



Course                   : Intensive Basa Jawi

Instructor              : Katharina Ardi;

Reavis 117,  Phone#: 815 7534221

Meeting hours         : 2 hours per week


General Instructional Objectives:

  1. Participants are able to use daily simple basic conversations.
  2. Participants are able to differentiate among "ngoko, kromo madya and kromo inggil"
  3. Participants are able to produce oral and written sentences in ngoko, kromo madya and kromo inggil.
  4. Partcipants are able to interpret and apply the culture and values of Javanese


Specific Instructional Objectives:

  1. Participants can greet others in ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
  2.  Participants can respond to common questions in the introductory conversation in ngoko, kromo madya and  kromo inggil
  3. Participants can respond to spesific questions in the introductory conversation in ngoko, kromo madya and  kromo inggil
  4. Participants can end the conversation in ngoko, kromo madya and  kromo inggil
  5. Participant can identify which levels of formality that is used in the conversation.
  6. Participants can use the expressions for visiting/meeting others in ngoko, kromo madya and  kromo inggil
  7. Participants can use Javanese pronouns correctly in ngoko, kromo madya and  kromo inggil
  8. Participants can use Javanese identifier correctly in ngoko, kromo madya and  kromo inggil
  9. Participants can demonstrate some cultural things in visiting others
  10. Participants can count 1 to million in ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
  11. Participants can use the expressions for bargaining in the traditional market in ngoko, kromo madya and  kromo inggil
  12. Participants can mention food stuff in the market in ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
  13. Participants can apply some cultural things in bargaining
  14. Participants can construct Javanese phrases correctly in ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
  15. Participants can mention part of their body in ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
  16. Participants can describe themselves using Javanese phrases in ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
  17. Participants can describe some beliefs about "ruwatan"
  18. Participants can construct basic sentences based on the grammar pattern given in ngoko, kromo madya and  kromo inggil
  19. Participants can make basic questions based on the grammar pattern given in ngoko, kromo madya and  kromo inggil
  20. Partcipants can tell their activities on weekends in ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil
  21. Partcipants can write their activities on weekends in 50 words in ngoko, kromo madyo and kromo inggil



Learning and Teaching Process:

Lecture, discussions, assignments, self-study



Participation, assignments, quizzes, oral and written tests


