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To learn more about prefix meN-:
meN- worksheet
1. adding meN-, finding roots;
2. "A good time in the meN-s room"
click here for an easy-to-print version of the chart below
1. Ibu membeli daging, telur, dan sayur-sayuran di pasar.
Ibu bought meat, egg, and vegetables at the market.
2. Para penjual menjual makanan dan minuman.
The sellers sell food and drink.
3. Banyak sampah menggunung di pinggir jalan.
A lot of garbage pile up by the side of the street.
4. Anda bisa menyewa mobil di 'Enterprise'.
You may rent a car at 'Enterprise'.
5. Ibu Harun meyakinkan Michael bahwa sekolah itu adalah sekolah yang baik.
Ibu harun assures Michael that the school is a
good school.