List of Instruments
Here is a list of the Gamelan Instruments that you can listen to. Click on any instrument as you wish. If you want to know more information about the instruments, visit the Instruments & Sound page.
Bonang Barung
Bonang Panerus
Gong Ageng
Gender Panerus
Pelog Barung
Pelog Demung
Pelog Panerus
Pelog Slentem
Slendro Barung
Slendro Demung
Slendro Panerus
Slendro Slentem
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Gamelan Main Page
| Javanese Gamelan
| Functions of Instruments
| Instruments and
Sounds | List
| Javanese Gamelan Music
| Metallophones
| Gongs
| Drums
| Counter-Melody
| Balinese
Gamelan | Interlocking style
| Balinese
Gamelan Music |
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