- Use these phrases to help you pronounce /t/. Remember it is
unaspirated, like the "t" in the word "stop" but not the "t"
in "top." Listen, and repeat the phrases, then try to say the words
beginning with /t/ individually.
For example,
ຈັດໂຕ໊ະ![](spkr1.gif) |
ca2t to |
set the table |
ແດດຕະເວັນ![](spkr1.gif) |
dE3Et tawe2n |
sunshine |
ເບັດຕິດ![](spkr1.gif) |
be2t tit |
stuck hook |
ກວດຕາ![](spkr1.gif) |
kua3t taa |
check the eyes |
ເຣັດແຕກ![](spkr1.gif) |
he#t tE3Ek |
to break |
ລາດຕະເວັນ![](spkr1.gif) |
la1at tawe2n |
patrol |
- Note that "khO4O
tho1ot" ຂໍໂທດ
has two
long vowels "OO" ອອand "oo" ໂ-. "oo" is not a glide. It does not sound like the English word
"oh". The lips and tongue should not change position while you are saying "oo". Be sure the "th" is aspirated.
- The "ua" ເ ືອ of "mua2N" ເມືອງ is
unrounded. Compare "mua2N" and "mua2N".
- Note that "amee2likaa" ອເມຣິກາ
has two long vowels.
- Not the pronunciation of "Vientiane", "wia2Ncan" (ເວີຍງຈັນ).
- "ua" (-ັະin "lua4N" (ຫລວງ
is a vowel. It is a single syllable not
two. There is no "w" sound. Try not to say "luwaaN".
- "kho2n" (ຄົນ)
has a short rounded
vowels which sounds something like the vowel "o" in the English word
"core". Compare the following.
ຄູນຄົນ![](spkr1.gif) |
kho2n |
ໂຄນຄົນ![](spkr1.gif) |
kho2n |
ຄຸນຄົນ![](spkr1.gif) |
kho2n |
ຄອນຄົນ![](spkr1.gif) |
kho2n |