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Circumfix (Gabungan)

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CIRCUMFIX ke-...-an

Circumfix ke-...-an forms nouns from adjectives, verbs, and other classes. Such nouns are generally of an abstract nature. In general, the meaning of the noun can be predicted from the meaning of the adjective base. However, in a few cases this is not so. Circumfix ke-...-an also can be based on nouns, which then mean "having to do with [base]."


These are list of examples of nouns which identify the characteristics of the adjectives

These are list of examples of nouns which DO NOT identify the characteristics of the adjectives

baik kebaikan "kindness"
bebas kebebasan "freedom"
bersih kebersihan "cleanliness"
cantik kecantikan


sehat kesehatan "health"
berat keberatan "objection"
malu kemaluan "genital"
terang keterangan "explanation"

Circumfix ke-...-an can be combined with NOT, which correspond with dis- or in- in English


Circumfix ke-...-an that means "having to do with [base]"

adil ketidak-adilan "injustice"
jujur ketidak-jujuran "dishonesty"
puas ketidak-puasan "dissatisfaction"
senang ketidak-senangan "displeasure"
anggota keanggotaan "membership"
daerah kedaerahan "regionalism"
ibu keibuan "motherliness"
wanita kewanitaan "femininity"



1. Kecantikan gadis muda itu dikagumi oleh banyak orang.
    The beauty of that young woman is admired by many people.

2. Bapak dan Ibu Sadli menyatakan keberatan kalau Susi pulang larut malam.
    Bapak and Ibu Sadli raise an  objection if Susi comes home late at night.

3. Para demonstran itu menyatakan ketidak-puasannya terhadap pemerintah.
    The demonstrators raise their dissatisfaction toward the government.

4. Rasa keibuannya timbul ketika ia melihat bayi malang itu.
    Her feeling of motherliness grew when she saw that poor baby.


Adapted from:
Indonesian: A Comprehensive Grammar
James Neil Sneddon
Routledge, London, 1996