Fields ni M. Evangelista
(Used with Permission)
The main purpose of this course is to learn to translate Tagalog narratives into English using different computer tools, such as concordancing and word frequency compilation software and online dictionaries. The course hopes to train students to use and listen to simple dialogs, use a prepared word frequency count and a dictionary on line to transcribe dialog text and go through the process of writing a simple to more accurate translation of the Tagalog dialog into English. In addition, the course will develop students' Foreign Language reading skills of a given text with the aid of prepared word frequency list and concordance of the text. Students will also have an opportunity to translate the reading text using the Interlinear Translator and all the translation tools. Organization is one of the skills students will develop in this course as they will be required to create a database of words in the duration of the course.. These words will then be the basis of a vocabulary test at the end of the semester. The translation tools are easy to follow and use for the purpose of training students to become translators in the language.
Several translation articles are also posted in this site. Reading these articles will give you a brief foundation on the theories of translation and effective strategies on translation and an introduction of the different studies made about teaching and learning translation.