAZAH neneknya akan dimakamkan hari ini. = His grandma's CORPSE will be buried today. ###

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Word: jendela

Short Definition: window. BER-: to have windows.

English Definition: window. *BER-: to have windows. ###

L2 Definition: Semacam pintu tetapi lebih kecil bentuknya berfungsi sebagai keluar masuknya udara. ###

Examples: Hampir seluruh dinding kantor itu BERJENDELA kaca. = Almost all of the walls of that office HAVE glass WINDOWS. ###

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Word: jenderal

Short Definition: general (military rank).

English Definition: general (military rank). ###

L2 Definition: Perwira tinggi; pangkat tertinggi dalam kemiliteran. ###

Examples: JENDERAL yang gagah berani itu gugur di medan laga. = The brave and courageous GENERAL has fallen in the battle field. ###

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Word: jenggot

Short Definition: beard. BER-: to have a beard.

English Definition: beard. *BER-: to have a beard. ###

L2 Definition: Rambut yang tumbuh di dagu. ###

Examples: Saya hampir tidak mengenalmu karena sekarang kamu BERJENGGOT. = I almost didn't recognize you because now you HAVE A BEARD. ###

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Word: jengkal

Short Definition: span of hand, from thumb to fingertips.

English Definition: span of hand, from thumb to fingertips. ###

L2 Definition: Ukuran sepanjang rentangan jari-jari tangan. ###

Examples: Ular itu pendek saja, panjangnya hanya SEJENGKAL. = It's only a short snake, its length is only ONE SPAN OF A HAND. ###

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Word: jengkel

Short Definition: irritated, annoyed.

English Definition: irritated, annoyed. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan hati yang tidak senang karena tidak puas akan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Segala hal yang kulakukan hanya membuatnya JENGKEL. = All the things that I do will only make him IRRITATED. ###

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Word: jengki

Short Definition: s.t. of cowboy type (as of pants, hat, etc.).

English Definition: s.t. of cowboy type (as of pants, hat, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Hal seperti celana panjang atau topi yang mirip model koboi; celana panjang yang ujungnya sangat sempit. ###

Examples: Penampilan anak muda itu sangat aneh, selalu bersepeda dan bercelana JENGKI. = The young man's appearence is very strange; he always rides a bicycle and wears COWBOY PANTS. ###

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Word: jenguk

Short Definition: MEN-: visit.

English Definition: MEN-: visit. ###

L2 Definition: tengok; besuk; tilik. ###

Examples: Kami punya rencana untuk MENJENGUK nenek minggu depan. = We have a plan to VISIT grandma next week. ###

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Word: jenis

Short Definition: kind, sort, genre; species.

English Definition: *1 kind, sort, genre. 2 species. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: macam. ###

Examples: Hanya JENIS tumbuh-tumbuhan keras yang hidup di daerah ini. = Only SPECIES of woody ("hard") plants live in this area. ###

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Word: jenjang

Short Definition: 1. ladder, stairs. 2. level, grade. BER-: step by step, gradually, by ladder. +

English Definition: 1. ladder, stairs. 2. level, grade. BER-: step by step, gradually, by ladder. MEN-I: support. ###

L2 Definition: tingkat; tahap; tangga. ###

Examples: Kursus bahasa Inggris ini BERJENJANG sampai tiga tingkatan. = This English course has LEVELS of up to three. Dia bekerja keras untuk bisa MENJENJANGI biaya belajar anak-anaknya. = He works hard so he can SUPPORT the educational cost for his children. ###

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Word: jenuh

Short Definition: surfeited

English Definition: 1.surfeited, having had too much of something, sick and tired. 2.saturated

L2 Definition: muak; bosan

Examples: Aku merasa sangat JENUH mendengarkan pidatonya yang sangat panjang = I feel SICK AND TIRED of listening to his long speech.## Larutan gula ini sudah JENUH = this sugar solution is already OVERSATURATED.

Word: jepang

Short Definition: Japan, Japanese

English Definition: Japan, Japanese

Examples: Adiknya mendapat beasiswa untuk sekolah di Jepang = His brother got a scholarship to study in Japan. Pacar Suminah itu orang JEPANG = Suminah's boyfriend is a JAPANESE.###

Word: jepit

Short Definition: tweezers, clamp. MEN--KAN: squeeze, pinch s.t. KETER--KAN: be in a tight spot.

English Definition: tweezers, clamp. MEN--KAN: squeeze, pinch s.t. TER-: squeeze. KETER--AN: be in a tight spot. ###

L2 Definition: Tertekan diantara dua benda; terkurung; himpit; apit. ###

Examples: Kau bisa MENJEPITKAN tumpukan kertas-kertas itu di sela-sela rak buku. = You can SQUEEZE this pile of papers in between the bookshelves. Jarinya TERJEPIT daun jendela. = His fingers SQUEEZED by the window shutters. Masalah sebenarnya adalah KETERJEPITAN ekonomi. = The real problem is an economic TIGHT. ###

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Word: jera

Short Definition: be afraid, discouraged. TAK JERA-JERANYA = dare to do s.t.

English Definition: be afraid, discouraged. TAK JERA-JERANYA = dare to do s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak mau berbuat lagi; kapok. ###

Examples: Jangan JERA berusaha kalau mau sukses. = Don't be DISCOURAGED if you want to be successful. TAK JERA-JERANYA kamu memanjat pohon itu walau telah jatuh berkali-kali. = You DARE TO climb the tree even though you have fallen (from it) repeatedly. ###

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Word: jeram

Short Definition: rapids

English Definition: rapids *ARUS-- : white water rafting

Word: jerami

Short Definition: dried rice stalks; straw

English Definition: dried rice stalks; straw

Examples: Keranjang ini terbuat dari JERAMI = the basket is made from DRIED RICE STALKS.###

Word: jerang

Short Definition: MENG--KAN: to heat, to boil (water). TER-: placed on the fire.

English Definition: MEN--KAN: to heat, to boil (water). TER-: placed on the fire. ###

L2 Definition: panggang; didih. ###

Examples: Saya sedang MENJERANGKAN air untuk membuat kopi. = I am BOILING water to make coffee. Jangan kau tinggalkan ikan yang sedang TERJERANG itu, nanti bisa hangus. = Don't leave the fish that is being PLACED ON FIRE, lest it be burnt. ###

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Word: jerapah

Short Definition: zirapah###

English Definition: zirapah###

Examples: JERAPAH binatang berleher panjang = ZIRAPAH is a long-neck animal.###

Word: jerat

Short Definition: 1. snare, lasso; 2. ruse, trick, trap

English Definition: 1. snare, lasso; 2. ruse, trick, trap *MEN--: snare, trick, deceive, round up (criminals), snarl, tangle *TER--: snared, tangled, entraped

Examples: Nelayan itu berusaha MENJERAT Ikan Paus = The fisherman is trying to TANGLE the whale. Hatinya sudah TERJERAT oleh bujuk rayu Pak Sukri = Her heart has been ENTRAPPED by the sweet words of Pak Sukri.###

Word: jerawat

Short Definition: pimple, blackhead, acne

English Definition: pimple, blackhead, acne *BER--: be pimply *--AN: with acne.##

Examples: Ani itu sangat cantik, sayangnya mukanya JERAWATAN = Ani is actually pretty, unfortunately, her face is full with ACNE.###

Word: jerembab

Short Definition: throw one down headlong

English Definition: *TER- = fall headlong

Examples: Amir jatuh TERJEREMBAB ke dalam lubang itu = Amir FELL HEADLONG into the hole.##

Word: jerit

Short Definition: scream, shriek. MEN-: to scream or shriek. Also MEN-_-_, -AN.

English Definition: scream, shriek. MEN-: to scream or shriek. *MEN-_-_: to scream or shriek repeatedly. *-AN: a scream or shriek. ###

L2 Definition: Berteriak dengan keras karena kaget ,ketakutan, dll. ###

Examples: Setiap menonton pertandingan sepak bola kami selalu MENJERIT-JERIT memberi semangat pada pemain. = Everytime we watch a soccer match we always SCREAM A LOT to encourage the players. JERITAN menakutkan baru saja terdengar dari lorong gelap itu. = A terrifying SCREAM was just now heard from that dark alley. ###

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Word: jernih

Short Definition: clear, pure.

English Definition: clear, pure. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak ada kotorannya; tidak keruh; bersih; bening. ###

Examples: Saya suka berenang di telaga yang JERNIH airnya itu. = I like to swim at the lagoon where water is CLEAR. ###

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Word: jeruk

Short Definition: general term denoting citrus fruits.

English Definition: *general term denoting citrus fruits. ###

L2 Definition: Nama buah-buahan dari keluarga citrus. Sinonim: limau. ###

Examples: JERUK yang hijau dan besar-besar itu kami namakan JERUK BALI. = Those CITRUS FRUIT that are green and big we call POMELOS. ###

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Word: jidat

Short Definition: forehead

English Definition: forehead

L2 Definition: bagian kepala di kening

Examples: Tidak sengaja Ali memukul JIDAT Ari sehingga berdarah = Unintentionally, Ali hit Ari's forehead until bleeding.###

Word: jihad

Short Definition: Islamic holy war.

English Definition: Islamic holy war. ###

L2 Definition: Perang suci untuk mempertahankan agama Islam; usaha dalam membela kebenaran dan mencapai kebaikan. ###

Examples: Insya Allah saya akan BERJIHAD untuk membela kebenaran. = God willing, I will JOIN THE HOLY WAR to defend the truth. ###

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Word: jijik

Short Definition: nauseating; disgusted, nauseated. Also MEN--I, MEN--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 nauseating. 2 disgusted, nauseated. MEN--I: to be nauseating or disgusting. MEN--KAN: 1 to abhor s.t. 2 loathsome. KE--AN: 1 to be disgusted. 2 abhorance, disgust. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan tidak senang karena suatu hal yang kotor; keji dll. ###

Examples: Perilakunya sungguh MENJIJIKKAN. = His behavior is really DISGUSTING. ###

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Word: jika

Short Definition: see JIKALAU.

English Definition: see JIKALAU. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jikalau

Short Definition: if; when (future).

English Definition: *1 if. 2 when (future). ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: kalau. ###

Examples: JIKA hari tidak hujan saya pasti akan datang. = IF it is not a rainy day, I will surely come. ###

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Word: jilat

Short Definition: MEN-: lick. MEN--I: to lick s.t.; to flatter s.o. in order to gain favor.

English Definition: ^MEN-: lick. MEN--I: 1 to lick s.t. 2 to flatter s.o. in order to gain favor. ###

L2 Definition: Merasakan sesuatu dengan mengulurkan lidah keluar dari mulut; perbuatan yang ditujukan untuk mendapat keuntungan sendiri dengan menyenangkan orang lain (berkonotasi negatif). ###

Examples: Menjijikkan benar melihat perbuatannya MENJILAT atasan hanya untuk bisa naik pangkat. = It is very disgusting to see his actions to FLATTER his boss in order to promote his rank. Anjing dan kucing itu saling MENJILATI ekor masing-masing. = The dog and the cat are LICKING each other's tail. ###

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Word: jilbab

Short Definition: veil worn by Islamic women which covers all but the face and hand.

English Definition: veil worn by Islamic women which covers all but the face and hand. ###

L2 Definition: Busana wanita Muslim. ###

Examples: Paras muka gadis BERJILBAB itu sungguh teduh. = The face of the girl WHO WORN VEIL is really peaceful. ###

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Word: jilid

Short Definition: volume (of a book, etc.).

English Definition: volume (of a book, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Bagian dari buku yang terdiri dari banyak bagian. ###

Examples: Sudahkah kau baca JILID yang ketiga belas ini? = Have you read VOLUME thirteen? ###

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Word: jimat

Short Definition: charm, talisman, amulet

English Definition: charm, talisman, amulet

Examples: Pak Hadi percaya JIMAT ini membuatnya lebih kuat = Pak Hadi believes that this AMULET makes him stronger.###

Word: jin

Short Definition: 1. genie; 2. evil spirit

English Definition: 1. genie; 2. evil spirit

Examples: Hati-hati berjalan di depan pohon tua itu di malam hari...kata orang pohon itu ada JINnya = Be careful walking in front of the old tree, people says it has an EVIL SPIRIT.###

Word: jinak

Short Definition: tame, domesticated, docile (of an animal); benign (of a tumor).

English Definition: ^1 tame, domesticated, docile (of an animal). 2 benign (of a tumor). ###

L2 Definition: Tidak galak; penurut. ###

Examples: Beruntung tumormu adalah jenis yang JINAK jadi masih bisa disembuhkan. = Fortunately, your tumor is a BENIGN kind so it can still be treated. ###

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Word: jingga

Short Definition: the color orange.

English Definition: the color orange. ###

L2 Definition: warna oranye. ###

Examples: Lihatlah langit di sana, merah JINGGA, seperti api yang membara. = Look at the sky over there, ORANGE red, like a glowing fire. ###

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Word: jingkrak

Short Definition: see JINGKRAK1 (jump up and down . . .) or JINGKRAK2 (straddle . . .).

English Definition: see JINGKRAK1 (jump up and down . . .) JINGKRAK2 (straddle . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jingkrak1

Short Definition: BER-_-_: to jump up and down in joy.

English Definition: ^BER-_-_: to jump up and down in joy. ###

L2 Definition: Melompat-lompat ke atas dan ke bawah, biasanya karena kegirangan. ###

Examples: Setelah diberi pisang monyet itu BERJINGKRAK-JINGKRAK kegirangan. = After it was given a banana, the monkey JUMPED UP AND DOWN in joy. ###

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Word: jingkrak2

Short Definition: BER-, MEN-: to sit astride s.t. MEN--I: to squat in or on a place.

English Definition: ^BER-, MEN-: to sit astride s.t. MEN--I: to squat in or on a place. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jinjing

Short Definition: MEN-: carry s.t. in one's hand. -AN: s.t. carried in the hand.

English Definition: ^MEN-: carry s.t. in one's hand. -AN: s.t. carried in the hand. ###

L2 Definition: Membawa sesuatu dengan tangan, biasanya barang yang tidak berat. ###

Examples: Orang yang MENJINJING tas itu adalah guruku. = The person who CARRIES a bag is my teacher. Berapa JINJINGAN yang kau bawa untuk oleh-oleh? = How many BAGGAGES do you bring for gifts? ###

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Word: jintan

Short Definition: SEE JINTEN

Word: jinten

Short Definition: caraway seed; cumin

English Definition: caraway seed; cumin

Examples: Masakan ini memerlukan JINTEN yang halus = This food needs powdered CUMIN. ##

Word: jiplak

Short Definition: MEN-: copy; cheat (on an exam); plagiarize. Also PEN-, PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^MEN-: 1 copy. 2 cheat (on an exam). 3 plagiarize. PEN-: 1 plagiarist. 2 copy maker. PEN--AN: plagiarism. ###

L2 Definition: Mencontoh atau mencuri karangan orang lain dan mengakuinya sebagai hasil karya sendiri. ###

Examples: MENJIPLAK hasil karya orang lain adalah pelanggaran hukum. = PLAGIARIZING other people's products is a violation of the law. PENJIPLAKAN buku nampaknya sudah membudaya karena tidak ada tindakan yang tegas untuk para PENJIPLAKnya. = Book PLAGIARISM seems like becomes customary because there is no strict action for the PAGIATORS. ###

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Word: jiran

Short Definition: 1. neighbor 2. kin, relative ###

English Definition: *^1. neighbor 2. kin, relative BER-: be neighbors -AN: neighbor###

Examples: *Hasan adalah JIRAN Pak Rahman = Hasan is a RELATIVE of Mr. Rahman.###

Word: jitak

Short Definition: slap s.o.

English Definition: *MEN-- : to slap s.o.

L2 Definition: memukul

Examples: Pak Rahim marah dan MENJITAK sopir taksi itu = Pak Rahim was mad and SLAPPED the taxi driver.##

Word: jitu

Short Definition: accurate, precise, exact. KE--AN: accuracy, precision.

English Definition: accurate, precise, exact. KE--AN: accuracy, precision. ###

L2 Definition: Kena sasaran; tepat; pas. ###

Examples: Tendangannya sangat JITU, pas kena di ulu hatiku. = His kick wass very PRECISE, it got exactly on the tip of my liver. KEJITUAN ramalannya membuat peramal itu terkenal. = The ACCURACY of his forecasts made the fortune teller famous. ###

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Word: jiwa

Short Definition: soul, inner spirit of a person. KE--AN: spiritual, psychological.

English Definition: soul, inner spirit of a person. KE--AN: spiritual, psychological. ###

L2 Definition: Roh atau isi batin mahluk hidup yang tidak berwujut tetapi bisa dirasakan. ###

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Word: Jkt.

Short Definition: Jakarta.

English Definition: Jakarta. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah kota besar di Indonesia; ibu kota Republik Indonesia. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jodo

Short Definition: mate, marriage partner.

English Definition: mate, marriage partner. ###

L2 Definition: pasangan; sesuatu hal atau orang yang cocok dengan kemauan/keadaan kita. ###

Examples: Kalau memang sudah JODO mau lari kemana lagi. = If it is already your MATE (predetermined by God) where can you go. ###

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Word: jodoh

Short Definition: see JODO.

English Definition: see JODO. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: joget

Short Definition: dance, dancing girls, troupe of dancing girls.

English Definition: dance, dancing girls, troupe of dancing girls. MEN-: to dance. BER-: to dance. ###

L2 Definition: tari. ###

Examples: Siapa mau BERJOGET denganku? = Who wants TO DANCE with me? ###

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Word: jok

Short Definition: seat (of car)

English Definition: *--MUKA: front seat *-- MOBIL: car upholstery

L2 Definition: kursi di mobil

Examples: Saya harus mengganti JOK mobil ayahnya = I have to replace the CAR SEAT of his dad's car.##

Word: jongkok

Short Definition: BER-: to squat, kneel.

English Definition: BER-: to squat, kneel. ###

L2 Definition: Duduk di atas kaki yang ditekuk. ###

Examples: Hanya dia yang duduk di kursi, yang lainnya BERJONGKOK semua. = Only him who sat on a chair; everybody else SQUATTED. ###

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Word: jorok

Short Definition: see jorok 1, jorok 2###

English Definition: see jorok 1, jorok 2###

Examples: ###

Word: jorok1

Short Definition: 1. slovently, slipshod 2. dirty, untidy###

English Definition: ^*1. slovently, slipshod 2. dirty, untidy KE-AN: slovenliness, dirtiness, squalor PEN-: scoundrel, swine###

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Bajunya JOROK karena lumpur = His shirt was DIRTY because of mud.###

Word: jorok2

Short Definition: stick out, project, protrude###

English Definition: ^stick out, project, protrude *MEN-: stick out, project, protrude, extend out MEN-KAN: 1. make s.t. protrude 2. push or shunt aside TER-: to be made to project or protrude -AN: a protrusion###

Examples: *Pohon yang MENJOROK ke atap rumahku itu adalah pohon beringin= The tree that EXTENDS OUT over my house's roof is a banyan tree.###

Word: jotos

Short Definition: fist. BER-: fight with fists. MEN-: strike s.o. with a fist. Also MEN--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: fist. BER-: fight with fists. MEN-: strike s.o. with a fist. MEN--KAN: strike out with. -AN: boxing.###

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Word: jua

Short Definition: nothing/nobody but, only; even if it is, no matter; nevertheless.

English Definition: *^1 nothing/nobody but, only. 2 even if it is, no matter. 3 nevertheless. ###

L2 Definition: sinonim: juga, saja. ###

Examples: Walau bagaimanapun, aku JUA yang akan menanggung akibatnya. = No matter what happens, NO ONE BUT I will suffer the consequences. ###

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Word: juadah

Short Definition: delicacy made of rice.

English Definition: delicacy made of rice. ###

L2 Definition: Jenis makanan yang terbuat dari ketan. ###

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Word: jual

Short Definition: sell. BER--AN: sell things for a living. Also MEN-, TER-, PEN-, PEN--AN.

English Definition: sell. *BER--AN: sell things for a living. *MEN-: sell s.t. *TER-: sold out. *PEN-: seller. PEN--AN: selling. ###

L2 Definition: Menukar sesuatu untuk mendapatkan uang. ###

Examples: Supermarket itu mula-mula hanya BERJUALAN barang kelontong saja. = In the beginning, that supermarket was only a place to PEDDLE things. Dimana saya bisa MENJUAL sapi ini? = Where can I SELL this cow? Rumah saya sudah TERJUAL minggu lalu. = My house was already SOLD last week. Sebagai PENJUAL dia tidak rakus. = As a SALESPERSON, she isn't greedy. Kami akan menghitung seluruh PENJUALAN hari ini. = We are going to count all the SALES today. ###

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Word: juang

Short Definition: struggle. BER-: struggle, fight. MEMPER--KAN: struggle for s.t. Also PE-, +

English Definition: struggle. BER-: fight, struggle. MEMPER--KAN: struggle for s.t. PE-: fighter, warrior. PER--AN: struggle, fight. SEPER--AN: sharing in the same struggle.###

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Word: juara

Short Definition: champion. KE--AN: championship.

English Definition: champion. KE--AN: championship. ###

L2 Definition: Pemenang dalam suatu lomba. ###

Examples: KEJUARAAN sepak bola dunia tahun 1994 diadakan di Amerika. = The 1994 world soccer CHAMPIONSHIP was held in the United States. ###

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Word: jubah

Short Definition: long flowing robe (including religious habits, Arabic garments, etc.)

English Definition: long flowing robe (including religious habits, Arabic garments, etc.). *BER--: wear such a robe.###

Examples: Dia dilantik dengan memakai JUBAH merah = He was innaugurated wearing a red ROBE.###

Word: judes

Short Definition: 1. harsh and rude; 2.cruel, vicious (esp. in speech)

English Definition: 1. harsh and rude; 2. cruel, vicious

L2 Definition: suka berkata kasar, tidak sopan

Examples: Ida tidak punya teman karena dia sangat JUDES = Ida does not have good friends because she is HARSH AND RUDE.##

Word: judi

Short Definition: gamble. BER-, MEN-: to gamble. Also MEN--KAN, PEN-, PEN--AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: gamble. *BER-, MEN-: to gamble. *MEN--KAN: to gamble s.t. *PEN-: gambler. *PEN--AN, PER--AN: 1 gambling. 2 a gambling place. ###

L2 Definition: Segala permainan yang mengandung unsur untung-untungan dengan pertaruhan uang, dll. ###

Examples: Jangan coba-coba BERJUDI kamu akan ketagihan dan benar-benar menjadi PENJUDI. = Don't try TO GAMBLE. You will become addicted and then truly become a GAMBLER. Sesudah habis modalnya dia kemudian MENJUDIKAN kerbau satu-satunya. = After his capital was expended, he then GAMBLED AWAY his only water buffalo. Segala bentuk PERJUDIAN di daerah ini dilarang oleh para ulama. = All kinds of GAMBLING in this area are forbidden by the Islamic religious teachers. ###

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Word: judul

Short Definition: title, caption, heading. BER-: have a title, caption, or heading.

English Definition: title, caption, heading. BER-: have a title, caption, or heading. ###

L2 Definition: Kepala karangan; Suatu kata yang bisa menggambarkan topik suatu karangan. ###

Examples: Buku yang saya baca ini BERJUDUL "Kawin Lari." = The book that I am reading is titled "Running Away Marriage." ###

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Word: juga

Short Definition: also, too.

English Definition: *also, too. ###

L2 Definition: Sama dengan hal yang sebelumnya. ###

Examples: Kalau kamu pergi saya JUGA akan pergi. = If you go, I will go, TOO. ###

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Word: jujur

Short Definition: JUJUR1 = honest, on the level. JUJUR2 = MEN--I: present a brid-price to.

English Definition: JUJUR1 = honest, on the level. KE--AN: honesty. JUJUR2 = MEN--I: present a bride-price to. -AN: bride price. ###

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Word: julang

Short Definition: MEN-: 1. soar, tower. 2. hold in high esteem.

English Definition: MEN-: 1. soar, tower. 2. hold in high esteem. ###

L2 Definition: Tampak membumbung/menyembul tinggi. ###

Examples: Sekarang banyak gedung-gedung yang MENJULANG di kota kecil itu. = Now there are many TOWERING buildings in that small town. ###

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Word: Juli

Short Definition: July.

English Definition: July. ###

L2 Definition: Nama bulan sesudah bulan Juni. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: juling

Short Definition: cross-eyed

English Definition: cross-eyed

Examples: ###

Word: juluk

Short Definition: named, called. MEN--I: give s.o. a nickname. -AN: nickname.

English Definition: named, called. MEN--I: give s.o. a nickname. -AN: nickname. ###

L2 Definition: Gelar; nama kehormatan; nama ejekan; nama sindiran. ###

Examples: Saya tidak mengerti mengapa orang-orang MENJULUKInya "si pandir." = I don't know why people CALL him "the dumb." JULUKAN "Pahlawan Nasional" tidak tepat untuk koruptor itu. = The TITLE "National Hero" is not right for that corrupt person. ###

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Word: julur

Short Definition: in and out

English Definition: in and out, to and fro, back and forth BER- -AN stick out MEN- stick outward panhandle, beg in the streets MEN- -KAN stick something out TER- jut out -AN something that juts out PEN- panhandler ###

Word: Jumaat

Short Definition: see JUMAT.

English Definition: see JUMAT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Jumat

Short Definition: Friday.

English Definition: Friday. ###

L2 Definition: Nama hari sesudah hari Kamis dan sebelum hari Sabtu. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: jumbuh

Short Definition: similar, identical. MEN--KAN: make s.t. compatible. KE--AN: identity.

English Definition: similar, identical. MEN--KAN: make s.t. compatible. KE--AN: identity.###

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Word: jumlah

Short Definition: sum, amount, total; number, quantity. Also -NYA, SE-, BER-, MEN--KAN.

English Definition: ^1 sum, amount, total. 2 number, quantity. *-NYA: (in) the amount of. *SE-: as much as, to the amount of. *BER-: to number so many. *MEN--KAN: add up, count. ###

L2 Definition: Banyaknya hitungan dari suatu hal/kelompok. ###

Examples: Berapa JUMLAHNYA ternak-ternak itu? = How many is the TOTAL NUMBER of that livestock? SEJUMLAH uang telah diberikan sebagai kata sepakat. = AN AMOUNT OF money has already been given as a deposit. Saya tidak bisa menghitungnya karena BERJUMLAH sangat banyak. = I can't count them because the TOTAL number is so many. Tidak betul untuk MENJUMLAHKAN ikan itu karena tidak sama jenisnya. = It isn't correct to ADD UP those fish because they are not of the same kind. ###

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Word: jumpa

Short Definition: meet. BER-: meet, run into. MEN--I: 1. find. 2. go to meet. 3. meet with.+

English Definition: ^meet. BER-: meet, run into. MEN--I: 1. find. 2. go to meet. 3. meet with. MEMPER--KAN: 1. bring together. 2. reconcile. TER-: found, exist. PER--AN: meeting, encounter. *--PERS: press conference.###

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Word: jumput

Short Definition: SE-: a pinch of s.t. MEN-: pick up with thumb and forefinger, get a pinch of.

English Definition: SE-: a pinch of s.t. MEN-: pick up with thumb and forefinger, get a pinch of. ###

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Word: Juni

Short Definition: June.

English Definition: June. ###

L2 Definition: Nama bulan sesudah Mei dan sebelum Juli. ###

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Word: junjung

Short Definition: MEN-: carry s.t. on the head, respect. Also BER--AN, MEN--KAN, -AN, TER-+

English Definition: ^BER--AN: have a husband. MEN-: 1. carry s.t. on the head or shoulders. 2. respect. MEN--KAN: carry s.t. on the head. -AN: person who is esteemed. TER-: be placed on the head or high on the back. PEN--AN: respecter, worshiper.###

L2 Definition: Membawa sesuatu di atas kepala; hormat; menuruti. ###

Examples: Wanita Jawa itu BERJUNJUNGAN pria dari manca negara. = The Javanese woman HAS A HUSBAND a man from abroad. Leherku sakit sehabis MENJUNJUNG beras sekarung. = My neck was hurt after I CARRIED ON MY HEAD one sack of rice. Segala perintah JUNJUNGANnya akan dia lakukan. = He will do all of his MASTER's instructions.

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See a Picture

Word: juntai

Short Definition: dangle###

English Definition: ^dangle BER-, MEN-, TER-: dangle BER-AN: dangle (of many things) *MEN-KAN: dangle s.t. down###

Examples: *Saya duduk di bangku sambil MENJUNTAIKAN kakiku = I sat on the bench and DANGLED my feet DOWN.###

Word: junub

Short Definition: (Isl.) ritually impure###

English Definition: (Isl.) ritually impure or soiled (after coitus, giving birth, menstruation etc.)###

Examples: JUNUB wajib hukumnya bagi Umat Islam = RITUALLY IMPURE is obligatory for Moslems.###

Word: junun

Short Definition: possessed by a devil###

English Definition: ^possessed by a devil###

Examples: ###

Word: jura

Short Definition: MEN-: bow out of respect###

English Definition: ^MEN-: bow out of respect###

Examples: Di Jepang orang-orang memberi salam sambil MENJURA = In Japan, people acknowledge each other by BOWING OUT OF RESPECT.###

Word: jurai

Short Definition: 1. bunch 2. row, sequence####

English Definition: ^1. bunch 2. row, sequence *BER-, TER-, MEN-: dangle, hang down (of hair, tassels, etc) BER-AN: hang down (in large number)####

Examples: *Rambutnya TERJURAI dengan indah = Her hair HANGS DOWN beautifully.###

Word: juran

Short Definition: fishing rod.

English Definition: fishing rod. ###

L2 Definition: Tangkai pancing. ###

Examples: JURANnya terlalu pendek untuk memancing di danau itu. = His FISHING ROD is too short to fish at the lake. ###

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Word: jurang

Short Definition: ravine, gap.

English Definition: ravine, gap. ###

L2 Definition: Lembah yang dalam dan sempit. ###

Examples: Sebelum masuk ke JURANG, bis itu menabrak beberapa pohon dulu. = Before it went into the RAVINE, the bus crashed several trees first. ###

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Word: Jurdil

Short Definition: honest and just, fair###

English Definition: contraction of Jujur dan Adil or honest and just, fair.###

Examples: Pemilihan umum harus berlangsung JUJUR DAN ADIL (JURDIL) = The election must be HONEST AND FAIR.###

Word: juru

Short Definition: skilled worker.

English Definition: ^*skilled worker. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang menguasai suatu keahlian tertentu. ###

Examples: Saya pikir JURU RAMAL itu telah meramal dengan tepat. = I think that FORTUNE TELLER told the fortune accurately. ###

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Word: juru rawat

Short Definition: see RAWAT

English Definition: nurse

Word: jururawat

Short Definition: see JURU and see RAWAT

English Definition: see JURU and see RAWAT

Word: jurus

Short Definition: steps, movements in martial arts. Also MEN-, MEN--I, -AN.

English Definition: ^steps, movements in martial arts. *MEN-: 1 point, lead (in a certain direction, etc.). 2 go in a certain direction. MEN--I: 1 head toward. 2 investigate, look into. *-AN: 1 direction. 2 academic department or field. ###

L2 Definition: Menuju suatu arah secara langsung/lurus. ###

Examples: Perkataannya selalu MENJURUS pada hal-hal yang kotor. = His speech always TENDS TOWARDS dirty things. Jalan JURUSAN Jakarta-Bogor bukan yang ini. = This isn't the road which goes in the DIRECTION from Jakarta to Bogor. ###

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Word: justru

Short Definition: exactly, precisely.

English Definition: *exactly, precisely. ###

L2 Definition: Memang begitu yang sebenarnya; tepat. ###

Examples: JUSTRU karena itulah saya menjadi marah. = PRECISELY for that reason I became angry. ###

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Word: juta

Short Definition: million. BER-: by the millions. -AN: millions of, by the millions.

English Definition: million. BER-: by the millions. -AN: millions of, by the millions. ###

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Word: kabar

Short Definition: news, report. MENG--I: to inform. MENG--KAN: to report s.t.

English Definition: news, report. *MENG--I: to inform. *MENG--KAN: to report s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: berita; warta. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENGABARImu secepat mungkin kapan kita akan berangkat. = I will INFORM you as soon as possible about when we are going to leave. Siapa yang akan MENGABARKAN berita ini kepada ibu? = Who will REPORT this news to you? ###

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Word: kabel

Short Definition: cable.

English Definition: cable. ###

L2 Definition: Kawat yang dibungkus dengan karet atau plastik untuk menghantar listrik. ###

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Word: kabinet

Short Definition: governmental cabinet

English Definition: governmental cabinet

Examples: ###

Word: kabisat

Short Definition: see TAHUN

Word: kabul

Short Definition: granted

English Definition: answered, granted (a request) MENG- -I, MENG- -KAN grant (a wish) answer a prayer PENG- -AN fulfilling (of a request) ###

Examples: Orang tuanya MENGABULKAN permohonan Ani supaya dibelikan motor baru = Her parents GRANTED Ani's wishes by buying her a new motorcycle###

Word: kabupaten

Short Definition: official residence of head of district.

English Definition: official residence of head of district. ###

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Word: kabur

Short Definition: vague, blurred, hazy. MENG-: become hazy, blurred. Also MENG--KAN; MEMPER- +

English Definition: vague, blurred, hazy. MENG-: become hazy, blurred. MENG--KAN; MEMPER-: blur, obscure s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak jelas; samar-samar. ###

Examples: Penglihatanku mulai MENGABUR. = My view is starting to BLUR. Alibinya MENGABURKAN semua tuduhan jaksa. = His alibi OBSCURED all of the public attorney's accusations. ###

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Word: kabut

Short Definition: fog, haze.

English Definition: fog, haze. ###

L2 Definition: Awan gelap yang menutup permukaan bumi. ###

Examples: Pagi ini cuaca akan BERKABUT, sebaiknya kamu jangan pergi. = This morning the weather will be FOGGY; It's better if you don't go. ###

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Word: kaca

Short Definition: glass; mirror. MENG-: look in the mirror.

English Definition: ^1 glass. 2 mirror. *MENG-: look in the mirror. ###

L2 Definition: Benda yang biasanya tembus pandang dan mudah pecah terbuat dari gelas. Cermin. ###

Examples: MENGACALAH pada dirimu sendiri sebelum mencela orang lain. = LOOK at yourself IN THE MIRROR before you criticize others. ###

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Word: kacang

Short Definition: bean, pea, peanut.

English Definition: bean, pea, peanut. -PANJANG: long bean###

L2 Definition: Nama untuk beberapa jenis biji-bijian yang bisa dimakan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kacau

Short Definition: 1. in disorder, in an uproar 2. confused 3. in disarray###

English Definition: 1. in disorder, in an uproar 2. confused 3. in disarray KE~BALAUAN = chaos, total confusion MENG~BALAU~AN = cause chaos and confusion BER~ = 1. be all mixed up 2. mixed, blended BERSI~ = be in confusion (plural) * MENG~ = 1. stir ( a drink, paint, etc.) 2. stir up trouble 3. bother, distrub MENG~KAN, MEMPER~KAN = 1. mix, stir s.t. 2. make s.t. confusing 3. stir up trouble KE~AN = confusion, disorder ~AN = mixture s.t. mixed and disorganized ** PENG~ = agitator, distruber of the peace PENG~AN = commotion, disturbance, stir###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Andi MENGKACAU kopinya dengan susu = Andi STIRRED his coffee with milk ** Polisi menangkap para PENGACAU = Policemen arrested the DISTRUBERS.###

Word: kacoak

Short Definition: cockroach###

English Definition: cockroach### see kecoa

Examples: ###

Word: kadal

Short Definition: lizard.

English Definition: lizard. ###

L2 Definition: Reptil yang berbentuk seperti buaya yang berukuran kecil. ###

Examples: KADAL raksasa itu disebut "komodo". = The giant LIZARD is called "komodo." ###

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Word: kadaluwarsa

Short Definition: out of date.

English Definition: out of date, expired. ###

L2 Definition: Habis waktu/tempo; tidak model lagi. ###

Examples: Jangan dimakan!... Makanan itu sudah KADALUWARSA. = Don't eat it! The food is past its expiration date.

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Word: kadang

Short Definition: sometimes. KADANG-KADANG: occasionally.

English Definition: sometimes. *KADANG-KADANG: occasionally. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak kerap. ###

Examples: Saya tidak selalu mengajar di universitas itu hanya KADANG-KADANG saja. = I don't always teach at that university, only OCCASIONALLY. ###

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Word: kadang-kadang

Short Definition: sometimes, occasionally.

English Definition: sometimes, occasionally. ###

L2 Definition: Sekali-sekali; ada kalanya. ###

Examples: Hanya KADANG-KADANG saja dia datang menjenguk ibunya. = Only OCCASIONALLY he came to visit his mother. ###

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Word: kadar

Short Definition: degree, level of quality.

English Definition: degree, level of quality. ###

L2 Definition: Nilai yang terkandung didalam suatu benda (emas, perak); taraf; tingkatan. ###

Examples: KADAR emas batuan ini tinggi sekali. = The DEGREE of gold content of this rock is very high. ###

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Word: kader

Short Definition: cadres

English Definition: cadres. *PENG-AN = forming of cadres; recruiting cadres

Examples: Organisasi itu melakukan PENGKADERAN anggota baru setiap tahun = That organization recruits new cadres every year.

Word: Kadin

Short Definition: Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Indonesia.

English Definition: (Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia) Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Indonesia. ###

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Word: Kadispen

Short Definition: a division of center for information in military###

English Definition: Kadispen is abbreviation of Kepala Dinas Penerangan (Chief of the center for information).###

Examples: KADISPEN Police Republik Indonesia mengumumkan nama-nama orang yang menginisiatif makar = THE CHIEF OF CENTER FOR INFORMATION of the Indonesian Police Deparment announced names of people who were iniatiating the coup.

Word: kado

Short Definition: gift, present. MENG--KAN: give as a gift.

English Definition: gift, present. *MENG--KAN: give as a gift. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: hadiah. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENGADOKAN sebuah televisi untuk perkawinanmu. = I am going to GIVE a television AS A GIFT for you wedding. ###

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Word: kafan

Short Definition: shroud.

English Definition: shroud. ###

L2 Definition: Kain pembungkus jenazah/mayat. ###

Examples: Kain belacu biasanya dipakai sebagai kain KAFAN. = Cotton cloth is usually used as SHROUD. ###

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Word: kaget

Short Definition: startled, frightened.

English Definition: startled, frightened. ###

L2 Definition: terkejut, terperanjat. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kagum

Short Definition: amazed, awestruck. MENG--I: be amazed by. Also MENG--KAN, KE--AN, PENG-.

English Definition: amazed, awestruck. *MENG--I: be amazed by. *MENG--KAN: to amaze, to be amazing, impressive. *KE--AN: amazement. *PENG-: admirer. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: takjub. Perasaan keheranan pada suatu hal yang mengandung unsur pujian. ###

Examples: Banyak anak-anak muda yang MENGAGUMI Madonna. = Many young people ADMIRE MADONNA. Pertunjukan kelompok pemusik itu sangat MENGAGUMKAN. = The performance of that group of musicians was very IMPRESSIVE. KEKAGUMANku kepada keberanianmu tak habis-habisnya. = My AMAZEMENT at your courage has no end. Saya adalah PENGAGUM fanatik anda. = I am a fanatical FAN of yours. ###

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Word: kah

Short Definition: particle marking the thing in a question which is being asked about.

English Definition: *a particle marking the thing in a question which is being asked about. ###

L2 Definition: Partikel untuk membentuk suatu kalimat pertanyaan. ###

Examples: ApaKAH saya harus pergi sekarang? = DO I have to go now? ###

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Word: kaidah

Short Definition: 1. norm, rule. 2. principle. 3. theorem.

English Definition: 1. norm, rule. 2. principle. 3. theorem.

Examples: Menurut KAIDAH agama, perbuatan itu tidak dianjurkan = According to religion's rule, that kind of attitude is not encouraged. Peraturan ini dibuat berdasarkan KAIDAH hukum yang berlaku = This regulations were made based on the legal NORMS.###

Word: kail

Short Definition: fish hook. PENG-: angler, fisherman.

English Definition: fish hook. PENG-: angler, fisherman. ###

L2 Definition: Alat kecil terbuat dari logam yang melengkung untuk memancing ikan; pancing. ###

Examples: Setiap minggu pagi kami selalu pergi MENGAIL ikan di sungai itu. = Every Sunday morning we always go FISHING at the river. PENGAIL itu belum mendapatkan seekor ikanpun. = The ANGLER has not gotten any fish. ###

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Word: kain

Short Definition: cloth, fabric; type of women's clothing worn like a sarong.

English Definition: 1 cloth, fabric. 2 type of women's clothing worn like a sarong. ###

L2 Definition: Barang yang dipakai untuk dibuat pakaian, biasanya terbuat dari kapas. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kaing

Short Definition: yelp with pain. TERKAING-KAING = cried out, squealed.

English Definition: yelp with pain (as a dog). TERKAING-KAING = cried out, squealed. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi jeritan kesakitan (untuk anjing). ###

Examples: Anjing itu lari TERKAING-KAING ketika kakinya tertabrak mobil. = The dog ran SQUEELED when its feet were crashed by a car. ###

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Word: kait

Short Definition: 1. hook, barb 2. catch###

English Definition: ~ BER~AN = interrelated, interconnected BER~ = 1. use a hook or crook 2. caught, hooked on s.t. * BER~AN = 1. link to e.o 2. be related to BER~2AN = related, linked together MENG~ = 1. hook 2. get caught, hooked on s.t. 3. embezzle ** MENG~KAN = 1. hook s.t. on to, attach s.t. 2. dock ( a ship) 3. connect, relate, 4. tie *** TER~ = be connected, hooked, interrelated KETER~AN = connection or interrelatedness ~AN = 1. hook, crook, link 2. connection PENG~ = hook, crook, linking PENG~AN = connnecting, obligating s.o. by making a certain action connected to s.o else. PER~AN = state of being docked###

Examples: * Andi ditangkap karena dia diduga BERKAITAN dengan pengedar obat bius = Andi was arrested because he was suspected of BEING RELATED TO drug distributors. ** Pengacara itu berusaha MENGKAITKAN satu peristiwa dengan peristiwa lainnya untuk membuktikan bahwa kliennya tidak bersalah = The lawyer has tried to CONNECT one event to another in order to prove that his client was not quilty. *** Ali Sadikin dinyatakan TERKAIT dengan Petisi 50 = Ali Sadikin was sentenced to BE CONNECTED with the 50 Petition (*)

Word: kaji

Short Definition: see KAJI1=(knowledge, teaching . . .), KAJI2=(inspect, examine . . .).

English Definition: see KAJI1=(knowledge, teaching . . .) KAJI2=(inspect, examine . . .)

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kaji1

Short Definition: MENG-: knowledge, teaching (esp. religious). Also MENG-, MENG--KAN.

English Definition: ^MENG-: knowledge, teaching (esp. religious). *MENG-: to recite Koranic verses. *MENG--KAN: to read Koranic verses out loud. ###

L2 Definition: Membaca ayat-ayat dalam Al Qur'an. ###

Examples: Saya tidak bisa datang dalam pertemuan sore ini karena saya akan MENGAJI. = I can't come to the meeting this afternoon because I am going to RECITE THE QUR'ANIC VERSES. Pak Ustad yang MENGAJIKAN arwah orang tua kami. = Mr. Ustad is the one who will RECITE VERSES FROM THE QUR'AN for the souls of our parents. ###

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Word: kaji2

Short Definition: MENGK-: inspect, examine, investigate. -AN: study, studies.

English Definition: *^MENGK-: inspect, examine, investigate. *-AN: study, studies. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu penyelidikan pada suatu hal. ###

Examples: KAJIAN tentang masalah itu belum selesai dengan tuntas. = The STUDY of this matter is not yet fully completed. Para ahli astronom sedang MENGKAJI benda aneh yang jatuh dari langit itu. = Astronomers are now EXAMINING that strange object that fell from the sky. ###

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Word: kakak

Short Definition: older brother/sister or cousin; term of address for older person (esp. "kak").

English Definition: ^*1 older brother/sister or cousin. 2 term of address for s.o. as old as an older sibling (expressed as "kak"). ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang dianggap lebih tua; saudara yang lebih tua. ###

Examples: KAKAK sulung saya seorang perempuan. = My eldest SIBLING is a girl. ###

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Word: kakap

Short Definition: 1. name given to many k.o. large fish; 2. big time criminal, gangster; 3. large scale (firm, operation)

English Definition: 1. name given to many k.o. large fish; 2. big time criminal, gangster; 3. large scale (firm, operation)

L2 Definition: nama sejenis ikan laut yang besar

Examples: Pergilah kamu ke pasar dan belikan ibu ikan KAKAP merah = Can you go to the market and get ibu a RED SNAPPER fish? Polisi masih mencari pelaku korupsi kelas KAKAP itu = The police is still looking for the one behind the BIG TIME corruption case. Saya pikir pendidikanmu tidak cukup untuk melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan KAKAP seperti ini = I think your education level is not enough to apply for this LARGE-SCALE company.###

Word: kakatua

Short Definition: macaw###

English Definition: macaw###

Examples: KAKATUA dapat menduplikat kata-kata manusia = A MACAW can repeat peoples' words.###

Word: kakek

Short Definition: grandfather.

English Definition: grandfather. ###

L2 Definition: Ayah dari ibu atau bapak; sebutan untuk laki-laki tua. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kaki

Short Definition: foot, leg; foot (measurment); classifier for flowers/umbrellas. Also MENG-.

English Definition: ^1 foot, leg. 2 foot (in measurement). 3 classifier for flowers and umbrellas. *MENG-: serve, work for someone. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian bawah tubuh yang menopang badan. ###

Examples: Selama saya MENGAKI tidak sepeser imbalanpun kuterima. = As long as I SERVED I did not receive even a half a penny in return. ###

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Word: kaku

Short Definition: 1. stiff, rigid. 2. clumsy, awkward. MENG--KAN: stiffen s.t. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: 1. stiff, rigid. 2. clumsy, awkward. MENG--KAN: stiffen s.t. KE--AN: 1. rigidity. 2. awkwardness in company. ###

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Word: kakus

Short Definition: [Coll.] privy, latrine

English Definition: [Coll.] privy, latrine

L2 Definition: kamar mandi, WC, tempat buang air

Examples: Kami membantu membangun KAKUS umum di kampung = We are helping to build the public LATRINE in the village.###

Word: kala

Short Definition: era, period of time, time.

English Definition: *era, period of time, time. *KALAJENGKING = scorpion. ###

L2 Definition: zaman, waktu###

Examples: Dahulu KALA ada seorang raja. = Once upon a TIME there was a king.###

Hear This Word

Word: kalah

Short Definition: defeated, loose, be inferior to. MENG-: give in, accede to. Also MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: defeated, loose, be inferior to. MENG-: give in, accede to s.t. MENG--KAN: to defeat an opponent. KE--AN: defeat. -AN: an underdog. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak menang; tidak bisa bersaing. ###

Examples: Bukan karena dia lemah, tetapi karena dia MENGALAH saja. = It wasn't because he was weak, but because he just GAVE IN. Dalam kejuaraan sepak bola dunia tahun 1994 Brazil menjadi juara pertama dengan MENGALAHKAN Itali. = In the 1994 world soccer championship, Brazil became the champion by DEFEATING Italy. KEKALAHAN reguku dalam kejuaraan ini karena faktor ketidak beruntungan. = The DEFEAT of my team in this championship was due to the "bad luck factor".###

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Word: kalajengking

Short Definition: SEE KALA

Word: kalang

Short Definition: circle, realm, field.

English Definition: circle, realm, field. ###

L2 Definition: Penyangga; lingkaran. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: kalang-kabut

Short Definition: confused, chaotic. MENG--KAN: to confuse. KE--AN: confusion, chaos.

English Definition: confused, chaotic. MENG--KAN: to confuse. KE--AN: confusion, chaos. ###

Hear This Word

Word: kalangan

Short Definition: 1. circle, arena. 2. realm.

English Definition: 1. circle, arena. 2. realm. ###

Examples: Organisasi ini hanya terbuka untuk KALANGAN tertentu saja = This organization is opened only for certain CIRCLE of people##

Hear This Word

Word: kalap

Short Definition: be possessed by evil spirits.

English Definition: be possessed by evil spirits. ###

Hear This Word

Word: kalau

Short Definition: if; when (future). -PUN: even though. Also KALAU-KALAU.

English Definition: ^1 if. 2 when (future). *-PUN: even though. *KALAU-KALAU: 1 in case, lest. 2 maybe, perhaps. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: seandainya; jika. ###

Examples: KALAUPUN saya pergi, saya tidak mau pergi seorang sendiri. = EVEN THOUGH I am going, I don't want to go alone. Saya membawa payung ini KALAU-KALAU hari akan hujan. = I brought this umbrella IN CASE it is going to rain. ###

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Word: kalbu

Short Definition: heart; mind

English Definition: heart; mind

L2 Definition: hati; pikiran

Examples: Jangan ragu untuk mengeluarkan apa yang ada dalam KALBU mu = Do not hesitate to say what's in your MIND (AND HEART).####

Word: kalem

Short Definition: calm, cool, patient, relaxed

English Definition: calm, cool, patient, relaxed

L2 Definition: tenang, sabar

Examples: TENANG saja, dia akan datang ke sini segera = Be CALM, he will come here soon.##

Word: kalendar

Short Definition: see KALENDER

English Definition: see KALENDER

Word: kalender

Short Definition: calendar

English Definition: calendar.###

Examples: Waktu upacara tradisional ditentukan berdasarkan KALENDER setiap tahun = The time for traditional is determined by yearly CALENDAR.###

Word: kaleng

Short Definition: tin, can.

English Definition: tin, can. ###

L2 Definition: Wadah yang terbuat dari belek (besi tipis berlapis timah). ###

Examples: KALENG minyak ini bocor dibagian bawah. = This oil CAN has a leak at the bottom. ###

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Word: kali

Short Definition: KALI1=river. KALI2=time, times. Also SE-, SE--AN. SEKALI=very.

English Definition: *KALI1 = river ^*KALI2 = 1 time, times. 2 (Math.) times. *SE-: 1 once, one time. 2 at the same time. 3 when (so-and-so happens), as soon as. (also see SEKALI) SE--AN: 1 all. 2 at the same time.###

L2 Definition: KALI1 = sungai. ###

Examples: Kami duduk di tepi KALI. = We sat on the banks of the RIVER. Berapa KALI? Tiga KALI. = How many TIMES? Three TIMES. Dua KALI empat jadi delapan = 2 TIMES 4 is 8. Mereka SEKALIAN pergi ke sekolah. = They ALL went to school. SEKALIAN kerajaan musuhnya ditundukkannya. = ALL of the kingdoms of his enemies were conquered by him.###

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Word: kalian

Short Definition: (plural) you (esp. to people of equal or lower social status).

English Definition: *(plural) you (esp. to people of equal or lower social status.)

L2 Definition: Kamu (berjumlah banyak). ###

Examples: Mengapa KALIAN ikuti saja kemauannya? = Why are YOU just following your desires? ###

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Word: kaligus

Short Definition: see SEKALIGUS.

English Definition: see SEKALIGUS. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Kalimantan

Short Definition: 1. the Kalimantan Island, also known as Borneo. +

English Definition: 1. the Kalimantan Island in Indonesia, also known as Borneo. 2. Kalimantan Barat = Western Kalimantan Province in Indonesia. Its capital city is Pontianak. 3. Kalimantan Tengah = Central Kalimantan Province in Indonesia. Its capital city is Palangkaraya. 4. Kalimantan Selatan = Southern Kalimantan Province in Indonesia. Its capital city is Banjarmasin. 5. Kalimantan Timur = Eastern Kalimantan Province in Indonesia. Its capital city is Samarinda. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah pulau di Indonesia. ###

Examples: Tahun lalu terjadi kebakaran hutan besar di KALIMANTAN. = Last year there was a big fire in the forest in BORNEO. ###

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Word: kalimat

Short Definition: sentence.

English Definition: sentence. ###

L2 Definition: Rangkaian kata-kata yang mempunyai arti; perkataan. ###

Examples: KALIMAT ini bisa berarti ganda. = This SENTENCE can have dual meanings. ###

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Word: kalkun

Short Definition: turkey###

English Definition: turkey###

Examples: KALKUN adalah simbol perayaan Thanksgiving = TURKEY is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day.###

Word: kalo

Short Definition: see KALAU

Word: kalung

Short Definition: necklace or pendant worn around the neck.

English Definition: necklace or pendant worn around the neck. ###

L2 Definition: Perhiasan yang dikenakan di leher. ###

Examples: Itu KALUNG mutiara palsu yang terbuat dari campuran kaca dan plastik. = That was a fake pearl NECKLACE, which is made out of a mixture of plastic and glass. ###

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Word: kalut

Short Definition: confused, chaotic

English Definition: confused, chaotic *KE--AN: confusion

Examples: Orang tuany sangat KALUT memikirkan perbuatan Ida = Her parents are CONFUSED about Ida's attitude. Saat ini pikiran saya sedang KALUT, tolong jangan mengganggu saya = At this time I have A LOT in my mind, please do not bother me.###

Word: kamar

Short Definition: room.

English Definition: *room. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu ruangan di dalam rumah. ###

Examples: KAMAR MANDI di rumah ini sempit sekali. = The BATHROOM in this house is very small. ###

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Word: kambing

Short Definition: goat.

English Definition: goat. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: KAMBING itu kelihatan sakit = That GOAT looks ill.###

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Word: kambrat

Short Definition: 1. comrade 2. accomplice, party to a crime 3. small party, get together###

English Definition: ^*1. comrade 2. accomplice, committed to s.t. 3. small party, get together BEr-: have an accomplice, have a companion in activity###

Examples: *Ali KAMBRAT dalam kejahatan itu dengan Hasan = Ali COMMITTED TO A CRIME with Hasan.###

Word: kambuh

Short Definition: relapse.

English Definition: relapse. ###

L2 Definition: Jatuh sakit lagi; penyakit yang datang lagi sesudah lama tidak muncul. ###

Examples: Kalau udara dingin begini, penyakit asmanya selalu KAMBUH. = When the weather is this cold, his asthma always RELAPSED. ###

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Word: kambus

Short Definition: blocked, stopped up (of drain)###

English Definition: blocked, stopped up (of drain)###

Examples: ####

Word: kamerad

Short Definition: comrade###

English Definition: comrade###

Examples: KAMERAD Jono memeriksa barisan tentara = COMRADE Jone inspected the army batalyon.###

Word: kami

Short Definition: we, us, our (excluding the hearer).

English Definition: *we, us, our (excluding the hearer). ###

L2 Definition: Semua orang tetapi tidak termasuk lawan bicara. ###

Examples: KAMI telah berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk mengangkat batu itu. = WE tried with all our strength to lift that rock. ###

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Word: kamil

Short Definition: perfect###

English Definition: perfect###

Examples: Si Andi dikenal juga sebagai anak KAMIL = Andi is also known as the PERFECT child.###

Word: Kamis

Short Definition: Thursday.

English Definition: Thursday. ###

L2 Definition: Nama hari sesudah Rabu dan sebelum Jum'at. ###

Hear This Word

Word: kamit

Short Definition: see KOMAT KAMIT.

English Definition: see KOMAT KAMIT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kamp

Short Definition: camp

English Definition: camp. *--MILITER: military camp.###

Examples: ###

Word: kampung

Short Definition: village. SE-: the whole village; of the same village. Also BER-, MENG--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: village. *SE-: 1 the whole village. 2 of the same village. BER-: gathered, collected. MENG--KAN: gather, collect together. *-AN: countrified, simple. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: desa/dusun. Suatu wilayah yang terdiri dari banyak rumah dan keluarga. ###

Examples: Dulu dia adalah teman SEKAMPUNG saya. = He was FROM THE SAME VILLAGE as I am. Tindakanmu sangat KAMPUNGAN dan itu memalukan orang tuamu. = Your behavior is very SIMPLE and it embarasses your parents. ###

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Word: kampus

Short Definition: campus.

English Definition: campus. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk belajar dan mengajar di lingkungan universitas/perguruan tinggi. ###

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Word: Kamra

Short Definition: people's security system###

English Definition: contraction of Keamanan Rakyat or people's security system.###

Examples: ###

Word: kamu

Short Definition: you, your (informal intimate address or address for those of lower status).

English Definition: *you, your (informal intimate address or address for those of lower social status). ###

L2 Definition: Kata ganti untuk orang kedua. Sinonim: anda. ###

Examples: Mengapa KAMU menangis nak? = Why are YOU crying? ###

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Word: kamus

Short Definition: dictionary.

English Definition: *dictionary. ###

L2 Definition: Buku yang memuat kata-kata dengan arti-artinya biasanya disusun menurut abjad. ###

Examples: KAMUS bahasa Indonesia ini sangat lengkap isinya. = The contents of this Indonesian DICTIONARY are very complete. ###

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Word: kan

Short Definition: see KAN1 (It is the case, isn't it?) or KAN2 (short form of "akan").

English Definition: see KAN1 (It is the case, isn't it?) KAN2 (short form of "akan")

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kan1

Short Definition: It is the case, isn't it?; Because as you well know . . .

English Definition: ^*1 It is the case, isn't it? 2 Because as you well know . . .

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Ini KAN barang yang anda maksud. = AS YOU WELL KNOW, this is the thing that you meant. ###

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Word: kan2

Short Definition: short form of "akan."

English Definition: *short form of "akan." ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Siapa bilang tak KAN senang dengan pilihanmu. = Who said they WILL not be happy with your choice. ###

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Word: kanak-kanak

Short Definition: child.

English Definition: child. ###

L2 Definition: Manusia yang belum dewasa (berumur sekitar dua sampai tujuh tahun). ###

Examples: TAMAN KANAK-KANAK ini didirikan sepuluh tahun yang lalu. = This KINDERGARTEN was founded ten years ago. ###

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Word: kanan

Short Definition: right (as opposed to left).

English Definition: *right (as opposed to left). ###

L2 Definition: Lawan kata dari kiri. ###

Examples: Di kiri-KANAN rumah itu terdapat pagar yang tinggi-tinggi. = On the left and RIGHT of that house are high fences. ###

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Word: kancah

Short Definition: large pot for cooking rice; depths

English Definition: something figuratively comparable to a deep pot; depth; abyss *--INFORMASI: mine of information *--KESENGSARAAN: depth of despair *--PEPERANGAN: cauldron of war *--POLITIK: political arena

Examples: Pak Imran terkenal sebagai KANCAH INFORMASI mengenai perpajakan = Pak Imran is well-known as a MINE OF INFORMATION on taxing. Sejak Aminah kawin dengan Sudirman, dia lepas dari KANCAH KESENGSARAAN = Since Aminah married Sudirman, she is free from the DEPTH OF DESPAIR. Afganistan terjebak dalam KANCAH PEPERANGAN dengan Uni Soviet = Afghanistan was trapped in the COULDRON OF WAR with the Soviet Union. Andi sangat senang mendapat pekerjaan dalam KANCAH POLITIK = Andi is happy to get a job in the POLITICAL ARENA.###

Word: kancil

Short Definition: 1. mouse deer; 2. a clever individual

English Definition: 1. mouse deer; 2. a clever individual

Examples: Paman Hadi gemar berburu KANCIL di hutan = Uncle Hadi likes to hunt MOUSE DEER in the forest. Dalam kelompok itu, dia adalah si "KANCIL" = In that group, he is the "CLEVER" one.###

Word: kancing

Short Definition: button, snap; also MENG-(KAN), TER-

English Definition: button, snap *MENG-(AN): button s.t., lock or latch s.t. *TER- : locked, button

Examples: Sari sekarang bisa MENGANCINGKAN bajunya sendri = Sari is now able to BUTTON her own shirt. Malangnya, dia TERKANCING di kamarnya sendiri = ironicaly, he was LOCKED in his own room.

Word: kandang

Short Definition: 1. stable, stall, pen; 2. place to keep vehicles, boats, etc.

English Definition: 1. stable, stall, pen; 2. place to keep vehicles, boats, etc. *-- AYAM: chicken coop *--BABI: pigpen *--BERMAIN: playpen *--KAPAL: boathouse *MENG--KAN: put into stable *PENG--AN: penning up of s.t.

Examples: Ayah membuat KANDANG ayam di belakang rumah = Father built a chicken COOP behind our house. Kami akan MENGKANDANGKAN kuda-kuda liar ini = We are going to put into STABLES these wild horses. Sapi-sapi ini memerlukan PENGANDANGAN khusus = these cows need a special STABLES.###

Word: kandidat

Short Definition: candidate

English Definition: candidate.###

Word: kandung

Short Definition: womb, uterus. SE-: from the same womb. Also BER-, MENG-, TER-.

English Definition: ^1 womb, uterus. 2 pouch-like part of the body. SE-: from the same womb (i.e., full siblings). BER-: 1 have contents. 2 be pregnant. *MENG-: 1 be pregnant with. 2 contain. *TER-: to be contained. ###

L2 Definition: kantung; tempat yang memuat sesuatu. ###

Examples: Tiga kakak-beradik itu adalah saudara SEKANDUNG. = Those three siblings are FULL SIBLINGS. Kata-katanya MENGANDUNG fitnah yang berbahaya. = His words CONTAIN dangerous slander. Semua penjelasan telah TERKANDUNG di dalam tulisannya itu. = All of the explanations are CONTAINED in that paper of his. ###

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Word: kang

Short Definition: form of address: 1. used by a wife to a husband (Jv.), 2. to older men (Sunda).

English Definition: 1. form of address used by a wife to a husband (Javanese). 2. form of address to older men (Sundanese). ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk laki-laki dewasa; kakak; sebutan untuk suami di daerah Jawa. ###

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Word: kangen

Short Definition: to long for.

English Definition: to long for. ###

L2 Definition: Keinginan untuk bertemu lagi; rindu. ###

Examples: Setelah dua tahun tak berjumpa, dia sangat KANGEN pada istrinya. = After not seeing each other for two years, he LONGS FOR his wife very much. ###

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Word: kangkung

Short Definition: a kind of vegetable; water spinach; kangkung###

English Definition: kangkung###

Examples: KANGKUNG tumbuh di rawa-rawa = KANGKUNG grows in the swamp.###

Word: kanguru

Short Definition: kangaroo.

English Definition: kangaroo. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sejenis binatang menyusui yang terdapat di benua Australia. ###

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Word: kanji

Short Definition: starch

English Definition: starch *MENG--: to starch s.t.

Examples: Ibu mengaduk sayuran dengan tepung KANJI sebelum menggorengnya = Ibu mixed the vegetables with STARCH before frying it.###

Word: kanker

Short Definition: cancer.

English Definition: cancer. ###

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Word: kanpas

Short Definition: canvas.

English Definition: canvas. ###

L2 Definition: Kain terpal; kain tebal untuk dasar lukisan. ###

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Word: kantin

Short Definition: canteen (usually attached to a workplace)

English Definition: canteen

L2 Definition: tempat makan (biasanya di kantor-kantor)

Examples: Pada jam istirahat semua pekerja makan di KANTIN pabrik = During break hours all the workers eat at the factory's CANTEEN.###

Word: kantong

Short Definition: see KANTUNG.

English Definition: see KANTUNG. ###

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Word: kantor

Short Definition: office.

English Definition: office. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk bekerja. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kantuk

Short Definition: sleepiness, drowsiness. MENG-: feel sleepy. Also TER-, PENG-.

English Definition: ^sleepiness, drowsiness. *MENG-: feel sleepy. TER-: doze off. *PENG-: s.o. given to dozing. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan akan tidur. ###

Examples: Pagi ini saya merasa sangat MENGANTUK setelah semalaman begadang. = I feel very TIRED this morning after staying up and talking all night. Malas mengajak dia menonton bioskop karena dia PENGANTUK. = It's dull to ask her to go to the movies because she IS ONE WHO TENDS TO DOZE OFF. ###

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Word: kantung

Short Definition: 1. pocket. 2. bag, pouch. 3. pouch-like part of body. BER-: have a pocket. +

English Definition: 1. pocket. 2. bag, pouch. 3. pouch-like part of body. BER-: have a pocket. MENG--I: pocket s.t., carry in the pocket. MENG--KAN: pocket s.t. ###

L2 Definition: saku; pundi-pundi; tempat seperti karung untuk membawa sesuatu. ###

Examples: Baju baruku BERKANTUNG banyak. = My new shirt HAS many POCKETS. Jangan sekali-kali MENGANTUNGI bolpen nanti bajumu bisa kotor. = Don't ever POCKETING a pen, lest your shirt gets stained. ###

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Word: kanvas

Short Definition: canvas for painting.

English Definition: canvas for painting. ###

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Word: Kanwil

Short Definition: regional office.

English Definition: (Kantor Wilayah) regional office. ###

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Word: kaos

Short Definition: foot stocking; undershirt.

English Definition: 1 foot stocking. 2 undershirt. ###

L2 Definition: Baju pelapis bagian dalam. Pelapis pembungkus kaki. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kap

Short Definition: 1. (Auto.) roof of a car. 2. shade (of a lamp).

English Definition: 1. (Auto.) roof of a car. 2. shade (of lamp). ###

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Word: kapal

Short Definition: ship, boat, vessel.

English Definition: ship, boat, vessel. ###

L2 Definition: Kendaraan pengangkut di laut, sungai, udara, dll. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kapan

Short Definition: when.

English Definition: *when. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: bila, bilamana. ###

Examples: KAPAN pesta perkawinanmu akan dirayakan? = WHEN will your wedding celebration be held? ###

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Word: kapas

Short Definition: cotton wool.

English Definition: cotton wool. ###

L2 Definition: Serat yang bisa dipintal menjadi benang; nama pohon dan buahnya. ###

Examples: Jangan lupa beli KAPAS pembersih jika ke pasar! = Don't forget to buy cleaning COTTON when you go to the market. ###

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Word: kapasitas

Short Definition: capacity.

English Definition: capacity. ###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Persiden Gus Dur meminta Megawati untuk menyelesaikan masalah Ambon dalam KAPASITASnya sebagai wakil persiden = President Gus Dur requested Megawati to solve the Ambon problem in her CAPACITY as vice president.###

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Word: kapela

Short Definition: chapel.

English Definition: chapel. ###

L2 Definition: gereja kecil. ###

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Word: kapir

Short Definition: infidel, pagan.

English Definition: infidel, pagan. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang tidak percaya pada Allah dan Rasul-Rasul-Nya. ###

Examples: Jangan gampang MENGKAPIRKAN orang lain. = Don't easily LABEL other people AS INFIDELS. ###

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Word: kapital

Short Definition: capital.

English Definition: capital. ###

L2 Definition: Modal pokok dalam perdagangan; modal dasar; modal. ###

Examples: Untuk membangun jalan layang ini diperlukan KAPITAL yang besar. = To build this fly pass, a big CAPITAL is needed. ###

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Word: kapling

Short Definition: see KAVELING

English Definition: see KAVELING

Word: kapok

Short Definition: learn one's lesson, be cured

English Definition: learn one's leasson

Examples: Saya sudah KAPOK, tidak mau lagi menolong orang yang tidak tahu berterima kasih = I HAVE LEARNT MY LESSON, I am not going to help that ungrateful person.##

Word: kapolda

Short Definition: accronym for "kepala polisi daerah" or head of the provincial (or district) police force

English Definition: accronym for "kepala polisi daerah" or head of the provincial (or district) police force

Examples: ###

Word: kapolres

Short Definition: accronym for "kepala polisi resort" or head of the county police.

English Definition: accronym for "kepala polisi resort" or head of the county police.###

Examples: ###

Word: kapolri

Short Definition: accronym of "kepala polisi republik indonesia" or the head of Indonesian police force.

English Definition: accronym of "kepala polisi republik indonesia" or the head of Indonesian police force.

Examples: ###

Word: kapri

Short Definition: snow peas###

English Definition: snow peas###

Examples: ###

Word: kapten

Short Definition: captain.

English Definition: captain. ###

L2 Definition: nahkoda kapal/mualim; pemimpin/kepala regu dalam olah raga; pangkat dalam bidang kemiliteran. ###

Examples: Kalau terjadi kecelakaan di laut, KAPTEN kapal yang harus bertanggung jawab. = If there is an accident at sea, the CAPTAIN of the ship is the one who must take resposibility. ###

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Word: karam

Short Definition: 1. be shipwrecked, founder, go under; 2. fail, founder

English Definition: 1. be shipwrecked, founder, go under; 2. fail, founder

Examples: Penumpang kapal yang KARAM itu akhirnya berhasil diselamatkan = The passengers of the SINKING ship were finally saved.###

Word: karang

Short Definition: see KARANG1 (coral, coral reef . . .) or KARANG 2 (compose . . .).

English Definition: see KARANG1 (coral, coral reef . . .) KARANG2 (compose . . .)

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: karang1

Short Definition: coral, coral reef, atoll.

English Definition: coral, coral reef, atoll. ###

L2 Definition: Bebatuan di laut dapat sebagai binatang atau tumbuh-tumbuhan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: karang2

Short Definition: compose, arrange. Also BER-, MENG-, -AN, PENG-.

English Definition: compose, arrange. *BER-: 1 to be set in (a disease). 2 inset (of diamond, etc.). 3 in bunches (of flowers). *MENG-: 1 string (beads), arrange (flowers). 2 compose (music, writing, etc.). *-AN: 1 arrangement, floral wreath. 2 composition of music or writing. *PENG-: author, composer. ###

L2 Definition: merangkai, menyusun. ###

Examples: Penyakit tulangnya sudah sangat parah sampai BERKARANG. = His bone disease is already advanced to the point of BEING DEEPLY SETTLED IN. Siapa yang MENGARANG cerita ini? Kok sedih sekali. = Who COMPOSED this story? It's so sad! KARANGAN bunga nomor tiga yang mendapatkan juara. = The third BOUQUET of flowers is the one that won the championship. Tidak banyak PENGARANG yang bermutu dalam dasawarsa ini. = There are not many WRITERS of quality in this decade. ###

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Word: karapan

Short Definition: "karapan sapi" = bull race

English Definition: bull race

Examples: Saya dan paman menonton KARAPAN SAPI di lapangan desa = My uncle and I watched the BULL RACE at the village's big field ##

Word: karat

Short Definition: karat1, karat2

English Definition: karat1 stain, rust BER-:1. rusty 2. stained 3. disgraced, blemished *-AN: 1. rusty 2. rusty and old 3. bad, blemished PER-AN, PENG(K)-AN: corrosion, corroding karat2 **1. carat 2. quality, value####

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Mobil saya mulai KARATAN = My car is RUSTY. **Cicin ini adalah emas 24 KARAT = This ring is 24 CARATgold.###

Word: karcis

Short Definition: ticket.

English Definition: ticket. ###

L2 Definition: Tanda pembayaran pada suatu hal (perjalanan, bioskop, dll). ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kardus

Short Definition: cardboard, cardboard box.

English Definition: cardboard, cardboard box.###

Examples: Ibu memasukkan piring dan gelas ke dalam KARDUS = Ibu put the dishes and glasses in the CARDBOARD BOXES.###

Word: karena

Short Definition: because.

English Definition: because. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: sebab. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: karet

Short Definition: rubber; elastic; condom.

English Definition: 1 rubber. 2 elastic. 3 condom. ###

L2 Definition: Getah suatu tumbuhan yang bisa dibuat bahan yang sifatnya lentur. Nama suatu jenis tumbuhan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kari

Short Definition: a spiced dish of cooked meat.

English Definition: a spiced dish of cooked meat. ###

L2 Definition: Bumbu untuk memasak ikan, ayam atau daging, biasanya berwarna kuning dan pedas rasanya. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: karib

Short Definition: close, intimate friend

English Definition: close, intimate friend *TEMAN--: close friends

Examples: Ali dan Adi dahulunya teman KARIB, tapi sekarang mereke bermusuhan = Ali and Adi were CLOSE friends, but now they are enemies.###

Word: karna

Short Definition: see KARENA

English Definition: see KARENA.###

Word: Karo

Short Definition: the Karo Batak, an ethnic group of North Sumatra.

English Definition: the Karo Batak, an ethnic group of North Sumatra. ###

L2 Definition: Salah satu dari suku Batak (Batak Karo, Batak Toba, Batak Mandailing). ###

Examples: Adat Batak KARO dan Batak Mandailing sangat berbeda dalam banyak hal. = The traditional customs of KARO Batak and Mandailing Batak are very different in many ways. ###

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Word: karoseri

Short Definition: automobile body.

English Definition: automobile body. ###

L2 Definition: Penutup badan mobil/kerangka mobil. ###

Examples: Bawalah mobilmu ke Bengkel KAROSERI itu untuk diperbaiki. = Take your car to that BODYshop to be repaired. ###

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Word: karton

Short Definition: 1. cartoon. 2.cardboard, hardboard

English Definition: 1. cartoon. 2.cardboard, hardboard

Examples: Ibu menggunakan KARTON bekas untuk menyimpan barang-barang koleksinya = Ibu took the used CARDBOARD to keep her collections.###

Word: kartu

Short Definition: card; playing card.

English Definition: ^1 card. 2 playing card. ###

L2 Definition: Kertas berbentuk persegiempat berukuran kecil, biasanya digunakan untuk tanda pengenal atau suatu permainan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kartun

Short Definition: 1. cartoon. 2. carton, cardboard.

English Definition: ^1. cartoon. 2. carton, cardboard.###

L2 Definition: Kertas yang keras; gambar yang nisa bergerak-gerak di filem. ###

Examples: Karena selalu menonton KARTUN anak saya malas belajar. = Because he always watches CARTOON, my son is lazy to study. Saya sedang mencari kotak KARTUN untuk mengirim paket. = I'm seeking for a CARTON box to send a package. ###

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Word: karung

Short Definition: sack, bag.

English Definition: sack, bag. ###

L2 Definition: Kantung besar untuk menyimpan beras (biasanya terbuat dari goni). ###

Examples: KARUNG goni itu terlalu kecil untuk menampung durian-durian ini. = That gunny SACK is too small to hold these durians.###

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Word: karunia

Short Definition: gift, grant from heaven. Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN.

English Definition: ^gift, grant from heaven. *MENG--I: to grant s.o. a favor or blessing. *MENG--KAN: to give s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Anugerah/hadiah dari Tuhan atau pihak yang lebih tinggi kedudukannya. ###

Examples: Kami telah DIKARUNIAI seorang anak perempuan yang mungil. = We were BLESSED WITH a sweet daughter. Tuhan MENGARUNIAKAN alam semesta untuk kepentingan seluruh umat manusia. = God GAVE the whole world for the interest of all humanity. ###

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Word: karya

Short Definition: work, opus; work, labor; creation (of a designer, etc.).

English Definition: ^*1 work, opus. 2 work, labor. 3 creation (of a designer, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Suatu ide atau hasil kerja yang diciptakan oleh makhluk Tuhan. ###

Examples: KARYA LUKISANnya susah dimengerti oleh orang awam. = His PAINTING is difficult for lay people to understand. ###

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Word: karyawan

Short Definition: official employee, functionary. Also MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: official employee, functionary. MENG--KAN: assign s.o. KE--AN: employment, tenure of service. ###

L2 Definition: Pekerja pada suatu perusahaan/kantor (laki-laki); buruh; pegawai. ###

Examples: Akhirnya perusahaan gula ini MENGKARYAWANKANku kembali. = At last, the sugar company is HIRING me again. Ini urusan bagian KEKARYAWANAN. = This is a matter for the department of EMPLOYMENT. ###

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Word: karyawati

Short Definition: female officail employee, functionary.

English Definition: female official employee, functionary. ###

L2 Definition: Pekerja pada suatu perusahaan/kantor (perempuan); buruh; pegawai. ###

Examples: Untuk menjadi KARYAWATI di perusahaan asing itu, kamu harus pandai berbahasa Inggris. = To become a FEMALE EMPLOYEE in the foreign company, you have to be able to speak English. ###

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Word: kas

Short Definition: KAS1 = 1. cash. 2. cashier's window. 3. treasury. KAS2 = (wooden) case.

English Definition: KAS1 = 1. cash, money supply. 2. cashier's window. 3. treasury. BER-: have cash. KAS2 = (wooden) case. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Tempat/bagian penyimpanan uang; uang yang ada/beredar. 2. Tempat kasir; harta/uang/benda yang dimiliki suatu badan. ###

Examples: Pada saat ini koperasi masih BERKAS banyak. = At this moment, the cooperative HAS still much CASH. ###

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Word: kasa

Short Definition: gauze

English Definition: gauze

Examples: Lukanya ditutupi dengan kain KASA = He covered the scratch with a gauze material.##

Word: Kasab

Short Definition: Chief of Staff of the Artmed Forces.

English Definition: (Kepala Staf Angkatan Bersenjata) Chief of Staff of the Armied Forces. ###

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Word: kasar

Short Definition: coarse, rough; crude; coarse, rude. Also MENG--I.

English Definition: 1 coarse, rough. 2 crude. 3 coarse, rude. *MENG--I: 1 to make rough. 2 treat roughly or harshly. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak halus. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENGASARI lantai ini supaya tidak licin. = I am going to MAKE this floor ROUGHER so that it isn't slippery. ###

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Word: kasasi

Short Definition: 1.(Leg.)the jurisdiction of the highest court beyond which there is no appeal; 2.appeal to the supreme court

English Definition: the jurisdiction of the highest court; appeal to the supreme court.#

Examples: Mendengar keputusan hakim, pembela terdakwa mengajukan KASASI atas perkara itu = After hearing the Judge's decision, the defense attorney plead for an APPEAL.##

Word: kaset

Short Definition: cassette. MENG--KAN: to record s.t. on a cassette.

English Definition: cassette. *MENG--KAN: to record s.t. on a cassette. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Si Amat yang pergi MENGASETKAN filem itu. = Amat was the one who went to RECORD that film. ###

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Word: kasi

Short Definition: see KASI1 (give . . .) or KASI2 (administrative section head).

English Definition: see KASI1 (give . . .). KASI2 (administrative section head . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kasi1

Short Definition: give; cause or allow s.o. to (do s.t.); put.

English Definition: ^*1 give. 2 cause or allow s.o. to (do s.t.). 3 put. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: beri. ###

Examples: KASI tahu si Udin untuk datang segera. = INFORM Udin to come immediately. ###

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Word: kasi2

Short Definition: (acronym for "kepala seksi") administrative section head.

English Definition: *(acronym for "kepala seksi") administrative section head. ###

L2 Definition: Kepada bagian atau departemen dalam suatu perusahaan atau kantor pemerintah. ###

Examples: Pangkatnya sudah dinaikkan menjadi KASI keuangan. = His position was raised to become the SECTION HEAD of finance. ###

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Word: kasian

Short Definition: see KASIH1.

English Definition: see KASIH1. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kasih

Short Definition: love, affection. MENG-(-I): love s.o. or s.t. Also MENG--ANI, KE--AN, -AN.

English Definition: ^love, affection. *MENG-(-I): love s.o. or s.t. *MENG--ANI: pity s.o. KE--AN: 1 love. 2 mercy. -AN: 1 mercy. 2 exclamation of pity. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan sayang atau cinta pada seseorang. ###

Examples: Tiada orang yang MENGASIHI kami setelah orang tua kami meninggal. = There isn't anyone to LOVE us after our parents died. Jangan terlalu MENGASIHANI anak yang bandel itu. = Don't PITY that naughty child too much. Dia menjadi gila setelah ditinggal pergi KEKASIHnya. = He became crazy after being left by his LOVED ONE. Rasa BELAS-KASIHAN saja tidak cukup meringankan beban para korban. = Only a feeling of PITY isn't enough to ease the sufferings of the victims. ###

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Word: kasir

Short Definition: cashier.

English Definition: cashier. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang bertugas mengurusi pemasukan dan pengeluaran kas/uang. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kassa

Short Definition: cashier's window/desk; ticket/box office.

English Definition: 1 cashier's window/desk. 2 ticket/box office. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk membayar sesuatu. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kasur

Short Definition: mattress.

English Definition: mattress. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: tilam. Tempat untuk tidur. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kasus

Short Definition: case (legal, medical, etc.).

English Definition: case (legal, medical, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: perkara; persoalan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kata

Short Definition: word; says, said. BER-: talk, speak. MENG--KAN: say s.t. PER--AN: word, words.

English Definition: ^1 word. 2 says, said. *BER-: talk, speak. *MENG--KAN: say s.t. *PER--AN: word, words. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu rangkaian huruf yang mempunyai arti tertentu. ###

Examples: Jangan mudah BERKATA kalau tak bisa melaksanakannya. = Don't SPEAK lightly if you can't follow through on what you say. MENGATAKAN kebenaran adalah hal yang mulia. = SPEAKING the truth is something that is very noble. PERKATAANmu sangat menusuk perasaanku. = Your WORDS hurt my feelings very much. ###

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Word: katak

Short Definition: frog, toad.

English Definition: frog, toad. ###

L2 Definition: Jenis binatang yang hidup di darat dan air, kalau berjalan dengan melompat-lompat. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kategori

Short Definition: category.

English Definition: category. ###

L2 Definition: golongan; bagian. ###

Examples: Ular diKATEGORIKAN sebagai jenis binatang melata. = Snakes are CATEGORIZED as crawling animals. ###

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Word: Katolik

Short Definition: Catholic.

English Definition: Catholic. ###

L2 Definition: Nama suatu agama yang menyembah Tuhan Jesus. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: katun

Short Definition: cotton.

English Definition: cotton. ###

L2 Definition: Kain yang terbuat dari kapas. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: katup

Short Definition: valve

English Definition: *MENG--: shut or close tight *TER-- : closed, shut, locked tight *--JANTUNG : heart valve

Examples: Pintu gerbang itu sudah TERKATUP sehingga kami tidak dapat masuk = The gate is already CLOSED and we could not get inside. Amir MENGKATUP jendela rumahnya dengan rapat = Amir SHUT his windows tightly. Ayahnya harus menjalani operasi KATUP JANTUNG = His dad will have HEART VALVE operation tomorrow.###

Word: kau

Short Definition: see ENGKAU.

English Definition: see ENGKAU. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kaum

Short Definition: social, political or economic community; extended family, clan, or ethnic group.

English Definition: ^1 social, political or economic community. 2 extended family, clan, or ethnic group. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kaus

Short Definition: 1. sock, stockling. 2. undershirt.

English Definition: ^1. sock, stockling. 2. undershirt.###

L2 Definition: Kain dari bahan katun atau nilon yang lentur; baju dalam; kain pembungkus kaki. ###

Examples: Saya mendapat hadiah sepasang KAUS kaki yang indah. = I got a pair of beautiful SOCKS. ###

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Word: kausa

Short Definition: cause

English Definition: cause

Word: kaveling

Short Definition: lot, parcel of land

English Definition: lot, parcel of land *MENG(K)--(KAN): divide lands into plots. *PENG(K)--AN: parcelling of land.##

Examples: Adi mendapat satu KAVELING tanah sebagai hadiah dari paman = Adi received a PLOT of land as a gift from his uncle. Pemerintah memulai program ini dengan MENGKAVELING semua tanah di daerah baru itu = The government started this program by DIVIDING the LANDS into PLOTS in this new area.###

Word: kawah

Short Definition: kettle

English Definition: cauldron, kettle crater ###

Word: kawak

Short Definition: old. -AN: experienced.

English Definition: old. -AN: experienced. ###

L2 Definition: tua; lanjut usia; berpengalaman banyak. ###

Examples: Dalam dunia perfileman orang itu sudah KAWAKAN. = In the film world, he is an EXPEREINCED man. ###

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Word: kawal

Short Definition: guard, sentry, watchman. PENGAWAL PRIBADI = body guard.

English Definition: guard, sentry, watchman. PENGAWAL PRIBADI = body guard. ###

L2 Definition: Diikuti dan diperhatikan segala gerak-geriknya; jaga. ###

Examples: Pada upacara besar itu Presiden akan DIKAWAL pasukan khusus yang sangat terlatih. = At that large ceremony the President will be GUARDED by a special, highly-trained force.###

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Word: kawan

Short Definition: friend, companion, comrade. Also SE-, BER-, MENG--I, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^ friend, companion, comrade. *SE-: 1 herd, flock, school (of fish). 2 gang, group. *BER-: 1 to have friends. 2 to be friends. *MENG--I: keep s.o. company. *PER--AN: friendship. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: teman; sahabat. ###

Examples: Kami adalah tiga SEKAWAN yang sangat kompak. = We are A GROUP OF three FRIENDS that are very close. BERKAWANlah yang baik dengan mereka! = BE good FRIENDS with them. Siapa yang MENGAWANI nenek di rumah sakit? = Who is KEEPING grandmother COMPANY in the hospital? Jangan kau rusak PERKAWANAN yang indah ini. = Don't destroy this beautiful FRIENDSHIP? ###

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Word: kawas

Short Definition: BER-: border on. -AN: region, area, sphere. SE--AN: of the same region.

English Definition: BER-: border on. -AN: region, area, sphere. SE--AN: of the same region. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu daerah dengan batas-batas tertentu. ###

Examples: Daerah itu BERKAWAS dengan lautan yang luas. = That region IS BORDERED by wide oceans. KAWASAN ini akan dipakai untuk daerah perumahan dan pertokoan. = This REGION will be used for housing and shops. Badak dan harimau akan ditempatkan di SEKAWASAN hutan lindung itu. = Rhinoceroses and tigers will be placed in ONE REGION of that forest preserve. ###

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Word: kawat

Short Definition: wire, filiment; telegram, cable. PER--AN: telegraphy.

English Definition: ^1 wire, filiment. 2 telegram, cable. PER--AN: telegraphy. ###

L2 Definition: Dawai; tali yang terbuat dari logam; telegram. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kawin

Short Definition: marry, be married; copulate. Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^1 marry, be married. 2 copulate. *MENG--I: 1 marry s.o. 2 sleep with s.o. 3 copulate with (of animals). *MENG--KAN: 1 to marry off. 2 to breed an animal. *PER--AN: 1 marriage. 2 breeding of animals. ###

L2 Definition: menikah. Melakukan hubungan persetubuhan (bersetubuh). ###

Examples: Orang itu MENGAWINI sepupunya sendiri. = That person MARRIED his own cousin. Sebagai kakak tertua saya yang harus MENGAWINKAN adik saya ketika ayah meninggal. = As the oldest brother, I was the one who had to MARRY OFF my younger sister when father died. PERKAWINAN pasangan itu akhirnya direstui juga oleh orang tua masing-masing. = The MARRIAGE of that couple was blessed by the parents of both sides in the end. ###

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Word: kawula

Short Definition: servant, subject.

English Definition: servant, subject. ###

L2 Definition: pelayan; abdi; rakyat; pengikut; hamba; budak. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kaya

Short Definition: see KAYA1 (wealthy . . .) or KAYA2 (like, as . . .)

English Definition: see KAYA1 (wealthy . . .) KAYA2 (like, as . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kaya1

Short Definition: wealthy, rich, have in abundance. KE--AN: wealth, riches; power, might.

English Definition: ^wealthy, rich, have in abundance. *KE--AN: 1 wealth, riches. 2 power, might. ###

L2 Definition: Mempunyai banyak hal (harta, kekuasaan, ilmu). ###

Examples: Seluruh KEKAYAANnya habis ludes dipakai berjudi. = All of his WEALTH was used up for gambling. ###

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Word: kaya2

Short Definition: like, as, similar to.

English Definition: *like, as, similar to. ###

L2 Definition: Seperti; serupa. ###

Examples: KAYAK siapa ya wajah anak ini? = Who does this child's face LOOK LIKE? ###

Hear This Word

Word: kayak

Short Definition: see KAYA2.

English Definition: see KAYA2. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: kayu

Short Definition: wood; tree.

English Definition: ^*1 wood. 2 tree. see also KAYU MANIS (=cinnamon) for picture###

L2 Definition: Batang yang keras. ###

Examples: KAYU cendana ini wangi sekali baunya. = The smell of this sandalWOOD is very fragrant. ###

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Word: kayu manis

Short Definition: cinnamon (bark).

English Definition: cinnamon (bark). ###

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Word: kayuh

Short Definition: 1. paddle; 2. bicycle pedal

English Definition: 1. paddle; 2. bicycle pedal *BER--, MENG--: 1. paddle; 2.pedal *--AN: stroke (of oar) *PENG--: 1. oar, paddle; 2. rower, oarsman

L2 Definition: dayung (untuk perahu atau sepeda)

Examples: Dengan susah payah Siti MENGAYUH sepedanya di jalan yang menanjak itu = With difficulties, Siti PEDALLED her bike on that steep road. Perahu ini tidak memerlukan KAYUH lagi = This boat does not need a PADDLE anymore.###

Word: KBRI

Short Definition: "Kedutaan Besar Republic Indonesia," the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia.

English Definition: acronym for "Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia," or the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia.

L2 Definition: Kantor kedutaan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ke

Short Definition: to, going to.

English Definition: *to, going to. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Siapa yang akan KE kota pagi ini? = Who is GOING TO the city this morning? ###

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Word: keamanan

Short Definition: safety, security; see also AMAN

English Definition: safety, security; see also AMAN

Examples: KEAMANAN kampung kami meningkat setelah pemimpin pencuri itu ditangkap = The SAFETY of our village was increased after the thief leader was caught.###

Word: kebal

Short Definition: invulnerable

English Definition: invulnerable immune insensitive MENG- become immune to MENG- -KAN immunize KE- -AN invulnerability, immunity, resistance PENG- -AN immunization ###

Word: kebas

Short Definition: shake out (a cloth, bedsheet, etc.); flap, wag (wings, tails)

English Definition: *MENG--KAN: shake out, flap *--AN: flapping

Examples: Ibu MENGKEBASKAN seprei dan melipatnya = Ibu FLAPPED the bedsheet and folded it. KEBASAN ekor anjing itu membuatnya tertawa = the FLAPPING of the dog's tail made her laugh.##

Word: kebaya

Short Definition: a traditional k.o. woman's blouse usually worn with a sarong.

English Definition: a traditional k.o. woman's blouse usually worn with a sarong. ###

L2 Definition: Kain/baju traditional untuk wanita Jawa. ###

Examples: Ibuku cantik sekali kalau memakai baju KEBAYA. = My mother looks very pretty when she wears THE TRADITIONAL BLOUSE. ###

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Word: kebelet

Short Definition: [Coll.] have an urgent need to do s.t. (esp. defecate or urinate)

English Definition: [Coll.] have an urgent need to do s.t. (esp. defecate or urinate)

Examples: Minta maaf saya tidak bisa terlalu lama menunggumu, maklum saya sudah KEBELET = I apologize I cannot wait for you, I really NEED TO GO (to bathroom).###

Word: kebijakan

Short Definition: see BIJAK ; see also BIJAKSANA

Word: kebun

Short Definition: garden; estate, plantation. PER--AN: plantation.

English Definition: ^1 garden. 2 estate, plantation. *PER--AN: plantation. ###

L2 Definition: Tanah luas tempat tumbuhnya merbagai macam tanaman. ###

Examples: PERKEBUNAN kopi ini milik negara. = This coffee PLANTATION is state-owned. ###

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Word: kebut

Short Definition: MENG-: 1. drive at an excessive speed, race. 2. push ahead, speed up activities.

English Definition: MENG-: 1. drive at an excessive speed, race. 2. push ahead, speed up an activity. -AN: wild speeding. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan sesuatu dengan sangat cepat. ###

Examples: Semua orang dilarang MENGEBUT di kompleks yang banyak anak-anaknya itu. = Everyone is forbidden to SPEED in that complex that has many children. Pertunjukan KEBUT-KEBUTAN itu sebenarnya sangat berbahaya bagi pengemudi dan juga para penontonnya. = That exhibition of SPEED RACING in fact was very dangerous both for the drivers and for those watching. ###

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Word: kecam

Short Definition: 1.criticize; 2.investigate, consider carefully;,write a criticism

English Definition: 1.criticize; 2.investigate; *ME(NG)- = criticize *-AN = criticism

L2 Definition: kritikan; menyelidik

Examples: Perbuatan Pak Amir mendapat banyak KECAMAN = Pak Amir's attitude was being CRITICIZED.# Sebelum engkau MENGECAM orang lain, lihatlah dirimu sendiri = Before CRITICIZING other people, you should first look at your own self.###

Word: kecambah

Short Definition: sprout, shoot. BER-: to sprout. PER--AN: germination.

English Definition: sprout, shoot. *BER-: to sprout. PER--AN: germination. ###

L2 Definition: Bakal tumbuhan dari biji kacang-kacangan; taoge. ###

Examples: Jangan kau biarkan kacang hijau itu ditempat yang lembab, nanti BERKECAMBAH. = Don't leave those green beans in a damp place, they'll SPROUT later. ###

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Word: kecamuk

Short Definition: raging, uproar

English Definition: raging, uproar *BER--: be in uproar, rage.###

Examples: Perang BERKECAMUK selama seminggu di daerah ini = The war RAGED for a week in this area.###

Word: kecap

Short Definition: see KECAP1, KECAP2 or KECAP3.

English Definition: see KECAP1 (sound of the tongue smacking . . .) KECAP2 (soy sauce . . .) KECAP3 (idle talk . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kecap1

Short Definition: sound of the tongue smacking; word. Also MENG-, MENG-_-_, BER-_-_, +

English Definition: ^1 sound of the tongue smacking. 2 word. MENG-: taste (food). *MENG-_-_, BER-_-_: to smack o.'s lips. *-AN: 1 a taste of s.t. 2 the smack of o.'s lips. PENG-: sense of taste. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi yang berasal dari mulut ketika orang sedang makan. ###

Examples: Tidak sopan dengan makan mulut BERKECAP-KECAP. = It isn't polite to SMACK YOUR LIPS while you are eating. Bunyi KECAPANmu keras sekali sampai didengar meja sebelah. = The sound of THE SMACKING OF YOUR LIPS is so loud that it can be heard at the other table.###

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Word: kecap2

Short Definition: soy sauce.

English Definition: *soy sauce. ###

L2 Definition: Bahan makanan yang terbuat dari kedelai biasanya berwarna coklat kehitam-hitaman. ###

Examples: Tolong belikan saya KECAP manis satu botol. = Please buy me a bottle of sweet SOY SAUCE. ###

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Word: kecap3

Short Definition: MENG-: engage in idle talk.

English Definition: ^*MENG-: engage in idle talk. ###

L2 Definition: berkata-kata. ###

Examples: Ke mana-mana ia MENGECAP seenaknya sendiri. = He just goes around ENGAGING IN IDLE TALK according to his own desire. ###

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Word: kecewa

Short Definition: disappointed. MENG--KAN: to disappoint; to thwart, foil. KE--AN: disappointment.

English Definition: ^ disappointed. *MENG--KAN: 1 to disappoint. 2 to thwart, foil. *KE--AN: disappointment. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan yang tidak senang karena tidak terkabul keinginannya. ###

Examples: Permainanmu malam ini benar-benar MENGECEWAKAN penonton. = Your playing this evening really DISAPPOINTED the viewers. Sulit mengobati KEKECEWAAN hati yang telah mendalam. = It is difficult to treat heartfelt DISAPPOINTMENT that has already gone deep. ###

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Word: kecil

Short Definition: small; young; minor, insignificant. MEMPER-: to reduce in size.

English Definition: ^1 small. 2 young. 3 minor, insignificant. *MEMPER-: to reduce in size. ###

L2 Definition: tidak besar. ###

Examples: Saya mau MEMPERKECIL fotocopi ini. = I want to REDUCE this photocopy. ###

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Word: kecoa

Short Definition: see kacoak###

English Definition: see kacoak###

L2 Definition:

Examples: ###

Word: kecuali

Short Definition: except, besides. MENG--KAN: to exempt; to exclude. KE--AN: exception.

English Definition: except, besides. *MENG--KAN: 1 to exempt. 2 to exclude. *KE--AN: exception. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: melainkan. Tidak termasuk dalam suatu hal; lain dari pada yang lain/melainkan. ###

Examples: Kami tidak MENGECUALIKAN siapapun dalam pemilihan ini. = We don't EXCLUDE anyone in this election. Karena bakatnya yang menonjol dia menjadi KEKECUALIAN dalam tim ini. = Because of her skill she is an EXCEPTION in this team. ###

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Word: kecubung

Short Definition: 1) a plant (datura-fastuosa) 2) funnel-shaped mouth-piece 3. a semi precious sto

English Definition: 1) a plant (datura-fastuosa) 2) funnel-shaped mouth-piece 3. a semi precious stone###

Examples: ###

Word: kecup

Short Definition: sound of kiss###

English Definition: sound of kiss BER-AN: kiss e.o *MENG-(I): kiss s.o. -AN: kiss###

Examples: *Ardi MENGECUPI pipi Kendall penuh sayang = Ardi KISSED lovingly Kendall's cheek.###

Word: kecut

Short Definition: see KECUT1 (wrinkled, shriveled; afraid . . .), KECUT2 (sour . . .)

English Definition: see KECUT1 (wrinkled, shriveled; afraid . . .) KECUT2 (sour . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kecut1

Short Definition: wrinkled, shriveled, shrunken; afraid. Also MENG--KAN, PENG-.

English Definition: ^1 wrinkled, shriveled, shrunken. 2 afraid. *MENG--KAN: 1 to shrivel or shrink s.t. 2 to frighten s.t. or s.o. *PENG-: coward. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan takut akan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Gerakan-gerakan serangannya MENGECUTKAN lawan bertandingnya. = His aggresive actions FRIGHTEN his opponents. Tidak kusangka dia hanyalah seorang PENGECUT. = I didn't suspect that he was just a COWARD. ###

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Word: kecut2

Short Definition: sour.

English Definition: *sour. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa seperti limau. Sinonim: masam. ###

Examples: Barangkali jeruk ini masih muda rasanya KECUT sekali. = Maybe this citrus is still green--it tastes very SOUR. ###

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Word: kedai

Short Definition: small shop or eating place. Also MENG--KAN, MEMPER--KAN.

English Definition: small shop or eating place. *MENG--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: display s.t. for sale. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk menjual barang-barang kelontong atau makanan kecil. ###

Examples: Pandai benar anak itu MEMPERKEDAIKAN dagangannya. = That child is really clever at DISPLAYING his wares. ###

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Word: kedap

Short Definition: 1. hermetical, impermeable, watertight; 2. close-meshed, tightly-woven

English Definition: 1. hermetical, impermeable, watertight; 2. close-meshed, tightly-woven *--SUARA: sound-proof *--ABU: dust-proof *--AIR: water-proof

L2 Definition: tidak dapat ditembus (oleh suara atau air, dll.)

Examples: Kamu dapat berteriak sekeras-kerasnya, ruangan ini KEDAP-SUARA = You can scream as loud as you want, this room is SOUND-PROOF. Ternyata jaket ini tidak KEDAP AIR, saya menjadi basah kuyup karena hujan = It turned out the jacket is not WATER-PROOF, I was wet from the rain.###

Word: kedar

Short Definition: see KADAR.

English Definition: see KADAR. ###

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Word: kedawung

Short Definition: a tree producing medicinal products.

English Definition: (also KEDAUNG) a tree with black fruit, producing medicinal products. (Parkia biglobosa) ###

L2 Definition: Nama pohon dan buahnya yang biasa digunakan untuk obat-obatan. ###

Examples: Buah KEDAWUNG ini biasa dipakai untuk ramuan jamu tradisional. = The fruit of the KEDAWUNG tree is usually used as an ingredient in traditional medicine.###

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Word: kedelai

Short Definition: soybeans.

English Definition: soybeans. ###

L2 Definition: Biji buah kacang-kacangan. ###

Examples: Bahan utama untuk membuat tahu dan tempe adalah KEDELAI putih. = The primary raw material for making bean curd and tempe is white SOYBEANS.###

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Word: kedip

Short Definition: 1. wink, blink; 2. flicker, flash (of a light)

English Definition: 1. wink, blink; 2. flicker, flash (of a light) *BER--2, TER--2 : wink, blink (repeatedly), flashing (of light) *--AN: wink, flicker *MENG--KAN: to wink, blink

L2 Definition: kelipan lampu atau mata

Examples: Lampu di depan rumah BERKEDIP-KEDIP sepanjang malam ini = The light at the front is constinuously FLASHING through the night. Dia terus memandangi gambar itu tanpa MENGEDIPKAN matanya = He keeps on looking on the picture without even a WINK.###

Word: kedok

Short Definition: mask, guise, cover

English Definition: mask, guise, cover *BER--: wear a mask, masked.##

Examples: Tempat perjudian itu BERKEDOK sebagai kantor penjualan tiket = That gambling place is MASKED as an office for selling tickets.###

Word: kehadirat

Short Definition: see HADIRAT.

English Definition: see HADIRAT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kehakiman

Short Definition: judicial affairs

English Definition: judicial affairs

Word: kejam

Short Definition: cruel, harsh, merciless.

English Definition: cruel, harsh, merciless. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak mempunyai rasa belas kasihan; bengis; lalim. ###

Examples: Guru itu terkenal KEJAM kalau memberi hukuman pada muridnya. = That teacher is famous for being MERCILESS when giving out punishment to his pupils.###

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Word: kejang

Short Definition: 1.stiff; convulsion, seized with a cramp or spasm

English Definition: stiff; spasm *PENG-AN = conraction, spasm

Examples: Otot kakinya terasa KEJANG setelah dia berolah raga = His leg muscle was STIFF after having exercise.##

Word: kejap

Short Definition: wink (of the eye). SE-: in a wink, in a second.

English Definition: wink (of the eye). SE-: in a wink, in a second. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat cepat; secepat mata terpejam. ###

Examples: Waktu itu hanya SEKEJAP saja saya melihatnya. = At that time I saw him for only a WINK OF AN EYE.###

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Word: kejar

Short Definition: BER-: 1. chase e.o. 2. race e.o. 3. compete (in achievement). Also MENG-, +

English Definition: BER-: 1. chase e.o. 2. race e.o. 3. compete (in achievement). MENG-: 1. run, chase after. 2. pursue. 3. catch up with. MENG--I: 1. run or chase after s.o. 2. pursue o.'s ideals. MENG--KAN: send s.t. or s.o. in pursuit. -AN: pursuit, chase. PENG-: pursuer. ###

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Word: kejawen

Short Definition: 1.mysticism associated with the Javanese view of the world. 2.general Javanese knowledge

English Definition: 1.mysticism associated with the Javanese view of the world. 2.general Javanese knowledge.##

Examples: ###

Word: keji

Short Definition: despicable, shameful, contemptible (deed)

English Definition: despicable, shameful, contemptible (deed). *MENG--KAN: despise, consider vile, vilify. *KE--AN: meanness, baseness.##

Examples: Memperlakukan binatang secara kasar adalah perbuatan yang KEJI = To mistreat the animal is a DESPICABLE act. Demonstran itu memprotes KEKEJIAN Amerika terhadap tawanan perang di Irak = The demonstrators protested the MEANNESS treatment of America toward the political prisoners in Iraq.###

Word: kejora

Short Definition: morning star

English Definition: morning star

Examples: Bintang KEJORA bersinar terang di langit = The MORNING STAR shines brightly in the sky###

Word: keju

Short Definition: cheese.

English Definition: cheese. ###

L2 Definition: Makanan padat yang terbuat dari susu . ###

Examples: Rasa KEJU masih sangat asing bagi kebanyakan orang Indonesia. = The taste of CHEESE is still very foreign to most Indonesians.###

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Word: kejut

Short Definition: frightened, startled. MENG-: suddenly. Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN, TER-, +

English Definition: ^ frightened, startled. *MENG-: suddenly. *MENG--I, MENG--KAN: 1 startling. 2 to startle s.o. *TER-: startled. *KE--AN: 1 to be startled or surprised. 2 surprise. -AN: jolt, shock. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: kaget, terperanjat. ###

Examples: Para gerilyawan akan melakukan serangan MENGEJUT besok pagi. = The guerillas are going to conduct SURPRISE attack tomorrow morning. Suara meriam yang menggelegar itu MENGEJUTKAN seluruh warga kota. = The roar of that machine gun FRIGHTENED the whole city. Jangan TERKEJUT kalau tiba-tiba datang berita buruk. = Don't BE STARTLED if bad news arrives all of a sudden. Kenaikan pangkat ini merupakan hadiah KEJUTAN tahun baru bagiku. = This promotion is like a SURPRISE New Year's present for me. ###

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Word: kekah

Short Definition: rake, rake up###

English Definition: ME-: rake, rake up###

Examples: Siti MENGEKAH daun-daun gugur = Siti RAKED the falling leaves up.###

Word: kekal

Short Definition: 1. eternal, everlasting; 2. durable, lasting; 3. colorfast

English Definition: 1. eternal, everlasting; 2. durable, lasting; 3. colorfast *KE--AN: constancy; durability

Examples: Semua yang ada di dunia ini tidak akan KEKAL selamanya = Everything in this world is not EVERLASTING.###

Word: kekar

Short Definition: solid, firm (body, etc.), squat, hefty, tight, close

English Definition: solid, firm (body, etc.), squat, hefty, tight, close. *KE--AN: the heftiness (of body). ##

Examples: Dengan rajin berolahraga, badanmu akan menjadi KEKAR = With exercise, you will have a FIRM body.###

Word: kekeh

Short Definition: roar with laughter###

English Definition: TER- (2): roar with laughter###

Examples: Orang-orang TERKEKEH ketika pelawak Miing menirukan gaya Gus Dur = People ROARED WITH LAUGHTER when a comedian Miing replicated Gus Dur' s style.

Word: kekek

Short Definition: TER-: giggle, snicker.

English Definition: *TER-: giggle, snicker. ###

L2 Definition: Tertawa terpingkal-pingkal. ###

Examples: Kami tertawa TERKEKEK-KEKEK karena dagelan itu. = We GIGGLED on account of that joke. ###

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Word: keker

Short Definition: keker1: telescope, (spy-) glass keker2: solid, strong###

English Definition: *keker1: telescope, (spy-) glass **keker2: solid, strong###

Examples: *Pemburu itu menggunakan KEKER ketika ia mengamati binatang dari jauh = A hunter uses a TELESCOPE when he observes animal from the distance. **Meja ini sangat KEKER = This table is very SOLID###

Word: keladi

Short Definition: taro##

English Definition: taro##

Examples: Biasanya orang-orang membuat kerupuk dari KELADI = Usually people make chips from TARO.###

Word: kelahi

Short Definition: quarrel, argument, fight. BER-: to fight. PER--KAN: fight, quarrel.

English Definition: ^quarrel, argument, fight. *BER-: to fight. *PER--AN: fight, quarrel. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: tengkar; beradu kata-kata atau kekuatan. ###

Examples: Anak itu dipindahkan kelain kota karena kerjanya BERKELAHI melulu. = That child was moved to a different city because all he did was FIGHTING all the time. PERKELAHIAN antar anak-anak SMA sudah menjurus ketingkat yang berbahaya. = The VIOLENCE among high school students has gotten to the point of being dangerous. ###

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Word: kelak

English Definition: SEE kelak1--later kelak2--kind of bird kelak3--see KELAH ###

Word: kelak1

Short Definition: later

English Definition: later ###

Word: kelak2

Short Definition: kind of bird

English Definition: kind of bird, cukoo-dove ###

Word: kelam

Short Definition: 1. dull, overcast; 2.dark, obscure; 3. dim

English Definition: 1. dull, overcast; 2.dark, obscure; 3. dim *KE--AN: darkness, obscurity *MENG--KAN: darken

L2 Definition: gelap, kabur, kurang cahaya

Examples: Kepala saya pusing karena membaca dengan lampu yang KELAM = I have headache reading with a DIM light. Dia berjalan sendiri dalam KEKELAMAN malam = He walked alone in the DARKNESS of the night.###

Word: kelambu

Short Definition: mosquito net.

English Definition: *mosquito net. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: tirai; kain pengkalang nyamuk. ###

Examples: Saya kurang senang tidur BERKELAMBU karena panas rasanya. = I don't like to sleep in a MOSQUITO NET because it feels too hot. ###

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Word: kelamin

Short Definition: sex, gender

English Definition: *BER-- : in pairs *PER--AN: sexual affairs *ALAT-- : genitals

Examples: Apa KELAMIN anak Siti yang baru lahir kemarin? = What is the GENDER of Siti's newborn baby?

Word: kelapa

Short Definition: coconut.

English Definition: coconut. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sejenis pohon dan buah palma yang sangat serba guna; nyiur. ###

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Word: kelas

Short Definition: class.

English Definition: *class. ###

L2 Definition: Tingkatan dalam masyarakat, pekerjaan, dll. Ruangan di sekolahan tempat untuk mengajar. ###

Examples: Kapan kamu akan naik keKELAS enam? = When are you going to advance to the 6th CLASS? ###

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Word: kelawat

Short Definition: (a reformation of selawat, salwat). PEN: those who attend a funeral.

English Definition: (a reformation of selawat, salwat). PEN: those who attend a funeral. ###

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Word: keledai

Short Definition: donkey, ass###

English Definition: ^donkey, ass###

Examples: Lambang Partai Demokrat adalah KELEDAI = The symbol of Democratic Party is DONKEY.###

Word: kelelawar

Short Definition: bat###

English Definition: bat###

Examples: Daerah Soppeng di penuhi oleh KELELAWAR = Soppeng area is filled by BATS.###

Word: keleneng

Short Definition: small bell; sound of a small bell.

English Definition: small bell; sound of a small bell. -AN: a tinkling sound; KELENENGAN also means a concert of gamelan music. ###

L2 Definition: Nama/bunyi lonceng kecil/bel. ###

Examples: Bunyi KELENENG-KELENENG itu sangat nyaring kedengarannya. = The sound of those TINKLING BELLS is piercingly clear.###

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Word: kelengkeng

Short Definition: lechi (litchi)###

English Definition: lechi (litchi)###

Examples: Daging buah KELENGKENG berwarna putih = LECHI (LITCHI)'s meat is white.###

Word: kelenjar

Short Definition: gland

English Definition: gland *--AIR MATA: tear duct *--GETAH BENING: lymph gland *--KERINGAT: sweat gland *--LUDAH: salivary gland *--SUSU: mammary gland

Examples: Ida harus dioperasi karena pembengkakan KELENJAR GETAH BENING = Ida will be operated for her swollen Lymph Gland.###

Word: keliar

Short Definition: BER--AN: roam or wander about; swarm about (as ants, birds, etc.).

English Definition: ^*BER--AN: 1 roam or wander about. 2 swarm about (as ants, birds, etc.) ###

L2 Definition: Pergi ke mana-mana tanpa tujuan yang jelas. ###

Examples: Banyak ayam BERKELIARAN di muka rumah saya. = There are many chickens ROAMING ABOUT in front of my house. ###

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Word: keliling

Short Definition: circumference, area around; periphery. Also SE-, BER-, MENG--I.

English Definition: ^1 circumference, area around. 2 periphery. *SE-: the surrounding area. *BER-: to go around. *MENG--I: to surround. ###

L2 Definition: Garis yang membatasi suatu daerah. Lingkungan disuatu daerah. ###

Examples: Hormatilah adat SEKELILINGmu. = Respect the cusoms of your SURROUNDINGS. Saya akan bersepeda BERKELILING kota. = I am going to bicycle AROUND the town. Atlet itu memecahkan rekor MENGELILINGI lapangan dalam dua menit. = That athelete broke the record by GOING AROUND the field in two minutes. ###

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Word: Keling

Short Definition: a derogatory term for a person from India, especially Southern India.

English Definition: *a derogatory term for a person from India, especially Southern India. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk orang India yang biasanya berasal dari India sebelah selatan. ###

Examples: Anak ini masih punya keturunan darah orang KELING. = This child has INDIAN ancestry. ###

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Word: kelir

Short Definition: 1. color (see KELIR1) 2. screen (see KELIR2)

English Definition: see KELIR1: to color KELIR2: screen, curtain ###

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Word: KELIR1

Short Definition: color. MENG-: color (a picture, etc.).

English Definition: color. MENG-: color (a picture, etc.). ###

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Word: KELIR2

Short Definition: 1. curtain. 2. screen for movie, shadow play, etc. 3. cover, disguise, mask. +

English Definition: 1. curtain. 2. screeen for a movie, shadow play, etc. 3. disguise, cover, mask. BER-, BE-: have a curtain over it. ###

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Word: keliru

Short Definition: wrong; erroneous; mistake

English Definition: MENG-KAN = mislead someone; confused something with something else. KE-AN = error, mistake

Examples: Orang yang pandai juga dapat berbuat KELIRU = Even a smart person can make mistake. Andi dan Anto adalah saudara kembar dan banyak orang yang MENGKELIRUKAN keduanya = Andi and Anto are twins and many people have mistaken (to identify) which one is which. Maafkanlah KEKELIRUAN saya kepadamu = Please forgive my mistake to you.

Word: kelok

Short Definition: curve, bend, turn. BER--AN: winding.

English Definition: curve, bend, turn. BER--AN: winding. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak lurus; belok; tikung. ###

Examples: Hati-hatilah melewati jalan yang BERKELOKAN itu. =Be careful going by way of that TWISTING road. ###

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Word: kelola

Short Definition: MENG-(-KAN): 1. manage (a business). 2. carry out or execute (a job). Also -AN,+

English Definition: MENG-(-KAN): 1. manage (a business). 2. carry out or execute (a job). -AN: management. PENG-: manager, organizer. PENG--AN: management. ###

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Word: kelompok

Short Definition: group, category. BER-: in groups.

English Definition: group, category. BER-: in groups. ###

L2 Definition: sekumpulan; grup; gerombolan. ###

Examples: Burung-burung itu selalu terbang kemana-mana secara BERKELOMPOK. = Those birds always fly everywhere IN A FLOCK. ###

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Word: kelontong

Short Definition: 1. bamboo clapper 2. peddler###

English Definition: 1. bamboo clapper (used by peddlers or hawkers) 2. peddler 3. sundries, five-and-dime goods.

L2 Definition: barang kelontong = groceries

Examples: ###

Word: kelop

Short Definition: jibe, tally, square; balanced; in agreement.

English Definition: ^1 jibe, tally, square. 2 balanced. 3 in agreement. MENG--KAN: balance, square. ###

L2 Definition: cocok; sesuai; pas. ###

Examples: Sepatu mana yang baik untuk MENGKELOPKANnya dengan baju ini? = Which shoes are good to MATCH with this shirt? ###

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Word: keluar

Short Definition: exit, go/come out. Also MENG--KAN, -AN, PENG--AN.

English Definition: ^exit, go/come out. MENG--KAN: 1 move s.t. to the outside. 2 expell. 3 issue out. 4 produce. 5 spend. -AN: output, product. PENG--AN: 1 dismissal. 2 release (of book or movie). 3 exportation 4. expenditure. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak masuk; muncul; gerakan dari dalam ke luar; timbul; terbit. ###

Examples: Saya tidak tahu siapa yang MENGELUARKAN buku-bukumu dari kopor itu. = I don't know who TOOK OUT your books from the luggage. PENGELUARAN kami bulan ini lebih besar dari pendapatan kami. = Our EXPENDITURE of this month is bigger than our income. ###

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Word: keluarga

Short Definition: family; relative. SE-: a family, the whole family. Also BER-.

English Definition: ^1 family. 2 relative. *SE-: a family, the whole family. *BER-: to have a family, to be married. ###

L2 Definition: Orang-orang yang tinggal dalam satu rumah yang saling berhubungan darah, biasanya terdiri dari ayah, ibu, anak. ###

Examples: Kami SEKELUARGA akan pindah ke lain tempat. = Our WHOLE FAMILY is going to move to another place. Jangan kau ganggu! Wanita itu sudah BERKELUARGA. = Don't trouble her! That girl is already MARRIED. ###

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Word: keluh

Short Definition: 1. sigh, moan. 2. complaint. MENG--KESAHKAN: complain about. Also MENG--I, +

English Definition: 1. sigh, moan. 2. complaint. MENG--KESAHKAN: complain about. MENG--I: bemoan. MENG--KAN: complain about s.t. -AN: complaint. ###

L2 Definition: Ungkapan rasa sakit. ###

Examples: Dia selalu MENGELUHKESAHKAN ketidakberuntungannya selama ini. = He always MOANS AND GROANS about his misfortune up to now. Sedikitpun anak itu tidak pernah MENGELUHKAN penyakitnya. = That child never COMPLAINED even once about his illness Dokter berfikir bahwa KELUHAN pasien itu terlalu berlebihan. = The doctor thought that the COMPLAINTS/MOANS of that patient were a bit much.###

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Word: kemah

Short Definition: 1.tent. 3.awning abroad ship.

English Definition: 1.tent. 3.awning abroad ship. *BER--: camp, put up a tent. *PER--AN: 1.camping, 2. a camp out, 3. [Mil.] camp, enacmpment.###

Examples: Setiap hari libur kami BERKEMAH di gunung itu = Every holidays we usually go CAMPING on that mountain. Di tepi sungai itu ada daerah PERKEMAHAN yang besar = There is a big CAMPING site near that river.###

Word: kemarau

Short Definition: 1. dry. 2. dry season. 3. having no money.

English Definition: ^1. dry. 2. dry season. 3. having no money.###

L2 Definition: Musim kering; musim dimana tidak ada hujan di daerah tropis. ###

Examples: KEMARAU panjang ini membuat sungai-sungai tak berair. = This long DRY SEASON makes the rivers waterless. ###

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Word: kemaren

Short Definition: see KEMARIN.

English Definition: see KEMARIN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kemarin

Short Definition: yesterday; (Jv) in the past.

English Definition: ^*1 yesterday. 2 (Jv) in the past. KEMARIN DULU, KEMARIN DAHULU = day before yesterday ###

L2 Definition: Hari sebelum hari ini. ###

Examples: KEMARIN saya tidak masuk karena sakit. = I didn't come YESTERDAY because I was sick. ###

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Word: kemas

Short Definition: 1. orderly, well kept, cleared away 2. crated, boxed###

English Definition: * BER~2 = 1. pack 2. clear things away, put things in order MENG~I = 1. clear or put s.t. in order 2. care for MENG~KAN = 1. tidy up 2. pack s.t. up ~AN = package, packing PENG~AN, PER~AN = packaging###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Ibu Marni BERKEMAS-KEMAS sebelum tamu-tamunya datang = Ibu Marni has PUT EVERY THING IN ORDER before her quest arrive.###

Word: kembali

Short Definition: return, revert; once again; you're welcome; change (of money). Also MENG--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 return, revert to. 2 once again. 3 you're welcome. 4 change (of money). *MENG--KAN: return s.t. *-AN: pocket change. ###

L2 Definition: balik, pulang, menuju keasalnya lagi. ###

Examples: Saya terlambat MENGEMBALIKAN buku perpustakaan ini. = I am late in RETURNING this library book. Ini uang KEMBALIANnya bu. = Here is your CHANGE, ma'am. ###

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Word: kembang

Short Definition: flower. BER-: developing. BER--AN: to bloom, flower, blossom. +

English Definition: flower. BER-: developing. BER--AN: to bloom, flower, blossom. MENG--KAN: to develop, expand. PENG--AN: development, expansion. ###

L2 Definition: mekar; terbuka; menjadi besar; bunga. ###

Examples: Daerah industri ini diramalkan akan sangat BERKEMBANG. = This industrial region is predicted to DEVELOP a lot. Biasanya kuncup-kuncup itu akan BERKEMBANGAN di awal bulan ini. = Usually those buds will bloom at the beginning of this month. Saya memilih menjadi penari untuk MENGEMBANGKAN bakat. = I chose to become a dancer in order to DEVELOP (my) talent. Proses PENGEMBANGAN roti ini disebabkan oleh ragi. = The rising of this bread is caused by yeast. ###

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Word: kembar

Short Definition: 1. twins. 2. identical. MENG--I: to match, to duplicate.

English Definition: 1. twins. 2. identical. MENG--I: to match, to duplicate. ###

L2 Definition: Dua anak yang lahir bersamaan; sama keadaannya; dobel; rangkap. ###

Examples: Saya paling tidak suka kalau ada orang yang MENGEMBARI bajuku. = I really hate it when someone WEARS THE IDENTICAL shirt that I do.###

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Word: kembung

Short Definition: filled with air; puffed up

English Definition: filled with air *MENG- : puff up *PENG-AN: inflation (of tire, baloon, etc.)

Examples: Dia meniup balon hingga KEMBUNG sekali = He blew up the baloon until it is PUFFED UP.#

Word: kemeja

Short Definition: wetern-style shirt.

English Definition: *western-style shirt. ###

L2 Definition: Baju bagian atas, biasanya untuk laki-laki. ###

Examples: KEMEJA ini cocok bila dipadukan dengan celana panjang biru. = This SHIRT is right to be matched with long blue pants. ###

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Word: kemenyan

Short Definition: incense.

English Definition: incense.###

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Word: kemilau

Short Definition: shining, glistening (of metal, jewel, moon, etc.).

English Definition: shining, glistening (of metal, jewel, moon, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: bercahaya; mengkilap. ###

Examples: KEMILAU cincin-cincin berliannya menyilaukan mataku. = The GLITTERING of her diamond rings blinded my eyes.###

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Word: kemiri

Short Definition: candle nut (the tree or its nuts)

English Definition: candle nut

Examples: Pohon KEMIRI di depan rumah kami berbuah sangat banyak = The CANDLE NUT tree in front of our house has lots of nuts.##

Word: Kemis

Short Definition: Thursday.

English Definition: Thursday. ###

L2 Definition: Kamis; hari sesudah Rabu dan sebelum Jumat. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kempes

Short Definition: kempes or kempis = 1. deflated, flat (tire, etc.); 2. sunken (of cheek, chest, etc.); 3. penniles

English Definition: *MENG--: collapse (of lung, vein) *KANTONG-- : flat broke *MENG--KAN: deflate, let the air out of (a tire, baloon)

Examples: Kami harus mendorong mobil karena bannya KEMPES = We had to push the car because of the FLAT tire. Paru-paru ayahnya MENGKEMPES karena terlalu banyak merokok = His father's lung COLLAPSE due to heavy smoking. Sejak berhenti bekerja saya menjadi KANTONG KEMPES = Since I quit I became FLAT BROKE.###

Word: kempih

Short Definition: see KEMPIS.

English Definition: see KEMPIS. ###

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Word: kempis

Short Definition: 1. deflated, flat (of tire, balloon, etc.). 2. penniless. MENG-: collapse.+

English Definition: 1. deflated, flat (of tire, balloon, etc.). 2. penniless. MENG-: collapse (of a lung). ###

L2 Definition: pipih; tidak gembung. ###

Examples: Balon-balon itu akan MENGEMPIS dalam waktu semalaman. = Those balloons DEFLATED overnight. ###

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Word: kemudi

Short Definition: 1. helm, rudder. 2. steering wheel. 3. government management. Also BER-, +

English Definition: 1. helm, rudder. 2. steering wheel. 3. governemt management. BER-: use a rudder, hold the rudder. MENG--KAN: steer, piliot, govern. PENG-: helmsman, piliot, director. ###

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Word: kemudian

Short Definition: afterwards, later, then. TER-: last, later; neglected, relegated to being last.

English Definition: ^afterwards, later, then. *TER-: 1 last, later. 2 neglected, relegated to being last. ###

L2 Definition: sesudah itu, belakangan. ###

Examples: Siapa yang datang TERKEMUDIAN akan didenda. = Whoever comes LAST will be fined. ###

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Word: kena

Short Definition: be affected or struck by s.t. detrimental; hit. Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN, TER-.

English Definition: ^1 be affected or struck by s.t. detrimental. 2 hit. *MENG--I: 1 hit, touch. 2 affect adversely. 3 about, with respect to. *MENG--KAN: 1 put clothing on. 2 impose punishment, levy taxes. *TER-: hit, struck. ###

L2 Definition: tersentuh/tertimpa sesuatu. ###

Examples: Lemparan batu itu MENGENAI jendela tetangga. = That thrown rock HIT the neighbor's window. Saya akan MENGENAKAN kemeja batik. = I am going to PUT ON a batik blouse. Pahanya sobek TERKENA tembakan nyasar. = His thigh was torn by BEING HIT by a stray bullet. ###

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Word: kenal

Short Definition: know, be acquainted with. BER--AN: be acquainted with each other. Also MENG-, +

English Definition: ^ know, be acquainted with. *BER--AN: be acquainted with each other. *MENG-: 1 know, be acquainted with. 2 recognize, distinguish. *MENG--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: introduce s.o. or s.t. MENG--I: to recognize or identify. *TER-: famous. -AN: an acquaintance. PENG--AN: introduction. ###

L2 Definition: tahu, mengerti. ###

Examples: Ayo kita BERKENALAN dengan guru baru itu. = Come on, let's BECOME ACQUAINTED WITH that new teacher. Anak itu tidak pernah MENGENAL bapaknya. = That child never KNEW his father. Dia yang MENGENALKAN saya pada pacar saya yang baru. = He INTRODUCED me to my new boyfriend. Penyanyi itu TERKENAL diseluruh dunia. = That singer is FAMOUS throughout the world. ###

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Word: kenan

Short Definition: BER-: 1. have the pleasure of. 2. agree, approve, endorse. MENGPER--KAN: +

English Definition: BER-: 1. have the pleasure of. 2. agree, approve, endorse. MEMPER--KAN: to permit, allow. ###

L2 Definition: Dengan senang hati; perasaan senang. ###

Examples: Ibuku BERKENAN sekali dengan calon istri pilihan kakakku. = My mother very much AGREES with my older brother's choice of his future wife. Sultan sudah MEMPERKENANKAN kami membangun taman di depan alun-alun. = The Sultan has GIVEN his ENDORSEMENT for us to build a park in front of the town square.###

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Word: kenang

Short Definition: to recall, remember. MENG-: to reminisce. Also MENG--KAN, _-_-AN.

English Definition: to recall, remember. MENG-: to reminisce. MENG--KAN: to recall s.t. _-_-AN: a remembrance, momento. ###

L2 Definition: ingat. ###

Examples: Sungguh sedih hatiku kalau MENGENANG almarhum adikku. = My heart is really sad if I REMINISCE my late younger brother. Saya akan menyimpan KENANG-KENANGAN darimu ini sepanjang hidupku. = I will keep the MOMENTOS that you gave me as long as I live. ###

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Word: kenapa

Short Definition: why.

English Definition: *why. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: mengapa, apa sebabnya. ###

Examples: KENAPA anak itu menangis seharian? = WHY is that child crying all day? ###

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Word: kenari

Short Definition: 1. canary; 2. the canari tree and its nuts

English Definition: 1. canary 2. the canari three and its nuts

L2 Definition: 1. burung kenari 2. pohon kenari atau biji kenari

Examples: Burung KENARI suaranya merdu = The Canary (bird) sings beautifully. Pohon KENARI itu sudah berbuah = the CANARI tree is with lots of nuts. ###

Word: kencan

Short Definition: date, appointment

English Definition: *date, appointment *MENG-I = date

Examples: Lelaki yang berkacamata itu adalah teman KENCAN saya = the man who wears eyeglasses is my DATE. Salahkah jika ia MENGENCANI sahabat adiknya? = is that wrong if he DATES his sister's friend?

Word: kencang

Short Definition: 1. fast, quickness. KE--AN: speed; 2. tight

English Definition: 1. fast, quickness. KE--AN: speed. 2. Tight. ###

L2 Definition: 1. cepat; laju; erat; tidak lemas. 2. Ikatan (tali) yang sangat kuat. ###

Examples: KEKENCANGAN terbang pesawat ruang angkasa itu bisa diukur dengan kecepatan suara. = The SPEED of the spacecraft can be measured with the speed of sound. Ikatan tali ini sangat KENCANG, saya tidak bisa membukanya = This knot is so TIGHT, I cannot open it. ###

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Word: kencing

Short Definition: urine, urinate. TER-: to suddenly have to urinate.

English Definition: urine, urinate. TER-: to suddenly have to urinate. ###

L2 Definition: Buang air kecil; mengeluarkan cairan tubuh dari alat kelamin. ###

Examples: Ketika tertawa tergelak-gelak itu saya TERKENCING di celana. = When I laugh chucklingly I URINATE SUDDENLY in my pants. ###

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Word: kencur

Short Definition: greater galingale, a root crop resembling ginger, used as spice and medicine.

English Definition: greater galingale, a root crop resembling ginger, used as spice and medicine. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sejenis akar-akaran yang dipakai untuk bumbu dan bahan jamu. ###

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Word: kendala

Short Definition: restriction, obstacle###

English Definition: restriction, obstacle###

Examples: Gus Dur menghadapi bermacam-macam KENDALA dalam penyelesaian masalah Aceh = Gus Dur faced many OBSTACLES in the settlement of Aceh case.##

Word: kendali

Short Definition: reins. Also MENG--KAN.

English Definition: ^reins. MENG--KAN: 1 to control the reins. 2 to manage or lead. 3 to restrain, hold back. ###

L2 Definition: Tali kekang; alat untuk menyetir sesuatu. ###

Examples: Karena tidak bisa MENGENDALIKAN mobilnya dengan baik, dia mendapat kecelakaan. =Because he could not CONTROL his car well, he got an accident. ###

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Word: kendang

Short Definition: small drum.

English Definition: small drum.###

L2 Definition: Alat musik yang biasanya berbentuk tabung dengan kulit binatang sebagai penutupnya yang bila ditabuh bisa menghasilkan bunyi; gendang. ###

Examples: Dalam pertunjukan musik tadi bunyi KENDANGnya tak kentara. = In the music performance, the sound of the SMALL DRUM could not be heard. ###

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Word: kendara

Short Definition: BER-: ride (in s.t.). MENG--I: drive, ride s.t., ride (a horse). Also -AN, +

English Definition: BER-: ride (in s.t.). *MENG--I: drive s.t., ride (a horse). *-AN: vehicle. *PENG-: driver, rider. ###

L2 Definition: Naik suatu alat transportasi (kendaraan). ###

Examples: Saya akan MENGENDARAI sepeda motor saja. = I am just going to DRIVE a motorcyle. Itu bukan KENDARAAN saya. = That isn't my vehicle. Semua PENGENDARA kendaraan bermotor diminta jalan pelan-pelan di daerah ini. = All motor vehicle DRIVERS are requested to go slowly in this area. ###

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Word: Kendari

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Southeast Sulawesi in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Southeast Sulawesi in Indonesia. ###

L2 Definition: Ibukota propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. ###

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Word: kendati

Short Definition: although, even so, nonetheless.

English Definition: although, even so, nonetheless. ###

L2 Definition: meskipun; biarpun. ###

Examples: KENDATI anaknya sudah lima dia tetap kelihatan muda. = ALTHOUGH she already had five children she still looks young. ###

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Word: kendi

Short Definition: water jug.

English Definition: water jug.###

L2 Definition: Tabung yang biasa digunakan sebagai tempat air, biasanya terbuat dari tanah liat. ###

Examples: lukisan gadis desa memikul KENDI di kepala ini sungguh menarik. = The painting of a village girl carrying a WATER JUG on her head is really interesting. ###

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Word: kenduri

Short Definition: ritual meal.

English Definition: ritual meal.. ###

L2 Definition: Jamuan makan untuk memperingati suatu peristiwa; selamatan. ###

Examples: KENDURI ini diadakan untuk memperingati seratus hari meninggalnya nenek saya. = This RITUAL FEAST is to commemorate the 100th day after my grandmother's death. ###

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Word: kenek

Short Definition: assistant to a truck or bus driver.

English Definition: assistant to a truck or bus driver. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang membantu memandu sopir. ###

Examples: Di bis kota-bis kota, kenek-keneklah yang menagih ongkos = In the city busses, ASSISTANTS to BUS DRIVERS collect the money.###

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Word: kening

Short Definition: forehead; eyebrow.

English Definition: *1 forehead. 2 eyebrow. ###

L2 Definition: dahi. ###

Examples: Setiap berfikir keras KENINGnya menjadi berkerut-kerut. = Everytime she thinks hard her FOREHEAD becomes wrinkled. ###

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Word: kenop

Short Definition: 1. button, switch. 2. button (of a shirt).

English Definition: 1. button, switch. 2. button (of a shirt). ###

L2 Definition: tombol; kancing baju. ###

Examples: Susah membuka pintu ini karena KENOPnya lepas. = It's difficult to open this door because the KNOB has come out. ###

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Word: kental

Short Definition: thick (of a liquid); strong (as of coffee); intimate. Also MENG-, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 thick (of a liquid). 2 strong (as of coffee). 3 intimate (of relationships). MENG-: to thicken or coagulate. KE--AN: viscosity. ###

L2 Definition: pekat; tidak cair. ###

Examples: Kalau sudah dingin sup ini akan MENGENTAL. = When it is cold the soup is going to COAGULATE. Barangkali KEKENTALAN lem ini membuatnya sukar dipakai. = Maybe the THICKNESS of the adhesive makes it hard to use. ###

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Word: kentang

Short Definition: potato.

English Definition: *potato. ###

L2 Definition: Sejenis ubi yang mengandung banyak karbohidrat. ###

Examples: Renyah sekali KENTANG goreng ini. = This fried POTATO is very crispy. ###

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Word: kentut

Short Definition: 1. flatus, stomach gas; 2. break wind, fart

English Definition: 1. flatus, stomach gas; 2. break wind, fart

Examples: ###

Word: kenyal

Short Definition: 1.tough, rubbery (of meat, etc.); 2.elastic (of fiber, etc.)

English Definition: 1.tough, rubbery (of meat, etc.); 2.elastic (of fiber, etc.) *KE-AN = elasticity

Examples: Sakit gigiku memakan daging yang sangat KENYAL ini = I hurt my teeth eating this TOUGH meat.#

Word: kenyam

Short Definition: taste, experience

English Definition: *ME- : taste, experience

Examples: Dia MENGENYAM pendidikan di luar negeri = he EXPERIENCED education abroad.

Word: kenyang

Short Definition: satiated, full (as from eating). MENG--KAN: filling, satisfying.

English Definition: satiated, full (as from eating). *MENG--KAN: filling, satisfying. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan sudah puas. Sudah penuh perutnya. ###

Examples: Hanya buah-buahan saja tidak akan MENGENYANGKAN perutku. = Just fruits aren't going to SATISFY my stomach. ###

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Word: keong

Short Definition: snail, shape of a snail's shell, coil, or spiral

English Definition: snail, shape of a snail's shell, coil, or spiral

Examples: Di kolam ini terdapat banyak KEONG kecil = There are many small SNAILS in this pond.###

Word: kepada

Short Definition: see PADA.

English Definition: see PADA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kepala

Short Definition: head, leader. MENG--I: to lead, be in charge of.

English Definition: head, leader. *MENG--I: to lead, be in charge of. ###

L2 Definition: Tubuh bagian atas leher. Bagian penting/puncak dari suatu organisasi. ###

Examples: Tugasmu adalah MENGEPALAI rombongan ini. = Your duty is to HEAD this group. ###

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Word: kepalang

Short Definition: insufficient, inadequate.

English Definition: insufficient, inadequate. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak cukup; tanggung; kurang; sudah terlanjur. ###

Examples: Kalau memang mau menolong, jangan KEPALANG tanggung. = If you really want to help, don't do it INADEQUATELY. ###

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Word: keparat

Short Definition: roguish person, heathen; damned or cursed; damn! (exclamation).

English Definition: 1 roguish person, heathen. 2 damned or cursed. 3 damn! (exclamation). ###

L2 Definition: Kata makian/kutukan. ###

Examples: Anak KEPARAT itu yang mencuri uangku. = That DAMN kid who stole my money. ###

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Word: kepaya

Short Definition: traditional dress for Indonesian women.

English Definition: traditional dress for Indonesian women. ###

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Word: kepentingan

Short Definition: importance; benefits; see PENTING

English Definition: importance; benefits; see PENTING

Examples: ###

Word: keping

Short Definition: chip, splinter, fragment, piece. BERKEPING-KEPING = in pieces, fragments.

English Definition: chip, splinter, fragment, piece. BERKEPING-KEPING = in pieces, fragments. ###

L2 Definition: Benda yang berbentuk tipis/pipih; serpihan/pecahan benda. ###

Examples: Piring itu pecah menjadi BERKEPING-KEPING. = The plate was broken to PIECES. ###

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Word: kepingin

Short Definition: want, desire, yearn for.

English Definition: want, desire, yearn for. ###

L2 Definition: mau; berkehendak. ###

Examples: Saya KEPINGIN sekali makan bakso itu. = I really WANT to eat the meatballs. ###

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Word: kepis

English Definition: a type of basket for freshly caught fish ###

Word: kepiting

Short Definition: crab###

English Definition: crab###

Examples: Sangat sulit menemui KEPITING di Illinois = It is very difficult to find CRAB in Illinois.###

Word: kepleset

Short Definition: slip

English Definition: slip

Examples: Dia KEPLESET dan jatuh di kolam ikan = He SLIPPED and fell in the fish pond###

Word: keplok

Short Definition: applause. BER-: clap, applaud. KEPLOK TANGAN = clap one's hands.

English Definition: applause. BER-: clap, applaud. KEPLOK TANGAN = clap one's hands. ###

L2 Definition: Tepuk tangan; pertemuan dua tangan yang menimbulkan bunyi. ###

Examples: Anakku yang baru berumur delapan bulan sudah pandai BERKEPLOK. = My child who is just eight month old has already known TO CLAP. KEPLOK TANGAN para pemirsa bergemuruh tak henti-hentinya begitu penyanyi kondang itu menyelesaikan lagunya. = The APPLAUSE of the audience roaring non-stop after the famous singer ended her song. ###

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Word: keponakan

Short Definition: nephew, niece

English Definition: nephew, niece

L2 Definition: kemanakan

Examples: Pak Bahrun mengunjungi salah satu KEPONAKAN nya di Jakarta = Pak Bahrun is visiting one of his NEPHEWS in Jakarta.###

Word: kepul

Short Definition: billowing smoke. BER-(-KEPUL): billow.

English Definition: billowing smoke. MENG-; BER-(-KEPUL): billow. ###

L2 Definition: gumpalan asap atau uap. ###

Examples: Sebaiknya cepat-cepatlah kau makan selagi nasinya masih BERKEPUL-KEPUL. = It's better you eat immediately as the rice is still STEAMING. Asap yang MENGEPUL-KEPUL itu keluar dari cerobong pabrik kertas. = The BILLOWING smoke came out from the chimney of the paper mill. ###

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Word: kepundan

Short Definition: crater, lava.

English Definition: crater, lava. ###

L2 Definition: Kawah gunung berapi. ###

Examples: KEPUNDAN yang masih aktif itu kadang-kadang mengeluarkan asap hitam yang beracun. = The still active CRATER sometimes produces poisonous black smoke. ###

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Word: kera

Short Definition: monkey.

English Definition: monkey. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: monyet. Bangsa binatang yang mempunyai kecerdasan tertinggi. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kerabat

Short Definition: relative, family. BER-: 1. be related to. 2. be allied. KE--AN: kinship.

English Definition: relative, family. BER-: 1. be related to. 2. be allied. KE--AN: kinship. ###

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Word: kerah

Short Definition: corvee. BER-: mobilized. MENG--KAN: mobilize, conscrpt (laborers, militia). +

English Definition: 1. corvee. BER-: mobilized. MENG--KAN: mobilize, conscript (laborers, militia). 2. collar. ###

L2 Definition: Menghimpun orang untuk melakukan sesuatu; hiasan pada leher baju. ###

Examples: Kita harus MENGERAHKAN segala kekuatan untuk mencapai tujuan. = We have to MOBILIZE all of our forces to achieve the goal. Dasi itu terlalu besar dibandingkan dengan KERAH bajunya. = The tie is too big compared to the COLLAR of the shirt. ###

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Word: kerajaan

Short Definition: kingdom, empire. see RAJA.

English Definition: kingdom, empire. see RAJA ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: keramat

Short Definition: sacred

English Definition: sacred, holy possessing supernatural qualities shrine, sacred spot MENG- -KAN consider sacred respect highly ###

Word: keramik

Short Definition: ceramics.

English Definition: ceramics. ###

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Word: keran

Short Definition: faucet.

English Definition: faucet. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk mengucurkan air yang bisa diatur besar kecilnya. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kerang

Short Definition: 1. cockle shells; 2. mollusks and their shells

English Definition: 1. cockle shells; 2. mollusks and their shells; 3. shellfish *--HIJAU: green mussel *--(2)AN: various kind of mollusks.##

Examples: Di pantai kami mengumpulkan berbagai macam KERANG = At the beach we collected many kinds of SHELLFISH.###

Word: kerangka

Short Definition: 1. skeleton. 2. framework. 3. design, plan. MENG--I: provide with a framework. +

English Definition: 1. skeleton. 2. framework. 3. design, plan. MENG--I: provide with a framework. TER-: still in the framework stage (of houses, ships, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: 1. Tulang belulang pada hewan/manusia. 2. Suatu dasar pemikiran yang melandasi suatu kerja/usaha/masalah. 3. desain; rencana. ###

Examples: Dasar pemikiran itu MENGKERANGKAI usaha bantuan hukum bagi rakyat kecil. = That thought that PROVIDES FRAMEWORK for the legal assistance effort for the little people. ###

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Word: kerangkeng

Short Definition: jail, lock up, cage, playpen

English Definition: jail, lock up, cage, playpen

L2 Definition: penjara, kurungan

Examples: Pencuri itu akhirnya masuk KERANGKENG = the thief is finally put in JAIL. Masukkan ayam ke dalam KERANGKENG dan bawa ke pasar = Put the the chicken in the cage and bring it to the market (to sell).###

Word: keranjang

Short Definition: basket.

English Definition: *basket. ###

L2 Definition: Bakul yang biasanya terbuat dari anyaman. ###

Examples: Ani memakai KERANJANG plastik untuk membawa sayuran dari pasar = Ani is using plastik BASKET to carry vegetables from the market ###

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Word: kerap

Short Definition: often, frequently.

English Definition: often, frequently. ###

L2 Definition: sering; berkali-kali; berulang-ulang. ###

Examples: Saya sudah KERAP pergi ke tempat itu. = I have FREQUENTLY been to that place. ###

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Word: keras

Short Definition: hard (not soft); loud; harsh. MENG-: to harden. Also MENG--KAN, MEMPER-, +

English Definition: 1 hard (as opposed to soft). 2 loud (of a sound). 3 harsh. *MENG-: to harden. *MENG--KAN, MEMPER-: 1 harden or strengthen s.t. or s.o. 2 to amplify (a sound). *KE--AN: hardness, loudness, harshness, violence. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak lembek/lemah. ###

Examples: Roti ini sudah MENGERAS jadi kurang enak rasanya. = This bread has already BECOME HARD and no longer tastes good. Bapak sedang MENGERASKAN lantai dapur dengan semen. = Father is STRENGTHENING the floor of the kitchen with cement. Banyak filem yang mengandung KEKERASAN yang tidak sepatutnya dilihat anak-anak. = There are many films that contain VIOLENCE that isn't fit to be seen by children. ###

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Word: kerasan

Short Definition: see KRASAN.

English Definition: see KRASAN. ###

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Word: kerat

Short Definition: -AN: piece, section. MENGERAT-NGERAT = cut into pieces.

English Definition: -AN: piece, section. MENGERAT-NGERAT = cut into pieces. ###

L2 Definition: potong; iris. ###

Examples: KERATAN keju itu bisa dipakai sebagai umpan tikus. = That PIECE of cheese can be used for mouse bait. Semalam saya dengar suara tikus yang MENGERAT-NGERAT atap rumah. = Last night I heard the sound of mice CUTTING the roof INTO PIECES. ###

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Word: keraton

Short Definition: palace, esp. of Javanese ruler (king)

English Definition: *KE--AN: having to do with the court

L2 Definition: istana, tempat tinggal raja (Jawa)

Examples: Kecuali dia, seluruh keluarganya tinggal di dalam KERATON = All his family live in the PALACE except him.##

Word: kerawang

Short Definition: 1. filigree 2. openwork###

English Definition: ^1. filigree 2. openwork 3. (on cloth) embroidery, lacework MENG-: do openwork###

Examples: Ibuku sangat suka menggunakan blus KERAWANG = My mother likes to wear an EMBROIDERY blouse.###

Word: kerbau

Short Definition: 1. water buffalo. ###

English Definition: 1. water buffalo. ###

L2 Definition: Binatang ternak yang mirip sapi, biasanya berkulit kelabu; idiom untuk orang yang bodoh; goblok. ###

Examples: Orang itu memang berotak KERBAU!. = The man/woman has really a WATER BUFFALO's brain! ###

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Word: kerdil

Short Definition: stunted, dwarfish.

English Definition: stunted, dwarfish. ###

L2 Definition: Kecil dan pendek; tidak bisa menjadi besar. ###

Examples: Tanaman yang sengaja DIKERDILKAN disebut tanaman "bonsai." = Deliberately DWARFED plant is called "bonsai" plant. ###

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Word: keren

Short Definition: striking, handsome, dashing.

English Definition: striking, handsome, dashing. Also, "cool!" as in "That's cool!" ###

L2 Definition: Tampak gagah dan ganteng; perlente. ###

Examples: Abangmu KEREN sekali waktu tampil di panggung. = Your big brother was very STRIKING when he performed on the stage. ###

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Word: keret

Short Definition: MENG-: to shrink, afraid/scared..

English Definition: MENG-: to shrink, afraid/scared. ###

L2 Definition: Menjadi kecil; menciut. ###

Examples: Jenis kain ini akan MENGKERET setelah dicuci. = This kind of cloth will SHRINK after being washed. Ketika melihat lawannya berbadan besar, nyalinya langsung MENGKERET. = When he saw his opponent had a big body, his courage immediately SHRANK. ###

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Word: kereta

Short Definition: coach (bus, train, etc.), cart, carriage.

English Definition: *coach (bus, train, etc.), cart, carriage. ###

L2 Definition: Kendaraan pengangkut barang atau penumpang. ###

Examples: Saya baru saja berkeliling kota naik KERETA kuda. = I just went around town in a horse CARRIAGE. ###

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Word: kerik

Short Definition: a folk treatment for headaches and chills by scraping the back of the neck.

English Definition: a folk treatment for headaches and chills which consists of scraping the back of the neck with a coin until the skin is inflamed. MENG--I: to perform such a treatment. ###

L2 Definition: Penyembuhan secara tradisional dengan menggosok-gosokkan koin dan minyak kelapa ke tubuh si penderita. ###

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Word: kerikil

Short Definition: gravel, pebble.

English Definition: gravel, pebble. ###

L2 Definition: Batu kecil-kecil. ###

Examples: Timor Timur adalah KERIKIL dalam sepatu bagi Indonesia kata Menteri Luar Negeri Ali Alatas. = East Timor is a PEBBLE in the shoe for Indonesia, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Alatas. ###

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Word: kering

Short Definition: dry; not lucrative, unproductive. MENG--KAN: dry s.t. out.

English Definition: ^1 dry. 2 not lucrative, unproductive. *MENG--KAN: dry s.t. out. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak basah. Kurang menghasilkan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Kami sedang MENGERINGKAN padi di sawah. = We are DRYING rice in the rice paddy. ###

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Word: keringat

Short Definition: sweat, perspiration.

English Definition: sweat, perspiration. ###

L2 Definition: Cairan tubuh; peluh. ###

Examples: Rasa takut telah membuat sekujur tubuhnya BERKERINGAT dingin. = Fear has made his whole body cold SWEAT. ###

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Word: keris

Short Definition: sacred Indonesian double-bladed dagger.

English Definition: sacred Indonesian double-bladed dagger. ###

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Word: Keristen

Short Definition: Christian.

English Definition: Christian (see Kristen). ###

Word: keritik

Short Definition: sound of crackling###

English Definition: ^sound of crackling BER-2: crackle, sputter (of a lighted candle)###

Examples: ###

Word: keriting

Short Definition: curly, kinky (of hair)

English Definition: curly, kinky (of hair).

Examples: Tahun ini model rambut KERITING menjadi tren = This year the CURLY hairstyle is the trend.###

Word: keriut

Short Definition: sound of creaking, squeaking, scraping###

English Definition: ^*sound of creaking, squeaking, scraping BER-AN: make such a sound -AN: the squeaking sound produced by s.t.###

Examples: *Angin kencang menyebabkan pohon-pohon BERKERIUTAN = Strong wind caused trees MAKING A SOUND OF SQUEAKING.###

Word: kerja

Short Definition: work, occupation. BE-: to work. Also MENG--KAN, PE-, PE--AN.

English Definition: ^ work, occupation. *BE-: to work. *MENG--KAN: carry out or work on s.t. MEMPE--KAN: employ. *PE-: worker. *PE--AN: work. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan suatu hal/usaha. ###

Examples: Walaupun sudah BEKERJA keras tetap saja gajinya sangat sedikit. = Even though she has already WORKED hard, her salary continues to be very little. Tugas pagi ini adalah MENGERJAKAN bab IX dan X. = The task for this morning is TO WORK ON chapters IX and X. Mereka adalah buruh-buruh PEKERJA yang sedang beristirahat. = They are WORKERS who are taking a rest. PEKERJAAN sambilan ini mendatangkan keuntungan yang lumayan. = This part-time WORK brings in a significant income. ###

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Word: kerjasama

Short Definition: cooperation

English Definition: cooperation

Examples: Program ini adalah KERJASAMA pemerintah Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat = This program is a COOPERATIVE between Indonesian government and the US.##

Word: kerling

Short Definition: glance out of the corner of the eye. Also MENG-, MENG--I, -AN.

English Definition: ^glance out of the corner of the eye. *MENG-: 1 glance sideways. 2 eye s.t. with intent to acquire it. MENG--I: glance at. *-AN: eyed, aimed at. ###

L2 Definition: Gerakan bola mata ke kiri atau ke kanan. ###

Examples: Ketika kusapa dia hanya MENGERLING saja kepada saya. = When I greeted him, he just GLANCED OUT OF THE SIDE OF HIS EYES at me. KERLINGAN matanya membuat gadis itu jatuh cinta padanya. = The GLANCE of his eyes made that girl fall in love with him. ###

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Word: kernet

Short Definition: see kenek###

English Definition: assistant to a driver see kenek###

Word: kernyit

Short Definition: furrow; *BER--, MENG--: frown

English Definition: furrow; *BER--, MENG--: frown

L2 Definition: mengkerutkan muka

Examples: Mukanya BERKERNYIT setelah bertemu dengan Sulaiman = He FROWNED after meeting with Sulaiman.###

Word: keroncong

Short Definition: 1. sound of jingling. 2. a type of popular Indonesian music. --AN: grumble.

English Definition: ^1. sound of jingling. 2. a type of popular Indonesian music. --AN: grumble, growl. ###

L2 Definition: Paduan suara musik yang terdiri dari gitar, biola, seruling, bas, dll.; bunyi di perut yang sedang lapar. ###

Examples: Perutnya KERONCONGAN karena kelaparan. = His stomach GROWLED because of hungry. ###

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Word: kerongkongan

Short Definition: throat.

English Definition: throat. ###

L2 Definition: Tenggorokan; jalan bagi makanan dan minuman di leher. ###

Examples: Karena banyak berteriak KERONGKONGANku menjadi sakit. = Because I yell too much my THROAT is soared. ###

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Word: keropok

Short Definition: hollow, empty, eaten away (of interior).

English Definition: hollow, empty, eaten away (of interior). ###

L2 Definition: Tidak berisi; kosong; keropong; lapuk. ###

Examples: Kelapa ini KEROPOK karena isinya sudah dimakan bajing. = This coconut is HOLLOW because its content has been eaten by chipmunks. ###

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Word: kertas

Short Definition: paper.

English Definition: *paper. ###

L2 Definition: Lembaran yang bisa ditulisi, biasanya berwarna putih. ###

Examples: Ini KERTAS pembungkus makanan. = This is food-wrapping PAPER. ###

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Word: keruan

Short Definition: known.

English Definition: *known. ###

L2 Definition: Ketahuan, tentu. ###

Examples: KERUAN SAJA dia pergi sebab dia marah. = OF COURSE he left because he was angry. ###

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Word: kerubung

Short Definition: BER-; MENG-: encircling in numbers. MENG--I: crowd around. -AN: a mob.

English Definition: BER-; MENG-: encircling in numbers. MENG--I: crowd around. -AN: a mob that has crowded around. ###

L2 Definition: kerumun; kumpul. ###

Examples: Saya heran mengapa banyak orang BERKERUBUNG di pojok jalan itu. = I wonder why there are many people CROWDING in the corner of the street. Banyak lalat yang MENGERUBUNGI bangkai tikus itu. = Many flies are CROWDING over the rat corpse. KERUBUNGAN para demonstran dibubarkan polisi dengan gas air mata. = The CROWD of demonstrans were dispersed by the police with tear gas. ###

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Word: kerudung

Short Definition: veil

English Definition: *BER- = veiled

Examples: Perempuan Muslim banyak yang memakai KERUDUNG = There are many Muslim women wearing VEIL.##

Word: kerumun

Short Definition: 1.swarm over, cluster around; 2. assemble

English Definition: *BER--: swarm over, cluster around *MENG--I: crowd around something *--AN: crowd, throng, mob

L2 Definition: berkumpul, sekelompok, banyak orang

Examples: Orang BERKERUMUN di dekat tempat kecelakaan itu = The CROWD gathered around the accident site. Kami MENGEKERUMUNI paman Hadi untuk mendengarkan ceritanya = We GATHERED around uncle Hadi to hear the story. KERUMUNAN penonton akhirnya bubar karena turun hujan = The CROWD of audiences were finally disappeared because of the rain.###

Word: kerunyut

Short Definition: BER-: to wrinkle, to have wrinkles.

English Definition: BER-: to wrinkle, to have wrinkles. ###

L2 Definition: Lipatan-lipatan kulit di wajah; kerut. ###

Examples: Karena berfikir keras, dahi orang itu sampai BERKERUNYUT tajam. = Because of thinking hard, the forehead of the person is sharply WRINKLED. ###

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Word: kerupuk

Short Definition: chips made from flour and fish or shrimp flavoring.

English Definition: ^chips made from flour and fish or shrimp flavoring.

L2 Definition: Makanan yang renyah terbuat dari tepung dan udang atau ikan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kerut

Short Definition: BER-: furrowed, wrinkled.

English Definition: BER-: furrowed, wrinkled. ###

L2 Definition: berlipat; kerunyut. ###

Examples: Baju yang sangat mahal kubeli itu baru sekali dicuci sudah BERKERUT. = The very expensive shirt that I bought has just being washed once and it has already WRINKLED. ###

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Word: kesal

Short Definition: 1. fed up. 2. dejected. BER-: be fed up. MENG--KAN: annoy, make s.o. fed up. +

English Definition: 1. fed up. 2. dejected. BER-: be fed up. MENG--KAN: annoy, make s.o. fed up. KE--AN: annoyance. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak senang hati; dongkol; marah; kecewa; dll. ###

Examples: MENGESALKAN benar tingkah laku orang itu. = That man/woman's behavior is really ANNOYING. KEKESALAN yang bertumpuk-tumpuk itu akhirnya meledak. = The ANNOYANCES that are piling up are finally blown up. ###

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Word: kesan

Short Definition: impression. BER-: have the impression; make an impression. Also MENG-, +

English Definition: ^ impression. *BER-: 1 have the impression. 2 make an impression. MENG-: leave an impression. *MENG--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: give an impression, impressive. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang masih membekas di pikiran sesudah melihat atau mendengar sesuatu. ###

Examples: Tingkah-lakumu BERKESAN sombong. = Your actions GIVE THE IMPRESSION of being conceited. Pertunjukan wayang itu MENGESANKAN seluruh penonton. = That shadow puppet performance IMPRESSED all of the viewers. ###

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Word: kesel

Short Definition: see KESAL

English Definition: see KESAL

Word: keseleo

Short Definition: be sprained; see ALSO KILIR

English Definition: be sprained *--LIDAH: slip of the tongue

L2 Definition: terkilir

Examples: Kaki Ida KESELEO karena sepatunya terlalu tinggi = Ida SPRAINED her leg due to her high heel shoes. Saya minta maaf karena kemarin KESELEO-LIDAH dan berkata yang tidak seharusnya kepadamu = I apologize for my SLIP OF THE TONGUE, I should not say those things to you.###

Word: ketan

Short Definition: sticky or glutinuous rice

English Definition: sticky or glutinuous rice *--HITAM: black sticky rice *TEPUNG--: flour from sticky rice

Examples: Setiap hari Ibu memasak nasi KETAN untuk sarapan kami = Everyday Ibu cooks STICKY RICE for our breakfast.###

Word: ketat

Short Definition: 1. tight (of clothes, ring, embrace, etc. ) 2. firm, binding (contract). +

English Definition: 1. tight (of clothes, ring, embrace, etc. ). 2. firm, binding (contract). 3. strict. MENG--KAN; MEMPER-: tighten. KE--AN: tightness. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat erat melekat; sempit; teliti, rapi, dan cermat. ###

Examples: Kami berusaha MENGETATKAN ikat pinggang karena semua harga bahan-bahan pokok naik. = We try to FASTEN our belt because the prices of all of the basic materials are increasing. Kita harus MEMPERKETAT acara itu untuk menghemat waktu. = We have to TIGHTEN the program to save time. KEKETATAN penjagaan penjara itu sangat terkenal. = The TIGHTNESS of the guarding of the prison is very well known. ###

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Word: ketawa

Short Definition: to laugh.

English Definition: to laugh. ###

L2 Definition: tertawa. ###

Examples: Dia selalu KETAWA kalau ingat kejadian lucu itu. = He always LAUGHS when he remembers the funny event. ###

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Word: ketiak

Short Definition: armpit

English Definition: armpit *MENG--I : put or carry s.t. under the arms.##

Word: ketik

Short Definition: 1. sound of ticking. 2. anything to do with typing. MENG-: to type.

English Definition: 1. sound of ticking. 2. any thing to do with typing. MENG-: to type. ###

L2 Definition: Menulis dengan menggunakan mesin. ###

Examples: Saya harus MENGETIK surat kepada kepala sekolah. = I have to TYPE a letter to the principal. ###

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Word: ketika

Short Definition: point in time, moment; when (in the past). SE-: instant of time, a moment.

English Definition: ^1 point in time, moment. 2 when (in the past). *SE-: instant of time, a moment. ###

L2 Definition: Saat, pada waktu yang bersamaan. ###

Examples: Begitu Pak guru muncul di kelas, SEKETIKA itu juga seluruh murid terdiam. = As soon as the teacher showed up in the class, AT THAT VERY MOMENT all of the students fell silent. ###

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Word: ketimun

Short Definition: see MENTIMUN.

English Definition: see MENTIMUN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ketok

Short Definition: knock on, pound on.

English Definition: knock on, pound on. ###

L2 Definition: pukul; ketuk. ###

Examples: Saya tidak tahu dengan pasti siapa yang MENGETOK pintu tadi. = I don't know for sure who KNOCKED the door. ###

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Word: ketoprak

Short Definition: a k.o. Javanese historical drama.

English Definition: a k.o. Javanese historical drama. ###

L2 Definition: Kesenian rakyat di Jawa tengah; nama jenis makanan di daerah Sunda. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ketua

Short Definition: chairman; elder, chief; moderator. MENG--I: chair, preside over.

English Definition: ^1 chairman. 2 elder, chief. 3 moderator. *MENG--I: chair, preside over. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang memimpin sesuatu (kelas, kampung, proyek, dll). ###

Examples: Bu Lurah yang akan MENGETUAI arisan wanita di kampungku. = The village chief's wife will PRESIDE OVER the social gathering of women in my village. ###

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Word: ketuk

Short Definition: knock, tap. MENG-: knock on s.t. MENG--I: knock on. -AN: a knock or tap.

English Definition: knock, tap. *MENG-: knock on s.t. MENG--I: knock on. *-AN: a knock or tap. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi seperti pukulan pada kayu. ###

Examples: Barangkali ada seseorang yang sedang MENGETUK pintu di muka. = Maybe there is a person that is KNOCKING at the door in the front. Bunyi KETUKAN berulang-ulang di rumah sebelah sudah berhenti. = The SOUND of repeated knocking in the adjacent house has stopped. ###

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Word: ketumbar

Short Definition: corriander###

English Definition: corriander###

Examples: Bentuk KETUMBAR seperti merica tetapi aromanya berbeda = The shape of CORRIANDER is like pepper but its aroma is different.###

Word: ketupat

Short Definition: rice cooked in a packet of coconut leaves.

English Definition: rice cooked in a packet of coconut leaves.###

L2 Definition: Beras yang dimasak di dalam anyaman daun kelapa sehingga hasilnya berupa nasi yang kental. ###

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Word: kewalahan

Short Definition: at a loss of what to do (because of a deluge of work, in the face of a superior enemy)

English Definition: at a loss of what to do (because of a deluge of work, in the face of a superior enemy)

Examples: Saya sangat ingin membantu kamu tapi saya sedang KEWALAHAN dengan pekerjaan saya = I really want to help you but I am also STRUGGLING with my own work.###

Word: khabar

Short Definition: see kabar ###

English Definition: see kabar ###

Examples: KHABAR kemerduan suara burung itu terdengar sampai ke telinga sang Raja. = The NEWS of the sweetness of the bird's voice arrived at the ears of the king.

Word: khalayak

Short Definition: creature, public, mass, crowd###

English Definition: ^creature, public, mass, crowd MENG-KAN: make s.t. public, announce publicly, popularize###

Examples: Apapun yang dikatakan oleh para politisi, KHALAYAK tak mempercayainya lagi = Whatever politicians say, PUBLIC does not believe them any more.###

Word: khas

Short Definition: typical, special, exclusive. MEMPER-; MENG--KAN: reserve for special use. +

English Definition: typical, special, exclusive. MEMPER-; MENG--KAN: reserve for special use. KE--AN: special characteristics. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak umum; khusus; istimewa. ###

Examples: Sepupu sya Adi MENGKHUSUSKAN dirinya belajar robotika. = My cousin Adi is SPECIALIZING himself to study robotics. KEKHUSUSAN kadal itu adalah dia bisa berubah warna kapan saja, sesuai dengan keadaan di sekitarnya. = The SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS of the lizard is that it can change its color to adjust to its environment. ###

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Word: khasiat

Short Definition: special property or virtue, merit.

English Definition: special property or virtue, merit. ###

L2 Definition: guna; faedah. ###

Examples: Jamu ini BERKHASIAT untuk menyembuhkan sakit kencing manis. = This traditional medicine HAS A SPECIAL PROPERTY to heal diabetic. ###

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Word: khatulistiwa

Short Definition: equator.

