Saron Barung

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Picture Credit: Dr. Han Kuo-Huang

 bluebullet.gif (1007 bytes)   Pelog Barung  music.gif (237 bytes)  (read this)

bluebullet.gif (1007 bytes)   Slendro Barung  music.gif (237 bytes)  (read this)

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Compared to Saron Demung and Saron Panerus, Saron Barung has the medium size metal bars.  It's pitches are one octave lower than the Saron Panerus, and one octave higher than the Saron Demung.  Like those of Saron Demung and Saron Panerus, in Saron Barung, the higher the pitch the smaller and thicker the bar.

The mallets for Saron Barung are the same as those of the Saron Demung, but smaller in size.  It has a wooden handle and a wooden barrel-shaped head.  The barrel-shaped head is detachable from the handle.  This barrel-shaped head is secured to the wooden handle by a hole drilled about halfway through.  Because of the thickness of the metal bars, the mallets used to struck on all Saron instruments has to be very hard.  During playing, the player needs to struck strongly too.

There are two types of Saron Barung, Pelog Barung and Slendro Barung.  These two types of Barung are of different tuning system.

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