Grammar Notes 26
  1. dǝ̀ǝ ເດີClick to Listenw is a final particle which emphasizes a preceding statement.  It is not customarily used when speaking to persons of higher social status than oneself.
  ຂອບໃຈເດີClick to Listenw khɔ̄ɔp cay dǝ̀ǝ Thank you.
  ລະວັງເດີClick to Listenw lawáŋ dǝ̀ǝ Look out.


  1. jāa ຢ່າClick to Listenw 'don't' may be used alone or with fàaw ຟ້າວClick to Listenw or sūu ຊູ່Click to Listenw
  ຢ່າບອກລາວClick to Listenw jāa bɔ̂ɔk làaw Don't tell him.
  ຢ່າຟ້າວບອກລາວClick to Listenw jāa fàaw bɔ̂ɔk làaw Don't hurry to tell him.
   ຢ່າຊູ່ບອກລາວClick to Listenw jāa sūu bɔ̂ɔk làaw Be sure not to tell him.
  1. sá ສະClick to Listenw is a final particle meaning 'and be done with it', 'let it be'.  Followed by the particle nɔ̄ ເນາະClick to Listenwit is often used to express the idia 'Let's be done with it.' 
  ຢູ່ສະClick to Listenw jūu sá (Don't go) please stay.
  ລືມສະClick to Listenw lýym sá Forget it.
  ລືມສະເນາະClick to Listenw lýym sá nɔ̄ Let's forget it.
  ເອົາຮ້ອຍກີບສະເນາະClick to Listenw aw hɔ̀ɔy kîip sá nɔ̄ Take 100 kip (and let's be done with it.)
  1. hây ໃຫ້ Click to Listenwalso means 'to let, allow, permit'
  ຄັນເຈົ້າໄປ, ຂ້ອຍສິໃຫ້ລາວໄປClick to Listenw khán càw payˏ khɔ̂y si hây láaw pay

If you go, I'll let him go.

The previous sentence could also be translated:

If you go I'll have him go.

  1. tháŋ ທັ້ງClick to Listenw 'all' also means 'both.........and.....'
  ທັ້ງນ້ຳຕານ ທັ້ງນົມClick to Listenw tháŋ nàm taan thàŋ nóm Both sugar and cream


  1. khŷn  ຂຶ້ນClick to Listenw 'to rise' and lóŋ ລົງClick to Listenw 'to descend' also mean 'to increase' and 'to decrease'.
    ລາວຕຸ້ຍຂຶ້ນClick to Listenw láaw tùy khŷy He is getting fatter.
    ລາວເຕຍລົງClick to Listenw ]áaw tìa lóŋ He has gotten shorter.


  1. káp ກັບClick to Listenw 'and' often occurs in comparisons.  Note the word order. 
  ອ້າຍກັບເອື້ອຍ, ຜູ້ໃດສູງກວ່າກັນClick to Listenw àay káp yàyˏ phūu day sǔuŋ kūa dan
  1. thȳa ເທື່ອClick to Listenw 'time, instance, occasion' is combined with nìi ນີ້,w nâa ໜ້າ,Click to Listenw   lὲεw nìi     ແລ້ວນີ້Click to Listenw
 ເທື່ອນີ້ບໍ່ໄປClick to Listenw thȳa nìi bɔ̄ɔ pay He didn't go this time.


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