Conversation 1: Have someone do something |
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A1 |
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ເຮົາຊິສັ່ງຫຍັງ |
háw sī sāŋ
ñǎŋ |
What shall we order ? |
B1 |
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ຊິສັ່ງປານໃດ |
hâj càw sāŋ
sa+aˏ khɔ̂j bɔ̄ɔ sāaŋ sī sāŋ pāan-dǎj |
You order, I am not so skilled in ordering. |
A2 |
![](https://seasite.niu.edu/images/spkr.gif) |
ຄັນຊັ້ນ, ເອົາແກງ,
ຂົ້ວຊີ້ນ ໃສ່ຜັກ ກັບປີ້ງໄກ່ເນ໊າະ |
khán sànˏ ǎw kε̌εŋˏ
khûa sìin sāj phák káp pìiŋ kāj nɔ̄ |
Then, let's have soup, stir-fried meat with
vegetables and roast chicken, all right ? |
A1 |
![](https://seasite.niu.edu/images/spkr.gif) |
ເຈົ້າມາ, ພໍດີເຮົາກຳລັງ
ສິກິນເຂົ້າ |
càw maáˏ phɔ́ɔ dǐi
háw kǎmláŋ sī kǐn khâw. |
Just as you came; we were sitting down to
eat. |
B1 |
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ແລ້ວ ຂ້ອຍຫາກໍ່ກິນ ເຂົ້າເມື່ອກີ້ນີ້ |
sǝ́ǝn tǎam sabǎajˏ
khɔ̂j īim lὲεwˏ khɔ̂j hǎa kɔ̄ɔ kǐn khâw mỳy-kìi-nìi |
Don't let me disturb you. I'm full; I just
now finished eating. |
A1 |
![](https://seasite.niu.edu/images/spkr.gif) |
ຊີມາຄົວກິນຈັກໂມງ |
lawíiwán sī máa
khûa kǐn cák móoŋ |
What time is Lavivanh coming to cook ? |
B1 |
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ກຳລັງເຮັດແລ້ວເດ໋ |
kǎmláŋ hēt la
de+e |
She's already cooking. |
A2 |
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ການ ໃຫ້ ເຮົາຊ່ອຍ |
láaŋ thȳaˏ láaw
âat cá tɔ̀ɔŋkǎan hâj háw sɔ̄ɔj |
Maybe, she might want us to help. |
ອາດຈະ |
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âat-cá |
may, might |
ຈານ |
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cǎan |
dish |
ເຝີ |
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fǝ̌ǝ |
kind of noodles |
ອີ່ມ |
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īim |
full from eating |
ຢາກເຂົ້າ |
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jâak-khâw |
hungry |
ຢາກນ້ຳ |
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jâak-nàm |
thirsty |
ກຳລັງ |
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kǎmláŋ |
in the act of |
ແກງ |
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kε̌εŋ |
soup |
ກຸ້ງ |
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kùŋ |
shrimp |
ຂົ້ວ |
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khûa |
to stir-fry |
ຄົວກິນ |
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khúa-kǐn |
to prepare food |
ສຳລັບ |
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sǎmlāp |
for |
ຊ່າງ |
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sāaŋ |
adept at |
ສັ່ງ |
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sāŋ |
to order |
ຊີ້ນ |
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sìin |
flesh, meat |
ຊີ້ນໝູ |
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sìin-mǔu |
pork |
ຊີ້ນງົວ |
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sìin-ŋúa |
beef |
ຕົ້ມ |
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tòm |
to boil |
ຖ້ວຍ |
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thûaj |
bowl |
ລາງເທື່ອ |
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láaŋ-thȳa |
sometimes, maybe |
ເມື່ອກີ້ນີ້ |
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mȳa-kìi-nìi |
just now |
ຜັກ |
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phák |
vegetable |
ພິເສດ |
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phī-sêet |
special |
ເພາະສະນັ້ນ |
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phɔ̄-sa-nàn |
therefore |
ພໍດີ |
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phɔ́ɔ-dǐi |
just right, just then |
ປີ້ງ |
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pìiŋ |
to broil |