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Vowels & Final Consonants


Lesson 1: reading and listening to xັງ, xາງ, xີງ, xິງ, xຶງ, and xືງ
Lesson 2: reading and listening to xຸງ, xູງ, xັງ, x, ເເxັງ, and ເເx
Lesson 3: reading and listening to xົງ, x, xັອງ, xອງ, and xຽງ 
Lesson 4: reading and listening to xິງ, xິງ, xວງ, and xືອງ
Lesson 5: reading and listening to  xາມ,  xິມ, xີມ, xຶມ, xືມ, xຸມ, and xູມ
Lesson 6: reading and listening to  xັມ, x, ເເxັມ, ເເx, xົມ, and ເເxັມ
Lesson 7: reading and listening to  xັອມ, xອມ, xິມ, xີມ, xຽມ, xວມ, and xືອມ
Lesson 8: reading and listening to  xັນ, xານ, xິນ, xີນ, xຶນ, xືນ, xຸນ, xູນ, xານ, xັມ,x, and ເເx
Lesson 9: reading and listening to  xົນ, x, xອນ, xິນ, xີນ, xຽນ, xວນ, and xືອນ
Lesson 10: reading and listening to  xາຍ,  xຸຍ,  xູຍ, and x
Lesson 11: reading and listening to  xັອຍ, xອຍ,  xີຍ, xວຍ, and xືອຍ
Lesson 12: reading and listening to  xາວ, xິວ, xີວ, x,  ເເx, and xຽວ
Lesson 13: reading and listening to  xັກ, xາກ, xິກ, xີກ, xຶກ, xືກ, xຸກ, xູກ, xັກ, x, xັກ, and x
Lesson 14: reading and listening to  xົກ, x, xັອກ, xອກ, xິກ, xີກ, xຽກ, xວກ, and xືອກ
Lesson 15: reading and listening to  xັດ, xາດ, xິດ, xີດ, xຶດ, xືດ, xຸດ, xູດ,xັດ,x,  xັດ, and ເເx
Lesson 16: reading and listening to  xົດ, x, xອດ, xິດ, xີດ, xຽດ, xວດ, and xືອດ
Lesson 17: reading and listening to  xັບ, xາບ, xິບ, xີບ, xຶບ, xືບ, xຸບ, xູບ, xັບ, x,  xັບ, and x
Lesson 18: reading and listening to  xົບ, x, xັອບ, xອບ, xິບ,xີບ, xວບ, xຽບ,  and  xືອບ


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2002 SEAsite Laos. Vowels & Final Consonants