PRE-ACTIVITY Pencil and Paper.gif (245 bytes)

anarule.gif (1534 bytes)

Study the following pictures.   Take the e-mail quiz below.
Click on the green buttons to listen to the words/sentences.

 turqball.gif (579 bytes) Ano ang gawain nila?

fvrpic.jpg (16407 bytes) Fidel V. Ramos     turqball.gif (579 bytes)
     dating Pangulo ng Pilipinas
kariton.jpg (53494 bytes) Mang Ben   turqball.gif (579 bytes)
secretary.gif (10740 bytes) Maria     turqball.gif (579 bytes)
teacher.gif (16604 bytes) Gng. Cruz    turqball.gif (579 bytes)
maybahay.gif (19533 bytes) Gng. Fernandez    turqball.gif (579 bytes)


anarule.gif (1534 bytes)

E-mail Quiz

redball.gif (371 bytes) Click on the red button for instruction on how to take this quiz.

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