
Maanii Book I

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กา              n.  crow(s)
กำ                    v.  to hold
กำมือ            v.  to hold, to clench in the hand
ก็                       AA.  also, too
ก็ดี                   adv.   fine
เกา                  v.  to scratch
เก้า                  nine
เกาะ               v.  to cling to;
                            n.  island(s)

เกะกะ          adj.  clumsy; in the way
กระรอก     n.  squirrel
แก่                   adj.  old (animate thing);
แก่ไป           too old
แก้ม              n.  cheek(s)


ขา                   n.  leg
ขอ                  v.  to ask for an object or permission
ขอดู              v.  to ask to look at
ของ              prep.   of;
                          n.  thing, article, goods

ของเขา    possessive.   his
ขี่                      v.  to ride
ขู่                      v.  to threaten
เข่า                n.  knee
เข้า                v.  to enter
เข้ามาหา         v.  to approach (toward)
เข้าไปหา         v.  to approach (away from)


คะ                 a polite ending of a question used by girls and women
คอ                n.  neck
คน               used as a classifier for human being


งู           n.  snake(s)
งอ              v.  to bend


จะ                 v.  will, shall
จะได้         conj.  so as to; so that
จาน            n.   1.  dish(es); plate(s)
                             2.  classifier for a plate of . . .

จน               conj.  untill
เจอ             v.  to meet; to find
เจ็ด             seven
จำปี           n.  Champii, a kind of tree with very fragrant white flowers


ชู                         v.   to raise something in the air
ชี้                         v.  to point
ชี้มือ                 v.  to point (by hand)
ใช่ไหม          Right?
เช้าเช้า         adj.  early in the morning
เชื่อฟัง          v.  to obey


ซี                   emphatic utterance   (That's what! of course)
ซน              adj.  naughty


ดุ                   v.  to scold
ดู                   v.  to look at; to watch
ดี                   adj.   good
ดีใจ            v.  to be glad
ดำ               adj.   black
เด็ก            adj.   young
                       n.   a child; children


ตา         n.  1.  eye(s)
                          2.  maternal grandfather; a form of address to an old man
ตี                 v.  to hit, to strike
ใต้              prep.  under
โต                adj.  the name of Maanii's dog.
                     v.  to be big, large, mature
โต๊ะ           n.  table(s)
ตัว              n.  1.  (some kind of) creature
                          2.  a classifier for animals

แต่             conj.  but
                     prep.  only; nothing but

ตอบ         v.  to answer


ถ้า                                conj.  if
ถ้า...เมื่อไร         adv.  if...then/when
ถู                                    v.  to rub
ถูไปถูมา                v.  to rub forth and back
ถือ                                v.  to hold
ถังใส่ผง                 n.  trashcan(s)


ทา                          v.   to smear; to apply (substance) to a surface; to paint
ทำ                          v.   to do
ทำไม                  why
ทำตาม              v.   to do accordingly; to comply with
เท                           v.   to pour
ทิ้ง                          v.   to throw away
ที่                             prep.   at
ที่นี่                        adj.   here
ที่หนึ่ง          the first
เท่า                       adj.   equal to
ทุกวัน                adv.   every day


นา                    n.  ricefield(s)
นาน             adv.  long; a long time
นอน             v.  to lie down
น้า                  n., pron.  uncle or aunt (younger siblings of one's mother)
น่าดู             v.  to be worth looking at; 
                         adj.  interesting

ใน                 adv.  1.  inner; internal
                        prep.  2.  in

นั่ง                v.  to sit
นับ               v.  to count
นก               n.  bird
นิทาน       n.   fable


บ้าน               n.  house
บ้าง                adj.  some;
                           adv.  sometimes

แบ                   v.  to open
โบ                    n.  bow
เบาเบา       adv.  gently; softly; lightly
บน                  prep.  on
บท                  n.  lesson, chapter
ใบบัว            n.  lotus leaf


ปู                                   n.  crab(s)
                                 v.  to spread out; to lay out
ป้า                                   n./pron.   aunt(s) (elder sister(s) of one's father or mother)
ปาก                               n.   lips; mouth
ปีหน้า                          n.   next year
ไปหา                           v.  to go to visit, to go over to someone happy
ไปทำอะไรมา       What have you been doing?
แปด                              eight


แผ่                                 v.  to spread out
โผ                                  v.  to swoop; to fly
ผ่านมา                      v.  to pass by
ผู้หญิง                       n.  woman/women; girl(s); female (not used with animals)


