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Lao consonants, their approximate English equivalents, and IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) transcriptions appear below:
1. Akson Su4uN/High Class Consonants    (Click here for tone chart)


Click on each speaker icon and underline word   to listen to the pronunciation

Lao English IPA Sample English Words Sample Lao Words Sounds & Meanings


k (aspirated) kh kart ໄຂ່ kha#i/ egg


s s saw ເສືອ sy4y/ a tiger
th th
t (aspirated) th talk ໂ໗ tho4/ a jug


p (aspirated) ph paw ເຜິ້ງ phyy1N/ bees


f f finch ຝົນ fo2n/ rain

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h h hang ຫ່ານ ha#an/ a goose


ng N song ເຫງັນ Nen / a civet cat


y y yam ຫຍ້າ ya3a/ grass


m m man ໝາ ma2a/ a dog
n n nancy nu2u/ a rat


l l land ຫຼາ la2a/  a spinner


v v van ຫວີ vii2/ a comb
2. Akson KaaN/Middle Class Consonants    (Click here for tone chart)


Click on each speaker icon and the underline word to listen to the pronunciation

Lao English IPA Sample English Words Lao Words Sounds & Meanings
k k
g (unaspirated) k gas ໄກ່ ka#i/ chicken
j j
j (voiceless) c jaw ໜາຈອກ ma2ajO3Ok/ a fox
t spkr1.gif (932 bytes)
t (unaspirated) t stay ຕາ ta4a/ eyes

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d d deck ເດັກ de2k/ a child
b spkr1.gif (932 bytes)
b b boy ແບ້ bE4E/ a goat
p p
p (unaspirated) p spy ປາ pa4a/ fish
y y
y y young ຢາ ya4a/ medichine
aw aw
glottal stop ? jaw ໂອ ?O4O/ a bowl
3. Akson Ta#m/Low Class Consonants    (Click here for tone chart)

Click on each speaker icon and underline word   to listen to the pronunciation

Lao English IPA Sample English Words Sample Lao Words Sounds & Meanings
kh kh
k (aspirated) kh kart ຄວາຍ khai 2/ a buffalo
ng ng
ng N hang ງົວ Nu2a/ a cow
x x
s s saw ຊ້າງ sa1aN/ an elephant
y y
ny y 'nyet' (Russian 'no') ຍຸງ yu2N/ a mosquito
th th
t (aspirated) th talk ທຸງ thu2N/ a flag
n n
n n no ນົກ no#k/ a bird
m m
m m man ແມວ mE2Ew/ a cat
ph ph
p (aspirated) ph paw ພູ phu2u/ mountain
f f
f f finch ໄຟ fa2i/ fire
h h
h h hang ເຮືອ hy2a / a boat
l l
l l law ລີງ li2N/ a monkey
v v
v (w final) v (w) van ວີ wi2i/ a fan
l l
l l      



  1. Lao Consonants: learning consonants and learning how to pronounce each consonant
  2. Pronunciation of Lao Consonants
  3. Prononciation of Lao Vowels
  4. Vowels & Final Consonants: learning to read and write some vowels with consonant ending


Exercise 1: Consonants
Exercise 2: Consonants
Exercise 3: Consonants
Exercise 4: Vowels
Exercise 5: Vowels
Exercise 6: Vowels


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