List of
other relevant readings
1. Abhoud Syed Mansur Lingga. 1995a.
The Political
Thought of Salam at Hashim.
Master's thesis,
Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Philippines. 2. ___ . 1995b. "Salamat Hashim's Concept of Bangsamoro State and Government." Dansalan Quarterly 15. 3. Abinalez, Patricio. 2000. Making Mindanao: Cotabato and Davao in the formation of the Philippine Nation- State. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University Press. 4. Aeusrivongse, Nidhi. 2005. "Understanding the Situation in the South as a 'Millenarian Revolt.''' Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia 6. 5. Ahmad Omar Capakia. 2002. Politik dan Perjuangan Masyarakat Islam di Selatan Thailand, 1902-2002. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 6. Anderson, Benedict R. G. 1983. Imagined Communities. London: Verso. 7. Aphornsuvan, Thanet. 2004. Origins of Malay Muslim "Separatism" in Southern Thailand. 8. Asia Research Institute, Working Paper Series No. 32. Singapore: Asia Research Institute. 9. Brazal, Agnes. n.d. "Beyond the Social and Religious Divide: The Emerging Mindanawon Identity." Available at 10. Chalk, Peter. 1997. "The Davao Consensus: A Panacea for the Muslim Insurgency in Mindanao?" Terrorism and Political Violence 9/2: 79-98. 11. ---.2001. "Separatism and Southeast Asia: The Islamic Factor in Southern Thailand, Mindanao, and Aceh." Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 24/2: 241-69. 12. Dulyakasem, Uthai. 1981. Education and Ethnic Nationalism: A Study of the MuslimMalays of Southern Siam. Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University. 13. Geertz, Clifford. 1973. The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books. George, T. J. S. 1980. Revolt in Mindanao. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press. 14. Girling, John L. S. 1981. Thailand: Society and Politics. lrhaca: Cornell University Press. Gunaratna, Rohan, Arabinda Acharya, and Sabrina Chua. 2005. Conflict and Terrorism in Southern Thailand. Singapore: Times Academic Press. 15. Gutierrez, Eric. 2000. "The Reimaginarion of the Bangsamoro." In Rebels, Warlords, and Ulama: A Reader on Muslim Separatism and the war in Southern Philippines, ed. Gutierrez, Eric et al. Quezon City: Insritllte for Popular Democracy. 16. Hafez, Mohammed M. 2004. Why Muslims Rebel: Repression and Resistance in the Islamic World. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. 17. Hamilton-Harr, Narasha. 2005. "Terrorism in Southeast Asia: Experr Analysis, Myopia and Fantasy." The Pacific Review 18/3: 303-25. 18. Hayimasae, NlIman. 2002. Hj Sulong Abdul Kadir (1895-1954): Perjuangan dan Sumbangan Beliau Kepada Masyarakat Melayu Patani [Hj Sulong Abdul Kadir (1895-1954): Struggle and Contributions to rhe Patani Malays]. Master's thesis, Universiti Sains Kebangsaan Malaysia. 19. Imtiyaz YlISUf. 1998. "Islam and Democracy in Thailand: Reforming the Office of the Chularajmontri/Shaikh-al Islam." Journal of Islamic Studies 9: 277-98. 20. International Crisis Group [ICG]. 2004a. "Indonesia Backgrounder: Why Salafism and Terrorism Mostly Don't Mix." ICG Asia Report 83: September 13. 21. ---. 2004b. Southern Philippines Backgrounder: Terrorism and the Peace Process. ICG Asia Report 80: July 13. ---. 2005. Southern Thailand: Insurgency, Not Jihad. ICG Asia Report 98: May 18. Islam, Syed Serajul. 1998. "The Islamic Independence Movements in Patani and Mindanao." Asian Survey 38/5: 441-56. 22. ---.2002. "Ethno-communal Conflict in the Philippines." In Ethnic Conflict in Southeast Asia, ed. Ian MacDuff and Rajat Ganguly. New York: Sage Publishers. 23. ---. 2005. The Politics of Islamic Identity in Southeast Asia. Singapore: Thomson. Jenkins, David. 1983. "Insurgency, not external threat, is the worry." Far Eastern t.conomic Review, March 10. 24. Julkipli M. Wadi. 2005. "Ambivalence, Ferment, and Trade-off Since 9/ I I." Ayat azZaman [Signs of the Times] 9. 25. Keyes, Charles. 