(last updated )
This page contains two types of Tagalog learning activities -- one designed for students of Tagalog (Beginning Tagalog 1 and 2 levels) and another for site visitors. Scroll the page, and click on the appropriate links.
For Learners of TAGALOG
Read this Essay
"Ang Pag-aaral ng Isang Wika" (Learning a Language) is a short essay about the qualities of a good and bad language learner. This essay is written in Tagalog. A dictionary is available on line to help you with some of the difficult words. Read this first before doing the activities.
Introduction to Thematic Activities
This page provides an introduction to the lessons and a brief description of the organization of the themes. Please read this introduction first before you proceed to the activities.
Thematic Lessons
The lessons are divided into two: Beginning Tagalog 1 and Beginning Tagalog 2. The lessons in Beginning Tagalog 1are for learners who have minimal language skills in Tagalog and would like to do activities to build their vocabulary in the language. The Beginning Tagalog 2 lessons are for learners who have a good set of vocabulary words and have a basic understanding of the syntax and grammar of the language.
For Other Site Visitors
Click here to go to other interesting Tagalog language links.