English Definition: equator.###

L2 Definition: Garis lintang nol derajat; garis yang membagi bumi menjadi belahan bumi utara dan selatan. ###

Examples: Orang yang hidup di daerah KHATULISTIWA tidak pernah merasakan dinginnya musim salju. = People who live in the EQUATOR area have never felt the coldness of a winter. ###

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Word: khawatir

Short Definition: see KUATIR.

English Definition: see KUATIR. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: khianat

Short Definition: treason, treachery, betrayal. MENG--I: to betray s.t. PENG-: a traitor.

English Definition: ^treason, treachery, betrayal. BER- commit treason MENG- be disloyal or traitorous MENG- -I betray, be traitorous to someone KE-AN treason, betrayal PENG- traitor PENG- -AN commiting of treason ###

L2 Definition: Tidak setia; membohong/menipu. ###

Examples: Tega benar kau MENGKHIANATI sahabat karibmu. = You really have the heart TO BETRAY your best friend. Tidak ada tempat bagi PENGKHIANAT bangsa dalam organisasi ini. = There is no place for a TRAITOR of the nation in this organization. ###

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Word: khidmat

Short Definition: respect; humility. BER-: to be respectful, dutiful. Also MENG--I, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 respect. 2 humility. BER-: to be respectful, dutiful. MENG--I: to respect s.o. KE--AN: respectfulness. ###

L2 Definition: takzim; hormat. ###

Examples: Setidak-tidaknya cobalah MENGKHIDMATI pidatonya. = At least try to RESPECT his speech. KEKHIDMATAN acara ini karena juru bicaranya yang handal. = The RESPECTFULNESS of the occasion is because of the ability of the speaker. ###

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Word: khilaf

Short Definition: error, mistake.

English Definition: error, mistake. ###

L2 Definition: salah; tidak benar; keliru. ###

Examples: Maaf, saya telah membuat KEKHILAFAN yang besar. = Sorry, I have made a big MISTAKE. ###

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Word: khotbah

Short Definition: sermon, preaching.

English Definition: sermon, preaching. ###

L2 Definition: Pidato untuk menyebarkan agama. ###

Examples: Pendeta itu kuat BERKHOTBAH berjam-jam lamanya. = The preacher is strong enough to GIVE SERMON for hours. ###

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Word: khusuk

Short Definition: see KHUSYU.

English Definition: see KHUSYU. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: khusus

Short Definition: special ; KHUSUSNYA: especially

English Definition: special; KHUSUSNYA: especially

Word: khusyu

Short Definition: devout, devoted to or humble before God; engrossed in, absorbed in. Also BER-.

English Definition: ^*1 devout, devoted to or humble before God. 2 engrossed in, absorbed in. BER-: be devoted to religion. ###

L2 Definition: Memusatkan perhatian penuh pada suatu hal. ###

Examples: Jangan diganggu! sembahyangnya sedang KHUSYUK. = Don't disturb him! she is ABSORBED in praying. ###

Hear This Word

Word: khusyuk

Short Definition: see KHUSYU.

English Definition: see KHUSYU. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kiai

Short Definition: 1. Muslim teacher, scholar. 2. district head (in S. Kalimantan).

English Definition: 1. Muslim teacher, scholar. 2. district head (in S. Kalimantan). ###

L2 Definition: Alim ulama; sebutan untuk orang yang pandai tentang agama (Islam); kepala distrik di Kalimantan Selatan. ###

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Word: kiamat

Short Definition: doomsday, Judgement Day, the end of the world.

English Definition: ^ doomsday, Judgement Day, the end of the world. ###

L2 Definition: Hari akhir dunia; celaka besar; akhir dari suatu riwayat. ###

Examples: Dunia akan KIAMAT kalau semua orang sudah tidak peduli dosa lagi. = The DOOMSDAY wil come if all the people do not care about sin anymore. ###

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Word: kian

Short Definition: all the more; the . . . so much more . . . . Also SE-, KESE-.

English Definition: ^1 all the more. 2 the . . . so much more . . . *SE-: 1 so an so much (an unnamed amount). 2 as much as this. *KESE-: the nth, the so-and-so manieth. ###

L2 Definition: semakin. sebegitu. ###

Examples: SEKIAN saja pembicaraan kami hari ini. = Our talking today will be just AS MUCH AS THIS. Ini adalah peringatan yang KESEKIAN kalinya untukmu. = This is the NTH time for you to be reminded. ###

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Word: kias

Short Definition: 1. symbol, metaphor, comparison. 2. allusion, hint.

English Definition: 1. symbol, metaphor, comparison. 2. allusion, hint. ###

L2 Definition: perbandingan; contoh; ibarat; sindir. ###

Examples: Penyair itu senang menggunakan KIASAN dalam puisinya. = The poet likes to use METAPHORS in his poems. ###

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Word: kiat

Short Definition: trick, secret

English Definition: trick, secret

Examples: Ada KIAT khusus untuk membuka peti besi itu = There is a secret TRICK to open the steel chest.###

Word: kibar

Short Definition: BER-: to wave or flutter. MENG--KAN: to unfurl (a flag), to make s.t. flutter.

English Definition: ^BER-: to wave or flutter. MENG--KAN: to unfurl (a flag), to make s.t. flutter. ###

L2 Definition: Bergerak-gerak karena ditiup angin; sedang sukses dalam suatu hal. ###

Examples: Bendera itu BERKIBAR dengan gagahnya di depan gedung negara. = The flag WAVES gallantly in front of the state building. Dengan MENGIBARKAN bendera putih ini berarti kau sudah menyerah kalah. = By WAVING the white flag it means you have surrendered. ###

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Word: kibul

Short Definition: [Jkt.] bottom, buttocks, rear; *NG--: tell a lie

English Definition: [Jkt.] bottom, buttocks, rear; *NG--: tell a lie *MENG--I: lie to s.o.; cheat, deceive

Examples: Sudah bosan saya mendengar kamu NGIBUL setiap hari = I am tired of listening to you LYING to me. pedagang itu berhasil MENGKIBULI orang untuk membeli barangnya = The trader was able to DECEIVE people to buy his products.###

Word: kidal

Short Definition: left-handed.

English Definition: left-handed. ###

L2 Definition: Kecenderungan menggunakan anggota badan sebelah kiri. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kijang

Short Definition: a k.o. small antelope; brand name for a popular k.o. motorized van.

English Definition: 1 a k.o. small antelope. 2 brand name for a popular k.o. motorized van. ###

L2 Definition: Binatang sejenis rusa, biasanya lebih kecil. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kikir

Short Definition: see KIKIR1 (file, rasp . . .) or KIKIR2 (stingy . . .)

English Definition: see KIKIR1 (file, rasp . . .) KIKIR2 (stingy . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: kikir1

Short Definition: file or rasp.

English Definition: *file or rasp. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk menajamkan atau menghaluskan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Pakailah KIKIR yang kecil untuk meratakan pinggiran meja ini. = Use a small FILE to smooth out the edge of this table. ###

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Word: kikir2

Short Definition: overly frugal, stingy. KE--AN: stinginess.

English Definition: overly frugal, stingy. *KE--AN: stinginess. ###

L2 Definition: Pelit; terlalu hemat. ###

Examples: Karena KEKIKIRANmu banyak teman menjauhimu. = Because of your STINGINESS, many friends have moved away from you. ###

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Word: kikis

Short Definition: MENG-: erode, make s.t. disappear bit by bit. MENG--KAN: scrape off.

English Definition: MENG-: erode, make s.t. disappear bit by bit. MENG--KAN: scrape off. ###

L2 Definition: hilang; habis; lenyap; kerik. ###

Examples: Lama-lama tebing itu MENGIKIS karena diterpa ombak berulang-ulang. = Eventually this cliff will be eroded because of repeated attacks of waves. Asamnya jeruk nipis ini MENGIKISKAN tajamnya pisauku. = The acid of this lime has lessened the sharpness of my knife. ###

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Word: kilang

Short Definition: 1. press, mill, factory for processing or refining natural products; 2. drink made from pressed sugar or palm sugar

English Definition: 1. press, mill, factory for processing or refining natural products; 2. drink made from pressed sugar or palm sugar. *MENG--: mill (esp. rice), press (sugar cane), process (natural gas, petroleum) *PENG--AN: 1. refining; 2.refinery

Examples: Kami jarang lagi bertemu Sukri sejak dia bekerja di KILANG minyak lepas pantai = We rarely see Sukri anymore since he works at the offshore oil REFINERY.###

Word: kilap

Short Definition: shine, gloss. BER-: to shine. MENG--KAN: to shine or polish s.t. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^ shine, gloss. BER-: to shine. MENG--KAN: to shine or polish s.t. -AN: the shine, polish or gloss of s.t. ###

L2 Definition: cahaya; sinar. ###

Examples: Dari jauh sepatumu sudah kelihatan BERKILAP. = From far away your shoes have been seen SHINING. Ramuan ini bisa MENGKILAPKAN semua benda yang terbuat dari kulit. = This formula can POLISH all things that are made of leather. ###

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Word: kilas

Short Definition: a glance

English Definition: *SE-- : in a flash; in a glance *---AN : glance; flash *---BALIK : flashback

L2 Definition: melihat dengan cepat

Examples: Dia hanya melihat SEKILAS saja kepadaku = He looks at me only at A GLANCE. Menonton film itu seperti melihat KILASAN perjalanan hidup ayah saya = Watching the film is like looking at my father's life in A FLASH. Novel ini adalah KILASBALIK cerita perang kemerdekaan Indonesia = This novel is a FLASHBACK of Indonesia's war for independence. ###

Word: kilat

Short Definition: lightening; shine, gleam, flash.

English Definition: ^1 lightening. 2 shine, gleam. *BER-: shine, gleam, flash. MENG-: shine. ###

L2 Definition: petir; cahaya yang berkelebat di langit. ###

Examples: Bapak tidak akan memakai sepatunya kalau belum disemir sampai MENGKILAT. = Father won't wear his shoes if they are not polished until they SHINE. Petir menyambar BERKILAT-KILAT di langit sebelum hujan turun. = The thunderbolts FLASHED in the sky before the rain fell. ###

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Word: kilau

Short Definition: luster

English Definition: luster, reflected shine, glare MENGK- shine brightly (BER-) -AN sparkle (plural) BER-, MENG(K)- sparkle, glitter -AN luster, shine -2-AN shining brightly but inconstantly ###

Word: kilir

Short Definition: TER--: be sprained

English Definition: *TER--: be sprained

L2 Definition: terpelintir, keseleo

Examples: Kemarin Hadi tidak datang karena kakinya TERKILIR = Yesterday Hadi did not come because he SPRAINED his ankle.##

Word: kilo

Short Definition: kilogram; kilometer. -AN: by the kilogram.

English Definition: 1 kilogram. 2 kilometer. *-AN: by the kilogram. ###

L2 Definition: Ukuran yang dipakai untuk mengukur berat (kilogram) atau jarak (kilometer) sesuatu. ###

Examples: Mangga ini dijual secara KILOAN. = These mangos are sold BY THE KILO. ###

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Word: kilometer

Short Definition: kilometer

English Definition: kilometer

Word: KIM

Short Definition: "Kartu Izin Menetap," or a Residency Permit.

English Definition: acronym for "Kartu Izin Menetap," or a Residency Permit. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: kimia

Short Definition: chemistry.

English Definition: chemistry. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: kinerja

Short Definition: accumulation of efforts###

English Definition: 1. accumulation of efforts that builds a strong goal * 2. work performance to the public 3. results of work ###

Examples: * Penangkapan itu memberi kesan jelek terhadap KINERJA pemerintah = The arrest has given a bad impression of the government's WORK PERFORMANCE.###

Word: kini

Short Definition: nowadays.

English Definition: nowadays. ###

L2 Definition: sekarang; saat ini. ###

Examples: Celana jin dan kaos oblong sedang menjadi mode masa KINI. = Jeans pants and t-shirt is the style NOWADAYS. ###

Hear This Word

Word: kios

Short Definition: kiosk.

English Definition: kiosk. ###

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Word: kipas

Short Definition: 1. fan; 2. propeller (of plane, etc.)

English Definition: 1. fan; 2. propeller (of plane, etc.) *--ANGIN: electric fan *BER--: use or have a fan *BER--(2): swish, wag, fan, wave *MENG--I: fan s.o. or s.t.##

Examples: Ibu membawa oleh-oleh KIPAS baru dari Jepang = Ibu brought a nice FAN as souvenir from Japan. Boleh saya meminjam KIPAS ANGIN mu? = Can I borrow your ELECTRIC FAN?.###

Word: kiper

Short Definition: keeper (sports)###

English Definition: keeper (sports)###

Examples: KIPER sepak bola Amerika Serikat sangat tangguh = The United States soccer club's KEEPER is very powerful.###

Word: kira

Short Definition: guess, reckon, suppose. KIRA-KIRA: approximately. Also -NYA, SE--NYA, +

English Definition: guess, reckon, suppose. *KIRA-KIRA: approximately. *-NYA: 1 I wonder who/when/where, who/when/where do you think. 2 apparently. *SE--NYA: in case. *MENG-: 1 think, suppose, assume. 2 guess. 3 estimate, calculate. MEMPER--KAN: estimate, conjecture. TER-: estimated. PER--AN: estimate, calculation. PENG--AN: estimating, calculating. ###

L2 Definition: Perhitungan yang berdasarkan dugaan saja. ###

Examples: Berapa KIRA-KIRA jumlah muridmu nanti? = ABOUT how many students in all will you have later? Siapa KIRANYA yang berani melawan jago kita? = Who DO YOU THINK is brave enough to go up against our martial artist? Saya pasti akan datang SEKIRANYA hari tidak hujan. = I will surely come IF IT BE THE CASE that it doesn't rain. Siapa MENGIRA dia yang akan menjadi juara? = Who THINKS he will become the champion? ###

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Word: kirai

Short Definition: BER-, TER-: shaken out###

English Definition: BER-, TER-: shaken out ME-KAN: 1. shake out, stretch out, spread out 2. strip 3. sago-tree (Metroxylon)###

Examples: ###

Word: kirana

Short Definition: ray of light, beautiful, gilorious, lovely###

English Definition: ray of light, beautiful, gilorious, lovely###

Examples: Ibu Guru Dina dicintai oleh murid-muridnya karena sifatnya yang KIRANA = Madame Dina is loved by her pupils because of her BEAUTIFUL chacacter.###

Word: kirap

Short Definition: clap (flap)###

English Definition: ^clap (flap) *ME-: 1. clap (the wings) 2. gone, blotted out (hope), swept away, ruined (ideals, illusions) ME-KAN: 1. stretch out to extend (wings), flutter, wave TER-: 1. spread out 2. vanished, dissapeared###

Examples: *Burung merpati MENGIRAP sayap lalu terbang = A dove CLAPPED its wings then flying away.###

Word: kiri

Short Definition: left (side).

English Definition: left (side). ###

L2 Definition: Antonim: kanan. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: kirik

Short Definition: ME-: shiver, shivering###

English Definition: ME-: shiver, shivering###

Examples: Ayu MENGIRIK kayu untuk membuat hiasan = Ayu SHIVERED a piece of wood to make an ornament###

Word: kirim

Short Definition: send. BER-: send through the mail. Also BER-_-_-AN, MENG-, MENG--I, +

English Definition: ^send. *BER-: send through the mail. *BER-_-_-AN: correspond with e.o. *MENG-: send s.t. (letter, package, etc.). *MENG--I: send to. *MENG--KAN: send s.t. off. *-AN: s.t. sent. *PENG-: sender. ###

L2 Definition: Menyampaikan sesuatu pada pihak lain. ###

Examples: Kami tidak akan lupa BERKIRIM surat padamu. = We will not forget to SEND a letter to you. Selama liburan kita berjanji akan selalu BERKIRIM-KIRIMAN surat. = Throughout the vacation we promished we will always CORRESPOND WITH EACH OTHER by letter. Jangan lupa MENGIRIM bunga di hari ulang tahun ayah. = Don't forget to SEND flowers on father's birthday. Dia selalu MENGIRIMIku surat cinta. = He always SENDS love letters TO me. Tuti yang MENGIRIMKAN surat-surat tagihan. = Tute is the one who SENT OFF the bills. Siapa yang menerima KIRIMAN uangku? = Who received the money I SENT? Saya tidak tahu siapa PENGIRIM kartu misterius ini. = I don't know who is the SENDER of this mysterious card. ###

Hear This Word

Word: kirmizi

Short Definition: scarlet, carmine###

English Definition: scarlet, carmine###

Examples: ###

Word: kisah

Short Definition: story, legend, tale.

English Definition: story, legend, tale. ###

L2 Definition: cerita; riwayat. ###

Examples: Itu adalah KISAH lama yang diperbaharui saja. = This is an old STORY that is just updated. ###

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Word: kisar

Short Definition: rotation (of the earth on its axis). BER-: 1. revolve, turn. 2. change, shift. +

English Definition: rotation (of the earth on its axis). BER-: 1. revolve, turn. 2. change, shift. MENG-(-KAN): 1. turn s.t., make s.t. revolve. 2. mill (wheat, ect.). 3. move or shift s.t. PENG-: miller. ###

L2 Definition: putar; sekitar. ###

Examples: Persoalan anak-anak muda ini BERKISAR pada masalah yang itu-itu juga. = The problems of the young people REVOLVE in the same matters. Sulit benar MENGISARKAN kursi besar itu. = It is really hard to MOVE this big chair. ###

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Word: kisi

Short Definition: -(2): bar, baluster (of stairs), rod, pole, spoke###

English Definition: -(2): bar, baluster (of stairs), rod, pole, spoke, lattice-work, grating, chink, cleft, crevice *BER-, KE-: find o.'s center in, concentrate on###

Examples: *Semua orang BERKISI pada pidato Presiden Gus Dur = All people CONCENTRATED ON President Gus Dur' speech.###

Word: kita

Short Definition: we (including the person being addressed), our, us.

English Definition: *we (including the person being addressed), our, us. ###

L2 Definition: Kata ganti orang (termasuk pembicara dan orang (orang-orang) yang diajak bicara). ###

Examples: Siapa lagi kalau bukan KITA yang harus membangun daerah ini. = Who else if not US must develop this region. ###

Hear This Word

Word: kitab

Short Definition: 1. book. 2. holy book.

English Definition: 1. book. kitab logat = dictionary. 2. holy book. Kitab Perjanjian Baru = New Testament; Kitab Perjanjian Lama = Old Testament. ###

L2 Definition: Buku suci sebagai pedoman dalam beragama; buku. ###

Examples: Siapa yang meminjam KITAB Undang-undang Hukum Pidanaku? = Who borrowed my Criminal Laws BOOK? Injil adalah KITAB SUCI umat Kristen. = The Bible is the HOLY BOOK for Christians. ###

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Word: kitar

Short Definition: SE-: around, in the proximity of; approximately, about. Also SE--NYA, BER-.

English Definition: *SE-: 1 around, in the proximity of. 2 approximately, about. *SE--NYA: surroungings, environs. *BER-: turn, revolve. ###

L2 Definition: keliling, putar. ###

Examples: Saya akan datang SEKITAR jam lima petang. = I am going to come at AROUND five o'clock in the afternoon. Karena terkenal sebagai bintang film selalu banyak gadis-gadis di SEKITARNYA. = Because he is famous as a film star, there are always a lot of young women AROUND HIM. Sepertinya dari tadi kita hanya BERKITAR di daerah ini saja. = It seems as if we have only been GOING AROUND this same area since a little while ago. ###

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Word: KKN

Short Definition: "Kuliah Kerja Nyata," social internship program for university students.

English Definition: acronym for "Kuliah Kerja Nyata," the program of obligatory rural social internships for university students. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: klab

Short Definition: club.

English Definition: club. klab malam = night club. ###

L2 Definition: Perkumpulan sekelompok orang-orang yang punya tujuan/keinginan yang sama; gedung tempat pertemuan sekelompok/grup orang-orang. ###

Examples: Hampir dua tahun dia menjadi penyanyi di KLAB malam itu. = In almost two years she became a singer in the night CLUB. ###

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Word: klaim

Short Definition: claim

English Definition: claim. *MENGK--: file a claim *PENGK--: claimant *PENGK--AN: act of claiming.

Examples: Kita akan menyelesaikan KLAIM ini melalui pengadilan = we will resolve this CLAIM through court. Kamu harus MENGKLAIM apa yang menjadi hakmu = You must CLAIM what is in your rights. Dia MENGKLAIM bahwa dia keturunan bangsawan = He CLAIMED that he is the descendant of nobel family.###

Word: klenteng

Short Definition: Chinese temple.

English Definition: Chinese temple. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat beribadah bagi orang-orang Cina di Indonesia. ###

Examples: Setahu saya, KELENTENG itu dibangun lebih dari seratus tahun yang lalu. = As far as I know, the CHINESE TEMPLE was built more than a hundred years ago.

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Word: klien

Short Definition: client, customer.

English Definition: client, customer.##

Examples: Pelayanan terhadap KLIEN di bank tiu sangat buruk = The service to CLIENTS in that bank is really bad.###

Word: Kliwon

Short Definition: fifth day of the five-day week.

English Definition: the fifth day of the five-day week. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah hari dalam tanggalan Jawa. ###

Examples: Malam Jumat KLIWON dianggap keramat oleh orang Jawa. = The night of KLIWON Friday [the conjunction of "Friday" in the seven day week and "Kliwon" in the five day week] is regarded as sacred by the Javanese. ###

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Word: klop

Short Definition: see KELOP.

English Definition: see KELOP. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: knalpot

Short Definition: muffler

English Definition: muffler (auto.)

Examples: KNALPOT mobil saya rusak = The MUFFLER of my car is broken.

Word: KNIL

Short Definition: acronym for the Dutch colonial army.

English Definition: acronym for the Dutch colonial army. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: KNIP

Short Definition: "Komite Nasional Indonesia Pusat," or Central Indonesian Naitonal Committee.

English Definition: acronym for "Komite Nasional Indonesia Pusat," the Central Indonesian National Committee. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Ko-Ops

Short Definition: Operations Command.

English Definition: (Komando Operasi) Operations Command. ###

Hear This Word

Word: koalisi

Short Definition: coalition###

English Definition: coalition * BER~ = form a coalition###

Examples: * Partai politik pimpinan Amin Rais BERKOALISI dengan pengikut Megawati = Political party under Amin Rais FORMED A COALITION with Megawati's followers.###

Word: kobar

Short Definition: flaming, in flames. BER-: flare up. MENG--KAN: inspire, stir up.

English Definition: flaming, in flames. BER-: flare up. MENG--KAN: inspire, stir up. ###

L2 Definition: Menyala besar; menjadi besar. ###

Examples: Api itu semakin lama semakin BERKOBAR, bukannya menjadi padam. = As time went by the fire became more FLARING UP, instead of became extinguished. Bung Karno MENGOBARKAN semangat rakyat dengan pidatonya. = Bung Karno (nickname for the former President of Indonesia) INSPIRED the spirit of the people with his speech. ###

Hear This Word

Word: koboi

Short Definition: cowboy.

English Definition: cowboy. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: kobra

Short Definition: cobra###

English Definition: cobra###

Examples: KOBRA adalah ular beracun = COBRA is a poisonous snake.###

Word: kocak

Short Definition: 1. hilarious, amusing;, classy

English Definition: 1. hilarious, amusing;, classy

Examples: Group pelawak itu membuat penonton tertawa dengan lawakan yang KOCAK = The comedians made the audience laughed with their HILARIOUS jokes.###

Word: kocok

Short Definition: *MENG--: 1. shake, mix s.t.. 2. stir, mix, shuffle (cards). 3. rub hard. 4. incite s.o. to do s.t.

English Definition: *MENG--: 1. shake, mix s.t.. 2. stir, mix, shuffle (cards). 3. rub hard. 4. incite s.o. to do s.t. *--AN: card shuffling, mixture. *PENG--: shaker, mixer. *PENG--AN: shaking, rubbing, mixing, shuffling.###

Examples: Ibu MENGOCOK telur untuk membuat kue = Ibu MIXED the eggs to make the cake. Tuang KOCOKAN telur ini kedalam panci itu = Pour this egg MIXTURE into the pan.###

Word: Kodam

Short Definition: Militatry Regional Command.

English Definition: (Komando Daerah Militer) Military Regional Command. ###

Hear This Word

Word: Kodim

Short Definition: Military District Command.

English Definition: (Komando Distrik Militer) Military District Command. ###

Hear This Word

Word: kodok

Short Definition: frog.

English Definition: frog. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: katak. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: kodrat

Short Definition: (Isl.) God's will, God's omnipotence; power (of nature).

English Definition: ^*1 (Isl.) God's will, God's omnipotence. 2 power (of nature). ###

L2 Definition: Kuasa Tuhan; hukum Tuhan/alam. ###

Examples: Memang sudah KODRATnya cacat seumur hidup. = It is truly THE WILL OF GOD for him to be disabled for his whole life. ###

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Word: Kohanudnas

Short Definition: National Air Defense Command.

English Definition: (Komando Pertahanan Udara Nasional) National Air Defense Command. ###

Hear This Word

Word: kok

Short Definition: Why?, How come?; a particle denying s.t. said by the person spoken to.

English Definition: ^*1 why?, How come? 2 a particle at the end of a phrase denying an assumption or statement of the person being spoken to. ###

L2 Definition: mengapa; kenapa; kata penegasan pada suatu pernyataan. ###

Examples: KOK tiba-tiba dia menjadi pendiam sekali? = HOW COME he became a very quiet person all of a sudden. KOK jadinya jelek sekali. Tidak seperti yang kuingini. = WHY did it come out so poorly? It's not at all like I wanted. Bukan dia KOK yang mengambil bukumu. = It wasn't him, YOU KNOW, who took your book. ###

Hear This Word

Word: kokoh

Short Definition: see KUKUH

English Definition: see KUKUH

L2 Definition: kokoh, kuat

Word: kokok

Short Definition: BER-: to crow.

English Definition: BER-: to crow. ###

L2 Definition: Suara ayam jantan. ###

Examples: Saya rindu mendengar ayam BERKOKOK. = I miss hearing roaster CROWS.

Hear This Word

Word: kol

Short Definition: kol1: cabbage; kol2: k.o. minibus; kol3: colt pistol ###

English Definition: *kol1: cabbage; **kol2: k.o. minibus; kol3: colt pistol; kol4: 1. calculated, estimated 2. collated kol5: brush (of generator) kol6: MENG-: call ###

Examples: *Bentuk sayur KOL seperti selada = The shape of CABBAGE is like lettuce. ** KOL itu penuh dengan penumpang = That MINIBUS is full of passangers.###

Word: kolam

Short Definition: pond, pool, tank.

English Definition: *pond, pool, tank. ###

L2 Definition: Lubang di tanah yang tidak terlalu luas dan dalam untuk memelihara ikan. ###

Examples: Anak kecil itu baru saja tercebur di KOLAM ikan. = That small child just now fell into the fish POND. ###

Hear This Word

Word: kolom

Short Definition: printed column

English Definition: column; printed column

Examples: Masukkan informasi ini di KOLOM yang tersedia= Input the information in the right COLUMN.##

Word: kolong

Short Definition: space under a house, a bed, etc.

English Definition: space under a house, a bed, etc. ###

L2 Definition: Ruangan di bawah jembatan, tempat tidur, rumah, dll. ###

Examples: Sudah setahun orang tua itu tidur di bawah KOLONG jembatan. = The old man/woman has been sleeping UNDER the bridge for a year.

Hear This Word

Word: kolor

Short Definition: 1. drawstring; 2. shorts or undershorts

English Definition: 1. drawstring; 2. shorts or undershorts *NG--: bootlick.##

Examples: Tidak sopan kamu menerima tamu hanya memakai KOLOR = It is rude to meet the guest wearing only your (UNDER)SHORT.###

Word: kolot

Short Definition: old-fashioned, conservative. KE--AN: conservatism.

English Definition: ^old-fashioned, conservative. KE--AN: conservatism. ###

L2 Definition: kuno; tidak modern; tidak baru. ###

Examples: KEKOLOTANku dalam masalah perkawinan ini adalah demi untuk kebaikanmu sendiri. =My OLD-FASHIONED ATTITUDE in the matter of this marriage is for the sake of your own welfare. ###

Hear This Word

Word: komando

Short Definition: command.

English Definition: command. ###

L2 Definition: aba-aba; perintah. ###

Examples: Seluruh pasukan DIKOMANDO untuk siap tempur. = All of the troops were COMANDED to be battle ready. ###

Hear This Word

Word: komat

Short Definition: see KAMIT.

English Definition: see KAMIT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: komat-kamit

Short Definition: move the lips without speaking. BER-: to move the lips without speaking.

English Definition: move the lips without speaking. *BER-: to move the lips without speaking. ###

L2 Definition: Mengucapkan kata-kata atau doa yang berulang-ulang tetapi kurang jelas. ###

Examples: Sebelum memberi jimat dukun itu BERKOMAT-KAMIT cukup lama. = Before giving the charm, that traditional healer MOVED HIS LIPS WITHOUT SPEAKING for a considerable time. ###

Hear This Word

Word: kombinasi

Short Definition: combination.

English Definition: combination. ###

L2 Definition: Gabungan dari beberapa hal. ###

Hear This Word

Word: komentar

Short Definition: commentary###

English Definition: ^commentary *BER-: comment on MENG(k)-i: comment on###

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Tommy Suharto tak dapat BERKOMENTAR atas hukuman yang dijatuhkan padanya= Tommy Suharto could not COMMENT ON the court sentence on him.###

Word: komentator

Short Definition: caster, person who gives commentary###

English Definition: caster, person who gives commentary###

Examples: Rifai adalah KOMENTATOR olah raga = Rifai is a sports CASTER. ###

Word: komik

Short Definition: comedian, clown; comic book.

English Definition: 1 comedian, clown. 2 comic book. ###

L2 Definition: Cerita bergambar (biasanya cerita-cerita lucu). ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: komisariat

Short Definition: commissioner's office.

English Definition: commissioner's office. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: komisaris

Short Definition: commissioner.

English Definition: commissioner. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: komisi

Short Definition: see komisi1, see komisi2###

English Definition: see komisi1 see komisi2###

L2 Definition:

Examples: ###

Word: komisi1

Short Definition: 1. commission 2. committee (in parliament, etc.)###

English Definition: * 1. commission 2. committee (in parliament, etc.) MENG~ = inspect, investigate###

L2 Definition:

Examples: KOMISI VIII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat membahas undang-undang pemilihan umum = The COMMITTEE VIII of the House of Representatives works on a new electoral statue.###

Word: komisi2

Short Definition: 1. commission on a sale 2. tip, bribe###

English Definition: *1. commission on a sale 2. tip, bribe MENGK~KAN = sell s.t. on commission###

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Pelayan itu menerima KOMISI dari tamu-tamu hotel = That servant gets TIPS from hotel's quests.###

Word: komite

Short Definition: committee

English Definition: committee

Examples: Sepanjang hari anggota KOMITE mengadakan rapat sebelum keputusan itu dibuat = The COMMITTEE members were in the meeting for the whole day before reaching the decision.###

Word: komitmen

Short Definition: commitment###

English Definition: commitment###

Examples: Di Indonesia, banyak pengusaha tak mampu memenuhi KOMITMEN ekspor = In Indonesia, many bussinessmen cannot fulfill the export COMMITMENT.###

Word: Komnas

Short Definition: National Commission (for Human Rights)###

English Definition: abbreviation of Komisi National or National Commision -- for the human rights organization.###

Examples: Marzuki Darusman adalah ketua KOMNAS (Komisi Nasional) Hak-Hak Azasi Manusia = Marzuki Darusman is the leader of the National Commission for Human Rights.###

Word: komnasham

Short Definition: National Commission on Human Rights

English Definition: acronym for Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia: National Commission on Human Rights

Word: komoditas

Short Definition: see komoditi###

English Definition: see komoditi###

Examples: ###

Word: komoditi

Short Definition: commodity###

English Definition: raw materials as an item of trade### see komoditas

L2 Definition:

Examples: ###

Word: komodo

Short Definition: a kind of giant indigenous lizard in Indonesia.

English Definition: a kind of giant indigenous lizard in Indonesia. ###

L2 Definition:

See a Picture

Word: Kompas

Short Definition: a name of daily national newspaper###

English Definition: Kompas is a name of daily national newspaper that is located in Jakarta###

Examples: Saya berlangganan surat kabar KOMPAS = I subscribe KOMPAS newspaper###

Word: komplot

Short Definition: accomplice, thug; plot. BER-: to plot or conspire. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^1 accomplice, thug. 2 plot. BER-: to plot or conspire. -AN: gang, ring of conspirators. ###

L2 Definition: akrab; erat; bersekutu; bersahabat. ###

Examples: Kami BERKOMPLOT untuk membunuhnya. = We CONSPIRED to kill him. Perampokan itu dilakukan oleh KOMPLOTAN orang-orang bertatto. = The robbery is done by a GANG of tattooed men. ###

Hear This Word

Word: komponen

Short Definition: component###

English Definition: component###

Examples: ###

Word: kompor

Short Definition: stove.

English Definition: stove. ###

Hear This Word

Word: komposisi

Short Definition: composition

English Definition: *BER-- : be composed of

Examples: KOMPOSISI bangunan ini sangat rumit = The COMPOSITION of this bulding is complicated##

Word: komputer

Short Definition: computer.

English Definition: computer. ###

Hear This Word

Word: Komsat

Short Definition: contraction of "Komunikasi lewat satelit," or satellite communication.

English Definition: contraction of "Komunikasi lewat satelit," satellite communication. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: komuni

Short Definition: communion.

English Definition: communion. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian dari upacara/misa gereja. ###

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Word: komunikasi

Short Definition: communication###

English Definition: communication *BER~ = communicate MENG~KAN = communicate###

L2 Definition: komunikasi massa = mass communication komunikasi harafiah = literal communication

Examples: *Mereka selalu BERKOMUNIKASI lewat telepon = They always COMMUNICATE by phone.###

Word: komunike

Short Definition: communique###

English Definition: communique###

Examples: Beberapa kelompok aktivis mahasiswa menandatangani KOMUNIKE bersama untuk menjatuhkan Pemerintahan Habibie = Several student activist groups issued a COMMUNIQUE to overthrow the Habibie administration.####

Word: komunis

Short Definition: communist.

English Definition: communist. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: komunisme

Short Definition: communism.

English Definition: communism. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kondang

Short Definition: see KONDANG1 (famous . . .) or KONDANG2 (invite . . .).

English Definition: see KONDANG1 (famous . . .) KONDANG2 (invite . . .). ###

L2 Definition: 1. terkenal; kenamaan. 2. undangan. ###

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Word: kondang1

Short Definition: famous; high official.

English Definition: ^1 famous. 2 high official. ###

L2 Definition: terkenal; ternama. ###

Examples: Masakan "gudeg Yogya" sudah KONDANG sampai ke manca negara. = Gudeg Yogya dish has been FAMOUS internationally. ###

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Word: kondang2

Short Definition: MENG-: invite. -AN: invitation.

English Definition: ^-AN: invitation. ###

L2 Definition: Pergi menghadiri pesta, biasanya acara perkawinan. ###

Examples: Kami akan menghadiri acara KONDANGAN di desa sebelah malam ini. = We are going to attend an INVITATIONAL affair at the next village tonight. ###

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Word: konde

Short Definition: chignon, hair bun

English Definition: *BER- = wear a chignon

Examples: Ibu pergi ke pesta dengan BERKONDE = Ibu went to the party wearing the HAIR BUN.##

Word: kondusif

Short Definition: conducive###

English Definition: conducive###

Examples: Wiranto mengharapkan suasana menjelang pemilihan umum semakin KONDUSIF= Wiranto hopes that the situation will be more CONDUCIVE around the general election.###

Word: konferensi

Short Definition: conference

English Definition: conference

L2 Definition: pertemuan besar

Examples: Tahun lalu Pak Sukri menjadi pembicara dalam KONFERENSI itu = Last year Mr. Sukri was the speaker of that CONFERENCE.###

Word: konfirmasi

Short Definition: confirmation

English Definition: confirmation

Word: konfrontasi

Short Definition: confrontation

English Definition: confrontation *BER--: to be in confrontation with e.o.

Examples: Saya capek selalu harus BERKONFRONTASI denganmu setiap hari = I am tired of having CONFRONTATION with you everyday.###

Word: kongkol

Short Definition: talking over s.t. *SE--: an accessory. 2.scheme, plot with

English Definition: talking over s.t. *SE--: an accessory. 2.scheme, plot with *BERSE--: plot, conspire *SE--AN: collusion, plot *PERSE--AN: 1. intrigue. 2. conspiracy.###

Examples: Mereka SEKONGKOL untuk membuat hadiah kejutan untuk Andi = They made a PLOT to give a surprise gift for Andi. Pak Hadi ditangkap dengan tuduhan BERSEKONGKOL dengan pelaku korupsi itu = Pak Hadi was arrested on the charge of CONSPIRING with the corruptor. Setelah berjalan selama sepuluh tahun, PERSEKONGKOLAN itu akhirnya dibongkar juga = After more than ten years, the CONSPIRACY was finally broken down.###

Word: kongres

Short Definition: congress, convention.

English Definition: congress, convention. ###

L2 Definition: Rapat besar; pertemuan antara wakil-wakil negara/organisasi untuk membicarakan suatu masalah. ###

Examples: Setiap dua tahun perkumpulan kami mengadakan KONGRES. = Every two years our association holds a CONVENTION.

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Word: Koni

Short Definition: KONI (Komite Olah Raga Nasional Indonesia) National Committee of Sport

English Definition: Indonesia National Committee of Sport

Word: konkret

Short Definition: concrete, precise.

English Definition: concrete, precise. ###

L2 Definition: Ada wujudnya; nyata; benar-benar ada. ###

Examples: Beri kami contoh yang KONKRET, jangan yang abstrak melulu. = Give us a CONCRETE example, not just abstract ones all the time.

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Word: konon

Short Definition: they say; I wonder; perhaps, it seems.

English Definition: ^*1 they say. 2 I wonder. 3 perhaps, it seems. ###

L2 Definition: kabarnya; menurut cerita orang. ###

Examples: KONON kabarnya dia adalah pahlawan yang gagah berani. = ACCORDING TO the news, he is a very courageous hero. ###

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Word: konsep

Short Definition: concept.

English Definition: concept. ###

L2 Definition: Ide atau gambaran dari akal budi manusia yang dipakai untuk memahami hal-hal lain. ###

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Word: konser

Short Definition: concert

English Definition: concert.##

L2 Definition: pertunjukan musik

Examples: ###

Word: konstelasi

Short Definition: constellation

English Definition: constellation

Word: konstruktif

Short Definition: constructive

English Definition: constructive

Examples: ###

Word: konsultasi

Short Definition: consultation.

English Definition: consultation. ###

L2 Definition: Pertukaran pikiran yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dari suatu usaha. ###

Examples: Kapan saya bisa BERKONSULTASI dengan bapak? = When can I CONSULT to you, Sir?

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Word: kontan

Short Definition: directly, immediately.

English Definition: directly, immediately, cash. ###

L2 Definition: Pada waktu itu juga; tunai; sekaligus. ###

Examples: Kami hanya menerima uang KONTAN! = We accept CASH only! Mendengar kata si Baco, KONTAN dia bereaksi. = Having heard what Baco said, he reacted IMMEDIATELY.

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Word: konteks

Short Definition: context###

English Definition: ^context###

Examples: Sangat sulit menemui KONTEKS asli Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret (Supersemar) 1966 = It is very difficult to find the original CONTEXT of Supersemar 1966 (the Letter of Command of March Eleventh, 1966).###

Word: kontes

Short Definition: contest###

English Definition: contest MENGK~KAN = hold a contest over ~2AN = contests of various kinds###

Examples: Dia menang dalam KONTES kecantikan tahun 1997 = She won in a beauty CONTEST of 1997.###

Word: kontestan

Short Definition: 1. contestant 2. candidate###

English Definition: 1. contestant 2. candidate###

Examples: Al Gore dicalonkan diri sebagai KONTESTAN presiden = Al Gore has been nominated as a CANDIDATE for president.###

Word: kontol

Short Definition: [Vulg] penis

English Definition: [Vulg] penis

Examples: ###

Word: kontrak

Short Definition: contract, lease. MENG-: to contract s.t. or lease s.t. out. Also MENG--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: contract, lease. *MENG-: to contract s.t. or lease s.t. MENG--KAN: to lease s.t. out or take s.t. out on contract. *-AN: s.t. leased out. ###

L2 Definition: Persetujuan; perjanjian. ###

Examples: Saya baru saja MENGONTRAK rumah di dekat kampus. = I just LEASED a house near campus. KONTRAKAN kamar ini akan berakhir bulan depan. = The LEASE on this room will terminate next month. ###

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Word: konvensional

Short Definition: convensional, traditional###

English Definition: ^convensional, traditional###

Examples: Pak Prima memilih jalan yang KONVENSIONAL dalam mendidik anak-anaknya. = Mr. Prima chooses a CONVNETIONAL ways in teaching his children.###

Word: koordinasi

Short Definition: coordination###

English Definition: *MENG~ = coordinate ** MENG~KAN = coordinate PENG~AN =coordinating

Examples: * Saya diharapkan MENGKOORDINASI pertemuan malam ini = I am supposed to COORDINATE the meeting tonight. ** Anak-anak itu MENGKOORDINASIKAN langkah-langkah mereka dengan indah = Those children COORDINATED their steps nicely.###

Word: Kopassandha

Short Definition: Secret Warfare Commando Unit.

English Definition: (Komando Psukan Sandi Yudha) Secret Warfare Commando Unit. ###

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Word: Kopassus

Short Definition: Command for Exclusive Force###

English Definition: contraction of Komando Pasukan Khusus or Command for Exclusive Force###

Examples: Prabowo adalah orang nomor satu di KOPASSUS (Komando Pasukan Khusus) = Prabowo is the first person in the COMMAND FOR EXCLUSIVE FORCE.###

Word: koper

Short Definition: see KOPOR.

English Definition: see KOPOR. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: koperasi

Short Definition: a cooperative store or business; cooperation. BER-: to cooperate together.

English Definition: ^1 a cooperative store or business. 2 cooperation. *BER-: to cooperate together. ###

L2 Definition: Badan usaha dagang untuk kesejahteraan anggota-anggotanya. ###

Examples: Dengan BERKOPERASI diharap kita akan lebih maju dalam berdagang. = By COOPERATING it is hoped that we will progress more in conducting business. ###

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Word: kopi

Short Definition: see KOPI1 (coffee . . .) or KOPI2 (copy of s.t. . . .)

English Definition: see KOPI1 (coffee . . .) KOPI2 (copy of s.t. . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kopi1

Short Definition: coffee.

English Definition: coffee. ###

L2 Definition: Nama biji-bijian dari pohon kopi. Minuman yang terbuat dari biji kopi. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kopi2

Short Definition: copy of s.t., a draft. MENGK-: to make a copy of s.t.

English Definition: copy of s.t., a draft. *MENGK-: to make a copy of s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Mencetak ulang suatu catatan dengan mesin pengkopi. ###

Examples: Jangan MENGKOPI buku-buku ini kalau tidak ada ijin dari pencetaknya. = Don't COPY these books if you don't have permission from the publishers. ###

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Word: Kopkamtib

Short Definition: Operational Command for the Restoration of Security and Order.

English Definition: (Komando Operasi Pemulihan Keamanan dan Ketertiban) Operational Command for the Restoration of Security and Order. ###

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Word: kopling

Short Definition: clutch, connection

English Definition: clutch, connection, gears (in cars)

Word: kopor

Short Definition: trunk, suitcase.

English Definition: trunk, suitcase. ###

L2 Definition: Tas besar atau peti (biasanya terbuat dari kulit) untuk menyimpan pakaian dalam perjalanan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Koramil

Short Definition: Military Subdistrict Command.

English Definition: (Komando Rayon Militer) Military Subdistrict Command. ###

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Word: koran

Short Definition: see koran1 (newspaper) or Koran2 (the Qur'an).

English Definition: see koran1 (newspaper) Koran2 (the Qur'an) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: koran1

Short Definition: newspaper.

English Definition: newspaper. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: surat kabar. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Koran2

Short Definition: (Isl.) the Qur'an (Islamic holy book of scriptures).

English Definition: *(Isl.) the Qur'an (Islamic holy book of scriptures). ###

L2 Definition: Kitab suci agama Islam. ###

Examples: Tunggu sebentar ya, saya sedang mengaji KORAN. = Wait a moment, OK? I'm in the midst of reciting the QUR' AN. ###

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Word: korban

Short Definition: 1. sacrifice. 2. (Isl.) religious offering. 3. victims.

English Definition: 1. sacrifice. 2. (Isl.) religious offering. 3. victims. BER-: make a sacrifice. MENG--KAN: sacrice s.t. ###

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Word: korek

Short Definition: 1. matches, cigarette lighter. 2. dig up secrets. MENG--I: scrape s.t. out.

English Definition: 1. matches, cigarette lighter. 2. dig up secrets. MENG--I: scrape s.t. out. ###

L2 Definition: Alat pemantik api; geretan; interogasi; menanyai tersangka/seseorang untuk mendapatkan informasi secara mendetail. ###

Examples: Polisi sedang MENGOREK keterangan tentang gerombolan perampok itu dari salah seorang anggotanya yang tertangkap. = The police is DIGGING UP information about the criminal gang from one of its member who was caught.

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Word: Korem

Short Definition: Military Resort Command.

English Definition: (Komando Resort Militer) Military Resort Command. ###

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Word: koreografer

Short Definition: choreographer.

English Definition: choreographer. ###

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Word: kornet

Short Definition: corned beef in a tin.

English Definition: corned beef in a tin. ###

L2 Definition: Daging sapi cacah dalam kaleng, biasanya sudah berbumbu. ###

Examples: KORNET ini akan lebih lezat lagi kalau digoreng dengan telur. = This CORNED BEEF is going to be more delicious when it is fried with eggs. ###

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Word: Korpri

Short Definition: the Indonesian Civil Service Corps.

English Definition: (Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia) the Indonesian Civil Service Corps. ###

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Word: korsi

Short Definition: see KURSI.

English Definition: see KURSI. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: korting

Short Definition: discount

English Definition: discount

L2 Definition: potongan harga

Examples: Toko baru itu memberi KORTING besar untuk semua barang = That new store gives a big DISCOUNTS for everything.###

Word: kortsluiting

Short Definition: (Dutch) short circuit.

English Definition: (Dutch) short circuit. ###

L2 Definition: Terputusnya arus listrik karena adanya hubungan pendek antara kawat yang beraliran positif dan negatif. ###

Examples: Kebakaran ini disebabkan oleh KORTSLUITING kabel listrik itu. = The fire was cused by SHORT CIRCUIT of the electrical cables. ###

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Word: kos

Short Definition: room and board

English Definition: room and board; rent a room

L2 Definition: sewa kamar

Examples: Selama sekolah di Jogja, dia KOS di rumah Ibu Sri = During his study in Jogja, he RENTED a room at Ibu Sri's house.##

Word: kosakata

Short Definition: vocabulary.

English Definition: vocabulary. ###

L2 Definition: Perbendaharaan kata. ###

Examples: KOSAKATA saya masih terlalu sedikit untuk bisa memahami puisi ini. = My VOCABULARY is still very small to be able to understand this poem. ###

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Word: kosong

Short Definition: empty, blank, vacant. KE--AN: emptiness.

English Definition: empty, blank, vacant. *KE--AN: emptiness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak ada isinya. ###

Examples: KEKOSONGAN hati saya karena ditinggal pergi kekasih. = The EMPTINESS in my heart is because I was left by my loved one. ###

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Word: Kostrad

Short Definition: Army Strategic Reserve Command.

English Definition: (Komando Cadangan Strategis Angkatan Darat) Army Strategic Reserve Command. ###

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Word: Kostranas

Short Definition: National Strategic Command.

English Definition: (Komando Strategi Nasional) National Strategic Command. ###

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Word: kota

Short Definition: city or large village. PE--AN: having to do with the city. Also PER--AN.

English Definition: *city or large village. >PE--AN: having to do with the city. >PER--AN: urban affairs. *--MADYA: municipality. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: KOTA Yogyakarta dikenal pula sebagai KOTA Kebudayaan = The CITY of Yogyakarta is famous as a cultural CITY. Saya kurang senang tinggal di KOTA besar karena terlalu ramai! = I don't like living in a big CITY because it is too busy! ###

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Word: kotak

Short Definition: box, compartment, (quadrangular) section. TER-: categorized. KETER--AN.

English Definition: box, compartment, (quadrangular) section. TER--: categorized. ###

L2 Definition: Benda yang beruang dan berbentuk kubus. ###

Examples: Penduduk desa kami menjadi TERKOTAK-KOTAK hanya karena perbedaan pendapat dalam bidang politik. = Our village people became COMPARTMENTALIZED because of differences of opinions in politics. ###

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Word: kotamadya

Short Definition: see KOTA

Word: kotek

Short Definition: BER-: to cluck.

English Definition: BER-: to cluck. ###

L2 Definition: Suara ayam betina sehabis bertelur. ###

Examples: Orang yang sombong tetapi tidak ada buktinya diibaratkan seperti ayam yang BERKOTEK tapi tidak bertelur. = People who are arrogant without giving any proof are like chickens that CLUCK without producing any egg. ###

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Word: Koti

Short Definition: Commander-in-Chief.

English Definition: (Komando Tertinggi) Commander-in-Chief. ###

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Word: kotor

Short Definition: dirty, soiled; dirty, vile (speech); gross (income, profits). Also KE--AN, -AN.

English Definition: ^1 dirty, soiled, filthy. 2 dirty, vile, filthy (of speech, etc.) 3 gross (income, profits, etc.) *KE--AN: dirtiness. *-AN: feces, manure. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bersih. ###

Examples: KEKOTORAN pikiranmu disebabkan rasa dengki dan irimu padanya. = The FILTHINESS of your thoughts are caused by the spite and jealousy you feel toward him. Tolong bersihkan KOTORAN ayam di muka pintu itu. = Please clean up those chicken DROPPINGS in front of the door. ###

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Word: Kowilhan

Short Definition: Regional Defense Command.

English Definition: (Komando Wilayah Pertahanan) Regional Defense Command. ###

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Word: KPM

Short Definition: The Royal Mail Paket Lines (the Dutch Shipping Company).

English Definition: (Koninkliske Paketvaart Maatschappij) The Royal Mail Packet Lines (the Dutch Shipping Company ).

Word: KPU

Short Definition: General Elections Commission

English Definition: (Komisi Pemilihan Umum) General Elections Commission

Word: krasan

Short Definition: (Coll.) feel at home.

English Definition: (Coll.) feel at home. ###

L2 Definition: Merasa senang tinggal disuatu tempat seperti di rumah sendiri; betah. ###

Examples: Istriku sudah tidak KRASAN tinggal di kota ini. = My wife does not FEEL AT HOME at this town any more. ###

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Word: kredit

Short Definition: credit.

English Definition: credit. ###

L2 Definition: Pembayaran secara dicicil/diangsur. ###

Examples: Maaf, kami tidak dapat memberi KREDIT untuk proyek itu. = Sorry, we can not give CREDIT for the project. ###

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Word: kretek

Short Definition: cigarette containing chopped cloves

English Definition: cigarette containing chopped cloves

Word: kriket

Short Definition: cricket (the game).

English Definition: cricket (the game). ###

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Word: krisis

Short Definition: crisis.

English Definition: crisis. ###

L2 Definition: Keadaan bahaya; genting; kemelut; suram. ###

Examples: Banyak orang kelaparan oleh karena KRISIS economic = Many people are in severe hunger because of the economic CRISIS.###

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Word: Kristen

Short Definition: Christian, Protestant. MENGK--KAN: Christianize. Also KE--AN, PENGK--AN.

English Definition: ^Christian, Protestant. MENGK--KAN: Christianize. KE--AN: Christianity. PENGK--AN: Christianization, Christianizing.###

L2 Definition: Agama yang disampaikan oleh Kristus. ###

Examples: Para pendeta itu berusaha MENGKRISTENKAN penduduk pedalaman. = The preachers are trying to CHRISTIANIZE the country people. Biasanya KEKRISTENAN orang-orang Batak sangat kuat. = Usually, the CHRISTIANITY of the Batak people is very strong. Usaha PENGKRISTENAN orang-orang yang sudah beragama lain di Indonesia tidak dibenarkan. = The CHRISTIANIZATION efforts toward people who have embraced other religions are not allowed in Indonesia. ###

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Word: Kristus

Short Definition: Christ.

English Definition: Christ. ###

L2 Definition: Nama Tuhannya orang-orang yang beragama Nasrani. ###

Examples: Perayaan Natal dimaksudkan untuk memperingati hari lahirnya Yesus KRISTUS. = Christmas celebration is meant to commemorate the birth of Jesus CHRIST. ###

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Word: kriteria

Short Definition: criteria

Word: kritik

Short Definition: criticism.

English Definition: criticism. ###

L2 Definition: Kecaman atau tanggapan dari suatu hasil karya seseorang. ###

Examples: Setiap KRITIK akan kami pertimbangkan. = We will consider each CRITICISM. ###

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Word: krupuk

Short Definition: see KERUPUK.

English Definition: see KERUPUK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: KSAD

Short Definition: Chief of Staff of the Army.

English Definition: (Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat) Chief of Staff of the Army.

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Word: ktp

Short Definition: accronym for "kartu tanda penduduk" or "identification card"

English Definition: accronym for "kartu tanda penduduk" or "identification card." an ID card.##

Examples: ###

Word: kuak

Short Definition: open, give way to make an opening

English Definition: open, give way to make an opening *BER--: open give way to make an opening *MENG--KAN: break open a window, safe barricade, etc. ; push apart

L2 Definition: membuka, menyingkap sesuatu

Examples: Angin yang sangat kencang akhirnya membuat jendela itu BERKUAK = The strong wind finally forced the window to OPEN. Dengan susah payah kami berhasil MENGKUAKKAN peti besi tua itu = With lots of difficulties we were able to BREAK OPEN the old chest.###

Word: kualitas

Short Definition: quality.

English Definition: *quality. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: mutu. ###

Examples: Sepatu kulit ini BERKUALITAS tinggi. = These leather shoes HAVE a high QUALITY. ###

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Word: kuas

Short Definition: brush.

English Definition: brush. ###

L2 Definition: Alat yang dipakai untuk mengecat atau melukis. ###

Examples: KUAS ini terlalu besar untuk dipakai anakku. = This BRUSH is too big to be used by my child. ###

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Word: kuasa

Short Definition: power, might, authority; capable, able. Also BER-, MENG--I, KE--AN, PENG- +

English Definition: ^1 power, might, authority. 2 capable, able. *BER-: to have power or authority. *MENG--I: to dominate, take charge of, master. *KE--AN: power, authority. *PENG-: s.o. in power, one who controls. PENG--AN: authority, command. ###

L2 Definition: Kekuatan/kemampuan, pengaruh. ###

Examples: Dialah yang BERKUASA di daerah sini. = He is the one who HAS POWER in this area. Anak itu pandai sekali. Dia mampu MENGUASAI tiga bahasa sekaligus. = That child is very bright. He can MASTER three languages at one time. Sekarang ini KEKUASAAN terbesar ada di tangan rakyat. = At the present time, the greatest POWER is in the hands of the common people. Walaupun dia menjadi PENGUASA negara dia tidak sewenang-wenang pada rakyatnya. = Even though he is THE ONE CONTROLLING the country, he isn't despotic toward his people. PENGUASAAN hak warisnya diberikan pada pamannya. = CONTROL of his inheritance rights has been given to his uncle. ###

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Word: kuat

Short Definition: strong, powerful; sturdy; be abel to. Also MEMPER-, KE--AN, PENG-.

English Definition: ^1 strong, powerful. 2 sturdy. 3 be able to. *MEMPER-: strengthen, support, confirm. *KE--AN: strength, force, intensity. *PENG-: s.t. which strengthens or supports. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak lemah. ###

Examples: Siapa saja yang akan MEMPERKUAT barisan tentara? = Who is going to REINFORCE the battle lines? KEKUATAN kendaraan ini bisa menyamai KEKUATAN 10 tenaga kuda. = The STRENGTH of this vehicle can equal the STRENGTH OF 10 horse power. Dibutuhkan alat PENGUAT untuk menopang bangunan ini. = A STRENGTHENING DEVICE is needed to support this building. ###

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Word: kuatir

Short Definition: afraid, apprehensive. MENG--KAN: causing alarm; be worried about.

English Definition: ^afraid, apprehensive. *MENG--KAN: 1 causing apprehension, alarm or worry. 2 to be worried about. *KE--AN: worry, anxiety. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan yang tidak menentu. Sinonim: gelisah. ###

Examples: Ibu Kasim sangat MENGUATIRKAN keselamatan anaknya di medan perang. = Mrs. Kasim is very WORRIED ABOUT the welfare of her child on the battlefield. ###

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Word: kubang

Short Definition: BER-: to wallow. -AN: mud-hole.

English Definition: BER-: to wallow. -AN: mud-hole. ###

L2 Definition: Lubang di tanah yang ada air atau lumpurnya. ###

Examples: Kalau hari panas terik begini, kerbau-kerbau itu biasanya BERKUBANG di sawah. = When the day is stingingly hot like this, the waterbuffaloes are usually WALLOWING in the paddy field. ###

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Word: kubu

Short Definition: 1. fortification, fortress. 2. bunker. MENG--I: fortify s.t.

English Definition: 1. fortification, fortress. 2. bunker. 3. faction. MENG--I: fortify s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat pertahanan; benteng pertahanan. ###

Examples: Konflik antar KUBU-KUBU politik tahun ini akan meningkat. = Conflicts among political FACTIONS this year will increase. ###

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Word: kubur

Short Definition: grave, tomb. BER-: buried. MENG-(-KAN): bury. Also PENG--AN, (PE-)-AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^grave, tomb. BER-: buried, entombed. MENG-(-KAN): bury, lay to rest. PENG--AN: burial. (PE-)-AN, PER--AN: cemetery, graveyard.###

L2 Definition: Liang lahat; lubang untuk menanam mayat; makam. ###

Examples: Kami tidak pernah tahu dimana ayah kami BERKUBUR. = We never know where our father was ENTOMBED. KAMI MENGUBURKAN para korban pesawat terbang yang jatuh di bukit itu. = We BURIED the victims of the falling airplane on the hill. PENGUBURAN para pahlawan tak dikenal itu dihadiri beribu-ribu orang. = The BURIAL of the unknown heroes was attended by thousands of people. ###

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Word: kubus

Short Definition: cube.

English Definition: cube. ###

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Word: kucil

Short Definition: MENG-(-KAN): 1. expell, exile, ostracize. 2. squeeze out. 3. alienate.

English Definition: MENG-(-KAN): 1. expell, exile, ostracize. 2. squeeze out. 3. alienate. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Membuang/menyingkirkan seseorang dari keluarganya atau masyarakat lingkungannya. 2. Mengeluarkan sesuatu dari lubang yang kecil dengan cara memijitnya. ###

Examples: Orang-orang sekampung sudah sepakat untuk MENGUCILKAN warga yang berzina. = All of the people in the village have agreed to ALIENATE the residents who commit adultery. ###

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Word: kucing

Short Definition: cat.

English Definition: cat. ###

L2 Definition: Binatang yang berbentuk seperti harimau yang berukuran kecil, binatang ini biasa jinak sehingga banyak dipelihara orang. ###

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Word: kucur

Short Definition: gushing, pouring forth.

English Definition: gushing, pouring forth ME-KAN: gush###

L2 Definition: bercucuran; memancur. ###

Examples: Saking gelinya, dia tertawa sampai MENGUCURKAN air mata. = On account of being amused, he laughed until he GUSHED his tears. ###

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Word: kuda

Short Definition: horse.

English Definition: horse. ###

L2 Definition: Nama binatang yang biasa dipelihara manusia karena mempunyai banyak kegunaan. ###

Examples: KUDA hitam itu sangat lincah = That black HORSE is very energetic.###

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Word: kudus

Short Definition: holy, sacred, sacrosanct. MENG--KAN: santify. KE--AN: sanctity. +

English Definition: holy, sacred, sacrosanct. MENG--KAN: sanctify. KE--AN: sanctity (of home, marriage, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: suci; terhindar dari kekotoran, kejahatan, dll. ###

Examples: Para umat Hindu itu MENGKUDUSKAN patung-patung ini. = The followers of Hinduism SANCTIFY these statues. KEKUDUSAN Bunda Maria sangat penting artinya bagi umat Katholik. = The SANCTITY of Mother Maria has a very important meaning for Catholics. ###

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Word: kue

Short Definition: cooky, cake.

English Definition: cooky, cake. ###

L2 Definition: Makanan kecil untuk nyamikan/cemilan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kuek

Short Definition: noise, ado, commotion.

English Definition: noise, ado, commotion. ###

Hear This Word


Short Definition: Criminal Law Code

English Definition: (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana) = Criminal Code Law

Word: KUHP

Short Definition: Civil Law Code

English Definition: (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata) ; Civil Law Code

Word: kuil

Short Definition: temple or shrine currently used by practicing Indian Hindus.

English Definition: temple or shrine currently used by practicing Indian Hindus.###

Examples: Ada banyak orang mengunjungi KUIL itu setiap tahun = There are many people visit the TEMPLE every year.###

Word: KUK

Short Definition: Credit for small enterprises

English Definition: acronym for Kredit Usaha Kecil (credit for small enterprises). ###

Word: kuku

Short Definition: 1. fingernail, toenail. 2. claw. 3. hoof. SE-: very little, teeny bit. +

English Definition: 1. fingernail, toenail. 2. claw, s.t. like a claw. 3. hoof. SE-: very little, teeny bit. BER-: have nails, claws. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian ujung jari tangan atau kaki yang terbuat dari zat tanduk; bagian ujung kaki binatang seperti: kuda, sapi, kerbau, dll. ###

Examples: Kecantikannya tidak ada SEKUKUpun dibandingkan denganmu. = Her beauty is not A TINY BIT compares to your's. Bayi harimau itu sudah BERKUKU tajam. = The baby tiger HAS a sharp NAIL. ###

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Word: kukuh

Short Definition: 1. sturdy, strong. 2. firm, tenacious. BER-: be firm in, be tenacious. +

English Definition: 1. sturdy, strong (house, etc.). 2. firm, tenacious. BER-: be firm in, be tenacious. BERSI-: be stubborn, stick to o.'s policy. MENG--I: 1. make s.t. firm or strong. 2. hold to (a theory, policy), stand by (a decision). MENG--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: 1. strengthen, fortify s.t. 2. install, inaugurate. *PENG--AN: strengthening, affirmation, inauguration. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak goyah; tidak goyang; tidak bergerak. ###

Examples: Saya tetap BERKUKUH pada pendirian saya sebelumnya. = I am still FIRM IN my previous opinion. Anak itu BERSIKUKUH untuk tetap dibelikan mainan itu. = The child STUBBORNLY asks to be bought the toy. Dekan yang akan MENGUKUHKAN pelantikan pejabat baru itu. = The dean is the one who is going to INAUGURATE the promotion of the new officer. ###

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Word: kukus

Short Definition: steam, vapor. BER-: to steam. MENG-: steam s.t. -AN: rice steamer.

English Definition: steam, vapor. BER-: to steam. MENG-: steam s.t. -AN: rice steamer. ###

L2 Definition: Memasak dengan cara pengasapan dengan air yang mendidih. ###

Examples: Dibutuhkan waktu selama 10 menit untuk MENGUKUS ikan ini. = It needs 10 minutes TO STEAM the fish. KUKUSAN yang baru itu bekerja lebih cepat. = The new STEAMER works faster. ###

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Word: kulai

Short Definition: hanging down. TER-: dropped, hanging.

English Definition: hanging down. TER-: dropped, hanging. ###

L2 Definition: Tergantung lemah. ###

Examples: TERKULAI sekujur tubuhnya begitu dia mendengar rumahnya telah terbakar habis. = He DROPPED his whole body when he heard that his house was burnt to the ground. ###

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Word: kuli

Short Definition: laborer, porter, coolie.

English Definition: laborer, porter, coolie. ###

L2 Definition: Pekerja kasar. ###

Examples: Kami butuh KULI untuk mengangkat barang-barang ini. = We need a PORTER to carry these goods. Bangsa Indonesia bukan bangsa kuli. = The nation of Indonesia is not a COOLIE nation. ###

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Word: kuliah

Short Definition: university course or lecture.

English Definition: *university course or lecture. ###

L2 Definition: Bersekolah pada tingkatan universitas/perguruan tinggi. ###

Examples: Semua KULIAH sudah kuselesaikan tinggal menunggu ujian akhir. = I have already finished all of my CLASSES and have only my comprehensive exam left. ###

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Word: kulit

Short Definition: skin, hide; husk, shell; cover (of magazine).

English Definition: 1 skin, hide. 2 husk, shell. 3 cover (of magazine). ###

L2 Definition: Bagian terluar dari tubuh manusia, tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang. Bahan pembungkus sesuatu. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kulkas

Short Definition: refrigerator.

English Definition: refrigerator. ###

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Word: kultur

Short Definition: culture. KE--AN: cultural.

English Definition: culture. KE--AN: cultural. ###

L2 Definition: kebudayaan. ###

Examples: Ini adalah simbol-simbol KEKULTURAN bangsa Maya. = These are symbols of Maya Indian CULTURE. ###

Word: kulum

Short Definition: suck

English Definition: *MENG- : suck

Examples: Anak itu senang MENGULUM gula-gula = that child likes to SUCK candies.

Word: kumal

Short Definition: grimy, dishelved.

English Definition: grimy, dishelved. ###

L2 Definition: Bersifat lama, bau, dan tidak bersih; lusuh; kotor. ###

Examples: Jangan pakai baju KUMAL itu. = Don't wear the GRIMY shirt. ###

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Word: kuman

Short Definition: germ, microbe, bacteria.

English Definition: germ, microbe, bacteria. ###

L2 Definition: Binatang penyebab penyakit yang berukuran sangat kecil (tidak bisa dilihat dengan mata telanjang); bakteri; baksil. ###

Examples: Masak dulu air itu untuk membunuh KUMAN-KUMANnya. = Boil the water first to kill the GERMS. ###

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Word: kumandang

Short Definition: echo, reverberate. BER-, MENG-: echo, reverberate. Also MENG--KAN.

English Definition: echo, reverberation. BER-, MENG-: echo, reverberate. MENG--KAN: 1. make s.t. reverberate. 2. carry a sound or voice. ###

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Word: kumis

Short Definition: mustache.

English Definition: mustache. ###

L2 Definition: Rambut atau bulu-bulu yang tumbuh di atas mulut. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kumpul

Short Definition: BER-: to assemble, come together. MENG--KAN: gather s.t. together. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^*BER-: to assemble, come together. *MENG--KAN: gather s.t. together. *-AN: a collection or gathering of things. PER--AN: club, association.###

L2 Definition: Berkelompok menjadi satu. ###

Examples: Setiap ada liburan keluarga kami pasti BERKUMPUL. = Every time there is a vactation, our family is sure to GET TOGETHER. Kita akan MENGUMPULKAN dana untuk pendidikan anak-anak miskin. = We are going to GATHER TOGETHER funds for the education of the poor children. Buku cerita ini adalah KUMPULAN cerita-cerita pendek. = This story book is a COLLECTION of short stories. ###

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Word: kumuh

Short Definition: dirty, vile, base, low

English Definition: dirty, vile, base, low

L2 Definition: kotor, tidak terawat dengan baik

Examples: Diantara bangunan megah, ada banyak terdapat kampung KUMUH di Jakarta = In between the high rise buildings, we can see DIRTY places (slums) in Jakarta.###

Word: kunci

Short Definition: key; key, solution; lock, fastening; wrench; joints. Also MENG-, TER-.

English Definition: ^1 key. 2 key, solution. 3 lock, fastening. 4 wrench. 5 joints. *MENG-: lock s.t. *TER-: to be locked. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk membuka atau mengancing sesuatu. ###

Examples: Kami semua lupa MENGUNCI pintu belakang. = We all forgot to LOCK the back door. Pintunya telah TERKUNCI dari dalam. = The door is LOCKED from inside. ###

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Word: kuncup

Short Definition: 1. bud (of flower) 2. closed (of flower)###

English Definition: 1. bud (of flower) 2. closed (of flower) 3. not circumcised * MENG~ = 1. close 2. contract, shrink 3. cringe, be afraid MENG~KAN = fold up s.t. that closes###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Bunga mawar masih MENGUNCUP = That rose is still BUD.###

Word: kuning

Short Definition: the color yellow.

English Definition: the color yellow. ###

L2 Definition: Nama salah satu warna yang bersifat terang. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kunjung

Short Definition: BER-: pay a visit, call on. MENG--I: visit, call on s.o. Also -AN, PENG-, +

English Definition: ^*BER-: pay a visit, call on. *MENG--I: visit s.t. or s.o., call on s.o. *-AN: a visit. PENG-: visitor. PER--AN: visitation. ###

L2 Definition: Menjumpai, melihat, membesuk. ###

Examples: Boleh saya BERKUNJUNG ke rumahmu? = May I VISIT your house? Ketika bertamasya saya banyak MENGUNJUNGI daerah-daerah yang bersejarah. = While travelling I frequently PAY VISITS TO regions that are historical. Kami sedang bersiap-siap untuk menerima KUNJUNGAN tamu asing. = We are presently preparing to receive a VISIT from foreign guests. ###

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Word: kuno

Short Definition: ancient, old-fashioned.

English Definition: *ancient, old-fashioned. ###

L2 Definition: Berumur sangat tua. ###

Examples: Majapahit adalah sebuah KERAJAAN KUNO di pulau JAWA. = Majapahit was an ANCIENT KINGDOM on the island of Java.###

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Word: kuntit

Short Definition: MENG-(-I): follow or tail s.o.

English Definition: MENG-(-I): follow or tail s.o. ###

L2 Definition: mengikuti; mengekor. ###

Examples: Barangkali pencopet itu sudah MENGUNTITmu sejak dari pasar itu. = Maybe the pickpocket had been TAILING you since you were in the market. ###

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Word: kuntum

Short Definition: 1. flower bud ready to open; 2. [Lit.] a budding girl; 3. classifier or counter for flowers

English Definition: 1. flower bud ready to open; 2. [Lit.] a budding girl; 3. classifier or counter for flowers *BER--; MENG--: bud (of a flower)

Examples: Sebagai tanda cinta, setiap minggu Hadi mengirim dua belas KUNTUM bunga mawar kepada Aminah = Every week Hadi sends twelve Rose BUDS to Aminah as a sign of his love.###

Word: kunyah

Short Definition: 1. chew. 2. digest (advice, a problem).

English Definition: 1. chew. 2. digest (advice, a problem). ###

L2 Definition: 1. Melumatkan makanan di dalam mulut. 2. Memikirkan sesuatu sampai mendalam. ###

Examples: KUNYAH makanan itu lalu telan! = CHEW the food and then swallow! ###

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Word: kunyit

Short Definition: turmeric

English Definition: (also KUNIR)

Word: Kupang

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Eastern Nusa Tenggara.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Eastern Nusa Tenggara in Indonesia, located on the western part of Timor Island. ###

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See a Picture

Word: kupas

Short Definition: MENG-: to remove a peel or shell. TER-: peeled off or shelled (fruit or nuts).

English Definition: ^*MENG-: to remove a peel or shell. *TER-: peeled off or shelled (as of fruit or nuts). ###

L2 Definition: Membuang kulit; menguraikan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Hati-hati kalau MENGUPAS mangga dengan pisau yang sangat tajam ini. = Be careful if you PEEL mangos with this very sharp knife. Dalam kecelakaan itu sebagian kulit di wajahnya TERKELUPAS. = In that accident, part of the skin on his face WAS PEELED OFF. ###

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Word: kuping

Short Definition: ear. ME--: eavesdrop.

English Definition: ear. ME--: eavesdrop. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: telinga. ###

Examples: Kami MENGUPING pembicaraan dalam rapat itu. = We EAVESDROPPED the talk in the meeting. ###

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Word: kupon

Short Definition: coupon.

English Definition: coupon. ###

L2 Definition: Surat kecil yang bisa ditukar sesuatu. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kupu-kupu

Short Definition: butterfly. KUPU-KUPU MALAM = prostitute.

English Definition: butterfly. KUPU-KUPU MALAM = prostitute. ###

L2 Definition: Serangga penjelmaan dari kepompong ulat, biasanya bersayap lebar dan berwarna indah; rama-rama. ###

Examples: Banyak KUPU-KUPU MALAM berkeliaran di pojok jalan itu. = Many PROSTITUTES are wandering in the corener of the street. ###

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Word: kura-kura

Short Definition: turtle

English Definition: turtle

Word: kurang

Short Definition: less, decrease; minus, less; lack s.t.; lacking. Also BER-, MENG--I, +

English Definition: ^1 less, decrease. 2 minus, less. 3 lack s.t. 4 lacking. *BER-: decrease, lessen. *MENG--I: to decrease of lessen s.t. *MENG--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: detract s.t. from s.t. else. *KE--AN: lack, shortage, deficiency.###

L2 Definition: belum cukup, masih kurang. ###

Examples: Karena sakit pendapatan tukang becak itu menjadi BERKURANG. = Because he was ill, the income of that pedicab driver DECREASED. Untuk menghemat uang, kita harus MENGURANGI pengeluaran. = In order to conserve money, we have to DECREASE expenditures. Dengan MENGURANGKAN beberapa bilangan hasilnya akan lebih sedikit. = By SUBRACTING a few numbers, her profits will be smaller. Daerah ini sangat kering. KEKURANGAN air adalah hal yang biasa. = This region is very dry. A SHORTAGE of water is a normal matter. ###

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Word: kurban

Short Definition: see KORBAN

English Definition: see KORBAN

Word: kurma

Short Definition: date###

English Definition: date###

Examples: Buah KURMA adalah buah padang pasir = DATE fruits are from dessert land###

Word: kurnia

Short Definition: see KARUNIA.

English Definition: see KARUNIA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kurs

Short Definition: (Fin.) a rate of exchange

English Definition: *-TETAP: fixed rate *-GELAP: black-market rate

L2 Definition: nilai mata uang

Examples: Pada saat ini KURS rupiah sangat rendah = At this time Rupiah has a very low RATE OF EXCHANGE.###

Word: kursi

Short Definition: chair.

English Definition: chair. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk duduk. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kursus

Short Definition: course (of study). MENG-: give o. a course, train s.o. Also MENG--KAN.

English Definition: course (of study). MENG-: give o. a course, train s.o. MENG--KAN: offer s.t. as a course. ###

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Word: kurun

Short Definition: 1. century, era 2. time frame###

English Definition: 1. century, era 2. time frame 3. priod of (time) 4. within (time) ###

L2 Definition: kurun masa/waktu/zaman = period of time, time span###

Examples: Dalam KURUN waktu dua tahun, para petani akan memetik cengkeh = WITHIN two years, peasants will harvest cloves.###

Word: kurung

Short Definition: cage, cabin, prison. MENG-: put in a cage, imprison.

English Definition: cage, cabin, prison. MENG-: put in a cage, imprison. ###

L2 Definition: Lingkung; lingkar; kepung; nama tanda baca dalam suatu kalimat. ###

Examples: Semenjak ditinggal pergi kekasihnya, ia MENGURUNG diri di kamar. = Since he was left by his lover, he is CAGING himself in the room. ###

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Word: kurus

Short Definition: thin, skinny; emaciated.

English Definition: *1 thin, skinny. 2 emaciated. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak berdaging. ###

Examples: Anak ini menjadi KURUS kering karena kelaparan. = This child has become THIN and emaciated from hunger. ###

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Word: kusir

Short Definition: coachman. MENG-: work as a coachman. MENG--I: drive s.t.

English Definition: ^coachman. MENG-: work as a coachman. MENG--I: drive s.t.###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya sebagai sopir dokar atau andong; sais. ###

Examples: Sudah hampir sepuluh tahun ayahku MENGUSIRI andong ini. = It has been almost ten years that my father HAS DRIVEN this horse-drawn cart. ###

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Word: kusus

Short Definition: see KHUSUS.

English Definition: see KHUSUS. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kusut

Short Definition: 1. tousled (of hair); 2. tangled (of thread, etc.); 3. rumpled, wrinkled (of clothes); 4. complicated

English Definition: 1. tousled (of hair); 2. tangled (of thread, etc.); 3. rumpled, wrinkled (of clothes); 4. complicated. *MENG--: become tangled, rumpled *MENG--KAN: tangle, tousle

Examples: Rambut Ani KUSUT tertiup angin di pantai = Ani's hair became TOUSLED by the wind at the beach. Tali ini sudah KUSUT dan tidak bisa digunakan lagi = The string is TANGLED and cannot be used again. Baju baruku MENGKUSUT karena diduduki oleh Budi = My new dress was RUMPLED because Budi was sitting on it. Jangan kau menganggu dia sekarang...pikirannya sedang KUSUT = Do not bother him now, his mind is TANGLED (has a lot of things in his mind)

Word: kutang

Short Definition: woman's brassiere, bra.

English Definition: woman's brassiere, bra. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Dia memakai baju yang sangat tipis sehingga KUTANGnya terlihat = She is wearing a very thin blouse that her BRASSIERE is showing. ###

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Word: kutat-kutet

Short Definition: to be busily engaged in s.t.

English Definition: ^to be busily engaged in s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Berfikir/berusaha mencari jawaban akan suatu hal yang rumit. ###

Examples: Dia hanya BERKUTAT-KUTET di sekitar masalah itu saja tanpa menyelesaikan masalahnya. = He is just BUSILY ENGAGED around the problem without solving the problem. ###

Hear This Word

Word: kutet

Short Definition: see KUTAT-KUTET.

English Definition: see KUTAT-KUTET. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kutik

Short Definition: BER-: to stir, move slightly.

English Definition: BER-: to stir, move slightly. ###

L2 Definition: gerak; pindah. ###

Examples: Pencuri itu tidak bisa BERKUTIK ketika tertangkap oleh polisi. = The thief could not DO ANYTHING when he was caught by the police. ###

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Word: kutip

Short Definition: MENG-: to pick up; to copy part of a longer writing. Also -AN.

English Definition: MENG-: 1 to pick up. 2 to copy part of a longer writing. -AN: 1 s.t. which has been picked up. 2 a quotation, a citation. ###

L2 Definition: Mengambil sesuatu dalam jumlah yang tidak banyak/besar. ###

Examples: Dalam tulisan ini saya MENGUTIP beberapa pendapat dari para ahli. = In this writing I QUOTED several opinions from experts. KUTIPAN dalam makalah itu tidak relevan. = The QUOTATION in the paper is not relevant. ###

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Word: kutu

Short Definition: louse, flea.

English Definition: louse, flea. ###

L2 Definition: Binatang kecil-kecil yang hidup ditubuh manusia/binatang/tanaman. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: kutuk

Short Definition: curse, malediction. MENG-(-I): to curse s.t. or s.o.

English Definition: ^curse, malediction. MENG-(-I): to curse s.t. or s.o. ###

L2 Definition: Kata-kata atau doa yang diucapkan untuk tujuan tidak baik/mencelakakan bagi orang lain. ###

Examples: Jangan sampai ibumu MENGUTUKMU karena biasanya KUTUKAN seorang ibu sangat manjur. = Don't make your mother CURSE you, because usually mother's CURSE is very effective. ###

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Word: kuyu

Short Definition: lifeless, faded.

English Definition: lifeless, faded. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bertenaga; lemas; pucat; tidak bergairah. ###

Examples: Mengapa badanmu sangat lemah dan matamu kelihatan KUYU? = Why is your body weak and your eyes look LIFELESS? ###

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Word: kwitansi

Short Definition: receipt.

English Definition: receipt. ###

L2 Definition: Tanda bukti pembayaran akan sesuatu. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: laba

Short Definition: 1. profit. 2. benefit, gain. BER-: gainful, profitable. ME--I, ME--KAN, +

English Definition: 1. profit. 2. benefit, gain. BER-: gainful, profitable. ME--I, ME--KAN: profit, benefit s.o. ###

L2 Definition: untung. ###

Examples: Alhamdulillah, tahun ini LABA perusahaan kita meningkat. = Praise to God, this year our company's PROFIT increases. ###

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Word: labah-labah

Short Definition: spider.

English Definition: spider. ###

L2 Definition: Serangga yang mempunyai banyak kaki dan biasa membuat jaring untuk menjebak mangsanya. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: labrak

Short Definition: to beat, to confront

English Definition: to beat *ME- = to confront (verbally and/or physically)

Examples: Ibu Tuti MELABRAK istri muda suaminya = Ibu Tuti CONFRONTS her husband's second wife.

Word: labu

Short Definition: pumpkin, squash, gourd.

English Definition: pumpkin, squash, gourd. ###

L2 Definition: Sejenis buah yang masih termasuk keluarga mentimun. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: labuh

Short Definition: 1. hanging down. 2. classifier for curtains. BER-: 1. anchor, dock. +

English Definition: ^1. hanging down. 2. classifier for curtains. BER-: 1. anchor, dock. 2. be at anchor. 3. be pulled down. ME-: drop anchor. ME--KAN: 1. drop. 2. give birth to. PE--AN: harbor, port, dock. KEPE--AN: harbor affairs.###

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Word: labur

Short Definition: ME- = to whitewash (a wall)

English Definition: *ME- = to whitewash (a wall)

Examples: Setahun sekali murid-murid MELABUR dinding sekolahnya = Once a year the students WHITEWASH their school.

Word: lacak

Short Definition: lacak1 = drag slightly, lacak2 = trace, lacak3 = abundant###

English Definition: lacak1 ME~ = drag slightly (of anchor) lacak2 * ME~ = trace, track ME~I = trail, track, traces s.o. PE~ = tracker PE~AN = tracing, reconstruction (of a route) lacak3 BE~, ME~ = abundant, in great quantity###

Examples: * Detektif MELACAK sumber obat-obat bius terlarang = A detective TRACKED the source of illegal drugs###

Word: laci

Short Definition: drawer (in a table or desk).

English Definition: drawer (in a table or desk). ###

L2 Definition: Ruang/kotak kecil biasanya terletak di bawah meja untuk meletakkan barang-barang. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: lacur

Short Definition: immoral, indecent. ME-: to engage in prostitution. Also PE-, PE--AN.

English Definition: ^immoral, indecent. ME-: to engage in prostitution. PE-: a prostitute. PE--AN: prostitution. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak terlaksana; perempuan yang menjual badannya. ###

Examples: Dia mencari uang dengan MELACURKAN dirinya. = She is making money by ENGAGING herself IN PROSTITUTION. Ini daerah yang terlarang bagi PELACURAN. = This is a prohibited area for PROSTITUTION. Santi adalah PELACUR tertua di kompleks ini. = Santi is the oldest PROSTITUTE in this complex. ###

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Word: lada

Short Definition: black or white pepper.

English Definition: ^black or white pepper. ###

L2 Definition: Biji-bijian yang rasanya pedas berguna untuk bumbu masakan; merica. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ladang

Short Definition: dry crop field. PE--AN: dry crop field.

English Definition: dry crop field. *PE--AN: dry crop field. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat yang luas ditanami pohon untuk diambil hasilnya. ###

Examples: Daerah PELADANGAN ini tidak cocok untuk ditanami tebu. = This region of DRY CROP FIELDS isn't suited to be planted with sugar cane. ###

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Word: laden

Short Definition: (Jv.) o. who serves. ME--I: 1. serve, wait on. 2. pay attention, listen to. +

English Definition: (Jv.) o. who serves. ME--I: 1. serve, wait on. 2. pay attention, listen to. -AN: service. PE-: waiter, servant. ###

L2 Definition: layan. ###

Examples: Tidak perlu kita MELADENI omongan orang sinting itu. = We do not have to PAY ATTENTION to the crazy person's talks. LADENAN hotel itu sangat memuaskan. = The SERVICE of that hotel is very satisfying. Para PELADENnya bekerja dengan cara sangat profesional. = The SERVANTS work very professionally. ###

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Word: laga

Short Definition: fight. *BER--: fight, struggle.

English Definition: fight. *BER--: fight, struggle. *ME--(ayam): cock fight. *MEMPER--KAN: pit against e.o. *PE--: fighter *PER--AN: fight, collision. *MEDAN--: battlefield.###

Examples: Dia harus BERLAGA dengan arus keras untuk mencapai tepi sungai itu = He had to STRUGGLE againts the current to reach the river banks. Dengan sedih dia melepas kekasihnya di MEDAN LAGA = With sadness she lets go of her lover to the BATTLEFIELD. Pemerintah telah melarang pertandingan MELAGA ayam = The government banned the cock FIGHT.###

Word: lagak

Short Definition: attitude, manner, behavior.

English Definition: attitude, manner, behavior. ###

L2 Definition: tingkah laku; tutur kata; perilaku. ###

Examples: Tidak perlu kamu BERLAGAK di mukaku! Aku tahu siapa dirimu. = You don't have to have an ATTITUDE in front of me! I know who you are. ###

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Word: lagi

Short Definition: see LAGI1 (again, still, more . . .) or LAGI2 (be in the process of . . .).

English Definition: see LAGI1 (again, still, more . . .) LAGI2 (be in the process of . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: lagi1

Short Definition: again; still, more; else, other; as well (as).

English Definition: ^*1 again. 2 still, more. 3 else, other. 4 as well (as). ###

L2 Definition: tambah; masih. ###

Examples: Tunggu sebentar LAGI saya akan segera selesai. = Wait just a moment MORE; I will finish presently. Saya masih harus mengetik tiga surat LAGI. = I still have to type three MORE letters. Sipa LAGI yang akan datang? = Who ELSE is going to come? ###

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Word: lagi2

Short Definition: to be in the process of doing.

English Definition: *to be in the process of doing. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Saya LAGI mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah saya. = I am IN THE PROCESS OF working on my homework. ###

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Word: lagu

Short Definition: 1. melody, song, tune. 2. manner, way. 3. intonation. +

English Definition: ^1. melody, song, tune. 2. manner, way. 3. intonation. BER-: 1. melodious. 2. sing. ME-: sing. ME--I: compose a melody for s.t. ME--KAN: 1. carry the melody of s.t. 2. sing s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Suara yang mempunyai irama; nyanyian; tingkah laku/lagak. ###

Examples: Cara bacanya sudah benar, tetapi masih BERLAGU Jawa. = The way he reads is already correct, but he still has a Javanese DIALECT. Walaupun dia orang asing tetapi pandai benar cara dia MELAGU Sunda. = Although he is a foreigner he is very good in SINGING Sundanese (song).

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Word: lah

Short Definition: particle urging action; particle requesting belief; particle of assent; +

English Definition: ^*1 particle urging action. 2 That is it! Believe me! (particle requesting belief). 3 particle of assent. 4 particle marking predicate of the sentence (pointing out the main idea of the sentence. ###

L2 Definition: Kata penguat ketika seseorang menyuruh atau bermaksud sesuatu. ###

Examples: TidurLAH nak!, hari sudah malam. = Go to sleep, child!, it's already night. ApaLAH artinya diri hamba ini. = Of what meaning am I, a humble servant? ###

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Word: lahan

Short Definition: see PERLAHAN.

English Definition: see PERLAHAN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: lahap

Short Definition: eat with lust, greedily.

English Definition: eat with lust, greedily. ###

L2 Definition: Makan secara cepat karena lapar; rakus. ###

Examples: Mereka makan dengan LAHAP setelah seharian bekerja keras. = They eat WITH LUST after working hard the whole day. ###

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Word: lahir

Short Definition: to be born or come into existence. ME--KAN: give birth to. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: to be born or come into existence. *ME--KAN: give birth to, bring into existence. *KE--AN: birth. ###

L2 Definition: Muncul ke dunia dari kandungan ibu; tampak dari luar. ###

Examples: Kemarin dia MELAHIRKAN anak kembar. = Yesterday she GAVE BIRTH TO twins. Hari KELAHIRAN bangsa Indonesia selalu diperingati setiap tanggal 17 Agustus. = The BIRTH date of the Indonesian nation is always remembered every August 17th. ###

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Word: lain

Short Definition: other, another; different; besides, not including. Also LAIN-LAIN, SE-, +

English Definition: ^1 other, another. 2 different. 3 besides, not including. *LAIN-LAIN: various other things. *SE-: 1 besides, in addition to. 2 except. *BER--AN: to be different, at varience. *ME--KAN: 1 but (rather). 2 only, except for. *KE--AN: 1 difference, deviation. 2 aberration, anomaly, disorder. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak sama; berbeda. ###

Examples: Di pasar, saya mau membeli buku, bolpoin, penghapus, dan LAIN-LAIN. = At the market, I want to buy a book, a ballpen, an eraser, and VARIOUS OTHER THINGS. SELAIN yang ini saya juga memilih yang itu. = ASIDE FROM this one, I also choose that one. Telur-telur ini BERLAINAN satu dari yang lain. = These eggs are DIFFERENT one from another. Itu bukan warna hijau MELAINKAN warna biru. = That isn't the green color BUT RATHER the blue color. Kelahiran anak ini mengalami suatu KELAINAN. = The birth of this child involved a certain DISORDER. ###

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Word: lajang

Short Definition: single, unmarried, bachelor###

English Definition: single, unmarried, bachelor *ME-: to live as a bachelor###

Examples: *Semenjak ditinggalkan oleh kekasihnya, Siti memilih MELAJANG = Since being left by her boyfriend, Siti chose to LIVE AS A BACHELOR.###

Word: lajim

Short Definition: customarily.

English Definition: customarily. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak aneh; tidak asing; biasa; layak; pantas. ###

Examples: Baju ini LAJIM dikenakan pada hari-hari besar nasional. = This clothing is CUSTOMARILY worn on national holidays. ###

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Word: lajo

Short Definition: (Jv.) commute to and from a place of employment or study. +

English Definition: (Jv.) commute to and from a place of employment or study. -AN: s.t. used to commute on. ###

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Word: laju

Short Definition: 1. fast, rapid. 2. rate. BER-, BERSI-, BERSE-: speed, move fast. Also ME-, +

English Definition: ^1. fast, rapid. 2. rate. BER-, BERSI-, BERSE-: speed, move fast (of a ship, car, etc.). ME-: move quickly. ME--KAN: accelerate, speed s.t. up. PER--AN: acceleration. ###

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Word: lajur

Short Definition: bar (of flag), strip (of cloth)###

English Definition: ^bar (of flag), strip (of cloth), lane (of roads/highways) *BER-: to have strips, lane (of highways/roads)###

Examples: *Jalan bebas hambatan I-88 Barat BERLAJUR tiga = The highway I-88 West has three LANES.###

Word: laki

Short Definition: (Coll.) husband. LAKI-LAKI: man, male.

English Definition: (Coll.) husband. *LAKI-LAKI: man, male. ###

L2 Definition: pria; suami. Antonim: perempuan. ###

Examples: Perkumpulan ini hanya khusus untuk LAKI-LAKI saja. = This gathering is exclusively for MEN only. ###

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Word: laki-laki

Short Definition: male, see LAKI

Word: laknat

Short Definition: curse, cursed###

English Definition: ^curse, cursed *ME-KAN: curse SI-: the cursed one###

Examples: *Karena marah yang tak terkendali, para demonstrator MELAKNATKAN bekas Persiden Suharto = Because of uncontrolled anger, demonstrants CURSED the former President Suharto.###

Word: lakon

Short Definition: play, act of a multiact play). BER-: act in a play.

English Definition: play, act (of a multi-act play). ME-KAN: act in a play. ###

L2 Definition: Cerita yang dimainkan dalam suatu pertunjukan; peran; perbuatan. ###

Examples: Hal yang paling sulit dalam pertunjukan itu adalah bagaimana MELAKONKAN tokoh raksasa yang jahat. = The most difficult part in the play is how to ACT AS a mean giant. ###

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Word: laksa

Short Definition: 1. ten thousand, 2. macaroni, 3. rice noddle###

English Definition: 1. ten thousand, 2. macaroni, 3. rice noddle###

Examples: Saya senang memakan bakso dengan laksa = I like to eat meat balls with RICE NODDLE.###

Word: laksamana

Short Definition: commander of the fleet, admiral###

English Definition: commander of the fleet, admiral###

L2 Definition: Gelar untuk panglima angkatan laut. ###

Examples: Laksamana Sudomo adalah Menteri Tenaga Kerja di bawah administrasi Suharto = Admiral Sudomo was a Minister of Labor under the Suharto's administration.###

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Word: laksana

Short Definition: characteristic, quality of s.t.; like, similar to. Also ME--KAN, TER-, PE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 characteristic, quality of s.t. 2 like, similar to. ME--KAN: to carry out, cause s.t. to materialize. TER-: carried out. PE--AN: the carrying out of s.t., the realization of a plan or directive. *PE--: person carrying out of s.t. (duty, work, etc.).###

L2 Definition: seperti; bagaikan; melakukan. ###

Examples: Kami adalah panitia yang ditugaskan MELAKSANAKAN acara ini. = We are the committee that was authorized TO CARRY OUT this program. Alhamdulilah akhirnya acara ini TERLAKSANA dengan baik. = Praise to God, at last this program WAS CARRIED OUT nicely. PELAKSANAAN pembuatan gedung itu tidak seperti yang diharapkan semula. = The REALIZATION of the building construction is not as originally expected. ###

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Word: laksmi

Short Definition: goddess of beauty, beautiful###

English Definition: goddess of beauty, beautiful###

Examples: Sebagian orang India bersembahyang kepada LAKSMI = Some Indians worshop to GODDESS OF BEAUTY###

Word: laku

Short Definition: behavior, conduct; valid, in effect; in demand, sell well. Also SE-, BER-, +

English Definition: ^1 behavior, conduct. 2 valid, in effect. 3 in demand, sell well. *SE-: 1 as if, like. 2 as, in the capacity of. *BER-: 1 be valid, be in effect. 2 occur, happen. 3 prevail, obtain. 4 behave. 5 act as. *ME--KAN: 1 carry out, execute. 2 make, do. 3 bring about. 4 commit, perpetrate. *MEMPER--KAN: treat, handle. *KE--AN: 1 deed, act. 2 behavior. *PE-: 1 doer, agent. 2 (Thea.) performer, actor. *PER--AN: treatment. ###

L2 Definition: perbuatan; laris; bisa dipakai/sah. ###

Examples: Saya hadir di sini SELAKU pihak yang punya hajat. = I am in attendance here IN THE CAPACITY OF a party that has a purpose. BERLAKU adil terhadap semua pegawai adalah kunci menuju sukses perusahaan. = To ACT fairly toward all the employees is the key that leads to the success of a business. Hanya orang yang keji yang bisa MELAKUKAN hal ini. = Only a contemptible person could DO this thing. Dia MEMPERLAKUKAN anak-anak tirinya dengan baik. = He TREATS his step children well. KELAKUANmu sungguh tidak terpuji. = Your ACTION really cannot be praised. PELAKU wayang itu lucu sekali. = That traditional dance PERFORMER is very funny. Tidak benar bahwa pembantu itu mendapat PERLAKUAN yang kurang baik. = It isn't true that that maid got poor TREATMENT. ###

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Word: lalai

Short Definition: negligent, careless, inattentive, thoughtless, inconsiderate, absentminded###

English Definition: 1. negligent, careless, inattentive, thoughtless, inconsiderate, absentminded dukkm ore-occupied 2. unconscious 3. slovenly 4. (v) fail ###

Word: lalang

Short Definition: tall weed, grass.

English Definition: tall weed, grass. ###

L2 Definition: Rumput-rumput liar yang tinggi dan besar; ilalang. ###

Examples: Sejauh mata memandang yang kulihat hanya padang LALANG saja. = As far as I can see, I can only see TALL WEEDS. ###

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Word: lalat

Short Definition: a fly.

English Definition: *a fly. ###

L2 Definition: Serangga kecil yang suka hinggap di atas makanan atau tempat-tempat kotor dan berbau. ###

Examples: Jangan kau makan makanan yang telah dihinggapi LALAT itu. = Don't eat that food that has had FLIES on it. ###

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Word: lalu

Short Definition: pass; past, last; then. SE-: always. Also ME--I, TER-, KETER--AN.

English Definition: ^1 pass. 2 past, last. 3 then. *SE-: always. *ME--I: 1 to pass through or by. 2 by means of. *TER-: too, exceedingly. *KETER--AN: excessiveness, too much. ###

L2 Definition: Berjalan melewati sesuatu. ###

Examples: Mengapa engkau SELALU menangis nak? = Why are you ALWAYS crying, son? Kami berjalan menerobos MELALUI pematang sawah. = We walked through ALONG the paddy dike. Engkau TERLALU manja terhadap ibumu. = You are TOO childish toward your mother. Sangat KETERLALUAN membiarkan anaknya menangis berjam-jam. = It is way TOO MUCH to allow his child to cry hour after hour. ###

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Word: lama

Short Definition: long (of duration); old. LAMA-LAMA: finally, after a long time. Also SE-, +

English Definition: ^1 long (of duration). 2 old. *LAMA-LAMA: finally, after a long time. *SE-: during, as long as. *SE-_-_-NYA: 1 forever. 2 at the longest. *KE--AN: 1 eventually, in the end. 2 to run late or be a long time, be overtaken by lateness.###

L2 Definition: Memakan waktu yang panjang; tidak sebentar. ###

Examples: LAMA-LAMA bosan mendengar ceritanya yang itu-itu juga. = AFTER A LONG TIME its boring listening to his same old stories. SELAMA dia tidak mengganggu saya tidak keberatan. = AS LONG AS he doen't disturb me I won't object. Dia telah pergi untuk SELAMA-LAMANYA. = She has gone FOREVER. Boleh kamu pergi tapi jangan KELAMAAN. = You may go, but don't BE LONG. ###

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Word: lamar

Short Definition: ME-: propose marriage; apply for a job, position.

English Definition: *ME-: 1 propose marriage. 2 apply for a job, position. *-AN: 1 proposal. 2 application. ###

L2 Definition: Meminang; meminta sesuatu (pekerjaan, sekolah, dll). ###

Examples: Bulan depan kami akan MELAMAR anak bapak. = Next month we are going to PROPOSE MARRIAGE to your daughter. Tidak satupun LAMARAN pekerjaan yang diterima. = It isn't just one job APPLICATION that was received. ###

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Word: lambai

Short Definition: BER-: to wave to and fro. ME--KAN: to wave s.t. back and forth.

English Definition: ^BER-: to wave to and fro. ME--KAN: to wave s.t. back and forth. ###

L2 Definition: Mengayun seperti barang tipis yang tertiup angin (daun; kain; bendera). ###

Examples: Mengapa anak itu selalu MELAMBAIKAN tangannya kearah utara? = Why is that child WAVES his hand toward the north? ###

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Word: lambang

Short Definition: sign, symbol. ME--KAN: symbolize.

English Definition: sign, symbol. ME--KAN: symbolize. ###

L2 Definition: simbol; tanda. ###

Examples: Perisai bergambar di dada Garuda Pancasila MELAMBANGKAN falsafah bangsa Indonesia. = The picturized shield in the chest of the Garuda Pancasila SIMBOLIZES the philosophy of Indonesian nation. ###

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Word: lambat

Short Definition: slow, late. TER-: late.

English Definition: *slow, late. *TER-: late. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak cepat; ketinggalan. ###

Examples: LAMBAT sekali jalannya kereta api ini. = The pace of this train is very SLOW. Mobil kami rusak, karena itu kami TERLAMBAT sampai di setasiun. = Our car broke down, and because of that we were LATE arriving at the station. ###

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Word: lambung

Short Definition: 1.side (of ship or person); 2.flank; SEE ALSO LAMBUNG (2)

English Definition: side of ship or person

Examples: LAMBUNG kapal itu harus diperbaiki sebelum berlayar = the SIDE of the ship must be repaired before sailing.##

Word: lambung (2)

Short Definition: the bounce (of a ball, etc.); throw, toss something upward; soar

English Definition: *ME- : bounce up, jump up *TER- : thrown upward

Examples: Mendengar berita itu, Ani MELAMBUNG kegirangan = Listening to the news, Ani LEAPED with joy.# Di dalam pesawat saya merasa seperti TERLAMBUNG ke udara = In the airplane I felt as though I had been TOSSED SKYWARD.###

Word: lampau

Short Definition: past. ME--I: pass by, go by way of; pass over; exceed. TER-: too, very much.

English Definition: ^ past. *ME--I: 1 pass by, go by way of. 2 pass over. 3 exceed. *TER-: too, very much. ###

L2 Definition: Telah lalu; melewati. ###

Examples: Lemparanku MELAMPAUI garis batas yang ditentukan. = My throw EXCEEDED the boundary line that was set. Saya pikir soal-soal ini TERLAMPAU mudah bagimu. = I think these matters are TOO easy for you. ###

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Word: lampir

Short Definition: attachments. ME--I, ME--KAN: attach, append, enclose. Also TER-, -AN.

English Definition: ^attachments. *ME--I, ME--KAN: attach, append, enclose. *TER-: attached, enclosed. -AN: attachment, enclosure . ###

L2 Definition: serta, ikut. ###

Examples: Saya harus MELAMPIRKAN sesalinan ijazah SMAku dalam surat lamaran ini. = I have to ENCLOSE a copy of my high school diploma in this application letter. Dalam surat pajak ini TERLAMPIR juga beberapa bukti pembayaran. = In this tax statement are ENCLOSED several proofs of payment also. ###

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Word: lampu

Short Definition: lamp, light.

English Definition: *lamp, light. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: pelita. alat penerang. ###

Examples: Kami memerlukan beberapa LAMPU untuk tempat yang gelap. = We need a few LAMPS for a dark place. ###

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Word: Lampung

Short Definition: a province in Indonesia.

English Definition: a province in Indonesia, located on the eastern part of the Island of Sumatra. Its capital city is Tanjungkarang-Telukbetung. ###

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See a Picture

Word: lamun

Short Definition: muse, daydream

English Definition: *ME-- : muse, daydream *NGE-- : muse, daydream *ME--KAN: daydream about s.t. *--AN: fantasy, thought, speculation *PE-- : daydreamer

L2 Definition: khayal, mengkhayal, mengingat sesuatu

Examples: Kerjamu MELAMUN (NGELAMUN) saja setiap hari = All you do is DAYDREAMING everyday. Saya sering MELAMUNKAN ayah dan ibu yang sudah pergi jauh = I often DAYDREAM about our deceased mother and father. Jangan bermimpi, semua itu hanya LAMUNANmu saja = Stop dreaming, all of that stuff is just your FANTASY.###

Word: lancang

Short Definition: impudent, insolent, sharp tongued.

English Definition: impudent, insolent, sharp tongued. ###

L2 Definition: Bertindak diluar batas; tidak tahu adat; mengambil keputusan sendiri diluar kesepakatan bersama. ###

Examples: Jangan sampai kau berbuat LANCANG dimuka tamu-tamuku. = Don't ever be IMPUDENT in front of my guests. ###

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Word: lancar

Short Definition: quick, fast; fluent, facile, smooth. BERSE-: to wave surf. Also ME--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 quick, fast. 2 fluent, facile, smooth. BERSE-: to wave surf. ME--KAN: facilitate, expedite, make faster. KE--AN: smoothness, fluency. ###

L2 Definition: Berjalan sesuai rencana tanpa suatu halangan; mudah. ###

Examples: Nyaman sekali rasanya BERSELANCAR di pantai ini! = How pleasant it is TO SURF in this beach! Pihak musuh yang mula-mula MELANCARKAN serangan udara. = The enemy is the one who started TO CONDUCT air attack. KELANCARAN sidang ini dikarenakan oleh dukungan semua pihak. = The SMOOTHNESS of the session is caused by all the parties' support. ###

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Word: lancip

Short Definition: 1. sharp and pointed; 2. [Math.] acute

English Definition: 1. sharp and pointed; 2. [Math.] acute *ME--KAN: sharpen (a pencil, stick, etc.) *MUKA-- : face with a sharp feature

L2 Definition: tajam dan runcing

Examples: Kakek saya mempunyai tombak kuno yang masih sangat LANCIP = My grandfather owns an antique spear which is still very SHARP and POINTED.###

Word: lancong

Short Definition: ME--: go sightseeing, take a pleasure trip; PE--: tourists, sight-seers

English Definition: ME--: go sightseeing, take a pleasure trip *PE--: tourists, sight-seers

Examples: Setiap tahun kami sekeluarga pergi MELANCONG ke luar negeri = Every year our family go to TAKE A TRIP abroad. Banyak PELANCONG mengunjungi Candi Borobudur di malam hari = There are many TOURISTS visiting Borobudur temple at night.###

Word: landa

Short Definition: ME-: attack, topple over. TER-: knocked over, overrun.

English Definition: ^ME-: attack, topple over. TER-: knocked over, overrun. ###

L2 Definition: mengenai; melanggar; menimpa. ###

Examples: Banjir yang besar MELANDA daerahku dan menghanyutkan banyak ternak. = A big flood ATTACKED my region and carried away many livestocks. Kampungku sedang TERLANDA penyakit demam berdarah. = My village is OVERRUN by dengue disease. ###

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Word: landas

Short Definition: base, foundation. ME--I: base on s.t. ME--KAN: base s.t. on s.t. else. Also -AN.

English Definition: base, foundation. ME--I: base on s.t. ME--KAN: base s.t. on s.t. else. -AN: base, foundation. ###

L2 Definition: alas; dasar/permukaan. ###

Examples: Hal Saya tidak tahu apa yang MELANDASI perbuatan kejamnya. = I don't know what is the BASE of his cruel act. LANDASAN utama hidup bermasyarakat di Indonesia adalah Pancasila. = The ultimate BASE for community living in Indonesia is Pancasila. ###

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Word: langgan

Short Definition: BER-: be a customer. BER--AN: to subscribe to (a magazine). Also -AN.

English Definition: ^BER-: be a customer. BER--AN: to subscribe to (a magazine, etc.). -AN: customer, subscriber. ###

L2 Definition: Berjual beli/menyewa/melakukan sesuatu secara tetap pada seseorang/suatu organisasi. ###

Examples: Saya BERLANGGANAN majalah Newsweek dan surat kabar Chicago Tribune. = I SUBSCRIBE TO the Newsweek magazine and Chicago Tribune daily. Dia LANGGANAN saya yang terbaik. = She is my best CUSTOMER. ###

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Word: langgar

Short Definition: see LANGGAR1 (prayer house . . .) or LANGGAR (collide . . .).

English Definition: see LANGGAR1 (prayer house . . .) LANGGAR2 (collide . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: langgar1

Short Definition: an Islamic prayer house.

English Definition: an Islamic prayer house. ###

L2 Definition: Masjid kecil untuk bersembahyang bagi umat Islam; surau. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: langgar2

Short Definition: BER-: collide with one another. Also BER--AN, ME-, TER-, PE-, PE--AN.

English Definition: ^BER-: collide with one another. BER--AN: 1 be involved in a collision with. 2 be in conflict with. ME-: run into s.t. TER-: struck accidentally. PE-: one committing an infraction. PE--AN: a violation of a law or rule. ###

L2 Definition: Bertabrakan; saling berlawanan. ###

Examples: Ketika berbelanja di pasar, saya BERLANGGARAN dengan seorang teman lama. = When I was shopping in the market, I COLLIDED (MET) with an old friend. Sepedanya rusak karena MELANGGAR batu yang besar. = His bike is broken because it RAN INTO a big rock. Pak Simin masuk rumah sakit karena TERLANGGAR truk sampah. = Mr. Simin went into hospital because he was ACCIDENTALLY STRUCK by a garbage truck. Setiap PELANGGARAN hukum harus dihukum. = Every VIOLATION of the law has to be punished. ###

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Word: langgeng

Short Definition: eternal, imperishable

English Definition: eternal, imperishable *ME--KAN: perpetuate, preserve

L2 Definition: abadi

Examples: Semoga engkau mendapatkan kebahagian yang LANGGENG bersamanya = I wish you an EVERLASTING happiness with him. Pemerintah membuat proyek untuk MELANGGENGKAN kebudayaan suku Asmat = The government created a project to PRESERVE the culture of the Asmat tribe.###

Word: langit

Short Definition: sky, heaven. SE-: like the sky, extraordinary, ceiling. ME-: sky high. Also -AN.

English Definition: sky, heaven. SE-: 1. like the sky. 2. extraordinary. 3. ceiling. ME-: sky high. -AN: palate. ###

L2 Definition: Ruangan luas di atas bumi dimana terdapat bulan, bintang, dan matahari. ###

Examples: Harga makanan di Jepang SELANGIT menurut ukuran rupiah. = Food price in Japan is EXTRAORDINARY if it is measured in rupiah. Di jaman monopoli ini harga barang-barang MELANGIT. = In this era of monopoli the prices of goods go SKY HIGH. ###

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Word: langka

Short Definition: rare###

English Definition: ^rare, scarce KE-AN: rare###

Examples: Pemerintah melarang penangkapan binatang-binatang LANGKA= Government restricted to hunt RARE animals.###

Word: langkah

Short Definition: step. ME-: to step forward. ME--I: step over; disregard; over-step.

English Definition: step. *ME-: to step forward. *ME--I: 1 step over, skip over. 2 disregard. 3 over-step (propriety, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: gerakan kaki; sikap/tahap yang diambil. ###

Examples: Dia sedang MELANGKAH pasti menuju ke kejayaan. = She is STEPPING for sure in the direction of success. Jangan MELANGKAHI makanan ini nanti kotor. = Don't STEP OVER this food or it will get dirty. ###

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Word: langkat

Short Definition: three days from now

English Definition: three days from now; the day after the day after tomorrow.

Word: langsat

Short Definition: a small light yellow fruit.

English Definition: a small light yellow fruit. ###

L2 Definition: Buah yang berwujud seperti duku (bulat, kecil, dan berwarna kuning) yang rasanya masam. ###

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Word: langsep

Short Definition: a small oval fruit, yellowish-green in color.

English Definition: a small oval fruit, yellowish-green in color. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: langsat. ###

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Word: langsing

Short Definition: slim, slender, dapper.

English Definition: *slim, slender, dapper. langsing1 = slim, slender, svelte ME~ = become slender, slim down ME~KAN = make s.t. slim, streamline ( a body) KE~AN = slimness, slenderness PE~AN = slimming, slenderizing of the body lansing2 = ME~ = go back and forth, go up and down langsing3 = loud (of sound) ###

L2 Definition: ramping; kurus tetapi berisi. ###

Examples: Walaupun baru saja melahirkan dia tetap kelihatan LANGSING. = Even though she just gave birth, she still looks SLENDER. ###

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Word: langsung

Short Definition: direct, straight; immediately. BER-: go on, take place. Also KEBER--AN, +

English Definition: ^1 direct, straight. 2 immediately. *BER-: go on, take place. KEBER--AN: persistence, resoluteness. TER-: 1 carried out, implemented. 2 perpetuated. 3 rash. *KE--AN: 1 performance, execution (of a procedure). 2 perpetuity. 3 perpetuation. ###

L2 Definition: Terus tanpa berhenti/halangan. ###

Examples: Acara akan BERLANGSUNG sampai pukul tujuh malam. = The program is going to GO ON until 7:00 at night. KELANGSUNGAN hidup binatang langka ini tergantung pada usaha manusia. = The PERPETUATION of the life of this rare animal depends upon the efforts of people. ###

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Word: lanjur

Short Definition: protracted, prolonged. ME--KAN: prolong s.t. TER-: too late.

English Definition: ^protracted, prolonged. ME--KAN: prolong s.t. TER-: too late. ###

L2 Definition: terdorong; lanjut. ###

Examples: Dia sengaja MELANJURKAN masa pertunangannya. = He intends to PROLONG his engagement time. Maaf, saya TERLANJUR berjanji untuk pulang hari ini. = I'm sorry, I HAVE ALREADY promised to come home today. ###

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Word: lanjut

Short Definition: 1. long, advanced (in age). 2. further. -AN: following on something else. +

English Definition: 1. long, advanced (in age). 2. further. ME--KAN: to continue. -AN: following on something else. KE--AN: continuation. SE--NYA: 1. furthermore. 2. after that. ###

L2 Definition: terus; sambung. ###

Examples: Saya akan MELANJUTKAN sekolah keluar negri tahun depan. = I'm going to CONTINUE school overseas next year. Komik seri ini belum ada LANJUTANnya. = This comic book series doesn't yet have THE NEXT IN THE SERIES. Saya tidak mengikuti KELANJUTAN berita perang di Bosnia. = I didn't follow the ON-GOING news of the war in Bosnia. SELANJUTNYA acara ini akan dimeriahkan dengan tari-tarian. = TO CONTINUE, this program will be enlivened with dances. ###

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Word: lansat

Short Definition: lansium domesticum (fruit)###

English Definition: lansium domesticum (fruit)###

Examples: Musim buah LANSAT biasanya bersamaan dengan musim DURIAN = The LANSIUM DOMESTICUM session is usually the same time with the DURIAN session.###

Word: lansir

Short Definition: ME-:1. launch s.t. 2. spread, distribute (news, etc)###

English Definition: ^ME-:1. launch s.t. 2. spread, distribute (news, etc)###

Examples: NBC adalah stasiun televisi pertama yang MELANSIR berita tentang kecelakaan John Kennedy = NBC was the first TV station that LAUNCHED the news about John Kennedy's accident.###

Word: lantai

Short Definition: floor; story (of a building). BER-: have a floor; have stories (of a building).

English Definition: 1 floor. 2 story (of a building). *BER-: 1 to have a floor. 2 to have stories (of a building). ###

L2 Definition: alas; bagian bawah dari suatu ruangan. ###

Examples: Gedung ini BERLANTAI tigabelas. = This building HAS thirteen STORIES. ###

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Word: lantang

Short Definition: 1. shrill, piercing (voice) 2. clear, distinct###

English Definition: ^*1. shrill, piercing (voice) 2. clear, distinct ME-: become loud KE-AN: volume, loudness###

Examples: *Roni berteriak dengan LANTANG = Roni LOUDLY SCREAMED.###

Word: lantar

Short Definition: see LANTER1 (to cause s.t., reason...). LANTER2 (neglected, abandoned...).

English Definition: see LANTER1 (to cause s.t., reason...) LANTAR2 (neglected, abandoned...) ###

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Word: lantar1

Short Definition: ME--KAN: 1. cause s.t. 2. pass on (a seggestion, etc.). -AN: 1. reason. +

English Definition: ME--KAN: 1. cause s.t. 2. pass on (a suggestion, etc.). -AN: 1. reason. 2. (Coll.) because. PE-: mediator, intermediary. 2. (Ling.) copula. PE--AN: act of mediation. ###

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Word: lantar2

Short Definition: TER-, TE-: neglected. TER--KAN: abandoned (land). Also MENTER--KAN, +

English Definition: TER-, TE-: neglected. TER--KAN: abandoned (land). MENTER--KAN: abandon, neglect (s.o. or s.t.). KETER--AN: state of neglect. PETER--AN: neglect, abandonment. ###

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Word: lantas

Short Definition: straightaway, directly, then; and so? ME--I: penetrate s.t. Also ME--KAN.

English Definition: ^*1 straightaway, directly, then. 2 and so? ME--I: penetrate s.t. *ME--KAN: 1 carry out, execute s.t. 2 to move s.t. forward, pass on.###

L2 Definition: kemudian. ###

Examples: Sesudah melarikan diri LANTAS apa yang dilakukannya? = After he ran away, THEN what did he do? Saya akan MELANTASKAN surat ini pada yang berwenang. = I am going to PASS this letter ON to the one who is entitled to it. ###

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Word: lantik

Short Definition: install, inaugurate###

English Definition: install, inaugurate * ME~ = install, inaugurate, be sworn, promote ** PE~AN = inauguration, installation###

Examples: * Dia DILANTIK sebagai menejer di perusahaan kayu = He was PROMOTED as a manager in a wood company. ** PELANTIKAN presiden baru akan berlangsung pada hari Senin = The INAUGURATION of a new president will take place on Monday.###

Word: lantun

Short Definition: reflect, rebound##

English Definition: ME~ = 1. rebound (of a ball), spring 2. reflect 3. ricochet * ME~KAN = make s.t. reflect or ricochet ~AN = 1. rebound 2. reflection###

Examples: * Pemain basket itu MELANTUNKAN bola = A basket player REBOUNDED the ball ###

Word: lantung

Short Definition: putrid, stinking (odor)###

English Definition: lantung1 = putrid, stinking (odor) ME~ = emit a bad odor lantung2 = 1. a loud bang 2. verbose ~2 = clang, clash, boom BER~ = bump against * ME~ = 1. make a sound like an explosition 2. bump against TER~ = knock or hit against lantung3 = NGE~ = laze about, do things without purpose###

Examples: * Mobilnya MELANTUNG dengan truk = His car bumped against a truck.###

Word: lantur

Short Definition: 1. stray from a path 2. disgress###

English Definition: * ME~ , NGE~ = 1. stray from a path, 2. disgress 3. get off the subject ME~KAN = divert, distract s.o. ~AN = 1. diversion, disgression 2. aberration###

Examples: Dia mulai MELANTUR ketika berbicara karena letih = He GOT OFF THE SUBJECT because of tireness.###

Word: laos

Short Definition: galingale, a plant of the ginger family###

English Definition: ^galingale, a plant of the ginger family###

Examples: ###

Word: lap

Short Definition: towel, rag.

English Definition: *towel, rag. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk membersihkan sesuatu biasanya terbuat dari kain. ###

Examples: Kalau membersihkan meja ini gunakan LAP yang bersih. = If you clean this table, use a RAG that is clean. ###

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Word: lapang

Short Definition: open, wide, spacious; free, unoccupied; roomy. Also KE--AN, -AN.

English Definition: ^*1 open, wide, spacious. 2 free, unoccupied. 3 roomy. *KE--AN: 1 emptiness. 2 leisure, ease. *-AN: 1 field (for sports, etc.), square. ###

L2 Definition: Terbuka lebar; tidak sesak. ###

Examples: Engkau harus LAPANG DADA menerima berita ini. = You have to RELAX to receive this news. Contohlah KELAPANGAN HATI orang tuamu. = Emulate the RELAXED ATTITUDE of your parents. Semua orang pergi ke LAPANGAN untuk menonton sepak bola. = Everyone is going to the FIELD to watch soccer. ###

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Word: lapar

Short Definition: hungry. KE--AN: hunger, famine, starvation.

English Definition: hungry. *KE--AN: hunger, famine, starvation. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan ingin makan; perut kosng. ###

Examples: KELAPARAN melanda daerah-daerah miskin di dunia. = HUNGER is ravaging the poor regions in the world. ###

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Word: lapis

Short Definition: 1. layer, lining. 2. row. 3. (Geol.) stratum. Also BER-, BER--KAN, ME-, ME--I, +

English Definition: 1. layer, lining. 2. row. 3. (Geol.) stratum. BER-: have a layer. 2. stratified, in layers. BER--KAN: have s.t. as a layer. ME-: 1. line, coat. 2. in layers. ME--I: coat s.t. with, cover. -AN: 1. layer. 2. stractum, class. coating. ###

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Word: lapor

Short Definition: report. ME-: report. ME--KAN: notify, inform. Also -AN, PE-, PE--AN.

English Definition: ^report. ME-: report. ME--KAN: report, notofy, inform. -AN: 1. report. 2. statement. PE-: reporter, commentator. PE--AN: reporting, commentary.###

L2 Definition: Memberi informasi; memberi tahu; mengadu. ###

Examples: Kami sudah MELAPOR ke polisi. = We have already REPORTED to the police. Apakah kau sudah MELAPORKAN hilangnya sepedamu? = Have you REPORTED the missing of your bike? LAPORAN tahunan ini harus selesai minggu depan. = The annual REPORT has to be done by next week. Dia dicurigai sebagai PELAPOR kejadian itu kepada polisi. = He was suspected as the REPORTER of the accident to the police. ###

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Word: larang

Short Definition: ME-: forbid, ban. TER-: banned, off limits. Also -AN, PE--AN.

English Definition: ^ME-: forbid, ban. TER-: 1. prohibited, banned. 2. off limits. -AN: prohibition. 2. embargo. PE--AN: act of banning.###

L2 Definition: Tidak boleh melakukan sesuatu hal; tidak diijinkan. ###

Examples: Tidak seorangpun bisa MELARANGku pergi. = No one can PROHIBIT me to go. Ini filem TERLARANG untuk anak di bawah umur. = This is a PROHIBITED film for under age child. Saya merasa tidak bebas di rumah nenek karena terlalu banyak LARANGANnya. = I don't feel free in grandma's house because there are too many PROHIBITIONS. PELARANGAN becak di daerah ini tidak dapat dipahami. = The ACT OF BANNING pedicab in this area can not be understood. ###

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Word: laras

Short Definition: pitch, key, scale; harmony, harmonious. SE-: in accordance with. Also KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^1 pitch, key, scale. 2 harmony, harmonious. SE-: in accordance with, in harmony. KE--AN: harmoniousness. PE--AN: adjustment. ###

L2 Definition: sesuai; sehati; sama; harmoni; cocok. ###

Examples: Selera kami memang SELARAS dalam hal berpakaian. = Our tastes are in HARMONY in the matter of clothing. KELARASAN bunyi nada ini ditentukan oleh kekompakan kita dalam memainkan alat musiknya. = The HARMONIOUS NATURE of the sound is determined by our cohesiveness in playing the musical instruments.###

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Word: larat

Short Definition: SEE larat1 (protracted, drawn out . . .) or LARAT2 (see MELARAT).

English Definition: see LARAT1 (protracted, drawn out . . .) LARAT2 (see MELARAT) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: larat1

Short Definition: protracted, drawn out (of an illness); drag (an anchor); wander. Also ME-.

English Definition: ^1 be protracted, be drawn out (of an illness). 2 drag (an anchor). 3 wander. *ME-: protracted (of an illness). ###

L2 Definition: berlarut-larut; kejadian yang berlangsung lama. ###

Examples: PENYAKIT MELARATnya sudah sulit disembuhkan. = His CHRONIC ILLNESS is already difficult to cure. ###

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Word: larat2

Short Definition: see MELARAT.

English Definition: see MELARAT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: lari

Short Definition: run. BER-: to run. ME--KAN: cause s.t. to run (away). Also PE-, PE--AN.

English Definition: run. *BER-: to run. *ME--KAN: to cause s.t. to run (away). *PE-: runner, jogger. *PE--AN: 1 fugitive. 2 running, escape. ###

L2 Definition: berjalan dengan kencang. ###

Examples: Mereka BERLARI dengan kencang mengejar bis. = They RAN fast chasing the bus. Mengapa engkau harus MELARIKAN DIRI kalau memang tidak bersalah. = Why do you have to RUN AWAY if you really didn't do anything wrong? Belum ada seorangpun yang bisa menandingi PELARI ini. = There still isn't a single person who can match this RUNNER. Dalam sandiwara itu dia berperan sebagai seorang PELARIAN. = In that play, he had the role of a fugitive. ###

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Word: laris

Short Definition: popular, in demand, selling well. ME--KAN: stimulate the sale of, +

English Definition: popular, in demand, selling well. ME--KAN: stimulate the sale of, popularize. PE-, PENG-: s.t. that sells well, best seller. ###

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Word: larut

Short Definition: see LARUT1 (soluble . . .) or LARUT2 (protracted . . .).

English Definition: see LARUT1 (soluble . . .) LARUT2 (protracted . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: larut1

Short Definition: soluble; fused, dissolved. ME-: become dissolved. Also ME--KAN, -AN, PE-, +

English Definition: ^1 soluble. 2 fused, dissolved. *ME-: become dissolved. *ME--KAN: dissolve s.t., make disappear. *-AN: solution. *PE-: solvent. ###

L2 Definition: mencair; tenggelam. ###

Examples: Cairan ini sulit MELARUT di dalam air. = This liquid doesn't easily DISSOLVE in water. Ibu sedang berusaha MELARUTKAN kesedihan adikku. = Mother is trying to MAKE my younger sister's sadness GO AWAY. Zat ini adalah bahan PELARUT yang kuat. = This substance is a very strong SOLVENT. LARUTAN zat kimia ini sangat berbahaya bila tersentuh manusia. = This chemical SOLUTION is dangerous for people to touch. ###

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Word: larut2

Short Definition: protracted; late, advanced. BER-_-_, ME-: protracted; drag on. Also ME--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 protracted. 2 late, far-advanced (of night). *BER-_-_, ME-: 1 protracted, drawn out. 2 drag on. ME--KAN: drag s.t. on, prolong. -AN: lateness. ###

L2 Definition: bertambah; semakin jauh. ###

Examples: Masalah sepele ini menjadi BERLARUT-LARUT penyelesaiannya. = The completion of this trivial matter has become DRAWN OUT. ###

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Word: laskar

Short Definition: 1. [Lit.] pre-modern soldiers; 2. paramilitary troops, guerilla fighters; 3. paramilitary unit.

English Definition: 1. [Lit.] pre-modern soldiers; 2. paramilitary troops, guerilla fighters; 3. paramilitary unit.

Examples: Ayahnya dahuku menjadi pemimpin LASKAR pemuda di kampung = His father used to be the leader of youth PARAMILITARY group in our village.###

Word: lat

Short Definition: late.

English Definition: *late. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: terlambat. ###

Examples: Biar LAT asal selamat. = It's OK that you're LATE, as long as you're safe. ###

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Word: latar

Short Definition: (Jv.) yard; surface or plane; background. PE--AN: yard or background.

English Definition: ^1 (Jv.) yard. 2 surface or plane. 3 background. PE--AN: yard or background. ###

L2 Definition: halaman; datar; rata. ###

Examples: Saya akan meletakkan meja ini di PELATARAN. = I will put this table on the YARD. ###

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Word: latih

Short Definition: accustomed, wont. BER-: 1. practice, train. 2. rehearse. ME-: train s.o., +

English Definition: accustomed, wont. BER-: 1. practice, train. 2. rehearse. ME-: 1. train s.o. 2. practice s.t. TER-: trained, skilled, exercised. -AN: exercise, practice, training. PE-: trainer, instructor, coach. ###

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Word: lauk

Short Definition: side dish, usually of meat or fish, served with rice at mealtime.

English Definition: *side dish, usually of meat or fish, served with rice at mealtime. ###

L2 Definition: Makanan selain nasi, biasanya berupa daging, ayam, ikan, tahu, tempe, dll. ###

Examples: Makanlah juga nasinya jangan hanya LAUKnya saja. = Eat the rice also, not just the SIDE DISH. ###

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Word: lauk-pauk

Short Definition: SEE LAUK

Word: laut

Short Definition: sea, ocean. ME-: head out to sea. -AN: sea, ocean.

English Definition: sea, ocean. *ME-: head out to sea. *-AN: sea, ocean. ###

L2 Definition: Perairan yang luas yang membatasi pulau-pulau atau benua. ###

Examples: Nelayan di daerahku selalu MELAUT dimalam hari. = Fishermen in my area always HEAD OUT TO SEA at night. Ini adalah LAUTAN Pasific. = This is the Pacific OCEAN. ###

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Word: lawak

Short Definition: joke, jest, gag

English Definition: joke, jest, gag *--AN: amusing act, a joke, jest *PE--: comedian, jokester

Examples: Saya sudah bosan dengan LAWAKANmu yang tidak lucu = I am tired of your JOKES which are not that funny. PELAWAK itu tidak berhasil membuat penonton tertawa = The COMEDIAN was not able to make the audience laugh.###

Word: lawan

Short Definition: opponent, adversary; the contrary or opposite; against, versus. Also BER-, +

English Definition: ^ 1 opponent, adversary. 2 the contrary or opposite. 3 against, versus. BER-: 1 contest, compete. 2 be the opposite of. 3 have an opponent. 4 be pitted against. *BER--AN: 1 disagree with. 2 clashing, contradictory (views, etc.). *ME-: oppose. PE-: opponent. *PER--AN: opposition, contrast. ###

L2 Definition: musuh; saingan. ###

Examples: Pendapatmu selalu BERLAWANAN dengan pendapatku. = Your point of view is always CONTRADICTORY with my point of view. Biarpun kecil berani juga dia MELAWAN. = Even though he is small, he FIGHTS aggressively. Tidak ada PERLAWANAN yang berarti dari pihak musuh. = There is no OPPOSITION of any consequence from the side of the enemy. ###

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Word: lawat

Short Definition: ME-: visit; make a trip. ME--I: visit. PE-: visitor, tourist. Also PER--AN.

English Definition: ^*ME-: 1 pay a visit. 2 make a trip. ME--I: visit. PE-: visitor, tourist. *PER--AN: visit, trip. ###

L2 Definition: Bepergian ke tempat lain. ###

Examples: Dialah orang yang pertama-tama MELAWAT ke Eropa. = He is the very first person to MAKE A TRIP TO Europe. PERLAWATAN ini sangat sukses walaupun kurang direncanakan. = This TRIP was a great success even though it was not thoroughly planned out. ###

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Word: layak

Short Definition: 1. proper, suitable. 2. reasonable, fair (price). 3. like. -NYA: as if. +

English Definition: 1. proper, suitable. 2. reasonable, fair (orice). 3. like. -NYA: as if. SE-: like. SE--NYA: 1. proper. 2. as much as is proper. ME--KAN: make proper, bring s.t. up to standard. KE--AN: 1. worthiness. 2. fairness, properness. ###

L2 Definition: patut; pantas; wajar; tidak aneh; dll. ###

Examples: Tidak seperti LAYAKNYA orang lain, hidup kami sangat menderita. = It's not LIKE other people, our life is very miserable. SELAYAKNYA kamu hadir dalam pertemuan itu. = It would be PROPER if you are present in the meeting. Untuk MELAYAKKAN pembangunan jalan ini harus ada dana yang cukup. =To MAKE PROPER this road development, there has to be enough fund. Kita memerlukan studi KELAYAKAN sebelum membangun bendung ini. = We need FEASIBILITY study before building this dam. ###

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Word: layan

Short Definition: ME--I: serve, wait on. 2 supply. 3 service s.t. ME--KAN: serve food. Also -AN, +

English Definition: ^*ME--I: 1 serve, wait on. 2 supply. 3 service s.t. ME--KAN: serve (food). *-AN: service. *PE-: 1 waiter, waitress. 2 clerk, attendent. *PE--AN: servicing, waiting on. ###

L2 Definition: bantu/membantu. ###

Examples: Nenek inilah yang MELAYANIku semenjak aku kecil. = This is the grandmother who has SERVED me since I was a child. Yang kami inginkan adalah LAYANAN yang layak bagi tamu. = What we want is SERVICE appropriate to a visitor. Saya heran akan banyaknya PELAYAN di rumah ini. = I am astonished at the many SERVANTS in this house. Kami bermalam di hotel dengan PELAYANAN yang sangat memuaskan. = We spent the night in a hotel with SERVICE that was very satisfying. ###

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Word: layang

Short Definition: ME-: lofty, soar, float in the air. MELAYANG-LAYANG = to hover.

English Definition: ME-: lofty, soar, float in the air. MELAYANG-LAYANG = to hover. ###

L2 Definition: terbang; hilang. ###

Examples: Impianku MELAYANG setelah tahu biaya perjalanannya sangat mahal. = My dreams FLEW AWAY once I knew the cost of the trip was very expensive. Balon itu MELAYANG-LAYANG di udara untuk beberapa waktu kemudian meletus. = The balloon FLOATED AROUND in the sky for a while, then burst. ###

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Word: layar

Short Definition: sail (of a ship); screen (of TV or computer). Also BER-, PE-, PE--AN.

English Definition: 1 sail (of a ship). 2 screen (of TV or computer). *BER-: 1 to have a sail or screen. 2 to sail (in a boat). *PE-: a sailor. *PE--AN: 1 a voyage by ship. 2 navigation. ###

L2 Definition: tirai; tabir. Kain lebar pada kapal sebagai alat penadah angin. ###

Examples: Nikmat sekali rasanya BERLAYAR sambil bertamasya. = It is a wonderful feeling SAILING while sightseeing. Ayahku adalah PELAYAR yang tangguh. = My father is a SAILOR who is very strong. Seluruh ongkos PELAYARAN ini akan ditanggung perusahaan. = The entire fare of the VOYAGE will be assumed by the company. ###

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Word: layat

Short Definition: ME-, NGE-: make a visit of condolence. Also PE-, PE--AN.

English Definition: ME-, NGE-: make a visit of condolence. PE-: o. who pays his respect to the family of the deseased. PE--AN: condolence visit. ###

L2 Definition: Mengunjungi seseorang/keluarga yang sedang mengalami musibah kematian; mengantar jenazah ke liang kubur. ###

Examples: Kemarin kami pergi MELAYAT kematian bapaknya. = Yesterday we went to MAKE A VISIT OF CONDOLENCE for the death of his father. ###

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Word: layu

Short Definition: 1. withered, faded (of flowers). 2. weak, pale. ME-: wither, wilt. Also ME--KAN+

English Definition: 1. withered, faded (of flowers). 2. weak, pale. ME-: wither, wilt. ME--KAN: wither, wilt s.t. KE--AN: 1. faded, wilted. 2. death. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Tidak segar. 2. pucat; lemah. ###

Examples: Badannya MELAYU karena kurang makan. = His body WITHERED because of inadequate food intake. Cairan ini bisa MELAYUKAN sayuran segar dengan cepat. = This liquid can WITHER fresh vegetables fast. ###

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Word: layuh

Short Definition: 1. paralyzed. 2. weak, feeble.

English Definition: 1. paralyzed. 2. weak, feeble. ###

L2 Definition: 1. lumpuh. 2. lemah; tidak bertenaga. ###

Examples: Tangannya MELAYUH karena kanker. = His arms are paralyzed because of cancer. ###

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Word: lazim

Short Definition: 1. usual, customary, common. 2. compulsory, obligatory. -NYA: us. +

English Definition: 1. usual, customary, common. 2. compulsory, obligatory. -NYA: us. ME--KAN: 1. make s.t. usual, bring s.t. into vogue. 2. make s.t. compulsory. -AN: custom, usage, fad. ###

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Word: lebah

Short Definition: bee.

English Definition: bee. ###

L2 Definition: *Serangga berbulu, bersayap empat dan hidup dari madu kembang; tawon. ###

Examples: Dengung suara LEBAH itu mengikutiku kemana-mana. = The buzzing voice of those BEES followed me everywhere. ###

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Word: lebar

Short Definition: broad, wide. ME--KAN: widen s.t. (as a road), spread out.

English Definition: broad, wide. *ME--KAN: widen s.t. (as a road), spread out. ###

L2 Definition: luas; lapang. ###

Examples: Burung kecil ini berusaha terbang dengan MELEBARKAN sayapnya. = This small bird is trying to fly by spreading out its wings. ###

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Word: Lebaran

Short Definition: day of celebration at the end of fasting month.

English Definition: ^day of celebration at the end of fasting month.###

L2 Definition: Hari raya umat Islam sehabis bulan puasa/Ramadhan. ###

Examples: Tahun ini kami sekeluarga akan BERLEBARAN di rumah bibi di Malang. = This year our family will CELEBRATE THE END OF THE FASTING MONTH at auntie's house in Malang. ###

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Word: lebat

Short Definition: thick, dense.

English Definition: thick, dense.###

L2 Definition: Pohon yang banyak buah atau daunnya; tebal dan rapat. ###

Examples: Rambutmu indah dan LEBAT sekali. = Your hair is beautiful and THICK. ###

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Word: lebih

Short Definition: more, -er; more than. BER-: remain, be left over; excessive. Also ME-, TER-, +

English Definition: ^1 more, -er. 2 more than. *BER-: 1 remain, be left over. 2 excessive. *ME--I: to exceed, outgrow, eclipse s.t. *TER-: 1 exceedingly. 2 most. *KE--AN: 1 excess, surplus. 2 to have s.t. in excess, be excessive. -AN: excess, surplus. ###

L2 Definition: tambah; lewat dari yang seharusnya. ###

Examples: Kami dijamu secara BERLEBIH di rumah pak Marta. = We were entertained TO AN EXCESS at Mr. Marta's house. Jatah ini MELEBIHI apa yang seharusnya saya dapat. = This allotment EXCEEDS that which I should receive. Kamu yang seharusnya melakukannya TERLEBIH DAHULU= You are the one who should do it FIRST. Coba kurangi makanmu karena beratmu sudah KELEBIHAN. = Try decreasing your food consumption because your weight is already EXCESSIVE. ###

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Word: lebur

Short Definition: 1. smelted. 2. dissolved, melted. ME-: 1. melt, fuse. 2. destroy, wipe out. +

English Definition: ^1. smelted. 2. dissovled, melted. ME-: 1. melt, fuse. 2. destroy, wipe out. 3. merge. ME-, ME--KAN: 1. fuse s.t. 2. join, affiliate s.t. with. 3. melt off. 4. destroy. KE--AN: dissolution. -AN: smelting. PE--AN: 1. melting, dissolving away. 2. fusing together, amalgamation. 3. (Fin.) merger. ###

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Word: leceh

Short Definition: leceh1, leceh2, leceh3###

English Definition: leceh1: sloppy, unkempt (of dress) leceh2: talkative ME-: chat along *ME-KAN: chat about s.t. PE-: talkative person leceh3: vile **ME-: insult, insulting, despise, despising ME-KAN: despise, consider s.t. vile PE-AN: act of despising, insulting, harassing###

Examples: *Kami senang berkumpul dan MELECEH di akhir minggu = We enjoy gathering and CHATTING along in weekends. **Banyak orang menghindari Ani karena dia suka MELECEH temannya = Many people avoid Ani because she likes to INSULT her friends.

Word: lecut

Short Definition: ME-: to whip, flog.

English Definition: ME-: to whip, flog. ###

L2 Definition: Tiruan bunyi cambuk; cambuk; menggiatkan. ###

Examples: Saya tidak tahu bagaimana cara MELECUTnya untuk rajin belajar. = I don't know how to WHIP him into studying. ###

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Word: ledak

Short Definition: ME-: 1. explode (of a bomb, etc.). 2. erupt (of a volcano). 3. burst out. +

English Definition: ^ME-: 1. explode (of a bomb, etc.). 2. erupt (of a volcano). 3. burst out, break out. 4. (Sl) become a sensation. ME--KAN: 1. cause to explode, blow s.t. up. 2. release (emotions). -AN: explosion, eruption. PE-: explosive. ###

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Word: leding

Short Definition: piping, plumbing.

English Definition: *piping, plumbing. ###

L2 Definition: Pipa saluran air. ###

Examples: Air dari LEDING ini bisa langsung diminum. = Water from this PIPE can be drunk directly. ###

Hear This Word

Word: lega

Short Definition: relaxed.

English Definition: relaxed. ###

L2 Definition: Merasa tidak ada beban; lapang. ###

Examples: LEGA rasa hatiku setelah bisa menamatkan sekolah. = My heart was RELIEVED after I was able to graduate from school. ###

Hear This Word

Word: legenda

Short Definition: legend, myth

English Definition: legend, myth

Examples: Pahlawan Sultan Hasanuddin sudah menjadi LEGENDA di Makassar = Sultan Hasanuddin has become a LEGEND among people in Makassar.##

Word: legendaris

Short Definition: legendary.

English Definition: legendary.###

L2 Definition: Bersifat legenda; bersifat mengandung sejarah yang terkenal. ###

Examples: Pangeran Diponegoro adalah pahlawan LEGENDARIS bagi bangsa Indonesia. = Prince Diponegoro is a LEGENDARY hero for the Indonesian people. ###

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Word: lego

Short Definition: transfer.

English Definition: transfer. ###

L2 Definition: mengoper; menjual; memindahtangankan. ###

Examples: Saya akan MELEGO barang-barang ini sebelum pindahan. = I will TRANSFER these things before the move. ###

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Word: leher

Short Definition: neck.

English Definition: neck. ###

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Word: lekap

Short Definition: BER-: embrace, cuddle up (to s.o.). ME-: 1. stick, adhere. 2. draw together. +

English Definition: BER-: embrace, cuddle up (to s.o.). ME-: 1. stick, adhere. 2. draw together. ME--KAN: 1. affix s.t. 2. press. ###

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Word: lekas

Short Definition: fast, rapid. ME--KAN, MEMPER-: hurry s.t. up.

English Definition: fast, rapid. *ME--KAN, MEMPER-: hurry s.t. up. ###

L2 Definition: cepat. ###

Examples: Karena takut terlambat kami MEMPERLEKAS keberangkatan. = Because we were afraid of being late, we HURRIED UP our departure. ###

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Word: lekat

Short Definition: sticky, to stick. BER-: to stick or adhere. Also ME-, ME--KAN.

English Definition: sticky, to stick. BER-: to stick or adhere. *ME-: to stick or adhere. *ME--KAN: attach s.t. ###

L2 Definition: menempel; rasa seperti lem. ###

Examples: Susah memisahkan kertas yang saling MELEKAT ini. = It is difficult to separate these papers that are STUCK together. Tolong bantu saya MELEKATKAN pamplet-pamplet ini. = Please help me ATTACH these pamphlets. ###

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Word: lekuk

Short Definition: 1.hollow ; 2. dent (in a fender); 3. depression (in the ground)

English Definition: 1. many dents; 2. dent (in a fender); 3. depression (in the ground) *--MATA: eye socket *BER--: dented; have holes *ME--: become hollow, become dented *--AN: dent, indentation

Examples: Pintu mobil kami MELEKUK setelah kecelakaan itu = The door of our car was DENTED after the accident.###

Word: lelah

Short Definition: tired, exhausted, weak.

English Definition: tired, exhausted, weak. ###

L2 Definition: capek; penat; tidak bertenaga; letih. ###

Examples: Ketika LELAH berjalan, orang tua itu beristirahat di bawah pohon. = When he is TIRED of walking, the old man rests under the tree. ###

Hear This Word

Word: lelaki

Short Definition: see LAKI.

English Definition: see LAKI. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: lelakon

Short Definition: an episode of a shadow play; life story.

English Definition: see LAKON. 1 an episode of a shadow play. 2 life story. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: lelang

Short Definition: auction. ME-: to sell at auction. PE-: auctioneer. PER--AN: an auction.

English Definition: auction. ME-: to sell at auction. PE-: auctioneer. PER--AN: an auction. ###

L2 Definition: Penjualan/penawaran sesuatu barang di depan banyak orang, yang bisa memdapatkannya adalah penawar yang tertinggi. ###

Examples: Saya akan MELELANG semua perhiasanku besok. = I will AUCTION all my jewelries tomorrow. Saya akan ke PERLELANGAN ikan pagi ini. = I will go to the fish AUCTION this morning.

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Word: lelangit

Short Definition: the palate of the mouth; the ceiling of a room.

English Definition: 1 the palate of the mouth. 2 the ceiling of a room. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian atap rumah di sebelah dalam; bagian atas dari rongga mulut. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: lelap

Short Definition: sound asleep

English Definition: *ME--KAN: put someone to sleep *TER--: be sound asleep

L2 Definition: tidur nyenyak

Examples: Dia tertidur LELAP di pangkuan ibunya = He was SOUND ASLEEP on his mother's lap. Ibu berusaha MELELAPKAN bayinya = Ibu tried to put her baby to SLEEP. Saya TERLELAP mendengarkan bunyi musik itu = I was SOUND ASLEEP listening to the music.###

Word: leleh

Short Definition: melt (of wax); calm down. Also BER--AN, ME-, -AN.

English Definition: ^1 melt (of wax). 2 calm down. *BER--AN: drip, trickle (with perspiration). *ME-: 1 trickle, drip (as of tears). 2 melt. *-AN: a trickle or drip. ###

L2 Definition: mencair; mengalir perlahan-lahan. ###

Examples: Air matanya BERLELEHAN tak henti-hentinya karena cerita sedih ini. = His tears DRIPPED without stop because of this sad story. Salju ini akan segera MELELEH. = This snow will MELT immediately. LELEHAN lilin ini mengotori lantai. = This candle's DRIPPINGS have dirtied the floor. ###

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Word: leluasa

Short Definition: free, liberal, unimpeded. KE--AN: freedom of action.

English Definition: ^free, liberal, unimpeded. KE--AN: freedom of action. ###

L2 Definition: bebas; tidak terikat; tidak terbatas. ###

Examples: Tidak seperti di rumah sendiri, di sini saya tidak punya KELELUASAAN bertindak. = Not like in my own home, over here I do not have a FREEDOM to act. ###

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Word: lelucon

Short Definition: joke.

English Definition: joke. ###

L2 Definition: Percakapan yang bisa membuat orang tertawa; hal jenaka. ###

Examples: Kadang-kadang LELUCON-LELUCONmu justru membuat banyak orang yang tersinggung. = Sometimes, your JOKES actually offend a lot of people.###

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Word: leluhur

Short Definition: ancestors.

English Definition: ancestors. ###

L2 Definition: nenek moyang. ###

Examples: Banyak orang percaya LELUHUR bangsa Indonesia berasal dari daratan Cina. = Many people believe that the ANCESTORS of the Indonesian people came from the mainland of China. ###

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Word: lem

Short Definition: glue

English Definition: *ME--: glue s.t. *--TIKUS: kind of adhesive mousetrap

Examples: Adik MELEM gambar lucu di tembok kamarnya = Adik GLUED funny pictures on the wall.###

Word: lemah

Short Definition: weak, limp. KE--AN: weakness, weariness.

English Definition: weak, limp. KE--AN: weakness, weariness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak kuat; tidak tegas; tidak bertenaga. ###

Examples: Korupsi ini terjadi karena KELEMAHAN moral para pejabat. = This corruption happened because of the moral WEAKNESS of the officers. ###

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Word: lemak

Short Definition: fat, grease.

English Definition: fat, grease. ###

L2 Definition: Zat minyak yang terdapat pada daging (hewan/manusia/tumbuhan). ###

Examples: Makanan ini sangat BERLEMAK. = This food HAS too much FAT.

Hear This Word

Word: lemari

Short Definition: cupboard, wardrobe, large case.

English Definition: cupboard, wardrobe, large case. ###

L2 Definition: Peti besar tempat menyimpan sesuatu (pakaian, buku, barang pecah-belah, dll). ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: lemas

Short Definition: limp, faint; flexible, supple.

English Definition: ^limp, faint. 2 flexible, supple. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak kaku; mudah disesuaikan; halus; lentur. ###

Examples: Badanku LEMAS setelah seharian berenang di laut. = My body LIMPS after swimming all day long at sea. ###

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Word: lembab

Short Definition: humid, moist. KE--AN: humidity.

English Definition: humid, moist. KE--AN: humidity. ###

L2 Definition: berair; tidak kering benar/sedikit basah. ###

Examples: KELEMBABAN udara di daerah tropis sangat tinggi. = Air HUMIDITY in tropical area is very high. ###

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Word: lembaga

Short Definition: organization, institute, agency. ME-; ME--KAN; KE--AN.

English Definition: organization, institute, agency. ME--: institutionalized. ME--KAN: institutionalize. KE--AN: institution. ###

L2 Definition: badan; organisasi; yayasan. ###

Examples: Penghargaan terhadap waktu belum MELEMBAGA dalam masyarakat Indonesia. = Respect of time has not been INSTITUTIONALIZED yet in Indonesian society. Kita perlu MELEMBAGAKAN nilai-nilai kerja keras. = We need to INSTITUTIONALIZE the values of hard work. KELEMBAGAAN LEMBAGA kepresidenan di Indonesia masih dipertanyakan. = The INSTITUTION of the OFFICE of the presidency in Indonesia is still questioned.

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Word: lembah

Short Definition: valley.

English Definition: valley. ###

L2 Definition: Tanah rendah di lereng gunung atau di kiri kanan sungai; ngarai. ###

Examples: LEMBAH dan ngarai di sekitar daerah ini berpemandangan sangat indah. = The VALLEYS and gorges around this area are very scenic [LIT: "have a view that is very beautiful"]. ###

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Word: lembar

Short Definition: classifier for pieces of broad, thin material such as paper. -AN: page, sheet.

English Definition: classifier for pieces of broad, thin material such as paper. -AN: page, sheet. ###

L2 Definition: helai. ###

Examples: LEMBARAN uang kertas yang baru ini masih terasa kaku. = The SHEET of this new bill is still felt stiff. ###

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Word: lembek

Short Definition: soft, mushy, flabby, weak. KE--AN: softness, weakness, looseness.

English Definition: soft, mushy, flabby, weak. KE--AN: softness, weakness, looseness. ###

L2 Definition: lemas; lemah; tidak bertenaga; tidak punya nyali/keberanian; lunak; empuk; tidak bersemangat. ###

Examples: Karena KELEMBEKAN hatinya maka dia selalu kalah dalam bersaing. = Because of the WEAKNESS of his heart he always loses in competition. ###

Hear This Word

Word: lembing

Short Definition: javelin.

English Definition: javelin. ###

L2 Definition: tombak. ###

Examples: Olah raga lempar LEMBING ini sudah membudaya di daerahku. = The sport of JAVELIN-throwing has become part of the culture of my region.###

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Word: lembu

Short Definition: cow, ox.

English Definition: *cow, ox. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: sapi. ###

Examples: Anak LEMBU itu sedang menyusu induknya. = That baby COW is sucking milk from its mother. ###

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Word: lembur

Short Definition: work done outside normal working hours

English Definition: overtime work

Examples: Ayahnya sangat sibuk dan selalu kerja LEMBUR sampai malam = HIs father is very busy and always wokrs OVERTIME until midnight.###

Word: lembut

Short Definition: soft, tender.

English Definition: soft, tender. ###

L2 Definition: Baik hati; tidak kejam; halus. ###

Examples: KELEMBUTAN hati wanita itu meluluhkan hati sang raksasa. = The TENDERNESS of the lady's heart melts the giant's heart. ###

Hear This Word

Word: lemes

Short Definition: see LEMAS

English Definition: see LEMAS.##

Word: Lemhanas

Short Definition: National Defense Institute.

English Definition: (Lembaga Pertahanan Nasional) National Defense Institute. ###

Hear This Word

Word: lemon

Short Definition: lemon, citrus###

English Definition: lemon, citrus###

Examples: LEMON rasanya sangat asam = CITRUS' taste is very sour.###

Word: lempar

Short Definition: throw. ME-(-KAN): throw, hurl, toss. PE--AN: throwing, tossing.

English Definition: ^throw. ME-(-KAN): throw, hurl, toss. PE--AN: throwing, tossing. ###

L2 Definition: Membuang sesuatu dengan kasar/keras. ###

Examples: Kalau sedang marah dia akan MELEMPARKAN semua barang-barang yang ada di dekatnya. = When she is angry she THROWS everything around her. Saya kurang pasti siapa yang memulai melakukan PELEMPARAN batu-batu itu. = I'm not sure who started the THROWING of the stones. ###

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Word: lemper

Short Definition: k.o. snack made of sticky rice and other stuffings wrapped in banana leaf.

English Definition: k.o. snack made of sticky rice and other stuffings wrapped in banana leaf. ###

L2 Definition: Makanan yang terbuat dari beras ketan berisi daging. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: lempuyang

Short Definition: a medicinal plant of the ginger family.

English Definition: a medicinal plant of the ginger family. ###

L2 Definition: Akar-akaran dari keluarga jahe yang biasa dipakai untuk bahan ramuan jamu. ###

Hear This Word

Word: lendir

Short Definition: mucus, phlegm

English Definition: mucus, phlegm

Examples: ###

Word: lengah

Short Definition: dawdling, inattentive.

English Definition: dawdling, inattentive. ###

L2 Definition: Kurang hati-hati; kurang awas; lalai; kurang perhatian. ###

Examples: Kalau lewat jalan ini jangan sampai LENGAH karena banyak jurang di kanan kirinya. = If you go by way of this road, don't be INATTENTIVE because there are many chasms to the right and the left. ###

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Word: lengan

Short Definition: arm.

English Definition: arm. ###

L2 Definition: Anggota badan dari bahu sampai ke pergelangan tangan. ###

Examples: Setelah banyak berenang rasa-rasanya LENGANku menjadi besar. = After swimming a lot, it feels like my ARMS have become bigger. ###

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Word: lengang

Short Definition: 1. lonely, deserted 2. quiet###

English Definition: *1. lonely, deserted 2. quiet, slack 3. vacant, unoccupied ME~KAN = 1. empty, vacate s.t., clear s.t. out 2. give s.t. a deserted appearance KE~AN = 1. quietness, loneliness 2. deserted###

Examples: * Saat musim salju, jalan-jalan sangat LENGANG = In winter, most streets are QUIET.###

Word: lengkap

Short Definition: complete; comprehensive. Also ME--I, MEMPER--I, KE--AN, PE-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^1 complete. 2 comprehensive. *ME--I, MEMPER--I: to equip or complete s.t. *KE--AN: 1 completeness. 2 comprehensiveness. *PE-: supplement, complement. *PER--AN: 1 equipment. 2 equipping. 3 supply. ###

L2 Definition: komplit, tidak kurang. ###

Examples: Saya masih harus MELENGKAPI laporan ini. = I still have to COMPLETE this report. KELENGKAPAN surat ijinmu perlu segera dilakukan. = The COMPLETION of your permit letter must be done immediately. Tas kecil ini hanya sebagai PELENGKAP busana saja. = This small bag is only a COMPLEMENT to my attire. Seluruh PERLENGKAPAN sudah beres semua. = All of the EQUIPMENT is already in order. ###

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Word: lengket

Short Definition: to cling, stick.

English Definition: to cling, stick. ME-: stick. ###

L2 Definition: lekat. ###

Examples: Prangko ini akan MELENGKET dengan kuat di amplopnya. = This stamp will STICK firmly to the envelope. ###

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Word: lengking

Short Definition: 1. shrill, strident, shriek; 2. wail (of siren)

English Definition: *ME-- : shriek, scream *ME--KAN: cause s.t. to sound strident

L2 Definition: teriak keras dan nyaring

Examples: Suaranya MELENGKING memanggil ibunya = He was SCREAMING calling for his mom.

Word: lengkuas

Short Definition: galangale

English Definition: galangale

Word: lenguh

Short Definition: a bellow (of a bull)

English Definition: *ME--: gasp for breath; bellow *--AN: bellow

Examples: Sepanjang malam sapi kami MELENGUH karena sakit = All night our cows BELLOWED because of sickness.##

Word: lenyap

Short Definition: disappeared. -KAN: make s.t. disappear.

English Definition: disappeared. ME-KAN: make s.t. disappear. ###

L2 Definition: hilang; musnah. ###

Examples: Dalam sekejap butir-butir jagung yang saya tebarkan itu LENYAP dimakan burung-burung. = In the wink of an eye, the grains of corn that I had spread out DISAPPEARED, eaten by birds. Susah sekali MELENYAPKAN bekas tetesan tinta di baju putih ini. = It's very difficult to GET RID OF the traces of ink spots on this white shirt.###

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Word: lepas

Short Definition: free, liberated; undone, detached; after; past, last. Also ME-, ME--KAN, +

English Definition: 1 free, liberated. 2 undone, detached. 3 after. 4 past, last. *ME-: 1 remove, relieve. 2 dismiss s.o., release s.t. *ME--KAN: 1 free, release. 2 fire s.o. 3 remove s.t. MEMPER-(-KAN): liberate, exempt. *TER-: 1 released, freed. 2 detatched, undone. -AN: graduate, alumnus. PE-: s.t. or s.o. that releases, liberates. PE--AN, PENG--AN: act of releasing s.t. or s.o. PER--AN: release or discharge. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak terikat lagi; tidak ada hubungan. ###

Examples: Dia berteduh di bawah pohon itu sambil MELEPAS dahaga. = He is taking shelter under that tree while RELIEVING his thirst. Remuk redam perasaan ibu tua itu ketika MELEPASKAN anaknya ke medan perang. = That old mother's feelings were totally crushed when she RELEASED her child to go to the battlefield. Hati-hati memegang gelas itu jangan sampai TERLEPAS. = Hold that glass carefully; don't RELEASE it. ###

Hear This Word

Word: lepau

Short Definition: food stall.

English Definition: *food stall. ###

L2 Definition: Warung kecil. ###

Examples: Ambillah makanan di LEPAU dan bawalah kemari. = Get some food at the FOOD STALL and bring it here. ###

Hear This Word

Word: lepek

Short Definition: see LEPEK1 (to slap s.o.) or LEPEK2 (saucer).

English Definition: see LEPEK1 (to slap s.o.) LEPEK2 (saucer) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: lepek1

Short Definition: ME-: to slap s.o.

English Definition: *ME-: to slap s.o. ###

L2 Definition: menampar seseorang. ###

Examples: Karena geramnya kakak saya MELEPEK orang itu. = Because of his anger, my older brother SLAPPED that person. ###

Hear This Word

Word: lepek2

Short Definition: saucer.

English Definition: *saucer. ###

L2 Definition: Alas untuk mangkok/piring atau gelas. ###

Examples: Gunakan LEPEK supaya tidak terasa panas. = Use a SAUCER so that it isn't too hot to touch.

Hear This Word

Word: lerai

Short Definition: ME--: break up a fight, separate (fighters)

English Definition: ME--: break up a fight, separate (fighters) *ME--KAN: separate (fighters, lovers, etc.) *TER--: separated

L2 Definition: memisahkan (antara dua orang yang sedang berkelahi)

Examples: Tidak ada yang berani MELERAI ketika Ida berkelahi dengan Budi = Nobody dared to BREAK UP the fight between Ida and Budi. Akhirnya kami berhasil MELERAIKAN perkelahian di sekolah itu = Finally we were able to SEPARATE the fighters at that school.###

Word: lereng

Short Definition: 1. slope (of mountains). 2. rim of a wheel. BER-: cycle, ride a bicycle. +

English Definition: 1. slope (of mountains). 2. rim of a wheel. BER-: 1. to have a slope (mountains); 2 . cycle, ride a bicycle. ME-: slope, incline. ME--I: go along a slope of s.t. -AN: sloping land, slope. ###

L2 Definition: 1. tebing. 2. pinggiran sesuatu (roda). ###

Examples: Gunung itu BERLERENG bebatuan yang terjal. = The mountain HAS A steep rocky SLOPE. Jalan ini MELERENG kekiri. = This road is INCLINED to the left. ###

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Word: les

Short Definition: tutorial, extra-curricular lesson.

English Definition: tutorial, extra-curricular lesson. ###

L2 Definition: Belajar pada seseorang secara privat di rumah atau di sekolah. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: lesat

Short Definition: ME-: fly away, take off.

English Definition: ^ME-: fly away, take off. ###

L2 Definition: Lari/melayang dengan cepat; laju. ###

Examples: Begitu pistol ditembakkan, dia langsung MELESAT lari meninggalkan lawan-lawannya. = When the pistol is shot, he immedialy TOOK OFF running away from his opponents. ###

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Word: leset

Short Definition: ME-: to fall short of, miss; to decline (in quality). TERPE-: to slip, slide.

English Definition: ^*ME-: 1 to fall short of, miss. 2 to decline (in quality). TERPE-: to slip, slide. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak mengenai sasaran. ###

Examples: Tembakannya selalu MELESET. = The shots from his gun are always OFF TARGET. ###

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Word: lestari

Short Definition: long-lasting, eternal. ME--KAN: conserve, preserve, perpetuate. Also KE--AN, +

English Definition: long-lasting, eternal. ME--KAN: conserve, preserve, perpetuate. KE--AN: preservation, perpetuation. PE--AN: the act of perpetuating, preverving, or conserving. ###

L2 Definition: Seperti keadaan sebelumnya; tidak berubah; kekal; abadi. ###

Examples: Adalah tugas kita semua untuk MELESTARIKAN lingkungan. = It is the duty of all of us to PRESERVE the environment. KELESTARIAN burung Cenderawasih dari Irianjaya sedang terancam. = The PRESERVATION of the Cenderawasih bird of Irian jaya is threatened. Program PELESTARIAN badak Jawa ini mendapat bantuan keuangan dari kebun binatang Minesota. = The PRESERVATION program for Javanese rhinos got a funding from the Minnesota zoo. ###

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Word: lesu

Short Definition: weak, tired, listless, depressed. KE--AN: listlessness, depression, weariness.

English Definition: weak, tired, listless, depressed. KE--AN: listlessness, depression, weariness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bergairah; tidak bertenaga. ###

Examples: KELESUAN ekonomi ini disebabkan oleh harga minyak yang tinggi. = This economic DEPRESSION is caused by the high price of oil. ###

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Word: lesung

Short Definition: large mortar in which rice is pounded to separate the husk from the seed.

English Definition: large mortar in which rice is pounded to separate the husk from the seed. ###

L2 Definition: Alat traditional untuk menumbuk padi berbentuk bulat panjang dengan lubang di tengah-tengahnya. ###

Examples: ###

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See a Picture

Word: letak

Short Definition: location, site. ME--KAN: put s.t., place s.t. Also TER-, PE--AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^ location, site. *ME--KAN: put s.t., place s.t. *TER-: to be located. *PE--AN, PER--AN: the placing of. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat beradanya sesuatu. ###

Examples: Jangan MELETAKKAN kaca matamu di sembarang tempat. = Don't PUT your eye glasses just any place. Kota ini TERLETAK disebelah barat pantai selatan. = This city IS LOCATED on the west side of the south coast. Hari ini akan diadakan PELETAKAN batu pertama untuk museum pertanian. = Today the PLACING of the first stone for the agricultural museum will be conducted. ###

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Word: letih

Short Definition: tired, weary. ME--KAN: make s.t. or s.o. tired. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: tired, weary. *ME--KAN: make s.t. or s.o. tired or weary. KE--AN: 1 tiredness, weariness. 2 to suffer weariness. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: capek. kurang bertenaga. ###

Examples: Olah raga ini benar-benar MELETIHKAN. = This sport is really TIRING. ###

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Word: letjen

Short Definition: lieutenant general

English Definition: abbreviation of letnan jendral or lieutenant general a rank in Indonesian army

L2 Definition: letjen: letnan general adalah salah satu pangkat di lingkungan militer, ABRI.

Examples: LETJEN (LETNAN JENDRAL) Kemal Idris adalah ketua partai politik baru Barisan Nasional = LIEUTENANT GENERAL Kemal Idris is the president of a new political party Barisan Nasional.

Word: letus

Short Definition: sound of an explosion. ME-: explode. -AN: explosion. PEN--AN: make s.t. explode.

English Definition: sound of an explosion. ME-: explode. -AN: explosion. ###

L2 Definition: ledak; letup. ###

Examples: Sepedaku tidak bisa dipakai karena ban belakangnya MELETUS. = My bicycle can't be used because its rear tire has BURST. Konon kabarnya bunyi LETUSAN gunung Krakatua terdengar sampai di Malaysia. = They say the sound of the ERUPTION/EXPLOSION of Mt. Krakatoa could be heard all the way to Malaysia. ###

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Word: lewat

Short Definition: via, by way of; beyond, past. ME--I: pass by; exceed. Also ME--KAN, TER-.

