pay ໄປwand máa ມາw
commonly occur as secndary verbs of direction with pháa ພາ sōŋ ສົ່ງ,w
aw ເອົາw and other verbs.
As with pharse such as khīi
ñǎŋ máa ຂີ່ຫຍັງມາw 'how did you get
here?' the pay ໄປ and máa ມາ indicates action
going away from or coming toward the speaker.
In addition to pay ໄປwand máa ມາ,w khŷn ຂຶ້ນw and lóŋ ລົງw
may also be used as secondary verbs of direction meaning 'up' and
aw khŷn pay
take it up
aw lóŋ máa
bring it
kɔ̄ɔ ກໍ was used
in Lesson 10 meaning 'also'. kɔ̄ɔ ກໍ w is also a connecting
word used to place events in a time order. Used this way, it means
'then'. kɔ̄ɔ ກໍ follows
the subject of the second sentence. kɔ̄ɔ ກໍ usually unstressed. The vowel is then shortened.
sōŋ nǎŋsy̌y lὲεw kɔ̄ɔ pay
After I mail
the letter, I am going to the office.
hǎa ຫາw
'to look for' may also mean 'to,
láaw sōŋ nǎŋsy̌y pay hǎa càw
He sent a
letter to you.
nám ນຳw
'with' often occurs with fâak ຝາກw 'to
ຂໍຝາກໜັງສືນຳເຈົ້າ ໄປຫາໝູ່ w
khɔ̌ɔ fâak nǎŋsy̌y nám càw pay hǎa mūu
May I send a
letter with you to my friend?
Note how the meaning of phǎy ໃຜw
differs in the following sentences.
càw phɔ̀ɔ phǎy
Who did you
càw phɔ̀ɔ phǎy bɔɔ
Did you meet
Compare this note with grammar note 5 in Lesson 18, and 5(1) in
Lesson 19. This pattern is used with other question words.
pay sǎy
Where are
you going?
si pay sǎy bɔɔ
Are you
going anywhere?
Note the meaning of the following sentences.
pay bǝ̄ŋ sinèe dii bɔɔ
How about
going to a movie?
pay sǎy dii
Where's a
good place to go?
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