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Pamilihan sa Bukid ni  M. Evangelista

What are these Modules?

This page is a collection of modules of important topics related to the Philippines, its people, culture and government.  Sub-topics are all discussed in Tagalog with accompanying pictures in most topics.  At the end of each module, a simple and short vocabulary and comprehension interactive quiz is included for practice.

Below is a brief description of each module:

Heograpiya - This module presents basic information about the geographical make-up of the Philippines. Information about the different geographical regions and the different natural resources of these regions are also provided.

Ang 1987 Konstitusyon - This module presents the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Links to the different articles/section of the Constitution are provided.

Yamang Tao:  Lahing Pilipino - This module presents the some of the ethnolinguistic groups in the Philippines. It also presents information on the different socioeconomic sector of the Philippine population.

Pamahalaan at Politika - This module presents information on the Philippine government and politics. It provide information on the Philippine anthem, pledge and flag. It also has information of the different branches of government.

Relihiyon - This module presents information on the different religious practices and beliefs in the Philippines.

Mga Ipinagmamalaking Katangian ng mga Pilipino - This module presents some interesting information on different cultural norms and beliefs that help shape a Filipino's social relationship with his or her fellow human being .

Mga Kilalalang Pilipino sa Sining, Panitikan at Palakasan - This module presents information on the world renown Filipinos in the field of Arts, Literature and Sports. 

Mga Huwarang Bayani - This module presents information on some of the Philippine heroes. This module discusses the life, trials and triumphs of each hero.

Mga Pagdiriwang sa Pilipinas - This module presents information on various national, civic and religious holidays and festivals.

Mga Artikulo tungkol sa Muslim Mindanao - This module is divided into several sub-modules. Each sub-module presents information about various aspects of history, politics and extraordinary life of people living in the Muslim Mindanao Region.