English Definition: ^1 via, by way of. 2 beyond, past. *ME--I: 1 pass by. 2 exceed. *ME--KAN: skip, pass up, spend. *TER-: 1 very, exceedingly. 2 past, overcome. ###

L2 Definition: lalu; lebih; sesudah. ###

Examples: Bulu kudukku selalu merinding setiap MELEWATI kuburan itu. = The hair on the back of my neck always stands up every time I PASS that graveyard. Jangan MELEWATKAN kesempatan emas ini. = Don't PASS UP this golden opportunity. Saya pikir jalan yang kita cari sudah TERLEWAT. = I think that the road we are looking for has already BEEN PASSED. ###

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Word: lezat

Short Definition: delicious, very tasty.

English Definition: *delicious, very tasty. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa yang sangat enak di mulut. ###

Examples: Kue ini LEZAT sekali. = This cake is very DELICIOUS. ###

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Word: lha

Short Definition: lha [Javanese]; or lho = well, yes of course!

English Definition: 1.Exclamation of surprise; 2. well...; 3. That is it! [particle of recognition]

L2 Definition: 1. Ungkapan rasa heran atau kagum. 2. Ungkapan untuk mengingatkan sesuatu

Examples: LHA...saya kan sudah bilang kamu harus belajar supaya bisa lulus ujian = WELL...I have told you that you need to study hard to pass the exam. Sudah lama tidak bertemu...LHA kamu sudah besar begini? = I have not seen you for a long time...and you have grown up so fast..##

Word: lho

Short Definition: exclamation of surprise; particle of reminding or admonishment.

English Definition: ^*1 (Jv) exclamation of surprise at learning something unexpected. 2 particle of reminding or of admonishment. ###

L2 Definition: Pernyataan kaget pada sesuatu. ###

Examples: LHO! Kok kamu yang datang? = OH! Why is it you that have come? ###

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Word: liar

Short Definition: wild, uncultivated, illegal.

English Definition: *wild, uncultivated, illegal. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak jinak; tidak menurut; tidak bisa diatur. ###

Examples: Ayam LIAR ini merusak tanamanku. = This WILD chicken ruined my plant. ###

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Word: liat

Short Definition: tough

English Definition: tough, rubbery tough, hardened clayey ME- be tough KE- -AN plasticity KE-2- clayish ###

Word: libat

Short Definition: TER-: involved. ME--KAN: to involve.

English Definition: TER-: involved. ME-KAN: to involve. ###

L2 Definition: sangkut; belit. ###

Examples: Perhelatan perayaan hari besar ini MELIBATKAN banyak pengusaha besar. = The celebration of this holiday INVOLVES many important business people. Ternyata orang itu tidak TERLIBAT dalam masalah perjudian. = Certainly that person isn't INVOLVED in gambling problems. ###

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Word: libur

Short Definition: vacation. BER-: to have/ take a vacation. Also -AN.

English Definition: vacation. *BER-: to have/take a vacation. *-AN: vacation, official time off from work/school. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bekerja/bersekolah. ###

Examples: Akhir tahun ini kami akan BERLIBUR ke Bali. = At the end of this year we are going to go on VACATION to Bali. LIBURANku sudah akan berakhir minggu depan. = My VACATION is already going to be over next week. ###

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Word: licik

Short Definition: sly

English Definition: sly, crafty, tricky cagey, wily KE- -AN cunning, wiliness, ability to twist words artifice, scheme ###

Word: licin

Short Definition: slippery, smooth.

English Definition: *slippery, smooth. ###

L2 Definition: halus, tidak kasar. ###

Examples: Hati-hati! Jalanan sangat LICIN sesudah turun salju. = Be careful! The street is very SLIPPERY after the snow has fallen. ###

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Word: lidah

Short Definition: tongue. BER-: to have a tongue.

English Definition: *tongue. *BER-: to have a tongue. ###

L2 Definition: Organ dalam mulut sebagai alat perasa, penjilat, berkata-kata. ###

Examples: Kemarin ketika makan LIDAHku tergigit sampai berdarah. = Yesterday while eating, I accidentally bit my TONGUE until it bled. Binatang itu bermulut besar tetapi BERLIDAH kecil. = That animal has a big mouth but HAS A small TONGUE. ###

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Word: lidi

Short Definition: rib of palm leaf

English Definition: rib of palm leaf; SAPU LIDI = a broom made of palm leaf ribs

L2 Definition:

Word: lihat

Short Definition: see. ME-: see s.o. or s.t., observe. Also ME-_-_, MEMPER-, MEMPER--KAN, +

English Definition: ^ see. ME-: see s.o. or s.t., observe. *ME-_-_: to look around. *MEMPER-, MEMPER--KAN: to show s.t., display. *TER-: to be visible, be seen, noticeable. *KE--AN: visible, discernable, apparantly. ###

L2 Definition: mengetahui, menonton, dll. ###

Examples: Dia sangat ketakutan seperti baru saja MELIHAT hantu. = He is very frightened as if he just SAW a ghost. Kami akan berkeliling kota sambil MELIHAT-LIHAT pemandangan. = We are going to go around town while LOOKING AROUND at the sights. Burung merak itu sedang MEMPERLIHATKAN keindahan ekornya. = That peacock is DISPLAYING the beauty of its tail. Anak itu dari kemarin TERLIHAT murung saja. = Since yesterday that child has been NOTICEABLY depressed. KELIHATANnya kamu tidak menyukai baju pilihanku ya? = APPARANTLY you don't like the shirt I chose, right? ###

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Word: liku

Short Definition: curve, bend (in the road). BER-: winding, curving.

English Definition: curve, bend (in the road). BER-: winding, curving. ###

L2 Definition: lekuk; kelok. ###

Examples: Untuk menuju ke daerah itu, jalannya sangat BERLIKU. = To get to that region, the road is very WINDING. ###

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Word: lilin

Short Definition: candle; wax.

English Definition: 1 candle. 2 wax. ###

L2 Definition: Bahan yang mudah cair ketika terkena api, biasanya dicetak dan diberi sumbu untuk alat penerangan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: liliput

Short Definition: s.t. small.

English Definition: s.t. small. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang kecil. ###

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Word: lilit

Short Definition: turn, twist

English Definition: *SE-- : one twist *BER-- : twist, wind *ME-- : coil around *ME--I : wind, twist around *ME--KAN : to put around s'thing *--AN : coil, winding, twist

Examples: Tali itu MELILIT di kaki adik = The rope TWISTED around our brother's leg. Santi mengajarkan Budi MELILITKAN selendang = Santi teaches Budi how to twist the shawl###

Word: lima

Short Definition: five.

English Definition: *five. ###

L2 Definition: Angka sesudah empat dan sebelum enam. ###

Examples: Empat ditambah LIMA adalah sembilan. = Four added to by FIVE is nine. ###

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Word: limbah

Short Definition: waste, cesspool

English Definition: *--NUKLIR: nuclear waste *--PERTANIAN: agriculture waste, compost heap *PE--AN: garbage dump

L2 Definition: sampah, sisa pembuangan, ampas

Examples: LIMBAH pabrik yang tidak dikelola dengan baik akan menjadi sumber polusi berbahaya = The factory's WASTE that are not being treated properly will become a dangerous pollution source.###

Word: limpah

Short Definition: abundant, affluent. Also BER-, ME-, ME--I, ME--KAN, KE--AN, -AN, PE-.

English Definition: ^abundant, affluent. BER-: plentiful. ME-: overflow, redundant. ME--I: flood, overwhelm with s.t. good. ME--KAN: give s.t. generously. KE--AN: abundance. -AN: 1. overflow. 2. gift. PE-: spillway.###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: macam. ###

Examples: Hanya JENIS tumbuh-tumbuhan keras yang hidup di daerah ini. = Only SPECIES of woody ("hard") plants live in this area. ###

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Word: lin

Short Definition: route.

English Definition: route. ###

L2 Definition: Garis; jalur lalu-lintas. ###

Examples: Panjang LIN ini kira-kira hampir sepuluh kilo meter. = The length of this ROUTE is approximately ten kilometers. ###

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Word: linang

Short Definition: trickle, drop (of tears, sweat, etc.)

English Definition: trickle, drop (of tears, sweat, etc.) *BER--AN: trickling with tears etc. *--AN: a trickle *BER--(2): flow of (tears)

Examples: Air mata kami BERLINANGAN saat menonton film yang sedih itu = We all have tears FLOWING DOWN when watching that sad movie.###

Word: lincah

Short Definition: energetic, lively; agile. KE--AN: liveliness; agility.

English Definition: ^1 energetic, lively. 2 agile. *KE--AN: 1 liveliness. 2 agility. ###

L2 Definition: Cepat bertindak, aktif, dll. ###

Examples: KELINCAHAN penari itu sungguh mengagumkan. = The AGILITY of that dancer is truly astounding. ###

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Word: lindung

Short Definition: BER-: to take shelter under s.t.; to be under the protection of. Also ME--I, +

English Definition: ^BER-: 1 to take shelter under s.t. 2 to be under the protection of. *ME--I, MEMPER--I: protect or provide shelter for s.t. or s.o. *TER-: protected, sheltered. KE--AN: protected, sheltered. *-AN: protection, shelter, refuge. *PE-: protector. *PER--AN: protection. ###

L2 Definition: Bersembunyi, berteduh, minta pertolongan pada yang berkuasa (Tuhan, pemerintah), dll. ###

Examples: Induk ayam itu berusaha MELINDUNGI anak-anaknya dari kejaran burung elang. = That hen chicken tried to SHELTER her babies from pursuit by a hawk. Tempat ini cukup TERLINDUNG dari gangguan angin. = This place is sufficiently SHELTERED from disturbances of the wind. Saya lupa siapa pengarang buku "Di Bawah LINDUNGAN Ka'bah." = I forget who is the author of the book "Under the SHELTER of Ka'bah." Bawalah PELINDUNG kepala ini selama dalam perjalanan. = Carry this head COVERING throughout the trip. Sekarang sedang digalakkan PERLINDUNGAN terhadap binatang langka. = At present PROTECTION for rare animals is being encouraged. ###

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Word: lingkar

Short Definition: circle. BER-: coiled. ME--I: to encircle s.t. ME--I: to encircle s.t. Also -AN.

English Definition: circle. BER-: coiled. ME--I: to encircle s.t. -AN: a circle. ###

L2 Definition: Keliling dari suatu bulatan. ###

Examples: Pagar ini akan dipasang MELINGKARI kebunku. = This fence is going to be installed TO ENCIRCLE my farm. Dalam permainan ini setiap orang masuk ke dalam LINGKARAN. = In this game every body enters the CIRCLE. ###

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Word: lingkung

Short Definition: circle, circumference. ME--I: surround, embrace. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^circle, circumference. ME--I: surround, embrace. -AN: circle, surroundings, environment. ###

L2 Definition: sekeliling; lingkup. ###

Examples: Kantor ini juga MELINGKUNGI masalah pengairan. = This office is also EMBRACING irrigation matters. Dengan LINGKUNGAN yang kotor begini bagaimana mungkin anak-anak tidak terkena diare. = With this kind of dirty ENVIRONMENT, how can the children not getting diarrhea. ###

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Word: lingkup

Short Definition: scope, range. ME--I: 1. overlap. 2. cover (the head). 3. encompass, include. +

English Definition: scope, range. ME--I: 1. overlap. 2. cover (the head). 3. encompass, include. -AN: scope. ###

L2 Definition: cakup; liput. ###

Examples: Apakah teori baru itu juga MELINGKUPI masalah ini? = Is the theory also COVER this problem? LINGKUPAN acaranya sangat luas. = The SCOPE of the program is very broad. ###

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Word: linglung

Short Definition: 1. absent-minded. 2. confused, dazed. 3. weak, not aware of things. +

English Definition: 1. absent-minded. 2. confused, dazed. 3. weak, not aware of things. ME--KAN: cause s.o. to become confused or absent-minded. KE--AN: absent-mindedness. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Lupa segala hal. 2. bingung. 3. Tidak peduli apapun. ###

Examples: Keputusannya yang berubah-ubah MELINGLUNGKANku. = His keep-changing decision CONFUSES me. KELINGLUNGANnya terjadi setelah dia terjatuh dari motor. = His ABSENT-MINDEDNESS happened after he fell from his motor bike. ###

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Word: lintah

Short Definition: leech

English Definition: leech *--DARAT: usurer, profiteer

Examples: ###

Word: lintang

Short Definition: across; latitude; crosswise

English Definition: 1. across, 2.latitude; 3.hinder *ME-I = lie across *TER- = placed athwart; hampered; hindered *-AN = obstacle; barrier

Examples: Kursi ini MELINTANGI kamar saya = This chair is BLOCKING my room.## Sebuah lubang besar TERLINTANG dihadapan kami = There is a big hole HINDERED our way to your house. ## LINTANGAN sebesar apapun tidak akan membuat kami mundur = Even the biggest OBSTACLES will not make us withdraw. ##

Word: lintas

Short Definition: move across. SE-: at the same instant. Also ME-, ME--I, KE--AN, -AN, PE-.

English Definition: ^move across. SE-: at the same instant. ME-: 1. rush by. 2. repeatedly occur. ME--I: 1. pass in a hurry. 2 cross. KE--AN: past. -AN: 1. flash. 2. line. 3. track, orbit. PE-: passerby.###

L2 Definition: lewat; pintas; kejap. ###

Examples: Pesawat jet itu hanya tampak SELINTAS kemudian menghilang. = The jet airplane was just seen FOR A MOMENT and then gone. Kulihat ada ular yang MELINTAS di jalan setapak itu. = I saw there was a snake CROSSING OVER the walk way. Kita harus MELINTASI hutan itu untuk menghemat waktu. = We have to CROSS the forest to save time. Adi KELINTASAN adiknya dalam hal belajar. = Adi is PAST OVER by his younger brother in study. ###

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Word: linting

Short Definition: *ME--: roll (a cigarette). *--AN: hand-rolled cigarette.

English Definition: *ME--: roll (a cigarette). *--AN: hand-rolled cigarette.

Examples: Pak Hadi selalu MELINTING rokoknya sendiri = Pak Hadi always ROLLS his own cigarette.###

Word: linu

Short Definition: shooting pain (of teeth, nerves, etc)

English Definition: shooting pain; rheumatic pain

L2 Definition: sakit ngilu

Examples: Saya harus ke dokter gigi untuk memeriksa gigi saya yang LINU = I need to see a dentist for the PAIN on my teeth.##

Word: lipat

Short Definition: fold. ME--DUAKAN: double s.t. BER-: folded. Also BER-_-_, ME--KAN, +

English Definition: ^fold. *ME--DUAKAN: double s.t. BER-: folded. *BER-_-_: over and over again, double again and again. *ME--KAN: fold s.t. PE--AN: folding. *PER--AN: multiplication, increase. ###

L2 Definition: lepit, ganda, dll. ###

Examples: Katanya dukun itu pandai MELIPATDUAKAN uang. = They say that that shaman is skilled at DOUBLING money. Dalam waktu sekejap saja kekayaannya sudah BERLIPAT-LIPAT. = In the wink of an eye her wealth had already DOUBLED AGAIN AND AGAIN. Mari kubantu MELIPATKAN pakaianmu. = Here, I'll help FOLD your clothes. Angka ini adalah PERLIPATAN dari sebelas. = This numeral is a MULTIPLICATION from eleven. ###

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Word: lipet

Short Definition: see LIPAT.

English Definition: see LIPAT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: LIPI

Short Definition: acronym for the Indonesian Academy of the Sciences.

English Definition: acronym for Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, the Indonesian Academy of the Sciences. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: liput

Short Definition: ME-: COVER. ME--I: 1. cover. 2. include. -AN: cover.

English Definition: ME-: cover. ME--I: 1. cover. 2. include. -AN: cover. ###

L2 Definition: Menyaksikan/membuat laporan tentang suatu masalah/berita. ###

Examples: Banyak wartawan dari luar negri datang ke sini untuk MELIPUT jalannya pemilihan umum. = Many reporters from overseas have come here to COVER the way things are going in the general election. Wewenang Kodam Wirabuana meliputi seluruh pulau Sulawesi. = The authority of the Wirabuana Military Command COVERS all of the island of Sulawesi. Berita hasil LIPUTAN wartawan-wartawan muda itu sungguh menarik. = The news that was COVERED by the young journalists was very interesting. ###

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Word: lirih

Short Definition: low, sweet-sounding, gentle, soft voice

English Definition: low, sweet-sounding, gentle, soft voice *ME--KAN: lower one's voice, turn down (e.g. radio)

L2 Definition: bersuara lembut dan halus

Examples: Dengan LIRIH Susi memanggil ibunya = With a SOFT VOICE, Susi called her mom. Sebaiknya kamu MELIRIHKAN suaramu jika berbicara dengan Ali = It is better to LOWER your VOICE to talk to Ali.###

Word: lirik

Short Definition: a glance out of the corner of the eye. MEN-: glance at stealthily. -AN: glance.

English Definition: a glance out of the corner of the eye. MEN-: glance at stealthily. -AN: glance. ###

L2 Definition: *Melihat dengan tajam ke samping; kerling. ###

Examples: Setiap gerakan dari penari Bali itu selalu diikuti dengan LIRIKAN matanya. = Each of the movement of the Balinese dancer is always followed by A GLANCE of her eyes. Semua mata MELIRIK ketika gadis cantik itu lewat. = All eyes GLANCE AT STEALTHILY when the pretty girl passed by. ###

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Word: lisan

Short Definition: oral; spoken

English Definition: oral; spoken; verbally; put into words *UJIAN- = ORAL EXAM

L2 Definition: bicara

Examples: Perjanjian secara LISAN tidak akan mempunyai dasar yang kuat = An ORAL agreement will not have a strong foundation.###

Word: listrik

Short Definition: electricity. ME--KAN: to electrify. PE--AN: electrification.

English Definition: electricity. *ME--KAN: to electrify. *PE--AN: electrification. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Kami akan berusaha MELISTRIKKAN alat ini. = We are going to try to ELECTRIFY this apparatus. Di desaku akan diadakan PELISTRIKAN jalan. = In my village, the ELECTRIFICATION of the streets is going to be carried out. ###

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Word: liuk

Short Definition: ME-: bending over or to the side.

English Definition: ME-: bending over or to the side. ###

L2 Definition: Gerakan yang berkeluk-keluk; lekuk; lengkung. ###

Examples: Daun-daun kelapa itu MELIUK-LIUK seperti tangan-tangan penari. = The coconut leaves were BENDING OVER AND TO THE SIDE liked the hands of a dancer. ###

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Word: LKMD

Short Definition: (Lembaga Ketahanan Masyarakat Desa) village social activities group.

English Definition: (Lembaga Ketahanan Masyarakat Desa) village social activities group. ###

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Word: loba

Short Definition: greedy. ME--KAN: to covet s.t. KE--AN: greed.

English Definition: greedy. ME--KAN: to covet s.t. KE--AN: greed. ###

L2 Definition: rakus, tamak, serakah. ###

Examples: Kalau menurutkan KELOBAANmu uang segunungpun belum mencukupi. = If we go according to your GREED even a mountain of money wouldn't be sufficient. ###

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Word: lobak

Short Definition: radish###

English Definition: radish###

Examples: Acar LOBAK adalah khas masakan Korea = RADISH picke is a special characteristic of Korean food.###

Word: lobi

Short Definition: lobby. ME--: to lobby, lobbying.

English Definition: lobby ME--: to lobby, lobbying. ###

L2 Definition: Pembicaraan secara tidak resmi yang bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi pendapat atau mendapatkan persetujuan. ###

Examples: Para perunding itu akan MELOBI dulu sebelum menuju ke meja perundingan. = The negotiators will LOBBY first before going to the negotiating table. ###

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Word: lodeh

Short Definition: vegetable dish cooked with coconut milk.

English Definition: vegetable dish cooked with coconut milk.###

L2 Definition: Masakan yang terbuat dari berbagai macam sayuran dengan santan kelapa sebagai kuahnya dan diberi bumbu tertentu. ###

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Word: logam

Short Definition: metal. UANG LOGAM = coin.

English Definition: metal. UANG LOGAM = coin. ###

L2 Definition: mineral (misalnya: besi). ###

Examples: Jenis LOGAM apa yang akan dipakai dalam pembuatan pesawat angkasa luar itu? = What kind of METAL is going to be used by the space ship?

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Word: logat

Short Definition: way of speaking; accent; dialect

English Definition: *BER-: speak with certain dialect or accent

L2 Definition: aksen

Examples: Dia berbicara dengan LOGAT Jawa yang sangat kuat = He speaks with a strong Javanese ACCENT.###

Word: lokakarya

Short Definition: workshop, seminar. BER-: hold a workshop. ME--KAN: hold a workshop about s.t.

English Definition: workshop, seminar. BER-: hold a workshop. ME--KAN: hold a workshop about s.t.###

L2 Definition: Seminar; suatu pertemuan yang membahas suatu hal oleh para ahlinya. ###

Examples: Bulan depan kami akan BERLOKAKARYA ke luar negeri. = Next month we are going TO HAVE A WORKSHOP abroad. Kami tidak mendapat ijin ketika akan MELOKAKARYAKAN masalah buruh. = We do not have a permit TO HOLD A WORKSHOP on labor problem. ###

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Word: lokal

Short Definition: local

English Definition: local

Examples: Sebagai pejabat LOKAL, ayahnya sangat berpengaruh = as a LOCAL official, his father is powerful.###

Word: loket

Short Definition: ticket window.

English Definition: ticket window. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk mengambil karcis atau uang. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: lolong

Short Definition: howling; ME--: howl, yelp (of a dog); scream, wail

English Definition: howling; ME--: howl, yelp (of a dog); scream, wail ###

Examples: Aku ngeri mendengar anjing MELOLONG di malam hari = I am scared to hear the dog HOWLING at night.###

Word: lolos

Short Definition: slip off

English Definition: slip off slip away be allowed to get through or out ME- -KAN to slip off something release allow something to get through or out TER- unexpected release from something KE- -AN breakout PE- escapee PE- -AN escape ###

Word: lomba

Short Definition: race, contest. Also BER-_-_, BER-(_-_)-AN, PE-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^race, contest. BER-_-_, BER-(-_-_)-AN: compete, participate in a race. PE-: contestant. PER--AN: race, contest. ###

L2 Definition: pertandingan; persaingan dalam suatu kontes. ###

Examples: Para pemuda BERLOMBA-LOMBA untuk mendapatkan perhatian dara kembang desa itu. = All young men are COMPETING to get attention from the girl who is the flower of the village. Hampir segala macam PERLOMBAAN kecantikan dilarang di Indonesia. = Almost all beauty CONTESTS are banned in Indonesia. ###

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Word: lombok

Short Definition: see LOMBOK1 (island east of Bali . . .) or LOMBOK2 (chili pepper).

English Definition: see LOMBOK1 (island east of Bali . . .) LOMBOK2 (chili pepper . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: lombok1

Short Definition: small island immediately to the east of Bali in the Indonesian archipelago.

English Definition: a small island immediately to the east of Bali in the Indonesian archipelago. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: lombok2

Short Definition: chili pepper.

English Definition: chili pepper. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: cabai. Buah dari tanaman lombok yang rasanya pedas. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: lompat

Short Definition: leap, jump. BER-_-_: to jump repeatedly. ME-: leap, jump. Also ME--KAN, +

English Definition: ^leap, jump. *BER-_-_: to jump repeatedly. *ME-: leap, jump. ME--KAN: cause to jump. *TER-: jump unintentionally. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Lucu sekali rasanya melihat anak-anak kecil itu BERLOMPAT-LOMPATAN. = It feels very funny to watch those small children JUMPING AROUND. Jenis katak ini bisa MELOMPAT sejauh 10 meter. = This kind of frog can JUMP as far as 10 meters. Saya TERLOMPAT dari kursi karena menduduki kucing. = I UNINTENTIONALLY JUMPED from the chair because I sat on a cat. ###

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Word: loncat

English Definition: SEE loncat1--leap loncat2--frog ###

Word: loncat1

Short Definition: jump

English Definition: leap, jump BER- -AN leap about ME- jump, leap, hop move, shift ME- -2 jump about ME- -I leap over something ME- -KAN cause something to jump -AN jump antics PE- jumper PE(R)- -AN jumping ###

Word: loncat2

Short Definition: frog

English Definition: frog ###

Word: lonceng

Short Definition: bell

English Definition: bell

Word: londo (java)

Short Definition: white person

English Definition: white person

Word: longgar

Short Definition: loose, not tight.

English Definition: loose, not tight. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak ketat; lapang; lebar. ###

Examples: Baju itu terasa enak dipakai karena LONGGAR. = It feels confortable to wear the shirt because it's LOOSE. ###

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Word: longsor

Short Definition: slide

English Definition: --an= landslide tanah --= landslide, mudslide

Word: lonjak

Short Definition: ups and downs, increase, jump###

English Definition: ^ups and downs, increase, jump, fluctuation -AN: 1. leap, jump 2. bump BER-2(AN): bounce about, bounce up and down, *ME-: increase (price, production), jump up ME-2: 1. bounce around 2. be elastic or springy 3. boast, brag to PE-AN: rise, jump (in production, price. etc) TER-: 1. jump up suddenly 2. jump (with joy)

Examples: *Nilai dolar MELONJAK di pasar uang Indonesia = The value of dollars INCREASED in the Indonesian currency exchange.###

Word: lontar

Short Definition: see lontar1 , lontar2###

English Definition: see lontar1 see lontar2###

Examples: ###

Word: lontar1

Short Definition: palmyra palm, manuscripts on palm leaves###

English Definition: *1. palmyra palm, leaves of which may be written on **2. manuscripts on palm leaves### see lontar2

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Pada zaman dulu, orang-orang Indonesia menggunakan daun LONTAR sebagai kertas untuk ditulisi = In the past, Indonesian people used PALMYRA PALM LEAVES as papers to write on. **Silsilah keturunan Suku Bugis ditulis diatas daun LONTAR = The family trees of ethnic Bugis were written as MANUSCRIPTS ON PALM LEAVES.####

Word: lontar2

Short Definition: throw, martil (sport), bring up###

English Definition: *ME~KAN = 1. throw s.t. 2. bring up, broach **TER~ = accidently tossed ~AN = toss. throw, cast PE~ = s.t or s.o PE~AN = 1. hurling, 2. bringing up ***SEPE~AN = a stone's throw away (an idiom) or very close### see lontar1

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Andi MELONTARKAN batu ke danau = Andi THREW a stone to the lake. ** Tak disengaja kata-kata itu TERLONTAR dari mulutnya = Accidently those words TOSSED from her mouth. *** Rumahnya SEPELONTARAN dari rumahku = Her house is A STONE'S THROW AWAY from my house.###

Word: lontong

Short Definition: cooked rice wrapped in a banana leaf.

English Definition: cooked rice wrapped in a banana leaf. ###

L2 Definition: Jenis makanan terbuat dari nasi yang dibungkus dengan daun pisang. biasa demakan dengan sate dan gule. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: lorong

Short Definition: 1. path, lane, trail; 2. alley(way); 3. hallway, corridor

English Definition: 1. path, lane, trail; 2. alley(way); 3. hallway, corridor

L2 Definition: jalan kecil, biasanya terletak diantara dua tembok (dinding)

Examples: Untuk sampai ke rumah Aminah kita harus melewati LORONG panjang = To get into Aminah's house, we have to go through a long PATHWAY.###

Word: losmen

Short Definition: inn, cheap hotel.

English Definition: inn, cheap hotel. ###

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Word: loteng

Short Definition: loft, garret, attic, top-floor###

English Definition: *^loft, garret, attic, top-floor BER-: storied, more than one floor (storie)###

Examples: Saya tinggal di LOTENG = I live in the TOP-FLOOR.###

Word: lotere

Short Definition: lottery###

English Definition: *^lottery ME-KAN: raffle, draw###

Examples: *Arman suka membeli LOTERE = Arman likes to buy LOTTERY.###

Word: lotot

Short Definition: staring (of eyes)

English Definition: *ME- = open wide (of eyes), bulge out (of eyes when angry, etc.)

Examples: Matanya MELOTOT karena marah kepada adiknya = His eyes BULGE OUT because he was upset to his brother,##

Word: lowong

Short Definition: open, free, empty, vacant###

English Definition: ^open, free, empty, vacant -AN: emptiness, vacancy, hiatus, gap, open space###

Examples: *Pada masa libur di Bali, tak ada kamar hotel yang LOWONG = In holiday sessions in Bali, no hotel room is VACANT.###

Word: loyang

Short Definition: 1.brass. 2. large tray. 3. caserole dish, baking pan

English Definition: 1.brass. 2. large tray. 3. caserole dish, baking pan.##

Examples: ###


Short Definition: Institute for the Defense of Human Rights.

English Definition: (Lembaga Peranhanan Hak Asasi Manusia) Institute for the Defense of Human Rights. ###

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Word: LSM

Short Definition: NGO (Non-Governmental Organization). ###

English Definition: Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat or NGO (Non-Governmental Organization). ###

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Word: luang

Short Definition: empty, vacant, free. ME--KAN: 1. vacate. 2. make time for. Also TER-, PE-.

English Definition: ^empty, vacant, free. ME--KAN: 1. vacate, make room for. 2. make time for. TER-: 1. free, spare. 2. vacant. PE-: opportunity.###

L2 Definition: kosong; tidak sibuk; lenggang; lowong. ###

Examples: Ayah jarang MELUANGKAN waktunya untuk anak-anaknya. = Father rarely MAKES ROOM in his time for his children. Kalau ada waktumu yang TERLUANG, datanglah ke rumahku. = If you have a FREE time, come to my house. Tidak ada PELUANG yang bisa kudapat ketika itu. = There is no OPPORTUNITY that I can get at the time. ###

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Word: luap

Short Definition: *ME--: 1. overflow (of a river); 2. boil over (of water); 3. flare up

English Definition: *ME--: 1. overflow (of a river); 2. boil over (of water); 3. flare up *ME--2: enthusiastic, wild about s.t. *--AN: overflow, bubbling over

Examples: Ani lupa mematikan kompor sehingga masakannya MELUAP dan tumpah ke lantai = Ani forgot to turn off the stove until the food BOILED OVER and spilled on the floor. Dengan semangat yang MELUAP-LUAP Amir menjalankan mobil barunya = With ENTHUSIASM, Amir drives his new car. LUAPAN air laut memenuhi rumah kami = The OVERFLOW of the sea water filled our house. ###

Word: luar

Short Definition: outside; beyond, aside from. KE--BIASAAN: extraordinariness.

English Definition: *1 outside. 2 beyond, aside from. *KE--BIASAAN: extraordinariness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak di dalam. ###

Examples: Saya percaya padamu LUAR dan dalam. = I believe in you in and OUT. KELUARBIASAAN anak ini sudah terlihat semenjak dia bayi. = The EXTRAORDINARINESS of this child was already apparent since she was a baby. ###

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Word: luas

Short Definition: wide, broad; extensive; large incapacity; expansive. Also ME-, +

English Definition: ^1 wide, broad. 2 extensive. 3 large in capacity. 4 expansive (of discussion). *ME-: spread out, extend. MEM(PER)-(-KAN): expand, widen, broaden. ###

L2 Definition: lapang, lebar. ###

Examples: Dalam sekejab saja berita kecelakaan itu sudah MELUAS kemana-mana. = In the wink of an eye the news of that accident had already SPREAD all over. ###

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Word: lubang

Short Definition: hole

English Definition: hole, orifice cavity, hollow burrrow, pit BER- perforated hollow BER- -2 full of holes ME- make a hole (in golf) ME- -I dig a hole pierce (the ears, etc.) punch, perforate hollow out ME- -2 riddle something, punchsomething ME- -KAN to perfortate PE- drill, brace, bit PE- -AN animal pit trap ###

Word: Luber

Short Definition: Direct, General, Free, and Confidential ###

English Definition: contraction of Langsung, Umum, Bebas,dan Rahasia or Direct, General, Free, and Confidential ###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Pemilihan presiden haruslah bersifat LUBER = The presidential election must be Direct, General, Free, and Confidential.###

Word: lucu

Short Definition: funny. ME-: acting funny. KE--AN: humor.

English Definition: funny. *ME-: acting funny. *KE--AN: humor. ###

L2 Definition: Membuat rasa senang dihati, menggelikan hati, jenaka. ###

Examples: Badut itu pandai sekali MELUCU. = That clown is very skilled at ACTING FUNNY. KELUCUAN sandiwara ini sangat alamiah. = The HUMOR of this play is very natural. ###

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Word: lucut

Short Definition: *ME--: slip off (of a ring, hold, etc.); ME--I: strip s.o., remove from s.o.

English Definition: *ME--: slip off (of a ring, hold, etc.); ME--I: strip s.o., remove from s.o. *ME--KAN: 1. take off (clothes, ring, etc.); 2. loosen, untie. *TER--: slipped off (of a ring, etc.) *PE--AN; PER--AN: removal.##

Examples: Kemarin rok Siti MELUCUT tanpa dia sadari = Siti's skirt SLIPPED OFF without her realizing it. Polisi MELUCUTI semua orang yang dicurigai telah mencuri = The police STRIPPED everybody suspected of stealing. Cincin saya TERLUCUT sewaktu mencuci piring = My ring SLIPPED OFF when I was washing dishes. Perundingan ini membicarakan PERLUCUTAN senjata = This convention is about the weapon REMOVALS.###

Word: ludah

Short Definition: saliva, spittle

English Definition: *BER-- : spit *ME-- : spit *ME--I: to spit on *ME--KAN: to spit s.thing out.

Examples: Jangan MELUDAH di sembarang tempat, itu tidak sopan = Do not SPIT anywhere, it is not polite. Bayi MELUDAHKAN obat batuk itu karena rasanya pahit = the baby SPAT OUT the bitter cough medicine.##

Word: ludes

Short Definition: all gone. -KAN: wipe out.

English Definition: all gone. ME-KAN: wipe out. ###

L2 Definition: Lenyap tak berbekas; habis. ###

Examples: Semua hartanya LUDES di atas meja judi. = All of his property was GONE on the gambling table. Siapa yang MELUDESKAN semua makananku? = Who WIPED OUT all of my food? ###

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Word: lugu

Short Definition: simple, plain, unadorned

English Definition: simple, plain, unadorned, innocence

L2 Definition: sederhana

Examples: Karena sikapnya yang LUGU, Amir mudah mendapat teman = Because of his SIMPLE attitude, Amir can easily get new friends.##

Word: luhur

Short Definition: 1. glorious, supreme; 2. lofty (ideals); 3. upright, nobel

English Definition: 1. glorious, supreme; 2. lofty (ideals); 3. upright, nobel *ME--KAN: exalt, glorify, ennoble *KE--AN: grandeur, majesty, nobleness (of character)

Examples: Kami sangat terkesan dengan KELUHURAN budi Aminah = We are very impressed by the NOBLENESS of Aminah's character.###

Word: luka

Short Definition: injury, cut, wound. ME--I, ME--KAN: injure, wound, hurt s.t., s.o. Also TER-.

English Definition: ^injury, cut, wound. *ME--I, ME--KAN: injure, wound, hurt s.t. or s.o. *TER-: injured or hurt. ###

L2 Definition: cedera. ###

Examples: Pisau itu MELUKAI jari tanganku. = That knife CUT my finger. Kata-katanya yang tajam membuat hatiku TERLUKA. = Her sharp words made it so that my heart WAS HURT. ###

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Word: lukis

Short Definition: paint. ME--KAN: to paint s.t. TER-: to be painted, portrayed. Also -AN, PE-.

English Definition: paint. *ME--KAN: to paint s.t. *TER-: to be painted, portrayed. *-AN: painting. *PE-: painter. ###

L2 Definition: menggambar. ###

Examples: Pandai betul anak kecil itu MELUKISKAN khayalannya. = That child is very clever at PAINTING what he imagines. Wajahmu selalu TERLUKIS dalam ingatanku. = Your face is always DRAWN in my memory. LUKISAN ini sangat mahal sekali harganya. = The value of this PAINTING is very dear. PELUKIS yang sederhana itu sangat termashur namanya. = As for that simple PAINTER, his name is very famous. ###

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Word: lulu

Short Definition: see MELULU.

English Definition: see MELULU. ###

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Word: luluh

Short Definition: 1. crushed (to powder)

English Definition: *--LANTAK: smashed to smithereens; completely crushed

L2 Definition: hancur lebur

Examples: Jawaban Ani MELULUH-LANTAKKAN hatinya = Ani's response has made his heart COMPLETELY CRUSHED.##

Word: lulur

Short Definition: 1.tenderloin (of beef). 2.*ME--: swallow whole, gobble up. 3. [Jv.] herbal cosmetic used to lighten o's compexion

English Definition: 1.tenderloin (of beef). 2.*ME--: swallow whole, gobble up. 3. [Jv.] herbal cosmetic used to lighten o's compexion.###

Examples: ###

Word: lulus

Short Definition: pass (a test); be given permission. Also ME--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: ^1 pass (a test). 2 be given permission. *ME--KAN: 1 pass s.o. (in an exam). 2 give permission. *-AN: graduate, alumnus. ###

L2 Definition: lepas; berhasil. ###

Examples: Ayah tidak pernah MELULUSKAN saya untuk naik gunung. = Father never PERMITTED me to climb mountains. Semua LULUSAN sekolah ini telah mendapatkan kerja yang baik. = All of the GRADUATES of this school obtained good jobs. ###

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Word: lumas

Short Definition: grease

English Definition: *ME-- : lubricate *ME--I: smear with something *PE-- : lubricant

L2 Definition: oles dengan minyak

Examples: Kamu harus MELUMAS pintu itu supaya tidak tersangkut = You have to LUBRICATE the door so it will not stuck.###

Word: lumayan

Short Definition: OK, acceptable, not too bad.

English Definition: *OK, acceptable, not too bad. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak baik tidak buruk. ###

Examples: Kemampuanmu dalam berbahasa Indonesia sudah LUMAYAN. = Your capabilities in Indonesian language are already ACCEPTABLE. ###

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Word: lumbung

Short Definition: rice barn

English Definition: rice barn ###

Word: lumpia

Short Definition: eggroll.

English Definition: eggroll.###

L2 Definition: Sejenis makanan yang terdiri dari sayuran dan daging sebagai isinya dan lembaran-lembaran tipis tepung terigu sebagai kulitnya. Bentuk makanan ini seperti gulungan/guling. ###

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Word: lumpuh

Short Definition: paralyzed (of a person, organ or business)

English Definition: paralyzed (of a person, organ or business) *ME--KAN: 1. paralyzed; 2.incapacitate, disable; 3.deactivate

Examples: Walaupun LUMPUH, Sinta tidak mau bergantung pada orang lain = Even though she is PARALYZED, Sinta does not want to depend to others. Demonstrasi mahasiswa kemarin telah MELUMPUHKAN semua kegiatan bisnis di kota = The student demonstration yesterday had INCAPACITATED the business activities in town.###

Word: lumpur

Short Definition: mud. BER-: to be muddy.

English Definition: mud. *BER-: to be muddy. ###

L2 Definition: Tanah yang becek/berair. ###

Examples: Jangan kau injak tanah BERLUMPUR itu, nanti kamu terpeleset. = Don't tread on this MUDDY ground or you'll slip. ###

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Word: lumrah

Short Definition: usual, customary, ordinary.

English Definition: ^ usual, customary, ordinary. ###

L2 Definition: biasa; tidak aneh; layak. ###

Examples: LUMRAH kalau bayi suka menangis pada malam hari. = It is ORDINARY if a baby likes to cry in the night. ###

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Word: lumut

Short Definition: moss

English Definition: moss, lichen, bryophyte algae BER- mossy (BER-) -AN moss-covered ###

Examples: Dinding itu ditumbuhi LUMUT karena tidak pernah dibersihkan = The wall is filled with MOSS because it has not been cleaned for a long time###

Word: lunak

Short Definition: 1.soft (food, etc.). 2.easy-going, tractable in disposition. 3. benign (of tumor)

English Definition: 1.soft (food, etc.). 2.easy-going, tractable in disposition. 3. benign (of tumor). *ME--: become soft; softening (attitude). *ME--KAN: soften s.t.; weaken s.t. *KE--AN: softness, gentleness, mildness, moderation. *PE--: softener. ###

Examples: Daging ini terlalu LUNAK karena kamu memasaknya sangat lama = The meat becomes very SOFT after you cooked it too long. Hatinya MELUNAK mendengar bujukan Siti = He became SOFT after listening to Siti's persuasion.###

Word: lunas

Short Definition: paid, settled

English Definition: paid, settled *ME--I: pay, settle (a debt), expiate (a sin), discharge (o's duty) *TER--I: paid off *PE--AN: paying off a debt.

Examples: Saya merasa lega telah MELUNASI semua hutangku pada Ibu = I feel relieve after PAYING all my debts to Ibu.##

Word: luncur

Short Definition: slide, slip. ME-: slide. ME--KAN: 1 cause to slip. 2 launch. Also TER-, PE-.

English Definition: slide, slip. *ME-: slide. *ME--KAN: 1 cause to slip. 2 launch. TER-: slipped down. *PE-: launcher. *PE--AN: launching. ###

L2 Definition: melorot; bergerak ke bawah dengan cepat. ###

Examples: Karena kecepatannya yang tinggi, mobil ini seperti MELUNCUR di jalanan. = Because of its high speed, it's like this car is SLIDING on the road. Minggu depan para ahli ruang angkasa akan MELUNCURKAN satelit baru. = Next week, the astronomers are going to LAUNCH a new satelite. Supaya cepat sampai ke bawah kamu harus menggunakan alat PELUNCUR. = In order to get to the bottom quickly, you must use a LAUNCHING APPARATUS. Daerah ini adalah pusat PELUNCURAN pesawat percobaan. = This area is a LAUNCHING center for experimental aircraft. ###

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Word: lunta

Short Definition: TER--(2): be in constant difficulty; suffer constantly

English Definition: TER--(2): be in constant difficulty; suffer constantly

L2 Definition: menderita terus menerus

Examples: Sejak orang tuanya meninggal hidup Amir TERLUNTA-LUNTA = Since his parents passed away, Amir SUFFERS continuously.###

Word: lupa

Short Definition: forget. ME--KAN: forget s.t. TER-: forgotten; forget. PE-: a forgetful person.

English Definition: forget. *ME--KAN: forget s.t. *TER-: 1 forgotten. 2 to forget. *PE-: a forgetful person. ###

L2 Definition: tidak ingat. ###

Examples: Sulit MELUPAKAN kejadian yang mengerikan itu. = It is difficult to FORGET that terrifying event. Saya TERLUPA membeli obatmu. = I FORGOT to by your medicine. Belum tua sudah PELUPA; bagaimana kalau benar-benar tua? = You're not yet old and you're already A FORGETFUL PERSON; what is it going to be like when you really are old? ###

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Word: luput

Short Definition: 1. slipped away, escaped. 2. not on target. ME--KAN: 1. free, release. +

English Definition: 1. slipped away, escaped. 2. not on target. ME--KAN: 1. free, release. 2. cause to be off target. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Tidak terjangkau; lepas. 2. Tidak kena sasaran. ###

Examples: Dia sengaja MELUPUTKAN tembakannya. = He deliberately MISSED his shot. Dia pun tidak dapat TERLUPUT dari ancaman hukuman mati. = He too can not ESCAPE from the threat of death penalty. ###

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Word: lurah

Short Definition: village chief.

English Definition: village chief. KE--AN: political district administered by the lurah. ###

L2 Definition: Kepala desa; seseorang yang mengepalai sekelompok masyarakat di suatu daerah. ###

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Word: luruh

Short Definition: 1. fall (of fruit, leaves, feathers). 2. be touching to the heart. Also BER--AN+

English Definition: ^1. fall (of fruit, leaves, feathers). 2. be touching to the heart. BER--AN: drop in great quantities (of fruit, etc.). ME-: 1. shed (of hair, fur.). 2. drop (of flower, leaves). 3. become emotionally affected. ME--KAN: 1. cause s.t. to fall. 2. cause s.o. to feel touched. PE-: s.t. which causes s.t. to drop. PE--AN: process of shedding. ###

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Word: lurus

Short Definition: straight, undeviating. ME-: 1. stretch out straight. 2. become straight. +

English Definition: straight, undeviating. ME-: 1. stretch out straight. 2. become straight. ME--I: walk straight along s.t. ME--KAN: straighten out s.t. MEMPER--KAN: correct s.t. KE--AN: 1. honesty, sincerity. 2. justice. PE-: s.t. which straightens s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak melengkung; tidak membelok; jujur dalam hal kepribadian, dll. ###

Examples: Saya ingin MELURUSKAN pernyataan saya yang saya ucapkan kemarin. = I would like to STRAIGHTEN OUT my statement that I said yesterday. Tidak ada yang meragukan KELURUSAN hatinya. = No one doubt the HONESTY of his heart. Siapa yang meminjam alat PELURUS besiku? = Who borrowed my metal STRIGHTER tool?

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Word: lusa

Short Definition: the day after tomorrow

English Definition: *the day after tomorrow

Examples: LUSA saya akan pergi mengunjungi nenek saya = THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW I will visit my grandmother. Dia bilang akan memperbaiki sepedanya LUSA = he says that he will fix his bike THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW.

Word: lusuh

Short Definition: old and faded, worn out (esp. cloth or paper)

English Definition: old and faded, worn out

Examples: Setelah bekerja seharian, Amir pulang dengan wajah LUSUH = After working hard the whole day, Amir went home looking EXHAUSTED. Walaupun baju ini sudah sangat LUSUH, Aminah sangat suka memakainya = Although the dress is OLD AND FADED, Aminah really likes to wear it.###

Word: luti

Short Definition: crumpled, wrinkled###

English Definition: ^crumpled, wrinkled###

Examples: Bajuku sangat LUTI karena tidak diseterika = My dress was WRINKLED because it was not ironed.###

Word: lutut

Short Definition: knee

English Definition: knee *BER--: 1. kneel; 2. bow to, give in to; 3. surrender (*BERTEKUK--: surrender completely)

L2 Definition: Berlutut = menyerah

Examples: Dia terjatuh dari sepeda dan LUTUTnya berdarah = He fell of his bike and hurt his KNEES. Dia menangis sambil BERLUTUT dihadapan istrinya = He cried and KNEELED before his wife. Amerika BERTEKUK-LUTUT melawan Cina dalam pertandingan pingpong = America SURRENDERED COMPLETELY in the pingpong game against China.###

Word: luyu

Short Definition: sleepy###

English Definition: ^sleepy###

Examples: Saya sangat mengantuk pagi ini = I am very SLEEPY this morning.###

Word: luyur

Short Definition: KE--AN: hang around to a place

English Definition: to hang around a place or walk around with no fixed purpose. KE--AN: to hang around to a place. ###

L2 Definition: Pergi ke mana-mana tanpa tujuan tertentu. ###

Examples: Terlalu banyak KELUYURAN malam-malam membuat badan tidak sehat. = Too much AIMLESS WALKING AROUND in the night will make the body unhealthy. ###

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Word: maaf

Short Definition: forgive. ME--I: forgive s.o. ME--KAN: forgive s.t. PE-: a forgiving person.

English Definition: ^ forgive. ME--I: forgive s.o. *ME--KAN: forgive s.t. *PE-: a forgiving person. ###

L2 Definition: ampun. ###

Examples: Orang tua yang budiman itu telah MEMAAFKAN segala dosa anaknya. = That wise parent has FORGIVEN all of her child's errors. Walaupun bersifat garang dia juga bersifat PEMAAF. = Even though she has cruel characteristics, she also has FORGIVING characteristics. ###

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Word: maag

Short Definition: 1. stomach (as source of sickness); 2. [Coll.] suffer a stomach disorder; 3. ulcer

English Definition: 1. stomach (as source of sickness); 2. [Coll.] suffer a stomach disorder; 3. ulcer

Examples: Sudah lama Ani menderita MAAG = It has been a long time Ani has STOMACH DISORDER. Hati-hati makan yang pedas, nanti MAAGmu kambuh = Be careful with hot and spicy food, you will get your STOMACH UPSET again. ###

Word: Mabes

Short Definition: main office###

English Definition: abbreviation of Markas Besar or main office. Mabes usually refers to the Indonesian military's or police's main office that takes place in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia###

Examples: Hari ini para jendral akan bertemu di MARKAS BESAR (MABES) Polisi Republik Indonesia = Today several generals are going to meet in the MAIN OFFICE of Police of the Republic of Indonesia.###

Word: mabrur

Short Definition: [Isl.] accepted by Allah (of o's pilgrimage)

English Definition: [Isl.] accepted by Allah (of o's pilgrimage)

Examples: Semoga kamu menjadi haji yang MABRUR = I wish you become a haj that will be ACCEPTED BY GOD (ALLAH).###

Word: mabuk

Short Definition: 1. drunk, intoxicated. 2. nauseated. BER-(-AN): be drunk for a long period.+

English Definition: 1. drunk, intoxicated. 2. nauseated. BER-(-AN): be drunk for a long period. ME--KAN: intoxicate. PE-: drunkard.###

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Word: macam

Short Definition: kind, type. BER-_-_: to be of many various kinds or types.

English Definition: kind, type. *BER-_-_: to be of many various kinds or types. ###

L2 Definition: jenis. ###

Examples: Ada BERMACAM-MACAM buah-buahan dari daerah ini. = There are MANY VARIOUS KINDS of fruit from this area. ###

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Word: macan

Short Definition: tiger, panther###

English Definition: *tiger, panther ME-I: intimidate###

Examples: *MACAN itu berlari dengan cekatan menghindari pemburu bersenjata= A TIGER run skillfully avoiding a hunter with a gun.###

Word: macet

Short Definition: jam, jammed, get stuck###

English Definition: jam, jammed, get stuck###

Examples: Jalan bebas hambatan I-88 MACET selama tiga jam = The highway I-88 was JAMMED for three hours.###

Word: madah

Short Definition: eulogy, praise. BER-: 1. praise. 2. recite. ME--KAN: 1. express. 2. relate.+

English Definition: ^eulogy, praise. BER-: 1. praise. 2. recite. ME--KAN: 1. express, pronouce. 2. relate. -AN: songs. PE-: religous person.###

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Word: madat

Short Definition: opium. BER-: smoke opium. PE-: opium smoker. PE--AN: 1. use of opium.+

English Definition: opium. BER-: smoke opium. PE-: opium smoker. PE--AN: 1. use of opium. 2. opium den.###

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Word: madrasah

Short Definition: Islamic school.

English Definition: Islamic school. ###

L2 Definition: Sekolah agama (Islam). ###

Examples: Anak saya akan saya sekolahkan di MADRASAH itu. = I will send my child to school at the ISLAMIC SCHOOL. ###

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Word: madu

Short Definition: 1.honey; 2. co-wife

English Definition: *BER- = have a co-wife *PER-AN = polygamy

Examples: Setiap pagi kamu harus minum MADU segar ini = Every morning you should drink this fresh HONEY.# Ibu Ani akhirnya bercerai karena tidak mau BERMADU = Ibu Ani finally got a divorce because she does not want to (SHARE HER HUSBAND WITH OTHER WOMAN).###

Word: Madura

Short Definition: island just to the northeast of Java.

English Definition: island just to the northeast of Java. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah pulau kecil di timur atas pulau Jawa. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: madya

Short Definition: medium, average

Word: magang

Short Definition: 1. internship, (unpaid) clerk, official; 2. over-ripe (fruit)###

English Definition: *1. internship, (unpaid) clerk, official; 2. over-ripe (fruit)###

Examples: *Rani melakukan MAGANG di kantor kecamatan = RANI did an INTERNSHIP at a county office.###

Word: maghrib

Short Definition: SEE MAGRIB

Word: magis

Short Definition: magical

English Definition: magical

Word: magrib

Short Definition: west; at sunset; (Isl.) sunset prayers.

English Definition: ^*1 west. 2 at sunset. 3 (Isl.) sunset prayers. ###

L2 Definition: Saat diantara matahari terbenam. ###

Examples: Sebentar lagi kita akan bersembahyang MAGHRIB. = In a short while we are going to perform the SUNSET prayers. ###

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Word: magun

Short Definition: firm, fixed, permanent###

English Definition: firm, fixed, permanent###

Examples: ###

Word: maha

Short Definition: great, master (often used as a prefix).

English Definition: *great, master (often used as a prefix). ###

L2 Definition: yang ter... ###

Examples: Belum lama ini dia diangkat menjadi MAHAGURU. = In not too long a time she is going to be raised to become a MASTER TEACHER. ###

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Word: mahal

Short Definition: expensive; scarce, difficult to find

English Definition: expensive *KE-AN = expensiveness; too expensive

Examples: Hati-hatilah memegang kaca ini, harganya sangat MAHAL = Please be careful in touching the glass, it is very EXPENSIVE.# Saya tidak mau membeli baju ini...harganya KEMAHALAN = I am not going to buy this dress, it is TOO EXPENSIVE.###

Word: mahar

Short Definition: [Isl.] brideprice, dowry

English Definition: [Isl.] brideprice, dowry.###

Examples: Menurut tradisi di daerah kami, calon pengantin pria harus menyediakan MAHAR berupa peralatan sembahyang = According to the tradition in our region, the groom must provide a DOWRY in the form of (Islamic) prayer set.###

Word: maharani

Short Definition: princess, queen###

English Definition: princess, queen###

Examples: MAHARANI Elizabeth mengunjungi Indonesia minggu lalu = QUEEN Elizabeth visited Indonesia last week.###

Word: maharesi

Short Definition: great sage (of ancient time)###

English Definition: great sage (of ancient time)###

Examples: ###

Word: mahasiswa

Short Definition: higher-level (e.g. university) student.

English Definition: *higher-level (e.g. university) student. ###

L2 Definition: Nama siswa di perguruan tinggi. ###

Examples: Para MAHASISWA itu datang dari daerah lain. = Those UNIVERSITY STUDENTS came from a different area. ###

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Word: mahfum

Short Definition: know, understand, comprehend

English Definition: know, understand, comprehend

Examples: Saya MAHFUM kalau kamu tidak dapat membantu = I UNDERSTAND that you cannot help me.###

Word: mahir

Short Definition: capable, able, skillful, expert, proficient, trained###

English Definition: *capable, able, skillful, expert, proficient, trained ME-KAN: learn (by heart), practice (virtue), study (science art) MEMPER-: practice, learn, acquire KE-AN: capability, skill###

Examples: *Dia MAHIR bermain gitar = He is GOOD at playing quitar.###

Word: mahkamah

Short Definition: court of law.

English Definition: *court of law. ###

L2 Definition: Badan yang menyelenggarakan pengadilan. ###

Examples: Perkara ini akan segera dibawa ke MAHKAMAH agung. = This case is going to be brought directly to a high COURT. ###

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Word: mahkota

Short Definition: crown###

English Definition: crown###

Examples: Pangeran William adalah Putra MAHKOTA Inggris = Prince William is the CROWN Prince of England.###

Word: mahluk

Short Definition: creature

English Definition: creature -halus supernatural creature #

Word: mahmud

Short Definition: praised###

English Definition: praised###

Examples: Haji Hasan adalah penyiar agama yang MAHMUD = Haj Hasan is a PRAISED religious preacher.###

Word: main

Short Definition: play; engage in anactivity; do s.t. needlessly. Also BER-, BER-_-_, ME--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 play. 2 engage in some k.o. activity. 3 do s.t. needlessly. *BER-: to play. BER-_-_: to play around, goof around, to do s.t. all in fun. ME--KAN: play s.t. *MEMPER--KAN: make a fool of s.o., manipulate s.o. or s.t. *PE-: player, actor. *-AN: toy. *PER--AN: 1 game. 2 performance. ###

L2 Definition: Berbuat sesuatu untuk menyenangkan hati. ###

Examples: Anakku sedang BERMAIN di halaman dengan teman-temannya. = My child is PLAYING in the yard with her friends. Pandai benar kamu MEMPERMAINKAN pedang itu. = You are really good at MANIPULATING that sword. Dia adalah seorang PEMAIN sepak bola yang tangkas. = He is an agile soccer PLAYER. Biarpun sudah diberi banyak MAINAN dia tetap menangis. = Even though he has already been given many TOYS, he continues to cry. PERMAINAN ini hanya diperuntukkan bagi orang dewasa. = This GAME is intended only for adult people.###

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Word: majalah

Short Definition: magazine, periodical publication.

English Definition: *magazine, periodical publication. ###

L2 Definition: Semacam buku yang berisi berita, informasi, cerita, gambar, dll. ###

Examples: MAJALAH "Femina" adalah salah satu majalah wanita yang terkenal di Indonesia. = "Femina" is a well-known women's MAGAZINE in Indonesia. ###

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Word: Majapahit

Short Definition: name of an early Javanese kingdom.

English Definition: *name of an early Javanese kingdom. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah kerajaan yang sangat terkenal di Jawa sekitar abad 13. ###

Examples: Gadjah Mada adalah mahapatih yang sangat gagah berani dari kerajaan MAJAPAHIT. = Gadjah Mada was a very courageous prime minister from the kingdom of MAJAPAHIT. ###

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Word: majelis

Short Definition: 1. council, committee. 2. meeting, session. 3. meeting chamber.

English Definition: 1. council, committee. 2. meeting, session. 3. meeting chamber.###

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Word: majemuk

Short Definition: compound, complex

English Definition: *KE-AN :complexity, plurality

Examples: KEMAJEMUKAN suku bangsa-suku bangsa di Indonesia membuat Indonesia menjadi kaya dengan kebudayaan.

Word: majenun

Short Definition: posessed, mad###

English Definition: posessed, mad###

Examples: Pak Kasur menjadi MAJENUN setelah kehilangan anak tunggalnya = Mr. Kasur became MAD after loosing his only child.####

Word: majikan

Short Definition: boss, supervisor, employer.

English Definition: *boss, supervisor, employer. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang menjadi tuan, pemilik, pemerintah, dll. ###

Examples: Jarang ada MAJIKAN yang sebaik dia. = Rarely is there a BOSS as good as her. ###

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Word: maju

Short Definition: move forward, advance, progress. Also ME--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^ move forward, advance, progress. *ME--KAN: 1 move s.t. ahead, advance s.t. forward. 2 advance, progress. *KE--AN: progress. ###

L2 Definition: Melangkah kedepan; tidak mundur. ###

Examples: Pak Dirman adalah tokoh yang MEMAJUKAN daerah ini. = Mr. Dirman is the personage who DEVELOPED this region. KEMAJUAN daerah ini dicapai berkat gotong-royong masyarakat. = The PROGRESS of this region was achieved thanks to the communal efforts of the populace.###

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Word: mak

Short Definition: 1. mother. 2. term of address to a woman at a senior age.

English Definition: ^1. mother. 2. term of address to a woman who is older than the speaker and who might fittingly be called "mother".###

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Word: maka

Short Definition: then, so; particle following temporal/conditional clause. Also -NYA.

English Definition: ^1 then, so. 2 particle following a temporal or conditional clause in a sentence. *-NYA: consequently. ###

L2 Definition: lalu; kemudian; sesudah itu. ###

Examples: MAKANYA jangan terlalu nakal supaya kamu tidak dimarahi guru. = CONSEQUENTLY don't be too naughty so that you won't be scolded by the teacher. ###

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Word: makalah

Short Definition: article, essay (in newspaper)###

English Definition: article, essay (in newspaper)###

Examples: Dr. King mempresentasikan MAKALAH tentang pemilihan umum di Jakarta = Dr. King presented AN ARTICLE about elections in Jakarta

Word: makam

Short Definition: grave, tomb. ME--KAN: to bury, to entomb. PE--AN: funeral, burial.

English Definition: grave, tomb. *ME--KAN: to bury, to entomb. *PE--AN: funeral, burial. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk mengubur jenazah. ###

Examples: Orang-orang datang untuk MEMAKAMKAN polisi yang ditembak penjahat. = The people come to BURY a police officer who was shot by a criminal. PEMAKAMANnya telah dilakukan kemarin sore. = His BURIAL was carried out yesterday afternoon. ###

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Word: makan

Short Definition: to eat. ME-: to consume, eat. Also ME--KAN, TER-, -AN, PE-.

English Definition: to eat. *ME-: to consume, eat. ME--KAN: to feed s.t. to s.o. or s.t. else. *TER-: 1 eaten (accidentally). 2 edible. -AN: food. *PE-: eater, consumer.###

L2 Definition: Memasukkan sesuatu ke dalam mulut/perut. ###

Examples: Siapa yang MEMAKAN kueku yang di atas meja? = Who is the one who ATE my cake that was on top of the table? Obat itu TERMAKAN oleh pasien lain. = That medicine WAS EATEN by a different patient. Daerah ini terkenal dengan MAKANAN yang terbuat dari ketan . = This region is famous for FOOD that is made from sticky rice. Binatang ini termasuk jenis PEMAKAN segala. = This animal is one of a kind of CONSUMERS of everything (i.e., omnivores). ###

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Word: makanya

Short Definition: therefore, so###

English Definition: therefore, so###

Examples: Andi memakan mangga masam tadi pagi, MAKANYA dia terkena sakit perut = Andi ate a sour mango in the morning, THEREFORE he got stomach ache.###

Word: makar

Short Definition: trick, tactics####

English Definition: * makar1 = 1. trick, tactics 2. attack, assault 3. attack against the government makar2 = 1. hard and tough (of fruits and vegetables) 2. unripe (of fruits)###

Examples: *Para mahasiswa mengadakan gerakan MAKAR terhadap bekas Presiden Suharto = Students had organized a movement to ATTACK the former Presiden Suharto###

Word: makaroni

Short Definition: macaroni

English Definition: macaroni

Word: makelar

Short Definition: broker, intermediary in a sale

English Definition: *broker, intermediary in sale. * --AN: booky, middleman. ##

Examples: Sutejo bekerja sebagai MAKELAR rumah= Sutejo works as a BROKER in house sales.

Word: makelaran

Short Definition: SEE MAKELAR

Word: makhluk

Short Definition: see MAHLUK.

English Definition: see MAHLUK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: maki

Short Definition: MAKI-MAKI: abuse with vulgar language. Also ME-, -AN.

English Definition: ^MAKI-MAKI: abuse with vulgar language. ME-: use abusive language towards s.o. -AN: abuse, abusive words. ###

L2 Definition: Kata-kata yang keji atau kotor yang diucapkan seseorang ketika dia marah, jengkel, kecewa, dll. ###

Examples: Orang gila itu suka MEMAKI-MAKI setiap orang yang lewat di depannya. = The crazy man/woman likes to SHOUT ABUSIVE WORDS to every people who pass by him/her. Dilarang mengucapkan MAKIAN di tempat yang keramat ini! = It is prohibited to say ABUSIVE WORDS in this sacred place. ###

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Word: makin

Short Definition: all the more, increasingly. SE-: more and more.

English Definition: *all the more, increasingly. *SE-: more and more. ###

L2 Definition: kian bertambah; lebih. ###

Examples: Anak ini SEMAKIN besar SEMAKIN cantik. = This child AS she GROW biggER she BECOMES prettiER. ###

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Word: maklum

Short Definition: know, beknowledgeable; understand. Also ME--I, ME--KAN, MEMPER--KAN.

English Definition: ^1 know, be knowledgeable. 2 understand. *ME--I: to understand s.t. *ME--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: announce, proclaim. ###

L2 Definition: memahami; mengerti; mengetahui. ###

Examples: Tidak semua orang bisa MEMAKLUMI keadaannya. = Not all people are able to UNDERSTAND his/her situation. Besok kami akan MEMAKLUMKAN pertunangan kami. = Tomorrow we are going to ANNOUNCE our engagement. ###

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Word: maklumat

Short Definition: proclamation, announcement, declaration, communique###

English Definition: proclamation, announcement, declaration, communique *ME-KAN: proclaim, declare###

Examples: *Gus Dur MEMAKLUMATKAN undang-undang baru anti korupsi = Gus Dur PROCLAIMED a new law about anti corruption.###

Word: makmur

Short Definition: rich, wealthy. KE--AN: prosperity.

English Definition: rich, wealthy. *KE--AN: prosperity. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak kekurangan; kaya; berlebih. ###

Examples: KEMAKMURAN daerah ini dikarenakan oleh kesuburan tanahnya. = The PROSPERITY of this region is the result of the fertility of its soil. ###

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Word: makna

Short Definition: meaning, purpose, sense. ME--KAN: explain, elucidate.

English Definition: ^meaning, purpose, sense. ME--KAN: explain, elucidate. ###

L2 Definition: arti; maksud. ###

Examples: Setiap orang bisa MEMAKNAKAN hal itu secara berbeda-beda. = Any body can EXPLAIN the matter differently. ###

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Word: maknawi

Short Definition: spiritual###

English Definition: spiritual###

Examples: ###

Word: maknit

Short Definition: magnet###

English Definition: magnet KE-AN: magnetism###

Examples: ####

Word: makota

Short Definition: see MAHKOTA.

English Definition: see MAHKOTA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: makramat

Short Definition: holiness###

English Definition: holiness###

Examples: ###

Word: makruh

Short Definition: objectionable###

English Definition: objectionable###

Examples: Dalam Islam, merokok dianggap MAKRUH, bukan haram= In Islam, smoking is OBJECTIONABLE, not forbidden.###

Word: maksiat

Short Definition: in violation of God's law, immoral (esp. sexually immoral)

English Definition: in violation of God's law, immoral (esp. sexually immoral) *BER--: engage in immoral acts. *KE--An: sin, wickedness

L2 Definition: perbuatan yang melanggar hukum agama (biasanya berhubungan dengan perbuatan seksual)

Examples: Telah bertahun-tahun dia berbuat MAKSIAT, akhirnya dia bertobat juga = After years of IMMORAL conduct, she finally repented. ###

Word: maksimal

Short Definition: at the maximum.

English Definition: at the maximum. ###

L2 Definition: Jumlah terbanyak; batas terbanyak; sebanyak-banyaknya. ###

Examples: MAKSIMAL setiap orang hanya boleh mengambil empat buah buku. = AT THE MAXIMUM, every person may only take four books. ###

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Word: maksimum

Short Definition: maximum.

English Definition: maximum. ###

L2 Definition: Jumlah terbesar; batas terbesar/terbanyak; sebanyak-banyaknya. ###

Examples: Nilai MAKSIMUM matematika di kelasku adalah tujuh. = The MAXIMUM grade of math in my class is seven. ###

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Word: maksud

Short Definition: intention; meaning, sense. BER-: intend, plan. ME--KAN: intend, plan, declare.

English Definition: 1 intention. 2 meaning, sense. *BER-: intend, plan. *ME--KAN: intend, plan, declare. ###

L2 Definition: niat; kehendak; tujuan. ###

Examples: Saya BERMAKSUD untuk keliling dunia sesudah lulus ujian. = I INTEND to go around the world after passing exam. Pertemuan itu bertujuan untuk MEMAKSUDKAN Pak Sudirman sebagai calon presiden partai kami. = That meeting was intended to DECLARE Mr. Sudirman as the candidate for president of our party. ###

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Word: mala

Short Definition: 1. stain, impure, impurity 2. putrid emanation from corpse####

English Definition: 1. stain, impure, impurity 2. putrid emanation from corpse *-petaka: 1. catastrophe, misfortune, accident, languish, languishing####

Examples: *MALAPETAKA yang mematikan keluarga Maya tak terhindarkan = The ACCIDENT that killed Maya's family was unavoidable.###

Word: malah

Short Definition: in fact, instead, on the contrary. -AN: but rather, instead; in fact, even.

English Definition: ^in fact, instead, on the contrary. *-AN: 1 but rather, in fact, instead. 2 in fact, even. ###

L2 Definition: bahkan; justru. ###

Examples: Bukan dia yang berkelahi; dia MALAHAN yang melerai. = He is not the one who fought; RATHER, he was the one who intervened. ###

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Word: malai

Short Definition: 1. panicle, spire 2. hanging ornamental plume###

English Definition: 1. panicle, spire 2. hanging ornamental plume 3. -(2): a kind of tree (Litsea sebifera)###

Examples: ###

Word: malaikat

Short Definition: angel.

English Definition: angel. ###

L2 Definition: Mahluk ciptaan Tuhan yang sangat patuh akan perintah-perintahNya, mahluk ini tidak kelihatan wujudnya. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: malam

Short Definition: night. -NYA: last night. SE-: a night, one night; last night. Also BER-, +

English Definition: malam1 = wax. malam2 = night. *-NYA: last night. *SE-: 1 a night, one night. 2 last night. *BER-: to spend the night. *KE--AN: to be overtaken by night. *SE-_-_-AN: the whole evening or night. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu dimana matahari sudah terbenam. ###

Examples: Siang itu kami beristirahat saja, MALAMNYA baru meneruskan perjalanan. = That afternoon we just rested, the NIGHT AFTER we continued our journey. SEMALAM kami tidak bisa tidur karena suara petir yang menyambar-nyambar. = LAST NIGHT we couldn't sleep because of the sound of thunder that struck continually. Minggu ini kami akan BERMALAM di rumah saudara. = This week we are going to STAY THE NIGHT in your house. Karena sudah KEMALAMAN kami tidak jadi berangkat. = Because we were CAUGHT BY NIGHTFALL we weren't able to leave. Kami gelisah menunggu kedatangan ayah SEMALAM-MALAMAN. = We were nervous waiting for father's arrival ALL NIGHT LONG. ###

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Word: malang

Short Definition: unfortunate, unlucky. KE--AN: bad luck, calamity.

English Definition: unfortunate, unlucky. KE--AN: bad luck, calamity.###

L2 Definition: Tidak beruntung; sengsara. ###

Examples: Tahun ini KEMALANGAN bertubi-tubi menimpa Ratu Elizabeth. = This year CALAMITY repeatedly falls on Queen Elizabeth. ###

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Word: malapetaka

Short Definition: misfortune, great disaster

English Definition: misfortune, great disaster

Word: malaria

Short Definition: malaria.

English Definition: malaria. ###

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Word: malas

Short Definition: lazy, unmotivate. KE--AN: laziness. PE-: s.o. given to laziness.

English Definition: lazy, unmotivated. *KE--AN: laziness. *PE-: s.o. given to laziness. ###

L2 Definition: tidak rajin; enggan melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Kebodohannya disebabkan oleh KEMALASANnya. = His ignorance is the result of his LAZINESS. Anak PEMALAS itu akhirnya tidak naik kelas. = That LAZY child didn't move up to the next class in the end. ###

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Word: Malaysia

Short Definition: Malaysia.

English Definition: Malaysia. ###

See a Picture

Word: maling

Short Definition: thief###

English Definition: ^thief *ME-I: steal###

Examples: Dia tertangkap karena MEMALINGI televisi tetangganya. = He was arrested because of STEALING his neighbor's television set.###

Word: malu

Short Definition: shy, embarass; ashamed, shame. Also ME--KAN, KE--AN, PE-.

English Definition: 1 shy, embarass. 2 ashamed, shame. *ME--KAN: 1 to be embarassing. 2 to be shameful. *KE--AN: genitals. *PE-: s.o. given to shyness. ###

L2 Definition: Merasa tidak senang hati, rendah diri, hina, dll. ###

Examples: Karena itu hal yang biasa saja, tidaklah MEMALUKAN. = Because that is just an ordinary matter, it isn't SHAMEFUL. KEMALUAN anak kecil itu digigit serangga. = The GENITALS of that small child were bitten by an insect. Dari dulu memang dia gadis PEMALU. = From before she has really been a SHY girl. ###

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Word: Maluku

Short Definition: the Province of Maluku in Indonesia. Its capital city is Ambon.

English Definition: The Province of Maluku in Indonesia, consisting of the islands of Seram, Buru, Halmahera, Ambon, etc. Its capital city is Ambon. ###

L2 Definition: Salah satu nama propinsi di Indonesia dengan ibukota Ambon. ###

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Word: mamah

Short Definition: chew. ME-: chew. ME--KAN: chew for.

English Definition: chew. ME-: chew. ME--KAN: chew for. ###

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Word: mamang

Short Definition: mamang1 = 1. dizzy. 2. confused, frightened. mamang2 = term of address. +

English Definition: mamang1 = 1. dizzy. 2. confused, frightened. mamang2 = (Sd) 1. term of address for parents' younger brother. 2. term of address for men older than the speaker. ###

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Word: mamik

Short Definition: tasting bad.

English Definition: tasting bad. ###

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Word: mampir

Short Definition: drop by for a visit, stop by. Also ME--I, PE--AN.

English Definition: drop by for a visit, stop by. ME--I: drop in on. *PE--AN: a at which to stop. ###

L2 Definition: Tinggal/berhenti sebentar di suatu tempat; singgah. ###

Examples: Kami akan berhenti sebentar di tempat PEMAMPIRAN. = We are going to stop for a moment at the STOPPING place. ###

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Word: mampu

Short Definition: capable, able to; well-to-do; afford, be able. Also KE--AN, BERKE--AN, +

English Definition: ^1 capable, able to. 2 well-to-do. 3 afford, be able. *KE--AN: 1 ability, capability. 2 prosperity. BERKE--AN: to have the capability to do. *KETIDAK--AN: inability. ###

L2 Definition: Bisa melakukan tugas dengan baik. ###

Examples: KEMAMPUANnya dalam hal kimia sungguh luar biasa. = His abilities in matters of chemistry are really extraordinary. Pandai benar dia menutupi KETIDAKMAMPUANnya dengan berpura-pura sakit. = He is very clever at covering up his INABILITY by pretending to be ill. ###

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Word: mampus

Short Definition: to die; vulgar exclamation of anger or frustration.

English Definition: *1 to die. 2 vulgar exclamation of anger or frustration. ###

L2 Definition: mati; meninggal; pernyataan marah. ###

Examples: Semua musuh telah MAMPUS binasa. = All of the enemy are TOTALLY WIPED OUT. ###

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Word: mana

Short Definition: where; which; how can it be; what type or kind. Also MANA-MANA.

English Definition: 1 where. 2 which. 3 how can it be. 4 what type or kind. *MANA-MANA: everywhere, anywhere. ###

L2 Definition: Kata yang digunakan untuk menanyakan sesuatu, letak suatu benda, dll. ###

Examples: Mainanmu tersebar di MANA-MANA mengotori ruangan saja. = Your playthings are EVERYWHERE just dirtying up the room. ###

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Word: Manado

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Northern Sulawesi in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Northern Sulawesi in Indonesia. ###

L2 Definition: Nama ibukota Propinsi Sulawesi Utara. ###

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Word: manakala

Short Definition: when or whenever, if.

English Definition: when or whenever, if. ###

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Word: mancanegara

Short Definition: foreign countries.

English Definition: foreign countries. ###

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Word: mancing

Short Definition: see PANCING.

English Definition: see PANCING. ###

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Word: mancung

Short Definition: sharp, pointed

English Definition: usually referring to one's nose shape (a sharp and well-formed nose)

L2 Definition: biasanya menggambarkan bentuk hidung seseorang

Examples: Sekarang banyak wanita yang mau dioperasi plastik agar bisa mempunyai hidung MANCUNG = Now there are many women have plastic surgery to have a WELL-FORMED nose. ##

Word: mandat

Short Definition: mandate

English Definition: mandate

L2 Definition: perintah

Examples: Mereka mendapat MANDAT untuk menembak pencuri itu = They are given MANDATE to shoot the burglar.##

Word: mandek

Short Definition: come to a stop.

English Definition: come to a stop. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bergerak; tidak jalan; berhenti. ###

Examples: Mobilku MANDEK di tengah jalan karena kehabisan bensin. = My car CAME TO A STOP in the middle of the road because of running out of gas. ###

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Word: mandi

Short Definition: bathe; go swimming. BER-: to bathe. Also ME--KAN, PE-, PE--AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: 1 bathe. 2 to go swimming. BER-: to bathe. *ME--KAN: to bathe s.o. or s.t. PE-: a bather. *PE--AN, PER--AN: a bathing place. ###

L2 Definition: Membersihkan seluruh badan dengan air; berenang. ###

Examples: Tunggu sebentar. Ibu sedang MEMANDIKAN adik. = Wait a moment. Mother is BATHING younger sister. Kalau hari Minggu tempat PEMANDIAN ini ramai sekali. = On Sunday, this BATHING place is very busy. ###

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Word: mandir

Short Definition: walk (to go) (back and forth)###

English Definition: walk (to go), back and forth###

L2 Definition: mundar- -: walk to and from###

Examples: Polisi itu mundar MANDIR dari sudut kanan ke sudut kiri jalan = A policeman WALKS FROM the right corner TO the left corner of the street.###

Word: mandiri

Short Definition: to stand alone, be autonomous. KE--AN: autonomy.

English Definition: ^to stand alone, be autonomous. KE--AN: autonomy. ###

L2 Definition: Berdiri sendiri; tidak tergantung pada orang lain. ###

Examples: Kedewasaan seseorang bisa dilihat dari tingkat KEMANDIRIANnya. = A person's maturity can be seen by the level of his/her SELF-SUFFICIENCY. ###

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Word: mandor

Short Definition: foreman, supervisor.

English Definition: foreman, supervisor. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang mengepalai sekelompok orang dan bertugas mengawasi kerja kelompok itu. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: mandul

Short Definition: infertile, childless###

English Definition: infertile, childless###

Examples: Rini sangat sedih mengetahui bahwa ia MANDUL = Rini is very sad finding that she is CHILDLESS.###

Word: mandur

Short Definition: mandoor, headman, overseer, superintendent, foreman###

English Definition: ^mandoor, headman, overseer, superintendent, foreman###

Examples: Tony adalah MANDUR di salah satu pabrik sepatu di Bandung = Tony is a HEADMAN at one of shoe factories in Bandung.###

Word: manfaat

Short Definition: use, benefit, profit. BER-: be useful or profitable. Also ME--KAN.

English Definition: ^use, benefit, profit. BER-: be useful or profitable. ME--KAN: to make use of, take profit from. ###

L2 Definition: guna; faedah. ###

Examples: Pupuk ini sangat BERMANFAAT untuk meningkatkan produksi. = This fertilizer is very useful to increase production. Pandai sekali orang itu MEMANFAATKAN kebunnya untuk bermacam-macam tanaman. = That person is very clever TO MAKE USE OF his garden for many kinds of plants. ###

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Word: mangga

Short Definition: mango.

English Definition: mango. ###

L2 Definition: mempelam; jenis buah daerah tropis. ###

Examples: Buah MANGGA rasanya masam = A MANGO's taste is sour.###

Hear This Word

Word: manggis

Short Definition: mangosteen.

English Definition: mangosteen. ###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Pulau Maluku terkenal dengan buah MANGGISnya = Maluku island is well known with its MANGOSTEEN fruits.###

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Word: manggut

Short Definition: nod (in agreement)

English Definition: *--(2): nod the head (repeatedly) *ME--(2)KAN: nod the head *TER--(2): inadvertently nod o's head

L2 Definition: menganggukkan kepala tanda setuju

Examples: Dia hanya MANGGUT-MANGGUT saja dan tidak mengatakan apa-apa = He was just NOD his head without saying anything. Mendengar ceramah itu, ayah MEMANGGUT-MANGGUTKAN kepalanya = Listening to the speech, dad NODS his head. Banyak peserta yang TERMANGGUT-MANGGUT dan setuju dengan pendapat Pak Iman = Most of the participants NOD their head in agreement with Pak Iman's arguments.###

Word: mangkal

Short Definition: see PANGKAL.

English Definition: see PANGKAL. ###

Hear This Word

Word: mangkok

Short Definition: see MANGKUK.

English Definition: see MANGKUK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: mangkuk

Short Definition: bowl, cup.

English Definition: *bowl, cup. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk makan yang berbentuk seperti piring yang cekung. ###

Examples: Gunakan MANGKUK yang putih itu untuk makan sup. = Use that white CUP to eat soup. ###

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Word: mangsa

Short Definition: prey, victim.

English Definition: prey, victim. ###

L2 Definition: korban; binatang yang menjadi makanan binatang lain. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: mangu

Short Definition: TER-_-_: to be confused or dazed, rendered speechless.

English Definition: TER-_-_: to be confused or dazed, rendered speechless. ###

L2 Definition: diam; termenung. ###

Examples: Aku TERMANGU mendengar kata-katanya. = I was RENDERED SPEECHLESS to hear his words. ###

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Word: manijir

Short Definition: manager.

English Definition: manager. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Manikebu

Short Definition: anti-communist tract written by a group of literati in 1964.

English Definition: contraction of "Manifestasi Kebudayaan," an anti-communist tract written by a group of literati in 1964. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Manipol

Short Definition: political orientation document presented by Sukarno in 1959.

English Definition: contraction of "Manifestasi Politik," a document presented by President Sukarno in 1959 outlining the political orientation of his regime. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: manis

Short Definition: sweet (of taste); attractive, cute (of person or thing). +

English Definition: ^1 sweet (of taste). 2 attractive, cute (of person or thing). *BER-_-_: to use flattery. *ME--KAN, MEMPER-: to make sweeter, make cute. *KE--AN: 1 sweetness. 2 oversweet. *-AN: candy, sweets. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa seperti gula atau madu; cantik; menarik hati. ###

Examples: Saya harus BERMANIS-MANIS dulu dengan bapak dan ibu supaya diijinkan pergi berkemah. = I have to FLATTER father and mother first so that I will be permitted to go camping. Saya akan menambah gula pada kue ini untuk MEMPERMANIS rasanya. = I am going to add sugar to this cake to SWEETEN its taste. Kopi ini sangat KEMANISAN bagiku. = This coffee is much TOO SWEET for me. Gigiku terasa sakit karena terlalu banyak makan MANISAN. = My tooth hurts because I eat too MANY SWEETS. ###

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Word: manja

Short Definition: spoiled; attached, friendly, intimate. Also BER-, ME(MPER)--KAN, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^1 spoiled. 2 attached, friendly, intimate. BER-: to ask for affection or to ask to be babied. *ME(MPER)--KAN: to spoil or baby s.o. KE--AN: reassuring familiarity. *PE--AN: the act of pampering. ###

L2 Definition: Tingkah laku yang selalu minta perhatian; jinak, dll. ###

Examples: Terlalu MEMANJAKAN anak-anak akan membuat mereka kurang mandiri. = SPOILING children too much will make them less self-sufficient. Anak ini terlibat obat bius karena PEMANJAAN yang berlebihan dari orang tuanya. = This child was caught up in drugs because of excessive PAMPERING from his parents. ###

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Word: manjur

Short Definition: effective, powerful, strong (as of medicine, cleaning agent, etc.). Also KE--AN.

English Definition: effective, powerful, strong (as of medicine, cleaning agent, etc.). KE--AN: effectiveness. ###

L2 Definition: Dapat menyembuhkan penyakit (obat,jamu); mujarab. ###

Examples: KEMANJURAN jamu ini sudah terkenal di mana-mana. = The EFFECTIVENESS of this traditional medicine is known every where. ###

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Word: mantan

Short Definition: former.

English Definition: former. ###

L2 Definition: bekas; pernah menjadi. ###

Examples: MANTAN Presiden Suharto menyatakan diri bersedia di periksa di pengadilan tinggi atas tuduhan korupsi = FORMER President Suharto is ready to be questioned in the supreme court for corruption cases ###

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Word: mantap

Short Definition: consistent, stable, steady. Also MEM--KAN, KE--AN, PE--AN.

English Definition: consistent, stable, steady. MEM--KAN: stabilize, make consistent or steady. KE--AN: stability, consistency. PE--AN: stabilization. ###

L2 Definition: kukuh; tetap hati/tegar; tidak goyah. ###

Examples: Untuk MEMANTAPKAN keputusannya gadis itu menguji kesetiaan kekasihnya. = To MAKE SURE her decision the girl tests the loyalty of her boyfriend. Ini adalah program PEMANTAPAN ideologi Pancasila. = This is a program to STABILIZE the Pancasila ideology. ###

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Word: mantel

Short Definition: coat or cape.

English Definition: a coat or cape. ###

L2 Definition: Baju panjang untuk melindungi tubuh dari hujan atau angin. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: mantera

Short Definition: magic formula; spell

English Definition: *ME-I = charm, cast a spell on, read a magic formula to affect something

Examples: Pak Rahman MEMANTERAI batu itu sebelum melemparkannya ke laut = Pak Rahman CAST A SPELL on the rock before throwing it into the sea.###

Word: mantra

Short Definition: a chant, magical incantation.

English Definition: a chant, magical incantation. ###

L2 Definition: Perkataan yang berbentuk seperti doa-doa yang bisa membuat celaka orang, biasanya dukun yang mengucapkannya. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: mantu

Short Definition: SEE MENANTU

Word: manula

Short Definition: abbreviation of "manusia lanjut usia" or old people, senior citizens.

English Definition: abbreviation of "manusia lanjut usia" or old people, senior citizens.###

Examples: Di sini akan dibangun kompleks pelayanan kesehatan untuk para MANULA = In this place, we will build a medical service facility for SENIOR CITIZENS.###

Word: manusia

Short Definition: human being, man. Also ME--KAN, MEMPER-, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^ human being, man. *ME--KAN: 1 treat like a human being. 2 make s.o. into a human being. MEMPER-: humanize. *KE--AN: 1 humanity. 2 human nature. 3 humanism. ###

L2 Definition: Makhluk yang mempunyai pikiran dan berakal budi. ###

Examples: Apakah saya harus MEMANUSIAKAN orang yang jahat itu? = Do I have to TREAT that wicked person LIKE A HUMAN BEING? Rasa KEMANUSIAAN siapa saja bisa timbul melihat penderitaan mereka. = Looking at their suffering would give rise to the HUMANISTIC feelings of most anyone. ###

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Word: map

Short Definition: portfolio, folder.

English Definition: *portfolio, folder. ###

L2 Definition: Barang (biasanya kertas tebal) yang dipakai untuk mengumpulkan dan menyimpan lembar-lembaran surat. ###

Examples: Di MAP yang mana kau simpan surat-suratku? = In which FOLDER did you put my letters? ###

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Word: mapan

Short Definition: established, in proper place.

English Definition: ^( Jv) established, in proper place. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak goyah; stabil; tetap. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: marah

Short Definition: anger; be angry. ME--KAN: to make angry. Also KE--AN, PE-.

English Definition: ^1 anger. 2 be angry. *ME--KAN: to make angry. *KE--AN: 1 anger. 2 to be in an angry state. *PE-: s.o. given to anger, quick tempered.. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan kurang senang pada sesuatu; berang; gusar. ###

Examples: Hinaanmu itu bisa MEMARAHKAN banyak orang. = That insult of yours could ANGER many people. KEMARAHAN majikan muda itu sudah mencapai puncaknya. = The ANGER of that young supervisor has reached its peak. Tetangga di sebelah rumahku itu sangat PEMARAH. = Those neighbors next to my house are very QUICK-TEMPERED. ###

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Word: marak

Short Definition: grow, luster###

English Definition: * grow, luter ** SE~ = bright, lively, lustrous ME~ = glow, flare up ME~KAN = light, brighten up###

Examples: * Perampokan semakin MARAK di kota-kota = Robbery is GROWING in the cities.### ** Pesta ulangtahun Ardi SEMARAK pesta perkawinan kakak perempuannya = Ardi's birthday party as LUSTROUS as his sister's wedding party.###

Word: Maret

Short Definition: March (month).

English Definition: March (month). ###

L2 Definition: Nama bulan sesudah Februari dan sebelum April. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: marga

Short Definition: clan.

English Definition: clan. ###

L2 Definition: Kelompok kekerabatan/keluarga; nama keluarga. ###

Examples: Saya tidak bisa mengingat berapa banyak MARGA yang ada di daerah Batak. = I can not remember how many CLANS there are in the Batak region. ###

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Word: margasatwa

Short Definition: wild animal.

English Definition: wild animal. ###

L2 Definition: Binatang yang hidup di alam terbuka, tidak khusus diternakkan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: marhaban

Short Definition: (Isl.) Welcome! (esp. used in Isl. school circles). Also ME--KAN.

English Definition: ^(Isl.) Welcome! (esp. used in Isl. school circles). ME--KAN: greet a new-born baby by singing religious melodies to it. ###

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Word: marhaen

Short Definition: working classes: peasants, petty vendors, small-time artisans. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: working classes: peasants, petty vendors, small-time artisans. KE--AN: proletarianism. ###

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Word: marhaeni

Short Definition: female MARHAEN.

English Definition: female MARHAEN. ###

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Word: mari

Short Definition: come on (let's do s.t.). 2 please (inviting). 3 goodbye. 4 come here.

English Definition: *1 come on (let's do s.t.). 2 please (inviting). 3 goodbye. 4 come here. ###

L2 Definition: Kata untuk mengajak seseorang pergi bersama; kata untuk menyatakan perpisahan; kata untuk menyilakan seseorang berbuat sesuatu. ###

Examples: MARI bu, sampai bertemu lagi. = GOOD BYE, ma'am, until we meet again.###

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Word: marinir

Short Definition: marine.

English Definition: marine. ###

L2 Definition: satuan tentara angkatan laut.

Examples: Sepupuku Muhammad sekarang menjadi Letnan MARINIR Angkatan Laut Republik Indonesia. = My cousin Muhammad is now a MARINE Lieutenant of the Republic of Indonesia's Navy. ###

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Word: markas

Short Definition: station, office, barracks.

English Definition: station, office, barracks. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat yang menjadi pusat suatu kegiatan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: markisa

Short Definition: passion fruit.

English Definition: passion fruit. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sejenis tumbuhan juga nama buahnya (biasa dibuat sirop). ###

Examples: ###

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Word: marmar

Short Definition: SEE MARMER

Word: marmer

Short Definition: marble

English Definition: marble

Examples: Rumahnya mempunyai lantai dari MARMER = His house has a MARBLE floor.##

Word: marsekal

Short Definition: air marshall

English Definition: air marshall *--MADYA: lieutenant general in the air force. *--MUDA: major general in the air force *--PERTAMA: brigadier general in the air force.###

Examples: ###

Word: martabak

Short Definition: a k.o. crepe with a variety of spice, meat and vegetable filling.

English Definition: a k.o. crepe with a variety of spice, meat and vegetable filling. ###

L2 Definition: Nama makanan yang isinya dibuat dari sayuran dan daging, sementara kulitnya terbuat dari tepung yang dibuat sangat tipis. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: martabat

Short Definition: rank, status, prestige.

English Definition: rank, status, prestige. ###

L2 Definition: Harga diri; harkat manusia. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mas

Short Definition: see MAS1 (term of address . . .) or MAS2 (see EMAS).

English Definition: see MAS1 (term of address . . .) MAS2 (see EMAS) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mas1

Short Definition: (Jv.) title or term of address for young man.

English Definition: *(Jv.) title or term of address for young man. ###

L2 Definition: Kata sebutan untuk seorang laki-laki yang masih muda; sebutan untuk kakak laki-laki (Javanese language). ###

Examples: Bagaimana MAS kabarnya? Kok lama tidak kelihatan. = How are YOU? I haven't seen you for a long time. ###

Hear This Word

Word: mas2

Short Definition: see EMAS.

English Definition: see EMAS. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: masa

Short Definition: see MASA1 (time, era) or MASA2 (see MASAK1).

English Definition: see MASA1 (time, era . . .) MASA2 (see MASAK1)

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: masa1

Short Definition: dime, period, epich; during. SE-: during the time, at the time when.

English Definition: ^1 time, period, epoch. 2 during. *SE-: during the time, at the time when. ###

L2 Definition: waktu; selama. ###

Examples: SEMASA aku masih kecil ayah suka menimang-nimangku. = AT THE TIME WHEN I was still a small child, father liked to rock me. ###

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Word: masak

Short Definition: see MASAK1 (impossible, inconceivable) or MASAK2 (to cook; ripe).

English Definition: see MASAK1 (impossible, inconceivable . . .) MASAK2 (to cook; ripe . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: masak1

Short Definition: impossible, inconceivable.

English Definition: *impossible, inconceivable. ###

L2 Definition: Pernyataan mengenai suatu hal yang tidak mungkin/tidak dipercaya. ###

Examples: MASAK dia berani kurang ajar terhadap gurunya. = It's INCONCEIVABLE that he would be so bold as to act rudely towards his teacher. ###

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Word: masak2

Short Definition: ripe; cooked, done; mature, experienced; to cook. Also ME-, ME--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 ripe. 2 cooked, done. 3 mature, experienced. 4 to cook. ### *ME-: cook, bake. *ME--KAN: to cook (s.t.) for s.o. *-AN: food, cooking. *PE-: a cook. ###

L2 Definition: Mengolah suatu bahan mentah menjadi bisa dimakan; dewasa; matang. ###

Examples: Hari ini adalah giliranku untuk MEMASAK. = Today is my turn to COOK. Selama istrinya di rumah sakit tetangga itu yang MEMASAKKAN makanannya. = As long as his wife was in the hospital, that neighbor COOKED FOOD FOR him. Tidak ada yang bisa mengalahkan rasa MASAKAN ibuku. = There isn't anyone who can beat the taste of my mother's COOKING. Dia memang diakui sebagai PEMASAK yang jempolan. = He is acknowledged as a first-rate COOK. ###

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Word: masal

Short Definition: mass, massive.

English Definition: mass, massive. ###

L2 Definition: Orang banyak; massa. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: masalah

Short Definition: problem, matter.

English Definition: problem, matter. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang harus dicari jawabnya; persoalan. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: masam

Short Definition: sour, acidic.

English Definition: sour, acidic. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa seperti buah asam atau buah jeruk yang masih muda. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Masehi

Short Definition: Christian

English Definition: Christian; also Tahun Masehi= After Domino

Word: masih

Short Definition: still, yet.

English Definition: *still, yet. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu keadaan/kejadian yang sedang berlangsung; ada sisa. ###

Examples: Pertengkaran lama itu MASIH saja berlangsung sampai sekarang. = That old quarrel STILL continues until now. ###

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Word: masing

English Definition: -2 each respective, respectively ###

Word: masing-masing

Short Definition: each, respectively.

English Definition: *each, respectively. ###

L2 Definition: Sendiri-sendiri. ###

Examples: Hal ini menjadi tanggung-jawab MASING-MASING petugas. = This matter is the responsibility of EACH official. ###

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Word: maskapai

Short Definition: company, enterprise.

English Definition: company, enterprise. ###

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Word: masker

Short Definition: 1. makeup mask (for a facial); 2. gas mask, fencing mask

English Definition: 1. makeup mask (for a facial); 2. gas mask, fencing mask

Examples: Agar kulitmu halus dan lembut sebaiknya kamu memakai MASKER pepaya ini setiap malam = To have a smooth and beautiful skin you need to use this papaya FACIAL MASK every night.###

Word: massa

Short Definition: mass. ME-: mingle with the masses.

English Definition: mass. ME-: mingle with the masses.###

L2 Definition: Kumpulan orang-orang; orang banyak. ###

Examples: Kelompok-kelompok kecil orang-orang itu menjadi MEMASSA ketika ada yang mulai berpidato. = The small groups of people BECAME A MASS when somebody started to make a speech. ###

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Word: massal

Short Definition: mass, massive

English Definition: also MASAL

Word: masuk

Short Definition: enter, go into, join. ME--I: enter into. Also ME--KAN, TER-, -AN.

English Definition: enter, go into, join. *ME--I: enter into. *ME--KAN: put s.t. into s.t. else. *TER-: included. *-AN: input. ###

L2 Definition: Datang (pergi) ke suatu hal/tempat; tergolong. ###

Examples: MEMASUKI usia ke 40 banyak pria menjadi lebih matang. = ENTERING INTO their 40's, many men become more mature. Tolong saya MEMASUKKAN lemari es ini ke dapur. = Help me PUT this refrigerator INTO the kitchen. Adikku TERMASUK salah seorang yang akan ikut perlombaan itu. = My younger brother IS INCLUDED as one of the people who are going to participate in that race. Diskusi ini bisa menjadi bahan MASUKAN yang berarti. = This discussion can comprise INPUT which is meaningful. ###

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Word: masyarakat

Short Definition: 1. society, community. 2. inhabitants, people. BER-: form a group. Also ME-, +

English Definition: ^1. society, community. 2. inhabitants, people. BER-: form a group. ME-: conform to society's norms, be socialized. ME--KAN: 1. socialize, rehabilitate (a criminal). 2. make public (a business). KE--AN: social. PE--AN: socialization. ###

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Word: masyhur

Short Definition: famous, well-known. KE--AN: fame. TER-: famous, well-known.

English Definition: famous, well-known. *KE--AN: fame. *TER-: famous, well-known. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: terkenal. ###

Examples: Anak ini hanya mengandalkan KEMASHURAN nama keluarganya. = This child is only relying on the FAME of his family's name. Sepatu kulit buatan Itali sangat TERMASHUR diseluruh dunia. = Italian leather shoes are very FAMOUS throughout the world. ###

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Word: Masyumi

Short Definition: Consultative Council of Indonesian Muslims, a modest Islamic party prior to 1960

English Definition: (Majelis Syuro Muslimin Indonesia) Consultative Council of Indonesian Muslims, a modest Islamic party prior to 1960. ###

Hear This Word

Word: masyur

Short Definition: see MASYHUR.

English Definition: see MASYHUR. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: mata

Short Definition: see MATA1 (eye . . .) or MATA2 (SE-_-_: only, nothing other than).

English Definition: see MATA1 (eye . . .) MATA2 (SE-_-_: only, nothing other than) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: mata1

Short Definition: eye; focal point, center of s.t.; cutting edge of s.t. sharp.

English Definition: ^1 eye. 2 the focal point, center of s.t. 3 cutting edge of s.t. sharp. *MATA-MATA: spy, detective. *AIR--: tears. *--AIR: spring water, water source. ###

L2 Definition: Alat yang berguna untuk melihat. ###

Examples: Gara-gara ada MATA-MATA yang tertangkap seluruh daerah itu dibumihanguskan. = Just because a SPY was caught, that whole area was burned. ###

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Word: mata2

Short Definition: SE-_-_: only, nothing other than.

English Definition: *SE-_-_: only, nothing other than. ###

L2 Definition: Hanya karena hal itu saja. ###

Examples: Hal itu dilakukan SEMATA-MATA untuk menyenangkan hati kekasihnya. = That thing was done ONLY to please the heart of his loved one. ###

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Word: matahari

Short Definition: the sun.

English Definition: the sun.###

L2 Definition: Planet yang sangat terang yang mendatangkan panas di bumi pada siang hari. ###

Examples: Kami sedang meneliti gejala lubang hitam di MATAHARI. = We are studying the black spot phenomenon on the SUN. ###

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Word: matang

Short Definition: 1. ripe. 2. done, cooked. 3. mature, adult. ME--KAN: 1. cook. 2. let ripen. +

English Definition: 1. ripe. 2. done, cooked. 3. mature, adult. ME--KAN: 1. cook. 2. let ripen. MEMPER-: allow to become more mature. KE--AN: 1. ripeness, maturity. ###

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Word: Mataram

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Western Nusa Tenggara.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Western Nusa Tenggara in Indonesia, located on the Island of Lombok. ###

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Word: materai

Short Definition: 1. revenue stamp. 2. affix a revenue stamp or seal.

English Definition: 1. revenue stamp. 2. affix a revenue stamp or seal. ###

L2 Definition: Alat pembayaran yang berbentuk seperti prangko. ###

Examples: Surat perjanjian ini harus diberi MATERAI sebesar seribu rupiah. = This letter of agreement has to be sealed with a REVENUE STAMP of one thousand rupiahs. ###

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Word: mati

Short Definition: die, be dead; stop, quit, be interupted; numb. Also ME--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 die, be dead. 2 stop, quit, be interupted (of electricity). 3 numb. *ME--KAN: 1 to kill s.t. or s.o. 2 to extinguish (fire). 3 to turn off, shut down (appliance or machine). *KE--AN: death. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak hidup; tidak menyala. ###

Examples: Saya lupa MEMATIKAN kompor di dapur. = I forgot to TURN OFF the stove in the kitchen. Mereka sedang berduka cita karena KEMATIAN neneknya. = They are mourning because of the DEATH of their grandmother. ###

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Word: Matius

Short Definition: 1. Matthew 2. (Bib.) the Book of Matthew###

English Definition: 1. Matthew 2. (Bib.) the Book of Matthew###

Examples: ###

Word: matra

Short Definition: 1. dimension 2. musical measure, bar###

English Definition: ^*1. dimension 2. musical measure, bar 3. ideal, measure KE-AN: dimensionality###

Examples: *Amien Rais memberikan MATRA baru dalam politik Indonesia = Amien Rais gives a new DIMENSION in the Indonesian politics.###

Word: matras

Short Definition: (sport) mattress, mat###

English Definition: (sport) mattress, mat##

Examples: MATRAS ini tidak cukup tebal untuk latihan senam = This MATTRESS is not thick enough for gymnastics.###

Word: mau

Short Definition: will (future tense verb marker); want to, desire to.

English Definition: ^1 will (future tense verb marker). 2 want to, desire to. *KE--AN: wish, desire, will. ###

L2 Definition: hendak, akan melakukan. ###

Examples: Hanya dengan KEMAUAN yang keras kamu bisa mencapai cita-citamu. = Only with a strong WILL can you acheive your desire. ###

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Word: maupun

Short Definition: 1 although, even though; also, as well as.

English Definition: 1 although, even though. 2 also, as well as. ###

L2 Definition: meskipun; sekalipun; walaupun. ###

Examples: Saya tidak mau pergi, MAUPUN sudah diundang.= I don't want to go, EVEN THOUGH I was invited. ###

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Word: maut

Short Definition: death, the end point of one's life; horrible, terrible.

English Definition: 1 death, the end point of one's life. 2 horrible, terrible. ###

L2 Definition: mati; dahsyat; hebat. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mawar

Short Definition: rose (flower).

English Definition: rose (flower). ###

L2 Definition: Nama bunga yang berwarna indah dan berbau wangi. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: mawas

Short Definition: introspection.

English Definition: introspection. ###

L2 Definition: Melihat keadaan akan diri sendiri. ###

Examples: Selalulah MAWAS diri supaya selamat dalam hidup ini. = Always INTROSPECT so you will be safe in your life. ###

Hear This Word

Word: maya

Short Definition: illusion.

English Definition: illusion. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak nyata; khayal. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mayat

Short Definition: human corpse.

English Definition: ^human corpse.###

L2 Definition: Badan manusia yang telah ditinggalkan rohnya; orang yang sudah mati. ###

Examples: Ada MAYAT bayi ditemukan anak-anak penggembala kemarin sore. = There was a CORPSE of a baby found by sheperd kids yesterday afternoon. ###

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Word: mayor

Short Definition: (Mil.) major.

English Definition: (Mil.) major. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mayoritas

Short Definition: majority.

English Definition: majority. ###

L2 Definition: Jumlah terbanyak; sebagian besar. ###

Examples: MAYORITAS penduduk Indonesia beragama Islam. = The MAJORITY of Indonesian residents are Muslims. ###

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Word: mazhab

Short Definition: 1.[Isl.] school of thought concerning Islamic law ; 2.[Rel.] sect; 3. school of thought

English Definition: 1.[Isl.] school of thought concerning Islamic law ; 2.[Rel.] sect; 3. school of thought

L2 Definition: aliran dalam agama; sekte

Examples: Ulama di pesantren itu mempunyai MAZHAB yang berbeda dengan apa yang kami pelajari selama ini = The Islamic scholars (ulama) from that pesantren (Islamic school) have a different SCHOOL OF THOUGHT (about Islam) than what we have been taught.###

Word: mbak

Short Definition: (Jv.) title or term of address for young woman.

English Definition: *(Jv.) title or term of address for young woman. ###

L2 Definition: Kata penyebut untuk kakak perempuan/perempuan yang berumur lebih tua; perempuan muda. (Javanese language) ###

Examples: Mau pergi kemana MBAK? Kok sendirian saja? = Where are YOU going? Why are you alone? ###

Hear This Word

Word: mbakyu

Short Definition: see MBAK.

English Definition: see MBAK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mbeling

Short Definition: 1. naughty (of children); 2.antiestablishment

English Definition: 1. naughty (of children); 2.antiestablishment

Examples: Sudah berulang-kali saya katakan tapi dia masih MBELING juga = I have told him many times, but he is still STUBBORN.###

Word: medali

Short Definition: medal.

English Definition: medal. ###

L2 Definition: Tanda penghargaan yang berbentuk bulat, terbuat dari logam. ###

Examples: MEDALI emas ini kudapat dari kejuaraan tenis. = I got this gold MEDAL from a tennis championship. ###

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Word: Medan

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Northern Sumatra in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Northern Sumatra in Indonesia. ###

L2 Definition: Nama ibukota dari Propinsi Sumatera Utara. ###

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Word: media

Short Definition: media

English Definition: media *--MASSA: mass media

Examples: ###

Word: mediasi

Short Definition: mediation###

English Definition: mediation###

Examples: Persiden Gus Dur menyusun lembaga sebagai MEDIASI penyelesaian konflik Ambon = President Gus Dur arranged an organization as MEDIATION to solve conflicts in Ambon.###

Word: mega

Short Definition: cloud

English Definition: cloud *--MENDUNG: rain cloud

L2 Definition: awan

Examples: Lihatlah MEGA putih di langit yang biru = Look at the white CLOUDS in the blue sky.###

Word: megah

Short Definition: glorious, luxurious; glory. KE--AN: gloriousness, luxuriousness.

English Definition: ^1 glorious, luxurious. 2 glory. *KE--AN: gloriousness, luxuriousness. ###

L2 Definition: Tampak mengagumkan karena indahnya/kuatnya, dll. ###

Examples: KEMEGAHAN kota ini ditandai dengan banyaknya gedung yang menjulang tinggi. = The GLORIOUSNESS of this city is indicated by the many towering buildings. ###

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Word: Mei

Short Definition: May (month).

English Definition: *May (month). ###

L2 Definition: Nama bulan sesudah bulan April. ###

Examples: Saya lahir pada tanggal 14 MEI tahun 1964. = I was born on the 14th of MAY 1964. ###

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Word: meja

Short Definition: table.

English Definition: table. ###

L2 Definition: Salah satu perabot rumah tangga yang selalu berpasangan dengan kursi. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mekar

Short Definition: 1. open up, blossom; 2. rise

English Definition: 1. open up, blossom; 2. rise (for bread dough or cake) *BER--AN: blossom in quantity *ME--KAN:make s.t. blossom or rise *PE--AN: process of making s.t. blossom out or expand

L2 Definition: tumbuh berbunga, menjadi naik (untuk adonan kue atau roti)

Examples: Di musim semi bunga-bunga BERMEKARAN = In the Spring flowers are BLOOMING. Untuk MEMEKARKAN adonan roti ini kita harus menggunakan ragi = To make the bread dough RISE, we need lots of yeast. Sekarang banyak proses PEMEKARAN wilayah kota di Indonesia = There are now many city EXPANSION processes in Indonesia.###

Word: melahap

Short Definition: SEE LAHAP

Word: melainkan

Short Definition: see LAIN.

English Definition: see LAIN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: melarat

Short Definition: poor, miserable. ME--KAN: impoverish. KE--AN: misery, poverty.

English Definition: ^poor, miserable. *ME--KAN: impoverish. *KE--AN: misery, poverty. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak/kurang mempunyai sesuatu. ###

Examples: Kegemaranmu berjudi telah MEMELARATKAN keluargamu. = Your passion for gambling has IMPOVERISHED your family. KEMELARATAN daerah ini dikarenakan kurangnya air. = The IMPOVERISHMENT of this area is caused by the lack of water. ###

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Word: melati

Short Definition: jasmine (flower).

English Definition: jasmine (flower). ###

L2 Definition: Nama bunga yang berbau sangat harum, berbentuk kecil-kecil dan berwarna putih. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Melayu

Short Definition: Malay, Malayan.

English Definition: Malay, Malayan. ###

L2 Definition: Nama suku bangsa dan bahasa di Riau dan semenanjung Malaka. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: melek

Short Definition: have the eyes open, be awake; wordly, educated. Also ME--KAN.

English Definition: ^1 have the eyes open, be awake. 2 wordly, educated. ME--KAN: open o.'s eyes toward. ###

L2 Definition: Mata yang terbuka; tidak tidur; mengerti akan sesuatu (misalnya dalam huruf-huruf. ###

Examples: Progam belajar ini ditujukan untuk MEMELEKKAN orang yang buta huruf. = This learning program is targeted to EDUCATE illiterate people. ###

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Word: melekat

Short Definition: SEE LEKAT

Word: meleset

Short Definition: miss, be off-target, be wrong; depression.

English Definition: ^*1 miss, be off-target, be wrong. 2 depression. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak tepat mengenai sasaran. ###

Examples: Tembakannya MELESET jauh dari sasaran. = His shot MISSED the target by far. ###

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Word: melindungi

Short Definition: SEE LINDUNG

Word: melotot

Short Definition: SEE LOTOT

Word: melulu

Short Definition: exclusively, only.

English Definition: exclusively, only. ###

L2 Definition: Hanya; semata-mata; tiada lain. ###

Examples: Suguhannya hanya kacang MELULU, tidak ada yang lain. = The food presented was EXCLUSIVELY peanuts, nothing else. ###

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Word: memandang

Short Definition: to look at, gaze, SEE PANDANG

Word: memang

Short Definition: yes, you are right, it is indeed so. -NYA: actually, yes, (but . . .).

English Definition: ^ yes, you are right, it is indeed so. *-NYA: actually, yes, (but . . .). ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang seharusnya. ###

Examples: MEMANGNYA ada apa kok kamu jadi takut sekali? = YES BUT what is it that has made you so frightened? ###

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Word: memar

Short Definition: bruised

English Definition: *bruised

Examples: Kulitnya MEMAR karena dia jatuh dari sepeda = her skin is BRUISED because she fell from the bicycle.

Word: membatik

Short Definition: to make batik.

English Definition: to make batik by drawing designs in wax on cloth before dying it. (see picture) **** See also BATIK entry for full definition *****####

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Word: mempelai

Short Definition: bride and/or bridegroom.

English Definition: bride and/or bridegroom.###

L2 Definition: Pasangan/laki-laki/perempuan yang akan menjadi pengantin; calon pengantin. ###

Examples: Seluruh biaya pernikahan akan ditanggung MEMPELAI laki-laki. = All of the wedding cost will be borne by the BRIDEGROOM. ###

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Word: mempesona

Short Definition: SEE PESONA

Word: mempunyai

Short Definition: to have, to possess (seePUNYA)

English Definition: to have, to possess (see PUNYA)

Examples: Saya MEMPUNYAI tiga orang adik. = I HAVE three younger siblings.

Word: Men PPLH

Short Definition: the State Minister of Environmental Affairs.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Negara Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup," the State Minister of Environmental Affairs. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: mena

Short Definition: *SE--_--: arbitrarily, in a high handed and unfair fashion.

English Definition: *SE--_--: arbitrarily, in a high handed and unfair fashion. ##

Examples: Suaminya telah memperlakukan dia dengan SEMENA-MENA = Her husband treats her HIGH HANDEDLY AND UNFAIR.###

Word: Menagama

Short Definition: acronym for "Menteri Agama," the Minister of Religion.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Agama," the Minister of Religion.

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: menang

Short Definition: win, defeat an opponent. ME--I: defeat an opponent. Also ME--KAN, +

English Definition: win, defeat an opponent. ME--I: defeat an opponent. *ME--KAN: win s.t. *KE--AN: victory. *PE-: victor.###

L2 Definition: Tidak kalah. ###

Examples: Regu kami yang MEMENANGKAN pertandingan ini. = Our team is the one which WON this tournament. KEMENANGAN ini kami capai dengan usaha yang keras. = We gained this VICTORY with hard effort. Siapa akhirnya yang menjadi PEMENANG? = Who became the VICTOR in the end? ###

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Word: menantu

Short Definition: son-in-law, daughter-in-law###

English Definition: ^*son-in-law, daughter-in-law BER-AN: to as a son or daughter-in-law###

Examples: Jendral Prabowo adalah MENANTU bekas Persiden Suharto = General Prabowo is a SON-IN-LAW of the former President Suharto.###

Word: menara

Short Definition: tower, minaret.

English Definition: ^tower, minaret.###

L2 Definition: Bangunan yang tinggi; bangunan tinggi sebagai tempat untuk mengawasi daerah sekitarnya/laut. ###

Examples: Dengan melihat MENARA api itu para nelayan bisa menandai arah. = By looking at the fire TOWER the fishermen are able to mark directions. ###

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Word: mencak

Short Definition: a system of fighting###

English Definition: ^a system of fighting BER-: perform a fighting -(2): 1. carry on, go on, rage *2. angry###

Examples: Mutiara MENCAK-MENCAK ketika ibunya tidak membelikan dia boneka = Mutiara was ANGRY when her mother did not buy her a toy.###

Word: mencegah

Short Definition: restraint, prevent; see CEGAH

English Definition: restraint, prevent; see CEGAH restraint, prevent; see CEGAH

Examples: ###

Word: mencret

Short Definition: have diarrhea

English Definition: have diarrhea

Examples: Telah seharian ini saya MENCRET terus karena makan di warung Joko = All day I have DIARRHEA after eating at Joko's cafe.###

Word: mendadak

Short Definition: see DADAK.

English Definition: see DADAK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Mendagri

Short Definition: acronym for "Menteri Dalam Negeri," the Minister for Internal Affairs.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Dalam Negeri," the Minister for Internal Affairs.

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mendahulukan

Short Definition: give priority to; also SEE DAHULU

English Definition: give priority to

Examples: Sebagai pejabat, dia harus MENDAHULUKAN kepentingan umum dari pada dirinya sendiri = As a government official, he needs to GIVE PRIORITY to public than to himself. ###

Word: mendesak

Short Definition: push, shove, insist; see DESAK

English Definition: push, shove, insist; see DESAK

Examples: ###

Word: Mendikbud

Short Definition: "Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan," the Minister of Education and Culture.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan," the Minister of Education and Culture. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mending

Short Definition: it is, it would be pretty good.

English Definition: it is, it would be pretty good. ###

L2 Definition: lebih baik; lumayan. ###

Examples: MENDING beli buku daripada beli mainan. = IT WOULD BE BETTER to buy books than to buy toys. ###

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Word: mendorong

Short Definition: push, motivate; see also DORONG

English Definition: push, motivate; see also DORONG

Examples: ###

Word: mendung

Short Definition: cloudy, gloomy or overcast (sky). ME--I: to cloud over.

English Definition: *cloudy, gloomy or overcast (sky). ME--I: to cloud over. ###

L2 Definition: Keadaan langit yang agak gelap karena akan hujan. ###

Examples: Sebentar lagi hari pasti hujan karena MENDUNG yang tebal ini. = It is surely going to rain in a momemt because of this thickly OVERCAST sky. ###

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Word: menerangkan

Short Definition: to clarify; also SEE TERANG

Word: mengagumi

Short Definition: amazed by; SEE KAGUM

Word: mengajak

Short Definition: see AJAK

English Definition: see AJAK

Word: mengalir

Short Definition: flow; stream; SEE ALIR

Word: mengapa

Short Definition: why?, for what reason?

English Definition: *why?, for what reason? ###

L2 Definition: Kata tanya untuk suatu kejadian. ###

Examples: MENGAPA hal ini terjadi padaku? = WHY did this thing happen to me? ###

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Word: mengarah

Short Definition: to aim; direct; SEE ARAH

Word: mengatakan

Short Definition: to say s.t. ; see also KATA

English Definition: to say s.t.; see KATA

Word: menggerogoti

Short Definition: SEE GEROGOT

Word: menghadiri

Short Definition: to attend; SEE HADIR

Word: mengurangi

Short Definition: to decrease or lessen s.t.; see also KURANG

English Definition: to decrease or lessen s.t.; see also KURANG

Examples: Perbuatan Pak Amir tidak MENGURANGI rasa hormatku padanya = Pak Amir's behavior will not LESSEN my respect to him.###

Word: menhan

Short Definition: accronym for Menteri Pertahanan = The Minister of Defense

English Definition: accronym for Menteri Pertahanan = The Minister of Defense

Word: Menhankam

Short Definition: "Menteri Pertahanan dan Keamanan," the Minister of Defense and Security.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Pertahanan dan Keamanan," the Minister of Defense and Security. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menhub

Short Definition: "Menteri Perhubungan," the Minister of Communications.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Perhubungan," the Minister of Communications. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: menit

Short Definition: minute.

English Definition: *minute. ###

L2 Definition: Satuan waktu selama 60 detik. ###

Examples: Berapa MENIT lagi saya harus menunggu? = How many more MINUTES must I wait? ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menkeh

Short Definition: "Menteri Kehakiman," the Minister of Justice.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Kehakiman," the Minister of Justice. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menkes

Short Definition: "Menteri Kesehatan," the Minister of Health.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Kesehatan," the Minister of Health. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menkesra

Short Definition: "Menteri Kesejahteraan," the Minister of Public Welfare.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Kesejahteraan Rakyat," the Minister of Public Welfare. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menkeu

Short Definition: "Menteri Keuangan," the Minister of Finance.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Keuangan," the Minister of Finance. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menko

Short Definition: "Menteri Koordinator," the Coordinating Minister.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Koordinator," the Coordinating Minister. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menkop

Short Definition: "Menteri Koperasi," the Minister of Cooperatives.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Koperasi," the Minister of Cooperatives. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menlu

Short Definition: "Menteri Luar Negeri," the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Luar Negeri," the Minister of Foreign Affairs. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menmud

Short Definition: "Menteri Muda," the Undersecretary.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Muda," the Undersecretary. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menpan

Short Definition: the State Minister for Control of Machinery of the State.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Negara Penertiban Aparatur Negara," the State Minister for Control of Machinery of the State. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menpen

Short Definition: "Menteri Penerangan," the Minister of Information.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Penerangan," the Minister of Information. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menpera

Short Definition: the State Minister of Public Housing.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Negara Urusan Perumahan Rakyat," the State Minister of Public Housing. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menperdag

Short Definition: "Menteri Perdagangan," the Minister of Trade.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Perdagangan," the Minister of Trade. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menpora

Short Definition: "Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olah Raga," the State Minister of Youth and Sports.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olah Raga," the Minister of Youth and Sports. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menristek

Short Definition: the State Minister of Research and Technology.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi," the State Minister of Research and Technology. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mens

Short Definition: menstruation.

English Definition: menstruation. ###

L2 Definition: Datang bulan; darah kotor yang keluar dari alat kelamin perempuan setiap bulan secara teratur. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Mensekneg

Short Definition: "Menteri Sedretaris Negara," the Secretary of State.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Sekretaris Negara," the Secretary of State.

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Mensesneg

Short Definition: see Mensekneg.

English Definition: see Mensekneg. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Mensos

Short Definition: "Menteri Social," the Minister of Social Affairs.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Sosial," the Minister of Social Affairs. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mentah

Short Definition: unripe, raw; not yet ready.

English Definition: 1 unripe, raw. 2 not yet ready. ###

L2 Definition: Belum masak; belum jadi/siap. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mental

Short Definition: 1. bounce off, rebound; 2. be launched; 3. uninjured; see also MENTAL (2)

English Definition: 1. bounce off, rebound; 2. be launched; 3. uninjured; see also MENTAL 2

Examples: Bola itu MENTAL dan kena kepala Amir = The ball BOUNCED and hit Amir's head.###

Word: mental (2)

Short Definition: way of thinking; mentality

English Definition: way of thinking

Examples: Dengan MENTAL seperti itu dia tidak dapat berhasil = With that WAY OF THINKING he will never be successful. Secara MENTAL dia belum siap memulai hidup baru lagi = MENTALLY, he is yet ready to start a new life. ###

Word: Mentan

Short Definition: "Menteri Pertanian," the Minister of Agriculture.

English Definition: acronym for "Menteri Pertanian," the Minister of Agriculture. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mentari

Short Definition: SEE MATAHARI

Word: mentega

Short Definition: butter or margarine.

English Definition: butter or margarine. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Menteng

Short Definition: name of a fancy district in the center of Jakarta.

English Definition: name of a fancy district in the center of Jakarta. ###

L2 Definition: daerah perumahan mewah di Jakarta.

Hear This Word

Word: mentereng

Short Definition: 1. dressed up. 2. luxurious, magnificent. KE--AN: luxury, magnificence.

English Definition: 1. dressed up. 2. luxurious, magnificent. KE--AN: luxury, magnificence. ###

Hear This Word

Word: menteri

Short Definition: minister (in government).

English Definition: minister (in government). *KE--AN: Ministry. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mentimun

Short Definition: cucumber.

English Definition: cucumber. ###

L2 Definition: Nama buah yang biasa dimakan mentah sebagai lalap, dll. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mentri

Short Definition: see MENTERI

English Definition: see MENTERI

Word: mentua

Short Definition: see MERTUA.

English Definition: see MERTUA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: menu

Short Definition: menu; list of food or drinks; diet

English Definition: *list of food or drink at a restaurant *what one eats *food or drinks that are served in a party

L2 Definition: *daftar makanan dan minuman yang tersedia di restoran *susunan makanan dan minuman

Examples: MENU yang disajikan di warung itu sangat mewah = The LIST of FOOD that is served in that warung is really fancy. Karena sakit, dia hanya boleh makan dengan MENU tertentu saja = Because he is sick, he can only eat certain KIND OF FOOD. ##

Word: menung

Short Definition: BER-: to muse or ponder. ME--KAN: to muse over or ponder s.t. Also PE-.

English Definition: BER-: to muse or ponder. ME--KAN: to muse over or ponder s.t. PE-: a daydreamer, s.o. given to musing. TER-: muse, be lost in thought. ###

L2 Definition: Diam sambil berfikir tentang sesuatu; tepekur. ###

Examples: Gadis itu TERMENUNG mengingat pacarnya. = The girl is LOST IN THOUGHT remembering his boyfriend. Narapidana itu sedang MEMENUNGKAN nasibnya yang buruk. = The prisoner is PONDERING his bad luck. ###

Hear This Word

Word: menyanyi

Short Definition: SEE NYANYI

Word: mepet

Short Definition: see pepet###

English Definition: see pepet###

Examples: ###

Word: merah

Short Definition: red. KE-_-_-AN: reddish. PE-: s.t. that reddens.

English Definition: red. KE-_-_-AN: reddish. *PE-: s.t. that reddens. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah warna. ###

Examples: Tunggu sampai buah ini berwarna KEMERAH-MERAHAN baru dipetik. = Wait until these fruits are REDDISH colored before they are plucked. Warna PEMERAH BIBIR ini terlalu menyolok. = The color of this LIPSTICK is too bright. ###

Hear This Word

Word: merak

Short Definition: peacock.

English Definition: peacock. ###

L2 Definition: Sejenis burung yang ekornya berbulu indah dan bila dibentangkan akan terlihat lingkaran hijau, biru dan hitam berwarna-warni di ujungnya. ###

Examples: ###

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See a Picture

Word: meram

Short Definition: see MEREM

Word: merang

Short Definition: straw of paddy

English Definition: straw of paddy

Word: mercon

Short Definition: fireworks

English Definition: fireworks.##

Examples: Perayaan hari kemerdekaan diramaikan dengan MERCON = The independence day was celebrated with FIREWORKS.###

Word: mercy

Short Definition: Mercedes-Benz (especially as a symbol of opulence).

English Definition: Mercedes-Benz (especially as a symbol of opulence).

Hear This Word

Word: merdeka

Short Definition: free, independent. ME--KAN: to free s.t., to liberate. Also KE--AN, PE-.

English Definition: free, independent. *ME--KAN: to free s.t., to liberate. *KE--AN: freedom, independence. PE-: liberator. ###

L2 Definition: Bebas; tidak dijajah. ###

Examples: Tuan tanah itu MEMERDEKAKAN banyak budak-budaknya. = That big landowner FREED many of his slaves. KEMERDEKAAN adalah hak semua bangsa. = LIBERTY is a right of all nation. ###

Hear This Word

Word: merdu

Short Definition: melodious, sweet, clear of voice.

English Definition: melodious, sweet, clear of voice. KE--AN: sweetness, melodiousness.###

L2 Definition: Suara yang enak didengar; suara yang halus dan empuk. ###

Examples: Saya senang mendengar suaramu yang MERDU. = I like to hear your SWEET voice. KEMERDUAN suara burung itu luar biasa = The SWEETNESS of that bird's voice is extraordinary.###

Hear This Word

Word: merek

Short Definition: brand, trademark, make (of a product).

English Definition: brand, trademark, make (of a product). ###

L2 Definition: Tanda pengenal pada suatu barang yang dihasilkan oleh suatu pabrik; cap. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mereka

Short Definition: they, them, their.

English Definition: they, them, their. ###

L2 Definition: Orang ketiga jamak. ###

Examples: MEREKA adalah penduduk asli pulau ini. = THEY are native inhabitants of this island. ###

Hear This Word

Word: merem

Short Definition: with closed eyes

English Definition: eyes closed like sleeping

L2 Definition: menutup mata seperti tidur

Examples: Dia bisa MEREM dan tidur sambil duduk di kursi = He can CLOSE HIS EYES and sleep while sitting on a chair. ##

Word: meriah

Short Definition: happy, joyful.

English Definition: happy, joyful. ###

L2 Definition: ramai; sukses; menyenangkan. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: meriam

Short Definition: cannon.

English Definition: cannon. ###

L2 Definition: Senjata untuk menembak yang berbentuk batang bulat memanjang, pelurunya berupa bola besi yang berisi amunisi. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: merica

Short Definition: black or white pepper###

English Definition: black or white pepper###

Examples: Selain sebagai bahan masakan, MERICA juga dipergunakan sebagai bahan pengawet makanan = Beside as an food ingredient, BLACK or WHITE PEPPER is used as preservative ingredient for food .###

Word: merosot

Short Definition: 1. slip down. 2. go down in quality, price.

English Definition: 1. slip down. 2. decrease, go down in quality, price. ###

L2 Definition: turun; mundur. ###

Examples: Harga-harga makanan saat ini sedang MEROSOT tajam. = Food prices are SLIPPING DOWN sharply this time. ###

Hear This Word

Word: merpati

Short Definition: dove, pigeon; name of an Indonesian airline.

English Definition: *1 dove, pigeon. 2 name of an Indonesian airline. ###

L2 Definition: Nama jenis burung (biasa dipakai sebagai simbul perdamaian). ###

Examples: Dua insan itu seperti sepasang MERPATI yang sedang berkasih-kasihan. = Those two people are like a pair of DOVES that are in love. ###

Hear This Word

Word: merta

Short Definition: see SERTA.

English Definition: see SERTA. ###

Hear This Word

Word: mertua

Short Definition: a mother or father-in-law.

English Definition: a mother or father-in-law. ###

L2 Definition: Orang tua dari suami/istri. ###

Examples: Sementara ini saya masih tinggal di rumah MERTUA. = Temporarily, I still live in my PARENT-IN-LAW's house. ###

Hear This Word

Word: mesin

Short Definition: machine, motor, engine.

English Definition: machine, motor, engine. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk menggerakkan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Ada sesuatu yang rusak pada MESIN mobil ini. = There is something broken in this car's ENGINE. ###

Hear This Word

Word: Mesir

Short Definition: Egypt.

English Definition: Egypt. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah negara di benua Afrika. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mesjid

Short Definition: mosque.

English Definition: mosque. (see also ISTIQLAL)###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk bersembahyang/melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan ibadah bagi umat Islam. ###

Examples: Saya belajar mengaji di MESJID itu. = I learnt to recite Qur'an in that MOSQUE. ###

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See a Picture

Word: meski

Short Definition: although.

English Definition: although. ###

L2 Definition: walau; sungguhpun. ###

Examples: MESKI hujan, ia tetap berangkat ke sekolah. = ALTHOUGH it was raining, he still went to school. ###

Hear This Word

Word: meskipun

Short Definition: see MESKI.

English Definition: see MESKI. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mesra

Short Definition: intimate, close. KE--AN: intimacy, romance, love, closeness.

English Definition: intimate, close. KE--AN: intimacy, romance, love, closeness. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan (hubungan) yang sayang/dekat/erat. ###

Examples: KEMESRAAN hubungan kami dirusak oleh pihak ke tiga. = The INTIMACY of our relationship was broken by a third party. ###

Hear This Word

Word: mesti

Short Definition: certain, surely; must, have to. SE--NYA: should have been. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: 1 certain, surely. 2 must, have to. *SE--NYA: should have been. *KE--AN: necessity, s.t. which is mandatory. ###

L2 Definition: harus. ###

Examples: SEMESTINYA kau datang lebih awal lagi. = You SHOULD HAVE come earlier. Berpakaian seragam hitam begini sudah menjadi KEMESTIAN. = Dressing in a black uniform like this has become MANDATORY. ###

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Word: mesum

Short Definition: 1. dirty, filthy, polluted; 2. improper, indicent; 3. immoral

English Definition: 1. dirty, filthy 2. improper, indicent 3. immoral

L2 Definition: tidak sopan, perbuatan yang tidak baik atau tidak senonoh tidak pantas

Examples: Bintang film itu melakukan perbuatan MESUM dengan istri orang lain = That movie star did something INDICENT to other people's wife.###

Word: mete

Short Definition: cashew.

English Definition: cashew. ###

L2 Definition: Biji dari buah jambu mete. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: meter

Short Definition: meter. -AN: meter.

English Definition: meter. -AN: meter. ###

L2 Definition: Satuan ukuran panjang, alat ukur. ###

Hear This Word

Word: metode

Short Definition: method.

English Definition: method. ###

L2 Definition: Cara untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mevrouw

Short Definition: term of address for a westernized woman.

English Definition: term of address for a westernized woman. ###

L2 Definition: Bahasa Belanda untuk sebutan bagi wanita. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mewah

Short Definition: luxurious(ly), extravagant(ly). KE--AN: luxuriousness, extravagance.

English Definition: ^*luxurious(ly), extravagant(ly). KE--AN: luxuriousness, extravagance. ###

L2 Definition: berlebih; serba banyak. ###

Examples: Pikirnya kalau sudah diluar negeri dia bisa hidup MEWAH. = His thinking is that once he is abroad he will be able to live LUXURIOUSLY. ###

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Word: Mhd.

Short Definition: contraction for the name of the prophet Muhammad.

English Definition: contraction for the name of the prophet Muhammad. ###

L2 Definition: Singkatan bagi kata Muhammad (nama nabi yang terakhir bagi umat Islam). ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mie

Short Definition: noodles

English Definition: noodles --bakso = noodles with meatballs

Examples: Nita suka memasak MIE goreng = Nita likes to cook fried NOODLES. ##

Word: migran

Short Definition: migrant.

English Definition: migrant. ###

L2 Definition: Manusia atau binatang yang melakukan migrasi/pindah. ###

Examples: Daerah ini merupakan pemukiman kaum MIGRAN dari desa. = This area is a settlement for MIGRANTS from villages. ###

Hear This Word

Word: migrasi

Short Definition: migrate, migration.

English Definition: migrate, migration. ###

L2 Definition: Perpindahan manusia/hewan dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain untuk menetap. ###

Examples: MIGRASI besar-besaran itu terjadi karena adanya perang saudara. = The big MIGRATION was caused by the existance of civil war. ###

Hear This Word

Word: mikro

Short Definition: micro.

English Definition: micro. ###

L2 Definition: kecil. ###

Hear This Word

Word: mikrolet

Short Definition: kind of minibus or jitney

English Definition: kind of minibus as public transportation

Examples: Saya ke pasar naik MIKROLET = I went to the market using the (public) MINIBUS.##

Word: mil

Short Definition: mile.

English Definition: mile. ###

L2 Definition: Satuan ukuran panjang. ###

Examples: Panjang jalan ini hanya beberapa MIL. = The length of this road is only a few MILES. ###

Hear This Word

Word: miliar

Short Definition: see MILYAR

English Definition: see MILYAR

Word: milik

Short Definition: s.t. owned, a possession. ME--I: to own or possess. Also PE-, PE--AN, +

English Definition: s.t. owned, a possession. ME--I: to own or possess. PE-: owner. PE--AN, KEPE--AN: ownership. ###

L2 Definition: kepunyaan. ###

Examples: Saya MEMILIKI sebidang tanah di dekat pasar itu. = I OWN a piece of land near the market. PEMILIK gedung ini adalah seorang janda tua. = The OWNER of this building is an old widow. KEPEMILIKAN perusahaan ini telah ditetapkan oleh pengadilan. = The OWNERSHIP of the company has been determined by the court. ###

Hear This Word

Word: milis

Short Definition: mailing list

English Definition: mailing list

Word: militer

Short Definition: military.

English Definition: military. ###

L2 Definition: tentara; ketentaraan. ###

Hear This Word

Word: miliyar

Short Definition: SEE MILYAR

Word: milyar

Short Definition: billion.

English Definition: billion. ###

L2 Definition: Seribu juta. ###

Examples: Penduduk dunia yang beragama Kristen diperkirakan berjumlah 2,2 MILYAR = World's population that is Christian estimated around 2.2 BILLION.###

Hear This Word

Word: milyun

Short Definition: million.

English Definition: million. ###

L2 Definition: juta. ###

Examples: Belum berapa lama dia bekerja, dia sudah bisa menjadi MILYUNER. = Not long after he worked, he has already become a MILLIONAIR. ###

Hear This Word

Word: mimbar

Short Definition: pulpit or rostrum.

English Definition: pulpit or rostrum. ###

L2 Definition: Panggung/ruangan kecil untuk berpidato/berkhotbah; forum untuk mengemukakan suatu gagasan/ide. ###

Examples: Ini adalah pengejawantahan kebebasan MIMBAR akademik. = This is an application of the freedom of academic PULPIT.

Hear This Word

Word: mimpi

Short Definition: dream. BER-: to dream. ME--KAN: to dream of s.t. Also -AN, PE-.

English Definition: dream. BER-: to dream. ME--KAN: to dream of s.t. -AN: s.t. dreamed, illusion. PE-: a dreamer. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu pengalaman/bayangan yang dialami seseorang dalam tidurnya. ###

Examples: Aku BERMIMPI indah tadi malam. = I HAD a beautiful DREAM last nihgt. Saya selalu MEMIMPIKANmu setiap malam. = I always DREAM ABOUT you every night. IMPIAN yang menakutkan itu lenyap begitu aku terbangun. = The scary DREAM was gone as I waked up. Orang yang suka berjudi adalah PEMIMPI. = People who like to gamble are DREAMERS. ###

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Word: minat

Short Definition: interest, proclivity. BER-: to have an interest (in s.t.).

English Definition: ^interest, proclivity. BER-: to have an interest (in s.t.). ME--I: be interested in ###

L2 Definition: keinginan; hal yang disenangi; gairah. ###

Examples: Teman karibku sangat BERMINAT pada bidang teknologi. = My best friend is very INTERESTED on the field of technology. Konsumen tetap MEMINATI kompor minyak tanah. = Consumers continue to be INTERESTED IN oil stoves. ###

Hear This Word

Word: mineral

Short Definition: mineral.

English Definition: mineral. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: minggat

Short Definition: (Coarse Lang.) get the hell out of ...

English Definition: (Coarse Lang.) get the hell out of... ###

L2 Definition: Pergi tanpa pamit. ###

Examples: MINGGAT kau dari rumah ini! = You GET THE HELL OUT OF this house! ###

Hear This Word

Word: minggir

Short Definition: seePINGGIR.

English Definition: see PINGGIR. ###

Hear This Word

Word: minggu

Short Definition: week; Sunday. -AN: weekly (magazine, newspaper).

English Definition: ^1 week. 2 Sunday. *-AN: weekly (magazine, newspaper). ###

L2 Definition: Nama hari sesudah sabtu; tujuh hari. ###

Examples: Koran MINGGUAN ini sangat digemari di tempat ini. = This WEEKLY newspaper is very much enjoyed in this place. ###

Hear This Word

Word: mini

Short Definition: small. MINI UKURAN = small scale.

English Definition: small. MINI UKURAN = small scale. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak besar; kecil. ###

Examples: Taman MINI ini menggambarkan pulau-pulau dan daerah-daerah di Indonesia. = This MINIATURE park describes the islands and regions in Indonesia. ###

Hear This Word

Word: minim

Short Definition: minimum

English Definition: minimum

Examples: Persediaan air di kota sangat MINIM = The water supply in the city is MINIMUM##

Word: minimal

Short Definition: minimal. ME--KAN: minimize.

English Definition: minimal. ME--KAN: minimize. ###

Hear This Word

Word: minta

Short Definition: ask for, request. ME-: ask for, request; require. PER--AN: request.

English Definition: ask for, request. *ME-: 1 ask for, request. 2 require. *PER--AN: request. ###

L2 Definition: Pernyataan supaya diberi; memohon; mengharap. ###

Examples: Sudah diberi kok masih MEMINTA lagi. = You have already been given some, how is it that you ASK FOR more? PERMINTAAN ini sungguh tidak wajar. = This REQUEST really isn't fair. ###

Hear This Word

Word: minum

Short Definition: drink, take in. ME-: drink s.t. ME--KAN: give to drink. Also TER-, -AN, PE-.

English Definition: drink, take in. *ME-: drink s.t. *ME--KAN: give s.t. to drink. *TER-: 1 accidentally drunk. 2 drinkable. *-AN: s.t. to drink. *PE-: drinker (often used for a heavy drinker of alcoholic drinks). ###

L2 Definition: Memasukkan sesuatu (biasanya benda cair) ke dalam mulut. ###

Examples: Jangan lupa MEMINUM obatmu, nak. = Don't forget to DRINK your medicine, son. Jangan lupa MEMINUMKAN obat ini untuknya. = Don't forget to GIVE this medicine to him TO DRINK. Jangan sampai racun ini TERMINUM siapapun. = Don't allow this poison to BE DRUNK by anyone. Jangan terlalu banyak MEMINUM alkohol; kamu bisa mabuk. = Don't DRINK too much alchohol; you can become drunk. MINUMAN KERAS ini sangat memabukkan. = This alcoholic DRINK is very intoxicating. Dia telah menjadi PEMINUM berat. = He has become a heavy DRINKER. ###

Hear This Word

Word: minus

Short Definition: 1. poor. 2. (Math.) minus.

English Definition: 1. poor. 2. (Math.) minus. ###

L2 Definition: 1. miskin. 2. Dikurangi; kurang; tanpa. ###

Examples: Akan dibangun sebuah dam besar di daerah yang MINUS ini. = A big dam will be built in this POOR area. MINUS si ALI pesta ini jadi kurang semarak. = WITHOUT Ali this party is less fun. ###

Hear This Word

Word: minyak

Short Definition: oil, grease. BER-: to have oil or grease. ME--I: to supply with oil or grease.

English Definition: oil, grease. *BER-: to have oil or grease, oily. *ME--I: to supply with oil or grease, to lubricate. ###

L2 Definition: Jenis cairan yang kental dan lengket tidak larut dalam air. ###

Examples: Kamu harus mencuci rambutmu karena sudah kelihatan BERMINYAK. = You have to wash your hair because it is starting to look OILY. Saya akan MEMINYAKI roda sepedaku dulu. = I am going to GREASE the wheel of my bicycle first. ###

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See a Picture

Word: miring

Short Definition: 1. at an angle; 2. sideways

English Definition: an angle; 2. sideways; 3.crazy *ME-KAN: put at an angle; make aslant *KE-AN: declivity, slope

Examples: Gambar itu tergantung MIRING = The picture hangs AT AN ANGLE.## Ia MEMIRINGKAN kepalanya untuk melihat gambar itu = He TILTED his head looking at the picture.## KEMIRINGAN tanah di lokasi itu mempersulit pembuatan gedung tersebut = THE SLOPE on the location makes it difficult to build the building.## Otaknya sudah MIRING = He has become somewhat CRAZY. ###

Word: mirip

Short Definition: resemble.

English Definition: resemble. ###

Hear This Word

Word: misal

Short Definition: example, instance. -NYA: for example. Also PE--AN.

English Definition: ^example, instance. -NYA: for example. PE--AN: 1 assumption, premise. 2 taking as an example. ###

L2 Definition: contoh. ###

Examples: Yang ini, MISALNYA, adalah beruang madu. = This one, FOR EXAMPLE, is a honey bear. Kuda hanya dipakai sebagai PEMISALAN dalam kasus ini. = Horse is only used as an EXAMPLE in this case. ###

Hear This Word

Word: misan

Short Definition: [Jv] first cousin

English Definition: [Jv.] first cousin

L2 Definition: saudara sepupu

Examples: Saudara MISAN saya akan datang dari Amerika = My FIRST COUSIN will come from America.##

Word: miskin

Short Definition: poor, needy. ME--KAN: make poor or destitute. KE--AN: poverty, destitution.

English Definition: poor, needy. *ME--KAN: to make poor or destitute, to impoverish. *KE--AN: poverty, destitution, impoverishment. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak/kurang punya sesuatu. ###

Examples: Proyek lapangan golf ini MEMISKINKAN rakyat setempat. = This golf course project IMPOVERISHES the local inhabitants. KEMISKINAN daerah ini harus segera ditanggulangi. = The POVERTY of this area must be dealt with. ###

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Word: misterius

Short Definition: mysterious

English Definition: mysterious

Examples: Tahun lalu ada kejadian pembunuhan MISTERIUS di dekat rumah kami = There was a MYSTERIOUS murder near our house last year.##

Word: mitra

Short Definition: [Lit.] friend, partner

English Definition: [Lit.] friend, partner *--USAHA: business partner

L2 Definition: teman, kawan, partner

Examples: Ayah saya sudah lama menjadi MITRA USAHA Pak Rahim = My father has long been the business PARTNER of Pak Rahim.###

Word: mobil

Short Definition: automobile.

English Definition: automobile. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mobilisasi

Short Definition: mobilization.

English Definition: mobilization. ###

L2 Definition: Pengerahan banyak orang untuk dijadikan tentara; perjalanan; perputaran. ###

Examples: Pemilihan umum di Indonesia ditandai dengan MOBILISASI massa besar-besaran. = Election in Indonesia were marked by a huge mass MOBILIZATION. ###

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Word: modal

Short Definition: financial capital. SE-: enter into a partenership. BER-: have capital.+

English Definition: ^financial capital. SE-: enter into a partenership. BER-: have capital. BER--KAN: have s.t as capital.ME--I: finance. KE--AN: capitalistic. PE-: capitalist.###

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Word: moderen

Short Definition: see modern

Word: modern

Short Definition: modern; see also moderen.

English Definition: ME-KAN; MEMPER- = modernize KE-AN = modernity

Examples: Pemerintah Daerah akan MEMPERMODERN kompleks rumah tua itu = The regional government will modernize that complex of old houses. Meja ini sudah sangat tua tapi modelnya tetap mencerminkan KEMODERENAN jaman itu = This table is very old but it is still refelected the modernity of the period.

Word: modus

Short Definition: modus, (Ling.) mood###

English Definition: modus, (Ling.) mood###

Examples: ###

Word: moga

Short Definition: initiative. SE-: may it be, hopefully.

English Definition: ^initiative. *SE-: may it be, hopefully. ###

L2 Definition: mudah-mudahan. ###

Examples: SEMOGA dia cepat sembuh. = HOPEFULLY he will recover quickly. ###

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Word: moga-moga

Short Definition: let's hope that/it is hoped that...

English Definition: let's hope that/it is hoped that...###

L2 Definition: Semoga; dengan harapan supaya terjadi. ###

Examples: MOGA-MOGA hujan segera turun. = ###

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Word: mogok

Short Definition: 1. strike. 2. break down, fail.

English Definition: 1. strike. 2. break down, fail.###

L2 Definition: Tidak mau/bisa bekerja/berjalan lagi. ###

Examples: Mobilku ini dikenal sebagai si jago MOGOK. = This car of mine is known as the champion of BREAK DOWN. Para buruh MOGOK bekerja untuk menuntut kenaikan upah. = All the labors are STRIKING to demand wage increase. ###

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Word: mohon

Short Definition: ask, request. ME-: request. PE-: supplicant. PER--AN: a request or appeal.

English Definition: ^ask, request. *ME-: request. PE-: supplicant. *PER--AN: a request or appeal, application. ###

L2 Definition: Berharap/minta mendapat sesuatu. ###

Examples: Berkali-kali saya MEMOHON ampun tetapi tidak digubrisnya. = I repeatedly ASKED forgiveness but he payed no attention. Saya akan mengajukan PERMOHONAN cuti pada atasan. = I am going to put in a REQUEST for leave to the superiors. ###

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Word: molek

Short Definition: pretty, charming. KE--AN: beauty, charm.

English Definition: pretty, charming. KE--AN: beauty, charm. ###

L2 Definition: cantik; rapi; carming; bergaya. ###

Examples: KEMOLEKAN gadis itu membuat semua pemuda bertekuk lutut. = The BEAUTY of the girl makes all of the boys kneel down. ###

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Word: Monas

Short Definition: National Monument in Jakarta.

English Definition: National Monument in Jakarta. ###

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Word: moncong

Short Definition: 1. snout, muzzle; 2. spout

English Definition: *ME--: protrude *ME--KAN: make s.t. protrude

L2 Definition: biasanya berhubungan dengan bentuk mulut

Examples: Mungkin ada yang menyumbat MONCONG keran ini = Maybe there is something stuck in the MUZZLE of the tap. Jika marah, Ani akan MEMONCONGKAN mulutnya = If mad, Ani will PROTRUDE her mouth OUT. Senjata ini mempunyai MONCONG panjang = This rifle has a long MUZZLE. ##

Word: mondar-mandir

Short Definition: wander around without any particular purpose.

English Definition: ^wander around without any particular purpose. ###

L2 Definition: Berjalan ke sana ke mari tanpa arah dan tujuan yang pasti. ###

Examples: Saya MONDAR-MANDIR mencari kerja selama setahun. = I was WANDERING AROUND to look for employment for a year. ###

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Word: mondial

Short Definition: worldwide.

English Definition: worldwide. ###

L2 Definition: Seluruh dunia; secara luas; mendunia. ###

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Word: monokultur

Short Definition: monoculture

English Definition: monoculture

L2 Definition: Pola pertanaman dengan satu jenis tanaman saja. ###

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Word: monopoli

Short Definition: monopoly.

English Definition: monopoly. ###

L2 Definition: Sistem ekonomi yang dikuasai oleh sekelompok atau seseorang saja sehingga harga bisa dikendalikan seenaknya. ###

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Word: montir

Short Definition: mechanic.

English Definition: mechanic. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaan dan keahliannya memperbaiki mobil/kendaraan bermotor. ###

Examples: Sukimin ingin belajar menjadi MONTIR mobil. = Sukimin wishes to learn to be a car MECHANIC. ###

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Word: montok

Short Definition: well-built; plump; full

English Definition: usually referring to the shape of child's body or women's breast

L2 Definition: bentuk yang penuh; gemuk; berisi.

Examples: Bayi ini sangat lucu dan MONTOK walaupun baru berumur lima bulan = This baby is so cute and BIG although she is only five months old. ##

Word: monumen

Short Definition: monument.

English Definition: monument. ###

L2 Definition: Bangunan atau patung yang mempunyai sejarah yang penting sehingga dilindungi negara. ###

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Word: monyet

Short Definition: monkey.

English Definition: monkey. ###

L2 Definition: Binatang yang hampir menyerupai manusia, biasanya berbulu sangat lebat; kera. ###

Examples: Bulu MONYET berwarna coklat atau hitam = MONKEYS' fure is brown or black. ###

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Word: monyong

Short Definition: 1. sticking out, protruding (of the mouth, from buck teeth or pouting); 2. humorous term of address to an intimate

English Definition: 1. sticking out, protruding (of the mouth, from buck teeth or pouting); 2. humorous term of address to an intimate *ME--KAN: sticking out, protruding (of the mouth)

Examples: Si bayi akan MEMONYONGKAN mulutnya kalau dia merasa lapar = The baby will STICK OUT its mouth when it feels hungry.###

Word: moral

Short Definition: moral, morality###

English Definition: *moral, morality BER~ = have high moral standard###

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Pemerintah Indonesia menggunakan Pancasila sebagai dasar MORAL nasional = The Indonesian government uses Pancasila as a standard of national MORALITY.###

Word: morat-marit

Short Definition: confused, disorganized.

English Definition: confused, disorganized. ###

L2 Definition: Berantakan; kacau-balau; porak-poranda. ###

Examples: Mengapa kamarmu MORAT-MARIT begini? = Why is your room DISORGANIZED like this? ###

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Word: moril

Short Definition: moral.

English Definition: moral. ###

L2 Definition: Akhlak; sikap; budi-pekerti; susila. ###

Examples: Kami meminta bantuan MORIL dan materil. = We asked for MORAL and material help. ###

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Word: motif

Short Definition: 1. motif, design. 2. motive.

English Definition: 1. motif, design. 2. motive. ###

L2 Definition: pola; corak. ###

Examples: MOTIF batik ini berasal dari kraton Yogyakarta. = This batik MOTIF comes from the Yogyakarta palace. Cemburu ada motif pembunuhan yang klasik. = Jealousy is a classical MOTIVE for murder. ###

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Word: motivasi

Short Definition: motivation.

English Definition: motivation. ###

L2 Definition: Dorongan yang timbul dari diri seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu. ###

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Word: motor

Short Definition: motor, engine; automobile; motorcycle. Also BER-.

English Definition: ^1 motor, engine. 2 automobile. 3 motorcycle. *BER-: 1 to have a motor. 2 to go by motorized vehicle. ###

L2 Definition: Kendaraan yang bertenaga mesin. ###

Examples: Kendaraan BERMOTOR dilarang masuk! = MOTOR vehicle is prohibited to enter. ###

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Word: moyang

Short Definition: great-grandparents

English Definition: great-grandparents. *NENEK--: ancestors, great-great grandparents.##

L2 Definition: nenek-kakek.##

Examples: NENEK-MOYANG kami dahulunya adalah pelaut yang tangguh = Our ANCESTORS were known as tough sailors.##

Word: MPR

Short Definition: People's Consultative Council.

English Definition: (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat) People's Consultative Council. ###

L2 Definition: lembaga kedaulatan tertinggi di Indonesia.

Examples: MPR berkewajiban memilih Presiden dan wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia. = MPR is responsible to elect the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. ###

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Word: mu

Short Definition: see KAMU (notes).

English Definition: see KAMU (notes). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: muak

Short Definition: 1. nauseated. 2. loathe, tired of. ME--KAN: nauseating. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: 1. nauseated. 2. loathe, tired of. ME--KAN: nauseating. KE--AN: feeling of loathing.###

L2 Definition: Perasaan tidak suka/jijik; jemu. ###

Examples: Kesombongannya benar-benar MEMUAKKANku. = His arrogance really makes me SICK. Bagaimana tidak timbul KEMUAKANNYA pada jagung kalau tiap hari itu saja yang bisa dimakan. = How could she not TIRED OF corn if that was the only one to eat every day. ###

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Word: mual

Short Definition: nauseous, queasy; feel loathing

English Definition: nauseous, queasy, feel loathing. ###

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Word: Muang Thai

Short Definition: Thailand.

English Definition: Thailand. ###

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Word: muara

Short Definition: estuary, mouth. BER-: to have an estuary; to empty into.

English Definition: estuary, mouth. BER-: 1 to have an estuary. 2 to empty into. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat berakhirnya sesuatu/sungai. ###

Examples: Sungai itu BERMUARA di Laut Jawa. = That river EMPTIES INTO the Java Sea. ###

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Word: muat

Short Definition: contain, include, hold. BER--AN: to have s.t. contained in. Also ME-, +

English Definition: ^contain, include, hold. BER--AN: to have s.t. contained within. *ME-: to contain. ME--KAN: load s.t. *TER-: contained in. *-AN: contents, load, cargo. ###

L2 Definition: berisi; mengandung; menampung. ###

Examples: Kereta kuda ini bisa MEMUAT banyak barang. = This horse cart can CONTAIN many things. Hal ini TERMUAT di kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana. = This matter IS CONTAINED in the book of criminal laws. MUATAN tasmu terlalu banyak. = The CONTENTS of your bag are too many. ###

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Word: mubasir

Short Definition: see MUBAZIR

English Definition: see MUBAZIR

Word: mubazir

Short Definition: superfluous, waste

English Definition: superfluous, waste

Examples: Sebaiknya kau menghabiskan makanan itu agar tidak MUBAZIR = You better finish the food so it will not be WASTED. Susunan kalimat yang baik adalah yang tidak menggunakan kata-kata MUBAZIR = A good sentence is the one without REDUNDANT words.###

Word: muda

Short Definition: young; deputy; unripe, green; light, pale. KE--AN: youth. Also PE-:

English Definition: ^1 young. 2 deputy. 3 unripe, green. 4 light, pale. *KE--AN: youth. *PE-: a youth, young man. ###

L2 Definition: Belum tua. ###

Examples: Tidak ada sedikitpun sifat KEMUDAANmu dulu. = There isn't a trace of your former YOUTHFULNESS. Acara ini hanya untuk PEMUDA PEMUDI. = This program is only for YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. ###

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Word: mudah

Short Definition: easy, simple. ME--KAN, MEMPER-: facility, ease. Also KE--AN, PE-.

English Definition: ^easy, simple. *ME--KAN, MEMPER-: facility, ease. *KE--AN: 1 ease. 2 help, aid. *PE-: s.o. who is easygoing. ### *MUDAH-MUDAHAN: hopefully, in hope for

L2 Definition: Tidak sulit. ###

Examples: Ini salah satu cara MEMUDAHKAN pekerjaan. = This is one way to MAKE the work EASIER. Banyak KEMUDAHAN yang diberikan oleh pemerintah pada pengusaha. = A great deal of AID is given by the government to entrepeneurs. Jangan kuatir dia orangnya sangat PEMUDAH. = Don't worry, she is A VERY EASYGOING PERSON. ### MUDAH-MUDAHAN besok tidak hujan: Let's hope there will be no rain tomorrow

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Word: mudah-mudahan

Short Definition: hopefully.

English Definition: It is to be hoped; hopefully.###

L2 Definition: harap, semoga, moga-moga. ###

Examples: MUDAH-MUDAHAN hari tidak akan hujan. = IT IS TO BE HOPED it won't rain today. ###

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Word: mudik

Short Definition: go upstream, go upcountry. 2. go home to the village.

English Definition: 1. go upstream, go upcountry. 2. go home to the village ###

L2 Definition: Kembali ke kampung halaman; ke udik; ke desa. ###

Examples: Jakarta menjadi kosong pada hari lebaran karena hampir semua orang pada MUDIK. = Jakarta becomes empty on the Islamic holiday because almost all the people GO HOME TO THE VILLAGE. ###

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Word: mufakat

Short Definition: 1. discussion to reach an agreement. 2. consensus. Also SE-, MENYE--I, BER-, +

English Definition: ^1. discussion to reach an agreement. 2. agreement, consensus. SE-: 1. be in agreement. 2. unanimously. MENYE--I: agree with. BER-: discuss, agree. ME--I: agree to s.t. ME--KAN: reach an agreement over. KE--AN: agreement. PER--AN: 1. deliberation. 2. agreement. 3. conspiracy.###

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Word: mujarab

Short Definition: effective. KE--AN: effectiveness.

English Definition: effective. *KE--AN: effectiveness. ###

L2 Definition: manjur; mudah menyembuhkan. ###

Examples: KEMUJARABAN obat ini telah diakui oleh banyak dokter. = The EFFECTIVENESS of this medicine has been attested to by many doctors. ###

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Word: mujur

Short Definition: 1. straight ahead, straight; 2. luck; 3. lucky

English Definition: 1. straight ahead, straight; 2. luck; 3. lucky *KE--AN: luck

L2 Definition: beruntung

Examples: Jangan bersedih...kamu belum MUJUR untuk mendapatkan dia = Do not be was not your LUCK to have her now. Kalau kamu MUJUR pasti kamu akan menang = If you are LUCKY, you will win. Keberhasilan dalam usaha ini tergantung dari KEMUJURANmu = The success of this business depends on your LUCK.###

Word: muka

Short Definition: face; front; surface. SE-: have the same appearance as. Also MENGE--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 face. 2 front. 3 surface. *SE-: have the same appearance as. *MENGE--KAN: suggest, propose, put foreward. *TERKE-: foremost. *PE-: leader, promoter. PER--AN: surface. ###

L2 Definition: depan; wajah. ###

Examples: Anak kembar itu benar-benar SEMUKA dan seperangai. = Those twins are really HAVE THE SAME APPEARANCE and disposition. Tidak mudah MENGEMUKAKAN hal yang sebenarnya. = It isn't easy to PUT FORWARD a matter truthfully. Dialah tokoh yang TERKEMUKA saat ini. = She is the FOREMOST person at present. Kehalalan makanan ini sebaiknya kita tanyakan dulu pada PEMUKA agama. = It would be best if we first asked the religious LEADER about the kosherness of this food.###

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Word: mukah

Short Definition: adultery, adultereous###

English Definition: ^adultery, adultereous *BER-: commit adultery###

Examples: *Seorang wartawan memberitakan bahwa beberapa anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat BERMUKAH = A journalist reported that some members of the House of Representatives COMMIT ADULTERY.###

Word: mukhlis

Short Definition: sincere, upright###

English Definition: sincere, upright###

Examples: Saya terharu oleh perhatiannya yang sangat MUKHLIS = I am touched by her SINCERE attention.

Word: mukim

Short Definition: 1. stay at, be a resident of; 2. residence, district

English Definition: 1. stay at, be a resident of; 2. residence, district *BER--: live, reside *ME--KAN: settle s.o. somewhere *PE--: resident *PE--AN; PER--AN: settlement, place a group reside

Examples: Kami sekeluarga BERMUKIM di DeKalb Illinois = We (the whole family) RESIDE in DeKalb Illinois. Pemerintah MEMUKIMKAN transmigran di balik bukit itu = The government SETTLED the transmigrants in the place over the hill. Kolam renang ini hanya boleh digunakan PEMUKIM kompleks = This swimming pool can only be used by the RESIDENTS. Setelah dua tahun, PEMUKIMAN penduduk miskin berhasil dibangun = After two years finally the SETTLEMENT for poor people can be built.###

Word: mula

Short Definition: beginning. SE-: from the beginning; since; formerly. Also SE--NYA, ME--I, +

English Definition: ^beginning. *SE-: 1 from the beginning. 2 since. 3 formerly, originally. SE--NYA: at the beginning. *ME--I: begin s.t. *PER--AN: beginning. ###

L2 Definition: awal. ###

Examples: SEMULA kami memang hanya main-main saja. = ORIGINALLY, we in fact just played around. Saya MEMULAI usaha ini dari nol. = I STARTED this endeavor from nothing. Penelitian yang gagal ini harus dimulai lagi dari PERMULAAN. = This research that failed must be started again from the BEGINNING. ###

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Word: mulas

Short Definition: slight stomach upset, stomach ache

English Definition: slight stomach upset, stomach ache

L2 Definition: sakit perut, merasa tidak nyaman di bagian perut

Examples: Selama tiga hari ini dia merasa MULAS terus = For three days he has been having STOMACH ACHE.###

Word: mulia

Short Definition: sublime, noble###

English Definition: *sublime, noble **ME--KAN = 1. honor deeply MEMPER--KAN = honor deeply, esteem greatly TER-- = exalted, most respected KE--AN = magnificence, pomp, glory PE--AN = breeding to improve the stock PER--AN = magnificence, pomp, glory --WAN = person worthy of deep esteem###

Examples: *Menghormati orang yang lebih tua adalah sikap MULIA = Respecting older people is a NOBLE manner. ** Kami selalu diajarkan untuk MEMULIAKAN orang tua kami = We are always taught to HONOR our parents deeply.###

Word: multikultur

Short Definition: multiculture (planting many crops).

English Definition: multiculture (planting many crops).

L2 Definition: Sistem penanaman dengan berbagai jenis tanaman dalam satu lahan. ###

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Word: muluk

Short Definition: high-sounding, pompous.

English Definition: high-sounding, pompous.###

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Word: mulur

Short Definition: elastic, flexible.

English Definition: elastic, flexible.###

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Word: mulus

Short Definition: 1. flawless, pure. 2. sincere.

English Definition: 1. flawless, pure. 2. sincere.###

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Word: mulut

Short Definition: mouth, opening, nozzle.

English Definition: ^*1 mouth. 2 opening. 3 nozzle. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk makan dan berbicara. ###

Examples: Karena tidak tahan siksaan ahhirnya dia buka MULUT juga. = Because he couldn't stand the torture, in the end he opened his MOUTH. ###

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Word: mumet

Short Definition: 1.headache. 2.[Jv.] dizzy. 3. confused.

English Definition: 1.headache. 2.[Jv.] dizzy. 3. confused.###

Examples: Saya MUMET mempelajari matematika = I got HEADACHE learning math. Mendengar penjelasannya, saya menjadi semakin MUMET = His expalanation made me CONFUSED.######

Word: munafik

Short Definition: 1.(ISLAM) unbeliever who pretends to be a Muslim; 2.hypocrite

English Definition: 1.(ISLAM) unbeliever who pretends to be a Muslim; 2.hypocrite

Examples: Kalau kamu tidak suka katakan saja...jangan MUNAFIK = If you do not like it, just say it...don't be a HYPOCRITE.###

Word: Munas

Short Definition: National Deliberative Council.

English Definition: (Musyawarah Nasional) National Deliberative Council.###

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Word: muncul

Short Definition: to appear, to emerge. BER--AN: appear in numbers. Also PER--AN.

English Definition: ^to appear, to emerge. BER--AN: appear in numbers. PER--AN: appearance, emergence. ###

L2 Definition: timbul; menyembul; terbit. ###

Examples: Sehabis hujan biasanya jamur-jamur akan BERMUNCULAN di bawah pohon-pohon itu. = After the rain usually mushrooms will APPEAR IN NUMBERS under the trees. ###

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Word: mundur

Short Definition: to retreat, go back along a course, decline or decrease.

English Definition: to retreat, go back along a course, decline or decrease. KE--AN: decline or decrease, deterioration. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak maju; berjalan menuju ke belakang. ###

Examples: Terus terang, bagiku itu adalah KEMUNDURAN berpikir. = Frankly, to me that was a BACKWARD thinking. ###

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Word: mungil

Short Definition: cute, sweet. KE--AN: cuteness.

English Definition: cute, sweet. KE--AN: cuteness. ###

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Word: mungkar

Short Definition: 1. deny; 2. ignored; SEE ALSO MUNGKIR

English Definition: deny, ignored *ME--I : deny *KE--AN : denial, disavowal

L2 Definition: ingkar, tidak tepat janji, berbohong, menyangkal, mungkir

Examples: Jangan kamu MUNGKAR dari janjimu = Do not DENY the promises you made.