เฝ้า              v.  to guard;  to look after


พา                      v.  1.  to bring (someone or something) to someplace
                                  2.  to take (animate object) to someplace
พาไป               v.  to bring (someone or something) to someplace
พอ                     conj.  as soon as, when
พอใจ               v.  to be satisfied
พี่                        n.; pron.   elder sibling(s)
พูด                     v.  to speak
เพื่อน               n.  friend(s)


ฟู่ฟู่          adj.  hissing


ภูเขา              n.  mountain


มา                       v.  to come; directional post verb - towards the speaker
มานี         n.  Maanii, a Thai girl's name
มาหา             v.  to visit
มานะ           n.  the name of Maanii's brother
มี                  v.  to have; there is/ are/ was/ were
มือ                  n.  hand (s)
มอม             adj.  dirty
                          v.  to be smeared
ไม่                  AA.  not
ไม่ให้           v.  not allow to do something; not to give something
แม่                  n.  mother
เมื่อไร         pron.  when
มะม่วง        n.  mango(es)
มัน                 pron.    it
มัว                  v.  to persist in; to be busy with
                          adj.  dim; misty


ยา                n.   medicine
ย่า                n.   paternal grandmother
แย่            adj.   in great trouble
แยะ            adv.   lots; a lot
เยอะ         adj.   a lot
ยังไม่         adv.   not yet
ยี่สิบ                 twenty
ยี่สิบเอ็ด             twenty-one
ยี่สิบสอง            twenty-two



รู                                    n.   hole
รู้                                     v.   to know
รู้หนังสือ                  v.   to be literate
รอ                                 v.   to wait
โรงเรียน                 n.  school(s)
เรีัยนหนังสือ       n.  to study


และ                        conj.  and
แลดู                      v.  to look at; to observe
ลา                           v.  to take leave from; to say good-bye to
ล้าง                        v.   to wash
ไล่                           v.   to chase away
เล่า                         v.  to tell; to narrate
ลุง                           n.  uncle(s) (elder brother(s) of one's father or mother)
ลิง                           n.  monkey
ล้มทับ                 v.  to fall on/over
ล้มลง                  v.  to fall down
เลีย                       v.  to lick
เลอะเทอะ       adj.   messy


ว่                     v.  to say that, or "quote" following a verb
าง                       v.  to lay; to put down
ว่าง                       adj.  free; not busy
วิ่ง                          v.  run
แวะ                      v.  to stop off
ไวไว                   adv.  quickly
วันหนึ่ง             n.    1.  "once upon a time" in tales
                                        2.  one day


สะอาด                 adj.  clean
สอง                         two
สาม                         three
สี่                                four
สี                                n.  color
สีเทา                      n.  the name of Chuujai's cat.
สีดำ                        adj.   black color
สีฟ้า                       n.  blue
ใส่                             v.  1.  to put (in/on)
                                        2.  to place in

สิบ                           ten
สิบเอ็ด                eleven
สิบสอง               twelve
สิบสาม               thirteen
สิบสี่                      fourteen
สิบห้า                  fifteen
สิบหก                 sixteen
สิบเจ็ด               seventeen
สิบแปด             eighteen
สิบเก้า                nineteen
เสือ                        n.  tiger
เสื่อ                        n.  mat(s)
เสื้อ                        n.  shirt(s), blouse(s)


หา                      v.  to look for
ห้า                      five
หก                     six
หู                         n.  ear
หึหึ                    adj.   the sound of laughing
เห็น                  v.  to see
ให้                     prep.  for
หัว                     n.  head (s)
หัวเราะ         v.  to laugh
เห่า                   v.  to bark
หนึ่ง          one
หน้า                n. face
                            prep.  in front of

หน้าตา        n.  looks; appearance
หมี                    n.  bear
ให้ชื่อว่า      v.  to name; to entitle


อา          n.  uncle/aunt (a younger brother or sister of one's father)
อ่าน             v.  to read
เอา               v.  to take (inanimate object or instrument) to someplace or to do

อะไร          pron.  what
                         n.  something     
อย่า            v.  do not
อยู่                v.  to stay; to live; to be; to be located


Thai Number

                Thai numeral for 1
                Thai numeral for 2
                Thai numeral for 3
                Thai numeral for 4
               Thai numeral for 5
               Thai numeral for 6
               Thai numeral for 7
               Thai numeral for 8
              Thai numeral for 9
๑๐              Thai numeral for 10
๑๑             Thai numeral for 11
๑๒              Thai numeral for 12
๑๓             Thai numeral for 13
๑๔             Thai numeral for 14
๑๕            Thai numeral for 15
๑๖            Thai numeral for 16
๑๗           Thai numeral for 17
๑๘           Thai numeral for 18
๑๙            Thai numeral for 19
๒๐            Thai numeral for 20
๒๑            Thai numeral for 21
๒๒           Thai numeral for 22



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