Exercise  16: Reading a Poem




ເເລເບິ່ງອຶມຄຶມຟ້າ         ຍາມເເລງລົມລ່ວງ

ພາເອົາກ້ອນຂີ້ເຝື້ອ        ໄຫຼກົ້ວກໍ່ກວມ

ບາງກຸ່ມເປັນຊໍ່ຊັ້ນ        ເງື້ອມໂງ່ນງາມສະເໝີ

ບາງຕອນມີສີສັນ        ເພາະເເສງຕາເວັນຕ້ອງ

ມອງຕາມລຳຂອງກວ້າງ      ເຫັນເຮືອຂຶ້ນລ່ອງ

ກະເເສຟອງເຄື່ອນຍູ້       ຍິນສະອື້ນມ່ວນໃຈ

English Translation:

Look at the cloudy sky in the gentle, windy evening.

The wind blows the clouds, floating slowly and gathering into each other.

Some groups of cloud lay over each other and look very beautiful.

Some are colorful because they face the sunshine. 

Look along the long and wide Khong (Mekong) River; there are boats passing back and forth.

Listen to the current of the river that helps to push the boats; it makes me feel contented.


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