Please wait for status line to show "question loading
done" before pressing the "Start" button.
Further directions can be found below the applet.
1. After you see the "question loading done" message in the status line, press the "Start" button. You will see a question, a number of Indonesian words, three black lines at the bottom of the screen, and some pushbuttons. You will also see some informational fields some of which are not yet functional.
2. Use the mouse to "drag" words to answer the question.
You can drag a word by moving the mouse cursor onto it, then pressing the mouse button, and while holding it down, move the mouse. The word will follow. Stop dragging by releasing the mouse button.
Drag the words that form your answer to a position underneath the top black line, but above the second line. Arrange them right-to-left as in normal writing.
Note that "word" as I use it here may be any draggable chunk of text: a single letter, a syllable, a prefix of suffix, a word, or even several "connected" words that move together when you drag them.
3. When you have formed your answer, press the "Judge" button. After a second or two, you will see symbols display underneath each word (under the second black line). These symbols tell you if your answer is right or not, and if it is not right, they give you some clues about how to correct it. The symbols are:
Note that the symbols are hints as to how to fix your answer - they may not tell you the most direct way to fix it. These hints work best when your answer is almost right. They may not be useful if your answer has multiple errors or is just nonsense.
4. You can move to the "Next" or "Prev"ious question at any time when the corresponding button is not grayed by clicking on the button. You will not be notified when there are no more questions - but the "Next" button will be grayed. "Next" is grayed until the questions are loaded. (Note that a "grayed" button is disabled.)
1. As noted above, the draggable "words" can be single letters, syllables, words, or phrases. In this first set of questions, words are (mostly) used, but other-sized "chunks" could be used.
2. Some questions may appear with part of the answer already displayed below the "Judge" line. If so, just drag words to complete or fill in the answer. Usually a blank space or ____ will appear to show you where the words should go.
3. The numeric score fields are not yet implemented.
4. The software has not yet been thoroughly tested, so there may be functional problems. If you encounter problems, please feel free to email Jim Henry at