Study Indonesian in 7 Days: Day 3 - More Politeness
On your third day, you are beginning to get used to the new time-zone, the smells and the food. This is about the time that you realize you're not in Kansas any more and you left Toto back home.
Indonesians are very good at helping you get over culture shock. They like to chat and find out about people and to tell you about themselves.
You will be stopped on the street and asked your age, name and address. Don't take it too seriously and you don't have to give a straight answer. These are simply polite questions, to answer "Where are you going?", "Over there.", "Ke sana" is good enough.
Vocabulary (Click on the sound icon to listen)
Ke kiri - To the left
Ke kanan - To the right
terus - straight ahead
lurus - straight ahead
ini - this
itu - that
rumah - house
gedung - building
jalan - street
Ke mana - Where are you going? (Also a common polite greeting.)
Saya mau ke Amerika - I am going to United States.
Saya tidak tahu- I don't know. (This will likely be obvious to the driver but may encourage him to find directions elsewhere.)
Di sini - Here. (Not really useful, but it's something to say while you're pointing at the house.)
Di sana - There. (Not really useful, but it's something to say while you're pointing at the house.)
Kiri, kana? - Left or right? (Drivers often ask this when approaching a street they assured you they grew up on.)