Word: mungkin

Short Definition: possible. ME--KAN: make s.t. possible. KE--AN: possibility.

English Definition: possible. *ME--KAN: make s.t. possible. *KE--AN: possibility. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak pasti; bisa iya bisa tidak. ###

Examples: Baju ruang angkasa ini MEMUNGKINKAN kita berjalan-jalan di ruang angkasa. = This space suit MAKES IT POSSIBLE for us to walk around in space. KEMUNGKINANnya sangat tipis untuk bisa berangkat hari ini karena cuaca buruk. = The POSSIBILITY of leaving today is very slim because of the foul weather. ###

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Word: mungkir

Short Definition: 1. deny, disavow. 2. renege. ME--I, ME--KAN: deny, ignore, break ( a promise).

English Definition: ^1. deny, disavow. 2. renege. ME--I, ME--KAN: 1. deny. 2. ignore. 2. break ( a promise).###

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Word: muntah

Short Definition: to vomit, throw up.

English Definition: to vomit, throw up.

L2 Definition: Mengeluarkan kembali sesuatu yang sudah dimasukkan ke dalam mulut; sesuatu yang keluar dari mulut/wadah. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: murah

Short Definition: cheap, inexpensive; generous. Also KE--AN, -AN, PE-.

English Definition: ^ 1 cheap, inexpensive. 2 generous. *KE--AN: 1 cheapness, inexpensiveness. 2 generous, magnanimous. *-AN: s.t. that is cheap. *PE-: s.o. who is generous. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak mahal. ###

Examples: Saya haturkan terima kasih atas KEMURAHAN HATI nyonya. = I offer my thanks for your GENEROSITY. Sepatu ini kelihatan MURAHAN sekali. = These shoes look very CHEAP. Gadis ini sangat PEMURAH hati. = This girl is very GENEROUS at heart. ###

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Word: muram

Short Definition: depressed, gloomy. BER-: look gloomy. ME--KAN: depressing.

English Definition: depressed, gloomy. BER-: look glommy. ME--KAN: depressing.###

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Word: murid

Short Definition: lower-level student (of the lower grades).

English Definition: *lower-level student (of the lower grades). ###

L2 Definition: Anak didik. ###

Examples: MURID-MURID akan pulang pada jam duabelas. = The STUDENTS will go home at twelve o'clock. ###

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Word: murka

Short Definition: anger, rage. KE--AN: anger, rage, also greed.

English Definition: anger, rage. KE--AN: anger, rage, also greed. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat marah; perasaan hati yang tidak puas. ###

Examples: KEMURKAAN ayah kali ini tidak main-main. = Father's ANGER this time is no kidding. ###

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Word: murni

Short Definition: pure, perfectly clean. KE--AN: purity.

English Definition: pure, perfectly clean. KE--AN: purity. ###

L2 Definition: Tulen; masih asli; tidak bercampur dengan hal lain. ###

Examples: KEMURNIAN emas ini masih kami ragukan. = The PURITY of the gold is still in our doubt. ###

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Word: murtad

Short Definition: apostate, renegade from social values.

English Definition: ^apostate, renegade from social values. ###

L2 Definition: Ingkar; menjadi kafir; berganti keimanan; berpindah dari satu agama keagama yang lain. ###

Examples: Anak yang MURTAD itu tidak lagi diakui anak oleh orangtuanya. = The APOSTATE kid is disclaimed as son/daughter by his/her parents. ###

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Word: murung

Short Definition: gloomy, depressed.

English Definition: gloomy, depressed. ###

L2 Definition: Sedih; tidak gembira; tidak senang hatinya; muram; tidak berseri. ###

Examples: Wajahnya kelihatan MURUNG setelah tahu lamaran kerjanya ditolak. = His face looked DEPRESSED after he knew that his job application was rejected. ###

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Word: musafir

Short Definition: a traveller, journeyer. BER-: to travel.

English Definition: a traveller, journeyer. *BER-: to travel. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang sedang dalam perjalanan. = ###

Examples: Ketika mengunjungi Arab kami BERMUSAFIR juga kenegara-negara disekitarnya. = When we visited Arabia, we TRAVELLED to other nearby nations also. ###

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Word: musallah

Short Definition: see MUSHOLLA

Word: musang

Short Definition: civit cat (a k.o. wild cat), weasel.

English Definition: civit cat (a k.o. wild cat), weasel. ###

L2 Definition: Binatang malam yang mirip seperti kucing, gemar makan ayam dan buah-buahan; musang. ###

Examples: Hati-hati orang itu adalah MUSANG berbulu ayam. = Be careful, that man is a WEASEL with chicken feathers (disguised as chicken). ###

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Word: museum

Short Definition: museum.

English Definition: museum.###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk menyimpan dan memamerkan benda-benda yang bersejarah dan berarti sangat penting bagi masyarakat. ###

Hear This Word

Word: musholla

Short Definition: a small building or room used by Muslims for prayer.

English Definition: a small building or room used by Muslims for prayer. ###

L2 Definition: Bangunan/ruangan kecil yang biasa digunakan untuk sembahyang bagi umat Islam. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: musibah

Short Definition: calamity, disaster

English Definition: calamity, disaster

Examples: Badai Tsunami yang menimpa Aceh baru baru ini adalah MUSIBAH alam yang terbesar = The Tsunami that hit Aceh recently was the largest natural DISASTER in years.###

Word: musim

Short Definition: season, time. -AN: seasonal.

English Definition: season, time. *-AN: seasonal. ###

L2 Definition: Iklim; keadaan cuaca pada suatu masa. ###

Examples: Adanya buah rambutan ini MUSIMAN saja. = The appearance of this rambutan fruit is SEASONAL. ###

Hear This Word

Word: muslihat

Short Definition: trick; strategy, tactics.

English Definition: ^1 trick. 2 strategy, tactics. ###

L2 Definition: Tipu daya; daya upaya; siasat. ###

Examples: Kita harus waspada terhadap MUSLIHAT musuh. = We have to watch out for enemy's TRICK. ###

Hear This Word

Word: muslim

Short Definition: A muslim

English Definition: A person with Islam as his religion. *MUSLIMAH = a muslim woman

Examples: Indonesia adalah negara yang mempunyai penduduk MUSLIM terbesar di dunia = Indonesia is the country with the biggest Islamic (Muslim) population in the world.

Word: Muslimin

Short Definition: Muslims.

English Definition: Muslims (men). ###

L2 Definition: Orang laki-laki Islam. ###

Examples: Para MUSLIMIN dan muslimah diharap berkumpul di masjid sehabis maghrib! = All MUSLIM MEN and Muslim women are expected to gather in the mosque after the sunset prayer!

Hear This Word

Word: musnah

Short Definition: annihilated, completely wiped out, destroyed. Also ME--KAN, KE--AN, PE--AN.

English Definition: annihilated, completely wiped out, destroyed. ME--KAN: to annihilate s.t. KE--AN: annihilation, destruction. PE--AN: annihilation. ###

L2 Definition: lenyap; binasa; habis; hilang. ###

Examples: Seluruh tetangga ikut berusaha MEMUSNAHKAN api itu. = All the neighbors join to try to WIPE OUT the fire. KEMUSNAHAN binatang itu disebabkan oleh karena ketamakan manusia. = The ANNIHILATION of the animal was caused by human greed.

Hear This Word

Word: Muspida

Short Definition: Regional Security Council.

English Definition: (Musyawarah Pimpinan Daerah) Regional Security Council. ###

Hear This Word

Word: mustahil

Short Definition: impossible.

English Definition: impossible. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak masuk akal; tidak mungkin; tidak boleh jadi. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mustajab

Short Definition: effective. KE--AN: effectiveness.

English Definition: effective. *KE--AN: effectiveness. ###

L2 Definition: Manjur; mujarab; mudah menyembuhkan penyakit. ###

Examples: KEMUSTAJABAN jamu ini telah diakui sampai ke negeri tetangga. = The EFFECTIVENESS of this traditional medicine has been acknowledged abroad in the neighboring countries. ###

Hear This Word

Word: musuh

Short Definition: enemy, foe. BER-AN: enemies. PER--AN: hostility.

English Definition: ^*1 enemy, adversary. 2 competitor, contestant. BER--AN: be enemies. PER--AN: hostility. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim= lawan. ###

Examples: Kerajaan MUSUHNYA ditundukkannya. = The kingdoms of HIS ENEMIES were defeated by him. Tidak baik saudara sekandung saling BERMUSUHAN. = It isn't right that siblings should BE ENEMIES. PERMUSUHAN mereka akan berakhir kalau salah satunya mati. = Their HOSTILITY will end when one of them is dead. ###

Hear This Word

Word: musyawarah

Short Definition: *meeting, conference, deliberation

English Definition: *BER- : engage in deliberations *ME-KAN : discuss, deliberate over *PER-AN : discussion, conference, deliberation

Examples: Orang-orang di desa itu sedang mengadakan MUSYAWARAH di balai desa = the people of the village are having a MEETING at the village hall. Mereka MEMUSYAWARAHKAN soal pembuatan jalan baru di desanya = they are DISCUSSING about the construction of a new road in their village. PERMUSYAWARAHAN itu tidak mencapai mufakat = the DELIBERATION did not reach an agreement.

Word: musyawarat

Short Definition: meeting, conference; discussion. Also BER-, ME--KAN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^1 meeting, conference. 2 discussion. BER-: to meet or confer, to carry on a discussion. ME--KAN: to discuss or deliberate over s.t. PER--AN: deliberation, discussion. ###

L2 Definition: Saling bertukar pikiran; berunding; berembuk. ###

Examples: Dengan BERMUSYAWARAT begini diharapkan segala permasalahan bisa diselesaikan. = By DELIBERATING like this it is hoped that the problem can be solved. Marilah kita MEMUSYAWARATKAN masalah ini sebelum terlanjur menjadi perselisihan. = Let's DELIBERATE ON this matter before it becomes a conflict. PERMUSYAWARATAN menjadi landasan utama dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan di departemen ini. = DELIBERATION is the ultimate basis in each decision making in this department. ###

Hear This Word

Word: mutakhir

Short Definition: the very latest, most up-to-date (fashion, etc.)

English Definition: the very latest, most up-to-date (fashion, etc.)

Examples: Ibu Anwar selalu mengikuti perkembangan mode yang MUTAKHIR = Ibu Anwar always follows the VERY LATEST fashion style.###

Word: mutiara

Short Definition: pearl.

English Definition: *pearl. ###

L2 Definition: Permata yang berbentuk bulat, keras, biasanya berwarna putih. ###

Examples: Karena kepandaiannya gadis itu dijuluki sebagai "MUTIARA dari selatan." = Because of her skill, that young lady has been named "The PEARL from the South." ###

Hear This Word

Word: mutlak

Short Definition: complete, absolute.

English Definition: complete, absolute. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak boleh tidak; tidak terbatas. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: mutu

Short Definition: quality, grade. BER-: to be of good quality.

English Definition: quality, grade. *BER-: to be of good quality. ###

L2 Definition: berkualitas. ###

Examples: Hasil minyak bumi dari daerah ini sangat BERMUTU tinggi. = The crude oil from this region IS OF very high QUALITY. ###

Hear This Word

Word: na

Short Definition: see NAH.

English Definition: see NAH. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nabi

Short Definition: prophet.

English Definition: prophet. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang ditunjuk Tuhan untuk menjadi utusanNYA di dunia, biasanya dipilih sebagai pemimpin umat. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nada

Short Definition: intonation, tone, pitch. BER-: have a tone, have the tone of, sound like.

English Definition: ^intonation, tone, pitch. BER-: have a tone, have the tone of, sound like. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi yang sudah tertentu tinggi rendahnya. ###

Examples: Lagu lama ini sepertinya BERNADA jazz. = This old song seems like HAVING a jazz TONE. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nadi

Short Definition: (med.)pulse, artery

English Definition: (med.) pulse, artery

Examples: Dokter memeriksa NADI nya = The doctor felt his PULSE.##

Word: nafas

Short Definition: breath.

English Definition: breath. ###

L2 Definition: Udara yang dihirup dan dikelurkan kembali melalui hidung. ###

Examples: Ia sudah tidak BERNAFAS lagi. = He doesn't HAVE any BREATH anymore. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nafkah

Short Definition: the fundamental necessities of life.

English Definition: the fundamental necessities of life. ###

L2 Definition: Uang belanja untuk hidup; pendapatan. ###

Examples: Perempuan itu tidak pernah diberi NAFKAH oleh suaminya. = The woman has never been given MONEY by her husband. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nafsu

Short Definition: appetite or desire for s.t. physical (sex, possessions, etc.).

English Definition: appetite or desire for s.t. physical (sex, possessions, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: keinginan; gairah; dorongan untuk berbuat sesuatu. ###

Examples: Dia tidak pernah bisa mengekang NAFSU seksualnya. = He never restricts his sexual DESIRE. ###

Hear This Word

Word: naga

Short Definition: dragon.

English Definition: dragon.###

L2 Definition: Ular yang sangat besar (dalam dongeng). ###

Examples: Saya lahir pada tahun NAGA. = I was born in the (Chinese) DRAGON year.

Hear This Word

Word: nah

Short Definition: now, well.

English Definition: *now, well (particle preceding a question or statement that draws s.t. to a conclusion). ###

L2 Definition: Kata seru untuk menyimpulkan sesuatu. ###

Examples: NAH akhirnya dapat juga kan! = WELL! It came about in the end anyway, didn't it! ###

Hear This Word

Word: naik

Short Definition: to climb, ascend; be on the increase; to ride s.t. Also ME--I, ME--KAN, +

English Definition: 1 to climb, ascend. 2 be on the increase. 3 to ride s.t. *ME--I: 1 to climb onto s.t., go up into s.t. 2 ride s.t. *ME--KAN: raise s.t. up. *KE--AN: increase; KE--AN KELAS: promotion; [see notes: NAIK KELAS: to be promoted to the next grade] ###

L2 Definition: Melangkah/maju ke atas. ###

Examples: Untuk pergi ke tempatnya kita harus MENAIKI jalan setapak yang licin. = To go to his place we have to CLIMB UP a slippery trail. Bulan depan pemerintah akan MENAIKKAN gaji pegawai negri. = Next month the government is going to RAISE the salary of the civil servants. KENAIKAN gaji itu akan diikuti oleh KENAIKAN harga barang-barang. = That INCREASE in salary will be followed by an INCREASE in the cost of goods. ###

Hear This Word

Word: najis

Short Definition: excrement, filth.

English Definition: excrement, filth. ###

L2 Definition: Sesuatu yang menyebabkan tidak suci (biasanya dalam hal peribadatan); kotor; perasaan jijik terhadap sesuatu. ###

Examples: Kau bisa membasuh NAJIS itu dengan air yang bersih. = You can clean that FILTH with clean water. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nak

Short Definition: see ANAK (notes).

English Definition: see ANAK (notes). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nakal

Short Definition: naughty, mischievous. KE--AN: mischief, dilinquency.

English Definition: ^ naughty, mischievous. *KE--AN: mischief, dilinquency. ###

L2 Definition: Susah diatur, bandel, kurang ajar. ###

Examples: Saya pikir hal ini sudah bukan KENAKALAN anak-anak lagi. = I think this matter is not just juvenile MISCHIEF anymore. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nakhoda

Short Definition: the captain of a ship.

English Definition: the captain of a ship. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang menjadi pemimpin di atas kapal. ###

Examples: NAKHODA kapal itu sangat tegas terhadap awak kapalnya. = The ship CAPTAIN is very strict to his crews. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nalar

Short Definition: judgement, reason. PEN--AN: power of reasoning.

English Definition: judgement, reason. PEN--AN: power of reasoning. ###

L2 Definition: Pertimbangan baik buruk; akal budi. ###

Examples: Keputusan itu diambil tanpa menggunakan NALAR yang baik. = That decision was taken without using a good REASON. Karena mempunyai PENALARAN yang kuat ia dapat memecahkan persoalan itu dengan mudah. = Because he has a strong POWER OF REASONING he can solve the problem easily. ###

Hear This Word

Word: naluri

Short Definition: instinct.

English Definition: instinct. ###

L2 Definition: Perbuatan yang dilakukan tanpa disadari karena didorong oleh perasaan hati. ###

Examples: NALURI binatang itu sangat tajam. = The animal INSTINCT is very sharp. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nama

Short Definition: name. BER-: called, named; well known, famous. Also ME--I, ME--KAN, TER-.

English Definition: ^*name. BER-: 1 called, named. 2 well known, famous. ME--I, ME--KAN: give a name to. TER-: famous.###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ...[ada] seorang raja, Jamojoyo NAMANYA. = "...[there was] a king, Jamojoyo (was) HIS NAME. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nampak

Short Definition: see TAMPAK.

English Definition: see TAMPAK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nampan

Short Definition: tray

English Definition: tray

Examples: NAMPAN bagus ini diberikan ibu sewaktu saya kawin = This nice TRAY was given by Ibu on my wedding day.###

Word: namun

Short Definition: yet, however, nevertheless

English Definition: yet, however, nevertheless

L2 Definition: meskipun

Examples: Dia orang yang sangat kaya, NAMUN tidak mau menolong yang miskin = He is very rich, however, he does not want to help the poor.##

Word: nanas

Short Definition: pineapple.

English Definition: pineapple. ###

L2 Definition: Salah satu nama buah-buahan. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nangka

Short Definition: jackfruit.

English Definition: jackfruit. ###

L2 Definition: Nama buah dari daerah tropis berbentuk bulat-bulat dan berwarna kuning kalau sudah masak, kulit luar buah ini berbintil-bintil. ###

Examples: NANGKA rasanya sangat enak = JACKFRUIT's taste very delicious. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nanti

Short Definition: later. ME-: wait. ME--KAN: wait for.

English Definition: later. ME-: wait. *ME--KAN: wait for. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu kemudian, waktu sebentar lagi akan tiba. ###

Examples: Rasanya saya sudah tidak sabar MENANTI lagi. = I feel like I'm not patient to WAIT longer. Berdebar-debar hatiku ketika MENANTIKAN kelahiran anakku. = When I was WAITING for the birth of my child, my heart beat fast. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nantiasa

Short Definition: see SENANTIASA.

English Definition: see SENANTIASA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nanyang

Short Definition: word used to qualify Chinese people living overseas, esp. in SE Asia.

English Definition: word used to qualify people of Chinese descent who are living overseas, especially in Southeast Asia. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan bagi orang-orang China perantauan, biasanya yang berada di Asia Tenggara. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: napas

Short Definition: see NAFAS.

English Definition: see NAFAS. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: napsu

Short Definition: see NAFSU.

English Definition: see NAFSU. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: naraka

Short Definition: see NERAKA.

English Definition: see NERAKA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: narasumber

Short Definition: resource person, informant

English Definition: resource person, informant

L2 Definition: sumber informasi

Examples: Pak Rahim bertugas sebagai NARASUMBER pada seminar itu = Pak Rahim was the RESOURCE PERSON at the seminar.###

Word: narkotika

Short Definition: narcotics

English Definition: narcotics

Word: nas

Short Definition: (Isl.) authoritative quotation (from the Koran).

English Definition: (Isl.) authoritative quotation (from the Koran). ###

Hear This Word

Word: nasabah

Short Definition: customer; client

English Definition: customer; client PER-AN = client affairs

Examples: Krisis ekonomi di Indonesia membuat banyak NASABAH Bank yang menjadi khawatir = The economic crisis in Indonesia made many Bank CLIENTS worried. ##

Word: Nasakom

Short Definition: contraction for "Nationalism, Religion, and Communism," a Sukarno regime slogan.

English Definition: contraction of "Nasionalisme, Agama, Komunisme" (Nationalism, Religion, and Communism), a slogan of the Sukarno regime. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nasar

Short Definition: see PENASARAN.

English Definition: see PENASARAN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nasehat

Short Definition: see NASIHAT.

English Definition: see NASIHAT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nasi

Short Definition: cooked rice.

English Definition: *cooked rice. ###

L2 Definition: Makanan utama orang Indonesia yang dibuat dari padi. ###

Examples: Apakah anda pernah merasakan lezatnya NASI rames? = Have you ever tasted the deliciousness of RICE with various side dishes? ###

Hear This Word

Word: nasib

Short Definition: fate, destiny.

English Definition: fate, destiny. ###

L2 Definition: Ketentuan yang telah dibuat oleh Tuhan; takdir. ###

Examples: NASIB seseorang sudah ditentukan oleh Tuhan. = Someone's FATE has been determined by God. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nasihat

Short Definition: advice. ME--I: to give advice to. ME--KAN: to give s.t. as advice. Also PE-.

English Definition: advice. *ME--I: to give advice to. ME--KAN: to give s.t. as advice. *PE-: advisor. ###

L2 Definition: Petuah yang mengandung ajaran yang baik. ###

Examples: Memang mudah MENASEHATI orang lain sementara diri sendiri berbuat salah. = It's easy to ADVISE others while you yourself do wrong. Pergilah dulu ke PENASEHAT perkawinan sebelum menikah. = Go to a marriage COUNSELLOR before getting married. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nasional

Short Definition: national. KE--AN: nationality; nationalism. PE--AN: nationalization.

English Definition: national. *KE--AN: 1 nationality. 2 nationalism. PE--AN: nationalization. ###

L2 Definition: Kebangsaan. ###

Examples: Rasa KENASIONALAN harus dipupuk semenjak anak-anak masih kecil. = Feelings of NATIONALISM must be fostered beginning when children are still small. ###

Hear This Word

Word: naskah

Short Definition: manuscript, original document.

English Definition: manuscript, original document. ###

L2 Definition: Rancangan suatu karangan; karangan yang masih asli. ###

Examples: NASKAH sandiwara ini kelihatannya sangat bagus. = The play's MANUSCRIPT looks very good. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nasrani

Short Definition: Christian.

English Definition: Christian. ###

L2 Definition: Orang-orang yang beragama kristen. ###

Examples: Setiap hari minggu umat NASRANI bersembahyang di gereja. = Every Sunday the CHRISTIAN people pray at the Church. ###

Hear This Word

Word: Natal

Short Definition: Christmas. -AN: Christmas celebration.

English Definition: Christmas. -AN: Christmas celebration. ###

L2 Definition: Hari besar bagi umat Nasrani untuk memperingati kelahiran Tuhan Jesus. ###

Examples: NATALAN tahun ini di kotaku sunggh semarak. = CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION this year in my town is really splendid. ###

Hear This Word

Word: natalitas

Short Definition: birth rate.

English Definition: birth rate. ###

L2 Definition: Jumlah angka kelahiran. ###

Examples: NATALITAS secara national tahun ini menurun drastis. = The national BIRTH RATE of this year decreases drastically. ###

Hear This Word

Word: naung

Short Definition: shadow, shade; shelter, protection. BER-: to take shelter. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^1 shadow, shade. 2 shelter, protection. BER-: to take shelter. -AN: shelter, protection. ###

L2 Definition: Berada di bawah sesuatu; lindung. ###

Examples: Saya akan BERNAUNG di bawah pohon itu. = I will TAKE SHELTER under that tree. Belanda kembali ke Indonesia sesudah Perang Dunia II di bawah NAUNGAN sekutu. = The Dutch was back to Indonesia after the World War II under the PROTECTION of the allied forces.

Hear This Word

Word: nazar

Short Definition: vow

English Definition: vow

Word: ndak

Short Definition: no (Coll. short for TIDAK).

English Definition: no (Coll. short for TIDAK). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: negara

Short Definition: state, country. KE--AN: matters pertaining to the state or country.

English Definition: state, country. *KE--AN: matters pertaining to the state or country. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu wilayah yang berpenduduk dan berpemerintahan. ###

Examples: Kedatangan pahlawan-pahlawan olah raga itu disambut dengan upacara KENEGARAAN. = The arrival of those sports heroes was met with a NATIONAL ceremony. ###

Hear This Word

Word: negeri

Short Definition: country, nation.

English Definition: country, nation. ###

L2 Definition: Negara; kampung halaman; daerah asal. ###

Examples: Dia berani berlayar sampai ke NEGERI seberang. = She was dared to sail to the COUNTRY on the other side. ###

Hear This Word

Word: negosiasi

Short Definition: negotiation###

English Definition: ^negotiation BER-: be engaged in negotiaton *ME-KAN: negotiate s.t.###

Examples: *Pemerintah Indonesia berusaha keras MENEGOSIASIKAN pinjaman dengan IMF The Indonesian Government has tried hard to NEGOTIATE loans to the IMF.###

Word: nekad

Short Definition: SEE NEKAT

Word: nekat

Short Definition: determined to do something no matter what

English Definition: determined; ready to take serious risk

Examples: Karena perkawinannya ditentang orang tua, Nina NEKAT melarikan diri = Because her parent was against the marriage, Nina was DETERMINED to run away. ##

Word: Nekolim

Short Definition: Neocolonialism, Colonialism, and Imerialism.

English Definition: (Neo-Kolonialis, Kolonialis, dan Imperialisme) Neocolonialism, Colonialism, and Imperialism. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nelayan

Short Definition: fisherman.

English Definition: fisherman. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya mencari ikan. ###

Examples: Perkampungan NELAYAN itu tak jauh dari sini. = The FISHERMEN settlement is not far from here. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nenas

Short Definition: pineapple###

English Definition: pineapple###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Nenas yang berkulit kuning kemerah-merahan dan ukurannya agak kecil biasanya sangat manis = Pineapple that has a yellow-redish color and small size usually very sweet.

Word: nenek

Short Definition: grandmother.

English Definition: 1. grandmother; 2. old woman. ###

L2 Definition: Ibu dari ayah/ibu; panggilan untuk perempuan lanjut usia. ###

Examples: Harap tolong NENEK itu menyeberang jalan. = Please help that OLD WOMAN to cross the street.

Hear This Word

Word: nenek-moyang

Short Definition: ancestors.

English Definition: ancestors.###

L2 Definition: Orang-orang jaman dulu (beberapa generasi sebelum generasi sekarang) yang menurunkan orang-orang sekarang. ###

Examples: NENEK-MOYANG bangsa Indonesia berasal dari berbagai macam suku. = The ANCESTORS of the Indonesian people came from various ethnic groups. ###

Hear This Word

Word: neraca

Short Definition: balance, (pair of) scales###

English Definition: balance, (pair of) scales###

Examples: Pemerintah Indonesia dan IMF menyetujui NERACA pembayaran yang diajukan oleh Bank Dunia = The Indonesian Government and the IMF agreed upon the BALANCE of payment proposed by the World Bank.###

Word: neraka

Short Definition: hell, the abode of Satan.

English Definition: hell, the abode of Satan. ###

L2 Definition: Bukan surga; tempat untuk menyiksa orang-orang yang punya banyak dosa di akhirat; ekspresi untuk menggambarkan suatu hal yang buruk. ###

Examples: Gurun pasir itu adalah NERAKA dunia kata orang yang pernah tersesat di sana. = The desert if the HELL of the world said one who had been lost there. ###

Hear This Word

Word: netral

Short Definition: 1. neutral 2. uncommitted, nonaligned###

English Definition: * 1. neutral 2. uncommitted, nonaligned ME~KAN = 1. permit to be neutral 2. neutralize KE~AN = neutrality PE~AN = neutralization###

Examples: * Pegawai negeri diharapkan bersikap NETRAL dalam pemilihan umum= Civil service is supposed to be NEUTRAL in elections.###

Word: ngajak

Short Definition: see AJAK

English Definition: see AJAK

Word: nganga

Short Definition: agape. ME-: gape, gawk. TER-: to be open; to be flabbergasted.

English Definition: ^agape. *ME-: gape, gawk. *TER-: 1 to be open or agape. 2 to be astonished, flabbergasted. ###

L2 Definition: terbuka; menguak. ###

Examples: Jalanan dengan lobang-lobang yang MENGANGA itu sangat membahayakan pengendara. = That road with many GAPING potholes is very dangerous for vehicle drivers. Saking kagetnya sampai mulutnya TERNGANGA. = Because of his astonishment his mouth stayed AGAPE. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nganggur

Short Definition: to be unemployed.

English Definition: *to be unemployed. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak melakukan apa-apa. ###

Examples: Sesudah lulus dari universitas, Kardi NGANGGUR saja karena tidak mendapat pekerjaan. = After graduating from the university, Kardi was UNEMPLOYED because he couldn't find work. ###

Hear This Word

Word: ngantuk

Short Definition: SEE KANTUK

Word: ngarai

Short Definition: chasm, gorge

English Definition: chasm, gorge.##

Examples: ###

Word: ngeledek

Short Definition: make fun of.

English Definition: *make fun of. ###

L2 Definition: Membuat sesuatu menjadi lucu; mencibir; mencemooh. ###

Examples: Jangan NGELEDEK adikmu nanti dia menangis. = Don't MAKE FUN OF your younger brother or he'll cry later. ###

Hear This Word

Word: ngeri

Short Definition: horrified, horrifying. ME--KAN: horrifying. KE--AN: horror. -AN: terrifying.

English Definition: ^1. horrified. 2. horrifying. ME--KAN: cause o. to be horrified, horrifying. KE--AN: horror. -AN: terrifying.###

L2 Definition: Rasa takut yang amat sangat. ###

Examples: Saya tidak dapat tidur sehabis melihat kecelakaan yang MENGERIKAN. = I can not sleep after I saw the HORRIFYING accident.

Hear This Word

Word: nggak

Short Definition: no, not (Coll. form of TIDAK).

English Definition: *no, not (Coll. form of TIDAK). ###

L2 Definition: Tidak. ###

Examples: Jangan merokok! NGGAK baik tuh buat kesehatanmu.= Don't smoke cigarettes! That's NOT good for your health. ###

Hear This Word

Word: ngibul

Short Definition: see KIBUL

English Definition: see KIBUL

Word: ngilu

Short Definition: pain, smarting pain

English Definition: pain, smarting pain

L2 Definition: sakit, linu

Examples: Sejak kemarin gigi saya sangat NGILU = Since yesterday I feel PAIN on my teeth.##

Word: nginap

Short Definition: SEE INAP

Word: nglajo

Short Definition: see LAJO.

English Definition: see LAJO. ###

Hear This Word

Word: NGO

Short Definition: Non-Governmental Organizaation.

English Definition: Non-Governmental Organization. ###

Hear This Word

Word: ngobrol

Short Definition: SEE OBROL

Word: ngomong

Short Definition: SEE OMONG

Word: ngompol

Short Definition: SEE OMPOL

Word: NHM

Short Definition: Netherlands Trading Company.

English Definition: (Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij) Netherlands Trading Company. ###

Hear This Word

Word: niaga

Short Definition: commerce, trade

English Definition: *BER- = engage in trading *PER-AN = trade, commerce

L2 Definition: dagang, perdagangan

Examples: Makassar terkenal sebagai kota NIAGA = Makassar is famous as a COMMERCE city.# Pak Hasan berkeliling negeri untuk BERNIAGA = Pak Hasan goes around the country to TRADE.# Tahun ini hasil PERNIAGAAN negara kita cukup baik = For this year the result of our country's COMMERCE is good.##

Word: nian

Short Definition: very, really

English Definition: very, really.##

Examples: Cantik NIAN anak Pak Sudirman = Pak Sudirman's daughter is VERY beautiful! Gambar ini bagus NIAN = This is picture is VERY beautiful.###

Word: niat

Short Definition: intention, aim. BER-: intend. Also ME--I, TER-, -AN.

English Definition: ^intention, aim. *BER-: intend. *ME--I: intend to acquire s.t. *TER-: 1 intended, meant. 2 get an idea, conceive a plan. -AN: s.t. intended. ###

L2 Definition: Keinginan; kemauan. ###

Examples: Dari jauh sudah ku ketahui orang itu BERNIAT buruk padaku. = I already knew from afar that that person INTENDED bad things for me. Saya sudah MENIATI puasa ini sejak tahun lalu. = I INTENDED TO FOLLOW this fast since last year. Memang TERNIAT aku akan sekolah ke luar negeri. = It is really INTENDED that I will go to school abroad. ###

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Word: nikah

Short Definition: marriage; marry. BER-: married. ME-: to get married. Also ME--I, ME--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 marriage. 2 marry. BER-: married. *ME-: to get married. *ME--I: marry s.o. *ME--KAN: marry s.o. off. *PER--AN: wedding ceremony. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan persetujuan untuk saling mengikat diri menjadi suami istri. ###

Examples: Udin akan MENIKAH bulan depan di Sumatra. = Udin is going TO GET MARRIED next month in Sumatra. Tidak pantas orang setua itu MENIKAHI gadis belia. = It isn't appropriate for a man as old as that to MARRY a young girl. Hanya ayahnya yang bisa hadir MENIKAHKAN anak gadisnya. = Only his father could be in attendance to MARRY OFF his daughter. Acara PERNIKAHAN anak kami akan kami langsungkan secara sederhana saja. = We are going to conduct the WEDDING ceremony of our child in just a simple way. ###

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Word: nikmat

Short Definition: comfort, luxury; pleasant, enjoyable; (Isl.) grace. Also ME--I, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 comfort, luxury. 2 pleasant, enjoyable. 3 (Isl.) grace. *ME--I: to enjoy. *KE--AN: enjoyment, bliss. ###

L2 Definition: Enak; nyaman. ###

Examples: Sore ini kami sekeluarga akan MENIKMATI udara luar. = This afternoon our family is going to ENJOY the outside air. Obat-obatan memabukkan itu hanya akan memberimu KENIKMATAN sekejap saja. = Those hallucinogenic drugs will give you only a moments ENJOYMENT. ###

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Word: nilai

Short Definition: value, grade. BER-: to be of value or have a certain value. Also -AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: value, grade. BER-: to be of value or have a certain value. -AN: estimate, valuation. PE--AN: judgement, appraisal. ###

L2 Definition: harga; kadar; mutu. ###

Examples: Barang temuan bersejarah itu tak TERNILAI harganya. = The historical artifact findings is INVALUABLE. Perhiasan ini BERNILAI jutaan rupiah. = This jewelry WORTHS millions of rupiahs. Saya tidak peduli apapun PENILAIAN orang selama saya tidak melakukan kejahatan. =I don't care other people's JUDGEMENT as long as I don't commit crime. ###

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Word: nilam

Short Definition: patchouli (a shrubby mint which yields an oil used as a perfume base).

English Definition: patchouli (a shrubby mint which yields an oil used as a perfume base). ###

L2 Definition: Sejenis tanaman yang daunnya berbau harum, tanaman ini biasa dipakai sebagai bahan pembuat minyak wangi. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nilon

Short Definition: nylon.

English Definition: nylon. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: nipah

Short Definition: a palm of the swamps.

English Definition: a palm of the swamps. ###

L2 Definition: Nama tumbuhan palem yang daunnya biasa dipakai sebagai bahan dasar tikar atau atap rumah. ###

Examples: Rumah-rumah beratap daun NIPAH itu kelihatan sangat teduh dan nyaman. = The houses with PALM leaves roofs look very peaceful and comfortable. ###

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Word: nisan

Short Definition: gravestone

English Definition: gravestone

Examples: Didaerah ini ada pekuburan tua dengan batu NISAN yang unik dan menarik = There is an old graveyard in this area that has unique and interesting gravestones.

Word: nista

Short Definition: 1. insult, abuse; 2. stigma; 3. insulted, humiliated; 4. base, low

English Definition: *ME-- : insult *ME--KAN: insult s.o *KE--AN: insult, feeling of indignity

L2 Definition: hina, menghina, menderita

Examples: Janganlah kamu MENISTAKAN orang miskin = Do not INSULT the poor people. Hidup dalam KENISTAAN bisa membuatnya gila = Living in INDIGNITY can make him insane.##

Word: noda

Short Definition: 1. stain, spot of dirt; 2. shame, disgrace

English Definition: 1. stain, spot of dirt; 2. shame, disgrace *BER--: stained *ME--I: stain s.t.; disgrace

Examples: Baju baru Siti kena NODA tumpahan makanan = Siti's new dress was STAINED by food spills. Dia merasa sudah BERNODA dan tidak mau lagi kembali ke orang tuanya = She feels she is a SHAME and does not want to meet her parents again. Perbuatan Ida telah MENODAI kehormatan orang tuanya = What Ida did was a DISGRACE for her parents.###

Word: nol

Short Definition: zero.

English Definition: zero.###

L2 Definition: kosong. ###

Examples: Sudah seharian berdagang begini tetapi hasilnya NOL saja. = I have been vending all day long but the result is still ZERO. ###

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Word: nomer

Short Definition: number. Also ME--DUAKAN, ME--SATUKAN.

English Definition: number. ME--DUAKAN: relegate to 2nd place, deprioritize. ME--SATUKAN: give 1st place or high priority to. ###

L2 Definition: Angka sebagai tanda bilangan. ###

Examples: Guruku selalu MENOMORDUAKANku dalam segala hal. = My teacher always RELEGATES ME TO SECOND PLACE in everything. Bagaimana bisa MENOMORSATUKAN hal itu kalau kualitasnya memang tidak baik? = How can that thing be GIVEN HIGH PRIORITY if its quality is not good? ###

Hear This Word

Word: nomor

Short Definition: see NOMER.

English Definition: see NOMER. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: non

Short Definition: short for "nona" or "noni" (young unmarried European or Chinese woman).

English Definition: short for "nona" or "noni", young unmarried European, Chinese or Europeanized Indonesian woman).

L2 Definition: Panggilan untuk perempuan yang belum kawin pada golongan masyarakat tertentu. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nona

Short Definition: young European woman or young woman with European-like ways.

English Definition: young European woman or young woman with European-like ways. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nongol

Short Definition: (Jkt) stick the head out, be conspicuous.

English Definition: (Jkt) stick the head out, be conspicuous. ###

Hear This Word

Word: noni

Short Definition: young European woman or young woman with European-like ways.

English Definition: young European woman or young woman with European-like ways. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nonik

Short Definition: see NONI.

English Definition: see NONI. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nonton

Short Definition: see TONTON

English Definition: see TONTON.###

Word: Nopember

Short Definition: November.

English Definition: November. ###

L2 Definition: Nama bulan sesudah Oktober sebelum Desember. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: norak

Short Definition: tacky, bad taste, vulgar

English Definition: *tacky, bad taste, vulgar

Examples: Caranya berpakaian NORAK sekali = the way she dresses is very in BAD TASTE. NORAK ah! = that's BAD TASTE! that's VULGAR!

Word: normalisasi

Short Definition: normalization.

English Definition: normalization. ###

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Word: notabene

Short Definition: notabene, used to call attention to s.t. important.

English Definition: notabene, used to call attention to s.t. important. ###

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Word: NU

Short Definition: acronym for "Nahdlatul Ulama," an association of Muslim scholars.

English Definition: acronym for "Nahdlatul Ulama," an association of Muslim scholars and a political party during the 1970's. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nuansa

Short Definition: nuance

English Definition: nuance

Word: nuklir

Short Definition: nuclear.

English Definition: nuclear. ###

Hear This Word

Word: numpang

Short Definition: see TUMPANG.

English Definition: see TUMPANG. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nun

Short Definition: over there; yonder (poetic word).

English Definition: over there; somewhat far away; yonder (poetic word). ###

L2 Definition: di sana; sana. ###

Examples: NUN jauh di sana, terdapatlah sebuah kerajaan yang makmur dan damai. = SOMEWHAT FAR AWAY over there, there was a wealthy and peaceful kingdom. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nurani

Short Definition: 1. lustrous, illuminated 2. pure 3. inner###

English Definition: 1. lustrous, illuminated 2. pure 3. inner###

Examples: ###

Word: Nusa Tenggara

Short Definition: 1. the Lesser Sunda Islands. 2. Western NT Province. 3. East NT Province.

English Definition: 1. the Lesser Sunda Islands (between Bali and Timor). 2. Nusa Tenggara Barat = a province in Indonesia, conbsisting of the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa. Its capital city is Mataram, on Lombok. 3. Nusa Tenggara Timur = a province in Indonesia, consisting of the major islands of Flores, Sumba, and part of Timor. Its capital city is Kupang, on western Timor. ###

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See a Picture

Word: Nusantara

Short Definition: archipelago; the Indonesian Archipelago.

English Definition: 1 archipelago. 2 the Indonesian Archipelago. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk negara Indonesia jaman dulu. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nya

Short Definition: -NYA: his, her, its, their, your, the; him, her, it, them.

English Definition: *-NYA: 1 his, her, its, their. 2 your. 3 the (one that we both know about/were talking about). 4 him, her, it, them (after verbs or prepositions).###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Di mana Ali? ADIKNYA sudah sampai. = Where's Ali? HIS BROTHER has arrived. Hei, Ali, ADIKNYA sudah di sini! = Hey, Ali, YOUR BROTHER is here! Ini BUKUNYA, yang baru saya ceritakan. = This is THE BOOK I was just telling about. Pomo sudah membeli rumah; ini rumah yang DIBELINYA. = Pomo has bought a house; this is the house that was BOUGHT BY HIM.###

Hear This Word

Word: nyah

Short Definition: short for NYONYA.

English Definition: short for NYONYA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nyai

Short Definition: title and term of address formerly given to the mistress of a foreigner.

English Definition: title and term of address formerly given to the mistress of a foreigner. ###

L2 Definition: Panggilan untuk wanita Indonesia yang diperistri oleh orang Belanda di jaman penjajahan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: nyala

Short Definition: flame. BER-, ME-: 1 to flame up. 2 to burn (of a light). Also ME--KAN.

English Definition: flame. *BER-, ME-: 1 to flame up. 2 to burn (of a light). *ME--KAN: to set alight, set fire to, to start. ###

L2 Definition: Hidup; membara. ###

Examples: Lampu di halaman rumah sudah MENYALA sejak tadi. = The light in the yard has been ON since a while ago. Saya akan MENYALAKAN mesin mobil dulu. = I am going to START the car engine first. ###

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Word: nyaman

Short Definition: pleasant, comfortable.

English Definition: pleasant, comfortable. ###

L2 Definition: enak; segar; sejuk; nikmat. ###

Examples: Suasana restoran itu sangat NYAMAN dan makanannya enak-enak. = The atmosphere of the restaurant is very PLEASANT and the food are delicious. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nyambi

Short Definition: see SAMBI.

English Definition: see SAMBI. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nyampang

Short Definition: in case, just in case, by chance.

English Definition: in case, hust in case, by chance. ###

L2 Definition: kebetulan; untunglah; mujurlah; selagi; mumpung; kalau-kalau; sekiranya. ###

Examples: SENYAMPANG hujan, bawalah payung. = IN CASE of rain, please bring an umbrella. ###

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Word: nyamuk

Short Definition: mosquito.

English Definition: mosquito. ###

L2 Definition: Serangga kecil bersayap yang memakan darah manusia dan binatang. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: nyana

Short Definition: expect, presume, think. DI-: expected, considered possible. ME--KAN: expect s.t.

English Definition: expect, presume, think. DI-: expected, condered possible. ME--KAN: expect s.t., suspect s.t. TER-: expected. ###

L2 Definition: kira; sangka; duga. ###

Examples: Tidak DINYANA kalau dia bakal mendapat grasi dari presiden. = It was not EXPECTED that he would get a CLEMENCY by the president. Siapa yang MENYANA dia bisa datang secepat ini? = Who EXPECT he could come this fast?

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Word: nyanyi

Short Definition: BER-, ME-: sing. ME--KAN: sing s.t. -AN: song, melody. PE-: singer.

English Definition: BER-, ME-: sing. ME--KAN: sing s.t. -AN: song, melody. PE-: singer.###

L2 Definition: Kata-kata/lirik yang bernada/berirama; lagu. ###

Examples: Katak dalam cerita itu bisa BERNYANYI. = The frog in the story can SING. Saya sangat malu ketika diminta untuk MENYANYI. = I was very embarrassed when I was asked to SING. Siapa mau MENYANYIKAN lagu ini untukku? = Who would like TO SING the song for me? Malam itu saya MENYANYIKAN sebuah NYANYIAN asmara. = That night I SANG a love SONG. Saya tidak keberatan kalau anakku ingin jadi PENYANYI. = I don't mind if my daughter wishes to become a SINGER. ###

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Word: nyaring

Short Definition: a high pitched voice

English Definition: a high pitched voice

L2 Definition: bunyi yang keras dan melengking

Examples: Penyanyi opera biasanya bersuara NYARING = Opera singer usually has a HIGH PITCHED VOICE.##

Word: nyaris

Short Definition: nearly.

English Definition: nearly (of s.t. unpleasant). ###

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Word: nyaru

Short Definition: disguised.

English Definition: disguised. ###

L2 Definition: samaran; penyamaan. ###

Examples: Sersan itu MENYARU menjadi mata-mata musuh. = The sargeant is DISGUISED as an enemy spy. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nyata

Short Definition: obvious, evident, real, tangible

English Definition: *1 obvious, evident. 2 real, tangible *ME-KAN: 1 explain, clarify. 2 declare, assert *TER- : 1 it appears, apparently. 2 it turned out *KE-AN : 1 fact, data. 2 truth, reality *PER-AN : 1 declaration, pronouncement. 2 expression

Examples: Pentingnya menjaga kesehatan sudah nyata= the importance of keeping health is obvious. Petani-petani MENYATAKAN perang terhadap hama tikus= farmers DECLARE war to infestation of mice. TERNYATA orang itu adalah ibu kandungnya= APPARENTLY that person is his biological mother. Orang gila itu tidak bisa membedakan antara KENYATAAN dan fantasi= that crazyman is not able to distinguish between REALITY and fantasy.

Word: nyawa

Short Definition: life-sustaining principle, soul.

English Definition: life-sustaining principle, soul. ###

L2 Definition: Roh; rohani; jiwa; hal yang membuat sesuatu hidup. ###

Examples: Mikail adalah nama malaikat pencabut NYAWA. = Michael is the name of the angel who extracts SOULS. ###

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Word: nyenyak

Short Definition: be sound (of sleep).

English Definition: *be sound (of sleep). ###

L2 Definition: Tidur pulas. ###

Examples: NYENYAK benar tidurku tadi malam. = My sleep last night was really SOUND. ###

Hear This Word

Word: nyeri

Short Definition: painful

English Definition: painful; (sharp) pain

L2 Definition: sakit; ngilu

Examples: Kaki saya masih NYERI akibat terjatuh kemarin = My leg is still PAINFUL after falling down yesterday.###

Word: nyiru

English Definition: a type of basket for winnowing ME- to use such a basket ###

Word: nyiur

Short Definition: coconut palm.

English Definition: coconut palm. ###

L2 Definition: Pohon kelapa. ###

Examples: NYIUR-NYIUR hijau di tepi pantai itu menambah indahnya pemandangan. = The COCONUT PALM TREES on the beach add to the beauty of the scenery. ###

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Word: nyonya

Short Definition: title or term of address for a married woman (esp. Westerners and Chinese).

English Definition: *Mrs. (title or term of address for a married woman, especially Westerners and Chinese). ###

L2 Definition: Panggilan formal untuk wanita yang bersuami. ###

Examples: Pembukaan pameran ini akan dilakukan oleh Bapak Bupati dan NYONYA. = The opening of this exhibit is going to be performed by the regent, Mr. and MRS.###

Hear This Word

Word: o

Short Definition: Oh!

English Definition: *Oh! ###

L2 Definition: Pernyataan tanda mengerti atau kaget. ###

Examples: O, jadi begitu to cara melakukannya. = OH! So this is the way to do it. ###

Hear This Word

Word: obah

Short Definition: see UBAH.

English Definition: see UBAH. ###

Hear This Word

Word: obat

Short Definition: medicine, potion. BER-: get medical treatment. Also MENG--I, TER-(-KAN).

English Definition: ^medicine, potion. *BER-: get medical treatment. *MENG--I: treat s.o. or s.t. TER-(-KAN): treated, cured. ###

L2 Definition: Barang yang bisa dipakai untuk menyembuhkan penyakit. ###

Examples: Setiap bulan ibu harus BEROBAT ke dokter untuk mengurangi sakit gulanya. = Every month mother must GO to the doctor FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT to relieve her diabetes. Untuk MENGOBATI sakit kankernya dia harus pergi ke Amerika. = To TREAT his cancer, he has to go to America. ###

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Word: obeng

Short Definition: screwdriver

English Definition: screwdriver.###

Examples: Boleh saya pinjam OBENG itu sebentar?? = Can I borrow that SCREWDRIVER??###

Word: obligasi

Short Definition: [Fin.] debenture, bonds

English Definition: [Fin.] debenture, bonds. *SURAT --: bonds.###

Examples: ###

Word: obrak-abrik

Short Definition: MENG--: 1. destroy, ruin; 2. upset, tip over, turn upside down.

English Definition: MENG--: 1. destroy, ruin; 2. upset, tip over, turn upside down.

Examples: Angin kencang itu telah MENGOBRAK-ABRIK seluruh kampung = The strong wind had RUINED the whole town.###

Word: obral

Short Definition: 1. clearance sale. 2. do something without prior consideration.

English Definition: 1. clearance sale. 2. do something without prior consideration. ###

L2 Definition: Menjual barang dengan harga rendah; mengeluarkan sesuatu secara besar-besaran. ###

Examples: Kok tumben hari ini dia MENGOBRAL senyum terus. = How strange! Today he keeps smiling GENEROUSLY (TO EVERY BODY). ###

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Word: obrol

Short Definition: MENG-: chat, make small talk. -AN: small talk, gossip.

English Definition: ^*MENG-: chat, make small talk. *-AN: small talk, gossip. ###

L2 Definition: Bercakap-cakap tanpa tujuan yang pasti. ###

Examples: Semalaman kami MENGOBROL saja untuk menghabiskan waktu. = All night long we just CHATTED to pass the time. OBROLAN ini akhirnya berkembang menjadi sangat serius. = In the end, this GOSSIP blossomed into something very serious. ###

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Word: obsesi

Short Definition: obsession.

English Definition: obsession. ###

Hear This Word

Word: obyek

Short Definition: object.

English Definition: object. ###

L2 Definition: hal; perkara; sesuatu yang menjadi pokok pembicaraan. ###

Hear This Word

Word: obyektif

Short Definition: objective.

English Definition: objective. ###

L2 Definition: Secara nyata; ada dasarnya. ###

Hear This Word

Word: odol

Short Definition: [Coll.] toothpaste

English Definition: [Coll.] toothpaste

L2 Definition: pasta gigi

Examples: Jangan lupa menggosok gigi dengan ODOL yang baru = Do not forget to brush your teeth with the new TOOTHPASTE.###

Word: ojek

Short Definition: motorcycle or bicycle used for public transportation

English Definition: *MENG-- : earn money by taking people on o's bicycle or motorocycle. *PENG-- : who does this

Examples: Ayahnya bekerja sebagai PENGOJEK = his father earns money by TAKING PEOPLE ON MOTORCYCLE.##

Word: oknum

Short Definition: term referring, usually negatively, to a person of a certain capacity; +

English Definition: ^1 term referring, usually in a negative sense, to a person of a certain capacity. 2 (Rel.) person (of God). ###

L2 Definition: Orang; pribadi yang biasanya dikonotasikan dengan hal-hal yang kurang baik. ###

Examples: Perampokan itu dilakukan oleh OKNUM polisi sendiri. = The robbery was conducted by A CERTAIN PERSONNELL of the police itself. ###

Hear This Word

Word: Oktober

Short Definition: October.

English Definition: October. ###

L2 Definition: Nama bulan sesudah September dan sebelum November. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: olah

Short Definition: way of doing s.t. SEOLAH-OLAH: as if.

English Definition: way of doing s.t. *SEOLAH-OLAH: as if. ###

L2 Definition: Proses dalam pembuatan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Dia diam saja SEOLAH-OLAH tidak tahu menahu masalah itu. = He was just silent AS IF he did not have any knowledge of that problem. ###

Hear This Word

Word: olahraga

Short Definition: sports, physical exercise. BER-: engage in sports. KE--AN: sports, atheletics.

English Definition: sports or physical exercise. *BER-: to engage in sports. KE--AN: sports, atheleticism. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan latihan gerak badan. ###

Examples: Sesudah berumur 30 tahun kita perlu BEROLAHRAGA secara baik. = When we get to be 30 years old, we have to ENGAGE IN SPORTS in a good way. ###

Hear This Word

Word: oleh

Short Definition: see OLEH1 (because, by . . .) or OLEH2 (gift . . .).

English Definition: see OLEH1 (because, by . . .) OLEH2 (gift . . .) ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: oleh-oleh

Short Definition: gift brought from a trip, a souvenir

English Definition: gift brought from a trip, a souvenir.###

Examples: Kain sutra ini OLEH-OLEH ibu dari Jepang = This silk is a GIFT from Ibu from her trip to Japan.###

Word: oleh1

Short Definition: because of, by means of.

English Definition: *because of, by means of. ###

L2 Definition: Sebab; karena; akibat. ###

Examples: OLEH KARENA miskinnya dia sulit membayar hutang. = BECAUSE OF his poverty, he had difficulty paying his debts. ###

Hear This Word

Word: oleh2

Short Definition: OLEH-OLEH: a gift brought back from a trip for s.o. at home.

English Definition: OLEH-OLEH: a gift brought back from a trip for s.o. at home. BER-: get, obtain, receive MEMPER-: obtain, get TEPER-: obtainable PER--AN: process of acquiring ###

L2 Definition: Barang yang dibawa dari bepergian untuk hadiah. ###

Examples: Saya senang kalau nenek datang, dia selalu membawa banyak OLEH-OLEH. = I like it when grandmother comes; she always brings lots of GIFTS.###

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Word: oleng

Short Definition: 1. shaky; 2. having a strong roll (of ship), staggering

English Definition: 1. shaky; 2. having a strong roll (of ship), staggering

Examples: Kapal itu OLENG terkena ombak yang besar = The ship was ROLLING to its side because of the big wave.###

Word: om

Short Definition: uncle; term of address or title for non-Javanese man older than the speaker.

English Definition: 1 uncle. 2 term of address or title for a non-Javanese man older than the speaker. ###

L2 Definition: Panggilan untuk paman (pengaruh bahasa Belanda). ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ombak

Short Definition: wave.

English Definition: wave. ###

L2 Definition: *Gerakan air laut yang turun-naik atau bergulung-gulung. ###

Examples: Kapal itu karam dihempas OMBAK setinggi tujuh meter. = The ship sank after being TOSSED by seven meter height WAVES. ###

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Word: ombang-ambing

Short Definition: bob up and down, oscillate###

English Definition: ^bob up and down, oscillate BER-: bob up and down MENG-: 1. oscillate 2. toss about helplessly 3. be uncertain MENG-KAN: 1. cause s.t. to toss about 2. make s.t. uncertain *TER-: 1. be tossed about 2. vacillate 3. be uncertain -AN: vacillation, indecision###

Examples: Kapal itu TEROMBANG-AMBING di tengah samudra = That ship is being tossed up and down in the ocean.###

Word: omel

Short Definition: (ME)NG-: grumble. -AN: a gripe.

English Definition: *(ME)NG-: grumble. *-AN: a gripe. ###

L2 Definition: Perkataan yang tidak jelas atau diulang-ulang untuk menyatakan ketidak puasan hati; gerundelan. ###

Examples: Sepanjang jalan kakakku MENGOMEL saja karena tidak diijinkan ikut balap motor. = For the entire trip my elder brother just GRUMBLED because he wasn't given permission to join the motorcycle race. Lama-lama OMELANmu memedihkan telingaku. = After a time, your GRIPES made my ears smart. ###

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Word: omong

Short Definition: (ME)NG-: speak, talk, say. OMONG-OMONG: chat, make small talk. Also PENG-.

English Definition: (ME)NG-: speak, talk, say. *OMONG-OMONG: chat, make small talk. PENG-: talkative person. ###

L2 Definition: bicara; berkata. ###

Examples: Mari kita OMONG-OMONG sebentar di dalam. = Come, lets CHAT for a minute inside. ###

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Word: ompol

Short Definition: [Coll.] urine expelled in bed or in o's pants

English Definition: Ngompol = wet the bed or o's pants

L2 Definition: kencing celana

Examples: Dia malu karena masih sering NGOMPOL = He is embarrased because he still WETS HIS BED.##

Word: on

Short Definition: 1. 100 grams. 2. ounce. -AN: by the ounce.

English Definition: 1. 100 grams. 2. ounce. -AN: by the ounce. ###

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Word: onak

Short Definition: curved thorn

English Definition: all kinds of thorns; thorny bushes

L2 Definition: duri

Examples: Bunga Mawar indah tapi penuh ONAK = The Roses are beautiful, but it has THORNS in the stems.###

Word: onar

Short Definition: noisy sensation, stir

English Definition: *MENG--KAN: excite, create chaos *KE--AN: chaos, confusion, disturbance

L2 Definition: kacau, kekacauan, keributan

Examples: Si Amir selalu saja membuat ONAR di rumah tetangga = Amir always creates CHAOS in the neighborhood. Demonstrasi di jalan memnyebabkan KEONARAN yang tidak terkendali = the demonstration created uncontrolable CHAOS on the streets.##

Word: onderdil

Short Definition: spare parts.

English Definition: spare parts. ###

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Word: onggok

Short Definition: in heaps, stacks, piles

English Definition: *BER- = in heaps *-AN = pile, heap

Examples: Pakaian kotor di kamarnya BERONGGOK saja di lantai = Dirty cloths STACKED in the floor of his room.# ONGGOKAN barang itu harus diatur secara rapi = The PILE of things should be arranged neatly.##

Word: ongkang-ongkang

Short Definition: sit around doing nothing.

English Definition: sit around doing nothing. ###

L2 Definition: Duduk enak-enak tanpa melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Tidak mungkin orang yang hanya ONGKANG-ONGKANG akan mendapatkan rejeki. = It is impossible that one who is JUST SITTING DOWN DOING NOTHING will get a fortune. ###

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Word: ongkos

Short Definition: cost, expenses, charges. MENG--I, MEMPER--I: finance s.t.

English Definition: ^cost, expenses, charges. *MENG--I, MEMPER--I: finance s.t. ###

L2 Definition: biaya. ###

Examples: Bapakku yang akan MENGONGKOSI perjalanan ini. = My father is going to FINANCE this trip. ###

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Word: ons

Short Definition: see ON.

English Definition: see ON. ###

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Word: onta

Short Definition: camel###

English Definition: camel###

Examples: Di tanah Arab, orang-orang menggunakan ONTA sebagai kendaraan = In Arabic countries, people use CAMELS as transportation.###

Word: opelet

Short Definition: kind of small urban bus or jipney.

English Definition: kind of small urban bus or jipney. ###

L2 Definition: Kendaraan umum untuk angkutan kota (sejenis colt). ###

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Word: operasi

Short Definition: operation, undertaking. BER-: operate, carry out one's activities.

English Definition: operation, undertaking. BER-: operate, carry out one's activities. ###

L2 Definition: Tindakan atau gerakan; pelaksanaan dari suatu rencana; bedah untuk mengobati/mengambil penyakit. ###

Examples: Rombongan perampok itu biasanya BEROPERASI di waktu subuh. = The robber gang usually OPERATES just before dawn. ###

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Word: oplet

Short Definition: see OPELET.

English Definition: see OPELET. ###

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Word: OPM

Short Definition: Free Papua Movement, secessionist movement of W. New Guinea.

English Definition: (Organisasi Papua Merdeka) Free Papua Movement, secessionist movement of W. New Guinea. ###

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Word: opsir

Short Definition: officer.

English Definition: officer. ###

L2 Definition: Perwira militer. ###

Examples: Kakekku merasa bangga sekali karena bisa menangkap seorang OPSIR Belanda. = My grandpa was very proud because he was able to capture a Dutch MILITARY OFFICER. ###

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Word: Opsus

Short Definition: Special Operations Service (of the Military).

English Definition: (Operasi Khusus) Special Operations Service (of the Military). ###

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Word: optik

Short Definition: optics

English Definition: optics

Word: orang

Short Definition: person; (after a number)=classifier for people (SEORANG=a/an/one person).

English Definition: *1 human, person, man, woman. 2 (preceded by number): classifier for people. *SE-: a/an/one (person). *PER--AN: person by person. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ORANG itu sangat baik. = That PERSON is very good. Ada dua ORANG guru di sini. = There are two teachers here. ...SEORANG raja, Jamojoyo namanya... = ...A king, named J.... ###

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Word: orang utan

Short Definition: orangutan.

English Definition: orangutan (Lit. "forest person"); Pongo pygmacus. ALSO: orang hutan

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Word: orde

Short Definition: 1. sociopolitical or economic system. 2. order.

English Definition: 1. sociopolitical or economic system. 2. order. ###

L2 Definition: Sistem ekonomi/pemerintahan; peraturan. ###

Examples: Dalam pemerintahan ORDE Baru ini, perekonomian Indonesia berkembang dengan cepat. = Under the New ORDER government, the Indonesian economy is growing very fast. ###

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Word: Organda

Short Definition: Organization of Local Public Transportations

English Definition: Organda is abbreviation of Organisasi Angkutan Daerah or the Organization of Local Public Transportations.

Examples: Ketua ORGANDA Kabupaten Tasikmalaya adalah Hj. Dedeh Widarsih = Director of the ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Tasikmalaya Chapter is Hj. Dedeh Widarsih.###

Word: organisasi

Short Definition: organization, group.

English Definition: organization, group.

Examples: ###

Word: orientasi

Short Definition: orientation###

English Definition: orientation BER~ = be oriented BER~KAN = oriented toward s.t. * MENG~KAN = orient s.o.###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Endang MENGORIENTASIKAN anaknya ke dunia olahraga = Endang ORIENTS his son to the sports world.###

Word: orkes

Short Definition: musical group.

English Definition: musical group.###

L2 Definition: Sekelompok orang (grup) yang memainkan musik dan lagu. ###

Examples: Kami akan menanggap ORKES dangdut dalam pesta perkawinan nanti. = We will hire a dangdut MUSICAL GROUP for the wedding party later. ###

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Word: Orla

Short Definition: "Order Lama," or "the Old Order" (i.e., that during the Sukarno era).

English Definition: contraction of "Order Lama," or "the Old Order" (i.e., that during the Sukarno era). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: OT

Short Definition: "Orang tahanan," a detained person.

English Definition: acronym for "Orang Tahanan," a detained person.

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: otak

Short Definition: brain.

English Definition: *brain. ###

L2 Definition: Benda lunak di dalam tengkorak kepala yang berguna untuk berfikir. ###

Examples: Pakai OTAKmu sebelum bicara! = Use your BRAIN before you speak! ###

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Word: oto

Short Definition: automotive.

English Definition: automotive. ###

L2 Definition: Kendaran yang dijalankan dengan mesin; mobil. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: otomatis

Short Definition: automatic, automatically.

English Definition: automatic, automatically. ###

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Word: otomotif

Short Definition: automotive

English Definition: automotive

Word: otot

Short Definition: see OTOT1 (muscle . . .) or OTOT2 (persevere . . .).

English Definition: see OTOT1 (muscle . . .) OTOT2 (persevere . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: otot1

Short Definition: muscle, tendon. BER-: to be muscular.

English Definition: muscle, tendon. BER-: to be muscular. ###

L2 Definition: Jaringan yang kenyal sebagai penggerak organ tubuh; urat. ###

Examples: Kalau akan dipakai untuk pacuan, kuda ini kurang BEROTOT. = If it is used for racing, this horse is less MUSCULAR. ###

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Word: otot2

Short Definition: MENG-: to obstinately persevere or persist. KENG--AN: obstinacy.

English Definition: ^MENG-: to obstinately persevere or persist. KENG--AN: obstinacy. ###

L2 Definition: Berusaha sangat keras untuk mencapai suatu tujuan. ###

Examples: Ibu Tuti tetap MENGOTOT membela anaknya yang salah. = Madam Tuti keeps PERSIST to defend his guilty son. KENGOTOTANnya dalam berlatih dapat dipuji. = Her PERSISTENCE to train can be commended. ###

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Word: P dan K

Short Definition: "Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan," or the Department of Education and Culture.

English Definition: acronym for "Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan," or the Department of Education and Culture. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: P.R.

Short Definition: abbreviation for "pekerjaan rumah" or "homework."

English Definition: abbreviation for "pekerjaan rumah" or "homework."

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pabean

Short Definition: customs office

English Definition: customs office.###

Examples: Pengiriman barang ini harus melalui persetujuan PABEAN = The shipping of this stuff must be with the approval of the CUSTOMS OFFICE.###

Word: paberik

Short Definition: see PABRIK.

English Definition: see PABRIK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pabila

Short Definition: see APABILA.

English Definition: see APABILA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pabrik

Short Definition: factory.

English Definition: factory. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk membuat barang-barang. ###

Examples: PABRIK gula yang ada di kotaku akan ditutup. = Sugar FACTORY that is in my town will be closed down. ###

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Word: pacar

Short Definition: boy/girlfriend. BER--AN: to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

English Definition: ^boy/girlfriend. *BER--AN: to be boyfriend and girlfriend. ###

L2 Definition: Teman (biasanya lawan jenis) yang punya hubungan khusus secara batin. ###

Examples: Sebelum menikah kami hanya BERPACARAN selama tiga bulan. = Before we married, we were BOYFRIEND AND GIRLFRIEND for only three months. ###

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Word: pacat

Short Definition: leech.

English Definition: leech. ###

L2 Definition: Lintah yang hidup di darat; pacet. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pacu

Short Definition: spur. BER-: race. BER--AN: race against e.o. MEM-(-KAN): 1. spur. 2.push ahead.+

English Definition: spur. BER-: race. BER--AN: race against e. o. MEM-(-KAN): 1. spur. 2. push ahead. -AN: race, racecourse. PER--AN: race, rivalry. ###

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Word: pacul

Short Definition: hoe. MEM-(-I): to hoe s.t.

English Definition: hoe. MEM-(-I): to hoe s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk mencangkul tanah, biasanya terbuat dari logam yang bergagang kayu; cangkul. ###

Examples: Ayah sedang MEMACUL tanah di kebun. = Father is HOEING the soil in the garden. ###

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Word: pada

Short Definition: see PADA1 (at or to . . .) or PADA2 (plural verb marker).

English Definition: see PADA1 (at or to . . .) PADA2 (plural verb marker). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pada1

Short Definition: at/to a person/thing, in direction of, toward. at (certain time). Also DARI-, +

English Definition: ^1 at or to (person or thing), in the direction of, toward. 2 at (a certain time). *DARI-: from (preposition used for comparative statements), instead of. *KE-: to. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: DARIPADA menunggumu lama sekali lebih baik saya pergi dulu. = INSTEAD OF waiting so long for you it will be better if I just go ahead. Surat ini akan kuberikan KEPADAnya. = I will give this letter TO her. ###

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Word: pada2

Short Definition: plural verb marker.

English Definition: *plural verb marker. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Orang-orang itu PADA bermain bola. = Those people are playing ball. [note how plural verb marker does not translate here.] ###

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Word: padah

Short Definition: omen, warning. -AN: unfortunate result, just deserts.

English Definition: omen, warning. -AN: unfortunate result, just deserts. ###

L2 Definition: gelagat; tanda/peringatan bahwa sesuatu akan terjadi. ###

Examples: Hati-hati, orang itu tidak baik PADAHANnya. = Be careful, that man has a bad OMEN. ###

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Word: padahal

Short Definition: 1. whereas, but actually the case is. 2. besides.

English Definition: 1. whereas, but actually the case is. 2. besides. ###

L2 Definition: 1. sebenarnya; sesungguhnya. 2. disamping. ###

Examples: Totok pura-pura menangis; PADAHAL dia gembira sekali. = Totok pretends to cry, BUT ACTUALLY he is very happy. ###

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Word: padam

Short Definition: 1. extinguished. 2. calmed, suppressed, quenched. Also MEM-, MEM--I, MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: 1. extinguished. 2. calmed, suppressed, quenched. MEM-: become extinguished, go out. MEM--I, MEM--KAN: 1. extinguish, put out. 2. suppress. TER--KAN: extinguishable. PEM-: s.t. that extinguishes. PEM--AN: putting out. ###

L2 Definition: 1. mati; tidak menyala. 2. reda; tidak menggebu-gebu lagi. ###

Examples: Biarkan saja api itu MEMADAM dengan sendirinya. = Let the fire EXTINGUISHED by itself. Alat PEMADAM kebakaran itu bisa MEMADAMKAN api dengan cepat. = The fire EXTINGUISHER can EXTINGUISH fire quickly. PEMADAMAN kebakaran itu membutuhkan waktu yang lama juga. = The EXTINGUISHING of the fire needed a long time indeed. ###

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Word: padan

Short Definition: equal, match. SE-: 1. suit, match. 2. match, correspond. Also BERSE--AN, +

English Definition: equal, match. SE-: 1. suit, match. 2. match, correspond with. BERSE--AN: be in harmony, go together. KESE--AN: correspondance, agreement. BER--AN: harmonize, go together. MEM-: compare. MEM--I: compare, correspond, correlate s.t. -AN: parable, comparison. ###

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Word: Padang

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Western Sumatra in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Western Sumatra in Indonesia. ###

L2 Definition: Nama ibukota propinsi Sumatra Barat. ###

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Word: padat

Short Definition: 1. solid, compact. 2. dense. MEM-: come closer together. Also MEM--I, MEM--KAN,+

English Definition: 1. solid, compact. 2. dense. MEM-: come closer together. MEM--I: pack, fill s.t. up untill it is compact. MEM--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: make s.t. solid, compact, stuff. KE--AN: 1. density. 2. conciseness, intensiveness. -AN: solid matter (in physics). ###

L2 Definition: 1. penuh; rapat. 2. tebal. ###

Examples: Angkat dari kukusan kalau beras itu sudah MEMADAT. = Pick it up from the steamer if the rice has become SOLIDIFIED. Para pengunjung MEMADATI stan makanan kecil itu. = The visitors PACKED UP the snack stand. KEPADATAN penduduk daerah ini sudah melampaui batas. = The population DENSITY in this area is beyond the limit. ###

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Word: paderi

Short Definition: (Rel.) Catholic priest.

English Definition: (Rel.) Catholic priest. ###

L2 Definition: Pendeta-pendeta agama Katholik. ###

Examples: Biasanya seragam PADERI itu berwarna coklat. = Usually the PRIEST's uniform is colored brown. ###

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Word: padi

Short Definition: rice plant; unhusked rice grains.

English Definition: *1 rice plant. 2 unhusked rice grains. ###

L2 Definition: Sejenis tanaman biji-bijian untuk dijadikan nasi. ###

Examples: Tidak semua jenis PADI bisa tumbuh di daerah ini. = Not all kinds of RICE can grow in this region. ###

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Word: padu

Short Definition: solid, compact. MEM--KAN: bring together, unify.

English Definition: solid, compact. MEM--KAN: bring together, unify. ###

L2 Definition: bercampur; menjadi satu; kompak. ###

Examples: Pada waktu itu kami bersatu PADU berjuang melawan penjajah. = At that time we were SOLIDLY united struggling against the colonialists. Saya akan MEMADUKAN lukisan ini dengan latar belakang warna putih. = I will MATCH this picture with a white background. ###

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Word: pagar

Short Definition: fence, hedge.

English Definition: fence, hedge. ###

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Word: pagelar

Short Definition: MEM(P)--KAN: put on a show, present. -AN: show, presentation, performance.

English Definition: ^MEM(P)--KAN: put on a show, present. -AN: show, presentation, performance.###

L2 Definition: pentas; pertunjukan. ###

Examples: Setiap purnama kelompok penari itu MEMPAGELARKAN tari "Ramayana." = Every full moon the dance group PRESENTS the "Ramayana" dance. PAGELARAN musik ini akan dijadwalkan untuk bulan depan. = The music SHOW is scheduled for next mont. ###

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Word: pagi

Short Definition: morning. SE--AN: the entire morning long. KE--AN: overly early in the day.

English Definition: ^morning. *SE--AN: the entire morning long. *KE--AN: overly early in the day. *PAGI-PAGI = early in the morning. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu pada saat matahari akan atau baru terbit. ###

Examples: SEPAGIAN ini kerjaku hanya duduk-duduk saja. = This ENTIRE MORNING my only work has been to sit around. Kamu datang KEPAGIAN jadi belum ada seorangpun yang hadir. = You came TOO EARLY IN THE MORNING so there isn't yet a single person attending. ###

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Word: pagi-pagi

Short Definition: see pagi

Word: paha

Short Definition: thigh of the leg.

English Definition: thigh of the leg. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian atas dari kaki sebelum pinggul. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: paham

Short Definition: understand. MEM--I: understand s.t. PEM--AN: comprehension.

English Definition: understand. *MEM--I: understand s.t. *PEM--AN: comprehension. ###

L2 Definition: mengerti; mengetahui. ###

Examples: Apakah kamu sudah MEMAHAMI persoalannya? = Do you UNDERSTAND the problem? Diperlukan PEMAHAMAN yang mendalam untuk bisa menguasai ilmu ini. = Deep UNDERSTANDING is needed to master this science. ###

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Word: pahat

Short Definition: 1. chisel. 2. carve with a chisel. PEN-: sculptor, carver.

English Definition: 1. chisel. 2. carve with a chisel. PE-: sculptor, carver. ###

L2 Definition: Alat yang digunakan untuk mengukir kayu atau batu. ###

Examples: Orang-orang Bali memang sangat berbakat sebagai PEMAHAT. = Balinese people are indeed very talented as SCULPTORS. ###

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Word: pahit

Short Definition: bitter. KE--AN: bitterness.

English Definition: bitter. *KE--AN: bitterness. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa yang tidak enak di mulut. ###

Examples: Saya sudah merasakan banyak pengalaman soal KEPAHITAN hidup ini. = I have already tasted many experiences having to do with the BITTERNESS of this life. ###

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Word: pahlawan

Short Definition: hero, patriot

English Definition: hero, patriot *KE--AN: heroism

Examples: Ayahnya mendapat penghargaan sebagai PAHLAWAN revolusi = His father was declared as a revolutionary war HERO. Kita harus menghargai KEPAHLAWANAN pejuang pejuang ini = We have to appreciate the HEROISM of these war heroes.###

Word: pailit

Short Definition: bankcrupt.

English Definition: bankcrupt. ###

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Word: pajak

Short Definition: tax. KE--AN: revenue. PEM--AN, PER--AN: taxation.

English Definition: tax. KE--AN: revenue. *PEM--AN, PER--AN: taxation. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Jangan sampai masalah PERPAJAKAN ini menimbulkan keributan. = Beware so that this matter of TAXATION doesn't cause an uproar. ###

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Word: pajang

Short Definition: MEM-(-KAN): to display. MEM--I: decorate. -AN: a display. Also PEM--AN.

English Definition: MEM-(-KAN): to display. MEM--I: decorate. -AN: a display. PEM--AN: place to display s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Memperlihatkan; pamer. ###

Examples: Kurang serasi MEMAJANGKAN gambar ini di ruang tamu. = It is not harmonious to DISPLAY this picture in the livingroom. Keris ini hanya benda PAJANGAN. = This kris is only a thing FOR DISPLAY.

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Word: pak

Short Definition: short for BAPAK.

English Definition: *short for BAPAK. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan penghormatan kepada laki-laki yang lebih tua/sudah berkeluarga. ###

Examples: Bolehkah saya numpang bertanya PAK? = May I ask you a question, SIR? ###

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Word: pakai

Short Definition: to use or wear. BER--AN: wearing clothes. MEM-: use. Also -AN, TER-, +

English Definition: to use or wear. *BER--AN: wearing clothes. *MEM-: use. *-AN: clothing. *TER-: 1 used. 2 used up. PEM-: user, wearer. PEM--AN: usage, wearing of (clothing). ###

L2 Definition: menggunakan. ###

Examples: BERPAKAIANlah yang sopan di pesta nanti. = WEAR neat CLOTHES at the party later. Siapa yang MEMAKAI kamar tidurku tadi malam? = Who USED my bedroom last night? PAKAIAN siapa ini yang tersebar di mana-mana? = Whose CLOTHES are these that are scattered all around? Buang saja barang-barang yang tidak TERPAKAI itu. = Just throw away those things that cannot BE USED. ###

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Word: pakat

Short Definition: agreement; discussion, convention. Also SE-, BERSE-.

English Definition: ^1 agreement. 2 discussion, convention. *SE-: agreed, in unanimous agreement. *BERSE-: 1 agree with e.o. 2 discuss. ###

L2 Definition: Kata atau persetujuan. ###

Examples: Telah disetujui KATA SEPAKAT dalam pembuatan gedung sekolah ini. = There has been an AGREEMENT for the construction of this school building. Kami telah BERSEPAKAT untuk mengatakan tidak padanya. = We have already AGREED to say no to him. ###

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Word: paket

Short Definition: 1. parcel; 2. package, set of proposals that go together

English Definition: 1.parcel; 2. package *MEM--KAN: send s.t. by parcel post or delivery service

L2 Definition: bingkisan, kiriman yang terbungkus rapi

Examples: Siapa yang mengirim PAKET besar itu? = Who sent that big PACKAGE? Ayah MEMPAKETKAN komputer baru itu untuk Adi = Father SENT BY POST the new computer for Adi.###

Word: paksa

Short Definition: compel, force. MEM-: to force or compel. Also MEM--KAN, TER-.

English Definition: compel, force. *MEM-: to force or compel. *MEM--KAN: 1 force or compel s.o. 2 force s.t. on s.o, push for s.t. *TER-: forced to. ###

L2 Definition: Membuat/menyuruh orang melakukan sesuatu dengan tekanan. ###

Examples: Tidak seorangpun bisa MEMAKSAku dalam hal perkawinanku. = There isn't anyone who can FORCE me in the matter of my marriage. Anak ini suka sekali MEMAKSAKAN kehendaknya. = This child really likes to PUSH FOR what he wants. Hal itu kulakukan karena TERPAKSA. = I did that thing because I was FORCED TO. ###

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Word: paku

Short Definition: nail, spike. BER-: to have nails or spikes; to cling or grasp on to. Also TER-.

English Definition: ^nail, spike. BER-: 1 to have nails or spikes. 2 to cling to, grasp on to. TER-: to be struck still in astonishment, fright, etc. ###

L2 Definition: Logam kecil berbentuk bulat memanjang dan runcing dengan payung di satu ujungnya, berguna untuk melekatkan satu benda/tiang kayu pada benda lain; pasak. ###

Examples: Awas, tiang itu BERPAKU banyak! = Watch out, the post HAS many NAILS! Gambar ini sudah TERPAKU di dinding ini sejak dulu. = The picture has been NAILED on the wall since long ago. Dia TERPAKU mendengar berita itu. = He WAS STRUCK IN ASTONISHMENT to hear the news. ###

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Word: pala

Short Definition: nutmeg

English Definition: nutmeg

Examples: Ibu memerlukan PALA untuk membuat kue pai apel = Ibu needs nutmeg to make apple pie.##

Word: palang

Short Definition: cross, crossbar, crossbolt (e.g., on a deadbolt lock).

English Definition: cross, crossbar, crossbolt (e.g., on a deadbolt lock). ###

L2 Definition: Suatu benda (kayu, logam) berbentuk batang yang dipasang melintang untuk merintangi jalan. ###

Examples: Jangan lupa memasang PALANG pintu itu sebelum tidur. = Don't forget to put on the CROSSBAR before you sleep. ###

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Word: Palangkaraya

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Central Kalimantan in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Central Kalimantan in Indonesia, located on the Island of Kalimantan. ###

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Word: Palapa

Short Definition: the Indonesian communications satallite.

English Definition: the Indonesian communications satallite. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah satelit komunikasi yang diambil dari sumpah patih Gadjah Mada dijaman kerajaan Majapahit. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Palembang

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Southern Sumatra.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Southern Sumatra. ###

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Word: paling

Short Definition: see PALING1 or PALING2.

English Definition: see PALING1 (superlative adjective complement) PALING2 (turn away, around, or over . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: paling1

Short Definition: superlative adjective meaning the most or the best.

English Definition: *a superlative adjective meaning the most or the best. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang ter... ###

Examples: Dia adalah anak yang PALING tua di keluarganya. = She is the oldEST child in her family. ###

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Word: paling2

Short Definition: BER-: to turn away, over, or around.

English Definition: BER-: to turn away, over or around. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: palsu

Short Definition: imitation, false.

English Definition: imitation, false. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak asli; tiruan; imitasi. ###

Examples: Semua barang perhiasan ini terbuat dari emas PALSU. = All these jewelries are made of IMITATION gold. ###

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Word: Palu

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Central Sulawesi in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Central Sulawesi in Indonesia. ###

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Word: paman

Short Definition: uncle (esp. a younger brother or younger cousin of a parent).

English Definition: ^*uncle (esp. a younger brother or younger cousin of a parent). ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk adik ayah atau seseorang yang belum dikenal yang berumur tua. ###

Examples: Apakah PAMAN mengetahui dimana rumah Pak Sastro? = Does UNCLE know where Mr. Sastro's house is?###

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Word: pamer

Short Definition: display, exhibit. MEM--KAN: to display or exhibit s.t. -AN: exhibition, showing.

English Definition: display, exhibit. MEM--KAN: to display or exhibit s.t. -AN: exhibition, showing. ###

L2 Definition: menunjukkan; memperlihatkan. ###

Examples: Para seniman akan MEMAMERKAN hasil seni mereka di galeri ini. = All the artists will EXHIBIT their art products in the gallery. PAMERAN buku ini akan dibuka besok pagi. = The book EXHIBITION will be opened tomorrow. ###

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Word: pamit

Short Definition: say goodbye, bid leave to. BER-: to take o.'s leave. Also -AN.

English Definition: say goodbye, bid leave to. BER-AN: to take o.'s leave, say farewell. -AN: a farewell. ###

L2 Definition: Permisi akan meninggalkan suatu tempat; permisi akan pergi; memohon/meminta diri. ###

Examples: Keponakanku telah pergi tanpa BERPAMITAN. = My nephew has gone without SAYING FAREWELL. Kita akan PAMITAN dulu sebelum pulang. = We will SAY FAREWELL first before we go home. ###

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Word: pamong

Short Definition: guardian, overseer.

English Definition: guardian, overseer. ###

L2 Definition: pengurus; penjaga; pengajar/pendidik; pengurus. ###

Examples: Sebagai PAMONG dia harus memberi contoh. = As a GUARDIAN, he has to set an example. ###

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Word: pampang

Short Definition: 1. wide, broad; 2. obvious

English Definition: 1. wide, broad; 2. obvious *MEM--KAN: extend, widen, spread out, explain *TER--: put up, spread

Examples: Gambar presiden TERPAMPANG di setiap sudut lapangan itu = The picture of the president was SPREAD in every corner of the field.###

Word: pamrih

Short Definition: profit, reward for doing s.t.; purpose for which o. does s.t. Also BER-.

English Definition: ^1 profit, reward for doing s.t. 2 the purpose for which o. does s.t. BER-: do s.t. with profit or reward in mind. ###

L2 Definition: Perbuatan yang dilakukan dengan maksud tertentu untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. ###

Examples: Dia tidak BERPAMRIH apapun ketika menolong orang itu. = He HAS no REWARD IN MIND whatsoever when he helped that person. ###

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Word: pana

Short Definition: TER-: stunned, awestruck.

English Definition: TER-: stunned, awestruck. ###

L2 Definition: bengong; terkejut; kaget. ###

Examples: Kami hanya bisa TERPANA melihat keganasan api membakar rumah kami. = We could only STUNNED to see the fiery fire burnt our house. ###

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Word: panah

Short Definition: archer's bow. MEM-: to shoot with a bow. Also MEM--I, PEM-.

English Definition: archer's bow. MEM-: to shoot with a bow. MEM--I: to shoot at with a bow. PEM-: an archer. ###

L2 Definition: Benda panjang dan runcing yang dilemparkan dengan busur sebagai senjata atau alat untuk membidik. ###

Examples: Andi adalah juara MEMANAH nasional. = Andi is a national champion of ACRHING. Biarpun badannya kecil dia adalah seorang PEMANAH yang terampil. = Although his body is small he is a skillful ARCHER. ###

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Word: panas

Short Definition: hot, heat. MEM--KAN: heat s.t. up, make s.o. angry. Also KE--AN, PEM-.

English Definition: hot, heat. *MEM--KAN: heat s.t. up, make s.o. angry. *KE--AN: 1 heat. 2 to be suffering from heat. *PEM-: a heater. ###

L2 Definition: Terasa seperti terbakar (panas yang melebihi 50 derajat Celsius). ###

Examples: Bagaimana kalau kita MEMANASKAN supnya dulu? = How about if we HEAT the soup first? Bayi itu menangis terus karena KEPANASAN. = That baby is continuously crying because it it SUFFERING FROM THE HEAT. Apakah alat PEMANASnya sudah dipasang? = Has the HEATER been installed? ###

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Word: panca

Short Definition: 1. penta-, quinti-, five-; 2. hand

English Definition: 1. penta-, quinti-, five-; 2. hand *--INDERA: the five senses *--SILA: the five basic principles of Indonesia *--RAGAM: various, all kinds of..

Examples: Tuhan memberi kita PANCAINDERA untuk digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya = God gives us with the FIVE SENSES to use in the good way.###

Word: pancang

Short Definition: pole, stake, pile

English Definition: *MEM--KAN : stick in, fasten *TER-- : rooted, planted in the ground *--AN: a stake, marker *PEM--AN: marking with a stake, pegging something down

Examples: PEMANCANGAN tiang listrik pertama dimulai hari ini = The PLANTING (on the gorund) of the electric poles will begin today. Tiang itu TERPANCANG dengan kuat = The pole is ROOTED strongly in the ground.###

Word: pancar

Short Definition: BER-: scattered, dispersed. BER--AN, MEM-: spout. Also MEM--KAN, -AN, PEM.

English Definition: ^BER-: scattered, dispersed. BER--AN, MEM-: spout. MEM--KAN: 1. radiate. 2. spout, spray s.t. out. 3. broadcast. -AN: 1. emmission. 2. broadcast. 3. product. PEM-: 1. fountain. 2. radio or TV transmitter. 3. radiator.###

L2 Definition: bercahaya; bersinar. ###

Examples: Dari raut mukanya MEMANCAR sinar keagungan. = Gracious lights SPOUT OUT of her face. Saya tidak tahan memandang lampu yang MEMANCARKAN sinar merah itu. = I can not stand to look at the lamp that RADIATES red light. Indah sekali warna bunga yang terkena PANCARAN sinar matahari itu. = The color of the flower that gets sunshine RADIATION is very beautiful. Lagu-lagu dari PEMANCAR radio ini bagus-bagus. = The songs from this radio BROADCAST are good. ###

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Word: pancaroba

Short Definition: transition period, esp. between monsoons, periods of life, etc.

English Definition: transition period, esp. between monsoons, periods of life, etc.

Examples: Kamu harus mengerti kalau dia itu sedang dalam masa PANCAROBA = You must understand that he is still in the TRANSITION period of his life.###

Word: Pancasila

Short Definition: the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia. Also MEM--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia: 1. the belief in one God Almighty; 2.humanity that is just and civilized; 3. the unity of Indonesia; 4. democracy guided by the wisdom of representative deliberation; 5. social justice for all Indonesians. MEM--KAN: make s.t. in accordance with the five basic principles. KE--AN: having to do with the five principles. ###

L2 Definition: Falsafah bangsa Indonesia yang terdiri atas lima sila, yaitu: 1. Ketuhanan Yang Mahaesa, 2. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab, 3. Persatuan Indonesia, 4. Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmah kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan/perwakilan, 5. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. ###

Examples: Penataran P4 adalah usaha untuk MEMPANCASILAKAN manusia Indonesia. = The P4 (=Pedoman Penghayatan dan Pengalaman Pancasila = "Guidlines for carrying out the principles of Pancasila") upgrading seminars are an effort to BRING the Indonesian people IN LINE WITH PANCASILA.

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Word: panci

Short Definition: pan###

Examples: Jika kamu memasak daging gunakan PANCI besar ini = When you cook meat, use this big PAN.###

Word: pancing

Short Definition: 1. fishing rod. 2. fishing hook. MEM-: 1. to fish, angle. 2. provoke. Also -AN,+

English Definition: ^1. fishing rod. 2. fishing hook. MEM-: to fish, angle. 2. provoke, start s.t. -AN: provocation. PEM: s.t. used to elicit a further reaction.###

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Word: pancung

Short Definition: 1. train of dress, shirttail; 2. angular, cut off sharply

English Definition: 1. train of dress, shirttail; 2. angular, cut off sharply *HUKUMAN--: punishment of decapitation *MEM--: cut off, decapitate, amputate

L2 Definition: memotong dengan menggunakan benda tajam

Examples: Anngota parlemen sedang membicarakan undang-undang baru mengenai HUKUMAN PANCUNG = The parliament members are discussing the new law on DECAPITATION.##

Word: pancur

Short Definition: MEM-: gush, spout, pour out. -AN: shower; jet, spray; tap.

English Definition: ^*MEM-: gush, spout, pour out. *-AN: 1 shower. 2 jet, spray. 3 tap. ###

L2 Definition: Mengalir dari tempat ketinggian ke tempat yang lebih rendah (biasanya untuk air). ###

Examples: Dengan derasnya air sungai itu MEMANCUR dari atas bukit. = The water from that river GUSHED forcefully from atas the mountain. Tolong ambilkan saya seember air dari PANCURAN itu. = Please get me a pail of water from that TAP. ###

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Word: pandai

Short Definition: SEE PINTAR

L2 Definition: pintar, cerdas

Word: pandan

Short Definition: pandanus.

English Definition: pandanus. ###

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Word: pandang

Short Definition: look at, gaze at. BER--AN: look at e.o. Also MEM-, MEM--I, TER-, -AN, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^look at, gaze at. *BER--AN: look at e.o. *MEM-, MEM--I: look at, gaze at. *TER-: 1 visible. 2 highly regarded. *-AN: 1 view, opinion. 2 s.t. seen. PEM--AN: 1 view, scenery. 2 viewpoint. ###

L2 Definition: lihat; tengok. ###

Examples: Sebelum berpisah kami BERPANDANGAN dulu sejenak. = Before parting we LOOKED AT EACH OTHER a moment first. Sejauh mata MEMANDANG hanya ladang jagung saja yang terlihat. = As far as the eye GAZED, all I saw were corn fields. Selama saya bekerja, dia tetap MEMANDANGI aku. = For the whole time I worked, he kept LOOKING AT me. Di kampung ini keluarganya sangat TERPANDANG di mata masyarakat. = In this village, his family is very HIGHLY REGARDED in the eyes of the people. Jangan kau turuti PANDANGANnya yang keliru itu. = Don't go along with his faulty OPINION. ###

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Word: pandir

Short Definition: stupid, ignorant. KE--AN: stupidity, ignorance.

English Definition: stupid, ignorant. KE--AN: stupidity, ignorance. ###

L2 Definition: bodoh; dungu. ###

Examples: KEPANDIRAN orang itu sudah tak tertolong lagi. = The STUPIDITY of that person can not be helped anymore. ###

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Word: pandu

Short Definition: 1. guide. 2. Boy or Girl Scout. MEM-: guide. Also MEM--KAN, KE--AN, -AN, -PEM.

English Definition: 1. guide. 2. Boy or Girl Scout. MEM-: guide. MEM--KAN: pilot, bring a ship into the port. KE--AN: scout movement. -AN: escort, pilot. PEM-: guide. ###

L2 Definition: 1. petunjuk. 2. Perkumpulan anak muda yang bertujuan mendidik generasi muda menjadi orang yang gagah berani, jujur, suka menolong, baik hati, dll., yang kemudian berganti nama menjadi pramuka (Praja Muda Karana). ###

Examples: Tugas gadis-gadis itu MEMANDU tamu yang baru datang. = The duty of the girls is TO GUIDE the newly arrived visitors. Kelompok KEPANDUAN ini berdiri pada tahun 1945. = This BOY/GIRL SCOUT group was established in 1945. Saya pikir PANDUANnya yang salah. = I think the GUIDE is wrong. Menarik juga menjadi PEMANDU turis. = It is also interesting to be a tourist GUIDE. ###

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Word: panen

Short Definition: harvest. MEM-: to harvest. MEM--I: to harvest a field. -AN: s.t. harvested.

English Definition: harvest. *MEM-: to harvest. MEM--I: to harvest a field. *-AN: s.t. harvested. ###

L2 Definition: Menghasilkan banyak sesuatu. ###

Examples: Seluruh keluargaku sedang MEMANEN padi di sawah. = My whole family is HARVESTING rice in the paddy. Hasil PANENAN tahun ini tidak sebagus tahun lalu. = The produce of this year's HARVEST is not as good as last year. ###

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Word: Pangab

Short Definition: Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces###

English Definition: Pangab is abbreviation of Panglima Angkatan Bersenjata (Commander in Chief of the Armed Force)###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Mantan Menhankam/PANGAB Jenderal TNI (Purn) Edi Sudradjat menyatakan bahwa dia tak mengetahui aksi makar tersebut = Former Minister of Defense/COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMED FORCES General TNI Edi Sudradjat said that he did not know about the attempt of coup de' etat.

Word: pangan

Short Definition: foodstuff.

English Definition: foodstuff. ###

L2 Definition: makanan; bahan makanan. ###

Examples: Alhamdullilah, persedian PANGAN kita untuk tahun ini sudah tercukupi. = Praise to Allah, our FOODSTUFF stock for this year is fulfilled. ###

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Word: pangeran

Short Definition: prince, lord.

English Definition: prince, lord.###

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Word: pangestu

Short Definition: blessing.

English Definition: blessing. ###

L2 Definition: restu; berkah. ###

Examples: Tanpa PANGESTU ibu saya tidak akan bisa sesukses ini. = Without mother's BLESSING I could not be this successful. ###

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Word: panggang

Short Definition: baked, roasted. MEM-: bake, roast. TER-: seared. -AN: 1. place for roasting.+

English Definition: baked, roasted. MEM-: bake, roast. TER-: seared. -AN: 1. place for roasting. 2. s.t roasted. PEM-: toaster.###

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Word: panggil

Short Definition: MEM-: call, summon, name. -AN: a call or summons.

English Definition: ^*MEM-: call, summon, name. *-AN: a call or summons. ###

L2 Definition: mengundang; mengajak datang. ###

Examples: Akan aku PANGGIL si Karim untuk membersihkan halaman kita. = I am going to CALL Karim to clean our yard. Dari tadi aku MEMANGGILmu tapi kamu tidak mendengarnya. = I have been CALLING you for some time, but you didn't hear. Surat PANGGILAN itu datangnya terlambat. = That SUMMONS came late. ###

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Word: panggul

Short Definition: [Anat.] hip, pelvis. *MEM--: carry on o's shoulder

English Definition: [Anat.] hip, pelvis. *MEM--: carry on o's shoulder. *--SENJATA: be conscripted (bear arms).##

Examples: PANGGUL Ani patah setelah terjatuh dari sepeda = Ani broke her HIPS falling off the bike. Petani MEMANGGUL hasil sawahnya = The farmer CARRIES on HIS SHOULDER the crop from his paddy field. Setiap orang harus siap untuk PANGGUL SENJATA = Everybody must be ready to BEAR ARMS!.###

Word: panggung

Short Definition: 1. stage. 2. grandstand. 3. scaffolding. BER-: have a stage. Also M-, MEM--KAN+

English Definition: ^1. stage, platform. 2. grandstand. 3. scaffolding. BER-: have a stage. M-: appear on stage. MEM-KAN, MENGE-KAN: put on the stage. -AN: look-out tower. PEM--AN: staging.###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk mempertunjukkan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Sayang sekali tempat itu tidak BERPANGGUNG. = Unfortunately that place HAS no STAGE. Kelompok teater kami akan MEMANGGUNGKAN pertunjukan yang diambil dari cerita rakyat. = Our theater group will STAGE a show that was taken from folk stories. ###

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Word: pangkal

Short Definition: base, beginning, starting point. BER-: 1. have base in. 2. originate in.

English Definition: base,beginning, starting point. BER-:1. have base in. 2. originate in. *--AN: [Mil.] base (for armed forces). ###

L2 Definition: Bagian dasar; bagian permulaan; bagian awal. ###

Examples: PANGKAL pertengkaran ini sebenarnya soal sepele. = The STARTING POINT of the conflict was actually a trivial matter. Kerusuhan itu BERPANGKAL dari rasa kecemburuan sosial. = The riot was ORIGINATED from social jealousy. ###

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Word: pangkas

Short Definition: *BER--: get a haircut. *MEM--: 1.cut, trim hair. 2.prune, trim

English Definition: *BER--: get a haircut. *MEM--: 1.cut, trim hair. 2.prune, trim. *MEM--I: mow or trim the plants in an area. *--AN: haircut or other trim given. *PEM--: barber. *PEM--AN: barbering, barbershop.###

Examples: Cakap benar Ali setelah BERPANGKAS rambut = Look how cute Ali is after having a HAIRCUT. Ayah MEMANGKAS tanaman di depan rumah = Dad PRUNED the tree in front of the house. Kamu sangat cantik dengan PANGKASAN rambut seperti itu = You look pretty with that style of HAIRCUT.###

Word: pangkat

Short Definition: status, rank, position in an organization; floor, platform. Also BER-.

English Definition: 1 status, rank, position in an organization. 2 floor, platform. BER-: to have rank or status. ###

L2 Definition: status; jabatan; posisi. ###

Examples: Dia tidak sombong walaupun ayahnya BERPANGKAT tinggi. = He is not arrogant although his father HAS a high STATUS. ###

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Word: pangku

Short Definition: lap (of a person when sitting).

English Definition: lap (of a person when sitting). ###

L2 Definition: Duduk di paha seseorang; duduk di haribaan seseorang. ###

Examples: Bagaimana bisa berhasil kalau kerjanya hanya BERPANGKU TANGAN saja? = How can he be successful if all he does is just PUTTING HIS HANDS ON HIS LAPS (lazy)? ###

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Word: panglima

Short Definition: military commander.

English Definition: military commander. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pangti

Short Definition: commander-in-chief.

English Definition: (Panglima Tertinggi) commander-in-chief. ###

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Word: panik

Short Definition: panic###

English Definition: *KE--AN: 1. panic 2. be in a panic

Examples: Mereka KEPANIKAN ketika alarem kebakaran berbunyi = They WERE IN A PANIC when the fire alarm went off.

Word: panili

Short Definition: vanilla.

English Definition: vanilla. ###

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Word: panitera

Short Definition: 1. clerk of a court; 2. registrar

English Definition: 1. clerk of a court; 2. registrar

Examples: ###

Word: panitia

Short Definition: committee.

English Definition: committee. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: panjak

Short Definition: a player in gamelan

English Definition: a player in gamelan

Word: panjang

Short Definition: long, length. SE-: all along the length of, as long as. Also MEMPER-, +

English Definition: ^long, length. *SE-: all along the length of, as long as. *MEMPER-: extend s.t., lengthen. KE--AN: length, duration. *PER-AN: extension. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak pendek; ukuran yang menggunakan cm, m, km, dll. ###

Examples: Kami bergurau terus SEPANJANG jalan menuju sekolah. = We were joking around FOR THE WHOLE WAY going to school. Saya akan MEMPERPANJANG liburan sampai minggu depan. = I am going to EXTEND the vacation until next week. PERPANJANGAN kartu pendudukmu akan dimulai minggu depan. = The EXTENSION of your residency card will begin next week. ###

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Word: panjar

Short Definition: cash advance; down payment

English Definition: cash advance; down payment

L2 Definition: pembayaran di muka

Examples: Kami ingin membeli mobil itu tapi PANJARnya sangat besar = We really wanted to buy the car, but the DOWN PAYMENT is too expensive.###

Word: panjat

Short Definition: MEM-: to climb (a tree, etc.); (Leg.) to appeal to a higher court.

English Definition: MEM-: 1 to climb (a tree, etc.). 2 (Leg.) to appeal to a higher court. ###

L2 Definition: Naik ke atas (pohon, gedung dll.). ###

Examples: Siapa yang berani MEMANJAT pohon yang besar ini? = Who dares TO CLIMB this big tree?###

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Word: panji

Short Definition: standard, banner, pennant

English Definition: *PANJI-PANJI: banner

Examples: Pada perayaan hari kemerdekaan, penduduk memasang PANJI-PANJI = The residents put up BANNERS during the independence day celebration###

Word: pantai

Short Definition: beach, coast, shoreline.

English Definition: *beach, coast, shoreline. ###

L2 Definition: Tepian laut yang dangkal dan biasanya berpasir. ###

Examples: Sampai sekarang orang masih percaya akan adanya Ratu PANTAI Selatan. = Until now people still believe that the Queen of the South COAST exists. ###

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Word: pantang

Short Definition: prohibition; forbidden by taboo

English Definition: prohibition *-AN = prohibition. *BER- = abstain from *-MUNDUR! = No retreat!!

L2 Definition: tidak menyerah, tetap bertahan

Examples: Selama satu tahun Joko BERPANTANG makan nasi = For one year, Joko ABSTAINS from eating rice. PANTANGAN untuk penderita diabetes untuk memakan makanan yang mengandung gula = It is a PROHIBITION for diabetic person to eat food that contains sugar. ## Kita akan PANTANG MUNDUR dalam melawan musuh = We will NOT RETREAT in defeating the enemy.

Word: pantas

Short Definition: proper, suitable, appropriate. SE--NYA: fitting, proper.

English Definition: ^*proper, suitable, appropriate. *SE--NYA: fitting, proper. ###

L2 Definition: pas dipakai; tidak janggal; cocok. ###

Examples: Harga itu sudah PANTAS untuk seekor kerbau. = That price is APPROPRIATE for a water buffalo. SEPANTASNYA kau mengenakan baju lengan panjang. = PROPERLY, you should wear a long-sleeved shirt. ###

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Word: pantat

Short Definition: buttocks, rump.

English Definition: *buttocks, rump. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian belakang/bawah dari perut. ###

Examples: PANTAT badut itu besar sekali. = The RUMP of that clown is very large. ###

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Word: pantau

Short Definition: monitor something; observe

English Definition: *MEM- = monitoring something. *-AN = observation *PEM-AN = monitoring, observation

Examples: Banyak wartawan MEMANTAU hasil perhitungan suara di kampung kami = There were many reporters monitoring the votes counting in our village.## Hasil PANTAUAN tim penyelidik belum memuaskan = The OBSERVATION result of the investigators are not satisfactory. ## Jika PEMANTAUAN dilakukan secara bersama, tentu hasilnya akan lebih baik = If the MONITORING was done collectively, the result will be much better. ###

Word: panti

Short Definition: [Lit.] house, residence; institution, home

English Definition: *--ASUHAN: orphanage *--DERMA: charitable institution *--PIJAT: massage parlor

L2 Definition: rumah, tempat tinggal

Examples: Ibu Sari mengadopsi satu anak dari PANTI ASUHAN = Ibu Sari adopted one child from the ORPHANAGE. Berikanlah sumbangan untuk PANTI DERMA itu = Please give donation to the CHARITABLE INSTITUTION. Jika merasa capek bekerja, saya biasanya pergi ke PANTI PIJAT = If I feel exhausted I like to go to the MASSAGE PARLOR.###

Word: pantul

Short Definition: bounce back, bounce off

English Definition: *MEM-- : bounce back *MEM--KAN: reflect s.t. *TER--: be bounced back *--AN: reflection, rebound *PEM--AN: reflection

Examples: Bola itu MEMANTUL kembali dengan cepat = the ball BOUNCED BACK very quick. Kolam itu MEMANTULKAN cahaya bulan = the small pond REFLECTS the moon light.

Word: pantun

Short Definition: a k.o. traditional verse poetry.

English Definition: a k.o. traditional verse poety. ###

L2 Definition: puisi. ###

Examples: Danny membalas kata-kata Ompeng dengan PANTUN jenaka tetapi tajam artinya. = Danny returns Ompeng's words with a funny but has a sharp meaning POETRY. ###

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Word: papan

Short Definition: board or plank; signboard.

English Definition: 1 board or plank. 2 signboard. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: papar

Short Definition: flat, level

English Definition: *MEM--KAN: 1. roll out, flatten; 2. explain, relate *--AN: 1. shelf; 2. explanation *PEM--AN: explanation

L2 Definition: rata menjelaskan; penjelasan

Examples: Hasan MEMAPARKAN rencana kerjanya dengan sangat teliti = Hasan EXPLAINED his work plan thoroughly. Karena sangat gugup, PEMAPARAN yang dia lakukan tidak berjalan baik = Because he was very nervous, he could not make a good EXPLANATION.##

Word: papaya

Short Definition: papaya (a melon-like tropical fruit).

English Definition: *papaya (a melon-like tropical fruit). ###

L2 Definition: Nama buah biasanya dari daerah tropis. ###

Examples: PAPAYA, pisang, dan jambu adalah buah-buahan yang biasa dipakai untuk membuat sesaji. = PAPAYA, banana, and rose apples are fruits that are usually used for making a food offering. ###

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Word: paprika

Short Definition: bell pepper###

English Definition: bell pepper###

Examples: Warna PAPRIKA bermacam-macam ada merah, kuning, dan hijau. = There are many kinds of BELL PEPPER colors including red, yello, and green.###

Word: para

Short Definition: plural marker preceding nouns referring to people in a certain capacity.

English Definition: *plural marker preceding nouns referring to people in a certain capacity. ###

L2 Definition: Kata untuk menunjukkan banyak orang/plural. ###

Examples: PARA cerdik-cendekiawan telah menyelidiki hal itu. = The expertS have already investigated that matter. ###

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Word: parah

Short Definition: serious (of an illness). MEM--KAN: to make more serious.

English Definition: *serious (of a wound or illness). *MEM--KAN: to make more serious. ###

L2 Definition: terlalu; sangat. ###

Examples: Sakitnya sudah PARAH sekali. = Her illness is already very SERIOUS. Nasehatmu bukannya memperbaiki suasana malah MEMARAHKAN keadaan. = Rather than making the situation better, your advice MADE conditions MORE SERIOUS. ###

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Word: parak

Short Definition: 1. difference. 2. partition. 3. entering a time or space. MEM--KAN: distinguish.

English Definition: 1. difference. 2. partition. 3. entering a time or space. MEM--KAN: distinguish. ###

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Word: paran

Short Definition: 1. direction. 2. goal, aim. MEM--I: approach.

English Definition: 1. direction. 2. goal, aim. MEM--I: approach, go to. ###

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Word: parang

Short Definition: short machete; chopping knife

English Definition: short machete

L2 Definition: pisau panjang

Examples: Kayu itu dipotongnya dengan PARANG = He cut the wood block with PARANG.##

Word: paras

Short Definition: 1. face, countenance; 2. looks, appearance

English Definition: 1. face, countenance; 2. looks, appearance

L2 Definition: wajah, muka, penampilan

Examples: Ibu Murti sudah berumur tujuh puluh tahun tapi PARAS mukanya kelihatan lebih muda = Ibu Murti is 70 years old but her FACE looks a lot younger.##

Word: pare

Short Definition: bitter melon###

English Definition: bitter melon###

Examples: Sangat sulit mendapatkan PARE di DeKalb = It is difficult to find BITTER MELON in DeKalb.###

Word: parit

Short Definition: 1. ditch, moat, trench. 2. furrow, groove. BER-: grooved. MEM-: dredge.

English Definition: ^1. ditch, moat, trench. 2. furrow, groove. BER-: grooved. MEM-: dredge.###

L2 Definition: Selokan; lubang memanjang serupa sungai kecil untuk mengairi sawah atau kebun; lubang air/selokan besar disekitar benteng/istana. ###

Examples: Sebelum menanam padi musim ini pak tani MEMARIT sawahnya dulu. = Before planting the rice the farmer DREDGES the ricefield first. ###

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Word: pariwisata

Short Definition: tourist, tourism.

English Definition: tourist, tourism. ###

L2 Definition: rekreasi; pelancongan; tamasya; turisme. ###

Examples: Sektor PARIWISATA perlu digalakkan untuk menambah devisa negara. = TOURISM sector has to be encouraged to add to the state's hard currency reserves. ###

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Word: Parkindo

Short Definition: Indonesia Christian Party.

English Definition: (Partai Kristen Indonesia) Indonesia Christian Party. ###

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Word: parkir

Short Definition: to park (a vehicle). MEM(P)-(-KAN): to park s.t. -AN: a parking place.

English Definition: to park (a vehicle). *MEM(P)-(-KAN): to park s.t. *-AN: a parking place. ###

L2 Definition: Memberhentikan sesuatu di suatu tempat. ###

Examples: Saya akan MEMPARKIRKAN kendaraan saya dulu. = I am going TO PARK my vehicle first. Tempat ini cocok untuk PARKIRAN sementara. = This spot is appropriate for a temporary PARKING PLACE. ###

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Word: parlemen

Short Definition: parliament.

English Definition: parliament.###

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Word: Parmusi

Short Definition: (Partai Muslim Indonesia) Indonesian Muslim Party.

English Definition: (Partai Muslim Indonesia) Indonesian Muslim Party.###

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Word: paro

Short Definition: half. BER-: sharing 50-50. MEM-: rent land for a share of half yield. +

English Definition: ^half. SE-: half, a part. BER-: sharing 50-50. MEM-: rent land for a half share of the yield. MEM--KAN: 1. rent out o.'s land for a share of half the yield. 2. halve s.t. -AN: 1. half and half. 2. the half of s.t. PEM: o. who farms on a 50-50 basis.###

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Word: paroki

Short Definition: [Rel.] parish

English Definition: [Rel.] parish

Examples: ###

Word: parpol

Short Definition: (partai politik) political parties.

English Definition: (partai politik) political parties.###

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Word: Parpostel

Short Definition: Tourism, Postal, and Telecommunications Department.

English Definition: (Pariwisata, Pos, dan Telekomunikasi) Tourism, Postal, and Telecommunications Department.###

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Word: partai

Short Definition: partai1 = (Pol.) party. BER-: belong to a party. partai2 = (Sport) event. +

English Definition: partai1 = (Pol.) party. BER-: belong to a party. KE--AN: party affairs. partai2 = 1. (Sport) event. 2. a quantity of.###

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Word: partikelir

Short Definition: private.

English Definition: *private. ###

L2 Definition: swasta; bukan punya pemerintah; pribadi. ###

Examples: Anakku sekolah di SMA PARTIKELIR. = My child goes to school at a PRIVATE high school. ###

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Word: partisipasi

Short Definition: participation.

English Definition: participation. BER-: participate. ###

L2 Definition: peran serta; keikutsertaan. ###

Examples: Semua orang bahu membahu BERPARTISIPASI dalam pembangunan balai desa ini. = Every body shoulder-to-shoulder PARTICIPATES in the construction of the village community building. ###

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Word: partitur

Short Definition: musical score.

English Definition: musical score.

L2 Definition: tanda-tanda musik.

Examples: Coba ikuti PARTITUR ini dengan cermat. = Please try to follow the MUSICAL SCORES carefully. ###

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Word: paru-paru

Short Definition: lungs.

English Definition: lungs. ###

L2 Definition: Organ tubuh yang berfungsi untuk mengatur pernapasan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: paruh

Short Definition: half. SE-: a half.

English Definition: half. SE-: a half. ###

L2 Definition: setengah. ###

Examples: Ambillah kue itu, SEPARUH untukmu dan SEPARUH untukku. = Take the cake, HALF for you and HALF for me. ###

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Word: parut

Short Definition: rasp, file; scrape, grate. BER-: scarred, having scrape marks. Also MEM-.

English Definition: ^1 rasp, file. 2 scrape, grate. *BER-: scarred, having scrap marks. *MEM-: 1 to file. 2 to grate or scrape. ###

L2 Definition: Goresan; garis-garis luka. ###

Examples: Dia disebut "si Bopeng" karena wajahnya BERPARUT-PARUT. = He is called "Mr. Pockmark" because his face is SCARRED. Saya takut tergores kalau MEMARUT kelapa itu. = I am afraid of being scraped if I GRATE that coconut. ###

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Word: pas

English Definition: see PAS1 (fit, exact . . .) PAS2 (pass, document . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pas1

Short Definition: fit, of the right size; exact, exactly. Also MENGE-, NGE-.

English Definition: ^1 fit, of the right size. 2 exact, exactly. *MENGE-, NGE-: to try clothes on, to fit (clothes). PAS-PASAN: just barely enough and no more. ###

L2 Definition: Membuat nyaman dipakai. ###

Examples: Sebelum baju itu dibuat saya harus MENGEPASnya dulu. = Before that shirt is made I have to TRY IT ON (YOU) FOR FIT first. ###

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Word: pas2

Short Definition: pass, document.

English Definition: ^*pass, document. ###

L2 Definition: Kartu ijin lolos untuk sesuatu. ###

Examples: Untung saya mempunyai surat PAS jalan. Kalau tidak? = It is fortunate that I have a TRAVEL PERMIT. If not? ###

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Word: pasal

Short Definition: 1.paragraph, section; 2. (Leg.) article; 3.concerning, regarding

English Definition: paragraph, section, (leg.) article, concerning, regarding

Examples: Undang-Undang yang baru dibuat oleh pemerintah mengandung banyak sekali PASAL yang penting = The law the government just enacted contains many important ARTICLES.## Apa PASALNYA itu terjadi? = How did it happen? ###

Word: pasang

Short Definition: see PASANG1 (pair, set . . .) or PASANG2 (install, fasten . . .).

English Definition: see PASANG1 (pair, set . . .) PASANG2 (install, fasten . . .)

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pasang1

Short Definition: pair, set. BER--AN: form a pair. Also MEM--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: ^pair, set. *BER--AN: form a pair. MEM--KAN: 1 make a pair. 2 pair with. *-AN: 1 pair, set. 2 partner, counterpart. ###

L2 Definition: jodoh. ###

Examples: Dalam lomba menari nanti saya akan BERPASANGAN dengan kakak saya. = In the dance contest later I am going to FORM A PAIR with my elder sister. Kakek-nenek itu benar-benar PASANGAN yang serasi. = That grandfather and grandmother are truly a compatible PAIR. ###

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Word: pasang2

Short Definition: MEM-(-KAN): install, fasten, put on. -AN: s.t. installed. Also PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^*MEM-(-KAN): install, fasten, put on. -AN: s.t. installed. *PEM--AN: installing, assembling. ###

L2 Definition: Meletakkan sesuatu di suatu tempat. ###

Examples: Anak kecil itu sedang mencoba MEMASANGKAN sepatu di kakinya. = That small child is trying to PUT ON shoes on his feet. PEMASANGAN listrik di daerah ini telah selesai seluruhnya. = The INSTALLATION of electricity in this area is fully complete. ###

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Word: pasanggrahan

Short Definition: resthouse for travelers.##

English Definition: resthouse for travelers.##

Examples: Setelah perjalanan selama tiga hari, kami beristirahat di PASANGGRAHAN di bukit itu = After three days of journey, we stayed at the RESTHOUSE on that hill.###

Word: pasar

Short Definition: market. -AN: market. PEM--AN: marketing.

English Definition: market. *-AN: market. *PEM--AN: marketing. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat dilakukannya jual beli barang. ###

Examples: Setiap minggu ada PASAR MALAM di tempat ini. = Every week there is a NIGHT MARKET in this place. PEMASARAN barang-barang ini tidak akan menjadi soal. = The MARKETING of these things will not be a problem. ###

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Word: pasarean

Short Definition: (Jv.) cemetery, grave.

English Definition: (Jv.) cemetery, grave.###

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Word: pasasi

Short Definition: fare (on a bus, etc.).

English Definition: fare (on a bus, etc.).###

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Word: pasasir

Short Definition: passenger.

English Definition: passenger.###

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Word: pasca

Short Definition: post--, after. *--SARJANA: postgraduate work. *--PANEN: time after rice harvest.

English Definition: post--, after *--SARJANA: postgraduate work. *--PANEN: time after rice harvest.

Examples: Sekarang Amir mengikuti kuliah PASCA Sarjana = Amir now is doing his POSTGRADUATE study.###

Word: pasfoto

Short Definition: passport photograph.

English Definition: *passport photograph. ###

L2 Definition: Foto seseorang setengah badan biasanya digunakan untuk pembuatan surat-surat/ijasah. ###

Examples: Dalam pembuatan ijasah ini diperlukan PASFOTO ukuran 3x4 cm sebanyak delapan buah. = In the making of this diploma eight PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPHS sized 3x4 cm are needed. ###

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Word: pasien

Short Definition: medical patient.

English Definition: medical patient.###

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Word: Pasifik

Short Definition: the Pacific.

English Definition: the Pacific.###

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Word: pasik

Short Definition: 1. criminal, bad. 2. crazy. KE--AN: sin.

English Definition: 1. criminal, bad. 2. crazy. KE--AN: sin.###

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Word: pasir

Short Definition: 1. sand. 2. beach or place covered with sand. BER-: have sand. Also MEM-, -AN.

English Definition: 1. sand. 2. beach or place covered with sand. BER-: have sand. MEM-: granulated. -AN: sandy. ###

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Word: Paskah

Short Definition: Easter

English Definition: Easter

Examples: Ummat Kristiani merayakan hari PASKAH di gereja = The Christians celebrate the EASTER at the church###

Word: pasok

Short Definition: MEM-: supply (a certain commodity). PEM-: supplier. PEM--AN: supplying.

English Definition: MEM-: supply (a certain commodity). PEM-: supplier. PEM--AN: supplying. ###

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Word: paspor

Short Definition: passport.

English Definition: *passport. ###

L2 Definition: Surat keterangan dari pemerintah untuk orang yang akan ke luar negeri. ###

Examples: PASPOR ini masih berlaku sampai tahun 1996. = This PASSPORT is still effective until the year 1996. ###

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Word: pasrah

Short Definition: submit to o's fate

English Definition: submit to o's fate *MEM--KAN: submit, entrust s.t. *KE--AN: submission, resignation

Examples: Dengan muka PASRAH Amir menerima pemberian Susi = With a SUBMISSIVE expression, Amir took what Susi gave to him. KEPASRAHANmu akhirnya meluluhkan hati Budi = Your SUBMISSION finally made Budi gave up.###

Word: pasta

Short Definition: paste.

English Definition: *paste. ###

L2 Definition: Bahan yang dipakai untuk membersihkan gigi. ###

Examples: Belikan aku sebuah PASTA gigi di warung itu. = Buy me a tube of tooth PASTE in that shop. ###

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Word: pasti

Short Definition: definite, certain. MEM--KAN: 1 determine, ascertain. 2 confirm. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: definite, certain. ilmu pasti = mathematics. *MEM--KAN: 1 determine, ascertain. 2 confirm. *KE--AN: certainty, assurance. ###

L2 Definition: Sudah tentu; tidak bisa tidak. ###

Examples: Tidak seorangpun bisa MEMASTIKAN ajal orang lain. = There is nobody who can DETERMINE the hour of death of another person. KEPASTIAN berita ini masih simpang-siur. = The CERTAINTY of this news is still up in the air. ###

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Word: pasukan

Short Definition: troops.

English Definition: troops. ###

L2 Definition: kelompok/kumpulan prajurit; regu. ###

Examples: PASUKAN katak itu sungguh handal dalam menjalankan operasi penyerbuan ke daerah musuh. = The amphibious TROOPS are very dependable in undertaking an attack on the enemy's territory. ###

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Word: patah

Short Definition: broken. MEM--KAN: 1. break. 2. discouraging. KE--AN: 1. breakdown. +

English Definition: ^broken. MEM--KAN: 1. break. 2. discouraging. KE--AN: 1. breakdown. 2. discouragement. -AN: fracture. PE-: proverb, aphorism, expression. PEM--AN: fracture. PER--AN: (Geol.) fault. ###

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Word: patroli

Short Definition: patrol

English Definition: patrol

Examples: Kapal PATROLI menangkap penyelendupan di daerah perbatasan = The PATROL ship captured the smugglers in bordering area.###

Word: patuh

Short Definition: obedient, submissive. MEM-: obey.

English Definition: obedient, submissive. MEM-: obey. ###

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Word: patung

Short Definition: statue, sculptured image. PEM-: sculptor. PEM--AN: sculpturing.

English Definition: statue, sculptured image. PEM-: sculptor. PEM--AN: sculpturing. ###

L2 Definition: Hasil karya seniman yang berbentuk sesuatu, biasanya terbuat dari kayu, logam, batu, tanah liat, dsb. ###

Examples: Hampir seluruh penduduk desa ini menjadi PEMATUNG. =Almost all the people in the village become SCULPTORS. ###

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Word: patut

Short Definition: fitting, proper. SE--NYA: fitting, proper. KE--AN: fainess, appropriate.

English Definition: fitting, proper. *SE--NYA: fitting, proper. *KE--AN: fairness, appropriate. ###

L2 Definition: pantas; baik untuk dipakai; sesuai. ###

Examples: Tidak SEPATUTNYA kau memarahinya sedemikian rupa. = It isn't PROPER that you should scold him like that. Dalam pengajarannya, dia selalu mencoba untuk mencapai KEPATUTAN yang sempurna. = In his teaching, she always tries to achieve complete fairness. ###

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Word: pauk

Short Definition: LAUK ~: a variety of side dishes (including vegetables).

English Definition: *LAUK ~: a variety of side dishes (including vegetables). ###

L2 Definition: makanan selain nasi (ayam, daging, tahu, tempe, ikan, dll). ###

Examples: Saya tidak terlalu menyukai LAUK-PAUK di warung makan itu. = I don't really like the SIDE DISHES at that eating stall. ###

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Word: paut

Short Definition: closely joined. BER-: cling to. Also BER--AN, MEM-, MEM--KAN, MEMPER--KAN, TER-+

English Definition: ^closely joined. BER-: cling to. BER--AN: closely connected, merged. MEM-: 1. adhere to. 2. bind. MEM--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: make s.t. closely joined to s.t. else. TER-: involved, connected. -AN: 1. base, origin. 2. home. PER--AN: relation, connection. ###

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Word: pawai

Short Definition: parade

English Definition: parade

L2 Definition: parade

Examples: Ayo kita pergi menonton PAWAI perayaan hari kemerdekaan = Let us go watch the independence day PARADE.###

Word: payah

Short Definition: tired; difficult. Also BER-_-_, MEM--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 tired. 2 difficult. *BER-_-_: have a hard time, go to a lot of trouble. *MEM--KAN: tiring, to make tired. *KE--AN: 1 weariness, difficulty. 2 to be tired out, exhausted. ###

L2 Definition: capek, perasaan lelah. ###

Examples: Tidak ada gunanya BERPAYAH-PAYAH menyenangkan hatinya. = There is no use in GOING TO A LOT OF TROUBLE to please him. Naik tangga yang tinggi ini akan MEMAYAHKAN kakek. = Climbing these high stairs will TIRE grandfather. Baru lari dua lingkaran saja saya sudah KEPAYAHAN. = After running just two circuits I'm already EXHAUSTED. ###

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Word: payudara

Short Definition: [Lit.] (female) breast

English Definition: [Lit.] (female) breast

L2 Definition: buah dada (untuk perempuan)

Examples: Sekarang banyak sekali perempuan menderita kanker PAYUDARA = Nowadays there are many women having BREAST cancer.###

Word: payung

Short Definition: umbrella.

English Definition: umbrella. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk melindungi diri dari hujan dan terik matahari. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: PB

Short Definition: acronym for "Pengurus Besar," the exectutive board.

English Definition: acronym for "Pengurus Besar," the executive board. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: PBB

Short Definition: "Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa," or the United Nations.

English Definition: acronym for "Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa," or the United Nations. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: PBE

Short Definition: "Pasaran Bersama Eropa," or the European Common Market.

English Definition: acronym for "Pasaran Bersama Eropa," or the European Common Market.

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: PD

Short Definition: "Pendidikan Jasmani," or Physical Education.

English Definition: acronym for "Pendidikan Jasmani," or Physical Education. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: PD&K

Short Definition: the Department of Basic Education and Culture.

English Definition: acronym for "Departemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Kebudayaan," or the Department of Basic Education and Culture. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: PDI

Short Definition: "Partai Demokrasi Indonesia," or the Indonesian Democratic Party.

English Definition: acronym for "Partai Demokrasi Indonesia," or the Indonesian Democratic Party. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pecah

Short Definition: broken, smashed; divided in opinion. Also BER-, MEM-(-KAN), -AN, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^1 broken, smashed. 2 divided in opinion. BER-: break up into pieces. MEM-(-KAN): 1 break, smash. 2 analyze, solve (a problem). -AN: a broken fragment, faction of a larger whole. PEM--AN: 1 solution, answer. 2 separation, divorce, fission. ###

L2 Definition: Terbelah/remuk menjadi beberapa bagian karena tua atau terkena sesuatu. ###

Examples: Siapa yang MEMECAHKAN gelas ini ? = Who BREAKS this glass. Di bawah meja itu masih ada PECAHAN kaca yang belum dibersihkan. = There are still BROKEN FRAGMENTS of glass that were not yet cleaned under the table. PEMECAHAN masalah itu tergantung dari koordinasi kerja organisasi kita. = The SOLUTION of the problem depends on the coordination of organizational works. ###

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Word: pecat

Short Definition: fired (from a job). PEM--AN: dismissal.

English Definition: fired (from a job). PEM--AN: dismissal. ###

L2 Definition: Diberhentikan dari suatu pekerjaan/jabatan secara tidak terhormat. ###

Examples: PEMECATAN pegawai kantor pos yang baik itu mengejutkan kami semua. = The DISMISSAL of the good postal employee was surprising us all. ###

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Word: peci

Short Definition: see PICI.

English Definition: see PICI. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pecut

Short Definition: whip. MEM-: to whip. MEM--I: to whip s.t. repeatedly.

English Definition: whip. MEM-: to whip. MEM--I: to whip s.t. repeatedly. ###

L2 Definition: Memukul dengan suatu alat yang berbentuk tali; cambuk. ###

Examples: Penghargaan yang didapatnya lebih MEMECUT semangat belajarnya. = The recognition that he got WHIPPED his enthusiasm to study more. Saya tidak tega melihat dia MEMECUTI kuda-kudanya. = I did not have a heart to see him WHIPPED his horses. ###

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Word: pedanda

Short Definition: Balinese Hindu priest.

English Definition: ^Balinese Hindu priest.###

L2 Definition: Penghulu/pendeta agama di Bali. ###

Examples: Perkawinan kedua anak raja itu akan diberkahi PEDANDA. = The wedding of the two (Balinese) prince and princes will be blessed by a BALINESE HINDU PRIEST. ###

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Word: pedang

Short Definition: sword.

English Definition: sword. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu benda tajam yang biasanya terbuat dari logam dipakai sebagai senjata. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pedas

Short Definition: 1 spicy hot. 2 severe, biting. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: 1 spicy hot. 2 severe, biting. *KE--AN: 1 too spicy hot. 2 suffer from eating too spicy food. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa yang membakar/panas di mulut. ###

Examples: Saya pikir untuk orang barat makanan ini KEPEDASAN. = I think that for Westerners this food is TOO SPICY HOT. ###

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Word: pedati

Short Definition: horse-drawn cart

English Definition: horse-drawn cart. *BER--: ride a cart.###

Examples: Pada jaman dahulu orang memakai PEDATI sebagai alat transportasi = In the old days, people RODE a CART as means of transportation.###

Word: pedih

Short Definition: smarting; poignant. MEM-: to become stingingly painful. Also MEM--I, +

English Definition: ^1 smarting. 2 poignant. *MEM-: to become stingingly painful. *MEM--I, MEM--KAN: painful, causing s.t. to be painful. *KE--AN: pain, poignancy. ###

L2 Definition: perasaan sakit di badan maupun di hati/perasaan. ###

Examples: Setelah dua hari lukamu akan MEMEDIH. = After two days your cut will BECOME PAINFUL. Cerita perjalanan hidupmu sangat MEMEDIHKAN. = Your life story is very PAINFUL. KEPEDIHAN hatinya takkan mungkin terobati. = The PAIN of his heart cannot possibly be assuaged. ###

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Word: pedoman

Short Definition: compass; manual, guide, directive. MEM--I: give guidance to.

English Definition: ^1 compass. 2 manual, guide, directive. MEM--I: give guidance to. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu hal yang dipakai sebagai petunjuk untuk melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Kitab suci inilah yang MEMEDOMANIKU hidupku. = This holy book that GUIDES my life. ###

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Word: peduli

Short Definition: pay attention, care about. MEM--KAN: pay attention to.

English Definition: pay attention, care about. *MEM--KAN: pay attention to. ###

L2 Definition: perhatian, perduli. ###

Examples: Tak ada seorangpun yang MEMPEDULIKANnya ketika ia sakit. = There wasn't a single person who PAYED ATTENTION to her when she was ill. ###

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Word: pegal

Short Definition: stiff, painful (of muscles); weary, weariness; irritated. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^1 stiff, painful (of muscles). 2 weary, weariness. 3 irritated. -AN: 1 tend to be stiff or weary. 2 be easily annoyed. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan tidak enak/kaku pada tulang-sendi/otot/badan kita karena terlalu lelah melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pegang

Short Definition: BER-: hold on to. BER--AN: hold on to e.o. Also MEM-, -AN, PEM-.

English Definition: ^BER-: hold on to. *BER--AN: hold on to e.o. *MEM-: hold, take hold of. *-AN: 1 grip. 2 handle. 3 s.t. to which s.t. else may be anchored. *PEM-: holder. ###

L2 Definition: berpaut pada sesuatu. ###

Examples: Dari tadi dua sejoli itu saling BERPEGANGAN tangan. = For some time that couple has been HOLDING HANDS. Tangan sebelah kiri MEMEGANG gelas sebelah kanan MEMEGANG piring. = The left hand HOLDS a glass; the right HOLDS a plate. Kata-katamu akan menjadi PEGANGAN hidupnya. = Your words will become SOMETHING TO WHICH his life CAN BE SECURED. Keputusan ini telah ditentukan oleh PEMEGANG saham. = This decision was determined by the stock HOLDERS. ###

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Word: pegar

Short Definition: pheasant.

English Definition: pheasant. ###

L2 Definition: Nama burung. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pegawai

Short Definition: government official; employee, worker.

English Definition: 1 government official. 2 employee, worker. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang bekerja pada suatu organisasi/badan. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pegel

Short Definition: see PEGAL.

English Definition: see PEGAL. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pejabat

Short Definition: see JABAT.

English Definition: see JABAT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pejam

Short Definition: closed (eyes). MEM-, MEM--KAN: to close the eyes.TER-: closed.

English Definition: closed (eyes). MEM-, MEM--KAN: to close the eyes. TER-: closed. ### --KAN: to ask s'one to close his/her eyes

L2 Definition: Menutup mata. ###

Examples: Dia telah MEMEJAMKAN matanya untuk selama-lamanya. = He has CLOSED his eyes forever (died).

Hear This Word

Word: peka

Short Definition: sensitive. KE--AN: sensitivity.

English Definition: sensitive. KE--AN: sensitivity. ###

L2 Definition: mudah merasa; mudah tersinggung; mudah terangsang; mudah bergerak. ###

Examples: Jenis tanaman ini sangat PEKA terhadap sinar matahari. = This kind of plant is very SENSITIVE to sunshine. KEPEKAAN tanaman ini terhadap sinar matahari sangat tinggi. = The SENSITIVITY of this plant to sunshine is very high. ###

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Word: pekak

Short Definition: deaf.

English Definition: deaf. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bisa mendengarkan suara; tuli. ###

Examples: Orang itu bisu dan PEKAK. = The man/woman is mute and DEAF. ###

Hear This Word

Word: pekan

Short Definition: week.

English Definition: week. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu selama seminggu/tujuh hari. ###

Examples: Saya akan ke Jakarta selama satu PEKAN ini = I will go to Jakarta for a WEEK. ###

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Word: Pekanbaru

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Riau in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Rau in Indonesia. ###

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Word: pekat

Short Definition: thick, concentrated; tough; strong (of coffee).

English Definition: ^1 thick, concentrated. 2 tough. 3 strong (of coffee). MEM--I: inspire feelings. MEM--KAN: make thick. KE--AN: thickness, concentration. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak encer; kental. ###

Examples: Kami sedang MEMEKATKAN lem yang kami buat dari tepung tapioka. = We are THICKENING the glue that we made from tapioca powder. KEPEKATAN kopi ini sudah tepat. = The THICKNESS of this coffee is right. ###

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Word: pekik

Short Definition: yell, scream. MEM-: yell, scream. MEM--KAN: scream s.t. out. Also TER-, +

English Definition: yell, scream. *MEM-: yell, scream. *MEM--KAN: scream s.t. out. TER-: let out a scream. *-AN: a scream. ###

L2 Definition: teriakan. ###

Examples: Gadis itu MEMEKIK kuat-kuat begitu dilihatnya tikus sebesar itu. = That girl SREAMED loudly when she saw a mouse that size. Secara serentak kami MEMEKIKKAN kata "merdeka". = In unison we SHOUTED the word "freedom". PEKIKAN keras sekali itu datangnya dari rumah sebelah. = That loud SHOUT came from the neighboring house. ###

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Word: pel

Short Definition: mop. MEM-, (ME)NGE-: mop. -AN: mopping.

English Definition: mop. *MEM-, (ME)NGE-: mop. -AN: mopping. ###

L2 Definition: Membersihkan lantai; lap. ###

Examples: Apakah si Lyem sudah kau suruh MENGEPEL lantai? = Have you already told Lyem to MOP the floor? ###

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Word: pelajar

Short Definition: SEE AJAR

English Definition: student, pupil

L2 Definition: murid

Word: pelajaran

Short Definition: SEE AJAR

Word: pelan

Short Definition: slow; soft (of a voice, sound, etc.).

English Definition: ^*1 slow. 2 soft (of a voice, sound, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Tidak cepat-cepat; lambat. ###

Examples: Mengapa kereta api itu jalannya begitu PELAN? = How come the pace of that train is so SLOW? ###

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Word: pelancong

Short Definition: see LANCONG

English Definition: see LANCONG.###

Word: pelangi

Short Definition: rainbow.

English Definition: rainbow. ###

L2 Definition: Garis-garis melengkung yang berwarna-warni di langit sesudah hujan turun; warna yang beraneka macam. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pelawak

Short Definition: see LAWAK

English Definition: see LAWAK

Word: pelayan

Short Definition: see LAYAN

Word: pelbagai

Short Definition: various sorts, all sorts of. KE--AN: diversity.

English Definition: various sorts, all sorts of. KE--AN: diversity. ###

L2 Definition: Bermacam-macam; beraneka macam. ###

Examples: KEPELBAGAIAN jenis tumbuhan ini sungguh mengagumkan. = The DIVERSITY of this kind of plant is really amazing. ###

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Word: pelek

Short Definition: rim of wheel

English Definition: rim of wheel

Examples: Karim membeli PELEK baru untuk mobilnya = Karim bought a new RIM OF WHEEL for his car.##

Word: pelesir

Short Definition: take a pleasure trip; take amusement. Also BER-, KE--AN, -AN.

English Definition: 1 take a pleasure trip. 2 take amusement. BER-: take a trip or other sort of amusement. KE--AN: pleasures. -AN: pleasure, amusement. ###

L2 Definition: Bertamasya; berlibur; berjalan-jalan untuk menghibur hati/bersenang-senang. ###

Examples: Keluarga Pak Tamrin sedang BERPELESIR ke pulau Bali. = Mr. Tamrin's family is TAKING A PLEASURE TRIP to the island of Bali. Sekarang ini memang sedang musim PELESIRAN bagi anak-anak sekolah. = Now is the season for a PLEASURE TRIP for school children. ###

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Word: pelesit

Short Definition: locust.

English Definition: locust. ###

L2 Definition: Sejenis serangga yang bisa terbang dan meloncat, biasanya berkaki panjang; belalang. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pelihara

Short Definition: MEM-: raise (animals, plants). -AN: things to raise/be protected. Also PEM-, +

English Definition: MEM-: raise (animals, plants). -AN: things to raise or be protected. PEM-: caretaker. PEM--AN: caregiving, cultivation. ### DI-: to be raised

L2 Definition: jaga; rawat; urus. ###

Examples: Tina suka MEMELIHARA kucing. = Tina likes to RAISE cat. Ini adalah anjing PELIHARAAN Pak Kadir. = This is a dog RAISED by Pak Kadir. Karena PEMELIHARAANnya kurang baik semua ikan itu mati. = Because the CAREGIVING was not good all of the fish died. ###

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Word: pelir

Short Definition: penis.

English Definition: penis. ###

L2 Definition: Buah zakar; alat kemaluan laki-laki. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pelit

Short Definition: stingy; SEE Kikir2

English Definition: stingy, careful with money

Examples: Dia sangat PELIT walaupun dengan ibunya sendiri = He is so STINGY even with his own mother##

Word: pelita

Short Definition: see PELITA1 (oil lamp . . .) or PELITA2 (government five-year plan program).

English Definition: see PELITA1 (oil lamp . . .) PELITA2 (government five-year plan program). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pelita1

Short Definition: oil lamp; light (used metaphorically).

English Definition: ^1 oil lamp. 2 light (used metaphorically). ###

L2 Definition: Lampu minyak. ###

Examples: Saya lupa memadamkan PELITA di gubukku. = I forgot to blow off the OIL LAMP in my shack. Dia menjadi PELITA hidupku. = She is THE LIGHT of life. ###

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Word: Pelita2

Short Definition: "Pembangunan Lima Tahun," Indonesian five-year national development plan.

English Definition: contraction of "Pembangunan Lima Tahun," the five-year development plan of the Indonesian government. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Pelni

Short Definition: Indonesian National Shipping Company.

English Definition: (Perusahaan Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia) Indonesian National Shipping Company. ###

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Word: pelopor

Short Definition: pioneer, scout.

English Definition: pioneer, scout. ###

L2 Definition: Yang paling dahulu; yang terdepan; yang memulai. ###

Examples: Dialah PELOPOR gerakan pemuda Indonesia. = He is the PIONEER of Indonesian youth movement. ###

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Word: pelosok

Short Definition: 1. remote spot. 2. corner.

English Definition: 1. remote spot. 2. corner. ###

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Word: peluit

Short Definition: a whistle (either the sound or the device for making the sound).

English Definition: a whistle (either the sound of a whistle or the device for making the sound). ###

L2 Definition: Alat kecil yang kalau ditiup bisa mengeluarkan bunyi. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: peluk

Short Definition: embrace, hug. MEM--I: to embrace s.t. or s.o.

English Definition: embrace, hug. MEM--I: to embrace s.t. or s.o. ###

L2 Definition: dekap; melingkarkan tangan pada sesuatu benda. ###

Examples: Sebelum bepergian dia selalu MEMELUKI anaknya satu persatu dulu. = Before making a trip she always HUGS her children one by one. ###

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Word: peluru

Short Definition: bullet, projectile.

English Definition: bullet, projectile. ###

L2 Definition: Benda kecil yang biasanya terbuat dari logam yang ditembakkan dari senjata api; pelor. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pematang

Short Definition: embankment, dike (as between rice paddies).

English Definition: *embankment, dike (as between rice paddies). ###

L2 Definition: Jalanan sempit di sawah-sawah. ###

Examples: Amir terjatuh ketika berlari melewati PEMATANG sawah. = Amir fell when he ran on the paddy DIKE. ###

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Word: pemberantasan

Short Definition: efforts to eliminate; SEE ALSO BERANTAS

English Definition: efforts to eliminate; SEE ALSO BERANTAS

Examples: Pemerintah sedang menggiatkan usaha PEMBERANTASAN buta huruf = The government is trying hard to ELIMINATE illiteracy.###

Word: pemda

Short Definition: contraction for "pemerintah daerah," or local government.

English Definition: contraction for "pemerintah daerah," or local government. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pemilu

Short Definition: "pemilihan umum," or general election.

English Definition: contraction for "pemilihan umum," or general election. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pemirsa

Short Definition: see PIRSA

English Definition: see PIRSA

Word: pemuda

Short Definition: see MUDA.

English Definition: see MUDA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pemudi

Short Definition: young woman.

English Definition: young woman. ###

L2 Definition: Perempuan muda. Antonim: pemuda. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pena

Short Definition: a writing pen.

English Definition: a writing pen. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk menulis yang menggunakan tinta. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: penasaran

Short Definition: inwardly angered or embittered.

English Definition: ^inwardly angered or embittered. ###

L2 Definition: Keinginan tahu yang amat sangat; gusar. ###

Examples: Kata orang dia mati PENASARAN karena cintanya ditolak. = People said that he died INWARDLY EMBITTERRED because his love was rejected. ###

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Word: penat

Short Definition: tired, weary, exhausted###

English Definition: *^tired, weary, exhausted BER-2: toil and sweat MEM-KAN: tire, exhaust, wearying, exhausting KE-AN: 1. tired 2. weariness, fatique####

Examples: *Saya merasa PENAT setelah membersihkan kamar tidurku = I felt EXHAUSTED after cleaning my bedroom.###

Word: penatu

Short Definition: laundry. MEM--KAN: send s.t. to the laundry. -AN: laundering place.

English Definition: ^laundry *MEM--KAN: send s.t. to the laundry. *-AN: laundering place. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk mencuci dan menyeterikakan baju. ###

Examples: Mimi baru saja MEMENATUKAN baju ayah. = Mimi just SENT father's shirt TO THE LAUNDRY. Di daerah ini banyak TEMPAT PENATUAN. = In this place there are many LAUNDERING SPOTS. ###

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Word: pencak

Short Definition: a kind of traditional martial art; a system of self defense

English Definition: traditional martial art in Indonesia *BER-: the use of this system of self-defense

Examples: Dia sangat pandai memainkan PENCAK SILAT = He is very good at playing the traditional self-defense (martial art).##

Word: pencar

Short Definition: BER-: disperse, be dispersed all over. Also MEM-, MEM--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: BER-: disperse, be dispersed all over. MEM-: dispersed, spread out. MEM--KAN: disperse s.t. -AN: 1. distribution. 2. dispersion. ###

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Word: pencil

Short Definition: TER-: isolated. KE--AN, KETER--AN: isolation.

English Definition: *TER-: isolated, desolate. KE--AN, KETER--AN: isolation. ###

L2 Definition: tersendiri; terisolasi. ###

Examples: Mengapa memilih tempat tinggal kok di daerah TERPENCIL begini. = Why choose to live in a place as DESOLATE as this?###

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Word: pendam

Short Definition: hide underneath, bury. TER-: hidden underneath.

English Definition: hide underneath, bury. TER-: hidden underneath. ###

L2 Definition: tanam; sembunyikan. ###

Examples: Menurut kata orang-orang tua banyak harta TERPENDAM di dasar laut ini. = According to older people's words, there are treasure HIDDEN UNDERNEATH at the bottom of this sea. ###

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Word: pendapat

Short Definition: opinion, statement###

English Definition: *opinion, statement **BER~= to state opinions. **SE--: in agreement with. ###

Examples: *Menurut PENDAPAT saya, Pemerintahan Habibie tidak sah menurut undang-undang dasar= In my OPINION, the Habibie administration is not legal according to the constitution. **Dia BERPENDAPAT bahwa memasuki perguruan tinggi negeri tidak mudah = He STATED that entering a state university is not easy.###

Word: pendar

Short Definition: 1. see PENDAR1: turn; 2. see PENDAR2: luminescent

English Definition: 1. see PENDAR1: turn; 2. see PENDAR2: luminescent

Word: pendar1

Short Definition: BER- -(AN): turn, go around; MEM-_2-KAN: turn something, turn something around

English Definition: BER- -(AN): turn, go around; MEM- _2 -KAN: turn something, turn something around ###

Word: pendar2

Short Definition: phosphorescent; BER- ( _2): luminescent

English Definition: phosphorescent; BER- ( _2): luminescent ###

Word: pendek

Short Definition: short.

English Definition: *short. ###

L2 Definition: tidak panjang. ###

Examples: Rambutnya baru saja dipotong PENDEK. = Her hair has just been cut SHORT. ###

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Word: pendeta

Short Definition: protestant minister or Hindu or Buddhist priest.

English Definition: protestant minister or Hindu or Buddhist priest. ###

L2 Definition: Guru agama; pemuka agama hindu dan protestan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pendopo

Short Definition: a large open veranda attached to a traditional Javanese mansion or palace.

English Definition: a large open veranda attached to a traditional Javanese mansion or palace. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat yang luas di depan keraton atau rumah tradisional Jawa yang mempunyai banyak fungsi (untuk berkumpul; latihan menari; pertemuan-pertemuan, dll.). ###

Examples: ###

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Word: penganan

Short Definition: snack###

English Definition: snack###

Examples: Saya tak pernah lupa membawa PENGANAN di tasku = I never forget to bring SNACK in my back.###

Word: penganten

Short Definition: the bride and bridegroom of a marriage.

English Definition: the bride and bridegroom of a marriage. ###

L2 Definition: Orang (laki-laki dan perempuan) yang sedang melangsungkan perkawinan; mempelai. ###

Examples: Kami masih menunggu kedatangan PENGANTEN laki-laki. = We are still waiting for the coming of the BRIDEGROOM. ###

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Word: pengantin

Short Definition: see PENGANTEN.

English Definition: see PENGANTEN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pengap

Short Definition: close, stuffy, stale, musty###

English Definition: *^close, stuffy, stale, musty MEM-: close tightly MEM-KAN: oppressive KE-AN: lack of fresh air###

Examples: *Ruangan ini sangat PENGAP! = This room is too MUSTY!###

Word: pengaruh

Short Definition: influence. BER-: influential. MEM--I: to influence.

English Definition: influence. *BER-: influential. *MEM--I: to influence. ###

L2 Definition: Mempunyai kuasa. ###

Examples: Hujan yang terus-menerus BERPENGARUH sangat buruk terhadap hasil panen. = Continuous rain EFFECTS very badly the harvest yield. Penemuan baru ini bisa MEMPENGARUHI keseimbangan alam yang telah ada. = This new conference may HAVE AN EFFECT ON the ecology of the natural world. ###

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Word: pengat

Short Definition: 1. fish or meat stewed in spicy sauce 2. a porridge of tuber, squash, or bananas

English Definition: *^1. fish or meat stewed in spicy sauce 2. a porridge of tuber, squash, or bananas in coconut milk MEM-: prepare s.t. in a spicy stew###

Examples: *Orang-orang Ujungpandang senang membuat PENGAT = Ujungpandang's people like to make FISH STEWED IN SPICY SAUCE.###

Word: pengelawat

Short Definition: see KELAWAT.

English Definition: see KELAWAT. ###

Hear This Word

Word: pengestu

Short Definition: see PANGESTU.

English Definition: see PANGESTU. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: penggal

Short Definition: 1. piece, lump 2. fragment###

English Definition: ^1. piece, lump 2. fragment BER-2: in pieces *MEM-: cut off, cut s.t. to pieces -AN: piece, bit PEM-AN: cutting off the top or head###

Examples: *Pak Kardi MEMENGGAL pohon besar itu = Pak Kardi CUT a big tree TO PIECES.###

Word: penggunaan

Short Definition: employing, utilizing, using; see also GUNA

English Definition: employing, utilizing, using; see also GUNA

Examples: Marilah kita menghemat PENGGUNAAN listrik = Let us limit the USING of electricity.###

Word: penghulu

Short Definition: a village or Muslim headman.

English Definition: a village or Muslim headman. ###

L2 Definition: Kepala urusan agama Islam; orang yang pekerjaannya mengawinkan penganten; kadi. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pengulu

Short Definition: see PENGHULU.

English Definition: see PENGHULU. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pening

Short Definition: dizzy, disoriented in one's senses.

English Definition: dizzy, disoriented in one's senses. ###

L2 Definition: Sakit kepala; pusing. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: peniti

Short Definition: safety pin.

English Definition: safety pin. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: penjara

Short Definition: jail, prison. MEM--KAN: to imprison s.o. PEM--AN: imprisonment.

English Definition: jail, prison. MEM--KAN: to imprison s.o. PEM--AN: imprisonment. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk menahan seseorang karena suatu hal kejahatan. ###

Examples: Akhirnya polisi berhasil MEMENJARAKAN perampok itu. = At last, the police was able to PUT IN JAIL the robber. ###

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Word: penjuru

Short Definition: corner, angle; direction from which s.t. comes.

English Definition: ^*1 corner, angle. 2 direction from which s.t. comes. ###

L2 Definition: sudut; pojok. ###

Examples: Seluruh PENJURU dunia sudah pernah dijelajahinya. = Every CORNER of the world has already been explored by him/her. ###

Hear This Word

Word: pensil

Short Definition: pencil.

English Definition: pencil. ###

L2 Definition: Alat tulis yang berbentuk kecil dan panjang biasanya terbuat dari kayu. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pensiun

Short Definition: pension; retired. BER-: retired. -AN: a retired person, retiree.

English Definition: ^1 pension. 2 retired. BER-: retired. *-AN: a retired person, retiree. ###

L2 Definition: Selesai menjalankan tugas, biasanya dari pekerjaan tetap/pegawai. ###

Examples: Ayahku adalah PENSIUNAN pegawai negri. = My father is a RETIRED civil servant. ###

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Word: pentas

Short Definition: platform, stage. MEM--KAN: stage s.t., present s.t. (on a stage). Also -AN, +

English Definition: platform, stage. MEM--KAN: stage s.t., present s.t. (on a stage). -AN: on-stage performance. PEM--AN: presentation, showing. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat pertunjukan; panggung. ###

Examples: Minggu ini kelompok teater kami akan MEMENTASKAN sandiwara baru. = This week our theater group will STAGE a new play. PEMENTASAN sandiwara itu mendapat sambutan yang luar biasa. = The STAGING of the play gets an extraordinary reception.

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Word: penting

Short Definition: important, significant. Also MEM--KAN, KE--AN, BERKE--AN.

English Definition: ^important, significant. *MEM--KAN: give importance to, emphasize. *KE--AN: importance, significance, benefit. *BERKE--AN: to have an interest, be concerned. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat berguna/bermanfaat. ###

Examples: Sekarang ini kami sedang MEMENTINGKAN pendididkan anak-anak. = At the present we are EMPHASIZING children education. Semua yang dia lakukan hanyalah untuk KEPENTINGAN diri-sendiri. = Everything that he does is only for his own BENEFIT. Siapa yang BERKEPENTINGAN boleh mendaftar. = Whoever is CONCERNED may enter their name. ###

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Word: pentol

Short Definition: knob###

English Definition: ~AN = 1. prominent 2. leader of a gang 3. leader 4. bulb see pentul###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Delapan PENTOLAN aktivis tertangkap = Eight LEADERS of activists were arrasted.###

Word: pentul

Short Definition: see pentol###

English Definition: see pentol###

Examples: ###

Word: pentung

Short Definition: club, cudgel###

English Definition: ^club, cudgel MEM-: to club *MEM-I: club repeatedly -AN; club, cudgel###

Examples: *Polisi MEMENTUNGI mahasiswa berkali-kali = Police CLUBBED students REPEATEDLY.###

Word: penuh

Short Definition: full, complete. MEM--I: fill, complete s.t. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: full, complete. *MEM--I: fill, complete s.t. *KE--AN: 1 filled. 2 fullness, completeness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak kurang; tidak bisa diisi lagi. ###

Examples: Sulit untuk MEMENUHI permintaanmu yang aneh itu. = It is difficult to FULFILL that strange request of yours. Bak mandi ini sudah KEPENUHAN air. = This bathing tub is already FILLED with water. ###

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Word: penyebaran

Short Definition: spread out, scatter; see also SEBAR

English Definition: spread out, scatter; see also SEBAR

Examples: ###

Word: pepaya

Short Definition: see PAPAYA.

English Definition: see PAPAYA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pepes

Short Definition: meat or fish wrapped in a banana leaf and roasted.

English Definition: meat or fish wrapped in a banana leaf and roasted. *MEM--: cook s.t. this way. *--AN: fish or meat cooked in banana leaf wrap.###

Examples: ###

Word: pepet

Short Definition: pepet1: stopped up pepet2: dead end, no way out###

English Definition: pepet1: stopped up (of nose) pepet2: dead end, no way out * ME~ = 1. tight 2. press o. self into a corner, against s.o. MEM~KAN = corner, trap KE~, TER~ = cornered, trapped###

Examples: * Sopir itu MEMEPETKAN truknya ke pintu gerbang gudang = The driver was AGAINST his truck into the warehouse gate.###

Word: per

Short Definition: per, by.

English Definition: per, by. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: perabot

Short Definition: furniture. -AN: furnishings, furniture.

English Definition: furniture. *-AN: furnishings, furniture. ###

L2 Definition: Alat-alat rumah tangga seperti meja, kursi, almari, dll. ###

Examples: Saya rasa PERABOTAN rumah tanggaku sudah lengkap. = I think my household FURNISHINGS are already complete. ###

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Word: peragawati

Short Definition: fashion model.

English Definition: fashion model. ###

See a Picture

Word: perah

Short Definition: MEM-: 1. squeeze. 2. milk. -AN: 1. a milch cow. 2. s.t. squeezed out. +

English Definition: MEM-: 1. squeeze. 2. milk. -AN: 1. a milch cow. 2. s.t. squeezed out. PEM-: milker. PEM--AN: squeezing. ###

Hear This Word

Word: perahu

Short Definition: boat.

English Definition: boat. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: perai

Short Definition: leek###

English Definition: leek###

Examples: ###

Word: perak

Short Definition: silver. -AN: a paper or coin rupiah.

English Definition: silver. -AN: a paper or coin rupiah. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: peran

Short Definition: actor; character (in a story). BER-: have a role. Also MEM--KAN, -AN, PEM-.

English Definition: ^1 actor. 2 character (in a story). *BER-: have a role. *MEM--KAN: play the role of. *-AN: a role or part. *PEM-: player of a role. ###

L2 Definition: akting, karakter. ###

Examples: Saya akan BERPERAN sebagai penyihir yang jahat dalam cerita itu. = I am going to HAVE THE ROLE of an evil witch in that story. Siapa yang akan MEMERANKAN pak tani? = Who is going to PLAY THE ROLE OF the farmer? Dia memegang PERANAN yang penting dalam perampokan itu. = He played an important ROLE in that robbing. PEMERAN Siti Nurbaya di film itu orangnya sangat cantik. = The PERSON WHO PLAYED THE ROLE OF Siti Nurbaya in that film is very beautiful. ###

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Word: Perancis

Short Definition: France, French.

English Definition: France, French.###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah negara di Eropa. ###

Examples: Sepupuku Adi bisa berbahasa PERANCIS. = My cousin Adi can speak FRENCH. Anaknya lahir di Perancis. = His son born in FRANCE. ###

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Word: perang

Short Definition: war. BER-: wage war. MEM--I: war on. PE--AN: battle. also MEM--KAN, _-_-AN.

English Definition: *war, battle. *BER-:wage war. *MEM--I: fight against, war on. MEM--KAN: cause to fight. *_-_-an: maneuvers, mock warfare. *PE--AN: battle, war. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim=bertempur. ###

Examples: PERANG dingin antara Amerika dan Rusia sudah berakhir. = The cold WAR between America and Russia is already over. Raja itu sangat gagah dalam PEPERANGAN. = That king is very brave in warfare. Persoalan penting di Indonesia adalah bagaimana MEMERANGI kemiskinan. = An important issue in Indonesia is how to FIGHT poverty. Tugas utama seorang penegak hukum adalah BERPERANG melawan kejahatan. = The primary duty of a officer of the law is to FIGHT against evil. Anak-anak asyik bermain PERANG-PERANGAN di halaman muka. = The children are zealously playing MOCK WAR in the front yard. ###

Hear This Word

Word: perangkap

Short Definition: trap. TER-: trapped.

English Definition: trap. TER-: trapped. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk menangkap binatang; jebakan. ###

Examples: PERANGKAP ini dipasang untuk menangkap rusa. = This TRAP is set to catch a deer. Selama ini aku TERPERANGKAP olek bujuk rayuannya. = All this time I was TRAPPED by her seduction. ###

Hear This Word

Word: perangko

Short Definition: see PRANGKO.

English Definition: see PRANGKO. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: peranjat

Short Definition: TER-: surprised, frightened####

English Definition: TER-: surprised, frightened####

Examples: Hasan TERPERANJAT menyaksikan pembataian penduduk sipil di Timor-Timur = Hasan was FRIGHTENED finding the killing of mass civilians in East Timor.###

Word: peranti

Short Definition: apparatus, appliance, remedy for, in order to###

English Definition: apparatus, appliance, remedy for, in order to###

Examples: Daun pepaya digunakan sebagai PERANTI untuk panas badan = Papaya leaves are used as REMEDY FOR fever.###

Word: peranyak

Short Definition: TER-: to drop with a dull thud (with surprise)###

English Definition: TER-: to drop with a dull thud (with surprise)###

Examples: Ibu Lila TERPERANYAK ketika dia mendengar anaknya diterima di Universitas Indonesia = Madame Lila DROPPED WITH A DULL THUD when she learned that her daughter was admitted to University of Indonesia..###

Word: perapatan

Short Definition: cross-roads###

English Definition: cross-roads###

Examples: Saya menunggu Divya di PERAPATAN Jalan Normal dan Jalan Lucinda = I waited for Divya at the CROSS-ROADS of Normal Road and Lucinda Avenue.###

Word: peras

Short Definition: 1. press, squeeze. 2. exploit. ME-: to squeeze.

English Definition: 1. press, squeeze. 2. exploit. ME-: to squeeze. ###

L2 Definition: 1. pijit; pijat. 2. meminta uang/harta benda dengan paksa. ###

Examples: Kelompok pemuda itu kerjanya MEMERAS pedagang-pedagang kaki lima. = The youth gang's work is to SQUEEZE money from the sidewalk vendors. ###

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Word: perasman

Short Definition: Frenchman, Franch###

English Definition: Frenchman, Franch *-AN: meal served buffet style###

Examples: *Pada pesta perkawinan, makanan di sajikan secara PRASMANAN = At wedding parties, food is served in BUFFET STYLES.###

Word: perawan

Short Definition: 1. virgin girl 2. brand new to s.t.###

English Definition: ^1. virgin girl 2. brand new to s.t. MEM-I: make s.o. or s.t. lose virginity KE-AN: 1. spinsterhood, maidenhood 2. virginity###

Examples: ###

Word: perawis

Short Definition: materials, ingredients###

English Definition: materials, ingredients###

Examples: Masakan Padang banyak menggunakan santan dan lombok merah sebagai PERAWIS dasar = Padang food uses a lot of coconut milk and chili peppers as basic INGREDIENTS.###

Word: perbagai

Short Definition: all sorts of, all kinds of###

English Definition: all sorts of, all kinds of###

Examples: Persiden Gus Dur menghadapi PERBAGAI masalah menyangkut keamanan nasional = President Gus Dur has faced ALL SORTS OF problems regarding national stability.

Word: perbahasa

Short Definition: (or peribahasa) proverb, expression###

English Definition: proverb, expression###

Examples: Pak Jim mengkreasi halaman tentang PERBAHASA Indonesia di Internet = Sir Jim created a homepage about Indonesian PROVERBS in the Internet.###

Word: perbal

Short Definition: police-warrant###

English Definition: police-warrant ME-, DI-: having o.'s name and address taken down by a policeman###

Examples: Sersan Ahmad MEMPERBAL pelanggar lalu lintas itu untuk diajukan ke pengadilan = Sergeant Ahmad TOOK the trafic violator's NAME AND ADDRESS to send his case to the court.###

Word: perban

Short Definition: bandage###

English Definition: *^bandage MEM-(I): dress a wound###

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Suster itu memberi PERBAN pada luka si Andi = The nurse put a BANDAGE on Andi's wound.###

Word: Perbanas

Short Definition: Association of National Private Banks###

English Definition: Perbanas is an abbreviation of Persatuan Bank-Bank National Swasta or Association of National Private Banks###

Examples: ###

Word: perbawa

Short Definition: influence, prestige.

English Definition: influence, prestige. ###

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Word: perbekel

Short Definition: village chief in Bali###

English Definition: village chief in Bali###

Examples: Di Bali, beberapa PERBEKEL menyatakan dukungan terhadap Megawati sebagai candidat persiden ke empat= In Bali, several VILLAGE CHIEFS stated their supports to Megawati's candidacy for the fourth president.###

Word: percaya

Short Definition: belief, faith; trust, believe. MEM--I: believe in. Also TER-, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 belief, faith. 2 trust, believe. *MEM--I: believe in. *TER-: believable, reliable. *KE--AN: 1 belief, faith, trust. 2 s.o. who is trustworthy or reliable. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak ingkar; mengakui. ###

Examples: Kami MEMPERCAYAI adanya Tuhan di dunia ini. = We BELIEVE that God exists in the world. Ini obat yang TERPERCAYA keampuhannya. = This is the medicine whose potency is the most RELIABLE. Simpanlah uang di bank KEPERCAYAAN anda. = Save your money at the bank you TRUST. ###

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Word: percik

Short Definition: stain, spot, speck

English Definition: stain, spot, speck BER-AN: splash (with), sprinkle with *ME-I: splash, sprinkle TE-: splashed -AN: sprinkling####

Examples: *Ratna MEMERCIKI baju baruku dengan tinta pulpen secara tak sengaja = Ratna SPLASHED my new dress with ink unintentionally.###

Word: perdana

Short Definition: principal.

English Definition: principal, inaugural.###

L2 Definition: Pertama kali, prinsip. ###

Examples: Peluncuran PERDANA buku ini akan dilakukan minggu depan. = The INAUGURAL launching of this book will done next week. ###

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Word: perdata

Short Definition: 1. court of justice. 2. civil. MEM--KAN: bring a civil case to court. KE--AN: +

English Definition: ^(Leg.) 1. court of justice. 2. civil (cases). MEM--KAN: bring a civil case to court. KE--AN: having to do with civil law.###

L2 Definition: Pengadilan; kasus yang berkenaan dengan orang biasa. ###

Examples: Karena masalah warisan, seorang anak tega MEMPERDATAKAN ibunya. = Because of inheritance matter, a son has a heart TO BRING his mother TO CIVIL COURT. Hal itu termasuk dalam hukum KEPERDATAAN. = That matter is included in the CIVIL LAW. ###

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Word: perdu

Short Definition: 1. visible stool (of bamboo) 2. necessary###

English Definition: 1. visible stool (of bamboo) 2. necessary###

Examples: ###

Word: perduli

Short Definition: see PEDULI

Word: perempuan

Short Definition: woman, female.

