The Way to Approval
PLAN -1- “Every month I pay over ten million in interest that really doesn’t seem to be necessary.” “I understand, sir.” “I’m not asking for a reduction in the amount. I am simply requesting assistance in facilitating the loan process and making it faster. If you would please just take a look at the paperwork I have submitted for approval.” “I will take care of it for you.” “I will send a copy of the paperwork
directly to you.” COPY |
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-2- “Today you came yourself?” “I haven’t heard from you in several days and I’m anxious to get an answer quickly.” “I looked over your paperwork. I don’t think that I can do anything to help you. I stand by my original decision.” Not
Approved “That’s alright. I understand.” “I want to help you, but I’ve been working for 30 years and can’t risk my future with these sorts of matters…” “Of course. Of course. No Problem.” “I’m sorry, but I’m a government official who must answer to the public.” “Of course. Of course. If I were you I would do the same. Don’t worry about such a trifling matter such as this. Well, I’ll be going now. But, wait! May I please sit for a moment? Men as old as I can never quite make it very well up six flights of stairs.” |
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“Ha ha! Your luck’s a little bad. Out elevator has been broken for several months now and never seems to get fixed. You know that this year the government budget was slashed dramatically. So, we here now get to exercise by going up and down the stairs every day.” “It’s probably just as well. It saves electricity too. Hey, if I remember correctly your legs were never very good. Is that right?” “Ever since the car accident two years ago. But it’s not that bad. My wife was hurt much worse than I.” “And your wife is fully recovered now, right?” “She’s much better. We’ve spent a tremendous amount of money on health care, but she’s not back to normal – ever since she lost one of her lungs. Now every month I pay quite a lot for my wife’s nurses, but it doesn’t matter when compared to her health. The air makes her sick a lot.” INVOICE |
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“I think the air in Bangkok has something to do with it. The best thing for your wife is to go rest somewhere with really pure air for awhile. She would definitely improve. Like somewhere in Europe…” “She won’t go anywhere. She’s still worried about our son – he’s still in school.” “Ah yes! I remember your son. He used to like drawing pictures as a child.” “Now he’s in his second year studying art. He said he was going to drop out of school to look after his mother.” “He’s most definitely an appreciative son. You must be very pleased with him. But don’t let him drop out of school. It’s not good.” “I don’t think I could stop him because, to us, family is the most important thing.” “Well, if that’s the case why don’t you all go together? You and your wife can go rest and recover in Italy and your son can continue his studies. Italy is the best place in the world to study art. I know several schools there. Would you like me to send you some information?” |
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“We couldn’t do it. Ha ha! It’s not that I’m not interested, but we really wouldn’t be able to make it. I only give my son a few thousand a year at most for his schooling expenses. He has to work to earn the rest. Really. If you don’t believe me, take a look at my son’s bank account book. There’s not much left.” Account Number: 008-2-17211-2 “That’s too bad. He’d go farther if he graduated from a school abroad.” “Well, I suppose I could look into it. There’s nothing to be lost from that.” “I’ll send someone over with the information this afternoon.”
To Be
Typed |
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-3- “Today I just happened by and brought my engineer to take a look at your elevator. I hope I’m not being too presumptuous. He will take care of finally getting it up and running again. I really did it for myself so that when I come here I don’t have to walk up all those flights of stairs. I hope you don’t object.” “Oh, that’s fine. Your intentions are good. It benefits everyone.” “Ah! You got the information about the schools…” “Thank you for sending it. Hm! The tuition is cheaper than I thought it would be.” “Don’t forget to also look at the ‘Expenses between Terms’.” “Oh, yes! I forgot to look at that. You’re right. These numbers are very reasonable.” “I can guarantee that it’s a good school.” |
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“But…” “I forgot to tell you. My company has a scholarship for appreciative students, so you don’t need to worry about the cost of tuition.” “Really…” “I already forwarded the cost of
registration. Schools there are about to begin a new term. I’m afraid it
won’t make the deadline, and that would be a shame. I don’t want your son’s
future to suffer because of the slowness of the process.” Paid
in Advance “Thank you for your good intentions.” “That’s quite alright. The loss of a good educational opportunity is the worst thing.” |
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“I forgot to tell you. Before you came, I happened to glance at your program again. I think we overlooked one point. In fact, in your case your program already received approval one time ten years ago. You simply stopped submitting requests for approval. Just revise some of the points and attach the old approved packet and you’ll be fine.”
CANCELLED “Thank you. I hope that the fresh air will do wonders to improve your wife’s health quickly.” “And I hope that your program will run smoothly in the future.” Approved
English translation by: Jennifer Weidman, 2004