One day, a young man saw an old man using
eyeglasses to read with. The young man had never learned to read or write any
words. After watching the old man use the eyeglasses for a time, he thought to
himself, "I need some eyeglasses, so I can read, too."
So, he went downtown to see an eye doctor.
The young man tried on the glasses one by one, and with each pair of glasses he
opened a book to read. When he still couldn't read the book, he said to the eye
doctor, "I can't read anything."
The eye doctor finally guessed what was wrong.
He asked the young man, "Do you know how to read or not?"
The young man answered, "If I knew how to
read before I came here, I wouldn't have come here to look for eyeglasses."
The eye doctor said to the young man, "I
cannot help you yet. First, you must go back to school to learn to read.
Then, if you still cannot read, come back again, and we will find the right glasses for