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Tagalog is an onomatopaeic language because it is able to make fine distinctions in describing things or objects.  Whereas in English there is only one word for rice, Tagalog has many equivalents depending on the existing condition of the rice.  Take a look at the following examples:

Another set of examples is by way of describing the state of objects or things.  Whereas in English the word "broken" simply means that an object is out of order or it is destroyed, in Tagalog, there are specific ways to describe the state of brokenness.  Take a look at the following examples:

In general, Tagalog words associate the color of things based on objects that are associated with those colors.  Some examples are: tsokolate (brown, from chocolate); abo (gray, from ash); rosas (red, from roses); orens (orange, from navel); and ube (purple, from purple yam).  One uses the word kulay (color) and attach the object-associated color; thus, kulay abo, kulay rosas, kulay ube.

The same is true with describing shapes (hugis) in Tagalog.  Thus, hugis mansanas (apple-shaped), hugis papaya (papaya-shaped), hugis saging (banana-shaped), hugis coca-cola (coca-cola-shaped), etc.

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