English Definition: ^*woman, female. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: wanita. Antonim: lelaki. ###

Examples: Di waktu pagi hari banyak PEREMPUAN desa mandi di kali. = In the morning, a lot of village WOMEN bathe in the river. Dia dikenal sebagai salah satu PEREMPUAN pengusaha yang maju. = She is known as progressive working WOMAN. ###

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Word: pergi

Short Definition: go, leave, be out (of the house, office, etc.). Also BE--AN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^go, leave, be out (of the house, office, etc.). *BE--AN: travel, go on a trip. *KE--AN: 1 departure. 2 travel, journey. ###

L2 Definition: Meninggalkan suatu tempat menuju ke tempat lain. ###

Examples: Kami telah merencanakan untuk BEPERGIAN ke Bali sekeluarga. = We have planned TO GO ON A family TRIP to Bali. KEPERGIAN sahabat karibku yang tiba-tiba sungguh menyedihkan hatiku. = The sudden DEPARTURE of my close friend truly saddened my heart. ###

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Word: pergok

Short Definition: catch someone by surprise

English Definition: *MEM--I: catch by surprise; catch someone redhanded *TER-- : detected, caught in the act *KE-- : surprised, unexpectedly

L2 Definition: tertangkap basah

Examples: Bapak MEMERGOKI Iwan sedang asyik merokok = Father CAUGHT Iwan smoking BY SURPRISE. Pencuri itu akhirnya berhasil TERPERGOK oleh polisi = the theft finnaly was DETECTED by the police. Saya KEPERGOK Amir di Chicago kemarin = Yesterday I unexpectedly met Amir in Chicago.###

Word: peria

Short Definition: cucumberlike climbing-plant###

English Definition: cucumberlike climbing-plant###

Examples: PERIA rasanya pahit = CLIMBING PLANTS are bitter###

Word: periai

Short Definition: 1. lower nobility, subordinate officials 2. good-class person 3. a courtier###

English Definition: *1. lower nobility, subordinate officials 2. good-class person 3. a courtier###

Examples: * Pak Lengkong adalah PERIAI di kantor kecamatan = Mr. Lengkong is a SUBORDINATE OFFICIAL in the district office.###

Word: periang

Short Definition: see RIANG

Word: peribahasa

Short Definition: proverb

English Definition: proverb

Examples: Coba kau baca PERIBAHASA ini dengan pelan = Could you please read this PROVERB slowly.###

Word: peridi

Short Definition: fertile (animals)###

English Definition: fertile (animals)###

Examples: ###

Word: perigi

Short Definition: well, source###

English Definition: well, source###

Examples: Sangat susah mencari PERIGI air di sini = It is very difficult to find a SOURCE of water here.###

Word: perih

Short Definition: see PEDIH

Word: perihal

Short Definition: 1. situation. 2. event. 3. things; about s'thing

English Definition: 1. situation. 2. event. 3. things. ###

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Word: periksa

Short Definition: 1. investigation, inspection, examination. 2. get s.o. examined. Also MEM-, +

English Definition: ^1. investigation, inspection, examination. 2. get s.o. examined. MEM-: 1. investigate, cross-examine. 2. control, inspect. MEM--I: search through, check. MEM--KAN: have s.t. examined. -AN: hearing, inquest. PEM-: 1. investigator, inspector. 2. (Leg.) cross-examiner. PEM--AN: investigation, inspection, interrogation. ###

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Word: perinci

Short Definition: see RINCI.

English Definition: see RINCI. ###

Hear This Word

Word: pering

Short Definition: 1. stink, stinking 2. bamboo###

English Definition: *1. stink, stinking, stinky 2. bamboo###

Examples: * Tikus mati itu menjadi PERING = A died mouse became STINKY

Word: peringkat

Short Definition: 1. level. 2. rank. MEM-: arrange by rank.

English Definition: 1. level. 2. rank. MEM-: arrange by rank. ###

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Word: perintah

Short Definition: command. MEM-: to govern. PEM-:gov't. Also MEM--KAN, TER-, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^*order, command. *MEM-(-I):1 order, command. 2 rule, govern. *MEM--KAN: order, command s.t. TER-: subjected. *PEM-: government. PEM--AN: government administration.###

L2 Definition: 1. Aturan. 2. Sesuatu yang harus dilakukan. ###

Examples: PERINTAH yang datang dari atasan sulit untuk dibantah. = An ORDER that comes from above is difficult to dispute. ...dalam sebuah kerajaan MEMERINTAH seorang raja... = a (particular) kingdom RULED a king... Itu yang DIPERINTAHKAN pada saya. = That is the ORDER GIVEN to me. Bapak bekerja pada PEMERINTAH. = Father works for the GOVERNMENT. ###

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Word: periode

Short Definition: period of time.

English Definition: period of time. ###

L2 Definition: Dalam waktu tertentu; kurun waktu. ###

Examples: Selama PERIODE kepemimpinannya daerah ini sangat aman. = During his leadership PERIOD, this area was very safe. ###

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Word: perisai

Short Definition: shield###

English Definition: shield###

Examples: PERISAI ini terbuat dari emas = This SHIELD is made of gold.###

Word: peristiwa

Short Definition: 1. event, incident. 2. phenomenon.

English Definition: ^1. event, incident. 2. phenomenon.###

L2 Definition: kejadian; masalah. ###

Examples: PERISTIWA yang langka ini harus diabadikan. = This rare EVENT has to be IMMORTALIZED. ###

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Word: periuk

Short Definition: cooking-pot###

English Definition: cooking-pot###

Examples: Kalau kamu mau memasak air gunakan PERIUK itu = If you want to boil water use that COOKING-POT.###

Word: perji

Short Definition: female genital###

English Definition: female genital###

Examples: ###

Word: perkakas

Short Definition: tools, equipment, instruments. MEM--I: equip, furnish. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^tools, equipment, instruments. MEM--I: equip, furnish. *-AN: tools, equipment, instruments. ###

L2 Definition: Alat-alat. ###

Examples: Di gedung megah ini seluruh PERKAKASANnya serba lengkap dan moderen. = In this luxurious building, all of the EQUIPMENT is complete and modern. ###

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Word: perkara

Short Definition: matter, case. BE-: be involved in a (legal) case. Also MEM--KAN.

English Definition: matter, case. BER-: be involved in a (legal) case. MEM--KAN: make a case of, take s.t./s.o. to court. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang menjadi masalah. ###

Examples: Sudah hampir dua tahun dua keluarga itu BERPERKARA soal tanah warisan. = It has been almost two years the two families INVOLVE IN LEGAL CASE regarding an inheritance land. Sunarto MEMPERKARAKAN kakaknya sendiri untuk hal yang sepele. = Sunarto TOOK his oleder brother TO COURT for a trivial matter. ###

Hear This Word

Word: perkasa

Short Definition: brave, courageous; physically powerful. KE--AN: strength, robustness.

English Definition: ^*1 brave, courageous. 2 physically powerful, strong and robust. *KE--AN: strength, robustness.###

L2 Definition: Gagah-berani; kuat; hebat; berkuasa.###

Examples: ...[ada] seorang raja ...yang amat gagah PERKASA. = [there was] a king who was very heroic and BRAVE. KEPERKASAAN Samson menakutkan lawan. = The STRENGTH of Sampson frightened the opponents.###

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Word: perkosa

Short Definition: 1. violent. 2. violence. MEMP-: rape, violate. -AN: rape, violation. Also PEM-.

English Definition: 1. violent. 2. violence. MEMP-: rape, violate. -AN: rape, violation. PEM-: rapist. ###

Hear This Word

Word: perkutut

Short Definition: turtledove.

English Definition: turtledove. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sejenis burung yang merdu suaranya, burung ini biasa dipelihara oleh manusia. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: perlahan

Short Definition: slow, soft (of a noise). MEM--KAN: to slow s.t. down, soften s.t.

English Definition: slow, soft (of a noise). MEM--KAN: to slow s.t. down, soften s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Pelan-pelan; tidak kencang. ###

Examples: Bilang pada adikmu untuk MEMPERLAHANKAN sepeda motornya! = Tell your younger brother/sister TO SLOW DOWN his/her motor bike! ###

Hear This Word

Word: perlaya

Short Definition: die in the battle###

English Definition: ^die in the battle MEM-I, MEM-KAN: kill in battle###

Examples: ###

Word: perlu

Short Definition: necessary, needed, must. SE--NYA: to the extent necessary. Also MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: ^necessary, needed, must. *SE--NYA: to the extent necessary. *MEM--KAN: need. *KE--AN: need, requirment. ###

L2 Definition: butuh. ###

Examples: Bicaralah SEPERLUNYA saja. = Just speak TO THE EXTENT NECESSARY. Pak Hamit MEMERLUKAN tangga untuk memanjat pohon. = Mr. Hamit NEEDS a ladder to climb a tree. KEPERLUANku datang kemari adalah untuk meminjam uang. = My NEED in coming here is to borrow money. ###

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Word: perlus

Short Definition: TE-: step (into a hole), fall through, sink in somewhere###

English Definition: TE-: step (into a hole), fall through, sink in somewhere###

Examples: Tupai itu TERPERLUS di semak = A squirrel FALLED THROUGH in a bush###

Word: permadani

Short Definition: carpet.

English Definition: *carpet. ###

L2 Definition: Tikar rajutan; alas untuk duduk di atas lantai. ###

Examples: Ini adalah PERMADANI ajaib yang bisa terbang. = This is a magic CARPET that can fly. ###

Hear This Word

Word: permai

Short Definition: beautiful, fine###

English Definition: beautiful, fine KE-AN: beauty###

Examples: Desa ibuku sangat PERMAI = My mother's hometown is very BEAUTIFUL###

Word: permak

Short Definition: altered (clothes)###

English Definition: ^altered (clothes) MEM-: alter###

Examples: Denny MEMPERMAK celana jinsnya = Denny ALTERED his pair of jeans###

Word: permana

Short Definition: number, quantity###

English Definition: 1. number, quantity *2. calculable, numerable###

Examples: * Jumlah bintang di langit tidak PERMANA = Numbers of stars in the sky are not CALCULABLE.###

Word: permata

Short Definition: jewel, precious stone

English Definition: -- hati: sweetheart, beloved one

Examples: Ibu Sari suka mengkoleksi PERMATA seperti berlian = Ibu Sari likes to collect PRECIOUS STONES such as diamonds. Anak adalah PERMATA HATI ibu = Children are mother's BELOVED ONES###

Word: permen

Short Definition: peppermint###

English Definition: peppermint###

Examples: Saya suka memakan PERMEN = I like eating PEPPERMINT###

Word: Permesta

Short Definition: Universal Struggle Charter, the uprising in Sulawesi in late 1950s.

English Definition: (Piagam Perjuangan Semesta Alam) Universal Struggle Charter, the uprising in Sulawesi in late 1950s. ###

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Word: Permigan

Short Definition: National Oil and Gas Company.

English Definition: (Pertambangan Minjak dan Gas Nasional) National Oil and Gas Company. ###

Hear This Word

Word: permili

Short Definition: relations, relatives, family###

English Definition: relations, relatives, family###

Examples: Suharto mengangkat salah satu PERMILInya sebagai direktur Bank Bali = Suharto appointed one of his RELATIVES as director of Bali Bank###

Word: Permina

Short Definition: National Oil Mining Company.

English Definition: (Perusahaan Minyak Nasional) National Oil Mining Company. ###

Hear This Word

Word: permisi

Short Definition: ask permission; ask to be excused.

English Definition: ^*1 ask permission. 2 ask to be excused. ###

L2 Definition: Minta ijin. ###

Examples: Saya minta PERMISI dulu, mau pulang segera. = PLEASE EXCUSE ME, I want to go home immediately. ###

Hear This Word

Word: pernah

Short Definition: once, ever.

English Definition: *once, ever. ###

L2 Definition: Sudah menjalani/mengalami. ###

Examples: Kami sudah PERNAH menonton filem ini. = We have already ONCE seen this film. ###

Hear This Word

Word: peron

Short Definition: railway platform.

English Definition: railway platform. ###

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Word: perosot

Short Definition: sink, fall, lessen###

English Definition: sink, fall, lessen###

Examples: Batu besar itu PEROSOT ke jurang = A big rock FELL into the valley.###

Word: pers

Short Definition: press, newspaper service.

English Definition: press, newspaper service. ###

Examples: Awak-awak PERS yang meliput acara ini datang dari dalam dan luar negri. = The PRESS crews that cover this event come from within the country and abroad. ###

Hear This Word

Word: persada

Short Definition: homeland

English Definition: homeland, group of nations that have connection, the fatherland

L2 Definition: tanah air; negara

Examples: PERSADA Indonesia membentang dari Sabang sampai Merauke = The Indonesian FATHERLAND stretches from Sabang to Merauke.##

Word: persegi

Short Definition: see SEGI.

English Definition: see SEGI. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: persen

Short Definition: 1. percent. 2. tip. 3. present to a subordinate. MEM-(-I): reward s.o. with.+

English Definition: ^1. percent. 2. tip. 3. present to a subordinate. MEM-(-I): reward s.o. with. KE--AN: percentage. -AN: percentage or tip given. ###

Hear This Word

Word: persenjataan

Short Definition: weaponry; see SENJATA

English Definition: weaponry; see SENJATA

Examples: ###

Word: persentase

Short Definition: percentage.

English Definition: percentage. ###

L2 Definition: Angka persen/per seratus. ###

Hear This Word

Word: persero

Short Definition: 1. share; 2. shareholder, partner; *--AN: company

English Definition: 1. share; 2. shareholder, partner; *--AN: company

L2 Definition: perusahaan

Examples: Kami mendapat panggilan kerja dari PERSEROAN besar itu = We received a job opportunity from that big COMPANY.###

Word: perseroan

Short Definition: company

English Definition: -AN Terbatas (PT) : Limited liability company, Ltd., Inc.

Word: persis

Short Definition: precisely, exactly.

English Definition: *precisely, exactly. ###

L2 Definition: Sama; tidak ada bedanya; tepat. ###

Examples: Wajah anak kembar itu PERSIS sama satu dengan yang lain. = The looks of those twins are EXACTLY alike one with the other. ###

Hear This Word

Word: personal

Short Definition: individual.

English Definition: individual. ###

L2 Definition: abersifat perorangan/pribadi. ###

Examples: Secara PERSONAL saya tidak membecinya. = PERSONALLY, I don't hate her. ###

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Word: pertama

Short Definition: first. PERTAMA-TAMA: the first of all.

English Definition: first. *PERTAMA-TAMA: the first of all. ###

L2 Definition: yang nomor satu; mula. ###

Examples: Pagi ini hal yang PERTAMA-TAMA saya lakukan adalah membaca koran. = This morning, the FIRST thing I am going to do is to read the paper. ###

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Word: Pertamin

Short Definition: Indonesian Oil Mining Company.

English Definition: (Pertambagan Minjak Indonesia) Indonesian Oil Mining Company. ###

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Word: Pertamina

Short Definition: the state-owned national oil company of Indonesia.

English Definition: contraction of "Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Negara," the state-ownded national oil company of Indonesia. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Perti

Short Definition: Islamic Educational Movement.

English Definition: (Persatuan Tarbiyah Islamiyah) Islamic Educational Movement. ###

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Word: Perumtel

Short Definition: General Telephone Company.

English Definition: (Perusahaan Umum Telepon) General Telephone Company. ###

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Word: perunggu

Short Definition: bronze.

English Definition: bronze. ###

L2 Definition: *Logam campuran tembaga dan timah putih; gangsa. ###

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Word: perut

Short Definition: stomach, belly.

English Definition: *stomach, belly. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian badan di bawah dada. ###

Examples: Sepagian ini PERUTku terasa mulas. = The whole morning, my STOMACH felt upset. ###

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Word: Perwari

Short Definition: Organization of Indonesian Women.

English Definition: (Persatuan Wanita Republik Indonesia) Organization of Indonesian Women. ###

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Word: perwira

Short Definition: 1. (Mil.) officer. 2. brave, courageous. KE--AN: heroism.

English Definition: 1. (Mil.) officer. 2. brave, courageous. KE--AN: heroism. ###

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Word: pesan

Short Definition: order, instruct; order, instruction, command; message. Also BER-, MEM-, -AN, +

English Definition: ^1 order, instruct. 2 order, instruction, command. 3 message. *BER-: 1 order, instruct. 2 give a message, give instruction. *MEM-: order s.t., reserve a place. *-AN: an order or message. *PEM-: buyer or customer. ###

L2 Definition: perintah; nasehat; permintaan. ###

Examples: Sebelum berangkat ibu MEMESAN kami untuk menjaga rumah baik-baik. = Before leaving, mother ORDERED us to guard the house well. Sebelum meninggal kakek BERPESAN supaya kami rukun-rukun selalu. = Before dying, grandfather GAVE INSTRUCTIONS so that we would always live in harmony. Saya tidak tahu bungkusan ini PESANAN siapa. = I don't know whose ORDER is this package. Orang itulah PEMESAN mobil mewah ini. = That's THE PERSON WHO ORDERED this luxury car. ###

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Word: pesangon

Short Definition: separation pay.

English Definition: separation pay. ###

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Word: pesantren

Short Definition: Islamic school for the study of the Koran.

English Definition: Islamic school for the study of the Koran. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk belajar agama bagi umat Islam. = ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pesat

Short Definition: very quick. KE--AN: great speed.

English Definition: very quick. KE--AN: great speed. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat cepat; kilat. ###

Examples: Pesawat angkasa ulang-alik itu meluncur dengan PESATnya. = The space shuttle aircraft launches WITH GREAT SPEED. Tidak ada binatang lain yang bisa menandingi KEPESATAN lari kuda ini. = No other animal that can match the SPEED of this horse. ###

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Word: pesawat

Short Definition: instrument, machine; telephone, telecommunications device; airplane.

English Definition: ^*1 instrument, machine. 2 telephone, telecommunications device. 3 airplane. ###

L2 Definition: Alat; mesin; pesawat terbang. ###

Examples: Gelombang radio ini akan ditangkap semua macam PESAWAT RADIO. = These radio waves will be caught by all kinds of RADIOS. ###

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Word: pesek

Short Definition: flat-nosed

English Definition: flat-nosed

L2 Definition: hidung pesek

Examples: Mina tidak suka melihat hidungnya yang PESEK = Mina does not like to see her FLAT NOSE.

Word: pesen

Short Definition: see PESAN.

English Definition: see PESAN. ###

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Word: pesimistis

Short Definition: pessimistic.

English Definition: pessimistic. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak optimis; tidak pasti; ragu-ragu. ###

Examples: Saya merasa PESIMISTIS mengenai nasibku. = I feel PESSIMISTIC about my fate. ###

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Word: pesing

Short Definition: stink, nasty (smell)###

English Definition: stink, nasty (smell)###

Examples: Kamar mandi itu bau PESING = That restroom smells NASTY###

Word: pesirah

Short Definition: a village-head (Palembang)###

English Definition: a village-head (Palembang)###

Examples: Acara buka puasa malam ini diadakan oleh PESIRAH Hasan = The break-fast party tonight was hosted by VILLAGE-HEAD Hasan.###

Word: pesisir

Short Definition: coastal area.

English Definition: coastal area. ###

L2 Definition: Tanah datar di tepi laut yang berpasir. ###

Examples: Banyak terdapat pecahan karang yang indah-indah di sepanjang PESISIR ini. = There are many beautiful rock pieces along this COASTAL AREA. ###

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Word: peso

Short Definition: the Philippine peso.

English Definition: the Philippine peso. ###

L2 Definition: Mata uang negara Filipina. ###

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Word: pesona

Short Definition: enchantment, spell. MEM-(-KAN): enchant, hypnotize. TER-: enthralled.

English Definition: ^ enchantment, spell. MEM-(-KAN): enchant, hypnotize. TER-: enthralled. ###

L2 Definition: Daya tarik; daya pikat; takjub. ###

Examples: Penampilanmu malam ini sunggguh MEMPESONAKAN. = Your performance tonight is really ENCHANTING. Kami semua TERPESONA pada keindahan alam di desamu. = We are all ENCHANTED by the beautiful scenery in your village. ###

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Word: pesta

Short Definition: party, festivity. BER-: to have a party, go to a party. MEM--KAN: celebrate s.t.

English Definition: party, festivity. *BER-: to have a party, go to a party. *MEM--KAN: to celebrate s.t. ###

L2 Definition: perayaan. ###

Examples: Murid-murid BERPESTA semalam suntuk sesudah pengumuman hasil ujian. = The students PARTIED late last night after the exam results were made known. Ibu berjanji akan MEMESTAKAN hari ulang tahun saya nanti. = Mother promised to CELEBRATE my birthday. ###

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Word: peta

Short Definition: Peta = Indonesian auxiliary troops. peta = map, chart, picture. Also MEM--KAN,+

English Definition: ^Peta = Indonesian auxiliary troops in the Japanese occupation. peta = 1. map. 2. chart. 3. picture. MEM--KAN: map, chart. PEM--AN: cartography.###

L2 Definition: Gambar atau lukisan untuk menunjukkan letak suatu tempat/sungai/kota/gunung, dll; denah. ###

Examples: Usaha PEMETAAN daerah berbatu itu sedang dilakukan. = The MAPPING effort for the rocky area is being done. ###

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Word: petaka

Short Definition: disaster, accident, misfortune

English Definition: disaster, accident, misfortune

Word: petambak

Short Definition: fisherman###

English Definition: ^fisherman (usually for earthen fish or shrimp)###

Examples: PETAMBAK merasa gelisah karena harga benur semakin tinggi = FISHERMEN are nervous because the price of shrimp fry is increased.###

Word: petang

Short Definition: afternoon; dark. KE--AN: overtaken by nightfall.

English Definition: ^1 afternoon. 2 dark. *KE--AN: overtaken by nightfall. ###

L2 Definition: Hari menjelang malam. ###

Examples: Saya tidak jadi datang ke rumahmu karena sudah KEPETANGAN. = I was not able to come to your house because I was OVERTAKEN BY NIGHT. ###

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Word: petani

Short Definition: farmer.

English Definition: farmer. ###

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Word: petas

Short Definition: -AN: fireworks, squibs###

English Definition: -AN: fireworks, squibs###

Examples: Pada hari kemerdekaan Amerika Serikat tanggal 4 Juli dirayakan dengan pesta PETASAN = On fourth of July, American Independence Day, is celebrated with FIREWORKS.###

Word: peti

Short Definition: case, box.

English Definition: case, box. ###

L2 Definition: kotak; boks. ###

Examples: Masukkan uang ini ke dalam PETI BESI itu. = Put this money inside of the SAFETY BOX. ###

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Word: petik

Short Definition: pick, pluck. MEM-: 1. pick flowers. 2. fire (gun). 3. pluck. +

English Definition: pick, pluck. MEM-: 1. pick flowers. 2. fire (gun). 3. pluck (strings of musical instruments). 4. snap o.'s fingers. 5. quote from a book. MEM--I: pick many things. TER-: be picked up. -AN: 1. playing (of guitar). 2. quotation. ###

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Word: petisi

Short Definition: petition###

English Definition: petition###

Examples: Mahasiswa mengajukan PETISI menuntut Presiden Habibie mundur = The students PETITION for the resignation of President Habibie.###

Word: piagam

Short Definition: charter; contract; deed

English Definition: charter; contract; deed

Examples: Perjanjian antar negara biasanya dibuat dalam bentuk PIAGAM = An agreement between countries is usually in the form of a CHARTER.##

Word: piano

Short Definition: piano.

English Definition: piano. ###

L2 Definition: Sejenis alat musik yang dibunyikan dengan menekan tombol-tombol. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: piatu

Short Definition: Motherless child

English Definition: Motherless Child *YATIM--: an orphan

Word: pici

Short Definition: k.o. rimless cap of black velvet.; peci

English Definition: k.o. rimless cap of black velvet. ###

L2 Definition: Penutup kepala/topi untuk pria yang biasanya berwarna hitam; kopiah; songkok. ###

Examples: Setiap hari Ali memakai PICI kesukaannya = Everyday Ali wears his favorite black cap ###

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Word: picik

Short Definition: 1 narrow; 2 narrow minded

English Definition: narrow *narrow minded ke-an: 1 be in a fix, stuck; 2 narrow-mindedness

Examples: Pikirannya PICIK sekali = He is very NARROW-MINDED.

Word: picu

Short Definition: trigger; cock; hammer (of gun)

English Definition: *trigger cock hammer (of gun)

Examples: Perkelahian antar kampung itu DIPICU oleh anak-anak muda yang mabuk = The fighting between the villages was TRIGGERED by the youth who were drunk.

Word: pidana

Short Definition: criminal, punishment. MEM-: judge s.o. a criminal. Also MEM(P)-, KE--AN+

English Definition: ^(Leg.) 1. criminal. 2. punishment. MEM-: judge s.o. a criminal, condemn. MEM(P)--KAN: make into a criminal case. KE--AN: penal law. PEM--AN: condemnation.###

L2 Definition: Menekan sesuatu dengan jari-jari. ###

Examples: Jaksa Agung memutuskan untuk MEMPIDANAKAN orang itu. = The Attorney General decided to INDICT (PUT INTO CRIMINAL TRIAL) the person.

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Word: pidato

Short Definition: speech, address. BER-: make a speech. Also MEM(P)--I, MEM(P)--KAN.

English Definition: speech, address. BER-: make a speech. MEM(P)--I: make a speech to. MEM(P)--KAN: declaim.###

L2 Definition: Suatu pengungkapan pikiran yang ditujukan pada khalayak secara lesan. ###

Examples: Ketika Presiden Soekarno BERPIDATO semua orang akan terpaku mendengarkannya. = When President Soekarno is GIVING A SPEECH all the people are listening in amazement. Tak usah MEMPIDATOIku! = You don't have TO GIVE me A SPEECH!

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Word: pihak

Short Definition: side; party (in a dispute, etc.). BER-, MEM-: to take sides.

English Definition: ^1 side. 2 party ( in a dispute, etc.). BER-, MEM-: to take sides, assume a point of view. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian/sisi dari suatu hal. ###

Examples: Dalam kasus ini saya tidak MEMIHAK siapapun. = In this case I don't TAKE SIDES against anyone. Salahmu sendiri, mengapa kamu harus BERPIHAK padanya? = It's your own fault. Why did you have to TAKE SIDE against him? ###

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Word: pijak

Short Definition: see BER-, MEM-, ME-KAN, -AN

English Definition: *BER- : stand on *MEM- : step on *-AN : place to stand on, stairs

Examples: Tempatku BERPIJAK hanyalah sebatang kayu yang rapuh = The place ON which I STAND is just a brittle log. Aduh! Ia MEMIJAK kakiku = Ouch! He STEPPED ON my foot. PIJAKAN di pasar yang baru itu tiba-tiba ambruk = The STAIRS at that new market suddenly collapsed.

Word: pijar

Short Definition: blazing, glowing

English Definition: blazing, glowing

Word: pijat

Short Definition: massage. MEM-: squeeze, press. MEM--I: squeeze, press repeatedly. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^massage. *MEM-: squeeze, press. *MEM--I: squeeze, press repeatedly. *-AN: a massage. ###

L2 Definition: Menekan sesuatu dengan jari-jari. ###

Examples: Ada orang yang MEMIJAT bel pintu depan. = There is someone PRESSING the bell at the front door. Mangga itu jangan DIPIJITI nanti menjadi gembur. = Don't SQUEEZE that mango or it will become rotten. PIJITAN tukang pijat buta itu enak sekali. = That blind masseuse's MASSAGE is very good. ###

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Word: pijit

Short Definition: see PIJAT.

English Definition: see PIJAT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pikat

Short Definition: attract, be attractive

English Definition: *MEM-- : attract, be attractive *TER-- : attracted, charmed *--AN: s.t. caught by means of a decoy

L2 Definition: tertarik oleh sesuatu atau seseorang

Examples: Kata-katanya sangat MEMIKAT hatiku = His words really ATTRACTED me. Rizal merasa TERTARIK kepada Aminah yang baik budi = Rizal is ATTRACTED to Aminah because of her kindness.##

Word: pikir

Short Definition: opinion, idea, thought. BER-: to think, have an opinion. Also MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: ^opinion, idea, thought. *BER-: to think, have an opinion. *MEM--KAN: think about. *TER-: come to mind. *-AN: 1 thought, idea, opinion. 2 mind, intelligence. PEM--AN: thinking. ###

L2 Definition: Akal budi; ingatan; angan-angan. ###

Examples: Jangan BERFIKIR yang tidak-tidak, tenanglah! = Don't THINK nonsense! Be calm! Dalam pembangunan jalan ini kita juga harus MEMIKIRKAN keperluan orang kecil. = In the construction of this highway, we also must CONSIDER the needs of the common people. Tidak TERPIKIR sedikitpun olehku bahwa dia akan datang. = It didn't ENTER MY MIND the slightest bit that he would come. PIKIRAN yang jelek akan menghasilkan tindakan yang jelek pula. = Ugly THOUGHTS will result in ugly acts. ###

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Word: pikul

Short Definition: unit of weight equal to 137 lbs. MEM-: to carry on the shoulder. Also PEM-.

English Definition: unit of weight equal to 137 lbs. MEM-: to carry on the shoulders. PEM-: bearer, carrier. ###

L2 Definition: Beban atau barang yang dibawa di atas bahu; ukuran berat yang kira-kira sekitar 62.5 kg. ###

Examples: Saya harus MEMIKUL kayu ini ke rumah. = I have TO CARRY these woods home. Siapa yang mematahkan PEMIKUL beras ini ? = Who broke this rice BEARER? ###

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Word: pikun

Short Definition: senile, senility

English Definition: *senile, senility KE-AN = senility

Examples: Kakek tua itu sudah PIKUN = The old grandfather is SENILED.

Word: pilah

Short Definition: sort, classify

English Definition: *MEM-- : sort, classify *PEM-- : sorter *PEM--AN: the process of sorting *DI--(2): act of sorting (repeatedly)

L2 Definition: memisahkan sesuatu berdasarkan standar tertentu, klasifikasi

Examples: Pembuatan tempe dimulai dengan MEMILAH biji keledai = The making of tempe starts with SORTING the soy beans. PEMILAHAN buah harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati = The PROCESS OF SORTING the fruit should be done carefully.##

Word: pilek

Short Definition: have a cold

English Definition: *have a cold

Examples: Saya sedang PILEK = I am HAVING A COLD.

Word: pilih

Short Definition: MEM-: choose, select. TER-: chosen, elected. Also -AN, PEM-, +

English Definition: ^MEM-: choose, select. *TER-: chosen, elected. *-AN: choice, selection. *PEM-: 1 voter, chooser. 2 a picky person. *PEM--AN: 1 election. 2 poll. ###

L2 Definition: Menentukan hal yang disukai/diingini. ###

Examples: Saya MEMILIHmu karena saya mencintaimu. = I CHOOSE you because I love you. Akhirnya pak Muis TERPILIH menjadi lurah juga. = In the end, Mr. Muis WAS CHOSEN to be the village head. PILIHANnya jatuh pada baju yang berwarna kuning. = His CHOICE fell on a yellow shirt. Siapa yang MEMILIH makanan ini? = Who CHOSE this food? PEMILIHAN umum akan berlangsung bulan depan. = The general ELECTION is going to go ahead next month. ###

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Word: pilin

Short Definition: spiral, twist

English Definition: *BER- = spiral, twist BERPILIN-PILIN = twisting around

Examples: Ibu guru MEMILIN telinga murid yang nakal itu = The teacher TWISTED the ear or that naughty kid.

Word: Pilipina

Short Definition: see FILIPIN.

English Definition: see FILIPIN. ###

Word: pilkada

Short Definition: [Abbrv]. pemilihan kepala daerah = the direct election of district head.

English Definition: [Abbrv]. pemilihan kepala daerah = the direct election of district head.

Word: pilon

Short Definition: 1 stupid; 2 innocent, naive

English Definition: *1 stupid 2 innocent, naive

Examples: Jangan berlagak PILON! = Don't pretend that you are STUPID!

Word: pilot

Short Definition: plane pilot

English Definition: plane pilot

Examples: Sebagai PILOT, Hadi selalu pergi ke luar negeri = As an AIRPLANE PILOT, Hadi gets to go abroad often.###

Word: pilu

Short Definition: 1. very sad feeling, 2. touched, moved, sympathetic. Also MEM-(-KAN), KE--AN.

English Definition: 1. very sad feeling, 2. touched, moved, sympathetic. MEM-(-KAN): to touch o.'s heart, to move one emotionally. KE-AN: sadness of o.'s heart. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan yang sangat sedih. ###

Examples: PILU rasa hatiku karena kau tinggal pergi. = My heart is IN PAIN because you leave me. Cerita itu sangat MEMILUKAN hatiku. = The story really MOVES my heart. KEPILUAN hatinya membuatnya kehilangan gairah hidup. = The SADNESS of his heart makes him lost his desire to live. ###

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Word: pimpin

Short Definition: MEM-: lead, command. -AN: leadership, guidance. Also PEM-, PEM--AN.

English Definition: MEM-: lead, command. -AN: leadership, guidance. PEM-: leader, guide. PEM--AN: act of leading or guiding. *KEPEM--AN: leadership qualities. ###

L2 Definition: mengetuai; mengepalai. ###

Examples: Siapa yang akan MEMIMPIN paduan suara ini nanti? = Who is going TO LEAD this choir later? Berkat PIMPINAN bapak Azis perusahaan ini menjadi maju. = Thanks to the LEADERSHIP of Mr. Aziz, this company is progressing. Yang kami butuhkan adalah PEMIMPIN yang baik dan bertanggung jawab. = What we need is a good and responsible LEADER. ###

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Word: pinang

Short Definition: areca nut (used in chewing betel). Also MEM-, -AN, PEM-.

English Definition: ^areca nut (used in chewing betel). MEM-: 1 propose marriage. 2 apply for a job. -AN: proposal, application. PEM-: suitor, applicant. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sejenis tumbuhan; melamar seorang gadis untuk dijadikan istri. ###

Examples: Saya berencana untuk MEMINANG putri Pak Hadi minggu depan. = I am planning to PROPOSE MARRIAGE to Mr. Hadi's daughter next week. Walaupun PINANGANnya ditolak, dia tidak putus asa. = Although his MARRIAGE PROPOSAL was rejected, he did not lost hope. Sebagai pihak PEMINANG, kami akan menyediakan ongkos perkawinan. = As the SUITOR party, we will provide for the wedding cost. ###

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Word: pincang

Short Definition: 1. lame, crippled. 2. having a defect. MEM-: be imbalanced. Also MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: 1. lame, crippled. 2. having a defect. MEM-: be imbalanced. MEM--KAN: cripple s.t. KE--AN: lameness, defect, imbalance. ###

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Word: pincut

Short Definition: TER- , KE- = enchanted by, be taken with

English Definition: *TER- , KE- = enchanted by, be taken with

Examples: Dia TERPINCUT oleh penyanyi yang jelita itu = He was ENCHANTED BY that beautiful singer.

Word: pindah

Short Definition: BER-: move, transfer. MEM--KAN: move or transfer s.t. or s.o. PEM--AN: removal.

English Definition: *BER-: move, transfer. *MEM--KAN: move or transfer s.t. or s.o. *PEM--AN: removal, transfer. ###

L2 Definition: Bergerak kelain tempat. ###

Examples: Saya heran kenapa dia selalu BERPINDAH-PINDAH dari satu rumah ke rumah lain. = I am surprised that he always MOVES from one house to the next. Pak Sukri sedang sibuk MEMINDAHKAN alat-alat kantornya. = Mr. Sukri is busy MOVING his office equipment. PEMINDAHAN makam ini harus seijin tetua desa dulu. = The MOVING of this grave needs the permission of the village elders first. ###

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Word: pindakas

Short Definition: peanut butter

English Definition: peanut butter

Word: pindang

Short Definition: preserve fish with salt by boiling it and without drying

English Definition: MEM- = make preserved fish PEM-AN = process of fish preservation

Examples: Kucing dan anjing di Indonesia suka makan ikan PINDANG = Cat and dog in Indonesia like to eat PRESERVED FISH.

Word: pinggang

Short Definition: waist, loins.

English Definition: waist, loins. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian tubuh antara dada dan pinggul. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pinggir

Short Definition: edge, border. MEM-: go along the edge. Also MEM--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: edge, border. *MEM-: go along the edge. *MEM--KAN: put at the edge, put to the side. *-AN: edge, outskirt (of a city, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: pojok; tidak di tengah. ###

Examples: Semua kendaraan MEMINGGIR ketika mobil jenazah itu lewat. = All of the vehicles MOVED TO THE SIDE when that hearse passed by. Kau seharusnya MEMINGGIRKAN motormu karena menghalangi jalan. = You sould MOVE your motorcycle TO THE SIDE because it is blocking the road. Seluruh penduduk di sini tergusur ke PINGGIRAN kota. = All of the local inhabitants here have been relocated to the EDGE of the city. ###

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Word: pinggul

Short Definition: hip

English Definition: hip

Word: pingin

Short Definition: see KEPINGIN.

English Definition: see KEPINGIN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pingit

Short Definition: secluded (usually of marriageable girl)

English Definition: MEM- = seclude, keep in house *-AN = one who has been kept secluded

Examples: Dia tidak boleh keluar rumah karena dia adalah gadis PINGITAN = She is not allowed to leave the house because she is a girl who has been KEPT SECLUDED.

Word: pingsan

Short Definition: unconscious, fainted, have a fit

English Definition: unconscious, fainted, have a fit

Word: pinjam

Short Definition: MEM-: borrow s.t. MEM--I: lend to. MEM--KAN: lend s.t. Also -AN, PEM-.

English Definition: ^MEM-: borrow s.t. *MEM--I: lend to. *MEM--KAN: lend s.t. *-AN: loan, s.t. loaned out or borrowed. *PEM-: borrower. ###

L2 Definition: Memakai barang orang lain untuk sementara waktu yang kemudian harus dikembalikan lagi. ###

Examples: Saya akan MEMINJAMImu buku komik yang sangat lucu ceritanya. = I am going to LEND TO you a comic book whose story is very funny. Ali telah MEMINJAMKAN buku komiknya kepadaku. = Ali has LENT his comic to me. PINJAMAN uangku di bank sudah harus dicicil mulai bulan depan. = My monetary LOAN at the bank must be PAYED IN INSTALLMENTS beginning next month. Peringatan itu diberikan kepada setiap PEMINJAM buku di perpustakaan. = That reminder is given to each book BORROWER at the library. ###

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Word: pinset

Short Definition: tweezers, pincers

English Definition: tweezers, pincers

Word: pinta

Short Definition: -AN: request. ME-: ask for, request.

English Definition: -AN: request. ME-: ask for, request. ###

L2 Definition: meminta. ###

Examples: MEMINTA sedikitpun tidak diberi, bagaimana kalau aku MEMINTA banyak? = I ASK for even just a little and am not given; how would it be if I ASKED for a lot? ###

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Word: pintar

Short Definition: clever, smart; skilled at s.t., able, capable. KE--AN: cleverness, skill.

English Definition: ^1 clever, smart. 2 skilled at s.t., able, capable. *KE--AN: cleverness, skill. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bodoh; cerdik; banyak akal; pandai; cakap. ###

Examples: Dia sudah menunjukkan bakat dan KEPINTARANnya ketika masih bocah. = She already showed her talent and CAPABILTIES while still a child. ###

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Word: pintas

Short Definition: SE-: a second (of time). MEM-: make a short cut. Also MEM--I, MEM--KAN, +

English Definition: ^SE-: a second (of time). MEM-: make a short cut. MEM--I: to interrupt or intercept s.t. MEM--KAN: to cut off. KE--AN: 1 overcome. 2 cut short or intercepted. ###

L2 Definition: Mengambil jalan yang terdekat; waktu yang sangat cepat. ###

Examples: SEPINTAS wajahmu mirip dengan wajah kekasihku dulu. = FOR A MOMENT your face looked like the face of my former boy/girlfriend. Saya takut MEMINTASI jalan ini. = I am afraid TO CROSS this road. ###

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Word: pinter

Short Definition: see PINTAR.

English Definition: see PINTAR. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pintu

Short Definition: door, gate.

English Definition: door, gate. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk keluar/masuk pada suatu bangunan. ###

Examples: Rupa-rupanya sudah tertutup PINTU hatinya. = Apparently the DOOR into her heart is already closed. ###

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Word: pinus

Short Definition: pine tree

English Definition: pine tree

Word: pipa

Short Definition: pipe (for smoking or for conducting gas or liquid substance).

English Definition: pipe (for smoking or for conducting gas or liquid substance). ###

L2 Definition: Suatu benda yang berfungsi sebagai tempat menyalurkan air, udara, gas, dll. dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pipi

Short Definition: cheek.

English Definition: *cheek. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian dari muka yang terletak di bawah mata. ###

Examples: Ketika dia mendapat pujian PIPInya langsung memerah. = When she gets praise, her CHEEKS turn red right away. ###

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Word: pipih

Short Definition: flat, thin

English Definition: flat, thin MEM-KAN = flatten *DI-KAN = flattened

Examples: Daging ini harus DIPIPIHKAN dahulu sebelum dipotong-potong = The meat has to be FLATTENED before it is cut into pieces.

Word: pipis

Short Definition: urinate, potty (child language)

English Definition: *urinate, potty (child language)

Examples: Sebelum tidur, Ani jangan lupa PIPIS dulu = Before going to sleep, Ani don't forget to go POTTY.

Word: pirang

Short Definition: colors ranging from reddish blond to auburn (hair of plants, animals or humans)

English Definition: colors ranging from reddish blond to auburn (hair of plants, animals or humans)

Examples: Santi mewarnai rambutnya menjadi PIRANG = Santi dyed her hair into BLOND.###

Word: piring

Short Definition: plate, dish.

English Definition: *plate, dish. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk makan yang berbentu bulat pipih. ###

Examples: Siapkan sendok dan PIRING untuk makan malam ayah. = Prepare the spoon and PLATE for father's supper. ###

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Word: pirsa

Short Definition: PEM--: tv audience; PIRSAWAN: tv audience

English Definition: PEM--: tv audience; PIRSAWAN: tv audience

L2 Definition: penonton televisi

Examples: Acara ini mengundang banyak protes dari PEMIRSA = This program has created a lot of protests from the (tv) audiences. "Selamat malam PIRSAWAN di rumah, malam ini kami akan menghibur anda...": "Good Evening ALL (EVERYBODY WHO ARE WATCHING TV), tonight we are going to entertain you..."

Word: pirsawan

Short Definition: TV audience

English Definition: pemirsa (Syn.) *TV audience

Examples: Para PIRSAWAN TV di rumah dapat menikmati siaran langsung pelantikan presiden = TV AUDIENCE at home is able to see the live show of the innaguration of the president.

Word: pirsawan, pemirsa (Sym.)

Short Definition: TV audience

English Definition: TV audience

Examples: Para PEMIRSA di rumah dapat menonton siaran langsung pertandingan sepak bola dunia = TV AUDIENCE at home is able to see the live show of the world soccer championship.

Word: pirsawan, pemirsa (Syn.)

Short Definition: TV audience

English Definition: *TV audience

Examples: Para PEMIRSA di rumah dapat menonton siaran langsung pertandingan sepak bola dunia = TV AUDIENCE at home is able to see the live show of the world soccer championship.

Word: pisah

Short Definition: BER-: to part, to be separated. BER--AN: to part from e.o. Also MEM-, +

English Definition: ^*BER-: to part, to be separated. BER--AN: to part from e.o. MEM-: separate. *MEM--KAN: separate, isolate. *TER-: 1 separate (issue, thing). 2 to become accidentally separated. PEM-: s.t. that separates. *PEM--AN: separation, division. *PER--AN: 1 dischord. 2 leave-taking. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak berkumpul; berjauhan; bercerai. ###

Examples: Kita akan BERPISAH di tikungan jalan itu. = We will SEPARATE at that bend in the road. Kulihat dia MEMISAHKAN diri dari kelompoknya. = I see that he has SEPARATED himself from his group. Kami hidup secara TERPISAH selama beberapa tahun. = We have lived SEPARATE for a number of years. PEMISAHAN induk dan anaknya dilakukan ketika anak harimau itu sudah berumur satu tahun. = The SEPARATION of the mother and the baby was carried out when that tiger cub was one year old. PERPISAHAN antara ibu dan anak itu sungguh mengharukan. = The DISCHORD between that mother and child is truly heart rending.###

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Word: pisang

Short Definition: banana.

English Definition: banana. ###

L2 Definition: Jenis buah-buahan dari daerah propis, berbentuk bulat panjang biasanya berwarna kuning. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pisau

Short Definition: knife.

English Definition: knife. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk memotong sesuatu yang berbentuk pipih terbuat dari besi/logam. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pita

Short Definition: ribbon tape.

English Definition: ribbon, tape. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu benda yang biasanya terbuat dari kain tang memanjang, biasa dipakai untuk menghias kado, rambut, dll.; benda tempat dimana tinta pada mesin ketik melekat. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: piutang

Short Definition: claim, debit###

English Definition: claim, debit BER-: has (have) money lent to###

Examples: Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) BERPIUTANG kepada petani = Indonesian People Bank (BRI) HAS MONEY LENT TO farmers.###

Word: piyama

Short Definition: pijamas.

English Definition: pijamas. ###

L2 Definition: Pakaian untuk tidur. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: PJKA

Short Definition: "Perusahaan Jawatan Kereta Api," the Indonesian Railway System.

English Definition: acronym for "Perusahaan Jawatan Kereta Api," the Indonesian Railway System. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: PKI

Short Definition: "Partai Komunis Indonesia," the Indonesian Communist Party.

English Definition: acronym for "Partai Komunis Indonesia," the Indonesian Communist Party. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: planet

Short Definition: planet.

English Definition: planet.###

L2 Definition: Benda-benda dilangit yang tidak bercahaya yang berputar mengelilingi matahari. ###

Examples: PLANET Bumi adalah perahu kita bersama. = The PLANET Earth is our common boat. ###

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Word: PLN

Short Definition: "Perusahaan Listrik Negara," the state-owned electric company.

English Definition: acronym for "Perusahaan Listrik Negara," the state-owned electric company. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: PMI

Short Definition: Muslim Party of Indonesia.

English Definition: (Partai Muslimin Indonesia) Muslim Party of Indonesia. ###

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Word: PNI

Short Definition: 1. Indonesian Nationalsit Union. 2. Indonesian Nationalist Party.

English Definition: 1. (Perserikatan Nasional Indonesia) Indonesian Nationalist Union. 2. (Partai Nasional Indonesia) Indonesian Nationalist Party. ###

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Word: pohon

Short Definition: see POHON1 (tree . . .) or POHON2 (see MOHON).

English Definition: see POHON1 (tree. . .) POHON2 (see MOHON).

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pohon1

Short Definition: tree. PE--AN: 1 trees. 2 reforestation.

English Definition: tree. *PE--AN: 1 trees. 2 reforestation. ###

L2 Definition: Tumbuhan. ###

Examples: Saya senang tinggal di daerah ini karena masih banyak PEPOHONANnya. = I like to live in this area because it still has a lot of TREES. ###

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Word: pohon2

Short Definition: see MOHON.

English Definition: see MOHON. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pojok

Short Definition: corner. -AN: street corner.

English Definition: corner. -AN: street corner. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat yang paling ujung; tempat diantara dua garis. ###

Examples: Rumahku persis di POJOKAN kedua jalan itu. = My house is right on THE CORNER of the two streets. ###

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Word: pokok

Short Definition: main point, basic principle; capital, stake (money); central theme. Also BER-.

English Definition: ^1 main point, basic principle. 2 capital, stake (of money). 3 central theme of s.t. *BER-: 1 be based upon. 2 have capital. ###

L2 Definition: dasar; landasan; pangkal. ###

Examples: Masalah itu BERPOKOK pada perebutan harta benda. = That issue IS BASED UPON the looting of material possessions. ###

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Word: pola

Short Definition: pattern, system for doing s.t.

English Definition: ^*pattern, system for doing s.t. (The picture shows a number of batik patterns combined into one "sampler" pattern.)###

L2 Definition: Hal yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan; suatu patokan untuk melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: POLA batik ini adalah flora dan fauna. = The PATTERN of this batik is flora and fauna. ###

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Word: polah

Short Definition: activity.

English Definition: activity. ###

L2 Definition: gerak; kegiatan; tingkah laku; perbuatan. ###

Examples: POLAH orang itu sungguh aneh, barangkali dia orang gila. = The BEHAVIOR of the man is very strange. Maybe he is crazy. ###

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Word: Polda

Short Definition: Police Regional Command.

English Definition: (Kepolisian Daerah) Police Regional Command. ###

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Word: poles

Short Definition: polish. -AN: s.t. polished.

English Definition: polish. -AN: s.t. polished. ###

L2 Definition: Barang untuk menggilapkan sesuatu; lapis. ###

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Word: polisi

Short Definition: policeperson. KE--AN: police.

English Definition: policeperson. *KE--AN: police. ###

L2 Definition: Badan pemerintah yang dibentu untuk menjaga keamanan. ###

Examples: Salah satu tugas KEPOLISIAN adalah menangani huru-hara. = One of the duties of the POLICE is to handle disturbances. ###

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Word: politik

Short Definition: politics, political.

English Definition: politics, political. ###

L2 Definition: Cara bertindak dalam menangani sesuatu. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: politikus

Short Definition: politicians

English Definition: politicians.###

Examples: Seorang POLITIKUS yang baik selalu membela kepentingan rakyat = A good POLITICIAN always defends the people's interests.###

Word: polos

Short Definition: 1.smooth; 2.plain (material, paper); 3.straightforward, without guile

English Definition: 1.smooth; 2.plain (material, paper); 3.straightforward, without guile, innocent

L2 Definition: lugu, sederhana, kosong

Examples: Kain in masih POLOS dan Ani akan melukisnya = This material is still PLAIN so Ani will paint on it.# Sikapnya sangat POLOS = his attitude is completely INNOCENT.##

Word: Polri

Short Definition: The Indonesian Police###

English Definition: Polri is abbreviation of Polisi Republik Indonesia or The Indonesian Police###

Examples: ####

Word: pompa

Short Definition: pump

English Definition: pump *--AIR: water pump *--BENSIN: gas pump, gas station *MEM--: pump

Examples: Kampung kami mendapat bantuan POMPA AIR dari Australia = Our village received WATER PUMP as part of the Australian aid. Kemarin antrian di POMPA bensin sangat panjang = The line in the GAS STATION was so long yesterday. Mesin ini akan MEMOMPA semua kotoran yang ada di selokan = This machine will PUMP all the trash in the sewer.###

Word: pondok

Short Definition: hut, cottage. -AN: lodgings. PEM-: lodger.

English Definition: hut, cottage. *-AN: lodgings. *PEM-: lodger. ###

L2 Definition: Rumah kecil dan sederhana biasanya ditempat terpisah dari keramaian. ###

Examples: Ketika masih bersekolah saya tinggal di PONDOKAN yang sangat sederhana. = When I was still in school I lived in LODGINGS that were very simple. Di musim semi biasanya banyak PEMONDOK yang datang ke daerah ini. = In spring there are usually many LODGERS that come to this area. ###

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Word: poni

Short Definition: bangs

English Definition: bangs

Examples: Dengan rambut BERPONI seperti itu kamu kelihatan lebih cantik.##

Word: ponsel

Short Definition: it is the short version of "telepon selular"

English Definition: Cellular phone

Examples: Ali sangat bangga dengan PONSEL barunya = Ali is so proud of his new CELLULAR PHONE##

Word: pontang-panting

Short Definition: run helter skelter, in any direction, run amok.

English Definition: run helter skelter, in any direction, run amok. *TER--_--: running without caring where to go (because of panic, scared, etc.)##

Examples: Dia berlari PONTANG-PANTING karena ketakutan = He RAN AWAY AT TOP SPEED (without caring where he went) because he was scared.###

Word: Pontianak

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Western Kalimantan in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Western Kalimantan in Indonesia, located on the western coast of the Island of Kalimantan. ###

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Word: popok

Short Definition: diaper

English Definition: diaper *MEM--I: put diaper on

Examples: Di Indonesia harga POPOK bayi sangat mahal = In Indonesia DIAPERS for babies are expensive.###

Word: populasi

Short Definition: population.

English Definition: population.###

L2 Definition: Jumlah suatu penduduk di suatu daerah. ###

Examples: POPULASI manusia di Eropa merosot tajam dalam satu dekade ini. = The human POPULATION in Europe decreased sharply in this one decade. ###

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Word: populer

Short Definition: popular. MEMP--KAN: popularize. KE--AN: popularity.

English Definition: popular. MEMP--KAN: popularize. KE--AN: popularity.###

L2 Definition: terkenal; bnyak disukai orang. ###

Examples: Artis cilik itu yang MEMPOPULERKAN lagu ini. = The child artist who POPULARIZED the song. KEPOPULERANnya tidak dapat diragukan lagi. = His POPULARITY can not be doubted anymore. ###

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Word: poros

Short Definition: axis, pivot, shaft###

English Definition: * axis, pivot, shaft SE~ = ally MENYE~KAN = create an alliance BER~ = have as its center, basis BER~KAN = be centered around###

L2 Definition: poros belakang = rear axle poros engkol = crankshaft center halang = center half (soccer)###

Examples: * Jalan ini merupakan jalan POROS menuju kota = This road is the PIVOTAL road to downtown.###

Word: porsi

Short Definition: portion.

English Definition: portion. ###

L2 Definition: Jumlah yang sudah tertentu; ukuran. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pos

Short Definition: mail; post, station. MENGE--KAN: to post, mail off.

English Definition: 1 mail. 2 post, station. *MENGE--KAN: , to post, mail off. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat berhentinya sesuatu. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENGEPOSKAN surat ini ke kota. = I am going to POST this letter to the city. ###

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Word: posisi

Short Definition: position.

English Definition: position. ###

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Word: potensi

Short Definition: potentiality.

English Definition: potentiality. ###

L2 Definition: kemampuan; kekuatan; kesasanggupan. ###

Examples: Daerah ini kurang BERPOTENSI untuk penanaman tembakau. = This area has less POTENTIAL for tobacco plantation. ###

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Word: potong

Short Definition: piece, slice, lump; slice, cut. MEM-: cut, slice, reduce. Also -AN, PEM--AN.

English Definition: ^1 piece, slice, lump. 2 slice, cut. *MEM-: cut, slice, reduce. *-AN: a cutting, a deduction. *PEM--AN: process of cutting. ###

L2 Definition: Memisahkan sesuatu menjadi lebih dari satu bagian. ###

Examples: Rencananya saya akan MEMOTONG rumput pagi ini. = I am planning to CUT the grass this morning. Aneh sekali POTONGAN baju tukang sulap itu. = The clothes STYLE of that magician is very strange. Pembukaan proyek ini ditandai dengan PEMOTONGAN pita. = The opening of this project was marked by the CUTTING of a ribbon. ###

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Word: potret

Short Definition: photograph, picture, camera. BER-: have o.'s picture taken. Also MEM-, PEM-+

English Definition: ^1. photograph, picture. 2. camera. 3. have o.'s picture taken. BER-: have o.'s picture taken. MEM-:1. take a picture. 2. photography. PEM-: photographer. PEM--AN: photography. ###

L2 Definition: Bambar yang dibuat dengan kamera (alat pemotret); kamera. ###

Examples: Mari kita BERPOTRET bersama-sama sebelum berpisah. = Let's TAKE A PICTURE together before we are parting. Hobinya adalah MEMOTRET binatang-binatang buas. = His hobby is PHOTOGRAPHING wild animals. Alat PEMOTRET ini dibuat pada tahun 1925. = This PHOTOGRAPH device was made in 1925. Rencana PEMOTRETAN bintang-bintang filem itu akan diundur. = The PHOTOGRAPHING plan for the movie stars is postponed. ###

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Word: PPP

Short Definition: United Development Party, the major Islamic political party in Indonesia.

English Definition: (Partai Persatuan Pembangunan) United Development Party, the major Islamic political party in Indonesia, established in January 1973. ###

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Word: prakarsa

Short Definition: initiative

English Definition: initiative *MEM--I, MEM--KAN: initiate *PEM--: initiator

Examples: Siapa yang menjadi PEM(P)RAKARSA acara ini? = Who was the INITIATOR of this event?? Pak Budi MEMRAKARSAI pembentukan organisasi pemuda di kampung = Pak Budi INITIATED the forming of youth organization in the village.###

Word: praktek

Short Definition: practice. -KAN: put into practice.

English Definition: practice. -KAN: put into practice. ###

L2 Definition: Menjalankan suatu pekerjaan; pelaksanaan. ###

Examples: Dukun itu membuka PRAKTEK pengobatan secara tradisional. = The shaman opens a traditional medical PRACTICE. Coba kau PRAKTEKKAN ilmu karate itu di sini! = Try to PUT INTO PRACTICE your karate skill over here. ###

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Word: praktik

Short Definition: see praktek###

English Definition: see praktek###

Examples: ###

Word: pramugara

Short Definition: male flight attendant; see also PRAMUGARI

English Definition: male flight attendant

Examples: Sejak tahun lalu dia bekerja sebagai PRAMUGARA di perusahaan penerbangan asing = Since last year he works as FLIGHT ATTENDANT at a foreign airline company.###

Word: pramugari

Short Definition: female flight attendant; see also PRAMUGARA

English Definition: female flight attendant

Examples: Ibunya melarang Sari bekerja sebagai PRAMUGARI = Her mom does not allow Sari to work as FLIGHT ATTENDANT.##

Word: pramuwisata

Short Definition: tourist guide

English Definition: tourist guide

Examples: Di setiap tempat akan ada PRAMUWISATA yang siap membantu pelancong = In every place there will be a TOURIST GUIDE helping the visitors.###

Word: pramuwisma

Short Definition: [Euphemism] maid servant

English Definition: [Euphemism] maid servant

Examples: ###

Word: Prancis

Short Definition: France.

English Definition: France. ###

L2 Definition: Nama suatu negara di benua Eropa. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: prangko

Short Definition: postage stamp.

English Definition: postage stamp. ###

L2 Definition: Tanda pembayaran biaya pos. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: prasangka

Short Definition: prejudice

English Definition: prejudice *BER--: prejudiced

Examples: Jangan selalu BERPRASANGKA buruk terhadap orang lain = It is not good to always have PREJUDICES toward others.###

Word: prasarana

Short Definition: 1. infrastructure. 2. labor done in preparation.

English Definition: 1. infrastructure. 2. labor done in preparation. ###

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Word: prasasti

Short Definition: ancient inscription, epigraphy.

English Definition: ancient inscription, epigraphy. ###

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Word: prasejarah

Short Definition: prehistory, prehistorical.

English Definition: prehistory, prehistorical. ###

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Word: predikat

Short Definition: 1. citation, designation. 2. (Ling.) predicate.

English Definition: 1. citation, designation. 2. (Ling.) predicate. ###

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Word: preferensi

Short Definition: preference###

English Definition: preference###

Examples: Ibu Pinky mengajukan PREFERENSINYA tentang cara mengajar Bahasa Indonesia = Madame Pinky proposed her PREFERENCE about how to teach Indonesian Language.

Word: preman

Short Definition: 1. private, civilian. 2. (Coll.) street kids, hoodlums.

English Definition: 1. private, civilian. 2. (Coll.) street kids, hoodlums. ###

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Word: premier

Short Definition: (Thea) premier###

English Definition: *(Thea) premier MEM-KAN: premiere s.t.###

Examples: *Pertujukan PREMIER film Star Wars di Bioskop 21 = The Star Wars movie PREMIER was in the 21 Theater.###

Word: presiden

Short Definition: president.

English Definition: president. ###

L2 Definition: Kepala negara; kepala organisasi; kepala perusahaan. ###

Examples: Soeharto adalah PRESIDEN Indonesia saat ini. = Soeharto is the PRESIDENT of Indonesia at this time. ###

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Word: prestasi

Short Definition: achievement.

English Definition: achievement. ###

L2 Definition: Hasil yang dicapai dari suatu usaha. ###

Examples: PRESTASInya selama ini dalam bidang catur masih kurang memuaskan. = His ACHIEVEMENT in the field of chess is still less satisfactory. ###

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Word: prestise

Short Definition: prestige.

English Definition: prestige. ###

L2 Definition: kehormatan; gengsi; martabat; kedudukan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pria

Short Definition: male, man.

English Definition: *male, man. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: lelaki; laki-laki. Antonim: wanita. ###

Examples: Bagiku PRIA dan wanita tidak ada bedanya dalam hal kecerdasan. = As for me, there is no difference between MEN and women in matters of intelligence. ###

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Word: pribadi

Short Definition: individual, personal. MEM--KAN: personify. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^individual, personal. MEM--KAN: personify. *KE--AN: personality, individual identity. ###

L2 Definition: Diri sendiri. ###

Examples: KEPRIBADIAN orang itu sungguh aneh. = The PERSONALITY of that person is really strange. ###

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Word: pribumi

Short Definition: native.

English Definition: an individual or the class of people belonging to the indigenous inhabitants of a place. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk penduduk asli Indonesia. ###

Examples: Warganegara Indonesia PRIBUMI dan NON-PRIBUMI bersamaan kedudukannya di muka hukum. = Indonesian citizens, NATIVE or NON-NATIVE, have an equal position before the law. ###

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Word: prihatin

Short Definition: concerned, apprehensive. KE--AN: concern, apprehensiveness.

English Definition: concerned, apprehensive. KE--AN: concern, apprehensiveness. ###

L2 Definition: Kesedihan hati karena suatu kegagalan; mendapat kesulitan. ###

Examples: Kehidupan rakyat miskin selalu penuh dengan KEPRIHATINAN. = The life of poor people is always filled with APPREHENSIVENESS. ###

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Word: primadona

Short Definition: woman who is considered excellent

English Definition: * woman who is considered excellent (or famous)

Examples: Karena kecantikannya, Santi menjadi PRIMADONA di sekolahnya = Because of her beauty, Santi becomes a FAMOUS girl at her school.

Word: prinsip

Short Definition: principle, tenet

English Definition: *BER-- : to have principle

L2 Definition: pendapat, pendirian, opini

Examples: Pada PRINSIPnya, saya sejutu dengan Amir = In PRINCIPLE, I agree with Amir. Saya BERPRINSIP bahwa setiap orang harus saling membantu = I have the PRINCIPLE that everybody must help each other.###

Word: prioritas

Short Definition: priority###

English Definition: priority * MEM~KAN = give priority to###

Examples: * Pada saat ini pemerintah Indonesia MEMPRIORITASKAN pembangunan ekonomi kerakyatan = At this moment, the Indonesian government has GIVEN PRIORITY TO people's economic development.###

Word: priyayi

Short Definition: one belonging to the Javanese upper classes.

English Definition: one belonging to the Javanese upper classes, traditionally a term associated with the Javanese aristocracy. ###

L2 Definition: Golongan orang-orang Jawa yang masih merupakan kerabat keraton. ###

Examples: Ayah saya masih keturunan PRIYAYI. = My father is still a descendant of a JAVANESE ARISTOCRACY. ###

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Word: produk

Short Definition: product.

English Definition: product. ###

L2 Definition: Barang atau jasa hasil dari suatu usaha; hasil. ###

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Word: produksi

Short Definition: production.

English Definition: production. ###

L2 Definition: Barang yang dibuat atau dihasilkan; hasil. ###

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Word: profesi

Short Definition: profession. BER-: professional. KE--AN: professionalism.

English Definition: profession. BER-: professional. KE--AN: professionalism.

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Word: profil

Short Definition: 1. appearance 2. profile###

English Definition: 1. appearance 2. profile *BER-: have a certain appearance###

Examples: * Jendral Agum Gumelar merupakan PROFIL menteri pertahanan keamanan = General Agum Gumelar is the PROFILE for a defense minister.###

Word: progresif

Short Definition: progressive.

English Definition: *progressive. ###

L2 Definition: Menuju kearah kemajuan. ###

Examples: Gerakan pembangunan ini sangat PROGRESIF. = This devopment movement is very PROGRESSIVE. ###

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Word: proklamir

Short Definition: -KAN: proclaim. PEM-: person who proclaims.

English Definition: -KAN: proclaim. PEM-: person who proclaims.###

L2 Definition: Pemberitahuan secara meluas dan resmi kepada khalayak/rakyat; pengumuman. ###

Examples: Soekarno dan Hatta yang MEMPROKLAMIRKAN kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia. = Soekarno and Hatta who PROCLAIMED the freedom of the Indonesian nation.

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Word: proliferasi

Short Definition: proliferation

English Definition: proliferation

Examples: ###

Word: promosi

Short Definition: 1. promotion of a product 2. (Acad) dissertation defense###

English Definition: ^1. promotion of a product 2. (Acad) dissertation defense *MEM-(KAN): promote ( products)###

Examples: *Yuni Sarah MEMPROMOSIKAN tembang-tembang terbarunya.= Yuni Sarah PROMOTES her new albums.###

Word: propinsi

Short Definition: province.

English Definition: province. ###

L2 Definition: Wilayah yang dikuasai oleh seorang gubernur. ###

Examples: Kota Bandung terletak di PROPINSI Jawa Barat. = The city of Bandung is located in the PROVINCE of West Java. ###

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Word: proporsi

Short Definition: proportion###

English Definition: proportion###

Examples: Tommy Suharto menguntungkan perusahaan-perusahaannya lebih dari PROPORSI yang ditentukan = Tommy Suharto benefits his companies more than the determined PROPORTION.###

Word: prosa

Short Definition: prose###

English Definition: ^prose MEM-KAN: put s.t. in prose###

Examples: Selain menulis puisi, Idrus juga menulis PROSA = Beside writing poems, Idrus also wrote PROSE.###

Word: prosedur

Short Definition: procedure###

English Definition: procedure###

Examples: Untuk menjadi pegawai negeri, seeorang harus mengikuti PROSEDUR yang ditetapkan pemerintah = In order to be a civil servant, one must follows a PROCEDURE determined by the goverment.###

Word: prosen

Short Definition: percent.

English Definition: percent. ###

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Word: proses

Short Definition: process.

English Definition: process. ###

L2 Definition: Urutan kejadian dalam suatu peristiwa; perkara di pengadilan. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: protes

Short Definition: MEM-: to protest.

English Definition: MEM-: to protest. ###

L2 Definition: Menunjukkan rasa ketidak setujuan pada suatu hal. ###

Examples: Demonstrasi ini bertujuan untuk MEMPROTES kebijaksanaan pemerintah mengenai upah buruh. = This demonstration is done TO PROTEST the government's policy regarding labor's wage. ###

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Word: provinsi

Short Definition: see PROPINSI

English Definition: see PROPINSI. ###

Word: provokasi

Short Definition: provocation###

English Definition: ^provocation *MEMP-(KAN): provoke s.t. TER-: provoked###

Examples: Banyak orang menduga bahwa ada sekelompok orang yang MEMPROVOKASI konflik sosial di Ambon = Many speculated that there is a group of people who PROVOKED social conflicts in Ambon.####

Word: provokator

Short Definition: o's to provoke, provocateur###

English Definition: o's to provoke, provocateur###

Examples: Adnan diduga sebagai PROVOKATOR kerusuhan di Jakarta = Adnan was suspected as the PROVOCATEUR of riots in Jakarta.###

Word: provost

Short Definition: military police in air force or navy###

English Definition: military police in air force or navy###

Examples: Beberapa kelompok pasukan PROVOST ditempatkan di Aceh = Several batalyon of NAVY MILITARY POLICE are sent to Aceh.###

Word: proyek

Short Definition: project.

English Definition: project. ###

L2 Definition: Rencana suatu pekerjaan dalam suatu hal tertentu. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: proyeksi

Short Definition: projection.

English Definition: projection. ###

L2 Definition: Perkiraan akan suatu hal yang akan datang. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: PRRI

Short Definition: Revolutionary Government of the Indonesian Republic.

English Definition: (Pemerintah Revolusioner Republik Indonesia) Revolutionary Government of the Indonesian Republic, an military uprising in Sumatra in late 1950s. ###

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Word: PRRI/Permesta

English Definition: (Pemerintah Revolusioner Republik Indonesia/Perjuangan Semesta) Total Struggle and the Republic of Indonesia's Revolutionary Government, a rebellion in Sumatra and N. Sulawesi against the central government in the late 1950s. ###

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Word: PSI

Short Definition: acronym for "Partai Sosialis Indonesia," the Indonesian Socialist Party.

English Definition: acronym for "Partai Sosialis Indonesia," the Indonesian Socialist Party. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: PSII

Short Definition: "Partai Serikat Islam Indonesia," the Islamic Party of Indonesia.

English Definition: acronym for "Partai Serikat Islam Indonesia," the Islamic Party of Indonesia. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: PT

Short Definition: 1 Inc., Ltd. 2 title for a regional governor. 3 Institute of Higher Education.

English Definition: 1 ["Perseroan Tinggi"] Inc., Ltd. (with reference to a company or coorporation). 2 ["Panglima Tertinggi"] title for a regional governor. 3 ["Perguruan Tinggi"] Institute of Higher Education. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: PTM

Short Definition: "Persatuan Tanah Melayu," the Federation of Malaya.

English Definition: acronym for "Persatuan Tanah Melayu," the Federation of Malaya. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: PTP

Short Definition: Post Office, Telecommunications, and Tourism ("pariwisata").

English Definition: "Pos, Telekomunikasi dan Pariwisata," the Post Office, Telecommunications, and Tourism. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: PTT

Short Definition: "Pos, Telgrap, dan Telpon," Postal, Telegraph, and Telephone.

English Definition: Acronym for "Pos, Telgrap, dan Telpon," Postal, Telegraph, and Telephone. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: puak

Short Definition: group, tribe.

English Definition: group, tribe. ###

L2 Definition: kaum; golongan; kelompok; suku. ###

Examples: Kebanyakan suku-suku di Indonesia masih termasuk dalam PUAK Melayu. = Most of the ethnic groups in Indonesia are still part of the Malay GROUP. ###

Hear This Word

Word: puan

Short Definition: term of address for an adult woman of middle to higher social status.

English Definition: term of address for an adult woman of middle to higher social status. ###

L2 Definition: Panggilan untuk istri datuk; panggilan kehormatan untuk perempuan dewasa dari kalangan kelas menengah ke atas. ###

Examples: PUAN Aisyah istri datuk Ibrahim memanggil kami untuk membantunya menyiapkan pesta khitanan anaknya. = "Lady" Aisyah, the wife of "Sir" Ibrahim, has called on us to help her prepare a party for her son's circumcision.###

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Word: puas

Short Definition: satisfied, content. BER-: to be satisfied. MEM--KAN: satisfying, to satisfy.

English Definition: satisfied, content. BER-: to be satisfied. *MEM--KAN: satisfying, to satisfy. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa senang/cukup karena sesuatu. ###

Examples: Hasil-hasil ujian saya semester yang lalu sangat MEMUASKAN. = The results of my exams last semester were very SATISFYING. ###

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Word: puasa

Short Definition: fast; (Isl.) fasting month. BER-: to fast.

English Definition: ^1 fast. 2 (Isl.) fasting month. *BER-: to fast, to fast during the Islamic fasting month. ###

L2 Definition: Menahan diri tidak makan/minum/bersetubuh. ###

Examples: Saya tidak bisa BERPUASA hari ini karena sedang datang bulan. = I cannot FAST today because I am having my period. ###

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Word: pucat

Short Definition: pale, lacking color (as of one's face). ###

English Definition: pale, lacking color (as of one's face). ###

L2 Definition: Putih pudar; sesuatu yang tidak berwarna. ###

Examples: Kenapa mukamu PUCAT pasi seperti baru saja melihat hantu? = Why is your face as WHITE as a sheet as if you've just seen a ghost?###

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Word: pucuk

Short Definition: tip (of leaf, etc.); a classifier for certain nouns.

English Definition: 1 tip (of leaf, etc.). 2 a classifier for certain nouns. ###

L2 Definition: Yang paling ujung; daun muda; kata untuk membantu mengklasifikasikan suatu benda. ###

Examples: Pohon itu sudah mulai BERPUCUK lagi = That tree is starting to have SPROUTS again###

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Word: pudar

Short Definition: 1.pale, faded; 2. weak, dim

English Definition: 1.pale, faded; 2. weak, dim *MEM--: fade, dim *MEM--KAN: 1. dim s.t.; 2. tarnish

Examples: Setiap malam Hadi giat belajar walaupun hanya memakai lampu PUDAR = Hadi studies very hard every night although he is only using a DIM light. Baju ini sudah PUDAR warnanya tapi ayah sangat senang memakainya = This shirt is FADED but father really likes to wear it. Harapannya MEMUDAR setelah mendengar berita buruk itu = His hope TARNISHED after hearing the bad news.###

Word: pugar

Short Definition: MEM-: restore. MEM--I: restore (several things). PEM--AN: restoration.

English Definition: MEM-: restore. MEM--I: restore (several things). PEM--AN: restoration. ###

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Word: puing

Short Definition: ruins, debris

English Definition: ruins, debris

Examples: Rumah kami hancur menjadi PUING karena badai Tsunami = Our house was RUINED because of the tsunami.###

Word: puisi

Short Definition: poetry, poem.

English Definition: poetry, poem. ###

L2 Definition: *Ragam sastra yang bahasanya terikat oleh irama, matra, rima, serta penyusunan lirik dan bait. ###

Examples: Gaya bahasa PUISI ini sudah tergolong sebagai PUISI moderen. = The language style of this POETRY can be classified as modern POETRY. Kutulis PUISI hanya untukmu. = I wrote this POEM only for you. ###

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Word: puja

Short Definition: worship.

English Definition: worship. ###

L2 Definition: Penghormatan kepada sesuatu; puji. ###

Examples: MEMUJA bintang film sudah merupakan budaya anak muda sekarang. = WORSHIPING movie stars has become a youth culture right now.

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Word: puji

Short Definition: praise. MEM-: praise. Also MEM--KAN, -AN, PEM-.

English Definition: ^praise. MEM-: praise. *MEM--KAN: to invoke s.t. in praise, to recommend. -AN: praise or recommendation given. PEM-: s.o. who praises or flatters. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa penghargaan pada sesuatu yang dinilai baik. ###

Examples: Jangan mudah percaya akan PUJIANnya yang berbisa. = Don't believe too easily in his poisoned PRAISES. Setengah mati ibu itu MEMUJI keberhasilan anaknya dalam lomba pacuan kuda. = That mother PRAISED half to death the success of her child in the horse races. Dia selalu bersyukur akan semua yang didapatnya dengan MEMUJIKAN nama Tuhannya. = He always expresses thanks for all that he has received by PRAISING the name of God. ###

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Word: pukau

Short Definition: enchantment. TER-: enchanted.

English Definition: enchantment. TER-: enchanted. ###

L2 Definition: pesona; daya tarik; tertarik. ###

Examples: Saya sangat TERPUKAU pada cara penyajian masakan itu. = I was very ENCHANTED by the seving of the dishes. ###

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Word: pukul

Short Definition: strike, hit; o'clock. MEM-: strike, hit. MEM--I: strike repeatedly. Also -AN, +

English Definition: ^1 strike, hit. 2 o'clock. *MEM-: strike, hit. MEM--I: strike or hit repeatedly. *-AN: a blow, punch. *PEM-: 1 s.o. who hits or strikes. 2 s.t. with which to hit or strike. ###

L2 Definition: mengetuk; menghantam. ###

Examples: Setiap marah dia akan MEMUKUL apa saja yang ada didekatnya. = Everytime he gets angry, he will HIT whatever is near him. Walaupun menang tetapi sebenarnya petinju itu kurang mempunyai PUKULAN yang keras. = Even though he won, in fact that boxer doesn't really have a strong PUNCH. Kayu ini bagus untuk digunakan sebagai alat PEMUKUL. = This wood is good for use as a CLUB. ###

Hear This Word

Word: pula

Short Definition: also, too, else; again.

English Definition: *1 also, too, else. 2 again. ###

L2 Definition: juga; tambahan lagi; sekali lagi. ###

Examples: Siapa PULA yang tega merusakkan tanamanku ini? = Who ELSE was it that carelessly wrecked this garden of mine? ###

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Word: pulang

Short Definition: return home. MEM--KAN: to return home.

English Definition: return home. *MEM--KAN: to return s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Kembali dari suatu tempat ke tempat semula. ###

Examples: Alat-alat itu ada pada Pak Marto, dia belum MEMULANGKANnya kemari. = Those things are with Mr. Marto, he hasn't yet RETURNED them here. ###

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Word: pulas

Short Definition: or pules: colic, sleep soundly###

English Definition: ^or pules: colic, deeply, sleep soundly###

Examples: Endang tertidur PULAS = Endang slept DEEPLY.###

Word: pulau

Short Definition: island. KE--AN: archipelago.

English Definition: ^*island. *KE--AN: archipelago. ###

L2 Definition: Daratan yang dikelilingi oleh laut. ###

Examples: Saya tinggal di PULAU Jawa. = I live on the ISLAND of Java. Indonesia adalah negara KEPULAUAN. = Indonesia is an ARCHIPELAGO nation. ###

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Word: pulih

Short Definition: recovered, restored. MEM--KAN: repair, restore to its former condition.

English Definition: recovered, restored. MEM--KAN: repair, restore to its former condition. ###

L2 Definition: Sembuh; sehat kembali; baik lagi seperti semula. ###

Examples: Kakinya yang patah sudah PULIH seperti semula. = His broken leg has RECOVERED (healed) to its previous condition. Untuk MEMULIHKAN kondisi badannya, dia harus beristirahat total selama sebulan. = To RESTORE his physical condition he has to have complete rest for a month.###

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Word: pulpen

Short Definition: fountain pen.

English Definition: fountain pen. ###

L2 Definition: Pena yang cara penggunaannya memakai tinta. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: pulsa

Short Definition: beat, throbe, pulse

English Definition: beat, throbe, pulse *--TELEPON: phone rate

Examples: Dengan memakai kartu ini, biaya PULSA ke Jakarta lebih murah = With this (phone) card, LONG DISTANCE RATE to Jakarta is cheaper.###

Word: puluh

Short Definition: a counter word for multiples of ten. SE-: ten. Also -AN.

English Definition: a counter word for multiples of ten. *SE-: ten. *-AN: 1 tens, decades. 2 ten-rupiah bill. *BER--: dozens, lots of ###

L2 Definition: Jumlah kelipatan dari angka sepuluh. ###

Examples: Permen ini harganya SEPULUH rupiah. = The price of this candy is TEN rupiah. Hewan yang diangkut truk itu jumlahnya PULUHAN. = There are TENS of stock animals carried in this truck. Ada BERPULUH-PULUH mobil yang diparkir di jalan itu = There are lots of (dozens) cars parked on the street. ###

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Word: pun

Short Definition: also; even; who/what/whereever.

English Definition: ^*1 also. 2 even. 3 who/what/whereever. ###

L2 Definition: juga; bahkan. ###

Examples: Anak itu akan melakukan APA PUN perintahnya. = That child will do WHATEVER his/her command is. ###

Hear This Word

Word: punah

Short Definition: exterminated.

English Definition: exterminated. ###

L2 Definition: hilang; lenyap; habis; binasa; musnah. ###

Examples: Jenis ikan paus ini akan PUNAH dengan segera kalau tidak ada perlindungan secara mendunia. = This kind of whale will be EXTERMINATED if there is no worldwide protection for them. ###

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Word: puncak

Short Definition: peak, pinnacle, topmost extremity. MEM-: come to a peak, mount to a head.

English Definition: peak, pinnacle, topmost extremity. *MEM-: come to a peak, mount to a head. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian terujung; bagian paling atas. ###

Examples: Ketika itu kemarahannya benar-benar sedang MEMUNCAK. = At that moment, her anger truly was COMING TO A PEAK. ###

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Word: pundak

Short Definition: shoulder, neck###

English Definition: shoulder, neck###

Examples: PUNDAK sebelah kanan Arif terasa sakit = Arif's right SHOULDER was hurt.###

Word: pundi-pundi

Short Definition: (small) bag, purse###

English Definition: (small) bag, purse###

Examples: Nenekku senang menyimpan uangnya di PUNDI-PUNDI = My grandmother likes to keep her money in a SMALL PURSUE.###

Word: punggawa

Short Definition: court official in Javanese shadow play.

English Definition: court official in Javanese shadow play. ###

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Word: punggung

Short Definition: one's back.

English Definition: one's back. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian belakang tubuh manusia atau hewan; bagian belakang. ###

Examples: Tulang PUNGGUNGnya patah ketika dia terjatuh dari pohon kelapa. = His BACK bone was broken when he fell from the coconut tree. ###

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Word: pungkir

Short Definition: SEE MUNGKIR

Word: pungli

Short Definition: (pungutan liar) unauthorized collections (fees) made by the governmental bodies.

English Definition: (PUNGutan LIar) unauthorized collections (fees) made by governmental bodies. ###

L2 Definition: Pembayaran (biasanya berupa uang) yang tidak seharusnya ada tetapi dimasukkan sebagai ongkos. ###

Examples: Walaupun PUNGLI sudah dilarang, hal ini tetap terjadi dimana-mana. = Although UNAUTHORIZED COLLECTION has been banned, it is still happening every where. ###

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Word: pungut

Short Definition: adopted. MEM-: 1. pick up, collect. 2. harvest. 3. quote. 4. adopt (child). +

English Definition: adopted. MEM-: 1. pick up, collect. 2. harvest. 3. quote. 4. adopt (child). MEM--I: pick up, colloect. -AN: 1. amount collected, tax levied. 2. pickings, harvest. 3. quotation. PEM-: collector. PEM--AN: 1. harvest. 2. collection. 3. adoption. ###

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Word: puntung

Short Definition: butt (as in "cigarette butt")

English Definition: butt (as in "cigarette butt")###

L2 Definition: Sisa benda (kayu/rokok) yang terbakar; buntung. ###

Examples: Jangan membuang PUNTUNG rokok sembarangan! = Don't throw cigarette butts anywhere you feel like it! ###

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Word: punya

Short Definition: have, possess; (Coll.) possessive noun marker. Also MEMP--I, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 have, possess. 2 (Coll.) possessive noun marker. *MEMP--I: to own or have. [SEE NOTE] *KE--AN: possession, s.t. owned, property. ###

L2 Definition: milik. ###

Examples: Pak guru itu MEMPUNYAI kegemaran yang sangat aneh. = That teacher HAS a very strange hobby. Sepeda yang di luar itu KEPUNYAAN siapa? = Whose PROPERTY is that bicycle outside? ###

Hear This Word

Word: pupuk

Short Definition: manure, fertilizers

English Definition: manure, fertilizers. *--BUATAN: artificial fertilizers *--KANDANG: manure *MEM--: 1. fertilize, manure; 2.foster, cultivate.##

Examples: Pohon Durian kami berbuah lebat setelah diberi PUPUK-KANDANG oleh ayah = The Durian tree has lots of fruit after father put some MANURE on it. Perhatian Aminah pada Anton telah MEMUPUK rasa sayang Anton padanya = Aminah's attention to Anton CULTIVATED Anton's love to her.##

Word: pupus

Short Definition: see PUPUS1 (budding leaf or flower) or PUPUS2 (exterminated . . .).

English Definition: see PUPUS1 (budding leaf or flower) PUPUS2 (exterminated . . .).

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: pupus1

Short Definition: budding leaf or flower.

English Definition: *budding leaf or flower. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian teratas dari daun/daun yang belum terbuka karena masih sangat muda. ###

Examples: PUPUS daun mangga ini enak kalau dijadikan lalapan. = These mango leaf BUDS are delicious if made into a raw vegetable salad. ###

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Word: pupus2

Short Definition: exterminated, wiped out. MEM--KAN: to exterminate.

English Definition: exterminated, wiped out. *MEM--KAN: to exterminate. ###

L2 Definition: hilang; lenyap. ###

Examples: Kejadian itu MEMUPUSKAN harapanku. = That event WIPED OUT my hopes. ###

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Word: pura

Short Definition: bag, fund, Balinese temple, shrine.

English Definition: ^1. bag. 2. fund. 3. Balinese temple, shrine.###

L2 Definition: Tempat uang yang terbuat dari kain (berupa pundi-pundi); Tempat untuk bersembahyang kaum Hindu (banyak terdapat di Bali). ###

Examples: PURA Bekasih adalah PURA tertua di Bali. = The BALINESE TEMPLE of Bekasih is the oldest BALINESE TEMPLE in Bali. ###

Hear This Word

Word: pura-pura

Short Definition: pretend, mock.

English Definition: *pretend, mock. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang bukan sebenarnya; meniru. ###

Examples: Ah, dia hanya BERPURA-PURA sedih saja. = Oh, he is just PRETENDING to be sad. ###

Hear This Word

Word: purba

Short Definition: ancient, antique.

English Definition: ancient, antique. ###

L2 Definition: dahulu. ###

Examples: Kata para ahli kura-kura termasuk binatang PURBA. = Experts say the tortoise is an ANCIENT animal.###

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Word: purbakala

Short Definition: ancient times.

English Definition: ancient times. ###

L2 Definition: Masa yang lalu (sangat lama); zaman kuna; dahulu kala. ###

Examples: Benda-benda PURBAKALA temuan para petani ini akan segera dibawa ke museum. = ANTIQUE items found by these farmers will immediately be taken to the museum.###

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Word: purbasangka

Short Definition: prejudice.

English Definition: prejudice. ###

L2 Definition: Tuduhan dalam hati yang negatif terhadap seseorang/sesuatu yang belum tentu benar adanya; prasangka. ###

Examples: Segala hal yang dilandasi dengan PURBASANGKA akan berakhir tidak baik nantinya. = All matters which are based on PREJUDICE will not end up well.###

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Word: puri

Short Definition: castle, royal palace; Balinese house of worship

English Definition: castle, royal palace; Balinese house of worship

L2 Definition: istana; tempat sembahyang di Bali (Hindu)

Examples: Tempat tinggalnya seperti PURI = His house is like a CASTLE. Ada banyak sekali PURI di Bali = There are many Hindu HOUSE OF WORSHIP in Bali.###

Word: purna

Short Definition: complete, post-- (in formal words or title)

English Definition: complete, post-- (in formal words or title) *--WIRAWAN: retired, emeritus *--JUAL: after sales *--SARANA: superstructure *--SARJANA: postgraduate

Examples: Toko ini memberikan layanan PURNA-JUAL yang sangat bagus = This store gives a very good AFTER-SALES services.###

Word: purnama

Short Definition: full (of the moon).

English Definition: full (of the moon). ###

L2 Definition: Saat bulan terlihat penuh/bundar di langit. ###

Examples: Biasanya di bulan PURNAMA anak-anak desa akan bermain di luar rumah sampai menjelang pagi. = Usually during the FULL moon, the village children play outside until almost morning.###

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Word: purnawirawan

Short Definition: honorary rank given to a retired or dead military officer.

English Definition: honorary rank given to a retired or dead military officer. ###

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Word: puruk

Short Definition: MEM--KAN: hide s.t. inside; TER--: hidden, buried

English Definition: MEM--KAN: hide s.t. inside; TER--: hidden, buried.##

Examples: ##

Word: pusaka

Short Definition: heirloom.

English Definition: heirloom. ###

L2 Definition: Harta peninggalan orang tua atau nenek moyang; warisan. ###

Examples: Keris ini adalah PUSAKA peninggalan ayah saya yang paling berharga. = This keris [wavy-bladed dagger] is the HEIRLOOM left behind by my father which is most valuable. ###

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Word: pusar

Short Definition: navel, center. BER-: revolve (around). -AN: rotation, whirlpool; handle, crank.

English Definition: ^navel, center. BER-: revolve (around). -AN: 1 a rotation, whirlpool. 2 handle, crank. ###

L2 Definition: Puser (lobang di tengah-tengah perut); pusat. ###

Examples: Aneh sekali anak itu BERPUSAR menonjol ke luar. = It's very strange that that child HAS A BELLY BUTTON that sticks out. Pertanyaan kita hanya BERPUSAR disekitar masalah itu-itu juga. = Our questions just CIRCLED AROUND various problems. Kadang-kadang di tengah danau itu timbul PUSARAN yang sangat berbahaya. = Sometimes in the middle of that lake there arises a WHIRPOOL which is very dangerous.###

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Word: pusara

Short Definition: cemetery; grave

English Definition: cemetery; grave

L2 Definition: kuburan, makam

Examples: Dia menangis di atas PUSARA anaknya = She cried on the GRAVE of her child.##

Word: pusat

Short Definition: navel; center, central main. MEM(PER)--KAN: focus on, emphasize, focus.

English Definition: ^1 navel. 2 center, central, main. *MEM(PER)--KAN: focus on, emphasize, focus. *DI--KAN: focused on, centered on. *TER--: centered, focused. ###

L2 Definition: Tengah-tengah; pokok. ###

Examples: Dalam latihan bela diri ini anda benar-benar harus MEMUSATKAN seluruh perhatian. = In this self-defense exercise, you must really FOCUS your complete attention. Tahun depan pertemuan ini akan DIPUSATKAN di Jakarta = Next year the meeting will be FOCUSED ON Jakarta. ###

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Word: pusing

Short Definition: dizzy, confused. MEM--KAN: to make dizzy or confused.

English Definition: dizzy, confused. MEM--KAN: to make dizzy or confused. ###

L2 Definition: Sakit kepala; bingung. ###

Examples: Sengatan matahari yang panas ini MEMUSINGKAN kepalaku. = The searing rays of the hot sun MAKE my head SPIN. ###

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Word: Puskesmas

Short Definition: Community Health Center.

English Definition: (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat) Community Health Center. ###

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Word: puso

Short Definition: parched, dried up. MEM--KAN: 1. dry s.t. up. 2. fail to pay a debt.

English Definition: parched, dried up. MEM--KAN: 1. dry s.t. up 2. fail to pay a debt. ###

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Word: pustaka

Short Definition: book. PER--AN: library.

English Definition: book. *PER--AN: library. ###

L2 Definition: Buku; tempat untuk menyimpan buku-buku. ###

Examples: Segala macam jenis buku-buku ada di PERPUSTAKAAN. = There are all kinds of books in the LIBRARY. ###

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Word: putar

Short Definition: turning, revolving. SE-: around, in the vicinity. Also BER-, MEM-, MEM--I, +

English Definition: turning, revolving. *SE-: around, in the vicinity. *BER-: to revolve, go around. *MEM-: to turn or rotate s.t. MEM--I: to go aroung s.t. *-AN: revolution, circle, round (of a sporting tournament). PEM--AN: act of turning s.t. around. *PER--AN: rotation. ###

L2 Definition: keliling. ###

Examples: Acara SEPUTAR Indonesia yang ada di TV sungguh menarik. = The show AROUND of Indonesia on the television is really interesting. Gasing ini BERPUTAR pada porosnya. = This top IS SPINNING on its axis. Dia yang MEMUTAR balik mobil itu. = He is the one who is TURNING that car AROUND. Pertandingan ini sudah pada PUTARAN keempat. = This tournament is already in the fourth ROUND. Bulan selalu mengikuti PERPUTARAN bumi. = The moon always follows the ROTATION of the earth. ###

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Word: putera

Short Definition: prince, son.

English Definition: prince, son. ###

L2 Definition: Anak laki-laki raja; anak dari orang tua yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki. ###

Examples: Sebaiknya yang menjadi kepala desa ini adalah PUTERA daerah. = The best thing would be if a native SON became the head of this village.###

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Word: puteri

Short Definition: princess, daughter.

English Definition: princess, daughter. ###

L2 Definition: Anak perempuan raja; Anak dari orang tua yang berjenis kelamin perempuan. ###

Examples: Beruntung sekali dia bisa meminang PUTRI raja Mataram. = To his great good fortune, he was able to obtain the hand of a DAUGHTER of the king of Mataram in marriage. ###

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Word: putih

Short Definition: white. PEM-: whitener. PEM--AN: bleaching.

English Definition: white. *PEM-: whitener. PEM--AN: bleaching. ###

L2 Definition: Warna seperti warna kapas. ###

Examples: Coba gunakan alat PEMUTIH ini supaya bajumu lebih kelihatan cemerlang. = Try using this WHITENER so that your shirt looks more shiny. ###

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Word: puting

Short Definition: 1. handle, hilt; 2. stalk

English Definition: *--SUSU: nipple *--BELIUNG: whirlwind, tornado

Word: putra

Short Definition: see PUTERA.

English Definition: see PUTERA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: putri

Short Definition: see PUTERI.

English Definition: see PUTERI. ###

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Word: putus

Short Definition: broken off, finished, over. MEM-: interrupt, cut off. Also MEM--KAN, -AN, +

English Definition: ^ broken off, finished, over. MEM-: interrupt, cut off. *MEM--KAN: 1 to decide or resolve. 2 to interrupt s.t., cut off. *-AN, KE--AN: decision, conclusion. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak sambung lagi. ###

Examples: Dia mengancam akan MEMUTUSKAN hubungan kekeluargaan ini. = He threatens to CUT OFF ties with this family. PUTUSAN ini telah diambil secara musyawarah. = This DECISION was reached by way of mutual discussion. Kami melakukan hal ini setelah ada KEPUTUSAN bersama. = We carried through with this matter after we had a mutual DECISION. ###

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Word: puyang

Short Definition: see LEMPUYANG.

English Definition: see LEMPUYANG. ###

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Word: puyuh

Short Definition: tornado, cyclone, hurricane

English Definition: angin - = tornado, cyclone, hurricane

Word: R.M.

Short Definition: "Raden Mas," a title for Javanese men of noble descent.

English Definition: short for "Raden Mas," a title for Javanese men of noble descent. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Word: RA.

Short Definition: see RA.1 ("Raden Ajeng") or RA.2 ("Raden Ayu").

English Definition: see RA.1 ("Raden Ajeng") RA.2 ("Raden Ayu"). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Word: RA.1

Short Definition: "Raden Ajeng," title for an unmarried woman of the Javanese nobility.

English Definition: acrynym for "Raden Ajeng," a title for an unmarried woman of the Javanese nobility. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Word: RA.2

Short Definition: "Raden Ayu," title for a married woman of the Javanese nobility.

English Definition: acronym for "Raden Ayu," a title for a married woman of the Javanese nobility. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Word: raba

Short Definition: ME-: feel with the hands, to grope for. -AN: touch, caress.

English Definition: *ME-: feel with the hands, to grope for. -AN: touch, caress. ###

L2 Definition: jamah; duga; elus; merasakan sesuatu dengan tangan. ###

Examples: Dengan MERABAnya saja saya sudah tahu itu adalah kucing. = With just FEELING OF IT, I know that it is a cat. ###

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Word: Rabu

Short Definition: HARI ~: Wednesday.

English Definition: HARI ~: Wednesday. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah hari sesudah hari Selasa. ###

Examples: Jangan lupa ke rumah Toni hari RABU nanti = Do not forget to go to Toni's house on WEDNESDAY###

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Word: rabun

Short Definition: 1. smoking, smoke 2. night-blind, bad eyes###

English Definition: ^1. smoking, smoke *2. night-blind, bad eyes, short-sighted ME-I: smoke ME-KAN: burn in order to produce smoke PE-: material used for burning out s.t. PE-AN: place or means por making smoke

L2 Definition: rabun ayam: twilight, dusk rabun senja: dusk, twilight###

Examples: Mata kiri Rahma RABUN = Rahma's left eye is SHORT-SIGHTED.###

Word: racun

Short Definition: poison. ME--I: to poison s.o. or s.t. KE--AN: to be poisoned.

English Definition: poison. *ME--I: to poison s.o. or s.t. *KE--AN: to be poisoned. *DI--: poisoned. ###

L2 Definition: Zat yang berbahaya karena dapat mematikan/menyebabkan sakit kalau masuk ke dalam tubuh. ###

Examples: Ada orang jahat yang mencoba MERACUNI anjingku tadi malam. = There was a bad person who tried to POISON my dog last night. Seluruh penduduk desa ini pernah KERACUNAN pestisida. = All of the inhabitants of this village were once POISONED with pesticide. ###

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Word: rad

Short Definition: council, board###

English Definition: council, board###

Examples: Kasus perceraiannya di bawa ke RAD agama = Their divorce case is brought to the religious COUNCIL.###

Word: rada

Short Definition: rather, somewhat.

English Definition: rather, somewhat. ###

L2 Definition: agak; sepertinya. ###

Examples: Telur-telur ini sudah RADA busuk semua. = These eggs have gotten SOMEWHAT rotten. ###

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Word: radak

Short Definition: 1. a stab with a spear 2. an attack###

English Definition: 1. a stab with a spear 2. an attack BE-: 1. to stab with a spear 2. break through in an attack *ME-(KAN): 1. stab (and penetrate) with a weapon 2. poke at ( afire. etc.) ###

Examples: *Ali MERADAKKAN tombaknya ke karung pasir = Ali STABBED his SPEAR through a bag of sand.###

Word: radang

Short Definition: inflamed, excited. ME-: to become inflamed or excited. Also PE--AN.

English Definition: inflamed (as with infection), excited (with anger, etc.). *ME-: to become inflamed or excited. *PE--AN: (Med.) inflammation, infection. ###

L2 Definition: marah; luka yang membengkak karena infeksi. ###

Examples: Kalau tersinggung perasaannya dia cepat MERADANG. = If he feels insulted, he is quick to become EXCITED with anger. PERADANGAN ini disebabkan karena kuman yang masuk ke dalam lukanya. = This INFLAMATION was caused by germs that entered into the cut. ###

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Word: raden

Short Definition: title for members of the Javanese nobility.

English Definition: title for members of the Javanese nobility. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: radiasi

Short Definition: radiation###

English Definition: ^ radiation ME-: radiate###

L2 Definition:

Examples: ###

Word: radikal

Short Definition: (Pol.) radical###

English Definition: (Pol.) radical KE~AN = radicalism###

Examples: Aksi-aksi para aktivis semakin RADIKAL = Activists' actions are more RADICAL.###

Word: radio

Short Definition: radio.

English Definition: radio.###

L2 Definition: Siaran suara melalui pemancar; nama alat/pesawat pemancar. ###

Examples: Kedengar banyak lagu-lagu baru dari RADIO. = I heard many new songs from the RADIO. ####

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Word: radioaktif

Short Definition: radioactive###

English Definition: ^ radioactive ME-KAN: cause s.t. to be radiactive KE-AN: radioactivity###

Examples: ###

Word: rafflesia

English Definition: see RAFLESIA. ###

Word: raflesia

Short Definition: a kind of parasite plant in Indonesia, about 90 cm in diameter.

English Definition: a kind of parasite plant in Indonesia, about 90 cm in diameter. ###

See a Picture

Word: raga

Short Definition: physical body (of a person).

English Definition: *physical body (of a person). ###

L2 Definition: badan; tubuh. ###

Examples: OLAH RAGA ini biasanya akan diadakan setiap akhir minggu. = These SPORTS will usually be held every weekend. ###

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Word: ragam

Short Definition: manner, kind, type; musical melody or tune. Also SE-, KE--AN, KESE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 manner, kind, type. 2 musical melody or tune. *SE-: all of a kind, uniform. KE--AN: variety, diversity. KESE--AN: uniformity. ###

L2 Definition: macam; jenis. ###

Examples: Untuk seluruh murid kelas dasar diharuskan memakai PAKAIAN SERAGAM. = It is required that all of the students in the beginning class wear UNIFORMS. ###

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Word: ragi

Short Definition: yeast; fermentation agent

English Definition: *PE-AN: fermentation

Examples: RAGI ini sangat bagus untuk membuat roti = This YEAST is very good to make bread.###

Word: ragu

Short Definition: hesitant. RAGU-RAGU: be uncertain, doubtful; hesitate to do s.t. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^hesitant. RAGU-RAGU: 1 be uncertain, doubtful. 2 hesitate to do s.t. KE--AN: hesitancy, doubt, uncertainty. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak tetap hati; antara ya dan tidak; sangsi; bimbang. ###

Examples: Dia selalu RAGU-RAGU jika harus mengambil keputusan penting. = He is always HESITANT when he has to take important decisions. Kecemasannya menunjukkan KERAGUAN hatinya. = Her nervousness shows her HESITANCY. ###

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Word: rahang

Short Definition: jaw.

English Definition: *jaw. ###

L2 Definition: Mulut bagian bawah berfungsi untuk mengunyah makanan. ###

Examples: Kacang yang keras ini membuat RAHANGku terasa sakit waktu dimakan. = These hard peas made my JAW hurt when I ate them. ###

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Word: rahasia

Short Definition: secret, s.t. held in confidence. ME--KAN: to keep s.t. a secret.

English Definition: secret, s.t. held in confidence. ME--KAN: to keep s.t. a secret. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang disembunyikan supaya tidak diketahui pihak lain. ###

Examples: Sampai saat ini saya masih bisa MERAHASIAKAN siapa ayahnya. = Until now I can still KEEP SECRET who her father is. ###

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Word: rahayat

Short Definition: see "rakyat" = the people

English Definition: see RAKYAT = "the people"

Word: rahim

Short Definition: see RAHIM1 (uterus . . .) or RAHIM2 (Isl.) (merciful . . .).

English Definition: see RAHIM1 (uterus . . .) RAHIM2 (Isl.) (merciful . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: rahim1

Short Definition: womb, uterus.

English Definition: womb, uterus. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat dimana seorang bayi tumbuh di perut ibunya; kandungan; peranakan. ###

Examples: Ayahnya meninggal ketika ia masih berada di RAHIM ibunya. = His father died when he was still in his mother's WOMB. ###

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Word: rahim2

Short Definition: (Isl.) merciful (of God). ME--I: to have mercy on s.t. KE--AN: mercy.

English Definition: ^(Isl.) merciful (of God). ME--I: to have mercy on s.t. KE--AN: mercy. ###

L2 Definition: Sifat penyayang; sifat mudah belas kasihan. ###

Examples: Allah selalu MERAHIMI seluruh umat manusia. = Allah always HAS MERCY to all human beings. Sifat KERAHIMAN Allah tidak ada yang bisa menyamai. = Nothing can compare to Allah's attribute of MERCY. ###

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Word: rahimi

Short Definition: see RAHIM1.

English Definition: see RAHIM1. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: rahman

Short Definition: (Isl.) compassionate (of God).

English Definition: ^(Isl.) compassionate (of God). ###

L2 Definition: Rasa belas kasih; pengasih. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: rahmani

Short Definition: see RAHMAN.

English Definition: see RAHMAN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: rahmat

Short Definition: mercy.

English Definition: *mercy. ###

L2 Definition: berkah; pahala; hadiah. ###

Examples: Berkat RAHMAT Allah saya bisa lulus ujian terakhir ini. = In God's blessed MERCY may I pass this final exam. ###

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Word: raih

Short Definition: ME-: reach for, take up; achieve, obtain. -AN: s.t. reached for or obtained.

English Definition: ME-: 1 reach for, take up. 2 achieve, obtain. -AN: s.t. reached for or obtained. ###

L2 Definition: peroleh; ambil; dapat. ###

Examples: Saya MERAIH juara pertama lomba menari sepropinsi. = I TOOK the championship of the provincial dance competition. Ini hasil RAIHAN kami dalam kejuaraan itu. = This is what we ACHIEVED in the competition. ###

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Word: rais

Short Definition: rais1: sweep off rais2: president or chairman###

English Definition: ^ rais1: sweep off ^ rais2: president or chairman, formerly used by the Isl. party *-AM: general chairman###

Examples: *Abdul Rahman Wahid adalah RAISAM Nahdatul Ulama = Abdul Rahman Wahid is the General Chairman of Nahdatul Ulama.###

Word: rait

Short Definition: screeching sound###

English Definition: ^ screeching sound ME-: screech###

Examples: ###

Word: raja

Short Definition: king. KE--AN: kingdom.

English Definition: *king, ruler *KE--AN: area ruled by a king; kingdom. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: [Ada] seorang RAJA, Jamojoyo namanya. = [There was] a KING named J. ...dalam sebuah KERAJAAN... = a (particular) KINGDOM... ###

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Word: rajah

Short Definition: see RAJA.

English Definition: see RAJA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: rajalela

Short Definition: capriciously violent. ME-: to act capriciously violent.

English Definition: capriciously violent. ME-: to act capriciously violent. ###

L2 Definition: Sewenang-wenang; sesuka hati; menjadi-jadi. ###

Examples: Wabah penyakit malaria sedang MERAJALELA di kotaku. = Malaria epidemic is ACTING CAPRICIOUSLY VIOLENT in my town. ###

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Word: rajam

Short Definition: stone to death###

English Definition: ^ stone to death *ME-: stone to death -AN: stoning###

Examples: *Mardi, pencuri mobil, DIRAJAM oleh penduduk = Mardi, an auto thief WAS STONED TO DEATH by the people.###

Word: rajang

Short Definition: ME--: cut into small pieces, mince (vegetables, etc.)

English Definition: ME--: cut into small pieces, mince (vegetables, etc.)

L2 Definition: memotong kecil-kecil (seperti sayuran, dll.)

Examples: Ani menolong ibu MERAJANG sayuran untuk makan siang kami = Ani helped Ibu to MINCE the vegetables for our lunch.###

Word: rajawali

Short Definition: k.o. large black hawk

English Definition: k.o. large black hawk

L2 Definition: sejenis burung elang

Examples: Burung RAJAWALI itu menukik dan menyambar tikus di ladang = The BLACK HAWK flew down and caught the mice on the field.###

Word: rajin

Short Definition: dutious, industrious, diligent. KE--AN: diligence, industriousness.

English Definition: dutious, industrious, diligent. KE--AN: diligence, industriousness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak malas; suka bekerja; kerap kali. ###

Examples: Anak itu berhasil menjadi juara kelas karena KERAJINAN belajarnya. = The child succeeds to become the class champion because of his INDUSTRIOUSNESS in study.

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Word: rajuk

Short Definition: pout, sulk###

English Definition: ^ pout, sulk *ME-: pout, sulk ME-I: pout about s.t. PE-: o. who pouts###

Examples: *Anak kecil itu MERAJUK ke ibunya = That little kid POUTED to her mother.###

Word: rajut

Short Definition: net###

English Definition: ^ net *ME-: 1. make a net 2. crochet, knit -AN: crocheted or knitted material PE-AN: process of knitting, crocheting or net making###

Examples: *Ibu Halma sangat senang MERAJUT baju-baju bayi = Ibu Halma likes to KNIT baby clothes.###

Word: rak

Short Definition: shelf, rack.

English Definition: shelf, rack.###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk menyimpan buku, sepatu, dll. yang biasanya terbuka berupa papan-papan dengan tiang penyangga. ###

Examples: Simpan sepatumu di RAK itu nak! = Put your shoes on that SHELF son! ###

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Word: raka

Short Definition: 1. (Lit.) elder brother 2. senior male university student###

English Definition: ^1. (Lit.) elder brother 2. senior male university student###

Examples: ###

Word: rakaat

Short Definition: (Isl.) essential unit of prayer ritual##

English Definition: (Isl.) essential units of prayer ritual, consisting of bows and prostrations performed a prescribed number of times.###

Examples: Shalar Dzuhur terdiri dari empat RAKAAT = Dzuhur prayer, the midday prayer, consists of four UNITS.###

Word: rakam

Short Definition: ME-: to stamp, print, or embroider. Also ME--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: ^ME-: to stamp, print, or embroider. ME--KAN: to stamp, print, or embroider s.t. -AN: a record, a recording. ###

L2 Definition: mencetak; mengecap; membroidir. ###

Examples: Kami sedang MERAKAM surat-surat undangan. = We are STAMPING the invitation letters. Kamu bisa MERAKAMKAN kainmu menjadi lebih indah. = You can EMBROIDER your cloth to become more beautiful.

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Word: rakernas

Short Definition: national working meeting###

English Definition: rakernas is an abbreviation of rapat kerja national or national working meeting###

Examples: RAKERNAS (rapat kerja national) Golkar berlangsung di Jakarta tahun ini = Golkar's NATIONAL WORKING MEETING is in Jakarta this year.###

Word: rakit

Short Definition: raft. PER--AN: assembling. -AN: s.t. assemled.

English Definition: raft. PER--AN: assembling. -AN: s.t assembled. ###

L2 Definition: Penyusunan barang/benda pada tempatnya; susun. ###

Examples: PERAKITAN mobil ini dilakukan di dalam negeri. = The ASSEMBLING of the car is done domestically.

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Word: raksasa

Short Definition: giant, demon.

English Definition: giant, demon. ###

L2 Definition: Sesuatu yang besar sekali; makhluk sangat besar yang menyerupai manusia/buta. ###

Examples: Dalam cerita Ramayana, Sinta dibawa lari oleh RAKSASA. = In the Ramayana story, Sinta was kidnapped by a GIANT. ###

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Word: rakus

Short Definition: greedy, voracious.

English Definition: ^greedy, voracious. ###

L2 Definition: Makan terlalu banyak; loba/serakah/tamak; ingin mendapat lebih dari yang seharusnya. ###

Examples: Sifat RAKUS adalah gejala utama seorang koruptor. = GREED is the ultimate character of a corrupt officer. ###

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Word: rakyat

Short Definition: the common folk. ME-: be close to the masses. KE--AN: democracy; populist.

English Definition: *the people, the common folk; populace, citizenry. >*ME-: be close to the masses. >KE--AN: 1 democracy, rule by the people. 2 populist. ###

L2 Definition: 1.^Penduduk suatu negara. 2.^ Anak buah/orang-orang. 3.^ Orang kebanyakan. ###

Examples: Tujuh puluh persen RAKYAT Indonesia adalah petani. = Seventy percent of the POPULACE of Indonesia are farmers. Lurah itu dipilih oleh RAKYATnya. = That village chief was chosen by the PEOPLE. Walaupun kaya, gaya hidupnya tetap MERAKYAT. = Although he is rich, his lifestyle is still CLOSE TO THE COMMON PERSON. RAKYAT KECIL yang biasa menjadi korban. = The COMMON PEOPLE usually are the victims. ###

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Word: ralat

Short Definition: error, mistake, esp. typographical

English Definition: error, mistake, esp. typographical *ME--: correct, rectify.##

Examples: Surat kabar ini telah MERALAT berita yang diterbitkan kemarin = The newspaper has CORRECTED the news published yesterday.###

Word: Ramadan

Short Definition: the Islamic fasting month, 9th month of the Arabic calendar.

English Definition: the Islamic fasting month, 9th month of the Arabic calendar. ###

L2 Definition: Bulan dimana umat Islam tidak boleh makan dan minum sejak matahari terbit sampai matahari terbenam; bulan kesembilan menurut tanggalan Arab. ###

Examples: Bulan RAMADAN adalah bulan yang suci menurut umat Islam. = The FASTING MONTH is a sacred month according to the followers of Islam. ###

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Word: ramadhan

Short Definition: (Isl.) the ninth month of Arabic calendar###

English Definition: the ninth month of Islamic callender the holy month/fasting time for Moslem ###

Examples: Muslim berpuasa sebulan penuh di bulan RAMADHAN = Moslems are fasting for a month in THE NINTH MONTH OF ARABIC CALENDAR.###

Word: ramah

Short Definition: friendly, personable. KE--AN: friendliness, unaffectedness. Also PE-.

English Definition: friendly, personable. KE--AN: friendliness, unaffectedness. PE-: s.o. who is friendly. ###

L2 Definition: Mudah dan senang bergaul dengan orang; mudah senyum/tertawa dan manis tutur katanya. ###

Examples: Berkat KERAMAHANnya suasana petang ini menjadi tidak kaku. = Thanks to her FRIENDLINESS, the evening climate was not became awkward. Anak PERAMAH itu disukai siapa saja dan di mana saja. = The FRIENDLY child is liked by anyone anywhere. ###

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Word: ramai

Short Definition: crowded, busy, noisy, festive. KE--AN: festivity; noise, bustle.

English Definition: ^crowded, busy, noisy, festive. *KE--AN: 1 festivity. 2 noise, bustle. ###

L2 Definition: Banyak orang; banyak suara; banyak kegiatan; dll. ###

Examples: Ketoprak ini akan menjadi salah satu hiburan yang menarik di KERAMAIAN pasar malam nanti malam ini. = This drama performance will be one of the interesting entertainments among the BUSTLE of the night market later tonight. ###

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Word: ramal

Short Definition: ME-: to tell fortunes. ME--KAN: predict s.t. Also -AN, PE--AN.

English Definition: ^ME-: to tell fortunes. ME--KAN: predict, tell s.t. in the future. -AN: prediction, prognosis. PE--AN: forecast, prediction. ###

L2 Definition: Melihat apa yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang; melihat nasib seseorang dengan melihat garis-garis tangan atau raut muka. ###

Examples: Kabarnya orang-orang Gipsi itu pandai MERAMAL nasib. = It was told that the Gipsies are capable TO FORECAST (people's) fate. RAMALAN cuaca hari ini semuanya salah. = The weather FORECAST for today are all wrong. ###

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Word: rambah

Short Definition: clear away, cut down.

English Definition: ^ME-: clear away, cut down. ###

L2 Definition: tebang/pangkas/babat; melebarkan/menjelajah. ###

Examples: Suku ini MERAMBAH hutan secara tradisional. = This tribe CLEAR AWAY the forest traditionally. ###

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Word: rambak

Short Definition: rambak1; rambak2

English Definition: rambak 1 edible portion of beef or pork skin, orten fried as chips or used in sauces rambak2 *ME-: multiply, spread in all directions.###

Examples: *Kerusuhan di Ambon MERAMBAK ke Ujungpandang = Ambon riots SPREAD to Ujungpandang.###

Word: rambas

Short Definition: crush###

English Definition: ^ crush ME-: crush s.t.###

Examples: ###

Word: rambat

Short Definition: spreading, creeping###

English Definition: ^ spreading, creeping *ME-: 1. creep and spread (of vines, etc.) 2. spread ME-I: cover over s.t. -AN: propagation PE-AN: process of spreading###

Examples: * Virus yang berbahaya itu MERAMBAT dengan cepat ke perkampungan kumuh = The dangerous virus rapidly SPREAD to the vile villages.###

Word: rambu

Short Definition: rambu1: fringe, tassel rambu2: short pillar on quay for trying up ships###

English Definition: ^ rambu1: fringe, tassel ME-: mark out, plot### ^rambu2: short pillar on quay for trying up ships PE-AN: the provision of beacons###

Examples: ###

Word: rambut

Short Definition: hair. BE-: to possess hair.

English Definition: hair. *BE-: to possess hair. ###

L2 Definition: Bulu-bulu yang tumbuh dikepala manusia. ###

Examples: Di sekolah ini murid-murid dilarang BERAMBUT gondrong. = At this school, the students are forbidden TO HAVE long HAIR. ###

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Word: rambutan

Short Definition: rambutan, a red fruit covered with long hair-like filaments.###

English Definition: rambutan, a red fruit covered with long hair-like filaments. ###

L2 Definition: Nama jenis buah-buahan dari daerah tropis, dagingnya buahnya berwarna putih dengan biji di tengah-tengahnya, sedangkan kulitnya merah dan berambut lebat. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: rames

Short Definition: 1. mix by kneading. 2. provide with a mixture. Also NG--I, ME--I.

English Definition: ^1. mix by kneading. 2. provide with a mixture. NG--I, ME--I: try to decipher winning numbers (in gambling).###

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Word: rampai

Short Definition: various###

English Definition: ^ various -2: mixed, jumble *ME-KAN: mix, put various things together -AN: a collection of various things###

Examples: Idris Sardi MERAMPAIKAN musik tradisional Indonesia ke dalam satu konser= Idris Sardi PUT VARIOUS Indonesian traditional musics TOGETHER into one concert.###

Word: rampas

Short Definition: ME-: to seize and carry away. -AN: s.t. seized, plunder, loot. Also PE-, PE--AN.

English Definition: ME-: to seize and carry away. -AN: s.t. seized, plunder, loot. PE-: looter. PE--AN: looting, robbing. ###

L2 Definition: Mengambil sesuatu dengan paksa tanpa ijin; rampok. ###

Examples: Penjahat itu MERAMPAS tas nenek tua itu. = The criminal SEIZED the old lady's bag. Ini adalah senjata-senjata hasil RAMPASAN dari pihak musuh. = These are weapons SEIZED from the enemy. PERAMPAS itu mengancam kami dengan pisau. = The LOOTER threatens us with a knife, Hampir tiap malam di daerah ini terjadi PERAMPASAN harta benda. = Almost every night in this area there is a LOOTING of properties. ###

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Word: ramping

Short Definition: 1. slender. 2. disfigured. 3. pierced. BE-: side by side.

English Definition: ^1. slender. 2. disfigured. 3. pierced (of ears). ME-: slenderize. ###

L2 Definition: langsing; kecil panjang dan lurus. ###

Examples: Tubuhnya MERAMPING karena puasa selama sebulan. = Her body is SLENDERING because of fasting for a month. ###

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Word: rampok

Short Definition: ME-: rob, plunder. PE-: robber, plunderer. PE--AN: robbery, plundering.

English Definition: ME-: rob, plunder. PE-: robber, plunderer. PE--AN: robbery, plundering. ###

L2 Definition: Mengambil sesuatu dengan kekerasan tanpa ijin; rampas. ###

Examples: Narapidana ini ditangkap karena MERAMPOK bank. = This prisoner was arrested because of ROBBING a bank. Dia dikenal sebagai PERAMPOK yang ganas. = He was known a vicious ROBBER. Sampai sekarang belum terungkap siapa pelaku PERAMPOKAN di toko permata itu. = Until now it was not yet revealed who did the ROBBERY at the jewelry store. ###

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Word: ramu

Short Definition: forage around for things to use. Also -AN.

English Definition: forage around for things to use. -AN: various ingrediants gathered from the wild for medicine. ###

L2 Definition: Mencari bahan. Mencampur beberapa bahan (biasanya untuk obat) menjadi suatu campuran yang khas. ###

Examples: RAMUAN jamu ini sudah diuji khasiatnya secara modern. = The healing power of this traditional medicine FORMULA has been tested in a modern way. ###

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Word: rancang

Short Definition: plan, design.

English Definition: plan, design. *--AN: plan, design. ###

L2 Definition: Membuat rencana; rekayasa. ###

Examples: RANCANGAN fondasi bangunan ini telah teruji. = The foundation DESIGN of this building has been tested. ###

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Word: rancu

Short Definition: confused, ME--KAN: confuse; KE--AN: confusion

English Definition: confused * ME--KAN: confuse *KE--AN: confusion

Examples: Agar tidak menjadi RANCU, sebaiknya kamu menambahkan penjelasan yang lebih baik = To avoid creating a CONFUSION you better add more explanation. Penjelasan Andi di buku ini MERANCUKAN argumen yang dikemukakan sebelumnya = Andi's explanation in this book CONFUSED the arguments presented earlier. KERANCUAN itu akhirnya dapat diakhiri dengan penjelasan dari Amir= The CONFUSION is finally solved by the explanation from Amir.###

Word: rangka

Short Definition: framework, design, infrastructure. ME--KAN: to design s.t.

English Definition: ^framework, design, infrastructure. *ME--KAN: to design s.t. ###

L2 Definition: rancangan; rencana. ###

Examples: Untuk MERANGKAKAN bangunan ini harus disesuaikan dengan lokasinya. = To DESIGN this building, it must be made to fit with the location. ###

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Word: rangkai

Short Definition: a bunch. SE-: tied together, connected. ME-(-KAN): combine. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^a bunch. SE-: tied together, connected. ME-(-KAN): combine, attach to e.o. -AN: 1 series, combination. 2 connecting structure. ###

L2 Definition: Beberapa benda/hal yang dihubungkan satu dengan yang lain. ###

Examples: Perjuangan kemerdekaan di Yogyakarta dipimpin oleh pahlawan tiga SERANGKAI: Suripto, Suparno, dan Sugito. = The freedom struggle in Yogyakarta was led by THREESOME heroes: Suripto, Suparno, dan Sugito. Juara MERANGKAI bunga tahun ini dimenangkan oleh Bu Patompo. = The championship for this year flower ARRANGEMENT was won by Mrs. Patompo. RANGKAIAN atom ini disebut molekul. = This COMBINATION of atoms is called molecule. ###

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Word: rangkak

Short Definition: to crawl on the hands and knees.

English Definition: to crawl on the hands and knees. ###

L2 Definition: Bergerak dengan menggunakan tangan dan lutut. ###

Examples: Kami hanya bisa MERANGKAK di dalam gua itu. = We can only CRAWL in the cave. ###

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Word: rangkap

Short Definition: double, duplicate. SE-: a set of s.t. Also ME-, ME--KAN, PE-.

English Definition: double, duplicate. SE-: a set of s.t. *ME-: serve concurrently as, double as. *ME--KAN: to double s.t. up. PE-: s.o who holds two jobs at one time. ###

L2 Definition: Lebih dari satu hal. ###

Examples: Sebelum pensiun dia banyak MERANGKAP jabatan. = Before retiring, he often SERVED CONCURRENTLY in different postitions. Sulit sekali MERANGKAPKAN kedua mesin ini. = It is very difficult TO DOUBLE UP these two machines. ###

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Word: rangkul

Short Definition: MEN-: hug, embrace.

English Definition: ME-: hug, embrace. ###

L2 Definition: peluk. ###

Examples: Aku rindu untuk MERANGKUL putriku. = I miss HUGGING my daughter.

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Word: rangsang

Short Definition: exciting, stimulating. ME-(-KAN): to excite or stimulate. Also KE--AN, -AN, +

English Definition: ^exciting, stimulating. ME-(-KAN): to excite or stimulate. KE--AN: stimulation, irritation. -AN: stimulus. PE--AN: the act of stimulating. ###

L2 Definition: Membangkitkan perasaan tertentu, biasanya dengan bau, penampilan, uang, dll. ###

Examples: Obat ini akan MERANGSANG pertumbuhan rambut di kepala. = This medicine will STIMULATE the growth of hair on the head. Bau itu menimbulkan RANGSANGAN seksual yang kuat. = The smell generates a strong sexual STIMULATION. Obat PERANGSANG ini sudah dilarang untuk diedarkan. = The STIMULANT medicine has been banned for circulation.

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Word: ranjang

Short Definition: bed.

English Definition: bed. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk tidur. ###

Examples: RANJANG ini terlalu kecil untuk dua orang. = This BED is too small for two people. ###

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Word: ranjau

Short Definition: [Mil.]1.bamboo spiked booby traps; 2. anti-personnel weapons, mine

English Definition: [Mil.]1.bamboo spiked booby traps; 2. anti-personnel weapons, mine *--DARAT: land mine *--LAUT: sea mine

Examples: Di kampung kami masih banyak terdapat sisa RANJAU darat dari perang dunia ke dua = There are still many LAND MINES in our village as the leftovers of the Second World War.###

Word: ranjing

Short Definition: possessed by s.t., have a passion for s.t.

English Definition: KE--AN: possessed by s.t., have a passion for s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Tergila-gila pada suatu hal. ###

Examples: Kami sekeluarga KERANJINGAN olah raga sepak bola. = We as a family are POSSESSED BY A PASSION on the sport of soccer. ###

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Word: rantai

Short Definition: chain.

English Definition: chain. ###

L2 Definition: Benda yang biasanya berbentuk lingkaran-lingkaran yang dihubungkan satu dengan yang lain. ###

Examples: Saya jatuh gara-gara RANTAI sepedaku tiba-tiba putus. = I fell down because of my bicycle CHAINS were suddenly broken. ###

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Word: rantau

Short Definition: the other shore (of a sea or ocean); overseas, abroad. Also ME-, PE-, +

English Definition: the other shore (of a sea or ocean), overseas, abroad. ME-: to go overseas, leave one's homeplace to wander abroad. PE-: a wander of foreign places. PE--AN: a foreign place. ###

L2 Definition: Daerah lain; negeri asing. ###

Examples: Bagi orang Bugis, MERANTAU adalah suatu kebanggaan. = For the Buginese people, GOING OVERSEAS is a pride. Selain orang Bugis, orang Minang juga merupakan PERANTAU yang gigih. = Other than the Buginese, the Minangkabauese is also a persistent WANDERER. Sudah lima tahun kami di PERANTAUAN. = It has been five years we are in FOREIGN PLACE.

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Word: ranting

Short Definition: 1.small branch, twig; 2.subsection, branch (of office, parties, etc.)

English Definition: 1.small branch, twig; 2.subsection, branch (of office, parties, etc.) *BER- = have a twig

L2 Definition: cabang

Examples: Pohon ini sudah mulai BERANTING = The tree is starting to have TWIGS.##

Word: ranum

Short Definition: ripe

English Definition: *ME-- : ripen

L2 Definition: buah yang sudah matang

Examples: Buah apel yang sudah RANUM ini sangat menggiurkan = This RIPE apple is very appealing.##

Word: rapat

Short Definition: close, dense, familiar; meeting, gathering. BE-: hold a meeting. Also ME-, +

English Definition: ^1 close, dense, familiar. 2 meeting, gathering. *BE-: hold a meeting. *ME-: move closer together. ME--KAN: bring s.t. close. KE--AN: density. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat dekat; erat. Pertemuan untuk membicarakan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Kita perlu BERAPAT dulu untuk menentukan kebijaksanaan baru ini. = We must first HOLD A MEETING to finalize this new policy. Karena udara yang dingin kami saling duduk MERAPAT. = Because of the cold air, we sat CLOSER together. ###

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Word: rapi

Short Definition: orderly, well-arranged, neat. Also ME--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: orderly, well-arranged, neat. *ME--KAN: put s.t. in order, straighten s.t. up. *KE--AN: neatness, orderliness, tidiness. ###

L2 Definition: Teratur dan bersih. ###

Examples: Tunggu dulu. Ibu masih MERAPIKAN dandanannya. = Wait a moment. Mother is still STRAIGHTENING UP her dress. Untuk mengelola sebuah hotel KERAPIAN adalah modal utamanya. = To manage a hotel, NEATNESS is the principal asset. ###

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Word: rapih

Short Definition: see RAPI.

English Definition: see RAPI. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: rapor

Short Definition: report (of school grades)

English Definition: report (of school grades)

Word: rapuh

Short Definition: brittle, likely to snap

English Definition: * brittle, likely to snap *ME-KAN= cause to be fragile and brittle

Examples: Jembatan kayu yang menghubungkan kedua desa itu sudah RAPUH= The wooden bridge that is connected those two villages is LIKELY TO SNAP. Panas matahari dan hujan MERAPUHKAN atap rumah tua itu= the sun heat and rain CAUSED the roof of that old house FRAGILE and BRITTLE.

Word: rasa

Short Definition: taste; feeling, sensation; think, feel, be of a certain opinion. Also ME-, +

English Definition: ^1 taste. 2 feeling, sensation. 3 think, feel, be of a certain opinion. ME-: 1 feel, sense. 2 think, believe. *ME--I, ME--KAN: taste, touch, feel, or otherwise experience s.t. *TE-: felt. PE-: 1 sense of touch. 2 a sensitive person. *PE--AN: opinion, feeling, sensation.###

L2 Definition: Apa yang dialami oleh tubuh dan hati/perasaan. ###

Examples: Saya baru bisa MERASA lega kalau dia sudah datang. = I could only FEEL relieved after she had come. Jamu ini TERASA sangat pahit. = This traditional medicinal drink TASTES very bitter. Dari tadi PERASAANku gelisah saja. = Since earlier my FEELING has been just nervousness. ###

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Word: rasi

Short Definition: constellation determining one's fate.

English Definition: constellation determining one's fate. ###

L2 Definition: Sekumpulan bintang dalam zodiak; ilmu perbintangan yang dihubungkan dengan nasib seseorang. ###

Examples: Taurus adalah RASI bintang saya. = Taurus is my ASTROLOGICAL CONSTELLATION. ###

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Word: rata

Short Definition: flat, level, even; average. ME-: be spread evenly. Also RATA-RATA, KEME--AN, +

English Definition: ^1 flat, level, even. 2 average. *RATA-RATA: on the average, the mean value. *ME-: be spread out evenly. *KEME--AN: evenness of distribution, equity. ME--KAN: even s.t. out, make smooth or level. ###

L2 Definition: Permukaan yang halus/sama tinggi dan sama rendah. Meliputi seluruh bagian. Tersebar di mana-mana. ###

Examples: Pembagian hasil panen ini sudah adil dan MERATA. = The division of this harvest is fair and EQUAL. Umur anak-anak ini RATA-RATA tigabelas tahun. = The ages of these children are ON THE AVERAGE thirteen years. Tujuan utama pembangunan ini adalah KEMERATAAN bagi seluruh warga. = The first objective of this construction project is EQUITY for the entire citizenry. ###

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Word: ratap

Short Definition: lamentation, mourn

English Definition: *--TANGIS: mourning, lamenting *ME-- : lament, mourn *ME--I: lament over someone *--AN: wail, lament

L2 Definition: tangisan, kesedihan

Examples: Setiap hari kami mendengar RATAP TANGIS Ibu = everyday we hear mother LAMENTING over our father's death. Ani tidak MERATAPI kepergian suaminya = Ani did not MOURN over her husband's death. RATAPAN anak itu sangat menyedihkan = the WAILING of the boy is so heartbreaking.##

Word: ratu

Short Definition: 1. king. 2. queen. ME--I: be superior to other women in a group. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^1. king. 2. queen. ME--I: be superior to other women in a group. -AN: king or queen that is not real.###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk seseorang yang menguasai suatu hal (kerajaan; suatu keahlian tertentu; dll.). ###

Examples: Dia yang MERATUI lagu-lagu dang-dut selama ini. = She has been THE QUEEN of the dangdut songs. Dia berperan sebagai RATU-RATUAN dalam sandiwara ini. = She played as a FAKE QUEEN in the play. ###

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Word: ratus

Short Definition: hundred. SE-: one hundred. BE-_-_-AN: in the hundreds. Also -AN.

English Definition: hundred. *SE-: one hundred. *BE-_-_-AN: in the hundreds. *-AN: 1 hundreds. 2 a one-hundred rupiah note. ###

L2 Definition: Bilangan yang merupakan hasil kali sepuluh kali sepuluh. ###

Examples: Jumlah katak-katak ini ada SERATUS ekor. = The total number of these frogs is ONE HUNDRED. Ternyata yang mengikuti lomba lari maraton ini ada BERATUS-RATUS peserta. = Apparently the participants running in this marathon race are IN THE HUNDREDS. Sudah RATUSAN ribu rupiah biaya untuk memperbaiki mobil ini. = The cost of fixing this vehicle is already in the HUNDREDS of thousands of rupiahs. ###

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Word: raup

Short Definition: ME-: scoop up in the hands. -AN: handful.

English Definition: ME-: scoop up in the hands. -AN: handful. ###

L2 Definition: Mengambil sesuatu dengan menggunakan kedua belah tangan. ###

Examples: Kali ini kami MERAUP keuntungan yang banyak sekali. = This time we SCOOPED a lot of profit.

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Word: rawa

Short Definition: rawa-rawa: swamp, marsh

English Definition: rawa-rawa: swamp, marsh *BER--: swampy

Examples: Di belakang rumah nenek ada RAWA-RAWA yang dalam = Behind grandma's house is a deep SWAMP.##

Word: rawa-rawa

Short Definition: see RAWA

English Definition: see RAWA

Word: rawan

Short Definition: (Lit.) sensitive, emotional###

English Definition: rawan1 * 1. (Lit.) emotional, sensitive 2. trouble, disturbed 3. unsafe ME~KAN = 1. cause alarm 2. (Lit.) stir up emotions KE~AN = crime-infested, unsafe PE~ = s.t. saddening rawan2 (Lit.) classifier for articles of twine

Examples: * Menjelang pemilihan umum, suasana di Jakarta sangat RAWAN = Coming close to the election, the situation in Jakarta is more UNSAFE.###

Word: rawat

Short Definition: ME-: take care of, look after the needs of (s.o. who is ill). Also -AN, PE--AN.

English Definition: *ME-: take care of, look after the needs of (s.o. who is ill). *-AN, PE--AN: treatment or care. ###

L2 Definition: pelihara; urus; jaga. ###

Examples: PERAWAT bertugas untuk MERAWAT orang yang sakit. = NURSE's duty is to TAKE CARE of sick people. Jenis tumbuhan anggrek ini memerlukan PERAWATAN yang teliti. = This kind of orchid requires very precise CARE. ###

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Word: raya

Short Definition: great, large. ME--KAN: to celebrate. PER--AN: celebration.

English Definition: great, large. *ME--KAN: to celebrate. PER--AN: celebration. ###

L2 Definition: besar. ###

Examples: Siapa yang akan MERAYAKAN hari ulang tahunnya minggu ini? = Who is going to CELEBRATE his birthday this week? ###

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Word: rayap

Short Definition: 1. termite; 2. ME--: creep, crawl

English Definition: termite *ME--: creep, crawl *ME--I: creep over s.t.

Examples: Kayu ini harus diberi perawatan agar tidak dimakan RAYAP = The wood needs protection from the TERMITES. Kami harus MERAYAP melewati gua yang sempit itu = We had to CRAWL to pass the narrow cave. Tanaman ini MERAYAPI seluruh dinding rumah kami = This plant CREPT all over the wall of our house.###

Word: rayu

Short Definition: touched; persuasion; emotional; seduce

English Definition: ME---: attempts to persuade; seduction; sweet talks ---AN: persuasion PE--- : flatterer

L2 Definition: kata-kata bujukan; upaya untuk menarik hati seseorang

Examples: Dia pandai sekali MERAYU gadis-gadis untuk pergi jalan-jalan bersamanya = He is very good at PERSUADING women to go out with him. Apapun yang kamu katakan, RAYUANmu tidak akan berhasil = No matter what your PERSUASION is, you are not going to be succeeded. Jangan percaya dengan kata-katanya, dia adalah PERAYU yang sangat pandai = Do not believe every words that he told you, he is a very clever FLATTERER. ##

Word: reaksi

Short Definition: reaction.

English Definition: reaction. ###

L2 Definition: tanggapan; respon. ###

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Word: realisasi

Short Definition: realization

English Definition: realization

Examples: Rumah ini merupakan REALISASI dari kerja kerasnya = This house is the REALIZATION of his hard work.###

Word: realistis

Short Definition: realistic.

English Definition: realistic. ###

L2 Definition: Bersifat nyata; bersifat wajar. ###

Examples: Menurutku, karya tulis itu kurang REALISTIS. = To me, the article is not REALISTIC enough. ###

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Word: rebab

Short Definition: two-stringed musical instrument.

English Definition: two-stringed musical instrument.###

L2 Definition: Sejenis alat musik gesek. ###

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See a Picture

Word: rebah

Short Definition: fall down collapse. ME-: 1. fall down. 2. lie down. ME--I: lie on s.t. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^fall down, collapse. ME-: 1. fall down. 2. lie down. ME--I: lie on s.t. -AN: things that overturned. 2. a place to lie down.###

L2 Definition: tumbang; rubuh; tergeletak. ###

Examples: Ibu sedang tidur MEREBAH ketika saya datang. = Mother was LYING DOWN sleeping when I came.

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Word: rebak

Short Definition: 1. deep cut, wound. 2. spread (of news, disease). Also ME-.

English Definition: ^1. deep cut, wound. ME-: deeply cut, have a bad cut. 2. spread (of news, disease). ME-: spread (of news, disease). ###

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Word: rebewes

Short Definition: driver's license.

English Definition: (Coll.) driver's license.###

L2 Definition: Kartu tanda mengemudi kendaraan bermotor. ###

Examples: Jangan lupa membawa REBEWESmu setiap bepergian. = Don't forget to bring your DRIVER'S LICENCE every time you go out. ###

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Word: Rebo

Short Definition: see RABU.

English Definition: see RABU. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: rebus

Short Definition: boil. ME-: to boil.

English Definition: ^boil. *ME-: to boil. ###

L2 Definition: Memasak sesuatu dengan air. ###

Examples: Sore ini saya akan MEREBUS ketela. = This afternoon I am going to BOIL yams. ###

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Word: rebut

Short Definition: BE-: 1. snatch away, take away by force 2. struggle to obtain s.t.

English Definition: ^*BE-: 1. snatch away, take away by force 2. struggle to obtain s.t. BE-2AN: struggle with e.o. ME-(KAN), MEM-(KAN): 1. seize, take by force 2. fight for, compete for and win s.t. -AN: 1. struggle, fight 2. object of struggle PE-AN: struggle, fight###

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Anak-anak kecil BEREBUT mainan yang diberikan oleh guru mereka = Little kids SNATCHED toys AWAY that were given by their teacher.###

Word: receh

Short Definition: uang receh = change, small money.

English Definition: uang receh = change, small money. -AN: small money. ###

L2 Definition: Uang kecil; uang pecahan yang tidak besar jumlahnya yang biasanya dipakai sebagai uang pengganti. ###

Examples: Saya tidak membawa RECEHAN untuk uang jajan. = I didn't bring any SMALL CHANGE for buying snacks.###

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Word: reda

Short Definition: ME-: to abate, decrease in intensity.

English Definition: ME-: to abate, decrease in intensity. *ME--KAN: to decrease. ###

L2 Definition: Menjadi pelan sedikit demi sedikit; berkurang atau berhenti. ###

Examples: Mari kita berangkat, hujan sudah REDA. = Let's go, the rain has STOPPED. Marahnya MEREDA setelah mendengar penjelasanku. = His anger DECREASED after he listened my explaination. ###

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Word: redaksi

Short Definition: editor; the rendering of a written passage. ###

English Definition: 1 editor. 2 the rendering of a written passage. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu badan yang menyeleksi karangan yang akan diterbitkan dalam persurat kabaran. ###

Examples: Karangan ini belum bisa diterbitkan karena belum diperiksa pemimpin REDAKSI. = This article can not be published yet because it has not been reviewed by the EDITOR in chief. ###

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Word: redaktur

Short Definition: editor

English Definition: editor.##

Examples: Sudah tiga tahun dia menjadi REDAKTUR di koran itu = It has been three years that he works as the EDITOR of the newspaper.###

Word: redup

Short Definition: overcast, dull###

English Definition: 1. overcast, dull 2. dull, dreary 3. extinguished ME~ = be overcast * ME~KAN = 1. cloud s.t. 2. muffle 3. dim the lights KE~AN = overcast condition###

Examples: * Yasou MEREDUPKAN lampu = Yasou DIMMED the light.###

Word: referensi

Short Definition: reference.

English Definition: *reference. ###

L2 Definition: Sumber acuan/pedoman. ###

Examples: Buku-buku ini bisa kau pakai sebagai REFERENSI. = You may use this book as a REFERENCE. ###

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Word: refleksi

Short Definition: reflection.

English Definition: reflection. ###

L2 Definition: Pantulan; cerminan dari suatu keadaan. ###

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Word: regenerasi

Short Definition: regeneration.

English Definition: regeneration. ###

L2 Definition: Penggantian hal lama dengan hal yang baru; peremajaan. ###

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Word: rekam

Short Definition: see REKAM.

English Definition: see RAKAM. ###

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Word: rekan

Short Definition: peer, colleague, comrade.

English Definition: peer, colleague, comrade. ###

L2 Definition: teman, kawan. ###

Examples: Bu Pipit adalah REKAN dagang kami yang terbesar. = Madam Pipit is our biggest trading PARTNER. ###

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Word: rekat

Short Definition: glue s.t. together###

English Definition: * ME- KAN = glue s.t. to s.t. else. KE--AN= adhesiveness. PE~ = glue, adhesive###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Saya MEREKATKAN kertas ke dinding = I GLUED a paper on the wall.###

Word: rekayasa

Short Definition: engineer (changes, etc.)

English Definition: engineer (changes, etc.) *--SOSIAL: social engeneering

Examples: Program bantuan kemiskinan ini memerlukan REKAYASA SOSIAL yang besar = This poverty assistance program needs to be companied by a huge SOCIAL ENGENEERING program. ###

Word: reken

Short Definition: ME-, NG-: to count, to take s.t. into account.

English Definition: ME-, NG-: to count, to take s.t. into account. ###

L2 Definition: Memasukkan sesuatu hal kedalam hitungan; memperkirakan. ###

Examples: Salah besar kalau kita tidak MEREKEN kemampuannya. = It's a big mistake if we don't COUNT his ability. ###

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Word: rekening

Short Definition: a bill (as at a store or restaurant) or financial account.

English Definition: a bill (as at a store or restaurant) or financial account. ###

L2 Definition: Hitungan pembayaran bagi suatu pembelian atau pengeluaran. ###

Examples: REKENING telepon ini harus segera dibayar. = This telephone BILL has to be paid soon. ###

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Word: rekonstruksi

Short Definition: reconstruction

English Definition: reconstruction

Examples: ###

Word: rekreasi

Short Definition: recreation

English Definition: recreation *BE- : go out for recreation

L2 Definition: tamasya

Examples: Setiap akhir minggu, keluarga Pak Rahman pergi BEREKREASI = Every weekend Pak Rahman's family GO OUT FOR RECREATION.###

Word: rektor

Short Definition: rector (of a school, etc.)

English Definition: *rector (of a school, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang mengepalai suatu perguruan tinggi. ###

Examples: Bulan lalu REKTOR lama digantikan oleh REKTOR yang baru. = Last month, the old RECTOR replaced the new RECTOR. ###

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Word: rel

Short Definition: train track, railway track.

English Definition: train track, railway track. ###

L2 Definition: Dua jalur besi tempat dimana kereta api berjalan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: rela

Short Definition: willing, consent to. ME--KAN: turn over willingly.

English Definition: willing, consent to. ME--KAN: turn over willingly. ###

L2 Definition: Bersedia; berkenan; tidak keberatan; dengan senang hati. ###

Examples: Aku sudah MERELAKAN kepergian kedua orang tuaku sebagai kehendakNya. = I have WILLINGLY ACCEPTED the passing on of my parents as His will. ###

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Word: relevan

Short Definition: relevant

English Definition: relevant *ME--KAN: make s.t. relevant

Examples: Apa yang kamu katakan itu sangat RELEVAN dengan pendapatku = What you said is RELEVANT to my opinion.###

Word: rem

Short Definition: brake. ME-, MENGE-: put on the brakes.

English Definition: brake. ME-, MENGE-: put on the brakes. ###

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Word: remaja

Short Definition: adolescent. ME--KAN: 1. rejuvenate. 2. replace the old people with the young.+

English Definition: ^adolescent. ME--KAN: 1. rejuvenate. 2. replace old people with the young. PE-: rejuvenator. PE--AN: rejuvenation, renovation.###

L2 Definition: Orang-orang yang berumur belasan tahun; orang yang tidak lagi anak-anak tetapi belum juga dewasa. ###

Examples: Kami sedang memperbaiki rumah ini untuk MEREMAJAKANnya. = We are repairing this house to REJUVANATE it. PEREMAJAAN tanaman adalah kunci keberhasilan perkebunan. = Plant REJUVANATION is the key for a successful plantation. ###

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Word: remas

Short Definition: *ME--: press, knead; [Coll.] squeeze

English Definition: *ME--: press, knead; [Coll.] squeeze

Examples: Kamu harus MEREMAS adonan roti ini dengan kuat = You have to KNEAD this bread dough strongly.##

Word: rembet

Short Definition: see rembet1, see rembet2###

English Definition: see rembet1 see rembet2###

Examples: ###

Word: rembet1

Short Definition: hampered, obstructed###

English Definition: hampered, obstructed * ME~, ME~KAN = hamper, obstruct###

Examples: * Badai salju MEREMBET perjalanan kami = The snow storm HAMPERET our trip.###

Word: rembet2

Short Definition: creep###

English Definition: creep * ME~ = 1. creep, climb up 2. hang down 3. spread ME~KAN = 1. cause s.t. to creep or hang 2. spread s.t. 3. involve PE~AN = involvement###

Examples: * Pohon itu MEREMBET ke dinding = A tree CREPT to the wall.###

Word: remeh

Short Definition: trifling, of no importance

English Definition: trifling, of no importance, of no consequence *ME--KAN: belittle *--TEMEH: belittle

L2 Definition: menganggap sesuatu tidak penting

Examples: Tidak perlu dirisaukan masalah yang REMEH-TEMEH seperti ini = Don't worry too much of this UNIMPORTANT matter. Saya tidak bermaksud MEREMEHKAN pemberian kamu = I did not mean to BELITTLE your gifts.###

Word: rempah

Short Definition: spices.

English Definition: *spices. ###

L2 Definition: Bumbu. ###

Examples: Rahasia masakan ini terletak pada REMPAHnya yang wangi. = The secret of this dish lies in its aromatic SPICES. ###

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Word: rempela

Short Definition: see AMPELA

English Definition: see AMPELA

Word: remuk

Short Definition: crushed, shattered

English Definition: *--REDAM: crushed to bits *ME--(KAN): crush to bits *KE--AN: state of being crushed

L2 Definition: hancur lebur

Examples: Haryanto merasa REMUK-REDAM karena ditinggalkan Sinta = Haryanto feels CRUSHED TO BITS after Sinta left him. Gempa bumi telah MEREMUKKAN hampir seluruh kampung = the earthquake SHATTERED almost all parts of the village.###

Word: renang

Short Definition: BE-: to swim. ME--I: to swim across s.t.

English Definition: *BE-: to swim. *ME--I: to swim across s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Menggerakkan badan di air. ###

Examples: Di samping tempat untuk memancing, kita juga bisa BERENANG di kolam ini. = Aside from being a place where we can fish, we can also SWIM in this pool. Dia bisa MERENANGI danau ini dalam waktu tigapuluh menit tanpa berhenti. = She can SWIM ACROSS this lake in thirty minutes without stopping. ###

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Word: rencana

Short Definition: program, plan, schedule. BER-: to have a plan. Also ME--KAN, PE-, PE--AN.

English Definition: ^program, plan, schedule. *BER-: to have a plan. *ME--KAN: to plan s.t. PE-: a planner. *PE--AN: planning. ###

L2 Definition: rancangan. ###

Examples: Program keluarga BERENCANA selalu digalakkan di Indonesia. = The FAMILY PLANNING program is continuously encouraged in Indonesia. Kami sedang MERENCANAKAN pernikahan anak sulung kami. = We are currently PLANNING the marriage of our eldest child. PERENCANAAN pembangunan pasar malam ini sudah dimulai sekarang. = The PLANNING of the construction of this night market has already been started. ###

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Word: renda

Short Definition: lace

English Definition: *BE-- : of lace, decorate with lace *ME-- : crochet

Examples: Kain ini BERENDA dan sangat indah = the fabric is DECORATED WITH LACE and very pretty. Ibu MERENDA baju pengantin Siti = Ibu is CROCHETING Siti's wedding dress.##

Word: rendabel

Short Definition: economically sound.

English Definition: economically sound. ###

L2 Definition: Cukup memberi keuntungan. ###

Word: rendah

Short Definition: low. ME-: descend. ME--KAN: to lower s.t. Also ME--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: low. ME-: descend. *ME--KAN: to lower s.t. *KE--AN: 1 lowness. 2 to be too short. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak tinggi; dekat dengan bawah. ###

Examples: MERENDAHKAN DIRI tidak selalu berarti jelek. = HUMBLING ONESELF doesn't always mean something bad. Segala perbuatannya mencerminkan KERENDAHAN HATInya. = All of his actions reflect his HUMBLENESS. ###

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Word: rendam

Short Definition: BE-: submerged. ME--KAN: submerge or soak s.t. Also TE-, PE--AN.

English Definition: ^*BE-: submerged. ME--KAN: submerge or soak s.t. *TE-: be submerged or soaked (in water). *PE--AN: the soaking or submerging of s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Berada di dalam air. ###

Examples: Bayi itu senang BERENDAM di air. = That baby likes to be SUBMERGED in water. Karena banjir ini seluruh desaku TERENDAM air sungai. = Because of this flood, my whole village was SUBMERGED in river water. PERENDAMAN kedelainya harus dimulai sekarang kalau akan dibuat tahu besoknya. = The SOAKING of the soybeans must be started now if the tofu is going to be made tomorrow. ###

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Word: rendang

Short Definition: meat simmered in spices and coconut milk. PE--AN: frying pan.

English Definition: ^meat simmered in spices and coconut milk. PE--AN: frying pan.###

L2 Definition: Nama masakan dari daerah Padang; daging/ayam yang dimasak dengan santan dan bumbu tertentu yang pedas rasanya. ###

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Word: rengek

Short Definition: whine, whimper

English Definition: whimper, whine, nagging *ME- = whining *-AN = whimpering, nagging.##

Examples: Bayi itu MERENGEK karena merasa lapar = The baby WHINED because it felt hungry.# Saya tidak tahan mendengar RENGEKAN mu itu = I cannot stand listening to your WHIMPERINGS.###

Word: renggang

Short Definition: distantly spaced, set wide apart; loose (of a knot). Also ME--KAN, MEMPE--KAN.

English Definition: ^1 distantly spaced, set wide apart. 2 loose (of a knot). ME--KAN, MEMPE--KAN: space s.t. at a distance. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak rapat; suatu benda/hal yang saling berjauhan. ###

Examples: Keluarganya berusaha MERENGGANGKAN hubungan cinta kasih kami. = His family is trying to SET WIDE APART our love relationship. ###

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Word: rentak

Short Definition: SE-: all at once, together. ME-(-KAN): tug, pull violently. TE-: pulled off.

English Definition: ^SE-: all at once, together. ME-(-KAN): tug, pull violently. TE-: pulled off. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan sesuatu secara bersamaan; renggut; mengambil sesuatu dengan kasar. ###

Examples: Dengan SERENTAK kami menyahut panggilannya. = ALL AT ONCE we responded to his calling.

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Word: rentan

Short Definition: susceptible (to illness, tantrums, etc.)

English Definition: susceptible (to illness, tantrums, etc.)

Examples: Anak yang kurang gizi akan sangat RENTAN dengan penyakit = A child that lacks nutritions will be highly SUSCEPTIBLE to diseas.###

Word: rentang

Short Definition: *ME--: 1. stretch, extend; 2. build s.t. that spans or extends outward.

English Definition: *ME--: 1. stretch, extend; 2. build s.t. that spans or extends outward. *ME--KAN: lay out, cause s.t to extend *TER--: extended, stretched out.##

Examples: Ali MERENTANGKAN tali itu sampai putus = Ali STRETCHED the string until it broke. Indonesia TERENTANG dari Sabang sampai Merauke = Indonesia STRETHCES OUT from Sabang to Merauke.##

Word: rentet

Short Definition: in line, one after the other###

English Definition: BE~2 = in line, one after the other ME~ = line up, extend in a line or series * ~ AN = series, sequence

L2 Definition: ~AN tembakan = a volley of a gunfire###

Examples: * RENTETAN peluru kembali terdengar setelah rombongan turis itu lewat = The SERIES of gunfire was heard again after a group of tourists left.###

Word: renung

Short Definition: ME-: muse, daydream. ME--I, ME--KAN: mull over, ponder.

English Definition: ^ME-: muse, daydream. ME--I, ME--KAN: mull over, ponder. ###

L2 Definition: Diam sambil memikirkan sesuatu; termangu. ###

Examples: Sejak pagi tadi dia duduk dan MERENUNG saja di jendela. = Since this morning she just sit and MUSE on the window. Tidak henti-hentinya dia MERENUNGI nasibnya yang buruk. = He never stop MULLING OVER his bad fate. ###

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Word: reparasi

Short Definition: repairs.

English Definition: repairs. ###

L2 Definition: Memperbaiki sesuatu hal yang rusak. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: repelita

Short Definition: the five-year development plan of the Indonesian government.

English Definition: contraction for "Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun," the five-year development plan of the Indonesian government. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: repot

Short Definition: busy, occupied with s.t.; trouble, bother. Also REPOT-REPOT, ME--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 busy, occupied with s.t. 2 trouble, bother. REPOT-REPOT: to go to some trouble to do s.t. *ME--KAN: make trouble for. *KE--AN: 1 trouble, bustle. 2 to be troubled or busy. ###

L2 Definition: sibuk; banyak kerja. ###

Examples: Maaf saya telah MEREPOTKAN anda semua. = Pardon me, I have MADE TROUBLE FOR all of you. Setelah punya anak tiga baru KEREPOTANnya terasa. = It was only after having three children that the TROUBLE became felt. ###

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Word: republik

Short Definition: republic.

English Definition: republic. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: reruntuhan

Short Definition: ruins; see RUNTUH

English Definition: ruins; see RUNTUH

Word: resah

Short Definition: restless, nervous. ME--KAN: make restless or nervous. KE--AN: nervousness.

English Definition: restless, nervous. ME--KAN: make restless or nervous. KE--AN: nervousness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak tenang; gelisah; gugup; galau; perasaan tidak menentu. ###

Examples: Perampokan itu MERESAHKAN seluruh kota. = The robbery IS MAKING the whole town RESTLESS. Saya tidak tahu apa yang menyebabkan KERESAHAN hatinya. = I don't know what causes her NERVOUSNESS. ###

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Word: resap

Short Definition: ME-: to soak into, infiltrate, be absorbed into s.t.

English Definition: ME-: to soak into, infiltrate, be absorbed into s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Masuk ke dalam sesuatu hal, biasanya untuk benda cair. ###

Examples: Tunggu dulu sampai bumbunya MERESAP baru ayamnya digoreng. =Wait awhile until the spices SOAK IN, before the chicken is fried. ###

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Word: resensi

Short Definition: book review. PE-: book reviewer.

English Definition: book review. PE-: book reviewer. ###

L2 Definition: Pembicaraan/ulasan mengenai suatu buku karangan. ###

Examples: Sebagai PERESENSI dia memang menguasai bidangnya. = As the BOOK REVIEWER he really knows his field. ###

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Word: resep

Short Definition: 1. recipe. 2. prescription. 3. recommanded program. -AN: getting a prescription.

English Definition: ^1. recipe. 2. prescription. 3. recommanded program. -AN: getting a prescription.###

L2 Definition: Surat keterangan dari dokter tentang obat apa yang harus dibeli; keterangan tentang bahan-bahan apa dan bagaimana cara untuk memasak sesuatu. ###

Examples: Ini RESEP obat yang harus kubeli. = This is the PRESCRIPTION for medicine that I have to buy. Ini RESEP kue yang kau senangi. = This is the RECIPE for the cake that you liked. ###

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Word: resepsi

Short Definition: reception. ME--KAN: hold a reception for s.o.

English Definition: reception. ME--KAN: hold a reception for s.o.###

L2 Definition: Pertemuan secara resmi yang diadakan untuk memperingati/merayakan suatu peristiwa (perkawinan, pelantikan, dll.). ###

Examples: Perlukah kita MERESEPSIKAN perkawinan anak kita secara besar-besaran? = Do we have to HOLD A RECEPTION for our children's wedding in a grandiose way? ###

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Word: resiko

Short Definition: risk, peril.

English Definition: risk, peril. ###

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Word: resmi

Short Definition: official, formal. ME--KAN: make s.t. official or formal. Also PE--AN, PENG--AN.

English Definition: ^official, formal. *ME--KAN: make s.t. official or formal. *PE--AN, PENG--AN: official announcement or appointment. ###

L2 Definition: sah; ditetapkan oleh badan/instansi yang bersangkutan. ###

Examples: Pak Presiden yang akan MERESMIKAN monumen ini. = Mr. President is the one who is going to FORMALIZE this monument. Pagi ini ada PERESMIAN pembukaan pameran lukisan. = This morning there is an ANNOUNCEMENT of the opening of an art show. ###

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Word: restoran

Short Definition: restaurant.

English Definition: restaurant. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: restu

Short Definition: blessing

English Definition: *ME-I :bless s.t., approve of

Examples: Orang tua Yanti tidak MERESTUI perkawinan Yanti dengan Susena = Yanti's parents did not APPROVE her marriage with Susena.

Word: retak

Short Definition: crack, burst, cracked###

English Definition: ^*crack, burst, cracked ME-: to crack###

Examples: Kacamataku jatuh ke lantai untung tidak pecah, hanya retak = My pair of glasses fell on the floor luckily was not broken, only CRACKED.###

Word: retorika

Short Definition: rethoric###

English Definition: rethoric###

Examples: ###

Word: retribusi

Short Definition: fees.

English Definition: fees. ###

L2 Definition: biaya. ###

Examples: Kita harus membayar RESTRIBUSI parkir di tempat ini. = We have to pay parking FEES in this place. ###

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Word: revisi

Short Definition: revision.

English Definition: revision. ###

L2 Definition: Peninjauan untuk perbaikan kembali. ###

Examples: Skripsiku masih harus DIREVISI beberapa kali lagi. = My thesis still has to be REVISED several times again. ###

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Word: revolusi

Short Definition: revolution.

English Definition: revolution. ###

L2 Definition: Perubahan secara cepat dan mendasar pada suatu bidang/hal. ###

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Word: revolusioner

Short Definition: revolutionary.

English Definition: revolutionary. ###

L2 Definition: Sifat yang cenderung menghendaki perubahan yang cepat dan mendasar. ###

Examples: Perubahan itu merupakan gerakan yang REVOLUSIONER. = The change constitutes a REVOLUTIONARY movement. ###

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Word: rewel

Short Definition: 1. hard to please; 2. fussy

English Definition: hard to please; troublesome KE-AN : choosiness, fussiness

L2 Definition: Kata ini menjelaskan sifat orang yang tidak mudah diatur; banyak mulut; suka membantah; tidak berjalan lancar

Examples: Karena lapar, bayi ini menjadi sangat REWEL = Feeling hungry, the baby became so FUSSY. Ibu Hartono mempunyai sifat yang REWEL = Ibu Hartono has a HARD TO PLEASE character. ##

Word: riang

Short Definition: 1. cheerful, joyfull; 2. *ME-- : dizzy and feverish

English Definition: *ME--KAN: cheer up, make happy excite *ME-- : dizzy and feverish *PE-- : cheerful person

L2 Definition: gembira, senang, bahagia MERIANG = demam, sakit panas

Examples: Dengan RIANG Sinta berjalan pulang ke rumahnya = With JOY, Sinta walked back to her house. Kemarin dia kehujanan dan sekarang badannya MERIANG = Yesterday she was wet in rain and now she has FEVER. Orang yang PERIANG akan selalu berteman banyak = A CHEERFUL PERSON will always have many friends.###

Word: rias

Short Definition: dress up, make oneself up. MEN-: dress up, make up.

English Definition: dress up, make oneself up. ME-: dress up, make up. ###

L2 Definition: hias; mempercantik. ###

Examples: Kota ini sedang MERIAS diri untuk menyambut hari kemerdekaan. = This city is DRESSING UP to welcome the independence day. ###

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Word: Riau

Short Definition: a province in Indonesia.

English Definition: a province in Indonesia, located on the island of Sumatra. Its capital city is Penkanbaru. ###

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Word: ribu

Short Definition: thousand. SE-: one thousand. Also BE-_-_, BE-_-_-AN, -AN.

English Definition: thousand. *SE-: one thousand. *BE-_-_: thousands *BE-_-_-AN: by the thousands. *-AN: 1 a one-thousand rupiah note. 2 s.t. in or by the thousands. ###

L2 Definition: Jumlah dari kelipatan 10 kali 100. ###

Examples: Harga beras tiga kilogram adalah SERIBU rupiah. = The price of three kilograms of rice is ONE THOUSAND rupiahs. BERIBU-RIBU maaf saya haturkan kalau saya melakukan kesalahan. = I offer THOUSANDS of apologies if I have made a mistake. RIBUAN jumlah murid sekolah yang mendaftar tahun ini. = The total number of students who have enrolled this year is IN THE THOUSANDS. ###

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Word: ribut

Short Definition: noise, commotion; storm. Also ME--KAN, PE-.

English Definition: ^1 noise, commotion. 2 storm. ME--KAN: to cause a commotion, make a fuss about s.t. PE-: a troublemaker. ###

L2 Definition: Suara yang banyak dan keras; gaduh; ramai karena suara. ###

Examples: Siapa yang mula-mula MERIBUTKAN masalah itu? = Who was the first to MAKE A FUSS about the matter. Jangan panggil si PERIBUT itu ke pestamu! = Don't invite the TROUBLEMAKER to your party! ###

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Word: rimba

Short Definition: forest, jungle.

English Definition: forest, jungle. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat dimana banyak terdapat pohon-pohon besar, semak, dan berbagai macam binatang; hutan. ###

Examples: Harimau adalah penguasa RIMBA ini. = Tigers are the rulers of this JUNGLE. ###

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Word: rimbun

Short Definition: thick foliage, as in a forest.

English Definition: thick foliage, as in a forest. ###

L2 Definition: Pohon yang bercabang dan berdaun banyak; lebat; tempat dimana banyak terdapat pohon-pohon. ###

Examples: Tebanglah semua pohon-pohon ini kecuali satu yang RIMBUN itu. = Cut all these trees except the one that is THICK (WITH LEAVES). ###

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Word: rinci

Short Definition: detail. ME-(-KAN): plan; schedule; analyze in detail. Also KE--AN, -AN.

English Definition: ^ detail. ME-(-KAN): 1 plan, schedule. 2 analyze s.t. according to its details. KE--AN: specification. -AN: details, particulars. *PE--AN: details, the way s.t. is broken down; subsection. *TERPE--: with details specified. ###

L2 Definition: Membagi-bagi sampai sekecil-kecilnya; menjelaskan sesuatu sampai sedetail-detailnya. ###

Examples: Dia sedang MERINCI rencana penyerangan itu. = He is DETAILING the attack plan. RINCIAN anggaran tahun ini belum disetujui parlemen. = The budget DETAIL for this year has not been approved by the parliament.

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Word: rindang

Short Definition: leafy and shady.

English Definition: leafy and shady. ###

L2 Definition: Pohon yang banyak cabang, ranting, dan daunnya; rimbun. ###

Examples: Mari kita duduk di tempat yang RINDANG itu. = Let's sit down at the SHADY place. ###

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Word: rindu

Short Definition: feeling of yearning. ME--KAN: to yearn for, to long for. Also KE--AN, PE-.

English Definition: feeling of yearning. ME--KAN: to yearn for, to long for. KE--AN: yearning. PE-: o. who misses or yearns for s.t. or s.o. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan ingin sekali bertemu; perasaan ingin sekali mendapatkan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Ia bagaikan pungguk sedang MERINDUKAN bulan. = He is like an owl who YEARNS FOR the moon. KERINDUANku akan anak-anakku sering membuatku menangis. = My YEARNING for my children often makes me cry. ###

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Word: ringan

Short Definition: light in weight; of minor importance. ME--KAN: to lighten s.t. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 light in weight. 2 of minor importance. *ME--KAN: to lighten s.t. *KE--AN: 1 lightness. 2 relief, help. 3 to be too light. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak berat; enteng; tidak berbobot. ###

Examples: Setidak-tidaknya bantuanmu telah MERINGANKAN penderitaannya. = At the least, your help has EASED his suffering. KERINGANAN hukuman diberikan kepada si terhukum yang berbuat baik selama dipenjara. = A LIGHTENING of punishment is given to the sentenced convict that has acted well as long as they have been imprisoned. ###

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Word: ringgit

Short Definition: 2 1/2-rupiah coin or note; national currency of Malaysia and Brunei.

