Indonesian at Northern Illinois University       Course      News on Indonesia     Scholarships

Kamus Besar
The Main Dictionary
Indonesian - English
*** Get a copy for your computer ***

Database Foto-foto Asia Tenggara
Database of photographs of Southeast Asia
A searchable database of pictures from Indonesia and other countries of Southeast Asia

Bahasa Indonesia di NIU
Indonesian at NIU

Learning Indonesian at Northern Illinois University

Belajar Bahasa Indonesia dalam Tujuh Hari
Learning Indonesian in 7 Days
Simple steps to learn Indonesian in a short time

Presiden Republik Indonesia
Information on President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia since 2004.

Indonesian Elections
Information on Indonesian Elections
2004 Indonesian Elections

2009 Indonesian Elections (new)

Berita Tanah Air
News on Indonesia
Links to Indonesian Media on the Net 

Islam in Indonesia
Information on Islam in Indonesia
Link to Islamic organizations in Indonesia


Reformasi !!!
Reformation in Indonesia
Dismantling the Old Regime and Reconstructing the New Indonesia

Gerbang Indonesia
Links to Internet Sites on Indonesia
in Indonesian and English

Peta-peta Indonesia
Indonesian maps
Indonesian maps you can click and zoom in on

Belajar Bahasa Pattani
An introduction to a dialect of Malay spoken in southern Thailand.

Melayu On-line



Learn Bahasa Indonesia from news, songs, documentary, etc.

Budaya Bangsa
Arts and Cultures from across Indonesia


Learning Indonesian on the Internet

Belajar Bahasa Indonesia di Internet


Center for Southeast Asian Studies at NIU

NEW!!   Mobile Language Apps for any device

Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute at the University of Wisconsin, Madison

Resources for teaching the Mahabharata, Ramayana,wayang


Southeast Asian Literature in Translation

Patricia Henry
Northern Illinois University


Wayang Slides                  Links for SEAsite and other sources



Beraneka Ragam Tema
Vocabulary Lessons of Selected Themes



Bahan Bacaan dan Percakapan
Reading and Conversation
Various materials for reading and conversation


Tata Bahasa
Indonesian Grammar




Funded by
The International Education and Graduate Programs Service of the U.S. Department of Education as part of the National Resource Center Program
The International Research and Studies Program of the U.S. Department of Education
The National Security Education Program of the U.S. Department of Defense


Copyright 1997 - 2009
Center for Southeast Asian Studies
Northern Illinois University


Last Updated: 11/29/16

by nh & by pbh