
Vocabulary Strategies

Follow-up Quiz

Vocabulary  1 Lessons

Vocabulary 2 Lessons

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The vocabulary lessons on this page are designed to:

  • help students build their own Tagalog vocabulary;

  • demonstrate different learning vocabulary strategies students may use in vocabulary building;

  • identify students' preferences in learning vocabulary; and

  • help students learn different ways of building their Tagalog vocabulary.



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Each vocabulary lesson is presented with activities that will demonstrate the following strategies.  Students can pick and choose any activities that will suit their individual way of learning.  These are:

Association - This is a memory strategy that involves associating new language information with familiar concepts already in memory. It helps strengthen comprehension as well as making new vocabulary words easier to remember.

Translation - This is a cognitive strategy that allows learners to use their own native language as a basis for understanding what new vocabulary words in the second/foreign language. This strategy is helpful early in the language learning.

Use of linguistic and other clues - This compensation strategy is utilizing previous knowledge of the second language, learner's own language, other languages learned, and other sources that are not language related to provide linguistic and other clues to the meaning of new vocabulary words.

Developing cultural understanding - This affective strategy
provides learners a background knowledge of the culture of the speakers of the language for a better understanding of new vocabulary words.

Overview and Linking with Already Known Material-
This metacognitive strategy involves previewing new vocabulary words for upcoming language activity and linking these with what the learners already know.


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At the end of each vocabulary lesson, three follow-up quizzes are presented to test students mastery, usage, and understanding of the weekly Tagalog list of words.  The quizzes are in the form of an Email quiz (multiple choice and short answer quiz), Word Drag and Drop (word use in a sentence) and an Email Message (short writing task).


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