English Definition: 1 a silver coin or note worth two and a half rupiahs. 2 the national currency of Malaysia and Brunei. ###

L2 Definition: Mata uang sejumlah dua setengah rupiah (tidak lagi dipakai di Indonesia); mata uang negara Malaysia dan Brunai. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ringkas

Short Definition: brief, concise. ME--KAN: make brief or concise, summarize. -AN.

English Definition: ^brief, concise. *ME--KAN: make brief or concise, summarize. *-AN: resume, summary. ###

L2 Definition: Simpel; tidak berbelit; sederhana. ###

Examples: Maukah kamu menolongku MERINGKASKAN catatan ini? = Do you want to help me SUMMARIZE these notes? Cerita ini adalah RINGKASAN cerita Mahabarata. = This story is a SUMMARY of the Mahabharata story. ###

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Word: ringkus

Short Definition: catch by binding the limbs###

English Definition: ME~ = 1. catch by binding the limbs 2. take into custody, catch 3. confiscate###

Examples: Polisi itu akhirnya MERINGKUS pelaku kerusuhan di Pasar Raya = The police eventually CATCHED the rioter in Pasar Raya.###

Word: rintang

Short Definition: be preoccupied. -AN: hindrance, obstacle.

English Definition: be preoccupied. -AN: hindrance, obstacle. ###

L2 Definition: halang; ganjal. ###

Examples: Dalam permainan itu, segala RINTANGAN dengan mudah bisa dia atasi. = In the game, he easily overcame all OBSTACLES. ###

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Word: rintih

Short Definition: ME-: to moan or groan. ME--KAN: to bemoan s.t., regret s.t. Also -AN.

English Definition: ME-: to moan or groan. ME--KAN: to bemoan s.t., to regret s.t. -AN: a moan or groan. ###

L2 Definition: Suara/erangan karena rasa kesakitan. ###

Examples: Prajurit yang terluka itu MERINTIH kesakitan. = The wounded soldier GROANED in pain. RINTIHAN anak itu memangunkanku. = The MOANING of the child waked me up. ###

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Word: rintis

Short Definition: ME-: 1. clear a way, path. 2. do pioneering work. Also ME--KAN, -AN. PE-, +

English Definition: ME-: 1. clear a way, path. 2. do pioneering work. ME--KAN: clear a path for s.o. -AN: 1. pioneering effort. 2. path. PE-: pioneer. KEPE--AN: pioneering work. ###

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Word: risau

Short Definition: restless, nervous. ME--KAN: worry about s.t.; cause to worry. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^restless, nervous. ME--KAN: 1 to worry or fret over s.t. 2 to cause to worry. KE--AN: worry, restlessness. ###

L2 Definition: Perasan yang tidak pasti akan sesuatu; gelisah. ###

Examples: Saya MERISAUKAN hasil ujian bahasa Indonesia saya. = I am WORRIED OVER the result of my bahasa Indonesia exam. KERISAUAN akan kemarau panjang tidak berdasar. = The WORRY about a long drought is baseless.

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Word: riset

Short Definition: research. ME-: to do research.

English Definition: research. *ME-: (to do) research. ###

L2 Definition: penyelidikan; pengamatan. ###

Examples: Para murid diharuskan MERISET guna suatu jenis tanaman. = The students are required to RESEARCH the use of a certain kind of plant. ###

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Word: risih

Short Definition: feel uncomfortable about s.t.; risque, taboo

English Definition: feel uncomfortable about s.t.; risque, taboo

L2 Definition: malu, merasa tidak nyaman tentang sesuatu hal, tabu

Examples: Saya merasa RISIH mendengar Sinta berbicara seperti itu = I felt so UNCOMFORTABLE hearing Siti talked like that.###

Word: risik

Short Definition: BE-: 1. make a rustling noise; 2. be noisy

English Definition: BE-: 1. make a rustling noise; 2. be noisy

Word: risiko

Short Definition: risk.

English Definition: risk. ###

L2 Definition: Akibat yang kurang/tidak baik dari suatu perbuatan. ###

Examples: Apapun RISIKOnya aku siap menanggungnya. = Whatever the RISK, I'm ready to bear it. ###

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Word: ritul

Short Definition: retool, reorganize. ME-: reorganize.

English Definition: retool, reorganize. ME-: reorganize. ###

L2 Definition: Mengadakan perubahan; perombakan (dalam kabinet). ###

Examples: Dalam tahun ini presiden akan MERITUL kabinet. = In this year the president will REORGANIZE the cabinet. ###

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Word: riuh

Short Definition: noisy, vociferous

English Definition: noisy, vociferous. *--RENDAH: noisy, boisterous. *ME--KAN: increase volume of noise, make s.t. noisy. *KE--AN: din, clamor.###

Examples: Penonton sepak bola sangat RIUH dengan kemenangan tim itu = The spectators of the the soccer game made a LOUD NOISE with the victory of their team. Dengan RIUH-RENDAH, pengunjung bertepuk-tangan untuk pertunjukan sulap itu = With lots of NOISE, the audience clapped for the magic show.###

Word: riwayat

Short Definition: 1. story, narrative, tale. 2. history. BE-: 1. narrate, relate a story. +

English Definition: 1. story, narrative tale. 2. history. BE-: 1. narrate, relate a story. 2. historic. ME--KAN: tell, narrate. ###

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Word: RK

Short Definition: "Rukun Kampung," a village association with political administrative functions.

English Definition: acronym for "Rukun Kampung," a village association with political administrative functions. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: robah

Short Definition: see UBAH

English Definition: see UBAH

Word: robek

Short Definition: see SOBEK

English Definition: see SOBEK.###

Word: roboh

Short Definition: collapse

English Definition: 1. Hit and know down; 2. overthrow, bring down ME-KAN: cause to come down KE-AN: collapse; ruins

L2 Definition: jatuh; runtuh (untuk barang yang besar)

Examples: Gedung itu ROBOH karena gempa bumi = The building COLLAPSED because of the earthquake. Diperlukan lima orang dewasa untuk MEROBOHKAN patung besi itu = It needs five grown-ups To BRING DOWN the metal statue.

Word: roda

Short Definition: wheel. BE-: to have wheels.

English Definition: wheel. *BE-: to have wheels. ###

L2 Definition: Barang bundar yang bisa bergerak maju dan mundur, biasa digunakan untuk menjalankan suatu kendaraan; jentera. ###

Examples: Dokar adalah sejenis kendaraan yang ditarik olah kuda dan biasanya BERODA dua. = An andong is a kind of vehicle that is pulled by a horse and usually HAS two WHEELS. ###

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Word: roh

Short Definition: spirit, soul.

English Definition: spirit, soul. ###

L2 Definition: Sesuatu yang hidup dan berada di dalam badan; jiwa; badan halus. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: rohani

Short Definition: spiritual. KE--AN: spirituality.

English Definition: spiritual. KE--AN: spirituality. ###

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Word: rok

Short Definition: skirt.

English Definition: skirt. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: rokok

Short Definition: cigarette. ME-: to smoke a cigarette. PE-: a habitual smoker.

English Definition: cigarette. *ME-: to smoke a cigarette. *PE-: a habitual smoker. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu gulungan kecil yang berisi tembakau, dll untuk dibakar dan diisap asapnya. ###

Examples: Ayahku sudah tidak MEROKOK lagi setelah dilarang dokter. = My father doesn't SMOKE anymore after having been forbidden to do so by the doctor. Dulu ayahku adalah seorang PEROKOK yang kuat. = My father was a strong SMOKER before. ###

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Word: roman

Short Definition: 1. figure, looks. 2. novel. BER-(-AN): be in passionate love with. PE-: novelist

English Definition: ^1. figure, looks. 2. novel. BER-(-AN): (Coll.) be in passionate love with. PE-: novelist.###

L2 Definition: Keadaan wajah seseorang; buku cerita tentang percintaan; berkasih-kasihan. ###

Examples: Ia terkena serangan jantung ketika sedang BEROMANAN dengan kekasihnya. = He got a heart attack while he was PASSIONATELY IN LOVE with his girlfriend. Sepupuku adalah seorang PEROMAN yang terkenal. = My cousin is well known NOVELIST.

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Word: romantis

Short Definition: romantic. ME--KAN: romanticize.

English Definition: romantic. ME--KAN: romanticize.###

L2 Definition: mesra. ###

Examples: Lagu yang lembut itu MEROMANTISKAN suasana. = The smooth song ROMANTICIZED the situation. ###

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Word: rombong

Short Definition: 1. large rice bascket with cover. 2. pushcart. BER-: in large groups. +

English Definition: ^rombong = 1. large rice basket with cover. 2. pushcart. rombong = BER-: in large groups. BE--AN: come in large groups. ME-: form a group. -AN: group, party, gang.###

L2 Definition: Keranjang/bakul yang ada penutupnya; sekelompok orang; sekumpukan orang. ###

Examples: Kami akan datang secara BEROMBONGAN. = We will come in LARGE GROUP. ROMBONGAN turis itu akan menginap di Hotel Dworowati. = The tourist GROUP will stay at Hotel Dworowati. ###

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Word: romboter

Short Definition: butter###

Examples: Saya senang memakan roti dengan ROMBOTER = I like eating bread with BUTTER.###

Word: rompak

Short Definition: ME-: commit piracy, PE-: pirate###

English Definition: ME-: commit piracy *PE-: pirate PE-AN: piracy###

Examples: Menurut cerita orang-orang, banyak PEROMPAK bermukim di sekitar Selat Makassar = According to people's story, a lot of PIRATES lived around Makassar Strait.

Word: rompi

Short Definition: waistcoat, vest###

English Definition: waistcoat, vest###

Examples: Warna ROMPI ini serasi dengan warna rokku = The color of this VEST goes with my skirt.###

Word: ronda

Short Definition: 1. rounds, patrol, beat 2. guard, watchman###

English Definition: ME~ = make o.'s rounds, be on patrol * ME~I = patrol an area ~AN = patrol, night watch ** PE~ = patrol, watchman PE~AN = patroling, making the rounds###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Satuan pengamanan itu MERONDAI pusat perbelanjaan hingga pagi hari = The security PATROLLED the mall until morning. ** Banyak anak muda MERONDA secara sukarela = Many young people WERE ON PATROL volunterily.###

Word: rongga

Short Definition: hollow, cavity.

English Definition: hollow, cavity. ###

L2 Definition: ruang; lubang. ###

Examples: Sarang tawon itu bentuknya BERONGGA-RONGGA. = The hornets' nest is HOLLOW(-shaped). ###

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Word: ronggeng

Short Definition: a traditional woman folk dancer.

English Definition: *a traditional woman folk dancer. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk seorang penari wanita di dalam suatu kesenian tradisional. ###

Examples: Srintil adalah nama seorang RONGGENG yang terkenal dari Dukuh Paruk. = Srintil is the name of a famous TRADITIONAL DANCER from Dukuh Paruk. ###

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Word: rongkong

Short Definition: see KERONGKONGAN.

English Definition: see KERONGKONGAN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: rongrong

Short Definition: gnaw at something; undermine something

English Definition: *ME- = disturb, upset *-AN = gnawing; undermining

L2 Definition: ganggu

Examples: Setiap hari istrinya MERONGRONG suaminya agar membeli mobil baru = Everyday the wife GNAWS her husband to buy her a new car.# Berkat RONGRONGAN dari orang tuanya, dia berhasil menyelesaikan sekolahnya = Because of his parents' gnaws, he can finish his study.###

Word: ronta

Short Definition: ME--: struggle to get loose

English Definition: ME--: struggle to get loose *ME--(2): keep struggling to get free

Examples: Anjing itu MERONTA-RONTA berusaha melepaskan dirinya dari ikatan tali = The dog STRUGGLED to FREE itself from the tight rope around its neck.###

Word: rontak

Short Definition: see BERONTAK.

English Definition: see BERONTAK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: rontok

Short Definition: dropp off, fall off, shed

English Definition: *ME- = drop off, shed *ME-KAN = cause to shed, fall off

L2 Definition: jatuh, gugur, runtuh

Examples: Pada musim gugur daun-daun di pohon MERONTOK = In the Fall season the leaves on tree will FALL OFF.# Hujan yang deras telah MERONTOKKAN batu-batu dari gunung itu = The heavy rain has CAUSED the rocks on the mountain to FALL OFF.###

Word: rosot

Short Definition: ME-: 1. slip off. 2. decline, sink. ME--KAN: decrease s.t. KEME--AN: decline.

English Definition: ME-: 1. slip off. 2. decline, sink. ME--KAN: decrease s.t. KEME--AN: decline. ###

L2 Definition: Menjadi lebih rendah; turun. ###

Examples: Sekarang ini harga kopi sedang MEROSOT jatuh. = This time the coffee price is SLIPPING DOWN. Harga semen yang turun tidak bisa MEMEROSOTKAN harga rumah. = The decreasing price of cement can not DECREASE the price of houses. KEMEROSOTAN moral anak-anak muda itu karena pengaruh siaran TV yang kurang baik, menurut calon presiden itu. = The DECLINE of youth's morality is caused by less than good TV programs, according to that presidential candidate. ###

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Word: rotan

Short Definition: rattan

English Definition: *rattan

Examples: Tak ada ROTAN akarpun jadi (Ind. proverb) = make do with what you have (lit., when there is no rattan, the root will do).

Word: roti

Short Definition: bread, bun

English Definition: *--BAKAR: toasted bread

Examples: Setiap hari kami makan ROTI BAKAR = Everyday we eat TOASTS.##

Word: royal

Short Definition: extravagant, profligate

English Definition: extravagant, profligate *BER--(2): splurge, waste money *PE--: a profligate

Examples: Sejak mendapatkan warisan dari pamannya, Hadi hidup dengan ROYAL = Since receiving inherintance from his uncle, Hadi lives in an EXTRAVAGANT way.###

Word: Rp

Short Definition: abbreviation of Rupiah.

English Definition: abbreviation of Rupiah. ###

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Word: RRC

Short Definition: People's Republic of China.

English Definition: (Republik Rakyat Cina) People's Republic of China.

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Word: RRI

Short Definition: "Radio Republik Indonesia," Indonesian Radio Broadcasting system.

English Definition: acronym of "Radio Republik Indonesia," the Indonesian Radio Broadcasting system. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: RS

Short Definition: "Rumah Sakit," the (any) hospital.

English Definition: acronym for "Rumah Sakit," the (any) hospital. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: RT

Short Definition: "Rukun Tetangga," the Neighborhood Association.

English Definition: acronym for "Rukun Tetangga," the term for the ubiquitous neighborhood association which functions as the lowest level of political administration in Indonesia. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ruah

Short Definition: ME-: pour out, spill out. ME--KAN: empty s.t. KE--AN: overflow.

English Definition: ME-: pour out, spill out. ME--KAN: empty s.t. KE--AN: overflow. ###

L2 Definition: curah; limpah; tumpah. ###

Examples: Penonton dangdut sudah tumpah-MERUAH di lapangan itu. = The audience of the dangdut concert has already SPILLED OUT into the field.

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Word: ruang

Short Definition: -AN: 1 space. 2 room, hall.

English Definition: ^*-AN: 1 space. 2 room, hall. ###

L2 Definition: Rongga yang dibatasi oleh suatu ruangan. ###

Examples: RUANGAN ini adalah tempat belajar anak-anak. = This ROOM is a childrens' study place. ###

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Word: ruas

Short Definition: space between joints, internode

English Definition: *- BAMBU = Joints of bamboo *- JARI = knucklebones

Word: rubah

Short Definition: see UBAH.

English Definition: see UBAH. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: rubung

Short Definition: flow together in large quantities

English Definition: flow together in large quantities *ME--: gather around *ME--I: crowd in large numbers, flow over s.t. in large quantities.##

Examples: Lalat MERUBUNGI makana yang terletak di meja = The flies SWARMED over the food on the table.###

Word: rudal

Short Definition: guided missile

English Definition: guided missile ME- to shoot with a missile

Word: rugby

Short Definition: rugby.

English Definition: rugby.###

L2 Definition: Sejenis permainan bola yang menggunakan kaki dan juga tangan. ###

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Word: rugi

Short Definition: suffer a loss (usually financial). BE-, ME-: suffer losses. ME--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^suffer a loss (usually financial). *BE-, ME-: suffer losses. *ME--KAN: cause financial loss. *KE--AN: financial loss. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak beruntung; tidak lama; kurang dari modal asalnya. ###

Examples: Usahanya selalu MERUGI setelah suaminya sakit. = Her efforts always SUFFER LOSSES after her husband became ill. Kebiasaan mengobrol para karyawan sewaktu bekerja akan MERUGIKAN perusahaan. = The habit of gabbing of the workers while working will CAUSE FINANCIAL LOSS for the company. Setelah dihitung-hitung ternyata KERUGIANnya banyak juga. = After being calculated, it became apparent that her LOSSES were quite large. ###

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Word: rujak

Short Definition: a type of fruit salad.

English Definition: a type of fruit salad.###

L2 Definition: Makanan yang terdiri dari berbagai macam jenis buah-buahan dengan saos gula merah sebagai bumbu penyedapnya. ###

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Word: rujuk

Short Definition: 1. reconcilliation; 2. reference

English Definition: be reconciled with o's separated wife before divorce is final *--AN: reconciliation *--AN: reference *ME-- : in reference of

Examples: Akhirnya Siti RUJUK lagi dengan Budi = Finally Siti RECONCILED with Budi. Argumen saya MERUJUK pada pendapat Larry Diamond = My argument is in REFERENCE with Larry Diamond's opinion. ###

Word: rukun

Short Definition: harmonious, in harmony with. Also ME--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: harmonious, in harmony with. *ME--KAN: pacify, bring about harmony. *KE--AN: peacefulness, harmony. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak pernah bertengkar; bersatu; baik dan damai. ###

Examples: Sulit sekali MERUKUNKAN kakak-beradik yang sama-sama keras kepala itu. = It is very difficult to PACIFY those two siblings who are equally hard-headed. KERUKUNAN BERTETANGGA sangat perlu supaya hidup bisa harmonis. = NEIGHBORLINESS is greatly needed so that life may be harmonious.###

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Word: rumah

Short Definition: house. PE--AN: housing, housing complex.

English Definition: house. *PE--AN: housing, housing complex. ###

L2 Definition: Bangunan sebagai tempat tinggal. ###

Examples: Akan dibangun PERUMAHAN khusus untuk para pegawai rendahan di daerah ini. = A HOUSING COMPLEX especially for lower-level employees is going to be erected in this area.###

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Word: rumput

Short Definition: 1. grass. 2. weeds. ME-: 1. gather grass. 2. to weed. Also ME--I, -AN, PE--AN.

English Definition: 1. grass. 2. weeds. ME-: 1. gather grass. 2. to weed. ME--I: to weed (a garden). -AN: weeds, grass. PE--AN: grassland, pasture. ###

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Word: rumus

Short Definition: formula. ME--KAN: formulate.

English Definition: formula. ME--KAN: formulate. ###

L2 Definition: Ringkasan dari hukum-hukum alam, kimia, matematika, dll. ###

Examples: Komite ini yang akan MERUMUSKAN kebijakan yang baru. = This committee is the one that is going to FORMULATE the new policy.

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Word: runtuh

Short Definition: collapse, fall out. ME-: collapse, fall down. Also KE--AN, -AN, PE-.

English Definition: collapse, fall out. ME-: collapse, fall down. KE--AN: collapse, fall. -AN: ruins, debris, rubble. PE-: o. who causes collapse. ###

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Word: runut

Short Definition: trace, groove, forrow. ME-(-I): trail, track, follow. -AN: trace.

English Definition: trace, groove, forrow. ME-(-I): trail, track, follow. -AN: trace. ###

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Word: runyam

Short Definition: Coll. 1. be in difficulties; 2. damage; cause to fail

English Definition: ME-KAN: make difficult

L2 Definition: rumit; susah; sulit melakukan

Examples: Keadaan menjadi RUNYAM pada saat dua musuh itu bertemu = The situation becomes DIFFICULT when the two enemies meet.## Jangan MERUNYAMKAN keadaan yang sudah sulit ini = Do not make the situation more DIFFICULT. ###

Word: rupa

Short Definition: form, shape, appearance; kind, type. -NYA: apparently. Also SE-, BE-, ME--I, +

English Definition: ^1 form, shape, appearance. 2 kind, type. *-NYA: apparently. *SE-: similar, the same. *BE-: 1 have a certain shape. 2 handsome, pretty. ME--I: resemble. *ME--KAN: form, constitute, make up. ###

L2 Definition: Keadaan yang tampak dari luar; wajah; muka. ###

Examples: RUPANYA dia yang datang sekarang. = Apparently it is he who is arriving now. SERUPA benar wajahmu dengan wajah kakakmu. = Your face is truly THE SAME as the face of your elder sister. Hadiah yang kudapat dari paman BERUPA sebuah sepeda motor. = The gift that I got from uncle HAS THE SHAPE OF a motorbike. Makanan ini MERUPAKAN makanan kesayangan ibu. = This food CONSTITUTES mother's favorite food.

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Word: rupiah

Short Definition: Indonesian unit of money.

English Definition: Indonesian unit of money. ###

L2 Definition: Mata uang yang dipakai di INDONESIA. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: rusa

Short Definition: deer###

English Definition: deer###

Examples: RUSA dapat berlari sangat cepat = A DEER can run very fast.###

Word: rusak

Short Definition: damaged, broken, broken down. ME-: damage, ruin s.t. Also ME--I, ME--KAN, +

English Definition: ^damaged, broken, broken down. *ME-: damage, ruin s.t. ME--I: damage s.t. repeatedly. *ME--KAN: destroy s.t. entirely. *KE--AN: damage, devastation, flaw. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bisa berfungsi semestinya; busuk; sudah tidak sempurna lagi keadaannya. ###

Examples: Siapa yang MERUSAK pagar tanamanku? = Who DAMAGED the fence of my garden? Siapa yang MERUSAKKAN radio ini? = Who DESTROYED this radio? KERUSAKAN sel-sel darah ini disebabkan oleh suatu virus yang aneh. = The DESTRUCTION of these blood cells was caused by a strange virus. ###

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Word: RUSI

Short Definition: Republic of the United States of Indonesia.

English Definition: (Republik Indonesia Serikat) Republic of the United States of Indonesia. ###

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Word: Rusland.

Short Definition: Russia.

English Definition: Russia. ###

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Word: rusuh

Short Definition: restless, disturbed###

English Definition: ^restless, disturbed ME-: become unsafe ME-I: render unsafe ME-KAN: cause a commotion, cause s.o. to worry *KE-AN: disturbance, riot, turbulence, turmoil **PE-: 1. rioter 2. terrorist PE-AN: riot, disturbance###

Examples: *Persiden Gus Dur mengakui bahwa dia tak dapat melakukan apa-apa dalam penyelesaian KERUSUHAN social di Ambon = President Gus Dur confessed that he could not do anything to solve the social TURMOIL in Ambon. **Hingga hari ini, polisi belum menemukan PERUSUH Ambon = Until now, police has not found the Ambon's RIOTERS.###

Word: rute

Short Definition: route.

English Definition: route. ###

L2 Definition: Arah yang dituju; jalan. ###

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Word: rutin

Short Definition: routine.

English Definition: routine. ###

L2 Definition: Pekerjaan yang sama yang dilakukan tiap hari dalam jangka waktu yang lama; kebiasaan. ###

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Word: ruwet

Short Definition: complicated, difficult.

English Definition: complicated, difficult. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak mudah; kusut; kalut; rumit; sulit. ###

Examples: Masalah ini menjadi RUWET karena adanya campur tangan banyak pihak. = This problem becomes COMPLICATED because of the existence of many parties's involvement. ###

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Word: RW

Short Definition: (Rukun Warga) administrative unit at the next-to-lowest level in city.

English Definition: ^(Rukun Warga) administrative unit at the next-to-lowest level in city, consisting of several RT's. ###

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Word: S-0

Short Definition: non-degree program at a university

English Definition: non-degree program at a university

Word: S-1

Short Definition: undergraduate program

English Definition: undergraduate program

Word: S-2

Short Definition: master's program

English Definition: master's program

Word: S-3

Short Definition: doctorate program

English Definition: doctorate program

Word: s/d

Short Definition: up to and including.

English Definition: (abbreviation for sampai dengan) up to and including. ###

Examples: Nomor 12 S/D (SAMPAI DENGAN) nomor 20 harus masuk kelas. = Number 12 UP TO AND INCLUDING number 20 have to go into the class. ###

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Word: saat

Short Definition: moment, instant in/of time. SE-: a moment (of time).

English Definition: ^moment, instant in/of time. *SE-: a moment (of time). ###

L2 Definition: waktu; ketika. ###

Examples: Saya tertidur SESAAT ketika menunggumu. = I fell asleep for A MOMENT when I was waiting for you. ###

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Word: saban

Short Definition: each; every

English Definition: *- hari = every day

Examples: SABAN HARI dia membersihkan kamar mandi = EVERYDAY she cleans the bathroom.###

Word: sabar

Short Definition: patient, calm. MENY--I: to calm down, pacity. Also MENY--KAN, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^patient, calm. MENY--I: to calm down, pacify. *MENY--KAN: 1 to have patience with, put up with. 2 to calm down. *KE--AN: patience, tolerance. *PENY-: a patient person. ###

L2 Definition: tenang; tidak tegesa-gesa. ###

Examples: Ketika dia marah semua orang berusaha MENYABARKANnya. = When he got angry, everyone tried to CALM him DOWN. Habis KESABARAN kakakku menghadapi ulah pencuri itu. = My elder sister's PATIENCE was exhausted when she encountered the act of that thief. Jadilah orang yang PENYABAR dalam menghadapi segala macam pengalaman = Become A PATIENT PERSON in encountering every kind of experience.###

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Word: sabda

Short Definition: utterance (of God, King)

English Definition: *utterance (of God, King)

Examples: Raja itu BERSABDA kepada rakyatnya dari atas balkon = The King SPEAKS to his people from the balcony.###

Word: sabet

Short Definition: 1. whip; 2. snacth, grab

English Definition: *ME- = to whip *DI- = to be grabbed

Examples: Ibu Asih MENYABET anaknya dengan sapu = Ibu Asih WHIPPED her son with a broom. Dompet Pak Budi DISABET orang di dalam bus kota = Pak Budi's wallet WAS GRABBED by someone on the city bus.###

Word: sabit

Short Definition: sickle; bulan - = crescent moon

English Definition: *ME- = to cut (grass) *bulan - = crescent moon

Examples: Setiap hari dia MENYABIT rumput untuk sapinya = Everyday he CUTS grass for his cow.### Bulan SABIT di langit tertutup oleh awan tipis = The CRESCENT moon in the sky is covered by thin clouds.###

Word: sableng

Short Definition: slightly crazy

English Definition: *slightly crazy

Examples: Jangan ganggu dia. Dia orang SABLENG = Don't disturb him. He is SLIGHTLY CRAZY.###

Word: sablon

Short Definition: silk-screening

English Definition: *PE-AN = process of silk-screening

Examples: Banyak perusahaan PENYABLONAN di Kota Denpasar membuang limbahnya ke sungai = Many silk-screening industries in Denpasar City discard their waste to the river.###

Word: sabot

Short Definition: sabotage###

English Definition: ^sabotage MENY-: sabotage###

Examples: Pendukung Partai Golkar MENYABOT rencana kampanye pemilihan umum yang damai dengan melakukan tindakan kekerasan = Golkar Party's supporters SABOTAGE the peaceful electoral campaign plan by committing violence.###

Word: Sabtu

Short Definition: HARI ~: Saturday.

English Definition: *HARI ~: Saturday. ###

L2 Definition: Nama hari sesudah hari Jum'at. ###

Examples: Kemana rencanamu hari SABTU yang akan datang? = Where do you plan to go this coming SATURDAY? ###

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Word: sabuk

Short Definition: belt; sash

English Definition: belt; sash

Word: sabun

Short Definition: soap. BER-: soapy. MENY-, MENY--I: to soap, make s.t. soapy. Also MENY-, NY-.

English Definition: ^soap. ### BER-: soapy. *MENY-, MENY--I: to soap, make s.t. soapy, to lather s.t. MEN-, NY-: 1 connive to do s.t. illegal, to bribe. 2 to masturbate. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Saya akan MENYABUNI kaki saya yang gatal. = I am going to SOAP my foot that is itching. ###

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Word: sabung

Short Definition: 1 competitive fight between two animals (usually with gambling); 2 ME- nyawa/jiwa = risk one's life.

English Definition: *1 competitive fight between two animals (usually with gambling) *2 ME- nyawa/jiwa = risk one's life

Examples: SABUNGAN AYAM di Bali hanya dilakukan oleh para lelaki = COCKFIGHTING in Bali is only practiced by males.#### Anak itu MENYABUNG NYAWA di meja operasi rumah sakit = That child RISKS HIS LIFE on the hospital's operation table.###

Word: sabut

Short Definition: husk; fibrous shell

English Definition: husk; *fibrous shell

Examples: SABUT kelapa bisa digunakan untuk membuat keset = Coconut FIBER can be used for making mats.###

Word: sadap

Short Definition: ME- = 1 make incisions in a tree to obtain sap; 2 tap, bug (telephone, information, etc.)

English Definition: *ME- = make incisions in a tree to obtain sap *ME- = tap, bug (telephone, information, etc.)

Examples: Setiap pagi penduduk desa itu pergi ke kebun karet untuk MENYADAP getah karet = Every morning the villagers go to the rubber plantation to MAKE INCISIONS IN THE TREES TO OBTAIN the rubber sap.### Teleponnya DISADAP oleh pihak yang berwenang = His phone was TAPPED by the authority.###

Word: sadar

Short Definition: aware, conscious. MENY--I: be aware/conscious of. Also MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: ^ aware, conscious. *MENY--I: be aware/conscious of. MEN--KAN: 1 to make aware/conscious of. 1 to make s.o. realize s.t. *TER-: 1 come to consciousness. 2 come to realize s.t. *KE--AN: 1 awareness, consciousness, attention. 2 realization. 3 become conscious of s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Siuman kembali dari pingsan; insaf; bangun dari tidur. ###

Examples: Saudara-saudaranya telah MENYADARI kesalahan mereka. = His/her siblings are already CONSCIOUS OF their faults. Saya baru TERSADAR bahwa uang saya hilang dicopet orang. = I just now BECAME AWARE that my money was pickpocketed by somebody. Dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini dibutuhkan KESADARAN masing-masing pihak yang terikut. = The ATTENTION of each involved party is required to finish this matter. ###

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Word: sadel

Short Definition: bicycle or motorcycle seat###

English Definition: bicycle or motorcycle seat###

Examples: SADEL ini tak kuat = This MOTORCYCLE SEAT is not strong.###

Word: sadis

Short Definition: sadist; sadistic

English Definition: sadist; sadistic

Word: sado

Short Definition: a kind of horse carriage.

English Definition: a kind of horse carriage. ###

L2 Definition: Nama kendaraan yang ditarik oleh kuda (semacam andong). ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sadur

Short Definition: adapt (a story)

English Definition: *adapt (a story)

Examples: Cerita itu DISADUR dari cerita rakyat di Mesir = The story is ADAPTED from an Egyptian's folklore.###

Word: sagu

Short Definition: a k.o. palm tree.

English Definition: a k.o. palm tree. ###

L2 Definition: Nama jenis tumbuhan; tepung yang terbuat dari hati pohon sagu/palm/rumbia/enau. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sah

Short Definition: valid, official, legal, legitimate.

English Definition: ^valid, official, legal, legitimate. KE--AN: legality. ###

L2 Definition: Legal; berlaku; diakui kebenarannya oleh yang berwenang. ###

Examples: Saya meragukan KESAHAN surat kawin ini. = I am suspecting the LEGALITY of this marriage certificate. ###

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Word: sahabat

Short Definition: friend, buddy. BER-: to be friends, to be friendly. PER--AN: friendship.

English Definition: friend, buddy. BER-: to be friends, to be friendly. PER--AN: friendship. ###

L2 Definition: Teman karib; kawan yang dekat. ###

Examples: Kami sudah BERSAHABAT semenjak masih di taman kanak-kanak. = We have been FRIENDS since we were in the kindergarten. PERSAHABATAN kami sedang teruji. = Our FRIENDSHIP is being tested. ###

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Word: sahaja

Short Definition: see SAHAJA1 (simple . . .), SAHAJA2 (see SAJA).

English Definition: see SAHAJA1 (simple . . .) SAHAJA2 (see SAJA). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sahaja1

Short Definition: BER-: simple, natural. MEMPER--KAN: simplify. Also KEBER--AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^BER-: simple, natural. MEMPER--KAN: simplify. KEBER--AN: simplicity. PER--AN: simplification. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak berlebihan; sederhana; apa adanya; tidak aneh-aneh. ###

Examples: Cara berpakaiannya sangat BERSAHAJA. = The way she dress is very SIMPLE. Sebaiknya kamu MEMPERSAHAJAKAN gaya bahasamu. = It would be better if you SIMPLIFY your language style. Lihatlah KEBERSAHAJAAN cara hidup keluarga Sudarmo. = Look at the SIMPLICITY of the Sudarmo family's way of life. ###

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Word: sahaja2

Short Definition: see SAJA.

English Definition: see SAJA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: saham

Short Definition: 1 share, stock; 2 contribution; 3 part, role (in an affair, etc.)

English Definition: *1 share, stock 2 contribution 3 part, role (in an affair, etc.)

Examples: Banyak orang menanam uangnya dalam bentuk SAHAM di perusahaan telekomunikasi = Many people invest their money in STOCKS at telecommunication companiers.###

Word: sahib

Short Definition: owner; possessor

English Definition: owner; possessor

Examples: ###

Word: sahih

Short Definition: valid; genuine

English Definition: KE- AN = validity

Examples: ###

Word: sahur

Short Definition: meal eaten just before daybreak during the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan.

English Definition: meal eaten just before daybreak during the Islamic fasting month or Ramadan. ###

L2 Definition: Makan sebelum batas waktu untuk berpuasa, biasanya pagi-pagi sekali sebelum matahari terbit dan dilakukan dibulan Ramadan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sahut

Short Definition: to answer a call. BER-_-_-AN: answer back and forth. Also MEN-(-I), -AN.

English Definition: ^to answer a call. *BER-_-_-AN: answer back and forth. *MENY-(-I): answer a call, reply to s.t. *-AN: a reply. ###

L2 Definition: jawab. ###

Examples: Monyet-monyet di kandang itu menyanyi BERSAHUT-SAHUTAN. = Those monkeys in that cage are ANSWERING BACK AND FORTH in their singing. Kenapa waktu kupanggil engkau tidak MENYAHUT? = Why didn't you ANSWER when I called? Terdengar SAHUTAN yang sangat lemah dari orang yang sedang sekarat itu. = A very weak REPLY could be heard from that dying person. ###

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Word: saing

Short Definition: see SAING (to compete . . .) or SAING (fang or tusk).

English Definition: see SAING (to compete . . .) SAING (fang or tusk). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: saing1

Short Definition: BER-: to compete. BER--AN: to compete among e.o. Also MENY--I, PENY-.

English Definition: ^BER-: to compete. BER--AN: to compete among e.o. MENY--I: compete with s.o. PENY-: a competitor. ###

L2 Definition: Saling berbeda arah/tujuan; saling berlawanan; saling bertentangan. ###

Examples: Kedua orang itu BERSAING mendapatkan cinta kakakku. = The two people are COMPETING to get my sister's love. Dalam lomba nanti kau harus BERSAINGAN dengan senior-seniormu. = In the race later you will COMPETE against your seniors. Kita tidak mungkin MENYAINGI keahlian mereka dalam berlayar. = It is not possible for us to COMPETE with their skill in sailing. ###

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Word: saing2

Short Definition: fang or tusk (of an animal).

English Definition: fang or tusk (of an animal). ###

L2 Definition: taring. ###

Examples: SAING gajah Afrika panjang dan besar. = African elephant TUSKS are long and big. ###

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Word: saja

Short Definition: only, just, exactly; nevertheless.

English Definition: ^*1 only, just, exactly. 2 nevertheless. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Anak itu tidak SAJA nakal tapi juga tidak penurut. = That child is not ONLY naughty but also doesn't mind. ###

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Word: sajak

Short Definition: poem.

English Definition: poem. ###

L2 Definition: Puisi; persamaan bunyi diakhir syair atau pantun. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sajarah

Short Definition: see SEJARAH.

English Definition: see SEJARAH. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: saji

Short Definition: dishes served up on the table. MENY--KAN: serve, dish up; provide. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^dishes served up on the table. MENY--KAN: 1 serve, dish up. 2 provide, supply. -AN: dish of food served to guests; offerings in traditional ceremony. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang dihidangkan. ###

Examples: Gadis-gadis ini akan MENYAJIKAN tarian Anging Mammiri dari Sulawesi Selatan. = These girls will PRESENT Anging Mammiri (wind blowing) dance from South Sulawesi. Hebat benar SAJIAN makanan dalam pesta perkawinan ini. = The DISHES THAT ARE SERVED in the wedding party is so great. ###

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Word: sakap

Short Definition: MENY- = sharecrop; MENY-KAN= lease land on a sharecrop basis; PENY- = sharecropper

English Definition: *MENY- = sharecrop MENY-KAN = lease land on a sharecrop basis *PENY- = sharecropper

Examples: Keluarga itu MENYAKAP sawah milik tuan tanah di desa = That family SHARECROPS ricefields owned by the landlord in the village.### Para petani itu tidak mempunyai tanah miliknya sendiri, tetapi hanya menjadi petani PENYAKAP = The farmers do not possess their own land, but only become sharecropper farmers.###

Word: saking

Short Definition: on account of.

English Definition: *on account of. ###

L2 Definition: sangat. ###

Examples: SAKING sulitnya matematika ini sampai pusing kepalaku. = ON ACCOUNT OF the difficulty of it, this mathematics gives me a headache. ###

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Word: sakit

Short Definition: ill, sick; sore, painful. MENY--I: hurt, offend. Also MEN--I, MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 ill, sick. 2 sore, painful. *MENY--I: hurt, offend. MENY--I, MENY--KAN: to hurt, make painful or ill. *KE--AN: 1 illness, pain. 2 to be afflicted with illness or pain. *PENY-: disease, sickness, illness. BERPENY-: to suffer a disease. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan tidak nyaman di tubuh. ###

Examples: Sindiran-sindiranmu sangat MENYAKITKAN hatinya. = Your insinuations MADE him very SICK at heart. Terdengar teriakan KESAKITAN dari anak yang baru jatuh itu. = A cry of PAIN could be heard from that child that just fell. PENYAKIT ini sudah kuderita selama bertahun-tahun. = I have already suffered this ILLNESS for years. ###

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Word: sakral

Short Definition: sacred

English Definition: *sacred MENY-KAN = sanctify, make holy

Examples: Tarian yang SAKRAL itu hanya dipentaskan di dalam sebuah upacara ritual = That SACRED dance is only performed in a ritual ceremony.####

Word: saksi

Short Definition: witness, testmony. BER-: testfy, use s.t. as a witness or proof. +

English Definition: ^1. witness. 2. testimony. BER-: 1. testify. 2. use s.t. as a witness or proof. MEMPER--KAN, MENY--KAN: 1. watch an event. 2. testify. KE--AN, PER--AN: witness, evidence.###

L2 Definition: Orang yang melihat/mengetahui suatu kejadian secara langsung. ###

Examples: Aku BERSAKSI dialah yang membunuh anak itu. = I TESTIFY that he is the one who killed the child. Untung saya bisa MENYAKSIKAN acara yang sangat menarik itu. = Fortunately I was able TO WATCH the very interesting event. KESAKSIANnya dalam perkara itu diragukan. = His TESTIMONY in that case is suspected. ###

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Word: sakti

Short Definition: 1. supernatural, divine power. 2. having supernatural power. 3. sacred. +

English Definition: ^1. supernatural, divine power. 2. having magic or divine power. 3. sacred. MENY--KAN: render supernaturally powerful. KE--AN: supernatural powers.###

L2 Definition: Mempunyai kemampuan yang melebihi kodrat alam. ###

Examples: KESAKTIAN pendekar itu tak ada bandingnya. = The SUPERNATURAL POWER of that warrior has no comparison.

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Word: saku

Short Definition: pocket.

English Definition: pocket. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sakura

Short Definition: cherry tree, pink blossoms###

English Definition: cherry tree, pink blossoms###

Examples: Negeri Jepang di kenal pula sebagi negeri SAKURA = Japan is also known as A PINK BLOSSOM country.###

Word: salah

Short Definition: see SALAH1 (fault, mistake . . .) or SALAH2 (one out of several).

English Definition: see SALAH1 (fault, mistake . . .) SALAH2 (one out of several). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: salah1

Short Definition: fault, mistake; wrong, incorrect. Also BER-, MEN--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 fault, mistake. 2 wrong, incorrect. *BER-: be guilty, be in the wrong. *MENY--KAN: 1 accuse, blame. 2 deny. *KE--AN: 1 mistake, fault, misdeed. 2 guilt, blame. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak benar; keliru; luput. ###

Examples: Terdakwa itu telah dinyatakan BERSALAH memukul orang. = That defendant was declared GUILTY of hitting a person. Jangan hanya MENYALAHKAN orang lain kalau kau sendiri tidak bisa melakukannya. = Don't just BLAME other people if you yourself cannot do it. KESALAHAN pencuri ayam itu kecil saja tetapi kenapa hukumannya berat sekali? = The MISDEED of that chicken thief was only slight, so why was his sentence so heavy? ###

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Word: salah2

Short Definition: one out of several, one of a group.

English Definition: *one out of several, one of a group. ###

L2 Definition: diantara. ###

Examples: SALAH satu pemain sepak bola itu sudah kukenal. = I already am acquainted with ONE of those soccer players. ###

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Word: salak

Short Definition: salak1: the Zalacca palm and its fruit salak2: barking

English Definition: *salak1= the Zalacca palm and its fruit. **salak2= barking ME-: bark ME-(I): bark###

L2 Definition:

Examples: *Kulit buah SALAK berwarna coklat = A ZALACCA fruit's skin color is brown **Anjing itu MENYALAK = A dog BARKED.###

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Word: salam

Short Definition: peace to you, greetings (as in greeting s.o.) Also BER-, BER-_-_-AN, MENY--I, +

English Definition: peace unto you, greetings (as in greeting s.o.). BER-: to greet s.o. *BER-_-_-AN: to shake hands in greeting. *MENY--I: greet formally, shake the hand of. -AN: handshake. ###

L2 Definition: tabik; pernyataan penghormatan. ###

Examples: Sebelum pergi dia MENYALAMI semua orang dulu. = Before leaving she GREETED all the people first. Pada Hari Natalan ini kami BERSALAM-SALAMAN saling meminta maaf. = This CHRISTMAS we GREETED EACH OTHER asking forgiveness. ###

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Word: salawat

Short Definition: see SELAWAT.

English Definition: see SELAWAT. ###

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Word: saldo

Short Definition: [Fin.] balance

English Definition: [Fin.] balance

Examples: Berapa SALDO tabunganmu sekarang? = How much is the BALANCE on your savings now?? ###

Word: salep

Short Definition: ointment, salve

English Definition: *ointment, salve

Examples: Kalau anda sakit selesma, gosokkan SALEP ini di dada dan punggung anda = If you have a flu, apply this OINTMENT on your chest and back.###

Word: salib

Short Definition: (Christian) Cross

English Definition: Christian Cross *MENY-KAN: crucify *PENY-AN: crucifixion

Examples: Di lehernya tergantung kalung dengan hiasan SALIB = He is wearing a necklace with a CROSS.##

Word: salin

Short Definition: BER-: change clothes; give birth to a child. Also MENY-, -AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^*BER-: 1 change clothes. 2 give birth to a child. *MENY-: change s.t., copy s.t. -AN: a copy of s.t. *PER--AN: 1 a change of clothes. 2 childbirth. ###

L2 Definition: mengganti; berubah. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENYALIN catatanmu ke dalam catatanku. = I am going to COPY your notes into mine. Kakakku sedang melahirkan di rumah sakit BERSALIN. = My elder sister is giving birth in the MATERNITY HOSPITAL. PERSALINAN anakku yang pertama mudah saja tidak terlalu sakit. = The BIRTH of my first child was very easy, not too painful. ###

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Word: saling

Short Definition: mutually, to/for one another.

English Definition: ^*mutually, to/for one another. ###

L2 Definition: bergantian; berbalasan. ###

Examples: Mereka SALING membalas salam ketika bertemu di jalan. = They greeted ONE ANOTHER when they met on the street. ###

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Word: salip

Short Definition: MENY- = pass, overtake (a car)

English Definition: *MENY- = pass, overtake (a car)

Examples: Dilarang MENYALIP = No PASSING.###

Word: salju

Short Definition: snow. BER-: snow-covered.

English Definition: snow. BER-: snow-covered.###

L2 Definition: Butir-butir es yang jatuh ke bumi. ###

Examples: Minggu ini seluruh Eropa BERSALJU tebal. = This week all of Europe is COVERED WITH a thick SNOW. ###

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Word: salon

Short Definition: drawing room

English Definition: drawing room *- kecantikan = beauty parlor

Examples: Di kota-kota di Indonesia banyak terdapat SALON KECANTIKAN, baik yang mahal maupun yang murah = In towns in Indonesia there are many BEAUTY PARLORS, both expensive and cheap ones.###

Word: salto

Short Definition: somersault

English Definition: somersault

Examples: ###

Word: salur

Short Definition: channel, gotter, lines. BER-: have lines. MENY--I: make s.t. pass through s.t.+

English Definition: ^ 1. channel, gutter. 2. lines, stripes. BER-: have lines. MENY--I: make s.t. pass through s.t. MENY--KAN: 1. channel s.t. 2. bring goods on the market, distribute. TER-(-KAN): find an outlet. -AN: 1. channel. 2. line. PENY-: 1. distributor. 2. (Elec.) conductor.###

L2 Definition: mengalirkan; mengarahkan; menempatkan; dll. ###

Examples: Rusman MENYALURKAN rasa frustrasinya dengan makanan. = Rusman CHANNELS his frustration with food. Sayang sekali kepandaiannya TERSALURKAN dalam hal-hal yang negatif. = Unfortunaly his cleverness FOUND AN OUTLET in something negative. SALURAN air ini mampat. = This GUTTER is clogged. Sebagai agen PENYALUR, untung yang saya dapat tidak banyak. = As a DISTRIBUTION agent, the profit that I get is not much. ###

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Word: salut

Short Definition: 1 salute; 2 greetings; 3 respect, admire

English Definition: 1 salute 2 greetings *3 respect, admire

Examples: Saya sangat SALUT akan keberaniannya = I ADMIRE her courage very much.###

Word: sama

Short Definition: SAMA1=same, equal. SAMA2=together, with. Also _-_, SE-, MENY-(-I/KAN), BER-, +

English Definition: (also see SAMARATA, SAMARENDAH) ^*SAMA1=same, equal. *SAMA-SAMA:exactly the same; (response to "thank you"). SE-: fellow, peer. BER--AN: 1 be equal to e.o. 2 be in conformity with. 3 resembling, similar. MENY-: behave like. MENY--I: equal, match s.t. MENY--KAN,MEMPER--KAN: 1 compare s.t. (with). 2 treat the same as. 3 make the same. MENY-_-_-KAN: unjustifiably compare, consider the same, place on a par. MEMPER-_-_-KAN: mistakenly consider the same. KE--AN: sameness, similarity. -AN: (Coll.) of the same type. PER--AN: 1 similarity, agreement. 2 comparison. 3 equality. 4 equation ^*SAMA2=1(Coll.) together, with. 2 and. 3 do together, also do. 4(Coll.) regarding, [with, for, etc.]. 5 pl. marker of adjs. & vbs. BER-: 1 together with. 2 herewith. 3 joint, collective. *(BER)-_-_: do together BER--AN: do simultaneously. KEBER--AN: togetherness. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Tidak berbeda; tidak berlainan. 2. Berbareng; bertepatan. 3. Sepadan; sebanding; setara.###

Examples: Dua tambah dua SAMA dengan empat. = Two plus two is EQUAL with four. Buku ini SAMA mahalnya dengan buku itu. = This book is the SAME price as that one. Kita SAMA-SAMA berbahaya. = We are in the SAME danger. "Terima kasih." "O, SAMA-SAMA!" = "Thanks." "Oh, you're welcome!" Ia pergi SAMA saya.=He went WITH me. Dia dikasi minum SAMA makan.=He was given something to drink AND eat. Mau ikut SAMA?=Want to go along (TOGETHER)? Saya kasihan SAMA dia. = I feel pity FOR him. Kasi SAMA saya. = Give it TO me. Saya tidak dikasi sekolah lagi SAMA ibu. = I am no longer sent to school BY mother. Dia bekerja BERSAMA-SAMA rakyat.=He worked WITH the people. ###

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Word: samar

Short Definition: vague, ambiguous, indistinct. MENY-: to assume a disguise. Also MEMPER-, +

English Definition: vague, ambiguous, indistinct. MENY-: to assume a disguise. MEMPER-: to make s.t. obscure. TER-: disguised. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak jelas kelihatan; kabur. ###

Examples: Dia adalah polisi yang sedang MENYAMAR menjadi penjudi. = He is a policeman that is DISGUISING as a gambler. Dalam pesta itu kehadirannya TERSAMAR oleh ramainya orang. = In the party, his present was DISGUISED by the crowd. ###

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Word: Samarinda

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Eastern Kalimantan in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Eastern Kalimantan in Indonesia, located on the Island of Kalimantan. ###

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Word: sambal

Short Definition: a spicy sauce made with chili peppers.

English Definition: a spicy sauce made with chili peppers. ###

L2 Definition: Makanan penyedap yang dibuat dari lombok/cabai. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sambi

Short Definition: MENY-, NY-: 1. do at the same time. 2. have a side job.

English Definition: MENY-, NY-: 1. do at the same time. 2. have a side job. ###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Ale MENYAMBI sebagai sopir taksi setelah sekolah usai = Ale HAVE A SIDE JOB as taxi driver after school.###

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Word: sambil

Short Definition: while, simultaneously. Also MENY--KAN, TER-, -AN.

English Definition: *while, simultaneously. MENY--KAN: do s.t. as a sideline or simultaneously. TER-: secondary, unimportant. *-AN: a part-time occupation. ###

L2 Definition: Seraya; sembari; sementara. ###

Examples: SAMBIL menyelam dia minum air. = WHILE diving, he drank water. Ini hanya pekerjaan SAMBILAN saja. = This is just a PART TIME OCCUPATION. ###

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Word: sambuk

Short Definition: a whip###

English Definition: *a whip MENY-: whip -AN: whipping###

Examples: *Angka C pada ujianku MENYAMBUK saya untuk belajar lebih keras = A grade C on my exam WHIPPED me to study harder.###

Word: sambung

Short Definition: continue, be connected. MENY-: continue on, connect to s.t. Also TER-, -AN.

English Definition: ^continue, be connected. MENY-: continue on, connect to s.t. TER-: connected. -AN: a continuation or connection. ###

L2 Definition: Saling bersangkut paut; hubung; bertalian. ###

Examples: Perjumpaan ini untuk MENYAMBUNG persahabatan kami kembali. = This meeting is for CONNECTING again our friendship. SAMBUNGAN telepon ke Ambon akan TERSAMBUNG kembali besok pagi. = The telephone CONNECTION to Ambon will BE CONNECTED again tomorrow morning.

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Word: sambut

Short Definition: answer. MENY-: welcome, accept, receive. -AN: welcome, reception, answer.

English Definition: ^answer. MENY-: welcome, accept, receive. -AN: welcome, reception, answer, response. ###

L2 Definition: terima. ###

Examples: Ini adalah pesta untuk MENYAMBUT tamu dari mancanegara. = This is a party TO WELCOME guests from abroad. Meriah benar SAMBUTAN yang diterima bintang bulutangkis itu. = How merry is the RECEPTION that was received by the badminton star. ###

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Word: samenleven

Short Definition: live together as husband and wife without benefit of matrimony

English Definition: live together as husband and wife without benefit of matrimony

Word: sampah

Short Definition: garbage, rubbish.

English Definition: garbage, rubbish. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Jangan membuang SAMPAH di sembarang tempat = Do not throw GARBAGE in an improper place.###

Hear This Word

Word: sampai

Short Definition: to, until, as far as; to arrive; to the point of. Also MENY--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 to, until, as far as. 2 to arrive. 3 to the point of. *MENY--KAN: convey, deliver, cause to arrive. *KE--AN: achieved, accomplished. ###

L2 Definition: datang; tiba. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENYAMPAIKAN surat undangan ini kepada pak ketua. = I am going to DELIVER this invitation to the chairman. Akhirnya KESAMPAIAN juga niatnya untuk belajar ke luar negeri. = In the end, her ambition to study abroad was ACCOMPLISHED. ###

Hear This Word

Word: sampan

Short Definition: small boat, dugout

English Definition: small boat, dugout

Examples: ###

Word: sampanye

Short Definition: champagne

English Definition: champagne

Examples: ###

Word: samping

Short Definition: side. BER--AN: side by side. MENY--KAN: put off to the side. Also TER-, -AN.

English Definition: side. *BER--AN: side by side. *MENY--KAN: put off to the side, to sideline. TER-: pushed aside. *-AN: s.t. secondary or supplementary. ###

L2 Definition: sebelah; sisi. ###

Examples: Saya duduk BERSAMPINGAN dengan teman baru. = I am sitting SIDE BY SIDE with a new friend. Ini masalah penting jangan MENYAMPINGKANnya. = This is an important matter, don't PUT it OFF TO THE SIDE. Ini hasil SAMPINGAN dari kebun bapak. = This is a SUPPLEMENTARY income from father's garden. ###

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Word: sampir

Short Definition: MENY-KAN = hang

English Definition: *MENY-KAN = hang

Examples: Ia MENYAMPIRKAN jasnya di atas kursi = He HUNG his coat on a chair.###

Word: sampo

Short Definition: shampoo

English Definition: shampoo

Examples: ###

Word: sampul

Short Definition: cover, wrapping.

English Definition: cover, wrapping. ###

L2 Definition: Penutup sesuatu di bagian luar, biasanya terbuat dari kertas. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: samudera

Short Definition: ocean.

English Definition: ocean. ###

L2 Definition: Lautan yang sangat luas. ###

Examples: Hasil ikan dari SAMUDERA Indonesia sangat melimpah. = Fish products from the Indonesian OCEAN is really bountiful. ###

Hear This Word

Word: samudra

Short Definition: see SAMUDERA.

English Definition: see SAMUDERA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: sana

Short Definition: there (far from the speaker).

English Definition: *there (far from the speaker). ###

L2 Definition: Penunjuk tempat yang jauh dari pembicara. ###

Examples: Rumah bu guru ada di SANA. = Teacher's house is THERE. ###

Hear This Word

Word: sanak

Short Definition: relative.

English Definition: relative. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang masih ada hubungan keluarga; kerabat. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: sandal

Short Definition: sandals.

English Definition: sandals. ###

L2 Definition: Alas kaki yang tidak berpenutup rapat. ###

Hear This Word

Word: sandang

Short Definition: shoulder strap. MENY-: 1. carry s.t. strapped over the shoulder. 2. to bear. +

English Definition: shoulder strap. MENY-: 1. carry s.t. strapped over the shoulder. 2. bear (a title). MENY--I: attribute to. MENY--KAN: strap on, gird. MEMPER--KAN: carry on o.'s shoulder. -AB: sling. PENY-: shoulder strap. ###

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Word: sandar

Short Definition: BER- = 1 lean on; 2 moor, tie up (ship)

English Definition: *BER- = 1 lean on/against; 2 moor, tie up (ship) *BER-KAN = be based on MENY- = buttress, lean against s.t. or s.o. *MENY-KAN = 1 base s.t. on; 2 prop, lean s.t.

Examples: Ia BERSANDAR di dinding = He LEANED against the wall. Kesaksiannya BERSANDARKAN pada apa yang dilihatnya = His testimony was BASED ON what he saw. Ia MENYANDARKAN nasibnya pada Tuhan = He BASED his fate on God.###

Word: sandera

Short Definition: hostage

English Definition: *MENY- = take as a hostage TER- = be taken as a hostage PENY-AN = taking of hostages

Examples: Perampok bank itu MENYANDERA seorang nasabah (bank) = The bank robber TOOK a (bank) customer AS A HOSTAGE.###

Word: sandi

Short Definition: code

English Definition: kata - = codeword - balik = decode BER- = in code MENY-KAN = encode PER-AN = encoding

Examples: ###

Word: sanding

Short Definition: close, near

English Definition: *BER- = sit in state (of bride and groom at marriage ceremony) MENY-I = 1 accompany, be next to; 2 be married to MENY-KAN, MEMPER-KAN = place newlyweds next to e.o. (in marriage ceremony) -AN = partner, o. who accompanies

Examples: Sepasang pengantin itu duduk BERSANDING di atas pelaminan = The bridal couple SAT on the dais.###

Word: sandiwara

Short Definition: dramatic performance, play. BER-: act on stage, play-act.

English Definition: dramatic performance, play. BER-: act on stage, play-act. ###

L2 Definition: Pertunjukan cerita yang yang dimainkan oleh orang; drama; teater. ###

Examples: Hati-hati menghadapi orang yang pandai BERSANDIWARA. = Be careful in facing someone who is clever in PLAY-ACTING.###

Hear This Word

Word: sandung

Short Definition: TER- , KE- = stumble

English Definition: *TER- , KE- = stumble -AN = stumbling block

Examples: Kakinya TERSANDUNG pada sebuah batu = He STUMBLED over a stone.###

Word: sang

Short Definition: term of address conveying honor.

English Definition: term of address conveying honor.###

L2 Definition: Kata sandang yang diletakkan didepan nama seseorang/benda yang dianggap mulia. ###

Examples: Akhirnya, kemenangan diraih oleh SANG Jenderal. = At last, the victory is achieved by THE General.

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Word: sangar

Short Definition: ill-fated, bringing misfortune, spooky

English Definition: ill-fated, bringing misfortune, spooky

L2 Definition: bernasib buruk, berwajah tidak ramah

Examples: Walaupun wajahnya SANGAR tapi dia sangat baik hati = Although he looks SPOOKY, he is actually very nice.##

Word: sangat

Short Definition: very, extremely, greatly.

English Definition: *very, extremely, greatly. ###

L2 Definition: paling. ###

Examples: Bunga ini SANGAT indah. = This flower is VERY beautiful. ###

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Word: sangga

Short Definition: prop, support

English Definition: *MENY- = prop, support PENY- = support, buffer

Examples: Beberapa tiang bambu MENYANGGA rumah yang hampir rubuh itu = Some bamboo poles SUPPORT the house which almost collapses.###

Word: sanggah

Short Definition: 1 protest, oppose, contradict; 2 (Bali) house-shrine

English Definition: *MENY- = protest, oppose, contradict -AN = protest, rejoinder, rebuttal PENY- = 1 opponent; 2 discussant; 3 o. who protests PENY-AN = act of opposing

Examples: Ia MENYANGGAH berita yang memojokkan dirinya = He CONTRADICTED the news that forced him into corner.###

Word: sanggar

Short Definition: studio

English Definition: - tari = dance studio - kerja = workhop

Examples: ###

Word: sanggul

Short Definition: knot of hair, hair bun

Word: sanggup

Short Definition: 1. able. 2. be prepared to do. MENY--I: promise. MENY--KAN: 1. enable.+

English Definition: ^1. able, capable. 2. be prepared to do. MENY--I: promise. MENY--KAN: 1. enable. 2. promise. KE--AN: 1. power, capability. 2. readiness to do s.t. -AN: promise.###

L2 Definition: Bisa melakukan suatu hal; mampu; kuasa; mau; bersedia. ###

Examples: Saya sudah MENYANGGUPI untuk menolongnya. = I have PROMISED to help her. Saya percaya akan KESANGGUPANnya. = I believe in his CAPABILITY. ###

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Word: sangit

Short Definition: smelling burnt or scorched, burnt or scorched (smell)

English Definition: smelling burnt or scorched, burnt or scorched (smell)

Examples: ###

Word: sangka

Short Definition: MENY-: suppose, think, expect. TER-: suspected; expected. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^*MENY-: suppose, think, expect. *TER-: 1 suspected. 2 expected; 2. a suspect. *-AN: expectation, supposition, suspicion, idea. ###

L2 Definition: duga; sangsi; ragu; curiga. ###

Examples: Orang yang besar itu TERSANGKA pelakunya. = That big person is SUSPECTED to be the perpetrator. SANGKAANmu tentang hal itu ternyata tidak benar. = Your SUSPICION about that matter is apparently untrue. Kami tidak melakukan apa-apa jangan MENYANGKA yang bukan-bukan. = We didn't do anything; don't THINK nonsense. ###

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Word: sangkal

Short Definition: BER-: be unwilling. MENY-: deny, reject. -AN: rejection, denial. Also PENY-, +

English Definition: ^BER-: be unwilling. *MENY-: deny, reject. *-AN: rejection, denial. PENY-: s.o. who denies. PENY--AN: denial rejection. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak membenarkan, bantah. ###

Examples: Dia MENYANGKAL semua tuduhan. = He DENIED all accusations. Selalu ada saja SANGKALANnya setiap ditanya. = There are only always DENIALS everytime he is asked. ###

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Word: sangkar

Short Definition: null

English Definition: see sangkar1 see sangkar2

L2 Definition:

Word: sangkar1

Short Definition: bird cage###

English Definition: bird cage###

L2 Definition: sangkar emas = gold cage or prison.

Examples: Andi menaruh burung perkututnya ke dalam SANGKAR bambu = Andi put his small turtledove in to a bamboo CAGE.###

Word: sangkar2

Short Definition: diagonal###

English Definition: diagonal###

L2 Definition:

Examples: ###

Word: sangkur

Short Definition: bayonet

English Definition: bayonet

Examples: ###

Word: sangkut

Short Definition: hook onto. BER-: to hook onto. TER-: to be hooked/caught up in. Also BER--AN, +

English Definition: ^hook onto. BER-: to hook onto. *TER-: to be hooked, to be caught up in. *BER--AN: relevant, concerned with. *MENY--KAN: 1 to hang or hook. 2 to involve s.o. in s.t. *KETER--AN: involvement. -AN: 1 relation, connection, involvement. 2 hook, peg. ###

L2 Definition: hubungan; terlibat; berkepentingan. ###

Examples: Direktur bank itu TERSANGKUT skandal korupsi. = That bank director is CAUGHT UP IN a corruption scandal. Pelamar-pelamar yang BERSANGKUTAN silakan masuk lewat pintu ini. = CONCERNED applicants please enter by this door. Masalah korupsi ini merembet sampai hampir seluruh aparat DISANGKUTKAN. = This affair of corruption has crept until almost all apparatus ARE INVOLVED. KETERSANGKUTANnya dalam masalah korupsi ini belum jelas. = His INVOLVEMENT in this case of corruption is not yet clear. ###

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Word: sangrai

Short Definition: cook or roast s.t. in frying-pan without oil

English Definition: cook or roast s.t. in frying-pan without oil

Examples: ###

Word: sangsai

Short Definition: poor, miserable###

English Definition: poor, miserable###

Examples: ###

Word: sangsi

Short Definition: SANGSI1 = sanction. SANGSI2 = doubt. MENY--KAN: question, be doubtful about.

English Definition: SANGSI1 = sanction. SANGSI2 = doubt. MENY--KAN: question, be doubtful about. ###

L2 Definition: 1. hukuman. 2. bimbang; ragu; syak wasangka. ###

Examples: Setiap kejahatan harus mendapat SANGSI yang setimpal. = Every crime has to get a just SANCTION. Saya masih SANGSI dengan janji-janji yang diutarakannya. = I am still IN DOUBT about the promises he made. Hampir semua orang MENYANGSIKAN kemampuannya waktu itu. = Almost every one DOUBTED his capability at the time. ###

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Word: sanjung

Short Definition: honor, praise###

English Definition: ^honor, praise *MENY-: laud, praise MENY-KAN: 1. praise s.o. or s.t. to s.o. 2. appease, cater to -AN: 1. flattery 2. s.o. praised PENY-: o. who gives praise PENY-AN: act of giving praise###

Examples: *Bank Dunia pernah MENYANJUNG keberhasilan ekonomi Indonesia = The World Bank once PRAISED the success of the Indonesian economy.###

Word: sanksi

Short Definition: see SANGSI

English Definition: see SANKSI

Word: santai

Short Definition: relaxed, relax. BER-: relax, enjoy o.'s leisure. MENY--KAN: cause to relax.

English Definition: relaxed, relax. BER-: relax, enjoy o.'s leisure. MENY--KAN: cause to relax. ###

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Word: santan

Short Definition: coconut milk###

English Definition: coconut milk###

Examples: Banyak jenis makanan Indonesia menggunakan SANTAN = Many kinds of Indonesian food use COCONUT MILK.###

Word: santap

Short Definition: dine###

English Definition: BER-: 1. dine (of royalty) 2. have a meal (written or formal speech)### *MENY-: eat, partake of -AN: food, meal###

Examples: *Saya MENYANTAP sop ayam = I ATE chicken soup.###

Word: santer

Short Definition: 1. strong, heavy 2. lively###

English Definition: *^1. strong, heavy 2. lively 3. hot (news) MENY-KAN: spread (news, gossips, etc.)###

Examples: *Perkawinan Pius SANTER diberitakan = Pius' wedding was LIVELY spread.###

Word: santet

Short Definition: black magic###

English Definition: *^black magic MENY-: practice black magic PENY-: practitioner of black magic PENY-AN: practicing black magic###

Examples: *Di kampung-kampung, penduduk masih percaya kekuatan SANTET = In villages, people still believe in the power of BLACK MAGIC.###

Word: santiaji

Short Definition: briefing, indoctrination, coaching given by o.'s superiors###

English Definition: ^briefing, indoctrination, coaching given by o.'s superiors MENY-: give a briefing PENY-: o. who gives a briefing PENY-AN: briefing, indoctrination (esp. in ideology)###

Examples: ###

Word: santri

Short Definition: a devout Muslim; a student at a Muslim school.

English Definition: 1 a devout Muslim. 2 student at a Muslim school. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang beragama Islam/muslim dan muslimah yang menjalankan ibadah Islam secara tertib. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: santun

Short Definition: 1. well mannered, well behaved 2. good manners###

English Definition: *^1. well mannered, well behaved 2. good manners MENY-I: 1. sympathize with 2. help, assist KE-AN: good manners, modesty **-AN: 1. help, sympathetic case 2. compensation paid by insurance company PENY-: o. who is benevolent, inclined to help PENY-AN: 1. giving help 2. compensation payment (in insurance)###

Examples: *Mutiara bersikap sangat SANTUN = Mutiara is WELL BEHAVED. ** Angki mendapat SANTUNAN dari perusahaan asuransi untuk biaya pengobatan = Angki got COMPENSATION from an insurance company for medical treatments.###

Word: sanubari

Short Definition: inner person, o's inner self

English Definition: inner person, o's inner self

Examples: Saya mengatakan ini dengan sejujurnya dan dari dalam SANUBARIku = I am honestly telling you this and it is really from the BOTTOM OF MY HEART.###

Word: sapa

Short Definition: BER--AN, MENY-: greet e.o. MENY-: address, speak to in greeting. -AN: greeting.

English Definition: BER--AN, MENY-: greet e.o. MENY-: address, speak to in greeting. -AN: greeting. ###

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Word: sapi

Short Definition: cow.

English Definition: cow. ###

L2 Definition: lembu.

Hear This Word

Word: sapu

Short Definition: broom. MENY-: to sweep. MENY--KAN: sweep up s.t. Also TER-, PENY--AN.

English Definition: broom. *MENY-: to sweep. MENY--KAN: sweep up s.t. *TER-: be swept away. *PENY--AN: 1 cleaning. 2 reform. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk membersihkan lantai; pembersihan. ###

Examples: Saya harus MENYAPU lantai dulu sebelum bisa bermain-main. = I must SWEEP the floor first before you can play. Seluruh rumah gubuk di desa itu TERSAPU angin badai. = All of the huts in that village were SWEPT AWAY by storm winds. Polisi berencana melakukan PENYAPUAN bersih para pelaku kejahatan. = The police are planning to conduct a clean SWEEPING of criminals. ###

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Word: saputangan

Short Definition: handkerchief

English Definition: handkerchief

Examples: SAPUTANGAN ini sangat cantik, rasanya sayang untuk dipakai = This HANDKERCHIEF is so beautiful, I do not want to use it (to wipe).##

Word: SARA

Short Definition: Ethnicity, Religion, Race, and Social Groups.

English Definition: (Suku, Agama, Ras, dan Antargolongan) Ethnicity, Religion, Race, and Social Groups. ###

Hear This Word

Word: saraf

Short Definition: [Anat.] nerve

English Definition: [Anat.] nerve. *--MATA: optical nerve. *--BAJA: nerves of steel.##

Examples: ###

Word: saran

Short Definition: suggestion. MENY--I: suggest to. MENY--KAN: propose. -AN: suggestion.

English Definition: ^suggestion. MENY--I: suggest to, suggestive. MENY--KAN: propose, suggest. -AN: suggestion, proposition.###

L2 Definition: usul; anjuran; pendapat; dll. ###

Examples: Ibu yang MENYARANKANku untuk pindah sekolah. = Mother was the one who SUGGESTED me to change school. Semua SARANAN yang baik akan dipertimbangkan. = All good SUGGESTIONS will be considered. ###

Hear This Word

Word: sarana

Short Definition: medium, tool, means.

English Definition: medium, tool, means. ###

Hear This Word

Word: sarang

Short Definition: nest, lair, web, *hide-out, hideaway, also *BER-

English Definition: - burung : bird's nest - semut : ant hill - lebah : beehive - laba-laba : spider web - nyamuk : mosquito's breeding place - penyakit : breeding place of disease *BER- : make a nest, nestle, lodged

Examples: Pulau karang kecil itu menjadi SARANG penyamun = That small atol becomes a HIDE-OUT for pirates. Sebuah peluru BERSARANG di pahanya = A bullet was LODGED in his thigh.

Word: sarapan

Short Definition: breakfast

English Definition: *BER-AN = have breakfast

L2 Definition: makan pagi

Examples: Sebelum berangkat sekolah sebaiknya kamu SARAPAN dahulu = Before go to school you better have BREAKFAST.##

Word: sarat

Short Definition: sarat1: loaded, full, laden sarat2: criterion

English Definition: sarat1: *1. loaded, laden, full 2. (Naut.) draft ( a ship) ** MENY~I = load s.t. with MENY~KAN = load s.t. on to KE~AN = 1. too loaded, too full 2. density sarat2: criterion see syarat###

Examples: sarat1: *Ransel saya SARAT oleh buku-buku = My backpack is LOADED with books ** Pekerja-pekerja MENYARATKAN truk itu dengan kardus-kardus = The workers LOADED that truck WITH boxes###

Word: sari

Short Definition: essence, fundamental matter. MENY-: reduce to the fundamental essence.

English Definition: ^1 essence, fundamental matter. *MENY-: reduce to the fundamental essence, summarize. ###

L2 Definition: inti; pokok isi; dasar. ###

Examples: Ia telah MENYARIKAN isi buku ini sebelum membahasnya. = She SUMMARIZED the contents of this book before discussing it. ###

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Word: sariawan

Short Definition: see SERIAWAN

English Definition: see SERIAWAN

Word: saring

Short Definition: 1. filter, strain. 2. select a small number from a large group.

English Definition: 1. filter, strain. 2. select a small number from a large group. ###

L2 Definition: 1. tapis. 2. pilih (memilih beberapa benda/hal yang terbaik dari sekelompok benda/hal). ###

Examples: Ibu sedang MENYARING teh untuk dihidangkan sore-sore. = Mother is STRAINING the tea to be served in the afternoon. ###

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Word: sarjana

Short Definition: scholar; college graduate.

English Definition: *1 scholar. 2 college graduate. ###

L2 Definition: Mahasiswa yang telah lulus dari PT (Perguruan Tinggi). ###

Examples: Banyak SARJANA yang menganggur karena sulitnya pekerjaan didapat. = There are many COLLEGE GRADUATES who are unemployed because of the difficulty of finding work. ###

Hear This Word

Word: sarung

Short Definition: sarong, k.o. traditional Indonesian clothing; sheath, container. Also BER-.

English Definition: 1 sarong, a k.o. traditional Indonesian article of clothing. 2 sheath, container. *BER-: to wear a sarong, have a sheath. ###

L2 Definition: Pakaian khas Indonesia biasanya dipakai oleh laki-laki dari pinggang sampai ke batas mata kaki; pembungkus keris; dll. ###

Examples: Mengapa semua keris ini tertinggal tidak BERSARUNG? = Why are all of these daggers left WITHout SHEATHS? ###

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Word: sas-sus

Short Definition: rumor.

English Definition: rumor. ###

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Word: sasak

Short Definition: 1. wattle, coarse plaitwork of split bamboo 2. bouffant###

English Definition: ^1. wattle, coarse plaitwork of split bamboo 2. bouffant *MENY-: tease up o.'s hair in a bouffant, comb back -AN: bouffant###

Examples: * Arni senang MENYASAK rambutnya = Arni likes to COMB BACK her hair.###

Word: sasana

Short Definition: (Jv) auditorium, public center, student center###

English Definition: ^1. (Jv) auditorium, public center, student center 2. gymnastics training camp###

Examples: ###

Word: sasar

Short Definition: 1. mad, insane 2. dazed###

English Definition: * ~AN = 1. target, aim, objective 2. (M) playing field, field for practicing sports, shooting, etc. (ME)~NY = 1. miss o.'s target 2. go astray MENY~KAN = (Jv) cause s.t. to go astray or miss the target TER~, KE~ = lost, strayed away

Examples: * SASARAN pertemuan ini adalah menentukan prosedur pemilihan umum = The OBJECTIVE of this meeting is to create a new procedure of elections.###

Word: sastra

Short Definition: books, literature. BER-: compose literature. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: books, literature. BER-: compose literature. KE--AN: (things pertaining to) literature. ###

Hear This Word

Word: sastrawan

Short Definition: man of letters.

English Definition: man of letters. ###

Hear This Word

Word: sastrawani

Short Definition: woman of letters.

English Definition: woman of letters. ###

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Word: sate

Short Definition: skewered pieces of meat roasted over coals.

English Definition: skewered pieces of meat roasted over coals. (The picture shows a sidewalk vendor preparing sate on a portable grill.)###

L2 Definition: Nama jenis makanan, biasanya dibuat dari daging: sapi, ayam, kambing, kerbau, yang ditusuk dengan bambu kemudian dibakar. ###

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Word: satelit

Short Definition: satellite. PER--AN: matters pertaining to satellite.

English Definition: satellite. PER--AN: matters pertaining to satellite. ###

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Word: satu

Short Definition: one. SATU-SATUNYA: single, one and only. Also BER-, BER--AN, MEMPER--KAN, +

English Definition: one. *SATU-SATUNYA: single, one and only. *BER-: to become one, unite. BER--AN: to exist as a unified body, be united. *MEMPER--KAN, MENY--KAN: to unify, bring together. *KE--AN: unity. PENY--AN: unification. *PER--AN: 1 unity. 2 club, association. ###

L2 Definition: Nama bilangan sebelum dua; urutan sebagai tingkat pertama. ###

Examples: Barang ini adalah SATU-SATUNYA milikku yang paling saya hargai. = This thing is my SINGLE most valued possession. Kalau BERSATU, kita teguh; kalau bercerai, kita runtuh. = If we UNITE, we will be steadfast; if we separate, we will collapse. Dia adalah pahlawan yang telah berhasil MENYATUKAN semua suku-suku bangsa di Indonesia. = He is the hero that succeeded in UNITING all of the various ethnic groups in Indonesia. NEGARA KESATUAN Indonesia merdeka tahun 1945. = The UNITARY STATE of Indonesia declare its independence in 1945. PERSATUAN ini akan menguatkan perjuangan kita. = This ASSOCIATION will strengthen our struggle. ###

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Word: satwa

Short Definition: wild animals, fauna.

English Definition: wild animals, fauna. ###

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Word: saudagar

Short Definition: merchant.

English Definition: *merchant. ###

L2 Definition: pedagang; penjual dalam jumlah yang banyak. ###

Examples: SAUDAGAR kaya itu terkenal sangat kikirnya. = That rich MERCHANT is well known for his extreme stingyness. ###

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Word: saudara

Short Definition: brother, sister, cousin, relative; term of address. Also BER-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^1 brother, sister, cousin of the same generation. 2 relative. 3 term of address for s.o of same approximate age as speaker or general term of address in official situations. *BER-: to be siblings or related. *PER--AN: relationship, friendship, brotherhood. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan formal untuk tamu/teman/kenalan; Orang yang terikat kekeluargaan/ seibu-seayah. ###

Examples: Tiga orang yang BERSAUDARA itu benar-benar mirip wajahnya. = The faces of those three people who ARE SIBLINGS look very much alike. Usaha PERSAUDARAAN harus kita lakukan agar selalu hidup rukun dan sejahtera. = We must engage in an effort of BROTHERHOOD so that always live harmoniously and prosperously. ###

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Word: saudari

Short Definition: term of address for woman of same age-group as speaker.

English Definition: term of address for a woman of same approximate age as speaker and who the speaker does not know (feminine form of SAUDARA). ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan formal untuk wanita. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: saw

Short Definition: May Allah bless him and give him peace (said after uttering Muh's name).

English Definition: (Isl.) (salla'llahu 'alaihi wasallam) May Allah bless him and give him peace (said after uttering Muh's name). ###

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Word: sawah

Short Definition: wet rice field, rice paddy.

English Definition: *wet rice field, rice paddy. ###

L2 Definition: Hamparan tanah yang ditanami padi. ###

Examples: SAWAH di Bali terkenal dengan sebutan "subak." = The RICE PADDIES of Bali are well-known by the term "subak." ###

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See a Picture

Word: sawi

Short Definition: green mustard###

English Definition: green mustard###

Examples: ###

Word: sawo

Short Definition: sawo1: k.o fruit-bearing tree, sapodilla; sawo2: tan, brown like sapodilla skin

English Definition: sawo1: k.o fruit-bearing tree, sapodilla *sawo2: tan, brown like sapodilla skin###

Examples: *Orang Indonesia biasa disebut orang-orang berkulit SAWO = Indonesians are usually called as people with BROWN LIKE SAPODILLA SKIN.###

Word: saya

Short Definition: I, me, my.

English Definition: I, me, my. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim: aku. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sayang

Short Definition: pity, love; dear, darling. MENY--I: to pity or love s.o./s.t. Also MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 pity, love. 2 dear, darling. *MENY--I: to pity or love s.o. or s.t. *MENY--KAN: to regret, to consider s.t. to be a pity. *KE--AN: 1 pity, love, affection. 2 darling, favorite. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa kasih. ###

Examples: Aku telah MENYAYANGImu seperti aku MENYAYANGI adikku sendiri. = I LOVE you like I LOVE my own younger brother. Kami semua MENYAYANGKAN mengapa perselisihan ini harus terjadi. = We all REGRET that this disagreement had to occur. Dimana kucing KESAYANGANku? = Where is my DARLING cat? ###

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Word: sayap

Short Definition: wing ###

English Definition: BER--: winged MENY--: outflank###

L2 Definition: BER--: winged MENY--: outflank###

Examples: ###

Word: sayat

Short Definition: MENY-: slice, cut. TER-: to be sliced, to be cut.

English Definition: *MENY-: slice, cut. *TER-: to be sliced, to be cut. ###

L2 Definition: mengiris; membelah-belah sesuatu menjadi banyak bagian. ###

Examples: Ayah sedang MENYAYAT bambu di kebun. = Father is SLICING bamboo in the garden. Jari tanganku ini TERSAYAT pisau. = This finger of mine WAS CUT by a knife. ###

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Word: sayur

Short Definition: 1. vegetable. 2. vegetable soup.

English Definition: 1. vegetable. 2. vegetable soup.###

L2 Definition: Tumbuh-tumbuhan yang bisa dimasak dan dimakan. ###

Examples: Tanpa SAYUR lodeh menu makanan ini kurang lengkap. = Without lodeh VEGETABLE SOUP this food menu is not complete. ###

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Word: SBI

Short Definition: Bank Indonesia Certificate.

English Definition: (Sertifikat Bank Indonesia) Bank Indonesia Certificate. ###

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Word: SD

Short Definition: "Sekolah Dasar," meaning primary school.

English Definition: acronym for "Sekolah Dasar," meaning primary school. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sdm

Short Definition: abbreviation of "sumber daya manusia" or human resources

English Definition: abbreviation of "sumber daya manusia" or human resources###

Examples: Untuk membangun negeri ini kami membutuhkan SDM yang berkualitas = To build this country we need a qualified HUMAN RESOURCES.###

Word: sebab

Short Definition: because; cause, reason for. BER-, MENY--KAN, PENY-.

English Definition: 1 because. 2 cause, reason for. *BER-: to have a reason or cause, to be reasonable. *MENY--KAN: to cause, to result in. *PENY-: cause, agent. *DI--KAN: caused by. ###

L2 Definition: lantaran; karena; suatu hal yang mengakibatkan terjadinya hal lain. ###

Examples: Kecelakaan ini terjadi BERSEBAB kebodohan kita sendiri. = This accident occurred WITH our own stupidity AS A CAUSE. Kebiasaan minum susu akan MENYEBABKAN badanmu kuat. = The habit of drinking milk WILL RESULT IN your body to be strong. PENYEBAB sakitnya sampai sekarang belum diketahui. = Until now, the CAUSE of his illness is not yet known. ###

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Word: sebal

Short Definition: SEE SEBEL

Word: sebar

Short Definition: MENY-: spread, spread out. BER--AN: be spread out all over. Also MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ^MENY-: spread, spread out. BER--AN: to be spread out all over. *MENY--KAN: scatter, distribute, strew around. *TER-: scattered, spread, dispersed. *PENY-: disseminator. PER--AN: dissemination. ###

L2 Definition: menyiarkan; menghamburkan; membagi-bagikan. ###

Examples: Waktu paling baik untuk MENYEBARKAN biji-bijian ini adalah pagi hari. = The best time for SPREADING these seeds is the morning. Mengapa buku-bukumu TERSEBAR di mana-mana? = Why are your books SCATTERED all over? Dialah PENYEBAR berita bohong itu. = He is the DISSEMINATOR of that fallacious news. ###

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Word: sebel

Short Definition: resentful

English Definition: resent something

L2 Definition: jengkel

Examples: Saya SEBEL dengan kelakuan Amir kemarin = I feel RESENTFUL of Amir's behavior yesterday.##

Word: sebelum

Short Definition: see BELUM.

English Definition: see BELUM###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sebentar

Short Definition: for a moment; later in the same day. -AN: for a moment.

English Definition: ^*1 for a moment. 2 later in the same day. -AN: for a moment. ###

L2 Definition: tidak lama nanti ###

Examples: SEBENTAR ya! Saya mau mandi dulu. = JUST A MOMENT, OK? I want to bathe first. SEBENTAR lagi hari akan hujan. = In JUST A MOMENT it is going to rain. ###

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Word: seberang

Short Definition: across, opposite; across the seas, foreign. Also MENY-(-I), MENY--KAN.

English Definition: ^1 across, opposite. 2 across the seas, foreign. *MENY-(-I): cross to the other side. *MENY--KAN: take s.t. across. ###

L2 Definition: Sisi disebelah yang berlawanan. ###

Examples: Hati-hati kalau MENYEBERANGI sungai ini. Arusnya sangat deras. = Be careful if you CROSS OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE of this river. Its current is very strong. Kami telah selamat MENYEBERANGKAN para sandera kembali ke negara mereka. = We have succeeded in TAKING the hostages ACROSS back to their country. ###

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Word: sebuah

Short Definition: see BUAH.

English Definition: see BUAH. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sebut

Short Definition: MENY-: mention, name, call. MENY--KAN: name, list names of. Also TER-, -AN.

English Definition: ^MENY-: mention, name, call. *MENY--KAN: name, list names of. *TER-: mentioned. *-AN: term, designation. ###

L2 Definition: mengucapkan; memanggil. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENYEBUTKAN satu-persatu murid-murid yang hadir. = I am going to NAME the attending students one by one. TERSEBUT dalam kisah ini kebaikan saudagar muda itu. = The goodness of that young merchant is MENTIONED in this story. SEBUTAN apa yang baik untuk mainan ini? = What is a good TERM for this game? ###

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Word: sedang

Short Definition: while, at the same time as; be in the process of. Also -KAN.

English Definition: *1 while, at the same time as. 2 be in the process of. -KAN: 1 while, at the same time that. 2 but, whereas, however. ###

L2 Definition: Tengah melakukan sesuatu; tengah-tengah; tidak kurang tidak lebih. ###

Examples: SEDANGKAN gurukupun tidak bisa memecahkan masalah bahasa ini, bagaimana aku bisa melakukannya? = WHILE even my teacher can not solve this language problem, how can I do it? ###

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Word: sedap

Short Definition: delicious. MENY--KAN: to make s.t. delicious.

English Definition: delicious. *MENY--KAN: to make s.t. delicious. ###

L2 Definition: enak; lezat. ###

Examples: Tambahan garam ini akan lebih MENYEDAPKAN masakanmu. = This additional salt will MAKE your cooking more DELICIOUS. ###

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Word: sedekah

Short Definition: (Rel.) 1. alms, give alms. 2. religious meal. BER-: 1. give alms. +

English Definition: ^(Rel.) 1. alms, give alms. 2. religious meal. BER-: 1. give alms. 2. give religious meal. MENY--I: 1. give alms to. 2. give religious meals on behalf of. ###

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Word: sederhana

Short Definition: simple, plain. KE--AN: simplicity.

English Definition: simple, plain. *KE--AN: simplicity. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak berlebihan; bersahaja. ###

Examples: KESEDERHANAAN cara hidup keluarga kaya itu patut dijadikan contoh. = The SIMPLICITY of the lifestyle of that wealthy family is fitting to be made an example of. ###

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Word: sedia

Short Definition: ready, prepared; willing (to do s.t.). Also BER-, MENY--KAN, TER-.

English Definition: ^1 ready, prepared. 2 willing (to do s.t.). *BER-: to be ready, to be prepared. *MENY--KAN: prepare, make ready. *TER-: available, on hand. *KETER--AN: availability, readiness. ###

L2 Definition: Sudah siap; sanggup melakukan. ###

Examples: Siapa yang BERSEDIA membantuku? = Who is PREPARED to help me? Baiklah saya yang akan MENYEDIAKAN makanannya. = Alright, I will be the one to PREPARE the food. Jangan kuatir apa-apa TERSEDIA di sini. = Don't worry, anything at all is AVAILABLE here. ###

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Word: sedih

Short Definition: sad. MENY--KAN: to make sad, saddening. KE--AN: sadness, sorrow.

English Definition: sad. *MENY--KAN: to make sad, saddening. *KE--AN: sadness, sorrow. ###

L2 Definition: Susah; perasaan tidak senang. ###

Examples: Cerita ini sangat MENYEDIHKAN; aku tidak mau lagi membacanya. = This story is very SADDENING; I don't want to read it anymore. KESEDIHAN hati yang berkepanjangan menyebabkan badannya menjadi kurus. = The protracted SORROW in his heart caused his body to become thin. ###

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Word: sedikit

Short Definition: a little (bit), slightly. -NYA: at least, at the least. Also MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: a little (bit), slightly. *-NYA: at least, at the least. *MENY--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: to lessen or reduce s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak banyak. ###

Examples: SEDIKITNYA ada tiga orang yang menjaga daerah itu. = AT THE LEAST there are three people that guard that area. Kita bisa MENYEDIKITKAN anggaran belanja sehari-hari sebenarnya. = In fact, we can REDUCE the daily shopping budget. ###

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Word: sedot

Short Definition: MENY-: suck, inhale, sip. TER-: sucked up. PENY--AN: suction.

English Definition: MENY-: suck, inhale, sip. TER-: sucked up. PENY--AN: suction. ###

L2 Definition: Menarik sesuatu ke dalam sesuatu; isap; hirup. ###

Examples: Proyek ini MENYEDOT dana rakyat yang tidak sedikit. = This project si SUCKING people's fund that is not small. Rambutku hampir TESEDOT oleh mesin PENYEDOT debu itu. My hair is almost SUCKED by the dust SUCKER machine. PENYEDOTAN kotoran-kotoran di selokan ini akan dilakukan oleh dinas kebersihan kota. = The SUCKING of the dirt in the gutter will be done by city cleaning office. ###

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Word: segala

Short Definition: all, all of them (of things not uniform); entirely, wholly. Also SEGALA-GALANYA.

English Definition: ^*1 all, all of them (of things that are not uniform). 2 entirely, wholly. *SEGALA-GALANYA: everything. ###

L2 Definition: Sinonim:semua. ###

Examples: SEGALA urusan ini telah kuserahkan kepadamu. = I have already turned ALL of these matters over to you. Dia yang menguasai SEGALA-GALANYA. = She is the one who oversees EVERYTHING. ###

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Word: segan

Short Definition: feeling of inhibition towards s.o. of higher status. Also MENY--I.

English Definition: feeling of inhibition towards s.o. of higher status. *MENY--I: to respect, to stand in awe of s.o. of higher status. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak mau melakukan sesuatu; malas; enggan. ###

Examples: Saya sangat MENYEGANI pribadinya yang kuat dan jujur. = I very much RESPECT his strong and honest personality. ###

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Word: segar

Short Definition: fresh, cool, pleasant. MENY--KAN, MEMPER-: refresh. Also KE--AN, PENY-.

English Definition: fresh, cool, pleasant. *MENY--KAN, MEMPER-: refresh. *KE--AN: freshness. *PENY-: freshener. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa nyaman di badan; masih baru. ###

Examples: Minuman ini MENYEGARKAN badanku kembali. = This drink REFRESHES my body. KESEGARAN jasmani kita adalah hal yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan. = The FRESHNESS of our bodies is a very important thing to be considered. Kedatangan pegawai baru itu merupakan PENYEGAR suasana di tempat kerjaku. = The arrival of that new employee constituted a FRESHNER of the atmosphere in my workplace. ###

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Word: segara

Short Definition: ocean

English Definition: ocean

Word: segera

Short Definition: immediately.

English Definition: *immediately. ###

L2 Definition: Dengan cepat; lekas-lekas; buru-buru. ###

Examples: Orang yang tertabrak mobil itu SEGERA dibawa ke rumah sakit. = That person who was hit by a car was taken IMMEDIATELY to the hospital. ###

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Word: segi

Short Definition: side; angle, aspect, sector. BER-: to have sides. PER-: sided.

English Definition: ^1 side. 2 angle, aspect, sector. *BER-: to have sides. *PER-: sided. ###

L2 Definition: sisi; pandangan terhadap suatu hal. ###

Examples: Bangunan ini BERSEGI lima. = This building HAS five sides. Bujur sangkar adalah juga PERSEGI EMPAT. = A square is also a QUADRANGLE. ###

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Word: sehat

Short Definition: healthy. KE--AN: health.

English Definition: healthy. *KE--AN: health. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak sakit; kuat; tidak gila; normal. ###

Examples: Setelah pensiun KESEHATAN ayahku malah menjadi menurun. = After retiring, my father's HEALTH in fact declined. ###

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Word: sehingga

Short Definition: see HINGGA.

English Definition: see HINGGA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: seimbang

Short Definition: see IMBANG.

English Definition: see IMBANG. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sejahtera

Short Definition: prosperous. KE--AN: prosperity.

English Definition: prosperous. *KE--AN: prosperity. ###

L2 Definition: Aman sentosa; tidak kuarang suatu apapun. ###

Examples: Yang penting dalam pembangunan ini adalah KESEJAHTERAAN rakyat. = The important thing in this development project is the PROSPERITY of the people. ###

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Word: sejak

Short Definition: since, from the time that.

English Definition: *since, from the time that. ###

L2 Definition: mulai; dari. ###

Examples: SEJAK kapan kamu bergaul dengan dia? = SINCE when have you associated with her? ###

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Word: sejarah

Short Definition: history.

English Definition: *history.

L2 Definition: Riwayat hidup; kejadian yang pernah ada dimasa lalu; silsilah; asal usul. ###

Examples: SEJARAH Kerajaan Majapahit memuncak di jaman Patih Gadjah Mada. = The HISTORY of the Majapahit comes to a peak in the time of Governor Gadjah Mada. ###

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Word: sejarahwan

Short Definition: historian.

English Definition: historian. ###

L2 Definition: Seseorang yang ahli dalam bidang sejarah. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: sejarawan

Short Definition: see SEJARAHWAN.

English Definition: see SEJARAHWAN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: sejati

Short Definition: genuine, original. KE--AN: authenticity.

English Definition: genuine, original. KE--AN: authenticity. ###

L2 Definition: asli; murni; sebetulnya; sebenarnya; tulen; identitas. ###

Examples: Saya meragukan KESEJATIAN cintanya. = I doubt the AUTHENTICITY of his love.

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Word: sejenak

Short Definition: for a moment

English Definition: *for a moment

Examples: SEJENAK dia menatap kekasihnya untuk terakhir kalinya= FOR A MOMENT he looks at his sweetheart for the last time.

Word: sejuk

Short Definition: cool, refreshing. MENY--I, MENY--KAN: cool s.t. down, to refresh s.t. or s.o.

English Definition: cool, refreshing. MENY--I, MENY--KAN: to cool s.t. down, to refresh s.t. or s.o. ###

L2 Definition: Udara yang terasa nyaman di badan kita seperti udara di pagi hari, sedikit dingin dengan angin yang semilir. ###

Examples: Kata-kata lembutnya MENYEJUKI hatiku. = His soft words COOL DOWN my heart. Sungguh MENYEJUKKAN udara pagi ini. = How REFRESHING the air this morning. ###

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Word: seka

Short Definition: BER-: to towel off, rub o.s. clean. MENY-: to rub or polish.

English Definition: ^BER-: to towel off, rub o.s. clean. MENY-: to rub or polish. ###

L2 Definition: usap; lap. ###

Examples: Sebentar-sebentar dia MENYEKA peluhnya yang bercucuran. = Again and again he RUBS OFF his gushing sweat. ###

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Word: sekali

Short Definition: very.

English Definition: (also see KALI) *very. ###

L2 Definition: 1. Sangat. 2. Satu kali. ###

Examples: Rumah itu besar SEKALI. = That house is VERY big. Baru mencoba SEKALI saja kok terus menyerah. = Why are you giving up after trying only ONE TIME. ###

Hear This Word

Word: sekalian

Short Definition: all. see KALI.

English Definition: all. see KALI ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: sekaligus

Short Definition: all at once, simultaneously.

English Definition: *all at once, simultaneously. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan sesuatu dalam waktu bersamaan. ###

Examples: Saya akan menengokmu SEKALIGUS orang tuamu. = I am going to look in on you and your parents AT THE SAME TIME. ###

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Word: sekam

Short Definition: husk, chaff, hull of rice; also MENY-

English Definition: *husk, chaff, hull of rice *MENY- : keep until ripe (fruit), keep quitetly (feelings)

Examples: Petani membakar SEKAM di sawah sebagai penyubur= farmers burn HULL OF RICE on the ricefields as a fertilizer. Ibu MENYEKAM pisang selama tiga hari di dalam kotak kayu= mother KEEPS the bananas UNTIL they RIPE in a wooden box.

Word: sekarang

Short Definition: now, at this moment.

English Definition: *now, at this moment. ###

L2 Definition: Saat ini; pada waktu ini. ###

Examples: Kami semua akan berangkat SEKARANG. = We are all going to leave NOW. ###

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Word: sekarat

Short Definition: agony, to be in agony. BER-: to be in the throes of death.

English Definition: agony, to be in agony. BER-: to be in the throes of death. ###

L2 Definition: Saat menjelang ajal tiba; saat kematian akan tiba. ###

Examples: Penjahat itu sedang BERSEKARAT setelah tertembak polisi. = The criminal is IN THE THROES OF DEATH after being shot by the police. ###

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Word: sekat

Short Definition: 1. screen; 2. [Anat.] partition

English Definition: 1. screen; 2. [Anat.] partition *BER--: partitioned off *MENY--: partition off; bar; isolate, insulate *--AN: partition, obstruction *PENY--: s.t. that partitions off, screen, insulator.##

Examples: Ruangan ini menjadi lebih kecil setelah diberi SEKAT = The room becomes smaller after we put the SCREEN. Kantor kami mempunyai ruangan yang BERSEKAT = Our office has rooms that are PARTITIONED OFF. Kain ini akan menjadi MENYEKAT jendela agar angin tidak masuk = This cloth will INSULATE the wind from the window.###

Word: sekaten

English Definition: a festival held on Yogyakarta and Solo (in Central Java), to celebrate the Prophet Muhammad's birthday.

Word: sekehendak

Short Definition: see HENDAK.

English Definition: see HENDAK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: sekeliling

Short Definition: see KELILING.

English Definition: see KELILING. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: sekerja

Short Definition: see KERJA.

English Definition: see KERJA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: sekian

Short Definition: see KIAN.

English Definition: see KIAN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: sekilas

Short Definition: See KILAS

Word: sekirannya

Short Definition: see KIRA.

English Definition: see KIRA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: sekitar

Short Definition: see KITAR.

English Definition: see KITAR. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sekolah

Short Definition: school. BER-: to attend school. Also MENY--KAN, PER--AN.

English Definition: school. *BER-: to attend school. *MENY--KAN: send to school, put through school. PER--AN: school system. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat untuk menimba/mencari ilmu. ###

Examples: Pada waktu itu saya BERSEKOLAH di jurusan keperawatan. = At that time I ATTENDED nursing SCHOOL. Usaha MENYEKOLAHKAN anak-anak yang terlantar adalah hal yang sangat mulia. = The effort to PUT neglected children THROUGH SCHOOL is a very noble thing. ###

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Word: sekongkol

Short Definition: see KONGKOL

English Definition: see KONGKOL

Word: sekretaris

Short Definition: secretary.

English Definition: secretary. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya di bagian surat-menyurat, mencatat pembicaraan, mencatat pertemuan, dll. ###

Word: sekrup

Short Definition: screw.

English Definition: screw. ###

L2 Definition: pasak; paku besi yang dimasukkan dengan diputar. ###

Examples: Sepatu-rodaku hilang SEKRUPnya sebuah. = My roller skate lost one of its SCREWS. ###

Hear This Word

Word: seks

Short Definition: sex.

English Definition: sex. ###

L2 Definition: Jenis kelamin; berahi. ###

Examples: SEKS bebas adalah perilaku tidak bertanggung jawab. = Free SEX is irresposible behavior..

Hear This Word

Word: seksama

Short Definition: accurate, exact, thorough. KE--AN: accuracy, exactness, thoroughness.

English Definition: accurate, exact, thorough. KE--AN: accuracy, exactness, thoroughness. ###

L2 Definition: Hati-hati; teliti. ###

Examples: KESEKSAMAAN dalam pekerjaan ini benar-benar dibutuhkan. = ACCURACY in this work is really needed. ###

Hear This Word

Word: seksi

Short Definition: see SEKSI1 (section) or SEKSI2 (sexy).

English Definition: see SEKSI1 (section) SEKSI2 (sexy). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: seksi1

Short Definition: section.

English Definition: section. ###

L2 Definition: bagian. ###

Examples: Saya akan bertugas di SEKSI keamanan. = I will have a duty in the security SECTION. ###

Hear This Word

Word: seksi2

Short Definition: sexy.

English Definition: sexy. ###

L2 Definition: Bentuk suatu benda yang merangsang nafsu birahi. = ###

Examples: SEKSI benar bentuk badan bintang filem itu. = How SEXY is the body shape of that movie star. ###

Hear This Word

Word: seksual

Short Definition: sexual.

English Definition: sexual. ###

L2 Definition: Hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan seks. ###

Examples: Gaya dan gerakan penari ular itu sangat SEKSUAL. = The styles and moves of the snake dancer is very SEXUAL. ###

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Word: sektor

Short Definition: sector###

English Definition: ^sector###

Examples: Bekas Persiden Suharto tidak memberi perhatian yang cukup pada SEKTOR pendidikan = Former President Suharto did not pay attention enough to the education SECTOR.###

Word: sekuter

Short Definition: [Coll.] motor-scooter

English Definition: [Coll.] motor-scooter

Examples: ###

Word: sekutu

Short Definition: partner or ally. BER-: to be partners, to be allied. Also PER--AN.

English Definition: ^partner or ally. BER-: to be partners, to be allied. PER--AN: partnership, federation, alliance. ###

L2 Definition: kawan; teman; rekanan. ###

Examples: Dia sudah BERSEKUTU dengan setan. = He has ALLIED with the devil. PERSEKUTUAN antar ke dua negara akhirnya terwujud. = THE ALLIANCE between the countries is finally happened. ###

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Word: sela

Short Definition: crack, gap; interval; interrupt; supplementary crop. Also MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 crack, gap. 2 interval. 3 interrupt. 4. supplementary crop. MENY--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: to insert. ###

L2 Definition: Sisip; selang; celah; ruangan diantara dua benda. ###

Examples: Kuncinya jatuh di SELA kedua lemari itu. = Her key fell down into the GAP between the two cabinets. Ada SELA 10 menit di antara ke dua pidato itu. The was an INTERVAL of 10 minutes between the two speeches. Jangan MENYELAku ketika saya sedang berbicara! = Don't INTERRUPT me when I am speaking! Kau bisa MENYELAKAN namamu ke dalam daftar nama ini. = You can INSERT your name into this name list. ###

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Word: selada

Short Definition: lettuce.

English Definition: lettuce. ###

L2 Definition: Sejenis sayuran hijau yang bisa dimakan tanpa dimasak dulu. ###

Examples: Masakan lebih lezat kalau dimakan dengan SELADA. = This dish is more delicious if it is eaten with LETTUCE. ###

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Word: selain

Short Definition: see LAIN.

English Definition: see LAIN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: selalu

Short Definition: always.

English Definition: (see also LALU) *always. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan hal yang sama. Sinonim= senantiasa. ###

Examples: Baginda SELALU bertempur di garis depan. = His majesty ALWAYS fought in the front lines. ###

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Word: selam

Short Definition: dive (in water). MENY-: dive, go under water. Also MENY--I, MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: dive (in water). MENY-: dive, go under water. MENY--I: dive into. MENY--KAN: to immerse s.t. in liquid. PENY-: diver. ###

L2 Definition: Masuk ke dalam air; melakukan/memikirkan sesuatu secara dalam. ###

Examples: Mereka sedang berlatih MENYELAM. = They are training TO DIVE. Saya tidak bisa MENYELAMI perasaannya. = I can not DIVE INTO her feeling. Siapa yang bisa MENYELAMKAN balon ini ke dalam air? = Who can IMMERSE this balloon into the water. Orang Maluku adalah PENYELAM-PENYELAM yang ulung. = The Moluccan people are excellent DIVERS. ###

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Word: selama

Short Definition: see LAMA.

English Definition: see LAMA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: selamat

Short Definition: safe; welfare, happiness; congratulations. Also MENY--I, MENY--KAN, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^1 safe. 2 welfare, happiness. 3 congratulations. *MENY--I: 1 celebrate s.t. 2 congratulate s.o. *MENY--KAN: save, rescue. *KE--AN: happiness, welfare, safety. *-AN: ceremonial meal. ###

L2 Definition: Terhindar dari bencana; aman; doa yang mengandung harapan supaya sejahtera. ###

Examples: Kami akan mengadakan SELAMATAN untuk MENYELAMATI anak tunggal kami. = We are going to hold a RITUAL MEAL to CELEBRATE our only child. Dengan MENYELAMATKAN anak harimau yang langka ini kita bisa melestarikan jenis binatang ini. = By SAVING this rare tiger cub we can preserve this animal species. KESELAMATAN seluruh penumpang ada ditangan sopir bus. = The SAFETY of all of the passengers is in the hands of the bus driver. ###

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Word: selancar

Short Definition: surfing the wave; wind-surfing, see also LANCAR

English Definition: windsurfing

Examples: Adi sangat senang BERSELANCAR di laut = Adi likes to SURF at sea.##

Word: selang

Short Definition: interval, break. BER-: at intervals, intermittently. Also MENY-.

English Definition: ^interval, break. BER-: at intervals, intermittently. MENY-: 1 to interrupt, intercede between. 2 to alternate between two or more things. ###

L2 Definition: antara; sela; lewat. ###

Examples: Ayah dan ibunya meninggal BERSELANG sebulan. = Her father and mother died IN AN INTERVAL OF a month. Ayah sedang sibuk, jangan kau MENYELANGnya dengan banyak pertanyaan. = Father is busy, dont INTERRUPT him with many questions. ###

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Word: selaput

Short Definition: membrane, film, coating.

English Definition: membrane, film, coating. ###

L2 Definition: Kulit/benda tipis yang membungkus atau membatasi sesuatu. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: selaras

Short Definition: see LARAS.

English Definition: see LARAS. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Selasa

Short Definition: Tuesday.

English Definition: Tuesday. ###

L2 Definition: Hari sesudah hari Senin dan sebelum hari Rabu. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: selat

Short Definition: strait, narrows (of a water body). Also MENY--KAN.

English Definition: strait, narrows (of a water body). *MENY-KAN: insert s.t. inbetween, stick s.t. somewhere. ###

L2 Definition: celah; sela. ###

Examples: Saya lupa dimana saya MENYELATKAN suratmu tadi. = I forget where I STUCK your letter earlier. ###

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Word: selatan

Short Definition: south.

English Definition: south. ###

L2 Definition: Arah yang berlawanan dengan arah utara. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: selawat

Short Definition: (Isl.) invocation, short prayer usually consisting of verses from the Koran.

English Definition: (Isl.) invocation, short prayer usually consisting of verses from the Koran. ###

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Word: selederi

Short Definition: celery.

English Definition: celery. ###

L2 Definition: Dejenis daun-daunan yang berbau khas biasa dipakai untuk penyedap masakan. ###

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Word: seledri

Short Definition: celery###

English Definition: celery###

Examples: Jus SELEDRI sangat lezat dan sehat = CELERY juice is delicious and healthy.###

Word: selendang

Short Definition: a piece of cloth or stole worn over the shoulder or head.

English Definition: a piece of cloth or stole worn over the shoulder or head. ###

L2 Definition: Kain panjang yang dipakai sebagai hiasan di pundak; kain untuk menggendong bayi/barang. ###

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Word: selenggara

Short Definition: MENY--KAN: operate, organize, or arrange s.t. Also PENY-.

English Definition: ^MENY--KAN: operate, organize, or arrange s.t. PENY-: operator, organizer, general editor (books, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Mengadakan suatu kegiatan. ###

Examples: Saya tidak tahu siapa yang MENYELENGGARAKAN acara ini. = I do not know who ORGANIZES this event. Pertunjukan itu kacau karena PENYELENGGARAnya tidak profesional. = The show was messy because the ORGANIZER was not professional. ###

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Word: selera

Short Definition: appetite, taste. BER-: have an appetite; be appetizing.

English Definition: appetite, taste. *BER-: 1 have an appetite. 2 be appetizing. ###

L2 Definition: Keinginan untuk berbuat sesuatu; kesukaan; kegemaran. ###

Examples: Bau makanan itu benar-benar membuatku BERSELERA makan. = The smell of that food really makes me HAVE AN APPETITE to eat. ###

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Word: selesai

Short Definition: finished, done, completed. MENY--KAN: complete or settle s.t. Also PENY--AN.

English Definition: finished, done, completed. *MENY--KAN: complete or settle s.t. *PENY--AN: completion, resolution, settlement, solution. ###

L2 Definition: habis; tamat. ###

Examples: Saya baru bisa pergi kalau sudah MENYELESAIKAN tugas ini. = I can leave only if I have FINISHED this assignment. PENYELESAIAN perkara ini adalah tujuan utama anda semua. = The RESOLUTION of this case is the primary objective of all of you. ###

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Word: selesma

Short Definition: a cold, running nose.

English Definition: a cold, running nose.###

L2 Definition: pilek; influensa. ###

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Word: seleweng

Short Definition: MENY-: 1. deviate. 2. engage in improper activity. 3. be unfaithful. +

English Definition: ^MENY-: 1. deviate, divert. 2. engage in improper activity. 3. be unfaithful in a relationship. MENY--KAN: divert, deflect s.t. TER--KAN: diverted. PENY-: crook. PENY--AN: 1. deviation. 2. irregularity, corruption.###

L2 Definition: Menyimpang dari yang seharusnya; tidak setia. ###

Examples: Karena MENYELEWENGKAN uang negara dia dipecat dari jabatannya. = Because he DIVERTED state's money he was fired from his position. Tidak mungkin suamiku akan MENYELEWENG dengan perempuan lain. = It's impossible that my husband will HAVE AN AFFAIR with other woman. Jangan percaya pada PENYELEWENG itu! = Don't trust the CROOK! ###

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Word: selidik

Short Definition: accurate, careful; critical, observant. Also MENY--I, PENY-, PENY--AN.

English Definition: ^1 accurate, careful. 2 critical, observant. *MENY--I: investigate or research s.t. *PENY-: investigator, researcher. *PENY--AN: investigation, research. ###

L2 Definition: periksa; teliti; usut. ###

Examples: Sementara ini saya akan mengadakan PENYELIDIKAN ini. = At this time I am going to conduct this INVESTIGATION. Polisi sedang MENYELIDIKI kasus ini. = The police are currently INVESTIGATING this case. Kasus ini biar sudah ditangani PENYELIDIK yang tangguh tetap sulit dicari jawabnya. = Although this case has been taken up by tenacious INVESTIGATORS, the answers remain elusive. ###

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Word: selimut

Short Definition: 1. blanket. 2. camouflage. BER-: covered over. BER--KAN: covered with.+

English Definition: ^1. blanket. 2. camouflage. BER-: covered over. BER--KAN: covered with. MENY--I: 1. cover s.t. with blanket. 2. hide s.t., cover. MENY--KAN: use as cover, hide behind. PENY--AN: covering.###

L2 Definition: Kain untuk menutupi tubuh di waktu tidur, kedinginan, sakit, dll.; suatu barang/hal yang menutupi barang/hal lain. ###

Examples: Biasanya dia tidak mau BERSELIMUT kalau tidur. = Usually he doesn't want TO USE A BLANKET when sleeping. Rumi tidur hanya BERSELIMUTKAN sarung. = Rumi sleeps COVERED with only sarong. Kabut ini akan MENYELIMUTI kota sampai besok. = This fog will COVER the city untul tomorrow. Dia MENYELIMUTKAN maksudnya yang sesungguhnya. = He HID his true intention. ###

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Word: selinap

Short Definition: MEN-: move in such a way as to be unseen.

English Definition: MEN-: move in such a way as to be unseen. ###

L2 Definition: Masuk diam-diam dengan cepat; endap. ###

Examples: Mata-mata itu dengan cepatnya MENYELINAP ke dalam restoran itu. = The spy quickly SNEAKS into the restaurant. ###

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Word: selip

Short Definition: slipped into a place; insert; skid

English Definition: *MENY--KAN : slip into a place *TER-- : enclosed, inserted *--AN: slip

Examples: Dia MENYELIPKAN uang itu kedalam kantongnya = He SLIPPED the money into his pocket. Dalam undangan itu TERSELIP foto Aminah = Aminah's picture is ENCLOSED in the invitation.##

Word: selisih

Short Definition: 1. difference. 2.quarrel, dispute

English Definition: 1. difference. 2.quarrel, dispute. *BER--: 1. be at certain interval in time or space. 2. quarrel, disagree, be at odds with. *MEMPER--KAN: disagree over s.t. *PER--AN: disagreement, quarrel, dispute.##

Examples: Berapa SELISIH uang belanjamu hari ini?? = How much is the DIFFERENCE of your expenses today?? Keluarga Pak Amir BERSELISIH dengan tetangganya = Pak Amir's family is having a DISPUTE with their neighbor. Jangan MEMPERSELISIHKAN masalah yang kecil seperti itu = Do not QUARREL over something small like that. Akhirnya PERSELISIHAN itu diselesaikan melalui pengadilan = Finally the DISAGREEMENT is solved through the court.###

Word: selo

Short Definition: cello.

English Definition: cello. ###

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Word: selokan

Short Definition: gutter.

English Definition: gutter. ###

L2 Definition: parit. ###

Examples: Kemarin cincinku terjatuh di SELOKAN itu. = Yesterday my ring fell off into that GUTTER. ###

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Word: Selon

Short Definition: Ceylon. MENY-: exile, deport.

English Definition: Ceylon. MENY-: exile, deport. ###

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Word: Selong

Short Definition: see SELON.

English Definition: see SELON. ###

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Word: selop

Short Definition: slipper, sandal with closed toes

English Definition: slipper, sandal with closed toes

Examples: Sungguh serasi pakaian Ani dengan SELOP yang dipakainya = What a nice combination between Ani's dress and her SLIPPER.##

Word: seloro

Short Definition: 1. funny, amuzing. 2. joke, witty remark. BER-: joke, crack jokes.

English Definition: 1. funny, amuzing. 2. joke, witty remark. BER-: joke, crack jokes. ###

L2 Definition: lucu; main-main. ###

Examples: Sebenarnya maksud orang itu hanya BERSELORO. = Actually, the person's intention was only JOKING. ###

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Word: seloroh

Short Definition: see SELORO.

English Definition: see SELORO. ###

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Word: selubung

Short Definition: veil.

English Definition: veil. ###

L2 Definition: penutup; cadar. ###

Examples: Ada maksud TERSELUBUNG dibalik keramah-tamahannya. = There is a HIDDEN intention behind his friendliness. ###

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Word: selundup

Short Definition: MEN-: smuggle oneself into a place. PEN-: smuggler.

English Definition: MEN-: smuggle oneself into a place. PEN-: smuggler. ###

L2 Definition: Masuk secara sembunyi-sembunyi; masuk secara tidak sah; susup. ###

Examples: Untuk bisa MENYELUNDUP ke daerah musuh kita harus melakukannya malam-malam. = To be able to SMUGGLE ourselves into the enemy's territory we have to do it in the night. Bos PENYELUNDUP ganja itu akhirnya tertangkap juga. = The boss of the marijuana SMUGGLERS was finally apprehended. ###

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Word: seluruh

Short Definition: entire, whole. -NYA: all of s.t. KE--AN: completeness, totality.

English Definition: ^entire, whole. *-NYA: all of s.t. *KE--AN: completeness, totality. ###

L2 Definition: semua; sekalian segala; segenap. ###

Examples: Apakah uangku kau gunakan SELURUHNYA? = Did you use ALL of my money? SECARA KESELURUHAN hal ini sudah baik kecuali beberapa hal yang perlu diperbaiki. = ON THE WHOLE this matter is okey except for a few things which need to be corrected. ###

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Word: selut

Short Definition: mud, ooze

English Definition: mud, ooze

Word: semak

Short Definition: undergrowth in a forest, bushes, thicket.

English Definition: undergrowth in a forest, bushes, thicket. ###

L2 Definition: Tanaman-tanaman pendek yang saling menggerumbul; sejenis tumbuhan perdu. ###

Examples: SEMAK belukar itu banyak durinya. = The BUSHES have many spikes. ###

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Word: semangat

Short Definition: zeal, enthusiasm, ardor.

English Definition: zeal, enthusiasm, ardor. ###

L2 Definition: Kekuatan batin untuk melakukan sesuatu; gairah. ###

Examples: Aku sudah tidak punya SEMANGAT lagi untuk berlatih. = I have no more ENTHUSIASM to train. ###

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Word: semangka

Short Definition: watermelon###

English Definition: watermelon###

Examples: Musim buah SEMANGKA pada saat musim panas = A WATERMELON' season is in summer or a dried season.

Word: Semarang

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Central Java in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Central Java in Indonesia. ###

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Word: semata-mata

Short Definition: see MATA2.

English Definition: see MATA2. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sembah

Short Definition: respectful greeting (made with palms together and fingertips upward), homage

English Definition: *ME- : worship, pay homage, beg entreat in polite way *MEMPER-KAN : offer or present s.t. to a high personnage *PER-AN : tribute, gift, dedication

Examples: Orang-orang berlutut dan MENYEMBAH raja baru itu= people kneed and PAID HOMAGE to the new King. Dia MEMPERSEMBAHKAN tarian Sunda di depan tamu-tamu= she PRESENTED a Sundanese dance before the guests. Mia mencipta sebuah lagu sebagai PERSEMBAHAN kepada orang tuanya= Mia composed a song as a TRIBUTE to her parents.

Word: sembahyang

Short Definition: (Rel.) prayer. BER-: to pray, worship.

English Definition: (Rel.) prayer. *BER-: to pray, worship. ###

L2 Definition: Acara ritual untuk memanjatkan doa pada Tuhan. ###

Examples: Cara BERSEMBAHYANG sekelompok orang itu aneh sekali. = The manner OF PRAYING in that group of people is very strange. ###

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Word: sembako

Short Definition: nine kinds of basic needs###

English Definition: sembako is abbreviation of Sembilan Bahan Pokok or nine kinds of basic needs including rice, sugar, oil, clothes.###

Examples: Rakyat menuntut agar pemerintah menyediakan SEMBAKO sesegera mungkin = People have demanded the government to supply NINE KINDS OF BASIC NEEDS immediately.###

Word: sembarang

Short Definition: any one, no particular one. KE--AN: arbitrariness. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^any one, no particular one. KE--AN: arbitrariness. -AN: 1 at random. 2 just anyone or anything. ###

L2 Definition: Apa saja; tidak perlu pilihan. ###

Examples: KESEMBARANGANnya tidak akan menolongnya. = His ARBITRARYNESS will not help him. Jangan SEMBARANGAN meletakkan kacamatamu di lantai. = Don't JUST put your glasses on the floor. ###

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Word: sembelih

Short Definition: slaughter; butcher; kill

English Definition: MENY-- : to kill; to slaughter an animal DI-- : slaughtered; killed PENY-- : a butcher

L2 Definition: memotong binatang (ayam atau sapi)

Examples: Ali MENYEMBELIH ayam untuk dimasak pada pesta nanti malam = Ali SLAUGHTERED the chicken to be cooked for tonight's party. Setelah kambing DISEMBELIH, Hadi lalu membersihkannya = After the goat has been SLAUGHTERED, Hadi cleaned it up. Ayahnya bekerja sebagai PENYEMBELIH sapi = His father works as a BUTCHER. ##

Word: sembilan

Short Definition: nine.

English Definition: nine. ###

L2 Definition: Angka sesudah delapan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sembrono

Short Definition: reckless; at random; doing things without deep thought

English Definition: 1. doing things any way that comes to mind; 2. not in accordance with the rules of society

L2 Definition: kurang hati-hati; tidak memikirkan secara baik sebelum melakukan sesuatu; gegabah; lalai; ceroboh; sembarangan

Examples: Jangan SEMBRONO dalam memilih pacar, kata Ibu kepada Tono = Do not be RECKLESS in choosing a girlfriend, says Ibu to Tono. Jangan berbuat SEMBRONO di rumah orang lain = Do not DO WHATEVER YOU FEEL LIKE DOING in other people's house. ###

Word: sembuh

Short Definition: recover (as from an illness or injury). Also MENY--KAN, TER--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^recover (as from an illness or injury). *MENY--KAN: cure, heal. *TER--KAN: curable. *KE--AN: recovery. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak sakit lagi; sehat kembali. ###

Examples: Dokter itu berhasil MENYEMBUHKAN penyakit ayah yang sudah menahun. = The doctor succeeded in CURING father's chronic disease. Kecewa hatinya TERSEMBUHKAN dengan kedatangan anaknya. = His disappointment IS CURABLE with the arrival of his child. Kami semua mengharap KESEMBUHAN bapak dengan segera. = We all hope for your immediate RECOVERY. ###

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Word: sembunyi

Short Definition: hide, hidden. BER-: to hide o.s. MENY--KAN: to hide s.t. TER-: hidden.

English Definition: hide, hidden. *BER-: to hide o.s. *MENY--KAN: to hide s.t. *TER-: hidden. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak terang-terangan; tertutup. ###

Examples: Kalau dia datang lagi aku akan BERSEMBUNYI saja. = If he comes again, I am just going to HIDE. Siapa yang MENYEMBUNYIKAN sepatuku? = Who HID my shoes? Ternyata barang itu TERSEMBUNYI di bawah lemari. = As it happened, that thing was HIDDEN beneath the wardrobe. ###

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Word: sembur

Short Definition: spittle (esp. when sprayed as a charm to cure s.o); *MENY--: squirt, spurt, spray spit at

English Definition: spittle (esp. when sprayed as a charm to cure s.o); *MENY--: squirt, spurt, spray spit at *MENY--KAN: spray or spout s.t. out *TER--: 1. sprayed, sprinkled, squirted; 2. be scolded *--AN: outpouring, spraying out.###

Examples: Pipa itu MENYEMBURKAN air ke dalam rumah kami = The pipe SPRAYED water into our house. Tawanya TERSEMBUR mendengar lelucon itu = His laughter BURSTED out when he heard the joke. Kampung kami selamat dari SEMBURAN lava gunung Merapi = Our village was spared from the lava OUTPOURING of Merapi mountain.###

Word: semen

Short Definition: cement.

English Definition: cement. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: semena-mena

Short Definition: see MENA

English Definition: see MENA

Word: semenjak

Short Definition: since.

English Definition: since. ###

L2 Definition: Mulai dari; sejak. ###

Examples: SEMENJAK tama kami tidak pernah bertemu lagi. = SINCE graduation, we never meet again. ###

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Word: sementara

Short Definition: while; for the moment, temporary.

English Definition: ^1 while. 2 for the moment, temporary. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak untuk selama-lamanya; tidak tetap; selagi; dll. ###

Examples: Saya akan tinggal di rumah ini untuk SEMENTARA saja. = I will stay in this house only TEMPORARILY. ###

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Word: semesta

Short Definition: whole, entire, total; also *ALAM SEMESTA= universe

English Definition: whole, entire, total

Examples: Ada jutaan bintang di ALAM SEMESTA ini= there are million of stars in the UNIVERSE.

Word: semi

Short Definition: 1. young shoot. BER-, MENY-: sprout. 2. loose, improperly fixed.

English Definition: ^1. young shoot. BER-, MENY-: sprout. 2. loose, improperly fixed.###

L2 Definition: tunas. ###

Examples: Bulan depan bunga-bunga akan BERSEMI. = Next month the flowers will SPRING. ###

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Word: semir

Short Definition: polish. MENY-: polish s.t., smear s.t. on s.t. else.; bribe. TER-: polished.

English Definition: polish. *MENY-: 1 polish s.t., smear s.t. on s.t. else. 2 bribe. *TER-: polished. ###

L2 Definition: Membuat sesuatu menjadi bersih/mengkilat. ###

Examples: Ani sedang MENYEMIR sepatu ayah. = Ani is POLISHING father's shoes. Kalau sepatunya tidak TERSEMIR mengkilap bapak tidak mau memakainya. = If his shoes are not POLISHED shiny, father doesn't want to wear them. ###

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Word: semokel

Short Definition: smuggling. MENY-: smuggle.

English Definition: smuggling. MENY-: smuggle.###

L2 Definition: Suatu hasil penyelundupan; selundupan. ###

Examples: Rupanya dialah yang MENYEMOKEL barang itu. = Apparently he was the one who SMUGGLED the goods. ###

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Word: semokelar

Short Definition: smuggler.

English Definition: (Coll.) smuggler.###

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Word: sempat

Short Definition: have a chance, get an opportunity, have sufficient time. Also MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ^ have a chance, get an opportunity, have sufficient time. *MENY--KAN: 1 make use of s.t. 2 give s.o. an opportunity to do s.t. *KE--AN: opportunity. *BERKE--AN: have an opportunity to do s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Ada waktu; ada kesempatan/peluang. ###

Examples: Kalau bisa saya akan MENYEMPATKAN waktu kosong nanti untuk mampir ke rumahmu juga. = If possible, I am going to MAKE USE OF my free time later to stop by your house, too. Jangan kau sia-siakan KESEMPATAN emas ini. = Don't disregard this golden OPPORTUNITY. Tidak semua orang bisa BERKESEMPATAN belajar ke luar negeri. = Not everyone can HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY to study abroad. ###

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Word: sempit

Short Definition: 1. narrow, tight. 2. preesed, limited. BER-: packed like sardines. +

English Definition: 1. narrow, tight. 2. pressed, limited. BER-: packed like sardines. MENY-: tighten, narrow, constrict. MENY--KAN, MEMPER-: narrow, constrict, tighten s.t. KE--AN: 1. narrowness, narrow-mindedness. 2. being hard pressed. 3. too narrow. -AN: narrow passage. PENY--AN: constriction. ###

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Word: semprit

Short Definition: whistle. MENY-: blow a whistle. MENY--I: blow a whistle at. -AN: whistle sound.

English Definition: whistle. MENY-: blow a whistle. MENY--I: blow a whistle at. -AN: whistle (sound).###

L2 Definition: Alat kecil yang bisa mengeluarkan bunyi yang tinggi; peluit. ###

Examples: Polisi itu MENYEMPRITI kendaran yang melanggar. = The police BLOWS A WHISTLE AT the violating vehicle. Bunyi SEMPRITAN itu membikin ribut saja. = The sound of the WHISTLE is just making it noisy. ###

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Word: semprot

English Definition: see SEMPROT1 SEMPROT2 ###

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Word: semprot1

Short Definition: syring, squirt gun. MENY-: 1. spray. 2. scold. Also MENY--I, MENY--KAN, TER-, +

English Definition: syringe, squirt gun. MENY-: 1. spray. 2. scold. MENY--I: spray. MENY--KAN: 1. squirt s.t. out. 2. inject, spray. TER-: sprayed. -AN: 1. syring, squirt gun. 2. scolding. PENY-: syring, sprayer. PENY--AN: spraying. ###

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Word: semprot2

Short Definition: S-shaped cookie made of sago or tapioca flour.

English Definition: S-shaped cookie made of sago or tapioca flour. ###

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Word: sempurna

Short Definition: 1. perfect. 2. complete. SE-: as perfect as. MENY--KAN: 1. to perfect.+

English Definition: ^1. perfect. 2. complete. SE-: as perfect as. MENY--KAN: 1. to perfect or complete s.t. 2. be given a proper ceremony.###

L2 Definition: Tidak cacat; utuh; lengkap; komplit. ###

Examples: Saya tidak menyangka akan SESEMPURNA itu hasilnya. = I didn't think the result will be AS PERFECT AS that. Saya telah MENYEMPURNAKAN pekerjaannya. = I have COMPLETED his work. ###

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Word: semrawut

Short Definition: chaotic, disorganized. KE--AN: chaos, lack of organization.

English Definition: chaotic, disorganized. KE--AN: chaos, lack of organization.###

L2 Definition: Tidak teratur; kacau-balau; tidak rapi. ###

Examples: KESEMRAWUTAN acara ini terjadi karena pengaturan waktu yang buruk. = The DISORGANIZATION of the event happened because of bad time arrangement.

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Word: semu

Short Definition: 1. appearance. 2. apparent, pseudo-, quasi-. 3. deceit. Also BER-, MENY--I,+

English Definition: ^1. appearance. 2. apparent, pseudo-, quasi-. 3. deceit. BER-: having the appearance of. MENY--I, MENY--KAN: deceive, trick. TER-: tricked. PENY-: impostor.###

L2 Definition: Tampak seperti asli; bukan yang sebenarnya. ###

Examples: Mukanya BERSEMU merah karena marah. = His face HAVING THE APPEARANCE OF red because of angriness. Itu hanyalah mimpi yang SEMU. = That was just a DECEITFUL dream.

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Word: semua

Short Definition: all. -NYA: all of something. -MUANYA: anything and everything.

English Definition: all. *-NYA: all of something. *-MUANYA: anything and everything. ###

L2 Definition: seluruhnya; tidak tersisa. ###

Examples: Saya mau membeli mangga itu SEMUANYA. = I want to buy ALL OF those mangoes. Anak serakah itu mau mengambil SEMUA-MUANYA harta orang tuanya. = That greedy child wants to take ANY AND ALL OF his parents' belongings. ###

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Word: semut

Short Definition: ant. MENY-: swarm.

English Definition: ant. MENY-: swarm.###

L2 Definition: Nama sejenis serangga (kecil bentuknya). ###

Examples: Kenapa banyak orang MENYEMUT di sana? = Why are there many people SWARMING over there? ###

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Word: sen

Short Definition: cent.

English Definition: cent. ###

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Word: senam

Short Definition: (sport) gymnastic, physical exercise

English Definition: *BER- = do physical exercise *PE- = gymnast

Examples: Supaya sehat kita sebaiknya BERSENAM setiap pagi = To be healthy we ought to DO PHYSICAL EXERCISE every morning.# Dia pernah menjadi PESENAM terbaik di kejuaraan dunia = He was the best GYMNAST in the world championship.###

Word: senang

Short Definition: happy, pleased, contented; like s.t.; comfortable. Also BER-, BER-_-_, +

English Definition: ^1 happy, pleased, contented. 2 like s.t., be pleased with s.t. 3 comfortable. BER-: to be happy, pleased, contented. *BER-_-_: to enjoy o.s., have a good time. *MENY--I: to like s.t. *MENY--KAN: to make s.t. or s.o. happy, to be pleasurable. MEMPER-(-KAN): to amuse s.o. or s.t. *KE--AN: happiness, contentment. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak susah; gembira; bahagia. ###

Examples: Untuk menghilangkan stres kamu perlu sedikit BERSENANG-SENANG. = To eliminate stress, you need to ENJOY YOURSELF a little. Jejaka itu hanya MENYENANGI anak pak Marto saja. = That bachelor guy LIKES only Mr. Marto's daughter. MENYENANGKAN juga berenang-renang di laut begini. = Swimming in the ocean like this is PLEASURABLE. Anak yang malas itu KESENANGANnya tidur melulu. = That lazy child, his CONTENTMENT is only in sleeping. ###

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Word: senantiasa

Short Definition: always.

English Definition: *always. ###

L2 Definition: selalu; tidak pernah tidak. ###

Examples: Kalau lewat didepanku anak itu SENANTIASA menganggukkan kepalanya. = If she passes in front of me, that child ALWAYS bows her head. ###

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Word: senapan

Short Definition: rifle, gun.

English Definition: rifle, gun.###

L2 Definition: Senjata untuk menembak. ###

Examples: Kami berburu dengan menggunakan SENAPAN angin. = We hunt by using air RIFLE. ###

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Word: senapati

Short Definition: commander-in-chief.

English Definition: commander-in-chief. ###

L2 Definition: Panglima perang; pemimpin tentara. ###

Examples: Pangeran Diponegoro adalah SENOPATI yang gagah berani sampai akhir hayatnya. = Prince Diponegoro was a brave COMMANDER until he died. ###

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Word: senat

Short Definition: 1. (Acad) faculty senate 2. (Pol.) senate###

English Definition: 1. (Acad) faculty senate 2. (Pol.) senate###

Examples: Persatuan SENAT Mahasiswa Indonesia menolak pencalonan Habibie sebagai Presiden Indonesia = The Association of Indonesian Student SENATES rejected Habibie's candidacy as the Indonesian President.###

Word: senda

Short Definition: senda-gurau = joke, banter

English Definition: *BER-- : joke, banter *PER--AN: butt of jokes

L2 Definition: bercanda, bermain

Examples: Kasihan, dia selalu menjadi bahan PERSENDA-GURAUAN teman-temannya = Poor him, his friends always MAKE HIM AS A JOKE.##

Word: sendat

Short Definition: tight, choked. TER-: be blocked, stopped.

English Definition: tight, choked. TER-: be blocked, stopped. ###

L2 Definition: terhenti; tersumbat; tersekat. ###

Examples: Dengan TERSENDAT-SENDAT dia menceritakan jalannya kejadian itu. = CHOKINGLY, he tells how the accident happened. ###

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Word: sendawa

Short Definition: a burp; *BER--: belch

English Definition: a burp *BER--: belch.##

Examples: Di Amerika orang yang BERSENDAWA di meja makan dianggap tidak sopan = In America, it is considered rude when you BURP at dinner table.###

Word: sendi

Short Definition: hinge, joint. BER-: to be hinged, to hinge upon, be based upon.

English Definition: hinge, joint. BER-: to be hinged, to hinge upon, be based upon. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat dimana suatu benda saling berhubungan dan masing-masing dapat digerakkan; hubungan diantara dua tulang atau lebih; dasar. ###

Examples: Pandangan hidup bangsa Indonesia BERSENDI pada "Pancasila." = The Indonesian way of life is BASED on Pancasila. ###

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Word: sendiri

Short Definition: self; own (to show possession). Also BER-, MENY-, TER-, -AN, PENY--AN.

English Definition: ^1 self. 2 own (to show possession). *BER-, MENY-: be alone, aloof, separate. *TER-: 1 alone, separate. 2 special, unusual. *-AN: alone. PENY--AN: isolation. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak berteman; tidak dengan siapa-siapa. ###

Examples: Kebiasaan anak yang pemalu itu memang MENYENDIRI. = The habit of that shy child is to BE ALONE. Rupa-rupanya dia punya selera TERSENDIRI. = Apparently she has her PARTICULAR taste. Saya datang SENDIRIAN saja. = I came ALONE. ###

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Word: sendok

Short Definition: spoon. MENY-: to ladle or scoop s.t. up with a spoon.

English Definition: spoon. *MENY-: to ladle or scoop s.t. up with a spoon. ###

L2 Definition: Alat yang digunakan untuk makan atau mengambil sesuatu. ###

Examples: Pelan-pelan kalau MENYENDOK gula itu nanti tumpah. = Go slowly if you SCOOP UP that sugar WITH A SPOON, it may spill. ###

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Word: sendok teh

Short Definition: tea spoon###

English Definition: tea spoon###

Examples: Ukuran SENDOK TEH lebih kecil dari sendok makan = The size of TEA SPOONS is smaller than eating spoons.

Word: senduk

Short Definition: SEE SENDOK

Word: Senen

Short Definition: Monday.

English Definition: Monday. ###

L2 Definition: Hari sesudah hari Minggu dan sebelum hari Selasa. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: seneng

Short Definition: see SENANG.

English Definition: see SENANG. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: seng

Short Definition: metal sheeting used for roofing.

English Definition: metal sheeting used for roofing. ###

L2 Definition: Logam yang berwarna putih kebiru-biruan yang biasanya dipakai untuk atap atau dinding rumah. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sengaja

Short Definition: intentionally, purposely, exclusively.

English Definition: intentionally, purposely, exclusively. ###

L2 Definition: Sesuatu hal yang dilakukan dengan maksud tertentu; hal yang terjadi tidak secara kebetulan tetapi memang sudah diniatkan. ###

Examples: Tanpa DISENGAJA saya telah menyakitkan hatinya. = unINTENTIONALLY, I have hurt his heart. ###

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Word: sengak

Short Definition: 1. punget, piercing in smell; 2. obnoxious; 3. be surprised

English Definition: pungent smell (like vinegar) *TER-- : have a spasm in one's limb

Examples: Di depan rumahnya ada bau yang SENGAK = There is a PUNGET smell in front of his house###

Word: senggama

Short Definition: coitus, to have sex

English Definition: *BER-- : have coitus

L2 Definition: bersetubuh, berhubungan seks

Examples: Agama Islam tidak memperbolehkan orang BERSENGGAMA sebelum menikah = Islamic teaching does not allow people to (HAVE SEX) before married.###

Word: senggang

Short Definition: to have free time, be unoccupied. KE--AN: leisure.

English Definition: ^to have free time, be unoccupied. KE--AN: leisure. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak sedang melakukan sesuatu; waktu yang luang; sedang tidak sibuk. ###

Examples: Saya akan mengisi KESENGGANGAN waktuku ini dengan membaca buku. = I will fill my LEISURE time with reading books. ###

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Word: sengit

Short Definition: violently with stinging words.

English Definition: violently with stinging words. ###

L2 Definition: Tajam; perkataan keras; perkataan yang menyakiti hati; dll. ###

Examples: Dengan SENGIT dia membantah semua tuduhan yang ditujukan padanya. = With STINGING WORDS he denied all of the accusations that were being blamed on him. ###

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Word: sengketa

Short Definition: (Leg.) lawsuit, legal action; quarrel, dispute. Also BER-, MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 (Leg.) lawsuit, legal action. 2 quarrel, dispute. *BER-: have a legal dispute. *MENY--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: to dispute s.t., to quarrel over s.t. *PER--AN: dispute, contention. ###

L2 Definition: selisih; pertengkarang; perbedaan paham. ###

Examples: Dua keluarga itu sedang BERSENGKETA mengenai urusan tanah warisan. = Those two families are QUARRELING about matters of land inheritance. Kami akan MENYENGKETAKAN ketidak-adilan ini. = We are going TO DISPUTE this injustice. PERSENGKETAAN antar penduduk di desa ini sudah mulai berpuluh-puluh tahun yang lalu. = The DISPUTE among the inhabitants of this village started decades ago. ###

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Word: sengkong

Short Definition: see SINGKONG.

English Definition: see SINGKONG. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sengsara

Short Definition: misery, suffering. KE--AN: misery, suffering.

English Definition: ^misery, suffering. KE--AN: misery, suffering. ###

L2 Definition: Penderitaan hidup; kesedihan; kesusahan; kepiluan. ###

Examples: Mengapa aku mendapat KESENGSARAAN terus-menerus? = Why do I keep SUFFERING? ###

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Word: seni

Short Definition: art. KE--LUKISAN: art, matters related to painting as an art. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: art. KE--LUKISAN: matters related to painting as an art. *KE--AN: art, matters related to art. ###

L2 Definition: Karya yang mengandung sifat keindahan. ###

Examples: KESENIAN tradisional ini sudah ada sejak jaman nenek-moyang kita dulu. = This traditional ART has existed since the time of our ancestors. ###

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Word: seniman

Short Definition: artist.

English Definition: artist. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang berbakat pada suatu hal tentang seni. ###

Examples: Cicu adalah SENIMAN muda yang berbakat. = Cicu is a talented young ARTIST. ###

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Word: Senin

Short Definition: Monday; also -Kamis

English Definition: *Monday *-Kamis

Examples: Setiap hari SENIN murid-murid sekolah mengadakan upacara bendera = every MONDAY students have flag raising ceremony. Nafasnya sudah SENIN-KAMIS. Dia harus berhenti berlari = he is on his last legs. He has to stop running.

Word: senja

Short Definition: dusk, sunset, twilight.

English Definition: dusk, sunset, twilight. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu sesudah matahari terbenam. ###

Examples: Sungguh indah SENJA di pantai Losari (Ujung Pndang, Sulawesi Selatan). = How beautiful SUNSET in the Losari (Ujung Pandang, South Sulawesi) beach is. ###

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Word: senjak

Short Definition: see SEJAK.

English Definition: see SEJAK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: senjata

Short Definition: gun, weapon. PER--AN: weaponry.

English Definition: gun, weapon. PER--AN: weaponry. ###

L2 Definition: Alat yang digunakan untuk berkelahi, berperang, atau untuk mencapai maksud tertentu. ###

Examples: Hati-hati, PERSENJATAAN musuh ternyata cukup lengkap. = Be careful, the enemy's WEAPONRY apparently is complete enough. ###

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Word: senonoh

Short Definition: proper, polite

English Definition: proper, polite *TIDAK ---: improper, obscene

Examples: Semalam Ida berbuat yang TIDAK SENONOH dengan Yudi di rumah kami = Last night Ida did an OBSCENE conduct with Yudi at our house.###

Word: senopati

Short Definition: see SENAPATI.

English Definition: see SENAPATI. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sentak

Short Definition: pull, pull out. MENY-, MENY--KAN: to pull on s.t. Also TER-, -AN.

English Definition: ^pull, pull out. *MENY-, MENY--KAN: to pull on s.t., jerk on s.t. *TER-: be startled. *-AN: a yank or tug. ###

L2 Definition: Menarik sesuatu dengan tenaga yang kuat. ###

Examples: Dengan MENYENTAKKAN tali ini kuat-kuat benda yang di seberang itu akan terjatuh. = By PULLING hard on this rope, that thing across the way will fall. Nenekku TERSENTAK oleh suara letusan mercon itu. = My grandmother WAS STARTLED by the sound of those fireworks going off. Dengan sekali SENTAKAN robohlah pohon itu. = With one YANK, that tree toppled over. ###

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Word: sentana

Short Definition: (Jv) 1. relative by blood or adoption. 2. (Jv) cemetery.

English Definition: (Jv) 1. relative by blood or adoption. 2. (Jv) cemetery. ###

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Word: senter

Short Definition: flashlight, spotlight.

English Definition: flashlight, spotlight. ###

L2 Definition: Alat kecil yang biasa digunakan untuk menerangi sesuatu, biasanya dioperasikan dengan menggunakan baterai. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: senti

Short Definition: centimeter.

English Definition: centimeter. ###

L2 Definition: Ukuran panjang (kira-kira sejari). ###

Examples: Berapa SENTIMETER panjangnya? = How many centimeters its length? ###

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Word: sentosa

Short Definition: quiet, peaceful; safe. BER-: peaceful, safe. Also MENY--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 quiet, peaceful. 2 safe. BER-: peaceful, safe. MENY--KAN: protect, provide safety for. KE--AN: peace, tranquility. ###

L2 Definition: Aman dan tenteram; sejahtera. ###

Examples: Tujuan utama negara kita adalah MENYENTOSAKAN kehidupan bangsa. = The ultime goal of our country is TO PROVIDE PEACE to the life of the nation. KESENTOSAAN bangsa ini tergantung dari kita semua. = The PEACEFUL of this nation depends on all of us. ###

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Word: sentral

Short Definition: central.

English Definition: central. ###

L2 Definition: tengah; pusat. ###

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Word: sentuh

Short Definition: BER-: to be touching s.t., be in physical contact with s.t. Also BER--AN, +

English Definition: ^BER-: to be touching s.t., be in physical contact with s.t. BER--AN: to be touching one another. MENY-: to touch s.t. TER-: to be touched. -AN: a touch, contact. ###

L2 Definition: Bersinggungan sedikit; sesuatu/hal yang terkena sesuatu/hal lain. ###

Examples: Berpandangan pun kami tidak boleh, apalagi BERSENTUHAN. = We can not look at each other, let alone TOUCHING. Jangan MENYENTUH daun yang beracun itu. = Don't TOUCH the poisoneous leaves. Gelas itu jatuh karena TERSENTUH tanganku. = The glass fell off because it was TOUCHED by my hand. Anak itu membutuhkan SENTUHAN kasih sayang orang tuanya. = The child needs the loving TOUCH of her parents. ###

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Word: senyum

Short Definition: smile. TER-: smile.

English Definition: smile. TER-: smile. ###

L2 Definition: Gerakan bibir yang melebar tetapi tanpa suara untuk menunjukkan rasa senang atau gembira. ###

Examples: Kalau TERSENYUM gadis itu manis sekali. = When she SMILES, the girl is very pretty. ###

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Word: senyur

Short Definition: see INSINYUR.

English Definition: see INSINYUR. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: seorang

Short Definition: see ORANG.

English Definition: see ORANG. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sepak

Short Definition: kick. MENY-: to kick.

English Definition: kick. MENY-: to kick. ###

L2 Definition: Gerakan memukul sesuatu yang dilakukan dengan kaki; tendang. ###

Examples: Kuda itu MENYEPAK ke belakang. = The horse is KICKING backward. ###

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Word: sepakat

Short Definition: see PAKAT.

English Definition: see PAKAT. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sepanjang

Short Definition: see PANJANG.

English Definition: see PANJANG. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sepatu

Short Definition: shoes. BER-: to be wearing shoes.

English Definition: shoes. *BER-: to be wearing shoes. ###

L2 Definition: Benda yang dipakai sebagai alas kaki kalau berjalan/berlari. ###

Examples: Suruhlah anakmu BERSEPATU dulu sebelum ke luar rumah. = Tell your child to WEAR SHOES before going out of the house. ###

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Word: sepeda

Short Definition: bicycle. BER-: to go by bicycle.

English Definition: bicycle. *BER-: to go by bicycle. ###

L2 Definition: Kendaraan beroda dua tanpa mesin yang diayuh dengan kaki. ###

Examples: Dengan hanya BERSEPEDA dia menuju tempat kerjanya setiap hari. = With only GOING BY BICYCLE he heads to the place of his work every day. ###

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Word: sepele

Short Definition: unimportant and trivial; of no consequence

English Definition: *MENY--KAN: belittle, consider insignificant

L2 Definition: menganggap tidak penting, tidak berharga

Examples: Jangan berpikir barang ini hal yang SEPELE = Do not think that this thing is UNIMPORTANT. Sari MENYEPELEKAN cincin yang mahal itu = Sari BELITTLES the expensive ring in the shop.##

Word: seperei

Short Definition: bedsheets.

English Definition: bedsheets.###

L2 Definition: Kain penutup kasur/tempat tidur. ###

Examples: Saya senang warna lembut SEPEREI itu. = I like the soft color of the BEDSHEET. ###

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Word: seperti

Short Definition: like, as. -NYA: 1. as it should be. 2. it seems that.

English Definition: like, as. -NYA: 1. as it should be. 2. it seems that.###

L2 Definition: mirip; serupa. ###

Examples: SEPERTINYA kemarau akan segera tiba. = IT SEEMS THAT the dry season is coming. ###

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Word: sepi

Short Definition: quiet, peaceful; lonely, desolate. KE--AN: peacefulness; to be lonely. SUNYI (syn.)

English Definition: 1 quiet, peaceful. 2 lonely, desolate. *KE--AN: 1 peacefulness, loneliness. 2 to be lonely. ###

L2 Definition: Suasana yang tidak ramai oleh orang maupun suara. ###

Examples: Dia merasa KESEPIAN ditengah-tengah keramaian kota. = She felt LONELY in the middle of the bustle of the city. ###

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Word: seprei

Short Definition: bedsheet.

English Definition: bedsheet. ###

L2 Definition: Kain penutup kasur tempat tidur. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sepupu

Short Definition: first cousin.

English Definition: first cousin.###

L2 Definition: Saudara misan; anak dari dua bersaudara. ###

Examples: Tidak tahunya dia masih saudara SEPUPUku. = I didn't know he was my COUSIN. ###

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Word: serabut

Short Definition: fiber

English Definition: 1. fiber; 2.fibrous, coarse; 3. chaotic

Examples: SERABUT kain ini sangat tebal = The FIBER of this fabric is very thick. ## Banyak orang yang lari SERABUTAN ketika singa itu keluar dari kandangnya = Many people RUN IN CONFUSION when the lion got out of the cage.###

Word: serah

Short Definition: MENY-: give in, accede to. MENY--KAN: hand s.t. over, turn s.t. in. Also TER-, +

English Definition: MENY-: give in, accede to. *MENY--KAN: hand s.t. over, turn s.t. in. *TER-: 1 submitted, surrendered, deferred to. 2 as you wish! it's up to you! *PENY-: a submissive, deferential person. *--TERIMA: transfer of function or command or authority. ###

L2 Definition: Memberikan sesuatu; menghantarkan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Dengan MENYERAHKAN sejumlah uang kamu akan bisa lulus ujian. = By HANDING OVER sertain amount of money you will be able to pass the exam. Semua ini TERSERAH pada kemauan anda. = All of this is DEFERRED to your wishes. Jangan berikan masalah yang pelik ini pada si PENYERAH. = Don't give this complicated problem to the QUITTER. ###

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Word: serai

Short Definition: lemon-grass; a citrus-flavored grass, the bulb of which is used in cooking.

English Definition: lemon-grass; a citrus-flavored grass, the bulb of which is used in cooking. ###

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Word: serak

Short Definition: BER--KAN: scattered; the sound from a sore throat

English Definition: BER-KAN: scattered. Rough sound . ###

L2 Definition: Letak yang tidak teratur; sebar. Suara yang kasar. ###

Examples: Bukunya BERSERAKAN di mana-mana. = His books are SCATTERED every where. Karena terlalu banyak berteriak, suaranya menjadi SERAK = Because too much screaming, his voice became very ROUGH. ###

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Word: seram

Short Definition: scary, hair-raising, goose-bump; terrify

English Definition: scary, hair-raising, goose-bump; terrify *MENY--KAN: cause o's hair to stand on end; terrify

L2 Definition: sesuatu yang menakutkan

Examples: Pengalaman tadi malam sangat MENYERAMKAN, saya tidak akan mau lagi pergi ke sana = The experience last night was so TERRIFYING, I will not go there anymore.###

Word: serambi

Short Definition: front porch, verandah; platform (in station)

English Definition: front porch, verandah

Examples: Ibu menanam bunga didepan SERAMBI rumahnya = Ibu planted flowers in front of the VERANDAH.##

Word: serang

Short Definition: onslaught. -AN: an attack. MEN-: to attack.

English Definition: onslaught. -AN: an attack. MEN-: to attack. DI - : attack. ###

L2 Definition: Mendatangi musuh untuk melawan; serbu. ###

Examples: Peristiwa itu dikenal dengan nama "SERANGAN Fajar." = The event is known as "The Dawn ATTACK." Pihak yang kalah tidak boleh MENYERANG dulu. = The losing side cannot ATTACK first. Penduduk pergi mengungsi ke gunung setelah kampunya DISERANG mush = People fled to the mountain after their village attacked by the enemy. ###

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Word: serangga

Short Definition: insects, bugs

English Definition: insects, bugs

Examples: Jangan takut, SERANGGA ini tidak akan menggigitmu = Don't be afraid, this INSECT will not bite you.###

Word: serap

Short Definition: 1. absorb a fluid; absorb

English Definition: *MENY-- : absorb a fluid *MENY--KAN: cause s.o or s.t. to absorb *TER-- : absorbable, absorbed *--AN: absorption *PENY-- : absorbent

L2 Definition: menghisap

Examples: Busa ini dapat MENYERAP air dengan cepat = the sponge can ABSORB water quickly. Kain ini akan membantu MENYERAPKAN darah dari lukanya = the fabric can be used to ABSORB the blood from the wound. Air hujan TERSERAP habis oleh tanah yang kering = the rain has been ABSORBED by the dry land.

Word: seraya

Short Definition: while

English Definition: while

Examples: Ani berbicara di telepon SERAYA menonton televisi = Ani was talking on the phone WHILE watching tv.###

Word: serba

Short Definition: completely, very much so. KE--ANEKAAN: diversity. KE--SAMAAN: homogeneity.

English Definition: ^completely, very much so. KE--ANEKAAN: diversity. KE--SAMAAN: homogeneity.###

L2 Definition: semua; segala; dll. ###

Examples: Dalam pameran itu bisa kita lihat KESERBAANEKAAN budaya bangsa-bangsa. = In the show we can see the DIVERSITY of nations' cultures. KESERBASAMAAN pendapat ini sungguh membosankan. = This HOMOGENEITY of opinions is really boring. ###

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Word: serbet

Short Definition: napkin. MENY-(-I): wipe with a napkin.

English Definition: napkin. *MENY-(-I): wipe with a napkin. ###

L2 Definition: Kain kecil yang dipakai untuk melap sesuatu. ###

Examples: Aku disuruh MENYERBETI meja oleh ibu. = I was told to WIPE OFF the table by mother. ###

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Word: serbu

Short Definition: MENY-: attack. MENY--KAN: induce to attack. -AN: attack, stampede. +

English Definition: ^MENY-: attack or invade in a throng. MENY--KAN: induce to attack. -AN: attack, stampede. PENY-: attacker.###

L2 Definition: Mendekati dengan tujuan melawan; serang. ###

Examples: Semua wartawan MENYERBU ke ruang sidang untuk mendapat berita. = All of the reporters RUSHING through the meeting room to get news. SERBUAN tiba-tiba itu benar-benar mengacaukan musuh. = The sudden ATTACK was really diarraying the enemy. ###

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Word: serbuk

Short Definition: dust; (Bot.) pollen; powder. MENY--I: to pollinate. Also MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 dust. 2 (Bot.) pollen. 3 powder. *MENY--I: to pollinate. MENY--KAN: turn s.t. into powder or dust. *PENY-: pollinator. *PENY--AN: pollination. ###

L2 Definition: bubuk; benda halus yang menyerupai tepung. ###

Examples: Dengan MENYERBUKI tanaman ini secara terus menerus diharapkan hasil bijinya akan menjadi lebih banyak. = By POLLINATING these plants in a continuous manner it is hoped that the production of seeds will become greater. Kadang-kadang PENYERBUKAN BUATAN dibutuhkan untuk mempercepat penyebaran sejenis tanaman tertentu. = Occasionally, ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION is required to speed up the disemination of a certain kind of plant. Semut dan lebah adalah termasuk binatang PENYERBUK. = Ants and bees are included as POLINATING animals. ### ###

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Word: serdadu

Short Definition: soldier.

English Definition: soldier. ###

L2 Definition: Anggota tentara; prajurit. ###

Examples: Dalam peperangan itu banyak SERDADU yang gugur. = In the war, many SOLDIERS died. ###

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Word: seret

Short Definition: to drag behind. MENY-, MENY--I: to drag s.t. Also TER-.

English Definition: to drag behind. *MENY-, MENY--I: to drag s.t. *TER-: 1 dragged along. 2 caught up in s.t. by force or circumstance. ###

L2 Definition: Membawa barang dengan cara menariknya, biasanya karena berat. ###

Examples: Kopor yang berat ini tidak mungkin dibawa dengan dijinjing; kita hanya bisa MENYERETnya. = This heavy suitcase cannot possibly be carried in one's hand; we can only DRAG it. Akhirnya TERSERET juga dia pada masalah itu. = In the end he WAS DRAGGED into that problem. ###

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Word: seri

Short Definition: 1. series. 2. honorific royal title. 3. shining splendor. Also BER-, MENY--KAN+

English Definition: ^seri = series. BER-: in a series. seri = 1. honorific royal title. 2. shining splendor. BER-: shine, beam. MENY--KAN: brighten s.t. KE--AN: briliance.###

L2 Definition: Keadaan yang seimbang; tidak ada yang kalah maupun menang; bercahaya; bersinar. ###

Examples: Ini adalah cerita BERSERI. = This is a SERIAL story. Mukanya BERSERI ketika diberi pujian. = Her face was shining when she was given a praise. Keramahannya MENYERIKAN suasana. = Her friendliness BRIGHTENS the situation. ###

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Word: seriawan

Short Definition: [Med.] sprue, oral ulceration

English Definition: [Med.] sprue, oral ulceration

Examples: ###

Word: serikat

Short Definition: united. BER-: to be united or unified. PER--AN: association, union.

English Definition: united. BER-: to be united or unified. PER--AN: association, union. ###

L2 Definition: persekutuan; gabungan; perkumpulan; perhimpunan. ###

Examples: Mari kita BERSERIKAT untuk membangun perusahaan ini. = Let us BE UNITED to develop this company.

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Word: sering

Short Definition: often, frequently.

English Definition: often, frequently. ###

L2 Definition: kerap. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: seringkali

Short Definition: often, many times.

English Definition: often, many times.###

L2 Definition: kerapkali; beruntun; berulangkali. ###

Examples: SERINGKALI saya menangis ketika mengingat almarhum ayahku. = MANY TIMES I cry when I remember my late father.

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Word: serius

Short Definition: 1. serious. 2. whole-hearted. MENY--KAN: take seriously. KE--AN: seriousness.

English Definition: ^1. serious. 2. whole-hearted. MENY--KAN: take seriously. KE--AN: seriousness.###

L2 Definition: Sungguh-sungguh; keadaan yang berbahaya/genting; tidak main-main. ###

Examples: Kita perlu MENYERIUSKAN penerbitan majalah ini. = We need to TAKE SERIOUSLY the publication of this magazine. KESERIUSANnya belajar sungguh mengagumkan. = His SERIOUSNESS in study is really amazing. ###

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Word: serobot

Short Definition: [Coll.]1. grab for e.o's possessions; 2. try to get ahead of e.o

English Definition: [Coll.]1. grab for e.o's possessions; 2. try to get ahead of e.o *MENY--: get in front of; interfere with or take arbitrarily *PENY--: one who snatches *PENY--AN: illegal occupancy or annexation

L2 Definition: mengambil sesuatu dengan paksa

Examples: Usahakanlah untuk selalu tertib, jangan MENYEROBOT saja = Try to stay in the line, do not CUT people OFF (the line). Polisi akhirnya memberhentikan upaya PENYEROBOTAN rumah pak Amir = The police stopped the effort to the ILLEGAL ANNEXATION of Pak Amir's house.###

Word: serta

Short Definition: BE-: in addition, along with, as well as. Also MENY--I, MENY--KAN, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^BE-: in addition, along with, as well as. *MENY--I: participate in, join s.o. or s.t. *MENY--KAN: enclose s.t. (with a letter), cause to join, send along with. *KE--AN: participation. *PE-: participant. PE--AN, PENY--AN: participation. ###

L2 Definition: ikut. ###

Examples: Dengan MENYERTAI perjalanan ini saya mendapatkan banyak pengetahuan. = By PARTICIPATING in this excursion I acquired much knowledge. Siapa yang akan MENYERTAKAN barangnya di dalam bis ini? = Who is going to SEND their things ALONG WITH this bus? KESERTAAN tim ini menambah meriah suasana kejuaraan pencak silat. = The PARTICIPATION of this team added to the enthusiastic atmosphere of the martial arts championship. Semua PESERTA pertandingan diharap maju ke mimbar. = All of the PARTICIPANTS of the competition are requested to advance to the podium. ###

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Word: seru

Short Definition: BER-: shout, yell; sharp, violent. MENY-: call, hail. Also MENY--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: BER-: 1 shout, yell. 2 sharp, violent. MENY-: call, hail (a taxi, etc.). *MENY--KAN: shout or call s.t. out, proclaim s.t. *-AN: a cry or yell. PENY-: announcer. ###

L2 Definition: Memanggil dengan berteriak. ###

Examples: Semua orang di lapangan itu sedang berdoa dengan MENYERUKAN namaNYA. = All of those people on the field are praying by CALLING OUT His name. SERUAN yang sayup-sayup terdengar itu sungguh memilukan hati. = That faintly audible CRY really goes to the heart. ###

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Word: seruduk

Short Definition: MEN-: come, go crouching.

English Definition: MEN-: come, go crouching. ###

L2 Definition: Membentur dan menyuruk dari belakang; tabrak. ###

Examples: Kerbau yang marah itu MENYERUDUK apa saja dengan membabi buta. = The angry water buffalo CHARGES HEAD DOWN on anything indiscriminately. ###

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Word: sesajen

Short Definition: a ritual offering.

English Definition: (from saji) a ritual offering. ###

L2 Definition: Benda (biasanya makanan/bunga) untuk persembahan. ###

Examples: Setiap malam Jum'at Kliwon nenekku selalu membuat SESAJEN untuk para leluhur. = Every fifth Friday my grandma always made OFFERINGS to the ancestors. ###

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Word: sesak

Short Definition: narrow, close; crowded. MENY-: become constricted. Also MENY--KAN, TER-.

English Definition: ^1 narrow, close. 2 crowded. MENY-: become constricted. *MENY--KAN: constrict, tighten, oppress. *TER-: 1 be hard pressed. 2 be constricted. ###

L2 Definition: sempit; penuh dengan orang sehingga kurang tempat. ###

Examples: Meja besar ini hanya MENYESAKKAN ruangan saja. = This large table just CONSTRICTS the space in the room. Karena TERSESAK oleh keadaan buruk akhirnya anak itu tega mencuri. = Because he was FORCED by adverse circumstances, that child took to stealing. ###

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Word: sesal

Short Definition: regret, remorse. MENY-: be sorry or regretful. Also MENY--I, MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ^regret, remorse. *MENY-: be sorry or regretful. *MENY--I: 1 blame s.o. or s.t. 2 regret s.t. *MENY--KAN: regret s.t. *PENY--AN: regret, remorse. ###

L2 Definition: Perasaan tidak senang karena kecewa. ###

Examples: MENYESAL aku mengundangnya kemari. = I REGRET inviting him to come here. Jangan MENYESALI peristiwa itu terus-menerus. = Don't go on REGRETTING that incident. Kami semua MENYESALKAN kejadian itu. = We all REGRET that event. PENYESALAN yang datang kemudian tidak akan ada gunanya. = The REMORSE that will come later will be of no use. ###

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Word: sesat

Short Definition: 1. lose o.'s way. 2. go astray, deviate. Also BER-, MENY--KAN, TER-, KE--AN, +

English Definition: 1. lose o.'s way. 2. go astray, deviate. BER-: 1. lost. 2. be on the wrong track. MENY--KAN: mislead, lead astray. TER-: lost. KE--AN: 1. losing o.'s way. 2. slip, digression, error. PENY-: s.o. or s.t. that leads astray. ###

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Word: Sesko

Short Definition: Staff College of the Armed Forces.

English Definition: (Sekolah Staf Komando) Staff College of the Armed Forces. ###

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Word: sesuai

Short Definition: 1. appropriate. 2. agree with. BER--AN: be in mutual accord. Also MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1. appropriate. 2. agree with. BER--AN: be in mutual accord. MENY--KAN: adjust, adapt, bring into line. KE--AN: 1. uniformity, conformity. 2. suitability, compatibility, accord. BERKE--AN: be in mutual accord. PENY--AN: adaption, adjustment, accommodation. PER--AN: agreement, concurrence, compatibility. ###

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Word: setan

Short Definition: 1.[Rel.] satan, devil; 2. s.o. evil

English Definition: 1.[Rel.] satan, devil; 2. s.o. evil *MEMPER--KAN: tell s.o. to go to hell *KE--AN: possessed *PER--: damn it!! to hell!!

L2 Definition: iblis, jahat

Examples: Mengapa engkau berani MEMPERSETANKAN orang tuamu?? = How dare you to TELL your parents TO GO TO HELL?? Orang tua itu percaya kalau Ani KESETANAN dan menjadi gila = That old man believes that Ani is being POSSESSED (by evil) and will go crazy. PERSETAN dengan semua aturanmu = TO HELL with all your rules!!.###

Word: setasiun

Short Definition: station (railway, bus, etc.).

English Definition: station (railway, bus, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Tempat berhentinya bis, kereta api atau kendaran-kendaraan lain. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: seterika

Short Definition: iron. BER-: ironed. MENY-: iron s.t., flatten. Also TER-, -AN.

English Definition: ^iron, flatiron. BER-: ironed. MENY-: 1. iron s.t. 2. flatten, smash. TER-: ironed. -AN: iron, clothes for ironing.###

L2 Definition: Alat (besi yang panas) untuk menghaluskan kain/baju yang kusut. ###

Examples: Baju-bajunya selalu BERSETERIKA rapih. = His clothes are always IRONED neatly. Keke disuruh ibu MENYETERIKA baju. = Keke is asked by Mother TO IRON the clothes. Maaf, taplak meja itu ikut TERSETERIKA. = Sorry, the table sheet was also (unintentionally) IRONED.

