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(Taksu: Never Ending Art Creativity)
The sound of From morning Accompanying Glancing, Click here
to listen a gamelan sample
The gamelan orchestra usually (if not, always) accompanied by dancers. For temple ceremony purposes they usually belong to different generations. Late age and not having a formal training is not a constraint. During temple ceremonies you may see ladies in their 80's dance gracefully. You may also see a little girl dances with her mouth opens because her mother puts to much lipstick on her lips. Boys and girls, men and women, they all dance. Not all of them go through a formal training before being able to dance publicly. They just do that. But, why do they dance? When we are talking about offering, what comes to our mind is flowers, fruits, cakes, etc. For the Balinese a dance is another kind of offering too. The main purpose of dancing is as an offering for the God and deities, not as a performance for public. At a
temple ceremony, to greet the gods a group of dancers (mostly women) circle the central
shrines three times. While dancing in simple movements but very grace and intense, they
carry some ceremonial objects, such as holy water, fire, some pieces of cloth in different
colors, etc. The dancers move slowly in clockwise direction that symbolizes ascent of the
sacred mountain. The gamelan group accompanies the dancers and others sing
prayers. Click here to listen a gamelan sample |