Masjid Baiturrahman, Aceh
Tourism Department. 1997. Indonesia Travel. Jakarta
The capital city of Aceh is Banda Aceh.
This province is known as Serambi Mekah (Mecca's veranda), because it is seen as the
closest part of Indonesia to Mecca. The native people of this province are called the
Acehnese, who are Islam. Unlike in other regions of the country, in Aceh alcohol
beverages are not legally available.
Aceh has its own traditional music and dance
that are different from those of other provinces' in the same island. Seudati,
meusakat, and ranub lam puan are some dances of Aceh. Acehnese
musical instruments are made of bamboo, rattan, or horsetail. This province is
very rich with natural resources such as oil and natural gas.
about Aceh
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Rumah Adat Batak Karo
Homan, Peter.et.al. 1990. Indonesia in Focus. Netherland:
Edu'Actief Publishing Company.
North Sumatra covers an area of 70,687 sq. km. It is
known for its large share of argicultural products.
Medan is the capital city of the
province. It is the largest city in Sumatra and the third largest city in
Indonesia. The native people of this province are the Bataks. Other ethnic groups who live
here including Javanese, Acehnese, Arabians, Riau Islanders, Chinese, Indians,
and Melayus. These people migrated to North Sumatra to seek fortune given that
the province has a lot of commercial activities and plantations.
Some of the major sites of interest in
the province are Gang Bangkok Mosque (Medan's oldest mosque), Parisada Hindu Dharma
Temple, Vihara Gunung Timur, the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. In
addition, the capital city of Medan has several buildings that were
constructed in the colonial-style architecture. These buildings include the
general post office and the Dutch Church.
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Rumah Gadang
Turner, Peter. et.al. 1995. Indonesia: A Lonely Planet Travel Survival
Kit. Hong Kong: Lonely Planet PublicationWest Sumatra is the home of the Minangkabau ethnic
group. This group comprises 95% of the total population of the province. The
capital city is Padang which the third largest city in Sumatra. Islam is a main
religon in addition to Christianity and Hinduism.
This province is known for its unique
Minang culture of matrilineality. Unlike most ethnic groups in
Indonesia, the Minangkabau people believe that mothers are the heads of families as
well as decision makers. In fact, in marriage arrangements, the woman's
family generally initiates the proposal.
"Rumah Gadang" or the "Big House"
is a famous cultural site of this province. The house is usually a place where young
people hang out, a meeting room for elders, and generally a gathering
space for families.
More about West Sumatera
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Perfect waves and idyllic scenery
Destination: Indonesia, Your Travel Planner, 1997. Hongkong: Ismay
Publication, Ltd.
Jambi became a province in 1957 and has one and a half million
inhabitants. They are Chinese, Arabs, Japanese, Malaysians,
Pakistanis, Javanese, Minangkabaus, Sundanese, Bataks, and the earliest inhabitants
of Jambi and the Kubus.
The capital city of Jambi is also named Jambi -- the
name is the same as the province. Attractive sites are Majid Agung, Sungai Tutung,
and Batu Gong.
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Becak Drivers in the city of Palembang.
Storey, Robert. et.al. 1992. Indonesia: A Travel Survival
Kit. Singapore: Lonely Planet Publications
South Sumatra is place of five million
people. They are Javanese, Malay, and Minangkabau. Around one million
and a half people reside in Palembang, the provincial capital. Palembang is
the second largest city in Sumatra.
Famous handicrafts are kain songket which are
usually made of silk and plangi cloth. The name plangi was originally taken from the word
pelangi, or rainbow. Attractive sites are the Dutch Fort which was built in the late
18th century and the Mesjid Agung. In the Pasemah islands, which can be found in the
foothills of the Bukit Barisan, is the area where dozens of mysterious megalithic
monuments can be found.
More about South Sumatra
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Traditional Market Lampung
Indonesia, Lonely Planet. May 1995
became a province in 1964. Its capital city is Bandarlampung. About eight
million people live in the province. However, they can mainly be found in the
capital city.
The Lampungese culture is not
so dissimilar to the West Java culture. The cultural attachment has been
formed since the occupation of Dutch colonials who brought people as labor into pepper,
coffee, palm, clove, and rubber plantations.
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Smoking volcanoes
Destination: Indonesia, Your Travel Planner. 1997.
Hongkong: Ismay Publication, Ltd.Bengkulu became a province of Indonesia in 1968. The capital
city has the same name as the province, Bengkulu. This province was the first door
to Indonesia for British colonials under Raffles in 1818. The province has 767,980
people, 98 percent of whom are Muslims.
Bengkulu was also the place where Sukarno
(the first president of Indonesia) was exiled by the Dutch in 1938 until the arrival of
Japanese in 1941. Sukarno designed the Mesjid (Mosque) Jamik.
One special event is the Tabot
Carnival. It is known as the festival of fifty colorful towers (tabots), which are made of
bamboo and decorated with colored paper. This carnival attributes the heroism of
Hassan and Hussein, grandsons of the Prophet Mohammed. Other attractions are
a small boat harbor, Pantai Panjang and a small beautiful lake, Danau Dendam Tak
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Danau Tawar
Sorey, Robert et.al. 1992. Indonesia: A Travel Survival Kit.
Singapore: Lonely Planet Publication.
Riau is a province made up of a group of 3214 islands that are
scattered across the South China Sea. The capital city is Pekan Baru. Most
people who live in this islands are of Malay origins. Other origins are Batak,
Minangkabau, and Chinese. Ninety percent of the population are Moslems.
Riau has a famous industrial zone, Pulau
Batam. This is a growth triangle of Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia which keeps
the three countries at a pace of rapid development.
Attractive sites are an old palace of Raja Ali and
the tombs and graveyards of Raja Jaafar. Other attractions are Gunung Bintan Besar
(Bintan Besar Mountain), Pulau Mapor, and a tiny Pulau Terkulai.
More about Riau
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