Exercise  26: Reading Sentenses


ຂ້ອຍມັກ ຫັດນັບ ຢູ່ກັບໜູ່ເພື່ອນ I like to practice counting with my friends.

ປາກໃຫ້ດີ ມີຄວາມສະຫຼາດ Speak wisely, and you will be intelligent.
ຖ້າຄົ້ນຄິດ ຈະມີພິກໄຫວ If one thinks, one will gain wisdom.
ຂີ່ລົດຖີບ ຫຼີກສິ່ງກີດຂວາງ When one rides a bicycle, one should avoid obstacles ahead.
ພວມນຶກຄຶດ ຈະໃຊ້ຢາງລຶບ I am just thinking of using an eraser.
ຝຸງເປັດກືດ ຊົ້ນຢູ່ຫຼືບຂອນ A flock of dumb ducks are hiding inside the crevice of logs.
ເຫັນຫຍ້າຍຸບ ຊອກສຽມມາຂຸດ Seeing a lot of grass, I took a shovel to dig it out.
ປ້າຊອກຜັກກູດ ຢູ່ຂ້າງຕູບກັບລູກ Aunty and her child are looking for edible ferns beside the hut.
ເພິ່ນເກັບຜັກສະເມັກແລກໝາກເຜັດ She collects "Semek" leaves to trade for chilli peppers.
ເບິ່ງກ້ອນເມກ ຄືຮູບມ້າເທບ Look at the cloud; it looks like a divine horse.
ເກັບໝາກບວບໄປໜຶ້ງໃສ່ຫວດ Collect Chinese squashes to steam in a bamboo steamer.
ໝົກຫົວເຜືອກ ໃສ່ຂີ້ເຖົ່າເດືອດ Roast a taro in the hot ashes.
ຍົກເອົາແກັດໝວກແກັບເລີຍຕົກ As he picks up a gun, his cap falls down.
ໝົກປາແດກ ໃສ່ເຫັດຕີນແຮດ Roast fermented fish with "Tiin Haed" mushroom.
ນົກກົດປູດ ຮ້ອງຢູ່ກາງດົງ Kut Puut birds cry in the middle of the jungle.
ຢ່າເວົ້າໂຍກ ຫຼືວ່າຂີ້ໂລບ Don't tell a lie or be greedy.
ຕົກດັງປັອກ ສຽງແຕກດັງຕັອບ The falling sound is "Pok" and the crashing sound is "Tob."
ໄປຕ້ອງລາ ມາຕ້ອງຄອບ Say “farewell” before leaving and say “greeting words” when arriving.
ຕ້ອງໝັ່ນເຝິກ ອ່ານໃຫ້ລ່ຽນໄຫຼ One must practice reading until one becomes fluent.
ເລີກໂຮງຮຽນ ມາໄດ້ດົນເຕີບ I have been back from school for quite awhile.
ເອົາໄມ້ສຽບຂຽດໄປຕາກໃສ່ແດດ Take the sticks to skewer the toads and dry them in the sun.

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