1987. Thailand: Buddhist Kingdom as Modern Nation-State. Boulder, CO, and London: Westview. 26. Lim, Merlyna. 2005. Islamic Radicalism and Anti-Americanism in Indonesia: The Role of the Internet. Policy Studies 18. Washington, D.C.: East-West Center Washington. 27. Liow, Joseph c. Y. 2004. "The Security Situation in Southern Thailand: Towards an Understanding of Domestic and International Dimensions." Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 27/6: 531-48. 28. Lumayang, Lynn Antonette. 2006. "Bangsamoro's Autonomy: The Key Issue Behind the Bid to Oust MILF Chief!" IDSS Commentaries, April 13. 29. Majul, Cesar Adib. 1999. Muslims in the Philippines. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. McKenna, Thomas M. 1997. "Appreciating Islam in the Muslim Philippines: Authority, Experience, and Identity in Cotabato." In Islam in an Era of Nation-States: Politics and Religious Renewal in Muslim Southeast Asia, ed. Robert W Hefner and Patricia Horvatich. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 30. ___ . 1998. Muslim Rulers and Rebels: Everyday Politics and Armed Separatism in the Southern Philippines. Berkeley: University of California Press. 31. ___ . 2002. Saints, Scholars, and the Idealised Past in Philippine Muslim Separatism. Working Papers Series No. 23. Hong Kong: Southeast Asia Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong. 32. McVey, Ruth. 1989. "Identity and Rebellion among Southern Thai Muslims." In The Muslims of Thailand, Vol. 2: Politics of the Malay-Speaking South, cd. Andrew D.W Forbes. Bihar, India: Centre for Southeast Asian Studies 33. Mohd, Zamberi A. Malek. 1993. Umat Islam Patani: Sejarah dan Politik. Shah Alam: H IZBI. Pitsuwan, Surin. 1985. Islam and Malay Nationalism: A Case Study of Malay-Muslims of Southern Thailand. Bangkok: Thai Khadi Research Institute. 34. Rabasa, Angel, and Peter Chalk. 200 I. Indonesia's Transformation and the Stability of Southeast Asia. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation. 35. Raman, B. 2004a. "Bangladesh-Myanrnar-Thailand: The Jihadi Corridor." South Asia Analysis Group I 102/28 August. 36. ___ . 2004b. "Muslim Anger: The Thai Dilemma." South Asia Analysis Group 1156/ I November. 37. Roy, Olivier. 2004. Globalised Islam: The Search fOr a New Ummah. London: C. Hurst. Salamat Hashim. 1985. The Bangsamoro Mujahid: His Objectives and Responsibilities. Mindanao: Bangsamoro Publications. 38. ___ . 2002. Referendum: Peaceful, Civilized, Diplomatic and Democratic Means of Solving the Mindanao Conflict. Edited and with an introduction by Nu'ain bin Abdulhaqq. Mindanao: Agency for Youth Affairs. 39. Satha-Anand, Chaiwat. 1987. Islam and Violence: A Case Study of Violent Events in the Four Southern Provinces of Thailand, 1976-1981. Florida: Florida University Press. 40. Sayyid, S. 2003. A Fundamental Fear: Eurocentrism and the Emergence of Islamism. London: Zed Books. 41. Syukri, Ibrallim. 1985. History of the Malay Kingdom of Pattani. Translated by C. Bailey and J. Miksic. Athens: Center for International Studies. 42. Tan, Andrew. 2003. "The Indigenous Roots of Conflict in Southeast Asia: The Case of Mindanao." In After Bali: The Threat of Terrorism in Southeast Asia, ed. Kumar Ramakrishna and See Seng Tan. Singapore: World Scientific. 43. Vickery, Michael. 1970. "Thai Regional Elites and the Reforms of King Chulalongkorn." Journal of Asian Studies 29/4. 44. Vitug, Marites Danguilan, and Glenda M. Gloria. 2000. Under the Crescent Moon: Rebellion in Mindanao. Manila: Institute for Popular Democracy and Ateneo Center for Social Policy and Public Affairs. 45. Wan Kadir Che Man. 1990. Muslim Separatism: The Moros of Southern Philippines and the Malays of Southern Thailand. Singapore: Oxford University Press. 46. Yegar, Moshe. 2002. Between Integration and Secession: The Muslim Communities of the Southern Philippines, Southern Thailand, and western Burma. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. |