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Word: seteru

Short Definition: enemy, foe. BER-: hostile. MENY--I: be hostile to s.o. Also MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: enemy, foe. BER-: hostile. MENY--I: be hostile to s.o. MENY--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: treat as an enemy. PER--AN: hostility. ###

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Word: setia

Short Definition: loyal, faithful. BER--KAWANAN: be in solidarity with. KE--KAWANAN: solidarity.+

English Definition: ^loyal, faithful. BER--KAWANAN: be in solidarity with. KE--KAWANAN: solidarity. BER-: be loyal. MENY--I: adhere faithfully to. KE--AN: loyalty, allegiance.###

L2 Definition: patuh; taat; teguh. ###

Examples: Kami sudah BERSETIAKAWANAN sejak dari kecil. = We have been IN SOLIDARITY since childhood. Mana KESETIAKAWANANmu? = Where is your SOLIDARITY? Dalam perkawinan, janji BERSETIA adalah hal yang penting. = In a marriage, the promise to BE LOYAL is an important thing. KESETIAANnya pada majikannya benar-benar mengagumkan. = His LOYALTY to his employer is really amazing. ###

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Word: setir

Short Definition: steering wheel (of a motor-vehicle); drive

English Definition: *MENY- : 1. drive, steer; 2. (Coll.) control, wield control over. *PENY- : driver

Examples: Saya diajar MENYETIR mobil oleh ayah saya sendiri = I was taught to DRIVE by my father.# Ibu Sumi selalu MENYETIR suaminya = Ibu Sumi always CONTROLS her husband.# Untuk menjadi PENYETIR mobil truk kamu harus mengikuti tes khusus untuk itu = To become a truck DRIVER you have to follow a certain test. ###

Word: setor

Short Definition: deposited. MENY-: 1. make a deposit. 2. pay a rental fee. 3. put in storage. +

English Definition: ^deposited. MENY-: 1. make a deposit. 2. pay a rental fee. 3. put in storage. MENY--KAN: deposit s.t., pay s.t. -AN: 1. deposit. 2. rental fee. 3. stored commodity.###

L2 Definition: menyerahkan; membayar; memberikan. ###

Examples: Ketentuan MENYETOR pajak sebanyak 30 persen masih dipertanyakan. = The regulation TO PAY taxes as much us as 30 percent is still being questioned. Saya akan MENYETORKAN uang ini ke bank. = I will DEPOSIT this money to the bank. SETORAN uang hari ini tidak sebanyak kemarin. = The money DEPOSITED today is not as much as yesterday. ###

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Word: setrika

Short Definition: clothes iron. BER-: ironed. MENY-: iron s.t. TER-: ironed. Also -AN.

English Definition: clothes iron. *BER-: ironed. *MENY-: iron s.t. *TER-: ironed. *-AN: clothes to be ironed, ironing. ###

L2 Definition: Barang yang berbentik bulat panjang dengan tangkai sebagai pegangan, berguna untuk menghaluskan pakaian. ###

Examples: Setiap keluar rumah baju orang itu pasti BERSETRIKA rapi. = Everytime he leaves the house, the shirt of that man is neatly IRONED. Bibi sedang MENYETRIKA baju di kamar belakang. = Auntie is IRONING shirts in the back room. Bagian tanganku yang melepuh ini karena TERSETRIKA kemarin. = This part of my hand which is blistered is a result of having BEEN IRONED yesterday. Tempat penatu itu terkenal dengan SETRIKAANnya yang rapi. = That laudromat is know for its neat IRONING. ###

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Word: setrop

Short Definition: a k.o. sweet drink made with fruit and syrup.

English Definition: a k.o. sweet drink made with fruit and syrup. ###

L2 Definition: sirup; benda cair yang terbuat dari gula untuk membuat minuman. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: setrum

Short Definition: (Elec.) electric current. MENY-: 1. induce. 2. electrify, charge. Also KE- +

English Definition: (Elec.) electric current. MENY-: 1. induce. 2. electrify, charge. KE-: get a shock (from electricity). ###

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Word: setuju

Short Definition: see TUJU.

English Definition: see TUJU. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sewa

Short Definition: to rent or hire. _-MENY-_: business of renting things out. Also MENY-, +

English Definition: ^ to rent or hire. _-MENY-_: the business of renting things out. *MENY-: to rent or hire s.t. *MENY--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: to rent or hire s.t. out to s.o. -AN: things for rent or hire. *PENY-: tenant, lessee. *PER--AN: rental. ###

L2 Definition: Meminjam sesuatu dengan membayar. ###

Examples: Kita perlu MENYEWA mobil untuk dipakai berlibur ke Bali. = We need to RENT a car to use to go on vacation to Bali. Tempat rekreasi ini juga MENYEWAKAN alat-alat untuk memancing. = This recreation area also RENTS OUT fishing equipment. Toko buku ini juga MEMPERSEWAKAN buku-buku komik. = This book store also RENTS comic books. Segala kerusakan barang harus ditanggung PENYEWA. = All material damage must be the responsibility of the TENANT. Mari kita ketempat PERSEWAAN buku. = Let's go to the book RENTAL section. ###

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Word: sewot

Short Definition: [Java, Jkt.] furious

English Definition: [Java, Jkt.] furious

L2 Definition: jengkel, merasa marah

Examples: Kemarin Ibu sangat SEWOT dengan perbuatanmu = Yesterday Ibu was FURIOUS of what you had done.###

Word: si

Short Definition: particle before a name/title denoting familiarity or the capacity of the person.

English Definition: *1 particle before a name or title denoting familiarity. 2 particle before a name or title referring to a person in a particular capacity. ###

L2 Definition: Kata sandang yang terletak di depan nama seseorang. ###

Examples: Si Amir yang akan menyopir mobil ini. = Amir is the one who will drive this vehicle. Kalau mau tahu mengenai pembuatan rumah, coba tanya pada SI tukang kayu itu. = If you want to know about building a house, try asking MR. carpenter there. ###

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Word: sia sia

Short Definition: SEE SIA-SIA

Word: sia-sia

Short Definition: in vain, without result, useless, meaningless. Also MENY--KAN, TER-.

English Definition: ^in vain, without result, useless, meaningless. *MENY--KAN: to neglect, make s.t. useless. *TER-: wasted, not put to good use. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang tidak ada gunanya. ###

Examples: Mengapa kau MENYIA-NYIAKAN istrimu yang setia itu? = Why do you NEGLECT that faithful wife of yours? Semua hal yang telah kulakukan TERSIA-SIA saja akhirnya. = Everything that I have done turned out to be WASTED. ###

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Word: siaga

Short Definition: ready, alert, prepared

English Definition: *BER-- : be on the alert *MENY--KAN: alert someone, prepare someone for action *KE--AN: readiness, preparedness.

L2 Definition: persiapan, kesiapan

Examples: Anggota kelompok itu BERSIAGA sepanjang malam = the members of the group were on ALERT all night. Pemimpin barisan MENYIAGAKAN pasukan untuk segera berbaris = the commander ALERTED his troops to start the march. Kemenangan ini tergantung dari KESIAGAAN kalian = This victory depends on your PREPAREDNESS.##

Word: sial

Short Definition: 1. be unlucky. 2. bad luck. MENY--KAN: cause bad luck. KE--AN: bad luck. +

English Definition: ^1. be unlucky, unfortunate. 2. bad luck. MENY--KAN: cause bad luck. KE--AN: bad luck. -AN: 1. s.o. unfortunate, s.t. ill-fated. 2. s.o. or s.t. bringing bad luck. 3. What a rotten luck!###

L2 Definition: Tidak beruntung; rugi; tidak mujur; malang, dll. ###

Examples: Dia percaya burung itu MENYIALKAN perusahaanya. = He believes the bird CAUSED BAD LUCK to his company. KESIALAN beruntun menimpaku akhir-akhir ini. = Revolving BAD LUCK has been hitting me lately. SIALAN benar si Narto itu! = WHAT A ROTTEN LUCK Narto is! ###

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Word: siang

Short Definition: time of the day from approximately 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: time of the day from approximately 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. *KE--AN: to oversleep or do s.t. else the mid-day period that should have been done earlier in the morning. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu diantara pagi dan sore (jam 11 sampai jam 3 siang). ###

Examples: Tidak biasanya pegawai yang rajin itu KESIANGAN. = It isn't usual for that DILIGENT employee to OVERSLEEP. ###

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Word: siap

Short Definition: ready, prepared. BER-: get ready, get prepared. Also BER-_-_, MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ready, prepared. BER-: get ready, get prepared. BER-_-_: make preparations. MENY--KAN: prepare s.t., make s.t. ready. PER--AN: preparations, arrangements. ###

L2 Definition: sedia. ###

Examples: Kami BERSIAP membantu anda kapan saja. = We are PREPARED to help you any time. Kami sedang BERSIAP-SIAP untuk berangkat. = We are in THE MIDST OF PREPARING to go. Ibu telah MENYIAPKAN semua makanan untuk pesta nanti. = Mother has PREPARED all the food for the party later. Segala PERSIAPAN untuk acara itu telah SIAP. = All PREPARATIONS for the event are READY.

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Word: siapa

Short Definition: who. SIAPA-SIAPA: anyone.

English Definition: who. *SIAPA-SIAPA: anyone. ###

L2 Definition: Seseorang yang belum tentu. ###

Examples: SIAPA-SIAPA saja bisa membuat pekerjaan tangan macam ini. = ANYONE can do this kind of handicraft. ###

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Word: siar

Short Definition: BER--AN: broadcast. MENY--KAN: broadcast, announce. Also TER-, -AN, PENY-.

English Definition: ^BER--AN: broadcast. MENY--KAN: 1. spread the news, broadcast. 2. announce. TER-: broadcasted. -AN: 1. broadcast. 2. announcement. 3. publication. 4. circulation. PENY-: 1. announcer. 2. publisher. 3. (Tech.) transmitter.###

L2 Definition: Menyebarkan/memberitahukan kepada umum. ###

Examples: Radio ini BERSIARAN bahasa Inggris juga. = This radio has an English BROADCAST too. Saya akan MENYIARKAN kabar gembira ini. = I will ANNOUNCE the good news. Cerita buruk mengenai tingkah-lakumu telah TERSIAR kemana-mana. = Bad story about your behavior has been SPREAD every where. SIARAN "Berita Nusantara" dimulai pada jam enam. = The "Nusantara News" PROGRAM starts at six. Acara itu jadi menarik karena PENYIARnya piawai. = The program becomes interesting because its ANNOUNCER is brilliant. ###

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Word: siasat

Short Definition: tactics, strategy.

English Definition: tactics, strategy. ###

L2 Definition: strategi; taktik. ###

Examples: SIASATnya selalu tepat dalam memasang pemain-pemain bolanya. = His STRATEGY is always correct in positioning his soccer players. ###

Word: sibak

Short Definition: part (in hair), a division

English Definition: *MENY-- : separate something *MENY--KAN: move something aside

Examples: Ibu MENYIBAK rambut Ani supaya rapi = Ibu PARTED Ani's hair to make it neat. Siapa yang MENYIBAKKAN semua gelas di atas meja? = Who PUSHED ASIDE all the cups on the table??.##

Word: Siberut

Short Definition: name of an island off west Sumatra.

English Definition: name of an island off west Sumatra. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah pulau di Sumatra bagian barat. ###

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See a Picture

Word: sibuk

Short Definition: busy, engaged in activity. MENY--I: make s.o. be busy. Also MENY--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: busy, engaged in activity. MENY--I: make s.o. be busy. *MENY--KAN: incite, stir up action. *KE--AN: business, activity. ###

L2 Definition: Banyak pekerjaan; penuh dengan hal yang dikerjakan. ###

Examples: Dengan MENYIBUKKAN diri saya lupa akan kesedihan saya. = By MAKING myself BUSY I forget about my sadness. KESIBUKAN pekerjaan ini sungguh menyita semua waktuku. = The BUSINESS of this work really takes up all of my time. ###

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Word: sidang

Short Definition: session, meeting.

English Definition: session, meeting. ###

L2 Definition: Pertemuan yang membahas/membicarakan sesuatu; rapat. ###

Examples: Dalam SIDANG itu dia didaulat untuk menjadi pembicara. = In the MEETING, he was asked to be a speaker.###

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Word: sidik

Short Definition: investigation, examination

English Definition: *--JARI: finger print *MENY--: investigate *PENY--: investigating officer *PENY--AN: police investigation

L2 Definition: selidik, periksa dengan teliti

Examples: Polisi mengambil SIDIK JARI di tempat kejadian itu = The police took the FINGER PRINTS in the location. Detektif masih MENYIDIK masalah yang terjadi puluhan tahun lalu = The detective is still INVESTIGATING problems that occured years ago. PENYIDIKAN yang dilakukan polisi kini semakin ketat = The INVESTIGATION by the police is getting more strict.###

Word: sifat

Short Definition: characteristic, quality, feature. BER-: have a certain characteristic.

English Definition: characteristic, quality, feature. *BER-: have a certain characteristic, quality or feature. ###

L2 Definition: Ciri khas yang ada pada sesuatu benda. ###

Examples: Sebenarnya dia BERSIFAT baik hanya kadang-kadang kurang sabar. = In truth he HAS A good CHARACTER; only occasionally is he impatient. ###

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Word: sih

Short Definition: particle softening a question; particle marking a topic; emphasizing particle.

English Definition: ^1 a particle which softens a question. 2 particle which marks a topic. 3 particle used to emphasize a statement. ###

L2 Definition: Partikel untuk menekankan atau menghaluskan suatu pernyataan atau perkataan. ###

Examples: Kenapa SIH dia harus ikut kita? = Why must she join us? ###

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Word: sikap

Short Definition: 1. attitude, demeanor. 2. posture.

English Definition: 1. attitude, demeanor. 2. posture. BER - : have attitude, demeanor, behave. ###

Examples: Ibu berkata, "Kamu BERSIKAP tidak sopan karena menaruh kaki di atas meja seperti itu." = Mother said, "You BEHAVE impolitely by putting your feet on the table."

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Word: sikat

Short Definition: brush, scour; rake, harrow; bunch (of bananas). Also MENY-, -AN, PENY--AN.

English Definition: ^1 brush, scour. 2 rake, harrow. 3 bunch (of bananas). *MENY-: 1 brush s.t. 2 rake or harrow s.t. 3 (Coll.) take away, wipe out. -AN: stolen goods. *PENY--AN: 1 brushing. 2 stealing. 3 removing. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk membersihkan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Tiba giliranmu pagi ini untuk MENYIKAT lantai. = Your turn has come this morning to SCOUR the floor. PENYIKATAN barang-barang di gudang petani itu dilakukan oleh para pencuri dari kota. = The STEALING of materials from the farmer's storage building was done by thieves from the city. ###

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Word: sikon

Short Definition: = situasi dan kondisi = situation and conditions, circumstances

English Definition: = situasi dan kondisi = situation and conditions, circumstances

Word: siksa

Short Definition: torture. MENY-, MENY--I: 1. torture s.o. 2. (Coll.) annoy or irritate. +

English Definition: torture. MENY-, MENY--I: 1. torture s.o. 2. (Coll.) annoy or irritate. TER-: tortured. -AN: torture, mistreatment. PENY-: torturer. ###

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Word: siku

Short Definition: 1.elbow; 2.[Math.] right angle; 3. s.t. at right angles (curve in road, etc.)

English Definition: 1.elbow; 2.[Math.] right angle *BER--: have an angle or curve; BER--2: have many bends and turns *MENY--: 1. nugde e.o.; 2. [Math] opposite (of angles)

Examples: SIKUNYA patah karena terjatuh dari pohon = He broke his ELBOW falling down a tree. Jalan menuju kampung kami rusak dan BERSIKU-SIKU = the road to our village is damaged and HAS MANY BENDS AND TURNS. Saya terpaksa MENYIKU orang didepanku untuk dapat masuk keruangan itu = I had to ELBOW MY WAY to be able to get into the room.###

Word: sikukuh

English Definition: see KUKUH. ###

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Word: sila

Short Definition: see SILA1 (sit cross-legged), SILA2 (invite, ask), or SILA3 (moral priciple).

English Definition: see SILA1 (sit cross-legged . . .) SILA2, MENY--KAN, MEMPER--KAN (invite, ask . . .) SILA3 (moral principle . . .)

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sila1

Short Definition: cross-legged. BER-: to sit cross-legged.

English Definition: cross-legged. *BER-: to sit cross-legged. ###

L2 Definition: Duduk dengan melipat kedua kaki di muka. ###

Examples: Dalam upacara selamatan ini kita semestinya duduk BERSILA. = In this cerimonial meal we must sit CROSS-LEGGED. ###

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Word: sila2

Short Definition: MENY--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: invite, ask. -KAN: please.

English Definition: ^*MENY--KAN, MEMPER--KAN: invite, ask. *-KAN: please (word used to urge s.o. to do s.t. they want to do). ###

L2 Definition: Menyuruh orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Siti yang akan MEMPERSILAKAN tamu-tamu mengambil hidangan. = Siti will INVITE the guests to take from the food offered. SILAKAN bapak memulai pidatonya. = PLEASE begin with your speech. ###

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Word: sila3

Short Definition: a moral principle.

English Definition: *a moral principle. ###

L2 Definition: dasar; pokok. ###

Examples: SILA ketiga dari Panvasila berbunyi Persatuan Indonesia. = The third MORAL RULE from the Pancasila (lit: Five Rules) extolls Indonesian Unity. ###

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Word: silah

English Definition: see SELA. ###

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Word: silakan

Short Definition: see SILA2.

English Definition: see SILA2. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: silam

Short Definition: the set of s.t. (as of the sun); ago, in the past. Also MENY-, MENY--KAN.

English Definition: 1 the set of s.t. (as of the sun). 2 ago, in the past. MENY-: vanish, disappear. MENY--KAN: to darken. ###

L2 Definition: Masa lalu; masa lampau; sudah tenggelam. ###

Examples: Tragedi itu adalah bagian dari masa SILAMku. = The tragedy is part of my PAST.

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Word: silang

Short Definition: crosswise, intersecting

English Definition: *BER- = crossed *MENY- = crisscross *PENY-AN = crossing, mutation (in agriculture) *PER-AN = crossing; contradiction, conflict. *KE-AN = mistake, slip, error

Word: silat

Short Definition: a k.o. traditional martial art.

English Definition: *a k.o. traditional martial art. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu seni bela diri. ###

Examples: Dengan rajin berlatih pencak SILAT badan kita bisa menjadi kebal. = By training assiduously in the TRADITIONAL MARTIAL ARTS our bodies can become invulnerable. ###

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Word: silaturahmi

Short Definition: friendship, good relationship

English Definition: friendship, good relationship *TALI--: the bonds of friendship

L2 Definition: hubungan yang baik (sesama manusia), persahabatan

Examples: Walaupun kita berpisah jauh, TALI-SILATURAHMI tetap kami jaga = Even though we live apart, we are keeping the BONDS OF FRIENDSHIP maintained.###

Word: silau

Short Definition: dazzled, temporarily blinded by the glare

English Definition: dazzled, temporarily blinded by the glare. *MENY--: become glaring. *MENY--KAN: cause a glare, blind s.o. *KE--AN: glare, blinded.###

Examples: Jangan menjadi SILAU dengan kekayaannya, dia itu sangat jahat = Don't BEDAZZLED by his wealth, he is actually a really mean person. Mataku SILAU karena matahari = My eyes were BLINDED by the sun. Sinar lampu ini MENYILAUKAN sekali = This bright light CAUSED a GLARE.###

Word: silet

Short Definition: razor blade###

English Definition: *razor blade MENY~ = slice with razor blade###

Examples: * Dia MENYILET jempolnya tanpa sengaja= He SLICED his tumb accidently WITH RAZOR BLADE###

Word: silih

Short Definition: 1. change, 2. shed skin, molt

English Definition: *--(BER)GANTI: alternately, in turns *BER-- : by turns, changing

Examples: Pasien dokter itu SILIH BERGANTI masuk ke ruang periksa = The doctor's patients TAKE TURNS getting into the examination room.##

Word: siluman

Short Definition: invisible

English Definition: a human who has taken the appearance of an animal for nefarious purposes

Examples: Orang di kampung sangat percaya adanya SILUMAN di hutan itu = The villagers believe that there is a SILUMAN in the forest.###

Word: simak

Short Definition: see SIMAK1 (observe critically . . .) or SIMAK2 (gather together . . .).

English Definition: see SIMAK1 (observe critically . . .) SIMAK2 (gather together . . .). ###

Examples: ###

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Word: simak1

Short Definition: MENY-: observe critically, to scrutinize.

English Definition: MENY-: observe critically, to scrutinize. ###

L2 Definition: memperhatikan; mengamati. ###

Examples: Kita harus MENYIMAK masalah ini sebelum mengambil kesimpulan. = We have to SCRUTINIZE this problem before we draw conclusion. ###

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Word: simak2

Short Definition: BER-: gather. MENY-: to gather s.t. together. -AN: a gathering.

English Definition: ^BER-: gather. MENY-: to gather s.t. together. -AN: a gathering. ###

L2 Definition: kumpul. ###

Examples: Kertas-kertas itu BERSIMAK rapi sekali. = The papers are GATHERED neatly. Saya sedang MENYIMAK buku-buku ini. = I am GATHERING these books. SIMAKAN skripsiku tidak baik. = The BINDING OF my thesis is not good. ###

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Word: simpan

Short Definition: MENY-: store away, save. MENY--KAN: put away for s.t. Also TER-, -AN.

English Definition: MENY-: store away, save. *MENY--KAN: put away for s.o. *TER-: stored, layed away. *-AN: s.t. stored, savings. ###

L2 Definition: Meletakkan suatu barang ditempat yang tersembunyi. ###

Examples: Ibu akan MENYIMPANKAN uangku di lemarinya. = Mother will PUT AWAY my money in the cabinet. Benda purbakala ini TERSIMPAN rapi di museum. = These ancient items ARE neatly STORED in the museum. Banyak juga SIMPANAN uang Ahmat di bank. = Ahmat has a lot of SAVINGS in the bank. ###

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Word: simpang

Short Definition: branch (of road, etc.)

English Definition: - empat : crossroad *- siur : criscross, confusing KE-SIURAN : confusion *BER-AN : intersect MENY- : deviate, diverge PER-AN : intersection PENY-AN :deviation, divergence

Examples: Berita tentang penyebab kematian Bapak President masih SIMPANG-SIUR = News on the cause of the president's death is still CONFUSING. Jalan Sudirman BERSIMPANGAN dengan Jalan Surapati = Sudirman Street INTERSECTS with Surapati Street.

Word: simpati

Short Definition: sympathy

English Definition: *BER- : sympathetic

Examples: Saya BERSIMPATI atas kesusahan yang kau rasakan = I am sympathetic with the difficulties you are experiencing now.##

Word: simpuh

Short Definition: BER-: sit with the legs bent back along one side of the body. Also TER-.

English Definition: *BER-: sit on the floor with the legs bent back along one side of the body. *TER-: fall down to o.'s knees. ###

L2 Definition: Duduk di atas kedua kaki. ###

Examples: Anak durhaka itu akhirnya BERSIMPUH memohon ampun pada orang tuanya. = That rebellious child finally KNEELED and asked her parents for forgiveness. Saking capainya aku sampai TERSIMPUH tanpa terasa. = I was so tired that I FELL ON MY KNEES without feeling a thing. ###

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Word: simpul

Short Definition: knot, node. MENY-: to button s.t., to make a knot. Also MENY--KAN, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^knot, node. MENY-: to button s.t., to make a knot. MENY--KAN: to put s.t. into a knot. KE--AN: conclusion. PENY--AN: the act of making a conclusion. ###

L2 Definition: Ikatan pada tali/benang. ###

Examples: Saya harus MENYIMPUL tali ini. = I have TO KNOT this rope. Semua orang salah dalam MENYIMPULKAN hasil pertemuan itu. = Every body is wrong in CONCLUDING the result of the meeting. Apa KESIMPULANmu tentang hal itu? = What is your CONCLUSION on the matter? ###

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Word: sinambung

Short Definition: continuous

English Definition: continuous *BER--: continuous, serial *KE--AN: continuity *BERKE--AN: continuous, without interruption

Examples: Supaya efektif, program ini harus BERKESINAMBUNGAN = To be effective, this program needs to be carried out CONTINUOUSLY.###

Word: sinar

Short Definition: gleam, beam or ray of light. BER-, MENY-: to shine. Also PENY--AN.

English Definition: ^gleam, beam or ray of light. BER-, MENY-: to shine. PENY--AN: illumination, radiance. ###

L2 Definition: Pancaran dari suatu cahaya. ###

Examples: Matahari BERSINAR sangat terang sore ini. = The sun SHINING brightly this afternoon. Apakah PENYINARAN itu menggunakan SINAR laser? = Is the RADIATION using laser BEAM? ###

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Word: sindikat

Short Definition: syndicate###

English Definition: syndicate###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Anggota SINDIKAT 'Bajing Loncat' beroperasi di jalur pantai utara Jawa = Members of the 'Bajing Loncat' SYNDICATE operate in the north stripe of Java sea.###

Word: sindir

Short Definition: MENY-: to allude, make an insinuation. -AN: allusion or insinuation.

English Definition: MENY-: to allude, make an insinuation. -AN: an allusion or insinuation, a satirical remark. ###

L2 Definition: Mengkritik atau mengejek seseorang secara tidak terus terang. ###

Examples: Tidak ada gunanya MENYINDIR orang itu. = There is no use in ALLUDING that person. SINDIRAN setajam apapun tidak akan mempan padanya. = However sharp the INSINUATION, it will not be effective on him. ###

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Word: singa

Short Definition: lion.

English Definition: lion. ###

L2 Definition: Binatang besar seperti kucing yang berbulu lebat di kepalanya, biasanya disebut sebagai penguasa/raja rimba. = ###

Examples: ###

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Word: singgah

Short Definition: stop by, drop in. PER--AN: a stop-over, a port of call.

English Definition: stop by, drop in. *PER--AN: a stop-over, a port of call. ###

L2 Definition: mampir; berhenti sebentar pada suatu tempat. ###

Examples: Ini memang tempat PERSINGGAHAN bagi orang-orang yang mau mendaki gunung Merapi. = This is a STOP-OVER PLACE for people who wnat to climb Mt. Merapi. ###

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Word: singgang

Short Definition: a style of cooking meats with coconut milk.

English Definition: a style of cooking meats with coconut milk. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sejenis masakan yang dimasak dengan dipanggang. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: singgasana

Short Definition: throne

English Definition: throne *BER--: be on the throne

Examples: Pengeran Edward memilih meniggalkan SINGGASANAnya dari pada meninggalkan kekasihnya = Prince Edward chose to leave his THRONE rather than to leave his love.###

Word: singgung

Short Definition: BER-: to touch, rest against. Also MENY-, TER-.

English Definition: ^BER-AN: to touch, rest against. MENY-: 1 touch, rest against. 2 offend, insult. 3 hit upon, touch upon (in speaking). TER-: to be offended or insulted. ###

L2 Definition: bersentuhan; bersenggolan. ###

Examples: Mereka BERSINGGUNGAN tanpa disengaja. = They TOUCH EACH OTHER unintentionally. Pidatonya juga MENYINGGUNG masalah perbudakan. = His speech also TOUCHES UPON the problem of slavery. Dia sangat TERSINGGUNG ketika dikatakan sebagai anak haram. = He was very INSULTED when he was called a bastard. ###

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Word: singkap

Short Definition: unveil, expose, open###

English Definition: * MENY~ = 1. unveil, expose, open 2. reveal 3. be turned back and open a bit MENY~KAN = 1. disclose, reveal 2. turn s.t. back TER~ = opened, disclosed ~AN = 1. s.t. folded back or drawn to o. side 2. exposure PENY~ = s.o. or s.t. that uncovers or discloses PENY~AN = uncovering, disclosure###

Examples: * Kejaksaan agung MENYINGKAP kasus Suharto = The supreme court REVEALED Suharto's case.###

Word: singkat

Short Definition: abbreviated, brief, concise. MENY--KAN: to abbreviate, make concise. Also -AN.

English Definition: abbreviated, brief, concise. MENY--KAN: to abbreviate, make concise. -AN: an abbreviation or summary. ###

L2 Definition: Ringkas; pendek tidak bertele-tele; tidak panjang. ###

Examples: Saya butuh bantuanmu untuk MENYINGKATKAN karangan ini. = I need your help to MAKE CONCISE this article. ABRI adalah SINGKATAN dari Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia. = ABRI is an ABBREVIATION of Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia ( Indonesian Armed Forces). ###

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Word: singkeh

Short Definition: (Derog.) a Chinese who is very Chinese in thought and behavior.

English Definition: (Derog.) a Chinese who is very Chinese in thought and behavior. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk orang Cina yang masih kental adat istiadat cinanya/totok. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: singkek

Short Definition: see SINGKEH.

English Definition: see SINGKEH. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: singkir

Short Definition: MENY-: move to the side, step aside. Also MENY--KAN, TER-, PENY--AN.

English Definition: ^MENY-: to move to the side, step aside. MENY--KAN: to put s.t. off to the side, remove, evacuate. TER-: to be put off to the side, be eliminated or removed. PENY--AN: elimination, evacuation. ###

L2 Definition: Pindah ke tempat lain; menjauh dari suatu hal; pindah; mengelak. ###

Examples: Lebih baik kau MENYINGKIR sebelum terkena tembakan. = You better STEP ASIDE before you get shot. Saya tidak mau MENYINGKIRKAN bangkai yang busuk itu. = I don't want to REMOVE that stinky corpse. Regu kami sudah TERSINGKIR di babak pertama. = Our team has been ELIMINATED at the first round.

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Word: singkong

Short Definition: cassava.

English Definition: cassava. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sini

Short Definition: here.

English Definition: *here. ###

L2 Definition: Kata yang menunjukkan tempat yang dekat dengan pembicara. ###

Examples: Di SINI dijual segala macam peralatan mobil. = HERE are sold all kinds of accessories for automobiles. ###

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Word: sinis

Short Definition: 1. sarcastic, scornful. 2. cynical.

English Definition: 1. sarcastic, scornful. 2. cynical.###

L2 Definition: Perbuatan yang mengejek atau merendahkan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Pandangannya sangat SINIS kepadaku. = His look is so CYNICAL to me. ###

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Word: sintal

Short Definition: well-fed, full, well-rounded, having an attractive figure

English Definition: well-fed, full, well-rounded, having an attractive figure

Examples: Agen fotomodel itu sedang mencari perempuan berbadan SINTAL = The photomodel agent is looking for female with WELL-ROUNDED figure.###

Word: sinting

Short Definition: rather crazy

English Definition: rather crazy

L2 Definition: agak gila

Examples: Banyak orang mengatakan Ida itu setengah SINTING = Many people said Ida is RATHER CRAZY.##

Word: Sinyo

Short Definition: respectful term of address for a European or Westernized youth.

English Definition: a respectful term of address for a European or Westernized youth. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk anak laki-laki biasanya untuk bangsa Belanda dan Cina. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sip

Short Definition: 1. OK, 2. great, admirable.

English Definition: 1. OK, 2. great, admirable.

L2 Definition: aman; baik; sempurna. ###

Examples: Tidak SIP kalau dia tidak ikut serta. = It's no FUN if she is not going along. ###

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Word: sipil

Short Definition: civilian, civil

English Definition: civil, civilian

L2 Definition: bukan militer

Examples: Pemerintah yang demokratis biasanya dipimpin oleh pemerintah SIPIL = A democratic government is usually led by CIVILIAN government.##

Word: sipit

Short Definition: slanting (of the eyes)

English Definition: *MENY-- : become squinted or narrowed (of eyes) *MENY--KAN: squint

Examples: Matanya MENYIPIT karena cahaya yang sangat terang = His eyes NARROWED because of the bright light. Jika Amir marah, dia akan MENYIPITKAN matanya = if mad, Amir will SQUINT his eyes.##

Word: siput

Short Definition: snail.

English Definition: snail. ###

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Word: siram

Short Definition: BER-: be cascaded with water. MENY-: pour water over s.t. Also MENY--I+

English Definition: ^BER-: be cascaded with (water, liquid). MENY-: pour water over s.t. MENY--I: pour water on s.t. MENY--KAN: pour out. -AN: 1. a splash of water. 2. (Jv) ceremony of bathing a bride before the wedding. PENY--AN: watering. PER--AN: bathing place.###

L2 Definition: Mencurahkan air/cairan pada suatu hal; siram. ###

Examples: Wati sedang MENYIRAM bunga. = Wati is WATERING the flowers. Ayah MENYIRAMKAN pupuk dengan hati-hati. = Father POURS OUT the fertilizer carefully. Upacara SIRAMAN bagi mempelai wanita telah usai. = The BATHING ceremony for the bride is over. Tempat PERSIRAMAN itu dianggap keramat oleh penduduk setempat. = The BATHING PLACE is thought as sacred by the local people. ###

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Word: sirih

Short Definition: kind of plant, betel vine

English Definition: kind of plant, betel vine *MENY-- : to chew betel

L2 Definition: sejenis daun yang dikunyah (tradisional)

Examples: Setiap sore nenek MENYIRIH sambil menonton tv = Every aftenoon grandma CHEWS BETEL while watching tv.##

Word: sirkulasi

Short Definition: circulation

English Definition: circulation

Word: sirkus

Short Definition: circus

English Definition: circus

Examples: Saya suka menonton SIRKUS keliling = I like to watch the travelling CIRCUS###

Word: sirna

Short Definition: disappeared

English Definition: disappeared MENY- -KAN: to cause to disappear

Word: sirsak

Short Definition: sour-sop (fruit)###

English Definition: sour-sop###

Examples: Di kotaku, orang-orang membuat jus dari buah SIRSAK = In my hometown, people make juice from SOUR-SOP fruits.###

Word: sisa

Short Definition: remainder, left-over, residue. BER-: be left over, to remain. Also MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: remainder, left-over, residue. *BER-: be left over, to remain. *MENY--KAN: leave behind, set aside. *TER-: left over. ###

L2 Definition: Barang/sesuatu yang masih tertinggal setelah digunakan/diambil sebagian. ###

Examples: Anak ini kalau makan selalu ada makanan BERSISA. = When this child eats there is always food LEFT OVER. Saya akan MENYISAKAN beberapa butir telur untukmu. = I am going to SET ASIDE some eggs for you. Tak ada lagi barang yang TERSISA. Semua diambil pencuri. = There are no things LEFT OVER. All have been taken by a thief. ###

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Word: sisi

Short Definition: side, flank. MENGE--KAN: ignore. BER-(-AN): side by side. Also MENY-, MENY--KAN.

English Definition: ^side, flank. MENGE--KAN: ignore. BER-(-AN): side by side. MENY-: move to the side. MENY--KAN: move s.t. to the side.###

L2 Definition: samping; tepi; sebelah; dll. ###

Examples: Jangan MENGESISIKAN gambar coret-moret anakmu. = Don't IGNORE sketchy drawing of your child. Rumah kami BERSISIAN dengan rumah pak Hartoyo. = Our house is SIDE BY SIDE with Mr. Hatoyo's. Orang-orang pada MENYISI ketika raja tiba. = The people MOVED ASIDE when the king arrived. Kamu harus MENYISIKAN bangku-bangku itu. = You have to MOVE those benches ASIDE. ###

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Word: sisih

Short Definition: 1. give way, gave out of way; 2. be separate; 3. set aside

English Definition: *MENY-- : give way, set aside *MENY--KAN: set aside, reject, ignore, eliminate *TER--KAN: eliminated *PENY--AN: elimination

Examples: Dia selalu MENYISIHKAN sebagian gajinya untuk ditabung = He always SETS ASIDE some of his salary to save. Ani sangat sedih karena TERSISIHKAN dari kontes kecantikan = Ani is very sad after being ELIMINATED from the beauty contest. Proses PENYISIHAN ini berlangsung sangat ketat = the ELIMINATION process is going very tight.##

Word: sisip

Short Definition: insert###

English Definition: BER~ = have an insert BER~KAN = have a certain thing inserted in it MENY~ = penetrate between two objects or into a narrow space MENY~I = 1. insert into s.t. 2. repair s.t. by putting s.t. flat in between, e.g., insert new parts in roof, etc. * MENY~KAN, MEMPER~KAN = insert s.t. in TER~ = 1. inserted 2. implied, interpolated KE~AN = 1. get a splinter under the skin 2. get a.t. inserted into it ~AN = 1. s.t. inserted 2. s.t. implied 3. (Ling.) infix PENY~AN = 1. insertion 2. (Ling.) infixation###

Examples: * Ardi MENYISIPKAN kertas-kertas ke dalam map = Ardi INSERTED some papers into a file.###

Word: sisir

Short Definition: 1. comb 2. harrow 3. bunch (of bananas)###

English Definition: *1. comb 2. harrow 3. bunch (of bananas) BER~ = 1. use a comb 2. combed * MENY~ = 1. comb s.t. 2. harrow s.t. MENY~KAN = comb s.t. for s.o. ** TER~ = combed###

Examples: * Ibuku membeli satu SISIR pisang = My mother bought a BUNCH of bananas. ** Saya MENYISIR rambut dengan rapi = I COMBED my hair neatly. *** Rambut Yosou TERSISIR rapi = Yosou's hair was COMBED neatly.###

Word: Siskamling

Short Definition: neighborhood security system.

English Definition: (Sistem Keamanan Lingkungan) neighborhood security system. ###

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Word: sistem

Short Definition: system.

English Definition: *system. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu tatanan/aturan yang ada pada suatu hal. ###

Examples: Apakah SISTEM demokrasi di Indonesia sudah berjalan dengan baik? = Is the democratic SYSTEM in Indonesia running well? ###

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Word: sistim

Short Definition: SEE SISTEM. ###

English Definition: SEE SISTEM. ###

L2 Definition: SEE SISTEM.

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Word: siswa

Short Definition: student (high school or college). MAHA-: higher-level student.

English Definition: student (high school or college). *MAHA-: higher-level student (high school or college). ###

L2 Definition: Orang-orang yang belajar/menjadi murid di suatu perguruan/sekolahan. ###

Examples: Mereka itu adalah para MAHASISWA yang datang dari kota. = They are COLLEGE STUDENTS that came from the city. ###

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Word: sita

Short Definition: seizure, confiscation. MENY-, MEN-: 1. seize, confiscate. 2. consume (time). +

English Definition: seizure, confiscation. MENY-, MEN-: 1. seize, confiscate. 2. consume (time). -AN: confiscated goods. ###

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Word: situ

Short Definition: there (not too far from the speaker and/or nerar the person addressed).

English Definition: *there (not too far from the speaker and/or near the person addressed). ###

L2 Definition: Kata petunjuk tempat yang letaknya tidak jauh dan tidak dekat dengan pembicara. ###

Examples: Mengapa adikmu ada di SITU? = Why is your younger sister THERE? ###

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Word: situasi

Short Definition: situation.

English Definition: situation. ###

L2 Definition: keadaan. ###

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Word: situs

Short Definition: archeological site

English Definition: archeological site *--INTERNET: internet site.###

Examples: Di gunung itu terdapat banyak SITUS penggalian benda kuno = There are many archeological SITES for ancient stuff.##

Word: siul

Short Definition: sound of whistling###

English Definition: sound of whistling * BER~ = whistle (of people , trains, etc.) MEN~KAN = whistle s.t. ~AN = whistling MENY~ = whistler###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Ahmad BERSIUL sebagai kode = Ahmad WHISTLED as a code.###

Word: siung

Short Definition: 1. canine tooth; 2. fang, tusk; 3. clove (of garlic)

English Definition: 1. canine tooth; 2. fang, tusk; 3. clove (of garlic)

Examples: Resep ini memerlukan tiga SIUNG bawang putih dan garam = This recipe needs three CLOVES of garlic and salt.###

Word: skala

Short Definition: scale. BER-: be on a certain scale.

English Definition: scale. BER-: be on a certain scale. ###

L2 Definition: Perbandingan antara gambar dan barang yang sesungguhnya. ###

Examples: Proyek yang BERSKALA raksasa ini akan dibiayai oleh Bank Dunia. = This giant SCALE project is going to be funded by the World Bank.

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Word: skandal

Short Definition: scandal.

English Definition: scandal. ###

L2 Definition: Perbuatan yang memalukan/tidak baik. ###

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Word: skenario

Short Definition: scenario###

English Definition: scenario###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Kamu harus membaca SKENARIO itu = You have to read that SCENARIO.###

Word: sketsa

Short Definition: sketch.

English Definition: sketch. ###

L2 Definition: Lukisan secara garis besarnya saja. ###

Examples: SKETSA wajah ibuku almarhumah dibuat ayah ketika beliau masih muda. = A SKETCH of my late mother's face was made by father when she was still young. ###

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Word: ski

Short Definition: ski.

English Definition: ski.###

L2 Definition: Meluncur diatas salju. ###

Examples: Permainan SKI ini sungguh berbahaya. = This SKI game is very dangerous. ###

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Word: skripsi

Short Definition: k.o. minithesis to obtain bachelor degree.

English Definition: k.o. minithesis to obtain bachelor degree.

Examples: ###

Word: skup

Short Definition: scope.

English Definition: scope. ###

L2 Definition: lingkungan; lingkaran; lingkup. ###

Examples: SKUP ilmu ini sangat luas. = The SCOPE of this science is very broad. ###

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Word: skuter

Short Definition: see SEKUTER

English Definition: see SEKUTER

Word: slogan

Short Definition: slogan###

English Definition: slogan MEN~KAN = utter s.t. as a slogan, make s.t. into a slogan###

L2 Definition: slogan politik = political slogan###

Examples: ###

Word: sloki

Short Definition: 1. shot glass 2. a shot (of liquor)###

English Definition: * 1. shot glass 2. a shot (of liquor) BER~2 = by the shot###

Examples: *John meminum satu SLOKI wiski = John drank A SHOT of whisky###

Word: SMA

Short Definition: "Sekolah Menengah Atas," or Upper Middle School.

English Definition: acronym for "Sekolah Menengah Atas," or Upper Middle School. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: SMP

Short Definition: "Sekolah Menengah Pertama," Primary (lower) Middle School.

English Definition: acronym for "Sekolah Menengah Pertama," or Primary (lower) Middle School. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: soal

Short Definition: problem, matter. Also MEMPER--AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^problem, matter. *MEMPER--KAN: question s.t., discuss or deal with s.t., make an issue of s.t. *PER--AN: problem, matter, issue. *DIPER--KAN: questioned s.t.; discussed, dealt with. ###

L2 Definition: Hal-hal yang menjadi masalah. ###

Examples: Mengapa untuk barang yang sepele begitu dia masih MEMPERSOALKANnya? = Why is he still MAKING AN ISSUE OUT OF such trivial things? PERSOALAN ini sangat mendasar, harus dimusyawarahkan bersama. = This PROBLEM is very basic and must be discussed as a group. ###

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Word: SOB

Short Definition: state of war and siege.

English Definition: (Staat van Oorlog en Beleg) state of war and siege. ###

L2 Definition: Keadaan darurat ketika jaman perang. ###

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Word: sobat

Short Definition: 1. friend. 2. comrade. BER-: be friends. MENY--I: make firends with s.o. +

English Definition: 1. friend. 2. comrade. BER-: be friends. MENY--I: make friends with s.o. PER--AN: friendship. ###

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Word: sobek

Short Definition: tear, rip###

English Definition: * MENY~ = tear, rip MENY~(2)= repeatedly tear MENY~KAN= 1. cause s.t. to be torn 2. tear s.t. on s.o.'s behalf ** TER~ = torn ~AN = a torn piece PENY~ = o. who takes (and tears) tickets, ticket-taker###

Examples: * Saya MENYOBEK suratnya = I RIPPED his letter. ** Buku catatan Andi TERSOBEK = Andi's book was TORN.###

Word: soda

Short Definition: soda.

English Definition: soda.

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sodet

Short Definition: spatula

English Definition: spatula

L2 Definition: alat masak seperti sendok besar untuk menggoreng

Examples: Ibu memberikan SODET kesayangannya kepada Siti = Ibu gave her favorite SPATULA to Siti.###

Word: sodor

Short Definition: MENY--I: hand to s.o. MENY--KAN: hand over, put forth.

English Definition: MENY--I: hand to s.o. MENY--KAN: hand over, put forth. ###

L2 Definition: beri; sorong. ###

Examples: Saya MENYODORInya sebatang rokok. = I HANDED him a cigarette. Dia MENYODORKAN selembar uang seribuan kepada penjual nasi itu. = He HANDS OVER a thousand rupiah bill to the rice vendor. ###

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Word: Soekarno

Short Definition: old-style spelling for Sukarno, the name of the first president of Indonesia.

English Definition: old-style spelling for Sukarno, the name of the first president of Indonesia. ###

L2 Definition: Nama presiden Indonesia yang pertama (masih menggunakan ejaan lama, "oe" = u) ###

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Word: sofa

Short Definition: sofa.

English Definition: *sofa. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat duduk yang berbentuk panjang dan empuk. ###

Examples: Kalau duduk di SOFA itu aku jadi mengantuk. = If I sit on that SOFA, I become sleepy. ###

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Word: sogok

Short Definition: [Coll.] bribery

English Definition: *MENY-- : bribery *--AN: bribe

L2 Definition: suap, menyuap (dengan uang)

Examples: Supaya urusan lancar, kita harus MENYOGOK petugas itu = To get our things done, we need to BRIBE the officials. Berapapun SOGOKAN yang kamu tawarkan tidak akan saya terima = No matter how much BRIBE you offered, I will not accept.###

Word: sohor

Short Definition: famous. MENY--KAN: make s.o. or s.t. famous. KE-, TER-: famous. KETER--AN: fame.

English Definition: famous. MENY--KAN: make s.o. or s.t. famous. KE-, TER-: famous. KETER--AN: fame. ###

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Word: sok

Short Definition: pretend to be better than o. really is, haughty.

English Definition: *pretend to be better than o. really is, haughty. ###

L2 Definition: Merasa lebih dari yang lain; sombong; angkuh. ###

Examples: Sebel deh dengan anak itu, gayanya SOK sekali. = I'm so resentful of that child. His manners are so HAUGHTY. ###

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Word: sokong

Short Definition: support.

English Definition: support. ###

L2 Definition: Tiang penyangga; bantu. ###

Examples: Dia MENYOKONG usaha adiknya dengan sepenuhnya. = He fully SUPPORTS his younger brother's effort.###

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Word: solat

Short Definition: (Islam)ritual prayers and actions performed five times daily

English Definition: (Islam) ritual prayers five times daily *BER- : perform such prayers

L2 Definition: sembahyang

Examples: Setiap Muslim diwajibkan untuk SOLAT lima kali sehari = Every Muslim is obligated to PERFORM PRAYERS five times daily.###

Word: solidaritas

Short Definition: solidarity.

English Definition: solidarity. ###

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Word: sombong

Short Definition: arrogant, conceited. BER-: to put on airs. Also MENY--I, MENY--KAN, KE--AN, +.

English Definition: arrogant, conceited. *BER-: to put on airs. MENY--I: to put on airs to s.o. *MENY--KAN: to boast about s.t. *KE--AN: arrogance, conceit. PENY-: an arrogant, conceited person. ###

L2 Definition: Angkuh; merasa lebih dari yang lain; sok. ###

Examples: Dalam hal apapun BERSOMBONG itu tidak baik. = In whatever situation, TO PUT ON AIRS is not good. Suka sekali dia MENYOMBONGKAN kekayaan orang tuanya. = She really likes TO BOAST ABOUT the wealth of her parents. Dia jatuh dari kedudukannya karena KESOMBONGANnya sendiri. = He fell from his position because of his own ARROGANCE. ###

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Word: songkok

Short Definition: rimless fezlike cap usually made of velvet

English Definition: rimless fezlike cap usually made of velvet

L2 Definition: kopiah

Word: sopan

Short Definition: polite, well-mannered. KE--AN: politeness, well-mannered behavior.

English Definition: polite, well-mannered. KE--AN: politeness, well-mannered behavior. -SANTUN: etiquette. ###

L2 Definition: Beradat istiadat dengan baik; bertingkah laku dan bertutur kata dengan baik. ###

Examples: Di sini, KESOPANAN harus benar-benar dijaga. = Over here, POLITENESS must really be watched. ###

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Word: sopan santun

Short Definition: SEE SOPAN

Word: sopir

Short Definition: driver (usually implying professional driver).

English Definition: driver (usually implying professional driver). ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang sedang menyetir suatu kendaraan; orang yang pekerjaannya menyopir suatu kendaraan. ###

Examples: Siapa yang akan menjadi SOPIR bis ini? = Who is going to be the DRIVER of this bus? ###

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Word: sorak

Short Definition: applause; cheering

English Definition: Happy and cheerful yell BER- (SORAI): cheer, yell loudly; shouting. MENY-I : cheer to someone. MENY-KAN : yell out; shout -KAN: cheers; yells.

L2 Definition: suara teriakan keras tanda bergembira

Examples: Penonton BERSORAK-SORAI melihat penyanyi itu muncul di panggung = The audience APPLAUSED AND YELLED when the singer appear on stage. Mereka MENYORAKI kemenangan tim sepakbola itu = They CHEERED to the winning of the soccer team. Dengan gembira, anak-anak MENYORAKKAN nama pemain bola favorit mereka = Happily, the kids YELLED OUT their soccer players' name. SORAKAN penonton bisa terdengar dari jauh = The audience's CHEERINGS can be heard from the distant. ###

Word: sore

Short Definition: late afternoon (approximately 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM). Also SORE-SORE.

English Definition: late afternoon (approximately 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM). *SORE-SORE: early evening. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu diantara siang dan malam. ###

Examples: SORE-SORE begini enak sekali kalau jalan-jalan. = When it is EARLY EVENING like this, it's nice to go walking. ###

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Word: sorga

Short Definition: see SURGA.

English Definition: see SURGA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sorong

Short Definition: sliding, pushing; bribe. Also MENY-, MENY--KAN, TER-.

English Definition: ^1 sliding, pushing. 2 bribe. MENY-: 1 push, slide. 2 urge. 3 propose. 4 to bribe. MENY--KAN: to push or slide s.t. forward. TER-: 1 pushed forward. 2 pushed into doing s.t. ###

L2 Definition: dorong; tolak; sogok. ###

Examples: Mereka sedang MENYORONG gerobak itu beramai-ramai. = They are PUSHING the cart together. Pengemis itu MENYORONGKAN tangannya kepada para pejalan kaki. = The beggar SLIDING FORWARD his hand to the people who are walking by. Anak kecil itu TERSORONG sampai jatuh. = The little kid was PUSHED FORWARD that he fell down. ###

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Word: sorot

Short Definition: ray of light. MENY-: give off rays of light, shine. Also MENY--I.

English Definition: ray of light. MENY-: give off rays of light, shine. MENY--I: to project a ray of light onto s.t. ###

L2 Definition: sinar; cahaya. ###

Examples: Lampu-lampu besar itu dengan tepat MENYOROT para penari di panggung. = The big lights GAVE OFF RAYS OF LIGHTS to the dancers on the stage. Atasannya selalu MENYOROTI semua pekerjaan yang dilakukannya. = His supervisor always WATHES CLOSELY to all of the work she does. ###

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Word: sosial

Short Definition: social.

English Definition: social. ###

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Word: sosialis

Short Definition: socialist.

English Definition: socialist. ###

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Word: sosok

Short Definition: see SOSOK1 (buttonhole . . .) or SOSOK2 (form, shape, frame).

English Definition: see SOSOK1 (buttonhole . . .) SOSOK2 (form, shape, frame). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sosok1

Short Definition: buttonhole, loop (as in string or rope).

English Definition: buttonhole, loop (as in string or rope). ###

L2 Definition: lubang (pada kancing baju); lubang yang bisa dimasuki tali. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sosok2

Short Definition: form, shape, frame; numeral classifier for the body. Also BER-, MENY-.

English Definition: ^1 form, shape, frame. 2 numeral classifier for the body. BER-: to have (a certain) shape. MENY-: frame up (a house). ###

L2 Definition: wujud; bentuk; rupa; memulai; memasang; membuat; mendirikan. ###

Examples: Orang yang menyerangku BERSOSOK tubuh tinggi besar. = The person who attacked me HAD a big tall body SHAPE.

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Word: Sospol

Short Definition: contraction of "Sosial dan Politik," or social and political science.

English Definition: contraction of "Sosial dan Politik," or social and political science. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: soto

Short Definition: bean-thread soup.

English Definition: *bean-thread soup. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sejenis masakan seperti sup yang bisa dikombinasikan dengan bermacam-macam bahan. ###

Examples: Rasa SOTO Madura memang sangat khas dan lezat. = The taste of BEAN THREAD SOUP from Madura is really very special and delicious. ###

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Word: Spanyol

Short Definition: Spain, Spanish.

English Definition: Spain, Spanish. ###

L2 Definition: Nama salah satu negara di Eropa. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: spasi

Short Definition: space.

English Definition: space. ###

L2 Definition: Jarak antara satu baris tulisan dengan baris berikutnya. ###

Examples: Gunakan dua SPASI untuk menulis karangan ini. = Use double SPACE to write this article. ###

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Word: spekulasi

Short Definition: speculation, conjucture###

English Definition: * 1. speculation, conjucture 2. risky commercial venture 3. undertake a risky venture BER~ = 1. speculate, conjecture 2. undertake a risky venture###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Berbagai SPEKULASI muncul tentang situasi ekonomi Indonesia = Various SPECULATIONS emerged about the Indonesian economy.###

Word: spesial

Short Definition: special

English Definition: special

Word: spion

Short Definition: 1. spy. 2. rearview mirror.

English Definition: ^1. spy. 2. rearview mirror.###

L2 Definition: Mata-mata; orang yang mencari keterangan secara sembunyi-sembunyi; kaca disamping kendaraan yang berfungsi untuk melihat keadaan dibelakang. ###

Examples: Di masa perang dulu dia adalah seorang SPION yang berani. = During the war, he was a courageous SPY. Coba luruskan dulu kaca SPIONnya! = Try to straighten the REARVIEW MIRROR first. ###

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Word: spionase

Short Definition: espionage.

English Definition: espionage.###

L2 Definition: Kegiatan mata-mata. ###

Examples: Ternyata SPIONASE musuh sangat canggih. = Apparantly, the enemy's ESPIONAGE is very sophisticated. ###

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Word: sponsor

Short Definition: sponsor.

English Definition: *sponsor. ###

L2 Definition: Orang/badan yang memberi dukungan/bantuan berupa dana/uang, jasa, moral, dll. ###

Examples: Jangan lupa untuk mencantumkan pesan SPONSOR ini. = Don't forget to include the message of this SPONSOR. ###

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Word: sporadis

Short Definition: sporadic###

English Definition: sporadic###

Examples: Kedatangan Mel Gibson di sambut secara SPORADIS oleh penggemarnya = The arrival of Mel Gibson was welcome SPORIDICALLY by his fans.###

Word: SPSI

Short Definition: All Indonesian Workers Union, the only officially sanctioned union in Indonesia.

English Definition: (Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia) All Indonesian Workers Union, the only officially sanctioned union in Indonesia, tightly controlled by the government. ###

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Word: stabil

Short Definition: stable. KETAK--AN: instability.

English Definition: stable. KETAK--AN: instability. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak berubah; tetap. ###

Examples: KESTABILAN politik adalah kunci keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi. = Political STABILITY is the key for a successful economic development. KETAKSTABILAN politik di negara ini sudah agak berkurang. = Political INSTABILITY in this country has been declining somewhat. ###

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Word: stabilitas

Short Definition: stability###

English Definition: stability###

Examples: Militer menuduh mahasiswa-mahasiswa mengganggu STABILITAS politik = The Army accused students of disturbing the political STABILITY.###

Word: staf

Short Definition: staff.

English Definition: staff. ###

L2 Definition: Orang/karyawan yang menjadi bagian dari suatu organisasi. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sterek

Short Definition: strong and healthy.

English Definition: strong and healthy. ###

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Word: sterup

Short Definition: see SETEROP.

English Definition: see SETEROP. ###

L2 Definition: Minuman yang terbuat dari gula dan zat pewarna bisa juga ditambah dengan berbagai macam rasa buah-buahan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: strata

Short Definition: levels (in education, in society)

English Definition: *STRATA satu = BA degree. *STRATA dua = MA degree *STRATA tiga = PhD degree

Examples: Dia berhasil menyelesaikan pendidikan STRATA TIGA di luar negeri = He succesfully finished his PHD DEGREE abroad.

Word: stupa

Short Definition: stone structure in the shape of a bell.

English Definition: stone structure in the shape of a bell.###

L2 Definition: Bangunan suci agama Budha biasanya terbuat dari batu. ###

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See a Picture

Word: sua

Short Definition: cause to meet. BER-: to meet, find. PER--AN: meeting.

English Definition: cause to meet. BER-: to meet, find. PER--AN: meeting. ###

L2 Definition: jumpa; ketemu. ###

Examples: Sudah lama saya tidak BERSUA dengannya. = It has been a long time since I've MET with him. ###

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Word: suami

Short Definition: husband. BER-: have a husband, be married (of a woman). Also MEMPER--KAN.

English Definition: husband. *BER-: have a husband, be married (of a woman). *MEMPER--KAN: marry o.'s daugher off. ###

L2 Definition: Pasangan dari istri. ###

Examples: Hanya dia satu-satunya teman sekolahku yang belum BERSUAMI. = She is the one and only school friend of mine that does not yet HAVE A HUSBAND. Akhirnya Raja seberang itu MEMPERSUAMIKAN putrinya dengan Raja muda kami. = In the end, that foreign King MARRIED OFF his princess with our young king. ###

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Word: suap

Short Definition: mouthful; a bribe. BER-: eat with the hands. Also MENY-, MENY--I, MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 a mouthful. 2 a bribe. BER-: eat with the hands. *MENY-: 1 eat with the hands. 2 bribe s.o. *MENY--I: feed s.o. *MENY--KAN: feed s.t. to s.o. *-AN: 1 act of eating with the hand. 2 bribe. *PENY--AN: eating with o.'s hands. 2 bribery. ###

L2 Definition: Memasukkan sesuatu kedalam mulut. Memberi imbalan sesuatu yang tidak semestinya. ###

Examples: Untuk MENYUAP buburpun nenek sudah tidak kuasa lagi. = Grandmother is already no longer strong enough to EAT even porridge. Ibu sedang MENYUAPI adikku yang terkecil. = Mother is FEEDING my smallest younger sibling. Saya yang akan membantu MENYUAPKAN nasi ini untuk nenek. = I am going to help FEED this rice to grandmother. Ini uang haram karena hasil SUAPAN dari orang kaya itu. = This is forbidden money because it is the profit of a BRIBE from that rich person. Walaupun hanya PENYUAPAN kecil-kecilan hal itu tetap harus diberantas. = Even though it is only small time BRIBERY, that matter must be continually combated. ###

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Word: suara

Short Definition: voice. SE-: all of one voice, unanimous. Also BER-.

English Definition: voice. *SE-: all of one voice, unanimous. *BER-: to have a voice, make a sound. ###

L2 Definition: Bunyi; sesuatu yang bisa didengar. Hak untuk menyatakan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Kami semua SESUARA dalam memilihnya. = We were all OF ONE VOICE in choosing her. Seruling ini akan BERSUARA keras kalau ditiup. = This flute will MAKE A loud SOUND if it is blown. ###

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Word: suasana

Short Definition: atmosphere, ambience.

English Definition: atmosphere, ambience. ###

L2 Definition: keadaan; lingkungan; hawa/udara. ###

Examples: SUASANA di kuburan ini sangat menyeramkan. = The ATMOSPHERE in this cemetery is very scary. ###

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Word: suatu

Short Definition: a certain, unnamed thing. SE-: something, a certain thing.

English Definition: a certain, unnamed thing. *SE-: something, a certain thing. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang tidak pasti. ###

Examples: Ada SESUATU yang bergerak-gerak di bawah meja itu. = There is SOMETHING that is moving beneath that table. ###

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Word: subkultur

Short Definition: subculture

English Definition: subculture

Word: subuh

Short Definition: daybreak, dawn; the early morning Islamic prayer.

English Definition: 1 daybreak, dawn. 2 the early morning Islamic prayer. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu sebelum fajar/matahari terbit; waktu untuk sembahyang di pagi hari bagi umat Islam. ###

Examples: Kakek SUBUH-SUBUH sudah pergi ke sawah. = Grandpa, at DAYBREAK he has gone to the paddy field. ###

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Word: subur

Short Definition: fertile; thriving, prosperous; healthy. Also MENY--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^*1 fertile. 2 thriving, prosperous. 3 healthy. *MENY--KAN: 1 make s.t. fertile. 2 make s.t. to grow better or prosper. *KE--AN: fertility, prosperity. ###

L2 Definition: sehat; tumbuh dengan baik; banyak mengandung sesuatu yang bersifat positif. ###

Examples: Pupuk ini bisa MENYUBURKAN tanaman-tanamanmu. = This fertilizer can MAKE my plants GROW BETTER. KESUBURAN tanah ini membuat semua tanaman tumbuh SUBUR pula. = The FERTILITY of this soil makes all of the plants grow PROSPEROUSLY as well. ###

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Word: subversif

Short Definition: subversive###

English Definition: subversive###

Examples: Presiden Habibie menuduh Kemal Idris melakukan aksi SUBVERSIF terhadap pemerintahannya = President Habibie accused Kemal Idris of doing a SUBVERSIVE action against his power.

Word: suci

Short Definition: pure, holy.

English Definition: pure, holy. ###

L2 Definition: bersih; murni; keramat; tidak bernoda; kudus. ###

Examples: Ini adalah air SUCI yang diberkati. = This is a HOLY WATER that was blessed.

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Word: sudah

Short Definition: already; done, finished; All right, I agree. SE-: after. Also SE--NYA.

English Definition: ^*1 already. 2 done, finished. 3 All right, I agree. *SE-: after. *SE--NYA: afterwards, following. ###

L2 Definition: Telah; selesai melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Umur saya SUDAH dua puluh tiga tahun. = My age is ALREADY twenty-three years. SESUDAH makan pagi kami berangkat ke sekolah. = AFTER breakfast we will leave for school. Baru SESUDAHNYA kami percaya peristiwa itu benar-benar terjadi. = Only AFTERWARDS did we believe that that event actually occurred. ###

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Word: sudara

Short Definition: see SAUDARA.

English Definition: see SAUDARA. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sudi

Short Definition: be willing, acquiesce.

English Definition: be willing, acquiesce. ###

L2 Definition: mau; bersedia; tidak segan. ###

Examples: Saya tak SUDI menjadi istrinya. = I am not WILLING to be his wife.

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Word: sudut

Short Definition: corner, angle, point of view.

English Definition: ^corner, angle, point of view. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu titik diantara dua garis; pojok; segi/pandangan tentang sesuatu. ###

Examples: Ia sedang sembunyi di SUDUT rumah. = He was hiding at the CORNER of the house. Kita harus mengerti SUDUT PANDANG orang lain. = We have to understand the POINT OF VIEW of other people.

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Word: suguh

Short Definition: MENY-: to place (s.t.) before s.o. (esp. a guest). Also MENY--I, MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ^*MENY-: to place (s.t.) before s.o., present to, especially a guest. MENY--I: present to s.o. *MENY--KAN: serve s.o. with s.t. *-AN: s.t. presented or served. PENY--AN: presentation. ###

L2 Definition: Memberikan sesuatu kepada seseorang biasanya tamu. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENYUGUH tamu saya dengan hiburan yang menarik. = I am going to PRESENT my guest WITH interesting entertainment. Kami berencana MENYUGUHI tamu-tamu kami makanan tradisional daerah ini. = We plan to PRESENT our guests with the traditional food of this area. Dengan MENYUGUHKAN tari-tarian ini saya harap mereka akan menyukainya. = By PRESENTING them WITH this dance, I hope they will enjoy it. Sungguh lezat SUGUHAN yang dihidangkan kemarin malam. = THE FOOD which was served last night was really delicious. ###

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Word: Suharto

Short Definition: the President of the Republic of Indonesia since 1966.

English Definition: the President of the Republic of Indonesia since 1966. ###

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Word: suhu

Short Definition: temperature.

English Definition: temperature. ###

L2 Definition: Ukuran temperatur untuk rasa panas atau dingin. ###

Examples: SUHU hari ini dingin sekali. = Today's TEMPERATURE is very cold. ###

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Word: suji

Short Definition: BER--: have embroidery on it

English Definition: BER--: have embroidery on it. *MENY--: embroider s.t. *TER--: be embroidered in or on.###

Examples: ###

Word: sujud

Short Definition: bow from kneeling position so that forehead touches floor

English Definition: *BER-- : perform this bow; admit o's humble situation

L2 Definition: sembah, bersembah, menyembah

Examples: Dalam shalat, ummat Islam diwajibkan BERSUJUD menhgadap Tuhan = In the prayer, Muslims must perform (this bow) to God.###

Word: suka

Short Definition: happiness, joy, pleasure; like, be fond of. Also SE--NYA, MENY--I, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^1 happiness, joy, pleasure. 2 like, be fond of. *SE--NYA: just as one pleases, whatever one likes. *MENY--I: to like, to love (s.t.). *KE--AN: 1 joy, pleasure. 2 s.t. one is fond of, a hobby. -AN: 1 sweetheart. 2 favorite. *--CITA: happy, joyful. ###

L2 Definition: senang. ###

Examples: Silakan anda mandi di kolam ini SESUKANYA. = Feel free to bath in this pool JUST AS YOU PLEASE. Udin lebih MENYUKAI Atik daripada Ani. = Udin LIKES Atik more than Ani. Ini buah KESUKAAN kakak saya. = This is the fruit that my elder sister is FOND OF. ###

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Word: sukar

Short Definition: difficult. MENY--KAN: make s.t. be difficult. KE--AN: difficulty, hardship.

English Definition: difficult. *MENY--KAN: make s.t. be difficult. *KE--AN: difficulty, hardship. ###

L2 Definition: sulit; tidak mudah dilakukan. ###

Examples: Pohon yang tumbang ini MENYUKARKAN pekerjaan saya. = This fallen tree MAKES my work MORE DIFFICULT. Timbul KESUKARAN ketika semua orang kelaparan. = HARDSHIPS arose when all of the people went hungry. ###

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Word: sukarela

Short Definition: voluntary.

English Definition: voluntary. ###

L2 Definition: Dengan kemauan sendiri; tanpa paksaan; dengan senang/rela hati. ###

Examples: Dengan SUKARELA saya akan membantumu mendirikan gedung sekolah itu. = VOLUNTARILY, I will help you to build the school building. ###

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Word: sukses

Short Definition: success, be successful. MENS--KAN, MENY--KAN: make s.t. successful. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: success, be successful. MENS--KAN, MENY--KAN: make s.t. successful. KE--AN: success. ###

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Word: suku

Short Definition: ethnic group; a part; one quarter, a fourth. SE-: of the same ethnicity.

English Definition: ^1 ethnic group. 2 a part. 3 one quarter, a fourth. *SE-: of the same ethnicity. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu masyarakat dengan budaya, bahasa, agama, dll. yang tersendiri; suatu bagian. ###

Examples: Kami memang SESUKU dengan kelompok itu. = We are indeed OF THE SAME ETHNICITY with that group. ###

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Word: sulam

Short Definition: embroider. BER-: be embroidered. MENY-: embroider. Also TER-, -AN.

English Definition: embroider. *BER-: be embroidered. *MENY-: embroider. TER-: embroidered. *-AN: s.t. embroidered. ###

L2 Definition: Jahitan dengan tangan yang berupa hiasan-hiasan. ###

Examples: Semua baju hantarannya BERSULAM emas. = All of her dowry clothing is gold EMBROIDERED. Saya sedang MENYULAM baju-baju bayi untuk anak saya nanti. = I am EMBROIDERING children's clothing for my baby later. SULAMAN nenek Marsinah sangat halus dan indah. = The EMBROIDERY of grandmother Marsinah is very fine and beautiful. ###

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Word: Sulawesi

Short Definition: 1. a large island in Indonesia, located to the east of Kalimantan. +

English Definition: 1. a large island in Indonesia, located to the east of Kalimantan. It is also known as "Celebes." 2. Sulawesi Utara = the Province of Northern Sulawesi in Indonesia. Its capital city is Manado. 3. Sulawesi Tengah = the Province of Central Sulawesi in Indonesia. Its capital city is Palu. 4. Sulawesi Selatan = the Province of Southern Sulawesi in Indonesia. Its capital city is Ujungpandang. 5. Sulawesi Tenggara = the Province of Southeast Sulawesi in Indonesia. Its capital city is Kendari. ###

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Word: suling

Short Definition: flute (musical instrument).

English Definition: flute (musical instrument). ###

L2 Definition: Alat musik yang biasanya terbuat dari bambu. ###

Examples: Daerah ini dikenal sebagai penghasil SULING bambu. = This region is known as producer of bamboo FLUTE. ###

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Word: sulit

Short Definition: difficult, hard. MENY--KAN, MEMPER-: make s.t. difficult. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: difficult, hard. *MENY--KAN, MEMPER-: make s.t. difficult. *KE--AN: difficulty, hardship. ###

L2 Definition: susah; sukar; tidak mudah. ###

Examples: Prosedur yang baru ini tambah MENYULITKAN tugasku. = This new procedure has MADE my task MORE DIFFICULT. Kalau kau tabah pasti semua KESULITAN akan terlampaui. = If you are determined, all DIFFICULTIES will surely be overcome. ###

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Word: Sulteng

Short Definition: abbreviation for "Sulawesi Tengah" (Central Celebes).

English Definition: abbreviation for "Sulawesi Tengah" (Central Celebes). ###

L2 Definition: Singkatan dari Sulawesi Tengah salah sebuah propinsi di pulau Sulawesi. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: suluh

Short Definition: 1. torch. 2. (Lit.) scout, spy. BER-: light with a torch. Also MENY-(-I), PENY-+

English Definition: 1. torch. 2. (Lit.) scout, spy. BER-: light with a torch. MENY-(-I): 1. cast light upon s.t. 2. inform, instruct. investigate. PENY-: 1. o. who provides elucidation. 2. (Lit.) investigator, spy. PENY--AN: information, illumination. ###

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Word: sulung

Short Definition: the eldest child in a family, the first born.

English Definition: *the eldest child in a family, the first born. ###

L2 Definition: Yang tertua; anak nomor satu. ###

Examples: Memang besar tanggung jawab anak SULUNG itu. = The responsibilities of that ELDEST child are truly great. ###

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Word: sulut

Short Definition: set afire, ignite, see also SULUT = SULAWESI UTARA = North Sulawesi

English Definition: set afire, ignite; become heatedly angry *MENY--KAN: ignite or light s.t. *TER--: lit, set afire

Examples: Propaganda itu berhasil MENYULUTKAN kemarahan orang di kota = the propaganda has finally SET AFIRE the ANGER of the people in the city. Dengan susah payah kami berhasil membuat obor itu TERSULUT = With lots of difficulties, we were able to LIT the torch.###

Word: Sumatera

Short Definition: 1. one of the major islands of the Indonesian archipelago. +

English Definition: 1. one of the major island of the Indonesian archipelago, located on the western part of Indonesia. Also spelled as "Sumatra." 2. Sumatera Barat = West Sumatra, a province in Indonesia, located on the island of Sumatra. Its capital city is Padang. 3. Sumatera Selatan = Southern Sumatra, a province of Indonesia, located on the Island of Sumatra. Its capital city is Palembang. 4. Sumatera Utara = Northern Sumatra, a province in Indonesia, located on the Island of Sumatra. Its capital city is Medan. ###

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Word: Sumatra

Short Definition: the largest island in the western part of the Indonesian archipelago.

English Definition: the largest island in the western part of the Indonesian archipelago. also see SUMATERA. ###

L2 Definition: Nama salah satu pulau di Indonesia yang terletak di sebelah barat laut pulau Jawa. ###

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Word: sumbang

Short Definition: SEE sumbang1 and sumbang2

English Definition: SEE sumbang1 contribute SEE sumbang2 1. incestuous. 2. illicit. 3. out of tune, discordant. MENY--KAN: 1. do s.t. illicit or indecent. 2. make irregular moves (in martial arts). KE--AN: impropriety, indecency. 2. discordance. 3. cynicism. ###

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Word: sumbang1

Short Definition: contribute

English Definition: *ME-- = to contribute *--An = contribution

Examples: Banyak orang MENYUMBANG uang untuk korban banjir di Sumatra Barat = Many people CONTRIBUTE money for the flood victims in West Sumatra.### Teman-teman Idris memberikan SUMBANGAN ala kadarnya untuk pesta perkawinan Idris dan Siti = Idris' friends give a small amount of CONTRIBUTION for Idris and Siti's wedding party.###

Word: sumbang2

Short Definition: 1. incestuous. 2. illicit. 3. out of tune, discordant. Also MENY--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: 1. incestuous. 2. illicit. 3. out of tune, discordant. MENY--KAN: 1. do s.t. illicit or indecent. 2. make irregular moves (in martial arts). KE--AN: impropriety, indecency. 2. discordance. 3. cynicism. ###

Examples: Kasihan, gadis itu mempunyai anak SUMBANG = What a shame, that girl has an INCESTUOUS child.### Lagu yang SUMBANG itu keluar dari radio tua Pak Adi =

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Word: sumbar

Short Definition: [Jav.] boast, brag; SUMBAR = (abbrv of SUMATRA BARAT = Western Sumatra)

English Definition: *SE-- : boast, show off *MENY-- : boast, brag

Examples: Petinju itu SESUMBAR akan mengalahkan lawannya dengan mudah = the boxer BOASTED that he will easily defeat his opponent.##

Word: sumbat

Short Definition: stopper, plug

English Definition: stopper, plug *--BOTOL: bottle stopper *MENY--: stop, close, plug up *TER--: stopped up, gagged *PENY--AN: clogging, obstruction, blockage.##

Examples: Dimana kamu simpan SUMBAT botol kecap ini?? = Where did you put the bottle STOPPER for this soy sauce?? Sampah di selokan itu MENYUMBAT saluran air = The trash in the sewer have CLOGGED the water stream. Sakit flu membuat hidungku TERSUMBAT = This flu made my nose CONGESTED. Akhirnya dokter berhasil mengoperasi PENYUMBATAN saluran darah di jantungnya = Finally the doctors were able to operate the BLOCKAGE in his artery.###

Word: sumber

Short Definition: source, resource. BER-: have a source, be based on. Also BER--KAN.

English Definition: source, resource. *BER-: have a source, be based on. *BER--KAN: have a certain thing as a source or basis. ### -DAYA : resources

L2 Definition: Hal yang menjadi dasar. ###

Examples: Cerita ini BERSUMBER dari kejadian yang nyata. = This story IS BASED ON an actual event. Dengan BERSUMBERKAN dana yang hanya sedikit proses belajar-mengajar ini berjalan lancar juga. = BY HAVING only a little capital AS A SOURCE, this process of study and teaching is going along smoothly. ### Daerah ini sangat kaya akan SUMBER DAYA alam = This region is very rich of NATURAL RESOURCES. ###

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Word: sumber daya

Short Definition: see sumber

Word: sumbu

Short Definition: 1.wick; 2.fuse; 3.wagon axle; 4.pivot, axis

English Definition: wick, fuse

Examples: Lampu itu memerlukan SUMBU yang baru = The lamp needs a new FUSE.#

Word: sumpah

Short Definition: oath; curse. BER-: swear, take an oath. MENY-: swear, curse. Also MENY--I, +

English Definition: ^1 oath. 2 curse. *BER-: swear, take an oath. MENY-: swear, curse. *MENY--I: curse s.o. or s.t. PER--AN: the taking of an oath. ###

L2 Definition: Perkataan yang diucapkan sebagai janji untuk ditepati. ###

Examples: Saya telah BERSUMPAH untuk membalas jasanya. = I have SWORN to return his service. Sepanjang jalan ia MENYUMPAHI tukang copet yang kurang ajar itu. = All along the street he CURSED that rascally pickpocket. ###

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Word: sumpek

Short Definition: [Jav.] 1. crowded; 2. feel stifled

English Definition: [Jav.] 1. crowded; 2. feel stifled *KE--AN: confusion of thought, feeling of being troubled

Examples: Tolong jangan mengganggu si Amir, pikirannya sedang SUMPEK = Please do not bother Amir, his mind is TROUBLED. Saya merasa sulit bernafas berada dalam ruangan yang SUMPEK= I could hardly breath being in this CROWDED room. ###

Word: sumpitan

Short Definition: A blown-arrow device for hunting.

English Definition: A blown-arrow device for hunting. ###

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Word: sumur

Short Definition: well (for water).

English Definition: well (for water). ###

L2 Definition: Lubang di tanah yang dibuat untuk mendapatkan air di dalamnya. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sunat

Short Definition: circumcision

English Definition: *BER-- : circumcised *MENY-- : 1. circumcise s.o.; 2. skim money off the top of budget so the grantee gets only a portion (corruption). *--AN: circumcision. ##

Examples: Perayaan SUNATAN di kampung sangat meriah = The celebration for the CIRCUMCISION in the village was very big. Kepala kantor telah MENYUNAT anggaran seminar itu = The office head has SKIMMED the budget for the seminar.###

Word: sungai

Short Definition: river. PER--AN: a river system.

English Definition: river. *PER--AN: a river system. ###

L2 Definition: Aliran air yang panjang; kali. ###

Examples: PERSUNGAIAN ini diatur untuk mendapatkan air bagi petani. = This RIVER SYSTEM has been arranged in order to obtain water for the farmers. ###

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Word: sungguh

Short Definition: true, in fact. SE--NYA: actually, in truth. KE--AN: truth, sincerity.

English Definition: ^true, in fact. *SE--NYA: actually, in truth. *KE--AN: truth, sincerity, seriousness. ###

L2 Definition: Benar-benar; tidak main-main; tidak palsu. ###

Examples: SESUNGGUHNYA si Didi yang mengambil uangmu. = ACTUALLY Didi was the one who took your money. Dengan segala KESUNGGUHAN dia melakukan pekerjaannya. = With all SINCERITY she carried out her work. ###

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Word: sungkan

Short Definition: [Jv] reluctant to approach or take action toward s.o. of higher status

English Definition: [Jv] reluctant to approach or take action toward s.o. of higher status

Examples: Amir sangat SUNGKAN menghadap gurunya di sekolah = Amir is so RELUCTANT to see the teacher at school.##

Word: sungkawa

Short Definition: mourning. UANG BELASUNGKAWA = contribution to a bereaved family.

English Definition: mourning. UANG BELASUNGKAWA = contribution to a bereaved family to help defray the funeral expenses. ###

L2 Definition: sedih hati; berkabung. ###

Examples: Saya turut berbela SUNGKAWA atas meninggalnya ayah anda. = I am also MOURNING the death of your father. ###

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Word: sungkem

Short Definition: (Jv) show respect by kneeling and pressing o's face to another's knees.

English Definition: (Jv) show repect by kneeling and pressing o's face to another's knees.###

L2 Definition: Tindakan menyembah (berdiri dengan bertumpu pada lutut) untuk menunjukkan hormat. ###

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Word: sungut

Short Definition: BER-_-_: grumble, complain. -AN: a grumbling complaint.

English Definition: ^*BER-_-_: grumble, complain. *-AN: a grumbling complaint. ###

L2 Definition: Marah-marah dengan mengomel. ###

Examples: Dengan BERSUNGUT-SUNGUT dia mengambilkan minumannya. = While COMPLAINING, he got the drink for her. SUNGUTANnya tidak akan berhenti selama kemauannya belum dituruti. = His COMPLAINTS will not stop so long as his wishes are not followed. ###

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Word: suntik

Short Definition: MENY-: inject, innoculate, vaccinate. -AN: injection, vaccination. Also PENY-.

English Definition: *MENY-: inject, innoculate, vaccinate. -AN: injection, vaccination. *PENY-: syringe. ###

L2 Definition: Memasukkan suatu cairan ke dalam tubuh dengan menggunakan jarum. ###

Examples: Semua orang mau DISUNTIK kalau dokter yang ramah itu yang MENYUNTIKnya. = Everyone wants to be INNOCULATED if that friendly doctor is the one to INNOCULATE them. Alat PENYUNTIK yang berbahaya ini jangan sampai dijamah anak-anak. = Don't allow this dangerous SYRINGE to be touched by children. ###

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Word: sunting

Short Definition: 1. proofread and correct, edit; 2. marry someone

English Definition: 1. proofread and correct, edit; 2. marry someone *MENY--: proofread *MENY--: marry someone *MEMPER--: to marry someone *--AN: editing *PENY--: editor

Examples: Buku ini masih harus DISUNTING lagi = This book needs more EDITING. Siapa PENYUNTING buku ini? = Who is the EDITOR of this book? Besok Amir akan MEMPERSUNTING Siti di kampung = Tomorrow Amir will MARRY Siti.###

Word: sunyi

Short Definition: SEE sepi

English Definition: SEE sepi

Word: supaya

Short Definition: so that, in order that.

English Definition: *so that, in order that. ###

L2 Definition: agar; sehingga. ###

Examples: Peramlah mangga ini SUPAYA cepat matang. = Set this mango aside SO THAT it will ripen quickly. ###

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Word: Supersemar

Short Definition: Executive Order of March 11, 1966, the document that transferred political power

English Definition: (Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret) Executive Order of March 11, 1966, the document that transferred political power from Sukarno to Suharto. ###

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Word: supir

Short Definition: chauffeur, driver. ME--: to drive.

English Definition: chauffeur, driver. ME--: to drive. ###

Examples: Siapa yang akan MENYUPIRI mobil ini? = Who is going TO DRIVE this car?

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Word: Surabaya

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Eastern Java in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Esatern Java in Indonesia. ###

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Word: Surakarta

Short Definition: city in Central Java, also known as Solo.

English Definition: city in Central Java, also known as Solo. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah kota di Jawa Tengah, juga dikenal dengan sebutan Solo. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: surat

Short Definition: letter; certificate, document. _-MENY-_: correspond with e.o. Also TER-, -AN.

English Definition: ^1 letter. 2 certificate, document. *_-MENY-_: correspond with e.o. *TER-: 1 written. 2 destined, fated. *-AN: 1 writing. 2 destiny, fate. ###

L2 Definition: Kertas yang berisi tulisan/pesan. ###

Examples: Hobi adik saya adalah SURAT-MENYURAT dengan teman-temannya. = The hobby of my younger sister is CORRESPONDING with her friends. Nasibnya memang sudah TERSURAT begitu. = Her fate is truly WRITTEN like that. Sudah menjadi SURATAN takdir bahwa dia akan menemukan jodohnya di tanah seberang. = It has already become divine DESTINY that she will find her mate overseas. ###

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Word: surau

Short Definition: (Islam) prayer house

English Definition: (Islam) prayer-house; communal building suitable for any devotion except Friday prayer.

Examples: Setiap saat ayahnya bersembahyang di SURAU = his father prays in that SMALL PRAYER-HOUSE everytime.##

Word: surga

Short Definition: heaven.

English Definition: heaven. ###

L2 Definition: Alam akhirat yang sangat indah, tempat dimana roh-roh manusia yang baik akan tinggal untuk selama-lamanya. ###

Examples: Dia merasa seperti di SURGA. = He feels as if he is in HEAVEN.

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Word: suruh

Short Definition: order, tell to do s.t. MENY-: order s.o. to do s.t. Also -AN, PE-, PENY-.

English Definition: order, tell to do s.t. *MENY-: order s.o. to do s.t. *-AN: 1 message, order. 2 messenger, delegate. *PE-: messenger, s.o. who takes orders. PENY-: s.o. who gives orders. ###

L2 Definition: perintah; permintaan untuk seseorang melakukan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Siapa yang MENYURUH adikmu pulang sendiri? = Who was the one to TELL your younger sister to go home alone? Orang SURUHAN itu baru saja pergi. = That MESSENGER just left. Kasihan orang tua itu seumur-umur dia hanya jadi PESURUH. = What a pity that that old person should at his age be only SOMEONE WHO TAKES ORDERS. ###

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Word: surut

Short Definition: 1. withdraw. 2. go back to a lesser state. ME-: go down.

English Definition: 1. withdraw. 2. go back to a lesser state. ME- : go down. ###

L2 Definition: susut; berkurang; kerut. ###

Examples: Tinggi air sungai ini akan MENYUSUT kalau kemarau. = The water level of this river will GO DOWN in the dry season. ###

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Word: survai

Short Definition: 1. survey. 2. to survey.

English Definition: 1. survey. 2. to survey. ###

L2 Definition: *Teknik riset yang bertugas untuk mengadakan pemeriksaan; penyelidikan; peninjauan. ###

Examples: SURVAI ini akan memakan waktu selama kurang lebih tiga bulan. = This SURVEY will take about three months. ###

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Word: susah

Short Definition: difficult, hard; hard to get; troubled. Also MENY--I, MENY--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 difficult, hard. 2 hard to get. 3 troubled. MENY--I: make s.o. sad, to become a burden. *MENY--KAN: 1 make s.t. difficult. 2 worry about s.t. *KE--AN: 1 hardship, difficulty. 2 worry, distress. 3 to be worried or distressed. ###

L2 Definition: sulit; sukar; tidak mudah. ###

Examples: Dengan selalu minta uang begitu berarti kamu semakin MENYUSAHKAN orang tuamu saja. = By always asking for money like that, you will just more and more MAKE THINGS DIFFICULT for your parents. KESUSAHAN yang berlarut-larut membuatnya semakin kurus. = HARDSHIP that is turning deeper and deeper has made him become increasingly thin. ###

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Word: susastera

Short Definition: literature. KE--AN: literature.

English Definition: literature. KE--AN: literature. ###

L2 Definition: Seni dalam karya tulis yang indah bahasanya. ###

Examples: Prosa ini bergaya KESUSASTERAAN lama. = This prose has as a style of old (classic) LITERATURE. ###

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Word: Susenas

Short Definition: National Socioeconomic Survey.

English Definition: (Survey Sosial Ekonomi Nasional) National Socioeconomic Survey. ###

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Word: susila

Short Definition: decent, well-mannered; decency, morality. Also BER-, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 decent, well-mannered. 2 decency, morality. BER-: to have good morals. KE--AN: ethics, decency. ###

L2 Definition: Hal tentang kesopanan; beradab; sopan santun; dll. ###

Examples: Anak muda itu sangat BERSUSILA. = That young man/woman HAS a very GOOD MORALS. Di sekolah ini kami mengajarkan pendidikan KESUSILAAN. = In this school we teach ETHICS. ###

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Word: susu

Short Definition: breast; milk. MENY-: to suckle on the breast. Also MENY--I, PENY-.

English Definition: 1 breast. 2 milk. *MENY-: to suckle on the breast. *MENY--I: to give suckle on the breast, breast-feeding. PENY-: wet nurse. ###

L2 Definition: Minuman sehat untuk manusia yang dihasilkan oleh binatang biasanya sapi atau kambing; buah dada. ###

Examples: Anak kecil ini masih MENYUSU pada ibunya. = This small child is still SUCKLING THE BREAST of its mother. Tunggu dulu bu, Minah sedang MENYUSUI bayinya. = Wait a moment mother, Minah is breast feeding her baby. ###

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Word: susul

Short Definition: follow, come later, catch up with. Also MENY-, MENY--I, TER-, -AN, PENY-.

English Definition: follow, come later, catch up with. *MENY-: 1 follow, come afterward. 2 follow, catch up with. MENY--I: 1 follow upon. 2 add s.t. to. 3 add to s.t. *TER-: be caught up with. *-AN: continuation, appendation. PENY-: s.o. or s.t. that follows or is appended. ###

L2 Definition: Usaha untuk mencapai orang/sesuatu yang telah terlebih dahulu. ###

Examples: Kami sedang berusaha MENYUSUL ketinggalan kami dibidang tehnologi. = We are in the process of CATCHING UP on our backwardness in the area of technology. Akhirnya TERSUSUL juga rombongan itu olehku. = In the end, the group was CAUGHT UP WITH by me. Ini berkas SUSULAN untuk bahan ujian. = This is a sheaf of APPENDATIONS to the exam material. ###

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Word: susun

Short Definition: stack, stacked pile, row, line up. Also BER-, MENY-, TER-, PENY-.

English Definition: ^ stack, stacked pile, row, line up. BER-: to be stacked, to be in layers or rows. MENY-: to arrange neatly in a stack, row, etc. TER-: arranged neatly. PENY-: composer, arranger. PENY--AN: the act of composing or arranging. ###

L2 Definition: Tumpuk; Suatu benda yang diatur secara bertumpuk-tumpuk. ###

Examples: Rumah besar itu BERSUSUN empat. = The big house HAS four FLOORS. Tami sedang MENYUSUN mainannya. = Tami is STACKING her toys. Semua baju-bajunya sudah TERSUSUN rapi di lemari. = All of her clothes has been ARRANGED NEATLY in the closet. Saya kenal PENYUSUN buku ini. = I know the EDITOR of this book. ###

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Word: susur

Short Definition: edge, fringe, margin. MENY-, MENY--I: go along the margin; trace. Also TER-, +

English Definition: ^edge, fringe, margin. *MENY-, MENY--I: 1 go along the margin. 2 trace. *TER-: followed, caught up with. *-AN: edge, margin, fringe. ###

L2 Definition: Melalui/mengamati suatu jalan/persoalan setapak demi setapak. ###

Examples: Dengan MENYUSURI jalan ini anda akan sampai di kampung itu. = By GOING ALONG THE EDGE OF this road, you will arrive at that village. Semoga TERSUSUR siapa yang mengambil uang itu. = Hopefully the person who took that money will be CAUGHT UP WITH. Alat SUSURAN ini berguna untuk mengukur panjang jalan. = This EDGING apparatus is useful for measuring the length of the road. ###

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Word: susut

Short Definition: MENY-: shrink, become smaller. KE--AN: shrinkage. Also -AN, PENY--AN.

English Definition: ^MENY-: shrink, become smaller. KE--AN: shrinkage. -AN: reduction, decrease. PENY--AN: shrinkage, reduction. ###

L2 Definition: berkurang; mundur; balik; kembali. ###

Examples: Air danau itu MENYUSUT pada musim kemarau. = The water of the lake SHRINKS during the dry season. PENYUSUTAN jumlah guru di daerah ini sangat memprihatinkan. = The REDUCTION of the number of teachers in the region is very troubling.

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Word: sutera

Short Definition: silk. (see also sutra)

English Definition: silk. ###

L2 Definition: Kain atau benang yang terbuat dari air liur ulat sutera. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: sutra

Short Definition: silk

English Definition: silk *PER-AN: matters pertaining to silk

Examples: Kain SUTRA ini sangat indah = This SILK fabric is really beautiful. Masalah PERSUTRAAN kini ditangani oleh pemerintah daerah = MATTERS PERTAINING TO SILK is now in the hands of the local government. ###

Word: sutradara

Short Definition: director (of film or stage production). MENY--I: to direct a film or play.

English Definition: director (of a film or stage production). MENY--I: to direct a play or film production. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang bertanggung jawab dalam segi artistik dan teknis dalam suatu pembuatan film atau pementasan drama. ###

Examples: Kariernya dimulai dari MENYUTRADARAI film anak-anak. = His career started from DIRECTING children films. ###

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Word: swadaya

Short Definition: innate strength or effort, self-supporting

English Definition: innate strength or effort, self-supporting. *BER--: do s.t. on a self-supporting basis (i.e. without outside funds).###

Examples: Bangunan sekolah ini adalah hasil SWADAYA masyarakat = This school building is the result of the people's OWN EFFORTS.###

Word: swakarsa

Short Definition: o.'s own will

English Definition: *o.'s own will

Examples: Mereka dulu bertransmigrasi ke Pulau Kalimantan ats SWAKARSA sendiri = They transmigrated to Kalimantan Island SPONTANEOUSLY (not sponsored or funded by the government).

Word: swakarya

Short Definition: self-developing (of projects without government funding).

English Definition: self-developing (of projects without government funding).

Examples: ###

Word: swasembada

Short Definition: self-supporting, self-sufficient

English Definition: self-supporting, self-sufficient

Word: swasta

Short Definition: private (vs public).

English Definition: *private (vs public). ###

L2 Definition: Suatu badan yang dimiliki oleh individual/group; bukan pemerintah. ###

Examples: Mahal juga kalau anakku harus bersekolah di sekolah SWASTA. = It would be expensive if my child had to go to school at a PRIVATE school. ###

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Word: Swedia

Short Definition: Sweden.

English Definition: Sweden. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: swempak

Short Definition: swimsuit.

English Definition: swimsuit. ###

L2 Definition: Baju untuk berenang. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Swis

Short Definition: Switzerland.

English Definition: Switzerland.###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah negara di Eropa. ###

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Word: syahdan

Short Definition: so it happened

English Definition: so it happened, the next thing in the story

Word: syahid

Short Definition: [Isl.] martyr or warrior killed while fighting for Islam

English Definition: [Isl.] martyr or warrior killed while fighting for Islam *KE--AN; martyrdom *MATI--: die as a martyr (and so be guaranteed immediate admission to heaven).##

Examples: Jika engkau membela agama dengan gigih, maka engkau akan MATI SYAHID = If you are defending the religion, then you will die as a MARTYR.##

Word: syahwat

Short Definition: 1. lust, voluptious feeling; 2. orgasm

English Definition: 1. lust, voluptious feeling; 2. orgasm

L2 Definition: nafsu seksual

Examples: Agama tidak memperbolehkan orang mengumbar SYAHWAT secara bebas = Our religion does not allow people to let their LUST loose.###

Word: syair

Short Definition: poem, story related in verse form

English Definition: poem, story related in verse form. *BER--: write poetry, recite poetry. *MENY--; MENY--KAN: compose a poem about s.t. *PENY--: poet.###

Examples: SYAIR lagu ini sangat indah = The WORDS in this song are beautiful. Buku ini MENYAIRKAN kisah kepahlawanan = This book COMPOSED of a POEM about heroism. Chairil Anwar adalah seorang PENYAIR yang terkenal = Chairil Anwar was a very famous POET.###

Word: syak

Short Definition: suspicion, doubt, distrust

English Definition: *-- WASANGKA : suspicion, doubt, mistrust

L2 Definition: curiga, tidak percaya

Examples: Saya mempunyai SYAKWASANGKA bahwa dialah pencurinya = I have a SUSPICION that he is the thief.##

Word: syakwasangka

Short Definition: see SYAK

Word: syaraf

Short Definition: see SARAF

English Definition: see SARAF

Word: syarat

Short Definition: condition, requirement. BER-: conditional. Also BER--KAN, MEMPER--KAN, +

English Definition: condition, requirement. *BER-: conditional. *BER--KAN: have s.t. as a condition. MEMPER--KAN: make s.t. a condition. *PER--AN: rules and regulations. see sarat###

L2 Definition: Hal yang harus dipenuhi untuk lengkapnya suatu hal. ###

Examples: Perjanjian ini BERSYARAT berat. = This agreement HAS heavy CONDITIONS. Dengan BERSYARATKAN sebuah ijazah SMA pekerjaan ini akan dibuka untuk umum. = By HAVING a middle school diploma AS A CONDITION, this work is going to be open for the general public. Seluruh PERSYARATAN harus dipenuhi dahulu sebelum bisa naik ke pangkat berikutnya. = All of these RULES AND REGULATIONS must be met first before you can step up to the next rank. ###

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Word: syariah

Short Definition: Islamic Law

English Definition: Islamic Law. *MEN--KAN: declare a certain deed to be Islamic law.###

Examples: Sekarang di Aceh diberlakukan hukum SYARIAH Islam = The ISLAMIC LAW is now applied in Aceh.###

Word: syariat

Short Definition: see SYARIAH

English Definition: see SYARIAH.###

Word: Syawal

Short Definition: the tenth month of the Arabic calendar. --AN: a party to forgive each other.

English Definition: the tenth month of the Arabic calendar. --AN: a party to forgive each other after the fasting month (during the month of Syawal). ###

L2 Definition: Bulan kesepuluh dalam perhitungan tahun Hijriah. ###

Examples: Kami akan mengadakan SYAWALAN pada hari minggu. = We are going to have a FORGIVING PARTY on sunday.

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Word: syukur

Short Definition: thank God; fortunately. BER-: to be thankful, be grateful. Also KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^1 thank God. 2 fortunately. *BER-: to be thankful, be grateful. KE--AN: gratitude to God. *-AN: an expression of gratitude to God. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa lega karena suatu keberhasilan/keberuntungan/dll bisa didapat. ###

Examples: Dengan BERSYUKUR kepada Tuhan, rejeki kita akan semakin banyak. = By being THANKFUL to God, our fortune will continue to improve. Sesudah lulus sekolah saya akan mengadakan upacara SYUKURAN. = After graduating from school I am going to hold a ceremony for the EXPRESSION OF my GRATITUDE TO GOD. ###

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Word: taat

Short Definition: obedient, loyal. BER-: be obedient, loyal. Also MEN(T-)-I, KE--AN, PEN-.

English Definition: obedient, loyal. BER-: be obedient, loyal. MEN(T-)-I: 1. adhere to, obey s.t. 2. be faithful to. KE--AN: loyalty, fidelity. PEN-: obedient person. ###

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Word: tabah

Short Definition: determined, resolute.

English Definition: determined, resolute. ###

L2 Definition: Tetap dan kuat hati. ###

Examples: Orang itu kurang TABAH menghadapi penderitaan. = The person is less than DETERMINED in facing suffering. ###

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Word: tabel

Short Definition: table, chart.

English Definition: table, chart. ###

Examples: Untuk penjelasan lebih rinci, lihat TABLE 3. = For a more detailed explanation, see TABLE 3.

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Word: tabik

Short Definition: hello, good morning/afternoon/evening, etc.; a greeting. Also BER-, MEN-, +

English Definition: ^1 hello, good morning/afternoon/evening, etc. 2 a greeting. *BER-: extend a greeting or leave-taking. *MEN-, MEN--I: to greet s.o. ###

L2 Definition: salam; ucapan selamat datang; ucapan untuk keselamatan. ###

Examples: Sesudah semua hal berjalan lancar kami saling BERTABIK. = After everything was going smoothly, we SAID GOODBYE to one another. Kyai itu masuk ke mimbar sesudah MENABIKI orang satu persatu. = That priest entered the pulpit after GREETING the people one by one. ###

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Word: tabrak

Short Definition: hit; collide

English Definition: 1. hit; 2. collide -LARI = hit and run MEN- = hit against BER-AN = collided -AN = collision PEN- : someone who collides

L2 Definition: menumbuk; menyerang; perbuatan membentur sesuatu Biasanya menggambarkan kecelakaan antara kendaraan di jalan.

Examples: Pengendara motor itu berusaha TABRAK-LARI dan dikejar polisi = The motorcycle driver tried to HIT AND RUN so the police is chasing him. Tanpa dia sadari mobilnya MENABRAK tembok itu = Without realizing it, his car HIT AGAINST the wall. Ani dan Susan BERTABRAKAN di lorong sempit itu = Ani and Susan COLLIDED in that small alley. Akibat TABRAKAN bulan lalu dia masih harus dirawat di rumah sakit = Because of the COLLISION last month, he still needs to be in the hospital. Sampai sekarang PENABRAK mobil itu masih belum diketahui = Until now the PERSON WHO COLLIDED that car is still unknown. ###

Word: tabuh

Short Definition: s.t. used to strike percussion instruments. Also ME--, --AN, --2AN.

English Definition: s.t. used to strike percussion instruments, for example a gong, a drum, etc. ME--: strike a gong, etc. --AN: percussion instrument. --2AN: music to accompany a dance.

L2 Definition: Alat pemukul perkusi, seperti gendang, beduk, gamelan dsb. ###

Examples: Lucu sekali gaya orang yang MENABUH gendang itu. = It's very funny the style of the person who STRIKES the drum. Ini adalah alat TABUHAN kaum Indian. = This is a PERCUSSION instrument of the Indian people. Bersama TABUH-TABUHAN itu kami menarikan tari Kuda Lumping. = With THE MUSIC we danced the Kuda Lumping dance. ###

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Word: tabung

Short Definition: bamboo storage container; money container; tube. Also MEN-(-KAN), -AN.

English Definition: ^1 bamboo tube used as a storage container. 2 container for keeping money. 3. tube. MEN-(-KAN): to save (money, etc.). -AN: savings, money box. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu tempat yang berbentuk silinder/bumbung; simpan uang. ###

Examples: Semua anak sekolah diajar MENABUNGKAN uang mereka di Bank TABUNGAN Pelajar. = All students are taught TO SAVE their money in the Student SAVINGS Bank. Saya harus mengganti TABUNG kimia yang pecah. = I have to replace the broken chemical TUBE. ###

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Word: tabur

Short Definition: BER-(-AN): scattered, spread. BER--KAN: to spread over with s.t. Also MEN-, +

English Definition: *^BER-(-AN): scattered, spread. *BER--KAN: to be spread over with s.t. MEN-, MEN--KAN: 1 scatter s.t. around. 2 sow, broadcast (seed). *MEN--I: to sow s.t. (as a plot of ground). -AN: sowing. ###

L2 Definition: Menyebarkan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Berasnya jatuh BERTABURAN di tanah. = His rice fell SCATTERING on the ground. Saking kayanya sampai-sampai seluruh badannya BERTABURKAN dengan emas permata. = His wealth was so great that his whole body was COVERED with gold jewelry. Bulan ini kami akan MENABURI ladang dengan benih jagung. = This month we are going to SOW the field with corn seeds. ###

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Word: tadah

Short Definition: catch s.t. falling.

English Definition: catch s.t. falling. ###

L2 Definition: tampung; tangkap. ###

Examples: Tetanggaku dicurigai polisi sebagai tukang TADAH barang-barang curian. = My neighbor is suspected by the police to be a RECEIVER of stolen goods. ###

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Word: tadi

Short Definition: a while ago; this (morning, etc.), last (night), this past (2 o'clock, etc.); +

English Definition: ^1 a while ago. 2 this (morning, etc.), last (night), this past (two, three o'clock, etc.). 3 the one from a while ago. *-NYA: formerly, just before, a little while ago. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu yang telah lampau. ###

Examples: TADINYA saya akan memancing ikan tetapi tidak jadi. = A LITTLE WHILE AGO I was going to go fishing but it didn't happen. ###

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Word: tafsir

Short Definition: interpret ###

English Definition: 1. (Isl) explanation of passages of Koran 2. exegesis (of Christian sciprtures) * MEN(T) ~KAN = to interpret s.t. TER~KAN = interpreted, explained ~AN= 1. interpretation, explanation 2. commentary, exegesis PEN(T)~AN = explanation, interpretation 2. commentary, exegesis

Examples: Setelah membaya ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran, Pak Hadi MENAFSIRKAN arti ayat-ayat tersebut ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia = After reading several passages of Koran, Pak Hadi INTERPRETED the meaning of those passages into Indonesian###

Word: tagih

Short Definition: null

English Definition: *KE-AN : addicted to s.t., habitually accustomed to *ME- : collect (debts ), demand fulfillment of (a promise, etc.) *-AN : a bill, a claim *PE- : collector, dunner

L2 Definition: minta janji dipenuhi, minta uang dikembalikan

Examples: Anak muda itu KETAGIHAN obat-obat terlarang = that young person is ADDICTED TO drugs.

Word: tahan

Short Definition: endure, withstand. BER-: hold out, survive. Also MEN-, MEMPER--KAN, +

English Definition: ^endure, withstand. BER-: hold out, survive. *PER--AN: defense MEN-: suppress, withold, detain. MEMPER--KAN: defend, protect. TER-: detained. DITAHAN: arrested.

L2 Definition: Tidak cepat rusah; tidak berubah keadaannya; tetap seperti semula. ###

Examples: Walaupun sangat lapar dia tetap BERTAHAN untuk berpuasa. = Although he was hungry he still WITHSTANDS to fast. Bendungan itu bobol karena tidak kuat MENAHAN arus air yang deras. = The dam was broken because it could not WITHOLD the strong water stream. Rita tetap berusaha MEMPERTAHANKAN hak miliknya. = Rita is still trying DEFEND her property. Maman DITAHAN polisi karena berjudi. = Maman is ARRESTED by the police because of gambling.

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Word: tahap

Short Definition: stage, phase.

English Definition: stage, phase. ###

L2 Definition: tingkatan; jenjang. ###

Examples: Pembangunan kota ini akan dilakukan secara BERTAHAP. = The city development will be done in STAGES. ###

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Word: tahi

Short Definition: animal exrement, feces.

English Definition: animal excrement, feces. ###

L2 Definition: Ampas makanan dari dalam perut manusia maupun binatang; tinja. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tahta

Short Definition: throne

English Definition: throne *BER--: reigned *MEN--KAN: crown, enthrone

L2 Definition: singgasana

Examples: Ratu Elizabeth telah BERTAHTA selama lebih dari lima puluh tahun = Queen Elizabeth has REIGNED from more than fifty years.###

Word: tahu

Short Definition: see TAHU1 (to know or understand . . .) or TAHU2 (tofu, soybean curd . . .).

English Definition: see TAHU1 (to know or understand . . .) TAHU2 (tofu, soybean curd . . .)

L2 Definition: mengerti. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tahu1

Short Definition: know, be aware of. -NYA: as it turned out. Also SE-, MENGE--I, +

English Definition: ^ know, be aware of. -NYA: as it turned out, to my surprise. *SE-: as far as one knows, to the extent of o.'s knowledge. *MENGE--I: 1 to know or understand s.t. 2 to find s.t. out. *KE--AN: to be found out, discovered. *PENGE--AN: knowledge, skill, science. BERPENGE--AN: to be knowledgeable. ###

L2 Definition: mengerti. ###

Examples: Dia itu TAHUNYA hanya minta saja. = All WHAT HE KNOWS is just to ask. SETAHU saya bukan dia yang membuat layang-layang ini. = AS FAR AS I KNOW, he wasn't the one who made this kite. Saya akan mencoba MENGETAHUI apa maunya. = I will try to LEARN what he wants. Anak itu KETAHUAN mencuri jambu tetangga. = That child WAS FOUND OUT stealing the neighbor's rose apples. Dibutuhkan PENGETAHUAN yang luas untuk bisa menjadi seorang wartawan. = Wide KNOWLEDGE is needed to become a reporter. ###

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Word: tahu2

Short Definition: tofu, soybean curd.

English Definition: *tofu, soybean curd. ###

L2 Definition: Bahan makanan yang tebuat dari kedelai yang dihaluskan kemudian difermentasikan. ###

Examples: TAHU beronrak adalah TAHU yang ditengah-tengahnya diisi sayuran dan daging kemudian digoreng dengan tepung. = TOFU berontak is TOFU which is filled with vegetables and meat in the middle and then fried with flour. ###

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Word: tahun

Short Definition: year. BER-_-_-AN: for many years. -AN: annual, perennial. Also SE-_-_-AN.

English Definition: year. *BER-_-_: for many years. *-AN: annual, perennial. SE-_-_-AN: for the entire year. *--KABISAT: leap year. ###

L2 Definition: Waktu selama 12 bulan atau 365 atau 366 hari. ###

Examples: BERTAHUN-TAHUN kami bekerja tetapi hasilnya tidak ada. = We have worked FOR YEARS but without any success. Dalam waktu TAHUNAN pohon ini baru akan berbuah. = In a period of YEARS, this tree will bear fruit. ###

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Word: tai

Short Definition: see TAHI.

English Definition: see TAHI. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tajam

Short Definition: sharp. MEN-: intensify, become more acute, become sharper. Also MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: sharp. *MEN-: intensify, become more acute, become sharper. *MEN--KAN: sharpen s.t. *MEMPER-: exacerbate, make sharper. *KE--AN: 1 too sharp. 2 sharpness, acuteness. ###

L2 Definition: Pinggiran pisau/suatu barang yang tipis dan sangat mudah untuk memotong sesuatu. ###

Examples: Tikungan ini semakin lama semakin MENAJAM. = This curve, as it goes longer it BECOMES SHARPER. Saya akan MENAJAMKAN pisau ini dengan mengasahnya pada batu. = I am going to SHARPEN this knife by whetting it on a stone. Karena pelannya suara itu saya harus MEMPERTAJAM pendengaran saya. = Because of the softness of that voice, I have to SHARPEN my listening. KETAJAMAN parang ini tidak ada yang menandingi. = Nothing can match the SHARPNESS of this machete. ###

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Word: taji

Short Definition: cock's spur; metal spur attached to fighting cock's leg

English Definition: *BER- : with the spur on

Examples: Sebelum pertandingan sabung ayam dimulai, Pak Rohadi memasang taji di kaki ayam jagonya= Before the cock fighting game began, Pak Rohadi put on the metal SPUR on the cock's leg.###

Word: tajuk

Short Definition: 1. crown; 2. beloved, darling

English Definition: *BER--: have a topic as an editorial *MEN--: protrude, prominent, well-known

Examples: Surat Kabar Kompas hari ini BERTAJUK tentang korupsi di KPU = The Newspaper Kompas FEATURED the corruption at the KPU as its main EDITORIAL news.##

Word: tak

Short Definition: see TIDAK.

English Definition: see TIDAK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: takar

Short Definition: measurement, dosage

English Definition: *--AN: measurement, dosage *PEN--AN: act of measuring out

L2 Definition: ukuran

Examples: Resep kue ini memerlukan TAKARAN yang pas = the recipe requires an accurate MEASUREMENT (of ingredients).##

Word: takbir

Short Definition: (Islam) recitation of laudation, "God is Great" usually at opening of prayers

English Definition: *BER-AN: engage in such recitations *-AN: 1. laudations in the form of such recitations; 2.night of last day of fasting month (ramadhan)

Examples: Orang BERTAKBIRAN pada malam terakhir bulan suci Ramadhan = People RECITES "GOD IS GREAT" on the last night of the holy month Ramadhan.##

Word: takbiran

Short Definition: SEE TAKBIR

Word: takdir

Short Definition: ordained by God. MEN--KAN: be fated to be.

English Definition: ordained by God. MEN--KAN: be fated to be. ###

L2 Definition: Ketentuan Tuhan akan keadaan manusia; nasib. ###

Examples: TAKDIR telah menggariskan anakku berjodoh dengan anakmu. = FATE has written that my child is to be a mate of your child. Tuhan MENTAKDIRKAN kita semua bisa bertemu lagi hari ini. = It has been ORDAINED by God that all of us can meet again today. ###

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Word: takhta

Short Definition: see TAHTA

English Definition: see TAHTA

Word: takhyul

Short Definition: superstitious, superstition

English Definition: *KE-AN = belief in superstitious

Examples: Jangan percaya pada cerita hantu, itu hanya TAKHYUL saja = Do not believe in the ghost story, it was all SUPERSTITIOUS.##

Word: takjub

Short Definition: astonishment, astonished. MEN(T)--I: to be astonished at. Also MEN(T)--KAN, +

English Definition: astonishment, astonished. *MEN(T)--I: to be astonished at. *MEN(T)--KAN: to astonish, be astonishing. *KE--AN: astonishment, amazement. ###

L2 Definition: heran; tercengang; terperangah. ###

Examples: Tak henti-hentinya aku MENTAKJUBI keindahan candi Borobudur. = I am ASTONISHED to no end AT the beauty of the Borobudur temple. Ketinggian gedung ini sungguh MENAKJUBKAN. = The height of this building is really ASTONISHING. Sungguh lucu melihat KETAKJUBAN mereka pada burung ini, padahal bagi kami biasa saja. = It is funny to see their ASTONISHMENT at this bird when for us it is just familiar. ###

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Word: takluk

Short Definition: subject, subjection

English Definition: *MEN--KAN : subjugate, subdue *--AN : s.t. subjected PEN-- : conqueror, subjugator PEN--KAN : subjection, submission

Examples: Penjajah Belanda MENAKLUKKAN Bali pada abad ke-duapuluh = the Dutch colonial SUBJUGATED Bali in the 20th century. Daerah TAKLUKAN kerajaan Majapahit sangat luas, bahkan sampai ke Vietnam = Majapahit Empire's CONQUERED TERRITORY was big, including Vietnam.

Word: takmir

Short Definition: manager of a mosque.

English Definition: manager of a mosque. ###

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Word: taksi

Short Definition: taxi, cab

English Definition: *BER-- : ride a taxi *PER--AN: taxi matters *MEN--KAN: use something as a cab

Examples: Mari kita ke bioskop dengan BERTAKSI = Let us go to the movie by TAXI. Masalah PERTAKSIAN di kota sudah berjalan lancar = The PROBLEMS WITH TAXI in the city has been solved. Amir MENTAKSIKAN mobilnya yang merah itu = Amir USES his red car as a TAXI.##

Word: taksir

Short Definition: MEN-: estimate, value, appraise. -AN: appraisal. PEN-: appraiser. Also PEN--AN.

English Definition: MEN-: estimate, value, appraise. -AN: appraisal. PEN-: appraiser. PEN--AN: evaluation. ###

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Word: takut

Short Definition: afraid. MEN--I: to frighten s.o.; to fear s.t. Also MEN--KAN, KE--AN, PEN-.

English Definition: afraid. *MEN--I: 1 to frighten s.o. 2 to fear s.t. *MEN--KAN: 1 to cause s.o. to be frightened, frightening. 2 to fear s.t. *KE--AN: 1 to be frightened. 2 fear. *PEN-: a faint-hearted person. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa khawatir akan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Pak tani menjaga padinya dengan MENAKUTI burung-burung itu dengan orang-orangan. = The farmer guards his rice by FRIGHTENING the birds with a scarecrow. Topeng ini sangat MENAKUTKAN. = This mask is very FRIGHTENING. KETAKUTANku naik kapal tetap ada sampai sekarang. = My FEAR of riding a ship still exists until now. Jangan sering kau gertak adikmu nanti dia jadi PENAKUT. = Don't always threaten your younger brother/sister, later he/she will become FAINT-HEARTED. ###

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Word: takwa

Short Definition: piety. BER-: pious.

English Definition: piety. BER-: pious. ###

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Word: talang

Short Definition: 1.[Jkt, Jv.] middleman. 2. eaves through, gutter.

English Definition: 1.[Jkt, Jv.] middleman. 2. eaves through, gutter. *MEN--I: advance s.o. money. *PEN--: money lender *--AIR: gutter.###

Examples: Ibu harus MENALANGI hutang Hadi = Ibu must PAY in ADVANCE Hadi's debt. Kamu harus membersihkan TALANG air di depan rumah = You have to clean the GUTTER in the front porch.###

Word: talar

Short Definition: BER-: 1. think logically, reason. 2. deliberate a problem. Also BER-, MEN--KAN,+

English Definition: BER-: 1. think logically, reason. 2. deliberate a problem. MEN--KAN: reason or think s.t. out. PEN--AN: reasoning, intellectual activity. ###

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Word: talas

Short Definition: taro

English Definition: taro

L2 Definition: ubi talas

Examples: Keluarganya mempunyai perkebunan TALAS = his family owned a TARO plantation.##

Word: tali

Short Definition: string, cord, rope. SE-: connected to e.o. Also BER-, BER--AN, MEN-, MEN--KAN+

English Definition: ^string, cord, rope. SE-: connected to e.o. BER-: 1. continuously. 2. having strings. 3. interconnected. BER--AN: tied to, related. MEN-: tie with a rope. MEN--KAN: tie s.o. or s.t. to. PEN-: binder. PER--AN: relationship.###

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Word: tama

Short Definition: see PERTAMA.

English Definition: see PERTAMA. ###

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Word: tamah

Short Definition: see RAMAH.

English Definition: see RAMAH. ###

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Word: tamak

Short Definition: 1. greed. 2. greedy, covetous. KE--AN: greed.

English Definition: 1. greed. 2. greedy, covetous. KE--AN: greed. ###

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Word: taman

Short Definition: garden, park.

English Definition: garden, park. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat yang ditata rapi dan indah dengan tanaman bunga, pohon, kolam, dll. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tamasya

Short Definition: 1. view, scenery. 2. spectacle. 3. go on an excersion. BER-: go sight-seeing.

English Definition: ^1. view, scenery. 2. spectacle, performance. 3. go on an excursion. BER-: go sight-seeing.###

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Word: tamat

Short Definition: 1. finished, completed. 2. end, conclusion. SE-: upon ending. Also MEN--KAN,-AN.

English Definition: 1. finished, completed. 2. end, conclusion. SE-: upon ending, as soon as it is ended. MEN--KAN: conclude s.t. -AN: 1. graduation. 2. a graduate. ###

Examples: Ali sakit sehingga dia tidak dapat MENAMMATKAN sekolahnya = Ali was sick therefore he could not GRADUATED from school ##

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Word: tambah

Short Definition: add; more, increasingly. BER-: increase. Also MEN-, MEN--KAN, MEN--I, +

English Definition: ^1 add. 2 more, increasingly. *BER-: increase. *MEN-: add to s.t., increase s.t. *MEN--KAN: add s.t. to s.t. else. *MEN--I: increase s.t. -AN: addition, supplement. PEN--AN: increment, increasing. PER--AN: increase, growth. ###

L2 Definition: lagi; lebih. ###

Examples: Anggota kelompok pramukaku BERTAMBAH seorang. = The members of my scout troop INCREASED by one person. Dengan MENAMBAH jumlah penjaga diharap tempat ini akan lebih aman. = By INCREASING the number of guards it is hoped that this place will become more secure. Jangan MENAMBAHKAN apapun pada masakan ini. = Don't ADD anything at all to this cooking. Apakah saya perlu MENAMBAHI gula pada teh ini? = Do I have to ADD sugar to this tea? ###

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Word: tambak

Short Definition: fishpond (made by damming)

English Definition: fishpond

L2 Definition: kolam ikan; tempat memelihara ikan

Examples: Ikan ini dipelihara di TAMBAK di belakang rumah Pak Amin = This fish was cultivated in the FISHPOND behind Pak Amin's house.##

Word: tambal

Short Definition: a patch or mend

English Definition: *BER- = patched *MEN- = patch, mend *-AN = patch, repairs

Examples: Bajunya BERTAMBAL gambar binatang = His shirt was PATCHED with animal pictures.# Ibu MENAMBAL celana Amir yang sobek = Ibu MENDED Amir's torn pants.# Baju kamu perlu TAMBALAN supaya bisa dipakai lagi = Your shirt needs REPAIRS so that you can wear it again.###

Word: tambang

Short Definition: see TAMBANG1 (mine . . .) or TAMBANG2 (cross a body of water by small craft).

English Definition: see TAMBANG1 (mine . . .) TAMBANG2 (cross a body of water by small craft . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tambang1

Short Definition: mine (coal, etc.). MEN-: to mine or dig. TER-: mined. PEN-: miner.

English Definition: ^mine (coal, etc.). *MEN-: to mine or dig. TER-: mined. *PEN-: miner. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat dimana terdapat hasil-hasil bumi. ###

Examples: Dengan MENAMBANG batubara ini pemerintah akan mendapatkan pemasukan yang lumayan banyak. = By MINING this coal, the government will acquire a considerable amount of revenue. Tidak semua PENAMBANG emas di daerah ini kaya-kaya. = Not all of the gold MINERS in this area are rich. ###

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Word: tambang2

Short Definition: MEN-: cross (a river, stream, etc.) in a small boat. Also MEN--KAN, PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^MEN-: cross (a river, stream, etc.) in a small boat. *MEN--KAN: transport across, operate as a passenger vehicle, operate as a ferry. *PEN--AN: ferrying, transport. ###

L2 Definition: tali; alat untuk menyeberang. ###

Examples: Dengan MENAMBANGKAN perahu-perahu kecil ini penduduk di daerah ini bisa mendapatkan hasil tambahan. = By OPERATING these small boats AS FERRIES, the inhabitants of this region can get additional income. Saya tidak ingat lagi kapan dimulainya PENAMBANGAN di sungai ini. = I no longer remember when the FERRYING on this river was begun. ###

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Word: tambat

Short Definition: tie s.t. with a long rope.

English Definition: tie s.t. with a long rope. ###

L2 Definition: ikat. ###

Examples: Kapal itu telah TERTAMBAT di pelabuhan ini selama berbulan-bulan. = That ship has been TIED in the harbor for months.

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Word: tameng

Short Definition: [Jv] a shield for combat

English Definition: *BER-- : shelter or protect o.s. behind a shield

L2 Definition: pelindung

Examples: Prajurit itu BERTAMENG baja = the troop is wearing a steel SHIELD.##

Word: tampak

Short Definition: be visible. -NYA: apparently. MEN--KAN: make s.t. be visible. Also TER-, +

English Definition: be visible. *-NYA: apparently. *MEN--KAN: make s.t. be visible. *TER-: visible. *PEN--AN: appearance. ###

L2 Definition: kelihatan. ###

Examples: TAMPAKNYA anak ini sudah lelah benar. = APPARENTLY this child is really tired. Baru sekarang dia berani MENAMPAKKAN dirinya. = Only now does he dare TO SHOW himself. Tidak TERTAMPAK olehku adanya bintang itu. = The presence of that star was not VISIBLE to me. PENAMPAKAN gerhana matahari hanya terjadi setiap lima tahun sekali. = The APPEARANCE of a solar eclipse occurs only once every five years. ###

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Word: tampan

Short Definition: 1. of suitable bearing (esp. of males); 2. handsome

English Definition: *--RUPA: appearance *KE--AN: handsomeness

L2 Definition: cakep, gagah (untuk laki-laki)

Examples: Dengan bermodal KETAMPANAN, Hadi mencoba menjadi bintang film = With his GOOD LOOKS, Hadi tried to become movie star.##

Word: tampang

Short Definition: 1. apperance of person; 2. put on, show off

English Definition: 1. apperance of person; 2. put on, show off

Examples: Sebenarnya dia sangat baik, hanya TAMPANGnya saja yang tidak ramah = Actually he is very nice even though he has an unfriendly APPEARANCE.###

Word: tampil

Short Definition: step forward; appear in front of; appear, come into existence. Also MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 step forward. 2 appear in front of. 3 appear, come into view or existence. *MEN--KAN: put forward. KE--AN: appearance. *PEN--AN: presentation or appearance. ###

L2 Definition: hadir; kelihatan. ###

Examples: Kami akan MENAMPILKAN kesenian daerah kami. = We are going to PUT FORWARD the arts of our region. Dia tidak pernah cacat dalam PENAMPILANnya. = She never faultered in her PRESENTATION. ###

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Word: tampung

Short Definition: receive, take in. PEN-: s.t. that accepts or takes in.

English Definition: receive, take in. PEN-: s.t. that accepts or takes in. ###

L2 Definition: Menadah sesuatu yang jatuh dari atas; mengumpulkan. ###

Examples: Majalah ini menjadi PENAMPUNG aspirasi anak-anak muda. = This magazine becomes the RECEIVER of youthful aspirations. ###

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Word: tamu

Short Definition: guest, visitor. BER-: to go visiting, to be a guest. MEN--I: to visit s.o.

English Definition: guest, visitor. *BER-: to go visiting, to be a guest. *MEN--I: to visit s.o. or some place.###

L2 Definition: Orang yang datang bertandang. ###

Examples: Larut malam begini, mengapa dia masih BERTAMU kemari? = This late at night, why is he still VISITING here? Terobati sudah rinduku dengan MENAMUI beberapa kerabat lama. = My longing has been assuaged by VISITING several old relatives. ###

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Word: tanah

Short Definition: land, soil, ground.

English Definition: *land, soil, ground. ###

L2 Definition: Alas bumi; tempat dimana tanaman bisa tumbuh. ###

Examples: Tempat ini kurang subur karena TANAHnya berpasir. = This area is lacking in fertility because the SOIL is sandy. ###

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Word: tanam

Short Definition: BER-: to plant. MEN-: to plant s.t. Also MEN--KAN, MEN--I, -AN.

English Definition: *BER-: to plant. *MEN-: to plant s.t. *MEN--KAN: 1 to implant s.t. (in the soil). 2 invest. *MEN--I: to plant (a field). *-AN: plants. ###

L2 Definition: Memasukkan sesuatu kedalam lubang kemudian menutupnya lagi. ###

Examples: Kami mengisi waktu liburan dengan BERTANAM jagung. = We fill our vacation time by PLANTING corn. Saya akan MENANAM bunga mawar di taman. = I am going to PLANT a rose flower in the garden. Apakah baik MENANAMKAN saham di perusahaan ini? = Would it be good to INVEST in stock in this company? Lebih baik kita MENANAMI sawah ini dengan tanaman palawija. = It would be better if we PLANTED this paddy field with secondary crops. TANAMAN daerah dingin ini tidak akan hidup di tempat ini. = This cold region PLANT will not grow in this place. ###

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Word: tancap

Short Definition: MEN-: be emplanted, stuck into s.t.

English Definition: MEN-: be emplanted, stuck into s.t. ###

L2 Definition: tanam; hunjam. ###

Examples: Anak panah itu MENANCAP tepat di tengah lingkaran. = The arrow STUCK right in the middle of the circle. ###

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Word: tanda

Short Definition: 1. sign, token, mark. 2. signal. 3. omen. MEN--SAHKAN: validate. Also BER-,+

English Definition: ^1. sign, token, mark. 2. signal. 3. omen. MEN--SAHKAN: validate. BER-: 1. marked, labeled. 2. signify. MEN--I: sign s.t.###

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Word: tandas

Short Definition: firm, explicit in what is meant. MEN-: state firmly.

English Definition: firm, explicit in what is meant. MEN-KAN: state firmly. ###

L2 Definition: Habis semuanya; hilang tak berbekas; jelas dan tegas. ###

Examples: Dia MENANDASKAN aturan-aturan hukum mengenai persoalan ini. = He STATES FIRMLY the laws regarding this matter. ###

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Word: tandatangan

Short Definition: signature. BER-: signed. MEN--I: sign s.t. PEN-: signer. PEN--AN: signing.

English Definition: ^signature. BER-: signed. MEN--I: sign s.t. PEN-: signer, signatory. PEN--AN: signing.###

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Word: tanding

Short Definition: tanding1 = pile. MEN-: pile up. tanding2 = match, equal, counterpart.+

English Definition: ^tanding1 = pile, heap. MEN-: pile up. tanding2 = match, equal, counterpart. SE-: be equal to. BER-: 1. be the equal of. 2. compete. 3. fight a duel. MEN--I: 1. be equal to. 2. stand up to. 3. compete with. MEN--KAN: compare. MEMPER--KAN: 1. compare s.t. with. 2. put into combat. TER--I: can be matched. -AN: match, equal. PER--AN: competition, comparison.###

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Word: tangan

Short Definition: hand, arm. BER-: to have hands or arms. MEN--I: to handle s.t. Also PEN--AN.

English Definition: hand, arm. *BER-: to have hands or arms. *MEN--I: to handle s.t. *PEN--AN: handling. ###

L2 Definition: Anggota badan kita yang berfungsi untuk memegang sesuatu. ###

Examples: Dokter itu memang BERTANGAN dingin. = That docter is really SUCCESSFUL IN HEALING. Akhirnya hanya ayah yang bisa MENANGANI masalah itu. = In the end it was only father that could HANDLE that matter. Memang dari awalnya salah PENANGANAN sudah terjadi. = In truth, from the beginning a mistake in HANDLING had already occurred. ###

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Word: tangga

Short Definition: ladder, stairs.

English Definition: ladder, stairs. RUMAH TANGGA = household###

L2 Definition: Alat yang digunakan untuk memanjat tempat yang lebih tinggi. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tanggal

Short Definition: calendrical date. MEN--KAN: to date or schedule s.t. TER-: dated. +

English Definition: calendrical date. *MEN--KAN: to date s.t., schedule s.t. *TER-: dated. PEN--AN: calendar.###

L2 Definition: Nomor yang dipakai untuk menandai suatu hari. ###

Examples: Kita telah MENANGGALKAN kapan hari libur akan dimulai. = We have already SCHEDULED when the vacation will begin. Resep obat ini TERTANGGAL 14 Mei. = This medication receipt is DATED 14 May. ###

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Word: tanggap

Short Definition: listen attentively, note carefully. MEN--I: reply to s.t.

English Definition: listen attentively, note carefully. MEN--I: reply to s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Mengetahui keadaan. ###

Examples: Seorang politikus harus TANGGAP terhadap perubahan sosial yang cepat. = A politician has to NOTE CAREFULLY the fast social change. Jangan MENANGGAPI ulahnya yang sembrono itu. = Don't PAY ANY ATTENTION to his reckless behavior. ###

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Word: tangguh

Short Definition: see tangguh1, see tangguh2###

English Definition: see tangguh1 see tangguh2###

Examples: ###

Word: tangguh1

Short Definition: strong, hard to defeat###

English Definition: * 1. strong, hard to defeat 2. firm, sturdy, of integrity KE~AN = 1. strength, tenacy 2. integrity, honesty###

Examples: * Susi Susanti terkenal sebagai pemain TANGGUH bulutangkis = Susi Susanti is known as a FIRM badminton player.###

Word: tangguh2

Short Definition: postponement, delay###

English Definition: postponement, delay * BER~ = 1. postpone, put off 2. hesitant, reluctant MEN~KAN, MEMPER~KAN = postpone, delay s.t., put off TER~2 = hesitatingly PEN~AN, PER~AN = postponement, deferment###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Banyak pesawat DITANGGUHKAN karena badai salju = Many airplanes were POSTPONED because of snow storm.###

Word: tanggul

Short Definition: dike, embankment.

English Definition: dike, embankment.###

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Word: tanggulang

Short Definition: [Jv.] sluice-gate. *MEN--I: ward off, cope with

English Definition: [Jv.] sluice-gate. *MEN--I: ward off, cope with *PEN--AN: tackling

Examples: Pemerintah berusaha MENANGGULANGI masalah kemiskinan di desa = The government is trying to SOLVE the problem of poverty in rural areas. PENANGGULANGAN masalah kejahatan di kota memerlukan kerja sama berbagai pihak = In TACKLING the criminal problems in cities, we need the cooperation of many people.###

Word: tanggung

Short Definition: guarantee; bear responsibility. Also MEN-, MEN--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: ^1 guarantee. 2 bear responsibility. *MEN-: 1 carry s.t. on the shoulders. 2 to bear s.t. (hardship, duty, etc.). 3 to guarantee s.t. *MEN--KAN: to bear, be responsible for s.t. *-AN: a burden, responsibility. ###

L2 Definition: jamin. ###

Examples: Siapa yang akan MENANGGUNG semua biayanya? = Who is going to BEAR all the costs? Gadis itu tidak kuat lagi MENANGGUNGKAN deritanya. = That young woman is no longer strong enough to BEAR her hardships. Anak yatim-piatu ini akan menjadi TANGGUNGAN kami. = This orphan is going to become our RESPONSIBILITY. ###

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Word: tanggung-jawab

Short Definition: responsible; *BER--: to be responsible, be liable

English Definition: responsible *BER--: to be responsible; be liable *MEMPER--KAN: account for, justify *PER--AN: responsibility, justification, accounting

Examples: *Siapa yang BERTANGGUNG-JAWAB memecahkan jendela Bu Amir?? = Who is RESPONSIBLE for breaking Bu Amir's window?? *Setiap orang harus MEMPERTANGGUNG-JAWABKAN perbuatannya = Everybody must be ACCOUNTED for their actions. *Hari ini anggota parlemen akan mendengarkan PERTANGGUNG-JAWABAN presiden = Today the parliament members will hear the president's ACCOUNTABILITY speech.###

Word: tanggungjawab

Short Definition: see TANGGUNG-JAWAB

English Definition: see TANGGUNG-JAWAB

Word: tangis

Short Definition: weeping, cry. BER-(-AN): 1. weep for s.o. 2. cry on and on. Also MEN-, MEN--I, +

English Definition: weeping, cry. BER-(-AN): 1. weep for e.o. 2. cry on and on. MEN-: weep. MEN--I: weep over, bemoan. MEN--KAN: 1. weep over, bemoan. 2. make s.o. cry. PEN-: a crybaby. ###

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Word: tangkai

Short Definition: stalk, stem

English Definition: stalk, stem *--HATI: sweetheart, beloved

Examples: Andi membawa SETANGKAI bunga untuk diberikan pada Ani = Andi brought a STEM of flower to give to Ani.###

Word: tangkal

Short Definition: talisman, amulet###

English Definition: talisman, amulet * MEN~ = avoid, ward off PEN~ = 1. amulet, charm 2. preventive PEN~AN = preventive measure###

Examples: * Dukun itu mengaku bahwa dia dapat MENANGKAL penyakit-penyakit mistik = That witch confessed that he could PREVENTED mistical diseases.###

Word: tangkap

Short Definition: MEN-: catch, trap, arrest; comprehen, understand. TER-: captured.

English Definition: *MEN-: 1 catch, trap, arrest. 2 comprehend, understand. *TER-: captured. ###

L2 Definition: cekal; pegang. ###

Examples: Si Tomi suka sekali MENANGKAP kupu-kupu. = Tomi very much likes to CAPTURE butterflies. Setelah sekian lama bersembunyi akhirnya dia TERTANGKAP juga. = After hiding out for so long, in the end he was CAUGHT. ###

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Word: tangkas

Short Definition: skillful, adept, adroit. KE--AN: skillfulness, adeptness, adroitness.

English Definition: skillful, adept, adroit. *KE--AN: skillfulness, adeptness, adroitness. ###

L2 Definition: pandai; cekata; serba cepat. ###

Examples: KETANGKASANnya mengendarai kuda tidak ada yang bisa menandingi. = Her ADROITNESS in riding horses is without any compare. ###

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Word: tangki

Short Definition: tank of liquids###

English Definition: tank of liquids###

Examples: TANGKI minyak Irak dibom oleh Amerika Serikat = Iraq's oil TANK was bombed by the United States.###

Word: tangkis

Short Definition: parry, repel. ME-: to parry.

English Definition: parry, repel, throw back. ME-: to parry. ###

L2 Definition: tolak; tahan; elak. ###

Examples: Tidak ada yang MENANGKIS kata-kata serangannya yang tajam itu. = No one REBUTTED his sharp attacking words. ###

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Word: tani

Short Definition: farmer. BER-: to farm. PE-: farmer. PER--AN: agriculture.

English Definition: farmer. *BER-: to farm. *PE-: farmer. *PER--AN: agriculture. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya bercocok tanam. ###

Examples: Hidupnya telah terjamin dengan BERTANI pisang. = His livelihood is already guaranteed with FARMING bananas. Ketika kemarau sangat panjang banyak PETANI yang kekeringan sawahnya. = When there is a long draught, many FARMERS suffer the drying out of their rice paddies. Daerah ini cocok untuk PERTANIAN tebu. = This region is suitable for THE FARMING OF sugar cane. ###

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Word: tanjung

Short Definition: cape (as in "Cape of Good Hope")

English Definition: cape (as in "Cape of Good Hope") ###

L2 Definition: Dataran/tanah/gunung yang menjorok ke laut. ###

Examples: Di TANJUNG ini akan dibangun pelabuhan yang besar. = A big harbor will be built in this CAPE. ###

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Word: Tanjungkarang-Telukbetung

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Lampung in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Lampung in Indonnesia, located on the eastern end of Sumatra Island. ###

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Word: tanpa

Short Definition: without, in the absence of.

English Definition: *without, in the absence of. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak dengan suatu apa. ###

Examples: Saya tetap akan bisa hidup walau TANPA bantuanmu. = I will continue to live even WITHOUT your help. ###

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Word: tantang

Short Definition: MEN-: challenge. -AN: challenge, defiance. PEN-: challenger. Also PEN--AN.

English Definition: MEN-: challenge. -AN: challenge, defiance. PEN-: challenger. PEN--AN: act of challenging. ###

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Word: tante

Short Definition: aunt; aunty

English Definition: aunt - girang : middle aged woman, partial to gigolos

Word: tanya

Short Definition: question, inquire. BER-: to ask a question. Also MEN--KAN, MEMPER--KAN, +

English Definition: ^question, inquire. *BER-: to ask a question. *MEN--KAN: ask about s.t. *MEMPER--KAN: call s.t. into question. *PER--AN: a question, a query. ###

L2 Definition: Mengajukan suatu hal yang belum diketahui. ###

Examples: Dia BERTANYA lagi tentang hal yang sama. = He ASKED again abouth the same thing. Setiap hari anak itu MENANYAKAN ibunya. = Every day that child ASKS ABOUT his mother. Banyak orang MEMPERTANYAKAN hal korupsi itu. = Many people CALL that corruption issue INTO QUESTION. Jangan membuat PERTANYAAN yang sulit-sulit. = Don't make QUESTIONS that are difficult. ###

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Word: TAP

Short Definition: decision.

English Definition: (abbreviation for ketetapan) decision. ###

L2 Definition: Ketetapan ( Aturan hukum yang dikeluarkan oleh MPR yang mengikat seluruh rakyat Indonesia). ###

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Word: tapa

Short Definition: asceticism, esp. in order to acquire magical powers. Also BER-, MEMPER--KAN, +

English Definition: asceticism, esp. in order to acquire magical powers. BER-: 1. live as an ascetic. 2. isolate s.o. (to meditate). 3. (Coll.) imprisoned. MEMPER--KAN: achieve through asceticism. PER-: hermit, ascetic. PER--AN: 1. hermit's retreat. 2. asceticism. 3. penance. ###

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Word: tapak

Short Definition: 1. palm of hand or sole of foot. 2. linear measure. 3. tracks. 4. site. +

English Definition: ^1. palm of hand, sole of foot. 2. a rough linear measure. 3. tracks, footprints. 4. site. BER-: 1. step or tread on. 2. have a foothold. BER-(-KAN): be based on, supported. MEN-: 1. measure with palm of hand or sole of foot. 2. step on. 3. follow the footsteps of. MEN--I: follow the footsteps of. MEN--KAN: set foot on. -AN: layer, foundation. ###

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Word: tapal

Short Definition: paste, poultice, plaster###

English Definition: *paste, poultice, plaster MEN-: apply a poultice or plaster###

Examples: *Saya senang menggunakan TAPAL gigi Pepsodent = I like to use toohtPASTE Pepsodent.###

Word: tapi

Short Definition: see TETAPI.

English Definition: see TETAPI. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tapioka

Short Definition: tapioca###

English Definition: tapioca###

Examples: TAPIOKA adalah sejenis tepung terbuat dari ubi kayu = TAPIOCA is a kind of flour made from cassava.###

Word: tapir

Short Definition: an indigenous Indonesian animal.

English Definition: an indigenous Indonesian animal. ###

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Word: tapis

Short Definition: MEN-: 1. filter s.t. 2. sort through s.t. 3. censor s.t. Also -AN, PEN-.

English Definition: MEN-: 1. filter s.t. 2. sort through s.t. 3. censor s.t. -AN: 1. filtered material. 2. filter, sieve. PEN-: filter, sieve. ###

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Word: taplak

Short Definition: tablecloth.

English Definition: *tablecloth. ###

L2 Definition: Kain yang dipakai untuk melapisi meja. ###

Examples: Ambillah TAPLAK meja yang baru. = Take a TABLE CLOTH which is new. ###

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Word: tara

Short Definition: 1. matching, equal. 2. counterpart. SE-: 1. be equal, equivalent. 2. suited. +

English Definition: 1. matching, equal. 2. counterpart. SE-: 1. be equal, equivalent. 2. made for e.o., suited. BER-: matching. TER-: equal, matched. ###

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Word: taraf

Short Definition: standard, degree, level. SE-: on the same level, equal. Also MENY--KAN, +

English Definition: ^standard, degree, level. *SE-: on the same level, equal. *MENY--KAN: make equal. PEN--AN: ranking, grading. ###

L2 Definition: tingkatan. ###

Examples: Kepandaianmu belum SETARAF dengan kepandaiannya. = Your ability is not yet ON THE SAME LEVEL with her ability. Dengan MENYETARAFKAN pendapatan penduduk, daerah ini akan menjadi lebih makmur. = By MAKING the income of the inhabitants EQUAL, this area will become more prosperous. ###

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Word: target

Short Definition: target.

English Definition: target *MEN~KAN= to aim ###

L2 Definition: sasaran. ###

Examples: *Himpunan Pengusaha Coklat Indonesia MENTARGETKAN keuntungan sepuluh juta dolar Amerika tahun depan = The Association of Cocoa Bussinessmen AIMS profits of ten million US dollars nex year.

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Word: tari

Short Definition: dance. MEN-: to dance. MEN--KAN: to dance a certain dance. Also -AN, +

English Definition: dance. *MEN-: to dance. *MEN--KAN: to dance a certain dance. *-AN: a dance. *PEN-: a dancer. PEN--AN: dancing. ###

L2 Definition: Gerakan yang teratur, biasanya diiringi oleh bunyi-bunyian. ###

Examples: Adikku yang akan MENARI di acara pembukaan nanti. = My younger brother is the one who is going to DANCE at the opening ceremony later. Memang agak susah MENARIKAN TARIAN ini. = In truth it is rather difficult TO DANCE this DANCE. Sungguh lemah gemulai PENARInya. = The DANCER is really very graceful. ###

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Word: tarif

Short Definition: fare, rate

English Definition: fare; rate *-harga = price list

L2 Definition: ongkos; harga; biaya

Examples: Berapa TARIF bus dari Jakarta ke Semarang? = How much is the bus FARE from Jakarta to Semarang?# Toko itu memasang TARIF HARGA yang cukup mahal = That shop has a relatively expensive PRICE LIST. ###

Word: tarik

Short Definition: pull. MEN-: to pull; to be interesting. Also TER-, PEN--AN.

English Definition: pull. *MEN-: 1 to pull. 2 to be interesting. *TER-: 1 pulled, extracted. 2 attracted, interested. *PEN--AN: drawing, pulling. ###

L2 Definition: Mendatangkan/mendekatkan sesuatu dengan pengerahan tenaga. ###

Examples: Acara kesenianmu tadi malam sangat MENARIK. = Your art program last night was very INTERESTING. Dia hanya TERTARIK pada jenis permainan ini saja. = He is only INTERESTED in this kind of game alone. PENARIKAN undian berhadiah ini akan diadakan besok pagi. = The DRAWING of this prize lottery is going to be conducted tomorrow morning. ###

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Word: tarip

Short Definition: fare, rate. SEE ALSO TARIF

English Definition: fare, rate.###

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Word: taruh

Short Definition: place s.t., put s.t. BER-: to bet or wager. Also BER--KAN, MEN-(-KAN), +

English Definition: ^place s.t., put s.t. *BER-: to bet or wager *BER--KAN: to bet or wager s.t. *MEN-(-KAN): 1 put, place. 2 bet on. *-AN: 1 bet, stake. 2 s.t. saved (money). 3 security deposit. ###

L2 Definition: Meletakkan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Dalam pacuan kuda ini saya BERTARUH uang yang tidak sedikit. = In this horse race I BET not a little money. Dengan BERTARUHKAN nyawanya dia menyeberangi sungai yang ganas ini untuk menyelamatkan anak itu. = By GAMBLING his life he crossed this raging river to save that child. Saya baru saja MENARUH dompetku di sini, dan sekarang dompet itu hilang. = He just PUT my wallet DOWN here, and now that wallet is gone. Ini namanya berjudi karena memakai TARUHAN. = This is named gambling because it employs STAKES. ###

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Word: tarung

Short Definition: sound of metallic clashing (swords, etc.); *BER--: dispute, fight

English Definition: sound of metallic clashing (swords, etc.); *BER--: dispute, fight *PER--AN: fight, struggle *MEMPER--KAN: 1. cause persons or animals to fight; 2. risk

Examples: Setelah dua hari BERTARUNG, pejuang itu akhirnya menyerah = After two full days of FIGHTING, the warriors finally surrendered. Film dokumenter ini memperlihatkan PERTARUNGAN antara dua kerajaan kuno = This documentary shows the BATTLE between two ancient kingdoms. Amir MEMPERTARUNGKAN semua hartanya untuk memenangkan persaingannya dengan Santosa = Amir RISKS all his wealth to win the competition with Santosa.###

Word: tas

Short Definition: bag, handbag.

English Definition: *bag, handbag. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk membawa sesuatu (berbagai macam modelnya) yang bisa dicangking. ###

Examples: Model TASmu bagus sekali ya! = The model of your HANDBAG is very nice! ###

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Word: tasbeh

Short Definition: (Isl.) a formula extrolling God's perfection###

English Definition: 1. (Isl) a formula extrolling God's perfection (subhanahu wa taala) 2. (Isl) a string of 100 beads to recite this laudation 3 (Rel.) rosary * BER~ = praise God, tell o.'s beads MEN~KAN = extol God PEN~AN = praising God###

Examples: * Kami diajarkan cara BERTASBEH sejak kami kecil = We were thougth how to PRAISE God since we were little. ###

Word: tasbih

Short Definition: 1.[Isl.] a formula extolling God's perfection; 2.[Isl.] a string of 100 beads to recite this laudation; 3. [Rel.] rosary

English Definition: 1.[Isl.] a formula extolling God's perfection; 2.[Isl.] a string of 100 beads to recite this laudation; 3. [Rel.] rosary *BER--: tell o's beads

Examples: Kami mendapat oleh-oleh sebuah TASBIH setelah Amir pulang dari Mekkah = We received a ROSARY (religious beads) as a souvenir from Amir's trip to Mecca.###

Word: tata

Short Definition: order, system. MEN-: to put things into order, arrange. -AN: arrangement.

English Definition: ^order, system. *MEN-: to put things into order, arrange. *-AN: arrangement. ###

L2 Definition: atur; rapi. ###

Examples: Kita harus MENATA ruangan ini sebelum tamu datang. = We have to ARRANGE this room before the guests arrive. TATANAN adat dalam upacara perkawinanmu sungguh menakjubkan. = Traditional ARRANGEMENT in your wedding ceremony was really astonishing. ###

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Word: tatabahasa

Short Definition: grammar

English Definition: grammar

L2 Definition: susunan kalimat dan bahasa

Examples: Saya masih perlu belajar TATABAHASA Inggeris = I still need to learn the English GRAMMAR.###

Word: tatah

Short Definition: inlaid work###

English Definition: BER~(KAN) = inlaid, studded, set MEN~ = inlay s.t. ~AN = inlaid work PEN~AN = carving, inlaying s.t.###

Examples: ###

Word: tatap

Short Definition: look at s.t.; *--MUKA: face to face; *BERSI--: look at e.o.; BER--AN: be face to face

English Definition: look at s.t.; *--MUKA: face to face; *BERSI--: look at e.o.; BER--AN: be face to face *MEN--: observe intently *MEN--I: examine s.t. intently or closely *--AN: close observation, gaze, stare

Examples: TATAP mata saya dan katakan dengan sejujurnya = LOOK at my eyes and tell me the truth. Hari ini Presiden akan mengadakan TATAP MUKA dengan perdana menteri Inggris = Today the president will meet FACE to FACE with the British Prime Minister. Saya merasa risih jika engkau MENATAP saya seperti itu = I really feel uncomfortable if you OBSERVE me INTENTLY. TATAPAN mata Ibu seperti menusuk jantungku = Ibu's STARE feels like a stab in my heart.###

Word: tatkala

Short Definition: see KALA.

English Definition: see KALA. ###

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Word: tato

Short Definition: tattoo###

English Definition: tattoo###

Examples: Penjaga pintu bar Sentosa itu memiliki TATO bergambar naga di lengan kirinya = The gate guard of Sentosa bar has a dragon TATTOO on his left arm.###

Word: tauge

Short Definition: bean sprout###

English Definition: bean sprout###

Examples: TAUGE tumbuh dari kacang hijau = BEAN SPROUTS grow from green beans.###

Word: tauke

Short Definition: 1. (Chinese) shop proprietor; 2. employer, boss

English Definition: Chinese shop proprietor

L2 Definition: pemilik toko (biasanya keturunan Cina)

Examples: Dia beruntung mendapatkan pekerjaan di TAUKE yang sangat baik = he is lucky to get a job with a very nice (Chinese) SHOP OWNER.##

Word: tawa

Short Definition: TER-: laugh. MEN(T)-KAN: laugh at s.o. Also TER--AN, KE-, -AN.

English Definition: *TER-: laugh. *MEN(T)--KAN: laugh at s.o. *TER--AN: object of ridicule. *KE-: laugh. -AN: 1 s.o. to laugh at. 2 ricicule. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu ekspresi dari rasa gembira. ###

Examples: Jangan TERTAWA keras-keras nanti dimarahi tetangga. = Don't LAUGH loudly or later we'll be scolded by the neighbors. Tidak baik MENTERTAWAKAN orang yang cacat. = It isn't good to LAUGH AT people with disabilities. Dia menjadi BAHAN TERTAWAAN karena ulahnya sendiri. = She has become a LAUGHING STOCK because of her personal manners. KETAWAnya sungguh membuat lega perasaanku. = Her LAUGHTER truly put my feelings at ease. ###

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Word: tawan

Short Definition: capture (in war); subdue

English Definition: *MEN-- : capture in war, subdue *TER-- : interned, captivated *--AN: imprisoned (military); captured; prisoner, hostage *PEN--AN: captivation

L2 Definition: tangkap, tertangkap (oleh musuh) culik

Examples: Dalam perang, TAWANAN harus diperlakukan dengan baik = Even in war, the PRISONERS must be treated well. Hatinya TERTAWAN oleh kecantikan Aminah = His heart was CAPTIVATED by the beauty of Aminah.##

Word: tawar

Short Definition: see TAWAR1 (tasteless . . .) or TAWAR2 (bargain . . .).

English Definition: see TAWAR1 (tasteless . . .) TAWAR2 (bargain . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tawar1

Short Definition: tasteless, insipid.

English Definition: *tasteless, insipid. ###

L2 Definition: Rasa yang kurang garam/bumbu. ###

Examples: Saya hanya mau minum air TAWAR saja. = I just want to drink PLAIN water. ###

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Word: tawar2

Short Definition: bargain for s.t. _-MEN-_: to bargain back and forth. Also MEN-, MEN--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: ^bargain for s.t. *_-MEN-_: to bargain back and forth. *MEN-: 1. to offer a price for s.t. 2. to bargain. *MEN--KAN: to offer s.t. *-AN: an offer, a bid. PEN-: a bidder. ###

L2 Definition: Meminta keringanan untuk suatu hal. ###

Examples: TAWAR-MENAWAR di pasar itu sudah biasa. = BARGAINING in that market is the usual thing. Jangan MENAWAR terlalu rendah nanti penjualnya marah. = Don't OFFER too little or the seller will get angry. Dengan berteriak-teriak dia MENAWARKAN dagangannya. = With shouting he OFFERED his wares. TAWARAN yang kau ajukan belum disejutui dengan resmi. = The OFFER that you put forward has not yet been officially agreed to. ###

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Word: tayang

Short Definition: carry something on o's palms

English Definition: *MEN--KAN: [Lit.] present, presentation *DI--KAN: presented *--AN: program, broadcast

L2 Definition: membawa sesuatu *TAYANGAN = program atau acara yang disiarkan di televisi

Examples: Tarian tradisional sedang DITAYANGKAN di televisi = The traditional dance is being BROADCASTED on tv. Berita di tv sering MENAYANGKAN gambar yang menakutkan = The news on tv usually PRESENTED scary pictures. TAYANGAN program itu sangat disukai anak-anak = The PROGRAM (on tv) is very popular among children.###

Word: TDL

Short Definition: taraf dasar listrik = basic electricy fee

English Definition: taraf dasar listrik = basic electricy fee

Word: team

Short Definition: team (sports, etc.). see also TIM2.

English Definition: team (sports, etc.). see also TIM2. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: teater

Short Definition: theater.

English Definition: theater. ###

L2 Definition: Seni drama; sandiwara. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tebak

Short Definition: guess

English Definition: *ME- : guess *-AN : guessing

Examples: Tukang sulap itu bisa MENEBAK sebuah angka yang dipikirkan aoleh seorang penonton = that magician is able to GUESS a number that is thought by the an audience. Sayangnya, TEBAKANnya tidak tepat = unfortunately, his guessing is not precise.

Word: tebal

Short Definition: thick; dense; strong. MEN-: to become thick. Also MEN--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1 thick. 2 dense. 3 strong. *MEN-: to become thick. *MEN--KAN: thicken s.t., reinforce s.t. *KE--AN: thickness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak tipis. ###

Examples: Kulit anak buaya ini semakin lama semakin MENEBAL. = The skin of this baby alligator will THICKEN as time passes. Kita perlu MENEBALKAN tembok ini lagi. = We must REINFORCE this wall again. KETEBALAN bahannya bisa diukur dari kekuatannya. = The THICKNESS of the materials can be measured by their strength. ###

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Word: tebang

Short Definition: cut down, fell. MEN--I: fell in quantity.

English Definition: cut down, fell. MEN--I: fell in quantity. ###

L2 Definition: potong; pangkas. ###

Examples: Semua orang dilarang MENEBANGI pohon-pohon di hutan ini. = Everybody is forbidden to CUT DOWN trees in this forest. ###

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Word: tebar

Short Definition: throw so as to make s.t. spread, like a net. BER-: be scattered around.

English Definition: throw so as to make s.t spread, like a net. BER-AN: be scattered around or spread out over an area. ###

L2 Definition: tabur; sebar; hambur. ###

Examples: Ketika dia jatuh, uangnya juga jatuh BERTEBARAN di jalan. = When he fell down, his money SCATTERED AROUND the street. ###

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Word: tebing

Short Definition: steeply sloping riverbank or mountain side

English Definition: steeply slope on riverbank or mountainside

Examples: Di tepi sungai itu ada TEBING yang sangat besar = On the riverbank there is a huge STEEPLY SLOPE.###

Word: tebu

Short Definition: sugar cane

English Definition: sugar cane

Examples: Di kampung kami terdapat perkebunan TEBU = There is a big SUGAR CANE plantation in our village.###

Word: tebus

Short Definition: redeem s.t. by paying cash or exchanging some other object (from pawnshop)

English Definition: *MEN-- : 1. redeem; 2. compensate; 3. fulfill *--AN: ransom, compensation

L2 Definition: membayar

Examples: Ibu harus MENEBUS cincin kami yang di rumah gadai = Ibu has to REDEEM the ring that we put in the pawnshop. Bagaimana cara kami MENEBUS semua kebaikanmu? = How can we ever REPAY your kindness? Penculik itu meminta TEBUSAN dua ratus juta rupiah = the kidnappers asked for two hundred million rupiahs of RANSOM.##

Word: teduh

Short Definition: shaded, shade. BER-: enter the shade, take shelter. Also KE--AN, -AN, PEN-.

English Definition: ^shaded, shade. *BER-: enter the shade, take shelter. *KE--AN: 1 calm, quietness. 2 shade, shelter. -AN: shade, shelter. *PEN-: s.t. that provides shade or shelter. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak panas/hujan. ###

Examples: Saya ingin BERTEDUH dulu sebelum meneruskan perjalanan ini. = I want to TAKE SHELTER first before continuing this journey. KETEDUHAN tempat ini membuat tenteram hatiku. = The CALM of this spot makes my heart peaceful. Pohon beringin yang besar ini bisa menjadi tempat PENEDUH bagi pejalan kaki. = This large banyan tree can act as a spot of SHELTER for pedestrian journeyers. ###

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Word: tega

Short Definition: bring o.self to, have the heart to###

English Definition: *1.^bring o.self to, have the heart to 2. do s.t. without worrying about the consequences###

Examples: *Deni tak TEGA melihat anak kecil itu dipukul oleh ibunya= Deni could not BRING HIMSELF TO witness the little kid hit by his mother.###

Word: tegak

Short Definition: upright, erect###

English Definition: *1. upright, erect 2. standing up -2: quite upright SE-: height of standing man BER-NYA: existence BERSI-: uphold o.'s opinions with tenacity MEN-: become upright, MEN-KAN: 1. erect, build 2. cause s.t. to be upright, 3. maintain TER-: in an erect position -AN: an upright cluster, a stand PEN-: upholder PEN-AN: maintenance###

L2 Definition: Berdiri lurus ke atas. ###

Examples: Semua prajurit diharuskan berdiri TEGAK dalam barisan. = All soldiers are ordered to STAND UP in the line. ###

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Word: tegang

Short Definition: taut, tense. KE--AN: tension. BERSI-: insist without compromise.

English Definition: taut, tense. KE--AN: tension. BERSI-: insist without compromise. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak kendur; kencang; kaku; dalam keadaan mencekam (karena takut/khawatir); bertentangan. ###

Examples: KETEGANGAN ini timbul karena tidak ada seorangpun yang mau mengalah. = This TENSION arose because no one wants to give up. Mereka masih BERSITEGANG dengan pendapatnya masing-masing. = They are still INSISTING WITHOUT COMPROMISE on their own arguments. ###

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Word: tegap

Short Definition: well-built; sturdy

English Definition: MEN--KAN: to make sturdy; tense posture KE---AN: sturdiness

L2 Definition: kata ini menggambarkan bentuk badan yang kuat dan mantap.

Examples: Tentara itu mempunyai badan yang sangat TEGAP = That soldier has a STURDY posture. Dalam melakukan upacara itu, kami harus selalu MENEGAPKAN badan = During the ceremony (assembly), we must STAND STILL DAN FIRMLY. ###

Word: tegar

Short Definition: stiff, rigid

English Definition: *stiff, rigid

Examples: Orang itu berhati TEGAR = this person has STIFF heart.

Word: tegas

Short Definition: 1. clear, distinct. 2. resolute, firm. -NYA: explicitly, in other words. +

English Definition: 1. clear, distinct, explicit. 2. firm, resolute. -NYA: explicitly, in other words. BERSI-: maintain, state firmly. MEN-: ask. MEN--KAN: 1. explain, clarify. 2. insist, assert. MEMPER-: explain, clarify. 2. affirm. KE--AN: 1. firmness, resoluteness. 2. clearness. 3. explanation. -AN: 1. affirmation. 2. emphasis. PEN--AN: confirmation. ###

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Word: teguh

Short Definition: firm, strong

English Definition: *1 firm, solidly made or done. 2 tenacious. *KE-AN: firmness, strength, dependability *ME-KAN: confirm s.t.

Examples: Orang Tenganan masih memegang TEGUH adat untuk tidak mengawini orang dari luar = Tenganan people are still holding on FIRMLY to their custom not to marry outsiders. KETEGUHANnya dalam memegang janji membuat dia dipercaya banyak orang = his DEPENDABILITY in keeping promises makes him trusted by many people. Dia MENEGUHKAN niatnya untuk pergi ke medan perang = he AFFIRM his intention to go to the battlefield.

Word: tegun

Short Definition: TER-: stopped in supprise, taken aback.

English Definition: TER-: stopped in supprise, taken aback. ###

L2 Definition: Berhenti sebentar karena kaget/heran; cengang. ###

Examples: Saya sempat TERTEGUN ketika melihatnya sangat berubah. = I was TAKEN ABACK when I saw him changed so much. ###

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Word: tegur

Short Definition: expression used to engange o. in a conversation###

English Definition: ^expression used to engange o. in a conversation BER-(sapa): be on speaking terms BER-2; BER-AN: address e.o *MEN-: 1. address s.o. 2. admonish, reprimand KE-AN: suffer illness because of coming in contact with a ghost -AN: 1. warning, reprimand 2. greeting PEN-: o. who addresses a meeting###

Examples: *Julie MENEGUR para peserta kamping dengan ramah = Julie ADDRESSED the campers kindly.###

Word: teh

Short Definition: tea.

English Definition: tea. ### (see the picture of peasants picking tea leaves in the field)

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tehnik

Short Definition: technique, technical.

English Definition: technique, technical. ###

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Word: teka-teki

Short Definition: riddle, puzzle

English Definition: riddle, puzzle *BER-- : to play riddle

Examples: Sepanjang perjalanan ke Jakarta, kami bermain TEKA-TEKI = On the way to Jakarta, we played RIDDLE. ##

Word: tekad

Short Definition: determination to do. BER-: be determined. TEKAD BULAT = complete determination.

English Definition: determination to do. TEKAD BULAT = complete determination. BER-: be determined. ###

L2 Definition: Iktikad; kemauan; kehendak. ###

Examples: TEKAD anakku untuk menjadi pilot sudah bulat. = My son's DETERMINATION to be a pilot is already firm. Dia BERTEKAD untuk menjadi juara olimpiade. = He is DETERMINED to be an olympic champion. ###

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Word: tekan

Short Definition: pressure. BER-: lean on. BER--AN: exerting pressure. Also MEN-, MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: ^pressure. BER-: lean on. *BER--AN: exerting pressure. *MEN-: 1 press, suppress, oppress, enforce. *MEN--KAN: 1 stress, emphasize s.t. *TER-: pressed down, oppressed. *-AN: pressure, emphasis, stress. *PEN--AN: 1 pressing, pressuring. 2 emphasizing. *DI- : Press; put pressure. ###

L2 Definition: himpit; tindas; tindih. ###

Examples: Air leding ini BERTEKANAN tinggi. = This pipe water HAS high PRESSURE. Dengan MENEKAN anggaran belanja kita bisa menghemat. = By ENFORCING a shopping budget we can economize. Pak guru MENEKANKAN hal ini untuk diselesaikan dulu. = The teacher EMPHASIZED this matter for completion first. Betapa TERTEKAN perasaanku ketika di rumahmu. = How OPPRESSED my feelings were at your house. TEKANAN UDARA saat ini sangat rendah. = The AIR PRESSURE at this time is very low. Berbagai PENEKANAN dilakukan untuk menjepit lawan. = Various PRESSURES were exerted in order to outflank the enemy. ###

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Word: teknik

Short Definition: technique, technology.

English Definition: technique, technology. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu cara; sistem. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: teknologi

Short Definition: technology.

English Definition: technology. ###

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Word: teko

Short Definition: teapot

English Definition: teapot

Examples: Ibu Masni membeli TEKO besi di pasar = Ibu Masni bought a metal TEAPOT in the market.##

Word: teks

Short Definition: text###

English Definition: text###

L2 Definition: buku teks = text book teks pidato = the text of the speech.###

Examples: Andi membaca buku TEKS Bahasa Indonesia untuk ujian besok = Andi is reading a TEXT book of Bahasa Indonesia for tomorrow exam.###

Word: tekstil

Short Definition: textile###

English Definition: textile PER~AN = matters pertaining to textile or textile industry###

Examples: Ahmad bekerja di PERTEKSTILAN = Ahmad works in a TEXTILE INDUSTRY.###

Word: tekun

Short Definition: diligent, zealous. BER-: be diligent. KE--AN: diligence. Also PEN-.

