First International Conference on Lao Studies  May 20-22, 2005 | Home | Abstracts & Papers | Program | Registration | Post-Conference | Accommodations | | Participants | Downloads | Sponsors

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Tentative Program



 Presentations (with full abstracts)

 Film Festival

 Lao Cultural Night  



     Northern Illinois Region | NIU campus | Music and Visual Arts Buildings |

      NIU Parking


Tentative conference schedule is:

Friday, May 20, 12 noon – 10:00 pm

Saturday, May 21, 8:30 am – 10:00 pm

Sunday, May 22, 8:00 am – 12:45 pm



All conference presentations will be held at the Music Building (#71 on NIU campus map).  The Film Festival will be held at an adjacent building, the Visual Arts Building (#72 on NIU campus map).  Both buildings are located at the SW section of NIU campus. The Holmes Student Center (hotel) is #37.  Lao Cultural Night, hosted by the Elgin Lao community will be held at Elgin High School, 1200 Maroon Drive; Elgin, IL 60120.  Buses (included in registration fee) will be available for pick-ups and drop offs.