Prefix ke- is added to a few root words to form nouns.
hendak kasih rangka tua |
"want, will"
"love" "skeleton, framework" "old" |
kehendak kekasih kerangka ketua |
"desire, will"
"lover" "skeleton" "chairman" |
1. Sudah menjadi kehendak Tuhan bahwa Pak
Amat pergi meninggalkan kita.
It is God's will that Pak Amat left us (passed away).
2. Anton dan Rini menjadi sepasang kekasih
selama empat tahun.
Anton and Rini become a couple of lovers for four years.
3. Kerangka orang yang hilang itu
ditemukan di tengah hutan.
The skeleton of the missing person was found in the forest.
4. Budiman terpilih menjadi ketua
organisasi pemuda di desanya.
Budiman was elected as the chairman of the youth
organization in his village.
Adapted from:
Indonesian: A Comprehensive Grammar
Sneddon, James Neil, Routledge, London, 1996.