Study Indonesian in 7 Days: Day 6 - Asking Questions

You can learn words much faster if you make use of the 190 million eager and willing bahasa Indonesia teachers at your disposal. Finding out the word for "shoe" is a lot easier than more abstract concepts such as "good" and "evil" but at this stage you are still trying to become functional.

Learn five more useful nouns and five more verbs from a reliable phrase book, dictionary, or the word lists in the Appendix.

You should be at the stage now where you can teach someone a little English. Try it!

The words in the following table are similar in both English and bahasa Indonesia. They may not be the most precise pronunciation and spelling but they will be understood by most people.

airport apple athlete
baby baggage bank
bar beer bell
bottle bus camera
cashier cassette cherry
chocolate Coca-cola coffee
coin computer consultant
deoderant diskette doctor
donut dry cleaning electricity
film football glass
guitar hamburger hello
ice ice cream kilometer
kiosk mall massage
meter monument museum
music number office
OK oven paper clip
pen pencil pension
photo photocopy pizza
police radio restaurant
roast beef salad same
school sex shopping
staple steak stop
strawberry supermarket taxi
tea telephone tennis
ticket to park toilet
TV university video

Vocabulary (Click on the sound icon to listen)
   Apa ini? - What is this?

   Apa itu? - What is that?

   Apa (horse) dalam bahasa Indonesia? (substitute English word, which is handy only if the person to whom you are speaking knows more English than you know Indonesian.) - What is (horse) in Indonesian?

   Inggeris - English/England

| Day 1 - Being Polite | Day 2 - The Taxi | Day 3 - More Politeness | Day 4 - Numbers | Day 5 - Simple Sentences | Day 6 - Asking Questions | Day 7 - Leftovers |