English Definition: ^diligent, zealous. BER-: be diligent. KE--AN: diligence. PEN-: a diligent person. ###

L2 Definition: Rajin, teliti, dan bersungguh-sungguh dalam mengerjakan sesuatu hal. ###

Examples: KETEKUNANnya sungguh mengagumkan. = His DILIGENCE is really amazing. ###

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Word: telaah

Short Definition: study, research

English Definition: *MEN(T)- = analyze, study carefully

L2 Definition: belajar

Examples: Kesimpulan ini kami ambil setelah MENELAAH semua bukti yang ada = This conclusion that we drew was taken after a CAREFUL STUDY of all the evidence.###

Word: teladan

Short Definition: model, example

English Definition: model, example *MEN--I: set an example for *MEN--KAN: make something an example

Examples: Amir selalu menjadi murid TELADAN di sekolah = Amir is the MODEL student at school. Kamu harus MENTELADANI sikap ayahmu yang jujur itu = You need to FOLLOW the example of your father's honesty. Guru harus MENTELADANKAN sikap yang jujur dan adil = A teacher must make himself as AN EXAMPLE of honesty and justice.###

Word: telah

Short Definition: already. SE-: after.

English Definition: already. SE-: after. ###

L2 Definition: hal yang terjadi dimasa lampau. ###

Examples: SETELAH kekalahannya yang kedua tim ini mulai bangkit lagi. = AFTER the second defeat, this team began to rise again. ###

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Word: telak

Short Definition: right on target, unequivocally###

English Definition: right on target, unequivocally###

Examples: Paul menendang bola dengan TELAK ke gawang = Paul kicked the ball RIGHT ON the goal posts.###

Word: telan

Short Definition: 1. swallow. 2. (fig.) consume.

English Definition: 1. swallow. 2. (fig.) consume. ###

L2 Definition: Memasukkan sesuatu ke dalam mulut; makan. ###

Examples: Untuk MENELAN bubur pun dia sudah tidak mampu. = Even SWALLOWING porridge is something he's no longer able to do.

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Word: telanjang

Short Definition: naked, bare. BER-: to be naked. TER--I: be laid open, revealed. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: ^naked, bare. *BER-: to be naked. *TER--I: to be laid open, be revealed. KE--AN: nakedness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak berpenutup. ###

Examples: Sebagian pemain sepak bola diharap BERTELANJANG dada. = Some of the soccer players are asked to go BARE-CHESTED. Semua kejahatannya TERTELANJANGI di pengadilan. = All of his wrongdoings were REVEALED in court. ###

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Word: telanjur

Short Definition: see LANJUR.

English Definition: see LANJUR. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: telat

Short Definition: [Coll.] too late; overdue

English Definition: late; too late; overdue

L2 Definition: terlambat

Examples: Kami TELAT tiba di stasiun dan kereta api sudah berangkat = We were TOO LATE to arrive at the station and the train has already left. ##

Word: telaten

Short Definition: patient, persevering. MEN--I: to take pains with s.t. KE--AN: patience.

English Definition: ^patient, persevering. MEN--I: to take pains with s.t. KE--AN: patience. ###

L2 Definition: Sabar dan teliti dalam mengerjakan suatu hal. ###

Examples: Ketika ayahnya sakit Tutilah yang MENELATENI merawatnya. = When her father was ill, it was Tuti who TOOK PAINS in nursing him. KETELATENANnya memelihara ayam membuatnya menjadi pengusaha yang berhasil. = His PATIENCE in raising chickens makes him a successful entrepreneur. ###

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Word: telekung

Short Definition: white shawl worn by Moslem women while praying.

English Definition: white shawl worn by Moslem women while praying.###

Hear This Word

Word: telepon

Short Definition: see TELPON.

English Definition: see TELPON. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: telinga

Short Definition: ear.

English Definition: ear. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian/alat tubuh yang berguna untuk mendengarkan suara. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: teliti

Short Definition: careful, thorough. MEN-: research s.t., to examine thoroughly. Also PEN--AN.

English Definition: ^careful, thorough. *MEN-: research s.t., to examine thoroughly. *PEN--AN: research. ###

L2 Definition: cermat; seksama; hati-hati; selidik. ###

Examples: Dia selalu MENELITI dengan cermat barang yang akan dibelinya. = She always EXAMINES with care objects that she is going to buy. PENELITIAN ini kok rumit sekali. = Why is this RESEARCH so extremely complex? ###

Hear This Word

Word: telok

Short Definition: see TELUK.

English Definition: see TELUK. ###

Hear This Word

Word: telpon

Short Definition: telephone. BER-: use the telephone. MEN-: to call or talk on the telephone.

English Definition: telephone. *BER-: use the telephone. *MEN-: to call s.o on the telephone, talk to s.o. on the phone. ###

L2 Definition: Alat untuk berbicara jarak jauh. ###

Examples: Sayang daerah ini belum BERTELPON. = It is unfortunate that this area is still WITHOUT TELEPHONES. Sudah hampir dua jam dia MENELEPON pacarnya. = It is already almost two hours that he has TALKED TO his girlfriend ON THE TELEPHONE. ###

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Word: teluk

Short Definition: bay, gulf.

English Definition: bay, gulf.###

Hear This Word

Word: telungkup

Short Definition: face downward

English Definition: face downward. *MEN--: lie face downward. *MEN--I: lie face downward on s.t. *MEN--KAN: place s.t. face downward. *TER--: flat on o's face.##

Examples: Amir jatuh MENELUNGKUP di jalanan = Amir fell DOWNWARD on the street. Dia tidur MENELUNGKUPI selimut itu = He slept FACING DOWNWARD on the blanket. Ani MENELUNGKUPKAN piring dan gelas di meja = Ani PLACES the plates and glasses FACING DOWNWARD on the table. Karena lantai licin, Susi jatuh TERTELUNGKUP di depan pintu = Because of the slippery floor, Susi fell FLAT ON HER FACE in front of the door.###

Word: telur

Short Definition: egg. BER-: to lay eggs.

English Definition: egg. *BER-: to lay eggs. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Aneh kalau ada ikan paus bisa BERTELUR. = It is strange if there is a whale that can LAY EGGS. ###

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Word: telusur

Short Definition: 1. unravel; 2. investigate, explore

English Definition: *MEN--I : go along, follow *MEN-- : unravel, investigate, explore *PEN--AN: investigation

L2 Definition: menjelajahi; selidik, periksa

Examples: Kami berjalan MENELUSURI sungai hingga tiba di sini = We walked ALONG the riverside until we reached here. Polisi MENELUSUR kemungkinan adanya pihak ketiga = The police EXPLORED the possibility of third-person involvement. Selama ini PENELUSURAN kami berjalan lancar = So far our INVESTIGATION is going well.##

Word: tema

Short Definition: theme, topic

English Definition: theme, topic *BER-KAN: have as a theme

Examples: Malam Kebudayaan ini BERTEMAKAN rasa persatuan Indonesia = This Cultural Night Event HAS A THEME of Indonesia's unity.###

Word: teman

Short Definition: friend, companion. BER-: to have friends, be friends with. Also MEN--I.

English Definition: friend, companion. *BER-: to have friends, be friends with. *MEN--I: accompany s.o. ###

L2 Definition: Kawan; sahabat. ###

Examples: Kami sudah BERTEMAN sejak masih kecil. = We have BEEN FRIENDS since we were small. Saya akan MENEMANI tante saya berjalan-jalan. = I am going to ACCOMPANY my aunt in going for a walk. ###

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Word: tembaga

Short Definition: copper.

English Definition: *copper. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Saya kira semua perhiasan itu emas murni ternyata hanya TEMBAGA. = I thought all of that jewelry was pure gold, but actually it was only COPPER. ###

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Word: tembak

Short Definition: fire a weapon. PEN--AN: shooting.

English Definition: fire a weapon. PEN--AN: shooting. ###

L2 Definition: Melepaskan peluru dari senapan; bidik; bedi. ###

Examples: PENEMBAKAN terhadap para demonstran dikecam oleh seluruh dunia. = The SHOOTING of the demonstrators is condemned by all the world.

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Word: tembakau

Short Definition: tobacco

English Definition: tobacco

L2 Definition: rokok

Examples: Di kampung kami ada banyak sekali perkebunan TEMBAKAU = in our village there are many TOBACCO plantations.###

Word: tembang

Short Definition: sung or recited Javanese poetry; a song

English Definition: MEN- = recite or sing Javanese poetry (usually accompanied by gamelan music). MEN-KAN = sing or recite PEN- = singer with gamelan orchestra

Examples: Dia MENEMBANG sambil bermain gamelan = He sang the song while playing the gamelan. Penyanyi itu MENEMBANGKAN lagu-lagu Jawa = The singer sang traditional Javanese songs. PENEMBANG itu sangat populer di daerah kami = That (traditional) singer is very popular in our region.

Word: tembok

Short Definition: concrete wall.

English Definition: ^concrete wall. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tembus

Short Definition: MEN-: perforate; emerge; penetrate. MEN--I: penetrate s.t. Also TER-, -AN.

English Definition: ^MEN-: 1 perforate. 2 emerge. 3 penetrate. MEN--I: penetrate s.t. TER-: perforated, penetrated. -AN: perforation, penetration, carbon copy. ###

L2 Definition: Masuk ke tempat lain; terobos; merembes. ###

Examples: Pandangannya yang tajam sampai MENEMBUS hatiku. = His sharp look PENETRATES my heart. Peluru-peluru itu MENEMBUSI sasaran dengan tepat. = The bullets PENETRATE the targets correctly. Kakiku TERTEMBUS paku pagi tadi. = My feet was PENETRATED by a nail this morning. Ini jalan TEMBUSAN ke desa sebelah. = This is a PASSAGE to the next village.###

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Word: temen

Short Definition: see TEMAN.

English Definition: see TEMAN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tempat

Short Definition: place, location. SE-: at the same place. Also MEN--I, MEN--KAN.

English Definition: ^place, location. *SE-: at the same place. *MEN--I: to occupy (a place). *MEN--KAN: to locate something at a place. ###

L2 Definition: Wadah; bekas; ruang. ###

Examples: Dengan bekerja sama dengan penduduk SETEMPAT, polisi berhasil menangkap buronan itu. = By working with the inhabitants OF THE LOCATE, the police succeeded to capture the fugitive. Untuk sementara saya akan MENEMPATI kamarmu. = For the moment, I am going to OCCUPY your room. Anak-anak memang berdisiplin; mereka selalu MENEMPATKAN semua barang-barangnya dengan teratur. = The children are really disciplined, they always PUT DOWN all of their things with orderliness. ###

Hear This Word

Word: tempe

Short Definition: a k.o. fermented soybean patty.

English Definition: *a k.o. fermented soybean patty. ###

L2 Definition: Kedelai utuh atau yang sudah terbelah yang difermentasikan. ###

Examples: TEMPE merupakan makanan asli orang Jawa. = SOYBEAN CURD PADDIES are original food of the Javanese. ###

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Word: tempel

Short Definition: adhere, patch. BER-, MEN-: adhere, patch. Also MEN--I, MEN--KAN, -AN, PEN-.

English Definition: ^1. adhere. 2. patch. BER-, MEN-: 1. adhere, stick. 2, patch. MEN--I: stick to, make s.t. stick to. MEN--KAN: stick s.t. on. -AN: sticker, poster. 2. attached to s.o. or s.t. PEN-: instrument or person that sticks s.t. up.###

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Word: tempeleng

Short Definition: MEN-(-I): to slap on the face or ears.

English Definition: MEN-(-I): to slap on the face or ears. ###

L2 Definition: tampar. ###

Examples: Sekarang guru tak boleh MENEMPELENG murid lagi. = Now, a teacher may not SLAP students anymore.

Hear This Word

Word: tempo

Short Definition: 1. time. 2. name of a magazine.

English Definition: 1. time. 2. name of a magazine. ###

L2 Definition: 1. waktu; masa. 2. nama majalah mingguan yang dibreidel pemerintah Indonesia pada tahun 1994. ###

Examples: Kami sengaja berpotret dengan mengenakan baju model TEMPO dulu. = We deliberately took a picture wearing old-TIME clothing. Majalah TEMPO dibreidel oleh pemerintah Indonesia pada tahun 1994. = The magazine TEMPO was shut down by the Indonesian government in 1994. ###

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See a Picture

Word: tempuh

Short Definition: MEN-: attack; go through, endure. Also KE--AN, -AN.

English Definition: ^MEN-: 1 attack. 2 go through, endure. KE--AN: 1 be responsible for. 2 to be blamed for s.t. -AN: an attack. ###

L2 Definition: melalui; melintasi; mengalami. ###

Examples: Jangan MENEMPUH jalan ini. = Don't GO THROUGH this road. Akhirnya aku juga yang KETEMPUHAN karena ulahmu. = At last, it was me who was ATTACKED by your doing. ###

Hear This Word

Word: tempur

Short Definition: combat. BER-: to fight. PER--AN: battle. Also MEN-, MEMPER--KAN, PEN-.

English Definition: ^combat. *BER-: be engaged in combat. MEN-: attack, assail. MEMPER--KAN: 1 fight for s.t. 2 cause s.o. to fight (on behalf of another). PEN-: assailant. *PER--AN: battle, combat.###

L2 Definition: Sinonim= 1.perang. 2. kelahi.###

Examples: Baginda selalu BERTEMPUR di garis depan. = His majesty always FOUGHT in the front lines. PERTEMPURAN di Surabaya di tahun 1945 sangat hebat. = The BATTLE at Surabaya in the year 1945 was awesome. ###

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Word: tempurung

Short Definition: coconut shell.

English Definition: coconut shell. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian kulit yang keras dari buah kelapa, kulit ini berserabut dan biasanya berwarna coklat muda. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: temu

Short Definition: meet, come together. BER-: to meet s.o. Also MEN--I, MEN--KAN, KE-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^meet, come together. *BER-: to meet s.o. *MEN--I: 1 to go to meet with s.o. 2 to happen upon. 3 to experience. *MEN--KAN: to find, meet with, discover. *KE-: 1 to accidentally meet, happen to meet. 2 to be discovered. *PER--AN: meeting. *DI--I: met with. ###

L2 Definition: jumpa; kumpul. ###

Examples: Sudah lama saya tidak BERTEMU dengannya. = It has been a long time that I haven't MET with him. Siapa yang akan MENEMUI pak Rektor? = Who is going to MEET the Rector? Siapa yang MENEMUKAN benua Amerika? = Who DISCOVERED the American continent? Kemarin saya KETEMU bapakmu. = Yesterday I HAPPENED TO MEET your father. PERTEMUAN antara ibu dan anak itu sangat mengharukan. = The MEETING between that mother and child was very touching. ###

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Word: tenaga

Short Definition: energy, power. BER-: to have power or energy.

English Definition: energy, power. BER-: to have power or energy. ###

L2 Definition: daya; kekuatan. ###

Examples: Sesudah makan saya merasa BERTENAGA lagi. = After eating I feel I HAVE POWER again. ###

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Word: tenaga kerja

Short Definition: workforce

English Definition: workforce

Word: tenang

Short Definition: calm, quiet, peaceful. MEN--KAN: to calm s.t. or s.o. down. Also KE--AN.

English Definition: calm, quiet, peaceful. *MEN--KAN: to calm s.t. or s.o. down. *KE--AN: peacefulness, quietness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bergerak; kalem; sepi yang mengandung kedamaian. ###

Examples: Segenap aparat keamanan sedang MENENANGKAN massa yang mengamuk. = The whole peace-keeping force is now PACIFYING the rioting masses. KETENANGAN suasana ini dirusak oleh kemunculannya. = The PEACEFULNESS of this atmosphere was ruined by his appearance. ###

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Word: tenda

Short Definition: tent, awning

English Definition: tent, awning

Examples: Untuk pesta perkawinan anaknya, Pak Hasan memasang TENDA di depan rumah = For the wedding reception for his son, Pak Hasan put up big TENTS in front of the house.###

Word: tendang

Short Definition: 1. kick with the side of the foot. 2. expel s.o. Also MEN-, -AN, TER--.

English Definition: 1. kick with the side of one's foot. 2. expel s.o. MEN-: to kick with the side of one's foot. -AN: a kick. TER--: kicked. ###

L2 Definition: sepak; depak (dilakukan dengan kaki). ###

Examples: Dialah MENENDANG bola ke gawang lawan. = He KICKED the ball to the opponent's goal. TENDANGAN kaki kirinya lebih kuat dari TENDANGAN kaki kanannya. = His left foot KICK is stronger than his right foot KICK. Ia TERTENDANG dari team olimpiade. = He was EXPELLED from the Olympics team. ###

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Word: tengah

Short Definition: middle, center; the midst of. SE-: half. MEN--I: to intervene. Also MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: ^1 middle, center. 2 the midst of. *SE-: half. *MEN--I: to intervene. *MEN--KAN: to come in between. *PER--AN: middle. *PEN--: mediator. ###

L2 Definition: Diantara depan dan belakang. ###

Examples: Barangkali SETENGAHnya pun saya tidak bisa menghabiskan. = Perhaps even ONE HALF of it I cannot finish. Untung ada dia yang bisa MENENGAHI perkelahian mereka. = Fortunately there was he who was able to INTERVENE IN their fight. Candi ini dibangun pada abad PERTENGAHAN. = This temple was erected during the MIDDLE AGES. ###

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Word: tengara

Short Definition: sign, signal###

English Definition: sign, signal * ME~I = suspect###

L2 Definition:

Examples: * Pak guru MENENGARAI Andi meniru dalam ujian = The teacher SUSPECTED Andi citing in the exam.##

Word: tenggang

Short Definition: restrain, consideration

English Definition: restrain *-RASA = considerate, thoughtful, show repectful restrain

Examples: Hidup bertetangga harus mempunyai TENGGANG RASA yang kuat = Living in the neighborhood (we) must have a strong CONSIDERATE attitude toward one another.###

Word: tenggara

Short Definition: southeast.

English Definition: southeast. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tenggelam

Short Definition: to sink, become submerged. MEN--KAN: to sink s.t.

English Definition: ^ to sink, become submerged. MEN--KAN: to sink s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Masuk ke dalam benda cair; karam; hilang tidak ada beritanya lagi. ###

Examples: Torpedo itu MENENGGELAMKAN kapal perang musuh. = The torpedo SANK the enemy's warship. ###

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Word: tenggiri

Short Definition: Spanish mackerel

English Definition: Spanish mackerel

L2 Definition: sejenis ikan

Examples: Pergilah ke pasar dan belikan Ibu ikan TENGGIRI = Could you please go to the market and buy me the SPANISH MACKEREL?? ##

Word: tenggorok

Short Definition: see TENGGOROKAN

English Definition: see TENGGOROKAN

Word: tenggorokan

Short Definition: [Anat.] throat, larynx

English Definition: [Anat.] throat, larynx

L2 Definition: kerongkongan, bagian leher

Examples: Sepanjang malam Ani merasa kesakitan di TENGGOROKANnya = Ani felt painful in her THROAT the whole night.###

Word: tengkar

Short Definition: dispute, argue. BER-(-AN): to quarrel, argue. Also MEMPER--KAN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^dispute, argue. *BER-(-AN): to quarrel, argue. *MEMPER--KAN: to make s.t. the object of dispute. *PER--AN: a dispute, a fracas. ###

L2 Definition: cekcok; beradu; berkelahi. ###

Examples: BERTENGKAR dengannya hanya menghabiskan tenaga saja. = TO QUARREL with him just wastes energy. Dua anak bersaudara itu sedang MEMPERTENGKARKAN warisan dari orang tua mereka. = The two siblings are DISPUTING the inheritance from their parents. Sulit sekali dilerai PERTENGKARAN kalian. = It was very difficult to calm your DISPUTE. ###

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Word: tengki

Short Definition: tank (for containing a substance).

English Definition: tank (for containing a substance). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tengkorak

Short Definition: skull, cranium.

English Definition: skull, cranium. ###

L2 Definition: Tulang kepala. ###

Examples: Badannya tinggal tulang dan TENGKORAK saja. = His body is just bones and SKULL. ###

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Word: tengkuk

Short Definition: the nape of the neck; a bunch of bananas.

English Definition: 1 the nape of the neck. 2 a bunch of bananas. ###

L2 Definition: Leher bagian belakang; kuduk. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tengkurap

Short Definition: BER-, MEN-: to lie face down.

English Definition: BER-, MEN-: to lie face down. ###

L2 Definition: Tidur dengan perut di bagian bawah; telungkup; tiarap. ###

Examples: Bayi ini memang senang tidur BERTENGKURAP. = This baby indeed likes to sleep by LYING FACE DOWN. Kami MENENGKURAP ketika musuh lewat. = We LIED FACE DOWN when the enemy passed by.

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Word: tengok

Short Definition: MEN-: to look; to look in on, to pay a visit to.

English Definition: MEN-: 1 to look. 2 to look in on, to pay a visit to. ###

L2 Definition: jenguk; lihat. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENENGOK bayi temanku yang baru lahir. = I will go VISIT my friend's newborn baby. ###

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Word: tentang

Short Definition: place opposite of; about, concerning. Also BER--AN, MEN-, -AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^1 place opposite of. 2 about, concerning. *BER--AN: to be opposing e.o., to be in conflict, be at odds. *MEN-: 1 to gaze at. 2 to oppose. 3 to face. *-AN: opposition. *PER--AN: a conflict or controversy. ###

L2 Definition: hal; masalah; bab. ###

Examples: Pendapatku selalu BERTENTANGAN dengan pendapatmu. = My opinion is always AT ODDS with your opinion. Tidak ada seorangpun yang berani MENENTANGnya. = There isn't a single person that dares OPPOSE him. Kepemimpinannya mendapat banyak TENTANGAN. = His leadership encountered much OPPOSITION. Ini adalah PERTENTANGAN pribadi jangan turut campur. = This is a private CONFLICT, don't get involved. ###

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Word: tentara

Short Definition: army. KE--AN: 1. military. 2. military forces. PE(R-)-AN: army base.

English Definition: ^army. KE--AN: 1. military. 2. military forces. PE(R-)-AN: 1. military barracks. 2. army base.###

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Word: tenteram

Short Definition: quiet, peaceful

English Definition: *MEN-KAN = pacify, reassure, calm *KE-AN = calm, tranquility

L2 Definition: damai

Examples: Saya mengidamkan hidup yang TENTERAM = I dreamed of a PEACEFUL life.# Ibu berusaha MENENTERAMKAN Ani yang menangis sedih = Ibu tried to CALM DOWN Ani who was crying.# Hidup di desa memberikan KETENTERAMAN yang saya inginkan = Life in the village gives me the TRANQUILITY that I need.###

Word: tentram

Short Definition: SEE TENTERAM

Word: tentu

Short Definition: fixed, definite, certain. MEN-: certain, stable, unchanging. Also MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: ^fixed, definite, certain. *MEN-: certain, stable, unchanging. *MEN--KAN: determine, make certain of. *TER-: certain, specified, known (but not named). *KE--AN: certainty, stipulation. ###

L2 Definition: Sudah pasti. ###

Examples: Bagaimana hasilnya nanti belum MENENTU. = How the outcome will be later is not yet CERTAIN. Kami belum MENENTUKAN pilihan. = We have not yet DECIDED UPON the choice. Hanya dengan bahan TERTENTU roti ini bisa membesar. = Only with CERTAIN ingredients can this bread rise. KETENTUAN ini sudah baku tidak bisa diubah lagi. = This stipulation is already standard and cannot be changed anymore. ###

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Word: teori

Short Definition: theory. BER-: theorize. MENT--KAN: theorize about s.t.

English Definition: theory. BER-: theorize. MENT--KAN: theorize about s.t. ###

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Word: tepat

Short Definition: exact, precise, on the mark. MEN-: go straight. Also MEN--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: ^exact, precise, on the mark. *MEN-: go straight. *MEN--KAN: aim, direct, guide, set (a watch). -AN: destination, goal, purpose. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak kurang dan tidak lebih; pas; cocok. ###

Examples: Tembakannya selalu MENEPAT. = His shooting is always STRAIGHT. Ayah sedang MENEPATKAN jam tangannya. = Father is SETTING his wrist watch. ###

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Word: tepi

Short Definition: side, edge, periphery. BER-: be boardered by s.t. Also BER--KAN, MEN-,+

English Definition: ^side, edge, periphery. BER-: be boardered by s.t. BER--KAN: have s.t. along the edge. MEN-: 1. move to o. side. 2. go along the side (of road). MEN--KAN: move s.t to o. side. MENGE--KAN: 1. place s.t. at the side. 2. ignore, neglect. -AN: 1. edge, boarder, hem. 2. bathing place by the river side.###

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Word: tepuk

Short Definition: light tap or blow. BER-: to tap or clap (as with hands). Also MEN-, MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: ^light tap or blow. *BER-: to tap or clap (as of the hands). *MEN-: clap, slap. *MEN-KAN: hit or slap with s.t. *-AN: clapping, applause. ###

L2 Definition: Mengadu kedua tangan sehingga terdengar bunyi; memukul dengan perlahan. ###

Examples: Semua musuh BERTEPUK TANGAN ketika jagoan kami kalah. = All of the oppostion CLAPPED their HANDS when our fighter lost. Saya kaget ketika dia MENEPUK punggungku. = I was startled when he SLAPPED my back. TEPUKANnya bisa keras sekali. = His CLAPPING can be very strong. ###

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Word: tepung

Short Definition: flour.

English Definition: flour. ### Tepung Sagu = Sago powder

L2 Definition: Benda halus/lembut seperti bubuk yang dibuat dari umbi, buah, bunga, dll. ###

Examples: TEPUNG ini diperlukan untuk membuat kue serabi = This FLOUR is needed to make the Serabi cake.###

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Word: tera

Short Definition: official seal

English Definition: official seal MEN-: seal something TER-: officially stamped, printed

Word: terali

Short Definition: latticework, bars (of window), trellis

English Definition: latticework, bars (of window), trellis

Examples: Pencuri itu berhasil merusak TERALI jendela kami dan masuk ke dalam rumah = The burglar was able to damage the window BARS dan enter our house.###

Word: terampil

Short Definition: see TRAMPIL

English Definition: see TRAMPIL

Word: terang

Short Definition: clear, bright, obvious. MEN--I: shed light on s.t. Also MEN--KAN, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^clear, bright, obvious. *MEN--I: shed light on s.t. *MEN--KAN: to clarify, to explain s.t. *KE--AN: explanation, information. *PEN--AN: explanation, clarification, illumination. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak gelap; jelas. ###

Examples: Hanya lilin kecil ini saja yang MENERANGI kamarku. = There is only this small candle which LIGHTS my room. Bu mantri sedang MENERANGKAN bagaimana cara menggunakan pil KB. = The nurse is EXPLAINING how to use birth control pills. KETERANGANmu selalu berbelit-belit dan tidak masuk akal. = Your EXPLANATIONS are always convoluted and incomprehensible. PENERANGAN di desaku masih belum cukup. = The LIGHTING in my village is still insufficient. ###

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Word: terap

Short Definition: arranging, applying. Also MEN--KAN; PEN--AN.

English Definition: arranging, applying. MEN--KAN: apply. PEN--AN: application *DI--KAN: applied.##

L2 Definition: memasang; mengenakan; mempraktekkan. ###

Examples: Susah MENERAPKAN kata-kata itu di kalimat ini. = It's hard to APPLY those words to this sentence. PENERAPAN Pancasila sangat penting dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. = The IMPLEMENTATION of Pancasila is very important in the life of the community. ###

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Word: teras

Short Definition: 1.[Biol.] hard core of certain tree; 2. essence, nucleus;3. principal element, elite; 4. porch, terrace

English Definition: hard core of certain tree; essence, nucleus *principal element *porch, terrace *PEJABAT-- : key officials *BER-- : have a porch or terrace

L2 Definition: inti batang pohon; halaman depan rumah

Examples: Upacara itu dihadiri banyak PEJABAT TERAS = the ceremony was attended by many KEY OFFICIALS. Saya sangat suka dengan rumah yang BERTERAS luas = I really like a house with a big PORCH.##

Word: terasi

Short Definition: salted, fermented fish or shrimp paste.

English Definition: salted, fermented fish or shrimp paste. ###

L2 Definition: Bahan makanan/bumbu yang dibuat dari ikan atau udang. ###

Examples: Sangat nikmat memakan sambal TERASI dengan ikan goreng = It is very enjoyable to eat SHRIMP PASTE sauce with fried fish.###

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Word: teratai

Short Definition: k.o. lotus.

English Definition: k.o. lotus. ###

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See a Picture

Word: terbang

Short Definition: to fly. BER--AN: to fly (of many things). Also MEN--KAN, PEN-.

English Definition: to fly. *BER--AN: to fly (of many things). *MEN--KAN: cause s.t. to fly. *PEN-: pilot, aviator. ###

L2 Definition: Melayang-layang di udara. ###

Examples: Surat-suratnya BERTERBANGAN ditiup angin. = His letters FLEW AROUND blown by the wind. Tidak mudah MENERBANGKAN pesawat besar ini. = It isn't easy to FLY this big airplane. Adikku selalu bercita-cita menjadi PENERBANG. = My younger sister always wanted to become a PILOT. ###

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Word: terbengkalai

Short Definition: see BENGKALAI

Word: terbit

Short Definition: rise, emerge, appear, print, publish. Also MEN--KAN, -AN, PEN-.

English Definition: ^rise, emerge, appear, print, publish. *MEN--KAN: to cause, produce, or publish s.t. *-AN: publication. *PEN-: publisher. ###

L2 Definition: timbul; muncul. ###

Examples: Kelompok orang kaya itu yang MENERBITKAN surat kabar ini. = That group of wealthy persons are the ones who PUBLISH this newspaper. Buletin ini TERBITAN kota Bandung. = This bulletin is a PUBLICATION of the city of Bandung. Saya tidak pasti siapa PENERBIT buku ini. = I am not sure who is the PUBLISHER of this book. ###

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Word: teriak

Short Definition: scream, yell, shout. BER-: to scream, yell, or shut. Also -AN.

English Definition: scream, yell, shout. *BER-: to scream, yell, or shout. *-AN: a scream, a yell, a shout. ###

L2 Definition: Bersuara dengan keras. ###

Examples: Jangan BERTERIAK begitu karena bisa mengagetkan orang lain. = Don't SHOUT like that because it can startle other people. Terdengar TERIAKAN yang mengerikan malam itu. = A horrifiying SHOUT was heard that night. ###

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Word: terigu

Short Definition: wheat.

English Definition: wheat. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Tepung TERIGU adalah salah satu jenis tepung yang dipergunakan sebagai bahan dasar kue-kue = WHEAT flour is one kind of flour that is used as a basic ingredient for cakes or cookies. ###

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Word: terik

Short Definition: extreme, intense (usually in reference to heat). Also MEN--KAN.

English Definition: extreme, intense (usually in reference to heat). *MEN--KAN: to intensify. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat panas karena sinar matahari. ###

Examples: Sinar matahari siang ini tambah MENERIKKAN suasana. = The rays of the sun this noon INTENSIFY the atmosphere. ###

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Word: terima

Short Definition: receive, accept. MEN-: to receive or accept s.t. Also PEN-, PEN--AN.

English Definition: receive, accept. *MEN-: to receive or accept s.t. *PEN-: one who receives, a receiver. *PEN--AN: acceptance, reception. ###

L2 Definition: ambil; dapat; sambut. ###

Examples: Siapa yang MENGAMBIL kirimanku? = Who was it that TOOK the thing I intended to send? Di sini tugasku adalah PENERIMA tamu. = My duty here is as guest RECEPTIONIST. PENERIMAAN mereka terhadap kami baik-baik saja. = Their RECEPTION towards us was good. ###

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Word: terjang

Short Definition: kick, trample. SEPAK TERJANG = behavior.

English Definition: kick, trample. SEPAK TERJANG = behavior. ###

L2 Definition: tendang; sepak; serang; langgar; tubruk. ###

Examples: Badai itu MENERJANG apa saja yang dilaluinya. = The storm LAID WASTE everything that it passed. SEPAK TERJANG orang itu tidak dapat dimaafkan. = The BEHAVIOR of that person can not be forgiven. ###

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Word: terjemah

Short Definition: MENT--KAN: to translate s.t. -AN: a translation.

English Definition: MEN--KAN: to translate s.t. -AN: a translation. ###

L2 Definition: Mengalihbahasakan; mengartikan suatu bahasa ke bahasa yang lain. ###

Examples: Saya sedang MENERJEMAHKAN cerita ini ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. = I am TRANSLATING this story to Indonesian. Ini TERJEMAHAN bahasa Indonesia dari buku itu. = This is the Indonesian TRANSLATION of the book. ###

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Word: terjun

Short Definition: to fall or jump down. MEN--I: jump into. Also MEN--KAN, PEN-, PEN--AN.

English Definition: to fall or jump down. MEN--I: jump into. MEN--KAN: cause s.t. to fall downward. PEN-: jumper. PEN--AN: jumping. ###

L2 Definition: Melompat turun ke dalam sesuatu hal. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENERJUNI bidang jurnalistik. = I will JUMP INTO jurnalistic field. Helikopter itu sedang MENERJUNKAN pasukan tempur. = The helicopter is BRINGING TO JUMP the attack unit. Bapakku PENERJUN parasut yang ulung. = My father is a skillful parachute JUMPER.

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Word: terlalu

Short Definition: see LALU.

English Definition: see LALU. ###

L2 Definition: sangat; amat. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: terminal

Short Definition: terminal.

English Definition: terminal. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat pemberhentian. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ternak

Short Definition: livestock. BE(R)-: breed. MEN(T)--KAN: breed animals. PE-: breeder. Also PE--AN.

English Definition: livestock. BE(R)-: breed. MEN(T)--KAN: breed animals. PE-: breeder. PE--AN: animal husbandry. ###

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Word: terong

Short Definition: see TERUNG##

English Definition: see TERUNG##

Examples: ###

Word: teropong

Short Definition: 1. telescope, binoculars; 2. tube

English Definition: 1. telescope, binoculars; 2. tube *MEN--: 1. look through a telescope; 2. observe carefully, study, scrutinize

Examples: Dengan TEROPONG baru kita dapat melihat gugusan bintang yang sangat jauh = With this new TELESCOPE we can now see the galaxy far away. Penelitian ini MENEROPONG kehidupan suku terasing = This research OBSERVED the life of an isolated tribe.###

Word: terowongan

Short Definition: tunnel

English Definition: tunnel

Examples: Kereta api masuk ke dalam TEROWONGAN panjang dan gelap = the train goes into a long and deep TUNNEL.##

Word: terpal

Short Definition: terpaulin, canvas###

English Definition: terpaulin, canvas###

Examples: ###

Word: tertib

Short Definition: in order, behaving correctly so that disorder is avoided.

English Definition: in order, behaving correctly so that disorder is avoided. *MEN--KAN: straighten up, put in order, control, curb. *KE--AN: orderliness, law and order. *PEN--AN: control, curb. *DI--KAN: to be controlled, to make s.t. orderly. ###

L2 Definition: rapi; teratur. ###

Examples: Barisan ini masih kurang TERTIB. = This line is still not ORDERLY enough. Kelihatannya guru itu kesulitan MENERTIBKAN murid-muridnya = It seems that teacher is having difficulties to CONTROL his students. KETERTIBAN dalam masyarakat harus selalu dijaga = The LAW AND ORDER in society must always be maintained. Polisi mengadakan PENERTIBAN pedagang di pasar minggu = The police STRAIGHTENED UP the traders in the Minggu market. Lalu lintas harus DITERTIBKAN agar jalan tidak macet = The traffic should be CONTROLLED in order to prevent traffic jam. ###

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Word: terung

Short Definition: egg plant###

English Definition: egg plant see also TERONG###

Examples: Masakan Turki kebanyakan menggunakan TERUNG = Turkish food mostly use EGG PLANTS.###

Word: terus

Short Definition: straight ahead, straight away, directly. Also SE--AN, BER--AN, MEN--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: ^straight ahead, straight away, directly. *SE--NYA: henceforth. BER--AN: continuously. *MEN--KAN: to make s.t. continue, to proceed further with s.t. *-AN: continuation, sequel. ###

L2 Definition: Lurus menuju suatu tempat; tidak berhenti; tetap berlangsung. ###

Examples: Cerita SETERUSNYA saya tidak mengikutinya lagi. = The story HENCEFORTH I didn't follow any longer. Saya tidak bisa MENERUSKAN kebohongan ini. = I cannot CONTINUE this lie. TERUSAN filem ini pasti akan menarik sekali. = The SEQUEL of this film is sure to be very interesting. ###

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Word: terus-menerus

Short Definition: continuously.

English Definition: continuously.###

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Word: terutama

Short Definition: 1.superior, best; 2. especially; 3. most important; see also UTAMA

English Definition: 1.superior, best; 2. especially; 3. most important; see also UTAMA

Examples: Ibu sayang pada anak-anaknya, TERUTAMA si bungsu = Ibu loves all her children, ESPECIALLY the youngest one. Dari semua murid di sekolah, Aminah yang TERUTAMA = Of all students at school, Aminah is THE BEST.###

Word: tes

Short Definition: test, exam.

English Definition: test, exam. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: test

Short Definition: test, examine

English Definition: test, examine testing : examination

Word: tetangga

Short Definition: neighbor. BER-: to have neighbors, to be neighbors with.

English Definition: neighbor. *BER-: to have neighbors, to be neighbors with. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang tinggal di sebelah kita. ###

Examples: Kehidupan BERTETANGGA di kampung ini sangat tenteram. = The NEIGHBORHOOD life in this village is very peaceful. ###

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Word: tetap

Short Definition: permanent, unchanging. Also MEN-, MEN--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^permanent, unchanging. *MEN-: 1 reside permanently. 2 to become stablized. *MEN--KAN: to determine, settle upon, establish make stable. *KE--AN: decision, determination, constancy. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak bergerak/berubah; seperti sedia kala. ###

Examples: Kami sudah tinggal MENETAP di sini selama tiga tahun. = We have lived PERMANENTLY here for as long as three years. Pemerintah MENETAPKAN bahwa gaji pegawai akan dinaikkan. = The government DETERMINED that employee salaries will be raised. KETETAPAN yang sudah digariskan organisasi tak bisa diubah lagi. = A DECISION which has been outlined by the organization cannot be changed further. ###

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Word: tetapi

Short Definition: but.

English Definition: but. ###

L2 Definition: namun; meskipun. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tetek

Short Definition: teat. MEN--I: breast-feed.

English Definition: teat. MEN--I: breast-feed. ###

L2 Definition: payudara; susu. ###

Examples: Tante Anik sedang MENETEKI bayinya. = Aunt Anik is BREASTFEEDING her baby. ###

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Word: tetek-bengek

Short Definition: red tape, fuss over trifles.

English Definition: red tape, fuss over trifles. ###

L2 Definition: segala macam; yang kecil-kecil dan kurang penting. ###

Examples: Urusan TETEK BENGEK ini sungguh merepotkanku. = These TRIVIAL matters are really taking up a lot of my time. ###

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Word: tetes

Short Definition: drip. MEN-: to drip. MEN--I: to drip onto s.t. Also MEN--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: drip. *MEN-: to drip. *MEN--I: to drip onto s.t. *MEN--KAN: to make s.t. fall by drips. *-AN: a drop. ###

L2 Definition: Benda cair yang jatuh setitik demi setitik. ###

Examples: kalau keran itu, apalagi mengucur MENETES pun tidak. = As for that faucet, let alone gushing, it's not even DRIPPING. Kain jemuran yang basah itu MENETESI jemuran makanan. = That drying clothing which is still wet is DRIPPING ON the drying food. Ketika menonton film itu saya MENETESKAN air mata. = When I watched that film, I DRIPPED tears. Lumayan juga saya dapat TETESAN rejeki darinya. = It is nice that I get "DRIPPINGS" of material support from her. ###

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Word: tewas

Short Definition: die, be slain. MEN--KAN: kill.

English Definition: die, be slain. MEN--KAN: kill. ###

L2 Definition: meninggal; mati; tidak hidup lagi. ###

Examples: Tabrakan besar itu MENEWASKAN hampir seratus orang. = The big crash KILLED almost a hundred people.###

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Word: tiada

Short Definition: contraction of "tidak ada."

English Definition: contraction of "tidak ada." ###

L2 Definition: tidak ada; nihil; kosong. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tiang

Short Definition: pole, post, mast. BER-: propped up, supported. MEN--I: provide with poles.

English Definition: pole, post, mast. BER-: propped up, supported. MEN--I: provide with poles, posts.###

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Word: tiap

Short Definition: SE-: every, each.

English Definition: *SE-: every, each. ###

L2 Definition: sekali. ###

Examples: SETIAP anak diharapkan membawa bukunya masing-masing. = EVERY child is requested to bring his or her book individually. ###

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Word: tiba

Short Definition: arrive. TIBA-TIBA: suddenly, unexpectedly. SE-: upon arrival.

English Definition: ^arrive. *TIBA-TIBA: suddenly, unexpectedly. *SE-: upon arrival. ###

L2 Definition: datang; sampai. ###

Examples: TIBA-TIBA saja dia mulai merengek begitu. = ALL OF A SUDDEN he began whining like that. Kami langsung berkemas lagi SETIBA di kota itu. = We straightaway put things in order again UPON ARRIVAL at that city. ###

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Word: tidak

Short Definition: no, not. SE-_-_-NYA: at the least, in any case. Also MEN--KAN, MEMPER--KAN.

English Definition: ^no, not. *SE-_-_-NYA: at the least, in any case. *MEN--KAN, MEMPER-KAN: deny. ###

L2 Definition: Partikel untuk menyatakan suatu penolakan; penyangkalan; pengingkaran. ###

Examples: Walaupun saya gagal, SETIDAK-TIDAKNYA saya sudah berusaha. = Although I failed, AT THE LEAST I tried. Sulit MENIDAKKAN permintaannya. = It is difficult to DENY his request. ###

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Word: tidur

Short Definition: sleep. Also MEN--I, MEN--KAN, TER-, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^sleep. *MEN--I: 1 lie down on or sleep on s.t. 2 (of a man) to have sexual intercourse with s.o. *MEN--KAN: to lay s.t. down or put s.o. to bed. *TER-: to fall asleep. *KE--AN: 1 to be overtaken by sleep. 2 to oversleep. ###

L2 Definition: Keadaan dimana seseorang sedang mengistirahatkan badan dan kesadarannya. ###

Examples: Orang itu dihukum karena MENIDURI anak di bawah umur. = That man was sentenced because he HAD SEXUAL INTERCOURSE with an under-aged child. Ibu sedang masuk ke kamar untuk MENIDURKAN adik. = Mother is entering the room to PUT little sister TO SLEEP. Saya TERTIDUR lama sekali di bangku itu. = I FELL ASLEEP for a long time on that bench. Saya sempat KETIDURAN ketika menunggu kereta api datang. = I happened TO BE OVERTAKEN BY SLEEP while waiting for the train to arrive. ###

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Word: tiga

Short Definition: three. BER-: do s.t. in group of three. Also KE-, KE-_-_-NYA, PER-, PER--AN, +

English Definition: ^three. *BER-: do s.t. in group of three. *KE-: 1 third. 2 all three. *KE-_-_-NYA: all three. *PER-: a third. *PER--AN: a three-way intersection. SEPER-: one third. KE--AN: (Rel.) trinity. ###

L2 Definition: nomor sesudah dua sebelum empat. ###

Examples: Kami BERTIGA baru saja menonton filem. = The THREE OF US just saw that film. Orang yang KETIGA dari kiri itu yang kumaksud. = I mean the THIRD person from the left. KETIGA-TIGANYA sangat cantik. = ALL THREE OF THEM are very beautiful. Dua PERTIGA dari bagiannya akan dibagi-bagikan. = Two THIRDS from his share are going to be divided out. Di PERTIGAAN itu ada upacara selamatan. = At that THREE-WAY INTERSECTION there is a ceremonial meal. ###

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Word: tik

Short Definition: see TITIK.

English Definition: see TITIK. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tikar

Short Definition: a woven floor/sleeping mat.

English Definition: a woven floor/sleeping mat. ###

L2 Definition: alas; anyaman daun pandan yang dipakai untuk lapisan duduk/tidur. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tiket

Short Definition: ticket.

English Definition: ticket. ###

L2 Definition: Kartu tanda untuk ijin masuk suatu tempat/pertunjukan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tikus

Short Definition: rat, mouse

English Definition: rat, mouse

Word: tilam

Short Definition: something to sleep on (mat, blanket, mattress)

English Definition: *BER- = have something to sleep on

L2 Definition: alas tidur, kasur

Examples: Semalam saya tidur hanya BERTILAM sarung = Last night I only had sarong to SLEEP ON.###

Word: tilang

Short Definition: traffic ticket

English Definition: traffic ticket MEN-- : issue a traffic ticket

L2 Definition: singkatan dari bukti pelanggaran

Examples: Polisi MENILANG pengemudi mobil merah itu = The police gave TRAFFIC TICKET to the driver of the red car##

Word: tilawah

Short Definition: see TILAWAT

English Definition: see TILAWAT

Word: tilawat

Short Definition: [Isl.] recitation of the Koran.

English Definition: [Isl.] recitation of the Koran. *SARI--: recitation and translation of the Koran.

Examples: ###

Word: tilgram

Short Definition: telegram. MEN-: send a telegram.

English Definition: telegram. MEN-: send a telegram.###

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Word: tilik

Short Definition: look at s.t to see how it is, inspect. ME-: to inspect.

English Definition: look at s.t. to see how it is, inspect. ME-: to inspect. ###

L2 Definition: melihat; mengawasi; mengamati. ###

Examples: Tugasnya adalah MENILIK pabrik-pabrik di daerah ini. = His job is TO INSPECT the factories in this area. Ayahnya adalah PENILIK sekolah. = His father is a school INSPECTOR. ###

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Word: tim

Short Definition: see TIM1 (k.o. soup) or TIM2 (team). TIM3 (Taman Ismail Marzuki).

English Definition: see TIM1 (k.o. soup). TIM2 (team). TIM3 (Taman Ismail Marzuki). ###

L2 Definition: group; kelompok; regu. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: tim1

Short Definition: a k.o. soup.

English Definition: a k.o. soup. ###

L2 Definition: Sebangsa bubur yang berbumbu atau bersayur. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: tim2

Short Definition: team (sports, etc.).

English Definition: team (sports, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: regu; kelompok. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: TIM3

Short Definition: Taman Ismail Marzuki, a complex in Jakarta containing museums and theaters.

English Definition: Taman Ismail Marzuki, a complex in Jakarta containing museums and theaters. ###

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Word: timah

Short Definition: tin, lead

English Definition: *--HITAM: lead *--PUTIH: tin

Examples: Daerah ini terkenal sebagai penghasil TIMAH terbesar = this area is well-known as a TIN source.###

Word: timang

Short Definition: MEN--: rock (a child) in o's arms or a cradle

English Definition: MEN--: rock (a child) in o's arms or a cradle

L2 Definition: menggendong anak kecil atau bayi

Examples: Ibu bernyanyi kecil sambil MENIMANG bayinya = Ibu sings softly while HOLDING (ROCKING) the baby.###

Word: timba

Short Definition: pail, bucket.

English Definition: pail, bucket. ###

L2 Definition: Benda yang digunakan untuk mengambil air dari sumur atau sungai. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: timbal

Short Definition: balancing. *--BALIK: on both sides, mutual

English Definition: balancing. *--BALIK: on both sides *BER--BALIK: be on both sides, mutual. *SE--: in balance, proportionate, equitable, just.

Examples: Kamu dapat menulis di kertas itu TIMBAL-BALIK = You can write ON BOTH SIDES of the paper. Dia mendapatkan hukuman yang SETIMBAL = His punishment is what he DESERVES.###

Word: timbang

Short Definition: MEN-: take the weight of s.t., take s.t. into account. Also MEMPER--KAN, +

English Definition: MEN-: take the weight of s.t., take s.t. into account. MEMPER--KAN: consider s.t. carefully. PER--AN: consideration, judgement. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak berat sebelah; sama; adil. ###

Examples: Setiap bulan saya harus MENIMBANG bayiku. = Every month I have TO WEIGHT my baby. Sebagai hakim, ia akan MEMPERTIMBANGKAN keputusannya dengan hati-hati. = As a judge, he is going to CONSIDER his decision carefully. Segala PERTIMBANGAN sudah kudengar. = I have heard all CONSIDERATIONS.

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Word: timbul

Short Definition: emerge, appear. MEN--KAN: make s.t. appear or come to the surface.

English Definition: ^emerge, appear. *MEN--KAN: make s.t. appear or come to the surface, to release (a movie, album, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: muncul; keluar. ###

Examples: Sutradara itu akan MEMUNCULKAN lakon Mahabarata lagi. = That director is going to RELEASE an episode of the Mahabarata again. ###

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Word: timbun

Short Definition: heap, pile

English Definition: heap, pile *BER--: in piles *BER--(2): piled up *MEN--: be heaped up, becomes piles; heap s.t. up *MEN--I: heap piles on s.t. *TER--: heaped up; burried under, covered with *--AN: a pile, heap *PEN--AN: accummulation, piling up; hoarding; process of reclaiming land from the sea by piling up earth.

Examples: Setelah tidak dibersihkan selama seminggu, sampah BERTIMBUN di depan rumah kami = Because we did not clean it for a week, trash are in PILES in front of our house. Kekayaannya sudah BERTIMBUN-TIMBUN tapi dia masih sangat kikir = His wealth has PILED UP but he is remains very stingy. Ayah MENIMBUNI lubang itu dengan tanah = Father COVERED the hole with dirt. Banyak orang yang TERTIMBUN tanah longsor = There were many people BURRIED UNDER the flooding mud. Jangan kamu membuka TIMBUNAN buku-buku di atas meja ini = Do not open the PILE of books on this table. Daerah ini akan menjadi tempat PENIMBUNAN sampah = This area will be made as the place for garbage ACCUMMULATION (DUMP).###

Word: Timor

Short Definition: see TIMOR TIMUR.

English Definition: see TIMOR TIMUR. ###

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Word: Timor Timur

Short Definition: the Province of East Timor in Indonesia. Its capital city is Dili.

English Definition: the Province of East Tmor in Indonesia. Its capital city is Dili. ###

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Word: timpa

Short Definition: MEN-(-I): fall on, descend upon. TER-: struck down.

English Definition: MEN-(-I): fall on, descend upon. TER-: struck down. ###

L2 Definition: Bertindih; berturut-turut; datang susul-menyusul. ###

Examples: Musibah ini MENIMPA keluargaku dengan tiba-tiba. = The tragedy FELL ON my family in a sudden. Sudah jatuh TERTIMPA tangga pula (peribahasa). = After falling, he was also STRUCK DOWN by the stairs (proverb).

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Word: timpal

Short Definition: see TIMBAL

English Definition: see TIMBAL

Word: timpuk

Short Definition: throw at###

English Definition: * (Jkt.) MEN~(I), N~IN = throw at MEN~KAN = throw s.t. ~AN = a throw###

Examples: * Susi DITIMPUKI segelas air oleh adiknya = Susi was THROWN a glass of water by her little brother.###

Word: Timteng

Short Definition: "Timur Tengah," or the Middle East.

English Definition: contraction for "Timur Tengah," or the Middle East. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Timtim

Short Definition: "Timur Timur," or the province of East Timur.

English Definition: contraction for "Timur Timur," or the province of East Timur.

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: timun

Short Definition: see KETIMUN.

English Definition: see KETIMUN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: timur

Short Definition: east.

English Definition: east. ###

L2 Definition: Lawannya barat; arah yang menunjukkan suatu tujuan. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tindak

Short Definition: BER-: take steps, measures, to act. Also MEN-, MEN--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: ^action, act. BER-: take steps, measures, to act. MEN-: to take action against. MEN--KAN: carry out an action. -AN: an action, measure to be implimented. PEN--AN: taking measures. *--LANJUT: follow-up. ###

L2 Definition: perbuatan. ###

Examples: Polisi BERTINDAK cepat memisah ke dua orang itu. = The police ACTED quickly to separate the two men/women. Kami telah MENINDAK para pejabat yang korupsi. = We have ACTED AGAINST the officials who corrupted. TINDAKANnya sangat tidak bertanggungjawab. = His ACTION is very irresponsible.

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Word: tindas

Short Definition: MEN-: crush; oppress, suppress, weigh down. Also TER-, -AN, +

English Definition: ^*MEN-: 1 crush. 2 oppress, suppress, weigh down. *TER-: 1 crushed. 2 oppressed, suppressed. *-AN: oppression, confining grip or hold. PEN-: oppressor. *PEN--AN: oppression. ###

L2 Definition: tindih; tumpuk. ###

Examples: Supaya tidak terbang kita harus MENINDAS buku ini dengan batu. = So that they don't fly away, we have to WEIGH DOWN this book with rocks. Memang susah selalu menjadi pihak yang TERTINDAS. = It is difficult to always be the side which is OPPRESSED. TINDASANmu kurang kuat jadi dia bisa lepas. = Your CONFINING HOLD was not strong enough so that he was able to get free. Bekerja terlalu keras begini sama saja dengan PENINDASAN. = Always working too hard like this is just the same with OPPRESSION. ###

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Word: tindih

Short Definition: oppose by pushing down from above.

English Definition: oppose by pushing down from above. *TUMPANG--: overlap. ###

L2 Definition: himpit; tindas; tekan ke bawah. ###

Examples: TINDIHLAH kerta-kertas itu dengan batu ini supaya tidak terbang. = PUT this stone ON the papers so they don't fly away. ###

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Word: tinggal

Short Definition: live, reside; remain, stay. MEN-: to die. Also MEN--KAN, TER-, KE--AN, -AN.

English Definition: 1 live, reside. 2 remain, stay. *MEN-: to die. *MEN--KAN: to leave (s.t. behind). *TER-: be left behind. *KE--AN: accidentally left out or left behind. -AN: remainder, inheritance. ###

L2 Definition: diam; tidak melakukan apa-apa; menempati; sudah lampau. ###

Examples: Siapa nama orang yang MENINGGAL DUNIA itu? = What is the name of that person who DIED? Saya tidak mau MENINGGALKAN anak-anakku di sini. = I do not want to LEAVE my children here. Angka perolehan regu itu TERTINGGAL jauh dari lawannya. = The score achieved by that team was LEFT far BEHIND by their opponents. Wah gawat kita sudah KETINGGALAN kereta api. = Oh no, we have been LEFT BEHIND by the train. ###

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Word: tinggi

Short Definition: 1. hight, tall. 2. advanced. Also SE-, SE--NYA, MEN-, MEN--KAN, MEMPER-(-KAN).

English Definition: ^1. high, tall. 2. advanced. SE-: no matter how high. SE--NYA: the highest possible. MEN-: go up, rise, MEN--KAN: raise, increase, enhance. MEMPER-(-KAN): make s.t. higher. KE--AN: height. PE-: s.o. with formal authority in a region. PEN--AN: raising, enhancement.###

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Word: tingkah

Short Definition: 1. action. 2. overaction.

English Definition: 1. action. 2. overaction. ###

L2 Definition: ulah; perbuatan; perangai; kelakuan. ###

Examples: Selama ini TINGKAHnya sangat menyebalkanku. = For all this time his ACTIONS have made me so resentful. ###

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Word: tingkat

Short Definition: 1. floor. 2. rung. 3. level. 4. phase. BER-: multi-leveled. MEN-: raise.+

English Definition: ^1. floor, story. 2. rung. 3. level degree. 4. phase, stage. BER-: multistoried, multi-leveled. MEN-: increase, rise. MEN--KAN: 1. raise s.t. 2. upgrade. *PEN--AN: increase, raise. -AN: floor, level, stage.###

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Word: tinja

Short Definition: feces.

English Definition: feces. ###

L2 Definition: Kotoran manusia/binatang. ###

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Word: tinjau

Short Definition: observe, look at with consideration. ME-: to observe.

English Definition: observe, look at with consideration. ME-: to observe. *DI--: viewed, observed, considered. ###

L2 Definition: melihat; menilik; memeriksa. ###

Examples: Banyak pejabat dari pusat datang MENINJAU daerah yang terkena banjir itu. = Many officials from the center come TO OBSERVE the flooded area. ###

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Word: tinju

Short Definition: fist. BER-: boxing.

English Definition: fist. BER-: boxing. ###

L2 Definition: Kepalan tangan; memukul dengan kepalan tangan. ###

Examples: BERTINJU adalah olah raga kegemaran suamiku. = BOXING is my husband's favorite sport. ###

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Word: tinta

Short Definition: ink

English Definition: ink

Word: tipe

Short Definition: type.

English Definition: type. ###

L2 Definition: model; corak; macam. ###

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Word: tipis

Short Definition: 1. thin, slight. 2. fine. MEN-: 1. become thin. 2. diminish. Also MEN--KAN.

English Definition: ^1. thin, slight. 2. fine (of thread). MEN-: 1. become thin. 2. diminish, become less and less. MEN--KAN: 1. make s.t. thin. 2. delute s.t. 3. reduce, decrease.###

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Word: tipu

Short Definition: trick, deceit, fraud

English Definition: *MEN- : deceit s.o. *TER- : cheated, tricked -AN : deceit, swindle PE-AN : deception

Examples: Orang itu MENIPU rekan kerjanya sebesar seratus juta rupiah = that man DECEITED his co-worker one hundred million rupiah. Kami semua TERTIPU oleh tukang sulap jalanan itu = we were all TRICKED by that street magician.

Word: tirta

Short Definition: (holy) water.

English Definition: (holy) water. ###

L2 Definition: air. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tiru

Short Definition: imitate. -AN: imitation.

English Definition: imitate. -AN: imitation. *ME- = duplicate. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan sesuatu menurut hal yang sudah ada sebelumnya atau sudah dilakukan orang lain; contoh; teladan. ###

Examples: Barang TIRUAN ini kualitasnya sangat jelek. = These IMITATION goods have a very poor quality. ###

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Word: tisik

Short Definition: MEN-(-I): darn, mend.

English Definition: *MEN-(-I): darn, mend. ###

L2 Definition: Menjahit dengan tangan secara halus. ###

Examples: Bajuku belum siap karena bu Minah sedang MENISIKnya. = My shirt is not yet ready because Mrs. Minah is MENDING it. ###

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Word: titik

Short Definition: drop; (Gram.) period. BER-: to drip; to have a period. -AN: a drop.

English Definition: 1 drop. 2 (Gram.) period. *BER-: 1 to drip. 2 to have a period. *-AN: a drop. ###

L2 Definition: dot; bundaran yang sangat kecil. ###

Examples: Lucu sekali bajumu BERTITIK kecil-kecil. = Your shirt WITH the SMALL DOTS is very funny. TITIKAN yang kau buat kurang jelas. = The DROPS you have made are not very clear. ###

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Word: titip

Short Definition: MEN-, MEN--KAN: entrust s.t. to s.o.'s care. Also MEN--I, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^*MEN-, MEN--KAN: entrust s.t. to s.o.'s care. *MEN--I: entrust to s.o.'s care. *KE--AN: 1 to have s.t. entrusted to o.'s care. 2 the act of keeping s.t. in trust, watching over. *-AN: s.t. entrusted to another's care. ###

L2 Definition: Memberikan sesuatu pada seseorang untuk disampaikan pada orang lain. ###

Examples: Saya akan MENITIPKAN uangmu pada ibumu. = I am going to ENTRUST your money TO THE CARE OF your mother. Jangan MENITIPI adikmu dengan barang-barang yang berat. = Don't ENTRUST your little sister WITH THE CARE OF heavy objects. Wah repot juga KETITIPAN anak ini. = Heavens, WATCHING OVER this child is troublesome. Apakah TITIPANku sudah sampai? = Has THE THING WHICH I ENTRUSTED TO ANOTHER'S CARE already arrived? ###

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Word: tiup

Short Definition: blow. BER-: blow. Also MEN-, MEN--I, MEN--KAN, -AN, PEN-.

English Definition: ^blow (of wind), related to wind instruments. BER-: blow. MEN-: 1. blow. 2. blow a problem out of proportion. MEN--I: blow onto s.t. MEN--KAN: cause to spread. -AN: blast of wind. PEN-: person who blows.###

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Word: TK

Short Definition: (Taman Kanak-Kanak) kindergarten.

English Definition: (Taman Kanak-Kanak) kindergarten. ###

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Word: tki

Short Definition: abbreviation for Tenaga Kerja Indonesia = Indonesia Working Force; refers to Indonesians working abroad.

English Definition: abbreviation for Tenaga Kerja Indonesia = Indonesia Working Force; refers to Indonesians working abroad.

Examples: Tahun ini jumlah TKI di Malaysia semakin meningkat = This year there is an increase in the number of INDONESIAN WORKING in Malaysia.###

Word: TNI

Short Definition: National Armed Forces of Indonesia.

English Definition: (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) National Armed Forces of Indonesia. ###

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Word: todong

Short Definition: threaten someone by pointing a weapon

English Definition: *TUKANG- = armed robber *MEN- = threaten someone by pointing a weapon *MEN-KAN = threaten by pointing with something *-AN = threat consisting of something pointed *PE(N)- = hold-up man

L2 Definition: ancaman

Examples: TUKANG TODONG itu ditangkap polisi = The ARMED ROBBER was captured by the police.# Sambil berteriak, Amir MENODONG Hamsah dengan pisau dapur = While screaming, Amir POINTED the kitchen knife to Hamsah.#

Word: toh

Short Definition: nevertheless, after all.

English Definition: nevertheless, after all. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: toko

Short Definition: store, shop.

English Definition: *store, shop. ###

L2 Definition: Tempat dimana terdapat banyak barang yang dijual. ###

Examples: TOKO yang besar itu disebut supermarket. = That big STORE is called a supermarket. ###

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Word: tokoh

Short Definition: shape, form; personage, character in a story.

English Definition: ^1 shape, form. 2 personage, character in a story. ###

L2 Definition: figur; orang yang menjadi bintang cerita; bentuk/potongan. ###

Examples: Dialah TOKOH utama dalam filem itu. = He was the ultimate CHARACTER in the movie.###

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Word: tolak

Short Definition: MEN-: to refuse, reject, push away. -AN: a push. PEN--AN: refusal, rejection.

English Definition: ^MEN-: to refuse, reject, push away. -AN: a push. PEN--AN: refusal, rejection. ###

L2 Definition: Dorong; tidak menerima suatu pemberian kemudian mengembalikannya. ###

Examples: Mula-mula dia MENOLAK tawaran itu. = At first he REFUSED the offer. Saya tidak dapat menerima PENOLAKANmu. = I can not accept your REJECTION. TOLAKANMU kurang kuat. = Your PUSH is not strong enough.

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Word: tolol

Short Definition: stupid, dim-witted.

English Definition: stupid, dim-witted. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak cepat mengerti; bodoh; bebal. ###

Examples: Itu adalah perbuatan TOLOL! = That was a STUPID action!

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Word: tolong

Short Definition: help; please. MEN-: to give help or assistance. Also TER-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^1 help. 2 please. *MEN-: to give help or assistance. *TER-: helped, capable of being helped. *PER--AN: help, aid, assistance. ###

L2 Definition: bantu. ###

Examples: Dalam ujian nanti tidak ada yang bisa MENOLONGmu. = In the exam later there is no one who can HELP you. Anak yang tercebur kolam itu akhirnya TERTOLONG juga. = That child who fell into the pool WAS HELPED in the end. Sayang PERTOLONGANnya datang terlambat jadi dia keburu meninggal. = Unfortunately his HELP came too late, so he died very quickly. ###

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Word: tomat

Short Definition: tomato.

English Definition: *tomato. ###

L2 Definition: Sejenis sayuran yang menyerupai buah-buahan. ###

Examples: TOMAT yang baru dipetik ini kelihatan ranum-ranum. = This TOMATO that was just picked looks perfectly ripe. ###

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Word: tombak

Short Definition: spear.

English Definition: spear. ###

L2 Definition: Tongkat panjang yang ujungnya runcing. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tombol

Short Definition: knob or button.

English Definition: knob or button. ###

L2 Definition: kenop. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ton

Short Definition: ton.

English Definition: ton. ###

L2 Definition: Ukuran berat; 1000 kg. ###

Examples: BerTON-TON beras hilang dari gudang itu. = TONS of rice are missing from the storage.

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Word: tong

Short Definition: barrel, cask.

English Definition: *barrel, cask. ###

L2 Definition: Wadah yang berbentuk bulat biasanya terbuat dari aluminium atau kayu. ###

Examples: Apakah TONG sampahnya sudah kau keluarkan? = Have you already taken the trash BARREL out? ###

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Word: tongkat

Short Definition: cane, stick

English Definition: *BER- = use as a cane

Examples: Orang tua itu berjalan memakai TONGKAT = The old man walks with a CANE.###

Word: tonjok

Short Definition: 1. nudge with extended finger, shove with a blunt object. 2. (fig.) cause.

English Definition: 1. nudge with extended finger, shove with a blunt object. 2. (fig.) cause. ###

L2 Definition: Memukul dengan kepalan tangan; tinju. ###

Examples: Dia marah besar ketika mukanya DITONJOK orang itu. = He was very angry when his face was SHOVED by that person. ###

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Word: tonjol

Short Definition: a bulge. MEN-: bulge, stick out. MEN--KAN: cause to stick out, show.

English Definition: a bulge. MEN-: bulge, stick out. MEN--KAN: cause to stick out, show. ###

L2 Definition: sembul; jendul. ###

Examples: Prestasi belajar anak ini sangat MENONJOL. = The learning achievement of this kid is really OBVIOUS. Setiap kali berbicara dia selalu MENONJOLKAN dirinya sendiri. = Every time he speaks he always SHOWS himself OFF.###

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Word: tonton

Short Definition: ME(N)-: watch (a movie, etc.), observe. -AN: a performance. PEN-: spectator.

English Definition: ^*ME(N)-: watch (a movie, etc.), observe. *-AN: a performance. *PEN-: spectator, audience. ###

L2 Definition: lihat. ###

Examples: Kami sedang MENONTON pertunjukan wayang orang. = We are WATCHING a masked dance performance. Akan ada banyak TONTONAN di pasar malam nanti. = There are going to be many PERFORMANCES at the market later tonight. Kami kurang pasti berapa banyak PENONTONnya. = We are uncertain how many are the VIEWERS. ###

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Word: topang

Short Definition: prop, support, abutment

English Definition: *BER-- : lean on, be supported on *MEN-- : prop up, shore up *PEN-- : support, prop

Examples: Susanto selalu BERTOPANG pada adiknya yang kaya raya = Susanto usually LEANS ON his rich younger brother as his financial support. Gunakan kayu itu untuk MENOPANG tanggamu = Use the wooden stick to PROP UP the ladder. PENOPANG papan itu sudah rapuh = the SUPPORT for the board is rusty.##

Word: topeng

Short Definition: mask

English Definition: *BER- = have or wear a mask; cover up *BER-KAN = use something as a cover up

Examples: Perampok BERTOPENG yang mencuri mobil itu ternyata anak Pak Amir = The MASKED robber who stole the car was Pak Amir's son.#

Word: topi

Short Definition: hat, cap.

English Definition: hat, cap. ###

L2 Definition: Penutup kepala. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: Toraja

Short Definition: an ethnic group in the interior of South Celebes.

English Definition: an ethnic group living in the interior of South Celebes. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah suku yang bermukim di Sulawesi Selatan. ###

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Word: toreh

Short Definition: MEN--: make a shallow cut; slit open

English Definition: MEN--: make a shallow cut; slit open *--AN: a notch, incision, slit *PEN--: scoring or slitting tool

Examples: Tanpa sengaja kayu ini MENOREH tanganku = Accidentally the wood SLIT my arm. Luka di kakinya hanya TOREHAN kecil saja = The wound in his leg is only a small NOTCH.###

Word: tradisi

Short Definition: tradition.

English Definition: *tradition. ###

L2 Definition: adat; kebiasaan. ###

Examples: TRADISI ini sudah berlangsung berabad-abad lamanya. = This TRADITION has continued for centuries. ###

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Word: tradisional

Short Definition: traditional.

English Definition: traditional.###

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Word: traktat

Short Definition: treaty

English Definition: treaty

Examples: Dengan TRAKTAT itu, ke dua negara akhirnya berhenti berperang = With the TREATY, the two countries finally stopped the war.###

Word: traktir

Short Definition: MEN-: treat s.o. to s.t. -AN: the treating of s.o. to s.t.

English Definition: *MEN-: treat s.o. to s.t. *-AN: the treating of s.o. to s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Membelikan sesuatu untuk orang lain. ###

Examples: Si Udin yang MENTRAKTIR kami karena dia baru saja lulus. = Udin TREATED us because he just recently graduated. Di balik TRAKTIRANnya begini ada maksud-maksud tertentu. = There is a certain meaning behind his TREATING like this. ###

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Word: trampil

Short Definition: skilled, competent. MEN--KAN: train s.o. KE--AN: skill, know-how.

English Definition: skilled, competent. MEN--KAN: train s.o. KE--AN: skill, know-how. ###

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Word: transpor

Short Definition: transport.

English Definition: transport

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Word: trilyun

Short Definition: quintillion

English Definition: quintillion

Examples: ###

Word: tropis

Short Definition: tropical.

English Definition: tropical.###

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Word: trotoar

Short Definition: sidewalk.

English Definition: sidewalk. ###

L2 Definition: Kaki lima; jalanan kecil bagi pejalan kaki di pinggir jalan kendaraan umum. ###

Examples: Dilarang naik sepeda di TROTOAR ini! = It is prohibited to ride a bike in this SIDEWALK.

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Word: truk

Short Definition: truck.

English Definition: truck. ###

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Word: tua

Short Definition: old; ripe; dark (of a color). MEN-: to become old, dark, or ripe. Also KE-, +

English Definition: ^1 old. 2 ripe. 3 dark (of a color). *MEN-: to become old, dark, or ripe. KE-: see KETUA. *KE--AN: 1 age. 2 to be too old. ###

L2 Definition: Cukup umur; tidak muda lagi. ###

Examples: Saya sengaja membiarkan buah-buahan ini MENUA di pohon. = I purposefull left these fruits to BECOME RIPE on the tree. Dia sudah KETUAAN untuk menjadi pemula. = He is already TOO OLD to be a beginner. ###

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Word: tualang

Short Definition: fly around constantly (as of bees); be without permanent residence. Also BER-.

English Definition: ^1 fly around constantly (as of bees, flies, etc.). 2 to be without a permanent residence. BER-: 1 swarm (of insects). 2 to wander about aimlessly. ###

L2 Definition: Pergi/mengembara/terbang ke mana-mana. ###

Examples: Dia suka BERTUALANG karena masih muda. = He likes to WANDER AIMLESSLY because he is still young. ###

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Word: tuan

Short Definition: respectful term of address or title for a man.

English Definition: *respectful term of address or title for a man. *--RUMAH: host or hostess. ###

L2 Definition: Sebutan untuk laki-laki yang dianggap berderajat tinggi/terhormat. ###

Examples: Diharapkan TUAN BESAR akan mengampuni kesalahanmu. = Hopefully the BOSS will forgive your mistake. ###

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Word: tuang

Short Definition: pour. MEN--KAN: pour s.t. TER-: poured (accidentally), poured forth. Also -AN.

English Definition: pour. *MEN--KAN: pour s.t. *TER-: poured (accidentally), poured forth. -AN: s.t. poured or to be poured. ###

L2 Definition: Mengucurkan sesuatu. ###

Examples: Tangan saya terlalu gemetar untuk bisa MENUANGKAN teh ini. = My hand is shaking too much to be able to POUR this tea. Semua aturan itu TERTUANG di kitab undang-undang. = All of these arrangements are POURED FORTH in the book of regulations. ###

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Word: tubi

Short Definition: BER[--2] : repeatedly; again and again

English Definition: BER[--2] : doing the same thing over and over again; repetition

L2 Definition: melakukan sesuatu secara berulang; terus-menerus; berkali-kali

Examples: Ali sangat marah dan memukul meja BERTUBI-TUBI = Ali was so mad that he hit the table REPEATEDLY. ##

Word: tubruk

Short Definition: lunge, collide with, slam against. BER--AN: to have a collision. Also MEN-, +

English Definition: ^lunge, collide with, slam against. BER--AN: to have a collision. MEN-: to lunge at or collide with s.t. TER-: slammed into. -AN: a collision. ###

L2 Definition: Lompatan hendak menerkam; langgar; tabrak; dll. ###

Examples: Ke dua mobil itu BERTUBRUKAN di jalan raya. = The two cars SLAMMED AGAINST EACH OTHER in the highway. Mobilnya MENUBRUK tiang listrik kemarin siang. = His car COLLIDED WITH electric post yesterday afternoon. Anjingku mati TERTUBRUK becak. = My dog died because it was SLAMMED INTO a pedicab. TUBRUKAN itu terjadi pengendaranya mabuk. = The COLLISION happened because the driver was drunk. ###

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Word: tubuh

Short Definition: tubuh. MEN--KAN: actualize, realize. SE-: copulation. Also BERSE-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^body. MEN--KAN: actualize, realize. *SE-: copulation. *BERSE-: to engage in sexual intercourse. *PERSE--AN: sexual intercourse. ###

L2 Definition: badan; awak; diri. ###

Examples: Anak kembar siam itu walaupun SETUBUH tetapi perangainya sangat berbeda. = Even though those Siamese twins are OF THE SAME BODY, their dispositions are very different. Adegan porno, apalagi adegan orang BERSETUBUH, tidak boleh ditayangkan TV di Indonesia. = Pornographic shows, not to mention shows of people ENGAGING IN SEXUAL INTERCOURSE, are not allowed to be carried on TV in Indonesia. PERSETUBUHAN sebelum menikah sangat dilarang oleh agama. = SEXUAL INTERCOURSE before marriage is forbidden by religion. ###

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Word: tuding

Short Definition: tuding1: sloping tuding2: (Jv) index finger###

English Definition: tuding1 sloping, at an angle MEN~KAN = make s.t. slant tuding2 (Jv) index finger * MEN~ = 1. point at s.t. 2. accuse MEN~I = point at s.t. repeatedly MEN~KAN = point with s.t. ~AN = 1. s.t. which is pointed at 2. accusation###

Examples: * Andi MENUDING lubang tikus di dapur = Andi POINTED AT a mouse hole in the kitchen###

Word: tuduh

Short Definition: accuse, accusation. MEN-: accuse s.o. -AN: accusation. Also PEN-, PEN--AN.

English Definition: accuse, accusation. MEN-: accuse s.o. -AN: accusation. PEN-: plaintiff. PEN--AN: accusation. ###

L2 Definition: Menunjuk dan mengatakan seseorang/sekelompok orang telah berbuat tidak baik/melanggar hukum. = ###

Examples: Tetanggaku MENUDUHku mencuri ayamnya. = My neighbor ACCUSES ME of stealing his chicken, Ini baru TUDUHAN pembunuhan tingkat kedua. = This is just an ACCUSATION of second degree murder. ###

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Word: tudung

Short Definition: veil, cover; sun hat

English Definition: veil, cover; sun hat *BER--: be covered; use a veil *BER--KAN: covered with *MEN--I: cover s.t. up carefully *TER--: covered

Examples: Sejak tahun lalu Aminah selalu memakai TUDUNG = Since last year Aminah wears a VEIL. Dengan BERTUDUNGKAN selembar koran, Ali berlari menembus hujan = COVERED only by a piece of paper, Ali ran through the rain. Pohon ini MENUDUNGI halaman rumah kami = This big tree COVERS our front yard.###

Word: tugas

Short Definition: duty, assignment, task. BER-: to have a duty or task. Also MEN--I, MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: ^duty, assignment, task. *BER-: to have a duty or task. *MEN--I: give an assignment or task. *MEN--KAN: give s.t. as an assignment or task. *PE-: en employee, functionary. ###

L2 Definition: kewajiban; pekerjaan. ###

Examples: Siapa yang BERTUGAS jaga malam kemarin? = Who was the one who HAD THE night guard DUTY yesterday? Kepala rombongan MENUGASI semua anggota untuk membawa bekal. = The head of the group ASSIGNED all of the members THE TASK OF bringing provisions. Tidak ada yang MENUGASKAN saya untuk menjemput anda. = There was no one who GAVE to me THE TASK OF meeting you. Orang yang berseragam abu-abu itu PETUGAS pajak. = Those people who are uniformed in grey are tax FUNCTIONARIES. ###

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Word: tugu

Short Definition: 1. post, column, pillar; 2. monument

English Definition: *-- PERINGATAN: memorial, monument

L2 Definition: tiang pancang

Examples: Batas kampung itu diberi TUGU sebagai tanda = There is a post as the sign of the border of the village. Di sini terdapat TUGU PERINGATAN pahlawan perang = Here is the MONUMENT (MEMORIAL) of the war heroes.###

Word: Tuhan

Short Definition: God. BER-: to have as God. KE--AN: divinity. _-_-AN: a false god.

English Definition: God. *BER-: to have as God. *KE--AN: divinity. *_-_-AN: a false god. ###

L2 Definition: Allah; makhluk yang Maha Kuasa dan Esa. ###

Examples: Orang atheis berarti orang yang tidak BERTUHAN. = An atheist means someone who does not HAVE A GOD. Sila KETUHANAN adalah sila nomor satu dari Pancasila. = The principle of DIVINITY is the number one principle from the Five Principles (of the Indonesian Republic). Sandiwara itu juga menampilkan adegan TUHAN-TUHANAN. = That play also put forth a scenario of FALSE GODS. ###

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Word: tuju

Short Definition: SE-, BERSE-: agree. MENY--I: agree to s.t. Also MEN-, MEN--KAN, -AN, +

English Definition: ^*SE-, BERSE-: agree. *MENY--I: agree to s.t. MEN-: go in a certain direction, aim for. MEN--KAN: 1 point with s.t. 2 cause s.t. to point in a certain direction. *-AN: aim, desire, objective, destination, purpose. *PERSE--AN: agreement, treaty, understanding. ###

L2 Definition: arah; jurusan; maksud. ###

Examples: Apapun yang dikatakan oleh gurunya anak itu akan SETUJU saja. = Whatever is said by the teacher, that child will just AGREE. Saya kurang MENYETUJUI gagasannya dalam mengajar. = I don't AGREE WITH his ideas in teaching. TUJUAN kami ke sini adalah untuk meminta dana. = Our PURPOSE in coming here is to request funds. PERSETUJUAN ini kami adakan dengan sukarela. = We made this AGREEMENT willingly. ###

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Word: tujuh

Short Definition: seven. BER-: do in a group of seven. Also KE-, KE-_-_-NYA.

English Definition: seven. *BER-: do in a group of seven. *KE-:1 seventh. 2 all seven. KE-_-_-NYA: all seven (of a group). ###

L2 Definition: Angka sesudah enam. ###

Examples: Barangkali kami BERTUJUH yang akan ke bioskop. = Maybe we AS A GROUP OF SEVEN will be going to the theater. Dia anak yang KETUJUH di keluarganya. = He is the SEVENTH child in his family. ###

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Word: tukang

Short Definition: skilled laborer, craftsman. KE--AN: craftsmanship. Also PER--AN.

English Definition: ^skilled laborer, craftsman. KE--AN: craftsmanship. *PER--AN: 1 craftsmanship. 2 guild, association of craftspersons. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang bekerja untuk orang lain dengan gaji, biasanya pekerjaan kasar. ###

Examples: Sekolah itu juga mengajarkan ketrampilan PERTUKANGAN. = That school also teaches CRAFTSMANSHIP skills. ###

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Word: tukar

Short Definition: exchange###

English Definition: *BER--: change **BER--2: 1. alternating 2. keep changing BER--(2)AN: mutually exchange. MEN--: 1. change 2. exchange, barter. MEN--KAN: give s.t ***MEMPER--KAN: 1. barter 2. vary TER--: get accidently exchanged PEN--: changer PEN--AN: 1. alteration, process of making a change 2. exchange PER--AN: 1. exchange 2. change

Examples: *Malam BERGANTI dengan siang = Night has changed into day **BER--2: Pikirannya selalu BERTUKAR-TUKAR=She always CHANGES her mind. ***Orang Kubu dan pedagang MEPERTUKARKAN hasil bumi dengan barang dagangan= The Kubu people and merchants BARTER natural products for commercial goods.

Word: tulang

Short Definition: bone; skeleton

English Definition: *BER- = bony

Examples: Kecelakaan itu membuatnya TULANG kakinya patah = The accident caused (THE BONE of) his leg broken.# Ikan ini sangat BERTULANG = The fish has lots of BONES.###

Word: tular

Short Definition: *MEN--: 1. infect, contaminate. 2.spread

English Definition: *MEN--: 1. infect, contaminate. 2.spread. *MEN--I: spread to s.o. or s.t., contaminate. *MEN--KAN: cause s.t. to spread. *KE--AN: infected, contaminated. *--AN: 1. contagion. *PEN--AN: spreading. *PEN--: infector, infecting agent.##

Examples: Akhir-akhir ini ada penyakit MENULAR di daerah kami = Recently there was a SPREADING disease in our region. Dia MENULARI sakit cacar itu kepada adiknya melalui air minum = He INFECTED the chicken pox to his brother by his drinking water. Nyamuk dapat MENULARKAN penyakit demam berdarah = Mosquito CAUSED the dengue fever to SPREAD. Sejak bertemu dengan Amir, saya jadi KETULARAN flu = After meeting with Amir, I got INFECTED with flu. PENULARAN penyakit demam berdarah harus dihentikan = The SPREADING of the dengue fever must be stopped.###

Word: tulis

Short Definition: write. MEN-: to write. MEN--KAN: write s.t. down. Also TER-, -AN, PEN-.

English Definition: ^write. *MEN-: to write. *MEN--KAN: write s.t. down. *TER-: written. *-AN: s.t. written, a writing. *PEN-: a writer. ###

L2 Definition: Coretan yang mengandung makna/arti. ###

Examples: Adikku sedang belajar MENULIS. = My younger brother is learning how to WRITE. Saya tidak percaya ini TULISANnya, pasti orang lain yang MENULISKANnya. = I don't believe that this is his WRITING, surely someone else WROTE it DOWN. Sudah TERTULIS di situ kita tidak bisa menawar. = It is already WRITTEN there that we cannot bargain. Dia memang salah seorang PENULIS yang terkenal. = He is in fact a famous WRITER. ###

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Word: tulus

Short Definition: honest, candid, sincere. KE--AN: honesty, sincerity.

English Definition: honest, candid, sincere. KE--AN: honesty, sincerity. ###

L2 Definition: Ikhlas; jujur; tidak pura-pura; keluar dari hati yang suci; dll. ###

Examples: KETULUSAN hatinya menolongku sungguh membuatku terharu. = His SINCERITY to help me really touched my heart. ###

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Word: tumbuh

Short Definition: grow, sprout up, arise from below. BER-: to grow. Also MEN--KAN, KE--AN, +

English Definition: ^grow, sprout up, arise from below. BER-: to grow. *MEN--KAN: to make s.t. grow. KE--AN: 1 growth. 2 skin eruption. 3 grown over. *-AN: a plant, plant growth. PER--AN: growth, development. ###

L2 Definition: muncul; berkembang; hidup dan membesar. ###

Examples: Nasehatmu MENUMBUHKAN semangatku. = Your advice CAUSED my spirits TO GROW. Tanaman ini termasuk jenis TUMBUHAN yang berbiji tunggal. = This plant is included in in the kinds of PLANTS that have only one seed. ###

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Word: tumbuk

Short Definition: pound. BER-: hit, coincide. Also BER--AN; MEN-, MEN--KAN, TER-, -AN.

English Definition: ^pound. BER-: hit, coincide. *BER--AN: collide with e.o., hit against e.o. *MEN-: pound, crush, hit, crash into. *MEN--KAN: hit or pound with s.t. TER-: 1 inadvertently made to collide with s.t. 2 hit, crushed. -AN: 1 a blow or pounding. 2 s.t. pounded or crushed. ###

L2 Definition: tabrak; bentur. ###

Examples: Kemarin kami BERTUMBUKAN di jalan. = Yesterday we COLLIDED on the road. Para istri petani sedang MENUMBUK padi di sawah. = The wives of the farmers are POUNDING rice in the paddy fields. Orang gila itu suka MENUMBUK-NUMBUKKAN kepalanya ke dinding. = That crazy person likes to POUND his head against the wall. ###

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Word: tumis

Short Definition: a culinary procedure similar to sauteing but a higher temperature; stir-fry

English Definition: a culinary procedure similar to sauteing but a higher temperature; stir-fry *MEN--: saute at high temperatures; stir-fry

Examples: Ibu memasak sayur dan MENUMIS daging di dapur = Ibu is cooking the vegetables and STIR-FRYing the meat in the kitchen.###

Word: tumit

Short Definition: heel

English Definition: heel - sepatu : shoe heel

Examples: Sepatu barunya membuat TUMIT Sinta sakit = Her new shoes hurt her HEEL##

Word: tumpah

Short Definition: spilled. MEN--I: spill on s.t. Also MEN--KAN, TER-, KE--AN, -AN.

English Definition: ^spilled. MEN--I: spill on s.t. MEN--KAN: 1. cause s.t. to spill. 2. spill s.t. out. TER-: 1. spilled. 2. be concentrated on. KE--AN: have s.t. spilled on. -AN: 1. s.t. spilled. 2. concentration (of effort).###

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Word: tumpang

Short Definition: join with others. BER-: overlap, be piled on top of o. another. Also (ME)N-, +

English Definition: ^join with others. BER-: overlap, be piled up on top of o. another. *(ME)N-: 1 catch a ride in, go by. 2 join in with, go along with. 3 stay with. ME--I: ride in. TER-: included. *-AN: 1 lodging. 2 fare, passenger. *PEN-: passenger. PEN--AN: lodging house. *--TINDIH: overlap. ###

L2 Definition: Ikut serta dalam satu kendaraan. ###

Examples: Sudah banyak orang yang akan MENUMPANG di mobilku. = There are already many people who are going to CATCH A RIDE IN my car. Ini memang mobil umum untuk TUMPANGAN. = This is in fact a public vehicle for passengers. Sepagi ini saya tidak mendapatkan seorang PENUMPANGpun. = This morning, I didn't get a single PASSENGER. ###

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Word: tumpas

Short Definition: destroyed, annihilated, exterminated

English Definition: destroyed, annihilated, exterminated *MEN--: destroy, eradicate, extinguish. *MEN--KAN: destroy s.t. on s.o's behalf; destroy, exterminate. *PEN--: destroyer. *PEN--AN: annihilation, extermination.###

Examples: Semua harapannya TUMPAS karena penyakit itu = All of his hope were DESTROYED because of the illness. Dia ditugaskan MENUMPAS gerombolan kriminal = He was in charge to ERADICATE the criminal gangs.

Word: tumplek

Short Definition: [Jav] spilled all over

English Definition: [Jav] spilled all over

Examples: Barang di lemari itu TUMPLEK keluar = all the stuff inside the cabinet SPILLED ALL OVER the floor.###

Word: tumpu

Short Definition: See BER-, MEN-, TER-, -AN

English Definition: *BER- : rest on *MEN- : support, sustain *TER- : concentrated on *-AN : support, pillar, focus, center

Examples: Kepalanya BERTUMPU pada meja di depannya = His head RESTS ON the table in front of him. Batu besar itu MENUMPU patung 'Hanuman' = The big stone SUPPORTS 'Hanuman' statue. Perhatiannya TERTUMPU pada gadis cantik yang berbaju merah itu = His focus is CONCENTRATED ON the beautiful girl who wears a red shirt. Arimbi adalah TUMPUAN kasih sayang orang tuanya = Arimbi is the CENTER of her parents' love.

Word: tumpuk

Short Definition: small heap. -AN: s.t. that has been piled up.

English Definition: small heap. -AN: s.t. that has been piled up. ###

L2 Definition: Timbun; susunan sekelompok barang yang saling tumpang tindih. ###

Examples: TUMPUKAN buku-buku ini perlu diseleksi satu-persatu. = This PILE of books needs to be selected one by one. ###

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Word: tumpul

Short Definition: dull, blunt

English Definition: 1. dull; 2. blunt; 3.obtuse *ME- : 1. become blunt; 2. become stupid

Examples: Pisau ini sangat TUMPUL = This knife is very DULL.## Jika engkau malas belajar, pikiranmu akan MENUMPUL = If you are lazy for studying, your thoughts become will become DULL.###

Word: tunai

Short Definition: cash (pay cash)

English Definition: cash *ME-KAN: fulfill; carry out *PE-AN: (cash) payment; settlement; fulfillment

L2 Definition: kontan

Examples: Televisi ini harus dibayar TUNAI = The television should be PAID IN CASH.# Dia MENUNAIKAN tugasnya dengan baik = He FULFILLED his job very well.

Word: tunang

Short Definition: BER-(-AN): engaged to be married. Also MEM(PER)--KAN, -AN, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^BER-(-AN): engaged to be married. MEM(PER)--KAN: to engage o.'s child to s.o. else. -AN: fiance. PER--AN: engagement. ###

L2 Definition: Sepakat akan menjadi suami-istri. ###

Examples: Kami akan BERTUNANGAN pada hari kamis. = We will be ENGAGED on Thursday. Orang tua kami sudah MEMPERTUNANGKAN kami sejak kami masih kecil. = Our parents have ENGAGED US TO EACH OTHER since we were small. Yang berbaju biru itulah TUNANGAN saya. = The one with blue shirt is my FIANCEE. PERTUNANGAN kami telah dibatalkan. = Our ENGAGEMENT has been canceled. ###

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Word: tunas

Short Definition: shoot, bud

English Definition: *BER--: sprout *MEN--I: prune *--HARAPAN: ray of hope, the new generation *MASA --: time of budding

L2 Definition: cabang pohon yang baru tumbuh

Examples: Di awal musim semi, pohon-pohon mulai BERTUNAS lagi = At the beginning of Spring, the trees start to SPROUT again.##

Word: tunasusila

Short Definition: immoral, indecent.

English Definition: immoral, indecent. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak punya susila/sopan santun/moralitas. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tunda

Short Definition: MEN-(-KAN): postpone. TER-: postponed. PEN--AN: postponement.

English Definition: *MEN-(-KAN): postpone. *TER-: postponed. *PEN--AN: postponement. ###

L2 Definition: Meninggalkan suatu pekerjaan untuk dilakukannya lagi lain kali. ###

Examples: Tidak baik selalu MENUNDA pekerjaan nanti menumpuk. = It isn't good to always POSTPONE work; it will pile up later. Pemberangkatan kapal ini akan TERTUNDA sehari. = The departure of this ship is going to be DELAYED one day. PENUNDAAN itu memang disengaja supaya semua orang bisa kebagian tempat. = The POSTPONEMENT was in fact intended so that all of the people could be assigned places. ###

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Word: tunduk

Short Definition: to bend down, bow, submit. MEN-: to bow. Also MEN--KAN.

English Definition: ^*1 be bent down. 2 be bent in submission, submit to a higher authority. *MEN- : to bow *MEN- -KAN: to cause s.o. or s.t. to bow or submit. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Herman TUNDUK malu. = Herman WAS BENT OVER in shame.^ Musuhnya telah TUNDUK. = The enemy SURRENDERED.^ Kepalanya MENUNDUK ke lantai. = His head was bowed to the floor. ... kerajaan musuhnya DITUNDUKKANNYA. = ...the kingdoms of his enemies were CONQUERED BY HIM. ###

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Word: tunggal

Short Definition: solitary, single one.

English Definition: solitary, single one. ###

L2 Definition: satu; eka; esa; sendiri. ###

Examples: Biasanya anak TUNGGAL akan menjadi manja sekali. = Usually a SINGLE child will become very spoiled. ###

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Word: tunggang

Short Definition: ride a horse or vehicle. -AN: s.t to ride.

English Definition: ride a horse or vehicle. -AN: s.t. to ride. ###

L2 Definition: Naik kendaraan/kuda. ###

Examples: Kuda TUNGGANGAN ini usianya masih sangat muda. = This RIDING horse is still very young. ###

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Word: tunggu

Short Definition: wait. MEN-: wait for, anticipate. MEN--I: watch over. PEN-: guard, sentry, etc.

English Definition: ^wait. *MEN-: wait for, anticipate. *MEN--I: watch over. *PEN-: guard, sentry, attendent. ###

L2 Definition: menanti. ###

Examples: Sudah lama saya MENUNGGUmu di sini. = I have WAITED for you here a long time already. Anak itu rajin MENUNGGUI padinya di sawah. = That child diligently WATCHES OVER his rice in the field. Katanya pohon besar itu ada PENUNGGUnya. = The word is that that large tree has an ATTENDENT. ###

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Word: tunggul

Short Definition: tree stump, stubble

English Definition: tree stump, stubble

L2 Definition: batang pohon

Examples: TUNGGUL pohon itu sangat kuat == the tree has a very strong STUMP.##

Word: tungkai

Short Definition: leg

English Definition: leg *MEN-- : kick

L2 Definition: kaki

Examples: Dia memukul TUNGKAI meja itu sehingga patah = He hit the LEGS of the table until they all broken.##

Word: tungku

Short Definition: fire hearth, fire place.

English Definition: fire hearth, fire place. ###

L2 Definition: Alat pemanas; tempat pembakaran; alat yang ada apinya, biasanya untuk memasak. ###

Examples: ###

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Word: tunjang

Short Definition: 1. support. 2. support the development of. -AN: support.

English Definition: 1. support. 2. support the development of. -AN: support. ###

L2 Definition: Bantuan untuk kelancaran suatu hal/usaha. ###

Examples: TUNJANGAN hari raya sangat diharapkan oleh para buruh. = The Holiday SUBSIDY/BONUS is very much hoped for by the workers. ###

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Word: tunjuk

Short Definition: index finger; to show s.t. Also MEN-, MEN--KAN, MEMPER--KAN, PEN-, +

English Definition: ^1 index finger. 2 to show s.t. MEN-: 1 point to, indicate, show. 2 designate. 3 raise o.'s hand. MEN--KAN: point s.t. out. *MEMPER--KAN: show, demonstrate, exhibit. PE-: directions, instructions. *PEN-: s.t. which indicates. *PER--AN: exhibition, performance. ###

L2 Definition: Memperlihatkan sesuatu (bisa dengan telunjuk). ###

Examples: Saya tidak tahu mengapa orang itu MENUNJUK saya. = I don't know why that person POINTED TO me. Bisakah anda MENUNJUKKAN kepada saya di mana kampung Melayu berada? = Can you POINT OUT to me where the Malay village is located? Nanti malam ada PERTUNJUKAN wayang di desaku. = Later tonight there is a shadow puppet PERFORMANCE in my village. Jangan kau rubah PENUNJUK jalan ini. = Don't change this ROAD SIGN. ###

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Word: tuntas

Short Definition: exhaustive, complete and thorough.

English Definition: exhaustive, complete and thorough. ###

L2 Definition: Selesai semua; habis; sempurna. ###

Examples: Semua pekerjaan yang dipegangnya selalu selesai dengan TUNTAS. = All the work that he takes up is always finished THOROUGHLY. ###

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Word: tuntut

Short Definition: MEN-: demand, prosecute. -AN: a demand or indictment. Also PEN-.

English Definition: ^*MEN-: demand, prosecute. *-AN: a demand or indictment. *PEN-: s.o. who makes a demand or presses a legal suit. ###

L2 Definition: Meminta dengan paksa/keras; menagih. ###

Examples: Dia yang mula-mula MENUNTUT haknya. = He is the one who first DEMANDED his rights. Dalam hal ganti rugi TUNTUTANnya kurang wajar. = In matters of compensation, his DEMAND is unreasonable. Dia yang akan menjadi PENUNTUT UMUM nanti. = He will be the one to act as the PUBLIC PROSECUTER. ###

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Word: turis

Short Definition: tourist.

English Definition: *tourist. ###

L2 Definition: Orang asing yang sedang berlibur di suatu tempat. ###

Examples: Banyak juga TURIS Amerika yang datang ke Indonesia. = There are many American TOURISTS who come to Indonesia. ###

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Word: turisme

Short Definition: tourism.

English Definition: tourism. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: turun

Short Definition: descend, decrease, decline. MEN-: to go down or decrease. Also MEN--KAN, +

English Definition: ^descend, decrease, decline. *MEN-: to go down or decrease. *MEN--KAN: to lower or reduce s.t. *KE--AN: 1 decline, descent. 2 offspring, descendents. -AN: generation, descendent. PEN--AN: descent, reduction. ###

L2 Definition: Arah menuju kebawah. ###

Examples: Harga-harga makanan pokok bulan ini sedang MENURUN. = The price of basic food items this month is GOING DOWN. Saya sedang MENURUNKAN berat badan saya. = I am in the process of REDUCING my weight. Orang-orang di keluarganya adalah KETURUNAN orang berilmu tinggi. = The members of her family are DESCENDENTS of highly educated people.

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Word: turut

Short Definition: join in with, go along with. BER-_-_: in succession. Also MEN-, AN.

English Definition: ^join in with, go along with. *BER-_-_: in succession, one after the other. *MEN-: follow, according to, comply with. *-AN: example. ###

L2 Definition: ikut; serta. ###

Examples: Dia menang pertandingan tenis secara BERTURUT-TURUT. = He won the tennis match in a SEQUENTIAL manner. MENURUT pak dokter penyakitnya tidak terlalu berbahaya. = According to the doctor, her illness isn't very dangerous. Buku pedomannya menjadi TURUTAN orang banyak. = His guidebook has become a REFERENCE for many people. ###

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Word: tusuk

Short Definition: 1. a pin. 2. stick. MEN-: 1. stab s.o. 2. prick. 3. penetrate. Also MEN--I+

English Definition: ^1. a pin. 2. stick. MEN-: 1. stab s.o. 2. prick. 3. penetrate. MEN--I: 1. perforate s.t. in many places. 2. penetrate. MEN--KAN: stab s.o.###

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Word: tutup

Short Definition: closed, covered; lid, cover. BER-: to have a cover. Also MEN-, MEN--I, +

English Definition: ^1 closed, covered. 2 lid, cover. BER-: to have a cover. *MEN-: to close, cover, or hide. *MEN--I: cover up, cover repeatedly. MEN--KAN: cover with s.t. TER-: covered, shut. *PEN-: a cover or lid. ###

L2 Definition: selubung. ###

Examples: Toples itu memang tidak BERTUTUP. = That cookie jar is really WITHout A TOP. Siapa yang MENUTUP pintunya? = Who CLOSED the door? Kita akan MENUTUPI jenazah itu dengan kain batik. = We are going to COVER UP that body with batik cloth. Kain PENUTUP rambutnya selalu tersibak angin. = Her cloth hair COVERING is always blown open by the wind. ###

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Word: tutur

Short Definition: speech, talk, pronounce. BER-: talk or speak. Also MEN--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: speech, talk, pronounce. BER-: talk or speak. MEN--KAN: relate, tell (a story). -AN: 1 story, narrative. 2 pronouncement. ###

L2 Definition: ucapan; kata-kata; perkataan. ###

Examples: Nenekku suka BERTUTUR tentang hikayat-hikayat jaman dulu. = My grandma likes to TALK about old strories. Pak Runtu MENUTURKAN cerita-cerita yang menakutkan. = Mr. Runtu TALKED about scary stories. Segala TUTURANnya mengandung banyak kebenaran. = All of his WORDS include many truths. ###

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Word: TV

Short Definition: television.

English Definition: television. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: TVRI

Short Definition: "Televisi Republik Indonesia," the Indonesian state television service.

English Definition: acronym for "Televisi Republik Indonesia," the Indonesian state television service. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: uang

Short Definition: money. KE--AN: FINANCES. PER--AN: monetary matters.

English Definition: money. *KE--AN: finances. *PER--AN: monetary matters. ###

L2 Definition: Alat penukar yang terbuat dari kertas atau logam. ###

Examples: Saat ini KEUANGANku sedang mepet. = At this time, my FINANCES are tight. Masalah PERUANGAN memang dia yang selalu memegang. = MONEY MATTERS, she really is the one who always handles them. ###

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Word: uap

Short Definition: steam, vapor, fume. BER-: to steam; be carbonated. Also MENG-, MENG--I, +

English Definition: ^steam, vapor, fume. BER-: 1 to steam. 2 to be carbonated (of soft drinks). MENG-: to vaporize. MENG--I: to steam or vaporize s.t. PENG--AN: evaporation. ###

L2 Definition: Gas yang timbul bila suatu zat cair dididihkan. ###

Examples: Kecilkan api kalau masakan itu sudah BERUAP. = reduce the fire when the food has STEAMED. Air yang kau didihkan telah MENGUAP. = The water that you boiled has VAPORIZED. Proses PENGUAPAN ini menggunakan arang. = The EVAPOTRATION process utilizes charcoal.

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Word: ubah

Short Definition: difference. BER-: to change or become different. Also BER-_-_, MENG-, PER--AN.

English Definition: ^difference. *BER-: to change or become different. *BER-_-_: capricious, always changing, to change continuously. *MENG-: 1 become different. 2 to change or alter s.t. *PER--AN: change, alteration. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak sama dengan sebelumnya; ganti. ###

Examples: Belum setahun dia merantau wajahnya sudah BERUBAH. = It's not even a year since he went abroad and his looks have already CHANGED. Bunga ini bisa BERUBAH-UBAH warnanya. = This flower can CHANGE its color CONTINUOUSLY. Arsitek itu yang MENGUBAH gambar rancangan rumahku. = That architect is the one who CHANGED the plans for my house. Tumbuhnya pohon itu tergantung pada PERUBAHAN cuaca. = The growth of that tree depends upon the CHANGES in the weather. ###

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Word: uban

Short Definition: grey hair. BER-: to have grey hairs.

English Definition: grey hair. BER-: to have grey hairs. ###

L2 Definition: Rambut yang berwarna putih, biasanya terdapat pada orang-orang yang telah lanjut usia. ###

Examples: Mengapa anak muda itu sudah BERUBAN? = Why the young kid has had GREY HAIR? ###

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Word: uber

Short Definition: chase###

English Definition: ^chase *MENG-(-): to pursue, to chase###

Examples: *Polisi MENGUBER-UBER pencuri itu = A policeman CHASED that thief.###

Word: ubi

Short Definition: casava###

English Definition: casava ubi jalar = sweet potatoe###

L2 Definition:

Examples: UBI diolah sebagai makanan ternak = CASAVA is processed as farm animals' food.###

Word: ubin

Short Definition: floortile; tile

English Definition: floortile; tile

Examples: Gempa bumi kemarin telah merusak UBIN rumah kami = The earthquake has damage the TILE of our house.###

Word: ucap

Short Definition: saying, word. BER-: say. Also MENG-, WENG--I, MENG-(-KAN), -AN.

English Definition: ^saying, word. BER-: say, utter. MENG-: worshiping God by pronoucing His names and attributes. MENG--I: say s.t. to s.o. MENG-(-KAN): express. -AN: expression, greeting, statement, pronunciation.###

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Word: udak

Short Definition: MENG-: chase after, pursue.

English Definition: MENG-: chase after, pursue. ###

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Word: udak-udak

Short Definition: MENG-: stir.

English Definition: MENG-: stir. ###

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Word: udal-ugal

Short Definition: KE--AN: 1. naughtiness, mischief. 2. reckless ness, inconsiderateness. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^KE--AN: 1. haughtiness, mischief. 2. recklessness, inconsiderateness. -AN: mischievous, reckless. ###

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Word: udang

Short Definition: shrimp, prawn.

English Definition: shrimp, prawn - windu= large shrimp. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: UDANG WINDU sangat mahal saat ini = LARGE SHRIMP is very expensive now. ###

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Word: udara

Short Definition: air, weather. BER-: have a certain k.o. weather. Also PENG--AN.

English Definition: air, weather. *BER-: have a certain k.o. weather. *PENG--AN: airing (on the radio, television, etc.). ###

L2 Definition: Campuran gas di atmosfir. ###

Examples: Indonesia termasuk daerah BERUDARA lembab. = Indonesia is included among those areas WITH humid air. PENGUDARAAN siaran radio ini untuk seluruh negeri. = The AIRING of this radio broadcast is for the entire nation. ###

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Word: udek

Short Definition: MENG-: to stir, to toss (about)###

English Definition: MENG-: to stir, to toss (about)###

Examples: Saya MENGUDEK teh dengan gula di gelas = I STIRRED tea and sugar in a cup.###

Word: udeng

Short Definition: (Jv, Jkt) headcloth (for men).

English Definition: (Jv, Jkt) headcloth (for men). ###

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Word: udik

Short Definition: upper reaches of a river; interior regions. MENG-: to head upriver.

English Definition: 1 upper reaches of a river. 2 interior regions. *MENG-: to head upriver. ###

L2 Definition: Bagian ujung; desa. ###

Examples: Kita MENGUDIK mengikuti sungai ini dari kota ke gunung. = We are GOING UPRIVER following this stream from the city to the mountain. ###

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Word: UDT

Short Definition: Timorese Democratic Union.

English Definition: (Unio Democratica Timorense) Timorese Democratic Union. ###

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Word: udut

Short Definition: MENG-: to smoke (tobacco, opium)###

English Definition: ^MENG-: to smoke (tobacco, opium) PENG-: smoker -AN: pipe###

Examples: Endang menggunakan UDUTAN jika dia merokok = Endang uses a PIPE if he smokes.###

Word: ugut

Short Definition: intimidation, threat. MENG-: intimidate, threaten.

English Definition: intimidation, threat. MENG-: intimidate, threaten. ###

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Word: ujan

Short Definition: see HUJAN.

English Definition: see HUJAN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ujar

Short Definition: statement, utterance. BER-: to speak. Also MEN--KAN, -AN.

English Definition: statement, utterance. *BER-: to speak. *MENG--KAN: to say s.t., talk about s.t. *-AN: something said or pronounced, a saying. ###

L2 Definition: pelajaran; perkataan. ###

Examples: Nenek itu selalu BERUJAR mengenai riwayat hidupnya. = That grandmother is always SPEAKING about the story of her life. Ahli hukum itu MENGUJARKAN masalah hukum pada para petani. = That legal expert TALKED ABOUT legal matters to the farmers. ### UJARAN yang benar memang patut ditiru. = A truthful SAYING is fittingly followed.

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Word: uji

Short Definition: test, experiment, try out. MENG-: examine, test. TER-: tested. -AN: examination.

English Definition: ^test, experiment, try out. *MENG-: examine, test. *TER-: tested. *-AN: examination. ###

L2 Definition: rintang; halang; memberi soal. ###

Examples: Masalah itu sebenarnya untuk MENGUJI kejujurannya. = That matter is in fact to TEST his honesty. Barang ini sudah TERUJI keampuhannya. = The potency of this thing has already been TESTED. Saya akan menghadapi UJIAN akhir bulan depan. = I am going to take an EXAM next month. ###

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Word: ujung

Short Definition: tip, point, end. BER-: pointed. MENG-: come to a point.

English Definition: ^tip, point, end. *BER-: pointed. *MENG-: come to a point. ###

L2 Definition: Paling pojok. ###

Examples: Tombak ini BERUJUNG besi. = This spear HAS AN iron POINT. Selokan ini MENGUJUNG di jalan itu. = This sewer ENDS at that road. ###

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Word: Ujungpandang

Short Definition: capital city of the Province of Southern Sulawesi in Indonesia.

English Definition: capital city of the Province of Southern Sulawesi in Indonesia. ###

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Word: ukir

Short Definition: BER-: carved, engraved. MENG-: to carve or engrave. Also TER-, -AN, +

English Definition: ^BER-: carved, engraved. MENG-: to carve or engrave. TER-: carved. -AN: carved object. PENG-: carver or engraver. ###

L2 Definition: Hiasan berupa pahatan yang berbentuk suatu gambar atau bentuk-bentuk abstrak. ###

Examples: Gading BERUKIR ini sangat mahal harganya. = This ENGRAVED tusk is very expensive. Ia MENGUKIR namanya di batu itu. = He CARVED his name on the rock. Wajahmu TERUKIR dalam ingatanku. = Your face is CARVED in my memory. Patung ini merupakan hasil UKIRAN yang sangat halus. = This statue is a very smooth CARVED OBJECT. Banyak orang Bali yang menjadi PENGUKIR. = Many Balinese who become ENGRAVER. ###

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Word: ukur

Short Definition: measure, measuring tape. Also SE-, MENG-, -AN, PENG-.

English Definition: measure, measuring tape. *SE-: of the same measurement or level, in agreement. BER--AN: have a measurement of. *MENG-: to measure. *-AN: measurement, size, dimension. *PENG-: device for measuring, a person who measures. ###

L2 Definition: Mengetahui panjang/berat sesuatu dengan suatru alat. ###

Examples: Dalam hal aljabar kami SEUKUR. = In the matter of algebra, we are at the SAME LEVEL. Apakah kamu tahu bagaimana MENGUKUR keimanan seseorang? = Do you know how to MEASURE the faith of a person? UKURAN bajunya sudah pas. = The MEASUREMENT of his shirt is already exact. Alat PENGUKUR ini terbuat dari emas. = This MEASURING instrument is made from gold. ###

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Word: ulah

Short Definition: way of acting###

English Definition: ^ way of acting, attitude MENG-: to work (on, at)###

Examples: ULAH si Amir sangat menjengkelkan = Amir's ATTITUDE is very annoyed ###

Word: ulama

Short Definition: 1. (Isl.) 1. scholar of Islam . 2. Muslim religious teacher or leader.

English Definition: 1. (Isl.) 1. scholar of Islam. 2. Muslim religious teacher or leader. ###

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Word: ulang

Short Definition: repeat. BER-: to happen again, recur, to repeat. Also MENG-, MENG-I, TER-, -AN.

English Definition: repeat. *BER-: to happen again, recur, to repeat. *MENG-: do s.t. over. *MENG--I: do s.t. over and over. *TER-: repeated. *-AN: a rerun, revision. ###

L2 Definition: Melakukan sesuatu kembali. ###

Examples: Saya bosan dengan menu hari ini karena selalu BERULANG lagi. = I am bored with the menu today, because it always REPEATS. Karena tidak naik kelas tahun lalu dia harus MENGULANG tahun ini. = Because he didn't move up to the next class last year, he must DO it OVER this year. Bodoh benar dia MENGULANGI perbuatan buruknya itu. = It's really stupid that he DID that bad thing OVER AND OVER. Semoga hal itu tidak TERULANG lagi. = Hopefully that matter will not be REPEATED again. ULANGANku minggu lalu dapat A. = My EXAM last week got an A. ###

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Word: ular

Short Definition: snake.

English Definition: snake. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: ulas

Short Definition: 1. envelope, wrapping, cover 2. analyze###

English Definition: ^ 1.envelope, wrapping, cover 2. analyze BER-: envelopped, wrapped *MENG-: 1. to envelope, to cover (chairs), to line (nest), to paint ( walls) 2. to lengthen, to continue, to assist, to analyze -AN: 1. cover, envelope 2. continuation 3. analysis, review, case###

Examples: *Seda MENGULAS buku karangan Pramudya dengan cermat = Seda ANALYZED Pramudya's book carefully.###

Word: ulat

Short Definition: 1. caterpillar; 2. maggot, larva

English Definition: 1. caterpillar; 2. maggot *BER--: worm-eaten

Examples: ULAT yang di pohon mangga sudah berubah menjadi kupu-kupu = The CATERPILLAR on the Manggo tree has transformed into a butterfly. Jangan makan buah yang sudah BERULAT itu = Do not eat the fruit that has WORMS in it.###

Word: uleg

Short Definition: see ULEK

English Definition: see ULEK

Word: ulek

Short Definition: *MENG--: pulverize, grind

English Definition: *MENG--: pulverize, grind *--2: pestle *--AN: pestle; s.t. crushed with a pestle *SAMBAL--: grind chillie sauce

Examples: Mataku perih dan berair karena MENGULEK cabe dan bawang merah = My eyes got watery and hurt when GRINDING (using pestle) the chillie and onion.##

Word: ulet

Short Definition: able and willing to take up challenges.

English Definition: able and willing to take up challenges. ###

L2 Definition: Liat dan kuat; tidak mudah menyerah. ###

Examples: Karena KEULETANnya bekerja, usahanya menjadi maju. = Because of his ABILITY AND WILLINGNESS TO TAKE UP CHALLENGES in working, his business becomes successful. ###

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Word: ulin

Short Definition: kind of hard wood.

English Definition: kind of hard wood. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sejenis pohon yang kayunya sangat kuat. ###

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Word: umat

Short Definition: community.

English Definition: community. ###

L2 Definition: Seluruh manusia; penganut suatu agama. ###

Examples: Kerukunan UMAT beragama sangat penting bagi kehidupan bermasyarakat. = A harmony among religious COMMUNITIES is very important for the social life. ###

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Word: umbi

Short Definition: see UBI

English Definition: see UBI

Word: ummat

Short Definition: see UMAT

Word: umpama

Short Definition: 1. example. 2. like, as. SE-: like, equal, supposing. (SE-)-NYA: for example.+

English Definition: ^1. example. 2. like, as. SE-: 1. like, equal. 2. supposing. (SE-)-NYA: for example. BER-: talk hypothetically. MENG--KAN: 1. compare. 2. take as an example. 3. assume, suppose. PER--AN: parable.###

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Word: umum

Short Definition: general, common. SE--NYA: generally. Also MENG--KAN, KE--AN, PENG--AN.

English Definition: ^general, common. *SE-NYA: generally, ordinary. *MENG--KAN: announce, proclaim. KE--AN: generality. *PENG--AN: announcement, notification. ###

L2 Definition: biasa. ###

Examples: Jangan memakai baju yang menyolok pakailah yang SEUMUMNYA saja. = Don't wear a shirt that is too bright; wear just an ORDINARY one. Dia yang akan MENGUMUMKAN siapa calon presiden nanti. = He will ANNOUNCE later who is the presidential candidate. Apakah kamu sudah membaca PENGUMUMAN yang baru? = Have you read the new ANNOUNCEMENT? ###

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Word: umur

Short Definition: age. BER-: have the age of.

English Definition: age. BER-: have the age of. ###

L2 Definition: usia. ###

Examples: Ketika ayahku meninggal, UMURku masih sepuluh tahun. = When my father passed away, my AGE was (still only) ten years. Putraku sekarang BERUMUR delapan tahun. = My son HAS AN AGE of eight now. ###

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Word: undang

Short Definition: see UNDANG1=(invite . . .) or UNDANG2=(law, regulation . . .).

English Definition: see UNDANG1=(invite . . .) UNDANG2=(law, regulation . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: undang-undang

Short Definition: see UNDANG

Word: undang1

Short Definition: MENG-: invite. -AN: invitation.

English Definition: *MENG-: invite. *-AN: invitation. ###

L2 Definition: Memanggil seseorang/badan untuk menghadiri sesuatu. ###

Examples: Saya tidak MENGUNDANG orang itu datang ke pestaku. = I did not INVITE that person to come to my party. Apakah UNDANGAN untuk pesta ulang tahunku sudah sampai kepada alamatmu? = Has the INVITATION to my birthday party arrived at your address? ###

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Word: undang2

Short Definition: UNDANG-UNDANG: law, regulation. MENG--KAN: legislate, make into law.

English Definition: *UNDANG-UNDANG: law, regulation. *MENG--KAN: legislate, make into law. ###

L2 Definition: Hukum yang ditetapkan oleh suatu badan/organisasi. ###

Examples: UNDANG-UNDANG ini telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah. = These LAWS have been determined by the goverment. Pemerintah baru saja MENGUNDANGKAN larangan merokok. = The government just LEGISLATED a prohibition against smoking. ###

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Word: undur

Short Definition: 1. go back, withdraw. 2. be out of circulation or publicity. MENG--KAN: +

English Definition: 1. go back, withdraw. 2. be out of circulation or publicity. MENG--KAN: 1. cause s.t. to go back. 2. postpone. PENG--AN: retreat, withdrawal, postponement. ###

Examples: Setelah kecelakaan, ayahnya MENGUNDURKAN diri dari pekerjaannya = After the accident, his father RETREATED from his job. PENGUNDURAN jadwal pertunjukan menyebabkan dia menjadi kecewa = The POSTPONEMENT of the show really made him dissappointed. ##

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Word: unggul

Short Definition: superior, excellent. KE--AN: excellence, superiority. Also -AN.

English Definition: ^superior, excellent. KE--AN: excellence, superiority. -AN: a superior thing or person. ###

L2 Definition: Lebih dalam sesuatu hal dibandingkan dengan yang lain; bermutu baik. ###

Examples: KEUNGGULAN mobil ini terletak pada kecanggihan mesinnya. = The SUPERIORITY of this car is on the sophistication of its machine. Dia menjadi UNGGULAN pertama dalam kejuaraan renang itu. = He becomes the first SEED in the swimming championship. ###

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Word: ungkap

Short Definition: MENG-: 1. express. 2. reveal, uncover. Also MENG--I, MENG--KAN, TER-, -AN, +

English Definition: MENG-: 1. express (with words, face, or jestures). 2. reveal, uncover. MENG--I: dig up. MENG--KAN: give expression to. 2. utter, pronounce. 3. uncover, reveal. TER-: expressed, pronounced. -AN: expression, idiom. PENG--AN: act of expressing. ###

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Word: ungsi

Short Definition: *MENG--: flee; MENG--KAN: evacuate s.o.; PENG--: refugee

English Definition: *MENG--: flee; MENG--KAN: evacuate s.o.; PENG--: refugee *PENG--AN: asylum, refuge, evacuation

Examples: Setelah badai Tsunami, kami semua MENGUNGSI ke daerah pegunungan = After the Tsunami, we all FLED to the mountains. Di daerah ini ada banyak PENGUNGSI perang Vietnam = There are many REFUGEES from the Vietnam war in this area. Bantuan ini khusus diberikan untuk penduduk di daerah PENGUNGSIAN = This aid is specially given to people in the ASYLUM.###

Word: ungu

Short Definition: purple. KE-_-_-AN: purplish.

English Definition: purple. *KE-_-_-AN: purplish. ###

L2 Definition: Warna campuran antara hijau dan biru. ###

Examples: Warna tas itu hijau KEUNGU-UNGUAN. = The color of that bag is PURPLISH green. ###

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Word: unik

Short Definition: unique. KE--AN: 1. uniqueness. 2. unique thing.

English Definition: unique. KE--AN: 1. uniqueness. 2. unique thing. ###

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Word: universitas

Short Definition: university.

English Definition: university. ###

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Word: unjuk

Short Definition: show s.t. MENG-: 1. extend the hand. 2. point out. MENG--KAN: 1. raise hand. +

English Definition: show s.t. MENG-: 1. extend the hand. 2. point out. MENG--KAN: 1. raise hand. 2. present, hand over. 3. indicate. *PENG-: o. who presents or points out. PENG--AN: 1. offer, presentation. 2. indication. ###

Examples: PENGUNJUK rasa gagal ke Jl. Cendana. = The DEMONSTRATORS failed to get to Cendana Street.

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Word: unsur

Short Definition: element, substance. MEN--I: be an element of.

English Definition: element, substance. MEN--I: be an element of. ###

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Word: untai

Short Definition: counter for s.t. which hangs down or dangles.

English Definition: counter for s.t. which hangs down or dangles. ###

L2 Definition: renteng; rangkai; gantung. ###

Examples: UNTAIAN bunga melati ini dipakai untuk menyambut tamu-tamu negara. = This GARLAND of jasmine flowers is used to welcome the state guests. ###

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Word: untit

Short Definition: follow from behind secretly, spy###

English Definition: MENG~ = follow from behind secretly or suspiciously, spy###

Examples: Laki-laki itu MENGUNTIT Pak Kardi ke mana saja dia pergi sejak tadi pagi = That man WAS FOLLOWING Pak Kardi SECRETLY whenever he went since in the morning.###

Word: untuk

Short Definition: for, on behalf of; to, in order that.

English Definition: ^*1 for, on behalf of. 2 to, in order that. ###

L2 Definition: Hal yang menunjukkan tujuan/maksud; bagi. ###

Examples: Sekuntum bunga ini khusus kuberikan UNTUKmu. = This flower is specifically something given by me FOR you. ###

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Word: untung

Short Definition: luck, fortune; gain, profit. BER-: lucky, successful. Also KEBER--AN, +

English Definition: ^1 luck, fortune. 2 gain, profit. *BER-: lucky, successful, fortunate. *KEBER--AN: luck. *MENG--KAN: be beneficial or profitable. *KE--AN: profit, luck. ###

L2 Definition: mujur; tidak rugi; laba. ###

Examples: BERUNTUNG bukan orang lain yang mengambilnya. = Fortunately, it wasn't someone else who took it. KEBERUNTUNGAN itu dia dapat dengan usaha yang keras. = He obtained that LUCK with hard effort. Perjanjian ini MENGUNTUNGKAN pihak kita. = This agreement IS BENEFICIAL to our side. Berjualan buah-buahan ini KEUNTUNGANnya tidak seberapa berjualan daging. = The selling of these fruits, its PROFIT is not equal to the selling of meat. ###

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Word: upacara

Short Definition: ceremony, ritual. MENG--I, MENG--KAN: hold a ceremony for.

English Definition: ^ceremony, ritual. MENG--I, MENG--KAN: hold a ceremony for.###

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Word: upah

Short Definition: 1. pay, wages. 2. fees, commission. BER-: be paid a fee. Also MENG-(-I), +

English Definition: ^1. pay, wages. 2. fees, commission. BER-: be paid a fee. MENG-(-I): pay s.o. wages. MENG--KAN: have s.t. done upon payment. -AN: 1. wages. 2. hired worker.###

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Word: upaya

Short Definition: 1. efforts (to attain a certain aim) 2. means###

English Definition: BER--: make serious efforts (to do s.t.) *MENG--KAN: strive for, seek###

Examples: *Ia MENGUPAYAKAN tercapainya keamanan = He STROVE for the attainment of peace.###

Word: upil

Short Definition: dried snot; scrab on wound

English Definition: *(ME)NG-- : pick o's nose

L2 Definition: kotoran hidung

Examples: Jangan (ME)NGUPIL di depan orang, itu tidak sopan = Do not PICK ON YOUR NOSE in front of people, that is rude.##

Word: urai

Short Definition: untied, unfastened. MENG--KAN: 1. unravel, undo. 2. solve a problem.

English Definition: untied, unfastened. MENG--KAN: 1. unravel, undo. 2. solve a problem. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak terikat; lepas; memecahkan persoalan. ###

Examples: Saya tidak tahu cara MENGURAIKAN soal matematika ini. = I don't know how to SOLVE this mathematical problem. ###

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Word: urat

Short Definition: tendon, nerve, vein. BER-: muscular, sinewy. Also MENG-.

English Definition: tendon, nerve, vein. *BER-: muscular, sinewy. *MENG-: be rooted, become tough. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Saya kurang suka bakso ini karena dagingnya BERURAT. = I don't really like this meatball soup because the meat is SINEWY. Tradisi itu sudah MENGURAT mengakar pada penduduk desa ini. = That tradition has already BECOME ROOTED among the inhabitants of this village. ###

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Word: urung

Short Definition: failed, unsuccessful, canceled

English Definition: *MENG--KAN: cause to fail, abandon

L2 Definition: tidak berhasil, gagal

Examples: Dia URUNG memenangkan pemilihan kepala desa = He FAILED to win the election as village head. Setelah berpikir lagi, dia MENGURUNGKAN rencananya untuk berangkat = After giving it a thought, he ABANDONED the plan to go. ###

Word: urus

Short Definition: MENG-: take care of, arrange s.t. controlled by other people. Also -AN, +

English Definition: ^*MENG-: take care of, arrange s.t. controlled by other people. *-AN: affair, matter, arrangement. *PENG-: s.o. who arranges, manager, director. *PENG--AN: management, arrangement. *DI- : taken care of. ###

L2 Definition: rawat; pelihara; piara. ###

Examples: Lama juga MENGURUS ijin usaha ini. = It takes rather long to ARRANGE this business permit. Di rumah ini semua URUSAN dapur dipegang oleh wanita. = In this house, all of the kitchen AFFAIRS are handled by women. Siapa PENGURUS yang berwenang memberi ijin? = Which OFFICIAL is authorized to give permission? PENGURUSAN surat pemilikan tanah telah disederhanakan sejak tahun ini. = PROCEDURES letter of property ownership have been simplified since this year. Jangan khawatir, masalah itu sudah DIURUS oleh ayahmu = No need to worry, that problem HAS BEEN TAKEN CARE OF by your dad. ###

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Word: urut

Short Definition: massage, rub, stroke; also BER-AN, -AN

English Definition: *MENG- : massage, rub, stroke *BER-AN : in a series, chronological *-AN : (in) order, (in) sequence

Examples: Ia MENGURUT kepala anaknya dengan lembut = she STROKES her child's head softly. Ia menyusun buku-bukunya secara BERURUTAN = he arranges his books IN ORDER. Namanya berada pada URUTAN terakhir di dalam daftar nama murid = his name is on the last ORDER in the student's name list.

Word: usah

Short Definition: TIDAK ~: it isn't necessary, don't bother.

English Definition: *TIDAK ~: it isn't necessary, don't bother. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: TIDAK USAH repot-repot kalau saya datang nanti. = DON'T BOTHER going to any trouble if I come later. ###

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Word: usaha

Short Definition: effort, endeavor, labor, work. Also BER-, MENG--KAN, PENG-, PER--AN.

English Definition: *effort, endeavor, labor, work. *BER-: to expend effort, to endeavor, to try (to do s.t.). *MENG--KAN: to endeavor to do s.t., to expend or exert s.t. *PENG-: entrepeneur, industrialist. PER--AN: 1 business, company, corporation. 2 an enterprise or undertaking. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu kegiatan yang menggunakan tenaga/pikiran untuk suatu maksud. ###

Examples: Walaupun akhirnya gagal juga tetapi dia tidak kurang BERUSAHA. = Even though in the end it was a failure, he wasn't short on EXPENDING EFFORT. Pak Amir sedang MENGUSAHAKAN agar dirinya terpilih sebagai walikota. = Mr. Amir is ENDEAVORING so that he will be chosen as the mayor. Boleh dibilang orang itu PENGUSAHA yang ulet. = It can be said that that person is an ENTREPRENEUR who is persevering. Karena tidak diurus, USAHAnya hampir bangkrut. = Because it wasn't organized, his ENDEAVOR is nearly bankrupt. ###

Hear This Word

Word: usai

Short Definition: finished, ready###

English Definition: *1. finished, ready 2. dispersed **SE~= after###

Examples: *Pertemuan pengurus senat mahasiswa USAI pada tengah hari = The student senat members' meeting FINISHED in the afternoon.### **Saya harus menemui Ibu Henry SEUSAI sekolah = I have to meet Madame Henry after school.##

Word: usang

Short Definition: worn out

English Definition: worn out, decrepit MENG- dry up, wither KE- -AN decrepitude ###

Word: usap

Short Definition: MENG--: wipe s.t. off; caress, stroke

English Definition: MENG--: wipe s.t. off; caress, stroke *MENG--KAN: wipe with s.t. *--AN: stroke, caress, rub

Examples: Ibu MENGUSAP wajah Andi dengan lembut = Ibu CARESS Andi's face softly. Saputangan ini dipakai untuk MENGUSAPKAN keringat di tanganmu = Use this handkerchief to WIPE the sweat on your arms. Saya masih selalu membayangkan USAPAN tangan nenek yang halus = I still remember grandma's soft CARESS.###


Short Definition: the five guiding principles of Sukarno's government after 1960. +

English Definition: (Undang-undang dasar 1945; Sosialisme a la Indonesia; Demokrasi terpimpin; Ekonomi terpimpin; Kepribadian Indonesia) the five guiding principles of Sukarno's government after 1960: the 1945 Constitution; Socialism a la Indonesia; Guided Democracy; Guided Economy; National Identity. ###

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Word: usia

Short Definition: age. BER-: attain the age of. SE-: of the age of.

English Definition: age. BER-: attain the age of. SE-: of the age of.###

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Word: usil

Short Definition: annoying, bothering others by doing s.t. not desired

English Definition: annoying, bothering others by doing s.t. not desired *MULUT--: big mouth *KE--AN: annoyance, naughtiness *--AN: annoyance, bothering

Examples: Kamu ini selalu USIL dan mengganggu orang lain = You are so ANNOYING and bother other people. ###

Word: usir

Short Definition: chase###

English Definition: BER--2AN: chase e.o. -- MENG -- : chase e.o. * MENG-- : chase away, drive out, expel, throw TER--: evicted, driven out --AN: fugitive PENG--: s.o. or s.t. that chases away PENG--AN: eviction, expulsion###

Examples: *Ia DIUSIR dari kantornya karena sering terdapat mabuk di sana = He was THROWN out of the office because he often turned up drunk there.###

Word: usul

Short Definition: see USUL1 (proposal, suggestion . . .) or USUL2 (nature, characteristic . . .).

English Definition: see USUL1 (proposal, suggestion . . .) USUL2 (nature, characteristic . . .). ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: usul1

Short Definition: -AN: proposal, suggesion. MENG--KAN: to propose or suggest.

English Definition: ^*-AN: proposal, suggestion. *MENG--KAN: to propose or suggest. ###

L2 Definition: anjuran. ###

Examples: Walaupun USULANmu baik belum tentu bisa diterima. = Even though your SUGGESTION is good, it is not yet certain if it can be accepted. Pak Hamijan yang mula-mula MENGUSULKAN pembuatan gapura desa. = Mr. Hamijan is the one who first SUGGESTED the construction of the village gateway. ###

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Word: usul2

Short Definition: nature, characteristic. MEN-(-I): to examine. Also PENG--AN.

English Definition: ^ nature, characteristic. *MENG-(-I): to examine. *PENG--AN: inquiry, examination. ###

L2 Definition: asal mula; dasar. ###

Examples: Bu Bandi MENGUSULI pekerjaanku yang sangat menarik. = Mrs. Bandi EXAMINED my work which is very interesting. PENGUSULAN rencana anggaran keuangan itu dilakukan dengan ceroboh. = The EXAMINATION of that monetary budget is conducted with carelessness. ###

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Word: usus

Short Definition: intestine.

English Definition: intestine. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: usut

Short Definition: MENG-: 1. feel all over, handle. 2. examine. TER-: investigage. PENG- +

English Definition: ^MENG-: 1. feel all over, handle. 2. examine. TER-: investigate. PENG-: investigator. PENG--AN: investigation, examination. ###

Hear This Word

Word: utama

Short Definition: prominent, principal. MENG--KAN: prioritize. Also TER--NYA, MENTER--KAN, +

English Definition: ^prominent, principal. *MENG--KAN: prioritize, give top consideration to. *TER--NYA: especially. MENTER--KAN: give the highest priority to. *KE--AN: 1 superiority, excellence. 2 virtue. ###

L2 Definition: Yang paling pokok; yang paling baik. ###

Examples: Sopir bis itu kurang MENGUTAMAKAN keselamatan penumpang. = That bus driver doesn't PRIORITIZE the safety of the passengers enough. Keahliannya yang menonjol TERUTAMANYA terlihat pada hal elektronik. = Her outstanding expertise is ESPECIALLY evident in electronic matters. Kejujuran bermain menjadi KEUTAMAAN tim kami. = Honesty in play is the VIRTUE of our team. ###

Hear This Word

Word: utan

Short Definition: see HUTAN

English Definition: see HUTAN.###

Word: utang

Short Definition: debt, credit, obligation###

English Definition: ^debt, credit, obligation *BER-: be in debt, owe MENG-I, MEMPER-I: lend, sell on tick to, borrow from, buy on tick from -AN: debtor PER-AN: creditor###

Examples: * Saya BERUTANG budi kepada Bapak Houseman = I AM IN DEBT of gratitude to Mr. Houseman.###

Word: utara

Short Definition: north.

English Definition: north. ###

L2 Definition: Arah yang berlawanan dengan selatan. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: utuh

Short Definition: complete, whole. KE--AN: wholeness, completeness.

English Definition: complete, whole. KE--AN: wholeness, completeness. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak pecah/retak; seperti keadaan semula. ###

Examples: Kunci KEUTUHAN rumah tangga adalah saling pengertian. = The key to the WHOLENESS of family is mutual understanding. ###

Hear This Word

Word: UU

Short Definition: accronym for Undang-Undang = Laws, see also UNDANG

English Definition: accronym for Undang-Undang = Laws, see also UNDANG

Examples: ###

Word: uzur

Short Definition: enfeebled from illness or age.

English Definition: enfeebled from illness or age. ###

L2 Definition: Sangat tua; lemah badan karena usia tua. ###

Examples: Walau sudah UZUR, kakekku tidak pernah mengeluh tentang hidupnya. = Even though he is already ENFEEBLED FROM OLD AGE, my grandpa never complains about his life.

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Word: vakansi

Short Definition: vacation

English Definition: vacation

Examples: Mulai minggu ini anak-anak akan mulai VAKANSI = Starting this week, the kids will be on VACATION.###

Word: vanili

Short Definition: vanilla

English Definition: vanilla

Word: visa

Short Definition: visa.

English Definition: *visa. ###

L2 Definition: Surat ijin untuk memasuki/tinggal di negara lain. ###

Examples: Untuk mendapatkan VISA anda harus pergi ke kedutaan negara yang bersangkutan. = In order to get a VISA you must go to the embassy concerned. ###

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Word: visi

Short Definition: point of view, perspective.

English Definition: point of view, perspective.###

Hear This Word

Word: vitamin

Short Definition: vitamin.

English Definition: vitamin.###

Hear This Word

Word: VOC

Short Definition: "Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie," the Dutch East India Company".

English Definition: acronym for "Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie," the Dutch East India Company. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: wabah

Short Definition: epidemic.

English Definition: epidemic. ###

L2 Definition: Suatu penyakit menular yang menyerang suatu daerah secara meluas, bisa berpindah ke daerah yang lain. ###

Examples: WABAH malaria itu sudah menyebar ke sini. = The malaria EPIDEMIC has been spread up to here. ###

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Word: wacana

Short Definition: 1. (Lit.) word, expression 2. (Ling.) discourse###

English Definition: 1. (Lit.) word, expression 2. (Ling.) discourse###

Examples: ###

Word: wadah

Short Definition: container###

English Definition: * 1. container 2. coordinating institution, umbrella organization BER~KAN = have a certain organization as the umbrella ME~I = contain, provide a place for PE~AN = provision of a place or container###

Examples: * Tolong taruh daging ini ke dalam wadah = Please put this meat into a container.###

Word: wadam

Short Definition: transvestite homosexual, transsexual###

English Definition: abbreviation of Wanita Adam or transvestite homosexual, transsexual###

L2 Definition:

Examples: Biasanya WADAM memakai baju wanita = Usually TRANSVESTITE HOMOSEXUAL wears female dresses.###

Word: waduh

Short Definition: see ADUH.

English Definition: see ADUH. ###

L2 Definition: Kata seru untuk rasa sakit/terkejut/takjub, dll. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: Wage

Short Definition: the fourth day of the traditional five-day Javanese week.

English Definition: the fourth day of the traditional five-day Javanese week. ###

L2 Definition: Salah satu hari dalam tanggalan Jawa (hanya ada lima hari). Hari-hari lainnya adalah: Kliwon, Legi, Pahing, Pon). ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: wah

Short Definition: my! gosh! (exclamation of surprise).

English Definition: *my!, gosh! (exclamation of surprise). ###

L2 Definition: Kata seru untuk sesuatu kejutan/ketakjuban. ###

Examples: WAH! Bukan main mahalnya jam tangan itu. = GOSH! That wrist watch is extraordinarily expensive. ###

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Word: waham

Short Definition: suspicious, suspicion. ME--KAN: to suspect, to call into suspicion.

English Definition: ^suspicious, suspicion. *ME--KAN: to suspect, to call into suspicion. ###

L2 Definition: curiga; sangkaan; hal yang belum pasti nyatanya. ###

Examples: Aliran agama ini MEWAHAMKAN hal yang salah pada umatnya. = This religious sect CALLS falsehoods INTO SUSPICION before its adherents. ###

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Word: wahana

Short Definition: (Lit.) mode, vehicle (for conveying thoughts, ideas, or for realizing ideals)

English Definition: (Lit.) mode, vehicle (for conveying thoughts, ideas, or for realizing ideals)

L2 Definition: cara

Examples: Koperasi adalah WAHANA untuk menuju masyarakat makmur = Cooperation is the VEHICLE to attain prosperous society.###

Word: wahid

Short Definition: one, only (God)###

English Definition: ^, only (God) 2. unique (in its way) 3. incomparable, matchless 3. first class###

Examples: ###

Word: wajah

Short Definition: face, countenance.

English Definition: face, countenance. ###

L2 Definition: muka; roman muka; penampilan luar. ###

Examples: WAJAHku yang terjelek diantara saudara-saudaraku. = My FACE is the ugliest among my siblings. ###

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Word: wajan

Short Definition: frying pan###

Examples: Jika menggoreng ikan lebih baik menggunakan WAJAN daripada panci = When frying fish is better to use a FRYING PAN than a pan.###

Word: wajar

Short Definition: natural, proper, sincere, genuine. SE--NYA: properly, appropriately.

English Definition: ^natural, proper, sincere, genuine. SE--NYA: properly, appropriately. ###

L2 Definition: Biasa saja; tidak dibuat-buat; natural. ###

Examples: Sudah SEWAJARNYA kalau kau membantu orang tuamu. = It is APPROPRIATE if you help your parents. ###

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Word: wajib

Short Definition: obligation, duty. BER-: to be obligated. Also KE--AN, BERKE--AN.

English Definition: ^obligation, duty. BER-: to be obligated. KE--AN: obligation, duty. BERKE--AN: to have a certain duty or obligation. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak boleh tidak; harus; mesti; dll. ###

Examples: Siapa yang BERWAJIB melapor ke pak Komandan? = Who has the DUTY to report to the commander? KEWAJIBAN utama seorang pelajar adalah belajar. = The ultimate DUTY of a student is to study. Setiap muslim BERKEWAJIBAN untuk sembahyang lima kali sehari. = Every Muslim HAS ADUTY to pray five times a day. ###

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Word: wakaf

Short Definition: edification###

English Definition: ^ edification ME-KAN: to give (away) for the general benefit usually for religious purposes 2. to pause###

Examples: Pak Kardi MEWAKAFKAN tanahnya untuk pembangunan mesjid baru= Pak Kardi GAVE (AWAY) his land to build a new mosque.###

Word: wakil

Short Definition: representative, agent; vice-, deputy. ME--I: to represent s.t. Also PER--AN.

English Definition: ^1 representative, agent. 2 vice-, deputy. ME--I: to represent s.t. PER--AN: 1 delegation, agency. 2 representation. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang ditugaskan oleh orang lain/suatu badan untuk melakukan sesuatu; utusan; jabatan kedua sesudah kepala/pemimpin. ###

Examples: Dia hadir MEWAKILI bosnya. = He attends to REPRESENT his boss. Ini hanya kantor PERWAKILAN bukan kantor pusat. = This is just a REPRESENTATIVE office not the central office. ###

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Word: waktu

Short Definition: time; when, while. SE-: when, at the time that. Also SESE-.

English Definition: ^1 time. 2 when, while. *SE-: when, at the time that. *SESE-: 1 from time to time. 2 at any time. ###

L2 Definition: masa; saat. ###

Examples: SEWAKTU masih kecil dia ini nakal sekali. = WHEN he was still small, this man was very naughty. Kita harus siap sekarang, SESEWAKTU dia bisa datang menjemput. = We have to get ready now, AT ANY MOMENT she could come to pick us up. ###

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Word: wakuncar

Short Definition: [Wajib Kunjung Pacar] = [Coll.] have a date with o's lover

English Definition: [Wajib Kunjung Pacar] = [Coll.] have a date with o's lover

Examples: Malam ini Ali akan WAKUNCAR dengan Mita = Tonight Ali has a DATE with Mita.###

Word: walah

Short Definition: not to feel/a match###

English Definition: ^ not to feel/a match *KE-AN: not to feel/a match, up to, exhausted###

Examples: ###

Word: walaikum

Short Definition: see WALAIKUM SALAM.

English Definition: see WALAIKUM SALAM. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: walaikum salam

Short Definition: "and unto you, peace": response to "assalamu alaikum" ("peace unto you").

English Definition: Arabic for "and unto you, peace": response to the greeting "assalamu alaikum ("peace be unto you"). ###

L2 Definition: Kata salam sejahtera/selamat dalam bahasa Arab. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: walau

Short Definition: -PUN: although.

English Definition: *-PUN: although. ###

L2 Definition: meskipun; kendatipun; dan jika. ###

Examples: WALAUPUN badannya kecil tetapi larinya cepat sekali. = ALTHOUGH his body is small, his running is very fast. ###

Hear This Word

Word: walaupun

Short Definition: although.

English Definition: although.###

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Word: waleh

Short Definition: openly, frankly###

English Definition: ^ openly, frankly###

Examples: ###

Word: wali

Short Definition: s.o. responsible for a bride; guardian; civil servant, religious leader, +

English Definition: ^1 (Isl.) male relative legally responsible for a bride. 2 guardian, representative. 3 civil servant of high status. 4 religious leader. PER--AN: guardianship, custodianship. WALI KELAS = homeroom teacher ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang secara hukum sah menjadi pengganti orang tua; orang saleh pemimpin agama; pemimpin pemerintahan. ###

Examples: PERWALIAN mempelai perempuan diserahkan pada pamannya. = The GUARDIANSHIP of the bride is given to her uncle. ###

Hear This Word

Word: walikota

Short Definition: mayor.

English Definition: mayor. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: wallahualam

Short Definition: God knows best; Heaven knows!

English Definition: ^*1 God knows best. 2 Heaven knows! ###

L2 Definition: Hanya Allah yang mengetahui. ###

Examples: Betul tidaknya berita itu, WALLAHUALAM. = ONLY GOD KNOWS if that news is true or not. ###

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Word: wamil

Short Definition: [wajib militer] conscription, draft

English Definition: [wajib militer] conscription, draft

Examples: Di Korea Selatan, setiap warga negara harus mengikuti WAMIL = In South Korea, every citizen must be DRAFTED (in to military).###

Word: wangi

Short Definition: fragrant. KE--AN: fragrance.

English Definition: fragrant. KE--AN: fragrance. ###

L2 Definition: Bau yang sedap/enak di hidung. ###

Examples: KEWANGIAN ruangan ini seperti bau bunga melati. = The FRAGRANCE of this room smells like jasmine. ###

Hear This Word

Word: wanita

Short Definition: female person. KE--AN: femininity; womanhood. Also KE-_-_-AN.

English Definition: *girl; woman. >KE--AN: 1 femininity. 2 womanhood. *KE-_-_-AN: womanish. ###

L2 Definition: +Perempuan dewasa. Sinonim=perempuan. ###

Examples: "KARTINI" adalah tokoh emansipasi WANITA Indonesia. = Kartini is an important character in the emancipation of Indonesian WOMEN. Sebenarnya dia ganteng, sayang tingkah lakunya KEWANITA-WANITAAN. = In fact he is handsome; it's too bad his behavior is WOMANISH. ###

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Word: Wanra

Short Definition: a movement of the Dayak to preserve their culture.

English Definition: (acronym for Perlawanan Rakyat) a movement of the Dayak to preserve their culture. ###

Hear This Word

Word: wanti-wanti

Short Definition: repeated(ly), emphatically###

English Definition: ^ repeated(ly), emphatically ME-: to tell s.o. repeatedly, emphatically###

Examples: Ibu Marwah MEWANTI-WANTI anak perempuannya agar tak pulang larut malam = Mrs. Marwah TOLD her daugther REPEATEDLY not to come home after midnights.###

Word: Waperdam

Short Definition: vice-premier.

English Definition: (acronym for Wakil Perdana Menteri) the vice-premier. ###

Hear This Word

Word: wapres

Short Definition: abbreviation for "wakil presiden" or the Vice President

English Definition: abbreviation for "wakil presiden" or the Vice President.##

Examples: ###

Word: waras

Short Definition: being fully conscious and in possession of one's senses.

English Definition: being fully conscious and in possession of one's senses. ###

L2 Definition: Tidak sakit/gila; sehat. ###

Examples: Saya tidak masuk kerja karena badanku kurang WARAS. = I didn't go to work because my body was not HEALTHY. ###

Hear This Word

Word: warga

Short Definition: member or citizen. KE--AN: membership or citizenship.

English Definition: member or citizen. KE--AN: membership or citizenship. *--NEGARA: citizens. ###

L2 Definition: Anggota suatu masyarakat/komunitas atau negara. ###

Examples: KEWARGAANnya di dalam organisasi ini telah dicoret. = hIS MEMBERSHIP in this organization has been canceled. ###

Hear This Word

Word: warganegara

Short Definition: see WARGA

English Definition: see WARGA.###

Word: waris

Short Definition: heir. ME--I: to inherit s.t. ME--KAN: to bequeth s.t. PE-: an heir.

English Definition: heir. ME--I: to inherit s.t. ME--KAN: to bequeth s.t. PE-: an heir.

L2 Definition: Berhak menerima harta peninggalan dari orang tua/seseorang yang telah meninggal. ###

Examples: Tidak ada yang MEWARISI hartanya. = There is no one TO INHERIT his wealth. Nenekku MEWARISKAN cincinnya padaku. = My grandma BEQUEATHED her ring to me. Kamilah PEWARIS kebudayaan ini. = We are the HEIR of this culture. ###

Hear This Word

Word: warna

Short Definition: color. BER-: to be colored, to have a certain color. Also BER-_-_.

English Definition: color. *BER-: to be colored, to have a certain color. *BER-_-_: to be multicolored. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: Air yang jernih itu tidak BERWARNA. = That pure water HAS no COLOR. Balon yang dibelinya BERWARNA-WARNA indah sekali. = The balloon that she bought was very beautifully MULTICOLORED. ###

Hear This Word

Word: warsa

Short Definition: see DASAWARSA.

English Definition: see DASAWARSA. ###

Hear This Word

Word: warta

Short Definition: report, communication; news. ME--KAN: report, inform. PE-: reporter.

English Definition: ^1 report, communication. 2 news. *ME--KAN: report, inform. *PE-: reporter. ###

L2 Definition: berita; kabar. ###

Examples: Radio ini sedang MEWARTAKAN masalah politik. = This radio is REPORTING political matters. PEWARTA itu sangat cerdas dan aktif. = That REPORTER is very clever and active. ###

Hear This Word

Word: wartawan

Short Definition: journalist, correspondent. KE--AN: journalism.

English Definition: journalist, correspondent. *KE--AN: journalism. ###

L2 Definition: Orang yang pekerjaannya mencari/menulis/menyebarkan berita. ###

Examples: Etika merupakan dasar dari ilmu KEWARTAWANAN. = Ethics is the fundament of JOURNALISM. ###

Hear This Word

Word: warung

Short Definition: small shop or stall.

English Definition: *small shop or stall. ###

L2 Definition: Toko kecil tempat menjual barang kelontong/makanan. ###

Examples: WARUNG nasi ibuku ramai sekali karena dikunjungi banyak pembeli. = My mother's rice STALL is very busy because it is visited by many buyers. ###

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See a Picture

Word: wasangka

Short Definition: suspicion, distrust###

English Definition: ^ 1.suspicion, distrust 2. doubt SYAK-: suspicion, distrus *MENARUH-: to suspect, be suspicious###

Examples: *Jangan MENARUH WASANGKA kepada kawan barumu = Do not BE SUSPICIOUS to your new friend.###

Word: wasiat

Short Definition: (last) will ( and testament)###

English Definition: ^(last) will ( and testament) *BER-: to make o.'s will ME-KAN: 1. to bequeath (by will) 2. secret, magic (power)###

Examples: *Pak Rahman BERWASIAT kepada keluarganya agar dia dimakamkan di tanah kelahirannya= Mr. Rahman MADE HIS WILL to his family that he wanted to be buried in his own hometown.###

Word: wasir

Short Definition: hemorrhoids

English Definition: hemorrhoids

L2 Definition: ambeien

Examples: ###

Word: wasit

Short Definition: 1.referee, umpire. 2. arbiter

English Definition: 1.referee, umpire. 2. arbiter *ME--I: be the referee in. *PER--AN: matters pertaining to referees.###

Examples: Kami masih membutuhkan WASIT untuk pertandingan sepak bola besok = We still need some REFEREES for the soccer game tomorrow. Siapa yang akan MEWASITI pertandingan itu? = Who is going to be the UMPIRE for that game??###

Word: waskom

Short Definition: basin.

English Definition: basin. ###

L2 Definition: mangkok besar. ###

Examples: Cucilah sayur-mayur itu di WASKOM ini. = Wash those vegetables in this basin. ###

Hear This Word

Word: waspada

Short Definition: leary of, suspicious of. ME--I: guard against. ME--KAN: make s.o. alert to s.t.

English Definition: leary of, suspicious of. ME--I: guard against. ME--KAN: to make s.o. alert to s.t. DI--I: to be guarded of s.t. ###

L2 Definition: Hati-hati; awas; bersiap-siap. ###

Examples: Kita perlu MEWASPADAI gerak-gerik orang yang mencurigakan itu. = We have to GUARD AGAINST the actions of the suspicious person. Komandan pasukan sedang MEWASPADAKAN pasukannya. = The unit commander is ALERTING his troops. ###

Hear This Word

Word: wassalam

Short Definition: Peace be with you!

English Definition: Peace be with you! ###

L2 Definition: Ucapan perpisahan dalam masyarakat Islam yang mengandung doa agar kedamaian selalu menyertainya. ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: wassalamu'alaikum

Short Definition: see ASALAMU'ALAIKUM.

English Definition: see ASALAMU'ALAIKUM. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

Hear This Word

Word: wastafel

Short Definition: bathroom sink; wash basin

English Definition: bathroom sink

Examples: Cuci tanganmu segera di WASTAFEL!! = Wash your hands in the BATHROOM SINK now!!.##

Word: waswas

Short Definition: to be anxious. KE--AN: anxiety.

English Definition: to be anxious. KE--AN: anxiety. ###

L2 Definition: khawatir; ragu; kurang yakin; curiga. ###

Examples: KEWASWASANmu tidak berdasar. = Your ANXIETY is baseless. ###

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Word: watak

Short Definition: nature, disposition; character from a story. PER--AN: characterization.

English Definition: ^1 nature, disposition. 2 character from a story. PER--AN: characterization. ###

L2 Definition: tabiat; perilaku; budi pekerti. ###

Examples: PERWATAKAN setiap pelaku dalam sandiwara itu sungguh unik. = The CHARACTERIZATION of each character in the paly is very unique. ###

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Word: watt

Short Definition: (Elec.t) watt.

English Definition: (Elec.) watt. ###

L2 Definition: *Satuan tenaga listrik. ###

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Word: wawancara

Short Definition: interview. BER-: conduct an interview. Also ME--I, PE-.

English Definition: ^interview. BER-: conduct an interview. *ME--I: to interview s.o. *PE-: interviewer. ###

L2 Definition: Tanya-jawab tentang sesuatu hal antara seseorang dan orang yang lain. ###

Examples: Ketika Mick Jagger datang ke Indonesia bintang film itu yang MEWAWANCARAInya. = When Mick Jagger came to Indonesia, that film star was the one who INTERVIEWED him. Sayang PEWAWANCARAnya kurang mengerti masalah yang dibicarakan. = Unfortunately, the INTERVIEWER did not very well understand the matter being discussed. ###

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Word: wawasan

Short Definition: insight, perception; concept, notion.

English Definition: ^1 insight, perception. 2 concept, notion. ###

L2 Definition: Hasil suatu pandangan/tinjauan/opini. ###

Examples: Kami butuh pemimpin yang BERWAWASAN yang luas. = We need a leader who has a broad PERCEPTION. ###

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Word: wayang

Short Definition: traditional drama performance of Java and Bali. Also ME--KAN.

English Definition: traditional drama performance of Java and Bali. *ME--KAN: make into a wayang performance. ###

L2 Definition: Pertunjukan cerita tradisional yang menggunakan lakon-lakon, bisa dengan pemeran manusia, kulit/kayu/gambar yang dibentuk sebagai suatu kharacter manusia, dll. ###

Examples: Dalang itu yang akan MEWAYANGKAN cerita Gatotkaca lahir. = That puppeteer is the one who is going to MAKE the story of Gatotkaca's birth INTO A WAYANG PERFORMANCE. ###

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Word: wedana

Short Definition: subdistrict chief. KE--AN: a subdistrict

English Definition: subdistrict chief. KE--AN: a territory, smaller than a town or county, and consists of two or more kecamatans (a smaller subdistrict consists of two or more villages). ###

L2 Definition: Pembantu bupati yang berkedudukan lebih tinggi dari camat. ###

Examples: Daerah KEWEDANAAN ini ada dibawah kekuasaan kabupaten Magelang. = This SUBDISTRICT territory is under the authority of the regency (district) of Magelang.

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Word: wejang

Short Definition: instructions

English Definition: DI-: instructed ME-KAN: to give advice or instructions *-AN: 1. doctrine, theory, instructions 2. address, speech 3. explanation###

Examples: *Presiden Suharto senantiasa memberi WEJANGAN kepada para menterinya = President Suharto always gave INSTRUCTIONS to his ministers.###

Word: weker

Short Definition: (also BEKER) alarm clock.

English Definition: (also BEKER) alarm clock. ###

L2 Definition: Jam yang mempunyai sinyal/suara yang bisa dibunyikan sewaktu-waktu. ###

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Word: wenang

Short Definition: powers derived from the position one holds. BER-: have power.

English Definition: powers derived from the position one holds. BER-: have power. ###

L2 Definition: Kekuatan/kekuasaan seseorang/badan. ###

Examples: Polisi yang BERWENANG menyelidiki masalah ini. = (It's) the police (who) have the AUTHORITY to investigate this matter. ###

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Word: wewangian

Short Definition: perfumery###

English Definition: perfumery###

Examples: ###

Word: wewenang

Short Definition: authority, competence

English Definition: BER- : have authority

Examples: ###

Word: WIB

Short Definition: accronym for Waktu Indonesia Barat = Western Indonesia Time.

English Definition: accronym for Waktu Indonesia Barat = Western Indonesia Time.

Examples: ###

Word: wibawa

Short Definition: power over others deriving from one's personal characteristics.

English Definition: power over others deriving from one's personal characteristics. ###

L2 Definition: Kekuatan untuk memepengaruhi orang lain melalui sikap dan tingkah laku. ###

Examples: Seorang pemimpin harus punya WIBAWA yang kuat. = A leader has to have a strong AUTHORITATIVE BEARING. ###

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Word: wijen

Short Definition: sesame seed or oil

English Definition: sesame seed or oil

L2 Definition: minyak wijen atau biji wijen

Examples: Makanan ini akan lebih enak dengan minyak WIJEN = This food will be more spicy with SESAME oil.###

Word: wilayah

Short Definition: region, area. BER-: have a certain region, area, or size of land area.

English Definition: region, area. *BER-: have a certain region, area, or size of land area. ###

L2 Definition: daerah. ###

Examples: Desa itu BERWILAYAH luas sekali sampai ke pasar besar ini. = That village HAS A very wide AREA that reaches to this big market. ###

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Word: windu

Short Definition: eight years' cycle###

English Definition: ^ eight years' cycle SE-: eight years' cycle###

Examples: ###

Word: wira

Short Definition: man, hero.

English Definition: (Lit.) man, hero. ###

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Word: wiraswasta

Short Definition: 1. entrepreneur. 2. run a private enterprise. BER-: run a private enterprise. +

English Definition: 1. entrepreneur. 2. run a private enterprise. BER-: run a private enterprise. KE--AN: entrepreneurship. ###

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Word: wisata

Short Definition: a tour. BER-: make a tour.

English Definition: a tour. BER-: make a tour.###

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Word: wisatawan

Short Definition: tourist.

English Definition: tourist.###

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Word: wisma

Short Definition: house

English Definition: - tamu = guesthouse - wreda/jompo = nursing home

Word: wisuda

Short Definition: graduation ceremony. ME-(-KAN): award a degree at a graduation ceremony.

English Definition: graduation ceremony. ME-(-KAN): award a degree at a graduation ceremony.###

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Word: WNI

Short Definition: citizen of Indonesia, naturalized Indonesian citizen. Also ME--KAN, KE--AN.

English Definition: ^1. (Leg.) citizen of Indonesia. 2. naturalized Indonesian citizen. ME--KAN: cause s.o. to become an Indonesian citizen. KE--AN: matters pertaining to Indonesian citizenship.###

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Word: wong

Short Definition: (Javanese) 1. person; 2. because; 3. Expression of disagreement

English Definition: (Javanese)1. person; 2. because; 3. expression of disagreement

Examples: Saya tidak mengerti, WONG saya baru datang = I do not understand, after all, I just got here.## WONG barang seperti ini disebut bagus = WHAT DO YOU MEAN calling this thing good?.###

Word: wortel

Short Definition: carrot.

English Definition: carrot.###

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Word: wujud

Short Definition: shape into which s.t. has been formed. BER-: 1. have the shape of. 2. concrete.+

English Definition: shape into which s.t. has been formed. BER-: 1. have the shape of. 2. concrete, tangible. ME-: materialize. ME--KAN: 1. give shape to, create. 2. bring into reality. TER-: materialized. KETER--AN: materialization. PER--AN: 1. shape, form. 2. realization. 3. phenomenon. ###

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Word: ya

Short Definition: yes; tag particle asking if it is all right to ask; "That's right, isn't it?"; +

English Definition: *1 yes. 2 tag particle inquiring if it is all right to ask. 3 "That's right, isn't it?" 4 lead-in to a sentence (e.g., "Well yes, but . . .). ###

L2 Definition: Pernyataan setuju; rasa penyerahan/permohonan. ###

Examples: YA, sayalah yang menulis cerita itu. = YES, it is I who wrote that story. ###

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Word: Yahudi

Short Definition: Jew, Jewish###

English Definition: ^ Jew, Jewish *KE-AN: Judaism MEMPER-KAN: 1. to revile, to abuse, to treat a p. like dirt beneath o.'s feet, to scorn 2. to make game of a p. -AH: the Jews, Jewry###

Examples: Di Indonesia, kebanyakan orang tidak mengetahui KEYAHUDIAN = In Indonesia, many people are not familiar with JUDAISM.###

Word: yaitu

Short Definition: that is to say, namely.

English Definition: *that is to say, namely. ###

L2 Definition: Kata yang menunjukkan suatu jumlah; kesimpulan, dll. ###

Examples: Dalam tas itu ada barang-barang pribadi saya, YAITU sisir, dompet, dan kunci pintu. = In that bag there are my personal things, NAMELY a comb, a wallet, and a door key. ###

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Word: yakin

Short Definition: sure, certain, convinced. SE--NYA: absolutely convinced. Also ME--I, ME--KAN, +

English Definition: sure, certain, convinced. SE--NYA: absolutely convinced. ME--I: be convinced about s.t. ME--KAN: convince s.o., make convincing. KE--AN: conviction. BERKE--AN: be convinced. ###

Examples: Saya YAKIN dia tidak bersalah = I am CERTAIN that he is innocent##

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Word: yakni

Short Definition: that is, namely, viz.

English Definition: that is, namely, viz.###

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Word: Yaman

Short Definition: Yemen.

English Definition: Yemen. ###

L2 Definition: Nama sebuah negara di Timur Tengah. ###

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Word: yang

Short Definition: (the one) who/which/ that

English Definition: *(the one) which/who; [nominalizing particle].

Examples: Siapa YANG membicarakan hal itu tadi? = Who was it WHO discussed that matter a while ago? Buku itu YANG saya maksudkan.= THAT is the book I meant. Rumah YANG besar itu bukan rumah saya. The house THAT is big is not my house. Saya mau membeli sebuah kursi YANG kuning. = I want to buy a chair WHICH is yellow.

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Word: yatim

Short Definition: fatherless child

English Definition: fatherless child *--PIATU: orphan

Examples: Banyak anak menjadi YATIM setelah bencana tsunami = There are many FATHERLESS children after the Tsunami.###

Word: yayasan

Short Definition: foundation, institute

English Definition: foundation, institute

L2 Definition: lembaga, institut

Examples: Dia berhasil medapatkan beasiswa dari YAYASAN itu = He got a scholarship from that FOUNDATION. ##

Word: yesus

Short Definition: Jesus Christ

English Definition: Jesus Christ


Short Definition: Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation.

English Definition: (Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia) Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation. ###

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Word: yoga

Short Definition: ascetism, meditation###

English Definition: ascetism, meditation###

Examples: YOGA semakin digemari oleh orang-orang = MEDITATION is more favored by people.###

Word: Yogya

Short Definition: Yogyakarta, a city in Central Java.

English Definition: *Yogyakarta, a city in Central Java. ###

L2 Definition: Ibu kota Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (salah satu profinsi di Indonesia). ###

Examples: Model sarung begitu biasanya dari YOGYA. = A kind of sarong like that is usually from YOGYA. ###

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Word: Yogyakarta

Short Definition: 1. Special Region of Yogyakarta. 2. capital city of Yogyakarta region.

English Definition: 1. Special Region of Yogyakarta, a provincial-level region, in Indonesia, located on the Island of Java. 2. capital city of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. ###

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Word: yurk

Short Definition: dress; frock; shirt

English Definition: The word is Dutch, means women's dress.

L2 Definition: Baju yang dipakai oleh wanita

Examples: Ibu Siti selalu memakai YURK setiap hari kerja = Ms. Siti always wears a DRESS to go to work.###

Word: zahib

Short Definition: dried figs, raisins###

English Definition: dried figs, raisins###

Examples: ###

Word: zaitun

Short Definition: olive###

English Definition: olive###

Examples: Buah ZAITUN diproses menjadi minyak = OLIVES are processed to make oil.###

Word: zakar

Short Definition: penis

English Definition: *BUAH-- : testicles

Word: zakat

Short Definition: obligatory alms (at the end of the Great Lent)###

English Definition: obligatory alms (at the end of the Great Lent)###

Examples: ###

Word: zaman

Short Definition: see JAMAN.

English Definition: see JAMAN. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: zamrud

Short Definition: emerald###

English Definition: emerald### see JAMRUD

L2 Definition:

Examples: Batu ZAMRUD sangat mahal harganya = EMERALD is very expensive.###

Word: zamzam

Short Definition: holy well###

English Definition: holy well###

Examples: Kaum Muslim percaya akan keajaiban air ZAMZAM = Moslems believe in the miracle of the HOLY WELL water.###

Word: zat

Short Definition: (Chem.) essence, substance.

English Definition: ^(Chem.) essence, substance. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: zikir

Short Definition: see DIKIR.

English Definition: see DIKIR. ###

L2 Definition: ###

Examples: ###

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Word: zona

Short Definition: zone

English Definition: zone

Examples: ###