Kirik - the Complete Comic - Page 3

Kirik - Komik Lengkap - Halaman 3

basuki5a.gif (16700 bytes) ...Asu pun mulai mencari informasi...
"Ke rumah Pak Herder dulu ah..."
...Asu then starts searching for information...
"First to Pak Herder's house..."

"Pak Herder.."
"Pak Herder.."

Di dalam rumah
"Weh...ada tamu rupanya..."
"Siapa ya..."
In the house
"Oh...looks like there is a guest..."
"Who's that..."

"...Saya Pak Asu...teman Pak Herder..."
"Oh...Pak Asu...kok tumben Pak...Mari...mari pak...silakan masuk"
"...I am Pak Asu...Pak Herder's friend..."
"Oh...Pak Asu...What brings you here...Come in...please come in"

"Ada masalah apa Pak Asu..."
"What's the problem Pak Asu..."

"Begini Pak..Sebenarnya ini bukan masalah saya...tapi..."
"It's like this, Pak..In fact this is not my problem...but..."

"...ini...masalah si Kirik..anak saya...Sudah dua hari ini...setiap Kirik lewat jalan kampung selalu dilempari batu sama anak-anak..."
"..this is..Kirik's child...It has been two days..every time Kirik passes through the street in the village he always pelted with rocks by the kids..."

"Padahal ..ia hanya lewat saja ..Pak.."
"Bahkan..tadi pagi..teman-temannya juga ikut dilempari batu..."
"Although...he only passed by...Pak..."
"Even...this morning...his friends accompanied him and were also were pelted with rocks..."

basuki5b.gif (14971 bytes) "..Seingat saya..dulu..waktu kecil saya juga pernah mengalami hal seperti itu...Tapi..karena anak kampung waktu itu nakal-nakal...."
"..As far as I remember..long time ago..when I was little I have experienced something like that...But..because back then the village kids were naughty..."

"Lha..sekarang...anak-anak kampung itu...kan alim-alim Pak...Dan...Kirik maupun teman-temannya juga tidak nakal....."
"And now..those village kids ..are religious ones, Pak...And Kirik as well as his friends are not naughty...."

"Tetapi...mengapa mereka masih juga dilempari batu??"
"But...why are they still pelted with rocks??"

"Oh...masalahnya itu to Pak...Wah itu sih masalah kuno..."
" that's the problem...It's an old issue..."

"Kuno bagaimana sih...Pak???"
"Lho...Pak Asu belum tahu ya..."
"How is it an old issue....Pak???"
" haven't informed yet..."

basuki6a.gif (16713 bytes) "..Begini ceritanya...Orang-orang kampung itu kan beragama Islam yang fanatik..Nah..bagi mereka anjing itu najis...atau kotor...meski hanya di jalan..tidak masuk rumah...jalan itu akan dianggap tidak suci juga. Jadi...bila ada anjing yang lewat sana...mereka akan mengusirnya...tidak peduli apakah itu anjing yang masih kecil maupun anjing yang sudah gedhe..."
"..This is the story...Those villagers are fanatic Islams...For them dogs are najis...or dirty...even though the dogs are only at the streets...not in the house...that streets will be considered as not holy anymore. So...if there is a dog passes by ...they will chase it away...doesn't matter it's a small dog or a big one..."

"Tapi...Kirik dan teman-temannya kan belum bisa memahami cerita itu..."
"But...Kirik and his friends are not yet able to understand that issue..."

"..Yah..bagaimana lagi..kalo' saya..mendingan tidak usah lewat jalan di kampung..."
"..Yah..what can I say..if it was  me..I would choose not to pass through the streets in the village..."

"Itu informasi yang saya berikan...Kalo' Pak Asu belum percaya..ya..tanya aja tetangga lain.."
"That's the information I give you..If you aren't satisfied yet..ask other neighbors..."

"Wah...terima kasih lho..Pak...Kalo' begitu saya..mau pamit dulu..Mari Pak Herder...Assalaamu'alaikum..."
"Oh...thank you ..Pak..I think it's time for me to leave.. Bye, Pak Herder...Assalaamu'alaikum..."

"Baiklah...aku akan cari informasi lain..."
"OK...I'll be looking for other information..."

basuki6b.gif (23263 bytes) "Lho!!  Jalannya kok terus pake' dua kaki..he..he..he..."
"Why am I walking on two feet...ha..ha..ha..."

Sorry..sorry Su!! Sing nggambar lali
Sorry..sorry Su!! The cartoonist forgets

"Nah..harusnya begini cara berjalannya....."
"Sekarang coba ke rumah Pak Bulldog!"
"This is how I should walk..."
"Now try to go to Pak Bulldog's!!"

Rumah Pak Bulldog seperti goa hantu...
"Permisi...Pak Bulldog ada......."
Pak Bulldog's house looks like a haunted cave...
"Excuse me...Is Pak Bulldog there......"

"Hantu hantu han tu han  tu"
"He!!! Ngomong yang jelas...hantu atau Tuhan???"
"Hey...who's that..."
"ghost ghost gho st gho st"
"Hey!!! Speak clearly...ghost or God????"

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Basuki is created by Bambang Toko